May 2006 DemoChat - 33rd District Democrats
May 2006 DemoChat - 33rd District Democrats
The Demo-Chat 2006 Volume 2, Issue 5; 33rd Legislative District Democrats Newsletter; Omaha Sternberg, Editor May 2006 33rd LD DEMOCRATS Executive Board For 2005-06 Chair: Tara Jo Heinecke 206-870-8819 Vice-Chair: Tim Clark 253-854-1895 Secretary: Tina Shamseldin 206-409-3038 Treasurer: Cass Prindle 206-403-6869 WSDCC Reps: Wendy Morgan 206-246-2165 Lionel Forde 206-850-3187 Elizabeth Brant 206-870-1759 Senator Karen Keiser 360-786-7664/ FAX 360-786-1999 Jack Arends 206-592-1302 Rep. Shay Schual-Berke 360-786-7834/ FAX 360-786-7317 Iolanda DeRuiter 206-824-2492 Rep. Dave Upthegrove 360-786-7868/ FAX 360-786-7317 Bob Polwarth 206-824-0206 Legislative Hotline 1-800-562-6000 Kerry Wade 253-529-4297 Bob Loeliger 206-870-1939 KCDCC LAC Alt: Lisa Plymate 206-824-4666 Parliamentarian: Bob Stephens 206-824-2699 Registrar: Jean Hueston 206-878-8706 Admin. Officer: Diane Odegard 206-870-7090 Sgt.-at-Arms: Jim Fossos 206-824-8537 KCYD Reps. Audry Cohen 206-212-0769 Shaun Miller 253-872-9973 KCDCC Reps: KCDCC Alts: KCDCC LAC: May General Meeting Monday, May 15, 2006 Normandy Park Congregational Church 19247 First Avenue South Normandy Park, Washington AGENDA (Endorsements may be made at this meeting.) 7 p.m. Call to order, approval of agenda and minutes 7:15 p.m. Program and guest speakers TBD 8:15 p.m. Officers’ Reports rd These Democrats represent the 33 Legislative District in Olympia. Representative Shay Schual-Berke, Senator Karen Keiser, and Representative Dave Upthegrove are there to serve you. Please contact them if you have an inquiry. Prepare for Coming Campaign By Partying at Kickoffs, Then Welcome New Demo-Chat Editor On the back page of this edition of The Demo-Chat you will find information regarding the re-election campaign kickoff events for State Sen. Karen Keiser, U.S. Rep. Adam Smith, State Rep. Dave Upthegrove, and State Rep. Shay Schual-Berke. One of the good things about our party is that our elected officials know how to have fun, and invite us to join them in the fun, even as they ask us for our help. This year will keep us busy as we support the campaign to elect Darcy Burner to Congress from the Eighth Congressional District and help re-elect U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell. Initiative 937 can use our support, too. I hope we will all do our share when it comes to doing the work and having some fun. Omaha Sternberg has agreed to take over the duties of editing and assembling the Demo-Chat. I hope all of you will join me in thanking her for stepping up, and in supporting her efforts. If we don’t see you at the county convention May 6 or the state convention June 3, please remember: Remaining district meetings for the year will take place June 19, July 17, Aug. 21, Sept. 18, Oct. 16 and Nov. 20. Jack Arends, KCDCC representative 33rd District Democrats The Demo Chat 2006 Page 2 May 2006 General Membership Meeting Minutes April 17, 2006 Meeting Opening Tara Jo Heinecke called the meeting to order at 7:10 p.m. Tara Jo reviewed the agenda with the group and Ted Schwarz made a motion to adopt it as written; motion was seconded and passed. Tara Jo apologized that the DemoChat was not sent out on time and noted that we will approve the March minutes at our May meeting. Rep. Shay Schual-Berke Shay announced that she has a new Legislative District office in Des Moines at 22525 Marine View Drive (just north of Wally’s Chowder House). The office will be open from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m., Monday-Friday, but Shay encouraged folks to call before coming just in case her legislative staff is running errands. Shay also recognized Darcy Burner, the Democratic candidate running for the 8th District Congressional seat, stating that she is a strong Democrat with a solid campaign infrastructure. She encouraged members to actively work on her campaign in this key race. Darcy Burner, Candidate for the 8th District Congressional Seat “I am Darcy Burner, and I am running for Congress because my experience as a mother and a businesswoman tells me that the country is headed in the wrong direction — and that together, we can change it”. From Campaign Website: Darcy addressed the group stating that if we can take back 15 seats in the House that we can begin to take back our country. The 8th Congressional District seat, now occupied by Dave Reichert, is one of those critical seats that we need to win this fall. Her campaign is gaining momentum with her funding raising goals this quarter surpassing Reichert’s donations. Darcy states that the grassroots efforts will be essential to winning the election and that they plan to knock on 53,000 doors. The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo Chat 2006 Page 3 May 2006 Darcy’s campaign may now be eligible for the Red to Blue Program sponsored by the Democratic Congressional Campaign Committee (DCCC) that is providing financial support to many of these key races across the country. DCCC: Giving proven candidates the edge they need to turn America from Red to Blue one seat at a time! (Darcy is the first candidate on their donation list on the web site) Darcy spoke on many important topics, including foreign policy concerns: • Iran: Darcy states that Iran is an actual security threat (as opposed to Iraq before we invaded). She wants our administration to realize that military force is not the only option and that we must pursue diplomatic solutions or sanctions first. • Iraq: Darcy has immediate family members serving in Iraq and is deeply concerned about the troops and our failed policy. Event for 8th Congressional Meeting to Organize Party efforts: 7-8:30 p.m., Thursday, April 27, at the Kent Regional Library. Senator Karen Keiser Senator Karen Keiser is holding her campaign kick-off at Angle Lake Park from 4:30-7 p.m. Thursday, May 4.. Karen has an opponent this year and needs our support! Also visit her new campaign web site at: (Omaha and her husband have been working hard to create this site). Karen gave an update on this session’s accomplishments. Some of the highlights included: • • • • • • • • Medical malpractice reform was achieved with the help of Governor Gregiore. The Gay Rights bill passed The eastern Washington water agreement was achieved. Incremental gains in health care, such as increasing the number of people covered on the Basic Health plan by 106,000 and funding medical coverage for an additional 10,000 children. Legislation was also passed that provides a match for small businesses to help pay health-insurance costs (business pays 40 percent, the state 40 percent and the remaining 20 percent comes from employee premiums). Family leave act was passed into state statute to protect against the “gutting” of the family leave act at the federal level. Collective bargaining for child-care providers. Repeal of parking fees at state parks. Des Moines Creek trail was declared a state historic landmark and received $250,000 in funding. Endorsements and Campaign Contributions A motion was made by Jack Arends to endorse Darcy Burner for the 8th Congressional seat; it was seconded by Cass Prindle and passed unanimously. An additional motion was made to contribute $500 toward her campaign, which also passed unanimously. The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo Chat 2006 Page 4 May 2006 We also gave early endorsements to our outstanding legislators in the 33rd: Senator Karen Keiser, Representative Shay Schual-Berke, and Representative Dave Upthegrove. After lengthy discussion, the membership passed a motion (20 in favor; 6 opposed) for an early endorsement of U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell. Many group members hope she will take the time to connect back with the grassroots of the Democratic Party. Our chair will extend an invitation to her to speak at a future LD meeting. Jack presented an overview of Initiative 937, which calls for Washington’s largest electric utilities to generate 15 percent of their energy from renewable, clean sources (wind and solar) by 2020. A motion was made and passed to endorse I-937. For more information visit the web site, Newsletter Editor: Tara Jo announced that Omaha Sternberg has graciously offered to serve as our newsletter editor, (thanks Omaha!). A special thank you to the members who brought snacks: Paulette Holcombe and Cass Prindle. Registrar Report: Jean Hueston reported that there were 38 voting members present. Treasurer Report: Cass Prindle reported that as of March 31 we had $1,910.05 in our account. God Willing? Political Fundamentalism in the White House, the "War on Terror," and the Echoing Press The image and book review are from They are discounting the book from $22.96 to $14.92 Preface by John Olds, PCO NPK 33-0849: An introductory note to the readers of our 33rd Legislative District Demo-Chat Newsletter. David Domke is an associate professor in the Department of Communication at the University of Washington. His research and teaching focus on how political leaders strategically craft their public communications, particularly religious and social rhetoric, and how news media cover these messages. He is a former journalist, having worked for the Orange County Register and Atlanta Journal Constitution. He is the author of God Willing? Political Fundamentalism in the White House, the "War on Terror," and the Echoing Press (Pluto Press, 2004). As PCO for NPK 33-0849 I was very fortunate to make and take the time on President's Day, 2006, to attend the Washington State Democratic Party PCO workshop training program which Professor Domke gave to 200 or so PCOs from around the state. He presented his research results that are covered in the book together with video clips that clearly documented major rhetorical techniques effectively used to influence the public since the current Administration took office in 2000. He also provided workshop-type PCO audience The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo Chat 2006 Page 5 May 2006 participation to allow us to practice and think through what the Democratic Party grassroots need to "Talk American” and effectively come out of the next election on higher moral ground and with Congressional control. Book Review A must-read for any who love democracy, August 25, 2004 Reviewer: Gregory A. Orwig (Spokane, WA USA) I have followed David Domke's research for more than five years and have appreciated his thorough documentation and analysis of a phenomenon that is largely ignored by the mainstream media and unknown to the American public. The phenomenon of political fundamentalism, so carefully covered in his new book, "God Willing," is a must-read for anyone who cherishes American democracy. Domke's book is the product of meticulous analysis of hundreds of Bush administration speeches, news reports and public opinion polls between the September 11 terrorist attacks and the end of major combat in Iraq. The research clearly shows that Bush strategically cloaked his religiously conservative worldview in nationalistic language and ideas that were reflected consistently by the media and the general public. This religious-cum-political worldview, in turn, framed public discourse in ways that seriously threaten freedoms that are at the heart of a democracy. Complex issues were reduced to simplistic binaries ("You are either with us or you are with the terrorists."). Criticism of the administration's policies was labeled un-American. The War on Terror and invasion of Iraq were justified as America's calling such that dissent was seen as defying God's will. All Americans, regardless of their political leanings, must agree that such rhetoric, when echoed by the press, limits the free and open discourse that is fundamental to democratic governance. Domke deserves great credit for stepping forward to call on the news media and the public to demand more wide-ranging dialogue, including dissent, on the important issues facing our country. In my book, he's a true patriot. From Domke PCO Training Session Talking American Reclaiming Democracy and Taking Back Congress Machinery Message/Identity Messaging 1. Talking American: Making it matter and real Claim the moral high ground. Tap into national myths. Confront your opponents, calmly. Use personal stories. 2. Governing vs. campaigning Governing is about issue debate, policy specifics, practical tradeoffs, mustering votes. Campaigning is about presenting a worldview. Core principles Personalized story A fact or two 3. Delivering the message: Creating a group echo Be consistent: say the same thing, same thing, same thing Be persistent: say the same thing, day after day after day Be unified: say the same thing, all Democrats together now Media Mastery The Demo-Chat 2006 is published by the 33rd Legislative District Democrats and mailed in advance of the next monthly meeting. The official address of the organization is: in care of Chair Tara Jo Heinecke, 2035 S. 223rd Street, Des Moines 98198. The Demo-Chat 2006 33rd Legislative District Democrats 2035 S. 223rd Street Des Moines, WA 98198 E-mail: Post calendar notices: RETURN SERVICE REQUESTED For more information, visit these web sites: or call Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Upcoming Events … Monday, May 15, 2006, 7 p.m. 33r d LD General Meeting Normandy Park Congregational Church 19247 First Avenue South, Normandy Park Information: Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Tuesday, May 9, 2006, 7 p.m. 33rd LD Executive Board Meeting Carpenters Specialties Training Center 20424 72nd Avenue South, Kent Information: Tara Jo Heinecke, 206-870-8819 Saturday, May 6, 2006, 2 p.m. King County Democratic Convention Aerospace Machinists Hall 9125 15th Avenue South, Seattle Information: Susan Sheary, 425-228-4729 Thursday, May 4, 2006, 7 p.m. Port of Seattle Commission Meeting Council Chambers, City Hall 1055 S. Grady Way, Renton Information: 206-728-3034 or Adam Smith Re-Election Campaign Kickoff, Thursday, June 1, 2006, 5:30 - 8 p.m. Washington State History Museum, 1911 Pacific Avenue, Tacoma. RSVP: 253-572-6125 or Washington State Democratic Convention, Friday-Sunday, June 2 - 4, 2006 Red Lion Hotel and Convention Center, Yakima. Information: 206-583-0664 or Shay Schual-Berke Re-Election Campaign Kickoff, Wednesday, June 7, 2006, time 5:30 – 7:30 pm Location to be determined; please save the date. Info.: 206-728-3034 or Dave Upthegrove Re-Election Campaign Kickoff, Sunday, June 11, 2006, 5 - 7 p.m. Kent Senior Center, 600 E. Smith St. Info.: 206-824-7601 or
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