FWIW January 16, 2015
FWIW January 16, 2015
Cathy Young, Editor January 16, 2015 Editor’s Comments Somehow, this time of year most conversations include something about the weather. For those of us who have been through much worse winters, so far this one is fairly “mild”. Some feel, however, that we won’t get out unscathed – we still have several months ahead that can deliver surprises, so be prepared, but also enjoy this beautiful season in Alpine – winter! The listing on the last page outlines the many activities that abound in Alpine – even now. Shuffleboard has begun again after our hiatus for the holidays, and we continue to get good crowds for that and also for the various specials offered by our restaurant, including ½ priced pizza on Thursdays. We are getting several new homeowners and some of them are here full-time, so we encourage everyone to give them a proper Alpine welcome and invite them to join in some of the fun things we enjoy here. It’s a great way to meet new friends and renew old friendships, so get involved. Don’t forget to put your constructive suggestions in the box in the lobby or email our GM – let’s help him and his staff continue to move Alpine forward and keep the good morale strong. If you have a problem, please also offer a solution – we all have a stake in this place we call home. Remember, if you have contributions for FWIW, please email them to me at youngcl2@frontier.com. Or you may use the FWIW box on the counter in the lobby. The deadline to submit items for the next issue of FWIW is Wed., Jan. 28th, and the next issue will be published on Fri.. Jan. 30, 2015. Enjoy reading all the news in your newsletter, which is available in the lobby and on Alpine Lake’s website – www.alpinelake.com; then click on FWIW and choose the date. Happy reading. Two things define you – your patience when you have nothing and your attitude when you have everything! TIMELY NOTICES & REMINDERS…. EGGS/PRODUCE – by Sheila Amato Next deliveries will be Wed., Jan. 21 & 28 – approx. 11:15 AM. James Stemple, our local farmer who graciously delivers eggs right to Alpine on Wednesdays, tells us his chickens are not laying like they should, which makes it difficult for him to completely fill our orders. He does his best, but be prepared to possibly get fewer dozen than you ordered, until he can motivate his chickens to step it up. To order, call Sheila at (304) 789-5555 or respond to the email sent before each delivery. Thank you. REMINDER – by Linette Sines, Alpine Business Manager If you are on quarterly installment plan for the 2014/15 assessments, your 4th quarter payment is due Feb. 1st. DISPOSING OF AN ARTIFICIAL CHRISTMAS TREE? Your Beautification Committee could use it for additional swags to decorate outside next year. If you have one to donate, call or email Barb Conway – (304) 789-2654 or baconway@frontier.com. Thanks. 1 COMING SOON…. FEBRUARY MOVIE NIGHT – Mon., Feb. 9, 2015 – 5 PM - Boathouse - by Kathy Berry The February movie night will be hosted by Kathy Berry and Teddi Cox. Movie: “Wild Hogs”, a comedy starring John Travolta, Martin Lawrence, William Macy and Tim Allen as four middle-aged weekend warriors who decide to go on a cross-country motorcycle adventure, which results in hilarious misadventures. Potluck Dinner: “Diner Food” – with Kathy providing Pulled Pork Sandwiches, and Teddi bringing Chili Cheese Dogs. Suggested sides: cole slaw, baked beans, mac & cheese, etc. Of course, any and all sides and desserts are welcome! Bring your own drinks and dinner service. Coffee provided. Sign-up sheet at lodge. Call Kathy Berry (304) 789-6282 or Teddi Cox at (304) 789-6317 with questions. Note: If anybody has a favorite movie they want to share and are willing to host, please feel free to do so, particularly for March and April. Please contact John or Sharon Golmitz (304) 789-6575. ALPINE VALENTINE’S DANCE – Sat., Feb. 14 – Tickets go on sale at front desk Jan. 19. View the Valentine’s Day flyer located on the last page. OF INTEREST TO OUR COMMUNITY CHECK listings on the last page of FWIW for a complete line-up of activities that are on-going in Alpine, even in winter months. There’s something for everyone, so choose your favorites and participate. It’s a great way to enjoy your friends and neighbors and do fun things, too. LIONS CLUB OUTREACH PROJECTS – by Mike Andes Your local Lions Club have a continuing need for your support of their various projects to help needy Terra Alta families. If you haven’t already made a donation, please consider sending one to our Treasurer, Kathy Berry, 188 Goldfinch Lane, Terra Alta, WV 26764. Alpine’s generosity is appreciated as we continue our outreach efforts in our own community. Thank you. DO YOU HAVE A LIVE CHRISTMAS TREE LOOKING FOR A NEW ‘HOME’? Our Lake Committee adds them to key parts of our lake – great way to recycle. Call Tom Kinsey, Chair, to arrange for pick-up or drop-off. The fish will thank you. ALPUC NEWS – from Kim Mayne, ALPUC We strive to read each customer’s meter every month, and sometimes winter at Alpine can make that task quite challenging. We have, on occasion, estimated meters, but with so many gone for the winter months, we prefer to read them if at all possible to detect any potential issues. You can help us to help you by keeping your meter cleaned off as much as possible. We appreciate your cooperation. Please notify the ALPUC office of any changes in your mailing address and/or phone numbers. It is never too early to give some thought to volunteering in our community. The ALPUC Board will have two (2) members’ terms expiring in 2015. If you are interested, or would like more information, please contact our office or any current board member. Deadline to file is March, so please do it now. Thank you. Maxine on COLD… You know it’s cold when your teeth start chattering, and they’re still on the nightstand. 2 Thoughts, Prayers & Thank You Messages This section of FWIW is one of the best loved because it gives us an opportunity to keep up with our neighbors and friends by reporting good news as well as offering support when folks are going through difficult times. Thank you for passing along updates and news. Update on Bob “Gunner” Combs - A memorial service was held at Newman’s Funeral Home, Grantsville, MD on Sat. Jan. 10 with interment at Arlington National Cemetery. A memorial service will also be planned at a later date at the Memorial Rock in Alpine. Details will come later. Alpine lost another resident, David Griffith, who died on Jan. 5th at the age of 62. Our deepest sympathy is extended to his wife, Debbie, and their family at this time of loss. Please keep them in your thoughts and prayers. Thank you note from Sally Rocchi – “I would like to thank all my Alpine Lake friends and neighbors who have sent me get-well wishes and cards. Your thoughts are very much appreciated. I hope to be up and active in the near future, but I’m going to wait until all the Christmas decorations are put away.” Sally We’re sad to report that Jim Wilson’s mother, Betty Wilson, died this week at the age of 85 in Vienna, WV. A memorial service is planned for Jan. 19 in Vienna. Betty’s obituary can be read on the website for Lambert-Tatman Funeral Home. We extend deepest sympathy from our Alpine community to Jim, Linda and family. Thank You – Thanks to all who attended our first Movie Night of 2015. Good food and fun were enjoyed by all. Teddi Cox and Kathy Berry volunteered to host the next event. Thanks. Sharon Golmitz & Norleen Hoadley Editor’s Note: Please see their Feb. event article under “Coming Soon” heading in this FWIW. We know there are some in our community dealing with health issues, family and friend losses, and other challenges, so if you know of someone who would like us to remember them in this section of FWIW (with their permission), please let us know. We also ask that you continue to remember friends and neighbors we’ve mentioned in previous issues – the need is ongoing. Always believe something wonderful is going to happen. Even with all the ups and downs, never take a day for granted. Smile, cherish the little things, and remember to hug the ones you really love! CELEBRATIONS Watch for the list of February birthday and anniversary celebrants in the next issue of FWIW (Jan. 30). We have lots of folks who would enjoy getting a card or wish from you. Make someone’s day! Send an email if you’d like to have your special day recognized here, which gives us permission to publish your name and date. Thanks. 3 HAPPENINGS AROUND THE LAKE & NEARBY… SHUFFLEBOARD NEWS – by Bob Bayer, “Commissioner” Week 8: Jan. 8th – 26 shufflers take to the unlevel board after a 2-week hiatus for the holidays. Thursday nite wife finally returns as Charlotte & Bob breeze thru the winners’ bracket until running into the Berry buzz saw!! Joyce Wachter returns and continues her distracting antics, prompting Loring to wish she was in the back seat. Vicki Flink joins the group for the 1st time this season, and pairs with Kay to give their opponents a good run. It’s usually John who is the emotional one, but Pat was jumping up and down and throwing 5 pts for a win. Then, the Laings and the Youngs were forced to square off twice in a couple of shootouts. There was a ‘flurry’ of hangers tonight, as Kay throws 1 for a 6-0 lead; then Barry throws one to catch up, only to have Kay throw another hanger with 7 pts to win! Wayne records a hanger too (no, that’s not a typo), which Cindy followed up with 3 for a win. Some other notable scores: Sam and John each had 6pt throws, and Cathy, Michelle, Pat (twice), Loring, Jim, Kathy (twice), Sam and Charlotte all recorded 5-pt throws! All in all, a good, competitive evening of shuffleboard! Here are the results: Jan. 8th - 1st place: Kathy & Sam Berry (had to win 2 in championship round!) 2nd place: Charlotte & Bob (had to lose 2 in championship round!) 3rd place: Pat & John Laing (had to beat the once “dreaded” Youngs in a rematch) We continue to meet every Thursday evening throughout the winter months in the Lakers’ Lounge. Sign up before 6:00 PM – all are welcome to join our shenanigans that we call more fun than a “barrel of monkeys”. See you all then. You’re only young once – but you can be immature forever! “FUN-FIT” CORNER – Compliments of the AM Aerobics Group Well, so far in 2015, we’ve only been able to meet a couple times, thanks to the unpredictable weather we always have in Alpine. When we do meet, though, it’s never boring. Class sizes have continued to be good, showing us that those of us who are here year-round really enjoy being able to exercise together and have fun doing it. Everyone is welcome – men & women, so come see for yourself. We’re always encouraged to “listen to our own body” and “do what you can” – no pressure unless you want more. Start anytime – we meet Mon., Wed. & Fri. mornings at 9 AM for an hour. See you there. Fitness Tip: Prep your mind and body for better sleep at night holding a plank for 15 seconds. Planks force you to focus which helps block stressful thoughts that can interfere with sleep. They also strengthen your core, which can relieve aches that can wake you during the night. I just ran 5 miles – and what a workout …. I didn’t think that ice cream truck would EVER stop!!! 4 FROM MANAGEMENT & STAFF GENERAL MANAGER’S CORNER – by Freddie Harrison, GM Happy New Year to all! The staff and I want to make 2015 a year to remember – we all look forward to an amazing upcoming year. If the weather will cooperate, you are going to see some projects taking place. Alpine will have a new Security/Welcome Center and Cart Barn being constructed in the coming months. I have been working on getting proposals for window replacements throughout the lodge, concrete sidewalk estimates, and other areas in need of some restoration. Preliminary pool work is still currently underway. These are exciting times for the future of Alpine Lake. We will also have a new menu coming out in the near future. Times are rough in the winter months here at the lake. We have recently reduced the hours of operation. The Front Desk hours are Mon.-Sat. 8 AM – 4 PM; Sun. 8 AM – 3 PM; and Lakers’ Lounge hours are Mon.-Fri. 3 PM – 9 PM and Sat./Sun. 11 AM – 9 PM. The Evergreene Room will only be open for special events. We have also had to make some layoffs. Without having as much revenue-driving business during the winter months, it is difficult to sustain normal working hours. The 2015 golf membership forms are now available online. Our golf course had a press release in three local newspapers recently, about the upcoming 2015 golf season. In the coming weeks, the first blast of advertising will take place for our membership drive. This will involve direct mail to Uniontown, Kingwood, Terra Alta, Oakland, and Morgantown. Press releases and ads will be in the Dominion Post, The Republican, and The Preston County Pennysaver. We will also be utilizing the Chamber of Commerce for Preston and Garrett counties, and other free means of advertising. Thank you. MARKETING DIRECTOR NEWS – by Lauren Kotula I hope everyone is staying warm in the cold weather! I’m already excited for the busy summer months at Alpine Lake. Live music every Friday from Memorial Day to Labor Day at the lodge; no cover – Floyd Cowger, Patrick O’Brennan, Scott Alexander, Luke Short, Soul Shine, and more. Complete list of dates coming soon, so be sure to follow Alpine Lake on Facebook for updates. Golf memberships can be found at the Front Desk or on the Alpine Lake website. Save the date for the Bluegrass Festival on Sat., Aug. 29. More information on bands coming soon! If you have suggestions or ideas for our event, please email me at laurenkotula@alpinelake.com. The new and improved Lakers’ Lounge menu will take effect Fri., Jan. 23. Enjoy delicious dinner entrees like our fresh, jumbo crab cakes, 3-piece mountain-fried chicken, shrimp scampi over a bed of fettuccini noodles, juicy steak or grilled chicken fajitas, 8 oz. filet with your choice of extra flavor by adding peppers, onions & mushrooms, grilled or fried shrimp, ½ lb. crab legs or lump crab cake. Check our Weekly Specials and Winter Happy Hour choices on the page outlining Winter Hours and Lakers’ Lounge special deals (page 9). Tickets for Valentine’s Day Dance go on sale January 19th at the front desk. BUSINESS OFFICE NEWS – by Linette Sines, Business Manager I would like to extend a warm welcome to our newest homeowners, Ronald & Carol Belcastro. The Belcastros purchased 263 Woodbine Drive, and will be part-time residents. 4th Quarter Assessment installment bills have now been mailed. If you are on a quarterly payment plan, be sure to submit your final payment by Feb. 1st. Thank you. Editor’s Note: See Security Report below…nice that news in this section took 2 pages. 5 More FROM MANAGEMENT & STAFF SECURITY NEWS – by Ralph Hauger, Director of Security As you all may or may not know, construction on the new security building will be starting soon. Traffic entering and exiting will likely be reduced to one lane (i.e. enter left side of current building; exit right side). With that in mind, everyone must be aware that slower speeds entering or exiting must be observed for the safety of the construction workers, as well as security officers. We will be directing traffic at some point. Keep in mind this may change, as things often do. I will do my best to keep you up to speed. If traffic is reduced to one lane, traffic entering will have to yield to exiting traffic, and traffic exiting will have to yield to traffic entering. This will be a short-term inconvenience, and I ask that everyone exercise patience during the construction phase. Thank you. ALPOA BOARD NEWS PRESIDENT’S REPORT – by Ginger, Tucker, President Time flies when you’re having fun! We awarded the contract to build the new security building (guard shack) and golf cart barn to Steve Edwards Construction. We had received five bids and Steve’s bid included significant finish work while still coming in the middle range. The builder will construct the security building behind the existing guard shack, which will be demolished upon completion of the new building, allowing our security force to continue to monitor incoming vehicles during construction. The building layout sketch is available at the front desk for review. The golf cart barn will be 40’x80’ and will accommodate 72 carts with a gravel floor. The sketch is also available at the front desk for review. Both of these buildings are being built with the proceeds from our construction loan. The work in the new pool continues. Fred Isennock, the pool construction manager, has arranged for 900 tons of stone backfill for the existing pool to bring it to the new level. The new pool will be approx. 24’x42’ with a depth of 4-6 feet. The process of backfilling will require considerable equipment use, which may require closing the lodge for employees, visitors and patrons while the process is completed. Fred anticipates the closing would only be necessary for one week, and he will notify the GM when everything is aligned so he can notify all personnel of the closing. We apologize for the inconvenience, but this is a necessary safety and health precaution. The board also reviewed estimates for replacing windows in the golf pro shop, Rhododendron Room and lodge stairway. We will obtain more estimates before making a decision. Please note the completion of the Hospitality Station in the Mtn. Laurel Dining Room. We are awaiting delivery of an industrial Keurig machine and supplies from SYSCO. This will provide continental service to patrons, due to our reduced service hours. Work has also started upstairs in the Lakers’ Lounge, enclosing the space behind the beams on the restroom end of the upper level. Frank Slack, our lodge maintenance man, has also covered the whole-house fan, which made a significant difference in the temperature in the lounge. Our regular workshop meeting will be held on Sat., Jan. 24th at 10:00 AM. 6 COMMITTEE REPORTS PROPERTY OWNERS COMMITTEE – by Bernie & Birgit Stock, Co-Chairs Well, winter has finally arrived at Alpine Lake. We hope everyone has properly prepared their homes for the cold weather, and if you are a part-timer, have someone looking over it from time to time. The Boathouse pipes froze the other night when temperatures dropped below zero, but we caught it in time without damage. Our heating system was also on the blink, but was resolved before damage occurred. If you come up occasionally, call Security ahead of time to check on the weather if you can get into your driveway. Our annual New Year’s Eve Party at the lodge was not attended as well as we had hoped for, there were some cancellations prior to the event. Those who did attend seemed to have a good time and lots of room on the dance floor. We hope to see a bigger turn out in the future, maybe some better planning along with more property owner input we can ensure a more pleasant experience for the attendees. Despite the weather, activities continue around the lake. New faces are joining us as well. There are still a few football games and lots of basketball to be watched in the Lounge. Come join your friends to cheer on your favorite team. If we have a Super Bowl card, make sure you come in to buy a square or two. The farewell party for the Barrys had a great turnout (about 50 people). Everyone wished them well as they were roasted and toasted. The latest report from Gerda was her seeing 6 deer outside their window on the second day at Leisure World. They must have jumped into the moving truck. We hope to see more transparency and financial scrutiny in the coming months, as our board and staff continue to find ways to put us in the black. Now, let it snow!!! BEAUTIFICATION COMMITTEE – by Barb Conway & Wilma Rumble, Co-Chairs Welcome to 2105!! It’s now time to box up Christmas decorations and incorporate our Valentine’s Day accessories to the lobby tree and dining room decorations, in anticipation of a Valentine’s Day dance there. Please try to meet at the lodge on Wed., Jan. 21st at 10:00 AM to take down and store the Christmas decorations. If weather permits, we can also put the outdoor swags into storage for next year. Please try to join us – the job is easier when shared – it’s also a good chance to catch up with your neighbors! See you on Wednesday. Thank you. MARKETING COMMITTEE – By Ronnie Schiffbauer & Michele Hall, Co-Chairs The Marketing Committee is working on next fiscal year’s budget proposal, including analyzing the results of special events. The committee will be working on a survey to find out what property owners (Alpine’s primary customers) want in each type of venue, such as entertainment, food, setting, time length and associated costs. The new “realtor packets’ including a copy of “Live Your Dreams” DVD are being hand-delivered to local realtors, so they can show their clients our gorgeous setting and the wonderful value Alpine Lake offers to them. Four-season enthusiasts are enjoying the quiet beauty of Alpine Lake’s winter season, staying warm and cozy at home, or gathering for indoor fun at Mon. night movies, Wed. game night, Thur. night shuffleboard and cheering on their favorite sports team in the Lakers’ Lounge. 7 More COMMITTEE REPORTS ECC COMMITTEE – by Dick Gallagher, Chair The days are getting longer, and summer is almost here. It’s time to line up those contractors for the home improvement projects. A new deck, a screened porch, a garage, an addition….all of these will enhance your home and your Alpine experience. Get together with the contractors and discuss your plans so we can process the permits and you’ll be ready to go when the weather breaks. Also, this is a reminder that exterior painting and staining must be approved before the project begins. This is a no-fee permit, but color samples must be submitted before you start. This is also a great time to talk to friends about the possibility of buying a home in Alpine. There are several homes for sale – in all price ranges – and we would certainly welcome new members to our community. Have them go to the website and check out FWIW to get a feel for all of the amenities we have to offer. We would really like to have new young members in our community. Let everyone know how great it is to be part of Alpine Lake. COMMUNICATIONS COMMITTEE – by Charlotte Wiles, Chair We still have some 2015 Alpine Lake calendars available – first to PO is free; others $2.00 each. Also, now is the time to complete or update your Emergency Contact information so you can be reached in the event of an emergency. Get form on our website or in lobby. If you live alone and would like someone to check on you, please contact Charlotte by phone at (304) 789-6371 or email wileschar@frontier.com. GOLF COMMITTEE – from Katherine Bennington, GC Membership/Marketing See more of what’s new at Alpine Lake Golf Course! As stated in the Jan. 2 FWIW, 2015 golf member fees remain the same, natural course concept, Alpine has stepped up its customer service, 2 new benefits, first-time member and invite-your-friends incentive offers….PLUS Offers you will find on your golf cart: Only at Alpine Lake Golf Course! Your score for today’s round is the price for your first beer or soda! Bring the offer card and your score card into the Lakers’ Lounge or Evergreene Dining Room for a refreshing beverage…full menu available for your dining pleasure. Please help us provide you a winning experience! Complete our Comment Card and receive a complimentary gift – one per person. See January 30th FWIW for more! 2015 ALPOA, Public and Corporate Golf Membership applications are available on our website at www.alpinelake.com – OR contact Freddie Harrison or Lauren Kotula at 800-752-7179. COMING LATER ….(mark your calendars now & WATCH FOR DETAILS) FABULOUS HUBCAPS PERFORMANCE – Sat., March 14, 2015 – 8 PM Call for tickets/info. (304) 598-1337. CANDLES FOR BREAST CANCER RUN/WALK – October, 2015 – by Sheila Amato Requesting donation of candles. Contact Sheila Amato for info. – (304) 789-5555. (Also check FUTURE DATES on last page of FWIW for other upcoming events to note) 8 ALPINE LAKE LODGE WINTER HOURS EFFECTIVE Jan. 5, 2015 – IN EFFECT NOW! FRONT DESK – Monday – Saturday Sunday - 8 AM – 4 PM 8 AM – 3 PM THE EVERGREENE DINING ROOM – Closed Except Special Occasions LAKERS’ LOUNGE – Monday – Friday - 3 PM – 9 PM Saturday & Sunday 11 AM – 9 PM FITNESS CENTER – DAILY – 6:00 AM – 10:00 PM PRO SHOP - CLOSED for Winter Months Note: Our Alpine Lake website is: www.alpinelake.com Phones; (800) 752-7179 or (304) 789-2481 WEEKLY SPECIALS Mondays - 50¢ Wings Tuesdays – STEAK NIGHT Wednesdays – 50% Off Appetizers Thursdays: ALL pizzas 50% Off - (COME FOR SHUFFLEBOARD – 6 PM) Fridays –$2 Taco Night All Specials Available 4-9 PM Enjoy all winter in Alpine!! WINTER HAPPY HOUR 3-5 PM – Monday – Friday $2.00 Drafts - $1.00 off Mixed Drinks NEW YEAR – NEW MENU Stop by Lakers’ Lounge to try items from our delicious new menu! Follow Alpine Lake on Facebook for more specials and updates! 9 FREE CLASSIFIED ADS – “A Service for our Readers” Editor’s Note: Ads will run in 4 issues, and then be deleted, unless new ones are resubmitted. This will be accomplished by inserting the date the ad was first run, with new ads at the top of the listing. We appreciate your help to make this section of FWIW beneficial to our readers by being current. Thank you. Lost – Costume jewelry pin – Celtic design, silver with green stone. Sentimental value only. Most likely lost at Barry farewell at Boathouse on Jan. 2nd. If found, call Sharon Golmitz, (304) 789-6575. (1/16/15) Tax Services: We provide a wide spectrum of services, including but not limited to, tax preparation for individuals, businesses and estates. We also provide tax planning (including gas leases) and estimated payments, payroll and all related taxes & reports, W2s, 1099s, financial statements, Public Service Commission (PSC) annual reports, Business Personal Property Returns, Raffle & Bingo annual reports, non-profit procedures, and sales & tax returns. Call Dorinda Kisner, CPA PLLC (304) 789-6082 or email: Dorinda@kisnercpa.com (1/16/15) Alpine Home for Rent: 2 bedroom/2 bath furnished home with loft area on Betony Lane near top of old ski hill available to rent on long-term lease. Home overlooks green space down to the lake and has decks on front & back. Washer/dryer, fireplace, 1-car garage. Available Jan. 2015. Call Dick at (907) 830-2469 (1/2/15) Snow Plowing: Reasonably priced; call early so I can take a look before it’s covered up with snow. Call Bobby (Robert Lantz) at (304) 698-5694 (1/2/15) Wanted to Recycle – Don’t throw out your old printer cartridges. We can recycle them through our office supplier and earn credits for supplies. Drop off at front desk of lodge. (1/2/15) Services: Are you looking for a trustworthy & reliable person with years of professional cleaning experience? Call Melissa at (304) 698-9796. Reasonable pricing & a clean house guaranteed. (12/19) Wanted: Fellow Chess Players – interested in playing? Call Boris Nazaroff (571) 926-6388 or email: bnazaroff@gmail.com. (12/5) Lost: A taupe-colored heavy-duty outdoor chair cover with a drawstring at the bottom blew off a chair on our deck sometime between Oct. 12 and Oct. 25. If found, would you please call Rick at (724) 554-7893. Thank you. (11/21) For Sale: 2003 Subaru Outback Limited w/50,200 miles; excellent condition; lots of additional extra options including lifetime rust protection. $10,100. Call (304) 789-6520 (11/21) Found: Big black dog collar found on Alpine Golf Course 11/4/14. Check at front desk. (11/21) Gearing Down Sale: Carvin XP 650 Powered Mixer $200; 2 Peavy PV 12 Speakers $200; Takamine ef360sc Guitar whsc $950. Call Ron (410) 790-4169 (11/21) Pet Sitting – Call Kay – (304) 789-2111. (11/21) 10 Dates to Remember – (A handy summary of dates to put on your calendar now) Please note that the following events occur weekly on the day and time noted: Mon., Wed. & Fri. - 9-10 AM – FUN-FIT Aerobics Classes, Lodge, Allegheny Room Mondays – 10 AM- 3 PM – Sew Together, Rhododendron Room, Lodge (Winter Months) Tuesdays – Steak Night - Lodge Wednesdays - 10:00 AM – Needlework Club, Lunch Follows - Rhododendron Room Wednesdays – 4-7 PM –½ price appetizers – Lakers’ Lounge Wednesdays – 6:00 PM – “Jam Sessions”, Rhododendron Room Wednesdays -- 7:00 PM – Property Owners Game Night, Boathouse Thursdays – 10 AM-Noon – Braille Workshop – Rhododendron Room Thursdays – 6 PM – Shuffleboard – (All pizzas 1/2 price) Fridays 1-4 PM – Artist/Craft Group, Rhododendron Room, Lodge, $2 Taco Night Note: Dump Open: Tue/Thur 7:00 AM – 4:00 PM & Sat. 7:00 AM-4:00 PM T.A. Recycling Plant Open: Tue/Wed/Thur 8 AM – 2PM, and Sat. 8 AM ‘til Noon Also – monthly events: 2nd Sunday of each month 7 AM – 1 PM – Kingwood VFD Breakfast 3rd Saturday of each month – 9 AM – ALPUC Board Meeting (meets June, Sept., Nov.) 10 AM – ALPOA Community Board Meeting (see note below) NOTE: NO ALPOA MONTHLY COMMUNITY BOARD MEETINGS UNTIL MARCH 21. Email Board Members w/questions, suggestions until then (addresses on website) OR Use Comment Box in Lobby COMING EVENTS: Wed., Jan. 21 – 10:00 AM – Beautification Comm. Christmas Undecorating, Meet in Lodge Wed. Jan. 21 & 28 – 11:15 AM – Next Egg Deliveries, Rhododendron Room Wed., Jan. 28 – Noon – Deadline to Submit Articles for FWIW Fri., Jan. 30 – Noon – Next FWIW Published Feb. 1 – Deadline for payment of 4th Quarter Assessments (see Linette’s article) Sun., Feb. 8 – 7AM-1PM – Kingwood VFD Breakfast, Kingwood Mon., Feb. 9 – 5 PM – MOVIE NIGHT, Boathouse (see article in FWIW for details) Sat., Feb. 14 - Alpine Valentine’s Day Dinner/Dance, Lodge Note: Tickets go on sale Jan. 19th at front desk in Lodge FUTURE EVENTS: (Please put on your calendar now – don’t miss a thing – watch for details) Mon., March 16, 2015 – Deadline for ALPOA Board Candidate Filing – also ALPUC Board Sat., March 14, 2015 – 8 PM – Hubcaps Performance, Lakeview, Morgantown PARTING SHOT – Sometimes the thoughts in my head get bored and go for a stroll out through my mouth. This is never a good thing. 11 12
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FWIW February 13, 2015
FWIW is Wed., Feb. 25th, and the next issue will be published on Fri.. Feb. 27th. Enjoy reading
all the news in your newsletter, which is available in the lobby and on Alpine Lake’s website –