President`s Corner Al Potter


President`s Corner Al Potter
June/July 2015
With a mission to identify issues affecting our members and pursue
resolution with the responsible organizations.
(252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577
Al Hartley, Safety
Wally Sayko
Carol Warfel
Jeff Dowhan, Education
Mozine Lowe
Bill Lindenmuth,
Al Potter, President
Clarence Drumgoole,
Lake Clean-Up
Linda Hedgepeth
Jack Saunders,
Don Carson
Bill Heflin,
Vice President
Marketing & Membership
Tony Moran,
Ron Skow,
Government Relations
President’s Corner
Have you looked around? We are growing!
Microsoft is still adding to the data center in Boydton.
Dominion is building a natural gas fired generating plant in
Brunswick. Warren county is breaking ground on a conference
center at Macon's grave and receiving plans for an equine center
on Hawtree creek. Yet we are maintaining our quiet, friendly
rural character.
Growth is good, overcrowded is overcrowded. Anyone want
to move to a seaside community outside of Boston or the Jersey
shore? Blocks of wall to wall houses! We still have a long way
to go before we even approach a saturation point. There are new
homes being built, there is still property available and we are
accepting of new arrivals. We are a rural recreational community still developing a character.
We should all do our part in keeping what it is we came here
for. I came for a friendly, low-key relatively rural environment.
I smile and wave, start random conversations and try to be
friendly. I am over 60, so "friendly" may be relative.
There are a number of us who only come for a few weekends
or a random week now and then. They may have a different idea
of what our lake side environment should be. I can respect that,
we are not overcrowded and should not be interfering with
The lake is well on the way, a combination of Virginia and
North Carolina. Free and sensible growth without overdevelopment or undue commercialism will insure our lake's future.
The future is bright, the water is a clear attraction and our
neighborhood ready. Life is good on the Lake.
Al Potter
Page 2
June/July 2015
Annual LGA Membership meeting scheduled for Saturday, June 13
Mark your calendars and plan to join us for our Annual Membership Meeting on June 13. The meeting will be
held at the Lake Gaston Baptist Church, located on Hwy. 903 across from Subway Restaurant. Check in and
refreshments will begin at 9:30 a.m. and the meeting will get underway at 10.
Note that there is no monthly first Wednesday meeting in June.
Bruce McKay Senior Policy Advisor, Federal Affairs, Dominion Power
Rosemary Wyche Field Director, Eckel & Vaughan
Atlantic Coast Pipeline Project
The ACP is increasing the availability of natural gas supplies in West Virginia, Virginia and North
Carolina it is important to the economy and environment of the region. It means more jobs; lower
prices to heat and power homes and businesses; and cleaner air through reduction of greenhouse
gases. Q&A to follow.
Members will have the opportunity to vote on Director nominations, present issues and concerns to the Board.
Following conclusion of the meeting, everybody is invited to lunch under the church pavilion.
The meeting is open to the public, members and non-members alike so bring your friends and neighbors and come
join us.
For more information contact or call (252) 586-6577 or toll free (888) 586-6577.
County FY 2015-2016 Budget presentations in June
The county budget schedules are drawing to a close. Your final chance to voice your opinions is coming up at the
public hearings. Please check your county’s schedule below.
We’ve tried to encourage our members to attend and ask questions, give suggestions and voice their concerns at the
earlier budget meetings. If you haven’t been able to join us thus far, please try and join us at the upcoming budget Public
Hearings. The more the better.
Brunswick County: May 20, 7:30 p.m. Public Hearing; June 17, 7:30 p.m. Budget Adoption
Halifax County: 6/1, 9:30 a.m. Budget Public Hearing; June 15, 9.30 a.m. Budget Adoption
Mecklenburg County: May 21 Public Hearing and Adoption – may be after PH or week later
Northampton County: June 15, 1 p.m. Public Hearing & Adoption (subject to change)
Warren County: June 17, 6 p.m. Public Hearing; June 25, 7 p.m. Budget Adoption
LGA Monthly Committee Meetings:
Meeting Day
Public Safety
2nd Friday
8:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Government Relations
3rd Tuesday
8:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
3 Tuesday
9:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
3rd Wednesday
8:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Marketing & Membership
3rd Thursday
8:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
Lake Clean-Up
Last Wednesday
10:30 am
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill **
** Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill is located on Rt. 903, 1.5 miles south of Eaton Ferry Bridge, Littleton, NC
June/July 2015
Page 3
Public Safety committee’s project update
The Second Community Paper Shred was held April 25. Collection started a few minutes early and ended a few
minutes late, but all comers had their documents shredded without exception and some had quite a lot. Over all we had
around 85 participants who brought items for shredding and collected over 4 tons of documents which were shredded on
site where people stood and watched the closed circuit TV while the paper was shredded. Feedback from participants was
very positive and there have been several inquiries to find out if the event will be held again next year.
The Committee remains interested in county government sponsorship of drives to collect household “hazardous” waste
(liquids, powders and petroleum based substances) which was addressed at the Five County Forum in March. Follow up
with one of the counties indicated that in a tight budget year it would be difficult for the county to consider spending $3-5
Thousand on such a collection. There has been no indication that any of the other three counties which do not have such
events would sponsor an event this year.
The Committee will research availability of state or private grants for environmentally safe collection of household
hazardous waste. Brunswick County has a very good arrangement with the company Clean Harbors, allowing the county
to hold periodic Household Hazardous Waste Collection events at no additional cost to the county and its citizens. The
other counties do not have this asset.
There has also been no known follow up effort by any of the counties to organize collections of expired or unused
pharmaceuticals and over the counter drugs after the issue was addressed with county officials in March. The only
County around the lake with a continuous drop point is Halifax at its Sheriff’s Office in Halifax, NC. The Committee
will continue to attempt to get the attention of other counties officials in sponsoring collection events to avoid such
pharmaceuticals coming into the possession of children or drug abusers.
Monthly Public Safety Committee meetings are held the second Friday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry
Grocery and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at
Fish Spawning Season continues thru June 15
A reminder that we are still in Fish Spawning Season thru June 15 where the water level of Lake Gaston could reach
201 ft.
Lake users should be conscious of the adverse effect their boating wakes could have on lakefront properties. It is
recommended that no wake speeds be maintained when operating anywhere near the shoreline to keep from washing out
bulkheads or causing additional shoreline erosion.
Although North Carolina law requires no wake speed when operating within 100 feet of a dock, boathouse, shoreline
or swimmers and Virginia requires the same within 50 feet, it is suggested that these distances be voluntarily expanded
under these high water conditions.
It is also recommended that boaters be alert to floating logs and other debris on the lake that may have washed off the
shoreline during high water conditions.
Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks Display Saturday, July 4, 2015
The Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks display is Saturday, July 4 (rain date July 5) at
dark, at Eaton Ferry Bridge. It’s an event that draws boats from east and west of the
bridge by the hundreds. And depending on your preference for the best spot, you may
leave home early enough to be up by the bridge. It’s definitely an experience – watching the fireworks from a boat, and to see the amount of boats that turn out for the event.
You may not realize that Longbridge Volunteer Fire Department organizes this event
and that they rely on donations to fund the fireworks display. Donations can be made
any time of the year. Checks should be mailed to Longbridge VFD, 1678 Eatons Ferry
Road, Littleton NC 27850, Memo: Fireworks. For more information you can contact
Robert Haislip (252) 532-3543 or Bruce Dunlevy (252) 532-5225.
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June/July 2015
Please send your pictures from the 5th Annual Lake Gaston Clean-Up
We hope you had a great time participating in this year’s “Take Pride in Lake
Gaston” Clean-up event. Now is the time to let us know that you participated by sending
us your photos. It’s always interesting to see the types of trash that is picked up/towed to
the dumpsters.
As we went to print before the event occurred on May 30th, a full report will be in
our August/September Bulletin. But in the meantime we would like to thank those of
you reading this Bulletin that participated in the Clean-up:
The Post Offices and local businesses for letting us put up posters; five county area
newspapers, radios, Chambers of Commerce for using the press releases we sent them
over the last couple of months; local
organizations such as the Lake Gaston Striper Club collected trash from several of
the islands. The US Coast Guard Auxiliary was on the water in case of emergency. Support was also provided by
Dominion, the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, the FABS and many subdivisions/Home Owners Associations.
Many thanks to Waste Industries for providing the dumpsters at, Morningstar and Washburn’s Marinas. The inmate
crews who cleaned the roads. And, we mustn’t forget the LGA Lake Clean-Up Committee that pulled all the arrangements
Monthly Lake Clean-Up Committee meetings are held the last Wednesday of the month at 10:30 a.m. at the Eaton
Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate. Note: Last meeting to wrap up
2015 event will be on Wednesday, June 24th, and then we will take a break until we start preparing for next year’s
Contact them at
Government Relations Committee update
The Government Relations Committee continued to support the membership on issues pertaining to local, state and
federal government activities.
County budget letters have been prepared and delivered to all five of the county Boards of Commissioners/ Supervisors pertaining to their budget planning for FY 2015-2016. These letters are tailored to the needs of the members of each
county and are delivered in person by a LGA Director.
In our first effort to recognize First Responders, the committee will join with Mozine and Walter Lowe in August to
recognize members of the Halifax, Northampton and Warren county Sheriff’s departments.
New commissioners for Halifax and Warren counties were invited to attend a regular LGA meeting, which happened
on 1 April for Warren County and 6 May for Halifax.
Monthly Government Relations Committee meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton
Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at
A few good men and women needed!
The LGA now has 12 directors, and we are in need of thirteen more directors to give us five directors for each county because
in June 2015 two directors came off the Board having completed their terms.
To insure that the LGA’s work continues to preserve the quality of life that brought us to beautiful Lake Gaston, we need your
How do you know if being an LGA director is for you? First step - try us. Get involved in a couple of our committees. Choose
from Environment, Government Relations, Lake Clean-Up, Public Safety or Marketing, Membership, & Education. Check the
meeting grid in the Bulletin for when they meet. All LGA directors are asked to serve on two committees because that’s where all
the work is done.
Directors are currently needed in Brunswick (2 vacancies), Halifax (3), Mecklenburg (3), Northampton (3) and Warren
counties (2). Contact Nomination chair Clarence Drumgoole at (252) 533-2929 or email, .
June/July 2015
Page 5
Environment Committee gearing up for multiple projects
Your Environmental group is approaching a very busy time on the lake and we NEED YOUR HELP! Please find the
time in the coming months to assist in one or more of the following projects. You will see the contact person in each
project for you to communicate for your participation. Only the re vegetation project will require any physical work.
1. E-coli Project: This involves taking water samples and evaluates for E-coli at points around the lake (your
selection of location) and report your findings. The LGA will supply the sample kits to you along with the simple
instructions. You take a sample once a month at your location beginning in June and thru September. The contact
for this is Al Potter. His email:
2. Water Clarity Project: This is a new project headed by Bruce Johnson. He is working with NCSU Aquatic
Division on collecting the data as it relates to water clarity around the lake. The LGA supplies what you need.
All you have to do is use a Secchi Disk and lower it into water in excess of 4 feet deep till you no longer can see
the difference between the black/white sections on the disk and report the depth and location. The day that this will
happen and the time will be communicated to you when you sign up. Contact Bruce Johnson. His email:
3. Plant Re-vegetation Project: The NC Wildlife along with NCSU will be coordinating this effort to enlarge our
native plants beyond the point we are today. On May 20-24 Wildlife will conduct a survey to determine the extent
of this effort. But basically it will involve harvesting plants from current locations, building exclosures and
replanting. The approximate size of each exclosure is about 30x30. These will be built in water not more than
4 feet deep. The tentative schedule is as follows: June 23-26 and July 20-24. We will need in excess of 20
volunteers. Boats will be provided. There are many different jobs to be done with this project. Contact Wally
Sayko. His email:
4. Annual Fall Aquatic Plant Survey: This will be the 9th year the LGA has been working with NCSU to determine
what kind and how much aquatic vegetation is in our lake. Good news here: LGA has purchased 12 tablet type
units to replace the old hand held computers. Other good news, Bruce Johnson is again leading the survey. The
survey is to be completed in Sept/Oct. Training will be done in August. Please contact Bruce Johnson on this.
His email:
Other news:
At this time there is only one (1) applicator to treat hydrilla on Lake Gaston, which is PLM. You can contact Cole
Hulon at (866) 403-5259 or (252) 586-2900. We are hoping that Cole will continue to price within accepted guidelines.
At this time there are not any other companies that will be in place to do business for the summer. PLM is the applicator
for the Lake Gaston Weed Control Council this year.
The Lake Gaston Weed Control Council has received the recommendations from both the Lake Gaston Stakeholders
and TAG (Technical Advisory Group). The only new site added is Lizard Creek near the end of the creek. It has not been
determined the amount of total acreage but is in the 150 acre range. Other actions being taken is the elimination of
Jimmies, Sledge Creeks and Timberline from the LTR (Long Term Treatment) list. All three (3) of these locations showed
zero to one tubers per square meter. This is very good results. NCSU will heavily monitor these 3 areas for Hydrillia this
summer. If there is a problem it will be up to TAG and the Weed Council to determine the best action.
I have been asked many times if people should proceed with private treatment. My answer is I would recommend that
you do. PLM knows not to treat any areas that are public sites.
If you have any questions on this you may contact me: Wally Sayko: or Pete Deschenes at:
Again, we are urgently requesting your participation in these projects.
Monthly Environment meetings are held the third Wednesday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the Eaton’s Ferry Grocery
and Grill on Hwy 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at
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June/July 2015
US Coast Guard Auxiliary 2015 Training Dates
June 20, July 18, August 15, & September 19
America's Boating Safety Courseis an eight hour course covering the basics of boating and is appropriate for youth
as well as the adult boater. Successful completion of this course satisfies the education requirement for youth to operate a
PWC in both Virginia and North Carolina.
Remember: Virginia now has a law that all boaters in the waters of Virginia will have proof of taking a Boating
Course. Phase 7 begins 1 July 2015. All PWC Operators regardless of age, and Motor Boat Operators 50 years of age or
younger operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater, must meet these requirements by 1 July 2015.
North Carolina Law New North Carolina law requires that all PWC and Motor Boat Operators who were born after
1 January 1988 have proof of taking a Boating Course, if they are operating a vessel with a 10 HP engine or greater.
The fee for the course is $30. Preregistration and prepayment are required. Courses are taught at the USCG Auxiliary Flotilla 93 Building, located at 252 River Road, 1/4 mile west of Route 46. All classes are on Saturday from 8:30am
to 5:00pm, with the exam given at the end of class. Please bring your lunch - none will be provided. It is a busy day - but
rewarding. Remember – Preregistration and Prepayment are required.
For more information on these classes, or to register, please contact the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce,
2475 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850. Phone (252) 586-5711. Email:
On-line courses & Classroom by NC Wildlife & VADGIF:
For North Carolina Boating Safety course options go to
For Virginia Boating Safety course options go to
Free Vessel Safety Check
Flotilla 93 will perform a free Vessel Safety Check on your boat at your home. The boat can be in the boat lift or on a
trailer and does not need to be running. To receive a free safety check, call Tom Van Petten at (252) 586-5853. Now is
the time to get your boat checked as the boating season begins. Flotilla 93 will also provide a Vessel Examiner at your
Home Owners Association Meeting to inspect boats after your business meeting. Call Tom Van Petten.
In addition Flotilla 93 will conduct vessel safety checks 10 a.m. to 3 p.m. at Morning Star Marina on the following
dates: June 27, July 25, Aug 29, and Sep 29
Need a Children’s Loaner Life Jacket?
The PERFECT solution when guests show up and you don’t have children’s life jackets of the
correct size for all of them. The Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s FREE loaner program
makes children’s sizes available at the following locations:
Bracey, VA
Holly Grove Marina (434) 636-3455
Poplar Pointe Marine (434) 636-2175
Americamps (434) 636-2668
Gasburg, VA
The Club (434) 577-2935
Henrico, NC
Washburn’s Marina (252) 537-1335
Sherwood Forest (252) 537-2526
Littleton, NC
Morningstar Marina (252) 586-4661
Outdoor World (252) 586-4121
Stonehouse Timber Lodge (252) 586-3012
June/July 2015
Page 7
News from the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council
!! ATTENTION !! Lake Gaston Homeowner Associations
Many of you have these signs in your subdivisions at your boat ramps or near your public areas. They are in
need of updating with new/changed information.
Please contact Jack Saunders at (252) 578-5780 or to arrange an exchange for
an updated sign
U. S. Coast Guard Regulations require
persons under 13 years of age wear life jackets
on boats underway.
Life Jackets for Children must
be the Proper Size by weight.
Life jackets in children’s sizes are
available for loan at these locations:
• Americamps
Bracey, VA
• Holly Grove Marina
• Poplar Pointe Marine
• The Club
Gasburg, VA
• Washburn’s Marina Henrico, NC
• Sherwood Forest
• Morningside Marina
Littleton, NC
• Outdoor World
• Stonehouse Timber Lodge
Both States require PWC operators ages 14 to 16 to possess a
Certificate of boater safety training with valid ID
North Carolina – Any person born after January 1, 1988 must
complete a NASBLA approved boating education course before
operating any vessel propelled by a motor of 10 HP or greater.
Virginia - Requires a certificate of boater safety training :
For All Ages to Operate a PWC Effective July 1, 2012
To Operate a Motorized Vessel with greater than 10hp –
Age 50 or younger, effective
– 1 July 2015
All Ages
– 1 July 2016
Approved Life Jackets must be worn at all times
when occupying a PWC
Approved Boating Safety Courses to test for certificates are
available from the NASBLA, US Coast Guard Auxiliary,
U.S. Power Squadrons, NC Wildlife Resources Commission
and Virginia Department of Game and Inland Fisheries.
For On-Line boater safety training certification courses info
Please visit
Courtesy of the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council
Life Jackets Float
People Don’t
Provided courtesy of the
Lake Gaston
Water Safety Council
Lake Gaston Water Safety Council’s 2015 Safety Trailer Schedule
June 13th
June 20th
June 27th
July 11th
Aug 1st
Aug 8th
Sept 5th
Sherwood Forest
Lake Gaston Resort
AFWake Big Air Fair
Outdoor World
The Crossing
Littleton/Lake Gaston Festival
South Shore Realty
Watersview area
Page 8
June/July 2015
From the Desk of the Executive Director
This is one of those Bulletin issues where a lot of the work I’ve been involved with since our April/May issue hasn’t
completed before this Bulletin went to press.
For example, our three-yearly LGA survey started the beginning of May where we asked you a series of questions,
sought your opinions and also your ideas. The survey gave our members a chance to win either $100, $50 or $25 by
completing the survey by May 21, with the winners to be announced at our annual meeting on Saturday, June 13. We are
also planning to give you an overview of the preliminary results on that day.
I’ve been the interface with our webmaster for working with the LGA directors to get the survey questions finalized,
setting a schedule with our webmaster that allowed testing of the on-line survey, and then lining up the directors to be
testers. Since it has been three years since our last survey and an abundance of handheld on-line gizmos have hit the
market, we tried to use several of those on which to take the survey.
We also needed to make sure that our members without email had a chance to take the survey by US mail, so printed
copies we sent to them too, and quite a number have been coming back. These are then entered on-line and they get a
chance at one of the cash prizes as long as their postmark was May 21 and earlier.
I always enjoy my project items for the annual Lake Clean-Up - can’t believe this was our fifth year, already! We have
an enthusiastic team of directors that put this event together, and its overall success occurs because of all the help we get
from our members and the public by participating in the yearly clean-up.
Coordinating and pulling together the bi-monthly Bulletins doesn’t bother me, I actually find it enjoyable. Having a
writing background really helps. Of course it helps immensely that the committee chairs write their own articles, as does
Al. And we try to bring you information from both the US Coast Guard Auxiliary and the Lake Gaston Water Safety Council.
You’ll see from our Annual meeting information that we will all have the opportunity to learn about the Atlantic Coast
Pipeline project, ask questions, and get a better understanding about what the project is all about.
As for our Calendar Notes .. I try to put in some key meetings, events that are lake related or close by in the space that
we have, as well as give you links to websites to find others.
If you want to know of more events that are occurring weekly, then the Lake Gaston Regional Chamber of Commerce
and Visitors Center sends out emails of events & seminars each week but you need to be on their distribution list. If you
would like to sign up for those emails, you need to go to the Chamber’s website and sign up. Here’s the link to sign up to
be on their weekly newsletter mailing list
Don’t forget the Lake Gaston Fireworks display will be on Saturday, July 4, organized by the Longbridge Volunteer
Fire Department, starting at dark, on the south side of Eaton Ferry Bridge. A spectacular display of fireworks and an
amazing number of boats either side of the bridge for miles. See details on page 3.
Have a great and safe summer on Lake Gaston.
LGA has new Education Committee
At the LGA’s May 6, 2015 monthly meeting the Board of Directors approved the formation of an Education
Committee to be chaired by Jeff Dowhan.
Members of the LGA have informally evaluated the opportunities for the LGA to support local students and their
schools predominately through volunteer activities. The Board of Directors in recognizing the opportunities to help then
approved the formation of the committee.
The working Mission Statement of the committee is “To explore, develop and implement programs in concert with
local schools to support the education and enrichment of our youth.”
The Education Committee is focusing on starting out with small and manageable programs for the 2015-2016
academic year that have the potential to expand based on their value and LGA member support.
If you are interested in joining the committee and/or volunteering some of your time to support the programs, please
communicate your interest to Jeff Dowhan at (252) 586-1220 or to the LGA office at (252) 586-6577 or 1-888-586-6577
at this time. At press time the LGA Website was in the process of being updated to include the new Education Committee’s page.
Monthly Education Committee meetings will be held the third Tuesday of the month at 9:30 a.m. at the Eaton Ferry
Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. Everyone is invited to participate.
Contact them at .
June/July 2015
Page 9
LGA membership numbers continue to grow
April was a terrific month for membership! During that month we made presentations to two HOAs or Boards of
Directors (Bruns-Del and River Forest) and both HOAs have agreed to come in. Each group is still processing paperwork
at this time, but it looks like a real success story. (Special thanks to Mozine Lowe and Ron Skow for the super job each
did on our behalf.)
This will increase our membership by over 125 new members, and it will bring us back to about 2,000 members
(where we ended 2014). It may seem odd, but every year we lose some members (some move, some pass on and some
just lose interest) and it takes a few months to get back to our final year-end December numbers.
I'd like to remind everyone of our sponsorship program again (sponsor a new member and you both save $5 on annual
dues). And, I'd also make a special request that you provide us with the names of the officers in your HOA so that we can
contact them and (hopefully) bring your group on board!
Monthly Marketing & Membership Committee meetings are held the third Thursday of the month at 8:30 a.m. at the
Eaton Ferry Grocery & Grill on Route 903 south of the lake. You don’t have to be a Marketing guru, just someone who
wants to help and has about 5-10 hours a month to spare.
Contact them at
Calendar notes …
June 3 – NO LGA monthly mtg – June 13 annual mtg instead, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577
June 3 – Lake Gaston Striper Club, 6:30 p.m. Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico 586-7112
June 6 – “Pollinators” 2 p.m., Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588
June 6 – Yard Sale, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m. rain or shine Roanoke-Wildwood VFD, 790 Lizard Creek Rd. (252) 586-7811
June 9 - Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091
June 11 – Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228
June 13 – LGA annual meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577
June 13 – Lakeland Singers Concert, 8 p.m., Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124
June 18 – Holiday Sounds, Sunset Sounds at Centennial Park Amphitheater, South Hill (434) 447-4547
June 19 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268
June 20 – 6th annual half marathon & 8K, 9 a.m., Roanoke Canal Museum Trail (252) 537-2769
June 20 – “Hummingbirds,” 2 p.m. Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588
June 20 – An Evening of Blue Grass, 8 p.m., Colonial Center, South Hill (434) 262-4170
June 24 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705
June 27 – “Bear Swamp Creek Ramble,” 2 p.m. Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588
July 2 – Ham dinner, Roanoke-Wildwood VFD, 790 Lizard Creek Rd. (252) 586-7811
July 4 – Lake Gaston Annual Fireworks, at dark, Eaton Ferry Bridge (252) 532-3543
July 1 – LGA monthly meeting 9:30 – noon, Lake Gaston Baptist Church (252) 586-6577
July 1 – NO Lake Gaston Striper Club monthly meeting
July 9 - Eaton Ferry Road AARP, 6 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 586-5228
July 10,11,12 – “Shrek the Musical, Jr.” Lakeland Theater Company, Littleton (252) 586-3124
July 11 – 6th annual half marathon & 8K, 9 a.m., Roanoke Canal Museum Trail (252) 537-2769
July 14 -Lake Gaston Computer Club, 1 p.m., Lake Gaston Lions Den, Henrico (252) 537-7091
July 18 – “Christmas in July,” 10 a.m.–2 p.m. rain or shine, Roanoke-Wildwood VFD, 790 Lizard Creek Rd. (252) 586-7811
July 18 – “Bobwhite basics,” 2 p.m. Medoc Mountain State Park, Hollister, (252) 586-6588
July 24 - American Legion Post 308 Spaghetti Dinner at 5 – 7 p.m. Hwy 903, Littleton (252) 586-3268
July 29 - Lake Gaston Water Safety Council, 6 p.m. social/6:30 p.m. dinner, Kennon House, Gasburg (252) 586-4705
Medoc Mountain State Park website
(Put cursor on website & press CTRL + click to follow link)
Page 10
June/July 2015
Need to know who are your
Government Elected Officials Lake Gaston NC & Lake Gaston VA
US, State and County
LGA Government Relations Committee keeps this page on our website updated for you.
(It’s the best kept secret under Committees, Government Relations. Check out who represents you at the lake and email
them direct from our website. Telephone #s are listed as well. Use the link above to check out this information. You can
also get to the County websites from the same page.)
2015 Membership Goal: 2,500
Current Members: 1,861 (Households: 1,767 / Businesses: 94
Business Members ...
Visit their websites at
June/July 2015
Business Members Continued...
Visit their websites at
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June/July 2015
Business Members Continued...
Visit their websites at
St. Peter the Apostle
Catholic Church
31 Ebony Road, Ebony, VA 23845
Pastor: Rev. Anthony Mpungu
Saturday 5:30pm, Sunday 8:00am
Wednesday & Thursday 9:00am
PHONE: (252) 586-4121 FAX: (252) 586-5704
June/July 2015
Business Members Continued ...
Visit their websites at
~ featuring ~
Cabinetry, Countertops, Hardware and Fixtures
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June/July 2015
Business Members Continued ...
Visit their websites at
Jim Moye
More Than Just
A Pet Cremation
David Boswell
(252) 537-6144 Office
(252) 537-6953 Fax
P.O. Box 698
Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
June/July 2015
Business Members Continued...
Visit their websites at
C-Line graphics
Custom Design
PO Box 7 • 4446 Christanna Highway
Valentines, Virginia 23887
434.577.9289 • 800.833.8430
Ace Hardware of Lake Gaston
144 Elams Road
Littleton, NC 27850
Ph: 252-586-0330
Fax: 252-586-0331
Bill Owens
General Manager
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June/July 2015
Business Members Continued ...
Visit their websites at
1591 NC HWY 903
Futrell Pharmacy
of Littleton
250 Smith Church Road • Roanoke Rapids, NC 27870
(252) 535-8011 •
123 East South Main Street, Littleton, NC 27850
Pharmacist: Mike Jackson
Hours: Mon - Fri 9:30 - 5:30, Sat 9:30 - noon
“Your Community Pharmacy”
June/July 2015
Business Members Continued ...
Visit their websites at
(757) 635-7388 CELL
(252) 586-2470 BUSINESS
(252) 586-4314 FAX
2457 Eaton Ferry Road, Littleton, NC 27850
Mon-Wed 8 am - 5 pm • Thurs 7 am -3 pm
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June/July 2015
Business Members Continued ...
Visit their websites at
& C uLTurAL C eNTer
411 Mosby Avenue
P.O. Drawer 130
Littleton, NC 27850
7:30 am - 5:00 pm M-F • SAT. 7:30 am til noon
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June/July 2015
Visit their websites at
Business Members Continued...
E-Mail Change
Lot only
Business $50
Dues are for Calendar Year (January-December)
New Member
Address Change
PAYMENT FOR (Select one):
$20 Sponsor Membership*
$25 General Membership
$50 Bronze
$100 Silver
$250 Lifetime
*Sponsored by
Lake Resident
Lake Property
Multiple properties
Number of adults in household
LAKE ADDRESS: (#/Street/City/State/Zip)
MAILING ADDRESS: (If different)
PHONE @ Lake:
Circle how you first heard of the LGA i.e., newspaper,
LGA Bulletin, neighbor, brochure, website, radio,
billboard & magazine, other
Mail with payment to:
LGA, P.O. Box 656, Littleton, NC 27850
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June/July 2015
Thank you
for being a
Member of the LGA!
CHECK: If the information on the label below is incorrect, please advise. By Web:,
By Email: or By Mail: Member Records at the address below. Thanks!
U.S. Postage
Permit No. 2
Henrico, NC
P.O. Box 656 ~ Littleton, NC 27850
Or Current Resident