STRAIL project report / Container Terminal


STRAIL project report / Container Terminal
project report / Container Terminal - Wels, Austria
Subject to technical changes / 1999
STRAIL level crossing systems & STRAILastic track damping systems
KRAIBURG elastik Gmbh / D-84529 Tittmoning • Goellstraße 8
Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax +49(0)8683/701-126 • • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 2/7 last update: 01.04.2009
# 1 / General
The Wels Container Terminal was constructed between 1985 and 1993 to meet the steadily increasing demand for
freight traffic handling capacity. Wels is ideally situated at the intersection of major rail and road traffic arteries
(A25 motorway - Westbahn). It has now become an important hub of international freight traffic.
Wels is not just a ro-ro terminal for eastern European truckers. It is primarily Austria‘s largest transshipment
terminal for unaccompanied rail/road freight traffic.
The number of goods vehicles entrained there rose from 22,000 in 1990 to 88,000 in 1996. This
increase made it essential to enlarge the terminal and the decision to extend was taken by the
Austrian Railways management in 1994.
# 2 / Size of project
One of the aims of the enlargement project was to separate the ro-ro traffic from the unaccompanied rail/road
traffic. Another objective was to improve access to the rail network by constructing additional sidings and a centralised train control (CTC) switch tower. In the western section of the terminal facilities for arrival and departure
of ro-ro goods vehicles are being built at tracks 202, 204, 206 and 208.
The decked sections range from 65 to 172 metres in length and their total length at all four tracks is 480 metres.
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 3/7 last update: 01.04.2009
# 3 / Traffic Handling Capacity 1996/2010/2030
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 4/7 last update: 01.04.2009
# 4 / KRAIBURG `s contribution to the project
The STRAIL decking panels installed in the first phase of the Wels Container Terminal project have given excellent
service and this encouraged Austrian Railways to give us the order for the decking to be installed during enlargement of the terminal.
Our improved STRAIL decking system and a kerbstone developed specially for Austria to retain the external panels
were used in the enlargement project.
The system‘s main advantages are the ease with which the panels can be installed and removed, their noisedamping properties, their durability and their recyclability. STRAIL is thus helping to save natural resources at a
time of high public sensitivity to environmental problems.
# 5 / Installation of the STRAIL panels
Our products were installed by Austrian Railways‘ own construction gangs between mid-November and
mid-December 1998. Our service team was present in a consultant capacity. All the installation work was
completed on schedule in an exceptionally harmonious atmosphere.
# 6 / STRAIL-deckings
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 5/7 last update: 01.04.2009
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 6/7 last update: 01.04.2009
# 7 / Installation
Container Terminal Wels
Track ready for decking - the filler blocks have
been laid and the sleeper protectors nailed on
Section of rail track with filler blocks installed, right
and left side the special 2.4 metres long “Austria“
A partly decked stretch of track - the external STRAIL
panels still have to be laid
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •
project report Container Terminal Wels ¬ page 7/7 last update: 01.04.2009
“Austria” kerbstones, each 2.4 metres long
Biggest STRAIL Rail Track decking project in Europe:
1,720 m² of STRAIL installed at Austrian Railways Container Terminal in Wels, Austria (ÖBB - Austrian Railways)
STRAIL level crossing systems / D-84529 Tittmoning • Phone +49(0)8683/701-0 • Fax -126 • •