Magazine First Edition 2015/2016
Magazine First Edition 2015/2016
First edition 2015/2016 A Perfect Start School of Economics and Management 2 Preface Dear freshmen, Are you ready for the best time of your life? The TOPweek, including the Study Introduction Day, was just the tip of the iceberg! Hopefully your first impression of Tilburg was a good one and you’re looking forward to study here for the next couple years. Meeting new people, receiving a lot of information and off course participating in the various activities must have been exhausting. Though, I hope you all enjoyed the introduction period as much as I did when I was introduced to the student life three years ago! In the TOP-week you got in touch with a lot of organizations that can help you – in one way or another – to make the most out of your student life here at Tilburg University. One of these organizations is MAK Mentorship System. MAK is ‘for students by students’ and our aim is to support students of Tilburg School of Economics and Management in both a social and professional way. One of the ways we do this is via this MAKazine. It is full of tips and useful information that can help you to find your way around Tilburg and Tilburg University. Also, it will contain information that is useful for you as a student at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management. So trust me, this MAKazine is a keeper! Furthermore, MAK provides you with educational support for students who can use some extra help. We offer tutorships and private coaching in several cours- es. In this MAKazine you can find more information about it. Besides study support, we believe there are more ways to make the most out of your student life. That’s the reason we have organized some activities for you and your mentor group for the first semester. The fun doesn’t stop after TOP-week! Think about a lunch for the Dutch studies and a beer cantus. If you have any questions about MAK and what we have to offer you after reading this MAKazine, do not hesitate to contact us! You can find us in room K 0.17, at or you can send an e-mail to We are happy to help you! With kind regards, Laura Verstegen Chairman MAK Mentorship System Tilburg School of Economics and Management 3 Table of contents A Perfect Start Tutorships Private Coaching Schedule of a First Year Student Sports in Tilburg Life of a First Year Student Asset ‘Eerstejaars Bedrijfseconomie Commissie’ MAK Mentorship System Student Sounds MAK Mentorship System Calendar 5 6 7 9 12 14 15 16 15 17 18 20 Publication of • MAK Mentorship System • Education Office Tilburg School of Economics and Management Contact MAK-office K0.17 Tilburg University PO Box 90153 5000 LE Tilburg Tel. 013 466 2999 4 5 A perfect Start Your first weeks of your new future: Tilburg University! From being guided constantly to doing it all on your own. It’s a big step you’re taking, but it is assured that it will be an amazing step. The TOP-week was an incredible week, probably the best way to start your student life. The Program Introduction (PI) is aimed at all students starting a program at the Tilburg School of Economics and Management. During this mandatory Program Introduction you have received all the information you need to start with your program. Next to the Program Introductions for both Bachelor, Premaster and Master Students MAK also has organized an other introduction day for all new Bachelor’s students of the School of Economics and Management. During this day you got to know the School of Economics and Management and your fellow students of your program in an informal way. It is really important that you subscribe directly for courses and exams. However, do you still remember how to do this? It is also easier when you want to work together with your group in the library to have a group workplace, so you can all sit together, but how do you reserve such a computer? Or you completely forget to subscribe for a midterm, what should you do? All these questions and more are answered in ‘A Perfect Start’. It’s this booklet you got handed. out during the Program Introduction dayPI This guide could really come in handy when you are in situations like above. From booking a computer to how to register for exams and explanation of all facilities, you can find it all in ‘A Perfect Start.’ On the MAK website there are also YouTube tutorials that can help you in the digital learning environment. Did you lose yours? Come by at the MAKroom, K017 in the basement of building K, and get a new one! 6 Tutorships Tutorships When you have ten courses a year, it is hard to be good at them all. There could be many reasons to have issues with a course, like no clear explanation during the lectures, a professor who is going too fast through the course material or just because the course really isn’t your thing. When you’re struggling with a course and in need of help, MAK is the right organization to turn to. MAK offers tutorships for students at Tilburg School of Economics and Management. These are extra tutorial classes you can participate in, besides the scheduled lectures and tutorials. Tutorships are given in small groups of about 10 students. A student who passed the course with an 8.0 or higher will lead these tutorships. This tutor will give extra explanation and will help the class with the exercises. In the first semester tutorships for the following first year courses are available: • Balans, Resultatenrekening en Administratieve Processen (voorheen Boekhouden) • Linear Algebra • Wiskunde 1 for BE/EBE • Mathematics 1 for IBA • Mathematics 2 for BE/IBA • Statistiek voor Premasters • Statistics for Econometrics • Finance 2 For only €65,- you get 13 tutorships of 1.5 hours. You can subscribe via Blackboard a detailed guide can be found here: For many courses multiple tutorships are offered per week so you can choose a time you prefer and what fits in your schedule. Many students have passed their course thanks to the Tutorships of MAK. If you have any questions about the tutorships, please send an email to 7 Student experience Martijn followed a tutorship for the course Statistics 1 What was the main reason you choose to follow a tutorship? I thought Statistics wouldn’t be a problem for me. After one lecture, however, it became clear to me that I would need tutorships to be able to pass the course. Did you look forward to the tutorships? Definitely! The course material is explained very quickly during the lectures. This made it hard for me to keep up with it. Michelle (Teeuwen red.) explained everything calmly and took time to answer questions. This made statistics understandable to me. What was the most positive thing about the tutorships? Michelle always knew what would be best for the students. It was never a problem for her to give extra explanation. Besides, we were allowed to ask Michelle questions whenever we needed her help, also after the tutorships. Furthermore, we practiced a lot with old exams. This really helped with the preparation for the exam. Michelle Teeuwen is a student who helps other students during the Tutorships Why did you choose to give Tutorships? I find tutoring a nice thing to do and also did so in high school. Coincidentally, I was looking for a job when I heard about private coaching and tutorships. Really convenient, a job at the university! You can specify when you have time to provide Tutorships and so it is nicely adapted to your own schedule. And in this way, you get to know many people. Do you see change in the results from the students? I have a list of the names from all the students, so I can keep an eye on them. I spend a lot of time practicing old exams during the tutorships, especially for the courses of mathematics and statistics. I notice that almost everyone increases their results. I’m always happy when I see that students pass the courses, because then I’ve completed my mission Private Coaching If you need a more personal approach and you want to study in a more flexible environment then private coaching could be the solution for you. It has the same setup as the tutorships but now you have a tutor just for you personally. This tutor can see what your specific problems are and can give you more personalized help then during tutorships. The costs are €15 per hour. There is also the possibility to subscribe with more than one person and then divide the costs. This is an ideal option if you have specific concerns and/or questions prior to an exam.1 Private coaching is also the solution if you want coaching in a course for which no tutorship is offered. Then MAK will find a private coach for this course who can help you. If you are interested in private coaching, you can contact MAK, 8 9 Schedule of a first year student Being a student at Tilburg University is more than attending lectures. One could go live on his/her own and become member of a student association, sports club or study association. Furthermore, most students have a job or borrow money to afford studying and the expensive student life, because only having a study allowance is probably not enough! As a student you have to pay for your own groceries, the rent of you room, going out and many other things. There is no such thing as a schedule which suits every student. This is an example of a first year student’s schedule. Monday 8:00 9:00 Lecture Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Lecture Lecture 10:00 11:00 Studying in the library Studying in the library Lecture Lecture 12:00 13:00 Lecture Working on a team assignment Committee meeting Going home for the weekend 14:00 15:00 Free time in the Mensa 16:00 Tutorial Lecture Lecture 17:00 18:00 Meeting friends for dinner Sports Attend a MAK tutorship 19:00 Having dinner with roomies 20:00 21:00 Fitness Going out Watching a movie with friends Going out 22:00 23:00 As you can see, there is a lot of spare time in a normal lecture week. It is important that this time is planned wisely. Try to plan some study time so you keep up with the course material, because when the exams are coming up, it is hard to study all the material at once. Then you will be happy that you kept track of the material. During the exam period this schedule will be different, there will be no lectures or tutorials. Furthermore, you will have less time for sporting and you will probably not go out, since all time and energy will be needed for studying. 10 Student experience Sebastiaan is a third year student at Tilburg University. He is studying Economics and Business Economics. This is his first year experience: I started at Tilburg University in September 2013, after not being able to continue at another university. During the first year I still lived with my parents and traveled two hours by train each day. In the beginning this was doable. But I soon got fed up with how time consuming it was. So in the beginning of the second year, I managed to get my own room at the Tilburg university campus. Which has truly been a life changing experience. the Mentorship System of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) and is part of TiSEM Education Services. The MAK is an organization that organizes the PI, MID, wrote this MAKazine and does many more things. It also has informal activities like a weekly drink in the Philip for its members. If there is anything that I regret it is that I didn’t decide to live on my own sooner. It’s an important step in every adults live, and for me it has only been a positive experience. Do’s when you start studying: • One of the main advantages of living on the campus is that you truly feel part of the university life, and not being a morning-person getting out of bed a bit later was great. I also found myself studying in the library more often because it is so close. When I started living on my own, I also started looking for activities to do besides my studies. So I joined the sports center to work out, and joined the sports club Chikara, which has all kinds of martial arts classes. Later I also joined the MAK. MAK is • • • Try to get involved in some kind of student organization as soon as possible, for it’s a great way to meet new people, and make new friends. Find the right balance in your new life: Not doing any social activities won’t allow you to relax and grow as a person, studying however, should consume most of your time. Invite friends from your hometown to experience the student life in Tilburg! Try to go to all of your lectures; even if they’re not mandatory, it will save you a lot of time when studying on your own 11 What about Money?! As of 1 September 2015, a lot will change for new Dutch students. The well-known “basisbeurs” will be changed into a student loan. Depending on your parents income however you will still receive a supplement if your parent’s income is below a certain threshold. This means that the “aanvullende beurs” does still exist for students! This might seem like a big negative change, and for us students, however the conditions for the student loan are relatively good. Condition: - - - - - Interest will be determined yearly but it generally very low. (0.12% in 2015). You will have 35 years to pay of your debt. You have to start paying back your debt when you earn at least minimum wage. The monthly amount you will need to pay back will not be higher than 4% of you monthly income (you can pay back more if you choose to do so). You will have five “jokerjaren”. If you are in financial distress you can use if you do not want to repay back the money in a specific year. Students who start in the years 2015 until 2018 will be granted a voucher of 2000 euros. This voucher can be used for extra education 5 to 10 years after completing their bachelor study. The idea behind this voucher is that students who will start studying in between these years, mentioned above, won’t benefit from the increased investment in education. As compensation they receive this voucher. Typical costs and income for a student living on his own per month. Income/Expense Amount Student loan € 400 Job € 190 money from parents € 100 Total income € 740 Rent € 270 Fees (collegegeld) € 160 Groceries € 150 Going out € 80 Books € 60 Total costs € 720 Savings for incidentals € 20 Total debt after 5 years €24125.67 Sebastiaan There are off course lots of job opportunities to help you finance your study. For more information on student jobs in Tilburg you can go to the following website: 12 Sports in Tilburg When you are going to the university there are many things you can do in your spare time. As a student you can become an active member of an association, go to amazing student parties or have dinner with friends. You can also fill your spare time with sports. It is a nice and healthy way to stay, or to get, in shape. Tilburg University has its own Sports Center, close to the university. The Sports Center has a diverse offering of sports; they offer over 45 different sports. Besides for the 45 sports, you can go to the Sports Center for much more, for example for a personal fitness program, some relaxing in the sauna or to have some drinks in the sports bar. The Sports Center has been completely rebuilt just recently. This means that you can start doing sports in a brand new complex. The complex is completely modernized and makes a great place to work out. The sports Center exists to help the students reach their peak in physical fitness and help them achieve their personal sporting goals. To be able to use the facilities of the Sports Center, you will need a sports card. With this sports card you can work out for yourself in the fitness rooms, squash rooms, swimming pool, ice skating track or participate in group lessons offered at the Sports 13 Center and join a sports association. This card will cost about €120 for one year. However, before you buy this card you can get a taste of what it is like to do sports at the Tilburg University Sport Center during the Kick-Off Week for free! The kick- Off week is immediately after the Top week. Also in the new sport center you don’t have to bring your sports card, everything works by the use of your fingerprint. For almost every sport there is a student sports association, from horse riding to soccer and from hockey to golf. Sports associations for students are becoming more popular every day. Within these associations you can do sports together with other students who have the same interest in sports as you have. Besides having a healthy life style you can also party with the other members of the associations and build up friendships that can last a lifetime. The Federation of Students Sports Tilburg (FOSST) is the overarching organization of all student sports associations. If you want any information about the student sports association you can find more information on their website: For more information about the Tilburg University Sports Center, the sports card, etc. you can go to following website: 14 Life of a first year student Sport experience: When I started at Tilburg University there was one thing that I wanted to do for sure: stay healthy. I have played hockey for almost a decade and I didn’t want to stop because it is a great outlet for me. During the TOP-week there were a lot of opportunities to get introduced with the sports associations. I joined SHOT, the hockey association. I always have a lot of fun during the trainings sessions on Tuesday and Thursday. On Sundays we play our matches and after the match there is time for a beer and getting in touch with the other SHOT members. A lot of people from SHOT go out at Sunday night so there are a lot of possibilities to meet new people. If you want to make sure you stay healthy and if you want to get in touch with a lot new sportive people, I would recommend you to join a sport association like SHOT. Living on your own: At first I thought that I wouldn’t survive my first year as student. I didn’t know how to cook, wash, clean or do any domestic activity. But after a while, with some help from my parents and roommates, I managed to cope with these difficulties. When you are adapted to the student life you will start to appreciate the endless possibilities. Living on your own means without your mother who is nagging about cleaning your room or taking care of your dog. It also means eating what you like, when it suits you. And best of all, you are able to attend every possible party in Tilburg! Lex Furthermore, by having a room in Tilburg you have more spare time, because you don’t have to travel back and forth every day between university and home. With this extra time, it is easier to get involved in the actual Tilburg student life. I would also recommend to join some kind of sports club. It’s easy to socialize with other students during a game of football, hockey or tennis. If you prefer to play with your team at home it’s also possible to train once or twice a week with a team in Tilburg to stay in shape. When you are searching for a room, make sure you like your roommates. Roommates are important since they are sort of your “family” in Tilburg. Often you will have dinner together and of course you will share a kitchen and bathroom with them. Some facts of having a room in Tilburg: • An average room in Tilburg is about 15-20 m2 and will cost €275-€325. • You can find rooms all over Tilburg, close to the city center, but also close to the University, this depends on your own preferences. • You can search for rooms on websites such as Kamernet (, Wonen Breburg (, Klik voor Kamers ( or Kamerbemiddeling Tilburg 15 Asset Asset is the faculty association for all TiSEM students. This association is further divided into seven sub-associations, which all organize activities for specific groups of students within a particular field of study and interests. These subassociations are Accounting & Finance, Marketing, Econometrics, Economics, International Business & Management, Strategy & Logistics and SBIT (for Business & IT). The main goal of Asset is based on the following four pillars: • Providing study support by offering a 20% book discount on all English literature and providing guidelines. • Being an intermediary between students and companies. Good examples of mediating are the Economic Business Week Tilburg (EBT) and the Consultancy experience. • Closing the gap between theory and practice. This is being done by inviting speakers to give an interesting talk during the International Conference or the Food for Thought speeches. • Finally, the last pillar is organizing social activities to get to know your fellow students during for example a barbecue or a Beer Cantus. • Becoming a member at Asset will only cost you 15 euros. More information about Asset can be found on their website or you can walk by room E.1.11 16 First Year BE Committee: When you will start the study Business Economics, you will notice that many other students made the same choice as you did. The first year of Business Economics normally consist of about 500 students that are a lot of names to remember. com. We hope to welcome you as a one of the new Committee members! The First Year Business Economics Committee is there to help you with you study and also with social aspects of your life in Tilburg. MAK has therefore founded the ‘Eerstejaars Bedrijfseconomie Commissie’. This committee consists of about six students who are in the first year of BE themselves. They organize informal activities for all first year students of the study Business Economics. The aim of the activities is that you get to know more students from your study program. During lectures you will know more people and when you have to make a group assignment it is easier to find group members. Personal experience: For the current academic year we are looking for members for the new committee! If you are a first year Bedrijfseconomie student and after reading all the above, enthusiastic about becoming active besides your study, the First year Committee is looking for you! The committee is a great opportunity to develop your organizational skills and to get to know more people in a short period of time. You will also experience what it is like to be an active student in Tilburg. At the same time you are organizing great things for your fellow students by offering them nice and fun activities. Thus, if you are interested do not hesitate to apply to become a member of this great committee! You can apply by sending an e-mail to eerstejaarscommissiebe@gmail. Do something besides your studies! That’s what a lot of people advised me, when I started studying in Tilburg. By joining the first-year BE committee, I got the chance to organize events for fellow students. It’s all up to you what kind of activities to organize, so you can be very creative. One of last year’s activities was for example ‘The Olympic Beer Games’, were students played (beer) games against each other. By joining the committee, I learned a lot: promoting an event, giving a lecture talk, working in a team and arrange all this with a limited budget. And last but not least: I met a lot of new people and discovered student life! Sanne Verfürth 17 Student Sounds After a week of partying during the TOP-week you are probably a bit tired. You might think these were the best parties of Tilburg and you have to wait a long time for another big party. But don’t worry; in Tilburg we have Student Sounds! Student Sounds is the largest student party in the south of the Netherlands. The party is organized two times a year; there is a spring and an autumn edition and takes place in Pop Centre 013. Pop Centre 013 is the biggest venue of Tilburg, where many big artists already have performed and good parties are hosted. Student Sounds is especially organized just for students from Tilburg and surrounding cities. This great party is organized for the lowest ticket price possible! This low price doesn’t mean you won’t see great DJ’s and awesome decoration. Student Sounds hosted DJ’s like Don Diablo, Sunnery James & Ryan Marciano, DANNIC, Afrojack, Hardwell, Tiesto, Firebeatz and Blasterjaxx. Great music and an amazing atmosphere with fellow students can be expected when you are coming to Students Sounds! Student Sounds thrives to unite student life by organizing a sensational party open to all students. They offer a unique combination of an indoor dance event with the ingredients of a student party. By means of high quality DJ’s and show elements on both the stages Student Sounds guarantees the best night out in Tilburg for the best price possible. At Student Sounds they do this by challenging the status quo of student events with the ingredients of an indoor dance event open to you and all your student friends. The next edition of Student Sounds will take place on November 12. Tickets are only 7 euros! Don’t wait any longer and buy your ticket now! Tickets are available at the MAKroom (k.017), the Student Sounds stand on campus, the Ticketbox of 013 or via If you want more information about Student Sounds visit our website and follow Student Sounds on Facebook! 18 MAK membership System “The MAK is there to help you, we are students helping other students” We hope you all had an amazing introduction period! Now student life really starts! The switch from high school to University might be a huge step for you. Therefore, MAK is there to help you, and to ensure that you will not have any troubles during your student life. The goal of MAK is to support prospective and current students at TiSEM (School of Economics and Management) in their personal and academic development. MAK offers all kind of services. These services are there to help you to get the most out of your student life. There are formal services like the Program introduction day (PI), Student for a Day-Day (proefstudeerdagen), tutorships and private coaching. The latter two are there to help you in passing a course that you find hard to pass. These services can help you pass a course without feeling lost and spending your time in an ineffective way. MAK arranges the mentor accompaniment. They are selected by MAK , in cooperation with TOP. They are the mentors who guided you during the SID and TOP-week. These two mentors will also help you throughout your first semester. If you have any questions or problems, you can always turn to your mentors. Your mentors have been first year students themselves and can help you with the problems you might face as a new student. All these activities are organized by a group of enthusiastic students, who you probably have seen during the Program Introduction day (PI) in their orange shirts. Because of this variety of activities, formal and informal, and a great group of volunteers, MAK is such a unique and fun organization. When the activities of MAK appeal to you, you might consider helping us later on in your studies! Every year we are looking for new mentors for the Student-for-aDay’s (proefstudeerdagen), the Program Introduction day (PI) and the TOP-week. Besides this, it is possible to become active at MAK and organize all these activities yourself. You can find more information about MAK on our website: If you have questions or if you need help you can come by the MAKroom in K0.17, in the basement of building K or you can contact us via or by telephone: 013 466 2999. MAK is the Mentorship System of the Tilburg School of Economics and Management (TiSEM) and is part of TiSEM Education Services. 19 20 Calendar August 31st at 12:00 Opening subscription Tutorships In the week of September 14 Mentor Activity 1: Lunch September 14th Start all Tutorships September 16th TOP-after th Deadline Application ‘Eerstejaars Bedrijfseconomie Commissie’ September 8 th In the week of October 12 Kick-off Activity ‘Eerstejaars Bedrijfseconomie Commissie’ October 19th-23rd Midterms for BE, FE, EBE, ECO and IBA th October 19th-23rd Exams EOR In the week of November 16 Mentor Activity 2: TiSEM Beercantus December 7 -18 Exams for BE, FE, EBE, ECO and IBA December 14th-18th Exams EOR December 22nd-2nd Christmas Holidays January 5 -30 Resits th th th th th TiSEM Beercantus Who didn’t think the TOP-beercantus was one of the most legendary things you have done in the TOP-week? MAK gives you the opportunity to relive this beercantus with your mentor group. In the week of November 16th MAK organizes the TiSEM cantus which you can join for only €5. So get your whole mentor group together to have a legendary night again! 21 22