Elcaset_Feb1977 - Preservation Sound
Elcaset_Feb1977 - Preservation Sound
Will the Elcqset Moke Assessing the future of the newest tape by Larry lr rs 1977,and the folklore that forecasts the intro- rl lt" format I zde I I ofADC',s new Accutrac record-pla1 t"3 "1::O^3::: I I 1""1"""1i'"'?: , iJ":f"',1il;;".11::';%:":;":;l[:"'""i:J:i :*:1ru**:: tit'lil'a"my tv'-'iltiifiir,"r" ;;;';;i'"r airrrr, e rhar speecl Firsl arbouble I late 1s75. sprout as eartv as Ii'J:1il*J,l'"ilT;i ".0 iJ It was' *h;i;"; ';me or it is simply a its v"ry n"-e i"n""tt rttur iuit- Whal is an Elcaset? To the eye. targe cassette. and ..8I.. (L) for large. plus a simplified spelling of..cas- selte.' The volume of ils casin8 is such that il would hold just about lour standard cassettes. ll: ","*X:$:i:ililtnl*ji**:lnJi3,'J;T:l [?"""rl,y"'il l;iill,* ;l1"J;li,:,x:: anoitt"., tn" tup" it tape. ,-pi"a oi tfr" "u.."tte's ;; uppro*i"-;i;i;l;i; *i0.. quarter-incf, -rfi. a fult 'For I il;io,":t l:o'ax"l""T::';;::':11"-i{*[{t recordtng.eqt quency response \\ ilh less which in turn means less drstorlion Als( I ;e lecs no1;1s1e ur".lon3"r. ,""ora"i'*"r'.i"neih, | lentral problem itrth self-erasure "f l:t-l-il: I casselte a reSular quency. Being lrr r, e as wide,as f *;':i"il'jl*"ii:",;:l'jii:31'.'S:i,1"1|'"311:; *"""J1 i;:'"'.""ni:?ii? ,'""f"li:';:",,'*,:ii,f] I I within the audio industry To find ou' rlqiir"t ,uoul Uro"fr"i"'i. "fi ".t"lt ":;ij"l"t:,?\ I at lhe.cnmnacl Lassetle. From ils humbleteSrn- it | fas !rot.:'n tact the heads and drive mechanism and then re"asserre we can agree on u^l iust how proJuEi-rhis delitV ,ft" rr.".p"r'. the Thus shell. rurned to the can il be?rt.o-th" ""i "ii Howgood is a cdsserle? good .i"ii-u*"-". the arbiter of ho,w precisely the you wa what on depends ansrver The with ;ontu"t. ttt" tt"ua"-much as ;;;il;;;;; preciorrs discs or copy to y"o" *u"r .;;;;;. rt open_reel tape. "p" the compact cassele, the Elcaset is a [our- ,"'""ra'rlurr"ur""u;";i;;;. t;'";"" l:li'*:::Like --r""o"alpiay pass the reeular cassette Therearenur format. f*o it""ttt rnut" u t.".t ilil;; ;J; "uJ cooles altot"ttt t*tt1"tt be -l"a"ti"cuishable stereo pair, and four tracks conceivablv can original rhe wide as that for cassetles. fu.ih"t. rup" pulledoutlromlhefrontbythellanspollloCon-nlnsslndicldtinSmachinesjustadecaoeaSo,rneI to lhe slature of a-true hieh fi.B I I I J I g"iit"t used to create quad. But ,rt" tional narrow tracks down "ti"""'a'illl'*l"raii """'". "i'in"-i# ;h;-r; uujio'iiu"krj. {between the stereo pui* of'tr" i""?r''i*ii.ii,ii'""ili,;;;;;;";;;;.ir,itsi"".rt'" ar"^,& " p"t".iiar versatuity from the 6andwidth and"dynamic range of the cassetle.medium is about as"good as (and otten better than) rhat.of the source material so usins a more ca- ;;;;;r""'i;,i.;i il!r:;"".nij#:ljJltXJ':l:1."1"Jtr""::3'hi: Larrv 7ide. on oudio wriler bosed in New YorA mofies nls own topes for his w""tiv.oaio .ho- i?"'1";;;;;;'i;';;-""d croohonesan"dmixers,youwiIIfindanoliceable sonic difference between a cassette and open-reel forstolionWQXR'tapeatT%ips.Youwillevenfrndasubstantialdif. HIGH FIDELITY MAGAZINE 64 ] J rent. ding ed, I uble sby .fretion, e the s poSome salient features of the Elcaset are shown here: The A recesses are keyways for aulomatic switching of such things as tape-matching cir_ cuitry, noise reduction, and erasure prevention;B isa reiease tor an;uto_ matic reel-braking system; C, keys for automatic tape-side sensing; pos! lioning hole D doubles as access for a photoetectric end-of-tape aensorl tape protector E actually is a gate that is pu ed open to give the transport fresette, ratio, So it free access to a loop of tape, which it pults out of the Etcaset in u;eallowing freedom in drive/head-complement design and insuring that as the tape passes the heads it is independent of the Etcaset housing. al rt the I look rr si ;egino, the igh fi- t how rm the iscs or l surts cass altoL The te me- : than) )re ca. But, if od miiceable en-reel rial dif- { a(;AzlNE ' :lrveen 7th arrd 'LS ips, The reason is . of the increased headroom the higher : . . :s t ou. Again, higher speed gives better . . and permits the recording of high fre' ' - -.,.rh lower distortion. '. ::pe recording entails more than this - ' : utline suggests, but the point is that : . :.: cassette can do, the Elcaset system ' '-.:-much better. High-speed open-reel .-'.r still, of course, but not by all that . : -. .... n'ill see. - : :-. less obvious advantages of a tape for. : :. -:.s a fixed speed is that the tape itself '. -:.rjzed for performance at that speed, .. --. designer of an open-reel tape must :' - :- :o nake his product usable at two or ' -- :. speeds. This is one reason why a cassette recorder of reasonable quality sounds better than an open-reel machine operated at 1Zr ips. A similar relationship can be presumed to exist between an Elcaset recorder and an open-reel machine at 3% ips. But there is more to the Elcaset than its performance. The new lormat has automation capabilities exceeding those of any previous consumer tape system. In addition to the cue-track coding men- tioned .earlier, the casing (like that of lecent chrome cassettes) can be coded according to the type of tape it contains, so that the oorrect bias and equalization will be set automatically. Like the compact cassette, the new system has keyways that can provide erasure protection; however, the Elcaset's keyway is closed not by a plug that must be broken loose, but by a plastic "gate" that you 65 be used for can reset al will. The same keywav can if Lhe ."J'"il"". rathe; th;n Dolbv-keyway ;;*;;; similar I"-"1 . J"tien". prefers it' Another lo set lhe recorder for Dolby or non;;;-; "*e boinu .""otaing or playback None of the lransin;;;tr'";;;;;il";"ait'autl or soon to be orrered these for sensors i".""t"r"t "iiitt" corresponding Elcaset mai;i;t. A fullv automited cueing before 1978-and chine wllt probibly not appear its price iJ expected io top $2'000' ii -^tt"" " costs, we should iake a look riftif" ".t''1""-, -materials "o"*ia".ing A high-quality C-6o ih" o.i""t of ,uw "t four dollars an Llaboul lor sells comoact cassette three dol;;";i;i ti;n;;.unning time {or lwo toreel of tape 7-inch a sixtv-'minute i;;;,;a therefore' Prices' that' a"l* more than i". "-[""i] ."*o"utfv consistent with the record/play""1. exp-ecred from the ;;;k;;;i;;;";"e rhar can berun for ninely minElcasets lhal r"ri",l. "*air. ;;;;, i-sos, will also be available at competitive nrices. t'i"n""* orodu"t's marketability conc€rns nol only lo its oromolers, but its purchasers Nobody lrkes to aboul is ri"iln"i fti. new pieie o[ equipment ?h" el"u'"t will surelv nor be effort With three large *u.keting *""""ti* t-is""u, TeacI and Technics/ Panason ic) ".#""fii* i"rn" tf,"ii smaller relatives (Aiwa and IVC' "i U"nind the venlure' il's not likely that ^"1 i"t-"*".pi"l irr"." *ifi be a shortage o{ recorders or of promobe in less lhan ii;;-"; ti;it behalf."What mav cooious supply. however, is blank tape Sony and if its produclion-and -Jt"" ir""i'si;,asets. members of the conother by for iiiul "o"ttu"t"d lhe demand' the supply lo inadequaie .o.iiu.-i. tne svstem will be in greal trouble Unlortunatety' Tape bind: ;it";ii;; inuolu"i a chicken-and-eggup for 1n91 *"nuiu"tu."tt are reluctant to tool exists' but at ii"- "ttff ttt"v are sure that a marketacts to retard iil;";;; time their very caution can you all after What, i-n" n-*rft of that markei and no lape tape-or no and i" i"..itf' , t*"taer recorder? '"in"t" ttu" been some buzzing in the industry aboul the possibilily of commercially rec^orded.Elclassrcar casets. IVe, which has a vasl calalogue oI inlerand from music fapanese ;;;';;o;i". to appears nalio;a i (including American) sources Iapesl sucn lor be interesled. Bul is lhere a market lon."n.ut i.: No The compact cassette is toq il;";;';;"i;1;. itt" firmlv ..'io'U"entrenched. .u.", an audiophile market willing lo pdy exisls' a oremium for music tapes of beller quality girt Lhis markel is as rarefied as it is fussy' and enoYcl to supq:ll iii;;;;"""d barelv largerecorded open-reet of production limiled even Elcaset' the lor i"""".ilit ""Ui"tv to do any betler rne wlth Elcaset an that Further, it's a safe bel twice cost to have it will on LP an ;;;; .qtit^ilti "t what the LP-or, for that matter, the cassette-does' io itt" p.oSnoti" tor recorded music in this format aDDears dim at best "6rit-t""i Jrttrenls have argued that the Elcatt set liacks editabililv But anyone who examines *irir"l1n"utt"t. i, no rno," difficulty editingthis l h€ lene than anv other tape dt the same speed u'" a btake ihat is readily released'.allowins the tape to be pulled out edited' and reeled ri"iti-f"l[ i".'a"a a standard quarter-inch splicing biock "'iiih;will do the iob. irir, ir n"lJ il decks will lack sorne automatic fea- ttt. tutut" models thel' will have the auto;;ii"-;;ii"-htil of bias and equalizalion for lhe tu."t of three tvpes of tape to be made available: low-norse feiric. chrome and ferrichrome' iiigtt- f"i the first Seneration il.illt"'"ip"t will fall between $600 and of decks probablv S9O0 Crystal-Balling It What follows can be described only as my own otonno"i*. ufr"t ttaving obserled ihe Elcaset'spro5."$ r". oJ"pt six rionths l do not beUeve there trriri dent in tbe cassetle markel' u" "["li*itincant plu"r"""tse t te offers a ;elatir ell high^perfn" Er-en if you "orn f";;;;; ;t a verv economical price pay rlillstill tou deck giioo cassette fot ouu voui cassette. for a blanl .,niu - -ds a few dollars sysa medium for lire record:ns lhe Elcasel but for-all is acequate speed ,"; ;;;;l;;. The (.".tering. for erample) and the con"rjiiJuE"t venience of a slip-in container cdn be invaluaDle of a i-'rnrf.i"* o"i.[ tape chanees in the midd]e seconds frve about taie sirould "*i".t*"%,i--rnis [tr- ttt" Et"u."t machines arar]able and to unmachine in that t*ft."ad an open-reel iftt"uJ jif ""J be done at all' it can stunt i;;;i*;;i;"to no more expro\e rtrll deck Certainly. an Elcaset al tne mdchine open-reel an than run oensiveio bemay it i"." tp""a, as the svstem calches on' come even cheaPer. .*i'rt"-n.i"f,i"tt'future for the Elcaset l believe' but in audio-visual use' audio fi"" nofl.Zotturner capabilitv is imporlant' and in *ft"r"ii," ls "t"-trrck automaled radio station operalion' wbere lt lhe exPand can chinger A; Elcaset ;;;;;";. De iormal s potential radicalll Semipro users may su,care lhey if bul changers demand tle ftrtt io lo lhe cessful. changers rrould soon filter down level. consumer --3-ii consider whether another system -rtt utti*"tely the consumer will determine """iJ.f itU"ving decisions l don't doubt thal a i"rr"ilu ," *Ji thiught-out trtiupht-out and as powerfully PowerfullY insvstem "',"i""i as will be given serious.con, on" i" ii.au""Ju. the Elia-sel the industry and consumer alrkesideralion by "*tt"n some of its salient features are pu.ti"utu.ty 0 iruly unique among taPe formals' HIGH FTDEL1TY MAGAZTNE 66 \lbrl/ €r flufler: .W;. -- $grtoLhdse rotio' @ Elcoset itself -just os in.ree-11to1991, Resrilt' lowest wow ond fluftet bring " superior tope/heod olignment, even lntroducing the incredible jony to system. Developed bY ,r'ou-unrrroossed cosselte s'ound. '.tl tn" ElcOSet tOOe is Os wide os I.;;t;;;;ii;F,Zl ll Tooe moves twice beffer frequency response. (see dioerom) rtt-newtoperormulotion with ;[ elothicl<er oxide cooting ond thicl<er os fost: 3% ips. Z.n.g!"ri, ih" *iJ"ti ov;"mrcilingu, the tfre widest frequency response, lf"tn"iit"uncilveiotered in o polyester for highest quclity sound' Automotic tope formulotion holes encoded 9o odjustment. Sholl "tell the Elcoset on the iossette cose used is belng tope of decl< whot type (SLH, FeCr). The Elcoset then oufomoticolly odjusfs both blos ond EQ for optirnum performonce. cos- lf stondord ;;;t;fd, tn! Sony Elcoset sound is not comoressed, consfroined. lt's exponsive bnd full' lt "breothesi'h's true high fidelify. sete formot. Unlil<e fhe ri fne tope is lifted ouf from the . oiio'iin. .*-::1"\ \r.;;;';;i;ono eria"l , ..,." -\ \ I heods by o stobiliZing pin in the deck ' -, \Jf)n (Actuol Size) . eng_^-' ^ -- --oh. the Sony EL-7 41 Sony s 3-heod system offers the )le-e3 : :3_.e- =:i€:. wos desioned lVomost precise tope/heod olignAn ex: -s . . ':- -^e rew Elcos6t tope. = C osed-loop duol copston tope {lod-ve. 3^e cf the most odvonced ment possible. All three heods ore mode of ferrite ond ferrite-o superformulotion thot losts up to -::€ 3- .e systems now ovoiloble, it strong 2OO times longer thon stondoid perm::s,'3s constonl lope-to-heod contocf olloy. Heod surfoces ore mirror:'a:s,:e. low wow ond flutter ond smooth for friction-free tope frovel ond , --c;iy nonexistent modulotion noise. optirnum fope/heod contoct. lncredibly close foleronces in the heod gop Tne 3-motor system storts wirh o ossu re widest f requency response. ZoDC servo motor for utmosf Direct coupling of ploybock heod reliobilify. A sophisficoted feedbocl< cirIowith fhe FET first-stoge reproduccuif corrects for line voltoge fluctuotion omplifier signif icontly reduces tions, ond other speed-olfuring distorfion, improves signol/noise rotio foctors. This is theTinest tope rdcorder ond frequency response lineority. m.otor system money con buy. Proof? Wow ond fluffer of only .O4%. Also ovoiloble: The 5ony EL-5 stereo Elcoset Deck. 4) .l lncludes mo^y of lhe so-e hiqh pefor"ronce feoru,es ofihe Sony EL-7 or o lower price. SONY sren:o :r.crser o:cx lgg-71.w- F- *-,= - lrt. tr,.* dt :tt-,C'G;C l- l- T ,I 6 i,Jurn",, o.o oo*," sofly opens top€ com- dr erdernol llmei furds :_ .'a'.y5ock or re:a-: -3:e J^onended, --ffad ::r " -r:::. : ::-:::: : syslem ollows insiontoneous mode chonoe. bypossrng stop porhenldoot thus minimiziog weor on eject system. Syrlem includes 25 /.l5 de+mphosis circuit for Dolby FM, os wellos .( solrce 5o.vCo'o) -:c:):esord-odesrlbl;d'ocho.gewirholr.oice.Co.suriheyelowpogesforyour.eo,en5lpe*.opedeoter