November 2013


November 2013
Winter 2013
Long term residents of Lidlington will
be pleased to see the recent
restoration of Thrupp End Farm. As
one of the most historic buildings in
the village it was sad to see its state
of repair worsening.
The Farmhouse, as mentioned in the
Lidlington history book, was built
around late 17th, early 18th century
on land which was the site of
Goldyngton Manor, previously
inhabited by the Spencer family from
which Diana Spencer descended.
In the 1881 census, William Inwards
Roberts lived there with his wife
Annie and family. It states he is
farmer of 130 acres. William farmed
there from 1875 until he died in 1915.
His son Ireson Roberts took over until
1922 when Joseph Hill bought the
farm. Joseph’s son Robert ‘Bob’ Hill
continued farming there until he died
in 1969. It is understood that the
property had been previously sold to
the London Brick company so,
following Bob’s death, his wife moved
out. It then remained uninhabited and
battling the elements until now. The
house had two stair cases, one for
the family and a steep one, which
had a rope hand rail, for the servants.
There were also some wattle and daub
walls and an old bread oven in the
central reception.
New owner, Nicola Wilkins writes, “We
stumbled on the property quite by
accident at the end of April 2012, and
on a typically British showery day came
to view the site. With no roof, windows,
some external walls and internal walls
missing, no water or electricity
somehow we fell in love with the house
and the thought of moving to the
To say that it has been a labour of love
would be an understatement and our
wonderful builders managed to battle
Continued page on 7
Editorial Note
At last, we felt like we had a summer this year ‘though now it seems a long way behind
us. I do love the beauty of winter but don’t relish the cold. It’s just as well I am not
particularly fashion conscious as I sometimes feel like the ‘Michelin Man’ for those old
enough to know who I’m talking about!
As we have heard of recent disasters in the news, it makes me more grateful for all we
have, especially at this time of year. We have seen much generosity from the village at
various fund raising events but I am mindful we all have to watch the pennies a bit
more carefully. There is various mention of community spirit within this edition so enjoy
your read.
Don’t forget that you can see all this in colour with a few extra bits in the pdf version. If
you don’t already receive it by e-mail, then please send a request to the e-mail address
below. The copy deadline for Summer edition is 25 June 2014.
With thanks again to the Parish Council and Lidlington Church for their donations.
Have a blessed and joyful Christmas, remember the Reason for Season.
Jean Peall
01525 405730
All views and opinions expressed in the Lidlington Advertiser are those of the respective authors and contributors. The
Advertiser is not responsible for these views and publication in the Advertiser does not confirm endorsement or the
accuracy of any statement. We reserve the right to edit material. The Advertiser is produced by volunteers and
delivered by hand or by e-mail to over 600 households & establishments twice a year.
Printing – CopyKatz 01234 840125
36 Singer Way, Woburn Rd, Ind. Estate, Kempston MK42 7AF
Help to keep Lidlington clean!
Please use bins for litter and dog’s mess.
Dog owners
please be responsible:
- keep footpaths & verges clean.
- do not exercise dogs on
Play areas and sports field
as it is a health hazard.
Currently the Parish Council has eight
out of their nine seats filled, the current
Councillors for Lidlington are: Iain
Clapham (Chair), John Ludford (Vice
Chair), Adele Moore, Jean Peall,
Andrew Penn, Ailish Muckett, Shawn
Haddaway and Terry Hayden.
Parish Councillor vacancy
The Parish Council would like to thank
Dee Blackmore for her service to the
Council and the village and wish her
well in her new home.
There is now one vacancy on the
Parish Council. Notices were
displayed giving the electorate the
opportunity to call for an election. An
election was not called, so the Council
will be welcoming applications from all
parts of the village. If you are
interested or would like to find out a
little more about what being a Parish
Councillor involves then please feel
free to contact the Clerk or any of the
Parish Councillors.
Finance, Donations and Funding
The Council continues to work to
secure improvements for the village
and to provide support to some local
organisations. Recently support has
been given to the Advertiser, Friends
of Lidlington Station, Lidlington
Detachment, British Legion, Lidlington
Guides Group donation as well as
continuing with funding of the village
grass cutting which includes the
Recreation Ground as well as the
Sports Field. We are also investing in
measures to reduce our energy costs
which keep rising. The Parish Council
accounts are audited every year by
an external auditor appointed by the
Audit Commission, this year BDO
Stoy Hayward reviewed the Council’s
accounts after an independent
internal audit and it was recorded by
the external auditors that there were
no matters to which to bring to the
Council’s attention.
Planning matters
There have been a number of
planning issues that the Council have
been involved with; these have
included the conversion of the Church
to residential dwellings and the recent
application received for the former
Royal Oak site. The Parish Council
are statutory consultees on any
application within the parish, and
members of the public are welcome to
comment as well. More details and
the supporting documents for any
planning application can be located
on the Central Bedfordshire Council
website, the link is:
Highways Issues
Whilst some works have recently
been carried out in the village, the
Parish Council continues to purse the
appropriate individuals to try ensure
repairs are carried out, and a number
of problems remain. Financial
constraints continue to be the reason
given for works not being carried
out. However, if more people report
issues then it is more likely the
village will have repairs done. So if
you spot a highways problem, such
as a pothole, broken surfacing of a
footpath or road, a damaged road
sign, or a faulty streetlight then
please report the fault to Central
Bedfordshire Council’s Highways
Helpdesk on 0300 300 8049 or
email as above. Please feel free to
copy the Parish Clerk in to any
The Helpdesk is the most
effective way of ensuring any
highway fault in the village is
dealt with as soon as possible.
Parish Council website
If you would like to know more
about what your Parish Council do,
see copies of the meeting minutes
and understand the types of items
we discuss, then please do visit our
If you have any comments or feedback
on the site please do let us know
through the Parish Clerk.
Contacting the Parish Council
If you would like to contact the
Council and have any questions or
other matters you would like to
raise then please feel free to
contact our Clerk, Lizzie Barnicoat
on 01234 841835 or by email
We’re all experiencing our
energy prices going up
but here are a few handy tips
to help reduce costs.
We use so many appliances and gadgets
these days that we easily forget what each
thing costs to use.
Consider how often do you use your
appliances. Do you vacuum every day, or
use the hair dryer daily?
When you use the oven, cook several
things at a time, maybe tomorrow’s meal as
well. Only boil as much water in the kettle
as you need.
Use energy-saving light bulbs. Turn lights
off in rooms no-one is using. Close doors
to keep heat in your main rooms and cut
down drafts.
Close curtains for insulation at windows.
Dishwashers can be economical as long as
you run it full. How often do you wash
your clothes? Ensure your wash load is
full and try cutting down on your
programme time – maybe freshen on a
quick wash setting. Line dry washing
when weather permits – this also cuts down
on ironing if you fold items carefully off
the line.
It is suggested we shop around for energy
suppliers each year. Ensure you are on the
right tariff for your household.
Do you have sufficient insulation – you
may get grants for cavity wall and loft
The Citizens Advice Bureau has more
energy saving tips, among a wealth of other
‘self help’ advice, on their website. Visit and search
search bar. Also, see - Help with Debt >
Budgeting > How to spend less.
This new mural has been recently added at the lower end of the graveyard. It was
completed by the Lidlington Thursday Youth group over a few weekends.
Sunday 10 November 2013
Despite being a chilly day, the sun shone
brightly, as seen on the new Mural in the
Graveyard (pictured above), on this solemn
and meaningful service which was led by Rev.
Gill Webb of St Mary’s Church, Marston
Moreteyne. The service was further uplifted by
the Lidlington Army Cadets led by Colour
Sergeant Dani Casey, the Lidlington Girl
Guides and Brownies led by Guide Leader,
Cheryl Hoare and Brownie Guider, Kerrianne
Price, when they marched from the Cadet HQ
to the gates of the graveyard. The Last Post
and the Reveille were played by Stephen
Cowley and Sally Eburn-Knowles of the
Gadsden Band, Stewartby.
My sincere thanks to Rev Gill Webb and all the
villagers and visitors who attended, also to the
Lidlington Church for the PA system and all
those named above who helped to make this,
the 3rd year of this type of service.
I hope that we will be able to repeat this
Service in our village next year.
Jim Nockels
Graveyard Steward.
£ 1075.94 was raised in
Lidlington and Brogborough
this year. Many thanks to The
Lemon Larder, The Green
Man, Fringes and Lidlington
Stores for their support.
Thank you to the collectors :
Lynn Worrel, Marina Jervis,
Alison Morrow, Margaret
Charlesworth, Rolf Taggart,
Jo Green and The Army
Cadets for their help.
Most of all Thank You to the
generous people of Lidlington
and Brogborough for their
support of this very worthy
M & A Eames
Thrupp End Farmhouse
Continued from front page.
through one of the harshest winters
we have had for a while. As we
had to use traditional materials
such as lime mortar for the
brickwork, lime render and lime
plaster it has meant that battling
through the cold was hard and slow
at times and when we were visiting
the site with the children with snow
inside the extension I think there
were times we must have
questioned our sanity.
That said, there have been many
wonderful stories along the way.
To discover the history of this great
house and to now be a part of that
history is a great honour. We have
learnt about who has in the past
owned the land including the
Spencer family and the Duke of
Bedford. I have had the privilege of
meeting one lady who used to live
in the house in the 1920’s and
another whose family used to also
own the house in the late 1800’s.
It has been a pleasure welcoming
them to Thrupp End Farm and I
have loved hearing their stories of
the house.
We found an old brick dated 178- (we
can’t make out the final number), and
it now proudly rests above our front
door. Our greatest discovery has to
be some very old shoes that were
found hidden behind one of the walls
Apparently, in the past these were
placed in houses to warn off evil.
With this very much in mind they
were put back where they came from
along with some shoes of our own to
continue the tradition. There also
used to apparently be a tennis court
here too!
We are truly blessed to be here and
look forward to many happy years
ahead in Thrupp End Farm and
East West Rail
A Villagers Perspective
Hello, I’m Roger Hopkins and I live at 2 Station
Road which is very close to the railway. I am
concerned about the East West Rail link and the
impact on our village. This article is my view on
the implications to the village which you may or
may not agree with.
One of the most important projects to our village
is happening. There are no ifs or buts –
Government funding has been identified and
work has commenced. Initial surveys of the
level crossings in our village have already been
carried out together with identifying the need for
further track improvements.
It would be impossible not to agree the
commercial and economic case for the project
but I do believe the full implications to the
village are not appreciated by all.
Let me clarify my thoughts on those implications
to Lidlington with a brief explanation of part of
the East West Rail project.
To start with there will be a fast diesel powered
service but it is intended this will become
electrified when the line north of Bedford is also
Part of the project itself will link Bedford to
Oxford with one fast passenger service each
way per hour. Our existing service will be
maintained but there will also be the capacity
for two freight services per hour. The fast
service and freight will be operated 7 days a
Presently there is a speed limit of 60 mph on
the Bletchley – Bedford line through our
village but, with electrification, it is hoped to
increase this to 100 mph.
Initially Lidlington was going to be a stopping
point for the fast service but in the Parish
Council (PC) minutes of 30th July 2013
(available on the PC website) it had been
noted that the Unitary council and the local
authority had agreed that a better stopping
point would be Ridgmont. However in the
minutes of 17th September2013 local
residents had objected to this on the grounds
that with Lidlington as a stopping point the
speed and noise of the trains would be
reduced and access to the fast service would
be available to all. The PC commented that
the Department of Transport would make the
ultimate decision on stopping points. The
Ridgmont station can provide car parking
(which is a concern at Lidlington) but as it is
9 remote from Ridgmont village in my view it
does not seem to offer any other advantages.
I do believe that it is imperative trains stop at
Lidlington otherwise we will get all the
negatives of the project and none of the
gains. Who would want 100 mph trains
thundering through the village over the level
crossings? Noise and vibration would be
intolerable and the safety of the level crossing
would be a major issue.
Once electrification proceeds we will see steel
stanchions and electric wires (approximately
5m high) past the Farrier’s Way estate,
behind Lombard Street straight through the
village over the crossing, right in front of Bye
Road and past the school.
I am concerned about safety issues at the
level crossings. There have been 9 deaths on
level crossings this year and Network Rail are
charged with making them safer. Let’s hope
Network Rail have a good solution to our
crossing, bearing in mind it splits the village in
two and is the main crossing point for the
children of our village.
Obviously the gates at the level crossings will
be closed much more often due to the
increase in train movements. I would refer
you to the Parish notice board by the level
crossing which has the minutes of a number
of questions posed by the Council to the East
West consortium posted on it. It is interesting
to see that the Consortium state electric trains
are quieter than diesel – true of course if you
are considering the engines themselves - but
rolling stock with steel wheels on steel rails at
100 mph........?
Also it is worth looking at where there is a
video of the project and a very interesting
FAQ section. It is interesting that they liken
the project to the M25 as an orbital route
which will allow freight to travel from
Felixstowe and Harwich to the West Coast
mainline without the need to go via North
Summing up East West rail is happening but I
believe our village will be split in two, there
will be a lot of noise and vibration from high
speed trains, the overhead wires will be
unsightly, much more waiting and safety
issues at the level crossing and considerably
more freight.
The Plastering Company
We are pleased to offer you a 100%
complete professional service with over
20 years experience in the plastering trade
We will restore or renew your walls,
ceilings and floors
With our attention to detail all problems
can be overcome
Skimming ceilings and walls
Re-tacking ceilings & skimmed
Screeding floors
Artex – back to flat
Rendering – pebble dashing
Free competitive quotes and all work guaranteed
No mess – No fuss – No dust
Simon Booth
07590 650152
Andrew Booth
07596 952830
After8 Women’s Group
You may remember reading in the last Lidlington Advertiser about our plans to form
a women’s group in the village. We were delighted with the initial response and
pleased to say that at the October meeting 30 women paid their annual membership
of £25 confirming their interest in keeping this group active.
At this meeting we were lucky enough to have as our first guest speaker Lidlington
resident, Ann Twigg –Loizou, to talk to the members about her interest in
Hypnotherapy. The November meeting will include a demonstration of Christmas
canapés by Eileen and we are looking forward to tasting the results. This will be an
ideal topic to prepare us for the festive seasons’ catering. We are not planning a
meeting in December as the date falls on Christmas day but we plan to have a meal
out together in January 2014.
We are still at the planning stage for the 2014 programme but at the last committee
meeting we discussed the possibility of outings to MK Theatre, RHS garden, walks,
Bletchley Park, Wrest Park, Luton Hoo and also a whole range of diverse topics for
speakers. These range from Womens’ health and beauty to self defence, flower
arranging to yoga, Canine Partners to history of Lidlington, wine tasting to search &
rescue, and many more.
If you think you would like to join this group you will be most welcome. Generally
speaking we meet on the 4th Wednesday of the month at the Church Hall Lidlington
and the first meeting of the New Year will be 22 January 2014.
To confirm meeting dates or pass on any ideas or information to us please contact
us by email or phone Erika on 406184.
Thank you for the support of members so far and best wishes to all Lidlington
residents for Christmas and 2014
Lidlington Gardeners Association
Well another growing season has come to a close for most
allotment holders, many of us having had a much better year than
2012. Despite the weather the allotment show was again enjoyed
by those who attended. The fruit and vegetables on show evidence
of the better conditions. On display there were giant cabbages,
potatoes, tomatoes, sweetcorn, runner beans etc not to mention
some very holey vegetables indeed.
This year a cup has been donated by Geoff and Davina Barrett
who are the visiting judges. It was agreed that the cup should be
awarded to the best plot as judged by Mike Phillips and Tim
Mason. Hadleigh Mead was the winner with his plot being neat, tidy and displaying very good
use of the growing area.
If you would like to have a go at growing your own, plots are available in various sizes. Mike
Phillips, the allotment manager, is more than happy to answer any questions regarding having
an allotment. Give him a ring on 01525 404452
I hope this update finds you well, having
enjoyed the longer than normal summer,
and ready for what the rest of the year
has in store.
We have had a blessed time at Lidlington
Church, and have had many moments to
reflect on Gods plans for us in our
The “You Feed Them” Friday night
community meal is proving a firm
favourite with several families. Our aim to
provide good quality food and friendship
has been mainly thanks to the dedicated
team of cooks, organisers, and of course
the attendees. Particular thanks go to
Jacob and Vic for serving up some
mouth-watering recipes each week. If
you feel you would like to come along
and enjoy a free evening meal and good
company, we would love to welcome
Our children’s work flourishes through
SHELL, Thursday Youth Group, Big
Rock, Little Rock and our new addition
for 16plus age group, Lighthouse. We
have seen steady growth in numbers,
and real commitment from those coming
Also, we continue to be made welcome
each week at Thomas Johnson Lower
School as the “Storytellers”, where we
act out simple Bible stories in an
assembly. Our gratitude, as ever, goes to
Mr. Nolan and staff for making this
possible. It is a real privilege to work with
all the young people in our community,
and see them grow spiritually.
There have been all the usual weekends
away with the youth groups…where our
very brave leaders take a mass of
excited youth on a trip of fun, food, fun
and more food……and an opportunity to
grow closer together, and learn about our
amazing God. We have run two
successful Alpha courses this year, and
have made some really great friendships
from them. Watch this space if you are
interested in learning more about the
Christian faith.
And so, to Christmas…….really?
There will be plenty of celebrating Jesus’
birth in the coming month, so please
check out the details in this magazine.
We are very privileged in the fact that we
have been invited to run our annual
Christingle service in the school this
year, which is very exciting. We are really
looking forward to working with the staff,
and having the opportunity to make the
Christingles with the children in the
classrooms. It is going to be great fun!
Once again, thanks to Kevin Nolan and
staff, for their support, and always warm
Thanks too, to the Village Hall
committee, for all their help and support
in previous years, when we have held the
service there.
For all those who enjoy a candlelit
service, there will be something special
in the chapel on Christmas Eve at 4pm.
I have enjoyed many cups of tea with
some of you, and have been glad to
meet with you, and chat, and in some
cases, be of some practical help. If you
would like some company, or want to ask
me about any of the church events,
please do give me a call. All those who
know me well will agree that I love to
On a personal note, I would like to add
that we have become grandparents for
the first time to our beautiful granddaughter Evie, born in October. She has
brought us all great joy, and has been
warmly embraced by the community, and
church family. I can assure you that she
will be at many, if not all of the up and
coming Christmas goings on. We thank
13 for her safe arrival, and are amazed
by His creation….yes we are totally
My prayer for you all is that you have a
joy filled and peaceful Christmas, as the
true meaning is revealed to you through
His love and Grace.
See you soon,
Every blessing,
Sian (Lidlington Church Pastoral
Community Food Box
This box of food can be requested at any
time by anyone living in Lidlington or the
request can come on someone else’s
behalf. It is organised by Lidlington
Church and we accept food donations
from anyone who would like to give. If
you see a BOGOF offer, why not set half
aside for a local family in need?
This year at Christmas we would like to
collect extra special food for Christmas
Community boxes.
This will include extra “Christmas goods”
like special biscuits and chocolates,
cheese biscuits, children’s selection,
mince pies, crisps, box of crackers,
tinned ham, various cakes. We do also,
of course, need all the ordinary food.
everyone who would like to meet up for a
chat and eat together, or sit quietly and
read their paper. It is free but donations
are welcome if you feel you would like
to. Please join us, no booking necessary just turn up and there is always a veggie
option. We all muck in together at the end
to get the hall cleared up and are usually
out by 7:15.
Friday 20 December is the Christmas
Community Meal at 6pm followed by
Carols in the Car Park at 7.30pm with
mince pies and traditional hot drinks for
those who can stay. You can come to both
or either and leave when you want to. Cost
for the meal is £1.50 for adults and 50p for
children. Please book with Vic (405248 )
or Jonathan (405730).
Do you know of someone who might like a
Christmas “Meals on Wheels” delivery?
Please let us know and we’ll ensure they
are expecting it. It will be delivered
between 4 and 5pm on the 20th.
Lidlington Church
Elderly residents Christmas Gift
Local contacts:
We would also like to give a box of
biscuits and chocolates to our more
elderly residents who find life difficult as
a little Christmas gift.
If you would like to see the full list of food
needed, donate food, need a box
yourself or supply names, please contact or ring 402647.
Linda Bulled - 01525 402647
Siân Hiscocks - 01525 405952
Jonathan Peall – 01525 405730
Hall bookings – Jean Peall 01525 405730
Methodist Minister,
Rev Caroline Weaver
01234 767865
Community Meal
Every Friday 6pm in the Church Hall we
hold a community meal. This is open to
E-mail for hall bookings and to request
weekly and monthly notices:
The monthly Newsletter can also be
hand delivered within the village.
Please contact Jean 405730
Sports News
Lidlington United Sports Club
Christmas Dinner Dance and
Tote Draw
The date of this year’s big, bold Christmas
night of nights is/was (depending when
you’re reading this) Saturday 7th December
when the traditional turkey dinner is
enjoyed by villagers, accompanied by
entertainment from the ever-popular
Midnight Express and followed by the
eagerly awaited annual £1000 Tote Draw.
It is the Tote which helps the club to keep on
providing excellent sporting facilities for
Lidlington, as well as allowing us to give a
£12 voucher to widows, widowers and
pensioners each Christmas.
We are very grateful to everyone who pays
into the Tote but we know there are others
who would like to do so and to help the local
community. A form for joining or renewing
the Tote is on Page 27 of this edition of the
Advertiser. Further copies of the form are
available from the Lemon Larder.
Get filling in now!
Football in The Premiership
After a successful pre-season combining
intense training sessions with a number of
matches against tough opponents, Lidlington
came into the 2013-14 season with lots of
momentum after some positive results.
A number of new signings were also brought
in prior to the start of the season, including
Dan Bullen, Carmine Cientanni and another
brother pairing of Liam and Aaron Parker
bringing it to 6 pairs of brothers in the squad
The first game of the season away to
Renhold showed the squads new versatility,
and hunger to succeed. With Lidlington 3-1
down with 15 minutes to go, manager Liam
Wills made the decision to change the
formation, which gave Lidlington a much
needed boost, and with goals from Tom
Marwood and Alex Burrows, the game
ended 3-3.
Since then, they were unbeaten in 6 games,
and sat top of the league going into the first
local derby with Marston, which
unfortunately resulted in the team’s first
loss of the season.
To date, Lidlington's record this season is
still impressive, having played 10, won 5,
drawn 3, and lost 2, they are sitting 3rd in
the Bedfordshire Premier Division.
The last outing was in the 2nd round of the
Bedfordshire Senior Trophy, which saw
the team give another impressive display,
and a 2-1 victory over last season’s league
champions Caldecote means they are in the
hat for the next round of the cup.
Lidlington have also recently acquired a
new team sponsor, with Ants Group
already investing by supplying a new kit
for the team.
Quiz Night
Another very successful quiz night was
held in the village hall on 19 October. In
fact it was a sell-out. After an exciting
close contest, the trophy was reclaimed by
the renowned ‘Team with No Name’.
Our next quiz will be on Saturday 1 March
2014. Why not give your brains a run out?
At Last a Good Summer of 2012 - on
the cricket pitch and tennis court
Lidlington CC, sponsored by
ROBINSONS’S DAIRY, failed narrowly
to gain promotion from division 6 in the
Four Counties Cricket League finishing in
a creditable 4th position. The season was
once again restricted by the wet weather
with 4 matches being either cancelled or
abandoned. The 12 completed matches
resulted in 4 wins, 5 draws and 3 defeats.
Nadeem Ahmed with 15 wkts and 467
runs went one better this year and
not only won the League Division 6 allrounder of the year title but also
collected the award for most runs in the
division. With 5 fifties and a top score of
93 not out Nadeem ended the season
with an average of 66.7. Simon
McCutcheon was also in the runs with
303, a top score of 66 not out and a final
average of 37.9. Notable bowling
performances came from Ricky Dobbs
with 11 wkts, Mark Prior 10 and Ashley
White also with 10.
At the League awards ceremony in
October Lidlington surpassed themselves
and added to Nadeem's trophy haul by
winning the annual cricket quiz trophy
with 70 out of 80 correct answers. Team
members were Nadeem Ahmed, Ricky
Dobbs, Ali Gould, Mike Eames, and
Mick Eames.
The Club AGM will be held early in
2014, and indoor nets will be held at
Marston Vale School during April. Dates
to be confirmed. New players young and
old are welcome.
For more information contact Mike
Eames on 07834209526 or Ali Gould on
07588100031. Follow us on for fixtures
and results.
An unforgettable tennis year for GB,
with Andy Murray’s triumph at
Wimbledon. It was a similar story down
at Hurst Grove where our court was in
very regular use and we look forward to
the end of winter when rackets can be
dusted off and the courts used again.
Netball on the MUGA
A group of keen players assemble every
Monday - all year round (weather
permitting) at the Pavilion. We are not in a
league but play for the exercise and to
socialise. Players enjoy a family BBQ in
the summer and a bit of a do at Christmas.
If you are over 16 and would like to join us
come along on any Monday, 7.30pm
Further details from Sarah at the Lemon
Building on our Achievements
The Sports Club continues to invest in
updating and upgrading the facilities at the
Hurst Grove ground. 28 August 2014 will
see the 20th anniversary of the opening of
the pavilion and Hurst Grove facilities
(watch this space for details of our planned
celebration). As previously advised our
next major project will be the replacement
of the old storage container with a brick
construction incorporating spectator toilets.
Planning permission has been granted and
we are actively seeking funds to get things
underway in the Spring.
We are also very pleased to welcome to the
management committee Tracy Robinson
and look forward to working with her.
We still need more volunteers
though, so if you want to be
involved and help out contact us by
e mail
Remember, you can keep up to date with all our news and events on our website,
just go to –
Mereway & Trend Fitted Kitchens – Quality at an Affordable Price
Replacement Doors, Sinks & Taps – Save £££’s With a Makeover
Worktops (Laminate, Solid Surface, Solid Wood, Granite & Quartz)
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Bespoke Coloured Glass Splashbacks - The WOW Factor
Call Now For a Free Design & Quotation
Call Colin on
01525 402955 / 0771 979 4516
The mystery of the
By Andrew Penn
In the last edition of the Advertiser, we
read about the memorial window of the
Clare family in St Margaret’s Church.
Here is some history of the other window
relating to W H Dobbie. The memorial
reads ‘Lieut W.H. Dobbie Killed near
Ladybrand South Africa 30 November
1900’. What is the Lidlington
There is no record of any Dobbies having
anything to do with Lidlington before
1900. They first appear in the census of
1901 where his widow Florence Dobbie
(age 41 born Tottenham) is living at
White Lodge Sheeptick End together with
their children Wallace Hugh (age 9 born
Surbiton), Agatha age 7 and Dorothy
age 6. Ten years later the census shows
Florence, Dorothy and Agatha all still at
the White Lodge.
Further searches have shown that
Agatha Geraldine Dobbie was born on 6
Jun 1893 at Mussoorie, Bengal, India,
and Dorothy Beatrix Dobbie on 14 Sep
1894 at Chakrata, Bengal, India. It looks
as if there was a history of military
service in the Dobbie family, first in India,
then South Africa although the family
may not have gone to South Africa.
There is no further Lidlington
connection that can be found. Most of
the rest of the story of the Dobbie
family centres on Devon and Canada.
In June 1917 Wallace Hugh Dobbie
married Marguerite Hanmer at St
Thomas Exeter Devon. Between 1925
and 1950 various passenger liner lists
show the Dobbies travelling between
Canada and England. The 1935
Canadian Electoral Roll has a Colonel
and Mrs W H Dobbie living in Victoria
Canada. The 1949 Canadian Electoral
Roll has Colonel and Mrs W H Dobbie
at Nanaimo Vancouver Island Canada.
Wallace Hugh Dobbie died in Saanich
Vancouver Island on 18 Jan 1952 and
he was followed by Marguerite Dobbie
on 10 October 1977. There the trail
Back to Devon and we find Florence
Dobbie dies at St Thomas Devon in
March 1936, followed shortly after in
November 1938 by daughter Dorothy.
No further information at all has been
found on daughter Agatha.
There is much more of a Devon
connection if we look further back.
Continues over
W.H. Dobbie, who was to be killed in South
Africa, was born on 11 July 1865 at
Lympston Devon. The 1871 census finds
him age 5 living at Lympston with his father
William H Dobbie, a retired naval Captain,
his mother Mary Ann and new-born sister
Mary Agatha. The census records show
that his father moved around and married
twice. He was born in Essex in 1812; by
1851 was married to local girl Lucy Ann
(Jessop) but she had died in 1859. 1861
finds him alone at the Royal Naval College
Portsmouth, but by 1871 he is in Devon
with his new family. By 1881 young W.H.
Dobbie is a pupil boarder at Newton
College Wolborough Devon and in January
1888 he married Florence Shadbolt again
at St Thomas. Not all of his Devon
memories will have been happy ones. His
mother Mary Ann Bleadon Dobbie died
there in 1893 in the same year as his sister
Mary Agatha and just 4 years after both his
77 year old father and his youngest sister
Beatrice Lucy at the age of only 26, while
his half-brother (also William H) died there
aged 20 in 1868.
So to finish off the story what more do we
know of the sad, untimely death of
Lieutenant Wallace Houston Dobbie, to
give him his full name and rank? A search
of military records finds an entry for him in
the South African Constabulary, Orange
River Colony Police late 1st Battalion,
Imperial Yeomanry. He was dangerously
wounded near Ladybrand and died of
wounds 30th November 1900, another
casualty of the 2nd Boer War.
We’ll probably never know what brought
the much travelled Dobbie family to
Lidlington in the early years of the 20th
century or why exactly they decided to
leave and return to their Devonshire roots.
Lidlington Helping Hands
An initiative run by villagers for villagers offering voluntary help to all who need a
‘Good Neighbour’.
This is some of the help that is offered.
Transport for appointments, doctors, vets, etc, where usual transport is not available.
(Mileage charge 30p per mile + any parking costs etc.)
Errands & small odd jobs, collecting prescriptions, occasional shopping
If you can offer transport on any weekday we would love to hear from you. We won’t
ask you to do more than you would like.
Mileage allowance is 30p. You will need to inform your insurance company, usually at no extra cost.
07817 258279
Volunteers are available from 8am – 8pm any day. Messages may be left at anytime.
Co-optative trustee
Lidlington Toddler Group &
The Woburn Sands Band presents
Christmas Concert with
The Youth Band
A vacancy has arisen for the position
Co-optative Trustee on the above
Sunday 8th December
at 2.30pm
Lidlington Village Hall
Trustees are now inviting
applications for the position on the
Anyone who is interested in being
part of the body that carries out the
administration of the Trust Deed,
should make contact with the Clerk
to the Trustees, by writing to Colin
West, Lincoln House, 14 Fieldfare
View, Wixams, Bedford MK42 6BL or
by initially telephoning for details of
how the Charity operates on
01234 743752
Raffle and refreshments
during the interval.
£3 adults, £2 senior citizens
£1 child
Tickets available from The Lemon Larder,
Tracy Maclean or Avril Stacey at Thomas
Johnson School or Lyn Worrell, you can
also call into the Toddler Group on a
Monday morning 9.30/11.30am.
Colin West
Clerk to the Trustees
Relax this Christmas in Lidlington with
A therapeutic Reflexology treatment
Or a luxury pedicure
Or muscle soothing sports massage
Enjoy a little luxury in our quiet rural
07812 822 869
01525 405325
A full range of treatments by an
experienced therapist
Nails & Toes
Face & Feet
Smooth & Tanned
We’ve got it covered
Thomas Johnson
Thomas Johnson Lower
School PTFA would like
to thank everyone for their
continued support.
Despite the rain and high
winds, lots of people
turned out for the
fireworks spectacular,
making it highly
successful again this year.
Thanks go to everybody
that came along, and
everyone that helped with
donations or support.
Special thanks go to Sarah
and Mark in The Lemon
Larder for selling tickets
again this year, and
helping us to promote this
worthy event.
Join us for a walk around the
local footpaths to clear the head
from last night's party. Meet at
10.30am at the junction of Bye
Road and Church St. by the level
crossing. Dogs are welcome and
welly boots advisable. We should
be back by 12.30. Any further
information please contact Rolf or
Lesley 01525 840508.
The Bags2School clothing
collection was also very
successful, so thank you to
everyone that left their
bags out for collection.
The PTFA appreciates the
ongoing support of the
village, and looks forward
to many more successful
Christmas Party
Sat 14th December
4 – 6pm in the church hall
Carols with L-Tunes, Puppet Show, Raffle,
Tea & light refreshments
No set cost but donations are welcome
Come and visit
Father Christmas
in his Grotto
from 3pm in the Chapel
£2.50 per child which includes
50p donation to NSPCC
All Welcome
Diary Dates
Wed 4
Sat 7
Sun 8
Christmas dinner and annual Tote draw at the Village hall
Lidlington Toddlers & Woburn Sands Band Christmas Concert –
2.30pm in the village hall
Connect Christmas Tea Party 4 – 6pm, Lidlington church hall
Father Christmas in his grotto from pm in the chapel
Sat 14
Fri 20
Christmas Lunch Club, 1pm in the church hall – booking essential –
Tickets in advance £5 from Jackie 01525 280478
Christmas Carol singing - 7.30pm in the Church hall car park
Tues 24
Carols by Candlelight – 4pm in the Chapel
Midnight communion – 11.30pm in the Chapel
Wed 25
Wed 1st
Christmas morning celebration – 10am in the Chapel –
New Year’s Day walk 10.30am from corner of Bye Road.
Lidlington Activities
Toddler Group (T) 0 to pre-school
Shell Club (T)
7 – 12 yrs
Dog training – Puppy to Advanced
Army Cadets
12½ - 18yrs
All age
Home Group
Coffee Morning
Line Dancing
Come and Play
Line Dancing
Army Cadets
Home Group
9.30 – 11.30am Village hall
5.45 – 7.15pm
Church Hall
6.30, 7.15 & 8.15pm Village Hall
Cadet Hut
7.45 – 8.45pm
Church Hall
8pm- 10pm
Call for venue
All welcome
10 - 12 noon
Church Hall
Full English Breakfast served 3 Tuesday monthly
7.30 – 9.30pm
Village Hall
Under 5s activity 10 – 11.30am
Except 1 Weds each month
7.00 – 10pm
12½ - 18yrs
All age
7 – 8pm
8pm – 10pm
Paula 01234 767345
Jackie 280478
ARAS 840508
Tess 404938
Lorraine 280086
Church Hall
01234 767269
Village Hall
Cadet Hut
Church Hall
Call for venue
Lorraine 280086
Jeff 402647
Line Dancing
Prayer and Bible group (fortnightly)
Youth Group (T) Yrs 6 – 8
Yrs 9 – 10
Lighthouse (T)
10.30 – 12.30pm
1.30 – 3pm
6.45 – 8.15pm
8.15 – 9.30pm
8 – 10pm
7.30 – 8.30pm
Village Hall
Call for venue
Lorraine 280086
Jackie 280478
Church Hall
Village Hall
Tess 404938
Debbie 402667
Boxercise (T)
Brownies (T)
Guides (T)
10 – 11am
6 – 7.30pm
7.45 – 9.15pm
7 – 8 pm
Church Hall
Sports Pavilion
Village Hall
All age
7 – 10 yr olds
10 –14 yr old
6 + yrs
Karen 01234 311839
Morning Worship All Welcome
10.45am – noon Chapel
(check notice board for variations)
Evening Communion (3 Sundays) 6pm
Rock (children’s church) 5 – teens 10.45 – 11.45am Church Hall
(Held during most Sunday services)
Youth church
Yr 9+
7.15 – 8.45pm
Venue and dates vary Tess 404938
1 Wednesday
4 Wednesday
Lunch Club
12.30 – 2.30pm Church Hall
After8 Women’s group 8.15 – 10pm Church Hall
Jackie 280478
Erika 406184
Phone numbers are local (01525) unless stated. Groups marked (T) are Term-time only.
Welcome Pack
If you are new to the village, or
you have a new neighbour, we
offer a useful Welcome Pack
with local information.
Please call 405730
or email –
Every Tuesday from 10am – midday
in the Church Hall.
Lunch club
On the 1 Wednesday of the month
lunch is served at
12.30pm in the Church Hall.
The cost is just £3.50 for a hearty
two course meal
followed by tea or coffee.
Vegetarian option by request.
Booking required each month –
call Jackie on 01525 280478.
Open to all –
You don’t need to commit to attend every
month as long as you have booked each
month in advance.
We will try to arrange a lift
if you need it too.
On every 3 Tuesday of the month we
serve cooked breakfast until 11.45am.
Full Breakfast for just £2.50.
Other options available.
Profits from the breakfast go to various
C & R Pest Management – Pg 9
01525 288207
07500 431131
Merit Garden Products – Pg 23
Vale Farm
Old A421 Nr Lidlington
MK43 0NL
01234 764754
Darn Spice – Pg 8
0800 678 5088
Personality mugs – Pg 22
01525 403024
Greensand Kitchen Solutions Ltd – pg 16
01525 402955 / 0771 979 4516
Phil Brown Records – Pg 20
07815 709542
Directory of Advertisers
Hantek Electrical
01525 405730
Lemon Larder – Pg 2
Church Street,
01525 402923
RT Photography – Pg 19
01525 840508
The Courtyard – Pg 21
Upper Great Farm, Bury Ware,
07812 822 869
The Plastering Company – Pg 10
07590 650152
07596 952830
Application for TTO
OTTEE Membership
(Entry into the £1000 draw is restricted to those who have been members for the whole year)
Please enrol me as a member of
LLiiddlliinnggttoonn PPaavviilliioonn TOTE
 I wish to contribute £2.50 each month. (A collector
will call each month)
I enclose a cheque for £30 (January to December
contributions) made payable to Lidlington United
Sports Club.
I enclose a cheque for £15 (January to June
contributions) made payable to Lidlington United
Sports Club.
Delete * as applicable
The Tote is operated by Lidlington United Sports Club.
For further information contact the Secretary, Brian Shepherd,
22 Lombard Street (Tel 403616 or e mail
Useful contacts. – please let me know if you are aware of any changes - Jean
Lidlington Website Lidlington Parish Council Clerk
Village Hall bookings
Church Hall bookings
Robinson Dairy, Lidlington
Lidlington General Stores
Lemon Larder
Lidlington Helping Hands
Lidlington Allotment manager
01234 841835
01525 404170
01525 405730
01525 404628
01525 402896
01525 402923
07817 258279
01525 404425
Lidlington Church, Siân Hiscocks
01525 405952
Methodist Minister, Rev Caroline Weaver 01234 767865
Churchwarden, Linda Bulled
01525 402647
Church Website -
Thomas Johnson Lower School
01525 402377
Marston Vale Middle School, Stewartby 01234 768224
Wootton Upper School
01234 767123
Dr. Aylward & Partners, Houghton Close, Ampthill 08448 151055 or 01525 406820
Drs. Lockley & Hague, Oliver Street, Ampthill
01525 631395/6
Drs. Rowe & Shortland, Greensand Ridge surgery
01525 631390
Dr Ismail, High St. Cranfield
01234 750234
Dr Ismail, Marston Surgery
01234 766551
Flitwick Clinic, High Street
01525 631199
Flitwick Surgery, Highlands, Flitwick, MK45 1DZ
01525 715300
Milton Keynes
01234 355122
01908 660033
Central Bedfordshire Council, Priory House, Monks Walk, Chicksands, Shefford,
SG17 5TQ
0300 300 8000
Bedford Borough Council, Borough Hall, Cauldwell Street, Bedford 01234 267422
Highways Agency
0300 123 5000
Police Station, Police HQ, Kempston
01234 841212
NEW - Local police non-emergency calls
101 from mobile or landline
Emergency call from your mobile
112 (quicker) or 999
Ridgeway Veterinary Centre, Flitwick
01524 714892
Bedford to Bletchley Rail Users Association
01234 351771
Ampthill Tidy Tip, Abbey Lane, Ampthill
01525 403611
Citizens’ Advice Bureau, 10 Bedford St. Ampthill
01525 402742
Flitwick Library, Coniston Road, Flitwick
01525 715268
A home library service is available for the housebound
After many requests to London Midland
Railway History
by the Friends of Lidlington Station, the
Pictured here is Thomas Gillett who was the
white fence on the Bletchley
first station master of Lidlington station,
bound platform has been repainted. It
working here from 1854 until 1887 when he
was a huge task, rubbing down the old
retired. He continued to live in Lidlington
paint, undercoating and then top
until his death in
coating and it now looks wonderful as
1904. Thomas is
you can see by the before and after
buried in Lidlington
photos. We needed to remove the
troughs before London Midland’s
painters could start, so we took the
opportunity to repaint and replant
the troughs and also the tubs with
summer bedding plants which
we would like to thank Lidlington
Photo copyright of
and Luton
Archives and
Records Service.
Ref: Z587/1
Parish council for supplying.
Alongside geraniums, which had been
kindly donated to us, the platforms
looked colourful all summer. Much
watering took place during the hot
weather but as we have a watering
rota, each person only waters 3 or 4
times a month. If you would like to
help us next year with watering or
A more recent employee was Fred
Hart, who was a porter at Lidlington Station
during the 1960s. The photo shows the
station winning
second prize in the
tidiest station
any other tasks, please contact us
on 404938. We would be delighted
to hear from you.
We would also like to hear from
you if you worked on the railway
or have any station photos to
share with us.
Photo copyright:
and Luton
Archives and
Records Service.
Before and after the fence was
painted at the station.