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(041) 360 4491 Fax :0866873881 Email: admin@masterspe.co.za
December 2008 Issue 102
P. O. Box 10042 Linton Grange 6015
Tel : (041) 360 4491 Fax :0866873881
Email: admin@masterspe.co.za
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Open Criterium
Editer’s chatter
Hello from the land of curry..
Le Tour De France 2008
Calender 2008-’09 part 2
Skrik vir Niks — teaser
Awesome Achievement
Flintstones—Jack “Koos” Allen
Committee numbers
Page 2
Tra in in g
Power to the Pedals
Building Strength and Power
for Time Trials
Time trials are excruciating events. As a
race against the clock, a competitor must
ride at their limit from start to finish. There
are many components of a time trial that
contribute to a good ride; these can include
equipment selection, mental attitude, aerodynamic position, and nutritional status.
However, success in the time trial is most
dependent on the athletes' physical ability
to generate power to the pedals. This ability
is dependent on a combination of strength,
power and speed of movement. Strength
refers to a force that one can apply against
a resistance, such as lifting weights; and
power refers to the ability to exert that
force at speeds characteristic of cycling.
Studies have shown that the combination of
strength training and power training result
in greater gains in each.
You can help to
develop your ability to deliver power in time
trials by performing long intervals. During
interval training you are targeting the cardiovascular system to help generate power,
but where does that power originate? In
this article we will review two ways to build
strength and power for a time trial event.
The first is to increase core strength, which
will help put more power to the pedals by
providing a solid platform for the lower
body to push against. Riding with an undeveloped torso is similar to riding a bike with
a cracked frame, the power will dissipate
elsewhere. Secondly, we will address transferring strength gains from the weight room
into power production to the pedals through
on the bike strength training.
Core Training
In the last few years, there has been a big
increase in the emphasis on strengthening
the "core" of the body. The body's core,
which includes the back and abdominal
muscles, can be a weak link for many time
trialists. Because of the extended aerodynamic positions, cyclists may be able to
generate ideal power early in the event, but
then low back fatigue and pain contribute to
a loss of power. Most riders give away significant pedal power because of weak low
back and abdominal muscles.
The legs perform most of the work in cycling, but a strong core will increase stability on the bike and increase power transfer
to the pedals. In addition, a strong lower
back will allow you to remain in a more
aerodynamic position for longer periods of
time without discomfort.
On-the-bike strength training
During the off-season you can develop a
solid strength base in the gym, however,
strength training alone will not make you a
better time trialist. By adding on-the-bike
resistance training to your program, you
will transfer the strength gains from the
gym to pedal power. The combination of a
well-designed strength training program
and on-the-bike strength training will
maximize your potential. Most of the
power delivered from your legs to the pedals comes during the first half of the pedal
stroke. The muscles that are active during
this phase include the quadriceps, hamstrings and gluteus maximus (your rear
end). The gluteal muscles are used to a
much greater extent in the time trial due
to the aerodynamic position. These muscles are most active during the first half of
the down stroke, providing substantial
power when it is most needed. The following drills allow you to target these muscle
groups and transfer the strength gains
made in the gym to specific on-the-bike
One leg pedaling.
This strength and skill drill will help to increase power through the top center and
bottom dead center of your pedal stroke.
This drill is best when done on an indoor
trainer and should be ridden at a moderate
intensity level. To specifically target the
muscles used in a time trial, complete the
drill in your aero position. After a thorough
warm-up, pedal with only one leg at 50-60
rpm in as hard a gear as you maintain for
30 seconds to one minute. The pedal
stroke should be made as smooth as possible. Alternate and ride with your other
leg for the same time period. Rest for 2-4
minutes between efforts by riding with
both legs at a faster cadence (95 - 110 rpm).
Repeat the drill 4 to 8 times for each
Page 3
Editor’s chatter—on using vices
Incredible how it’s almost always the same people that are early, and the same people who arrive late
for the races. It’s funny how bad habits sometimes seem to fulfill a need, like needing to understand
the groups and their time-keeping system better. Having an indecent knack of arriving late, allowed
certain things that were rather unclear to reveal themselves in my understanding. It is said that the
club / committee frowns upon riders breaking up groups which (in their minds) cause havoc with the
riding times and handicap system.
There seems to be a general feeling, that if a rider is strong enough to do this, then they are strong
enough to move to a higher group. Being a rather newbie in this environment, it didn’t mean much to
me except to show me who did and who didn’t know their jargon. Well, starting way late for Theo’s
circuit, it was an experience catching and passing the slower groups. Riding hard to catch a slipstream,
resting and then returning the favour by pulling them a bit before catching the next group. Sometimes
not everyone could keep up, and their group would be ‘torn’ into two smaller bunches, those who
could and those who couldn’t sit in my slipstream. Funny how both groups would return to about the
same pace, left to their own devices. The understanding only came much later that it was really not
helping them, but hurting them.
For the hill-climb I decided to first have a warm-up ride. If there were 120 riders, it would mean 120
minutes after 6 ‘o clock would still be acceptable. This little piggy didn’t go to the market,.. this little
piggy went and found NOBODY. Not even a chocolate wrapper flapping in the wind!
Then came Butterfield / Maitland when I arrived just as the group slower than my own, started. Slipping with the plastic cleats, it once again became a mystery why grown men had designed a bicycle
with a cross bar high enough to catch you from falling, yet not low enough to do so in a gentleman-like
manner. Anyway, after catching up to the bunch and pacing a bit, our chairman kindly informed me to
“go sit right at the back”! Amazing how fast hot feelings inside can come bubbling up… He just would
not budge, he wouldn’t even accept a breakaway on one of the hills, stating that it would be un-natural
for the group, and that someone would try and chase me down.
That competitive pushing spirit did go lie down, even though it took a while, giving rise to pondering
42 (the apparent answer to the question of life, the universe and everything-according to Douglas Adams). Did Dennis mean that every group would naturally finish the same time with the help of the
handicap system? And that it was due to riders like myself cycling in an incorrect group, who upset
that natural time of the group, which –in effect- was making it difficult for the seeding committee to
track tendencies of each group to either over- or under-perform? Every group has their average and
weak riders, but it seems to me that it is the time of the strong riders (the pacers) that determine the
handicap assigned – as it is them who pulled the group to reach the time they did. Sometimes it is the
over-the-top performance of these strong riders that allows them to earn more points than anyone
else, theoretically.
Sometimes though, it’s that bastard who sat at the back all race long, possessing the audacity to sprint
past our benign hard workers who come first. Thus it is the movement of, and hence the allocation of
these strong riders in groups, that cause the upsets and unhappiness of each winner not obtaining the
120 point prize.
And so, coming late did grant the time to think and understand why some strong riders
should rather be moved up a group, and late arrivals not allowed to do anything,
but piggyback.
Please note that the views expressed are solely the opinion of the editor and is not neccesarily supported by the club.
By : Casey Beary
Hello fellow cyclists. Well my family and I have
been in Bangalore a little over 4 months now.
We have settled in quite nicely after battling to
find a house with a garden and a school for the
kids. I enjoy receiving the weekly results and
mails from Sonia, keeping me up to date with all
the cycling news and results. I often reminisce of
my much enjoyed days of cycling in the D group
with the Masters and Vets. I still remember my
very first race where I am still embarrassed to
say that the entire group, including a young girl
who could not have been older than 12, dropped
me on the hill like a toilet seat!
I really miss the exercise
that we were able to do
back in SA. Those scenic
rides over Maitland’s hill
and around the Wild Side,
chasing after “Chucky”
Norris and “Canckles” Marriot, and the spin-run training sessions we used to do
on Tuesday and Thursday
nights followed by the compulsory beer or three at
Barneys. That reminds me, Closest thing
Chucky you owe all of us at
least 10 rounds! I also to a real bike!
miss the informative runs
from Hobie to Cape Recife
lighthouse along the beach with Hennie and the
gang. It’s amazing how the distance doesn’t
seem to matter when the scenery is good. The
Friday afternoon swim around the 6-pack and
back is also something I will definitely do in December when we are back. It may seem strange
to most, but I am also missing the infamous PE
wind as well. There is never wind in this place.
Half the population would blow away if there was
as they are so small in stature!
I tend to have a lot of time to think of these fond
memories, as on any given working day I spend
between two and a half to 4 hours in the car
traveling to work and back. In this time we only
manage to cover 40km’s each way! The traffic is
a nightmare, and if you have to ask about the
traffic rules, well that’s a moot point. The locals
seem to think the lanes are only there for show
as it is an international regulation. The one rule
that is quite evident is that the biggest vehicle
has the right of way. Each day I experience at
least 5 near misses with head on collisions. You
eventually learn to switch off and I try to doze in
the back of the car as much as possible. It is
also not
uncommon to see a full family of five on one motorbike.
Normally there is a small child about three years old in
front, then the father, then another child, then the
mother who is holding an infant or baby. The rules states
that the only the front person is required to wear a helmet. I am not to sure how they figured that one out, but it
is apparently because the driver is normally the bread
winner so if he dies it effects the entire family! I have
been in 3 accidents in the four months we have been
here. There are no stop streets and very few traffic lights,
so people tend to hoot and yield before proceeding
through an intersection. Two students on a motorbike
failed to slow down and drove straight into the side of our
vehicle. Needless to say, they came of worse.
My second incident was
due to a mistake by my
driver which could have
cost him his life. Not
because of the accident, but because of
the angry mob of people
who wanted to lynch
him. He was busy passing a bus on a narrow
road and managed to
clip a lady walking to
work with his side mirror. She dropped like a
ton of bricks with the
entire mirror next to her.
My driver (A.K.A Manwell – from Faulty Towers) sped off. When I questioned
why he did not stop he said that they would lynch him as
it was his fault. Well, we have subsequently changed vehicles with my wife, and use a different route to work
now. The third accident was less dramatic with an Auto
Rickshaw (Tuk-Tuk) rear ending us.
I am still managing to run a couple of times a week to try
and stay fit but more to keep off the inevitable beer
boep! Yes, the beer is good here. The problem I have is
my beer to exercise ratio is working against me. It’s quite
hectic running as you spend most of the time dodging
cars, busses and cows. The cows rule the road and are
often seen sleeping in the middle of a main road. The
traffic merely moves around them. For every cow (and
there are loads of them) there is at least 5 street dogs.
These are the beasts that wake up my kids at 4am with
constant barking! There aren’t too many bicycles here
due to the traffic and the road conditions. There are a
few “Dik Wiel” bikes that are used for transporting many
things such as coconuts to the market. I have decided to
bring a mountain bike back to India after December holidays so I can at least do some riding.
Page 5
I managed to watch three days of the first test
match between India and Australia a few weeks
ago. What an experience! The Indian cricketers
are treated likes Gods over here. When a fielder
merely walks towards a stand of supporters they
go wild as if the person has just one the match for
them. This happens non-stop and we found it
quite a laugh. We experienced our first Diwali
celebrations a few days back. I have never heard
so many fire crackers before. The entire town
goes crazy and spends huge amount of money.
The more noise they can make, the better it
seems. We didn’t really appreciate it as they only
ended at 3am and I had to work that day! At least
it was only two days of torture.
We are fortunate to have friends here who have
been living here for over two years now. It makes
things a lot easier and we have met many other
expats from SA, UK and AUS through them. Most
weekends we end up braaing at one of our
houses. No boerewors though, only chicken, fillet
and pork sausages. All I know is the first thing I
am going o do when back in SA in December is
have a Wimpy breakfast and some spare ribs at
the Spur!
Another amusing thing about India is that some of
the people tend to invent words that cannot be
found in the dictionary. They often talk of preponing (opposite to postponing) meetings and upgradation of equipment (I think this is a combination
of upgrade and industrialization). The locals are
all very friendly and polite and accidents on the
road are normally handled very amicably without
drivers even getting out of their vehicles. The favorite way to end off an e-mail in India is by saying
“kindly to the needful”.
We are back in PE early in December. Chucky and
Cankles I trust you will have a full fitness routine
planned so you can put me through some torture.
I am hoping that the altitude training I have been
doing combined with my carbo-loading thanks to
Kingfisher beer will give me the edge.
Think of me when you are struggling up all the
hills on Saturday mornings! I have attached some
pics below.
Casey Beary
CONTINUATION FROM PAGE 3 - On-the-bike strength training
Muscle Tension Efforts.
These workouts can be performed on a steady climb (5-8%), against the wind on flat
roads, or on a stationary trainer. The idea is to maintain a low cadence (55~65 rpm) while
pushing against a high resistance. The purpose of the lower cadence is to allow you to limit
heart rate, increase the muscle tension and force you to concentrate on your pedal stroke
without the benefit of pedal momentum. It is important to stay seated and in your aero position during the entire effort. Try to get an even amount of power output throughout the
entire pedal rotation. Initially, pedaling this slow with this amount of resistance is going to
cause your pedal stroke to be uneven. If these are done on an indoor trainer, you will hear
the wheel surging and slowing through each pedal stroke. Try to eliminate this surging by
"scraping the mud off your shoes" at the bottom of the stroke, then pulling up through the
back, and extending over the top into the downward push back to the bottom. These high
muscle tension efforts can be ridden for 10 to 15 min, allowing the same time for recovery.
Start with 2 or 3 repeats and increase up to 4 or 5.
Power Starts.
Designed to help increase your power to the pedals, this workout needs to be done on a
flat section of road. Select a large gear, possibly a 53 x 12-15, but adjust accordingly depending on your level of development. You want to begin this drill at a very low speed (3-5
mph). When you begin, JUMP on the pedals, out of the saddle, driving the pedals down as
hard as possible. You want to use the leverage of the handlebars to move your body over
each pedal as you drive it downward. Each effort should last no longer then 10 pedal
strokes or 8 to 12 seconds. Since this is a muscular workout, you can ignore heart rate during these efforts. It is important to ride easy for 5 to 7 minutes between efforts to allow for
full recovery. You can start with a set of 3 to 5 repetitions and build up 8 to 10 repetitions.
This drill does place a high load on the knees. Do not attempt this drill until you have completed at least a month of basic strength training.
From Kathy Zawadzki;http://www.trainright.com
Page 6
My journey this year started in a slightly different fashion than the previous years. I was going to the Tour on my own as all my buddies from
previous years decided to stay at home.
I only went for a week as I was later going to attend the Olympic Games in Beijing.There were 2
factors that influenced my decision this year to go
on tour. The first was the fact that we would stay
2 nights in a ski resort on top of Alp D’ Huez and
the possibility of our home town boy John Lee
being selected for the Barlowworld team.
It was with great excitement that I heard that
John-Lee was actually selected and I will be
watching him riding the tour! I departed on the
18th July 2008 as the tour entered the final week. I
had to take some “padkos” for John-Lee as he
requested biltong and marmite from his mom. At
the airport Rover the dog seemed to be interested
in my luggage, but I managed to outsmart him on
the day.
The weather this year was the complete opposite
small town at the bottom of Alp d’ huez.
W e
finally arrived at the top of alp d’ huez and heard
that John-Lee had a bad fall on the day. He also
became famous all over the world and suddenly
all eyes were on him. By now the tour group was
as interested as what I was in John-Lee’s performance. I have arranged to meet him at the end
of that stage the following day. We all waited and
watched him reached the top of the climb, still
with that same smile. By now I have done quite a
few rides and suffered all the way up those Mountains. I certainly missed my fellow riders form the
previous years.
The evening on Alp d’ heuz we had dinner with
Paul Sherwin and Phil Liggett. We also shared
the dining hall with a lot of Australians which also
became interested in our guests. I met up with
John-Lee in his hotel and shared his experiences
to date. I also met some of the other riders and
tour management. The following day we met the
tour for the stage start from Bourg d’Oisans to St.
Etienne. John-Lee organised me 2 VIP guest
cards and we had the privilege to meet up with
the riders from all the other teams.
Our tour left the town and we finally reached the
spa town Vichy where we spend 2 nights. The
following day we had our last ride and it turned
out the highlight of my tour. We rode through the
farming areas and finally I saw the sunflower
fields. My dream was always to be able to have a
photograph while standing in the fields. Everyone
had to stop so that Anch could get her photograph taken.
of previous years. It was freezing cold in the Alps
and it even snowed in certain areas. On our tour
we had cyclists from Durban, Johannesburg,
Cape Town and even Mosselbay.Amongst them
were Lee-Ann Lange, Malcolm Lange’s sister and
Dave Bellairs from Cycling South Africa.
I met up with John-Lee on the 20th July at the start
of a 185km stage. It was pouring with rain on the
day but there was still a big smile on his face. It
was the first real mountain stage of the tour and
he was looking forward to it.
On the 26th July we left Vichy and drove in the
Our base was Briancon from where we rode
bus to Saint Amand-Montrond for the final Individsome of the big Cols which included the Col de
ual Time Trial. I once again abuse the VIP guest
Lauteret and Col de Galibier. We left Briancon on
card and waited for John-Lee to complete his time
the 22 July and headed for Bourg de Oison a
Page 7
This area was reserved for the Press so
I had no option but to make friends with
the American Press. Being a Hincapie
fan I thought I could also benefited from
flirting a bit with them. I still remember
as John-Lee was completing the timetrial I realised what a fantastic achievement he accomplished. I remember the
youngster 7 years ago taking a trip to
Cape Town for the Argus in the back of
my car. How time have change………
Suddenly he had hundreds of fans all
wanting and demanding his photograph
and autograph. A few of the tour group
members also wanted to congratulate
him and we all felt proud of being South
Our tour group left shortly thereafter for Paris
where we spend the weekend before flying
home again. Anch did the shopping again and
enjoyed Paris as it is a city that you can never
get enough of. I missed Chris and Heinrich as
they had to carry all the shopping bags last
year.I thoroughly enjoyed my week in France,
did enough hills, drank enough wine, had all
the good food and watched John-Lee completing his 1st tour de France. What more can
you ask for.Next year the tour starts on the
race track of Monaco and I’m sure the
Cervelo will be testing that track……until next
year then.
Page 8
Page 9
Saturday,November 15 ………… an easy team ride in the race followed by 60km of downhill to J-Bay,
what a lovely start to the tour……..LITTLE DID WE KNOW WHAT LAY AHEAD!!!!
Sunday was ok? Except for the little blip on the radar at Kareedouw….. but as for Monday!!!!! That was a
day from hell!
Never again will I complain about Maitlands or Surrey or 5k. these aren’t hills. You wanna see hills, then go
to the Bloukrans Pass (and the Brenton climb in Knysna).
The highlights were many, the high-speed chase from Mossel Bay, amazing countryside and wildlife, the
joy of finding new levels to your ability, but the best was my teammates who made the event so memorable.
700km in 6 days and then a quick 200km DC. Top up. What a great way to spend a week.
To everyone involved in the tour, thanks for making it so special.
Tony, you’re amazing. Lee and Andre thanks for putting up with this crazy bunch.
Now where can we go next year? They say the weather is great in Durban!
Andre Burger
Leigh Shepherd
Andrew Ward
JaquesThompson Dennis Ford
Hanlie duToit
Braam Dorfling
Vincent Jearey
Arno du Plessis
Cindy Ferrey
Clifford Mulder
Gavin Hatchett
Errol Wasserfall
Gavin Bennett
Reginald Haupt
Joey Bennet
Herman Brink
David Stuthard
Trever Wall
Francios Geldenhuis John Wall
Christie Botha
Rob (tour,not DC)
Page 10
Well, we are getting some original material in from members, which is
awesome! - Thanks, and keep them coming!!
Wishing all members and their families a wonderful Festive Season.
I hope you will find what you want under the Christmas tree.
If you are travelling - Arrive Alive!!!
See you all in 2009
Page 11
Flintstones’ observation – Summer is round the corner (we think); time
all you Stones and other bikers shed your furs and get down to it. We
are seeing some good turn-outs for our events, and even better times,
the ladies are a force to be reckoned with in numbers, fast as well as
good looking.
Having been attacked by a ladder on two separate occasions, I was a
bit late joining in the fun, so am a bit out of date with the news. The Butterfield course, Race No
7, saw some very good times, and the recently promoted speedsters were having a mild moan
about the speed of their new group – you’ll get used to it. A few riders wandered off the course
(incl Koos); illustrates the importance of reading the maps, not just assume you remember the course.
Jack Allen Circuit was full of fun, as usual, it turned out to be a rattling good ride. A few riders
were wandering about, asking Koos “Who is this $&@#% Jack Allen?”. “No idea” says Koos. A
mass start makes a difference, the leading group shot up Long Barn in a fairly tight bunch, with
the rest hanging in. One of the front group has a PARROT for a coach, teaches him to FLY up
the hills. It works!!
Gave a lady rider a lift, who was in trouble, we had a fab day, caught the tail-enders on Lake
Farm, rattling at them as we sped past, shouting words of encouragement. Most seem to appreciate a bit of fun on the ride, especially up Maitlands. Organiser Mike had a following wind laid
on for the back markers. Good Lad.
George Jacobs ride is a very interesting ride, although a testing course.
and enjoyed it, plus you entered for the time trial. Make Roland’s day.
Hope you all did well
The Criterium at the University is an event not to be missed. If you haven’t ridden it yet, make it
your first time and enjoy the first of many. Anche and her organisers will see you have a memorable day to finish the first part of the season.
Only another 12 days before the fat man in a red suit
comes visiting and distributing gifts to all and sundry.
Koos and FLO and all the other Stones join together and
wish you all a “Very Happy Xmas and a great Festive
Season”. And we wish you all you wish yourselves and,
for the new year 2009, a successful year with many
happy hours of SAFE pedaling. Don’t put your feet up
and vegetate during the break – join your mates and keep
in trim. The fun starts with the Time Trial on 17th Jan.
See you all there, until then happy and safe riding.
Three mature guys are having a social pedal.
Henry says “Windy, isn’t it?” Koos says “No, it’s Thursday”.
Says Ralph “So am I, let’s stop and have a drink”.
A mature cyclist in his 80s has his annual check-up.
A few days later the Doc sees the guy with a gorgeous blonde on his arm.
Later on in the week the Doc spoke to Fred –
“You are doing alright, I see”.
Fred says, “Well, you said Get a Hot Momma and be cheerful”.
Doc replies “I said, you’ve got a Heart Murmur, be careful!.
Home Tel
Work Tel
Boonaert, Roland
Calitz, Ralph
Cooney, Sonia
Cooney, Tony
Du Plessis, Ancherien
Ehlers, Dennis
041 3603294
041 3683108
041 3604491
041 3604491
041 3605537
041 3685360
041 3741111
041 3683108
041 3602919
041 3603712
041 4522021
041 9948624
082 771 2534
084 480 1398
084 554 5376
082 706 0411
083 448 3005
082 787 5357
Hendricks, Craig
Holmes, Lex
Lottering, Carl
Molina, Manuel
Nel, Duane
Price, Derek
Teppler, Trevor
Wasserfall, Errol
Woods, Barry
Yzelle, Peter
041 4660676
041 3745488
041 3608092
041 3662390
041 3792185
041 3688251
041 3792553
041 3640812
041 3683875
041 4871545
041 4844558
041 3740342
082 821 0961
082 575 6879
083 453 5868
082 677 9986
082 400 8775
083 654 4363
083 653 1311
082 492 1204
084 350 6611
082 884 0455
083 680 4180
079 490 0337
082 458 1783
Fax: 041 3792185
Greenwood, Mike
041 367 5382
041 4512651
083 325 6784
041 3604498
041 4665561
041 5814517
083 6544363
041 3794804
041 9944434
041 3652151
041 4055531
041 3928512
Home Tel
Work Tel
Lindeque, Craig
Von Ruben, Theo
Woolard, Craig
Nel, Duane
Gilliam Noeth
Boonaert, Roland
Law, Ken
Robinson, Mike
Cooney, Tony
041 360 3009
041 373 8108
041 360 4050
041 3609589
041 4513341
083 448 3423
083 277 8377
083 554 3155
083 654 4363
084 261 8501
082 771 2534
073 835 0713
082 718 6243
082 706 0411
041 586 3626
041 360 3294
041 368 3550
041 955 5691
041 360 4491
041 368 8251
041 5853700
041 3741111
041 9944739
041 360 3712