Issue 139 - Rome International School


Issue 139 - Rome International School

Issue #139: March 27 2014
General Information
In This Issue:
• General Information
Last day of term: 1 April,
school ends at 13.00 Final enrolment reminder
Rome Marathon update
Thanks from Operation Smile
ASD RIS scholarships
RIS summer activities
• Elementary News
Enhanced learning - Grade 6
Grade 2 learn about the
power of images Coming up
Assembly on teamwork
Dear Parents,
Next Tuesday 31 March, marks the final deadline for enrolling your child for
the next academic year. Please make arrangements to visit the Admissions office
as soon as possible. We would like to remind you that there is a penalty fee of
€400 that will be applied to applications received after the deadline of 31 March. It
is possible to re-enrol your child online, however you will still need to visit the
admissions office to finalise payment. Information on how to apply online can be
found here.
A shining example of community:
Rome Marathon sponsorship
Thanks to your amazing support and that of other sponsors in Rome and abroad,
the initial hope to operate on four children in April has been exceeded.
Our PTA deserves great praise for their hard work in promoting this fundraising
event! • Middle/High School Prof. Pozzi lecture
Gr 8 trip to Palazzo Valentini
Lia Levy talks to Middle
School students
IGCSE Gr 11 notice
ASD RIS basketball match Thanks to the donations received under my name via the Rete Del Dono website
for the 42km run, an Italian medical team will be able to operate on fourteen
children in Madagascar next month. There has been a superb response in raising
2,614 euros! Did you
a few ea
child o
d out mo ls
Also, a special mention must go to The American Overseas School in Rome. They
collected over 385 euros for Operation Smile and very kindly donated towards our
page on the Rete Del Dono. This is a wonderful example of international schools
working together to aid those in need in another country!
Thank you very much for supporting the marathon sponsorship. Children who have
never been able to smile will be given a new life thanks to the superb generosity of
Rome International School and its wider community of friends!
Grazie mille,
Mr Crase, Grade 4C teacher
Please note that the PTA will send a complete update of RIS’ sponsorship of
Operation Smile at the Rome Marathon. We would like to extend our warmest
thanks to everyone for donating to the cause and to the parents, teachers and
students that participated in the 5km run at the marathon.
Page 1
General Information
Thank you letter from Operation
Smile President
Roma, 26 marzo 2015
Alla cortese attenzione
Egregio Avv. to Ivano Boragine
Rome International School
Via Guglielmo Pecori Giraldi 137
00135 – Roma Boragine,
desidero ringraziarLa di cuore per aver scelto di aiutare ancora una volta Operation Smile Italia
Onlus, in occasione della 21° Maratona di Roma, che si è svolta il 22 marzo scorso.
Per la Fondazione si è trattato della prima partecipazione al Charity Program della
Maratona e, grazie anche all’ impegno e all’entusiasmo della Rome International School,
abbiamo raccolto 8.906,70 euro.
Mr Crase looking as cool as a
cucumber after completing
the 42km marathon!
Questi fondi saranno destinati alla missione internazionale che avrà luogo ad Antananarivo,
in Madagascar, dal 9 al 17 aprile, con l’obiettivo di operare oltre 150 bambini.
Vorrei, con l’occasione, porgere un ringraziamento particolare alla signora Patricia Martin
Smith, Preside della Scuola Elementare ed al signor Anthony Allard, Preside della Scuola Media
Superiore, nonché rivolgere un ringraziamento speciale e di cuore al Professor Andrew Crase,
che ha partecipato alla Maratona di 42 km in qualità di maratoneta e di fundraiser, attraverso la
Rete del Dono, ottenendo un fantastico risultato.
Sono ancora tanti i bambini che nascono ogni anno con una malformazione al volto ed i
nostri volontari sono sempre pronti ad operarli, gratuitamente, per donare loro il sorriso ed una
vita dignitosa uguale a quella di tutti gli altri bambini e ragazzi del mondo.
Grazie all’attività di sensibilizzazione nelle scuole come la Sua, è possibile trasmettere ai
RIS friends wait for Mr Crase
at the finish line despite the
ragazzi il valore della solidarietà e far capire loro che - con poco e divertendosi - è possibile
contribuire a trasformare la vita di tanti loro coetanei in altri paesi del mondo, che potranno
finalmente sorridere, giocare, parlare e mangiare come tutti gli altri bambini.
Grazie di cuore, ancora una volta, per la partecipazione della Rome International School e
per la generosità di tutti Voi, insegnanti, alunni e famiglie.
Cordiali saluti.
Il Presidente
Santo Versace
Fondazione Operation Smile Italia Onlus
Via Panama 52 - 00198 Roma
Tel. 06.8530.5318 - Fax. 06.8551456 -
Page 2
General Information
Please be reminded that
the deadline for
submitting your child’s
scholarship application is
31 March 2015.
The Board of ASD RIS, for
the third year running, has
approved the regulations for
scholarships, with a value of
€1,500 each. There are four scholarships
that will be awarded on the
basis of academic merit
(two for Elementary and two
for Middle/High) and two
scholarships will be
awarded in recognition of
sports merit (one for
Elementary and one for
Middle/High). The
scholarships will be
awarded to students
currently enrolled from
grades 1 to 12 who intend to
re-enrol for the 2015-2016
academic year. Please visit
our website for further
information and to apply.
Our campus provides the ideal environment for a new kind of summer camp
and summer school. Enrolments are now open for the following courses:
Summer Camp - ages 2 to 14
30 June to 24 July
08.30 - 16.30
At the Summer Camp (ages 2 to 5; 6 to 11) students will be given a choice of
activities each day from creative arts and crafts, sports, drama, cooking and music
in a student centered learning environment packed with excitement and fun.
Please fill in this form to register your interest and to book your child’s place.
Middle School Summer Camp (ages 12 to 14) is all about learning in a fun and
enjoyable way. Activities include: weird science, journalism, music lab and drama,
sports and cultural trips. Click here for more information and to register your
Summer School - ages 16 to 19
13 to 31 July
The RIS Summer School aims to provide participants with a programme which will
prepare them for university-level study, providing academic challenges and
enrichment through a series of courses and talks delivered by expert teachers and
The Summer School will run for five days, from Monday to Friday, and there are
four courses, 15 hours of lessons in total, available each session. We are also
offering Italian Language lessons or English for Academic Writing and three
History sessions in the Italian Language for first language or highly proficient
Italian speakers.
For more information on the courses on offer and prices please fill in this form.
For any enquiries, please contact us:
Page 3
Elementary School
Coming up
1 April 2015
Last day, term 2 - classes
end at 13.00
13 April 2015
First day, term 3
16 April 2015
Elementary talent show
1 May 2015
Public holiday - school
learning Grade 6
Grade 2 look at the power of images
In Grade 2 we have really been enjoying our recent Unit
of Inquiry concerning different types of images and how
these are used in our everyday life to help us
communicate ideas, emotions, feelings and information.
We had so much fun going on an “Image Hunt” around
the school to find different images; sorting them into our
three categories of “Logos”, “Works of Art” and “Signs
and Symbols”; and finally assessing how well each
serves its purpose. Is it just there to be enjoyed or is it
intended to communicate a message?
In class we have observed portraits by many artists in a
variety of styles and medium. We have used these to
inspire our own by working on creating personal “Mood
Boards” which are intended to show others how we see
ourselves and what we think it is important to
communicate about ourselves. These are a collection of
textures, images and sometimes words related to the
theme which we can use to help us support our verbal
communication skills in expressing an idea. It helps us
to show how we feel and what we are thinking even if
we don’t know the right words to say it!
- Ms Capparucci, Grade 2C
Grade 6 enhanced learning update
Lately, in enhanced learning, the children have been
showing off their creativity skills with paper and card.
The children are free to work by themselves or with
others to explore the endless creative possibilities that
are possible with an everyday material. Here are some
photos of the children collaborating and some of their
finished creations.
- Mr Young, Grade 6
Page 4
Elementary School
Learning how to work together
What we like
about the IB
The IB is different from
other curricula because it:
On Friday, Grades 4, 5 and 6 participated in an assembly with Dott.essa Bruno and
Dott Giorda on team work. The focus was on how working together combines the
efforts of individuals, and how as a result, we can often accomplish more than
working individually. When members of a team collaborate and take collective
responsibility for outcomes, they have a greater sense of accomplishment when
they achieve a goal. The children enjoyed and participated well in the assembly. A
big thank you to our visitors that helped us to understand the importance of team
- Encourages students to
think critically and
challenge what they are
- Is independent of
governments and national
systems, and therefore
able to incorporate best
practice from a range of
international frameworks
and curricula
- Encourages students to
consider both their local
and international
- Mrs Doriano, Early Years/Elementary Vice-Principal
Find out more about the
value of an IB education
by visiting the PYP section
of the IBO website.
Page 5
Middle/High School
Prof. Pozzi delivers economics lecture
Coming up
1 April 2015
Last day, term 2 - classes
end at 13.00
13 April 2015
First day, term 3
1 May 2015
Public holiday - school
On Thursday this week we welcomed Professor Cesare Pozzi, a lecturer and
expert in the field of Business Economics at LUISS and one of our parents. He
gave a lecture entitled “Keynes and the bad Samaritans - the clichés of the
economy and new modern times” in our auditorium.
The Bad Samaritans is an exposé of the secrets of capitalism and an oxymoron,
since in the Gospel of Luke the parable of the Good Samaritan is an example of
virtue and neighbourliness.
Professor Pozzi went through the history of global economics from Adam Smith,
through Keynes to modern economic theory. The lecture was enlivened by a
vigorous question and answer session that left everyone wanting more. The
students who attended enjoyed the lecture. The student body was well-represented
by the High School Economics classes and over 20 parents also attended. The talk
created a stimulating academic atmosphere and set a very high standard. It
demonstrated our vision to engage our students with cutting-edge studies and we
hope it will be the first of many such opportunities.
- Mr Allard, Middle/High Principal
IGCSE exams:
Grade 11
Grade 8 History field trip
Parents of Grade 11
students are informed that
the students have received
their Statements of
Entry listing the IGCSEs
they have been entered for
and the exam times. They
have also received
timetables indicating
clearly when the exams
are. This timetable will be
emailed to parents
soon. Please remember
that there are two exams,
History and Economics,
on the June 1 'Ponte'.
Students taking these
exams will need to be in
school on 1 June.
On the Wednesday 25 March, Grade 8 went on a field trip to see excavated
ancient Roman ruins at Palazzo Valentini. The tour was underground, and we
looked at the ruins through a glass floor. There was a system of projectors that
showed what the house might have looked like and that highlighted different
sections. There was a tour guide as well as a recorded voice that went with the
- Ms Collie
- Catherine D., Grade 8
The first part of the tour went through a senator’s house. We saw the main room,
with a large pool, a sauna that used pipes of hot air in the walls to heat it, a hot tub
room, and a cold room. In the main room there was a beautiful granite mosaic tiled
floor. There were more houses, and the wall of one had been cut in half by the
building of a palace during the renaissance. At the end of the tour, there was a film
about Trajan’s column, and a small museum of the artefacts that had been found.
Overall, the trip was fascinating and
gave us better perspective on how
ancient Romans lived. After the trip, I
couldn’t help but wonder how they
excavated the ruins without getting
buried alive!
Page 6
Middle/High School
ASD RIS basketball match report
Author Lia Levy
visits RIS!
Middle School students
listened to an informative
talk by Jewish author Lia
Levy earlier this week.
Students had the
opportunity to participate in
a Q&A session with the
author, where they heard
about her latest work, Il
Braccialetto. The group
also heard about her
inspirations as a result of
her childhood in Rome
during World War II. On Saturday 21st March, RIS’ after-school basketball club competed in a friendly
match against the Irish Institute and the “Associazione 4 Mani”, a basketball team
from Fiumicino. This was the first match our children participated in and they were
happy to play in front of a cheerful crowd of supporters. All teams played fairly and
enjoyed the match. I am very happy and proud of each and every player. Despite
the initial emotion, they worked hard to play together and their performance
improved as the match progressed.
We want to congratulate all of them and a special mention goes to Vittorio and Ian.
After the match, we had a snack and then the teams watched the LUISS basketball
match against Giulianova. Our team strongly supported team LUISS and of course
Pandelis Bouboukas, their basketball coach.
- Mr Fulgaro, ASD RIS Basketball Coach
Many thanks to Mr Paratore
for organising the session.
Page 7
30 March - 1 April
Early Years
Tubetti in brodo
Risotto alla parmigiana
Crema di fagioli con
Bocconcino di tacchino
al limone
Polpettine di pesce
Fusi di pollo al forno
Spinaci al vapore
Patate novelle
Carote al forno
Frutta di stagione
Yogurt alla frutta
Succo di frutta
Tubetti in brodo
Risotto alla parmigiana
Crema di fagioli con
Bocconcino di tacchino
al limone
Polpettine di pesce
Fusi di pollo al forno
Spinaci al vapore
Patate novelle
Carote al forno
Frutta di stagione
Yogurt alla frutta
Succo di frutta
Middle/High School
A healthy self-service canteen is available to Middle and High School students. The menu published below features next
week’s hot dishes.
Rigatoni alla gricia +
Risotto alla pescatora +
Pasta e fagioli +
Bocconcino di tacchino
al limone + alternative
Involtini cotto e
formaggio + alternative
Sovracosce di pollo +
Spinaci al vapore +
Patate novelle +
Carote al burro e
formaggio + alternative
Page 8