June, 2016 - PC Village


June, 2016 - PC Village
Items for newsletter
must be in box in
Tanner Hall by noon of
the 20th of each
month or given to one
of the editors by that
June, 2016
From The Social Club
The Season is over, snowbirds have gone home and the Park is really quite. Shows and dances are
over and bingo has been put back in the closet till the fall. What a great season we had here at PCV.
There was always something going on and sometimes you had to decide which ones to attend. We
rounded out the season with a Hawaiian Luau, complete with costumes for our photos. Thanks so much
to Sherry and Jim Collins for the great pictures.
As we prepare for next season, remember to mark your calendars for the Memorial Day Picnic, 4 th of
July Celebration, and of course Labor Day Italian fest. Always remember volunteers are needed to make
each of these events a success.
Not much else to tell, but do check the bulletin board in Tanner Hall, you never know there might be
a new posting that may interest you.
Have a great summer; be it is up north or here, if you are staying at PCV.
Patt Hern, Social Club President #330
From the Board of Directors
No Copy for this month, the Board President has gone on vacation for a month.
Beverly L. Gray, President #429
From the Park Manager
Well, we started May out very hot but towards the middle of the month the rain started coming. What
a welcome relief. Of course it is still hot but with all the fires around the surrounding counties we really
needed the rain.
With that being said, that brings us into hurricane season. Please make sure you have a well-thought
out plan of action in case we are ordered to evacuate. Which of course, includes your pets. For the fulltime residents, as of mid-May we have new brochures from Charlotte County Emergency Management
which are available at Tanner Hall. This brochure gives a lot of important information in case of an
evacuation. It also gives a list of the shelters in the area. Please call these shelters to make sure they
will be open, if they accept pets and IF they have a list, put your name on it. It never hurts to be
The I-75 wall is finally up and the construction is still on-going. Boy what a difference a wall can
make on traffic noise. It will be a mess on the Interstate for a while but will be well worth it once
completed. While entering and exiting the Interstate please be careful and watch for all the construction
I have submitted the signed contract for the shuffleboard resurfacing and asked to be on the
schedule to have the work completed mid-September. That will be nice to have that nice and new.
The application for three oak trees to be removed has been sent into Charlotte County for their
approval. Now it is a wait and see on whether or not they will allow us to have them removed.
During the water test this past season several homes were found to either have a shut off valve that
was not working or did not have one at all. I have contacted five plumbing companies so far to obtain a
bulk bid for the shut off valves on 31 homes in the park. Once I have the bids and have chosen the
company, the affected homeowners will receive a letter requesting approval because this expense is the
I hope everyone has a wonderful summer wherever you are and we look forward to your return this
Cheri Frey, Park Manager #300
Garden Club
No Copy for this month. Garden Club is on vacation thru the summer months.
Reba Barker #481
Nora Taylor #56
Anna Archilles #199
Muriel Norton #243
Karen Taylor #482
Claire Stone #312
My sincere thanks, to all of you that sent cards and kind words following the death of my Aunt,
Eleanor Beuke. She loved Port Charlotte Village as much as I do
Sharon Gresko #372
So many thanks are in order for so many people who have done so much to make the end of the
“snowbird season” a wonderful experience for PCV residents and renters. Many have been and will be
recognized, but we wanted to be certain to offer a special thank you to the folks who have been
professionally, patiently and cheerfully documenting our participation in some of these events.
So thank you to Jim and Sherry Collins #223, Tom Hirsch #135 and Bunny Quindazzi #28. Your
framed photographs from the Wine and Cheese party and the 50 th Anniversary celebration will provide
many lasting memories.
Barbara & Roger Sipson #388
100 Years Young
A Birthday Card Shower is planned for Wilma Gopp - #43
Wilma is turning 100 Years Old on June 26, 2016
Wilma is now living at:
Sandhill Gardens
24949 Sandhill Blvd #406
Punta Gorda, Fl. 33983
Thank you for helping me celebrate and make Mom’s 100th Birthday a Huge Success!
Dee Roe (daughter) #43
Because Jo Knight is in rehab at the Port Charlotte Rehabilitation Center on Rampart St , any new
events for the calendar should be addressed to Shirley Bishop (941-979-8384). I will check with Jo as
soon as she is able to handle this position. I will confer with her to check on dates available.
It broke our hearts to lose you, but you did not go alone.
For part of us went with you, the day God called you home.
Alyce Rider
February 29,2016
Former Resident
Blood Pressure screening will be held first Wednesday of each month in the Library during
Contact Fran Rowley 941-629-9971
Postings are also available on Tour Board in Hall as well as sign up sheets.
San Antonio Tx (9 days/8 nights) Dec 3-11 Deposits must be made by July 29. ($75.00) +final
payment by 9/26/16 –Remember to sign up and put in deposit for trip to go
Next Year’s trips from NOV - APRIL
Deposits for all trips are $25.00 due upon sign up to hold seats. Refundable if unable to go after final
payment is made.
Biloxi-Beau Rivage – Nov 19-22
Ft. Lauderdale Pagent/Island BBQ (1 nite/2 days in Dec 16-17)
Mt. Dora Art Festival and More (1 nite/2 days in Jan 21-22.)
Princess Cruise Added for Feb. 11 from Ft. Lauderdale to Southern Caribbean ($25.00 on board credit)
will need $275.00 deposit within 30 days. Final payment Nov 14, 2016. (Cabins going fast and very few
left to choose from)
Miami w/Biscayne Bay and More (1 nite/2days) Jan 10-11
Myrtle Beach w 4 shows (4 days) more info to follow (Mar 6-10)
Biloxi TBA (4 days/3nites) Beau Rivage
Branson via Jet – A must for everyone (Great Variety of Shows) Flying from Punta Gorda Airport.
April 6-9
All trips including cruise will include transportation from our clubhouse.
There will be additional day trips posted throughout year, gambling etc.
Check out the travel board for details and signing up
Invite your friends and family to join the trips with you
All trips must have 30pax to go!!!
Wishing all travelers good health and safety throughout the summer/fall months
Elaine Boersma, Unit #303 Tour Director for PCV. Information and deposits please call 989-365-3234
until Nov 1.
Address Michigan, 301 Midway Walk, Six Lakes, MI 48886
Newsletter submissions
All submissions to the newsletter must be in the box at Tanner Hall, given to the editor or
emailed to sbishop310@yahoo.com by the 20th of the month. All submissions must be signed with
your name and unit number or they will not be used. Letters that may be offensive to other residents
will not be used. If you use email, please put “PCV newsletter” in the subject line.
The editor would like to ask everyone to patronize our advertisers, but remember that all of the ads
in the newsletter are paid advertisements. We do not verify any of the information contained in them.
Port Charlotte Village Newsletter Staff
Shirley Bishop Ads
Sue Husulak
Calendar Shirley Bishop
Scheduling of Tanner Hall Jo Knight
Proof Readers Jo Knight & Eleanor Maddens
It is the mission of the Port Charlotte Village Newsletter to provide information for our residents regarding park news,
committee news, to provide a forum for the residents to communicate with each other. This mission is also to make residents
aware of future events that are available for them, and to showcase past events. The newsletter mission, in other words, is to
provide a fellowship that is inclusive, diverse, and just plain enjoyable reading.
Neighbor Watch & Patrol Meeting
Meetings are held on the second Tuesday of the month. This month’s meeting will be held on
June 14, at 10:00 AM at Tanner Hall. If you are willing to give an hour or so to watch over our
neighborhood, please try to attend and find out what is happening.
The Park RULES are in your community phone book. Please read the rules. Please follow the
rules. Thank you
Neighbor Watch – Gary Miller #484 (235-0147)
Patrol – Tom O’Brien #1 (629-9856)
Baby Alligator sunning on the cement at the lake
Pictures from the Hawaiian Luau:
~ 10 ~
July 2016 e Jun2016
4th of July Celebration
2:00 PM
September 2016
Italian Potluck
October 2016
Halloween Party
5:00 PM
November 2016
Schedule Appointments for Pictorial/Daytime
German/Polish Pot Luck
2:00 PM
7:00 PM
December 2016
Ladies Christmas Luncheon
12:00 PM
Fashion Show
2:00 PM
Cookie Swap
2:00 PM
Christmas Dinner
2:00 PM
New Year’s Eve Dance
9:00 PM
Upcoming 2017
Shirley Bishop
Betty Lou Washburn
Gary Cook
S Bishop/P Hern
Social Club
Gary Cook
Margit Sargent
Social Club
Social Club
Shirley Bishop
Gary Cook
7:00 PM
Bag Omelet
11:00 AM
Garden Club Party
1-4:00 PM
Wine & Cheese
2:00 PM
Biscuits & Gravy
9-11 AM
Schedule Appointments for Pictorial/Daytime
Dance Sixty/Forty
7:00 PM
Gary Cook
Gary Cook
Reba Barker
Social Club
Paul & Muriel
S Bishop/P Hern
Gary Cook
8 State Dinner
Horse Race
Ham & Bean Supper
New England Mardi Gras
7:00 PM
5:00 PM
4:00 PM
Gary Cook
Sandy Mensik
Clark Hamilton
Paul & Muriel
Gary Cook
Michigan/Ohio Dinner
50th Anniversary Tea
Picnic In the Pines
Ice Cream Social
French Toast Breakfast
NJ State Dinner
7:00 PM
2:00 PM
1:00 PM
2:00 PM
9-11 AM
7:00 PM
Gary Cook
Charlotte Sears
Paul & Muriel
Gary Cook
Garden Club Card Party
Strawberry Shortcake
1-4 PM
2-3 PM
Tentative Schedule-Subject to Changes, Additions or Deletions
~ 11 ~
Reba Barker
Charlotte Sears
~ 12 ~