THE Pointer Since 1975 WWW.THEPOINTER.US GROSSE POINTE’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE HOME IMPROVEMENT HASSLES REVISITED Hiring a contractor sound advice Look inside for the best in the business Let The Pointer be your guide Cover Art Courtesy of the James Michalopoulos Studio, New Orleans MARCH 2005 Pointer News www.pointer.us The Area’s Most Complete Natural Food Store Healy’s Health Hut Personal Service Since 1971 B’Gosh and Begorra! Check out our pot o’ gold at the end of the rainbow -- the largest selection of gluten free in town! (‘Beannachtam na Feile Padraig!’) Happy St. Patty’s Day! $ 3 off OR 10 off any purchase over $20 $ any purchase over $75 With coupon • One coupon per customer We honor all competitors' coupons Not valid with any other discounts or on juicers, water dispensers or baby foods. Expires April 1, 2005 • Healy’s Health Hut 19850 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods • 313.885.5000 March 2005 - 2 www.pointer.us Mack Avenue Drapery and Interiors Decorating, for some people, can be an exercise in futility. It helps to have the advice and knowledge of experienced designers who truly care and can take the intimidation out of decorating and make it an enjoyable experience. Mack Avenue Drapery & Interiors is a small shop that has been part of this community since 1922. They provide full design service, as well as, custom draperies, cornices, wallpaper, upholstery, slipcovers and designer fabrics and trims. Owner Pat Casey has her B.A. degree in Interior Design from Michigan State and there are three others on staff, including an artist skilled in custom painting and faux finishes. Whether you want a pillow trimmed with tassels, or a bland room transformed into one that is dramatic, Mack Avenue Drapery & Interiors can help you with all your decorating needs. They offer creative ideas, design expertise, personalized service and superb workmanship, as well as nationally recognized name brands such as Kravet, Robert Allen and Osborne & Little. Mack Avenue Drapery & Interiors is located at 20099 Mack Avenue between Seven and Eight Mile roads in Grosse Pointe Woods. Free parking is available behind the shop. Hours are 9:30 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday through Friday and 10:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m. on Saturday. Visit the shop or call (313) 884-7180. Pointer News Baby, it's cold ou t s i d e . . . Let us cozy up your home for you! Window Shopping At Its Best Since 1922 Article reprinted courtesy of the Grosse Pointe Times Create a backyard habitat. The CLASSIC STYLES Are Back Styles by Lafont and Anglo American as seen in THE BEN SILVER COLLECTION GROSSE POINTE WOODS 19599 Mack Avenue 313-882-9711 Nesting season is here — provide houses for the birds in your yard 15% OFF ANY ONE ITEM Excludes Bird Seed, Optics and Specially Priced Merchandise Offer Expires 3-31-05 • Cannot be combined with other offers 20485 Mack Avenue • 4 Blocks South of Vernier (313) 881-1410 Open 7 Days • Free Parking Behind Store PTR3/05 March 2005 - 3 Pointer News www.pointer.us POINTER VIEW POINTS Letter to the Editor The Continued, Unabated Expansion of Bon Secour Hospital. When will it stop? An open letter to the Grosse Pointe City Council. Bon Secour came to you more than a year ago with a plan to improve their emergency room. At the time, they claimed a need to upgrade their dated facility and equipment to serve their existing customer base, and that additional capacity would not be added. No sooner was this done than a parking shortage developed. Bon Secour was allowed to raze 14 residences on Cadieux, for parking lot expansion. In addition to the loss of residential property for the sake of a parking lot, we also suffer from tremendously increased light pollution, from both the added parking area, and, the new, intrusive lighting from the emergency room entrance. I remember hearing Bon Secour representatives saying at a City Council meeting, that Bon Secour was a neighborhood hospital, expanding to serve the Grosse Pointes. Why then, are they advertising hip replacement surgery on WWJ, and spinal surgery on billboards on I-94. This continuous, unabated expansion of Bon Secour Hospital is destroying our neighborhood. The increase in traffic, the increase in trash, the increase in crime, and the decrease in our property values, are all directly attributable to the expansion of Bon Secour Hospital. The Grosse Pointe City Attorney has repeatedly cited a 1971 State Supreme Court case as the reason why Bon Secour Hospital is allowed to continue to expand. Times change, that was 33 years ago. You have a responsibility to the community to do whatever it takes to rein in Bon Secour, and limit their continued expansion. Grosse Pointe is a family community; Bon Secour Hospital is located Bon Secour is now in the final stages of installing a “mobile” MRI unit. in a residential area, and their actions threaten the peace, serenity and If that is mobile, all of Grosse Pointe is a trailer park. Bon Secour de- neighborhood that we moved into. stroyed two healthy, mature trees, widened the entrance of the street Please accept the fact that something needs to be done, and do it. they have consumed (Caroline Street), and have extended the building Thank you, into their parking lot. Tim Prophit The recent edition of a Henry Ford Bon Secour Cottage Health Systems publication (Health Today) touts their plans for an 8,500 square foot ICU/ Grosse Pointe CCU expansion. A phone call to the BSCHS Foundation office confirmed this was planned for the Cadieux facility. Send us your letters I know from my previous fruitless time on the Bon Secour neighborThe Pointer welcomes your letters. Send them to The Pointer, P.O. Box hood council (this is where Bon Secour hears the neighbors concerns, 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236, fax (313) 882-8558, email: pointermagaz and ignores them), that Bon Secour intends to put in a parking deck ine@sbcglobal.net. sometime in the future. The Pointer GROSSE POINTES MONTHLY MAGAZINE Since 1975 P.O. Box 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 Phone - (313) 884-3444 Fax - (313) 882-8558 pointermagazine@sbcglobal.net PUBLICATION DATE - MARCH 1, 2005 Publisher / Editor-in-Chief Lorie L. Johnson CONTRIBUTORS Arthur Bukowski • Anthony Fisher • Robert Maniscalco Pointe Dentistry • Hon. Matthew R. Rumora • Cari Woday Printed by Michigan Web Press - 248-620-2990 www.thepointer.us maintained by Communications Creative 313-884-3332 Home Delivery by The United States Postal Service Copyright by Murphy Media Group, LLC. All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the express written consent of the publisher. All materials received without a SASE are considered the property of The Pointer and will not be returned. The Pointer does not assume any responsibility for unsolicited material. March 2005 - 4 www.pointer.us “I have a Clark Home Maintenance business card that says ‘quality work’. Those two words couldn’t be truer. I originally contacted the company to fix some drywall imperfections and paint my living room. The imperfections are gone and the paint job is outstanding. I was so pleased that I immediately hired them to finish the basement. All of the employees are meticulous at getting the job done right. The owner, Tim Clark, was easy to work with and never pressured me into making decisions. Along with getting ‘quality work’, I found Tim and his employees to be friendly and trustworthy. It was a pleasure having them work in my home. There’s more work to be done around my house, and I will call Clark Home Maintenance without hesitation.” D. Mastrona Pointer News We’ve Taken a Recipe From the Land of Leprechauns & Added a Little Magic of Our Own. Breadsmith Irish Soda Bread. Clark Home Maintenance, Inc. Think Spring Golden loaves of whole wheat and wheat flour, rolled oats and sweet raisins bring the Luck o’ the Irish to your table. Available Thursdays during March. Quality First RESIDENTIAL Interior & Exterior Painting Windows & Doors • Seamless Gutters Roofing & Siding • Brick Work & Tuckpointing Concrete • Driveways, Walks, Patios Powerwashing • Decks & More ASK ABOUT OUR 10 YEAR GUARANTEE FULLY INSURED DEAL DIRECT WITH OWNER - FREE ESTIMATES (586) 939-2417 19487 Mack Avenue • Grosse Pointe Woods 313-417-0648 Monday - Saturday 7 am - 6 pm Closed Sundays March 2005 - 5 Pointer News www.pointer.us REACH EVERY HOME & BUSINESS IN GROSSE POINTE & ST CLAIR SHORES 2.9¢ for “little Blue Book” Advertisers Only! OFFER INCLUDES Full Color 60,000 8.5" x 11" Inserts* Design • Printing • Delivery 1795 One Sided $ 2495 Two Sided $ *30,000 to be delivered in April with Grosse Pointes’ Pointer Magazine *30,000 to be delivered in June with the St Clair Shores’ “little Blue Book” CALL 313-882-0702 TODAY, SPACE IS LIMITED Spring has sprung at Cavanaugh’s • Easter basket goodies • Baby gifts • Lawrence picture frames • Anastasia tropical candy confections • Mill Street Design throws and tote bags ASK THE DENTIST DR. PATRICK G. LATCHAM, DDS, FAGD What Are Invisible Braces? One of the greatest technical achievements of modern dentistry is a new system to orthodontically correct crooked teeth or bad bites without the use of braces. Imagine being able to correct your smile without the use of unsightly metal wires, bands and brackets. This system is available today at your local certified “Invisalign” dental office. The technique utilizes an imaging technique to provide a digital model of the teeth and gums from a very accurate impression. A trained Invisalign technician then can move the teeth in the digital model to an ideal position. A variety of goals can be met. Teeth can be straightened. Crowded teeth can be aligned. Spaces between teeth can be closed. Bite correction can be achieved. Often these changes will significantly enhance the aesthetics of the smile. However, in dentistry we know these changes can also improve the patient’s periodontal (gum) health as well as the health of the TMJ or jaw joint. Utilizing the digital images we can preview the correction of a case before we even start. Using this software and a computer, the doctor and patient can see the case in 3D. This appointment, called the Clincheck, can assure that the treatment goals are met. After approving the Clincheck, a set of aligners is fabricated by the Invisalign lab. The aligners are simply very thin, clear plastic forms, which are custom fitted to the teeth. Very small movements are achieved with each of the aligners, which are worn by the patient for 20 hours per day. The beauty of the system is they can be removed to eat, brush and floss. Because they are thin and clear, they disappear when worn on the teeth. Each set of the aligners is worn for two weeks, when a new set of aligners is inserted. A simple case may only require 10 aligners, which would last abou five months. Most cases require less than one year of treatment. Patients can insert new aligners and reduce their visits to the office to once every four to eight weeks. This system is available to all adults and most adolescents. The only requirement is that all the permanent teeth have erupted into position, usually age 12 to 14. Because of the extensive computer imaging and lab fabrication of multiple aligners, the fee for Invisalign is slightly higher than standard braces. However, everyone of our Invisalign patients tell us it is worth it. Send questions for Ask the Dentist to Pointe Family Dentistry, c/o The Pointer, P.O. Box 36429, Grosse Pointe, MI 48236. Daily arrivals of new merchandise Expanded greeting card section Your headquarters for invitations, stationery and mailing accessories Cavanaugh's, Home of the Village Post Office 16837 Kercheval Avenue Grosse Pointe (313) 884-6880 • (313) 647-9394 (Post Office) **2004 Carlson Craft Distinguished Dealer Award** March 2005 - 6 (586) 778-4002 27427 Gratiot (3 blocks north of I-696) Roseville Pointer News www.pointer.us Gino’s Surf offers a beautiful panoramic view of Lake St. Clair. Perfect for small, intimate gatherings or large groups of up to 500 guests. Showers, weddings, birthdays, funeral luncheons, business meetings, catered-out parties, pig roasts and more. We pride ourselves in addressing your every need and assuring your experience will be memorable at Gino’s Surf. ST. PATTY’S DAY FEST Thursday, March 17 10:00 am til ? ONLY $25 PER PERSON CORNED BEEF - CABBAGE - POTATOES ALL YOU CAN DRINK BEER, WINE AND POP LIVE ENTERTAINMENT DJ SPINNING DANCE MUSIC For Information & Reservations Call 586-468-2611 37400 Jefferson Harrison Township www.ginossurf.com EASTER BRUNCH AT GINO’S Sunday, March 27, 2005 11:00 AM - 4:00 PM ADULTS $19.95 • CHILDREN 4-10 $8.95 UNDER 4 NO CHARGE SCRAMBLED EGGS • BACON • SAUSAGE • CREPES FRENCH TOAST • BAKED CHICKEN • CHICKEN LIVERS FROG LEGS • CUTLETS • SHRIMP • MUSSELS CALAMARI • BROILED COD • PASTA • POTATOES VEGETABLES • SALAD BAR SWEET TABLE $3 OFF - GINO’S FAMOUS SUNDAY BRUNCH Buy one meal at the regular price and get $3 off the second meal with coupon. Not valid on holidays or with any other offers. Expires April-1-05 Sunday Brunch 11:00 am to 3:00 pm • Adults $15.50 • Children Ages 4 - 7 $7.95 • 3 & Under No Charge Carved Roast Beef • Frog Legs • Mussels • Omelets • Belgian Waffles • Pasta • Sweet Table • Cream Cheese Crepes • Salad Bar • Broiled Cod • Fresh Calamari March 2005 - 7 Pointer News www.pointer.us IT’S THE LAW Finally, the law provides that a violation of identity theft can be prosecuted where the offense occurred, where the information was used illegally or where the victim resided. This clears up confusion under the old law regarding the proper venue to bring criminal proceedings. BY THE HON. MATTHEW RUMORA In conclusion, people who have been victims of identity theft can attest to the inconvenience, aggravation and emotional distress they suffer as a consequence. New Legislature Punishing Identity Theft Matthew R. Rumora is the Municipal Judge for the City of Grosse Pointe Farms and an attorney in private practice. Please call him at (586) 779-7767 for assistance. In 2001, the legislature enacted a law making it a crime to steal another person’s identity for fraudulent purposes. The law has been changed effective March 1, 2005 to address problems which were not covered under the old law The new law specifically prohibits a person from obtaining or possessing personal identity information of another person with the intent to use that information to commit identity theft or other crime. The law also prohibits a person from selling or transferring personal identification of another if he or she knew the person would use or transfer the information to another for the purpose of committing identity theft or another crime. It also prohibits one from making or using a false police report of identity theft. A violation can result in five years in prison and/ or a $25,000 fine. Moreover, the law prohibits denying credit or public utility service to a consumer solely because he or she was a victim of identity theft. The law further prohibits extending credit without exercising procedures to verify the identity of the consumer. A violation is a misdemeanor offense carrying up to 30 days in jail and/or a fine up to $1,000. Giroux and Unico - better comfort Finally, A Doctor That Makes Housecalls RESTORED ON-SITE • Restore at a Fraction of the Cost to Replace • Interior Boat Restoration • Kitchen Cabinets • Scratches / Nicks / Gouges • Pet Damage • Residential / Commercial • Refinishing CALL US TODAY! March 2005 - 8 Before If you are one of the many home owners in Grosse Pointe who has a steam heating system powered by a boiler, you might believe that unless you spend a lot of money and go to a lot of trouble you’ll never have an air conditioned home. Well, Pat Giroux, owner of Giroux Heating and Cooling, wants to let you know that is just not true! And he knows, because he’s been serving Grosse Pointe homes for more than 20 years. The Unico System is a high-velocity, mini-duct heating and air conditioning system which has been installed in more than 100,000 homes and businesses in the United States, Canada, Europe and the Caribbean. Unico System has also been featured on several episodes of television’s This Old House, Hometime and Your New Home with Michael Holigan. Unico System features these key benefits which make it a superior choice over conventional HVAC systems: After Furniture Medic 313-881-2926 drfrank01@comcast.net • Unico fits where conventional systems can’t. Its modular air handlers and coils can be installed in ceilings, floors, crawlspaces and closets, and its flexible 2” supply tubing can be routed through ceiling, floor and wall cavities eliminating unsightly metal duct work. Unico System preserves the integrity and aesthetics of the original architectural design. • Unico’s round 5” outer diameter outlets are available in paintable plastic or stainable wood and can be mounted in ceilings, walls or floors. A slotted (1/2” high x 8” wide) plastic outlet is also available for sidewall applications. Once installed, the system is virtually invisible. • Unico System uses the principle of aspiration, in which conditioned air gently mixes with existing air currents, eliminating drafts from the “toss & throw” method used by conventional forced-air systems. • Unico System supply tubing is lined with sound dampening, spun-bond nylon, which ensures quiet operation. You feel superior comfort without the noise associated with conventional heating and air conditioning systems. Because Unico System coils are colder than conventional coils with a 20º to 30º greater temperature drop across its surface, as opposed to the 15º to 20º drop in conventional coils, it removes up to 30% more moisture than conventional systems and delivers superior heating and cooling. Over the past decade, Unico System has enjoyed increasing usage in residential, commercial and industrial applications. Architects, engineers and contractors are turning to Unico System for their heating and cooling needs in greater and greater numbers. Get a jump on the spring rush and let Pat Giroux of Giroux Heating and Cooling show you how you can get more comfort with Unico System. Call Pat for a free estimate at (313) 822-9685. www.pointer.us Urban Daisy Pointer News OLDER HOME SPECIALISTS FOR ALL YOUR HOME ’ S E LECTIRCAL NEEDS FUN • FRESH • FLIRTY NOW OPEN A CONTEMPORARY LIFESTYLE LADIES APPAREL • SHOES • ACCESSORIES • GIFTS GRAND OPENING PARTY Friday, March 11, 7:00 PM - 10:00 PM In The Village 17114 Kercheval • Grosse Pointe • 313-881-4223 Sunday - Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM GIROUX HEATING AND COOLING Furnaces • Boilers • Hot Water Tanks Radiant Floor Heat • Humidifier Service Air Cleaners • Duct Work • Plumbing • Electrical Central Air • Unico System (A/C for homes with boilers) Licensed & Insured • Free Estimates • Senior Discounts 10% OFF your next plumbing repair Expires 3/31/05 Emergency Service 313-822-9685 New Circuit Breaker Boxes • 220 Lines • Outdoor Plugs • Code Violations Security Lighting • Home Rewiring • Additions • Garages • Hot Tubs Wired Pools • Fans • Plugs • Lights • Switches • Subpanels • Meter Boxes • Cables Recessed Lighting • Troubleshooting UNIVERSAL ELECTRIC INC COMPETITIVELY PRICED • OWNER OPERATED • FREE ESTIMATES Toll-Free 1-866 FUSE-BOX or (586) 415-0153 Licensed • Insured • Professional • Roseville, MI Park Winery and Home Brew Supply LICENSED SMALL WINE MAKER March Madness Sale 10% Off All Home Brew Supplies - In Stock Only. Home Brew Club Meets Third Tuesday Of Each Month Next Meetings - March 15 And April 19 - 6:30 PM. Bring A Sample Of Your Home Brew! Refreshments Provided � Make Your Own Wine From A Wide Selection Of Varietals And Vintage Harvests Using Our Equipment � Large Selection Of Wine And Beer Making Supplies � Gift Certificates For Any Occasion � Gift Items And Glassware � Bottled Wine To Go � Ready Made And Custom Gift Baskets � Bring Your Friends And Create A Party Anytime Park Winery and Home Brew Supply 15230 Charlevoix, Grosse Pointe Park, MI 48230 313-821-WINE Just Look For The Purple Building! Tuesday thru Friday 12:00 PM - 7:00 PM Saturday 10:00 AM - 6:00 PM Sunday 12:00 PM - 5:00 PM March 2005 - 9 Pointer News www.pointer.us 15 Years of Classic Tradition Twenty-five thousand Macomb County and Grosse Pointe residents will admit dealing with CLASSIC WINDOW AND SIDING was one of the smartest decisions they have ever made. “Classic’s fabulous split color vinyl windows, 50 vinyl and aluminum siding colors, beautiful entry, storm and garage doors, custom wood bay and bow windows, or premium door walls, are all investment grade products we have to offer,” states president and owner Stan Schwartz. “We will service all our customers for 30 years from date of contract,” says Stan. Kopke - creation to conclusion Everyone recognizes the name Kopke Home Enhancement. After all they’ve been doing business in the Grosse Pointes for more than 13 years. And after 13 years, owners David and Laura Kopke decided it was time for an update. So a new logo was created, their look updated to keep pace with the growing business and their fresh attitude revealed. The new name, Kopke Remodeling & Design, reflects the advancements that have taken place over time at Kopke. Their design staff, Brandon Hill, Rob Kopke and Mark Manthey, can assist you in visualizing the changes or improvements you are contemplating and can bring that visual to reality. With the aid of CAD (Computer Aided Design) your dream will come to life. No need to hire an expensive architect, Kopke’s design staff can do it all. Curt Goebel, production manager at Kopke takes pride in being on-site for every project. From the beginning, he oversees the entire job through until the last nail is pounded. He even passes his cell phone number on to each homeowner so they can reach him any time or anywhere if they have a question or concern. David Kopke has been referred to as a “jack of all trades”. He’s a handson kind of guy who spends as much as 13 or 14 hours a day making sure the wheels of the Kopke machine are turning smoothly. David is readily accessible for his customers. He has a small town attitude for personal care, and every job must be complete and perfect or it’s not finished. To back up his service pledge, David offers a Lifetime Workmanship Warranty, something almost unheard of in this business. “Having a contractor you can trust and communicate with is paramount,” said David. We really listen, we hear what you are saying and what you want to do. We’re there every step of the way, right through to the end.” The Kopke staff of 14 is committed to using the best product lines they can find. Pella Windows are at the top of that list. Pella’s new line includes updates such as new glass and screens, but that’s not the only reason Kopke favors Pella. “It’s their service level,” said David. They deliver on time, there are very few returns, the windows are wrapped for the greatest protection and if there is a problem, the window is replaced immediately. Pella’s 10-20 warranty, 10 years on the window and 20 years on the glass, rounds out their superior service. In addition, Bertsch cabinets, Corian counter tops, Delta and Grohe faucets, and Therma Tru doors are a sample of the superior line of materials Kopke relies on to turn your home into a showplace. If you’re considering an addition or larger remodeling job, David recommends you get started now. Contractors are already booking up for the spring and if you wait too long, it could be fall or later before your project gets started. And with rising lumber and raw materials costs, David advises, “The sooner you get started, the better.” Look to Kopke to design, build and complete your kitchen, bath, family room; whatever you desire, Kopke has the skill, staff and experience to take your idea and turn it into a beautiful reality. Kopke Remodeling & Design is located at 29325 Harper Ave., in St. Clair Shores. Phone is (586) 777-6633. March 2005 - 10 “It will take less than an hour to get to any one of our customers,” adds 15-year veteran Vivian Miller. “The amazing thing is that we have all been together for more than 15 years. Staying close to home enables us to keep our CLASSIC promise.” The cheap ads on TV claiming $199 per window are just to get the salesman into your house. Then the price goes up because of sizes, minimum orders, wood removal and the old-fashion “bait-and-switch” sales tactics. Rick Hammer, who helped Stan open the company back in 1989, says, “Good old word-of-mouth is 100 % of our business today! We are one of the largest window and siding companies on the east side.” “No pressure salesmen, who will see the busy husband or wife by themselves, is very unusual in our industry,” says Claudia Seta, a four-yearemployee with Classic, who worked for years at the Saint Clair Shores city hall. “There’s no place like Classic,” says Claudia. “All the employees treat Classic as if it was their own company. I’m very thankful to have these people on my staff” “These people, together with our suppliers and my in-house contractors make Classic Window and Siding what it is today; honest, loyal and dependable,” added Stan. Geoffrey, Dominic and Rick have all been coming into your homes now for 15 years. “We earn our customers’ trust one installation at a time,” said Classic’s 13-year bookkeeper Mary Beth. Mary Beth sends out $50 referral fees to all the loyal customers who help bring us business. We put a 30-year GUARANTEE on all our window and siding materials, parts and labor. Geoffrey Gordon, a 15-year veteran is proud to be able to sell the Classic’s split-color window. “It separates us from all the other guys,” says Geoff. “We do absolutely everything in our power to keep the business in the neighborhood.” Lifetime sales representative Dominic Cochino recommends to all our seniors to, “Check with any building department and city hall and they will tell you whom to choose.” “Hand-crafted bays and bows with Andersen components supported with steel cables are the way to go,” says Stan. Vinyl siding comes in many different shapes, sizes and colors today. Special Cedar Shake siding is amazing. Trim, soffit, gutters, shutters, columns, gable vents, dentil molding and decorative door surrounds all highlight your precious home. Remember, long after the sweetness of low price is forgotten, the bitterness of poor quality remains. Don’t put your dreams on hold any longer. Schedule a free in-home estimate now by calling CLASSIC WINDOW AND SIDING at (586) 776-0060. Store hours, Monday through Friday from 9-5, Saturday 9-1. Quality means everything at Classic, 22000 Greater Mack, St. Clair Shores, MI 48080. Article reprinted courtesy of the C & G Time Pointer News www.pointer.us GROSSE POINTE’S Largest Window & Siding Company Now Has Over 1,800 Satisfied Customers In Grosse Pointe Alone! REAL OR SIMULATED WOOD INTERIORS! SEVEN EXTERIOR COLORS INCLUDES: 1-586-776-0060 CLAY – TAN – EARTHTONE – TERRATINT-GRAY – BRONZE – WHITE Save 1 00 Save350 OFF $ $ Classic Picture Windows Fc OlaF s s i C g s! D o u b le H u n Save500 OFF $ Clas Premisic um “Classic” Bay/Bow Windows! VINYL SIDING $ • ENERGY EFFICIENT! • SECURE! • MAINTENANCE FREE! • BEAUTIFUL! SPECIALIZING IN ANDERSEN DOORWALL SYSTEMS! Clopay GE GARAR S DOO 00 SUPER SPACER AS LOW AS Bay FREE • • • • • • ARGON GAS VINYL SIDING WINDOWS TRIM GUTTERS DOWNSPOUTS ENTRY DOORS • • • • FREE SHOWROOM HOURS: MONDAY - FRIDAY 9 a.m. - 5 p.m. SATURDAY 9 a.m. - 1 p.m. LOW E GLASS Save Entry Doo rs As Low AS 31 0 $ $ INCLUDES LOCK S & DEADBOLT . Grarage Do or Openers 3 30 $ $ INSTALLED INCLUDES 2 RE MOTES 22000 Greater Mack WINDOWS • SIDING 1-586-776-0060 STAN 650 STORM DOORS GARAGE DOORS SERVICE & REPAIRS 100% FUSION WELDED VINYL WINDOWS At Rosedale • St. Clair Shores DOMINIC $ ly sional Profes lled Insta Double-Hung Patio Doors Classic Slider FREE 500 Off S O F F IT & CEDAR SHTRIM. NOW OFFE R AKE IMPR ESSIONSIN! G Energy Efficiency - Beauty - Maintenance Free All Bay & Bow Windows are custom built by Classic’s own carpenters. Sliders Bays Double Hungs Casements Bows Picture Windows CALL TODAY FOR A FREE ESTIMATE ~ FEATURING ~ SPLIT COLOR VINYL WINDOWS Helps match the interior & exterior of your home! RICK *Financing Available With Approval Credit GEOFF www.choicemall.com/classicwindow March 2005 - 11 Pointer News www.pointer.us Full Remodeling & Design Services We can turn your design dreams into reality Additions • Kitchens • Baths Windows • Siding • Doors Personal Attention Professional Service Licensed • Insured Mon-Fri 8:30-5pm Sat 10-3pm Evenings ByAppointment kopkehome.com Highest Quality - Best Value Serving the Grosse Pointes for 13 Years 29325 Harper Avenue (S of 12 Mile) St. Clair Shores (586) 777-6633 Tresses Hair Studio 16914 Kercheval Ave Grosse Pointe MI 48230 313-881-4500 HOME IMPROVEMENT CO. • Kitchens • Bathrooms • Recreation Rooms • Roofing • Storm Doors • Patio & Porch Enclosures COMPLETE CUSTOM-BUILT GARAGES Garages Torn Down • New Garage Doors • Garages Vinyl Sided RECOMMENDED BY CITY INSPECTORS NO SAME LOCATION SINCE 1948 MICHIGAN’S MONEY 13042 East Eight Mile LARGEST DOWN www.millergarage.com GARAGE BANK FINANCING BUILDER FREE ESTIMATES TOLL FREE 1-800-801-4012 March 2005 - 12 DETROIT 313-839-4012 www.pointer.us Pointer News Grosse Pointe’s Answer To Your Cellular Needs 18226 Mack Avenue, Grosse Pointe Farms, MI 48236 313.881.1144 March 2005 - 13 Pointer News www.pointer.us Grosse Pointe Artist of the Month Reception Featuring the Works of Erin Davies-Maday Friday, March 4 6:00 PM - 9:00 PM � A wine tasting hosted by local wine experts will be held the same evening. Somewhere In Time Gallery & Custom Framing THOMAS KINKADE As one of America’s most collected living artists, Kinkade masterfully emphasizes simple pleasures and inspirational messages through his art. SIMON BULL JAMES COLEMAN As a well-known background artist for Disney, with film credits which include “The Little Mermaid” and “Beauty and the Beast”, Coleman has devoted himself to fine art. Synonymous with sweeping skies, tropical rainforests, rich deep woods and silent deserts, Coleman’s art is impressionistic and luminous, intriguing all who view it. A devout Christian with strong family values, Kinkade evokes peace and joy through the images he creates, truly inducing a sense of nostalgia to people of all faiths. From bustling cities and serene villages, to majestic mountain views and calming landscapes, Kinkade’s art is a journey for the senses. A master of color, light and design, Coleman has become one of the world’s most collected and sought-after artists. Art lovers all over the world have been taken in by the vibrant colors, detail and depth of Bull’s work. Collected by royalty, presidents, sporting personalities and international corporations, Bull has become one of the world’s most compelling living artists. Whether he’s painting a flower, musical instrument or landscape, Bull’s art reflects his passionate, creative vision, which captivates your attention and hits your emotional center. Discover the Splendor of Fine Art… To schedule a private consultation, call 313-886-8600. Tuesday –Friday, 10 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Saturday, 10 a.m.-3 p.m. CUSTOM FRAMING SPECIALISTS 21211 Mack Avenue in Grosse Pointe Woods. www.SomewhereInTimeGallery.com “The Look Of Wallpaper, The Luxury of Personal Style” Unique Wall FX ® Whether you want to brighten the powder room or dramatically change the atmosphere of your great room... Faux Finishing is an alternate way to create a new mood. Custom Faux Finishes Residential & Commercial The beauty of faux opposed to wallpaper is the convenience of change. Many painting techniques can be changed when you desire a new look!! Call For your FREE Consultation You can pick out that exact color to match a pillow, cornice boards, window treatments or carpeting. We are a small & personal company with the advantage of one & one consultations at your convenience. We work quick, clean & professional! March 2005 - 14 ~insured~ Maria Bonanni • Decorative Painter Mobile: 586-405-0689 Office: 586-465-8105 E-mail: wallfx@wideopenwest.com We use the Highest Quality Paints & Mixing Glazes. Now offering services prior to faux finishes… Wallpaper removal, wall, trim and closet painting and minor wall repairs! Trained & Knowledgeable with the following surfaces: •Rag-Rolling Off/On •Colorwashing •Leather •Splashing •Dimensional Striping : Stripes, faux tile, bricks, etc... •Clouds •Sponging •Suede •Lusterstone •Frotage •Aged Old World Plaster •Sandstone •Venetian Plaster •Marble/Stone •Metallics Add new life to small furniture, Bookshelves & Moldings www.pointer.us Pointer News SOLID WOOD FURNITURE SINCE 1899 For a Limited Time, get a FREE NIGHTSTAND with the Purchase of a Four-Piece Bedroom A $770 Value The Savile Row Collection Your friends will think you just uncovered a cache of priceless antiques! The Chateau Fontaine Collection of Bedroom Furniture Evokes the era of 19th Century France. Candlelight Cherry is a Deep Rich Red-Brown Formal Finish Which Compliments the Burnished Brass Hardware. Sale Ends March 14 All previous sales excluded. Offer not valid in conjunction with any other promotional offer. March 2005 - 15 Pointer News www.pointer.us REAL ESTATE REALITY BY NANCY VELEK Three More Powerful Buying Strategies Contractors — The right questions BY S & B CONSTRUCTION Below are some common questions which homeowners should ask all potential contractors. Q. Does your company have negative claims filed with any consumer protection agency? A. As of January 2005 not even one negative claim has been filed against S & B Construction in the 12 years we have been in business. In an effort to give home buyers some guidance, last month I discussed three strategies. A. No, all roofing work is completed by S & B employees. Your salesThis month I have three more. If these ideas person is also your project manager. He will work with the crew leader to are followed, you, as a buyer, should be reasensure the installation follows the guidelines that were agreed to in your sured that you have maintained control of your contract. S & B Construction is a roofing company, not a sales company. quest and have positioned yourself as a strong, ready and able home purQ. How do I know which company is giving me the best deal? chaser. A. Construction pricing is notorious for it’s variability. Material, labor, insurance and gas all affect the price of your new roof. Unqualified and dishonest contractors also affect pricing. A legitimate company’s You should be shown everything available that meets your require- price will usually fall in the middle of all of your bids. A significantly ments. Don’t make a decision on a house until you feel you have seen low price is usually a sign of an unqualified contractor either underestienough to pick the best one. Review the Multiple Listing printout with mating work which they are not used to doing, or it is an attempt to write your agent to make sure you are getting a complete list. Every so many a proposal to look good, but not include hidden costs. The significantly years, we are in a situation in which homes are selling very quickly, of- high price is usually the “sales” company’s way of compensating for the ten within a few days after listing. In that kind of market, agents advise added costs of “hiring out” your job and still making a profit. We strongly their clients to make an offer on the spot if they like the house. That is suggest you get a minimum of four estimates. good advice for the circumstances. Today, there is not always this urgenQ. Do you have references or addresses where your work can cy, unless a home is drastically under priced. You will know if it is. Don’t be viewed? forget to check into the school districts of the areas you’re considering. A. As of January 2005, S & B has completed 1,458 roofs in Southeastern Michigan. Please call for a list of homes in your area. 1. Don’t Be Pushed Into Any House 2. Stop Calling Ads! 3. Sell Before You Buy If you have a house to sell, sell it before selecting a house to buy. Just imagine you have found a house you’ve fallen in love with. You make an offer, but it is contingent upon you selling your home. The seller may be rather reluctant to put himself in this position, because it could prevent him from seeing other, better offers due to the existing contingency. If you do succeed in having such an offer accepted, you now must sell your existing home quickly, and this could lead to you accepting a significantly lower offer than you otherwise might accept. Another tactic is to make the sale of your home “subject to seller finding suitable housing” within a specified period of time. This gives you the assurance that you will not be homeless, and that if you do not succeed in finding anything to your liking, you will not be obligated to complete the sale. NANCY KNOWS REAL ESTATE NancyVelek.com Nancy Velek has been selling residential real estate in the Grosse Pointes and surrounding areas for 20 years. She works at Sine & Monaghan/GMAC Real Estate on Mack Avenue in Grosse Pointe Farms. She can be reached at (313) 884-3558. GrossePointeAreaHomes.com. March 2005 - 16 You can reach S & B Construction at (586) 954-3348. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������������������������������ A word of caution — ads do make the phone ring — but what is not mentioned in an ad is often more important than what is. The most important thing you can do is have someone on your side looking out for your best interests. Your own agent will critique the property with an eye towards how well it meets your needs and will point out any drawbacks you should know about. Pick an agent you feel comfortable with and enlist the services of that agent as a buyer’s broker. Then you become a client with all the rights, benefits, and privileges created by this agency relationship, and you are no longer just a shopper. � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � � ������������������������������������ WANTED ACCOUNT REPRESENTATIVE Responsible, experienced sales representative wanted for monthly Pointer Magazine sales. Work independently, choose your own hours. Send resume to P.O. Box below or email to: pointermagazine@ sbcglobal.net No phone calls please. THE Pointer Since 1975 GROSSE POINTE’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE P.O. BOX 36429 GROSSE POINTE MI 48236 www.pointer.us Grosse Pointe’s Premier Roofing Contractor Pointer News A SPORTING CHANCE BY ARTHUR BUKOWSKI Choosing a charter In the world of fishing, there are many options. Lake St. Clair alone boasts more than 15 major game fish, and the state of Michigan has many more. While most casual anglers are adept at catching at least a few different species, very few are experts at everything - that’s where the professionals come in. For every major game fish in the state, there are guides or charter services that will take you out after them. That leaves the burning question: What should one look for when selecting a service? Let’s look at some important things to think about. 1) Decide what you want to go after. As mentioned, there are guide services that target each of the major game species throughout the state. In many cases, services will only fish for one particular species, offering expertise and years of experience on the best ways to catch them. On Lake St. Clair, for example, there are several services that target strictly muskie. Once you’ve decided on a species, it’s time to select a service. S CONSTRUCTION CONSTRUCTION B Since 1990 & & SPECIALIZING IN Asphalt � Slate � Cedar Shake Synthetic Slate � Synthetic Shake Flat Roofs � Custom Copper Roofs Custom Vinyl Siding 10 Year Labor Warranty 0% Down Call For Free Estimates 586-954-3348 www.SBConstructionco.com References Available Upon Request 2) Know where to look. In selecting any service, the phone book is always an option. For fishing charters, however, a far better place to go is your local bait/tackle shop. Most quality bait/tackle shops have listings, business cards or brochures of local guide services and will be able to give you input on your selection. Take a look on the internet as well, as many guide services have websites available or belong to charter associations that have websites. Last but certainly not least, ask your fishing buddies where they have had good experiences. 3) Shop around. Just like with any other service, the guide with the most experience is most likely going to be the best. Ask lots of questions when you call prospective guides: How long have you been professionally guiding? What is your catch rate? What kind of equipment do you fish with? It’s also not unheard of to ask guides if it would be possible to talk to some of their other clients as references. A good guide is not only an expert in catching fish but an expert in customer service as well - go with a guide that’s friendly and helpful. Fees vary with the number of people and length of charter, and it’s not uncommon to pay $150 for a day’s worth of fishing. Be sure to find out exactly what you’re paying for when you inquire about booking a trip. Most guides will provide all the equipment needed, but verify that, along with the length of the trip, when you call. 4) Be prepared. Once you’ve booked a trip, be sure to inquire about what you should bring along or what you should do to prepare. Most charter services are accustomed to taking beginners fishing, so lack of experience is rarely a concern. Things to think about are the non-fishing essentials: Sunscreen, lunch, a camera, etc. All services are required by law to provide safety equipment such as life preservers. While there is much more to look at in the world of guided fishing, this brief list will get you on your way to getting into fish! Good luck! Art Bukowski is a recent graduate of Michigan State University and is currently a staff writer at the Flint Journal in Flint, Michigan. March 2005 - 17 Pointer News www.pointer.us POINTE OF ART BY ROBERT MANISCALCO Is art cool? I’m not a cool person. They can dress me up to look cool. I’ve played cool on TV. But I’m really not cool. But that’s okay, I’m cool with it. On the other hand, with all this talk about “cool cities”, I thought we should take a moment to deconstruct cool. Trouble is, even the word “deconstruct” is no longer cool, so this isn’t going to be easy. But I’m cool with that too. The difficulty is that cool is like silence: the moment you speak its name it’s no longer there. It is the ephemeral nature of cool that concerns me most, particularly since we have now firmly planted the future of arts funding in the soil of cool. Advertisers drive themselves crazy trying to determine the latest in cool. Remember the Quiznos commercials with the dancing turds singing about subs? No? I’m not surprised, they pulled those spots pretty quickly; turns out dancing turds weren’t cool after all. Cool is a tricky commodity. It’s like the old adage, “I don’t know anything about art but I know what I like.” We know cool when we see it. At least the big corporations have the demographic studies to back them up. Nevertheless, cool is subjective. Cool is temporary. Cool is indefinable by its very nature. If we take a look at the word itself we can see the problem. To be cool is to be detached in some way. Cool people let things slide. They hang loose. Nothing bothers them. It’s all cool. Cool people like to think of themselves as unique but they’re not. By definition, cool people lack passion, which is really cool if you want to follow the crowd, which, by the way, is what Nike really wants you to do. But that’s cool. They have billions invested in marketing cool. Frankly, I think being cool is overrated. That’s why I’m just a little concerned about the “cool cities” bit. It feels like we’re trying desperately to fit artists into just another neat, harmless little category, which has no real meaning. Aren’t we eviscerating ourselves by suggesting the arts are cool or that the arts have some unique power to attract cool people. Aren’t we further marginalizing our importance to society by embracing this catch-all label? Sure, we’d all like to think we are cool. But the artists I know are anything but cool. Artists are hot. They are bothered. Most have something to say and damn it they’re going to say it. That’s what it means to be an artist. I’m aware there’s another dimension to the word cool, however. It’s the bit great marketers are banking on; it’s also what the cool cities people are hoping people recognize: there’s a part of us that celebrates the mavericks, the visionaries — those bold few who have the tenacity to put art galleries in dilapidated old buildings on Rosa Parks or Milwaukee or Grand River — long forgotten sections of a troubled city. I was even silly enough (or bold enough) to open a serious art gallery in Grosse Pointe, a place where few had ever succeeded. I thought, “Let’s bring cool to Grosse Pointe.” Well, it’s been eight years and I’m not so sure how cool an idea that was. In reality, there’s very little that’s cool about setting yourself apart from the pack. I get a kick out of the way Gary Larsen depicted it as a befuddled cow, literally “out, standing in his field.” Being cool can get pretty lonely at times. There is something definitely inspiring about discovering and being part of a happening, stimulating arts scene. That’s what the arts community has committed itself to — call it what you will. One thing is certain: art is eternal. Cool, on the other hand, may not always be cool. It is a word, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing. Look for “The Fishfly” the debut novel from the artist, gallerist and host of “Art Beat” on PBS. For more info on “The Fishfly” go to http://www.maniscalcogallery.com/essays/fishfly.htm. The Maniscalco Gallery is located at 17728 Mack Ave., Grosse Pointe, MI 48230. (313)886-2993. March 2005 - 18 Updating & creating beautiful faux wall textures Unique Wall FX was founded in 1999 by owner & decorative painter Maria Bonanni. Maria has taken courses in the art of Faux Painting with masters from around the country. She is experienced in exquisite painting techniques from basic marbles to stunning textures like Tuscan Plaster, Lusterstone and Venetian Plasters. She has a team of professional painters who can tackle projects like wallpaper removal, basic painting and minor plaster repairs. They are also available for projects even if a faux treatment is not desired. Her business has allowed her to work in the homes of famous sports figures and news personalities throughout the Detroit-Metro area as well as doing commercial projects, such as spas and salons. She is also included in decorating projects with the areas top interior designers. Consultations are free of charge and include a viewing of her portfolio, which is filled with a multitude of sample boards. Maria is also stated as a color expert, being able to match the hardest to work with palette! “Most projects are not as time consuming as people might think”, states Maria. “Lusterstone, for example, is a beautiful material which is like a plaster, but the finished look is smooth. It has crushed marble dust in it which creates a luxurious sheen. The great thing about the product is that it covers imperfections, even if wallpaper was removed and there was damage to the wall. It is also easily repairable and cleanable. An average room of 400 square feet would take only 2-1/2 days from start to finish.” If a room requires some wall repair and base painting prior to faux painting, Maria’s team of painters are available to handle that portion of the job, allowing her to move in right behind them to do the artisan work. When multi rooms require treatments, she will give you a schedule as to what is scheduled for each day, moving at a quick, efficient pace. For example, one project, a lovely house on Lakeshore Drive, had eight rooms, four pillars and one room of wallpaper removal, and Maria and her team completed the job in under two business weeks. “Our work is not limited just to walls, we have tackled bedroom furniture, decorative moldings, bookshelves etc...,” claims Maria. “You would be surprised how much a crackle finish can enhance the wood on a bookshelf! We also have a talented stencil artist who can spice things up with something as little as a border, ceiling pendants or whole wall patterns.” Maria’s company is small and personal with the advantage of one-onone consultations. She believes in her work, is committed to giving excellent service and is always willing to go the extra mile to please her clients. If you would like a consultation, please call Unique Wall FX at (586) 465-8105 or visit the website at www.uniquewallfx.com. www.pointer.us Artist of the month — Erin Davies-Maday Whether her “Tuscany inspired mural” was seen at the Junior League of Detroit’s 2004 Designer’s Show House, or her painted two dimensional trees at the new sibling care unit at Children’s Hospital of Detroit, or in a watercolor portrait of a home, chances are you have enjoyed the skillful work of this fine local artist. Erin Davies-Maday specializes in several exceptional styles of art. Although her favorite and stron- gest style shows influence by those of the Expressionist era, she also is well known locally as a home portrait artist. Whether working with clients directly or working with a local mortgage company to create gifts for their clients, she can create charming portraits of homes right from a photograph. Known not only for her remarkable talent for creating many different styles of art to meet and exceed the needs of her clients, she is Pointer News also celebrated for her financially attainable artwork, no matter what a clients’ budget. She is a wonderful avenue for affordable, original artwork to suit everyone’s homes. The Somewhere in Time Gallery on Mack in Grosse Pointe Woods will be displaying some of Erin’s newest pieces on canvas. Featured are still life paintings, as well as more contemporary styles. All of the displayed artwork is original and affordable. You can purchase a piece and if you like, have it framed at the gallery. The Davies-Maday exhibit opens on Friday, March 4, from 6 pm - 9 pm at the Somewhere in Time Gallery, 21211 Mack Avenue in Grosse Pointe Woods. The exhibit will hang from March 4 - April 1, and will be available during normal gallery hours; Tuesday through Friday, 10 am - 5:30 pm (until 8 pm on Thursdays), and Saturday from 10 am - 3 pm. Mondays by appointment. For information, contact the gallery at (313) 886-8600. Village Lock and Home Repair Were now offering Emtek door hardware. Emtek is a relatively new on the market and is a sister company to “ASSA Abloy” one of the largest makers of high security locks in the United States. You may be familiar with their “Medeco” security locks. Since it is a well established company, they offer all parts needed to service Emtek locks which we have in stock. All Emtek hardware comes in a large variety of finishes and styles. You can choose which knob or lever you would like, and split finishes, without an up charge to the customer. Along with their door hardware they also offer hinges and cabinet hardware in matching finishes. With this company we can now purchase parts to customize trim packages to use on customer’s existing mortise locks for entry doors. This service hasn’t been available prior to Emtek coming on the market. They also offer thick door packages (doors up to 3” thick) for their mortise, entry and dead bolt locks. Emtek also offers complete mortise lock sets at very reasonable prices to replace the older ones that we cannot fix and save. This also reduces the patching and filling of the doors with existing mortise locks to convert to the newer style of lock sets. Village Lock can also provide refinishing of your old wood doors, new steel and fiberglass doors and carpentry work. Stop in and see our displays and pick up a catalogue. We are located at 18554 Mack Ave. in Grosse Pointe Farms. Business hours are M-F 9:00am to 5:30pm - Saturday from 9:00am to 3:00pm. (313) 881-8603 INTRODUCING Distinctive Hardware for Fine Homes MENTION THIS AD AND RECEIVE 15% OFF NEW EMTEK ORDERS Expires 2/28/05 VILLAGE LOCK and HOME REPAIR 18554 Mack Avenue • 313-881-8603 March 2005 - 19 Pointer News www.pointer.us PETS FOR POINTERS This month's featured pets are Sunflower and Passion “SUNFLOWER” This terrific 2-year-old female Terrier is a wonderful family dog. She is good with other dogs and children, is housebroken and crate trained. “Sunni” requires consistent exercise and prefers companionship. “PASSION” Please contact GPAAS at (313) 884-1551 or www.GPAAS.org GPAAS holds adoptions every two weeks at The Children’s Home of Detroit The March adoption dates are scheduled for Saturday, March 5 and 19, from 12 to 3 p.m. The Pointer and GPAAS urge you to spay or neuter your pet. Pointe Family Dentistry DIVERSIFIED EXCELLENCE IN DENTISTRY Patrick G. Latcham Paul S.VanWalleghem Tymon C.Totte James W. Cox DDS, FAGD, MAGD Did you know half of all Hollywood movies made before 1950 are gone — lost forever? That might not surprise you, but this will: much of the early videotape from the 1980s and early 1990s is also in jeopardy. People don’t realize the average life of videotape is about eight to 10 years. Most American families have collections of home movies, slides and photographs which document their personal history — birthdays, graduations, weddings, anniversaries, vacations, plays, recitals and sporting events. Yet these priceless memories often sit in a shoebox in the attic collecting dust instead of being enjoyed and shared as they were intended. The old movie projector is gone, the fold-up movie screen has disappeared, and that cumbersome slide projector... well, most of us gave up on that years ago. Today’s digital technology and computer editing capabilities have had a significant impact on movie production and video in general. The technology also offers a means to rescue, preserve and share those precious memories. Frame by frame digital transfer of old home movies, transfer of video tape to DVD, photographs and slides to digital video combined with computer technology for editing, compiling and producing state of the art video is available, offering families the opportunity to create lasting memories and keepsakes to share now and with future generations. She’s a beautiful 5 1/2 month old Himilayan mix who has a lovely temperment. She has been tested negative for feline leukemia/aids. DDS, FAGD Film - $4, DVDs - $2, Memories Priceless DDS, FAGD DDS Whitening Cosmetic Dentistry Preventive Dentistry Braces • TMJ Treatment Implants • Gum Treatment Snoring / Sleep Apnea Appliances Computer Anesthesia • Extractions Root Canal • Crowns, Bridges, Dentures Children’s Dentistry • Sports Mouthguards It is difficult to place a value on memories, and too often we only realize their significance after they are lost. Jim Hoffman, owner of Hoffman Video Services, is a member of Home Video Studio’s TAKEONE Network, the nation’s largest home video studio consortium. He can be reached at (586) 772-2643 and can assist you in organizing and preserving your precious photo and video memories. Share Your Past. Pictures and home movies are part of your legacy. Do you have them organized? Labeled? Where are you storing them? Photo prints take on more damage with each passing day. If you haven't taken an inventory of these memories, you're not alone. There are millions of precious photographs stored in cramped shoeboxes all over America. Share your past with future generations. Preserve your past and share it with the future. Don't put it off 'til tomorrow, call today. Is this your idea of Memory Lane? HOFFMAN VIDEO SERVICES, INC. (313) 881-2480 • Fax (313) 881-5068 18342 Mack Ave • Grosse Pointe Farms • MI 48236 Evening & Saturday appointments available March 2005 - 20 DVD TRANSFER 586.772.2643 DVD AUTHORING VIDEO PRINTS FORMAT CONVERSIONS Pointer News www.pointer.us MARCH MADNESS SALOON BUON APPETITO America’s Only Authentic Sliceria Has Come To Grosse Pointe More Than 20 Kinds of Hand-Made Pizza By The Slice Hiring a contractor Miller Garages and Home Improvement Company would like to thank you for your business. We have been in the business for 57 years and have built more than 28,000 buildings. Our sales staff deals with people every year who have either had an inferior job done, or were completely shammed out of their money. Please look at these helpful hints to help you determine a good contractor to hire. After careful consideration we hope you will give us a call and let us help you with your residential building needs. Baked Pasta, Salads, Timpanini, Soups and Deserts 19655 Mack Avenue Grosse Pointe Woods 313-882-9220 Fax Order: 313-882-9229 Monday - Thursday 11:00 AM - 8:00 PM Friday - Saturday 11:00 AM - 9:00 PM Sunday 3:00 PM - 7:00 PM BURGER AND A BEER 3 $ WHAT A SWEET DEAL! 11:30 am - 2:30 pm 15222 Charlevoix Grosse Pointe Park 313-822-6080 51st Anniversary Special • Check the number of years that the builder has been in business • Be sure the builder is licensed and insured • Call your local building department for recommendations • Call the Better Business Bureau for the builder’s reputation • Make sure all permits will and have been pulled • Make sure all inspections are done • Ask lots of questions before signing a contract (colors, manufacturers, size, etc.) • Make sure a contract is offered (Do not go by a salesman’s word) • Read the entire contract before signing • Do not pay a large down payment • Make sure project has been inspected before you pay your balance With a little homework done before you start your building project, you can eliminate a lot of grief. We hope our advice will help you. When deciding on your next building project, please remember Miller Garages and Home Improvement Company at 800-801-4012. Lloyd David Antiques Antiques, Fine Used Furniture, Pottery & Costume Jewelry 50% OFF Bargain Basement 51% OFF ANY ONE REGULAR PRICED ITEM 27427 Gratiot (3 blocks north of I-696) Roseville (586) 778-4002 Must present coupon. Cannot be combined with any other offer. Prior sales excluded. Expires 3/15/05. 313-822-3452 15302 Kercheval Grosse Pointe Park Hours: Monday, Wednesday thru Saturday 11-6 Closed: Tuesday & Sunday Voted Best Lamp Shade Store in Metro Detroit 2003 and 2004. Monday 9:30 AM - 8:00 PM Tuesday - Friday 9:30 AM - 5:00 PM Saturday 9:30 AM - 4:00 PM Please Bring in Your Lamp for Proper Shade Fitting. March 2005 - 21 www.pointer.us MARK YOUR CALENDAR HELD OVER! BY POPULAR! DEMAND! BY CARI WODAY Assumption Geek Cultural Center: Women needing a night out... this is the evening for you! Mar. 4 , From 6 - 10 pm. There will be shopping , food and great raffle prizes. Tickets are $25 in advance & $30 at the door. Tickets are also available at the Cultural Center located at 21800 Marter Rd., St. Clair Shores. You must be over 21 to attend. Free parking is also available . More info call Lynne at (313)-822-1127. Christ Church: Mar. 7, from 7-9 pm. MOPS welcomes you to join us for an evening of fellowship & discussion for moms with young kids. Great alternative for those unable to attend am classes. A wonderful Christian Organization for moms regardless of church affiliation. Located at 61 GP Blvd. Child care is not March 2005 - 22 Home and Garden Expo: Held at the GP War Memorial on Mar. 12 from 10 to 4pm. Free admission and parking, door prizes, drawings, demonstrations, handouts & much more. Experts on hand to talk to about your summer remodeling & gardening projects. More info talk to a Realtor or Affiliate at (313)-882-8000. Our Lady Star of the Sea Catholic Church: 467 Fairford Rd., GP Woods. Magdalene, a play performed by Thelma Ann Jones in the church. Dates are Fri., Mar.18 at 7 pm. Sat. Mar 19 at 7 pm & Mar. 20 at 2 pm. Advance tickets are suggested. They are $10 in the parish office or at the door. Magdalene comes to tell Mary her life on earth is near it’s end. Please join us for a memorable performance. More info (313)-884-5554. Services for Older Citizens: Tues. Mar. 29 at 2 pm. A lovely afternoon tea along with gardening tips, appetizers, deserts and good company. Spring is coming so get ready! More info call (313)-8829600. Hope to see you there! Please direct your submissions for the Pointer calendar to: Cari Woday, Calendar Editor The Pointer, P.O. Box 36429 Grosse Pointe, MI 48236 -- or email it to: pointermagazine@sbcglobal. net. Deadline is the 20th of each month. -Chicago Tribune “One of the most successful and imaginative hits in Off-Broadway history.” -Liz Smith, New York Daily News THE FOLLOWING SHOWS ARE ON SALE NOW! MARCH 5 & 12 $60 ADVANCE TICKETS INCLUDE: SHOW TICKET • CHAMPAGNE TOAST • ANDIAMO BUFFET A PIECE OF WEDDING CAKE AND ENTERTAINMENT! M-59 Big Beaver/Metro Pkwy Schoenherr Bon Secours Hospital: Deb Kennedy, R.N., certified aroma therapist explains & allows participants to experience oils and their effects on Mar. 10. from 7 to 8:30 pm. The cost is $15 & pre-registration is required. More info call Community Health Promotion at (586)-7797900. “Just like a real wedding... only funnier!” rd wa od Wo GP United Church: The World Day of Prayer, will be held on Mar. 4, at 1 pm. This year Poland has been chosen to write the program, “Let Our Light Shine”. All are welcome to come & hear our speaker, Mr. Jerzy Rozalski, Polish Radio Director. More info contact, (313)885-2368. Girl Scout Cookie Gala: Being held at the Roostertail in Detroit. On Mar. 9 from 6 to 8 pm. Admission is $75 per person or $125 per couple. Come join us for an enchanted evening to support innovative programs for girls. Guests will be greeted by top chefs from eight premier restaurants. Music and tantalizing treats will be there along with, awards and a silent auction to cap off the evening. More info call (313)-972-4475, ext 239. The Original y Off-Broadwa show. 5 I-7 Detroit Opera House: Feb. 11. Tickets for Les Ballets de Monte-Carlo’s Cinderella are available at the Opera House. Purchase them by phone at (313)-237sing (7464) or online at michiganopera. org. Tickets are $28-$93 at Ticketmaster (248)-645-6666. Or online at Ticketmaster.com. Student & group rates are available. More info, contact the Opera House ticket office located at 1526 Broadway, Detroit. There will be four shows Thurs. Mar. 3, at 7:30 pm., Fri. & Sat. Mar. 4-5 at 8 pm., Sun. Mar. 6 at 2 pm. This show offers a contemporary 21st century account of the fairytale. available for the pm classes however, infants with carriers are welcome! Mound Masonic Temple Theatre: Casting has been announced for “ The Phantom of the Opera”. Harold Prince is the director. The four week live production runs Wed. Mar. 2-27. Gary Mauer takes the lead as “The Phantom”. Tickets range from $18-$72 and are available at all Ticketmaster outlets and the Fisher Theatre box office. Performance times are: Tues. - Fri. At 8 pm., Sat. 2 & 8 pm., Sun. 2 & 7:30 pm. Special weekday matinees on Mar. 3 & 23 at 1 pm. No performances on Mondays & no 2 pm performance on Sun. Mar. 27. Come enjoy an evening out. Van Dyke Pointer News I-696 For Tickets Call (586) 268-7820 / www.freedomhill.net or Ticketmaster (248) 645-6666 / www.ticketmaster.com Freedom Hill County Park • Ralph A. Liberato Independence Building • 15000 Metropolitan Parkway • Sterling Heights, MI THE Pointer Since 1975 The Pointer is delivered free to every home and business in the five Grosse Pointes. GROSSE POINTE’S MONTHLY MAGAZINE For advertising info call, (313) 884-3444 Pointer News www.pointer.us FOR A PROFESSIONAL AND PLEASANT REAL ESTATE EXPERIENCE A lifelong Grosse Pointe resident with a thorough knowledge of the market Contact me for a FREE, no obligation market analysis of your home Making Real Estate Real Easy! STEPHEN PÁLFFY 74 Kercheval on “The Hill” 885.2000 CAFANA CLEANERS 17233 MACK AVENUE AT NOTRE DAME (313) 881-1224 7:30 AM TO 7 PM MONDAYS 99¢ Shirts on hangers with min. dry cleaning order of $10 TUESDAYS We’ll dry-clean any 3 same priced items for the price of 2. YOU GET 1 FREE! 3 for 2 Sale Expires 3-31-05 WEDNESDAYS “Drop Trou Day” Expires 3-31-05 All Pants just $2.99! Expires 3-31-05 TUXEDO RENTAL & SALES Check Us Out. For the BEST in Prices & Service. * Ask about our Wedding Specials. March 2005 - 23 Pointer News BOSE B O S E JAMO J V C S H A R P A Q U O S S A M S U N G O N K Y O PANASONIC AMJ JVC SHARP ELECTRONICS SALES J A M O P A N A S O N I C www.pointer.us AQUOS SALE Sale ends 3/20/05 PANASONIC 7" PORTABLE DVD PLAYER LCD DVD-LS55 1366 x 768 Resolution HDTV Ready Aquos Liquid Crystal PC Card Slot 800:1 High Contrast Ratio Plays Multiple Formats Remote Control Dolby Digital Output 2 Headphone Outlets With Purchase, Receive a Free Carrying Case and Car/Airplane Adapter by Mail ($50 Value) SHERWOOD STEREO RECEIVER RX-4100 210 Watt (105 Watt Per Channel) 4 Audio Line In Digital Tuner 30 Preset Stations SALE $98 Seven Channel Surround Modes 55 Watts per Channel 100 db Signal to Noise Ratio 40 db Dolby Pro Logic I and II CLEARANCE SALE 499 $ Digital CinemaScan 3:2 Pulldown BBE High Definition Sound System HDMI With HDCP 2 Tuner Split-Screen PIP 1280 x 720 (720p) Native Resolution HDTV Ready PT-50DL54J JAMO 320 SURROUND SOUND SPEAKER SYSTEM PANASONIC LCD TC-14LA2 14" Diagonal Viera LCD TV EDTV Display Capability (480p) 640 x 480 Pixels Contrast ration up to 450:1 450 cd/m2 Brightness New LCD Al 16-millisecond Moving Picture Response Speed Motion Adaptive 3d-Y/C Digital Comb Filter Progressive Scan Stereo Speaker System Reg. $479 HARMAN KARDON 7.1 CHANNEL A/V RECEIVER AVR 330 LET US TRANSFER YOUR MOVIES AND TAPES TO DVD FORMAT PANASONIC 20" PURE FLAT TV/DVD/VCR COMBO PV-DF2004 CLEARANCE SALE $289 BOSE IN-WALL SPEAKER 191 Sale Ends 3/26/05 A Q U O S 2 1/2" Full-Range Drivers Articulated Array Design Flush Mount Proprietary Ported Enclosure Paintable Exterior $26820 JVC 52" HDILA HD-52Z585 S A M S U N G SALE $2999 O N K Y O 16:9 Image Aspect Ratio Projection D-ILA HDTV Compatible 3D-Y/C Digital Comb Filter 313-882-854 0 K E N W O O D KENWOOD 20746 Mack & Vernier (Next to Big Boy’s) GPW March 2005 - 24 PANASONIC JVC SHARP AQUOS P A N A S O N I C S H A R P Custom Home Theater Design & Installation JAMO J A M O J V C SALE SALE $449 $399 Compatible with multiple formats Picture zoom Track Programming Quasi S-VHS SALE $2499 K E N W O O D BOSE KENWOOD B O S E $3199 SALE $375 SALE $139 After $200 Manufacturer Rebate Home Theater Ready Coaxial Digital Audio Output Plays Multiple Formats Hi Fi VHS PANASONIC 50" DLP ONKYO SALE SERVICE SHARP 32" LCD LC 32GD6UM JVC DVD/VCR HR-XVC27U SAMSUNG SAMSUNG ONKYO
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