Kingdom Protista File
Kingdom Protista File
Kingdom Protista May be unicellular or multicellular May be autotrophic or heterotrophic May reproduce sexually or asexually. Protists are very varied Can be further divided Usually found around liquid water eukaryotic Protozoa – Animal-like Protists Mostly single-celled, motile organisms that feed by phagocytosis. Usually too small to be seen without a microscope. Classified based on locomotion. 1. Phylum Zoomastigina – animal-like protists that move by means of flagella. 2. Phylum Ciliophora – animal-like protists such as Paramecium, which move using cilia. 3. Phylum Sarcodina – move by means of cytoplasmic streaming. 4. Phylum Sporozoa – Parasites that form spores at some point in their life cycle. ety_mode=true&persist_safety_mode=1&safe=active NzJ_pA&safety_mode=true&persist_saf ety_mode=1&safe=active Algae – Plant-like Protists Photosynthetic Range from unicellular to multicellular seaweed 60m in length. Have been on Earth for 2 billion years Classified based on colour. 1. Phylum Chlorophyta – Green algae, the most plant-like of all algae. 2. Phylum Phaeophyta – Brown algae. Seaweeds such as kelp (Laminaria). Found in colder waters. 3. Phylum Rhodophyta – Red algae. Found mostly in warmer waters. 4. Phylum Chrysophyta – unicellular and photosynthetic. Make up most plankton. 5. Phylum Pyrrophyta – Dinoflagellates, which are extremely numerous. Each one contains 2 flagella and a protective coat of cellulose. 6. Phylum Euglenophyta – unicellular freshwater organisms with 2 flagella – usually heterotrophic. Fungus-like Protists – Slime Moulds and Water Moulds Reproduce by spores. Have cellulose cell walls Very difficult to classify 1. Phylum Oomycota – water moulds, similar to fungi. Are saprophytes, meaning they feed on dead organic matter. Caused the Irish Potato Famine. 2. Phylum Myxomycota – Plasmodial Slime Moulds. Engulf small particles of food. 3. Phylum Acrasiomycota – Cellular slime moulds. Usually exist as single cells, but can group together if necessary. om/watch?v=gsOA5H_L2g
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