Spring 2013 Newsletter - English Springer Spaniel Rescue of Long
Spring 2013 Newsletter - English Springer Spaniel Rescue of Long
The English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island, Inc. Spring 2013 Newsletter Open Letter from the President Inside this Issue Open Letter from the President ........Page..1 Upcoming Events……………………………………2 We Missed You………………………..…………….2 Winner’s Circle………………………..…………….3 From the Archives…………………..……………..4 Dog Tales ……………………………………………….5 Looking for Springer Pin-Ups…………………..5 Adoptions…………………..…………………..……….6 Passing of a Friend……………………………….8 Club Dues & Donations…………………………9 Websites/Phone #’s …………………..……….10 Call for Volunteers……………………………….13 Children’s Corner…………………………..…….14 Springer Boutique ……………………..……….15 Answers to Puzzle……….………………………15 Dues Notice…………………..………….……………16 Hello & Happy Spring to all! I am honored to be writing the first words you will read in our revived ESSCLI Newsletter. I would like to thank our Newsletter Committee, Gini Titterton, Karen Markiewicz, Diana Witt Schneider, and Gail Schuljan for all their efforts to bring you the first edition. And I also want to thank all of you who provide current email addresses enabling us to save hundreds of dollars on printing and postage. E.S.S.C.L.I., Inc. and its Rescue Program are truly a very special and unique group, very few, if any, Springer Clubs in the USA have an active rescue program and the active Springer rescues in our country are not part of a breed specific, American Kennel Club recognized dog club. As president, I am very proud (and hope you all are too) to be part of a club whose members have such diverse interests and yet are united by one common interest, their love of the English Springer Spaniel. All the best this spring to you and your springer! Marge Silverthorn *Please email the Corresponding Secretary, Gail Schuljan at esscli@optimum.net and let us know if there is a specific topic you would like covered. 1 Upcoming Events Club Friday, May 17, 2013 – Supported Entry with the Ladies Kennel Association of America at the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes will be offered. Sweepstakes Judge: Gail Schuljan. Breed Judge: Larry Berg. Saturday, May 18, 2013 – Designated Specialty with the Ladies Kennel Association of America at the Planting Fields Arboretum in Oyster Bay. Puppy and Veteran Sweepstakes will be offered. Sweepstakes Judge: Scott Gillis. Breed Judge: Gary Anderson. Join us after judging for an open board meeting, general membership meeting, and refreshments! Sunday, July 28, 2013 – Suffolk County Kennel Club 6th Annual AKC Canine Experience. An AKC Canine Experience is a multi-club, multi-sport event that introduces and welcomes dog owners to and educates them about the sport of dogs. The day-long event features educational presentations and provides an opportunity for potential owners to be mentored by experienced exhibitors and club members prior to an afternoon match, during which new exhibitors and future fanciers practice their newly learned skills. Please join us for these great shows…more information to follow once we know the entry and the judging schedule! Please join us for these great shows….more information to follow once we know the entry and the judging schedule. We Missed You ESSCLI – Rescue Garage Sale – Patchogue, NY on October 2012 The weather held out for a beautiful autumn day in October. Many thanks to Scott Gillis of Smith, Jung, and Gillis Land Surveyors for letting us use his office site in the village of Patchogue for the sale. All items were donated and all proceeds donated to ESSCLI-Rescue. We would like to thank Karen Markiewicz, Denise Kern, Marge Silverthorn, Gail Schuljan, Gini Titterton, Diana Witt, Kashmir Manas, Scott Gillis, and Kevin Dolan for their time and contributions to our sale. As always, there was plenty of bonhomie between us springer aficionados during the quiet moments between sales. We all enjoyed the day! AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day – Middle Island, NY on September 22, 2012 Theresa Rienzo, Joyce Rienzo, Diana Witt, Denise Kern, Gail Schuljan, Kevin and Carol Dolan, and Marge Silverthorn represented the English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island at the AKC Responsible Dog Ownership Day. We spoke with the public about our breed, how our rescue program works, and overall good canine citizenship. Diana’s three springers and the Dolan’s field-bred puppies were superb ambassadors for our breed and great crowd pleasers. As always, a sunny day spent with fellow springer enthusiasts equals a good time! 2 Pictures: Dasher Rienzo will do tricks for treats; The Dolan pups are silly springers!; Carol and Kevin Dolan at the ESSCLI Booth; Diana Witt joins in the fun under the tent; Marge Silverthorn sneaking in some prime time with a favorite pooch; The Crew: Joyce Rienzo, Kevin Dolan, Carol Dolan, Gail Schuljan, Denise Kern, and Marge Silverthorn, Theresa Rienzo was hiding behind the camera. The Winner’s Circle You don't often get to do this, so as a proud dad, here you go. Attachment is a picture of FC Dance of the Spirits (Spirit) (the one in the middle) with dad FC CFC Z Man and mom NFC FC Scout. Spirit attained his FC title this year. He has a total of 19 All Age points with 13 this year. Three firsts, a second, and a fourth and he isn't even 2 years old yet (19 months). I am obviously very proud of him and I want to thank all of you that helped with Spirits socialization and training to help make him the dog he is today. – Ted Lagala Cheryl Kraft’s Z finished her Rally Advanced Title at the Suffolk Obedience Training Club trial in February. With the Rally Novice and Rally Advanced titles under her collar, she will start working towards her Rally Excellent. Z looks quite fashionable wearing her placement and new title ribbons! Way to go Z! Kismet’s Allison Ribbons RE BN CGC finished her Beginner’s Novice Title. Alice surprised Mom Gail Schuljan, and finished her title in only four shows. For those who know and love Alice, rest assured, she did it her way! 3 From the Archives: The Early Years The English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island was formed in the 1960’s by fanciers who were interested in showing their dogs and preserving the breed. In 1980, the Officers and Board of Directors decided to incorporate the club as the English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island, Inc. At that time, the club started to pursue other venues such as field trials, hunt tests, and obedience. A new Constitution and By-Laws were created at the time the Club was incorporated. The vision that was presented is still true today. Our by-laws state that the object of the Club shall be: To encourage and promote the breeding of good quality English Springer Spaniels. To encourage the understanding of, and adherence to, the standard of perfection for the breed as defined by the American Kennel Club. To encourage and guide beginners and all others interested in the breed. To sponsor, protect, and advance sportsmanlike competition in shows, obedience and field trials…. To conduct sanctioned and licensed specialty shows, obedience trials and field trials under the rules of the American Kennel Club. To oppose any activity that is detrimental to the reputation or the future development of the breed. We are very proud of the diversity of our club, hosting specialties and supported entries to display the perfection of our breed; conducting field trials to preserve and display the springer’s superb hunting abilities; promoting obedience and rally training and trials to hone the partnership between us and our dogs. We continue to mentor new-comers to the breed, encouraging participation in other venues such as the Canine Good Citizen Test, Therapy Dog Certification, and forging a life-long companionship. We are proud of our rescue work, which ensures that the springers we help will live out their lives with dignity and love. Oh yes, we still have so much in common with our original founders. It is an honor to be the custodians of the heritage of our breed for now and to pass our knowledge and commitment on to future generations. 4 Dog Tales Our ESS’s are regular news hounds and all round gossips! Here’s what’s happening our springer community! in Spencer Gaudio is a loving and gentle companion, (his mom Shelby reveals his age at around 14) although slower, he still trots along on daily neighborhood walks.…Armani Fenn was adopted in 2008, and his mom Joyce reports that he is a wonderful boy whom she loves a lot.…Mom Tina Sattig tells us that Billy, who was fostered eight years ago by Gini Titterton, is a great dog, and that she enjoys him very much although he is very spoiled….Corinne Burns sends a big THANK YOU for Kingston, he is great!....Sweet, lovable Penny Morus is great company for Mom Rosemary who does not know what she would do without her….we hope Carol Phillips is back in her own home soon after the devastation of hurricane Sandy.…a speedy recovery to Scott Gillis so he can get back in the show ring with Archy who finished his Grand Champion in 2012.…a true house raising for Ann Barile whose home was also a victim of hurricane Sandy.…Maggie Barile celebrated her birthday with the residents of Sunrise Assisted Living where she and Mom Ann are a certified Therapy Dog Team….Archy Schuljan and Mom Gail are resuming his “career” as a therapy dog at the Nesconset Center for Nursing and Rehabilitation….Susan Jonis and Barbara Bobrowich welcome lab puppy Orion into their hearts and home….congratulations to Ann Barile, Canine Companions for Independence Northeast Region’s Best Volunteer….Glad to see Joyce Rienzo is fully recovered from an injury...Louise Horn tells us her latest adopted dog, Blackie, is a great traveler, loves going for long walks and swimming; we agree, Louise, adopting a dog is good!...Cheryl Kraft and Nora had a great time and wowed the crowd as an agility demo team at the Long Island Pet Expo…by the way, if you check out ESS on Animal Planet’s Dogs 101, you will see Nora again, she is the springer with the solid backdrop. We are looking for Springer Pin-Ups! The rescue committee is creating a 2014 calendar. This fundraiser will include pictures of our members’ dogs! If you would like to have your dog considered for the calendar, please submit a .jpeg file to Gail Schuljan at esscli@optimum.net. In the subject line, please use the title Calendar Picture. We will need the name of your dog, your first and last names, and a cute sentence or two about what makes your springer super special. The deadline for pictures is June 30, 2013. Picture taking tips: The dog should be the main focus of the picture and take up most of the frame If you get down to the dog’s level, or the dog up to your level, the perspective will be better Try not to have the dog in shadows, see which way the sun is shining and position the dog accordingly Check the background…is that a tree growing out of your dog’s head? Have fun! Reward with treats! Be careful using a flash, no devil dogs with red eyes, please. Natural lighting works best to capture your springer’s soulful eyes. 5 Adoptions So far this year, we have successfully placed 6 dogs into happy loving homes. And we have 2 more arranged to happen very shortly! None of this could happen without support from individuals who are willing to provide temporary foster homes and the financial support of club members and adoptive families. Kingston, a handsome 6 yr old L/W boy was a victim of a divorce. He was left alone all day and needed a new life where people had time for him. Corinne and Jim Burns snatched him up as soon as they met him. Now Kingston will be running on the beach and playing with the grandkids. Buster, a 3 1/2 yr old B/W boy was 1 of 3 dogs in a family that had hoped for him to be a hunter. When the decision was made to surrender him, Rob Virgilio went to meet him. He couldn't believe that anyone could give up such a beautiful dog! Now Rob and Buster have a wonderful life together, and Buster gets to weekend at the duck farm upstate. What could be better! Libby, an energetic 2 yr old B/W girl was passed from 1 family member to another. No one had time to devote to her. Lisa and Tom Hornsby decided they wanted to add a springer back into their lives, one to play with their lab, Reesie. The girls are best pals, and Lisa is thrilled! 6 Dottie, a gorgeous 5 yr old B/W gal, was a victim of a house fire. The family was displaced, all okay, but needing a place to live. They felt it better to give up Dottie to someone who could care for her in their stressful time. Charles Lauer saw her picture and drove upstate to take her home. It's been true love ever since! Tanner, a 4 yr old L/W boy, was in a home where the young kids visiting regularly made him uncomfortable. Although his family didn't want to give him up, they knew it was the best thing for him. Mike Littlefield drove hours to meet the family and take Tanner to his new home. He is the perfect companion to wife Sandra, but drives the cats crazy. Mike is still working on that! Brady, a stunning B/W 1 yr young boy is just too smart for his own good. He was misunderstood by his family and truly needed an experienced springer person to show him the way. Rudy Auslander stepped in to take over, and now they are sharing a great life together. 7 Passing of a Friend Sandy Powers – Our ESS, Lucie, who we rescued through you in 2005, was put down at 13 ½ years. A wonderful dog who we will miss forever! Thank you! Helene Rosenblatt – In memory of my springers, most specially, Chompers, my Valentine Boy. Carol Phillips – I lost our wonderful dog Kelsey, he would have been 16 years old in September. He was the greatest loving pet and companion to me. I find myself petting all dogs within my reach. Myrna Lieber – My beloved rescue, Gilbert, passed on at the age of 14 ½. I was lucky enough to get him from ESSCLI Rescue 14 years ago – both Bailey and I miss him very much. Guy Jordan – Thank you for giving us this privilege to share so many years with Sam, our lives have been better to have known him, and I hope he had a fulfilled life before he crossed to the other side. Sam was a small field springer with an incredible desire to retrieve, and a miraculous ability to escape my kennels and tour the neighborhood. Sam and I hunted grouse in Maine and Michigan, traveled to hunt pheasant in Iowa and the Dakotas….Sam was a wonderful companion and friend, loved dearly by my wife and children and is missed daily. Janice and Richard Bernard – Missing Jake very much. Mary Good – Missing Storm, who was my shadow since 1999. Carolyn and Larry Mulderig bid a sad farewell to Sydney and Simon. In Memoriam We are saddened to hear of the passing of some of our members and wish their families our heartfelt condolences: Gordon Grace, beloved husband of Eunice Grace. Jeanne Longnecker, field enthusiast and beloved wife of Tom Longnecker. Arthur Fenn, beloved husband of Joyce Fenn and Armani. I would like to thank everyone who so generously donated to Rescue in memory of my Dad, John Schuljan. He was a very special man who loved gardening and dogs. My first springer, Charlie, was a gift from my Dad. He believed in our cause, and our adopted springer, Fagan, was one of his favorites. With gratitude, Gail Schuljan 8 Club Dues & Donations Thank you to all the following members who supported their Club by paying their annual dues. If your name is not listed, it is never th too late to show your support by sending your dues to: Gail Schuljan, Secretary, ESSCLI 120 9 Avenue, Holtsville, NY 11742 Peggy Ann Angela Rudy Carol Jane & Tony Ann William Richard & Janice George Barbara Margorie Rosemary & Graham John & Shelley Carol & Joe Bonnie Corinne & James Jennifer Deborah Majorie Cleveland & Maryann Mark Tom & Marcia Kevin & Barbara Mavis Cheryl & Joe Kevin & Carol Joel Joyce Irene Gene Shelby & Alan Stuart & Susan Scott Mary Eunice Mike Susan Joann & Howard Laurie Louise Accardo Andretta Auslander Ball Bandrowski Barile Basso Bernard Billeci Bobrowich Brandriss Brewster Broven Bruschetti Budd Burns Burrell Campbell Cecere Christie Cole Comshaw Czarzasty Davis Demarkis Dolan Farley Fenn Fossa Gallo Gaudio Gellman Gillis Good Grace Greco Hamann Hass Hildebrandt Horn David Perry & Adore Ted & Denise John Richard & Jacqueline Sandy & Danny Dale Myrna Tom Jack Dennis Diane & Louis Karen & Joe Sally Benita Anne Stuart & Doris Carol Tom Sandra Edna Diane & Doug Joyce & John Helene Tina Karyl & Ken Gail Bessie & Kit Marge & Ralph Lorraine & Patrick Rich & Karen Richard Brian & Janet Paula & Michael Steve Julie & Breck Pam Peggy Patricia John & Mary Kristol Kurtz Lagala Lamendola LaRose Leddy Lenahan Lieber Longnecker Mahon Malanchuk Marett Markiewicz McCadden McCullen Mele Peim Phillips Pike Powers Randolph Richardson Rienzo Rosenblatt Sattig Schuldt Schuljan Scripps Silverthorn Smith Sonneborn Soule Stone Titterton Tomaszewski Turner Vogt Wald Warren Wehle 9 Mark Grady Susan Cheryl Hunchard Johnson Jonis Kraft Richard Diana Midge & Jay Carolyn & Larry Wilhelm Witt Wohl Mulderig A very special thank you for those of you who donated to Rescue. We could not have sustained this program over the years without your generous support. Peggy Ann Angela Rudy Jane & Tony Ann Richard & Janice George Rosemary & Graham John & Shelley Carol & Joe Bonnie Corinne & James Majorie Tom & Marcia Mavis Joyce Irene Gene Shelby & Alan Stuart & Susan Scott Mary Guy & Connie Carolyn & Larry Accardo Andretta Auslander Bandrowski Barile Bernard Billeci Brewster Broven Bruschetti Budd Burns Cecere Comshaw Davis Fenn Fossa Gallo Gaudio Gellman Gillis Good Jordan Mulderig Marge & Ralph Eunice Susan Joann & Howard Mark Cheryl Richard & Jacqueline Dale Myrna Jack Sally Benita Anne Stuart & Doris Carol Helene Brian & Janet Gail Lorraine & Patrick Virginia Steve Pam John & Mary Diane & Louis Vicky & Mark Silverthorn Grace Hamann Hass Hunchard Kraft LaRose Lenahan Lieber Mahon McCadden McCullen Mele Peim Phillips Rosenblatt Stone Schuljan Smith Titterton Tomaszewski Vogt Wehle Marett Schattner Karen & Joe Markiewicz Nancy Curran Rosalie & Alan Friend Charles Lauer Joel Farley Barbara Ryal Philip & Linda Chapman Evelyn Beede Joyce Rienzo Joseph DiPalma Julie & Breck Turner Diana Vonny Ryan Witt Roth Sally Helme Evangeline Lehr Janice Scarbrough 10 Barbara & Tom Huber Robert Virgilio Carol & Charles Marcia & Tom D'Angelone Comshaw Our special thanks to our donors to the 2013 TROPHY FUND Our special thanks to our donors to the 2013 HOSPITALITY FUND Cheryl Kraft Steve Tomaszewski Ann Barile Corinne & James Burns Marge Cecere Ted & Denise Lagala Gail Schuljan & Scott Gillis Marge & Ralph Silverthorn Cheryl Kraft Steve Tomaszewski Peggy Ann Accardo Ann Barile Corrine & James Burns Marge Cecere Joann & Howard Hass Ted & Denise Lagala Gail Schuljan & Scott Gillis Marge & Ralph Silverthorn 11 Websites & Phone Numbers to Remember ESSCLI website – www.springerspaniel.org Pet & Food Recalls – http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-recalls/ Get the 411 on your dogs’ food – http://www.dogfoodadvisor.com/dog-food-network/brand/ Animal Rehabilitation Site – http://www.handicappedpets.com/ Poison Control – ASPCA Animal Poison Control Center’s 24-hour hotline (888) 426-4435 Call for Volunteers Club Please contact Gail Schuljan, Corresponding Secretary, at esscli@optimum.net, if you are interested in helping with Club business: Attend Events & Meetings Volunteer to help at events Volunteer to write an article for the newsletter Chair or co-chair an event Plan a general meeting featuring a program of interest to our club dues Pay dues Rescue Please contact Virginia Titterton at vtitterton@hotmail.com if you are interested in helping rescue with any of the following: Foster a dog either long-term or short-term in your home Help transport a dog from place to place Go look at a dog in a shelter Help at the rescue boutique during club events Provide food, treats and/or toys to dogs in foster homes Donate regularly 12 Children’s Corner English Springer Spaniel Kids Word Find E G H U N T I N G R T Y F F A P F R I E N D L Y P L E K G I H Z T Z D Q W D O A F F E C T I O N A T E P T A L L R Z B V Q A Z W P H M T D A T F L I V E R Y E I C T E V O A E D C V E R L K R J B G P T G B N A I Y X I Y M T F L M B V R N B L A C K F E O E P L S G O E L O V I N G W A D V C O L D N O S E R F V S B C H E E R F U L W H I T E Answers on last page. Hey there kids! We would love to have some pictures of you and your springer to include in this section. If you like to draw, please send us a drawing of you and your springer. 13 Springer Boutique NEW ITEMS - Visit www.springerspaniel.org to view our other items and to order via PayPal. Please contact Gail Schuljan at esscli@optimum.net for availability of embroidered items. SNOODS For SALE! Choose from several different themes "Mix & Match" $10.00 each includes shipping Special "Mystery Snoods" for only $9.00 each Buy 5 and get 1 Free Embroidered English Springer Spaniel T-Shirts $20 each with dog; 22.50 with dog and name (includes shipping) Please allow 2 weeks for your shirt to be made. Custom- made in your choice of liver and white or black and white springer. Can be personalized with your dog’s name. Colors available: Black, hot pink, yellow, turquoise, blaze orange, lime green, gray Sizes available: Medium, Large, XLarge, XXLarge Microfiber Towels (15 x 18”) $12 each includes shipping (or 2 for $20) Colors: Red towel with Black and White ESS Tan towel with Liver and White ESS Brown towel with Black and White ESS Coral towel with Liver and White ESS 14 Springer Pups Hand Towels (17 x 30”) Your choice of liver and white or black and white dogs Can be personalized with dog or kennel name $15 each includes shipping….An additional $2.50 for name Please allow 2 weeks for your towels to be made. Answers to Kids Word Find 1 Field Trial 2 Friendly 3 Loving 4 Cheerful 5 Affectionate 6 Eager to Please 7 Cold Nose 8 Hunting 9 Feathering 10 Floppy Ears 11 Black 12 White 13 Liver 14 Family 15 English Springer Spaniel Club of Long Island Annual Dues Notice for January – December 2013 In an effort to get our Club back on track and get our membership more involved, we are offering a discount of $10 on membership fees. Fees paid after June 30, 2013 will be for the full amount. Regardless of whether you join the club, make a rescue donation or donate to the trophy fund, we would like to have your updated contact information and areas of interest. The newsletter will be sent to you via email. NAME:____________________________________________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _________________________________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: ___________________________________________________________________________ EMAIL ADDRESS:____________________________________________________________________________ (Needed to receive club information and the newsletter) Areas of interest: Show Obedience Tracking Field Rally CGC Agility Therapy Dog Rescue Companion DUES: Note: Associate membership is for individuals and families who do not live on Long Island Family $35 ($25 if paid before June 30) Individual $25 ($15 if paid before June 30) Associate Membership and Juniors $15 ($5 if paid before June 30) PLEASE USE THIS FORM AND RETURN IT WITH YOUR CHECK MADE PAYABLE TO ESSCLI, INC. TO: Gail Schuljan, ESSCLI Secretary 120 9th Avenue, Holtsville, NY 11742 Item Amount Dues $ Trophy Fund $ Hospitality Rescue Donation $ Please provide a separate check made payable to ESSCLI-Rescue $ Total $ 16
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