o DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) e FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31,2015 PARTNERSACCOUNTANTS License No. 40 o Chartered Accountants & Consultants Riyadh - Kingdom of Saudi Arabia DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPIETORSHIP) FINAIICIAL STATEMENTS AS OF DECEMBER 31,2015 INDEX PAGE Auditor's Report 1 Balance Sheet 2 Statement of Income 3 Statement of Owner's Equity 4 Statement of Cash Flows 5 Notes to the Financial Statements 6-13 s*cint*d Ae**erclta$fs Jli-$Gilt !j#{h{l & Rubaiaan - Licens:e No. ,18 :nriolants & Financial Cansultanrs t " € e,4+i -,-o,:,g ;i.r.ujl tsgt)t ::-'10 .J9ail! L,g-,|-'.a a'h AUDITOR'S REPORT To the Owner DARIIN CAPITAL (A Saudi sole proprietorship) Riyadh, Saudi Arabia Scope of Aud it: We have audited the accompanying balance sheet of DARFIN CAPITAL (a Saudi sole proprietorship) as of December 31. 2015, and the related statements of income, Owner's equity and cash flows for the year then ended, and notes lvhich form an integral part ofthese financial statements as prepared by the Management and presented to us with all the necessary infonnation and explanations. These financial statements are the responsibility of the DARFIN CAPITAL's management. Our responsibility is to express an opinion on these financial statements based on our audit. We conducted our audit in accordance with generally accepted auditing standards. Those standards require that we plan and perform the audit to obtain reasonable assurance about rvhether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes examining, on a test basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements. An audit also includes assessing the accounting standards used and significant estimates made by management, as well as evaluating the overall financial statement presentation. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for our opinion. Unqualified opinion: In our opinion, the financial statements present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of DAR-FIN CAPITAL as of December 31,2015, and the results of its operations and its cash flows for the year then ended in conformity with generally accepted accounting standards appropriate to the nature ofthe entity. Associated Accountants (License No. 67) 13 Jumada,1l 1437 H (22 March 201 6 G) _.-::i:t@ya;t00.C0rn , ;q .!i rYq,ilt,-JL,! 111""FI,jl \.,\r!+,a LrI'J' LJLjj u;b-!r ;rrr*Jl2!#l;\t-d.l J.9)dyl { )1ljl 1illi'ri.:-.61i 2290444 Fax r 011 2290335-E-mail :dr_shaath@yahoo.cortr Box l008'1,Rivadh'11433-Iel.O11 St -PO - Riyaclh - Olave DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) BALANCE SIIEET AS OF DECEMBER 31, 2015 Notes 2015 2014 SAR SAR 2,851,476 3,482,705 ASSETS Current assets 3 Cash and cash equivalent Accounts receivable 4 Prepaid expenses and other assets Total current assets 542,500 298,841 62,6s0 3,,692,817 3,545,355 Non-current assets Property and equipment Intangible assets 2&5 3,s90 17,950 2&.6 10,81 0 3,590 Total non-current assets 28,760 J,696,407 TOTAL ASSETS 1,5 74, r r5 LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY Current liabilities Accounts Payable Accrued expenses and other liabilities Provision for Zakat 3,331 7 417,738 404,829 513,730 300,549 82s,898 814,279 End-of-service indemnities 770,394 676,27r Total non-current liabilities 770.394 676,27). 1,596,,292 1,490,550 Retained eamings 2,000,000 100,11s 2,000,000 83,565 Total owner's equity 2,100,11s 2,083,565 TOTAL LIABILITIES AND OWNER'S EQUITY 3,696,407 _ ];l!]11 Total current liabilities Non-current liabilities TOTAL LIABILITIES Owner's equity Share capital The accompanying notes form an integral part ofthese financial statements -2 - DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPzuETORSHIP) STATEMENT OF'INCOME AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2015 Notes Revenues General and administrative expenses 2014 SAR 3,705,000 3,846,000 10 (3,s84,170) 8 120,830 (104,280) Income before Zakat Zakat Provision 2015 SAR (3,771,001) 68,999 (100,797) __l{f5q _ litt2E NET INCOME (LOSS) FOR THE YEAR The accompanying notes form an integral part ofthese financial statements -3- DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) STATEMENT OF OWNER'S EQUITY AS OF DECEMBER 31,2OI5 capital SAR Share Retained earnings SAR Total SAR 2014 Net (loss) lor the year 2,000,000 - 115,363 (31,7e8) Balance at December 31,2014 2,000,000 83,s6s Balance at December 3 l, 20 I 3 2,115,363 (3r,798) 2,083,s65 2015 - Net income for the year Balance at December 31,2015 2.000.000 16,550 100,115 16,550 2,100,115 The accompanying notes form an integral part ofthese financial statements -4- DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) STATEMENT OF CASH FLOWS AS OF DECEMBER 3I.2015 Dec'2015 SAR OPERATING ACTIVITIES Income before Zakat Adjustments for net income: Depreciation and amortization End of Service Provision Dec'2014 SAR 120,830 68,999 25,170 126,033 94,123 96,396 Changes in operating assets and liabilities: Accounts receivable (s42,s00) (236,191) Prepaid expenses and other assets Accounts Payable Accrued expenses and other liabilities Zakat Paid 3,331 ( (9s,992) 181,723 10,000) 279,190 (3,15 1) Net cash from in operating activities (631,,229) 739-190 Net change in cash and cash equivalents (631,22e) 739,190 Cash and cash equivalents, January 1, 2015 3,482,705 2,743,515 Cash and cash equivalents, December 31,2015 2,851,476 _ ]4nl9t The accompanying notes form an integral part ofthese financial statements -5 DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPzuETORSHIP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS AS OF DECEMBER 3I.2OI5 1. ORGANIZATION AND ACTIVITIES Dar of Finance and Investment Capital ("DAR-FIN CAPITAL') is a Saudi sole proprietorship owned by Mr. Abdul Rahman Bin Eid Al Harbi and operating under commercial registration No. 1010228764 dated Safar 2, 1428H (February 20, 2007c). DARIIN CAPITAL activity is summarized by provision of advisory and arangement services related to equity securities according to the letter of Chairman in charge of Saudi Capital Market Authority ("CMA') No.1267lRH dated Dhul-Qa'da 21,1427H corresponding to December 12,2006. 2. SUMMARY OF SIGNIFICANT ACCOUNTING POLICIES The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the Standard of General Presentation and Disclosure issued by the Ministry of Commerce and in compliance with the accounting standards issued by the Saudi Organization for Certified Public Accountants. The following is a summary of significant accounting policies applied by the DARFIN CAPITAL: Accounting convention The financial statements are prepared under the historical cost convention and accrual convention. Use of estimates The preparation of financial statements in conformity with generally accepted accounting standards requires the use of estimates and assumptions that affect the reported amounts of assets and liabilities and disclosure of contingent assets and liabilities at the date of the financial statements and the reported amounts of revenues and expenses during the year. Although these estimates are based on management's best knowledge of current events and actions, actual final results ultimately may differ from those estimates. Revenue recognition Revenues are recognized upon services are rendered to the clients and are stated net discounts, if any. Expenses General and administrative expenses include direct and indirect costs -6- of DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONT]NUED) AS OF DECEMBER 3I.2015 Property and equipment Property and equipment are stated at cost less accumulated depreciation. Expenditure on maintenance and repairs is expensed, while expenditure for betterment which increases the useful life of the asset is capitalized. Depreciation is provided over the estimated useful lives of the applicable assets using the straight line method. The estimated rates of depreciation of the principal classes ofassets are as follows: Percentage Furniture & Fixtures Office Equipment Computers Equipment Communication Equipment Motor Vehicles 15Yo 15% l5Yo 1syo t5Y. Intangible assets Intangible assets mainly comprise of leasehold improvements, registration fees with Saudi capital Market Authority (cMA) and others. Leasehold improvements include the amounts paid in excess of the fair market values of acquired assets. Leasehold improvement is amortized using the straight-line method over the lease period, while registration fee is amortized over 5 years. Impairment At each balance sheet date, DARIIN reviews the carrying amounts of its tangible and intangible assets to determine whether there is any indication that those assets have suffered an impairment loss. lf any such indication exists, the recoverable amount of the asset is estimated in order to determine the extent of the impairment loss. where it is not possible to estimate the recoverable amount of an individual asset, DAMIN estimates the recoverable amount ofthe cash generating unit to which the asset belongs. If the recoverable amount of an asset (or cash-generating unit) is estimated to be less than its carrying amount, the carrying amount of the asset (cash-generating unit) is reduced to its recoverable amount. lmpairment losses are recognized as an expense immediately in the consolidated statement of incomc. Where an impairment loss subsequently reverses, the carrying amount of the asset (cashgenerating unit) is increased to the revised estimate of its recoverable amount, but so that the increased carrying amount does not exceed the carrying amount that would have been determined had no impaiment loss been recognized for the asset (cash-generating unit) in prior years. A reversal of an impairrnent loss is recognized as income immediately in the consolidated statement of income. -1- DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDr SOLE PROPRTETORSHTP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONTINUED) AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2015 Foreign currency translation Foreign currency transactions are translated into Saudi Riyals at the rates of exchange prevailing at the time of the transactions. Monetary assets and liabilities denominated in foreign currencies at the balance sheet date are translated at the exchange rates prevailing at that date. Gains and losses from settlement and translation of foreign currency transactions are included in the statement of income. End-of-sen ice indemnities End-of-service indemnities are provided in the financial statements based on Saudi Arabian Labor regulations. Zzkat DARFIN is subject to the regulations of the Directorate of Zakat and lncome Tax ("DZIT") in the Kingdom ofSaudi Arabia. The Zakat is provided for on the accrual convention. The Zakat charge is computed on the Zakat base. Any difference in the estimate and the final assessment is recorded when the final assessment is approved, at which time the provision is cleared. Leasing Leases are classified as capital lease whenever the terms ofthe lease transfers substantially all ofthe rewards and risks of ownership to the lessee at the lower ofthe fair market value ofthe leased asset at the inception of the lease or the present value of the minimum lease payments. Lease payments are allocated between finance charges and reduction ofthe lease obligation in order to produce a constant periodic rate of charge on the remaining balance of the obligation. Finance charges are charged directly to the income. Capitalized leased assets are depreciated over the lease period. Rentals payable under operating leases are charged to the consolidated statement of income on a straight line basis over the term ofthe operating lease. 3. CASH ONIIAND AND ATBANKS Cash on hand Cash at banks -8 2015 2014 SAR SAR 4,502 2,846,974 3,481,059 2,8s1,476 3,482,705 1,646 DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMEIIETS (CONTINUED) AS OF DECEMBER 31.2015 4. PREPAID EXPENSES AIID OTHER ASSETS 20ts 2014 SAR SAR 179.340 Prepaid Rent Prepaid fees Prepaid medical insurance Employees advances 20,000 97,167 42,650 4,000 _ 5. 18,334 _ 2e3$11 __ p,651 PROPERTY&EQUIPMENT Cost: Furniture and fixtures Office equipment Communication equipment Computer equipment Vehicle Total Accumulated denreciation: Fumiture & Fixtures Office equipment Communication equipment Computer equipment Vehicle Total Book Value 2014 Additions Disposals 201s 9s,700 95,700 104,851 104,851 80,002 80,002 162,244 100,520 543,317 2014 Additions (9s,699) (104,851) (80,002) (r62,244) (82,s71) (s2s,367) t7,950 -9 162,244 100,520 543,317 - (14,360) (14,360) Disposals 20ts (95,699) (104,8s1) (80,002) (162,244) (96,931) (s39,727) 3,590 DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONTINUED) AS OF DECEMBER 3I" 2015 6. INTANGIBLE ASSETS Leasehold improvements SAR Registration fees And others SAR Total SAR Cost January 1, 2015 557,861 823,3s1 1,381,2t2 557,861 823,351 1,381,212 l) (1,370,402) Additions December 31, 2015 Accumulated amortization January l, 2015 Additions (547,0s1) ( December 31, 2015 (823.3s 10,810) (ss7.861) ( 10.8 r 0) (1.38r.2r2) (823.3s1) Net book value December 3 l, 201 5 December 31, 2014 7. 10,810 - 10.810 ACCRUED EXPENSES AND OTHER LIABILITIES 2015 2014 SAR SAR Accrued vacation and tickets 1s9,648 258,090 Other accrued expenses 417,738 8. 424,060 89,670 - _jl2t3! ZAKAT a) Adjusted income for the year was calculated as follows: 2015 2014 SAR SAR lncome before Zakat Provisions Nondeductible expenses Adjusted income 1,4r4,9s3 -10 120,830 68,999 94,123 96,396 1,200,000 1,200,000 - 1;!I;2L DARFIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) NOTES TO TIIE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONTINUED) AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2015 b) Zakat base for the year is comprised ofthe followings: Share capital Beginning end of service provision Adjusted income for the year Beginning retained earnings Less: Property, plant and equipment Intangible assets 2015 SAR 2014 SAR 2,000,000 2,000,000 676,271 579,875 1,414,953 1,365,395 83,565 115,363 4,174,789 4,060,633 (3,se0) ( 17,950) (10,810) Zakatbase 4,171,,199 4,031,873 2015 2014 SAR c) The movements in Zakat provision for the year are as follows: SAR Balance at the beginning ofyear Additions during the period Payments during the period 300,549 104,280 Balance at the end of year 404,829 202,903 100,797 (3,1s 1) 300,549 d) Zakat status: The Establishment and its related branches finalized its Zakat assessment with department of Zakat and income tax("DZIT") up to the end of Dhul Htjja 1432 H.(Conesponding to November 26,2011).In the year 1433H, House of Finance and Investment Capital branch ' 9. was converted into sole proprietorship operating under main C.R and submitted Zakat retum for the year 1433H and obtained restricted Zakat Certificate. SHARECAPITAL -11- DARFIN CAPITAL (,\ SAUD] SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) \OTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONTINUED) .{S OF DECEMBER 3I.2OI5 DARfIN share capital is determined at SAR 2,000,000 10. GENERAL AND ADMINISTRATIVE EXPENSES 2015 SAR Employees' salaries and benefits Rental Business travel Subscription & fees Training & Internet 2,830,274 2,972,846 538,020 53 8,014 27,801 40,000 66,076 I1,400 9,202 25,000 Telephone and fax Professional fees Stationery and printing 4,274 Maintenance 5 045 8,12; 20,000 6,396 1,055 Amortization Depreciation Miscelianeous 10,810 14,360 73,029 Total I 1. 2014 SAR 3,584,170 94,160 31,873 33,407 3,777,001 FINANCIAL INSTRUMENTS Fair value The carrying values for cash and cash at banks, accounts receivable, accounts payable and other receivables and payables are deemed to approximate their carrying amounts due to their short-term nature. DARFIN does not utilize derivative financial instruments to manage commission rate risks and foreign currency exchange due to factors explained below: Commission rate risk This comprises various risks related to the effect ol changes in commission rates on the Darfin balance sheet and cash flows. DARFIN did not have material assets or liabilities with floating commission rates on December 31 . DARFIN manages its cash flows by controlling the timing between cash inflows and outflows. Surplus cash is invested to increase DARFIN commission income through holding balances in short-term Murabaha investment, but the related commission rate risk is not considered to be significant. Currency risk is the risk that the value of a financial instrument will fluctuate due to changes in foreign exchange rates. Management monitors fluctuations in foreign currency exchange rates, and believes that DARFIN is not exposed to significant currency risk since DARFIN functional currency is the Saudi Riyal, in which the DARFIN transacts, which is currently fixed, within a narow margin, against the U.S. dollar. It -12- DARIIN CAPITAL (A SAUDI SOLE PROPRIETORSHIP) NOTES TO THE FINANCIAL STATEMENETS (CONTINUED) AS OF DECEMBER 31. 2015 Credit risk It is the risk that other parties will fail to discharge their obligations and cause DARFIN to incur a financial loss. Financial instruments that subject DARFIN to concentrations of credit risk consist primarily of cash balances and accounts receivable. DARFIN deposits its cash balances with a number of major high credit rated financial institutions and has a policy of limiting its balances deposited with each institution. DARIIN does not believe that there is a significant risk of non-performance by these financial institutions. DAR_FIN does not consider itself exposed to a concentration of credit risk with respect to accounts receivable due to its diverse customer base operating in various industries and located in many regions. Liquidity risk It is the risk that DAMIN will encounter difficulty in raising funds to meet commitments associated with financial instruments. Liquidity is managed by periodically ensuring its availability in amounts sufficient to meet any future commitments. DAMIN does not consider itself exposed to significant risks in relation to liquidity. DARFIN believes that it is not exposed to any significant risks in relation to the aforementioned -13-