m - Guadalupe County
m - Guadalupe County
OOOf)20 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: SEE EXHIBIT A 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 12/08/2000 and recorded in Book 1567 Page 0952 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: 01/05/2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than II :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale wi II be conducted as a public auction to the higbest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by RUDY MENDOZA AND JOSIE MENDOZA, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $49,600.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION clo OCWEN LOAN SERVICING, LLC, 1661 Worthington Road, Suite 100, West Palm Beach, FL 33409 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust and BANK OF AMERICA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION obtained a Home Equity Foreclosure Order from the 25th District Court of Guadalupe County on 0511112015 under Cause No. 15-0540-CV. The mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale pursuant to the Court's Order and notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 14-005067-670 5012 CROSSOVER ROAD SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 A RAY, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA TROY MART TIN OR RICHARD HOLTON RAMOS, DE c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. G') c:: .::t> 0 c.n l> c--i C::,..." "U:;o """rr, ..... m (") N 0"1 :z_ ." ~~ c- ;-I,..." C'") c ", :0 :;:,;: ::0 <::) ("") Ol> ('J C/) 11111/111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4548266 ,....., c:::::II :x is' N N m <: m O VOL I 56 7 PDG 9 6 3 EXHIBIT A..1 FIELD NOTES OF 0 344 G~ AN ACRE, BEINO TRACT NO. 47 IN E"C01"lOMY IIOMES SUBU!VrS:o:-;, At< UNRECORDED SIJ81HVISroti OF 239.7-15 ACRES IN TIlE A~IORE·'; HITCJ!ELL LEAGUE NO. 62, ~OSTRACT NO. 22Q IN GUADAL~PE COUNTY, TEXAS AND CONVEYED TO ECOt/OMY HOHES, 1 Ne. A~iD RECORDED IN VOLUME 43 5, PAGE IJB OF THE DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, AND BErNG THe: SAME TRACT n CQt;vEYED TO 'ANTONIO C.' JR. AND JUANITA L. HE~DOZA AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 653 PAGE 892 OF TilE DEED RcCORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNT\", TEXAS AND BE[~G HORE PARTICULARLl D~3CRrBED BY HETES AND BOUNDS AS 1'OLLOW$: DFC1:-l1-{·INC ... t " t inc:, steel I'if] f':1'.nd on the '"''?9t m":-gin of CrO!.T901l'"",' StrecL ror Lhc southeast co,"~, of Tract 48 nnd the no,theaat co:-ner of Trl\c:L 41 [or the northeA.st co:-r:(!r c[ th1a 0.34-1 acr" tract; THENCF: ",,1.11 t.he "(!'1~ !!"H'gin c; C:-:;lSSOVcr Str"et "nd th" e"'Bt lIn", o~ tr"c ~7 end the •• st 1!n9 of this C_3~~ acre tract. South 40' 00' East far 100,00 feel to s 3/,1 inch pipe fcur.d fOI:" the /"l'Jrthe'H.t corner- ot: Tra.ct f1.'Hl th", SO'Jtheas t rae l : Corner of T,.<,ct 47 for the 8oulh~ast ~6 Corner of thig -, .~. TIIF.I-I':I': '"'1 til th" "".th Ii"" '" Tr!.l;;" 46 anu til'? south lille or Tra:":t 41 Bnu I.ht'" !louth l~!l~ of this 0.3'1-1 a;:'C" U'llct, Sout.h 50' ao' W"st for 150.00 (eel Lo () i inch ste"l pi" foct"<=! :-:>r the no:-th"'"st corne, of Tract 46 find lhe s,,"uthl-''!!9t corner ccr Trnct 47 a"d th" southwest corn .. r of tl-ds tract; THF;llCE wlt .... the to R 1-1/2 no~thw"st '"'eel lin .. of inch corner rract 41, found for the 0 Horth 40' OQ' west for 100.00 reet southwelt corner of Tract 48 and the l 47 nne! the narthwcat corner of this 0.344 acre 1..8<: t; TIiEnce; witll sO\l~h li"" of T""::~ y~ and the r.o:-th lil\~ of Tract 4; and the ""rl.h line of this 0.344 acre I.p>ct, t-lo til 60' 00' Eo"t. fOr" 150.00 feet to th" I'''int of Beginning. FIl.ED FCffi RECORD 01 JAN -9 PM I: 48 817 N HEIDEKE STREET TX 78155 00000005576657 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTEl TRUSTEE'S SALE COOG2! 1. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. January 05,2016 The sale will Place at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMNllSSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated July 12, 2011 and recorded in Document VOLUME 3015, PAGE 0477 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with JOHN KALEB REGISTRATION 4. Obligations GOODWIN AND JEl',rNY INC. ("?vIERS"), AS NOMINEE, "'t",of .... oopp grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JOHN KALEB GOODWIN AND JENNY the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $ and obligations therein described including but not limited 10 the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Servicer is authorized to represent the by virtue of a servicing agreement wilh the Pursuant to the Servicing and Texas Code § 51.0025, the Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, as Mortgage is the current whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. FORT SC 29715 Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFlN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 nw""uu. Boulevard, Suite 100 Texas 7500 I Cenificate of Posting My name _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---' and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 7500 L I declare that on _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ I l1led at the office of the GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of sale, ::0 m m (") - < m o 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005576657 GUADALUPE 00000005576657 FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING A 0.280 OF AN ACRE TRACT OF THE OUT OF THE HUMPHRIES BRANCH SURVEY NO. 17, ABSTRACT 6, CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING A PORTION OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO MALCOLM P. TIGETT AND WIFE MARY ANN TIGETT, BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 376, PAGE 522, DEED RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING AT A 1/2" DIAMETER IRON PIN FOUND IN THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF N. HElDEKE STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF THE TIGETT TRACT FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO JOHN H PADGETT AND SUZANNE PADGETT BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 1844, PAGE 627, OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS AND THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT. THENCE, N 89 DEG 46' II" E, 174.04 FEET CROSSING THE TIGETT TRACT WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE PADGETT TRACT TO A 112" DlAlvlETER IRON PIN FOUND IN THE WEST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CONVEYED TO ADOLPH BODE AND JUANITA BODE BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 185. AGE 254, DEED RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE PADGETT TRACT AND THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT. THENCE, S 00 DEG. 01' 15" E, 70.06 FEET WITH THE WEST LINE OF THE BODE TRACT, THE WEST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CALLED 0.247 OF AN ACRE, DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1437, PAGE 312, OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS AND THE EAST LINE OF THE TIGETT TRACT TO A 1/2" DIAMETER IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF ANOTHER 0.280 OF AN ACRE TRACT OF LAND DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1074, PAGE 188, DEED RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY , TEXAS AND THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT. THENCE, S 89 DEG 46' 39" W, 173.88 FEET CROSSING THE TIGETT TRACT WlTH THE NORTH LINE OF THE 0.280 OF AN ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1074, PAGE 188 TO A 112" DIAMETER IRON PIN FOUND IN THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF N. HEIDEKE STREET AND THE WEST LINE OF THE TIGETT TRACT FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE 0.280 OF AN ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1074, PAGE 188 AND THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT. THENCE, N 00 DEG 14' 54" W, 70.04 FEET WlTH THE EAST RIGHT-OF-WAY LINE OF N. HEIDEKE STREET AND THE EAST LINE OF THE TIGETT TRACT TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 0.280 OF AN ACRE OF LAND . 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005576657 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.TjlI- (0712712015) - Ver·43 [;00653 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: "SEE EXHIBIT A" 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 09/03/20 I 0 and recorded in Book 2911 Page 0540 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. Date: 0 I /05 /20 16 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than II :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH . PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms of Sale. The sale wi II be conducted as a pub] ic auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. \ \ Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecti ng the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid . The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. S. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by WILLIE SHEFFIELD, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $1 05,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not lim ited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company c/o CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 15-0001 0 5-952 71 5 N BOWIEST SEGUrN, TX 78155 c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. en co ,....., C :b CJ e:;, . :t> ~ r-; c,..., ~ ""Q;:o -.:: "',..., C}<.n o~ C:JI; ~- -Ir'I1 -<r C} r,..., ::0 :::: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4550375 , .:0 m (") -•.". m"' \;0 m :x I'\) I'\) 0 t[l29 I I 11552 EXHIBIT A. LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tax Id Number(s): 1G09900243014D1000 METES & BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A 0.16 ACRE TRACT OF LAND, BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 14 AND NEW CITY BLOCK OTY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, SAID PORTION BEING THE CALLED SOUTH 46.50 FEET OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 14 AND THE NORTH 30.00 FEET OF THE WEST 94.50 FEE'- OF LOT 15 OF THE AM. IRELAND ADDmON TO THE OTY OF SEGUIN AS RECORDED BY PLATIN VOLUME PAGE DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING at a set ' iron rod in the easterly RO.W. line of N. Bowie Street (a 30' Public R,OW.) for the southwest corner of the herein described tract, said rod the northwest corner of lot as conveyed to l. and Martha J. Swanson in Vol. Pg. Deed Records of Guadalupe County, THENCE along and with the R.o.w. line of N. Bowie Street. North 76.60 feet (called North 76.50 to a set . iron rod for the northwest corner of the herein described tract, said rod marking the southwest corner of Lot 140, as 10 VlilHam J Klingeman in Vol. 598, Pg. 657, Deed Records of Guadalupe County, THENCE and with the south line of said lot 140, South 88 () 55' 57' East 84.69 feet South 88° 55' 57' 84.51 to a fence corner for the northeast corner of the herein described tract, the southeast corner ot said Lot THENCE along the common boundary of this tract and Lot as conveyed to Pedro E.3nd Felipa G. Gomez in Vol. 634, Pg. 492, Deed Records of Guadalupe County, South 00 013' 51' West 46.20 feet (called South 4650 feet) to a fence corner post, the southwest corner of said Lot 14C; THENCE, along the southerly boundary of Lot South 87 0 07' 42' East 10.05 feet (called East 10.00 to a fence corner post for the northeast corner of the herein described tract, the northwest corner of Lot as conveyed to Jimmy E. and Dahlia Herrera in Vol. 21, Deed Records of Guadalu~e County, Texas; THENCE along the easterly boundary of Lot 15F, South 00 0 04' 12' West 29.89 feet (call,~d South 30.00 feet) to a found 3' pipe at fence corner, said pipe the northeast corner of said Lot the southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE alor,g the north boundary of lot 15£, North 89 002' 43' West 94.51 feet to the POlNT OF BEG[NNING and 0.16 acres, more or less. NOTE: The Company is prohibited from insuring the area or quantity of the land, The (·)mpany does not that any acreage or calculations are correct. References to quantity are for identification ->v\0; ,r H1£ ~ ()1YLk' Inu It} D 1\J, LdY~~) ut W{ , puXosesonly. t rva 4'1616' 1m" Fit ED FOR RECORO . 10 SEP 14 AM II: 52 i Our File Number: 390.100341 Name; JERRY DON KJNG, VIRGINIA PERFECT LIEN ONLY. 000674 AS JOINT TENANTS, JULIE TICE SIGNING PRO FORMA TO NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert lIod protect your rigbls liS a member of Ihe armed forces of Ihe United Siaies. If you are or YOllr spollse is serving on Ildive military duty, including active military duly as II member of Ihe Tens National Guard or Ihe National Guard of anolher stBle or as II member of II reserve componenl oflhe armed forces oflhe United Stales, please send written notice of Ihe active duly military service 10 Ibe sender oflbis notice immediately. WHEREAS, on September, 62007, JERRY DON VIRGINlA AS JOINT TENANTS, JULIE TICE SIGNING PRO FORMA TO PERFECT LIEN ONLY., executed a Texas Deed OfTrust conveying to G TUMMY BASTIAN as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, L.P. DBA GOLD in the payment ofa INC., ACfING SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR BSM debt therein said TEXAS DEED OF TRUST recorded under County Clerk Number Volume 0187 in the DEED OF TRUST OR REAL PRUPERTY records of GUADALUPE COUNTY, WHEREAS, demult has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to said UIUvUl'vUlI the undersigned has been Substitute Trustee in the place of said contingency and in the manner authorized by said TEXAS DEED OF upon the NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GTVEN that on January 5,2016 between ten o'clock not earlier than II :00 AM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be specifically, the North of the County Courthouse or any other area conducted in the area ofthe the County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the where 1.002 of the Texas Property Code as amended. foreclosure sales are to take place, of said county, pursuant to Section AM and four o'clock PM and Said Real Estate is described as follows: LOT 181, RlVER BEND SUBDIVISION UNIT I, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OF PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 3, PAGES 48-51, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF ~ GUADALUPE TEXAS. INCLUDES MANUFACTURED HOUSING UNIT(S) DESCRIBED RS :t> FOLLOWS: MAKE: PALM HARBOR; MODEL: COUNTRY WIDTH: 17.7, LENGTH: s@IA~ PH229853, YEAR: 2002. SAID ATTACHED TO THE LAND IN A PER.MANENT MANNER S lit7...-1 BE RENDERED AN IMIvIOVABLE AND AN INTEGRAL PART OF THE SUBJECTPR f5£ti rnrn Property Address: Servicer: Noteholder: oU> 3 J4 RIVER BEND DRIVE NEW TX 78130 Mortgage LLC r"r.,..imrl"" Mortgage LLC 1600 South Douglass Anaheim, CA 92806 O}> ~.:= ...-IfT1 "-'> -0 :x ...(r The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Noteholder. 1.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code the above referenced loan. debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the funds The Purchaser shall have no further recourse the the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's Rtt(lmf'V WITNESS MY HAND this day, December 14, 2015. Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Ray, Jill Richard Holton, Irene Vanessa Ramos, Chance Oliver or Bret Substitute Trustee doAngel Reyes & P.c. 5950 Berkshire Lane, Suite 410 Dallas, TX 75225 469-425·3140 'q..J.tMllLu.a m o 00067S GUADALUPE Deed of Trust 2008 Amount: $235,000.00 Grantor(s): GABRiEL RENEE CANTU, SR and TAMMY RAMOS CANTU Original Mortgagee: INTERLINC MORTGAGE, INC. Current Mortgagee: CITIMORTGAGE, INC. Mortgagee Address: CITIMORTGAGE, INC., 1000 1 ",'hn,nln,w Drive, O'Fallon, MO 63368 Recording Information: Document No. 08-19360 and rerecorded Oct 31, 2008 under Document No, 08·20405 Legal Description: lOT 6, BLOCK 25, liVE OAK HillS SUBDIVISION, CITY OF SELMA, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 2, PAGES 146-147, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, Date of Sale: January 5, 2016 between the hours of 11 :00 AM and 2:00 PM, Earliest TIme Sale Will 11:00 AM Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51,002 of the Texas Code as the place wihere foreclosure sales are to take or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the be conducted at the place wihere the Notice of Trustee's was posted, DEBORAH MARTIN OR TROY MARTIN, ALEXIS MARTIN, CASSIE MARTIN, TERRI MARTIN OR SHELBY MARTIN have been Trustee') each to act independently, in the place of said original of Trust. upon the contingency manner authorized by said ;mrmirllp.o as Substitute The Substitute Trustee will sell the Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified, The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time, If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled to a return of the fUnds paid, The Purchaser shall have no further recourse the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the MI'\J1n:'Il~'"'''' attorney, M"rtn,,,,,,,,,, to rnay bind and NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent thaI the Substitute shall be warrant title to the Property under the tenns of the Deed of Trust, IY>rl\'Q""n.',," of the IS' without any representations and warranties wihatsoever, express or and subject 10 all matters of record the Property, TillS lNSTRUMENT APPOlNTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDENTIFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY lNSTRUMENT IDENTnTED IN THIS NOTICE OF SALE THE PERSON SIGNING THIS NOTICE IS TIlE ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED AGENT OF HIE MORTGAGEE OR MOR GE SERVlCER _-f+---~. SARAH ROBBINS, ATTORNEY AT LAW nu",,,,,-v.WATTERS & ASKANASE, LLP, 2900 Houston, Texas 77002 Reference: 2015-{)08043 c/o Tejas Trustee ervices 4100 MidwayRd Sle 1040 Carrollton, TX 75007 ;0 m (') 000678 1028 SANDY RIDGE CIRCLE SCHERTZ, TX 78154 20130169803749 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE) TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: January OS, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at Il :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated November 30, 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2250, PAGE 0022 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with DANIELLE L. WOODRING AND THOMAS J. WOODRING, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DANIELLE L. WOODRING AND THOMAS J. WOODRING, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $158,332.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promi ssory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information . The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BL VD FORT MILL, SC 29715 B~~ Substitute Trustee clo BARRETI DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certi fi cate of Posting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _- > , and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100. Addison, Texas 75001 . I filed at the office of the GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted I declare under penalty of perjury that on at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of sale. Declaranas Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date:_ __ _ __ _ __ __ _ _ _ _ __ a c: CD :t> ~ 0 }> r--l C::fTl ""0;:0 fTlm c-)u) O;X> f\ ~::5 -In'l '- <r c-) ,.., r I ::0 ~ . r-..a ~ C-'1 :0 Z m 0 '< N (') -<m: W :bo -- :x C.I1 ...... ", 0 11/111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111 11111111 NOS20 130 169803749 FCTX_NSTS_Sig&,rpl . (07n7/2015)· Ver·43 , 20130169803749 GUADALUPE LOT 7, BLOCK II, DOVE MEADOWS, UNIT 3, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5, PAGE 278A OF THE PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS20 130169803749 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.rpl- «(1712712015) - Ver-43 000680 1063 EAST WALNUT STREET SEGUfN, TX 78155 00000005550157 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE) TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. I. 2. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: January OS, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated November 25, 2008 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2688, PAGE 0833 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with ANTONIO A. GONZALES, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ANTONIO A. GONZALES, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $83,399.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N .A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 A RAY, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITION, JACK BURNS II, RICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETI DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate of Posting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _~. and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. [declare under penalty of perjury that on [ filed at the office of the GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of sale. Declarants Name: Date: C') c: » » CJ '-1 C::fT) -0::0 r~~ CJ:t> r ( I I I C:;:lI: .::z_ -..,.., .. <:~ . ~ c:::» c.n 0 -= ~ eN ~ :Ie tTl :::0 m (') m < l' , ~fTi! (-) r ::0 :z: U1 }::::J CO X 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005550 157 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.rpl- (0712712015) - Ver-43 00000005550157 GUADALUPE I ' ~IT"A" BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED WITHIN THE CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 8, BLOCK 440, MORNINGSIDE ADDITION, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME I, PAGE 142, AND REVISED PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME I, PAGE 158, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005550157 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.rpl- (07/27nOI5) - Ver-43 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC (CXE) FLINN, MATIHEW 337 FLATLAND PASS, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 VA 61-62-6-1180377 Our File Number. 15-019446 ·000683 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on February 28, 2013, MATTIlEW FLINN JOINED HEREIN PROFORMA BY SPOUSE REBECCA FLINN, as Grantor(s). executed a Deed ofTrust conveying to BAXTER & SCHWARTZ P.c., as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRAnON SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR NAnONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC in payment of a debt therein described. The Deed ofTrust was filed in the real property records of GUADALUPE COUNTY, TX and is recorded under Clerk's Filellnstrument Number 13-004788 Volume 4049, Page 0068, to which reference is herein made for all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment ofsaid indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfy said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said original Trustee, upon contingency and in the manner authorized by said Deed of Trust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on l1JESDAY, January 5, 2016 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than I I :OOAM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate at the County Courthouse in GUADALUPE COUNTY, TX to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will be conducted in the area of the Courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, of said county, pursuant to Section §5LOO2 of the Texas Property Code as amended; ifno area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the County of GUADALUPE, State of Texas: LOT 7, BLOCK 5, CAP ROCK. UNIT THREE, IN THE CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE(S) 670, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Property Address: 337 FLAT LAND PASS NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 8950 CYPRESS WATERS BLVD COPPELL, TEXAS 75019 Mortgage Servicer: Noteholder. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is . ed to collect th~ administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above referenced loan. .JA- ~tf4. I c ~ --S-UB-S-TI--TUTE---TR~UwSLT~E~E~~~~~~~~~ ~ DEBORAH MARTIN OR TROY MARTIN OR EXlS MARTIN OR CASSIE MARTIN OR TERRI MARTIN OR SHELBY MARTIN OR DEANNA RAY OR RICHARD HOLTON OR IRENE SALAZAR OR VANESSA RAMOS OR FREDERICK BRITTON OR JACK BURNS II OR PATRICIA SANDERS OR ZANA JACKSON OR PAMELA THOMAS OR KRISTOPHER HOLUB OR PATRICK ZWIERS OR KELLEY BURNS OR TANYA GRAHAM OR DANIEL WILLSIE c/o Shapiro Schwartz, LLP 13105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77040 U UJ E ...J > ~~ UJ -> (".) ~8 0... :.::: :::> I1J N :> ffi~ o a:: ~ In Ww I- <i. 0 ~ ~ CJ (713 )462-2565 Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. !fyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active military service to the sender of this notice immediately. -------------- - - - --------- 000684 Date: Grantor(s): Original Mortgagee: Original Principal: Recording Information: Property Property: Reported Address: 08/26/2011 WILLIAM 1. MELONI AND SPOUSE, JENNIFER D. MELONI WELLS FARGO BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION $153,500.00 Book 3032 Page 0694 Instrument 015322 Guadalupe LOT 1, BLOCK TIffi LINKS AT SCENIC fULLS, UNIT 3, GUADALUPE ACCORDING TO PLAT TIffiREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE(S) 646, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 6124 CALLAWAY CIDOLO, TX78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicing Current Mortgage Servicer: Current Beneficiary: Mortgage Servicer Address: jf not the Current pursuant to a M(l,rt>1:~l1e is representing the Current Wells Bank, NA Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Wells Fargo Bank, NA 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION; Tuesday, the 5th day ofJanuary, 2016 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIffi NORTIf PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTIfOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Richard Holton, Irene Vanessa Ramos, Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Frederick Britton, Jack Bums II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Bums, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, A1exander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite Dallas, TX 75254 Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described nr(\n~rtv in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been due and payable; and and all stuns secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be llAu.:.;,.,,_ the Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Deborah Martin, Deanna Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Bums II, Patricia ;"WIlle,,, Zana Jackson, Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie. Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the law firm has been to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute matters and that: NOW, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the I. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all stuns secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns Patricia lana Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Kelley Graham, Daniel Wills ie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, A1exander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any to the sale of the I'r"nprltv and to any referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. No express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's is made the quality or nature of title to be acquired. own risk" and "at his , and no to any liens or interests Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their prior to ~ participating in the sale of the property. 1-l"~'C-'Q" Madole~.~~ Very truly yoursl1_ M.wttlh t3 ; ~~ y i~ :0 "' o m - N N 9986-N-8001 2146967514 PG1 POSTPKG 000685 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION; Date: 10/24/2005 Grantor(s): CHRISTINA P. TOBAR AND SAMMY A. TOBAR Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA TlON SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR UNION FEDERAL BANK OF INDIANAPOLIS, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $107,544.00 Recording Information: Book 2231 Page 0968 Instrument 05-22396 Property County: Guadalupe Property: Reported Address: LOT 52, SAUDER FARMS SUBDIVISION, UNIT 2, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE(S) 192, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 253 SAUDER FARMS ROAD, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION; The Mortgage Servicer, ifnot the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION; Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 5th day ofJanuary, 2016 II :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns n, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Wills ie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TIlEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: I. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Bums, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for casb on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. 'f?, VeOY!rulyy~. 11AJzd. ~ Buokley M.drte'Y't It ~: I oL 'l) m Q c:: ~ z: :b- e;:, 0 en > r-t C C::m \:1;0 < ('")(1) Il\) Cl.) m,." ell> C::;JI;: 2:_ -1m -<,- -0 ~ N AI "'0 m < m 0 1'0 9986-N-7963 2146967412 PG1 POSTPKG 000686 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Date: 09/28/2008 DAVID P. PHARRIES, TI, STACI KOZENlESKY, HUSBAND AND WIFE Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR AMERlCAHOMEKEY, INC. DBA GOLD FINANCIAL SERVICES, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: Recording Information: Property County: $]34,228.00 Book 2672 Page 0737 Instrument 18742 Guadalupe Property: Reported Address: LOT 10, BLOCK 10, DOVE CROSSING SUBDIVISION-UNIT IN TIlE CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS, GUADALUPE TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT TIlEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 660, OF THE MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE TEXAS. TX 78130 2452 MEDINA NEW IwtCt"aI'''' Servicing Current Mortgage Servicer: Current Beneficiary: Mortgage Servicer Address: is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort SC 29715 Tuesday, the 5th day I 1:00AM or within three hours th",,.,.,,,r-r,,,. AT TIlE NORTH PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE in Guadalupe Texas, or, if the the designated area, at the area most ,.",{'"ntl" designated by Commissioner'S Court. Substitute Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Frederick Britton, Jack Bums Patricia Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, ,.,ct,,,,,h,,.,. Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite TX 75254 Time of Sale: Place of Sale: WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously corlve'ved the above described property in trust to secure pavrnelrlt of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was t1 ...rll'lrt~t1 cured; and all sums secured such Deed of Trust were declared to be n ...." ".."""",]' =".LJ,",,":>. the Trustee and any previously ap~K)Ullted Deborah Martin, Deanna Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Sanders, Zana Holub, Patrick Cristina Alexander appointed as Substitute to sell the Property to 1..1"-"',.....:>. the law finn has been requested to Mortgage Servicer and Substitute NOW, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the tnrl',ann,a matters and that: 1. The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Kelley Bums, Tanya Daniel Willsie, Cristina Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be impediments to the sale ofthe .....nn..,.,ru and to any referenced in the Deed of Trust or to extent the same are still in effect shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed ofTrust 4. No but not limited to the warranties of merchantability and fitness for II particular at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in property shall be offered "AS-IS", will the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no is made concerning the or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's have in property, subject to an~iens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their ,oic§irior t~ participating in the property. ~ ~ ra: ~ c-l <::) VerytrulYYOUrs~ Buckley Madole, P.e. r k4thi\ 6 : ~~ ~ d . . (~ I . -of:] n;n; '< N 2ft ~ ~-In; ~ ...... c:;:w::: -<rn r n; :0 .. m (') m<:m o ::Jl; 9985-N-1465 2146888003 POSTPKG 000687 Date: Grantor(s): Original MfI'rl!J~ll1ee Original Principal: Recording Information: I"........."'..tv County: Property: 06/0211998 TIlERON E. BOUQUET AND MELANIE L. NORWEST MORTGAGE, INC $103,068.00 Book 1349 0113 Instrument 8904 Guadalupe HUSBAND AND WlFE A FIELD NOTE DESCRIPTION OF A TRACT OF LAND COMPRISED OF LOT 100 AND A PORTION OF LOTS 99, 101 AND J02IN GLEN COVE SUBDIVISION IN TIlE CITY OF SEGUIN', GUADALUPE COUNTY, A COPY OF SAID SUBDIVISION IS SAID FILED IN VOLUME 3 AT PAGE 10 OF TIlE COUNTY PLAT OR MAP TRACT BEING THAT SAME PROPERTY CONVEYED TO JAMES E. SAGEBIEL, ET BY DEED RECORDED IN' VOLUME 593 AT PAGE 808 OF TIlE COUNTY DEED RECORDS AND LOCATED AT 6 HOLLAMON DRIVE IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: N N UJ > .. W () UJ a:: BEGINNING AT AN IRON PIN FOUND IN TIlE NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY OF HOLLAMON DRIVE (50 FOOT R.O.W.) FOR TIlE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS TRACT FROM WHICH TIlE COMM:ON SOUTH CORNER OF LOTS 101 AND 102 BEARS AROUND SAID CURVE TO TIlE WEST, 3.10 FEET AND TIlE WEST RIGHT OF-WAY OF GLEN COVE DRIVE BEARS EAST ALONG SAID RIGHT-OF-WAY A SAID IRON PIN AND SOUTHEAST CORNER IS TOTAL DISTANCE OF 163.8 ALSO TIlE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT IN TIlE NAME OF MICHAEL T. AND GIANNA S. STRAUSS BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 101 AND 102 AND DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 1275 AT PAGE 270 OF TIlE COUNTY OFFICIAL THENCE, ON SAID CURVE TO TIlE LEFT AND NORTH RIGHT-OF-WAY, THROUGH A CENTRAL ANGLE OF 42 DEGREES 36' 17" SUBTENDED BY A RADnJS OF 241.40 AN ARC DISTANCE OF 179.50 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND FOR TIlE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT AND TIlE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT BEING LOT 98 AND A PORTION OF LOT 99 IN TIlE NAME OF RUSSELL AND VERNELL MORRIS AND DESCRIBED BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 880 AT PAGE 208 OF SAID OFFICIAL NORTH 60 DEGREES 08"00" WEST, ON TIlE COMM:ON BOUNDARY OF THIS TRACT AND SAID MORRIS TRACT, 169.20 FEET TO A CONCRETE MONUMENT FOUND FOR TIlE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT IN TIlE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF A 20 FOOT SERVICE ALLEY; ON TIlE SOUTH BOUNDARY OF SAID THENCE, NORTH 56 DEGREES 09'00" SERVICE ALLEY 143.07 FEET TO AN IRON PIN SET FOR AN ANGLE POINT AND NORTH 62 DEGREES 05'00" CONTINUING ON SAID SOUTH BOUNDARY 145.00 FEET TO AN IRON PIN FOUND FOR TIlE NORTIlEAST CORNER OF THIS TRACT AND TIlE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID STRAUSS TRACT FROM SAID IRON PIN AND CORNER TIlE ORIGINAL COMM:ON NORTH CORNER OF LOTS 101 AND 102 BEARS ON NORTH 62 DEGREES 05'00" 4.00 FEET; Reported Address: MORTGAGE SERVICING The Mortgage Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Mortgage Servicer: Current Beneficiary: Mortgage Servicer Address: ON TIlE COMMON BOUNDARY OF SOUTH 16 DEGREES 32'47" THIS IRACT AND SAID STRAUSS TRACT, 126.69 FEET TO TIlE POINT OF BEGINNIN'G AND CONTAIN'IN'G 30,629 SQUARE FEET OR 0.7031 ACRES OF LAND. 6 HOLLAMON SEGUIN, TX 78155 INFORMATION: if not the Current is the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Wells Bank, N. A. Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATIQN: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: the 5th day 2016 I 1:00AM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIlE NORTH PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE in Guadalupe area is no the designated area, at the area most County, Texas, or, if the recently the County Commissioner's Court. Troy Martin, Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Substitute Trustee(s): Frederick Jack Bums IJ, Patricia Sanders, Zana Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Bums, Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael AJexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act TX75254 Su bstitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas ,"",,,rin:m>v Suite the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was such default was 9985-N-7873 2146967114 PG1 in trust to secure payment of to not have been POSTPKG and all sums secured such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and UA'UC.i...."'. the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Bums Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Kelley Bums, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and to sell the to the indebtedness; and lLl'-'-'1...." . the firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgage Servicer and Substitute NOW, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be The maturity of the Note has been accelerated and all sums secured immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Bums Patricia Sanders, Zana Pamela Kristopher Holub, Patrick Kelley Bums, Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, at the place, and no earlier any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the bidder for cash on the. than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section notice. The sale will within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the save and the Grantor's warranties authorized by the property "at the purchaser's Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. to any liens or interests Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's have in the of their choice prior to kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are to consult participating in the sale of the property. 9985-N-7873 2146967114 PG2 POSTPKG 000688 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 29, BLOCK 10, GATEWOOD SUBDIVISION UN1T 4, fN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, AN ADDITION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 246, DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 07125/2008 and recorded in Book 2650 Page 0 179 Document 08-14348 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. Date: 01/05/20 16 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than II :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason. the Purchaser at the sale shall be entiUed only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the. Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obliglllions Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by RENE MORALES AND JESSICA MOnCA, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $142,759.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF M1DFIRST BANK is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is MIDFIRST BANK c/o MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFlRST BANK, 999 N.w. Grand Blvd, Oklahoma City, OK 73118 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act Delimit has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute rtgagee may appoint er person substitute trustee to Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that befote the sale the conduct the sale. Il-000234-36l lOl GATEWOOD BRIAR CIBOLO, TX 78108 TROY MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, I E SALAZAR., VANESSA RAMOS, DEBORAH MARTIN OR RICHARD HOLTON clo AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACIlVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF TIlE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF TIDS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. IIIIIIIIIIII~ 1/111111111111111111111111 4552302 000689 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE I. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 10, BLOCK 3, SAENGARHALLE SUBDIVISION UNIT ONE, IN THE CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 406-407, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. .' , 2.lnstrvmentto be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 0211112005 and recorded in Book 2128 Page 0182 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. ~: 01105/2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 1I :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. ~: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE [S condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a rettrrn of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. S. ObUgaJions Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by GEORGE CARRERA AND KAREN CARRERA, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $129,810.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. NEWLANDS ASSET HOLDING TRUST is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and ROUNDPOlNT MORTGAGE CORPORATION is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is NEWLANDS ASSET HOLDING TRUST clo ROUNDPOlNT MORTGAGE CORPORATION, 5032 Parkway Plaza, Charlotte, NC 28217 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act Defuult has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale th ortgagee may appoint an rson substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 12·003882-l70 383 COPPER WOOD DRIVE NEW BRAUNFELS. TX 78132 TROY MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, IREN SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, DEBORAH MAR OR RlCHARD HOLTON clo AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TIlE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE [S SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF TIlE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF TIlE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE lMMEDIATELY. c;') CD c: ~ c::::t l> a CJ'I '-/ 2: C l> C:,.., ""0;:0 M,.., ('")(1) 0:> C;:s;: z_ -<, -I,.., ,,.., < N c.." ""'0 :x ('") ;:0 ::x: 1/111111111111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4552301 N Q) ;0 m m 0 < m 0 Current Borrower: CHRISTOPHER STEWART, A SINGLE PERSON AND NAOMI GARCIA, A SINGLE PERSON MB File Number: VAlFHAlPMI Number: TX-15-26360-FC Loan Type: Farm Loan 1516 CAP RIDGE PEAK, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 Property Address: 000694 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: 412212010 Grantor(s)/Mortgagor(s): CHRISTOPHER STEWART, A SINGLE PERSON AND NAOMI GARCIA, A SINGLE PERSON Original Beneficiary/Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRA nON SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR GARDNER FINANCIAL SERVICES, LTD., ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee: Lakeview Loan Servicing, LLC ~ ~ . > o » m . ":::0 fT1", (")(1) Oll> Recorded in: Volume: 2864 Page: 261 Iustrument No: Mortgage Servicer: M&T Bank is representing the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee. :0 "'--1 c:", Property County: GUADALUPE E\ c: Z 2S ;-lfT1 '<,.. r (") fT1 (') < N .. om ITt Mortgage Servicer's Address: ~ 1 Fountain Plaza, Buffalo, NY' 4203 Legal Description: LOT 3, BLOCK 2, CAP ROCK, UNIT 1, IN THE CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 270, OF THE MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: V5/2016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11:00AM Place of Sale of Property: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002' OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Notice Pursuant to Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(1): Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the actIVe duty military service to the sender of this notice Immediately. Debo artin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin or Shelby Martin or Cole D. Patton or Catherine Allen-Rea McCARIHY HOLTHUS - TEXAS, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 Current Borrower: MH File Number: VAlFHAlPMJ Number: Loan Type: Property Address: 000698 MARVIN W. THOMAS AND WIFE, SHElLEY F. THOMAS TX-1l-1l795-CM Conventional Residential 2641 ASHLEY OAK DRIVE, SCHERTZ, TX 78154 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Deed of Trust Date: 8/512005 Grantor(s)/Mortgagor(s): MARVIN W. THOMAS AND WIFE, SHELLEY F. THOMAS Original Beneficiary/Mortgagee: LONG BEACH MORTGAGE COMPANY, A CORPORATION Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Recorded in: Volume: 2196 Page: 0105 Instrument No: 16437 Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association is representing the Current BeneficiaryIMortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current BeneflciaryIMortgagee. Property County: GUADALUPE Mortgage Servicer's Address: 1111 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, OH 43240 Legal Description: LOT 45, BLOCK 8, ASHLEY PLACE, UNIT 4, CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5, PAGE 373A, OF THE DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: 1/5/2016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11:00 AM Place of Sale of Property: THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place . and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Notice Pursuant to Tex. Prop. Code § 51.002(1): Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. TroyM . . or Cole D. Patton or Catherine Allen-Rea . MCCARTHY HOLTHUS - TExAs, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 CD ~ .,..0 -.. .~ ~ crn ~~ t:')ch c)}:" ·c,-; ~Fi -<r(') 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4553181 ~ ~ ::D rn , (') rn <:. ~ rn es a -r--4 .~ .:P" . CQ ~. cJ'\ d'l - 000699 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Date: December 7, 2015 Trustee: GENE MAJORS l- Substitute Trustee: ,... m c: co .> -< - ~ C .> CI"I C r--t CARRIE LANE c::", ~ :::0 ROBERT L. BOYD AND SHERRYL L BOYD Lender: rra nCJ) I co 0» C::x; == :z. z_ -tfTl -<r- $35,500.00 Note: .;:0 F"1 --.. Deed of Trust: -<rn N .....J Date: March 5, 2004 Grantor: JA VIER CASILLAS Assumed by: KENNETH L. SELLERS, JR. and SARA LEITT. SELLERS Lender: ROBERT L. BOYD AND SHERRYL L BOYD Recording information: Deed ofTrust recorded in Volume 1977, page 0525, Guadalupe County Real Property Records; Assumption Deed recorded in Volume 2763, Page 0929, Guadalupe County Real Property Records. Property: County: Lot 9, BirmensdorfFarms, Section Two, Guadalupe County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Volume 4, page 316, ofthe Plat Records ofGuadalupe County, Texas Guadalupe County, Texas Date of Sale: January 5, 2016 Time of Sale: At 10:00 a.m., but not later than 4:00 p.m. Place of Sale: The North porch of the Guadalupe County Courthouse, 101 East Court Street, Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas. Gene Majors is Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Carrie Lane has been appointed Substitute Trustee by Lender. Lender has instructed Substitute Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction ofthe Note. Notice is given that on the Date ofSale, Substitute Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place ofSale, to the highest bidder for cash. The earliest time the sale will occur is the Time of Sale, and the sale will be conducted no later than three hours thereafter. Assert and protect your rights as a member ofthe armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a mem ber of a reserve component ofthe armed forces ofthe United States, please send written notice ofthe active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. C ELANE, Substitute"Trustee ( m (') tTl C t Current Borrower: . MH File Number; VAlFHAlPMI Number: Loan Type: Property Address: 000701 ROBERT T. BROWN AND KAREN L. BROWN HUSBAND AND WIFE TX·10·09715·CM FHA 500 illNGE FALLS, CIBOLO, TX 78108 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE Grantor(s)lM~rtgagor(s): Deed ofTrust Date: ROBERT T. BROWN AND KAREN L BROWN HUSBAND AND WIFE 12/16/2008 Original Beneficiary/Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGAGE COMPANY Current BeneficiarylMortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Recorded in: Volume: 2695 Page: 063 Instrument No: 023207 Mortgage SerVicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association is representing the Current BeneficiarylMortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current BeneficiarylMortgagee. Property County: GUADALUPE Mortgage Servicer's Address: 1111 Polaris Parkway, Columbus, OH 43240 I Legal Description: LOT 7, BLOCK 10, GATEWOOD SUBDIVISION UNIT 4, IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, AN ADDITION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR pLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 246, DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS Date of Sale: 11:00 AM Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 1/5/2016 Place of Sale of Property: THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSIONER'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. Notice Pursuant to Tex. Prop. -Code § 51.002(1): Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty. Including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces ,of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. ~1~lAr Troy Martin, Deborah Martin or Cole D. Patton or Catherine Allen-Rea (J ~"j MCCARTIIY HOLTHUS - TE~LL~ ATTN: SALES -< ~ 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 060 > r- Plano, TX 75075 c:;;:: "'0::0 r:'1rt; (")(1) 0): J C:x .z_ -f1"'1 ,-<' C') ,m ::0 ~ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4553812 . ::lilt - .~ •• :a m () m < m o 000705 N oticE:~of Foreclosure Sale .ll' "",\0,' ~'~\. 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: All that certain 8.53 acre tract ofland situated in the Stephen Smith Survey, AbstractNo. 34, Guadalupe County, Texas; said 8.53 acre being the same property described in Warranty Deed filed for record in Volume 1247, Page 359, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed ofTrust recorded in Volume 3055, Page 298, of the real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. ~ Date, Time, and Place a/Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: January 5, 2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 1:00 p.m. or no later than three hours thereafter. The sale will be completed by no later than 4:00 p.m. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse in Seguin, Texas, at the following location: The area designated by the Commissioners Court of Guadalupe County, Texas for conducting non-judicial foreclosures. The deed of trust permits the beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed oftrust need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 4. Terms a/Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions of the deed of trust permitting the beneficiary thereunder to have thecBid credited to the note up to the amount ofthe unpaid debt secured by the deed of trust at th~imj;of ~. ,..., - c;:, c.rI ~ 0' r--t , em " n Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pa immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. 11~~ n(l) 0'): C::;::I; 2:_ -tl""\ -<r- The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the deed of -0 :x .. , e,..) N W :;0 m 0 <m m 0 STATE OF TBXAS j. COUN1Y OF COMAL ). BefoJe me, the ~ notary pu\)1ic, on this day personally ~. Roy Neal ' Lbmaltz, kDawn to me to he the person whose name is subscribed to ttie foiegoiDg ~ ami acknowledged to Die that he executed the same for the pufposes &lid eXpNiSeci. . .. cODSi~~ . . '"~ ... GiVCD under my hand and seal of Q:ffi.ce on December 11, 201S. -.. :. '. , '~. '~. '-.: .-:: : NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE December 14, 2015 Page 2 requested Substitute Trustee to sell the Property. The Deed ofTrust may encumber both real and personal property. Formal notice is hereby given of Peka, Ltd.' s election to proceed against and sell both the real property and any personal property described in the Deed ofTrust in accordance with Peka, Ltd. 's rights and remedies under the Deed of Trust and section 9.604(a) ofthe Texas Business and Commerce Code. Therefore, notice is given that on and at the Date, Time, and Place for the Foreclosure Sale described above, Substitute Trustee will sell the Property in accordance with the Terms of Sale described above, the De~d of Trust, and applicable Texas law. IfPeka, Ltd. passes the Foreclosure Sale, notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in a~cordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Deed ofTrusf and the Texas Property Code. The Foreclosure Sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the Foreclosure Sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters ofrecord affecting the Property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, the Foreclosure Sale will not cover any part of the Property that ha~ been released of public record from the lien and/or security interest of the Deed of Trust by Peka, Ltd. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to section 51.009 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold "AS IS," without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to the warranties (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.0075(a) ofthe Texas Property Code, Substitute Trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the Foreclosure Sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by Substitute Trustee. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member ofa reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUtE TRUSTEE SALE December 14, 2015 Page 3 Toni L. Spengler, Substi 921 Proton Road uSan Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 227-2726 Facsimile: (210) 227-5550 EXHIBIT" A" LOT 28, BLOCK 18, NORTHCLIFF EASE COMMllNITY SECTION TWO, CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 75, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE " 000707 December 14,2015 Deed of Trust ("Deed of Trust"): Dated: May 8, 2014 " Grantor: Anthony L. Dominguez and Pamela A. Dominguez Lender: Peka, Ltd. Recorded in: Volume 4224, Page 833 ofthe real property records ofBexar County, Texas Secures: May 8, 2014, Promissory Note ("Note") in the original principal amount of $79,000.00, executed by Anthony L. Dominguez and Pamela A. Dominguez ("Borrower") and payable to the order of Lender Peka, Ltd. Property: The real property, improvements, and personal property described in and mortgaged in the Deed of Trust, including the real property described in the attached Exhibit "A", and all rights and appurtenances thereto. - ~ 0) . c::;, Substitute Trustee: Toni L. Spengler c:.rt 0 m n Substitute Trustee's Address: 921 Proton Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78258 ·'Al· '&'" ==- Foreclosure Sale: Date: Tuesday, January 5,2016 - ~', P 1""1 ::0 Time: The sale of the Property will be held between the hours of 1:00 . ~d 4:00 P.M. local time; the earliest time at which the Foreclosure Sale will begin is 1:00 P.M. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated herein or within three (3) hours after that time. Place: GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, TEXAS, AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, SEGUIN, TEXAS, OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S COURT. Terms of Sale: The Foreclosure Sale will be conducted as a public auction and the Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, except that Peka, Ltd. 's bid may be by credit against the indebtedness secured by the lien of the Deed of Trust. Default has occurred in the payment of the Note and in the performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust. Because of that default, Peka, Ltd., the owner and holder of the Note, has 0 : n. N m 0 < tTl m 0 prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed oftrust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien of the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent ofsuch matters, if any. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. 5. Type ofSale. The sale is a nonjudicial deed-of-trust lien foreclosure-sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the deed of trust executed by JOHN -MCCLUNG and KIMBERLY MCCLUNG. The real property and personal property encumbered by the deed of trust will be sold at the sale in accordance with the provisions of the deed of trust and as permitted by section 9.604(a) ofthe Texas Business and Commerce Code. 6. Obligations Secured. The deed of trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtednesses and obligations therein described (collectively, the "Obligations") including but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of$325,000.00, executed by JOHN MCCLUNG AND KlMBERLY MCCLUNG, and payable to the order of RICHARD BARNHART AND ANALEE BARNHART are the current owners and holders of the Obligations and are the beneficiaries under the deed of trust. Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the undersigned or to the beneficiary, Richard Barnhart and Analee Barnhart c/o Anthony O. Schaker, 304 N Austin Street, Seguin, Texas 78155. 7. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the beneficiary has requested me, as substitute trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 8. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces ofthe United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Dated: December 10,2015 ~ 304 N. Austin Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Telephone (830) 303~5555 Telecopier (830) 303~5666 ,. STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF GUADALUPE ''''-'''-' § § § § § ~ - Metes and Bounds Description All that certain S.53 acre tract of land situated in the Stephen Smith Survey. Abstract No. 34. Guadalupe County. Texas: said S.53 acre being the same property described in Warranty Deed filed for record in Volume 1247, Page 359 Official Public Records Guadalupe County (OPRGC) being more particularly described by metes and bounds as follows: BEGINNING at an iron rod found at the Southeast end of a cutback corner at the intersection of the weSt Right-Of-Way line of South State Highway SO (ROW Varies) and the South Right-Of Way line of~M 1150 (ROW Varies) for the East comer ofthe herein described tract; Thence in a Southwesterly direction along the West line of South State Highway 80 with a curve to the right, having a radius of2793.78 feet, a central angle of00°15'13", a chord of12.37 feet an a chord bearing of South 16°20'30" West, for an arc length of 12.37 feet to a concrete monument found at a point ofcompound curve; Thence in a Southwesterly direction along the West line of South State Highway 80 with said compound curve to the right, having a radius of 2794.79 feet, a central angle of 03°0S'55", a chord of 153.57 feet and a chord bearing of South 18°02'35" West, for an arc length of 153.59 feet to a concrete monument found at a point oftangency; Thence South 19°57'59" West along the West line of South State Highway 80, a distance of 642.36 feet to an iron rod fond at a angle point; Thence South 14"34'32" West along the West line of South State Highway SO, a distance of 23.19 feet to an iron rod found at the East comer ofthe Ronnie Ray Congdon and wife. Arline B. Congdon Tract (Volume 943, Page 612 OPRGC) for the South corner of the herein described tract; Thence along the Northeast line of said Congdon Tract and the Northeast line of the Donald E. Bujnoch and wife, Eva M. Bujnoch Tract (Volume 1024, Page 599 OPRGC) the following calls: North 39°39'27" West, 244.70 feet to an iron rod found, . North 44°10'26" West, 67.20 feet to an iron rod found, And North 39°58'47" West a distance of568.54 feet to an iron rod found in the South line ofFM U50 at the North comer ofsaid Bujnoch Tract for the West comer ofthe herein described tract; Thence in a Northeasterly direction along the South line of FM 1150 with a curve to the right, having a radius of 1392.40 feet, a central angle of22°19'52", a chord of539.24 feet and a chord bearing of North 73°35'50" East, for an arc length of 542.69 feet to an iron rot! found at a point oftangency; Thence North 84°45'45" East along the South line ofFM 1150, a distance of 273.70 feet to an iron rod set at the Northwest end of said cutback comer for the North comer of the herein described tract; Thence South 39°52'14" East along said cutback comer, a distance of85.24 feet to the POINT OF BEGINNING and containing 8.53 acres ofland. Allen D. Hughes . Professional Land Surveyor, No. 3891 October 27, 2011 Job No. SA2011"()283Imb UQ0706 No... of'~ure..S. " : '.' ...... D,eC~:lD~t 1.l~,2015 ~ ~ "'1.' ';.' ',':,', • Deed ofTrust ("Deed ofTrust"): . \ ~, ~ber.21, 2011 . ~.. .' , " .~ J' Mark Gomez 8d driseldaGOmez ... ' . '.. .~ , Trustee: , Joet. K. Loehman ~eim~ Lender: Fqmily. Partners, LTD and Ho~g Family P LTD bmIed,in: : Volume 3041,. Page 0959, Comal County; Texas. . ' ~: and payable to S. Craig Hollmig, TruStee ": '.' :'. ... , , ' . , Substitute Trustee: RDyNe&:l Linnartz Substitute Trustee's ,;', .": -,:1 ',.:",. Real Estate Lien Note ("Note") in the original principal ~ul1Q.i.'Of $28,384.40, executed' by Mark Goinez: atid . Gri$'eld4' :GOmez ~rrOwer") . AddJ.as: .. " ": "::.:.:" _ . '" ,'! '.'; t';: : ... '.,' .' 2?7 W. San ~nio s~ N~w ;Braw;d'els, :r~ 78~:~C). , . . . . '" ·TuesdaYt January 5, 2016 The sale ofthe·:Property will be held ~ ~'~"of~'l@ PoM. add' 4:00 P.M. local 'tUne': 'the earnest tmltnit '''di'';~ ForecIosure Sale will begin ~ ,1:00 p.in. .:,.,'.~. ,,::. :' :.,~.. , . TUDe: , Place: . 11IB NORm PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUsE ·OR.. IN ,TIlE ,AREA I>BstGNAtEI»8Y;~1lIE. , cOMMISSIONER'S COURT ,PURsuANriTO;sECTfbN;'Sl~U02, OF THE TBXAS·PROPElt:TY€ODB.· • , '. T~,()(Sale:, " \' ': - " J' • ' • 'i' • ' , • ", .' ~. * f~ " '. <" , .' 1; ~ 'l.'.:. ~. , ': ':,;, ' . ",,,.;:',. ' ... !J~J<'''.; .', . "t,.~ ,,,.., The FoJ'eCl~~,willJbe conductec:tas a;PQb1ic ~~;_ Property will be ~ld 'to the higbest bidder fur ~ ~:.1hit H~ Family.~, J:,TDt~ bid may.:~ bY Credit aga~:.~ iDdebtedness'~b'" til lieD'of1be ~otTmSt. ' . : .. , ;', "', ; '.; e". ," ' ' : '.;:' :-, ',' ~:,; ,~, Default has ~ in the payment of: the. Note ,and: ,in, the periotm.:,:\~~\~ obJj~ 01 the Deed of Trust. ~ of-that ,default, Heimet:~~ ~);~TD.:~. HOlhDi8 Pamil;.Parcneisbip, LTD, the owner, and1,ho!det;of the Note, ~ ~',~~ Trustee to.sell the Property. , . ". , , , ' .' ' , ~ Deed of Trust . , encumber both real .and personal ~'. F~.Iibti¥: is ~ stven ofH~ Family'Parblers, LJp aDd ~llmi$ Famiiy.~p,&~.,:< ... • aDd sell both the iea1 - _......" imd aD: _ ........ s t t ; , ' ·itf1he --~. 1 to p.~ aaaiDst. . . 1;"'....1:"""'..". . Y ~- ~ y . 1t..':'f~.:' .... " ' Deed of·t~ ~ ~ with Heimer F~y P~' LtD: ,and .H~~'F~y Partnership, LID s rights and nmedies under the Peed of Trust and sectiOn 9.604(a) ~tthe Texas'Business and Commerce Code. ., 'lberefoIe, notice is given that on and at the Date, Time, and Place for the Foreclospre Sale described above, Substitute TrUstee will sell the Property in acco~ with ~f Sale described ~ the :Deed ofTIUSt,' and applicable Texas ~w.· . tIler_: . If'Heimer Family ~ LID and Hollmig Family Partnership, LTD ~.. the Forec1osW:e Sale, notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be ~ and reiile4 in accordance with the postiDg and filing requirements of the Deed ofT. . and ~ .~exas Property Code. . :,' The Foreelosure Sale wjU be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth. JD.:1be :Deed of· Trust, but p.rosJiective bi.ddeIs are reminded that by law the FOleClosure Sale will ~y be made subject to all prior ~ of record affectiDg the Properti, if ~y, tp ,fhe exient that. UJey remain in ~rce and effect and have not been subonliMted to ~ Dee:d ofJrUst. F()r tie avoidance of doubt, 'the Foreclosure Sal~ will not co'Ver any part of the Propetty 'that his been Id~.ofpubnc record from the lien audlor security ~ of the Deed o~Trust:,by IIeimtr.PamiIy Partners, LID and HoUmig Family Partnership, LTO. Prospective ~ ~ sfroDBly ursed to examine the applicable property recordS to dete,nDine the .aaitue and ~·of such matters, it any. . PursuiDt to section 51.009' of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold "AS. ~," without any :expressed.' Or implied wammties, except as to the .flf any) proVided:for uDder ~ Deed of Trust. ~ve. bi~ are advjsed t9 conduct· an. ~ ~0Ji of1he ~ and ph~cal condition of the Property.: ',,~..,' :~'::"~." : wammties . ~ tQ ~Ji Sl.OO7S(arofUte Texas Property Code, ~.,.. T~::~~ tbe.~.to set fUrther ~nabJe conditions for conductiDg. the ·Fo~~. Sale•. ~y;,~ ~·cGnditioDs ~ be imnounced before. bidding is opened for the Drst sale of·the ·daY·held· bY~'TruStee· .,' ' . ' .'. ,""": . .. ~""~)'!JIIr""'''._''''oI'''umed'''''~tIdtJ~·~ It you __.•ry~ sjM)ase hi se.niDg on aedv."milbuy d"ty, ~ ~~:.~;;~_ ••:meiaIMr of the Tau Nafioaal Gaud or tile Natioaal Guaid' 81·aJiotINr;iltitt:. . ._ Ill........; •. ftIeI"V~' cO~t' of die ariaed 0( the .uaitcid ~.jJe.t·r_d. Writt...... 'tlie active dutj to. tile Hader .,' ,dds ~ .....~."ij.;(~ .. . ..... .. :. :., . ,.::' ."1!f.serviee .rce. " ; ' . . ~yNeal Linn~ : ... . 'j}yJ. w: san AiitOnto S1reet .: . . .',',' New BraUDfeIs;Texas 7813&' T~ (830) 62S~9~90' .' Fax'($Jl2l~20~ '. . .' • • . ::~ ·v .. .. '" ',' , 'j .' . ,,::.' .: ':', .:~ .:', :..~ " .~:,,,.~.. ' :.. . >..... :'.. ~.:-= . ......... .. ;.' ".:', 914 W. San Antonio Seguin, Texas 78155 000708 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE and APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE TIDS INSTRUMENT APPOINTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDENTIFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT IDENTIFIED IN TIllS NOTICE OF SALE. THE PERSON SIGNING TIllS NOTICE IS THE ATTORNEY OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGE SERVICER. WHEREAS, on January 26,2010, Nancy Villarreal executed a Deed of Trust conveying to North O. West, Trustee, the real property hereinafter described, to secure 914 W. San Antonio Land Trust, in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Volume 2835, Page 509, Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder ofsaid debt has requested the hereinafter appointed Substitute Trustee to sell said 'property to the highest bidder for cash and to distribute or apply the proceeds of said sale in accordance with the tenns ofsaid Deed ofTrust. WHEREAS, in my capacity as the attorney for the present owner and holder of the note, and pursuant to Section 51.0076(3) Texas Property Code, I hereby name, appoint and designate Mark Cummings or Phil West or Dick Vetters or Patrick Annstrong, the Substitute Trustee(s) in the above described Deed of Trust andlor to act under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust, including posting and filing the public notice required under Section 51.002 Texas Property Code as amende& an~to proceed with a foreclosure ofthe Deed ofTrust lien securing the payment of said note. E; - ~ U\. c:::;J p{ :;0 m C') - m< m NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, January 5, 10:00 o'clock a.m. or within three (3) hours thereafter, the Substitute Trustee will sell property at the place hereinafter set out, to the highest bidder for cash. The place of sale sh the area designated by the Commissioners Court of such County, pursuant to §51.002 ofth' Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place (if such place is designated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice of Substitute Trustee's posted), in the City of Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas. + -0 ::c' N .. - 0 0 Said real property is described as follows: Being all that certain tract or parcel ofland situated in the H. Branch League, Abstract No.6, Guadalupe County, Texas, a part ofa 2.2 acre tract conveyed by Otto Nitsch to Thomas Nitsch by Deed recorded in Volume 310, Page 247, Deed Records of said County, said tract being more particularly described by metes and bounds in the ---' _._------ Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Deed of Trust permits the Beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case, the Trustee under the Deed of Trust or Substitute Trustee appointed herein need not appear at the date, time and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. Pursuant to Section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties oftitle (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition of the property and the priority ofthe lien being foreclosed. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions ofthe Deed of Trust permitting the Beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the Note up to the amount ofthe unpaid debt secured by the Deed ofTrust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed ofTrust. The sale shall not cover any part ofthe property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the priority, nature and extent of such matters, ifany. In the event of a defect or other problem with the foreclosure process is discovered that may invalidate the sale, the consideration paid will be returned to the purchaser as the sole and absolute remedy. In the event of any claim or action brought by any person including the purchaser requiring or resulting in the invalidation ofthe sale and rescission ofthe Trustee's Deed or Substitute Trustee's Deed, purchaser's damages resulting therefrom are limited to the consideration paid to the Trustee or Substitute Trustee and the sole and absolute remedy shall be the return to purchaser of the consideration paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustee, Substitute Trustee, Mortgagor, Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust, and the beneficiary has requested the above named Trustee or Substitute Trustee(s), to conduct this public sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary or the Beneficiary'S attorney, agent or servicer may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. The Substitute Trustee's address is clo WES:r & WEST ATTORNEYS, 2929 Mossrock, Suite 204, San Antonio, Texas 78230. WITNESS MY HAND on I ~ay ofDecernber 2015. O. WE T, State Bar No. 212 pOO Attorney or Authorized Agent for' the Mortgagee or Mortgagee's Servicer WEST & WEST ATTORNEYS, p.e. 2929 Mossrock, Suite 204· San Antonio, Texas 78230 .~--.--.----. ---- - - - - VOL 283 S PO 0 5 I 4 EXHIBIT IIAII BEING all that certain tract o'r parael of land situatco in the H. Branch Le~gll,~, A,bstrnct No.6, G'tH1dalupe Coun ty, Texas, a part of'a 2:2 aCl"e tract com"cycd hy Otto Nitsch to Thomas Nitsch bv . Deed reco.n1ccl in Vol.ume 310"P:ngc'247" Deed Roeol'ds of said County, said tract being mOl'C partieulady desc,dbed by metes and bon'nos as follmvs,: , BEGINNI1',rG at the South'vt"est corner of a lot cO'ny'e:v.,cd to Lt:nai~d Andel·sun bv Deed dnted January 10, 1963, and recorded in Volume 355, Page 44-8, Deed Recortls of Gundnillpe County, Texas, same being a poin't on the l\"ol"th Unc,of Snn ..l.\nt'onio Avcnue" 159.3 f.eet \Vest of the intel·section of San Antonio Avenue )yith 8th Street; ¥ ¥ THEKCE-: ,"Vest along the Nor-th line .of San Antonio Avenue) a 'd'ista,ncc of 52 feet to a s takej THENCE: Nodh a line punllt-e) with the \Yest Hnt: of said lor conveyed to Lemlrd Anderson by deed above referred to: ~I distance of 196:3 feet; THENCE: East a line parallel with the 00rth line ofSnn A,Iltonio Avenuc'a distance of 52 n~et to Northwest corner of the lot c,onycyed to Lenard AndcTson ahove referred to; THENCE: ,South ~lQ,n.g the, '\Vest line oJ lot corp/eyed to Lenard Anderson by deed above l·cfcrrcd to a ,clis-tance of 196.3 feet to the' PLACE or; BEGINNING . .'.~~~ i FILED rOil HEGORO' 10 JAN 28 PN 3~ 45 cou~T~~~ijAK~JpECOUHTY ',,:, O~ oY' • . - -', -- 000709 C&S No. 44-15-31431 VA I No JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski, PC, 650 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450, Houston, Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: April 07, 2006 Grantor(s): Scott A. Graham and Jennifer E. Graham husband and wife Original Trustee: Cynthia Dickenson Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (flMERSfI), solely as nominee for Pulte Mortgage LLC, its successors and assigns Recording Information: Vol. 2300, Page 0467, or Clerk's File No. 06-07458, in the Official Public Records of GUADALUPE County, Texas. Current Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, whose address is cIa 3415 Vision Drive Columbus, OR 43219-6009 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 51.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 01/0512016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11 ;00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: LOT 2, BLOCK 22, mE RIDGE AT SCENIC HILLS UNIT 1, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 763, OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 5 I .002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Suite 450 Houston, IX 77060 (281) 925-5200 G) D:J. c::: NI· ' stee, eanna Ray as Successor Substitute Trustee, ~boraNartin Successor Substitute Trus ichard olton as Successor Substitute Trustee, Irene Sal r SutJlnftute Trustee, Vanessa Ramos as Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cathy Cagle as Su ·iute~t~e .... c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions, -Om C':) If iI'f 7301 N. State Hwy 161. Ste 305. mfg _ (') Irving, TX 75039 ~ A1 g;; ,m ~~' :i .:;: ..... m -<r- ~ f2 fI'1 :::0 0 c;n X 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4554726 '-~---' ~--.-.-----" 000710 C&S No. 44-13-0811 / Conventional! No JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If vou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a, member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski, PC, 650 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450, Houston, Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: November 23, 2009 G) 0)' Grantor(s): c: 3> C Thomas D. Dennis, Jr. an unmarried man (::..-1 s= _. :;g ~ m ·C, ~ em '"0;;0 rr1m - ntJ), .. %-tfl"l ::c f'i3 '", Recording Information: Vol. 2816, Page 0809, or Clerk's File No. 09-021477, in the Official PuO'AB:1i.4::m>rds oc.. GUADALUPE County, Texas. ~ 0'" 10 Original Trustee: Original Mortgagee: successors and assigns Matt Haddock, P.L.L.C. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc., solely as nominee for 0 ' m" ort8~.CoDO Inc.,"'tt!: -<r m ';II: Current Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, whose address is C!O 3415 Vision Drive Columbus, OH 43219-6009 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 5 I.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 0110512016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11 :00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: LOT 27, BLOCK 8 THE TRAILS AT KENSINGTON RANCH SUBDMSION, UNIT 3 P.U.D., CITY OF SELMA, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, VOLUME 7, PAGE 481, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. FQr Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Suite 450 Houston, TX 77060 (281) 925-5200 e Trust , Deanna Ray as Successor Substitute Trustee, Deborah Martin as Successor Substitute Trustee, ard Holto Successor Substitute Trustee, Irene Salazar as Successor Substitute Trustee, Vanessa Ramos as Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cathy Cagle as Successor Substitute Trustee clo Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy 161. Ste 305. Irving, TX 75039 1111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4554519 C&S No. 44-10-6387 I Home Equity I No JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association 0001'11 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski, PC, 650 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450, Houston, Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: July 10, 2008 Grantor(s): Kenneth E. Gross and Roberta E. Gross, non-vested spouse Original Trustee: James L. Robertson Original Mortgagee: JPMorgan Cbase Bank, N.A. Recording Information: Vol. 2652, Page 0315, or Clerk's File No. 08-14810, in the Official Public Records of GUADALUPE County, Texas. Current Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, whose address is CIO 3415 Vision Drive Columbus, OH 43219-6009 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 51.0025 ofthe Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure ofthe referenced property. Date of Sale: 01105/2016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: II :00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours .after tbat time. If tbe sale is set aside for any reason, tbe Purchaser at the sale sball be entitled only to a return of tbe funds paid. The Purcbaser shall bave no furtber recourse against tbe Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: BEING A 1.505 ACRE TRACT SITUATED TN THE JOHN SOWELL SURVEY, A -35, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID 1.505 ACRE TRACT IS THAT TRACT CALLED 1.509 ACRES IN CONVEYANCE FROM VERNON C. HAVERLAH, ET UX, TO DAVID W. NESBIT, ET UX, RECORDED IN VOLUME 952 AT PAGE 342 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL PURPOSES Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 ofthe Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice ofTrustee~s Sale was posted. For Information: Codilis & Stawiarski, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Suite 450 Houston, TX 77060 (281) 925-5200 C'> ub 'tu T ustee, Deanna Ray as Successor Substitute Trustee, Substitute Tru ichard Iton as Successor Substitute Trustee, Irene Salaz Trustee, Vanessa Ramos as Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cathy Cagle as S' c/o Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy 161. Ste 305. Irving, TX 75039 c:. .....:t. boralloMartin t!lR)uccessor sor S~tute ""PiI itutmtlstee c:,.,,"" -0::0 t"I1,." M m"" , """ . m ...... " (") (f) .::- -1m' < r;:s. m ... c 0» Z ___ C;x -0 -<r --. '" 1111/1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4554495 -~-----.----- Exhibit "A" RING A 1.60& ACRe TRAct S'TUATfD IN THE JOHN SOWEll. SURVEY, A 038, GiJADALUF'! COUNTY, TEXAs. SAID' .OOS ACRE TRACT I~ THAT TRACT CALL&D 1.609 ACRES IN CONVEYANCE FROM VERNON C. HAVERLAH, ET UX. 1'0 D~VID W. NESBIT., ET UX. RECORDED 'N VOLUME 952 AT PAGt! 342 OF THE QFRCIAl RECORDS Or SAD~ COUNTY AM) BaNG DESCRIBED BV METES AND BOUNDS, AS FOLLOWS; BEGiN,..ING AT A '/ZINCH DiAMETER IRON STAKE FOUf4D MARKING THE SOUT~ CORNIER OF THE 'TRACT HEflElN DESCRI§O. SAME BEING THf: SQ1ITH CORNER OF SAID NESBIT TRACT. THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF A lltACT CAUEO 2: ACRE~ IN CONVI!VANCE FROM LENA BumOER, Er AD., TO AllEN C. SCtlUlTZE, ET UX. ReCORDED IN veLUME 3~' AT PAGE 639 AND l.Y1NG IN THe NcmmWEST lI"'E OP C()UNTV ROAD MO. 422 {BUERGER LANE); tHENCE WUTH A WOOD AND WtRE FENCe ALONa THE WEST UNE OF THe TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED. 5.AME aEtNG THE COMMON UNE OF SAiD NESBIT TRACT HEREI~ OEseRISEO, $AME 8fSNG THE &aMMON UiNE OF SArD NESBIT TRACT ANI) SAID SHUl..TZE TRACT. N 11 DEtS. is' 34 'II AT 182.98 Fm THE ENQ OF WOOD FeNce AND BiGINNING OF WIRE FElICE AIiID AT 326.44 FEET (CALLED 326.48 Fem A INCH OIAMETER IRON STAKE t=OUND At A ntREE-WAV FENCE CORNER MARKtNG THE NCRTHWEST ~ORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIB.:O. SAME BEING THE NOftTHWEST CORNER OF SAID Nf:S!rr T;RACT AND THE SOUTH CORNEA 01= A TRACT CALLED 1_44 ACRES IN CONVEYANCE FROM FRANK B. BURNS TO LUTHtR OElkE. ET IJX, RECORDED IN VOLUME 46e At PAGE 80,iTHEMCE WITH THE NORTH UNE OF THE TRACT HeREIN OESCRIBEO. SAME BEING lliE COMMON LINE OF GAID NESBIT TRACT AND! SAID OELKE TRA.CT, N 76 DECl. 4a' 53" E AT 209.82 FEET 1'HE ~ND OF A fENCE AND AT 2.28.74 FEET (CALLED 221.86 FEETl A 112 INCH DIAMETER IRON STAKE FOUND MARl(iNG NORTHEAST CORNER 011 SAID NESBIT TRACT, SAME BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT CAr.t.eD T.09 ACRES I~ CCN\ljfVANCf FROM 81LLY C. BaCHER. ET UX, TO lAflftY EDWARD aOEHNKE. ET me ux. A1!COROED .N VOLUME 608 AT PAGE 398: THENCE W1TN tile EAST LINE. OF THf! TRACT HEREIN DESCR'BED. SAME BEING THE COMMON UNE OF SAID NESBIT TRACT AND SAID BOEHNKE TRACT. S 11 DEG 57' 00· E 247.&8 FEET CCALLED 2.48.GB FEtm TO A 1/2 [NtH DIAMETeR tRON. STAKE FOUND MARIUNQ mE SOUTHEAST CoRNER OF THE TRACT "&'REIN oesanB!D. SAME RlnNG THE SOUTHEAsT CORNER OF SAID NESBITTRACi. THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BOEHNKE TRACT AND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST UNE OF SAiD BUERGER LANE; TH~NCE WlTH THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF THE TRACT HEREIN IlESCRBDED. SAME BErNG TtiE COMMON UNE OF MID NESBIT TrtA.CT ANO SAiD eUERGER LANE. S &7 DEG. 01' 12" W 244,61 FEET ICAlLEn 244.78 FEET} TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNlNQ. AND CONTAINING 1.50$ ACRes OJ: DAND. RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. TAX ID: %0.0036-0000-14200-0-00. 44-10-6387 . 000712 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXHIBIT A 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 0112612001 and recorded in Book 1573 Page 0057 Document 01646 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: 01105/2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 11 :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by JACQUELINE SUE KOWALIK AND ROBERT KOWALIK, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount 0[$41,250.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and FAY SERVICING, LLC is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 clo FAY SERVICING, LLC, 440 S. Lasalle, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60605 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust and Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 obtained an Order from the 25th District Court of Guadalupe County on 12/09/2015 under Cause No. 15-1896-CV. The mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale pursuant to the Court's Order and notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 14-004030-670 431 SCULL CROSSING LA VERNIA, TX78121 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE '" . ~ r..,:, SENDER OF TillS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. w» :2 CJ c:.n f!........ eiTi. "'0 :::0 /"I'l/"l'l ("') ou> -.::- C:::.r; -0. -<I iSl 0):> %-1/"1'1 •~n ~ r 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 cfT'1 %. C7' ::u m 6"""1;, ... ~ m < ... iTl '0 · . ' VDU 5 73 PB 00 7it EXHIBIT A·1 TRACT ONE: Field notes describing 1.00 dcre tract IS.i.tuatetl in the Erastus SIl1i1:h Survey, A"32, Guadalupe County, 'I'exaa. [Jaid 1.00 acre tract: is part of a tract called T~act -A- (11.06 acres) 1n a Partition Oend in conveyance f~ol1\ Joseph John Doege, et al, to Adeline l\ngellne Doege Skrzycki recorded in volume 572 8t'page 262 of the Deed Reco~ds of aaid county and being described by metes and bounds, as tollowsc an iron st::ake eet rnarldng the wBet corner of the tract herein described. said iron stake bears N 61·00' B~ 30.0 feet, S 28 8 55' S, 328.6 feet, N 61·05' !(, 99dO feet, N 29°00' tI, 112.0 feet, from on iron ctake found at a fence corner marking the west corner of naid 17.06 acre tract. B£C.INNINC at TURNeR with the northwQ:st line, N 61·00' E, 208."' feet to an iron ota);e set ~rkin9 the north cornex:'I then S 29"00' E. 208.7 feet to an iron st&lke Bet Rlarl<ing the east corner, then S 61·00 lI, 208.7 faot to an iron stake det marking the Bouth corner. TlL8N~ with the southwest lillO, N 29"00' 1'1, at 66.7 teet an iron stake at 96.7 feet an i.ron stake set and at 20a. 7 feet the place of beginning and oo"taining 1~00 acre of laud. 5et TRACT TWO: ACCESS EASEMENT ~ocess for th~s tract is R 30 feet easement. line being described as follows: BSGINNING ~t The nouthweot and southeast an iron stake. found tnarldncl the west corner of said 17.06 ~ounty Road 411. acre tract and lying in the aoutheaot line of the southwest lIne of the tract herein described flame being a aegmenc of. the southWest line of 17.06 acre tract, S :;la",S' B, 350.6 feet to an iron stake set. TURNeR with l'mlNCB with the southeast line of here and dagcribed 30 foot easement into said 1/.06 aore tract, N 61"05' E~ 129.0 feet to an tron stake set marking the northeast turmins of this e88emcnt, lying in the southwest line of the here and befor.e described 1.00 acre tract.. Sald, iron stake bears N 29·00' W, 66.7 feet to an .lJ:'on stake set marking tho Dout:h corne'f of saId 1.00 acre traot. I HI: STATE 01;: TEMS FIt. EO FOR RECORD COUNTY Or- 6Ul\DAI.! !PE oI FEB - I PH~: 16 I here~)y r.ertify that ;hfS Instrument was FILED on the dllte am! al the time stamped hereon by me and \Val> duly recorded in tha Otlicial Public Rf'cordS of GiJadalupe County, fexa . EXHIBIT A..i Ida Garza 942 Nelda Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Our file #1111-019F 000713 ATTENTION SERVICE MEMBERS: Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, or if you have recently been discharged from active military duty, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on March 26, 2002, Ida Garza executed a Deed of Trust conveying to Anthony H. Barone, a Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to secure Centex Home Equity Company, LLC in the payment of a debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Instrument Number: 05669, Volume 1696, Page 0253 in the Real Property Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; and WHEREAS, The undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in tbe manner authorized by said Deed of Trust, the street address for the substitute trustees is 1126 W. Gray, Houston, Texas 77019; and WHEREAS, Default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder ofsaid debt has requested the undersigned to sell said property to satisfy said indebtedness. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, January 5, 2016, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Guadalupe County in the area designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 11 :00 AM and must be concluded within three hours of such starting time. Said sale shall be to the highest bidder for cash. Said Real Estate is described as Follows: In the County of Guadalupe, State of Texas: LOT 4, BLOCK 1, FAIRVIEW SUBDIVISION NO.1, CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN VOL. 3, PAGE 7, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Nationstar Mortgage LLC is the mortgage servicer for the mortgagee of the Deed of Trust. Nationstar Mortgage LLC and the mortgagee have entered into an agreement granting Nationstar Mortgage LLC authority to service the mortgage. Nationstar Mortgage LLC, as mortgage servicer, is representing the Mortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee (the "Servicing Agreement"). The name of the Mortgagee is Nationstar Mortgage, LLC, formally known as Centex Home Equity Company. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement, Nationstar Mortgage LLC is granted authority to collect and service the debt associated with the Deed of Trust. Under Section 51.0025 of the Texas Property Code, Nationstar Mortgage LLC, as mortgage servicer, is authorized to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property covered by the Deed of Trust on behalf of the Mortgagee. The Mortgagee's address is clo the mortgage servicer, Nationstar Mortgage LLC, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd., Coppell, TX 75019. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. -T~~"':c"'--='a,L:.!l~~:~~~..i·~:..JS~t""i !:': t: t.et! T:£ru:. :z.~ te:"'e-,o-r-----=---.:gE----,~ : Notice sent by: Alexis Martin, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cassie Martin, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Terri Martin, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Deborah Martin, Successor Substitute Trustee, 0 Shelby Martin, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Deanna Ray, Successor Substitute Trustee, or Richard Holton, Successor Substitute Trustee HARVEY LAW GROUP '"0::0 . f"'Il", ("){I) g~ ~r;'i -<r (") r::0 A "--- ~ r-t : r.rt em : n rrl P.O. Box 131407 Houston, Texas 77219 Tel.: (832) 922-4000 Fax: (832) 922-6262 ----,---------.----------~ ~ ;0 m o m .,, -< X fI3-. .. om .:: vu~ W~~lRM - ·PA'b1::. --t11/El2 U ULU , I ( ~ CAUSE NO. 12-0832..cv IN RB ORDER FOR FORECLOStlRE CONCERNING lJNDER'rEX. It CIV. noc. 736 § § i § IN THE mSTRlCI' COURT OF GUADAL1Il'E COUNTV. ".IlfA~,. ~5TH JUDICIAL DISTRIcrJ ORDER TO PROCH» W1'11INOTICE 9J'lORECLOSPBE SALE AND mgCLO!JIRE ([J) N1~ 2.015 DGBRACRaw CIartr. DI\It. Coultt Gua.dllupe ~ ~ i ! I j I 1 Came on for consideration the Motion for Entry of Default Order Allowing ForeclosUre t filed by Nationstar Mortgaget LLC fIkIll Centex Home Equity Company. LLC ("AppliQUlt"). for i Order to, ForecJoS\1l'e pursutlQl to Rule 736 ofthe Teas Rules ofCivil Procedure. the Coua is ofthe opinion that said BESt amended application should be GRANTBD. The Court 6ndJ tbat no tesponse bu been filed and that tho tetum ofservice has been on file for at least 10 days. Pursuant to Rule 736.8(b). the Court t\u1her finds that the Petitioner has estabUshed the basis fOr the foreclosun: and chat: (I) the nmterial facts establlsbing tbe basis for foreclosure ere as follows: ' • a m~ detault ofthe subject Note existsi • on September 8t 2011, the Applicant gave the Resgondcnt(s) proper Notice of Default; • the delkult was ~ curecl and the Note was accelerated. on December 13, "2011: and • the 10811 is due for lhe July 1,201 t payment and an subsequerrt payments. (2) The pJOperty to be foreclosed is commoDly kDowa as 942 Nelda Street. SegufD, Texas 78155 (lhc "Property") which has the following legaJ clcscriptloru LOT 4. BLOCK I. FAIRVIEW SUB])MSION NO.1, CITY OF SBQUIN, GUADALUPB COUNTY. TEXAS, AS SHOWN ON PLAT RECORDED IN VOL. !. PAG! 1, PLAT RECORDS O'P GUADALUPE COUNTY.. TEXAS. 1 I f I (3) The name and last known address ofeac:b respondent sobject to this Order isIare~ • Dat1n7 Oarza, Guar4ian ofThc Person and Sstate of Ida Gatta, an Incapacitated PersoD, 942 Nelda Street, SesDin, Texas 781 SSt (4) '111e Security IDstnnnent to be forec.lDSed is rccoJded or (ndcxed under instrument Number: 05669, Volume 1696, Page 02S3 Df me real property Tecordsof Guadalupe County, / T~s. \e l 1 !{ l, iT IS THBRBFORB ORDBREO t'hat the Applicant may proccel:l with foreclosure ofthe Property pursuant to Tex. PROP. CO~ § 5J.002 and the subject Seeurit)' Instrument. SlGNI!D ibis ~ clay of ~___ • lOIS. jtID~:~ Approved As To 10m And Entry Requested: HARVSY LAW GROUP ~h_ SBN: 09180150 KJlJy®kellyhar\tey.gom ~a O. Searles SBN: 24068544 Mla@kcl1yharvoy.oom Jeny W. Mason SBN: 24081794 Jetl')'@.tccUyharvey.earn 12..0. Sox 131407 Houston, TexIS 17219 Tel. (ll2) 922·4000 Fax. (832) 922-6262 AtTORNEYS POR APPLICANT 2 f I 000714 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 07/23/2008 Grantor(s): GENE RIVERA JR., A SINGLE PERSO'N Original Mortgagee: WELLS FARGO' BANK, N.A. Original Principal: $90,000.00 Recording Information: Book 2651 Page 0236 Instrument 08-14564 Property County: Guadalupe Property: LO'TS 7 AND 8, BLO'CK 19, TO'WN O'F MARIO'N, GUADALUPE COllNTY, TEXAS, ACCO'RDING TO' MAP O'R PLAT THEREO'F RECO'RDED IN VO'LUME 33, PAGE(S) 558, O'F THE DEED RECO'RDS O'F GUADALUPE CO'UNTY, TEXAS. Reported Address: 315 W SAN ANTO'NIO ST, MARIO'N, TX 78124 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 5th day ofJanuary, 2016 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NO'RTH PO'RCH O'F THE GUADALUPE CO'UNTY CO'URTHO'USE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, if the preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NO'W, THEREFO'RE, NO'TICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ofthe foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity oftbe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this llotice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale ofthe property. 10)") ~ c: CD c= » c CI"I » r--I crr! ""0:;0 rr!rr! C">(J) 0» c::;:.t: % -11"'1 -<rC"> r f"T'I :;0 .0 Pi .r: -0 ::c iG .. N N :xJ m m .. (') < m 0 A 9986-N-6028 2146955266 PG1 POSTPKG CAUSE NO.'1SM1616-CV IN BE: ORDER FOR FORECLOSURE § CONCE~d § 315 W SAN ANTONIO ST, MARION, TX78124 UNDER TEK. R. CIV. PROC. 736 § § § § § § § PETlTION.E:R: WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. j IN THE DISTRICT COURT § § GENE RIVERA JR., DECEASED § § iI ! I ! j i GUADALUPE COUNTY, "tEXAS i !. i ! ,i § RESrONDENT(S); ", ~ : 25m DISTRICT COURT i', i, ORDERALLO~GFORECLOSURE 1. 2. p On this day, the Court considered Petiti~ner's application for an expedited order allowing foreclosure under Ru1e 736. Petitioner's application complies with. the requirements of II Texas Rule ofCivil Procedure 736.1. I· I I i ,I The name and last known address ofeach Respondent subject to this o:rder is ! Gene Rivera Jr., deceased. "Whose last known address is I PO Box 578, Marlon, TX 78124-0578. 3. The property that is the subject of this foreclosure proceeding is commonly known as 315 W San Antonio Sf, MariDn, "ne. 78124 with the following legal description: LOTS 7 AND 8, BLOCK 19, TOWN OF MARlON, GUADALUPE COUN1Y. TEXAS? ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUMB 33, PAOE(S) 558, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 4. ~: t The lien to be foreclosed i~ indexed or recorded at Volume: 2651~ Page: 0236, Instrument Number: 08-14564 and recorded in the :real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. OltDBlt AlLOWlNG FORECLOSURE PAOEIOP2 , 9986-6028 ~;.-:t:#l. · t~ft;;i~~;'l,'!ti\~-:"ij;'" ",.'''''a".(l • ~.:;,:::,""'" , • ~'.:~r.~"~1 ~..t~~:~~i{<!~F·"~ ~1t$;i..~~r.:7f~"":;\1 .. 1~~~~;'7.~~:i~ft!:i '::.~·:;:::~.'.(:f;1 .'.';;.~jl;!r::::: .',\: ~t~ :. S~ The material facts establishing Respondent's default are alleged in Petitioner's : application and the :supporting affidavit. Those facts are, adopted by the court and ; l' .~ incorporated by reference in this order. I ~I " 6. Based on the affidavit of Petitioner, no Respondent subject to this order is protected from ! foreclosure by the Servicemembers Civil ReliefAct, SO U.S.C. App. § 501 et seq. 7. Therefore, the Court grants Petitioner's order under Texas Rules of Ci'Vil Procedure 736.8, Petitioner may proceed with foreclosure of the property described above in ' accordance With applicable law and the loan agreement, contl'act, or lien sought to be foreclosed. 8. ! Ir ! This order is not subject to a motion for rehearing, a new trial, a. bill of review, or an i. I' appeal. Any challenge t~ this order must be made in a separate, original proceeding filed in acCQrdlUJ.Ce with Texas Rule of Civil Procedure 736.11. SIGNEDthis"'-~Of O~.l? ~ " . " r: JUDGE PRESIDING Return to: ,Buckley Madole. P.C. Attn: Home Equity Department 14841 Dallas P8l'kway, Suite 425 Dallas. TX 75254 . ORDBR.AU.OW1NG FORECLOSU.RE :PAGB20F2 9986-6028 i<; I~ !~ i•. 000715 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 11/20/2006 Grantor(s): ERIC L. ROSS JOINED HEREIN PROFORMA BY SPOUSE JANET J. ROSS Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGTSTRA nON SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR CTX MORTGAGE COMPANY, LLC, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $128,913.00 Recording Information: Book 2405 Page 0769 Instrument 25323 Property County: Guadalupe Property: LOT 120, BLOCK 8, OF WILLOWBRIDGE SUBDIVISION UNIT 7, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF CIDOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF AS RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 721 OF THE PLAT RECORDS GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ' Reported Address: 116 WILLOW RUN, CIDOLO, TX 78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, ifnot the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 5th day ofJanuary, 2016 II :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NORTII PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTIIOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment ofthe Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, AJexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law fum has been requested to provide these notices on behalf of the Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: I. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shal] be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purcbaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of their choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. @ .~ 0:I:p 'C;;",-o ~~uc ado P.C. • , \.,y\.......- czi' oE '~ 'c:~ . Fi' ~~ C?tJ) -&" g~ ""0 ..<.r- rG ... ~-\rt1 i 9986-N-8151 2146968452 PG1 :s: rf1 (') m _ <: t"fl i ~ ij !!""'i """"" POSTPKG 000716 3420 OLD LEHMANN ROAD SEGUIN, TX 78155 00000005471305 NOTICE OF (SUBSTITUTE) TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military dun as a member ofthe Texas National Guard or the National Guard ofanother state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forees of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. I. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. Date: January OS, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the couoty commissioners.' 2. Terms ofSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated May 31, 2007 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2487, PAGE 0514, real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with MICHAEL TUMLINSON JR, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. C"MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by MICHAEL TUMLINSON JR. securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amouot of S1I8,031.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note Bnd all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK. NA is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold, The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien Property referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Mortgage representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: virtue of a 51.0025, the securing the Servicer, is clo JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISION DRIVE COLUMBUS, OH 43219 ~ Subsurute Trustee clo BARREIT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit/CHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRAI2210 Enterprise Drive /Florence, SC 295011Fax: 843 413 5433Jscra.mililary.orders@cbase.com Certjficate ofPosring My name is _ _ _-:--,-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--" and my address is clo ISOOO Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. CD [ declare under penalty of pe~ulY that 011 [ filed at the office oflhe GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused 10 be posted 811he GUADALUPE County courthouse Ihis notice ofsale, ......, . c::» -< c.n . ,.,,' n C ,f:'" -0 ::J: is; en C' 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 I11I1 I11111I1 NOSooOOO005471305 FCTlCNSTS_Sigs.rpt· (071271l0IS). Vcr",,3 ::0 m o - BTl < m o 0000000547\ 305 GUADALUPE TRACT I: A 1.000 ACRE TRACT, BEING OUT OF TIlE WILLIAM RAGSDALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 268. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 1.00 ACRE TRACT BEING OUT OF A 14.988 ACRE TRACT OF LAND (CALLED 15.00 ACRES) DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE VIITERANS LAND BOARD OF TEXAS AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 620, PAGE 60S, OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS; , BEGINNING AT A 112 INCH IRON ROD FOUND, FOR TIlE WEST CORNER OF THE SAID 15.00 ACRE TRACT BEING AN ALL CORNER OF TIlAT CERTAIN 7.747 ACRE TRACT TO GARY HELFRICH AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 1393. PAGE 190, OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR THE PLACE OF COMMENCING HEREOF; THENCE WITI! THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 7.747 ACRE TRACT, SOUTH 50"26' 00" WEST, (BEARING BASIS). A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A 112 INC IRON ROD SET FOR TIlE NORTII CORNER HEREOF AND TIlE PLACE OF BEGINNING; TIlENCE CROSSING SAID 15.0 ACRES THE FOLLOWING; SOUTH 39°34' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 208.73 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET, FOR THE EAST CORNER HEREOF; SOUTH S0026' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 208.73 FEET TO AN IRON RON SET, FOR THE SOUTH CORNER HEREOF; NORTII 39°34' 00" WEST. A DISTANCE OF 208.73 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR TIlE WEST CORNER HEREOF AND THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 7.747 ACRE TRACT; THENCE WITII SAID COMMON LINE OF SAID 7.747 ACRES. NORTH So026' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 208.73 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEGINNING, CONTAINING 1.000 ACRES OF LAND MORE OR LESS. TRACT 11 METES AND BOUNDS FOR INGRESSI EGRESS EASEMENT A 0.30S ACRE TRACT, (13265 SQUARE FEET) BEING OUT OF THE WILLIAM RAGSDALE SURVEY, ABSTRACT NO. 268, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID 0.30S ACRE TRACT BEING OUT OF A 14.988 ACRE TRACT OF LAND (CALLED IS.OO ACRES) DESCRIBED IN DEED TO THE VlITERANS LAND BOARD OF TEXAS AND RECORDED IN VOLUME 620, PAGE 605, OF ,THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS; COMMENCING AT A II2INCH ROD FOUND, FOR THE NORTH CORNER OF THE SAID 15.00 ACRE TRACT BEING AN ELL CORNER OF TIlAT CERTAIN 7.747 ACRE TRACT OF GARY HELFRICH AND RECORDED IN VOLliME 1393, PAGE 190, OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, FOR TIlE PLACE OF COMMENCING HEREOF; TIlENCE WITII THE COMMON LINE OF SAID 7.747 ACRE TRACT, SOUTH 50"26' 00" WEST, (BEARING BASIS), A DISTANCE OF 50.00 FEET TO A 112ft INCH ROD SET FOR THE NORTII CORNER OF A CERTAIN 1.000 ACRE TRACT DESCRIBED ELSEWHERE THIS DATE; TIlENCE WITII TIlE NORTHEAST LINE OF SAID 1.000 ACRE TRACT AND CROSSING SAID 15.00 ACRES, SOUTH 39"34' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 188.73 FEET TO THE WEST CORNER HEREOF AND THE PLACE OF BEGINNING; TIlENCE CROSSING SAID 15.00 ACRES THE FOLLOWING; NORTII 50°26' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 20.00 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET, FOR AN ELL CORNER HEREOF; SOUTH 39°34' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE 103.27 FEET TO AND IRON ROD SET, FOR AN ELL CORNER HEREOF; NORTH 50° 26' 00· EAST, A DISTANCE OF 30.00 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET, FOR AN ELL CORNER IN THE COMMON LINE OFSAlD7.747 ACRE TRACT; THENCE WITH SAID COMMON LINE OF SAID 7.747 ACRES, NORTII SO·26' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 420.00 FEET TO THE NORTII CORNER OF SAID IS.OOOACRES OF LAND AND THE SOUTHWEST RIGHT OF WAY OF OLD LEHMANN ROAD (ROW VARIES); TIlENCE WITII THE ROW OF OLD LEHMANN ROAD, SOUTH 39°34' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 60.00 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET, FOR THE EAST CORNER HEREOF; TIlENCE CROSSING SAID IS.OO ACRES THE FOLLOWING; SOUTH 74"23' 4S ft WEST, A DISTANCE OF 98.49 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET FOR AN ELL CORNER HEREOF: SOUTH S0"26' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 380.00 FEET TO AN IRON ROD SET, FOR THE SOUTH CORNER HEREOF; NORTII 39°34' 00" WEST, AT A DISTANCE OF 103.27 FEET PASS AN IRON ROD SET, FOR THE EAST CORNER OF SAID 1.00 ACRE TRACT AND CONTINUE FOR A TOTAL DISTANCE OF 123.27 FEET TO THE PLACE OF BEOINNING CONTAINING IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIII11111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005471305 0.30S ACRES OF 13265 SQUARE FEET OF LAND MORE OF LESS, A.P.N. lG3630-0000-07800-0-00 II1I11 "'II'" 11111 11111111 11111 11111 11111 111111"1111111 11111 "111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOOOS411305 '. 000717 13502W.IH 10 MARION, TX 78124 00000005473509 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as 8 member of the armed forces orthe United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty. Including active military duty as a member ofthe Texas National Guard or the National Guard ofanother state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces oftbe United States. please send written notice oftbe active duty military service to the sender oftbis notice immediately. I. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. ~: January 05,2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms orSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated May 08, 2006 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2310, PAGE 0686 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with KOSTIN SUHRE AND ASHLEY SUHRE, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contrect Lien executed by KOSTIN SUHRE AND ASHLEY SUHRE, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $96,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note WILMINGTON SAVINGS FUND SOCIETY, FSB, DOING BUSINESS AS CHRISTIANA TRUST, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY, BUT SOLELY AS TRUSTEE FOR BCAT 2015-13ATT is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed ofTmst or Contrect Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servlcer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. SELENE FINANCE, as Mortga"ge Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: ) c/o SELENE FINANCE 9990 RICHMOND A VENUE SUITE 400 SOUTH HOUSTON, TX 77042 .~~J Substitute Trustee c/o BARRElT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite ] 00 Addison, Texas 7500] Certificate QfPOSlins ~ My name is .,..-_.,..---:--:----:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _--" and my address is do 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suile 100, Addison, Tex~L ):0' 1declare under penalty ofperjury that on I filed at tho om"" orlbe GUADALUPE Ceunty Cleric and caused 10 b ed d at the GUADALUPE County courthouse Ibis nolice of .ale, f'=. c:;"'"" "'t)rTl f"I'\~ De<:larantsName:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Dme:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C")cJ) 0):" ~C ",""rn ~r 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11I1111I1I1I1 NOSOOOOOOOS473509 ." rn 0, - m-<: rn s:.-0 :::st" .. o N 00000005473509 GUADALUPE BEING A 2.032 OF AN ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF TIlE JOSE FLORES SURVEY NO. 63, ABSTRACT NO. 134. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING TIlE REMAINDER OF TIlAT CERTAIN TRACT CALLED 8.64 ACRES RECORDED IN VOLUME 364, PAGE 617. DEED RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS; SAID 2.032 ACRE TRACT BErNG MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGrNNrNG AT A 112" IRON ROD FOUND IN TIlE NORTHWESTERLY RlGHT·OF·WAY LINE OF rNTERSTATE HIGHWAY NO. IOFOR THE EAST CORNER OF TIllS TRACT AND THE SOUTH CORNER OF ·THE Z-H FARMS PARTNERSHIP 1.981 ACRE TRACT RECORDED rN VOLUME 789, PAGE 443. OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. SAME BErNG THE EAST CORNER OF SAlD 8.64 ACRE TRACT; THENCE. ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF TIllS TRACT WITIl SAlD RlGHT·OF·WAY LINE. S 674900" W (BASIS OF BEARINGS), A DISTANCE OF 331.3SFEET (CALLED S 6749' W) TO A 112" IRON ROD SET FOR THE soum CORNER OF TIllS TRACT AND THE EAST CORNER OF A 5.000 ACRE TRACT OUT OF SAID 8.64 ACRE TRACT SURVEYED TIllS DAY; TIlENCE. DEPARTING SAID RlGHT·OF·WAY LINE, ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF THIS TRACT AND SAID 5.000ACRE TRACT. N 2454'11" W. A DISTANCE OF 269.89 FEET TO A 112" IRON ROD SET FOR THE WEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT AND THE SOUTH CORNER OF A 0.512 ACRE TRACT OUT OF SAID 8.64 ACRE TRACT SURVEYED TIllS DAY; THENCE. DEPARTrNG SAID 5.000ACRE TRACT. ALONG TIlE COMMON LINE OF THIS TRACT WITIl SAID 0.SI2ACRE TRACT AND THE SCHULER 1.09 ACRE TRACT RECORDED rN VOLUME 741, PAGE 164. OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, N 645532" E, A DISTANCE OF 306.01 FEET TO A 112" IRON ROD SET FOR TIlE NORTIl CORNER OF TIllS TRACT, THE EAST CORNER OF SAlD 1.09 ACRE TRACT AND BErNG rN THE SOUTIlWESTERLY BOUNDARY LINE OF TIlE AFOREMENTIONED 1.981 ACRE TRACT; TIlENCE. ALONG THE COMMON LINE OF TIllS TRACT WITH SAID 1.981 ACRE TRACT, S 295304" W, A DISTANCE OF 287.61 FEET (CALLED S 30 E) TO TIlE POINT-OF·BEGrNNlNG AND CONTArNlNG 2.032 ACRES OF LAND. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOOOS473509 000718 201 SPRINGTREE PARKWAY CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000005671292 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE) TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as II member of the armed forceS of the United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas N!!tion!!1 GUlird or the N!!tional Guanl of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces oftbe United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. I. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. 2. Date: January 05, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or nollater than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms ofSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated September 22. 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2224, PAQE 0814 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with FREDERICK C.W. SMITH, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by FREDERICK C.W. SMITH, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of 5159,231.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR ClTIGROUP MORTGAGE LOAN TRUST, INC. FOR ASSET-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES SERIES 2006-WMCI is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the' Mortgagee by servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien Property referenced above. AMERICA'S SERVICING COMPANY, as Mortgage Servicer. is representing mortgagee. whose address is: virtue of a 51.0025, the securing the the current clo AMERICA'S SERVICING COMPANY 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 ~o2t:~ Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 , Addison, Texas 7500 I Certificate ofPo~ing C') My name is _ _ _ _-,---,_ _ _ _ _ _ _--" and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard. Suite 100, Addison" Tex.. 7500I.C I decla.... under penall)' ofpOljury that On I filad.t!he office oflhe GUADALUPE Counl)' Clerk and caused to ~osIed~, at the GUADALUPE Counl)' courthouse this notice of sal.. '-' );::> S;&'. -' o a c::r.a 'C..,. -I DeelaranISName:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D~:. "'0::0 I"'1m ("')(.1) OJ> C~ % -irn -<r-' (") r m ::0 :x 1111111"111'1111'11111111111111111111111111111'"' III" "'" ""'1111111111 11111111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOOOS671292 . FCTlCNSTS_Sigs.rpI- (07fi.7120IS) - Ver..13 :;(j: m m < '-.... mc N) 0. 00000005671292 GUADALUPE LOT 17. BLOCK 5. SPRlNGTREE SUBDIVISION. UNlT 3. CITY OF CIBOLO. GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6. PAGES 662-663. PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005611292 000719 705 FALDO COVE CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000005687835 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member ofthe armed forces ofthe United States, Iryou arc or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member ofthe Texas National Guard or the National Guard ofanother state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces ofthe United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender oflhis notice immediately. I. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. Date: January 05, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. ~ THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms ofSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated April 25, 2008 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2634, PAGE 0120; AS AFFECTED BY CLERK'S FILE NO. 2014018202 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with LESLIE E AUTREY, SR AND VIVIAN A AUTREY, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by LESLIE E AUTREY, SR AND VIVIAN A AUTREY, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $313,593.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 4. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien Property referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Mortgage representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: virtue of a 51.0025, the securing the Servic.er, is clo JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISION DRIVE COLUMBUS, OH 43219 ~, BRUCNDORKARENWO Substitute Trustee c/o BARRE'IT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TIJRNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit ICHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRAl22IO Enterprise Drive IFlorence, SC 295011Fax: 843 413 5433/scra.military.orders@chase.com C> CD -< Certificate ofPostins My nllllle is _ _.,---_-:---::_ _ _ _ _ _ _--" and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 7. I declare under penalty ofpetiury tbat on I filed al the office ofthe GUADALUPE County Cleric and caused to be st al tbe GUADALUPE County courtbouse this notice ofsale. c: E; » r-___ ~~ f"I1JT1 nCl.> 0» Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ ~~ -IJTI -<r- ......:. ~ c:.n. O· P'1 '. n -... -tJ :I: is? en o. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~ 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOOO5687835 FCT)CNSTS_SiB~rpl' (0712712015). Ver-43 :0 m (') m <m c 00000005687835 GUADALUPE LOT 23. BLOCK 12. BENTWOOD RANCH SUBDIVISION UNIT THIRTEEN. A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK· 7. PAGES 193·195 OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. \ 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 III~ 111111111111111 II11I IIIIIIII~ IIIIII~ NOS0000000568783S FCTX_NSTSJligs.rpt· (0112712015). Vcr43 000720 417 BRADEN STREET SEGUIN, TX 78155 00000005635313 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Iryou are oryour spouse is serving on active milltarv duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice Immediately. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. I. 2. Date: Janusry OS, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Tenns ofSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien' dated October 26, 2001 and recorded in Document VOLUME 1648, PAGE 0053 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with DANIEL SOTO AND CRYSTAL MAYES, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DANIEL SOTO AND CRYSTAL MAYES, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $43,543.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK TRUST NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS DELAWARE TRUSTEE AND U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, NOT IN ITS INDIVIDUAL CAPACITY BUT SOLELY AS CO-TRUSTEE FOR GOVERNMENT LOAN SECURlTIZATION TRUST 20II-FVI is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. S. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § SI.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property refetenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD. MACII X7801-014 FT. MILL, SC 29715 T.I{I,~41'n<TIN, DEBORAH MARTIN, DE :-\ RA y, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITTON, JACK BURNS II, PATRICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 7500 I J CertifiCl!te ofPosling My name i. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--', and my address i. c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suile 100, Addison, 1..85 75001. I declare under penalty of perjury thaI 011 I filed a' Ihe office orlb. GUADALUPE County Clerk and ...used 10 b. allhe GUADALUPE County courthouse this nolice ohale, c:: ~ "0 C It POS!e:, to' DeclarantsName:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ D.te:~ 'P' - :0 rn 0 1"'1~ ,s;:'" rn n'" O';P' <. :::t:_ ~.' -t\"T1 rn -<r- N... 0 'P' ~-i -01"'1 ~ ("') c::~ - - c.n' 0 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111 111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOOOS63S313 00000005635313 GUADALUPE LOTS 33 AND 34, GOODRUM SUBDIVISION, CITY OF SEGUIN, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 181, PAGE 231, OF THE DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. J 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOO0005635313 000723 920 GRANDVIEW SAN MARCOS, TX 78666 4957384983703 00000005629431 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Ihou are or your spouse is serving on active military dUty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty militarv service to the sender oftMs notice immediately. I. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: Place January OS, 2016 The sale will begin at I0:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. THE SOUTH DOOR OF THE HAYS COUNTY GOVERNMENT CENTER AT 712 SOUTH STAGECOACH TRAIL. OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. PROPERlY IS LOCATED IN HAYS AND GUADALUPE COUNTIES. PROPERlY WILL BE SOLD IN HAYS COVNlY. 2. Terms or Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated December 06, 2005 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2835, PAGE 316; AS AFFECTED BY CORRECTION INSTRUMENT VOLUME 5187, PAGE 559 (HAYS); VOLUME 2913, PAGE 5; AS AFFECTED BY CORRECTION INSTRUMENT CLERK'S FILE NO. 2015006823 (GUADALUPE) real property records of HAYS County, Texas, with JOHN DONOHO TINA DONOHO, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS U) , AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by JOHN DONOHO TINA DONOHO, securing· the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of 113,223.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. MIDFIRST BANK is the current mortgagee ofthe note and Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo MIDLAND MORTGAGE, ADIVISION OF MIDFlRST BANK 999 N.W. GRAND BLVD, STE 110 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73118-6077 •SARA EDGINGTON. TROY ROBINETr, BR.UCE MILLER. STEPHEN MAYERS. CARL MEYERS, ROSS BANDY, TRAVIS KADDAlZ, MCDANIEL, ROBER.T AGUILAR, TERRY WATERS, COLEITE MAYERS, MIKE HANLEY, KRlSTI ALVAREZ, FREDERICK BRmON, TANYA GRAHAM, OR JACK BURNS II SubstilUte Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER. TURNER. & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard. Suile 100 Addison, Texas 7500 I Certificate ofPostin g @ ,....., . .):::> 0 My name is ---:::--:--~_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---:-!.' and illY address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, AddiDn, T~ 7S00 I. ISare under penally ofperjwy thaI 0/1 I filed al the office ofthe HAYS Counly Clerk and caused 10 be po ~YS Collflllll"l c:ourthouse this notice ofsale. r--i Crn ""0::;0 rrtrrt DeclarantsName:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ C")(/) ITI. _ (') ("') ... 0):::> c::~ %- -irrt -<r- -0 ~ o NOS0000000562943I . FCTJCNSTS_SingleCllSe.rpt. (0610912015) • Ver.()$ -<m m .. o N c.:n 11~lm~~IIIIIIIIIIIII~ IIIIIII~ mi lIi~lIl!III~"IIIIIIIII~~~II~~""rn~llllll· At .." 0000000562943 ! LOT NO. FOURTEEN (14), BLOCK "C", EAGLEPOINT, A SUBDIVISION IN HAYS COUNTY, TEXAS AND GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIIE MAP OR PLAT TIIEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 377, HAYS COUNTY PLAT RECORDS. IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIIII~I~II ~IIIIII~ 1IIIIIIIi ~I~ 11111 III~ 111~~!1~~m""III~111I11I NOS0000000562943I OOOi25 Notice of Trustee's Sale Date: December 15,2015 Trustee: Brian Payton ~. Trustee's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600, San Antonio, TX 78205 Borrower: Nathaly Dubon and Domingo Criollo G) '" c: l> c l> r ..... Cr'Tl C) CJ"I ::tI 0 I"f"I c-, . m - ·m C") :=:x 9? 0 ::t'l U1 N "'0:;:0 Borrower's Address: 2006 Chapman Seguin, Texas 78155 po,,:, r'Tlm C") (I) 0» Mortgage Servicer: ATW Investments Inc. C:::;x: z_ ..... ,.., -<r Mortgage Servicer's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600 San Antonio, TX 78 ,.., ( J] A Note: Note Dated August 3, 2015 in the amount $82,000.00 Deed of Trust Date: August 3,2015 Grantor: Nathaly Dubon and Domingo Criollo Lender: 2006 Chapman Land Trust Property: Lot(s) 71, WILSON SCHUESSlER SUBDNISION 2/44 Guadalupe County, Texas (Commonly known as: 2006 Chapman Seguin, Texas 78155) County: Guadalupe Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): January 5, 2016 Time of Sale: 1:00 P.M. Place of Sale: The Foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code at the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioner's Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT 0 < m OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED 8TATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Brian Payton is Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has appointed Brian Payton as Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has instructed Trustee,to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. This foreclosure is being administered by Mortgage Servicer. Mortgage Servicer is representing Mortgagee under a servicing agreement. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS". The sale will begin at the Time of Sale or not later than three hours ther;~ Bri a~ 000726 Notice of Trustee's Sale C"1 C OJ :> o· Date: December 15,2015 Trustee: Brian Payton :x: '-1 clTI '-0:;0 Trustee's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600, San Antonio, TX 78205 ITIm n(l) o:p c=" z_ -H-n Borrower: April L. Flores and Rafael Garcia, Jr. Borrower's Address: 772 Roberts Seguin, 78155 -<I ~ ~ - CJ1 0 f"T1 n (J1. :c :x Cf? en ::0 _-m (') m < m 0 N Mortgage Servicer: ATW Investments Inc. Mortgage Servicer's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600 San Antonio, TX 78205 Note: Note Dated April 1, 2015 in the amount $86,000.00 Deed of Trust Date: April 1, 2015 Grantor: April L. Flores and Rafael Garcia, Jr. Lender: 772 Roberts Land Trust Property: BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land containing 0.115 of an acre of land being all of Lot 6, New City Block 1003, ROBERT HALM SUBDIVISION, City of Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas, according to Map or Plat thereof recorded in Volume 2, Page(s) 56-57, Deed and Plat Records of Bexar County, Texas, SAVE AND EXCEPT that portion of Lot 6 described in Volume 297, Pages 42-43 of the Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas (Commonly known as: 772 Roberts Seguin, 78155) County: Guadalupe Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): January 5; 2016 Time of Sale: 1:00 P.M. Place of Sale: The Foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code at the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioner's Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. ( ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARNIED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON' ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Brian Payton is Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has appointed Brian Payton as Trustee under the Deed of Trust. Mortgagee has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfactiot.f of the Note. This foreclosure is being administered by Mortgage Servicer. Mortgage Servicer is representing Mortgagee under a servicing agreement. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for ca " SIS". The sale will begin at the Time of Sale or not later than three hours thereape . .... BEING .1111111 Cft'flbl met 01' pared of laad eGlibilllUlI 0.115 or ao acre .r laad beIIIC .u or Lot " Hew Ot;y Block 1I1Gl, ROB£RT H.u..\1 SUBPIVlSION, CIIJ or SeculA, Gaadalup. CeUDly, Tau, IccordillC III pial IIImor t'CConlC1l ill V.lullle Z. Pqt{.) u,,57 of the J'bC RHOnb or ClI.lIdllupe CoQa!)" Tau, SAVE AND £leCEn thll portio. or t.0I 6 dtt~ III Volllmr 197, Paca 4Z-t1 or lb. DHd RHOnls or 01lllililupe CGlIhty. Tau; Said t.I15 ahtlllCre paRd belDI mol'l plnlcllbrf)' dacribed as follo\ul BEClN:\l:oiC II I III iIIcb II'QD ICI Illt!elalenH'lIol1 or lIIe walert)' rlcbl..(. '1\11)' Un. 01 Robert Srmt end tile 1I1r1l1mt rial".. r·"",), lille of F,lr Sirut r.r the lootbelll CllnlCI" ohlllcll..et 6111d far the S11l1lbtUt comer and POIm- OF B£CIN:'tISG orell pURlr TIIENCE wllh .lIld riKlII-«·way IIIIt of FIll'SltC'C!. Nlrtb '" de:~' 31" Waf ltalled rill"h 8'1 dec 015' Wal). a dlnallcr.r lioN reel .. , I IAdll"'lI plpt faulld ror Ih. IOlIlbftll tonier or said save Dlld tlCfllled pol1lol1 Illd r,f tilt laullM:mllllt.ll SIIulllfral col'IHr aCt1J1s p$l'wf; TllENCE ka\lIIe tald rl~l..r·!r&" line Ind wllb die c_mOft 11Il0l or lbts patClI and lilt; ClISIIfIy lalle af uld sa., nd nnpltcI p.rut, NUI11& ~ dce lO' U" £:Ise, II db\llllft or 34.17 led (C2Ilcd North. 35 rmlll! i I IAc:IIlroa pipe fOllild 1'0.. Ibe nort"1 (OflICf 01 Aid parcelilld ror I1Illltmor coroet 6f IJlIs pared; . THENCE whlllllc com_a lIzIe or Ibll Flrcd and lb. II.Ol1hnl,y UnCI or nld 'In Illd escepled paM SOIiIio B9 dec IS' 19" Waf, a dbbaCiof 6S,o.a feci (uu.d Wal &to rm) 10 • llaeb Il'Qa pipe round on lIIe ullnl)' rflfa""or',,,I)' line of Lcr,dIe &reet fot the 1I0l1bwtlC "nler or Jald parnl ill.lI Ibe watl1'1lmoal sOlllb..al COnlCf ar Ihls panel; THENCE wIlli old rfehl-oC·waf11ae. Nonh 01 dq: 07' 55" East (elled l'i'onh 111 dt& IS' Easq, II Ilisbace Ilf 415ueet 10 • Z lIIeI! ImIa plpel (ound (or Ib, .lIVibwal erller or LOIS .esald SQIiilMaIoo apl! ror Ibe lIorill"at IIIIVr.r Ihll parull ~ 11IENCE ta¥lnllald iflht-oC-tnJ' 1IrI, IIDd wilt! lb. _ l 1 l i Une or lids paru1alld nld Lot S. Nonh 119 dll51'''- East (calltd Soulll '9 dq4S' las!), II db""e of'U5 reel 10 alladllr'Dll pip. f!lllM on 1M watcrly ripc-or-way 11111 If RDbm SIner tor lIIe aouthau comer of Lot 5 IlIIt tor lilt lIOi1bem c:onuro1dtl:1 pared; THENCE 'IriIh ..w ricbkC",.,. lin.. SDIIIb DO dec IS' GIl'" Wal (bub vi 000727 G) Notice of Trustee's Sale CD -< c: ;po. 0 .;po. r--I Date: December 15,2015 Trustee: Brian Payton I:) ~ ("jtJ') c.n C:s;: "l:JIr t"'1f'1'l o;po. -1fT! -<r("') r- Borrower: Donna R. Saenz ,and Domingo Alvarez -e0ra . CfT! "'0::::1 % Trustee's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600, San Antonio, TX 78205 ,...., ::r:: ' :;0' m (") m < ..c.n m 10 eD N :;:J;; Borrower's Address: 402 Harper Seguin, Texas 78155 Mortgage Servicer: ATW Investments Inc. Mortgage Servicer's Address: 600 Navarro St Ste. 600 San Antonio, TX 78205 Note: Not~ Dated April 20, 2015 in the amount $77,400.00 Deed of Trust Date: April 20, 2015 Grantor: Donna R. Saenz and Domingo Alvarez Lender: 402 Harper Land Trust Property: BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land in the subdivision of part of Lot No. Four (4), Block Sixteen (16) of the FARMING OR TWELVE ACRE LOTS of the City Seguin, Texas, known as the Dibrell Addition, a plat of which is duly recorded in Map Book One of the records of Guadalupe County. Texas, and which tract or lot is more particularly described in the Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part thereof (Commonly known as: 402 Harper Seguin, Texas 78155) County: Guadalupe Date of Sale (first Tuesday of month): January 5, 2016 Time of Sale: 1:00 P.M. Place of Sale: The Foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code at the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioner's Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. Brian Payton is Trustee under the Deed of Trust Mortgagee has appointed Brian Payton as Trustee under the Deed of Trust Mortgagee has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction ofthe Note. This foreclosure is being administered by Mortgage Servicer. Mortgage Servicer is representing Mortgagee under a servicing agreement Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash, "AS IS", The sale will begin at the Time of Sale or not later than three hours thereafter. BEING all that certain tract or parcel of land in the subdivision of part of Lot No. Four (4), Block Sixteen (16) of the FARMING OR TWELVE ACRE lOTS of the City of Seguin, Texas, known as the Dibrell Addition, a plat of which addition is duly recorded in Map Book One of the records of Guadalupe County, Texas, and which tract or lot Is more particularly described as follows: BEGINNING at the southwest corner of the Edgar E. Bean lot, which is weSt of lot Fourteen (14) on Harper Street; THENCE West fifty (50) feet along the north boundary of Harper Street to a post in said boundary for a corner; THENCE North One hundred six and eighty five hundreds (106.85) feet parallel with the west boundary of the Edgar E. Bean lot to a stake for the northwest corner of this lot; THENCE East Fifty (50) feet parallel with the north boundary of Harper Street to the northwest comer of the Edgar E. Bean loti THENCE One hundred six and eighty five hundreds (106.85) feet south to the PLACE OF BEGINNING. Any reference in the foregoing legal description is not a guarantee that the area or content is accurate. Any reference herein to area or quantity is for information and/or descriptive purposes only and does not override Item #2 of Schedule B hereof.