m - Guadalupe County
m - Guadalupe County
000721 112 BURNING TRAIL CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000005261979 NOTICE OF (SUBSTITUTE) TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and Drotectyour rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Irvou are or vour spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member or the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member ofa reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice orthe active duty military service to the sender orthis notice ImmediateJv. I. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: February 02, 20\ 6 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 2. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated October 24, 2007 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2550, PAGE 0883 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with STEPHEN HERNANDEZ AND BELINDA R HERNANDEZ, grantor(s) and WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by STEPHEN HERNANDEZ AND BELINDA R. HERNANDEZ, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $169,908.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A 6. Mortgage Servker Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 , CHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITTON, JACK BURNS II, PATRICI ERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 7500 I CertirlC!!le o[Posling My name is .,-_-,--_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--" and my addtess is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty ofpeljury thaI on J filed at the office ofthe GUADALUPE County Clerk and eaIIsed to be posted althe GUADALUPll County courll1ouse this notice ofsal•. Deelarants Name: Dale: C) !XI -< c:; l> C::m ""0:;0 mfT} c::~ % -im -<rn· r- r""l :::0 ;lI:: 1111111111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOOOO05261979 FCTX_NSrS_Sig•. rpt. (0112112015). V.r·O ~ O. "' m '-t ....,. n 0 n(f) .i: m OJ: l> '0 c= - '"< m -0' ~ ~ c.n ·0 to 00000005261979 GUADALUPE WT 76, BWCK I, SADDLE CREEK RANCH SUBDIVISION UNIT I, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO 1lffi MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6 PAGE 759 OF 1lffi PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. IIIIIIIIII"IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIII~II~III/IIIIIIIII/IIIII"IIIIIII" I I1 NOS00000005261979 000722 7.19 JONES AVENUE SEGUIN. TX'78155 20130169803261 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member or the armed forces or the United States. Iryou are or your spouse Is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard or another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender oethis notice Immediately. I. 2. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: FebruaI)' 02, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. ~ THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Casli. 3. Instroment to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated March 15, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 1987, PAGE 0112; AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 3003. PAGE 0733 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with ALEJANDRO GOMEZ AND MARICELA GOMEZ, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ALEJANDRO GOMEZ AND MARICELA GOMEZ, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $51,167.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA is the current mortgagee ofthe note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servlcer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, NA, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 ....,..;;.:..;JO.,-_ORAH MARTIN, DEANNA FREDERICK BRlTI'ON, JACK BURNS II, PATRIC ANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA maMAS, KRlSTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WlLLSIE Substitute Tmstee clo BARRETI' DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suile 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate ofPos!ing My name is -:-_-:--:--:---:_ _ _ _ _ _ _~' and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I de.lare under penalty ofpeljul)' that on I filed at the offie. ofthe GUADALUPE County CI.rk and caused to be posted C) al the GUADALUPE County courthouse Ihis notice ofsale. C eel' . :P o AI rn (') .):l> . r-\ DeclatllllISName:._ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Crn -0:2' fTlrn ('")(1) O):l> C~ % -11"'1 -<.r (;"') r ,.::u 1"'1 ~1I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 N0S201301 69803261 ' UTI- < s:" m c 20130169803261 GUADALUPE TRACT I: BEING LOT 2, BLOCK 7, WALLACE SUBDlVISION NO.2, CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, PLAT RECORDED IN VOL. I, PAGE 67. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS MAP AND PLAT RECORDS, TRACT 2: BEING A PART OF WALLACE SUBDIVISION NO.2. VOL. I, PAGE 67, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS MAP AND PLAT RECORDS BEING 0.19 ACRES OUT OF THE CALLED 1.04 ACRE TRACT BLOCK 7; SAID 0.19 ACRE TRACT BEING FURTHER DESCRIBED BY FIELD NOTES A'ITACHED HERETO, CONSISTING OF 1 PAGE. BEING: A 0.19 ACRE TRACT OUT OF THE CALLED 1.04 ACRES TRACT IN BLOCK 7, OF THE WALLACE SUBDIVISION, NUMBER 2, AN ADDITION TO THE CITY OF SEGUIN AS RECORDED IN VOLUME I, PAGE 67 OF THE DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. AND IS MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNDS AS FOLLOWS: BEGINNING: AT A FOUND 1/2" IRON ROD AT THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOn ,THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF LOT 2 AND A POINT IN THE NORTH LINE OF THE SAID 1.04 ACRE TRACT OUT OF BLOCK 7 FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT; THENCE: SOUTH 89 DEG 20' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 100.00 FEET. WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF LOTS 1 AND 2 TO THE SET 1/2" IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW CAP MARKED "LANDATA" FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF LOT I, A POINT IN THE WEST LINE OF THE "GRAVEL PIT", FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER SAID 1.04 ACRE TRACT AND THIS TRACT; THENCE: SOUTH 00 DEG 00' 00" WEST, A DISTANCE OF 106.59 FEET, WITH THE EXTENDED EAST LINE OF LOT I TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW CAP MARKED "LANDATA" IN THE "CENTER" OF A DRY CREEK BED (AS DEFINED IN VOLUME 588, PAGE 636 BY THE CITY OF SEGUIN EASEMENTS) OF WALLACE CREEK FOR THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THIS TRACT; THENCE: NORTHWESTERLY, A DISTANCE OF 106.6FEET MORE OR LESS, ALONG AND WITH THE "CENTER" OF THE DRY CREEK BED OF WALLACE CREEK TO A SET 1/2" IRON ROD WITH A YELLOW CAP MARKED "LANDATA" AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE WEST EXTENDED LINE OF LOT 2 AND THE CENTER OF THE DRY CREEK BED FOR THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THIS TRACT THENCE: NORTH 00 DEG 00' 00" EAST, A DISTANCE OF 71.50 FEET, ALONG THE EXTENDED EAST LINE OF LOT 3 OR THE WEST LINE OF LOT 2TO THE POINT OF BEGINNING AND CONTAINING 0.19ACRES OF LAND. MORE OR LESS, IN THE CITY OF SEGUIN IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. II'I'IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII~IIIII" I1III 1111111111 11111 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII NOS20130169803261 000731 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: LOT 71 AND 72, BLOCK I, SCENIC HILLS COMMUNITY PHASE I, SITUATED IN THE RAFAEL GARZA SURVEY NO. 98, ABSTRACT 138, CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 143, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS, SAVE AND EXCEPT THAT PORTION OF LOT 71 CONVEYED TO J. ROBERT CREECH AND WIFE, FAY S. CREECH IN VOLUME 877, PAGE 802 OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, AND THAT PORTION OF LOT 72 CONVEYED TO DOMINIC A. YEMMA AND WIFE, WALTERLEE M. YEMMA IN VOLUME 1316, PAGE 263 OFFICIAL RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 01/30/2013 and recorded in Book 4048 Page 0908 real property records ofGuadalupe CountY, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place ofSale. Date: 02/0212016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 11 :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by JEAN HAINLINE, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of $159,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) aH renewals and extensions of the note. FINANCE OF AMERICA REVERSE LLC is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and FINANCE OF AMERICA REVERSE LLC is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is FINANCE OF AMERICA REVERSE LLC c/o FINANCE OF AMERICA REVERSE LLC, 3900 Capital City Blvd., Lansing, MI 48906 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. . )5-000150-220 4025 CYPRESS COURT SCHERTZ, TX 78108 TROY MART",-~.'L.I.LJr"LAu~A RAY, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA OS, DEBORAH MARTIN OR RICHARD HOLTON c/o AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF,THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL (;{lARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. CD -< - c:::t '" c:n 0 : f'T'1 ('"') flo) N '"'tJ- ::;J; .. N N C11 ::0 m· (") m < m 0 000732 208 JULIAN PI CIBOLO, TX 18108 00000005661293 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse Is serving on active military duW, Including active military duW as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of II reserye component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. I. Date, Time, Rnd Place of Sale. Date: February 02, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Tenns of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contrect Lien dated December 04, 2006 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2427, PAGE 0973; AS AFFECTED BY VOLUME 4063, PAGE 908 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with DINO LAURENTI AND MARIA LAURENTI, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS. INC. ("MERS n ), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by DINO LAURENTI AND MARIA LAURENTI. securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $190,901.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications. renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien Property referenced above. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION. as Mortgage representing the current mortgagee. whose address is: virtue of a 51.0025. the securing the Servicer. is clo JPMORGAN CHASE BANK. NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISION DRIVE COLUMBUS, OH 43219 BRUCE NEYLAND OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TIJRNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 15001 Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit ICHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRA/22 10 Enterprise Drive !Florence, SC 2950 IlFax: 843 413 5433/scra.milital}'.orders@chase.com C> ' CO Certificate o(Postin. My narne is .,.-_.,.--:--:---:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _~' and my address i. r:lo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas I declare under penalty o(peljury that on 1filed altho offic. of !he GUADALUPE County Cieri: and caused to be alth. GUADALUPE County courthouse Ihis notice o(sal.. -< C E; » ~~ rrlrn 0):;>' e:::~ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ Dal.:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ c::"I en 0 r- -t P.1 ' (;7(/) D~I~~Narn.:. ......, % -(jl'\ -<1""" C"':) N CO NOS00000005661293 - :i' < iG .. m OJ 0 C1'\ 11111111I111111111tll~111111111111111I11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111 Jill :u rn () ,m 00000005661293 . GUADALUPE LOT 17, BLOCK I, TOWN CREEK VILLAGE SUBDIVISION, UNIT I, A SUBDIVISION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 14-15, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111 NOSOOOOOO05661293 ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 000733 2513 CEDAR LANE SCHERTZ, TX 78154 00000005672142 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE) mUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member orthe armed rorces orthe United States. Ifyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member orthe Texas National Guard or the National Guard ofanotherstate or as a memberofa reserve component orthe armed forces of the United States. please send written notice or the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediatelv. I. 2. Date, Time, lind Place of Sale. Date: February 02, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms ofSale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the 'Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated June 16, 1989 and recorded in Document VOLUME 892, PAGE 0415 real property records ·of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with WILL L JACKSON AND JEANETIE C JACKSON, grantor(s) and THE RICHARD CARL YON COMPANY, mortgagee. , 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust· or Contract Lien executed by WILL ,L JACKSON AND JEANETTE C JACKSON, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $67,366.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. AMBGY MORTGAGE COMPANY is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servieer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and TeKas Property Code § 51. 0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. CENLAR FSB, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: elo CENLAR FSB 425 PIDLLIPS BLVD EWING, NJ 08618 ~/\! ,L BRUCE NEYLAND OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 7.5001 Certificate of Posting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _~, and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard. Su.le 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty ofpeljury that on I filed at the office oflhe GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of s.le. 0;) '"l>c:::: 0 - ~ C I'l. :PC r- .... rrt CfTl ("'? "'0:;0 i'11'1'1 (")(J) I'.) CO· O:P' c::::~ % -1M -(r C"> r- fT'I :::0 ~ 11111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 IIfll 11111 1111111111111 NOSOOOOOOO5672142 -0 :3: 'N ... 0 ~ :;0 m (') - < rn in 0 00000005672142 GUADALUPE LOT TWENTY ONE (21), BLOCK FOURTEEN (14), HORSESHOE OAKS SUBDIVISION, UNIT 2C, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGES 277-2780F THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005672142 FCTICNSTS_Sig,.rpl. (07127f20IS)· Ver-'IJ. 000735 3944 CHERRY TREE DRIVE CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000005700943 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Ifyou are or your spouse is serving on active militarv duty, including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. 2. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: February 02, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at II :OOAM or not later than three hours after that tIme. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed, of Trust or Contract Lien dated October 26, 2007 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2554, PAGE 0934 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas. with BRIAN SHELTON AND MICHELE A. SHELTON, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by BRIAN SHELTON AND MICHELE A. SHELTON, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $160,046.00, and obligations therein described including but not limite9 to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: clo WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 ~ .th. . L---.-O ~" It TROY MARTIN, DEBORAH MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITTON, JACK BURNS II, PATRICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate of Posting My name is :--_-:---::-----:-_:--_ _ _ _ _ _ _~' and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard. Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. C) I declare under penalty of perjury that on I filed at the office of the GUADALUPE County CleIk and caused to be posted c:: at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice ofsale. CD ~ -< 0 ~ ~ ... -Om Declarants Name:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ ___ m~ D~e:, (")cJ) oJ:" c::~ '% -Irt"I -<r 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005700943 FCTlCNSTS_Sigs.rpl. (0712712015)· Vcr43 ?/J. rn o rn <: rn o 00000005700943 GUADALUPE LOT I, BLOCK 30, WHISPER MEADOWS AT NORTHCLIFFE II SUBDIVISION UNIT 3, CITY OF CIBOLO, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 767, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111 111I1 111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 NOS000000057g0943 FCTX..,NSTS_Sig,rpt- (0712712015) - Vcr-43 000737 RECORDING REQUESTED BY: C) W -< WHEN RECORDED MAIL TO: c:: c :P > r ..... Cf"I1 '"0:;:0 Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Holton, Irene Salazar. vanessa Ramos c/o Malcolm CisnerosfTrustee Corps 17100 Gillette Avenue Irvine. CA 92614 (949) 252~300 rt'lrt'l Rich~rd n<.n 0» C:;l1:: z_ -1m -(, n r fTI :;:0 ~ c::;) - ;0 ~ 0 tTl m c:") ·N co -0 :% .<m ~- N \D ::s:: TS No TX08OOO368-14-1 APN 33983 NOTICE OF SUBS1"ITU"rE TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS. on January 29, 2010, RUTH APPLING as Grantor/~orrower, executed and delivered that certain Deed of Trust in favor of Bill G Brewer as Trustee. Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. as nominee .for Affiliated Mortgage Company. its successors and assigns, as Original Beneficiary, which Deed of Trust· secures the payment of that certain Promissory Note of even date therewith in the original amount of $68,633.00. payable to the order of Newlands Asset Holding Trust as current Beneficiary, which Deed of Trust recorded on February 1, 2010 as Document No. 10..Q01643 in Book 2836, on Page 597 in Guadalupe County. Texas. Deed of Trust covers all of. the real property described therein, Including, but not limited to, all of the following described property, tights and Interests (the "Property'). to wit'SEE EXHIBIT itA" ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF APN 33983 WHEREAS, the Trustee named In the Deed of Trust having been removed. the legal holder of the indebtedness described in the. Deed of Trust appointed Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos or either of them, as Substitute Trustee (each being referred to as the "Substitute Trusleeq), upon the contingency and in the manner authorizeci by the Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS. defaults have occurrecf In the covenants of the Deed of Trust, monetary or otherwise, and the Indebtedness secured by and described in the Deed of Trust is now wholly due. and Newl~nds Asset Holding Trust, the legal holder of such indebtedness and the liens securing same has requested either one of the Substitute Trustees to sell the Property in accordance with applicable law and the terms and provisions of the Deed of Trust NOW THEREFORE. N01'ICE IS HeREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, February 2, 2018 at 11:00 AM, no latet than _three .(3) hours after such time, being the firs.t Tuesday :of such month, the Substitute Trustee will sell the Property at public venue to the highest bidder for cash. The sale will take place In Guadalupe County. TeXS$, at the area designated by the Commissioner's Court for sales of real property I,Jnder a power of sale conferred by a Deed of Trust or other contract lien as follows: THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE CO~NTY COURTHOUSE located at 101 East Court Street Seguin, Texa. 78155. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4556398 0 rn' 0 TS No TX08000368-14-1 APN33983 TO No 140566783-TX-RWI The Deed of Trust may encumber both real and personal property. Formal notice is hereby given of and NewlandS"Asset Holding Trusfs election to proceed against and sell both the real property and any personal property described In said Deed of Trust In accordance with and Newlands Asset Holding Trusfs rights and remedies under the D!!Ied of Trust and Section 9.604(a) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. NOTICE IS Fl:JRTHER GIVEN, that except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee may bind and obligate Mortgagors to warrant title the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust Pursuant to Section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold in lias is", "where is" condition.. Conveyance of the Property shall be made without any representations or warranties whatsoever, expressed or implied. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property' records to determine the nature and extent 'of such' matters and are advised to conduct an Independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the Property. . Pursuant to Section 51,009 of the Texas Property Code, ·the Property will be sold in "as is",c"where is" condition, without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to the warranted. ESS. my ha " ';;<2+~day of Ck.eanber . ~ol5? artln, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES•. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR. ,POUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY. DUTY,.INC.LUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A· MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESeRVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTice OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTIce IMMEDIATELY. .. FOR REINSTATEMENT I PAY OFF REQUESTS CONTACT: (949) 252-8300 THIS IS AN ATIEMPT TO COLLECTA DEBT. ANY INFORMATlON OBTAINED WILL BE USED FOR ntAT PURPOSE. To the extant your ortglnal obligation was discharged. or Is subject 10 an automatic stay of bankruptcy under , Title 11 of the United Sbdas Code, this notice Is for compliance and/or Informational purposes only and doe. not 'constltute an attempt to collect a debt or to Impose personal liability for 8uch obligation. However. a secured party retains rights under Its security Instrument, Including the right to foreclose Ita lien. T8 No TX08000368-14-1 APN33983 EXHIBIT "An BEING ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED WrrHIN THE CITY OF SEGUIN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 17, BLOCK 440, MORNINGSIDE ADDITION; ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 142, AND REVISED PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 158, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS. . ( 000738 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE I. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is descnoed as follows: SEE ATTACHED EXlDBIT A 2.1nstmment to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed ofTrust dated 0112612001 and recorded in Book 1573 Page 00S7 Document 01646 real property records ofGuadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place olSale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, ~d place: Date: 0210212016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 11:00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms 01Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS conditioll, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust The .sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to detennine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. lfthe sale is set aside for any reasoll, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entided only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured. The Deed of Trust executed by JACQUELINE SUE KOWALIK AND ROBERT KOWALIK, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of$41,250.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions ofthe note. Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and FAY SERVICING, LLC is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 c/o FAY SERVICING, LLC, 440 S. Lasalle, Suite 2000, Chicago, IL 60605 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. DelanlJ and Request to Act Default has occurred under the deed of trust and Christiana Trust, a division of Wilmington Savings Fund Society, FSB, not in its individual capacity but as Trustee of ARLP Trust 5 obtained an Order from the 25th District Court of Guadalupe County on 12109/2015 under Cause No. 15-1 896-CV. The mortgagee has requested a Substitute !ice is given that b sale the mortgagee may appoint Trustee conduct this sale pursuant to the Court's Ord~r another person substitute tmstee to conduct the sale. 14~04030-670 431 SCULL CROSSING LA VERNIA, TX 78121 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TIlE ARMED FORCES OF TIlE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF TIlE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR TIlE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTIlERSTATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITtEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE ~TIIE c::::J SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. CI)' 1> ,..., J> - Cf'T1 n ""'f'T1 ('")U'J N \D C:;:s;: Z_ -if'T1 .." % o r--I '"0::;0 0» -<r en C rr'1 .. N 0 Cio) IIIIIIII~IIIIIII ~IIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII 4556809 :;0 m (') -m< m 0 000739 THIS INSTRUMENT APPOINTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDENTIFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT IDENTIFIED IN TmSNOTICE OF SALE. THE PERSON SIGNING TmS NOTICE IS THE ATTORNEY OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGE SERVICER. NOTICE OF SALE PURSUANT TO AUTHORITY conferred upon the Trustee by that certain Deed of Trust dated September 23,2011, executed by JOE L. RODRIGUEZ AND SYLVIA RODRIGUEZ (SIGNED AS SILVIA RODRIGUEZ), HUSBAND AND WIFE ("Mortgagor") to Chris Peirson, Trustee for the benefit of Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems, Inc. (MERS) solely as Nominee for Lender, COUNTRVPLACE MORTGAGE, LTD ("Mortgagee"), filed for record under Volume 3041, Page 1015, Official Public Records ofGuadalupe County, Texas, and modified by that certain Loan Modification Agreement dated October 28,2011, filed for record under Volume 3060, Page 485, Official Public Records ofGuadalupe County, Texas, and assigned to COUNTRVPLACE MORTGAGE, LTD, by that certain Assignment ofDeed ofTrust dated December 14,2015, filed for record under Instrument No. 2015025750, Official Public Records ofGuadalupe County, Texas; Mortgagee appoints K. Clifford Littlefield, whose address is listed below, and Steven Wigington, whose business address is 140 South Walnut Ave., New Braunfels, Texas 78130, under said Deed of Trust, in order to satisfy the indebtedness secured thereby and at the request ofthe holder ofsaid indebtedness, default having been made in the covenants ofthe Deed ofTrust, to sell on Tuesday, February 2, 2016, (that being the first Tuesday ofthe month), at public auction to the highest bidder for cash, at the Guadalupe County Courthouse at the place designated by the Commissioner's Court for such sales in Guadalupe County, Texas, (on the steps ofthe county courthouse, or as designated by the County Commissioner), the sale to begin at 1:00 o'clock p.m. or not later than three (3) hours after such time on that date, all ofthe property as an entirety or in such parcels as the Trustee acting may elect the property offered for sale, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof, together with any and all improvements constructed upon, affixed to or located upon the above described real property. I Assert and Protect Your Rights as a Member ofthe Armed Forces ofthe United States. If You Are or Your Spouse Is Serving on Active Military Duty.. Including Active Military Duty as a Member ofthe Texas NationaJ Guard or the National Guard ofAnother State or as a Member ofa Reserve Component ofthe Armed Forces ofthe United States, Plea~e Send Written Notice of the Active Duty Military Service to the Sender of this Notice Immediately. EXECUTED this 29th day of December, 2015. en . '" l> G.tI ~ey~ K. CLIFFQRD LITTLEFIELD, Mortga UPTON, MICKITS & HEYMANN, L.L. 802 N. Carancahua, Suite 450 Corpus Christi? Texas 78401 Telephone: (361) 884-0612 Facsimile: (361) 884-5291 Email: clittlefield@umhlaw.com THE STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF NUECES c:: r-l -o1Tl 1Tl~ 0(.1) 0> c:~ z_ -J1Tl -<r0 r- § § ::0 ~ m c.,.) .m ("") C :boo ::x -.. 0 0 \D 0 m< 0 SUBSCRIBED and SWORN TO BEFORJ."~:the unde}2igned Notary Public, by K. CLIFFORD d and official seal. LITTLEFIELD, this 29th day of December, 2015,~~Y:mA"~hic~_.wyness ~ i$,.~~'flJ~ NORMA JEAN HESSELTINE MY COMMISSION EXPIRES Rttumto' K Clifford Littlefield Upton, Mickits & Heymann, 802 N. Carancahua, Suite 450 Corpus Chri.ti, T""", 78401 ile<:ember 11,21117 y 1''' 7 :".% OTARY P ' '" .' / ,STA E OF TEXAS ";: EXHIBIT "A" METES &. BOUNDS DESCRIPTION TRACT I A 1.00 ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF A CALLED 5.00 ACRE TRACT CONVEYED F"ROMTBE VETERANS LAND BOARD OF THE STATE OF TEXAS TO JOE LUIS RODRIGUEZ IN VOLUME 2866, PAGE 690, OmCIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GtJADALlJPB COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING OUT OF THE CLAIBORNE :RECTORLEAOUE SURVEY, ABSTRACT 270. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TI3XAS, SAID 5.00 ACRE TRACT BEING THE SAMETRACf ASDBSCRIBBDlN DEED FROMMARVlNP. STOLTE, ELI..E:N A. STOLT.EAND RUBELlN"E. STqLTE. NKlAlRJJB.ILYN 11 S1.'OLTE, OF MARION, TEXAS TO VETERANS LAND BOAlm OF THE STATE OF TEXAS IN VOLUME 1037, .PAGE 180. OPP'rCIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPB COUNTY~ TEXAS, SAlD 5.00 ACRE BEING OUT OF THAT CBRTAlN 73.6 ACRE TRACT CONVEYlID l>Y RUDOLPH STOLTE AND WIFE TO WALTER STOLTB BY DEED DATED OCTOBER 29. 1921 AND 'RECORDED IN VOLUMB 63, PAGES 456-4'7. PEE)) RECOlIDS OF GOADALUPE COUNTY, 'IEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCR.IBBD AS FOLLOWS; BEGlNNlNG atajpund t12n iron rod in tbesoutberlyR..O.W.line ofStoiteAcres (a 60' Public Road Easement, as recorded in Vol. 1037. Pg. 180. OfficialPublic Records of Guadalupe County, Texas). said rod marldug the north comer ofsaid 5.00 Acre Tract, the west corner ofa called 6:18 a~tractoonveyed to Cirilo G. Cruz in Vol. 2508, Pg. 87, Official PubJicrecords of Guadalupe County, Texas; TI::lENCE along and with tho common boundary ofsaid 5.00 Acre Tract and said Cruz Tract South 28°42'55" East, a distlluce of21&.00 foot to 11 set 112" irOll rod ror1be east oomer oftlle herem described tract; tHENCE lea':ing said boundary, in10 and across said 5.00 Acre Tract, Soufu 60"25'32" West, a distmce of2oo.00 feet to a set lIZ" iron rod fur the south corner of1he herein descn'bed tract; THENCE into andacros.s said 5.00 Acre Tract,. Norfh 28 4Z'SO'" West. a OistancQ(lf218.lI fuettoa set 112'" iron rod, a point in the northerly bouo.dary line of said 5.00 Acre Tract. a point in the southerly R.O. W. fjne of said Stolte ACI."es, for the west oomer of1he herein desoribed tract; D THBNCE along and with thenoI1herly b01llldary line ofsaid 5.00 Acre Tract, the southerly R..O.W.line of Stolte Acres, North 6rf'27' IS'" East, a distance of200.00 filet to the POINT OF BEGINNlNG and containing 1.00 acres, more or less. 9 STATE OF TEXAS § COUNTY OF BEXM § Augu$t 31, 20 11 It is hereby certified that the above descrIption was prepared from an actual garvey on the ground ofthe; described tract made tmder my supervision. .. , 1 ~escription of 'a 60.0 foot wide Road Easement to provide access from Count' Road No. 361, Marion-New Braunfels Road to the above described 5.000 acre tract i BEGINNING at an iron pin found at a corner pos,t in the Northeast line of t:.e said County Road No. 361, for the West corner of the said Walter Stolte 73,6 acre tract, for the West co~ner of the herein described 60.0 foot Road Easement; THENCE with the Northeast line of the said County Road No. 361, the Southw!st line of the said Walter Stolte 13.6 acre tract, ~: 28" 54' E. 60.0 feet to an iron pin set for the West corner of a 0.6326 of an acre tract. for the Sou:h corner of this 60.0 fooc'Road Easement; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said 0.6326 of'an acre tract, N. 60' 27' 15" E. 194.31 feet to an iron pin set for the North corner of the said 0.6326 of an acre tract, for the West corner of the said 5.000 acre tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said 5.000 acre tract, N. 60· 27' IS" E. 573.35 feet to an iron pin set for the North corner of the said 5.000 acre tract; THENCE crossing the said 60.0 foot Road Easement, N. 28" 42' 55" W. 60.0 feet to a point in the Northwest line of the said walter stolte 73.6 acre tract; THENCE with the Northwest line of the said Walter Stolte 73.6 acre tract, S. eo· 27' 1S" W. 767.S5 feet to the Place ~f Beginning. ~ - ~' en 0 fT1 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE C'") GUADALUPE County Deed of Trust Dated: August 11,2006 Amount: $228,729.00 Grantor(s): AQUINTA JORDAN and DARREL JORDAN Cot.) 0 " ::J: Original Mortgagee: USM FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK Current Mortgagee: DITECH FINANCIAL LLC ':JD m 0 -<m m C Mortgagee Address: DITECH FINANCIAL LLC, 4250 North, Fort Worth, TX 76137 0'\ Recording Information: Document No. 06-17087 Legal Description: LOT 25, BLOCK 33, FALCON RIDGE, UNIT-9, A SUBDIVISION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 84-85 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Date of Sale: February 2, 2016 between the hours of 11:00 AM and 2:00 PM. Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: 11 :00 AM Place of Sale: The foreclosure sale will be conducted at public venue in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the' Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. TROY MARTIN OR DEBORAH MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRIDON, JACK BURNS II, PATRICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, DANIEL WILLSIE, ALEXIS MARTIN, CASSIE MARTIN, TERRI MARTIN OR SHELBY MARTIN have been appointed as Substitute Trustee(s). ('Substitute Trustee') each empowered to act independently. in the place of said original Trustee, upon the contingency and in the manner authorize<1 by said Deed of Trust. The Substitute Trustee will sell ~he Property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash allhe place and dale speCified. The sale will begin at the eaniest time staled above or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. NOTICE IS FURTHER GIVEN that, except to the extent that the Substitute Trustee(s) may bind and obligate the Mortgagors to warrant title to the Property under the terms of the Deed of Trust, conveyance of the Property shall be made 'AS IS' 'WHERE IS' without any representations and warranties whatsoever, express or implied, and subject to all matters of record affecting the Property. ' A debtor who is serving on active military dulY may have special rights or relief related to this notice under federal law. including the Servicemembers Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.C. aop. Section 501 et seg.>. and state law. including Section 51.015 Texas Property Code. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active mllitarv duty, Including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of . another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice. TInS INSTRUMENT APPOINTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDENTIFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT IDENTIFmD IN TIllS NOTICE OF SALE THE PERSON SIGNING TillS NOTICE IS THE ATTORNEY AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGE SERVICER SARAH ROBBINS, ADORNEY AT LAW HUGHES, WADERS & ASKANASE, L.L.P. 1201 Louisiana, Suite 2800 Houston, Texas 77002 Reference: 2013-009047 EBO HAN, DEANNA RAY, RICHARD • NE R, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRIDON, JACK BURNS II, PATRICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICKZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, DANIEL WlLLSIE, ALEXIS MARriN, CASSIE MARTIN, TERRI MARTIN OR SHELBY MARTIN do AUCTION.COM, LLC 1 Mauchly Irvine, California 92618 ~ -. . 0007~1 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 11/06/2007 Grantor(s): NOEL RODRIQUEZ, AN UNMARRIED MAN Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS A NOMINEE FOR DID MORTGAGE COMPANY LID, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $160,945.00 Recording Information: Book 2555 Page 0840 Instrument 023748 Property County: Guadalupe Property: LOT 1, BLOCK "4", RIATA UNIT 1, A SUBDIVISION IN TIlE CITY OF SCHERTZ, COMAL COUNTY AND GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIlE MAPS OR PLATS TIlEREOF RECORDED IN DOCUMENT NO. 200706010513, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF COMAL COUNTY, TEXAS, AND IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 288, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY,. TEXAS. Reported Address: 701 EAGLES GLENN, SCHERTZ, TX 78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofFebruary, 2016 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIlE NOR1H PORCH OF TIlE GUADALUPE COUNTY COUR1HOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner'S Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Bums, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 .WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment ofthe Note set forth in the above-described Deed of Trust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed of Trust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed of Trust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law finn has been requested to provide these notices on behalf ofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TIlEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ofthe foregoing matters and that: I. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Bums II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel WiIlsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed of Trust or appearing of record to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed of Trust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature of title to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale of the property. @ l> Ve~IYY~iJ;~~ Ai rn ~~ole,~.c. (') - m -.... < m o \:0. 9986-N-8S24 2146969796 PG1 POSTPKG ()007~2 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: 02/0112008 Grantor(s): ANNE M GUERRA, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS $196,203.00 Original Principal: Recording Information: Book 2588 Page 0445 Instrument 003110 Property County: Guadalupe Property: WT 35, BWCK 9, DOVE CROSSING SUBDIVISION UNIT 8, A SUBDIVISION IN TIffi CITY OF NEW BRAUNFELS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO TIffi MAP OR PLAT TIffiREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 89, AS AMENDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 116, AND AMENDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 295, ALL OF TIffi MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 2394 RIDGE ROCK, NEW BRAUNFELS, TX 78130 Reported Address: MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, ifnot the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, N.A. Mortgage Servicer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofFebruary, 2016 II :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIffi NORTII PORCH OF TIffi GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTIIOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment ofthe Note set forth in the above-described Deed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalfofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TIlEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN ofthe foregoing matters and that: l. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be iminediately due and payable. 2. Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section of this notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing ofrecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor1s warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own riskn and "at his peril n, and no representation is made concerning the quality or natUre oftitle to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale ofthe property. '-W£;i,Ii1~ ~ - !7<ltiJr~' e truly YO~s,~ .. .C. G) <:: » ~ -. en . <::", n 0 l> .-~ Q rrt ,,-0::0 fTll'f'J 'W C'")(/) 0» c A z_ -ttTl -<r ::u in 0 < " m -.. 0 0 m :z CO 9970-N-9328 2146958889 PG1 POSTPKG 000743 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION; Date: 04/29/2010 Grantor(s): KAREN S. RICHARDSON, AN lJNMARRJED WOMAN Original Mortgagee: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY LTD, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS Original Principal: $242,158.00 Recording Information: Book 2864 Page 0567 Instrument 10~006960 ; rNecorded under Book 2870 Page 0176 Ins~entl0~008026 Property County: Property: Reported Address: Guadalupe LOT 49, BLOCK 20, BENTWOOD RANCH SUBDIVISION UNIT THEN~A, A SUBDIVISION IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN BOOK 7, PAGES 5fi6~ 568, OF THE OFFICIAL PUBLIC RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 313 HAZELTINE WAY, CIBOLO, TX 78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION: The Mortgage Servicer, ifnot the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Servicer: Wells Fargo Bank, N. A. Current Beneficiary: Wells Fargo Bank, NA Mortgage Semeer Address: 3476 Stateview Boulevard, Fort Mill, SC 29715 SALE INFORMATION: Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofFebruary, 2016 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT THE NORm PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURmOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Substitute Trustee(s): Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns n, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the abov~named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment of the Note set forth in the abov~described Deed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Bums n, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law finn has been requested to provide these notices on behalf ofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed ofTrust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Troy Martin, Deborah Martin, Deanna Ray, Richard Holton, Irene Salazar, Vanessa Ramos, Frederick Britton, Jack Burns II, Patricia Sanders, Zana Jackson, Pamela Thomas, Kristopher Holub, Patrick Zwiers, Kelley Burns, Tanya Graham, Daniel Willsie, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Infonnation section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale ofthe Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing ofrecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specifically authorized by the Grantor in the Deed of Trust. The property shall be offered "AS~IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature oftitle to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests of any kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel of ~r choice prior. to participating in the sale ofthe property. co § :;:g c J> r- ~~~ BuckleY ~ole, l\C: c::~ , "'0;:0 - ~ Cl!:) ,..,. C':') "'m (,,;) C")(J) 0 0» §gA -eiii -<r ." :x :0 m o m < m -.. c 0). 9986-N-8417 2146969365 PG1 POSTPKG 000'002 Notice of Foreclosure Sale 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: All that certain 8.53 acre tract ofland situated in the Stephen Smith Survey, Abstract No. 34, Guadalupe County, Texas; said 8.53 acre being the same property described in Warranty Deed filed for record in Volume 1247, Page 359, Official Records of Guadalupe County, Texas, more particularly described on Exhibit "A" attached hereto. 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed ofTrust recorded in Volume 3055, Page 298, of the real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. Date, Time, and Place o/Sale. The sale is scheduled to be held at the following date, time, and place: Date: February 2,2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 1:00 p.m. or no later than three hours thereafter. The sale will be completed by no later than 4:00 p.m. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse in Seguin, Texas, at the following location: The area designated by the Commissioners Court of Guadalupe County, Texas for conducting non-judicial foreclosures. The deed of trust permits the beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for another day. In that case, the trustee or substitute trustee under the deed oftrust need not appear at the date, time, and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. 4. Terms o/Sale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest l@lder:fi.licash, r q;have~e bi'.!:o subject to the provisions of the deed of trust permitting the beneficiary there credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the deed 0 sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their abi immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. tftlUhe ~~ ss~ ';!~ U1 7 0 tca t~thoir'bid< -!r;; :::r: PIi"II -<I 1"3 ,.u n . r- •• o· o· e£ff>ftrust, but I""l ::0 The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in om C prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed oftrust. The sale shall not cover any part ofthe property that has been released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the propertY will be sold in "as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warrarities of title (if any) provided for, under the deed oftrust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition ofthe property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale ofthe day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. 5. Type ofSale. The sale is a nonjudicial deed-of-trust lien foreclosure sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the deed of trust executed by JOHN MCCLUNG and KIMBERLY MCCLUNG: The real property and personal property encumbered by the deed oftrust will be sold at the sale in accordance with the provisions ofthe deed oftrust and as permitted by section 9.604(a) ofthe Texas Business and Commerce Code. 6. Obligations Secured. The deed of trust provides that it secures the payment of the indebtednesses and obligations therein described (collectively, the IIObligations") including but not limited to the promissory note in the original principal amount of$325,000.00, executed by JOHN MCCLUNG AND KIMBERLY MCCLUNG, and payable to the order ofRICHARD BARNHART AND ANALEE BARNHART are the current owners and holders of the Obligations and are the beneficiaries under the deed of trust. Questions concerning the sale may be directed to the undersigned or to the beneficiary, Richard Barnhart and Analee Barnhart c/o Anthony O. Schaker, 304 N Austin Street, Seguin, Texas 78155. ' 7. Default and Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed oftrust, and the beneficiary has requested me, as substitute trustee, to conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 8. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of ~ reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Dated: January 5, 2016 t on O. c er Trustee 304 N. Austin Street Seguin, Texas 78155 Telephone (830) 303-5555 Telecopier (830) 303-5666 ~\ Current Borrower: MH File Number: VAlFHAlPMI Number: Loan Type: Property Address: ROBERT T. BROWN AND KAREN L. BROWN HUSBAND AND WIFE , 000003 TX-1O~9715-CM FHA , Soo $GE FALLS, CIBOLO, TX 78108 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE ) Deed of Trust Date: 12116/2008 Grantor(s)/Mortgagor{s): ROBERT T. BROWN AND KAREN L. BROWN HUSBAND AND WIFE Original BeneficiarylMortgag~: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. AS NOMINEE FOR CORNERSTONE MORTGiAGE COMPANY Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee: c;) JPMorgan Chase Bank, Nationallb&o~on Recorded in: Volume: 2695 Page: 063 Instrument No: 023207 Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association is representing the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee under a servicing agreement with the Current Beneficiary/Mortgagee. ! Property County: GUADALUPE ,~ r-i a::. .;t .(,.. ~~ .~ IT!m C') (.I) OJ:» I .....,.' fE~ .~.' -""" -iTT.! Mortgage Servicer's Address: 1] 11 Polaris Parkway, Columb' , -<r- Legal Description: LOT 7,iBLOCK 10, GATEWOOD SUBDIVISION UNIT 4, IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, AN ADDITION IN GUADAE.UPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 246, DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUN1Y, TEXAS Date of SaJe: 21212016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: I 1:00AM Place of Sale of PropertY: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE CpUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE OR IN THE AREA DESIGNATED BY THE COMMISSION~R'S COURT, PURSUANT TO SECTION 51.002 OF THE TEXAS PROPERTY CODE. . The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sal~ will begin at the earliest time stated above or within three (3) hours after that time. ' Notice Pursuant to Tex. ProP. Code § 51.002(i): Assert and protect your rig~ts as a member of the armed forces of the United states. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including actiVe m~litary duty as a member of the Texas Nati,onal Guard or the National Guard of anoth,r state or as a member of a reserve compj:ment of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender; of this notice immediately. Deborah .n, Troy Martin, or Cole D. Patton or Catherine Allen-Rea MCCARTIlY HOLTHUS - TEXAS, LLP ATTN: SALES 1255 West 15th Street, Suite 1060 Plano, TX 75075 000008 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE a> January 11,2016 c: - SJ .):> 0 ,):> Deed of Trust ("Deed of Trust"): • c:r"O r -I em --,,~:;.o Dated: May 8, 2014 Grantor: Anthony L. Dominguez and Pamela A. Dominguez r rn . 0(1) 0):> C::1' %- -IfTl -<r- (...', :po. ::z :.0 rn "'. _. O· . :PI' <: - m :s: -.. e;n. Lender: Peka, Ltd. m 0 0 Recorded in: Volume 4224, Page 833 ofthe real property records ofBex Secures: May 8, 2014, Promissory Note ("Note") in the original principal amount of $79,000.00, executed by Anthony L. Dominguez and Pamela A. Dominguez ("Borrower") and payable to the order of Lender Peka, Ltd. Property: The real property, improvements, and personal property described in and mortgaged in the Deed of Trust, including the real property described in the attached Exhibit "A", and all rights and appurtenances thereto. Substitute Trustee: Toni L. Spengler Substitute Trustee's Address: 921 Proton Rd., San Antonio, Texas 78258 Foreclosure Sale: Date: Tuesday, February 2, 2016 Time: The sale of the Property will be held between the hours of 1:00 P.M. and 4:00 P.M. local time; the earliest time at which the F~reclosure Sale will begin is 1:00 P.M. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated herein or within three (3) hours after that time. Place: GUADALUPE COLTNTY COURTHOUSE, TEXAS, AT THE FOLLOWING LOCATION: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COURTHOUSE, SEGUIN, TEXAS, OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE GUADALUPE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S COURT. Terms of Sale: The Foreclosure Sale will be conducted as a public auction and the Property will be sold to the highest bidder for cash, except that Peka, Ltd. 's bid may be by credit against the indebtedness secured by the lien of the Deed of Trust. Default has occurred in the payment of the Note and in the performance of the obligations of the Deed of Trust. Because of that default, Peka, Ltd., the owner and holder of the Note, has NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE SALE January 11, 2016 Page 2 requested Substitute Trustee to sell the Property. The Deed of Trust may encumber both real and personal property. Formal notice is hereby given of Peka, Ltd.' s election to proceed against and sell both the real property and any personal property described in the Deed ofTrust in accordance with Peka, Ltd.'s rights and remedies under the Deed of Trust and section 9.604(a) of the Texas Business and Commerce Code. Therefore, notice is given that on and at the Date, Time, and Place for the Foreclosure Sale described above, Substitute Trustee will sell the Property in accordance with the Terms of Sale described above, the Deed of Trust, and applicable Texas law. IfPeka, Ltd. passes the Foreclosure Sale, notice of the date ofany rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements ofthe Deed of Trust and the Texas Property Code. _ The Foreclosure Sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set f01th in the Deed of Trust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the Foreclosure Sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters ofrecord affecting the Property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed of Trust. For the avoidance of doubt, the Foreclosure Sale will not cover any part of the Property that has been released of public record from the lien and/or security interest of the Deed of Trust by Peka, Ltd. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, ifany. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the Property will be sold "AS IS," without any expressed or implied warranties, except as to the warranties (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the Property. Pursuant to section 51.0075(a) ofthe Texas Property Code, Substitute Trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the Foreclosure Sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by Substitute Trustee. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a, member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notiee of the .etlve duty military service to the Oft~.is n tlee immediately. '0 Toni L. Spengler, S bsti u 921 Proton Road San Antonio, Texas 78258 Telephone: (210) 227-2726 Facsimile: (210) 227-5550 EXHIBIT"A" BEING LOT 28, BLOCK 18, NORTHCLIFF EAST COMMUNITY, SECTION 2, AN ADDITION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 4, PAGE 75, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 000009 NOTICE OF ACCELERATION AND NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE DEED OF TRUST INFORMATION: Date: Grantor(s): Original Mortgagee: Original Principal: Recording Information: Property County: Property: Reported Address: 03/0112007 DARIUS M. VERGARA AND CAROL S. VERGARA, HUSBAND AND WIFE MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR SWBC MORTGAGE CORPORATION, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS $165,600.00 Book4151 Page 1005 Instrument 13-22015 Guadalupe LOT 50, BLOCK I, TIm RIDGE AT DEER CREEK. UNIT NO.2, CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGES 425-426, PLAT RECORDS, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 121 HIDDEN CAVE, CmOLO, TX 78108 MORTGAGE SERVICING INFORMATION; The Mortgage Servicer, if not the Current Mortgagee, is representing the Current Mortgagee pursuant to a Mortgage Servicing Agreement. Current Mortgagee: Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws of the United States ofAmerica Mortgage Servicer: Seterus, Inc. Current Beneficiary: Federal National Mortgage Association ("Fanni,e Mae"), a corporation organized and existing under the laws ofthe United States ofAmerica Mortgage Servicer Address: 14523 SW Millikan Way, Suite 200, Beaverton, OR 97005 SALE INFORMATION; Date of Sale: Time of Sale: Place of Sale: Tuesday, the 2nd day ofFebruary, 2016 11 :OOAM or within three hours thereafter. AT TIm NORTII PORCH OF TIm GUADALUPE COUNTY COUR1lIOUSE in Guadalupe County, Texas, or, ifthe, preceding area is no longer the designated area, at the area most recently designated by the Guadalupe County Commissioner's Court. Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Substitute Trustee(s): Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Bums, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act Substitute Trustee Address: 14841 Dallas Parkway, Suite 425, Dallas, TX 75254 WHEREAS, the above-named Grantor previously conveyed the above described property in trust to secure payment ofthe Note set forth in the above-described Deed ofTrust; and WHEREAS, a default under the Note and Deed ofTrust was declared; such default was reported to not have been cured; and all sums secured by such Deed ofTrust were declared to be immediately due and payable; and WHEREAS, the original Trustee and any previously appointed Substitute Trustee has been removed and Deborah Martin, Troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, have been appointed as Substitute Trustees and requested to sell the Property to satisfY the indebtedness; and WHEREAS, the undersigned law firm has been requested to provide these notices on behalfofthe Current Mortgagee, Mortgage Servicer and Substitute Trustees; NOW, TImREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN of the foregoing matters and that: 1. The maturity ofthe Note has been accelerated and all sums secured by the Deed of Trust have been declared to be immediately due and payable. 2. Deborah Martin, 'troy Martin, Alexis Martin, Cassie Martin, Terri Martin, Shelby Martin, Cristina Camarata, Sammy Hooda, Michael Burns, Alexander Wolfe, Suzanne Suarez or Adam Womack, any to act, as Substitute Trustee will sell the Property to the highest bidder for cash on the date, at the place, and no earlier than the time set forth above in the Sale Information section ofthis notice. The sale will begin within three hours after that time. 3. This sale shall be subject to any legal impediments to the sale of the Property and to any exceptions referenced in the Deed ofTrust or appearing ofrecord to the extent the same are still in effect and shall not cover any property that has been released from the lien of the Deed ofTrust. 4. No warranties, express or implied, including but not limited to the implied warranties ofmerchantability and fitness for a particular purpose shall be conveyed at the sale, save and except the Grantor's warranties specificallY authorized by the Grantor in the Deed ofTrust. The property shall be offered "AS-IS", purchasers will buy the property "at the purchaser's own risk" and "at his peril", and no representation is made concerning the quality or nature oftitle to be acquired. Purchasers will receive whatever interest Grantor and Grantor's assigns have in the property, subject to any liens or interests ofany kind that may survive the sale. Interested persons are encouraged to consult counsel oftheir choice prior to participating in the sale ofthe property. Q) c,') -< c:::. J> 0 J> r ..... ~ -' c:::r> (. c::.rn "'0:;0 rnrn ~ c::.~ %-I'f"l'l -0 ("')cn . OJ> -<r("') r rt1 :;0 :0 rn (') m-< -- :J: Nt Ut Ql m a ::;:z:: 9565-N-0177 2146917425 PG1 POSTPKG 000010 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Matter No.: 036158-TX Date: December 29,2015 County where Real Property is Located: Guadalupe ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: GWENDOLYN HICKS-HUMPHREY ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., AS NOMINEE FOR USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK MORTGAGE SERVICER: USA A FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK DEED OF TRUST DATED 9117/2014, RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on 9/23/2014, as Instrument No. 14-016734, in Book 4276, Page 0502, SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT 18, BLOCK 3, GREENSHIRE SUBDMSION, UNIT 8, IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 7, DEED AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 21212016, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Guadalupe County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 11:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one of the Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed ofTrust. USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 10750 McDermott Freeway San Antonio, TX 78288 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant 10 the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securin&::lJle above referenced loan. Co j; ~ o3> r - C'I'II c... c:::-f .... == .,,"' f"!1fg ("')(/) 03> c Page lof2 4558200 -0 W' :.:0 CO m :::z: 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 A ~;;; -<, ....... ,, r % - .. I'll.) ;0 rn o m < m - o Matter No.: 036158-TX Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. By: Substitute Trustee TROY B RAH MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, RICHARD HO N, IRE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, PAUL A. HOEFKER OR ROBERT L. NEGRIN Return to: ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP 4375 JUTLAND DR., SUITE 200 P.O. BOX 17935 SAN DIEGO, CA 92177-0935 FAX #: 619-590-1385 · .. 00001.1 NOTICE OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE'S SALE Matter No.: 036141-TX Date: December 29,2015 County where Real Property is Located: Guadalupe ORIGINAL MORTGAGOR: JAMES L JOHNSON JR AND CARRIE A JOHNSON ORIGINAL MORTGAGEE: MORTGAG~ ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS INC., SOLELY AS NOMINEE FOR USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, ITS SUCCESSORS AND ASSIGNS CURRENT MORTGAGEE: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK MORTGAGE SERVICER: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK DEED OF TRUST DATED 10/17/2013, RECORDING INFORMATION: Recorded on 10/28/2013, as Instrument No. 13-023031, in Book 4157, Page 0637, SUBJECT REAL PROPERTY (LEGAL DESCRIPTION): LOT 1, BLOCK 12, RIATA UNIT 3A, IN THE CITY OF SCHERTZ, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 683-684, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on 21212016, the foreclosure sale will be conducted in Guadalupe County in the area of the courthouse designated by the Commissioners Court, pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. If no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. The trustee's sale will be conducted no earlier than 11:00 AM, or not later than three (3) hours after that time, by one ofthe Substitute Trustees who will sell, to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the unpaid balance due and owing on any lien indebtedness superior to the Deed ofTrust. USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK is acting as the Mortgage Servicer for USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK who is the Mortgagee of the Note and Deed of Trust associated with the above referenced loan. USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the Mortgagee, whose address is: USAA FEDERAL SAVINGS BANK 10750 McDermott Freeway San Antonio, TX 78288 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the property securing the above ~ referenced loan. CD » o »' ,;:0 m m '-I C=rn "'U;:o rrlrn n(/) OJ> §§:5: -11"'1 Page lof2 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4558004 -<I (') < == N' ... m c "!'O Matter No.: 036141-TX Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. By: Substitute Trustee TROY MA TI H MARTIN, DEANNA RAY, RICHARD HOL , IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, PAUL A. HOEFKER, ROBERT L. NEGRIN Return to: ALDRIDGE PITE, LLP 4375 JUTLAND DR., SUITE 200 ~.O. BOX 17935 SAN DIEGO, CA 92177-0935 FAX #: 619-590-1385 \ \ , , 000012 C&S No. 44-10-6387 I Home Equity I No JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military dutY as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski, PC, 650 North Sam Houston Parkway East,-Suite 450, Houston, Texas 77060 Date of Security Instrument: July 10, 2008 Grantor(s): Kenneth E. Gross and Roberta E. Gross, non-vested spouse Original Trustee: James L. Robertson Original Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, N.A. Recording Information: Vol. 2652, Page 0315, or Clerk's File No. 08-14810, in the Official Public Records of GUADALUPE County, Texas. Current Mortgagee: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association Mortgage Servicer: JPMorgan Chase Bank, National Association, whose address is CIO 3415 Vision Drive Columbus, OH 43219-6009 Pursuant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and Mortgagee. the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Section 51 ,0025 of the Texas Property Code, the Mortgage Servicer is Authorized to collect the debt and 10 administer IIny resulting foreclosure of the referenced property. Date of Sale: 02/02/2016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: II :00 AM The Substitute Trustee will sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that time. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Legal Description: BEING A 1.505 ACRE TRACT SITUATED IN THE JOHN SOWELL SURVEY, A -35, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. SAID 1.505 ACRE TRACT IS THAT TRACT CALLED 1.509 ACRES IN CONVEYANCE FROM VERNON C. HA VERLAH, ET UX, TO DAVID W. NESBIT, ET UX, RECORDED IN VOLUME 952 AT PAGE 342 OF THE OFFICIAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AND MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED IN EXHIBIT A ATTACHED HERETO AND MADE A PART HEREOF FOR ALL PURPOSES Place of Sale of Property: The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant to Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place, or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the Notice ofTrustee's Sale was posted. For Information: Codilis & Stawiarsld, P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Parkway East Suite 450 Houston, TX 77060 (281) 925-5200 ruslee Deannll Ray liS Successor Substitute Trustee, Deborah ~;tin as Successor Holton liS Successor Substitute Trustee, Irene Salazar ~cce~ SUbstiUlS Trustee s as Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cathy Cagle as SlIcce r Su~tute T~ , clo Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions ~ 7301 N. State Hwy 161. Ste 305, r:- -I >-' Irving, TX 75039 S5~ :Z:', " ::G! » ITIITI -' (",)V> -' c:::~ :%-IrT! -0 ::,' OJ:>' -<r- 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4558018 m o m <: m .. o N · , Exhibit "A" BEING A 1.606 ACRt TRACT S'TUATfD IN THE JOHN SOWEll SURVEY. A -3ij. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TeXAS. SAID 1.SO.6 ACRE TRACT.S THAT TRACT CALLED 1.609 ACRES (N CONVEYANCE Fr:lOM VEANON C. HAVERLAH. ET UX, TO DAVID W. NES8rr, ET Ux. AECORDEO IN VOLuME 962 AT PAGE 342 OF THE OFACJAL RECORDS OF SAID COUNTY AM> aciNG DESCRIBED BY METES AND BOUNOS. AS fOU.OWS; a.eGINNING AT A 112 INCH DIAMETeR (RON STAKE FOUND MARKING THE SOUTH CORNER ~F THE TRACT HERElN DESCRIBEIl. SAME BEING THI!: SOUTH CORNER OF SAID NESBIT TRACT. THE SOUTHEAST eORNER OF A T'RACT CAUED 2. ACRES IN CONVI;Y/UllCE FROM LENA BUatGER. fIT AL, TO ALLEN C. SctlULTZE, ET _' UX, RECORDED IN VOLUME 3G' AT PAGE fJ39 AND LYINClIN mE NORnlWEST LINE OF COUNTY ROAD NO. 422 CBUERGER LANE)~ THENCE WITH A WOOD AND WtRE FENCE Al.ONG niE weST LINE OF THE TRACT Hi:REtN DESCRIBfD, SAME BEING THE COMMON UNE OF SAID ~ESBrr TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED. SAMt: BEING THE COMMON LINE OF SAfD NES8fT TRACT AffO SAID SHUL.TZe TRACT. N 1" DEG. 69' 34· W AT 162.98 FeET THE END OF WOOO FENCl: AND BEGINNING OF WIRE FeNCE AND AT 326.44 FEET (CALLED 326.4S A INCH DIAMETER IRON STAKE FOUND Ai A "'H~E~-WAY FENCl: CORNER Fern MARKING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF TH'e TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED, SAME BEING THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF SAID NESBIT TRACT AND THE SOUTH CORNER OF A TRACT CALLED '_44' ACRES IN CONVEYANCE FROM FRANK B. BURNS TO I.UTHlR OELKE. ET UX. RECORDED IN: VOLUME 4&13 AT PAGE 80~THENCE WITH THE NORTH UNE OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCRIBED, SAME BEING TliE COMMON liNE OF SAID NESBJT TRACT AND SAID OELKE TRACT, N 75 DECl. 48' 53- E AT 209.82 FEET lHE eND OF A fENCE AND AT 228,74 FEET {CALLED 2Z8,B6 FEETl A 112 INCH DIAMETEH IRON STAKE FOUND MARKING NORTHEAST CORNER OF SAID NESBJT TRACT, SAME BE:ING TlfE NORTHWEST CORNER OF A TRACT CAlLED 1.09 ACRES IN CONVEYANCE fROM BILLY C. RLCHER, ET UK. TO tARRY EDWARD BOEtiNKE. ET UX. RECORDEO IN VOLUME GOa AT PAGE 39B: THENCE WITH THE EAST LINE. 01= THE TRACT HERElPl DESCRIBED. SAME 8l:INQ THE COMMON UNE OF SAlD NESBIT TRACT AND SAID BOEHNKE TRACT. S " DEG 1S'7' 00· E 247.1'';8 FEET ICAUEO 248.68 FE'ET} TO A 1/2 INCH DlAMmR IRON. STAKE FOUND MARKIPfG THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE TRACT HEREIN DESCA1BED, SAME BErNG THE SOIJTH12AST COI1NER OF SAIO NESBtTTAACT. THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF SAID BOEHNKE TRACT AND LYING IN THE NORTHWEST UNE OF SAID BUERGER LANE: THENCE WITH THE SOUTHEAST LINE OF THE TRACT HEREIN Dt'!SCRIIJED. SAME BEINQ ,.ue COMMON liNE OF SAID NESBIT TflACT ANO SAID I:!UERGER LANE. S &7 CEG. 01' 12- W 244.61 F£ET ICAlLEO 244.78 FEET} TO THE PLACE OF BeGINNING AND CONTAINING 1.506 ACRES OF LAND. RECORDED IN INSTRUMENT IN GUADALUPE COUNTY. TeXAS. TAX ID! me 200036-0000-14200-0-00. 44-10-6387 000013 NOTICE OF FORECLOSURE SALE 1. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described as follows: "SEE EXHIBIT At! 2. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust dated 09/03/2010 and recorded in Book 2911 Page 0540 real property records of Guadalupe County, Texas. 3. DateJ Time, and Place ofSale. Date: 02/02/2016 Time: The sale will begin no earlier than 11 :00 AM or no later than three hours thereafter. Place: Guadalupe County Courthouse, Texas, at the following location: NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONER'S OFFICE or as designated by the County Commissioners Court. 4. Terms ofSale. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash. Pursuant to the deed of trust, the mortgagee has the right to direct the Trustee to sell the property in one or more parcels andlor to sell all or only part of the property. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property wiJI be sold in AS IS, WHERE IS condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title, if any, provided for under the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the deed of trust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been released of public record from the lien of the deed of trust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the nature and extent of such matters, if any. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the deposit paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 5. Obligations Secured, The Deed of Trust executed by WILLIE SHEFFIELD, provides that it secures the payment of the indebtedness in the original principal amount of$105,000.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to (a) the promissory note; and (b) all renewals and extensions of the note. Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company is the current mortgagee of the note and deed of trust and CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY is mortgage servicer. A servicing agreement between the mortgagee, whose address is Nationstar Mortgage LLC d/b/a Champion Mortgage Company clo CHAMPION MORTGAGE COMPANY, 8950 Cypress Waters Blvd, Coppell, TX 75019 and the mortgage servicer and Texas Property Code § 51.0025 authorizes the mortgage servicer to collect the debt. 6. Default amI Request to Act. Default has occurred under the deed of trust, and the mortgagee has requested a Substitute Trustee conduct this sale. Notice is given that before the sale the mortgagee may appoint another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. 15-000105-952 7J5NBOWIEST SEGUIN. TX 78155 TROY lY~"".uu ,D ANNA RAY, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA OS, DEBORAH MARTIN OR RICHARD HOLTON clo AVT Title Services, LLC 13770 Noel Road #801529 Dallas, TX 75380-1529 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF TlIE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU ARE OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING ON ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER OF THE TEXAS NATIONAL GUARD OR THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. 11111111111111111 fllllllllllllllllffillfllfll 4558311 . fUl2 9 I I Po 0552 EXHIBIT A· LEGAL DESCRIPTION Tax Id Number(s): IG09900243014DI000 METES &, BOUNDS DESCRIPTION OF A0.16 ACRE TRACT OF LAND. BEING A PORTION OF LOTS 14 AND 15, NEW CIlY BLOCK 243, CITY OF SEGUIN. GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS; SAID PORTION BE1NG THE CALLED SOUTH 46.50 FEET OF THE WEST HALF OF LOT 14 AND THE NORTH 30.00 FEET OF THE WEST 94.50 FEEr OF LOT 15 OF THE A.M. IRELAND ADOmON TO THE OTY OF SEGUIN AS RECORDED BY PLAT IN VOLUME 18, PAGE 151, DEED RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, SAID TRACT BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGINNING at aset 1/2' iron rod in the easterly R.O.W.lino of N. Bowie Street (a 30' Public R.O.W.) for the southwest corner or the herein described tract, said rod being tho northwest corner of Lot 15E, as conveyed to Garry l. and Martha J. Swanson in Vol. 1624, Pg. 615. Deed Records of Guadalupe County, Texas; THENCE along and with the easterly R,o.W.line of N. Bowie Street. North 76.60 feet (called North 76.50 feet) to a set 1/2' iron rod for the northwest corner of the herein described tract, said rod marking the southwest corner of Lot 14D. as conveyed to William J. Klingeman in Vol. 598, Pg. 657. Deed Records of Guadalupe County. Texas; THENCE along and with the south boundary line of said Lot 140, South 88 0 55' 57' East 84.69 feet (called South 88° 55' 57' East ,84.51 feet) to afence corner post for the northeast corner of the herein described tract. the southeast corner of said Lot14 D; THENCE along the common boundary of this tract and Lot 14C, as conveyed to Pedro E. and Felipa G. Gomez; in Vol. 634. Pg. 492, Deed Records of Guadalupe County. Texas. South 00 0 13 . 51' West 46.20 feet (called South 46.50 feet) to afence corner post. the southwest corner of said Lot 14C; THENCE, along tbe southerly boundary of Lot 14C. South 87 0 07' 42' East 10.05 feet (called East ID.OO feet) to a fence corner post for the northeast corner of the herein described tract, the northwest cmner of Lot 15F, as conveyed to Jimmy E. and Dahlia Herrera in Vol. 2451, Pg. 21, Deed Records of Guadalupe CorInty, Texas; THENCE along tlie easterly boundary of Lot 15F. SOllth 00 0 04' 12' West 29.89 feet (call.:d South 30.00 feet) to a found 3' pipe atfence corner, said pipe marking the northeast corner of said Lot 15E, the southeast corner of the herein described tract; THENCE along the north boundary of Lot 15E, North 89 0 02' 43' West 94.51 feet to the POINT OF BEGINN1NG and containing 0.16 acres, more or less. NOTE: The Company is prohibited from insuring the area or quantity of the land. The Company does not represent that any acreage or footage calculations are correct. References to qOantity are for identification i I r"'v '-r.iIJ~/u~~e~~~. [/11 r IJ U,; ~ Wl-I LX: lO - ) V\D' j 1t}SlJ 1\JJ {dY1£) la;t ~ -n1)\~ rVlJi1,/616' gg-J~O~~tlALUP€ FILED FOR RECORO 10 SEP [4 AM II: 52 loeriify lhill instrument.".at FILED an !hi ~lE=ri.:'S=~ 0m~"(·:cou1l ~ d (j B J .lI...:"< ~~ w ~~~. TERESA KlEL GtJlldalUjlll COI.V1fy Clett 000014 104 VERBENA GAP CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000004678496 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights :IS a member of the armed forces of the United States. !fyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of :Inother st:lte or as a member ofa reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the :lctive duty milit:lry service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date, Time, :lnd Place of Sale. Date: 'February 02,2016 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated February 18, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 1969, PAGE 0868 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with HELEN RAMIREZ AND MIGUEL RAMIREZ, III, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS") AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by HELEN RAMIREZ AND MIGUEL RAMIREZ, III, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $106,239.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. U.S. BANK NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, AS TRUSTEE FOR CREDIT SUISSE FIRST BOSTON MORTGAGE SECURITIES CORP. CSFB MORTGAGE-BACKED PASS-THROUGH CERTIFICATES, SERIES 2004-AR4 is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the' lien securing the Property referenced above. AMERICA'S SERVICING COMPANY, as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o AMERICA'S SERVICING COMPANY 3476 STATEVIEWBLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 ~~RK Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETI DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate ofPosting My name is :--_-:----:-_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--'" and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty of perjury that on at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of sale. I filed at the office of the GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted DeclarantsName:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ Date:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ '~ m o -m rr.J <: o 111111 1111111111111 11111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000004678496 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.rpt - (0110612016) - Ver-44 00000004678496 GUADALUPE LOT 11, BLOCK 1, LANTANA SUBDMSION, UNIT 1, CITY OF cmOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 566 PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 1111" 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000004678496 000015 409 SEMINOLE DRIVE CIBOLO, TX 78108 00000005658562 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces ofthe United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military dutv as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: February 02,2016 Time: The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. 2. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated July 01, 2011 and recorded in Document VOLUME 3014, PAGE 285 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with OLYMPIA A. HULL-GEORGE, grantor(s) and GARDNER FINANCIAL SERVICES, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by OLYMPIA A. HULL-GEORGE, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $257,217.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. CITIMORTGAGE, INC. is the CUlTent mOltgagee of the note and Deed of Trust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold.: The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer; Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is ~uthorized to collect the debt and to administer any resUlting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced abOve. CITIMORTGAGE, INC., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o CITIMORTGAGE, INC. 1000 TECHNOLOGY DRIVE BRUCE NEYLAND OR KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boul~d, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate ofPosting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _--', and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty ofpeljury that on I filed at the office of the GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County co\lrthouse this notice ofsale. Date:,_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ - ~, .. iiQ' 111111111111111111111111 1111111111111 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005658562 FCTX_NSTS_Sigs.rpt • (0110612016) • Ver-44 00000005658562 GUADALUPE LOT 101, BLOCK A, BUFFALO CROSSING SUBDIVISION , UNIT 4, SITUATED IN THE CITY OF CIBOLO, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF, RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 384·386 OF THE MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 111111 1111111111111 11111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11111111 NOS00000005658562 FCTX_NSTS_Sigupt· (01/0612016)· Ver-44 000016 909 EAST'WALNUT STREET 201201&7405537 SEGUIN,TX 78155 "\." NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights liS II. member of the armed forces of the United ,States. If yon are or your spouse is sery,ing on active military duty, including active military: duty as II member of the Texas. National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States. please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. ' 1. 2. Date, Time, and Place o(Sale. Date: Time: . February 02, 2016 Place THE NORm PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY CO:M:MISSIQNERS or as designa.ted by the county commissioners. The sale will begin at 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Terms of Sale, Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated August 18, 1998 and recorded in Docmnent VOLUME 1368, PAGE 0942 n:al property records of GUADALUPE CoUIlty, Texas, with ANGELITA RODRIGUEZ, grantor(s) and <;AIJFORNIA LENDING GROUP, INC. DBA UNITED LENDING GROUP, mo~gee:, 4. Obligations See~red. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by ANGELITA RODRIGUEZ; secuxfug the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amoUIlt of $64,750.00, and obligations therein desclibed including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, N A, S/BIM TO BANC ONE FINANCIAL SERVICES, INC. is the current mortgagee of the note ~d Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is descn'bed in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage SeIVicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a seIV1cmg agreement ~ the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing A~ement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage 8ervicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above, JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION, as Mortgage SeIVicer, is representing the ClIIl'ent mortgagee, whose address is: c/o JPMORGAN CHASE BANK, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION 3415 VISlON:PRIVE COLUMBUS,OH43219 ERU oR-KAREN WORK Substitute Trustee clo BARRETI DAFFIN FRAPPJER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 .Addison, Texas 75001 - m ~ ~ c::ro C -0,' ~ &; --- ---,-_.-" ... -~---"~-- m 0 -. m 3" .< Active Duty Notifications: Special Loans Unit ICHASE Home Lending Attn: SCRA/2210 Enterprise Drive /Florence, S 843 413 5433/scm.military.orders@chase.com FCTICNSTS_Sigs]FP:rpl - (071O:l12015) IVer-22 (Home Equity 'Pooling) ::0 > z :01 :0 111I111111I11111illl~ ~llllllll ~1I1111~ 1I~111111mllllllllll1l1llll~lllnll111111I1~11 NQS20120187405537 . 'page 1 of3 909 EAST WALNUT STREET SEGUIN,TX 78155 20120187405537 Date ofSale: O?J0212016 Certificate ofPostjng . My name is _ _ _ _-:-____________,. and my address is cia 15000 Su.rveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas. I declare tmder penalty of pefjury that on r filed at the office of the GUADALUPE Cotmty Clerk and cansed to be 'Posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse.this notice of sale. • I I Dwl~~Nmn~~_~ _____________ Date:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ 'FC'nCNSTS_Sigs]FP.tpt. (0110312015) 1 Ver-22 (Home Equity Posling) Page 2 ar3 20120187405537 GUADALUPE LOT 3, NEW CITY BLOCK 4:50, MORNJNGSlDE ADDITION, CTIY OF SEGUlN, GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO PLAT RECORDED IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 142, RE-PLATIED IN VOLUME 1, PAGE 158 OF THE PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. FCTX_NSTS:"SigsJFP.rpt- (07103120J5) I Vcr-:22 (Home Equity Posting) Page 3 et3 CaoseNo.1~CV INTHB DlSTlUC'l' COURT JPMORG~ CB:ASB B.ANK;, mTIONALASSOCIATION, ~ V. )BREMIT.lRODRIGUEZ, :Defendan:r Ia Re: 909 EASt wAlNU'I' STREE'l',. SEGUIN, T:EXA.S 7Sl51> . .6.£teI: conside.ting pIlliatif£'s, JPMo~ Or.ue :&xlk. l'ilUi01lG.I.t\$Socianon., .iss ~ OJ: . ~ ~ £01: ~ jlldgmettt, ~~ and eri.de:lce 00. £{Ie !he Cooo: GR.A.NTS the 1. ~ pxope.rl:y- served OIl. d~~m ~ II:> la.w ~ ~ on. tile;xdth the Oed!; of this Coutt for the time p.resaibed by la-w: 2. Defelldmt, Je:r;emil ~ served wlth ptoees~ £led an ~W'er, and a ~2.b1.e time. has elapsed for disam:ty 5. Nooe of the defenchww.....-ho 'lW:Ce. ~ ~ «tIt.ta aetivemilitu:y service.. 4. '!'he Loan ~1: ~ ~ Rodtigt1e2. ("Deacknt"'). gpd the plaintlff is In de6.\1lt sw.d. thai: pl:.tinti£f ~ tne be.nefi.~ of that e.gt~<I!/ll,~ on the. p1:Opex:t:y:lllade the huis of this la.wwit. s.. PIsUomf is ~ to the J:elie:f ~.ii:I. ~s odgi:c:U petilioll- 'l'b.ere£ru:e it is: ORDERED.W1; J~ ~p~ Roch:iguez 'mS 'VI!$ted with ~ of peeedent"s .cight, tide and ~ in me Nal t.:od. ~ COJlltD.ooly :koOlVll. n 909 Er.ist Wal:a.ut Stteef7 Segafu. Te:03S 78155 \~perty") tlIld 1egiI1y desc.rihed ll.S: r.m ~ NEW aTf BI..OCK 4SD.:MORNINGSIOE.ADllIl1Ol't CllY OF SEGU!.N, ~ COUNIY, ~ .&::CO~ TO l'LAl' RECOlIDBD IN: VOLlJME 1, PAGE 142. ~ IN'~:J, PAGE S OF TBE J!I.J,X :RECORDSaEGf1Al>AUJPECOUNI"f;~ FUltTHER Oltl)ElUID 2Wnw bas :1 valid. lie:o. on the ~ by war of a Te:xas Home ~ S~ ~ da.ted. A~ 18, 1998 and. Sled ~ Vol.mne 1368, Page 0942 of the Offic!atPablxc::Reccttds of Guadalnpe County. TeXl?£ mTHBR 01U)ER.ED tba:tbis ~ ~ a!! ~ Otde! ~~rizir1gpla.1ttti£t to fotecl~e .its li~ created onder '.rEx.. CONSr. au. XVl, § 50(a.)(~ io. C'~1j:o.n':B • the !.om. .A...g:teement!md'I'EX. PB.o'f. CODE § 51.002.. ;FU:a.THEB. ORDERED that Ii 'C0J!1 of this ~ lih:all be ~t l» ~nts. the :notice of t:bg due, time. and piace of the fote.closme sale. roltTHEll. ORDERE» that pkintiff 'IMf comnmniatte with. the de.fen~ ~ i!1 ~ puties ~0JWiy ~ ~ eonduct'the £ot:ecloom: sale. FUR.'l'HER ORDERED tbftl:f def~ a:ce ~ented. by (;~ the. notice of ~ ss4l;.alsO bema.i1<:d m c:~ by~m;;dl. FURTHER 0 lUlERED that ()D.a o£ the effeets o.f the ~judicilll foreclOSllte: ehall b.t that defen~ %l:e divested ai:zd. the ~ Qf the Ptoperty at the no:o.--jndidal ~orec1oaw:e s~ ~ ~ ~ allright. title :o.nd intel:est to the P.roperty:. l"URTHER ORDEX,ED tbzc no pe:rsoo.al l!:!bility ¢!C deficiency :fur the Loan ~ d.:bt sW be ~e.rted ~ the: def~ ot= the pntll.tive est2.re of Decede:at FUR'!'HE:R: 0 RD E~D rl.ia.t l!!t.e:r the n~-jodicW. £oteclosm:c.is held,lf the propetty ~ oc.c:trpJ.ed ail:e:t thls judgm.ent becomes fil:13l Uld the plaittti££ h th.-; purehases: of the PJ:Opertyuthe~clic::ia1~~!I. _of PQ~shall.~ :I.~a:tl.y ~o£ the Ptopert,- in a:ccotrianre 'With T.EX..R. CXV. P. 310. ~:6Yt ~ State ».:u: }:io.: 24039948 15000 S~ Blvd., S~ 100 Addison" TQ:II$ 7SOOl (CJ72j 340-780~ (CJ7ZJ 341..()7S4 ~a<:simi1e) . J~V~c:om. ATl'ORNID1'FOR:PLA.IN'l1lW 000017 162 HILLSIDE STREET SEGUIN, TX 78155 00000005702774 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Uyou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to tbe sender oftbis notice immediately. 1. 2. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. Date: February 02, 2016 Time: The sale will begin at 11:OOAM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated December 02, 2003 and recorded in Document CLERK'S FILE NO. 25627 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with CHANO C. CASAREZ JR AND KAY IRENE CASAREZ, grantor(s) and WELLS FARGO HOME MORTGAGE INC, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by CHANO C. CASAREZ JR AND KAY IRENE CASAREZ, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in the original principal amount of $101,605.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. HSBC BANK USA, NATIONAL ASSOCIATION AS TRUSTEE FOR MASTR REPERFORMING LOAN TRUST 2005-1 is the current mortgagee of the note and Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by virtue of a servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § 51.0025, the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien securing the Property referenced above. WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A., as Mortgage Servicer, is representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: c/o WELLS FARGO BANK, N.A. 3476 STATEVIEW BLVD FORT MILL, SC 29715 , EANNA RAY, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITTON, JACK B II. PATRICIA SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee c/o BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate ofPosting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _---J, and my address is clo 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite lOa, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty of perjmy that on I filed at the office ofthe GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice of sale. Cl:1 - p.,.:) C=' en c:.... > :z: AI m () m .." :z-~. .::- - < m 0 CJ1 1111111111111111111 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 1111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005702774 I'CnCNSTS_Sigs.tp! - (01/0612016) - Ver-44 , •> GUADALUPE 00000005702774 FIELD NOTES DESCRIBING A 063 OF AN ACRE TRACT OF LAND OUT OF THE ELInO GORTARI SURVEY NO 16, ABSTRACT 23 GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, BEING THAT SAME TRACT OF LAND CALLED 0627 OF AN ACRE CONVEYED TO MELVIN L BURTON BY DEED RECORDED IN VOLUME 708, PAGE 7010FFICIAL RECORDS GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS AND BEING MORE PARTICULARLY DESCRIBED AS FOLLOWS; BEGlNNlNG AT A 5/8DIAMETER IRON PIN FOUND AT THE INTERSECTION OF THE SOUTHWEST RIGJIT-OF-WAY LINE OF WAGON TRAIL AND THE NORTHWEST RIGHf-OF-WAY LINE OF HILLSIDE STREET FOR THE SOlITHEAST CORNER OF A TRACT OF LAND CALLED 106 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1059 PAGE 782 OFFICIAL RECORDS GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE 0 627 ACRE TRACT AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE, S 51° 5800" SOUTHEAST LINE OF CORNER OF A TRACT GUADALUPE COUNTY DESCRIBED TRACT; W 16814FEET WITH THE NORTHWEST RIGHT·OF·WAY LINE OF HILLSIDE STREET AND THE THE 0 627 OF AN ACRE TRACT TO A 1/2 DIAMETER IRON PIN FOUND FOR THE NORTHEAST OF LAND CALLED 0377 OF AN ACRE, DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1000 PAGE 744 OFFICIAL RECORDS TEXAS THE SOUTHEAST CORNER OF THE 0627 OF AN ACRE TRACT AND THE HEREIN THENCE, S 8~ 02' 07" W 19536 FEET WITH THE NORTH LINE OF THE 0371 OF AN ACRE TRACT AND THE SOUTH LINE OF THE 0 627 OF AN ACRE TRACT TO A CHAIN·LINK FENCE CORNER FOUND IN THE EAST LINE OF A TRACT OF LAND CALLED 7808 ACRES DESCRIBED IN VOLUME 1271 PAGE 967 OFFICIAL RECORDS GUADALUPE COUNTY TEXAS FOR THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF 0377 OF AN ACRE TRACT THE SOUTHWEST CORNER OF THE 0627 OF AN ACRE TRACT AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE, N 02° 49 48" W 108 22 FEET WITH THE EAST LINE OF THE 7 808 ACRE TRACT AND THE WEST LINE OF THE 0 627 OF AN ACRE TRACT TO A 1/2" DIAMETER PIPE FOUND IN THE SOUTH LINE OF THE I 06 ACRE TRACT FOR THE NORTHEAST CORNER OF THE 7808 ACRE TRACT, THE NORTHWEST CORNER OF THE 0627 OF AN ACRE TRACT AND THE HEREIN DESCRIBED TRACT; THENCE, N 89° 0201" E, 33293 FEET WITH THE SOUTH LINE OF THE 1 06 ACRE TRACT AND THE NORTH LINE OF THE 0 627 OF AN ACRE TRACT TO THE PLACE OF BEGlNNlNG AND CONTAINING 0 63 OF AN ACRE OF LAND, MORE OR LESS, ACCORDING TO A SURVEY MADE ON THE GROUND ON NOVEMBER 252003 BY TRI COUNTY LAND SURVEYING INC. /111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111'" /11111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005702774 peTICNSTS_Sig8.lpt - (01106/2016) - Ver-44 000018 2917 WHITE PINE DlUVE SCHERTz., TX 78154 00000005739826 NOTICE OF [SUBSTITUTE] TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member ofthe armed forces of the United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active militarv duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member ofa reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice ofthe active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 1. Date, Time, and Place of Sale. February 02, 2016 2. Time: The sale will begin at 11:00AM or not later than three hours after that time. Place THE NORTH PORCH OF THE GUADALUPE COURTHOUSE OR AS DESIGNATED BY THE COUNTY COMMISSIONERS or as designated by the county commissioners. Terms of Sale. Cash. 3. Instrument to be Foreclosed. The Instrument to be foreclosed is the Deed of Trust or Contract Lien dated April 23, 2004 and recorded in Document VOLUME 2014, PAGE 0186; AS AFFECTED BY LOAN MODIFICATION AGREEMENT VOLUME 3117, PAGE 0183 real property records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, with BENJAMIN P. HUBBARD AND ELISABETH P. HUBBARD, grantor(s) and MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC. ("MERS"), AS NOMINEE, mortgagee. 4. Obligations Secured. Deed of Trust or Contract Lien executed by BENJAMIN P. HUBBARD AND ELISABETH P. HUBBARD, securing the payment of the indebtednesses in' the original principal amount of $170,352.00, and obligations therein described including but not limited to the promissory note and all modifications, renewals and extensions of the promissory note. MIDFIRST BANK. is the cummt mortgagee of the note and Deed ofTrust or Contract Lien. 5. Property to Be Sold. The property to be sold is described in the attached Exhibit A. 6. Mortgage Servicer Information. The Mortgage ServiceI' is authorized to represent the Mortgagee by servicing agreement with the Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code § Mortgage ~ervicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting foreclosure of the lien Property referenced above. MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK, as Mortgage representing the current mortgagee, whose address is: virtue of a 51.0025, the securing the Servicer, is c/o MIDLAND MORTGAGE, A DIVISION OF MIDFIRST BANK 999N.W. GRAND BLVD STE 110 OKLAHOMA CITY, OK 73118-6077 .....,...........L.L:I.t""-'J..>BORAH MARTIN, DEANN Y, RICHARD HOLTON, IRENE SALAZAR, VANESSA RAMOS, FREDERICK BRITTON, JACK BURNS II, PAT SANDERS, ZANA JACKSON, PAMELA THOMAS, KRISTOPHER HOLUB, PATRICK ZWIERS, KELLEY BURNS, TANYA GRAHAM, OR DANIEL WILLSIE Substitute Trustee clo BARRETT DAFFIN FRAPPIER TURNER & ENGEL, LLP 15000 Swveyor Boulevard, Suite 100 Addison, Texas 75001 Certificate of Posting My name is _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _-'. and my address is c/o 15000 Surveyor Boulevard, Suite 100, Addison, Texas 75001. I declare under penalty ofperjury that on I filed at the office ofthe GUADALUPE County Clerk and caused to be posted at the GUADALUPE County courthouse this notice ofsale. DeclarantsName:_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ sg .~ :t. Z·. 'D m -'0 - m ~: '< N'· m .. 0 ~. CJ1 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOS00000005739826 . GUADALUPE 00000005739826 LOT 19, BLOCK 1, GREENSIDRE SUBDIVISION, UNIT 8, AN ADDITION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 6, PAGE 7, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. 111111 1111111111111111111111111111111 11111 1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 NOSOOOO0005739826 FCTICNSTS_SiglUpt- (01106/2016) - Ver-44 000019 914 W. San Antonio Seguin, Texas 78155 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE and APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE TIllS INSTRUMENT APPOINTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDEN'I'lFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT IDENTIFIED IN TIllS NOTICE OF SALE. THE PERSON SIGNING TIllS NOTICE IS THE ATTORNEY OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGE SERVICER. WHEREAS, on January 26, 2010, Nancy Villarreal executed a Deed of Trust conveying to North O. West, Trustee, the real property hereinafter described, to secure 914 W. San Antonio Land Trust, in the payment ofa debt therein described, said Deed of Trust being recorded in Volwne 2835, Page 509, Official Public Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of said indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder of said debt has requested the hereinafter appointed Substitute Trustee to sell said property to the highest bidder for cash and to distribute or apply the proceeds of said sale in accordance with the tenns ofsaid Deed ofTrust. WHEREAS, in my capacity as the attorney for the present owner and holder of the note, and pursuant to Section 51.0076(3) Texas Property Code, I hereby name, appoint and designate Mark Cummings or Phil West or Dick Vetters or Patrick Armstrong, the Substitute Trustee(s) in the above described Deed of Trust and/or to act under and by virtue of said Deed of Trust, iitcluding posting and :filing the public notice required under Section 51.002 Texas Property Code as amended, and to proceed with a foreclosure ofthe Deed ofTrust lien securing the payment of said note. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, February 2,2016, at 10:00 o'clock a.m. or within three (3) hours thereafter, the Substitute Trustee will sell said real property at the place hereinafter set out,, to the highest bidder for cash. The place of sale shall be in the area designated by the Commissioners Court of such County, pursuant to §51.002 @the nxas Property Code as the place where foreclosure sales are to take place (if suc ~ ~s ~ so designated, the sale will take place in the area where this Notice of Substitute ~ S~)s ~ posted), in the City of Seguin, Guadalupe County, Texas. ,~" ' ;g'ffl (') c)v> m 0» _ Ji~ ,~::, <' Said real property is described as follows: Being all that certain tract or parcel ofland situated in the H. Branch Leagu N:, m No.6, Guadalupe County, Texas, a part of a 2.2 acre tract conveyed by Ott Itsl"h'fO ~. ...' C Thomas Nitsch by Deed recorded in Volwne 310, Page 247, Deed Rec r ~d (J1;' ~e 0 , County, said tract being more particularly described by metes and bo Exhibit "A" attached hereto and made a part hereof. The Deed of Trust pennits the Beneficiary to postpone, withdraw, or reschedule the sale for" another day. In that case, the Trustee under the Deed ofTrust or Substitute Trustee appointed herein need not appear at the date, time and place of a scheduled sale to announce the postponement, withdrawal, or rescheduling. Notice of the date of any rescheduled foreclosure sale will be reposted and refiled in accordance with the posting and filing requirements of the Texas Property Code. The reposting or refiling may be after the date originally scheduled for this sale. Pursuant to Section 51.009 ofthe Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in "AS IS, WHERE IS" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties oftitle (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidders are advised to conduct an independent investigation ofthe nature and physical condition ofthe property and the priority ofthe lien being foreclosed. The sale will be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions ofthe Deed ofTrust pennitting the Beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the Note up to the amount ofthe unpaid debt secured by the Deed ofTrust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their ability to pay their bid immediately in cash if their bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Deed ofTrust, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters ofrecord affecting the property, ifany, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Deed ofTrust. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that has been.released ofpublic record from the lien ofthe Deed ofTrust. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to determine the priority, nature and extent of such matters, ifany. In the event of a defect or other problem with the foreclosure process is discovered that may invalidate the sale, the consideration paid will be returned to the purchaser as the sole and absolute remedy. In the event of any claim or action brought by any person including the purchaser requiring or resulting in the invalidation ofthe sale and rescission ofthe Trustee's Deed or Substitute Trustee's Deed, purchaser's damages resulting therefrom are limited to the consideration paid to the Trustee or Substitute Trustee and the sole and absolute remedy shall be the return to purchaser of the consideration paid. The purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Trustee, Substitute Trustee, Mortgagor, Mortgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. Default has occurred under the Deed of Trust, and the beneficiary has requested the above named Trustee or Substitute Trustee(s), to conduct this public sale. Notice is given that before the sale the beneficiary or the Beneficiary's attorney, agent or servicer may appo~t another person substitute trustee to conduct the sale. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty . military service to the sender of this notice immediately.' The Substitute Trustee's address is c/o WEST & WEST ATTORNEYS, 2929 Mossrock, Suite 204, San Antonio, Texas 78230. U_ WI1NESS MY HAND on l hV"'day ofJanuary 2016. ">/7~~~ , ~y/\,-, ~ ~ ~(;>rGM!f ~'1'''/ .-. NORTII O. WEST, State Bar No. 21204000 Attorney or Authorized Agent for the Mortgagee or Mortgagee's Servicer WEST & WEST ATTORNEYS, P.C. 2929 Mossrock, Suite 204 San Antonio, Texas 78230 . .. .. . . iii. , ' • VOL 28 3'5 PG 05 I 4 EXHIBIT "A" BEING all that certain tract 01' parcel oJ hlnd sitilateq in fhe H . .J3ranch Lc~guc, Abstract NQ, 6, Guada-lupe Ceunty, Tex'~"rsl ~l part ora 2,'2 'ac;i-c 'trac-t com'eyed b.y Otto Nitsch to Thomas Nitsch by Deed r.eco,rded in Volume 310, P:a-gc' 247" Deed Records of said CQUilty, said tract being morc partkulady Elcsc.ribccl by metes and bounas as follows,:, .BEGINNIN'G at the SoU'th'\ves.t corner of a lot conveved. to Lenard Andcrs'On b:\' '. Deed dated Ja-nuary 10, 1963, and rcco'rdcd in Vdlllm~ 35"5, Page 448, Deed Records of Gmldnlu'pe County, Te~as, same being a point on the ).\i·orth HAc'of San Ani'onio AVenue, 159',3 feet 'V~st of the intel'section of San Anto-Ilio A,vcn.ue 'with 8th Sfrcct'j ~ TfIEi'\CE: \Vest, along the Nor"th line.of San AntonJ-o Avenue! a 'd:ista,nC0 of 52 fec't to a sta,kc; THENCE: Not-th a line para'Uel with the 'Yest line of s~dd lot cO'nvcycd to Lenard Anderson by dC'cd nbove referred to: a distance of 196:3 feet; '"fHEl'iCE; E·nst a line parnllel with the ~orth lin'c of San Antoni,o Avcnu,c·a dist~lncc 'of 5.2 feet to NOl"thwcst cornCT of the lot c,orn'c\'NI to Lenard Anderson above rcfc"rcd to:; THENCE': .Sbuth alQ,ng th:,e, \Vest line o-f lot conveyed to Lenard ,AndcrS011 by dced above refclTcd to n ~Hs-tance of 196.3 fcct tb ti1cd)LACE OF BEGINNING. ' FILED FOn HECORO: 10 JAN 28 Pl1 3: l;5 000023 ASSERT AND PROTECT YOUR RIGHTS AS A MEMBER OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES. IF YOU OR YOUR SPOUSE IS SERVING IN ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY, INCLUDING ACTIVE MILITARY DUTY AS A MEMBER 9F THE TEXAS NATIONJ,\,L ·GUARD, THE NATIONAL GUARD OF ANOTHER STATE OR AS A MEMBER OF A RESERVE COMPONENT OF THE ARMED FORCES OF THE UNITED STATES, PLEASE SEND WRITTEN NOTICE OF THE ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY SERVICE TO THE SENDER OF THIS NOTICE IMMEDIATELY. NOTICE OF SALE BY SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE STATE OF TEXAS § § COUNTY OF GUADALUPE KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: § Note: Note dated November S, 2002 executed and delivered by Donna Scheele to America's Wholesale Lender Security Instrument: Deed ofTrust, dated November 5,2002, executed and delivered by Donna Scheele and James H. Scheele, Jr. to America's Wholesale Lender, to secure payment of that certain Note, recorded on November 8, 2002 in Volume 1771 at Page 0087, in GuadaJupe County, Texas. Original Creditor: America's Wholesale Lender Current Owner: Federal NationaJ Mortgage Association ("Fannie Mae") Current Holder: Ditech FinanciaJ LLC FKA Green Tree Servicing LLC {"Servicer, Loan Servieer: Ditech Financial LLC FKA Green Tree Servicing LLC by virtue of its loan servicing agreement with Fannie Mae. Pursuant to §51.002S of the Texas Property Code, Servicer is authorized to administer the foreclosure of property under §51.0025 of the Texas Property Code on behalf Fannie Mae, as its mortgage servicer. Servicer is representing Fannie Mae under a servicing agreement with Fannie Mae and Servicer. Servicer's address is 3000 Bayport Drive, Suite 880, Tampa, FL 33607. Appointed Substitute Trustees: JIM MILLS, SUSAN MILLS, EMILY NORTHERN, ALEXANDRA ZOGRAFOS, CHRIS LAFOND, SID BEMUS, KYLE WALKER, ED HENDERSON. JUSTIN HOLLIDAY 9065 Jollyville, Suite 203A, Austin, TX 78759 Note: Eacl, substitute trustee is autlrorlud individually, to acl alone witllout tilejoinder oftile oiliertruslees. PROPERTY ADDRESS: 105 Mila,gros Sc ill. TX 7815S AND RP FILE NO. D1FA0]..51 BORROWER: Scheele. Donna: S The Substitute Trustees are T. J. RINEY, J.O. CREWSE, S.O. HARVEY, B.K. PACKARD, authorized to sell the 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 220, Dallas, TX 75225 Premises at public venue to the highest bidder or bidders, for cash. Property to be sold: lOS Milagros, Seguin, TX 7815S, and as further described in Exhibit A attached hereto, along with the improvements on such real property and any after acquired pennanent improvements or title to such improvements and/or real property (the "Premises" as described in §9.604 of the Texas Unifonn Commercial Code). ' Date of Sale: Tuesday, February 2, 2016. Time of Sale: The sale will begin no earlier than 1:00 PM and no later than three (3) hours thereafter. Location of Sale: At the County Courthouse in Guadalupe County, Texas, on the North porch ofthe courthouse, unless the location of the sale has been otherwise designated to a specific location by the Commissioner's Court of Guadalupe County. If such a designation by the Commissioner's Court has been made and recorded after the date hereof and prior to the time of the sale, then the Substitute Trustee will sell the Premises at the area designated by the Commissioner's Court ofOuadaiupe County, Texas. Terms ofSale: The sale wiU be conducted as a public auction to the highest bidder for cash, subject to the provisions of the Deed of Trust pennitting the beneficiary thereunder to have the bid credited to the note up to the amount of the unpaid debt secured by the Deed of Trust at the time of sale. Those desiring to purchase the property will need to demonstrate their, ability to pay their bid immediately in cash iftheir bid is accepted. The sale will be made expressly subject to any title matters set forth in the Security Instrument, but prospective bidders are reminded that by law the sale will necessarily be made subject to all prior matters' of record affecting the property, if any, to the extent that they remain in force and effect and have not been subordinated to the Security Instrument. The sale shall not cover any part of the property that bas been released of public record from the lien of'the Security Instrument. Prospective bidders are strongly urged to examine the applicable property records to detennine the nature and extent ofsuch matters, ifany. Pursuant to the Security Instrument, the beneficiary has the right to direct the Trustee to seJl the property in one or more parcels and/or to sell all or only part ofthe property. PROPEItTV ADDRESS: , lOS Milqrus TX78J5S RP FILENO. DIFA02-51 BORROWER: Sc:hec:JI:, Donna; Sdlecle, Jr., JIJIllCS H. Pursuant to section 51.009 of the Texas Property Code, the property will be sold in U as is, where is" condition, without any express or implied warranties, except as to the warranties of title (if any) provided for under the Deed of Trust. Prospective bidderS are advised to conduct an independent investigation of the nature and physical condition of the property. Pursuant to section 51.0075 of the Texas Property Code, the trustee reserves the right to set further reasonable conditions for conducting the sale. Any such further conditions shall be announced before bidding is opened for the first sale of the day held by the trustee or any substitute trustee. Type ofSale: The sale is a non-judicial sale being conducted pursuant to the power of sale granted by the Security Instrument executed by Donna Scheele and James H. Scheele, Jr. Default and Notice: Default has been made in payment of the Note and Security Instrument and the Note is now unpaid, delinquent and in default. All required notices have been given to Donna Scheele and James H. Scheele, Jr. and any and all other necessary parties with regard to the defaulted indebtedness. Servicer has requested the undersigned, substitute trustee, to post, tile and give notice of foreclosure of the Security Instrument and the lien thereof in accordance with applicable Texas law and the terms and provisions ofthe Security Instrument Dated: December 21, 2015. AFl'ER RECORDING, PLEASE RETURN TO: Riney Packard, PLLC Attn: T.J. Riney Two Lincoln Centre 5420 LBJ Freeway, Suite 220 Dallas, TX 75240 RI' FILE NO. DIFAOMI BORROWER: Scheele, Donnaj Scheele, Jr., JamllS H. BORROWER: Sdtcete, Donna; Scheele, Jr., James H. ALL THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL Of LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN GUADALUPE COUNTY •.TEXAS, KNOWN AND DESlGNATED AS LOT 14. BLOCK 2. LAS HADAS SUBDIVISION, A PLANNED UNIT DEVELOPHENT. ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME S. PAGES 234A*234B. HAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. RP FILE NO. DIFA02oS. BORROWER: Scheele, Donna; SeII.Ie, Jr.,.James H. 000024 C&S No. 44-14-36781 FHA I No LoanCare, LLC NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty militarY service to the sender of this notice immediately. Sender is: Codilis & Stawiarski, PC, 650 North Sam Houston Parkway East, Suite 450; Houston, Texa..., 77060 Date of Security Instrument: August 24. 20 J 1 Robert Ortiz, Sr. and Virginia Ortiz, husband and wife as commumty p~erty ~ Grantor(s): -< Original Trustee: Steve Holmes Law Firm. P.C. Original Mortgagee: Mortgage Electronic Registration Systems Inc., as nominee fo its successors and assigns c:::::. l> ~. en ren:: ':r:- g~ N c... """'" , ""'" ' m " .H.~inQnc.• 0 . c: m -' ial~c~rds< -<,-m' .. 0 (,; = Recording Information: Vol. 3032, Page 0134, or Clerk's File No. 11-015239, in the 0 of GUADALUPE County, Texas. Current Mortgagee: Freedom Mortgage Corporation Mortgage Servicer: LoanCare, LLC. whose address is C/O 3637 Sentara way,; 23452 Pur.;uant to a Servicing Agreement between the Mortgage Servicer and ortgagee. the Mortgage Serviccr is authorized to represent t1u~ Mortgagee. Pursuant to the Servicin Agreement and Section 51.0025 of the Tex.as Propeny Code. the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and 10 administer any resulting foreclosure of the rererenced property. Legal Description: BEING AU. THAT CERTAIN TRACT OR PARCEL OF LAND LYING AND BEING SITUATED IN GUADALUPE COUNTY. TEXAS, KNOWN AND DESIGNATED AS LOT 58, ALTWElN MOBILE HOME ESTATES. ACCORDING TO PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 5, PAGE 258, MAP AND PLAT RECORDS OF GUADArL.U~NTY, ~~ Jl,.~ TEXAS. Date ofSale: 02/0212016 Earliest Time Sale Will Begin: h:of(~ APPOINTMENT OF SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE TillS INSTRUMENT APPOINTS THE SUBSTITUTE TRUSTEE(S) IDENTIFIED TO SELL THE PROPERTY DESCRIBED IN THE SECURITY INSTRUMENT IDENTIFIED IN THIS NOTICE OF SALE. THE PERSON SIGNING TmS NOTICE IS THE ATTORNEY OR AUTHORIZED AGENT OF THE MORTGAGEE OR MORTGAGE SERVICER. WHEREAS,the undersigned hereby APPOINTS AND DESIGNATES Troy Martin as Substitute Trustee, Deanna Ray as Successor Substitute Trustee, Deborah Marrin as Successor Substitute Trustee, Richard Holton as Successor Substitute Trustee. Irene Salazar as Successor Substitute Trustee, Vanessa Ramos as Successor Substitute Trustee, or Cathy Cagle as Successor Substitute Trustee The Substitute Trustee win sell the property by public auction to the highest bidder for cash at the place and date specified. The sale will begin at the earliest time stated above, or within three (3) hours after that rime. If the sale is set aside for any reason, the Purchaser at the sale shall be entitled only to a return of the funds paid. The Purchaser shall have no further recourse against the Mortgagor, the MOltgagee or the Mortgagee's attorney. 111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 4558372 Place of Sale of Property; The foreclosure sale will be conducted in the area designated by the GUADALUPE County Commissioners Court pursuant [0 Section 51.002 of the Texas Property Code as the place where the foreclosure sales are to take place. or if no place is designated by the Commissioners Court, the sale will be conducted at the place where the~Notice of Trustee's Sale was posted. ~ Executed on this the 7th day of January. 2016. For Information: Servicelink Default Abstract Solutions 7301 N. State Hwy 161.$te 305 Irving, TX 75039 a~ A~W ... {f; j Adam Wilde, ' Codilis & Stawiarski. P.C. 650 N. Sam Houston Pkwy East, Suite 450. Houston. TX 77060 (281) 925-5200 STATE OF TEXAS COUNTY OF HARRlS Before me. the undersigned Notary Public. on this day personally appeared Adam Wilde as Attorney for the Mortgagee and/or Mortgage Servicer known to me or proved to me through a valid State driver's license or other official identification described as Personal Knowledge, to be the person whose name is subscribed (0 the foregoing instrument and acknowledge to me that be/she executed the same for the purposes and consideration therein expressed. Given under my hand seal of office on this the 7th day of January. 20J6. CATHY CAGLE Notarv PUl.'lilC. State 01 TelCOS Comm, Ekptres 01·12-2019 Notary II) 260788·8 C&S No. 44-14-3678 {FHA {NQ LoanCare. LLC 000Q25 NAT[ONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC (CXE) DOSSEY, MIKE 2436 KOLTON STREET. NEW BRAUNFELS, IX 78130 FHA 495·9109709-703 OUf File Number. 15·023064 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE WHEREAS, on June 17,2011, MIKE DOSSEY, A MARRIED MAN, JOINED PRO FORMA HEREIN TO CONSENT TO UEN ONLY BY HIS WIFE, KENDRA DOSSEY, as Grantor(s), executed a Deed ofTrust conveying to RANDALL C. PRESENT, as Trustee, the Real Estate hereinafter described, to MORTGAGE ELECTRONIC REGISTRATION SYSTEMS, INC., AS NOMINEE FOR DHI MORTGAGE COMPANY, LTD in payment ofa debt therein described. The Deed ofTrust was filed in the real property records of GUADALUPE COUNTY, TX and is recorded under Clerk's FilelInstrument Number 11·010650 Volume 3006, Page 0677, to which reference is herein made for all purposes. WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment ofsaid indebtedness, and the same is now wholly due, and the owner and holder has requested to sell said property to satisfY said indebtedness; WHEREAS, the undersigned has been appointed Substitute Trustee in the place ofsaid original Trustee, upon contingencY and in the manner authorized by said Deed ofTrust; and NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on TUESDAY, February 2, 2016 between ten o'clock AM and four o'clock PM and beginning not earlier than 11 :OOAM or not later than three hours thereafter, I will sell said Real Estate in the area designated by the Commissioners Court, of Guadalupe county, pursuant to Section §51.002 ofthe Texas Property Code as amended; ifno area is designated by the Commissioners' Court, the sale will be conducted in the area immediately adjacent (next) to the location where this Notice ofTrustee's Sale was posted. Said Real Estate is described as follows: In the County of Guadalupe, State ofTexas: LOT 18, BLOCK 2, GARDENS OF RANCH ESTATES, A SUBDIVISION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT THEREOF RECORDED IN VOLUME 7, PAGES 94·95, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. Property Address: Mortgage Servicer: Noteholder: 2436 KOLTON STREET NEW BRAUNFELS, TX78130 NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC -NATIONSTAR MORTGAGE LLC 8950 CYPRESS WATERS BLVD COPPEll, TEXAS 75019 The Mortgage Servicer is authorized to represent the Noteholder bY virtue ofa servicing agreement with the Noteholder. Pursuant to the Servicing Agreement and Texas Property Code §51.0025. the Mortgage Servicer is authorized to collect the debt and to administer any resulting closure ofthe property securing the above referen. loan. ::t:. o w > 0::: W ... -' U :: . <t THE STATE r;;r:':..,.-e..;....-.Wc...=-=-...... 5t-_ _ __ COUNTY OF ,. SUBSTI U E:.--___- __.... .~~~i:g~~~~~;~S OR SHELBY MARTIN OR DEANNA RAY OR RICHARD HOLTON OR IRENE SALAZAR OR VANESSA RAMOS OR JILL NICHOLS OR FREDERICK BRITTON OR JACK BURNS II OR PATRICIA SANDERS OR PAMELA THOMAS OR KRISTOPHER HOLUB OR PATRICKZWlERS OR KELLEY BURNS OR DANIEL WILLSlE OR AARTI PATEL OR nLL NICHOLS c/o Shapiro Schwartz, LLP 13 105 Northwest Freeway, Suite 1200 Houston, TX 77040 (713)462-2565 ~ c\.l AJ a" RE ME, the undersign d, po NoJary Public in and fur said County and State, on this day personally appeared .< f (..\ -, tV Substitute Trustee, known to me to be the person and officer whose name is subscri Uto the foregoing instrument and acknowledged to me that he executed the same fur the purposes and considerations therein expressed, in the capacity therein stated. 2ot1L. GIVEN UNDER MY HAND AND SEAL OF OFFICE this 1~ day of C')e(...;LLA..tl/'t.tL-t V ~''''''''''I DEBORAH MARTIN ~tI:.'(PIL '~ $~.~"""~(, '\ Notary Public. State of Texas _~. i~~ ·Ct~ }~~comm.ExplresOl.16-2020 ~~~Qf~~~ lI"/,,..,,\, Nolary 10 124796435 Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. Iryou are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active military service to the sender of this notice immediately. 000026 NOTICE OF TRUSTEE'S SALE Date: January 11, 2016 Trustee: en c: CARRIE LANE J> 0 Lender: Note: J> ROBERT 1. BOYD AND SHERRYL L BOYD '-t C:rr1 ,.~;;tI IT! $15,868.92 - Deed of Trust: Date: z (") C 7'\ :;go. z_ ::c C;1l: -<r ("') • ~1Tl J. C. WRIGHT and LISA SHEFFIELD WRIGHT ::0 c:::t N ;;tI Grantor: -c- (",)C/) 0» -tIT! April 30, 2014 ~ :::Jl: m m < -.r::.. "1 0 w :;:lC ~ Lender: ROBERT 1. BOYD AND SHERRYL L BOYD . Recording infonnation: Property: County: Deed of Trust recorded in Vol 4232, Page 394, Guadalupe County Real Property Records. Lot 79, The Park at Creekside, Phase 4, Guadalupe County, Texas, according to the map or plat recorded in Volume 5, pages 62B-63A, ofthe Plat Records of Guadalupe County, Texas. Guadalupe County, Texas Date of Sale: February 2,2016 Time of Sale: At 10:00 a.m., but not later than 4:00 p.m. Place of Sale: The North porch of the Guadalupe County Courthouse, 101 East Court Street, Seguin, Guad.alupe County, Texas. Carrie Lane is Trustee under the Deed ofTrust. Lender has instructed Trustee to offer the Property for sale toward the satisfaction of the Note. Notice is given that on the Date of Sale, Trustee will offer the Property for sale at public auction at the Place of Sale, to the highest bidder for cash. The earliest time the sale "rill occur is the Time of Sale, and the sale will be conducted no later than three hours thereafter. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. RRIEi:ANE, Trustee 000027 NOTICE TO SERVICE MEMBERS: A debtor who is serving on active military duty may have special rights or relief related to this notice under federal law, including the Service Members Civil Relief Act (50 U.S.c, app Section 501 et Seq) and state law, including Section 51.015, Texas Property Code. Assert and protect your rights as a member of the armed forces of the United States. If you are or your spouse is serving on active military duty, including active military duty as a member of the Texas National Guard or the National Guard of another state or as a member of a reserve component of the armed forces of the United States, please send written notice of the active duty military service to the sender of this notice immediately. NOTICE OF NON-JUDICIAL FORECLOSURE SALE THE STATE OF TEXAS KNOWN ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS: COUNTY OF GUADALUPE THAT, on the December 20, 2006, LINDA JERVISS, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, did execute and deliver to MASON-MCDUFFIE MORTGAGE CORPORATION that certain Promissory Note, in the original principal sum of ONE HUNDRED TWENTY EIGHT THOUSAND SEVEN HUNDRED TWENTY DOLLARS 00/100 ($128,720.00) [the "Note"]; and WHEREAS, default has occurred in the payment of the Note and the same has been accelerated to maturity and is not wholly due; and WHEREAS, the repayment of the aforesaid Note is secured by the certain Deed of trust, dated June 18, 2008, executed by LINDA JERVISS, AN UNMARRIED WOMAN, in favor of MASON·MCDUFFIE MORTGAGE COR,PORATION [the "Deed ofTrust'1, which Deed of Trust is recorded under Official Records BOOK: 2418 PAGE: 0480 INSTRUMENT # 06-27380 in the Real Property Records of GUADALUPE County, Texas, and which covers and affects real property more particularly located in GUADALUPE County, Texas [the "Property'1 ; and WHEREAS, the undersigned has been designated to act as Substitute Trustee under the Deed of Trust, for the ' purpose of collection ofthe Note. NOW, THEREFORE, NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that on Tuesday, the 2nd Day of February, 2016, at ll:OOAM or within three (3) hours thereafter, I will sell to the highest bidder for cash, at the place designated by the Commissioner's Court of GUADALUPE County, Texas, to wit: being the public area of the GUADALUPE Courthouse located in Seguin, Texas, the following described real property, to wit: LOT 15, BLOCK 10, CmOLO VALLEY RANCH SUBDIVISION UNIT 3, A SUBDIVISION IN GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS, ACCORDING TO THE MAP OR PLAT OF RECORD IN VOLUME 7, PAGE 80, PLAT RECORDS OF GUADALUPE COUNTY, TEXAS. WITNESS MY HAND this l ADDRESS OF PROPERTY: 113 Rattlesnake Way Cibolo, Texas 78108 l~hdaY of~ Vanessa Ramos or Irene Vargas or TUTE TRUSTEE ADDRESS OF TRUSTEE: r:> CIO 100 W. Cypress Creek Rd., Ste.Q;OO ~ Ft. Lauderdale, FL 33309 Q » r-l C:: m "':::0 "'m C')(f) 0» c:;:lII; z_ -IfTl -<r (") r I'll :0 :x ::u rn o -<m m o