2016 Catalog PDF
2016 Catalog PDF
l 6th Annua ia n r o f i l a C , Oakdale Over 40 Horned & Polled Hereford Bulls Sell! S c hoh r H e r ef o r d s September 13th 1PM Sale Information DELIVERY: FREE DELIVERY on bulls within California. All other deliveries at cost. Pick up your bull purchase sale day and deduct $50.00 per head off your bill. LOT NUMBERS: Lot numbers will correspond to this sale catalog. LUNCH: A complimentary lunch of beef tacos and all the fixings will be available sale day at 11:30 AM. INSPECTION OF CATTLE: Cattle will be available for inspection on September 12th at the sale site. Prior to that at the respective ranches. SALE NOTE: All persons who attend this sale do so at their own risk. The Breeders involved with the California Bullfest and Farmers Livestock Market assume no liabilities, legal or otherwise, for accidents which may occur. STOCKTON eM ARIP OS A RD lONE TREE RD Yosemite 120 Jac kso nA ve Escalon Lon 99 le Da Rd 120 MODESTO To fRESNO 132 108 DOW NEY OAKDALE eAST F ST X HENR YA VE pATTERSON rD. claribel rd AVE Yosemite Blvd Albers rd kIERNAN aVE 108 MC 219 STODD ARD RD lADD rD (916) 849-2725 2016 California Bullfest AVE MANTECA SALE CONSULTANT 2 MAP TO SALE SITE To Sacramento BURNEY ST SALE LOCATION: The sale will be held at the Farmers Livestock Market, 6001 Albers Rd., Oakdale, CA. 95631; 209/847-1033. MOTEL: Numerous quality motels are available in Oakdale. TERMS & CONDITIONS: This sale is being conducted under the suggested sale terms and conditions adopted by the American Hereford Association. Except for those stated in the terms and conditions, there are no warranties either expressed or implied, as to the merchantability or fitness for a particular purpose with respect to the cattle being sold in this auction. The warranties and guaranties set forth in the “Terms and Conditions” are in lieu of all other warranties either expressed or implied, and the remedies provided therein shall be the sole and exclusive remedy of the buyer (or any claiming through the buyer) for any breach of warranty of guarantee therein provided and all other obligations available at the clerk’s office sale day. HEALTH: Anaplas vaccinated. All bulls will have a negative Trich test. All bulls have been BVD Tested. Any test needed for interstate will have to be completed before shipment. SEMEN TEST: All bulls will have passed a satisfactory semen test and rigid fertility evaluation prior to the sale. TRANSPORTATION: Upon request, with sufficient time, planes will be met at the Oakdale, Escalon or Stockton airports. CURRENT VACCINATIONS: All bulls have been on a complete vaccination program. Contact the respective breeder concerning vaccinations status of their consignment. LIVESTOCK MORTALITY INSURANCE: Mortality insurance on your purchase can be obtained from JDA Inc. through American Live Stock Insurance Co. at time of settlement. 120 6001 Albers Rd Oakdale, CA 6th Annual 1:00 PM Tuesday, September 13 th, 2016 FARMERS LIVESTOCK MARKET, Oakdale, CA Lunch at 11:30 AM Semen Tested • Trich tested • Anaplas vaccinated REPRESENTATIVES Rick Machado ............................................................................. Auctioneer - 805-501-3210 Sherry Danekas.................................................................. Western Cowman - 916-768-1431 Mark Holt.....................................................American Hereford Association - 208-369-7425 Matt Macfarlane.......................................................... California Cattleman - 916-803-3113 Logan Ipsen........................................................... Western Livestock Journal - 916-947-2392 SALE DAY PHONES Sale Yard........................................... (209) 847-1033 Carl Schohr....................................... (530) 570-2275 Bob Coker......................................... (916) 539-1987 Jared Patterson.................................. (208) 312-2386 Mercedes Danekas-Lohse.................. (916) 849-2725 S c hoh r H e r ef o r d s Carl & Susan Schohr P.O. Box 391 Gridley, CA 95948 Ricencows@schohr.com • (530) 846-4354 www.schohrherefords.com 640 Genoa Lane, Minden, NV 89423 Jared Patterson (208) 312-2386 Bob Coker (916) 539-1987 Office (775) 782-3336 View Sale Bull Videos at www.genoalivestock.com 2016 California Bullfest 3 • Special Drawing • A big thank you to Pinenut Livestock Supply for their generous gift of two $50 Gift Certificates. These will be raffled off at the end of the auction, all buyers will be automatically entered to win! Providing these brand names, as well as many others… agrilabs boehringer-ingelheim equi aid fort dodge intervet jorgensen l & h branding irons merial monoject mooremaker novartis pfizer schreiner’s springer magrath and more! 1416 Industrial Way Ste. A Gardnerville, Nevada 89410 (775) 782-5337 • Toll Free (800) 513-4963 Fax: (775) 782-4698 Reference Sires A B Horne d Horne d Ups Domino 9525 UPS SENSATION 2241 ET Reg: Reg: 43051959 DOB: 09/03/2009 Bull HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET OXH ADVANCE 3019..................................................... OXH SANDY 1336 DS 3019 ADV 7602 HH ADVANCE 1045L DS 1045 ADVANCE 5554.............................................. DS 552 L1 DOMET 2007 CL 1 DOMINO 484 JA L1 DOMINO 2227M.................................................. JA L1 DOMINETTE 6013 UPS MISS DOMINO 7900 SH DIAMOND 881 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353............................................ UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 4 BW WW YW MK +1.6 +68 +105 +26 m&G FAT RE SC DOB: 04/07/2012 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS DOMINO 3027....................................................... UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X GH RAMBO 279R CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET......................................... CL 1 DOMINETTE 301N SR DOMINO 700 UPS DOMINO 2110....................................................... UPS MISS PURE GOLD 0613 UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET BCD 721G KNIGHT 4K UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707............................................... UPS MS MILEHIGH 8519 MB +60 +0.032 +0.51 +1.1 +0.01 2016 California Bullfest 43311190 BW WW YW MK +0.5 +53 +80 +33 m&G FAT RE SC MB +60 +0.030 +0.51 +1.4 +0.48 Reference Sires C Sire of Harland 0571 Reg: 43150260 DOB: 09/05/2010 Bull KB L1 DOMINO 519 HH ADVANCE 9005J..................................................... HH MS ADVANCE 4054D CJH HARLAND 408 L1 DOMINO 920501 CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064............................................. CJH L1 DOMINETTE 759 KB L1 DOMINO 218 JBN L1 DOMINO 508..................................................... JBN L1 DOMINETTE 117 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712 UPS DOMINO 3027 UPS MISS DOMINO 6505.............................................. UPS MISS KNIGHT 4818 BW WW YW MK -0.4 +42 +71 +30 E m&G FAT RE SC Horne d MB +51 +0.061 +0.12 +1.3 +0.34 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X Reg: 43092364 DOB: 01/14/2010 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET.............................................. CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 UPS DOMINO 3027 SH DIAMOND 881 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353............................................ UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 GH NEON 17N GH RAMBO 279R.......................................................... HR GOLD DOMINO 251E CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 301N................................................. CL 1 DOMINETTE 8184H BW WW YW MK -2.7 +52 +73 +45 F D UPS HARLAND 0571 m&G FAT RE SC Horne d MB +70 +0.047 +0.32 +1.7 +0.40 NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET Reg: 43214853 DOB: 02/03/2011 RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326............................................ P ol l e d KCF MISS 459 F284 SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET MM RSM STOCKMASTER 512 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37.......................................... SHF INTERSTATE D03 G80 REMITALL BOOMER 46B PW VICTOR BOOMER P606........................................... PW VICTORIA 964 8114 NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S RU 20X BOULDER 57G NJW 94J DEW 72N....................................................... NJW D32 CLAIRE 94J BW WW YW MK +2.2 +61 +105 +34 m&G FAT RE SC MB +64 +0.050 +0.61 +1.5 +0.43 C 212 DOMINO 4011 ET Reg: 42473400 DOB: 01/03/2004 HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET.............................................. CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 CL 1 DOMINO 212M L1 DOMINO 95461 CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET........................................ CL 1 DOMINETTE 178 C GOLD RUSH 1ET C -S PURE GOLD 98170................................................ C MS DOM 93218 1ET C MS PURE GOLD 2003 DR ACHIEVER 8403 C 8403 MS ACHV 96047............................................... C 590 MS DOM 94098 BW WW YW MK m&G +1.7 +49 +87 +28 +52 D FAT RE Horne d SC MB -0.059 +0.67 +1.0 +0.20 R VISIONARY 4200 Reg: 43108101 DOB: 03/10/2010 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF RIB EYE M326 R117.............................................. HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M SHF VISION R117 U38 SHF PROGRESS P20 SHF MISS PROGRESS S03 ET....................................... SHF GOVERNESS 236G K42 R PUCKSTER 2013 R PUCKSTER 2586....................................................... R MISS PATEND 074 R MISS PUCKSTER 1768 R PATEND 2082 R MISS PATEND 286..................................................... R MISS WRANGLER 414 BW WW YW MK m&G -1.6 +59 +94 +37 +67 G FAT RE SC P ol l e d MB -0.014 +0.58 +1.0 +0.29 THR THOR 4029 Reg: 42551314 DOB: 03/06/2004 NJW 5B WRANGLER 16D JDF 16D WRANGLER 15............................................... JDF MISS 223B 4E JDH 15 WRANGLER 25L WALSH MCCANN 680 46G JDH MS LUTE 18J......................................................... JDH MS WRANGLER 04 HH ADVANCE 438D CL 1 DOMINO 641F....................................................... CL 1 DOMINETTE 436 THR MISS THOR 0266 HH ADVANCE 6046F THR MISS THOR 8050.................................................. THR MISS THOR 0231 BW WW YW MK +3.8 +62 +99 +10 m&G FAT RE P ol l e d SC MB +41 +0.030 +1.06 +2.3 +0.24 2016 California Bullfest 5 Carl & Susan Schohr P.O. Box 391 Gridley, CA 95948 Ricencows@schohr.com • (530) 846-4354 www.schohrherefords.com Tracy, Ryan, Jean, Carl, Brock & Susan Fellow Cattlemen and Cattlewomen - It is with great pleasure that our family and our partners at Genoa Livestock, invite you to the 6th annual California Bullfest sale. We are excited to offer a great set of yearling horned Hereford bulls that are ready to go to work for you this fall. The Schohr family has been raising livestock for six generations, originating with an English-bred commercial cattle herd in the late 1800’s. Our family operation is founded on the values of commercial cattlemen seeking cattle that are structurally sound, maternal and strong performers. Today, we are primarily a registered Hereford operation. With that said, we are commercial cattlemen first and our genetics must work in the real world. With over a quarter of a century raising bulls for cattle producers, we have developed bulls that are proven to work in rugged coastal hillsides, high mountain desserts, spacious public land allotments and every environment in between. We are blessed to be coming out of drought conditions throughout most of the state and producers across the state are working to rebuild their herd. As you rebuild your herd we want to be part of the equation - providing low maintenance bulls that let you sleep through the night during calving season and offer confidence when it is weaning time the calves sired by our bulls top the scales. We appreciate the trust your have placed in our bulls over the years, and we are excited to be the source for your Hereford genetics. Please feel free to call with any questions or stop by the ranch, we are happy to share with you additional details on the bulls offered in lots 1-18 and more our breeding program. We look forward to seeing you in Oakdale on Tuesday, September 13th 2016. Carl and Susan Schohr 1 Horne d CS SENSATION RAMBO S530 Reg: Lot 1 43699376 DOB: 06/29/2015 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... UPS SENSATION 2241 ET UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET....................................... MH RAMBO 757 1ET..................................................... MH MISS RAMBO 192 MH MISS DEBONAIR 1354............................................ Tattoo: S530 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET UPS DOMINO 2110 UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707 GH RAMBO 279R WT 51 DOMNET 4163 BP DEBONAIR 205D HC MS L1 DOM B49 721 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.2 65 +3.2 350 +47 785 +69 +21 +45 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +2.5 +0.9 +0.024 +0.41 +0.20 +$21 +$18 +$18 +$24 This is an easy calving bull that is structurally sound and level headed. A good fit to any operation! 6 2016 California Bullfest 2 Horne d TS XL SENSATION C3 Reg: Pending DOB: 10/10/2015 Churchill Sensation 028X...................................... UPS Sensation 2241 ET UPS Miss Domino 5688 1ET....................................... H Excel 8051 ET.......................................................... TS Leanne XL A1 SS MS Wesco Leanne 8s73....................................... Birth 205 50 564 Tattoo: C3 Bull UPS Domino 3027 Churchill Lady 7202T ET UPS Domino 2110 UPS Miss Knight 2707 GO Excel L18 H Lady Gold 323 SS Domino Wesco 321 ET SS DJS MS Dakota Lulu 5s48 This would make a great heifer bull with a low birth weight and tremendous performance. He is a combination of proven Schohr genetics and a breed top performer. His EPD’s will be available on sale day or at www.schohrherefords.com. 3 Lot 2 Horne d CS STERLING SILVERADO S528 Reg: 43715564 DOB: 06/05/2015 DS 3019 ADV 7602....................................................... UPS Domino 9525 UPS Miss Domino 7900.............................................. MH Silverado 891 ET................................................. SS Miss Silverado 1s63 UPS Miss Shadow 8115............................................. Tattoo: S528 Bull OXH Advance 3019 DS 1045 Advance 5554 JA L1 Domino 2227M UPS Miss Diamond 1353 GH Rambo 279R MH Miss Patriot 971 GH Adams Shadow 144s UPS Miss Domino 3941 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G -0.1 70 +4.1 320 +64 840 +105 +25 +57 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +1.0 +0.9 +0.009 +0.68 -0.02 +$16 A moderate framed bull that is an efficient type. 4 +$13 +$12 +$29 Horne d CS SENSATION DOMINO S529 Reg: 43699375 DOB: 06/03/2015 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... UPS SENSATION 2241 ET UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET....................................... CL 1 DOMINO 860U...................................................... JA L1 DOMINETTE 1703Y JA L1 DOMINETTE 7608T............................................. Tattoo: S529 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET UPS DOMINO 2110 UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET JA L1 DOMINETTE 0201 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.3 70 +1.9 400 +52 845 +86 +30 +56 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +2.7 +1.3 +0.025 +0.34 +0.33 +$24 +$19 +$20 +$30 Lot 4 A deep bodied bull with heavy pigment. He will add performance to your calf crop! 2016 California Bullfest 7 5 Horne d CS SILVER HARLAND S523 Reg: 43712859 DOB: 05/01/2015 CJH HARLAND 408....................................................... UPS HARLAND 0571 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712.............................................. MH SILVERADO 891 ET................................................. CS MISS SILVER 3S38 ET JA L1 DOMINETTE 7608T............................................. Lot 5 Tattoo: S523 Bull HH ADVANCE 9005J CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 JBN L1 DOMINO 508 UPS MISS DOMINO 6505 GH RAMBO 279R MH MISS PATRIOT 971 HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET JA L1 DOMINETTE 0201 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.3 70 +2.1 380 +47 880 +83 +26 +50 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +3.2 +1.0 +0.021 +0.44 +0.15 +$20 +$18 +$16 +$25 A clean fronted bull that is easy moving and will perform in any environment. 6 Horne d CS HARLAND SILVERADO S520 Reg: 43716547 DOB: 04/21/2015 CJH Harland 408....................................................... UPS Harland 0571 UPS Miss Domino 8712.............................................. UPS Harland 0571..................................................... CS Miss Harland 3s15 SS DTS MS Silverado Sami 0s15.............................. Lot 6 Tattoo: S520 Bull HH Advance 9005J CJH L1 Dominette 0064 JBN L1 Domino 508 UPS Miss Domino 6505 CJH Harland 408 UPS Miss Domino 8712 UPS Domino 5271 MH Dakota 539 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +6.1 75 +0.4 460 +45 845 +74 +29 +52 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +4.7 +1.2 +0.048 +0.23 +0.28 +$23 +$22 +$19 +$24 This is an all around good Hereford bull to enhance your calf crop. He is moderate framed, easy travleing and level topped. 7 Horne d CS HARLAND KINSMAN S521 Reg: 43716550 DOB: 04/21/2015 CJH Harland 408....................................................... UPS Harland 0571 UPS Miss Domino 8712.............................................. MH Silverado 891 ET................................................. CS Miss Silver Kinsman 3s13 MH Miss Kinsman 204............................................... Lot 7 Tattoo: S521 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.1 65 +2.4 380 +41 750 +74 +27 +47 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +2.5 +0.8 +0.023 +0.36 +0.13 +$16 +$16 +$14 +$21 He is a long bodied bull that is clean fronted with a level top. 8 2016 California Bullfest Bull HH Advance 9005J CJH L1 Dominette 0064 JBN L1 Domino 508 UPS Miss Domino 6505 GH Rambo 279R MH Miss Patriot 971 CH 233G Kinsman 5K MH Miss Patriot 536 8 Horne d CS SENSATION LLOYD S516 Reg: 43699371 04/15/2015 DOB: CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... UPS SENSATION 2241 ET UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET....................................... RCR L1 DOMINO 99136................................................ SS MS LLOYD TULIP 8S60 SS MS DAKOTA TOMI 3S24.......................................... S516 Tattoo: Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET UPS DOMINO 2110 UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707 RCR DOMINO 5171 5ET RCR L1 DOMINET 5262 MH DAKOTA 0230 SS MISS LADY ROMA 9S1 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.3 75 +2.7 550 +53 1010 +86 +24 +51 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +0.5 +1.3 +0.041 +0.29 +0.34 +$25 +$19 +$21 +$29 Lot 8 This is a clean fronted bull with alot of performance. He is from the Dakota high quality cow family. 9 Horne d CS HARLAND STERLING S514 Reg: 43699369 DOB: 04/09/2015 CJH HARLAND 408....................................................... UPS HARLAND 0571 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712.............................................. UPS DOMINO 9525....................................................... CS MISS ADVANCE 9525 308 HH MISS ADVANCE 4033P ET....................................... S514 Tattoo: Bull HH ADVANCE 9005J CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 JBN L1 DOMINO 508 UPS MISS DOMINO 6505 DS 3019 ADV 7602 UPS MISS DOMINO 7900 HH ADVANCE 0094K HH MISS ADVANCE 0023K CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.5 65 +1.8 500 +50 870 +80 +26 +51 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +4.0 +1.3 +0.046 +0.11 +0.17 +$22 +$20 +$19 +$23 Lot 9 Here is an easy traveling bull that will perform in any environment. He is a wide topped bull that has a tremendous amount of spring of rib. 10 Horne d CS SENSATION S515 Reg: 43699370 DOB: 04/09/2015 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... UPS SENSATION 2241 ET UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET....................................... SS DAKOTA CLETUS 6S11............................................ SS MS CLETUS MINDY 9S60 SS MS DOMINO MINDIE 6S5......................................... Tattoo: S515 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET UPS DOMINO 2110 UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707 MH DAKOTA 0230 SS MS SPECTRUM DOMET 1S40 ER ADV DOMINO 021 SS DAKOTA MS MINDY 3S45 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.2 75 +2.9 550 +50 1025 +78 +23 +48 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +0.6 +1.0 +0.035 +0.21 +0.30 +$21 +$17 +$19 +$27 Lot 10 A moderate framed bull with a big spring of rib that is very docile. 2016 California Bullfest 9 11 Horne d CS HARLAND S510 Reg: 43698911 DOB: 04/08/2015 CJH HARLAND 408....................................................... UPS HARLAND 0571 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712.............................................. UPS HARLAND 0571..................................................... SS JS MISS HARLAND PEARL SS MS SILVERADO PEARL 0S13................................... Lot 11 Tattoo: S510 Bull HH ADVANCE 9005J CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 JBN L1 DOMINO 508 UPS MISS DOMINO 6505 CJH HARLAND 408 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712 MH SILVERADO 891 ET SS MS DAKOTA PENNY 6S8 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.5 80 +1.0 520 +45 1030 +77 +28 +51 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +4.5 +1.2 +0.040 +0.25 +0.24 +$22 +$21 +$18 +$24 A long sided bull with a big top and hind quarter. 12 Horne d CS NOTORIOUS SENSATION S512 Reg: 43715563 DOB: 04/08/2015 Churchill Sensation 028X...................................... UPS Sensation 2241 ET UPS Miss Domino 5688 1ET....................................... C Notorious ET.......................................................... SS Miss Notorious Penny 222 ET SS MS Dakota Penny 6s8.......................................... Lot 12 Tattoo: S512 Bull UPS Domino 3027 Churchill Lady 7202T ET UPS Domino 2110 UPS Miss Knight 2707 UPS TCC Nitro 1ET C Notice Me ET MH Dakota 0230 SS MS ORE Advance Domino 1s43 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.8 75 +1.8 620 +49 1075 +76 +29 +54 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +1.7 +1.0 +0.008 +0.47 +0.22 +$21 +$18 +$18 +$27 This is a family favorite! He would make a tremendous herd bull with his depth of rib and big bone. His calves will tip the scale at weaning time! 13 Horne d CS STERLING SILVERADO S509 Reg: 43698910 DOB: 04/05/2015 DS 3019 ADV 7602....................................................... UPS DOMINO 9525 UPS MISS DOMINO 7900.............................................. MH SILVERADO 891 ET................................................. SS MS RADO PRISSY 1S41 SS MS DAKOTA PENNY 6S8.......................................... Lot 13 Tattoo: S509 Bull OXH ADVANCE 3019 DS 1045 ADVANCE 5554 JA L1 DOMINO 2227M UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 GH RAMBO 279R MH MISS PATRIOT 971 MH DAKOTA 0230 SS MS ORE ADVANCE DOMINO 1S43 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G -0.1 75 +3.9 560 +65 1000 +100 +25 +57 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +0.5 +0.9 +0.012 +0.58 +0.01 +$16 +$13 +$12 +$29 He is a big growth bull that is clean fronted and has a tremendous amount of rib. 10 2016 California Bullfest 14 Horne d CS SENSATION STERLING S508 Reg: 43698909 DOB: 04/01/2015 CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... UPS SENSATION 2241 ET UPS MISS DOMINO 5688 1ET....................................... UPS DOMINO 9525....................................................... SS MISS STERLING 2S203 SS TS MISS CLETUS DOROTHY 0S61........................... Tattoo: S508 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET UPS DOMINO 2110 UPS MISS KNIGHT 2707 DS 3019 ADV 7602 UPS MISS DOMINO 7900 SS DAKOTA CLETUS 6S11 SS MS CJ CALGARY STAR 5S43 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.1 60 +2.1 500 +57 955 +88 +28 +56 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +2.2 +1.2 +0.032 +0.49 +0.22 +$23 +$19 +$18 +$30 Lot 14 This is a big topped bull with a tremendous hind quarter. He is clean fronted and would be a great addition to your operation. 15 Horne d CS DOMINO 9525 SILVERADO S505 Reg: 43698897 DOB: 03/30/2015 DS 3019 ADV 7602....................................................... UPS DOMINO 9525 UPS MISS DOMINO 7900.............................................. MH SILVERADO 891 ET................................................. SS MISS SILVERADO 1S64 PPF MS 0326 L1 ADVANCE 6393.................................. S505 Tattoo: Bull OXH ADVANCE 3019 DS 1045 ADVANCE 5554 JA L1 DOMINO 2227M UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 GH RAMBO 279R MH MISS PATRIOT 971 CX 897 ADVANCE 0326 PPF MS 7058 MARK 2835 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +0.3 60 +3.5 500 +57 1000 +95 +24 +53 SC fat rea mb cez bii chb CEM +1.3 +0.8 +0.005 +0.62 -0.03 bmi +$16 +$14 +$12 +$26 A family favorite that will have claves that please any cattlemen. He is an easy moving, clean fronted bull with a level top. 16 Lot 15 Horne d CS HARLAND DAKOTA S503 Reg: 43710877 DOB: 03/29/2015 CJH HARLAND 408....................................................... UPS HARLAND 0571 UPS MISS DOMINO 8712.............................................. MH DAKOTA 0230......................................................... CS MISS DOMINETTE 0230 325ET JA L1 DOMINETTE 7608T............................................. Tattoo: S503 Bull HH ADVANCE 9005J CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064 JBN L1 DOMINO 508 UPS MISS DOMINO 6505 SR LAD 447 JV ANGEL 684 HH ADVANCE 286M 1ET JA L1 DOMINETTE 0201 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.6 70 +1.8 450 +48 950 +79 +24 +49 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +3.1 +1.1 +0.049 +0.16 +0.23 +$21 +$19 +$18 +$24 Lot 16 Here is a moderate framed bull that is an easy keeper. He has tremendous depth of body and heavy pigment. 2016 California Bullfest 11 17 Horne d CS SENSATION SILVERADO S501 Reg: 43715561 DOB: 03/27/2015 Churchill Sensation 028X...................................... UPS Sensation 2241 ET UPS Miss Domino 5688 1ET....................................... MH Silverado 891 ET................................................. SS Miss Silverado 2s14 SS DJS Miss Tweety Bird 5s4.................................. Lot 17 Tattoo: S501 Bull UPS Domino 3027 Churchill Lady 7202T ET UPS Domino 2110 UPS Miss Knight 2707 GH Rambo 279R MH Miss Patriot 971 LH Calgary Extra 3058 Bird 6052F Lass 337 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.4 70 +2.4 520 +54 975 +87 +27 +54 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +1.5 +1.0 +0.005 +0.63 +0.18 +$21 +$17 +@17 +$30 This is a big growthy bull that is long bodied and easy moving. 18 Horne d CS SENSATION S500 Reg: 43715554 DOB: 03/24/2015 Churchill Sensation 028X...................................... UPS Sensation 2241 ET UPS Miss Domino 5688 1ET....................................... SS Dakota Cletus 6s11............................................ SS Miss Cletus Misty 1s34 SS MS Watson May 6s26........................................... Lot 18 Tattoo: S500 Bull UPS Domino 3027 Churchill Lady 7202T ET UPS Domino 2110 UPS Miss Knight 2707 MH Dakota 0230 SS MS Spectrum Domet 1s40 LH Calgary Extra 3058 MH Miss Multi 4312 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.0 80 +3.3 660 +46 1085 +72 +27 +50 SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb CEM +.09 +1.1 +0.023 +0.21 +0.26 +$22 +$18 +$19 +$25 Here is an outstanding performer that will add weight to you calves at weaning. He is a combination of the best Schohr genetics. A big thank you to Allflex, the official ear tag of the Bullfest Sale! 1-800-989-TAGS 8247 www.allflexusa.com Scott Holt (208) 850-1329 12 2016 California Bullfest 640 Genoa Lane, Minden, NV 89423 Jared Patterson (208) 312-2386 Bob Coker (916) 539-1987 Office (775) 782-3336 www.genoalivestock.com visit our website to view bull videos The Genoa Livestock Team Left to right back: Jared, Dale, Valentin Front: Gilberto, Bob Fellow Cattlemen, We welcome you to the 6th annual California Bullfest sale held in conjunction with Schohr Herefords. Genoa Livestock, owned by Bob and Carol Coker, is located in Carson Valley, NV. It is here where we strive to produce quality Hereford genetics focusing on a balanced approach of enhanced EPD profiles, structural integrity, performance, phenotype, end product value, and above all good cattle. For the 6th consecutive year, Genoa Livestock’s bulls and heifers – an average calf crop of 126 calves – rank higher than the AHA breed average in 14 of 15 measured traits. This year we are pleased to be offering an extremely strong set of 26 bulls from our program. The majority of our cattle are raised on brush ground with minimal irrigated grass. These bulls begin to get developed a few months after weaning in large dry lots that allow an abundance of travel and exercise. They are developed sensibly to insure at turn-out time these bulls will hold up, work, and get the job done. This has served as a valuable developmental program for our customers. All Genoa Livestock bulls are guaranteed 100% as sound and healthy breeders. We understand fully the value and importance of crossbreeding programs and how cattlemen utilize it and this offering of bulls are bred to cover a multitude of different facets in beef cattle production that can help the direction of the rancher’s needs they strive to produce. Please feel free to call with any questions, or swing by the ranch if you are in the area. Visitors always welcome. Thank you greatly for your support and continued confidence in Genoa Livestock’s breeding program. We will continue to work hard to supply you with your Hereford bull needs. We look forward to seeing you in Oakdale on September 13th! 19 P ol l e d GENOA 11070 DURANGO 15124 DOB: 05/10/2015 Tattoo: 15124 Bull CS BOOMER 29F THM DURANGO 4037.................................................... THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 GENOA THM DURANGO 11070 EF F745 FRANK P230 R&R P230 TRACY 2015 8122 ET.................................. R&R TAMYRA 2015ET FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R............................................ MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N GENOA MISS REVOLUTION 10008 SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S HYALITE 22S LASS 846................................................ HYALITE TS LASS 635 Reg: 43585198 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.5 82 +1.4 620 +61 1202 +108 +22 +52 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.3 +2.7 +0.024 +0.43 +0.33 +$39 +$23 +$36 +$35 It’s tough to produce a bull that’s outstanding in all measurable traits. Yet this May bull does it extremely well. He is a powerhouse with look, style and incredible performance plus coupled with his great credentials, hes pretty unique. Top 1% BMI. Top 5% WW, YW, Marb, CHB. Top 10% CED. Top 15% BW. Ratio’d: BW 95, WW 110, YW 116, REA 116, Marb 113. Yr. SC 44cm Lot 19 2016 California Bullfest 13 20 P ol l e d GENOA 2218 LEGEND 15101 Reg: 43585171 DOB: 05/01/201 Tattoo: MSU TCF REVOLUTION 4R............................................ R LEGEND 2218 R MISS WRANGLER 246............................................... SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S.......................................... GENOA MISS SCHULAR 22S 11068 GENOA MISS HONEY 08062.......................................... Lot 20 15101 Bull FELTONS LEGEND 242 MSU TCF RACHAEL ET 54N R WRANGLER 5350 R MISS PATHFINDER 3004 SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET FELTONS ACE FF 106 ET CRR 106M HONEY 446 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.0 96 +4.2 617 +70 1062 +113 +21 +55 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +2.5 +0.5 +0.049 +0.60 +0.25 +$17 +$15 +$10 +$36 Here is a performance bull that’s bigger framed. He’s one that will add pounds off the cow, yet keep gaining for feeders. A bull who couples growth with carcass quality and backed by strong ratios. Top 1% WW, YW, CHB. Top 10% REA, Marb. Ratio’d: WW 109, YW 109, REA 112, Marb 115. 21 Horne d GENOA 07546 DOMINO 15077 Reg: 43585113 DOB: 04/16/2015 Lot 21 15077 Tattoo: L1 DOMINO 05516........................................................ L1 DOMINO 07546 L1 DOMINETTE 01502.................................................. HH ADVANCE 4047P..................................................... CL 1 DOMINETTE 724T MONTANA MISS 4310P................................................. Bull L1 DOMINO 03564 L1 DOMINETTE 02377 L1 DOMINO 98300 L1 DOMINETTE 98279 CL 1 DOMINO 206M HH MISS ADVANCE 147L ET CL 1 DOMINO 218M MONTANA MISS 1134 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.1 94 +2.5 662 +48 1034 +69 +26 +50 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +0.3 +0.3 -0.012 +0.48 +0.24 +$16 +$17 +$12 +$28 He’s a straight Line One bred bull. Lots of length, performance, and consistency bred into his parentage. High weaning weight bull out of a good Cooper bred cow. Top 20% CHB. Ratio’d: WW 117. 22 Horne d GENOA 3027 DOMINO 15073 Reg: 43585147 DOB: 04/12/2015 Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET.............................................. UPS DOMINO 3027 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353............................................ CHURCHILL YANKEE ET................................................ GENOA MISS YANKEE 12048 SR VALORIE 777........................................................... Lot 22 14 2016 California Bullfest 15073 Bull HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 SH DIAMOND 881 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 BB 1065 DOMINO 4102 SR KAYE 590 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +6.6 80 +0.9 544 +49 1004 +80 +29 +54 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +5.9 +0.6 +0.001 +0.40 +0.38 +$21 +$21 +$15 +$32 This calving ease son of 3027 is a good bodied, thick ended, and an efficient type of bull. That will add udder quality to his replacement progeny and carcass to his terminal bound cattle. Top 5% CED, CHB, Marb. Top 10% BW, Milk. 23 Horne d MC GENOA CH A1 15069 Reg: 43585170 DOB: 04/11/2015 Tattoo: CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... CHURCHILL A1 ET CHURCHILL LADY 6109S ET......................................... K 64H RIBSTONE LAD 157K.......................................... MC RIBSTONE LASS 11071 GENOA MISS DOMINETTE 08001 ET............................. 15069 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 STANDARD 16E RIBSTONE 64H K 61Z SUPER LADY 41G CSU RAM DOMINATOR 4203 CL 1 DOMINETTE 243M CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.7 76 +0.9 568 +48 1036 +81 +30 +54 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +5.1 +2.0 -0.016 +0.40 +0.33 +$33 +$24 +$30 +$32 Here’s a short marked low birth bull with added top shape and hip. Very practical and useful, high calving ease bull that couples it with carcass merit. Top 1% BMI. Top 5% CED, CHB, Marb. Top 10% BW, Milk. Ratio’d: REA 109. 24 POLLED GENOA 10Y HOMETOWN 15059 Reg: 43585176 DOB: 03/31/2015 Tattoo: SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET........................................ NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S................................... THM DURANGO 4037.................................................... GENOA MISS THM DURANGO 11045 HYALITE TS LASS 873.................................................. 15059 Bull KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N CS BOOMER 29F THM 7085 VICTRA 9036 KT TOP SECRET 1030 S&S INAS MIXER 433R CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.2 92 +2.5 613 +58 1160 +100 +29 +58 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +1.7 +0.9 +0.027 +0.32 +0.27 +$19 +$16 +$14 +$32 This red necked ring eyed bull is massive, huge ribbed, sound movin and the definition of low-input. Yet, still a huge WDA bull that will be a female making machine. Top 5% CHB, Top 10% YW, Marb, Top 15% WW. Ratio’d: WW 108, YW 110, REA 110. 25 Lot 24 POLLED GENOA 4029 THOR 15056 Reg: 43585186 DOB: 03/28/2015 Tattoo: JDH 15 WRANGLER 25L............................................... THR THOR 4029 THR MISS THOR 0266.................................................. R PUCKSTER 4108....................................................... GENOA MISS PUCKSTER 10155 R&R 6378 LEANNE 6003 8003..................................... 15056 Bull JDF 16D WRANGLER 15 JDH MS LUTE 18J CL 1 DOMINO 641F THR MISS THOR 8050 R PUCKSTER 2013 R MISS WRANGLER 804 R&R PRIME CUT 6378 ET R&R SILVEIRAS LILY LEANNE 6003ET CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.7 88 +3.0 613 +56 1058 +89 +14 +42 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +2.5 +1.4 +0.023 +0.45 +0.31 +$28 +$19 +$25 +$31 Here is a long, level made, heavy weaning weight bull. He’s good bodied, very correct on his feet and legs. A Ultra complete, high marbling type of bull that’s backed by a very prolific cow family. Top 5% BMI, Marb, Top 10% CHB. Ratio’d: WW 108, Marb 112 Lot 25 2016 California Bullfest 15 26 POLLED GENOA 10Y HOMETOWN 15052 Reg: 43585189 DOB: 03/27/2015 Tattoo: SHF WONDER M326 W18 ET........................................ NJW 73S W18 HOMETOWN 10Y ET NJW P606 72N DAYDREAM 73S................................... R PUCKSTER 4108....................................................... GENOA MISS PUCKSTER 10060 R MISS BOULDER 528.................................................. Lot 26 15052 Bull KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 SHF GOVERNESS 236G L37 PW VICTOR BOOMER P606 NJW 94J DEW 72N R PUCKSTER 2013 R MISS WRANGLER 804 JDH 100M BOULDER 59R R MISS WRANGLER 265 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.6 92 +3.2 606 +59 1101 +98 +24 +53 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +2.2 +1.0 +0.019 +0.53 +0.29 +$22 +$17 +$17 +$33 These Hometown cattle are right. Soggy, massive, and complete. This guy sure fits that bill with added look, power, and substance. World of turn-out value assembled in this guy. Pounds, females, efficiency, and end product value. Top 5% CHB, Top 10% WW, YW. Ratio’d: WW 107, YW 104, REA 110, Marb 100. 27 Horne d GENOA YANKEE 15051 Reg: 43585100 DOB: 03/26/2015 Tattoo: GH NEON 17N............................................................... CHURCHILL YANKEE ET CHURCHILL LADY 202.................................................. HR ADVANCER 65......................................................... R MISS ADVANCE 3318 R MISS PAGE 1016....................................................... 15051 Bull GH DIFFERENCE BRITISHER 45L GH SIR SIMBA LASS 107K HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CHURCHILL LADY 0113 FH L1 DOMINO 403 HR MISS NAVIGAT 466 R PAGE 123K R MISS WRANGLER 1451 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.0 78 +2.2 555 +45 1058 +79 +19 +42 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.5 +0.6 -0.018 +0.30 +0.31 +$20 +$17 +$16 +$28 Here is a long extended bull, bigger outlined in his framework. High preforming, good foot and bone and structural integrity in this level made red necked Yankee son. Out of a consistent, high quality cow family. “3318” • Dam of Lot 27 28 Horne d GENOA 4011 DOMINO 15044 Reg: 43585185 DOB: 03/25/2015 Tattoo: 15044 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 212M...................................................... CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET C 212 DOMINO 4011 ET C -S PURE GOLD 98170 C MS PURE GOLD 2003................................................ C 8403 MS ACHV 96047 CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET CL 1 DOMINO 860U...................................................... CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R GENOA SUPER ACHIEVER 10181 ET DR ACHIEVER 8403 C 8403 MS ACHV 96047............................................... C 590 MS DOM 94098 Lot 28 16 2016 California Bullfest CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.8 84 +2.2 545 +47 1025 +88 +28 +52 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +0.9 +0.6 -0.011 +0.43 +0.09 +$15 +$16 +$11 +$26 These 4011 sons are moderate, masculine, square, good muscled and the cattlemans kind. This up headed bull exemplifies just that. 29 POLLED GENOA 4200 VISIONARY 15043 Reg: 43585107 DOB: 03/25/2015 Tattoo: SHF VISION R117 U38.................................................. R VISIONARY 4200 R MISS PUCKSTER 1768.............................................. KT TOP SECRET 1030................................................... HYALITE TS LASS 853 HYALITE C26 LASS 837 5............................................. 15043 Bull SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SHF MISS PROGRESS S03 ET R PUCKSTER 2586 R MISS PATEND 286 MJB BLAZER 1000 KT MS 517 FELTON 8031 LHR MADISON 517 C26 ROSE L613 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.3 90 +0.6 618 +58 1091 +90 +28 +57 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +1.9 +1.0 +0.029 +0.18 +0.28 +$21 +$18 +$16 +$30 This big bodied bull is bold in his heart and flank, level made and good hipped. High performing bull that will bring weight and pounds to the scale, but most importantly assemble females for the keeper pen. Top 10% CED, BW, Marb, CHB. Top 15% WW, Milk. Ratio’d: WW 109, YW 103 30 Lot 29 Horne d GENOA 4011 DOMINO 15042 Reg: 43585145 DOB: 03/25/2015 Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 212M...................................................... C 212 DOMINO 4011 ET C MS PURE GOLD 2003................................................ CHURCHILL YANKEE ET................................................ GENOA MISS YANKEE 12062 R MISS ADVANCE 3318................................................ 15042 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET C -S PURE GOLD 98170 C 8403 MS ACHV 96047 GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 HR ADVANCER 65 R MISS PAGE 1016 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.2 80 +1.7 556 +44 984 +74 +24 +46 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +1.6 +0.8 -0.04 +0.39 +0.27 +$21 +$19 +$18 +$29 Here is a moderate, stout featured, square, good built bull. He’s opened up in his rib, big and stout hipped, good on his feet and legs. A low birth bull out of a really consistent, high quality cow family. Top 10% Marb, Top 15% CED, CHB 31 Horne d GENOA CH A1 15039 Reg: 43585169 DOB: 03/25/2015 Tattoo: CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X...................................... CHURCHILL A1 ET CHURCHILL LADY 6109S ET......................................... KCF BENNETT 774 N114............................................... GENOA MISS KCF N114 11073 LAMBERT PARFAIT 453P 82T....................................... Lot 30 15039 Bull UPS DOMINO 3027 CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 FELTONS DOMINO 774 KCF MISS H142 L207 LAMBERT DIESEL POWER 453P LAMBERT PARFAIT 2030 456P CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.4 68 -0.6 556 +44 1012 +66 +24 +47 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +4.1 +1.6 +0.039 +0.25 +0.40 +$30 +$23 +$28 +$26 This short marked, heavy pigmented bull is a low birth, calving ease candidate. He’s deep and soft, square topped, sound structured, high marbling and very useful. Could be used on heifers. Top 1% BMI. Top 5% BW, CED, Marb. Ratio’d REA 104, Marb 121. Lot 31 2016 California Bullfest 17 32 POLLED GENOA 4200 VISIONARY 15036 Reg: 43585108 DOB: 03/23/2015 Tattoo: SHF VISION R117 U38.................................................. R VISIONARY 4200 R MISS PUCKSTER 1768.............................................. SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S.......................................... HYALITE 22S LASS 806 HYALITE TS LASS 601.................................................. 15036 Bull SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SHF MISS PROGRESS S03 ET R PUCKSTER 2586 R MISS PATEND 286 SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET KT TOP SECRET 1030 HYALITE 271 LASS 138 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.4 84 -0.6 670 +61 1154 +100 +28 +59 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.4 +1.9 +0.005 +0.46 +0.26 +$31 +$22 +$26 +$35 Heaviest calf at weaning. Here is a bigger outlined, taller statured bull. He is sound movin, high preforming, reads with a big birth to yearling spread, and will sire heavy-performance oriented cattle. Top 1% BMI. Top 5% CED, BW, CHB. Top 10% WW, YW, Marb. Ratio’d: WW 118, YW 109 “2007” • Dam of Lot 34 33 POLLED GENOA R117 RIBEYE 15035 Reg: 43585174 DOB: 03/23/2015 Tattoo: KCF BENNETT 3008 M326............................................ SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M......................................... SCHU-LAR ON TARGET 22S.......................................... GENOA MS SCHU-LAR 22S 11056 R MISS BOULDER 528.................................................. 15035 Bull RRH MR FELT 3008 KCF MISS 459 F284 MSU MF HUDSON 19H SUN VINDY MISS 83K SCHU-LAR 5N OF 9L 3008 SCHU-LAR 208 OF 1H 121 ET JDH 100M BOULDER 59R R MISS WRANGLER 265 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.3 82 +1.9 585 +52 1059 +86 +23 +49 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +6.8 +1.2 -0.037 +0.26 +0.20 +$26 +$21 +$21 +$31 Here is a red necked, short marked bull that’s sired by one of the most influential performance sires in the breed. Dam has been one of the most consistent cows on the ranch. He’s bred for consistency. Top 5% BMI, Top 10% CHB. Ratio’d: WW 103 34 HORNED GENOA 860U DOMINO 15033 Reg: 43585153 DOB: 03/23/2015 Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 637S 1ET................................................ CL 1 DOMINO 860U CL 1 DOMINETTE 5142R............................................... UPS DOMINO 3027....................................................... GENOA MISS UPS 3027 12007 GENOA MISS YANKEE 10043........................................ Lot 34 18 2016 California Bullfest 15033 Bull L1 DOMINO 03396 CL1 DOMINETTE 118L CL1 DOMINO 1172L CL 1 DOMINETTE 810H CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 CHURCHILL YANKEE ET L1 DOMINETTE 06582 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +2.4 90 +3.3 643 +57 1190 +103 +34 +63 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.7 +1.3 +0.014 +0.14 +0.32 +$22 +$17 +$16 +$32 He’s been a favorite since a calf. Performance, massive, length, WDA, look and out of one extremely good cow. Unlimited amount of turn-out value compiled into this super complete breeding bull. Top 5% YW, Milk, Marb, CHB. Ratio’d: WW 114, YW 112 35 POLLED GENOA 4029 THOR 15032 Reg: 43585215 DOB: 03/23/2015 Tattoo: JDH 15 WRANGLER 25L............................................... THR THOR 4029 THR MISS THOR 0266.................................................. SHF RIB EYE M326 R117.............................................. R&R R117 LEANNE 7029 9109 R&R 774 LEANNE 3002 7029 ET.................................. 15032 Bull JDF 16D WRANGLER 15 JDH MS LUTE 18J CL 1 DOMINO 641F THR MISS THOR 8050 KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M FELTONS DOMINO 774 R&R LAURALIE LEANNE 3002 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +1.5 TW +3.6 d/wt +61 1019 +96 +15 +45 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.3 +1.9 +0.015 +0.65 +0.29 +$33 +$19 +$30 +$34 This moderate meat and potatoes type of bull is big backed and thick ended, super deep in his heart and flank and fluid in his motion. Tons of consistency and carcass value bred into this guy. Top 1% BMI, Top 5% CHB, Marb, Top 10% WW, REA 36 Lot 35 POLLED GENOA 646G TEBOW 15030 Reg: 43585101 DOB: 03/22/2015 Tattoo: SHF RIB EYE M326 R117.............................................. KJ TMG 236X TEBOW 646Z KJ 618N TIMEWISE 236X.............................................. SMN 709 LINEMAN 0403.............................................. R MISS ONLINE 448 R MISS ADVANCE 72.................................................... 15030 Bull KCF BENNETT 3008 M326 HVH MISS HUDSON 83K 8M CRR ABOUT TIME 743 KJ 122L LENA 618N REMITALL ONLINE 122L MH 804 MISS DOM 709 R ADVANCE 2327 R MISS DOMINO 2130 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.6 84 +1.0 571 +51 1060 +84 +24 +49 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +5.4 +1.8 +0.006 +0.38 +0.14 +$29 +$21 +$26 +$27 Here is a big ribbed, low-input Tebow son. He is square, level made and has that look. Super complete bull here. Built-in consistency. Dam is a no-miss cow. Top 1% BMI. Ratio’d: WW 101, YW 100, REA 102, Marb 110. 37 Lot 36 POLLED GENOA 4200 VISIONARY 15025 Reg: 43585187 DOB: 03/20/2015 Tattoo: SHF VISION R117 U38.................................................. R VISIONARY 4200 R MISS PUCKSTER 1768.............................................. R PUCKSTER 4108....................................................... GENOA MISS PUCKSTER 10116 LAMBERT LANA 75R 14U............................................. 15025 Bull SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SHF MISS PROGRESS S03 ET R PUCKSTER 2586 R MISS PATEND 286 R PUCKSTER 2013 R MISS WRANGLER 804 LAMBERT REMEDY 2030 75R CS LANA 72F 50H CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +3.5 92 +3.6 592 +63 1115 +105 +28 +59 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +0.4 +0.4 -0.035 +0.66 +0.21 +$16 +$15 +$10 +$38 This red neck, high preforming growth bull is bold sprung and dimensional. He’ll sire well rounded calves that will weigh up heavy and set back likeable replacements. Top 1%: CHB. Top 5%: WW, YW. Top 15% REA. Ratio’d: WW 104, YW 105, REA 110, MARB 119. Lot 37 2016 California Bullfest 19 38 HORNED GENOA 028X SENSATION 15021 Reg: 43585139 DOB: 03/19/2015 Tattoo: UPS DOMINO 3027....................................................... CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET......................................... GH NEON 17N............................................................... GENOA MISS NEON 12148 R MISS ADVANCE 3598................................................ Lot 38 15021 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 GH RAMBO 279R CL 1 DOMINETTE 301N GH DIFFERENCE BRITISHER 45L GH SIR SIMBA LASS 107K FH L1 DOMINO 403 R MISS NAVIGATE 426 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +8.0 78 +0.5 512 +51 1005 +83 +31 +56 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +4.5 +1.2 +0.017 +0.53 +0.25 +$25 +$23 +$20 +$30 Here is a low birth, expressive and shapely bull. These Sensation cattle are widely known for calving ease, moderation, shape, a big weaning weight curve, and fixing udder quality in one generation. Top 1% CED, Top 5% Milk, BMI. Top 15% BW, CHB. Ratio’d: REA 107 39 HORNED GENOA 4011 DOMINO 15020 Reg: 43585167 DOB: 03/19/2015 Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 212M...................................................... C 212 DOMINO 4011 ET C MS PURE GOLD 2003................................................ CHURCHILL YANKEE ET................................................ GENOA BELLE STAR 11091 ET C 9111 MS ADV 1157................................................... Lot 39 15020 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET C -S PURE GOLD 98170 C 8403 MS ACHV 96047 GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 C 5131 DOMINO 9111 C 492D MISS ADV 98038 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.2 78 +1.5 521 +47 1026 +84 +21 +45 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +1.9 +0.7 -0.018 +0.48 +0.29 +$21 +$18 +$17 +$31 Another 4011 son here, with a nickel more frame and size. He’s a long spined, good muscled bull that’s masculine in his look, bold bodied, and offers a wealth of carcass quality. Top 5% Marb, Top 10% CHB. Ratio’d: REA 101, Marb 106. 40 HORNED GENOA 408 HARLAND 15019 Reg: 43585192 DOB: 03/18/2015 Tattoo: HH ADVANCE 9005J..................................................... CJH HARLAND 408 CJH L1 DOMINETTE 0064............................................. L1 DOMINO 07546........................................................ GENOA DOMINETTE 10020 R MISS ADVANCE 1778................................................ Lot 40 20 2016 California Bullfest 15019 Bull KB L1 DOMINO 519 HH MS ADVANCE 4054D L1 DOMINO 920501 CJH L1 DOMINETTE 759 L1 DOMINO 05516 L1 DOMINETTE 01502 HR ADVANCER 65 R MISS PUCKSTER 026 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +5.9 74 -0.1 517 +38 981 +66 +26 +45 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +4.0 +1.4 +0.055 +0.14 +0.42 +$27 +$23 +$24 +$23 This direct son of Harland 408, is a low birth, high calving ease bull that’s good footed and easy travelin. He is a super high marbling type of bull. Top 5% CED, BW, Marb, BMI. Ratio’d: Marb 135. 41 HORNED GENOA 4011 DOMINO 15015 Reg: 43585130 03/06/2015 DOB: Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 212M...................................................... C 212 DOMINO 4011 ET C MS PURE GOLD 2003................................................ UPS DOMINO 3027....................................................... GENOA 3027 DOMINETTE 13029 SR HARLET 710............................................................ 15015 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 8104H 1ET C -S PURE GOLD 98170 C 8403 MS ACHV 96047 CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 CJH HARLAND 408 SR SHANDA 002 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +6.7 84 +1.8 645 +51 1134 +91 +29 +54 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.1 +1.5 -0.021 +0.49 +0.26 +$27 +$22 +$23 +$33 He’s the cattleman’s kind, rugged, masculine, soggy, and sure footed with lots of performance and grow. Out of an awful good 3-year old that’s a 3027 daughter. Top 5% CED, BMI, CHB. Top 10% Milk, Marb. Ratio’d: WW 106, YW 109. 42 Lot 41 HORNED GENOA 028X SENSATION 15010 Reg: 43585126 DOB: 02/23/2015 Tattoo: UPS DOMINO 3027....................................................... CHURCHILL SENSATION 028X CHURCHILL LADY 7202T ET......................................... CHURCHILL YANKEE ET................................................ GENOA MISS YANKEE 13053 L1 DOMINETTE 05493.................................................. 15010 Bull CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353 GH RAMBO 279R CL 1 DOMINETTE 301N GH NEON 17N CHURCHILL LADY 202 L1 DOMINO 02382 L1 DOMINETTE 03562 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +8.3 92 +0.4 632 +55 1094 +87 +31 +59 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +4.2 +1.1 +0.027 +0.47 +0.39 +$25 +$23 +$19 +$34 Here’s one that’s square, wide, and powerful. Super bold in this rib cage and stout in his hip. He is a moderate, low-input bull, with an explosive growth curve. He’s a pen favorite. Top 5% Milk, Marb, CHB, BMI. Ratio’d: WW 104, YW 105, REA 110 43 Lot 42 HORNED GENOA 3027 DOMINO 15006 Reg: 43585123 DOB: 02/20/2015 Tattoo: CL 1 DOMINO 9126J 1ET.............................................. UPS DOMINO 3027 UPS MISS DIAMOND 1353............................................ GENOAS BONANZA 11051............................................ GENOA MISS 11051 BONANZA 13080 R&R 6378 LEANNE 6003 8003..................................... 15006 Bull HH ADVANCE 767G 1ET CL 1 DOMINETTE 490 SH DIAMOND 881 UPS MS MILEHIGH 8330 EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093 HYALITE 22S LASS 876 R&R PRIME CUT 6378 ET R&R SILVEIRAS LILY LEANNE 6003ET CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +8.9 76 -1.1 616 +50 1037 +78 +31 +56 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +7.4 +1.4 +0.020 +0.23 +0.50 +$30 +$26 +$24 +$34 This Calving Ease Specialist offers lots of turn and dimension to his back and quarter, while being influenced by two of the most renowned Hereford calving sires in his parentage. Top 1% CED, MARB, BMI. Top 5% BW, Milk, CHB. Ratio’d: 101 REA, 139 MARB. Lot 43 2016 California Bullfest 21 44 POLLED GENOA 4200 VISIONARY 15005 Reg: 43585127 DOB: 02/20/2015 Tattoo: SHF VISION R117 U38.................................................. R VISIONARY 4200 R MISS PUCKSTER 1768.............................................. EFBEEF SCHU-LAR PROFICIENT N093.......................... GENOA MISS PROFICIENT 13051 GENOA MS KCF BENNETT 09056.................................. Lot 44 15005 Bull SHF RIB EYE M326 R117 SHF MISS PROGRESS S03 ET R PUCKSTER 2586 R MISS PATEND 286 BAR JZ TRADITION 434V GERBER 117F DIXIE 009K KCF BENNETT 774 N114 GL MISS SHINER CRR T 011 CED Birth bw 205 ww 365 yw MK m&G +4.1 82 +1.9 613 +58 1014 +92 +29 +58 CEM SC fat rea mb bmi cez bii chb +3.6 +0.8 +0.007 +0.47 +0.16 +$19 +$18 +$13 +$31 Here is a short marked, moderate designed bull. He has that extra power in his top and hip, very correct on his feet and legs. Top 10%: CHB, Milk. Top 15% WW. Top 20% YW, MARB, REA. Thank You On Behalf Of Both The Schohr Families and Coker Family, We Thank You For Your Interest In Our Hereford Genetics. We Look Forward To Seeing You Next Year! S c hoh r H e r ef o r d s 22 2016 California Bullfest NOTES 2016 California Bullfest 23 PRESORTED FIRST CLASS u.s. postage c/o James Danekas & Associates, Inc. P.O. Box 8629 Woodland, CA 95776 paid Tucson, AZ permit no. 271 l 6th Annua fornia Cali Oakdale, September Lot 26 13th, 2016 Lot 4 Lot 34 Lot 15 California’s Finest in Hereford Genetics
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