June, 2014 - australian lipizzaner registry


June, 2014 - australian lipizzaner registry
Australian Lipizzaner Registry Inc.
June, 2014
Volume 1, Issue 3
The ALR Inc. wishes to thank everyone once again for all the very
positive feedback from across the globe to our newsletters 1 & 2 and our
recently updated website (the third upgrade in 6 months!).
We have had great reviews and contact from Lipizzaner enthusiasts,
owners, breeders, and State Stud Farms in both the USA and Europe.
From time to time some of our earlier stories in the previous newsletters
will be updated as new photographs of horses and information become
Dr. Krutzler is shortly leaving for his annual trip home to Europe. He has
been commissioned by the ALR Inc. to source the availability of an
assessor for the first ALR evaluation here in Australia and New Zealand.
There is no rest for the wicked as he has been inundated with requests
from past colleagues, friends and of course family to spend time together.
We expect his safe return later in the year.
In this issue we continue the stories on the aristocratic families with
Prince Schwarzenberg and his contribution to the Lipizzaner breed with
the introduction of the Arab “Siglavy” line in the Lipica Stud breeding
program. Middle Eastern Arab horses, and in particular “Siglavy’
descendants, became very important ancestors of a variety of breeds
throughout Europe including the Lipizzaner and Kladruber to name a few.
The response to the first of these stories in the last newsletter has been
quite unprecedented and we are pleased that so many people like
reading about the families in part responsible for the breed.
The ALR Inc. is pleased to be able to provide these brief historical
summaries of the contributing aristocratic families. Their lives were full of
the splendour and wealth of a bygone era making absolutely fascinating
reading for our researchers!
Members have completed their first show for 2014 which was held at the
Murray Bridge A& H Society Show with a good attendance and the
results are included in this issue.
 Tips when importing a horse to
 A n interesting look at the development of a Lipizzaner.
 Tips on presenting horses for
We wish to extend a very warm welcome to all new members. We are
steadily growing, and more breeders in both Australia and New Zealand
have joined our ranks. We wish their stud farms along with all our
breeders well in their future breeding programs.
2013 saw the
Australian Lipizzaner breed
lose one of its
most beautiful
105 Gigi in 2003. National Capital
Horse Show ACT Champion Purebred Lipizzaner.
105 Gigi was
bred by Charlie
1992. Sired by
2 Neapolitano
‘Snowy’ & from
Standing 15.1
½ hh she was
on the taller
side of the
Gigi was proven in performance
trained & sucMirabonna by 100 Favory Neapolitano I from 105 Gigi
cessfully com(bred & owned by A Wickham)
peted by her
Elizabeth Spacie to Medium level dressage & open hacking competitions as well as being the winner more than once of the prestigious LAA
Joseph Stockler High Points Trophy.
105 Gigi with her last Purebred foal,
Mirabonna by 100 Favory
Neapolitano I (bred & owned by A
Annwn Park purchased Gigi in early 2003 as their 2 nd purebred breeding mare. An injury put her ridden career to an end however she then
went on to be a wonderful & much treasured breeding mare.
In 2008 Gigi found a new home with Alex Wickham & Linda Sjostrom of
ACT so as she could continue breeding as ‘Merlin’ was simply too
young at that stage to cover her.
She was bred to 100 Favory Neapolitano I for her last purebred foal,
Mirabonna who is now 3.5 years old & owned by Alex.
Gigi had the most beautiful elevated ground covering paces with excellent hock engagement, strong topline that trademark mane & tail from
her sire ‘Snowy’ an absolutely outstanding temperament. She was also
perhaps the prettiest Lipizzaner mare.
Favory Gigi I 2005 Stallion by 100
Favory Neapolitano I (bred by Annwn
Park owned Ull Paschen
She leaves behind 4 Purebred Lipizzaner foals (three by 100 Favory
Neapolitano I (dec) being Favory Gigi I (stallion) & Favory Gigi II
(gelding) & Mirabonna then a mare by Siglvay Incitato being Gemma,
as well as 2 Part-bred foals, Annwn Park Arwen (x Spanish) & a colt
who resides with Linda.
contributed to the Lipizzaner Stud Book with the
male line SIGLAVY
Siglavy Profile 1900
Siglavy Traga IV
Siglavy Slavina III
Amurath Shagya Arab 1829
European horse breeding
suffered tremendous obstacles as a result of the
Neopolitanic War in the
late 1700’s. It was at this
time that Emperor Francis
II required infusion of new
bloodstock into his imperial stud farms. The war
both depleted the stocks
and blocked transport of
Schwarzenberg Coat of Arms 1792 at
the purebred Spanish
around the time of the importation of
horses he favoured, and
Siglavy Wikipedia
as a result the “Arab” was
introduced into the bloodlines of the Lipizzaner breed. Purebred Arab horses were available at
the time in throughout Eastern Europe. These horses were very different in type from the traditional Spanish horse and heralded the start of
a fashionable lighter horse in Europe.
In 1814 Prince Schwarzenberg purchased the then 4 year old purebred
Arab stallion “Siglavy” from the Bedouin Bani Sakr tribe in Bohemia
(known today as Syria). This desert bred grey stallion, also known as
Siglawi or Schwarzenberg, was born in 1810, was 14.3 hands high and
was renowned for his expressive temperament and movement. The
Prince imported Siglavy to Austria for use over his own private stock at
his stud in Murau in the Steiermark. At this time he was the only Arab
stallion Prince Schwarzenburg owned. In 1816 “Siglavy” was sold to the
Crown for use as a breeding stallion at Imperial Stud farms, initially at
the Court Stud of Koptschan and later at Lipizza (Lipica). At Lipica he
founded the still existing Siglavy male line within the Lipizzaner breed,
following successful crossings with original Lipizzaner mares,
some of which descended from breeding’s of the Schwarzenberg
family. Although there were various crosses with Arab stallions
throughout the Imperial Stud farms contributing to some of the current
mare family lines, only Siglavy was
Siglavy 1810
Siglavy Toscana 1830
Siglavy Alea 1846
Siglavy Bonita 1864
Siglavy Malva 1875
Siglavy Traga IV 1889
Siglavy Slavinia III 1893
Alea 1837
Bonita 1854
Malva 1866
Traga IV 1875
Slavinia II 1876
Brezovica 1890
successful in producing a foundation male line. Siglavy left a considerable legacy within both the Lipizzaner and Shagya Arab breeds of Europe. Since he covered a few Arabian mares he was able to establish
his own line within the Shagya Arab race as well. He achieved great
significance for the construction of the breeding at Weil through his
daughter Sady III, dam of the exceptional stallion Amurath, born
1829. Amurath was the leading stallion at the Shagya Arabian Weil
Stud in Germany from 1833 to 1857.
The Schwarzenburg family was first mentioned in 1172. A branch of
the Seinsheim family (the non-Schwarzenberg portion died out in 1958)
was created when Erkinger I of Seinsheim acquired the Franconian
barony of Schwarzenberg, the castle Schwarzenberg and the title Baron of Schwarzenberg, in 1405–21. At this time, they also possessed
some fiefdoms in Bohemia.
196 Siglavy IV Bona
Spanische Hofreitschule
Schwarzenburg executing
In 1599 the Schwarzenbergs were elevated to Counts and in 1670 to
Princes. The House of Schwarzenberg came into extensive land holdings in Bohemia in the 1660’s through Johann Adolf 1 of Schwarzenburg gaining the first holdings in South Bohemia for his lifelong service
to Archduke Leopold Wilhelm, the uncle of Emperor Leopold. He
gained Trebon (1660), Hluboka, and some smaller domains Paleczek.
His son Ferdinand added significant property in Germany to the family
domain and Ferdinand’s son Adam Franz inherited both his father’s
property and his father’s sister’s property, Marie Ernestine Eggenberg,
whom had an advantageous marriage alliance with the House of Eggenberg encompassing property including Český Krumlov Castle.
In the late 18th century, the House of Schwarzenberg was divided into
two titled lines (majorats). The elder line died out in the male line in
1965 with Heinrich Schwarzenberg, the 11th Prince of Schwarzenberg.
The second line was established with Prince Karl Philipp of Schwarzenberg at Orlík, Murau and Vienna. Today the two lines are united under
the current head of the house, Prince Karl VII of Schwarzenberg, who
serves as the current minister of foreign affairs of the Czech Republic.
Schwatzenberg Family information: Wikipedia.
Swarzenburg’s and War In 1529 one of the Schwarzenburgs fought
at the Siege of Vienna, commanding troops holding out against the Ottoman forces. Karl Phillip, Prince of Schwarzenberg, fought with Napoleon during the disastrous 1812 invasion of Russia, but a year later
played a key role in defeating the French emperor at the Battle of Leipzig after Austria had changed sides.
In 1937 Adolf Schwarzenberg, donated money to the Czechoslovak
state to be spent on the fortification of the country's borders with Germany. Disliking Hitler and opposed to the anti-Semitism that swept
through Austria after the Anschluss of 1938, the Schwarzenberg family
infuriated local Nazis by opening a private park to the public and
Eleonora Elisabeth Amalia
Magdelena Von Lobkowicz,
Princess Schwarzenberg
placing a conspicuous sign saying "Jews Welcome" at the time when
Jews were being banned from public parks in Vienna.
Fürst Karl Philipp zu
Schwarzenberg (1771–1820),
Castle Cesky Krumlov the Castle Cesky Krumlov was the main residence of the Schwarzenbergs up until the beginning of the 20th Century
when the newly reconstructed, fashionable, modern and comfortable
seat in Hluboká nad Vltavou replaced this position. At the beginning of
the 20th century, Adolf Josef of Schwarzenberg initiated the project of
opening Český Krumlov Castle to the public as a tourist attraction. In
1939 at the beginning of World War II, Prince Adolf, the last
Schwarzenberg to own Český Krumlov Castle left the country. Cesky
Krumlov was confiscated by the Gestapo the following year, along with
the entire Prince’s property. At the end of the war it was again confiscated by the government without any compensation to the family. Today Český Krumlov is used as a tourist attraction in the Czech Republic.
“The wind of heaven is that which blows
between a horses ears”
Schwarzenberg Castle
Castle in Hluboká nad
Vltavou (Schloss
Palais Schwarzenberg
Vienna, now the Swiss
Baby Stella & her lovely dam Inzia in
New Zealand. (Photo Gail Hamilton)
243 Perletta with her 2012 filly foal
Bonadea by Conversano Juliana III
imp USA. Bred & owned by Gail
Hamilton, Epona Stud NZ.
Hi again from Lisa Spencer-Tomkins
in Auckland New Zealand - Owner
and Director of A Plus Lipizzaner
Stud. I just had to share this; a shot of
243 Perletta (Perlie). Here she is pictured hard at work rearing her new
foal, Bonadea. The photo (left) was
taken in October 2012 , and was my
first look at one of Gail’s new born
Lipizzaner foals.
born Lipizzaner
foals. It was a very exciting visit down
to see Gail Hamilton on the labour
weekend. Silvia Ringler is back from
Germany and we are having fun with
George , Haflinger AKA "Happy" is
settling in well and is now a Kiwi
horse. I am finding it hard to get a ride on my Lipizzaners as Silvia is
spending a lot of time up here riding the horses, and we are both loving
every minute of it! I didn't realise just how much Silvia and I missed each
other’s company, especially with our horse interest, and now having Nathan here, it is the icing on the cake! There is a lot of news in New Zealand again this month. I have managed to get a phone Interview with the
newest member of the NZ - ALR “group”, Lorna Price. It is really exciting
to have her on board, as she has the full sister to my 283 Isidria “Issi”.
Lorna lives on the South Island, so to have a face to face interview, I
would have to get on a plane to go and visit which I am hoping to do as
soon as I can. It’s always great to catch up with the South Island connection. We often all talk on the phone a lot, however, there is nothing like
sharing a glass of wine and talking Lipizzaners!
by Lisa Spencer-Tomkins NZ
Lorna owns a lovely
“Stella”, by 3518
Conversano Juliana
III out of 231 Inzia.
Istelia ‘Stella’ owned by Lorna Price.
I found it easy to talk
to Lorna….isn't it
always easy to talk
to a person that has
a Lipizzaner in common! I put forward
some questions to
Lorna and here is
her story in her own
Grandmother, Daughter
& Granddaughter
“When did you
first start riding
and purchase your
first horse? What
was the name of
that horse”?
“Crumbs, I had to
think hard about the
first question, I was
old when I started
having lessons with a lady whom was quite prominent in the British
Eventing world of the 60's, but I can’t remember her name.
A Yorkshire man named Harvey Smith was my hero and a lady called
Marion Mould nee Coakes. Anyway, she represented Britain in show
jumping on a 14.3 hh horse called “Stroller” at the Mexico Olympics .I
regularly had lessons with a number of different folks as my parents
moved quite a bit. I purchased my first horse at 15 years of age.”
114 Bonita (1981) Pluto Plutona 14
imp x Conversano XX-17 imp bred by
Bibaringa Stud owned by Annwn
How long have you been interested in the Baroque Breeds?
“I have always known about Lipizzaner horses as long as I can remember, but really got some insights into the breed when I became a working
student for a lady, named Liz Lowe, who had ridden and got her BHSI
cert while working at Fulmer Berkshire UK for Robert Hall.
He owned and trained a number of Lipizzaner horses, including stallions, and had ridden for a time at the Spanish Riding School. So to answer your second question, that is going back 30 odd years ago that I
worked for Liz. When I was given the opportunity to care for and ride Jason about 12 or more years back, I jumped at the chance, and in some
way or another, I have been in the background but involved in a small
way with the breed ever since”.
211 Bekescaba
100 Favory Neaplitano I x 114
Bonita) owned by Habsburg Lipizzaners
What do you like best about the Lipizzaner as a Breed
“What I love about Lippi’s.........the temperament, the robust health, the
temperament, the loyalty, trainability and did I mention the temperament?
And to cap it of they are pretty neat horses to look at”
“What are your future goals for “Stella” your lovely girl”?
“The future for Stella (Istelia) is “fun”. I would love to do some dressage,
however not sure if my back/hips will let me get too far, but I'll never know
if I don't try. I would love to ride and compete side saddle later on when
“Stella” is fully matured and I also envisage a few foals in her future.”
As always it's my pleasure to have been asked to report on New Zealand
for the ALR Inc.
Thanks again for checking in with little old NZ - See you next time!
291 Montuzza
-224 Conversano
Allegra V imp x 211 Bekescaba. Bred
by Habsburg Lipizzaners owned by
Achello Lipizzaners. Photo Delsharla
Pet Pawtraits.
When looking for a horse you need
to be informed on a few points, importantly (within the Lipizzaner
breed) is; is the country you’re looking in a member of the LIF or EU, is
the breeder a member of their countries association, are their horses
registered & accredited for breeding,
if the horse is mature has it been
accredited & passed for breeding, is
the country you may be searching in
approved by AQIS (*now known as
DAFF). *There are many countries
that are not approved to export from
& therefore if your chosen horse falls
into this category you must find
alternate accommodation for the
horse in an approved country for no
less than 3 months which will naturally incur boarding & transportation
Perhaps the most important factor is
the impact your chosen horse will
have on the Lipizzaner genetics
within Australasia. Importing new
linage is done to improve upon what
is already available. As a breeder
you are bringing in ‘new blood’ as
much for the breed as for your own
breeding program therefore careful
in depth research is invaluable.
The age & sex of the horse will also
have a bearing on a few things. For
example being tested for certain
diseases. If a stallion is of breeding
age his semen may be sampled &
tested for disease (regardless if he
has served previously). It is also a
mandatory requirement for horses
coming into Australia to have vaccinations against Equine Influenza.
Most breeders do this, however,
young ones may need to be vaccinated at the buyers cost over a
period of 4 weeks but not more than
21 days PEQ (pre quarantine).
It is recommended by many that all
of the required disease tests performed (remember Australia is a
zero disease tolerant country) be
done prior to purchase. If you purchase a horse prior to testing you
run the very real risk of being stuck
with a horse you cannot bring out
due to disease. These tests are not
mandatory, but we would very much
recommend it for your own security.
The breeding season is over now,
and Jason has 4 mares in foal;
Montebella (43 Siglay Monteaura
x 211 Bekescaba), Sagana (100
Favory Neapolitano I x 110 Szuzi),
Sava (100 Favory Neapolitano I x
110 Szuzi), and Sienna (226 Favory Naussica imp x 209 Sydney).
The two fillies Suberba and Stornella are developing nicely showing plenty of potential.
The Murray Bridge Show saw Jasper win the Supreme Champion
Lipizzaner. Our children and their
girlfriends attended and led out
the horses, with the exception of
Jasper. Mr Barry Bracegirdle, the
Judge on the day, helped the
young ones tremendously, giving
them tips and confidence for their
future in hand showing.
“Show me your horse & I will tell you who you
are” (old English proverb)
It has been a hive of activity here
at Stonewell Lipizzaners over the
past few months. 249 Sava has
arrived with her colt Conversano
Sava III. Sava became acquainted
with Conversano Juliana III
“Jason”, and we are happy to report that she is confirmed in foal &
due later in 2014. This will be the
first Purebred Lipizzaner to be
born at Stonewell Park.. We also
attended the Murray Bridge A&H
All Breed Show that was held in
February with103 Lili who was
sashed Champion Purebred Lipizzaner Mare,.Conversano Julianna III is currently with Phoenix Park covering
mares. He is a wonderful stallion with his foals showing the same traits.
Isla and Conversano Isla “JJ” are
doing well.
“JJ” is looking very promising as a
future breeding stallion, especially
if he continues to grow and develop at his current pace.
The stud is also looking to lease
the Purebred Lipizzaner mare
Grace from Habsburg Lipizzaners
(in foal to 224 Conversano Allegra
V imp Slovenia)
Isla will be re-bred to Conversano
Juliana for a foal later in 2014.
“In riding a horse we borrow freedom” (unknown)
We recently became a
member of the ALR
Inc. (Australian Lipizzaner Registry Inc.) as
well as being a member
(Lipizzaner Association
of Australasia).
We feel that both associations have allot to
offer our horses &
stud. A little bit about us as an introduction.
The studs aim has always been to breed beautiful & functional Lipizzaner
horses endeavouring to produce best true to breed archetype progeny. We
do not breed for trends. We like a Lipizzaner to look, move and behave like
a Lipizzaner. They must have breed type ‘noblesse’ the trademark Lipizzaner movement & trainability.
Annwn Park was founded in 1999 with the purchase of the accredited Lipizzaner mare 202 Bonnie (dec) by 100 Favory Neapolitano I from 114
Bonita) & was located in Bathurst NSW. Shortly following this the stud purchased its first accredited breeding stallion 100 Favory Neapolitano I &
over time the Lipizzaner mares; 200 Marta, 114 Bonita, 105 Gigi, 79 Saturn, 237 Sagana, years.
(importing continued……) The mandatory tests are then performed again in
Pre Quarantine before flying out.
Quarantine is a period of 21 days
either side & if your bringing a mare
out in foal the mare must remain in an
AQIS (*DAFF) approved quarantine
area at your property until birth & then
the foal will be tested once born to
ensure it is not carrying any disease
through the sire.
Once you enter into a purchase make
sure you have your horse insured for
the full purchase amount. This can
then be increased to include the
transport to Australia when the hose
leaves PRE Quarantine meaning all of
your costs are nicely covered should
the absolute worst happen.
It pays to bear in mind that Europe
itself is relatively small & therefore
space for horses is also very confined.
If you need to leave your horse there
for a period of time you should look
into the best possible agistment facility
for your horse.
Once they arrive in Australia you cannot visit them in Quarantine. Which is
a 21 day period.
Your vehicle & float must be clean &
free of any hay or manure. I can take
anywhere from 30 minute sign your
horse out & take possession.
Timeframes depend allot on how many
horses are being collected that same
day so it can take up to a few hours.
All horses come with the trademark
special ‘IRT Blue Halter’ complete with
their name engraved on a brass plate
at the side. The horses are cleaned &
presented like they are being prepared
for a show. They are so very well
cared for.
Your horse will then of course need to
be registered with the relevant associations. Most European countries now
have passports & micro-chip horses.
To register your horse in Australia you
will need to provide; a copy of the
passport (if they have one), a copy of
the registration paperwork from the
horses native country, a copy of any
DNA paperwork for the sire, dam &
your *horse (*if applicable), certification of the sire & dam having been
evaluated & passed for breeding, a
copy of transfer & a copy of the importation document which will be supplied
to you by IRT.
By Simmone Kalanj.
249 Sava, 109 Linda, 279 Monza & 103 Lili. The stud has been situated on 30 picturesque acres in Stuart Town, Central Western NSW for
the past 10 years.
257 Favory Pallavicina ‘Merlin’
KL Generale 321 ‘Jeannie’ Imp
After a change in direction with our breeding program the stud slowly
dispersed its then breeding stock over a period during 2005-2009 &
purchased our current stud stallion 257 Favory Pallavicina ‘Merlin’ as a
new born foal in November 2007. Merlin will be offered at public stud in
the 2014/15 breeding season. He is an Elite listed breeding stallion
with the LAA receiving excellent marks at his 2012 accreditation under
Dr Yvonne Peeters so we are eager to see his foals. The first of which
is due in September 2014 to the highly LAA Accredited mare 233 Lucca.
In early 2013 we imported the Lipizzaner filly KL Generale-321 (bred
by Kirsch Lipizzaner’s of Germany. Of the Djebrin mare line (Balbona)
her breeding is based on old traditional imperial bloodlines containing
no Hungarian blood. She is sired by KL Siglavy Pastime 88, whose
sire is the bay Spanish Riding School Capriole performer, Siglavy Perla
26 (dec). Generale’s dam is the Piber bred mare Dalmatia-4, sired by
414 Conversano Mantua 62. Generale is growing beautifully & is a
constant reminder of the quality of her genetics. We are extremely
lucky to have a Kirsch bred Lipizzaner in Australia & benefit from their
decades of knowledge as breeders, riders & trainers as well as members of the LIF Breeding Committee. ‘Jennie’ will be bred as 4 year old
in 2016.
We have also incorporated the 4sz Mesohegyes mare line into our current genetics through the lovely mare 223 Lucca (pictured 3rd left). She
is the only Lipizzaner in Australasia by 174 Favory Sistina I & from 109
Linda. 223 Lucca is currently in foal to 257 Favory Pallavicina ‘Merlin’ &
due in September 2014 .
223 Lucca
291 Montuzza who was bred by Habsburg Stud & is owned by Achello
Stud & on lease to Annwn Park, is growing well. Now a rising 4 year
old she is a daughter of Coversano Allegra V imp from 211 Bekescaba.
A very pretty filly with a beautiful temperament & animated action. We
are planning to breed her to ‘Merlin’ in December 2014. She will be
accredited in 2015.
209 Sydney an Elite accredited mare with the LAA, will also be joining
our stud breeding mares & will be covered by 257 Favory Pallavicina in
2014. We are grateful to her owner for leasing this wonderful mare to
us. Sydney (Sophie) is the dame of Pheonix Parks Sienna, the highest
accredited Lipizzaner mare to date. 209 Sydney is by Pluto Neapolitano III & from the Elite mare Sylvie (2 Neapolitano Trompeta I iid x 16
223 Lucca
22 Maestoso Romida 8
22 Maestoso Romida 8 (dec) We have been fortunate enough to secure Frozen semen from 22 Maestoso Romida 8. Standing at 16hh he
was sired by 396 Maestoso Stella (Maestoso X Capriola by 198 Maestoso IX Ancona) & from 52 Romida (Conversano Sagana Piber). He
was accredited in both Lipica & Sweden with exceptional marks.
will be expecting a foal from
Grace by 224 Conversano Allegra V imp Slovenia later in 2014.
During March Louise & Hans will
travel overseas. Dr Krutzler has
been commissioned by the ALR
Inc. to source the availability of
an assessor for the first ALR
evaluation here in Australia and
New Zealand.
New Born. Photo D Baxter.
We currently have the following
purebred Lipizzaner filly available for purchase.
Yearling. Photo D Baxter.
3 years old. Photo L Krutzler
5 years old. Photo D Baxter.
10 years old. Photo Delsharla Pet Pawtraits
There was a wonderful showing of Lipizzaner horses at this years Murray
Bridge All Breed Show judged by Mr Barry Bracegirdle. Congratulations
goes to all that showed their beautiful horses. The following are results of
this show.
The Lipizzaner is a beautiful
horse with vigour & presence. In general the led
horse is being judged on
breed type, conformation
correctness, movement &
behaviour. The overall picture of the led horse should
be immaculately clean with a
glossy coat healthy physical
condition & bright expression. They should be trained
well in hand to stand correctly for presentation & not fidget (this is permitted to a point
for horses that have not
been out allot) They should
also be well trained in hand
for safety reasons.
The overall picture should be
one of neatness & tidiness.
Equipment should be clean
& fit well top avoid any discomfort. Poorly fitting equipment may cause your horse
to react in a less then desirable manner.
The horse should be clean,
healthy & fit. Horses that are
under weight, sick or lame
should not be presented.
266 Favory Marta ‘Jasper’.
Pictured here with Wayne
Klaassen. ‘Jasper’ is owned by
Phoenix Park Lipizzaner Stud.
263 Conversano Trieste ‘Sox’.
Bred & owned by Mrs Louise
Krutzler, Habsburg Lipizzaners.
Stallions should have presence &
vitality along with displaying power & grace, yet all the while they
must remain amiable & respectful
of their handler. T
103 Lili, Owned by Dean Morgan, shown by Rebecca Brock.
hey can only be handled & presented by persons of 18 years &
older in age.
Entires should have a rapport
with their handler & listen to instruction. Similarly the handler
should have knowledge & capabilities in handling an them.
(how to present your Lipizzaner
for show continued…)
The traditional Baroque equipment used for handling an entire
(colt or stallion), is a Serretta
(known as a Spanish cavesson).
These also need to be used with
care & knowledge. You will see
the SRS stallions being handled
by the grooms using Spanish
292 Conversano Grace
III ‘Spider’.
Bred & owned by Habsburg Lipizzaner Stud.
Entires may also be shown in
English attire IE a well made &
well fitting bridle.
Manes & tails should be free or
may be platted.
Mares/fillies & geldings can also
be shown in the traditional Baroque Serretta, or the English
style of bridle & bit or a show halter.
242 Montebella. Owed &
bred by Gail Hamilton of
Epona Stud NZ. Shown
by Kieran Klaassen.
There are no age restrictions on
the handler showing a mare or
gelding. However, the handler
should still have knowledge &
control of their horse at all times.
Manes & tails should be free or
may be neatly platted.
211 Bekescaba. Owned
by Habsburg Lipizzaners
shown by Samantha
1st – 263 Conversano Trieste & Louise Krutzler
2nd – 103 Lili & Rebecca Brock
3rd – 211 Bekescaba & Samantha Short
4th – 503 Gidrane & Yvonne Jarred
The Australian Lipizzaner
Registry Incorporated are
proud to represent the Lipizzaner Horse within both
Australia and New Zealand.
We adhere to the European
Union mandates, the Piber
"Studbook of Origin's" registration criteria and have
adopted the evaluation system used by the associations in the U.S.A. The ALR
only register purebred Lipizzaner horses and have a
community based membership of breeders, owners
and enthusiasts.
Australian Lipizzaner Registry Inc.
Tel | 61 (0) 458 742 575
Email | alrinc@outlook.com
Congratulations to Paddy Mair winning the Christmas Photo
competition with 504 Conversano Bekescaba.
The prize is a wonderful reproduction of a print by Johann Elias
Ridinger on heavy parchment paper donated by Dr and Mrs
Johann Elias Ridinger 1698-1767 of Ulm, Germany, was one of
the most famous artists of animals in the 18 century, in particular Horses and Hounds.
The ALR Inc. will have a limited number of Ridinger reproduction prints available for sale online, through our website shop in
the near future