

We’re Glad You’re Here!
Hi there and welcome to the Astoria-Warrenton area, the very best our beautiful Oregon Coast has to offer. With
Astoria clinging to the hillsides that slope down to the Mighty Columbia River, and Warrenton blessed by the
same river on the north and the beautiful beaches of the Pacific Ocean on the west, we can only imagine what
Captain Robert Gray thought about his discovery, when on May 11, 1792, he and his crew guided their little ship
“Columbia Rediviva” into the fabled “Great River of the West.” It is my belief that Captain Gray would be
highly impressed seeing what has become of both Warrenton and Astoria. There have been more than a few
changes in the last 220 years.
If Captain Robert Gray entered the Columbia River today, the first thing he would notice is that the “Columbia
Rediviva” would have been guided through the treacherous crossing of the bar, nicknamed the “Graveyard of the
Pacific,” by one of our highly trained and very brave Bar Pilots, who may have been dropped onto his ship by
helicopter. Once inside the river the “Columbia Rediviva” would first sail past the rapidly developing City of
Warrenton, with its state-of-the-art lumber and logging operations, two beautiful marinas, tons of shopping
opportunities, and the site of a rapidly developing business and industrial park. Captain Gray would also be
surprised to learn of our regional airport located in Warrenton, a great facility serving not only local and visiting
aircraft, but also home to U.S. Coast Guard Sector Columbia River and serving as their base for search and
rescue helicopters. The Astoria-Warrenton area is indeed home to a large Coast Guard contingency including
lifeboat and rescue swimmer training, aids to navigation services (USCG Fir) and our Coast Guard cutters
(USCG Steadfast and Alert). In recognition of the local partnership forged between the Coast Guard and our
communities, Astoria has just recently been honored by being named an Official Coast Guard City, one of only
12 in the U.S. – only four of which are on the West Coast.
Our friend Captain Gray would also be happy to see that Astoria and Warrenton have not lost sight of where they
came from. While our waterfronts are no longer lined with salmon canneries as they once were, we have tried
very hard to maintain the character of our two cities. We have done a great job of preserving our past so it can be
enjoyed in the future by both locals and our guests. Our waterfronts are still looked upon as working waterfronts
and we are happy to share them with the world, as evidenced by the investment both cities have made in the
beautiful walking paths hugging the “Great River of the West,” as well as having our very own historic trolley,
“Old 300,” running along the Columbia River from one end of town to the other, being enjoyed by 40,000+
visitors each year. A leisurely stroll through Astoria’s Downtown Historic District leaves no doubt that both
historic preservation and a unique and wonderful shopping experience can definitely co-exist and even become a
focal point for the entire town. History is indeed alive in the Astoria-Warrenton area and it’s just one of the
reasons up to 20 large cruise ships call on Astoria each year. With over 600 historic buildings, three national
historic districts, 40 locations listed on the National Register of Historic Places, our own Lewis & Clark National
Historical Park and dozens of museums or other historic landmarks, we not only preserve history, we live it. I
guess you could say that as the oldest American settlement west of the Rocky Mountains – WE ARE HISTORY.
It is my belief that the great explorer, Captain Robert Gray (Captain Bob to his friends) would be very pleased
with how the people of Astoria and Warrenton have protected his investment. We take intense pride in how we
have nurtured, cared for, loved and shared his discovery. The Mighty Columbia still runs clean, strong and full of
life; our forests are healthy, well managed and productive; our environment is the envy of many; our children are
well-educated; and diversity is an action word in our communities, not just a dream. I have been fortunate to live,
work and raise my children in Astoria for all of my 68 years and can honestly say that there is no place on earth
that I would rather live.
As you can probably tell, we are very proud of Astoria and Warrenton and nothing makes us happier than sharing
that pride with good friends like you. Whether you are looking to relocate your family, your business or simply
spending a few days enjoying our area – you are SO welcome. If you just happen to be looking for a place to
work from home, think about how great it would be to work from our home. Should you have any questions
about our area, please feel free to give me a call at the Chamber (503-325-6311) where working with our guests
is not only our job, it’s our passion.
Skip Hauke
Executive Director
Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce
We are proud to have had the opportunity to serve our business community since 1873 and we look forward to
many more years promoting and supporting our growing list of members. Through numerous efforts, the AstoriaWarrenton Area Chamber of Commerce works to create a strong local economy, promote the community and
represent the interests of business with government.
Our mission is “To drive prosperity by supporting our business community while celebrating our unique history
and heritage.” Our purpose is to provide an opportunity for businesses to work together to accomplish what no
business can do by itself. Our work is directed by 15 elected Board of Directors and seven Advisory members
from the business community and managed by Executive Director Skip Hauke and his staff who carry out the
The Chamber is also a great resource for local, regional and state visitor information. Through our official
Oregon Welcome Center in Astoria and our Warrenton Visitor Center, we are able to direct visitors and locals
alike to the businesses, attractions, events and services they need. Be sure to check out the Membership Directory
in the back of this guide for a comprehensive list of business and organizations you may be searching for.
We provide multiple monthly opportunities for business leaders to connect with each other and strive to provide
information about what is happening in our community. The Chamber produces two major events each year – the
Astoria-Warrenton Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival, which brings up to 20,000 visitors to the community, and the
very popular Great Columbia Crossing, a 10K Run/Walk across the Astoria-Megler Bridge, the only time each
year pedestrians are allowed on the bridge.
The Astoria-Warrenton Chamber has a proactive media relations program, working with travel media to generate
stories about the area as an ideal vacation destination. Over the years, we’ve been featured in hundreds of
articles. Just in 2011, The New York Times, Washington Post, Sunset, Alaska Airlines Magazine and Budget
Travel wrote about our region. Media mentions may be as brief as a hotel or restaurant review or a multi-page
feature piece about the area as a travel destination.
If you have a business or organization in the area, your first and best marketing move is joining the AstoriaWarrenton Area Chamber of Commerce. Our staff is ready to serve you in any way we can.
Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce
111 W. Marine Drive P.O. Box 176
Astoria, Oregon 97103
(503) 325-6311 • (503) 325-9767
Fax (800) 875-6807 Toll-free
As the oldest American settlement west of the Rockies, the Astoria-Warrenton region is a nationally significant
historic area, encompassing the western end of the Lewis & Clark Trail. Astoria is a place that takes visitors back
to simpler times, with architecture dominated by Victorian homes on steep wooded hillsides and a revitalized
1920s-era downtown. The region is set against a backdrop of natural beauty at the mouth of the Columbia River,
with a working waterfront in Astoria and beaches for exploring in Warrenton.
The region is perhaps best known as the place where the Lewis and Clark expedition “wintered over” in 18051806 with their Corps of Discovery at Fort Clatsop. The expedition spent its time hunting, making moccasins and
clothing, trading with the Clatsop, Tillamook and Chinook American Indians and reporting in their journals.
Long before these famous adventurers arrived, many sea captains attempted to discover the mouth of the “great
river of the Northwest,” which was believed to connect the Pacific Ocean with the Northern Atlantic. Captain
Robert Gray, a fur trader from Boston interested in acquiring furs to trade with China for silk, discovered the area
in 1792 and was the first to maneuver past the dangerous sand bar that protected the mouth of the river. Despite
Gray venturing up the river only a short way before turning around and resuming his hunt for furs, he named the
waterway the Columbia River after his ship, the Columbia Rediviva.
The fur trade put Astoria on the map. In 1811, five years after the departure of Lewis and Clark, John Jacob
Astor, a New York financier and at the time the world’s richest man, sent fur traders to establish a trading post.
They built Fort Astoria on a site now preserved as a monument downtown. Although Astor never set foot in the
city, he became its namesake. In the late 1800s, Astoria’s cannery, forest and shipping industries turned the city
into the liveliest boomtown between Seattle and San Francisco.
Similar to Astoria, Warrenton began with East Coast roots. A New Yorker named Daniel Knight Warren
purchased 900 acres across Youngs Bay in 1885. He offered free lots to anyone who agreed to build a high
quality home. In 1899, after many years of successful construction, community leaders formed the city.
Astoria – Nestled along the Columbia River and surrounded by the natural beauty of forests and hills, is the
charming community of Astoria. Home to approximately 9,500 residents, Astoria is recognized as the oldest
American settlement west of the Rockies and is home to more buildings on the National Historic Register per
square foot than anywhere else in the state. The city is also well-known as a popular backdrop for many movies,
including The Goonies. The year 2011 marked Astoria’s bicentennial anniversary and was filled with exciting
events to celebrate this major milestone.
Warrenton – The City of Warrenton sits just across the bay from Astoria. The community of nearly 5,000 takes
pleasure in the region’s gorgeous backdrop and beautiful beaches, which give way to great opportunities for
recreation and quiet respite. Warrenton offers a laid-back, small-town ambience with popular outdoor attractions
including Fort Stevens State Park, the Warrenton Waterfont Trail, Cullaby Lake, the Fisherman’s Lighthouse
Park, Youngs River Falls and Fishhawk Falls.
Facts & Trivia
• Astoria is the first and oldest permanent U.S. settlement west of the Rockies, established in 1811.
• Astoria was once the second-largest city in Oregon.
• The 4.1-mile Astoria-Megler Bridge, which connects Washington with Oregon, is the longest continuous truss
span in North America (second in the world).
• Fort Clatsop is the oldest U.S. military fort on the West Coast. In 2005, a replica of the Lewis and Clark
expedition’s winter home burned to the ground. A new historically accurate structure opened to the public in
• Fort Stevens is the only military installation in the continental U.S. to be fired on by a submarine since the War
of 1812. Shells were discharged from a Japanese submarine during World War II. There was no damage, and
Fort Stevens did not return fire.
• The English sailing vessel, the Peter Iredale, ran aground on the beach at Fort Stevens during a storm in 1906
and its remains are still visible there.
• Called “The Graveyard of the Pacific,” the Columbia River Bar has claimed 2,000 vessels and 700 lives.
• One-fourth of Astoria’s homes are eligible for Historic Landmark status.
• The region has more historical markers than any other place in the state of Oregon.
• Ranald MacDonald, the first man to teach the English language in Japan, was born in Astoria.
• Downtown businesses were first built on pilings over the Columbia River’s edge. Nearly all of downtown
Astoria was destroyed in a fire in 1922. Fill dirt was added before the downtown was rebuilt. Any flat land you
see in Astoria is most likely fill.
• The first movie made in Oregon, The Fisherman’s Bride, (1909) was filmed in Astoria.
• In 1984, The Goonies was the first major motion picture to be shot in Astoria. Since then, Astoria has been the
setting for Short Circuit (1985), Benji: The Hunted (1986), Come See The Paradise (1989), Kindergarten Cop
(1990), Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III (1992), both Free Willy movies (1992, 1994), The Ring Two (2005),
Cthulhu (2005), The Guardian (2006) and Into the Wild (2007).
• Clark Gable began his stage career with a performance at the Astoria Theater in the summer of 1922 before
becoming famous in Hollywood. The theater no longer exists.
• Maila Nurmi, a Finnish-American actress who created the campy 1950’s character Vampira, graduated from
Astoria High School.
• Shanghaied in Astoria is a musical about Astoria’s history that has been performed in Astoria every year since
• In 1847, the first post office west of the Rocky Mountains was established in Astoria by James Shively.
• The first U.S. Customs House in the Oregon Territory was established in 1849.
• By 1880, half of the fish canneries on the lower Columbia River were located in Astoria. The dangerous nature
of fishing on the Columbia near the mouth of the river attracted a sizable and unruly assortment of transient
fishermen during the spring salmon seasons, earning Astoria a very rowdy reputation. A reporter with The
Oregonian wrote, “It is perhaps the most wicked place on earth [for its population.]”
• Captain George Flavel was one of the first licensed Columbia River Bar Pilots and Astoria’s first millionaire.
He built the Flavel Mansion in 1885, now open to the public as the Flavel House Museum.
The Astoria-Megler Bridge The Astoria-Megler Bridge is recognized as the longest continuous truss in the U.S.,
spanning an impressive 1,232 feet in length. The bridge, which was formally dedicated in 1966, travels 4.1 miles
from Astoria, across the mouth of the Columbia River, to Point Ellice, WA. Not only has the Astoria-Megler
Bridge been a significant benefit for motorist drive-time, it also offers amazing views of the Columbia River and
the hills of Astoria.
Take in 360-Degree Views from Atop the Astoria Column In a wooded park towering above Astoria’s highest
hill, the Astoria Column presents a panoramic view of the city and surrounding rivers, bay, forest, mountains and
Pacific Ocean. Built in 1926, the column is 125 feet high and boasts 164 steps circling to a viewing deck at the
top. On the outside, it features a completely restored depiction of historical events leading to the initial settlement
of Astoria and western America. Visitors’ facilities are available, including restrooms and a gift shop. Location:
The monument is situated on top of Coxcomb Hill in a residential district above downtown Astoria. Hours: Open
dawn to dusk.
Visit the Nationally Accredited Columbia River Maritime Museum Located on Astoria’s historic waterfront, the
44,200-square-foot Columbia River Maritime Museum brings to life the rich maritime heritage of the entire
Columbia River region. The recently renovated museum houses interactive exhibits that combine many historical
objects with cutting-edge technology. Exhibit galleries in the internationally acclaimed museum include: fur trade
and exploration; navigation and marine safety; fishing, whaling and canneries; sailing vessels; steamboats on the
Columbia River; and naval history. A tour onboard the lightship Columbia – the last seagoing lightship to serve
on the West Coast – is included with museum admission. Location: 1792 Marine Dr. Phone: (503) 325-2323.
Website: www.crmm.org. Hours: Open daily 9:30 a.m. to 5 p.m. (closed Thanksgiving and Christmas Day).
Cost: $12 adults; $10 seniors (65+); $5 youth (6-17); free for children (5 and under). Active Duty Military: Free.
Walk In the Footsteps of Lewis and Clark Discover Oregon as it was in the days of the earliest explorers with a
visit to Fort Clatsop, a replica of Lewis and Clark’s winter outpost, where the expedition sheltered for four
months before returning east. The park-like setting includes the reconstructed fort, a visitor center, historical
exhibits, a canoe landing thought to have been used by Lewis and Clark and picnic areas, all joined by trails
through the wetlands and rainforest of the park. During the summer months, park rangers outfitted in historical
clothing of the day depict original explorer activities at the fort including candle making, meat smoking and
canoe building. Fort Clatsop is part of the Lewis and Clark National Historical Park, created to honor the
bicentennial anniversary of the exploration. Location: About five miles southwest of Astoria, off U.S. 101.
Phone: (503) 861-2471. Website: www.nps.gov/lewi. Cost: $3 per adult (16 & over) and free for children.
Discover a Turn-of-the-Century Shipwreck On the Pacific Ocean beach, walk through the remains of the ironhulled sailing ship, Peter Iredale, which ran aground in 1906. Once a graceful three-masted sailing ship, the Peter
Iredale was attempting to enter the mouth of the Columbia River when it fell victim to an ocean storm. While the
years have worn away at the ship’s original appearance, visitors can still view what remains of the rusted iron
hull. The ship is one of the most photographed wrecks in the U.S. Location: Fort Stevens State Park; follow signs
to Peter Iredale Beach.
Relive the Victorian Era at the Flavel House Experience the luxury and elegance of the late Victorian period at
the Flavel House Museum, an historic 1885 Queen Anne-style Victorian home built for Captain George Flavel,
one of the first licensed Columbia River bar pilots and Astoria’s first millionaire. The 1885 home features
original Eastlake influenced woodwork, period furnishings and exotic hardwood fireplace mantels. Tours begin
at the Carriage House Visitor Center (located behind the house on the corner of 7th and Exchange), which
contains additional exhibits, the museum store and an orientation video. Location: Downtown Astoria on the
corner of Eighth and Duane. Website: www.cumtux.org. Hours: Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., May through
Sept.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. through April. Cost: $5 adults; $4 senior (65+); $2 youth (6-17); free for children (5
and under).
Learn About Astoria’s Rich History at the Heritage Museum Built in 1904 as Astoria’s City Hall, this building
now houses the Clatsop County Historical Society’s Heritage Museum, research center and archives. Galleries
explore the history of Clatsop County through permanent and changing exhibits about natural history, geology,
commerce, pastimes and the people of this historically rich region. Highlights include American Indian artifacts
and more than 10,000 cataloged historic photographs. Location: Downtown Astoria on the corner of 16th and
Exchange. Phone: (503) 325-2203. Website: www.cumtux.org. Hours: Open daily 10 a.m. to 5 p.m., May
through Sept.; 11 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. through April. Cost: $3 adults; $2 seniors (65+); $1 youth (6-17); free for
children (5 and under).
Explore the History of Firefighting in Astoria The Uppertown Firefighters Museum houses an extensive
collection of firefighting equipment dating from 1877 to 1963. On display are hand-pulled, horse-drawn and
motorized vehicles, equipment, photos and memorabilia. Astoria’s history with disastrous fires is told through
photographs and artifacts. Location: 30th and Marine Dr. Phone: (503) 325-2203. Website: www.cumtux.org.
Hours: Seasonal. Cost: By Donation.
Ride “Old 300” – Astoria’s Riverfront Trolley Hop aboard this 40-passenger antique trolley for some of the best
scenery on the waterfront. Historic “Old 300” travels along the Columbia Riverfront tracks, crossing the city
from the West End Mooring Basin east to 39th St. Built in 1914 by the American Car Company of St. Louis, the
car was restored by 300 volunteers, including skilled local craftsmen and artists, who worked more than 2,800
hours over a five-month period in 1999. It is now operated entirely by community volunteers. Please call the
Chamber of Commerce at (800) 875-6807 for a current schedule. Due to the historic nature of the trolley, it
cannot operate in the rain. The trolley is equipped with a GPS device that reports to a website with its current
location and heading, accessible through www.oldoregon.com. Location: Board the trolley anywhere along the
waterfront by waving at the conductor or going to one of the covered benches located at: 39th, 36th, 30th, 20th,
17th, 14th, 11th, 6th, 3rd, Bay, Basin streets. Website: www.old300.org. Hours: The trolley operates March to
December, typically running in the afternoon and evening, but hours vary by season (weekends in the spring and
fall, seven days a week in the summer). Cost: $1 per ride or $2 for a day pass.
Tour an Original Fort Constructed in the Late 1800s Fort Stevens State Park was a military outpost built during
the Civil War and used in defense of the U.S. through World War II. Learn the history of the fort at its museum
and explore the abandoned gun batteries that once protected the entrance to the Columbia River. Visitors can
watch ocean-going ships navigate the notorious Columbia River sand bar from the viewing platform at the South
Jetty. The 3,764-acre park includes picnic facilities, nature trails, beaches, lakes, boating, camping, swimming
and paved bicycle paths. The campground is open year-round with more than 500 tent, yurt and R.V. campsites.
Location: The historic area entrance is at 1900 Ocean Dr. in Hammond. Phone: (503) 861-1470. Website: www.
visitftstevens.com. Hours: Open daily 10 a.m. to 6 p.m., May 1 through Sept. 30; 10 a.m. to 4 p.m., Oct. 1
through April 30; guided tours available in the summer. Cost: $5 day use fee per car.
Tour Astoria’s Hollywood Astoria was the setting for the first movie with a plot filmed in Oregon, The
Fisherman’s Bride, in 1908 and continues to inspire filmmakers today. Find the homes and sites made famous in
movies filmed in and around Astoria, including The Goonies, The Ring Two, Kindergarten Cop, Short Circuit,
Free Willy, Into the Wild and more. Purchase a guide booklet to movie locations at the Astoria and Warrenton
visitors centers, the Heritage Museum and the Oregon Film Museum, download The Reel Astoria audio tour from
the Chamber’s website or find more information at www.oldoregon.com/ visitor-info/entry/movie-tours.
Oregon Film Museum With a rich legacy of films and filmmaking, the Oregon Film Museum memorializes the
industry and the many movies (more than 300!) that have been filmed here, including One Flew Over the
Cuckoo’s Nest, Animal House, Kindergarten Cop and The Goonies. The museum is positioned within the Old
Clatsop County Jail – once a working jail and then a film set for several films, including Short Circuit, Come See
the Paradise and The Goonies. Guests are invited to browse through three galleries highlighting the making of a
movie. There is even a gallery dedicated to everything Goonies, including memorabilia and various on-set props.
Location: Downtown Astoria at 7th and Duane. Website: www.oregonfilmmuseum.org. Hours: Open daily 10 a.
m.-5 p.m. Cost: $4 adults, $2 children (6-17) *** May change in 2012 ***
Audio Tour Info Travelers to the historic regions of Astoria and Warrenton can feel like locals with two new
downloadable audio tours highlighting popular historic attractions and movie scene locations. Narrated by local
experts who reveal little-known facts and help visitors relive past eras, the tours were produced by and are
available through the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Astoria & Warrenton’s Historical Attractions tour features 21 locations around the community with historical
significance, including the Flavel House, the Astoria Column and Fort Clatsop. Tour narrators share tidbits about
Lewis and Clark’s expedition, the fish canning industry and maritime tales, among other topics.
The Reel Astoria tour includes 12 destinations featured in major motion pictures, most famously the cult classic
The Goonies, which celebrated its 25th anniversary in 2010. Notable highlights include the jail where the Fratelli
brothers caused a ruckus, the house where Mikey lived and Ecola State Park, where the kids discover the
Fratellis’ hideout. Movie hounds can also visit the school where (former California Governor) Arnold
Schwarzenegger taught in Kindergarten Cop and the spooky house from the The Ring Two.
Printed maps and CDs of the tours are available at the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce at 111
West Marine Dr. in Astoria, for a small fee ($1.00) to help cover the printing and CD creation costs. Or download
the tour or separate tracks for free at www.oldoregon.com. The tours can be taken in any order you choose and
you are encouraged to linger as long as you like at each site.
Arts & Ideas Arts & Ideas, a program of Clatsop Community College (CCC), works with a number of
community groups, such as the North Coast Symphonic Band, the Astoria Music Festival and the Astoria
Chamber Players, to present a wide range of community education programs and performances. This is a unique
and creative local program that is a true benefit for both artists and audiences. Much of the Arts & Ideas
programming is hosted at the 250-seat CCC Performing Arts Center, a community gem featuring state-of-the-art
acoustics and a warm ambiance. The CCC Performing Arts Center is located at 588 16th St. in Astoria. To find
out what’s coming up next, visit www.clatsopcc.edu/community/arts-ideas.
The Libery Theater The Liberty Theater, located in the heart of downtown Astoria, is one of the best examples of
a vaudeville-motion picture palace from the Roaring Twenties in the Northwest. Built in 1922, the theater was
originally home to silent movies and vaudeville acts. The Liberty Theater, which recently underwent an $8
million renovation, has been recognized by the National Trust for Historic Preservation as part of the Save
America’s Treasures program. Today, the theater operates as a performing arts center, concert hall, conference
center, town hall meeting venue and an elegant site for weddings. For more background and to access the events
calendar, visit www.liberty-theater.org.
The Astor Street Opry Company The Astor Street Opry Company (ASOC) is a popular community performing
arts organization based in Astoria. The award-winning organization strives to produce, educate, present, and
preserve the tradition of local performing arts culture and regional folklore by presenting a wide range of familyfriendly performances – notably the annual summertime melodrama, Shanghaied in Astoria. Held within a
flexible space known as the ASOC Playhouse at 129 W. Bond Street, Shanghaied in Astoria has been running for
nearly three decades. This locally written play offers a unique mix of vaudeville, soap opera and 1950s-style
Hollywood musical, which all comes together to depict the traditional local folklore of the Astoria area. Learn
more about ASOC and its upcoming performances at shanghaiedinastoria.com or by calling (503) 325-6104.
Crab Feed
Warrenton Community Center
Annie Get Your Gun
Liberty Theater, Astoria
Wintering Over Living History Program
Fort Clatsop Nat'l Park, Warrenton
Company of Wayward Saints
Liberty Theater, Astoria
Fisher Poets Gathering
Winter Children's Theater
Astor St. Opry Co. Playhouse, Astoria
MARCH 2-18
OR Public School – Spring Break
MARCH 26-30
Astoria Revue and Jane Barnes Cat Dance
Astor St. Opry Co. Playhouse, Astoria
SOLV – Spring Beach Clean Up
Oregon Beaches
Hometown Tourism Day
Various Attractions
National Park Week
Lewis and Clark National Park
APRIL 14-22
Crab, Seafood & Wine Festival
Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria
APRIL 27-29
50’s Cruise Reunion Car Show
Camp Rilea, Warrenton
Mother’s Day Tea and Scones
Flavel House, Astoria
MAY 12
Astoria Sunday Market Season Opens
MAY 13
Annual Goonies Day
Scandinavian Midsummer Fest
Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria
JUNE 22-24
Astoria Music Festival
Liberty Theater, Astoria
Independence Day Activities in Astoria and Warrenton
JULY 3-4
Clatsop County Fair
Clatsop County Fairgrounds, Astoria
Seaman's Day
Fort Clatsop Nat'l Park, Warrenton
Shanghaied in Astoria
Astor St. Opry Co. Playhouse, Astoria
Finnish American Folk Festival
Naselle, WA
JULY 27-29
Astoria Regatta Festival
Knappa Days Knappa
AUGUST 18-19
National Park Service Founders Day
Fort Clatsop Nat'l Park, Warrenton
Civil War Reenactment
Fort Stevens Historic Area, Warrenton
Commercial Fishermen’s Festival
Tongue Point, Astoria
Victorian Games at Flavel House
Flavel House, Astoria
Pacific Northwest Brew Cup
Great Columbia Crossing
Astoria International Film Festival
Liberty Theater, Astoria
Downtown Trick or Treat and Monster Bash
Downtown Astoria
Sankta Lucia Festival
Astoria High School, Astoria
Downtown Astoria Sparkles Holiday Kick-off Downtown
The Nutcracker Ballet Performance
Astoria High School, Astoria
Scrooged in Astoria
Astor St. Opry Co. Playhouse, Astoria
Starving Artist Faire
Astoria Recreation Center, Astoria
Plum Pudding and Tea
Flavel House, Astoria
DECEMBER 15-23; 26-30
Astoria Downtown Art Walk
Downtown Astoria
MONTHLY, 2nd Saturday
Astoria Sunday Market
12th Street in Downtown Astoria
MAY 13 to OCTOBER 14
Guided Tours
Fort Stevens Historic Area, Warrenton
DAILY in Summer
In Their Footsteps – Speaker Series
Fort Clatsop Nat'l Park, Warrenton
MONTHLY, 3rd Sunday, September to May
Liberty Theater Events
Liberty Theater, Astoria
Variety of events ALL YEAR LONG
Summer Ranger Programs
Fort Clatsop Nat'l Park, Warrenton
DAILY, June 25 to September 3
Outdoor Recreation
Wander Walking Trails
Astoria has many walking paths that offer interesting views of the city and its surroundings. Just a short drive
from downtown is a forest trail that will take you from 28th and Irving past the Cathedral Tree (a huge spruce
located in Astoria’s urban forest) to the top of Coxcomb Hill and the stunning views from the Astoria Column.
In Warrenton, stroll past shaded woods, the Skipanon Marina, the D.K. Warren House and spectacular views of
the Columbia River and abundant wildlife on one or all three trails in the Warrenton Trails System. (www.
Follow the footsteps of the Lewis and Clark expedition to the Pacific Ocean on the 6.5-mile Fort to Sea Trail.
Enjoy a variety of terrain ranging from coastal forests to wetlands, with varying levels of difficulty and the option
to hike small parts of the trail. (www.nps.gov/ lewi/planyourvisit/forttosea.htm)
Astoria is often compared to San Francisco because of its waterfront hillsides dotted with Victorian homes,
making it an excellent city to tour on foot for both water views and interesting sites. One-fourth of the city’s
homes are eligible for Historic Landmark status, and many of the houses are restored to their original beauty. The
best way to see the intriguing architecture and great views of the river and ocean is with a walking tour. Booklets
are available at the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce, the Heritage Museum, the Flavel House and
the Columbia River Maritime Museum for $3.50.
Carruthers Park and Warrenton Dog Park
The City of Warrenton’s Eben H. Carruthers Memorial Park is situated on NW Warrenton Dr. This community
park is home to a covered picnic area, a swing set, an historical Lewis & Clark information viewpoint, the
starting point of the 4.5-mile Warrenton Waterfront Trail and a modern dog park. Nestled at the trailhead, the 2/3acre dog park is noted as the first fully fenced off-leash dog park on the Oregon Coast. Main features include
double-gated entries, separate small and large dog sections, pet water and waste stations, benches, night lighting
and plenty of open space.
Play at Tapiola Park Playground
The Tapiola Park Playground is a great place for kids of all ages to let loose and enjoy the miniature sites and
attractions of Astoria. Favorite local destinations, including Fort Clatsop, the Astoria Column, the Flavel House
and the Astoria-Megler Bridge, are featured as small replicas for interactive play. Built and paid for entirely
through the efforts of the local community, the park is located at 900 West Marine Dr.
Paddle and Surf Local Waterways
Visitors can find a range of water sport activities in the region. Sea kayaking is quite challenging on the North
Oregon Coast, but it’s worth the effort. Touring by paddle on the Lower Columbia River through the islands of
the Lewis & Clark National Wildlife Refuge reveals wildlife such as bald eagles, deer and water fowl. For wind
surfers, Youngs Bay between Astoria and Warrenton can be a great spot for both beginners and experts because
of the abundance of shallow waters and strong wind conditions. There are also several locations for kite surfing,
or visit the nearby Cullaby and Coffenbury lakes for a tranquil canoe trip and wildlife viewing. If you’d like to
take in the view from the water, but prefer to let an engine do the work, Columbia River Eco Tours regularly
offers guided trips around the harbor and estuary.
Clam, Crab and Fish
With its proximity to the ocean and riverfront locale, Astoria and Warrenton have a bounty of seafood available.
Visitors can go to a seafood market or, better yet, catch it themselves. Licenses and equipment are easily
obtained, and charter services can take you to the best fishing spots. For more information on services, seasons,
locations and regulations, contact the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce or the Oregon Department
of Fish and Wildlife at www.dfw.state.or.us. Sportsfishers can look for an opportunity to catch Chinook (King)
and Coho (Silver) Salmon, Sturgeon, Albacore Tuna, Halibut, Razor Clams and Dungeness Crab.
The Astoria-Warrenton area offers a multitude of parks where you can get close to nature, expend energy with a
variety of outdoor recreation opportunities, or just enjoy the scenery.
Astoria Parks Department: (503) 325-7275 or astoriaparks.com
Alderbrook Hall & Park
Playground, picnic tables, basketball, hall available to rent. 4509 Leif Erickson Dr., Astoria
Astoria Aquatic Center
Indoor swimming pool, slide and kids activities, fitness center, swim lessons, fitness classes. 1997 Marine Dr.,
Astoria Recreation Center
Open gym, kids and adult fitness classes and activities. 1411 Grand Ave., Astoria
Captain Gray’s
Port of Play Indoor play space for kids 0-10. 785 Alameda Ave., Astoria
Children’s Park
Playground, picnic tables, basketball. 6th & Commercial St., Astoria
Columbia Field
Tennis, baseball, football, Customs House. 3601 Leif Erickson Dr., Astoria
Fred Lindstrom Park
Basketball, tennis, playground, picnic tables. 612 Niagara Ave., Astoria
Lower Columbia Disc Golf Course
The nine-hole course challenges skilled players as well as a great opportunity for beginners. Clatsop County
Fairgrounds, 92937 Walluski Loop, Astoria
Maritime Memorial Park
Columbia River viewpoint, picnic tables, memorial wall. 10 Bay St., Astoria
Shively Park
Playground, trails, picnic tables, hall available to rent. 1530 Shively Park Rd., Astoria
Tapiola Park
Baseball, basketball, large playground, picnic tables, skate park. 900 W. Marine Dr., Astoria
Warrenton Parks Department: (503) 861-2233 or www.ci.warrenton.or.us/parksandtrails
Eben H. Carruthers Memorial Park
Covered picnic area, swing set, historical Lewis & Clark interpretational signage, Columbia River viewpoint,
Warrenton Waterfront Trailhead, Warrenton Dog Park, public restrooms. 1695 NW Warrenton Dr., Astoria
Seafarers Park
Sandy beach, Columbia River viewpoint, gazebo, multiple trails, public restrooms. Located at the Hammond
Skipanon River Park
Picnic table, non-motorized boat dock, access to multiple trails. Located adjacent to the Warrenton Marina
Quincy & Bessie Robison Community Park
Large play area, baseball fields, basketball court, adjacent to community center, public restrooms. 170 SW 3rd
Ave., Warrenton
Clatsop County Parks Department: (503) 325-9306 or www.co.clatsop.or.us
Big Creek County Park
Baseball field, fishing, open space recreation, wildlife viewing, hatchery, interpretive signage. Located in
Knappa, east of Astoria
Carnahan and Cullaby Lake County Park
Boat launch and docks, picnic shelters, barbecue pits, horseshoe pits, volleyball, play area, fishing, swimming,
trails, public restrooms, day use fee. Located on Hwy 101 between Warrenton and Gearhart
Gnat Creek Hatchery (DFW)
Wildlife viewing, hatchery, interpretive signage, trails, fishing, picnic area, public restrooms. Located on Hwy
30, 18 miles east of Astoria
John Day County Park
Boat launch to Columbia River, public restrooms. Located on Hwy 30 just east of Astoria
Lee Wooden Fishhawk Falls County Park
Forest recreation, waterfall, trails, natural area. Located on Hwy 202, 25 miles east of Astoria
Day Trips from Astoria & Warrenton
Youngs River Falls Loop
Youngs River Falls was discovered by a Lewis & Clark hunting party roughly six miles from Fort Clatsop and
was documented in the journals of Patrick Gass on March 1, 1806. The western fork of the Youngs River drops
about 65 feet, with a beach, rustic picnic area and a swimming hole below. The falls can be viewed from the
parking area or reached by a brief hike down the trail. Since the falls can be difficult to find, call or stop by the
Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Cannon Beach, OR
Less than 30 miles south of Astoria on Highway 101, nine miles of wide, pristine beach, quaint accommodations
and eateries invite visitors to Cannon Beach. The city is designed for strolling, and many people take advantage
of this to visit the unique bookstores, shops and bistros. For hikers, there are trails to the water through the thick
conifer forests of Ecola State Park. Nearby Ecola Point has a picnic area and a panoramic viewpoint of Cannon
Beach, Haystack Rock and the Coast Range. This spectacular view is one of the most photographed on the
Oregon Coast. A two-mile trail connects Ecola Point to horseshoe-shaped Indian Beach and a six-mile trail leads
over Tillamook Head to Seaside. For more information, contact the Cannon Beach Chamber of Commerce at
(503) 436-2623 or www.cannonbeach.org.
Clatsop County Nature Tour
Hundreds of Roosevelt Elk live in the woods behind the open fields at the Jewell Meadows Wildlife area, and
they frequently stop traffic on this scenic drive as motorists pull over to watch them. The refuge is located 22
miles southeast of Astoria on Hwy 202. Owned by the Oregon Department of Fish and Wildlife, the 1,200-acre
park contains paved parking and a viewing area with a feed wagon that visitors can ride on during the winter. It is
the only park in Oregon set aside to protect Roosevelt Elk.
The Camp 18 Logging Museum, which specializes in the history of the logging industry, is on Hwy 26 near
Elsie, in the same building as Camp 18, a restaurant popular with travelers. The Logging Museum displays 8- to
12-foot diameter wheels used to haul logs, steam donkeys and locomotives.
Saddle Mountain towers 3,283 feet above sea level. It offers the “big picture” of Clatsop County to those who
want to work for it. The park is a seven-mile drive on Highway 26 from Highway 101. At the base of the trail, a
campground offers amenities such as running water, bathrooms and firewood for campers. The trail is three miles
each way. Allow three to four hours for hiking, plus time to enjoy the spectacular views at the top. At the
summit, the highest point in Clatsop County, a hand-railed viewing deck offers a wind-whipped, but spectacular
360-degree panorama. On a clear day, views can span from Nehalem Bay to the south, Mt. Rainier to the north,
the Pacific Ocean to the west and Mt. Hood to the east. Before planning a trip, check with the Oregon State Parks
office to make sure the road is clear.
Ferry to Cathlamet
For an interesting scenic journey, take the last remaining ferry across the Columbia to Cathlamet. The two-hour
auto tour heads east from Astoria along Hwy 30 to Westport with views full of natural beauty and local wildlife.
There, the ferry travels to Puget Island, a quiet retreat where Columbian White-tailed Deer roam freely. From
Puget Island, drive over the 409 bridge to Cathlamet. Visit the Julia Butler Hansen Columbian White-tailed Deer
Refuge, which offers critical habitat for endangered White-tailed Deer, tundra swans, Canadian Geese, mallards
and more. Deer and elk are easily observed and photographed from the county road that circles the mainland
portion of the refuge. Visitors also can kayak, sail, drive or hike to explore the area. After touring Cathlamet,
head west on Hwy 4 and cross the river back to Astoria on the Astoria-Megler Bridge. For more information on
the Westport-Puget Island Ferry, call (360) 795-9996.
The Lewis & Clark Trail In 2003, the country began the celebration of the bicentennial of the Lewis & Clark
expedition. The Astoria and Warrenton region has the distinction of being the winter camp for the Corps of
Discovery from 1805-1806. The Lewis & Clark National Historic Park is comprised of 12 park sites along a 40mile stretch of coast from Long Beach, WA, to Cannon Beach, OR. Visit www.nps.gov/lewi for complete details.
Interpretive markers can be found along the Columbia River and the Pacific Ocean.
Long Beach Peninsula, WA
Stretching 28 miles long and only two miles wide, the Long Beach Peninsula (just across the Columbia River
from Astoria and Warrenton) offers visitors everything from fun and games to historical outings, peaceful walks
and vistas in the many small towns that make up the region. Fort Columbia, near the town of Chinook, provides a
beautiful hillside spot for viewing the Columbia River. The fort offers a museum, an historic walking tour and
trails to roam. Farther up the peninsula is the town of Ilwaco, a homeport for many local fishing charter
companies located near the lighthouses at Cape Disappointment State Park and North Head and the Lewis and
Clark Interpretive Center. To the north, the ocean-side towns of Seaview, Long Beach and Ocean Park boast
beautiful beaches, tourist attractions and a variety of excellent eateries and family dining options. The peninsula
is bordered on the east by Willapa Bay, recognized for its oysters and tranquility. Along the bay front sits
Oysterville, founded in 1854 when demand for oyster shipments to San Francisco created a booming economy.
The town is now a National Historic District, and its homes remain much as they were when first built. At the
northern tip of the peninsula, Leadbetter Point State Park is a stopover for more than 100 species of birds
including sandpipers, yellowlegs and sanderlings. For more information, contact the Long Beach Peninsula
Visitors Bureau at (800) 451-2542 or www.funbeach.com.
Seaside, OR
Only a 20-minute drive south on Highway 101 from Astoria, Seaside is a fun family destination and great place
to spend the day. Established as the Oregon Coast’s first beach resort, Seaside’s bustling main street is lined with
arcades, bumper cars, taffy stands, art galleries, boutiques and various other novelty shops, with a boardwalk
overlooking the ocean. Visitors can walk this two-mile stretch at dusk and enjoy spectacular Oregon sunsets, or
stop into the Seaside Aquarium for a view of life under the ocean. For more information, contact the Seaside
Visitors Bureau at (888) 306-2326 or www.seasideor.com.
Location & Transportation
On Oregon’s north coast, where the Columbia River meets the Pacific Ocean, you will find the thriving
communities of Astoria and Warrenton. Located at the western end of U.S. Rt. 30 in Clatsop County, Astoria is
separated from Warrenton by a quick trip west across the Youngs Bay Bridge. The community of Warrenton is
bordered on the north by the river as it enters the ocean and by the Pacific to its west. Warrenton’s southeastern
side is transected by U.S. Hwy 101, which crosses over the Young’s Bay Bridge east to Astoria. It continues
north from Astoria across the Columbia River via the 4.2-mile Astoria-Megler Bridge into Pacific County, WA.
Interstate 5 is a short one-hour drive along Hwy 30, connecting the area to Seattle to the north and Portland to the
Both communities are served by public transportation through the Sunset Empire Transportation District
including Dial-a-Ride. Amtrak’s OC & W bus service to the Portland train station provides connections to
Portland International Airport, where commercial air service is only a short two-hour drive from Astoria and
Warrenton. Regal Taxi and North Coast Limo service is available locally, as is chartered air service from the
Astoria-Warrenton Airport.
The Port of Astoria operates a deep-water port that can accommodate the industry’s largest vessels, the Astoria
Warrenton Airport, two marinas and a boatyard. The port houses numerous tenants providing services and
supplies to the fishing and boating industries. In the spring, summer and fall, major cruise ships make Astoria a
port of call. Warrenton has two marinas serving the recreational and commercial fishing industries. The
Columbia River provides a major shipping channel for the northwest region allowing cargo ships and barges of
all kinds to travel upriver to additional ports east.
Astoria and Warrenton residents each enjoy beautiful paved walking, biking and skating trails that traverse
riverfront and woodland areas, making intra-city travel safe and enjoyable. Astoria’s Riverfront Trolley runs
daily along the waterfront in summer and weekends in the off-season.
• Astoria’s population is slightly less than 10,000 residents.
• Warrenton’s population is approximately 5,000 residents and has increased by 16 percent in the last decade.
The City of Warrenton also encompasses the former town of Hammond.
• Seasonally, both communities surge in population during an extended tourism season.
• Clatsop County’s population is approximately 37,000 residents. Astoria serves as the county seat and Astoria
and Warrenton are main sources of employment and services to county residents.
• The Oregon North Coast enjoys a mild, marine west coast climate, with annual rainfall averaging 67 inches.
Summer temperatures average between 60-80 degrees and winter temperatures range from 30-60 degrees.
• Astoria and Warrenton businesses also provide employment, shopping and services for many residents in
Pacific County, WA.
• Astoria is the oldest American settlement west of the Rockies and is home to the Lewis & Clark National
Historic Park (Fort Clatsop).
• Warrenton is home to Camp Rilea Military Reservation and the Fort Stevens State Park and World War II
military base – the largest state park campground in Oregon.
• The U.S. Coast Guard operates a Sector Command at Air Station Astoria at the Astoria Warrenton Airport, a
buoy tender base at Tongue Point and is also home-port for the USCG Fir, Steadfast and Alert. Astoria has just
earned the designation as an Official U.S. Coast Guard City. Both communities proudly support all of our
military facilities, service people and their families.
• There are over 600 historic buildings, three national historic districts and over 40 places on the National
Register of Historic Places in the Astoria-Warrenton area.
• Astoria’s key industries are tourism, healthcare, retail and education.
• Warrenton’s key industries are healthcare, retail, education and manufacturing.
• Wood products/logging and commercial fishing industries continue their very important presence in our local
• The Astoria and Warrenton area is served by three school districts and is home to Clatsop Community College.
Economic Vitality he Astoria-Warrenton area has seen a renaissance of economic development and revitalization
in the last decade. Astoria has blossomed into a beautiful riverfront community with a variety of businesses
including unique boutique-style shops in its downtown core. Many historic buildings and homes in Astoria have
been lovingly renovated, many to their original Victorian-era inspired facades. Long-vacant buildings are being
re-purposed and bringing new businesses and jobs to the community.
Warrenton, with its ample available land for development of new business and residential construction, has seen
a surge of new openings of major stores providing jobs and opportunities to the area. The City of Warrenton has
developed a master plan for its downtown core and work is ahead of schedule with some businesses eagerly set to
Business Resources Economic development is the mainstay of sustainable growth and vitality within any
community. To ensure that all of Clatsop County can share in this prosperity, Clatsop Economic Development
Resources was formed. What some are calling a model approach to economic development, the CEDR
partnership was formed in 2008 to expand the area’s professional outreach to our business community. The
Mission at CEDR is “to deliver business-driven economic development services to create, grow and retain
businesses in Clatsop County.”
CEDR’s goals are clear. Every day CEDR works with the Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce and other
partners in the County to:
• Lead delivery of professional economic development searches by bringing together the efforts of multiple
• Expand, retain and recruit businesses and industry.
• Develop existing and new industry clusters.
• Increase per-capita income, diversify the economy and promote managed economic growth through year-round
family jobs.
In addition, Leahy manages Clatsop Community College’s Small Business Development Center and he and his
staff provide new and growing small businesses with services such as free and confidential counseling, workforce
training, information and technical assistance.
The CEDR/SBDC professionals are eager to show existing businesses and new businesses looking to locate in
our region the tools and techniques that will assist any business with success strategies. Check out the new state
of-the-art website: www.clatsoped.com – a “one-stop resource” for business information in Clatsop County.
Leahy welcomes your questions at any time. Call (503) 338-2402 or email kleahy@clatsopcc.edu.
WorkSource NW Oregon, located in Astoria, provides economic and labor market data for research and planning
needs as well as many other services to business.
Construction of new homes and apartment complexes has been strong in the past year. Land is plentiful for
individual home construction in both Astoria and Warrenton, with some properties ready for building. New home
communities are also ready for building. Many existing homes and apartments are available to fit any need or
price point. Whether you are looking for a place on the river or the sea, a home with a hilltop view or a little
acreage for some elbow room, our communities are sure to please.
Commercial property is available in both communities, with Astoria having many existing buildings ready for
renovation to suit your needs. Warrenton has several shovel-ready sites ready for construction along the Hwy 101
corridor and other locations as well.
Astoria Warrenton is served by seasoned commercial and residential construction, real estate, mortgage and
property management professionals who can assist you whatever your housing needs may be. Please be sure to
check our Membership Directory in the back of this guide.
Employment & Training Employment, job training and other related services are available at the Oregon State
one-stop location in Astoria. Many partners are housed in one building to assist residents and businesses quickly
and efficiently, including WorkSource NW Oregon.
WorkSource NW Oregon 450 Marine Drive, Suite 110 Astoria, Oregon (503) 325-4821 www.workinginoregon.
Financial and Insurance Services Residents and businesses in both communities and both sides of the Columbia
River enjoy many options for banking, lending and other financial services. Nearly every major bank is
represented with a branch office locally, as well as fine local community banks, credit unions and savings banks.
Insurance needs are easily resourced locally through several local insurance brokers and major carriers with
offices located here, as well as a variety of mortgage lenders and title companies.
Bed & Breakfasts
Astoria Inn B & B
3391 Irving Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8153, 800-718-8153
Number of Units: 4 Rates – Off Season: $80-95 High Season: $90-105 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Benjamin Young Inn
3652 Duane Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6172, 800-201-1286
Number of Units: 4 Rates – Off Season: $109-125 High Season: $125-150 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Boreas Bed and Breakfast Inn
607 Ocean Beach Blvd. N
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8069, 888-642-8069
Number of Units: 5 Rates – Off Season: $179-199 High Season: $179-220 Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool,
Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Charles Nelson B & B
26205 Sandridge Rd.
Ocean Park, WA
(360) 665-3016, 888-862-9756
Number of Units: 3 Rates – Off Season: $135 High Season: $170-190 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
China Beach Retreat
222 Robert Gray Drive
Ilwaco, WA
(360) 642-5660, 800-466-1896
Number of Units: 4 Rates – Off Season: $179-225 High Season: $199-289 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Clementine's B & B
847 Exchange Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2005
Number of Units: 8 Rates – Off Season: $90-145 High Season: $98-160 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Destination B&B
40060 Hwy 30
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-0853
Number of Units: 2 Rates – Off Season: $45-50 High Season: $45-50 Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot
Tub or Sauna: YES
Franklin St. Station B & B
1140 Franklin St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4314
Number of Units: 5 Rates – Off Season: $70-115 High Season: $80-135 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
George Johnson House B & B
The 26301 N Place
Ocean Park, WA
(360) 665-6993, 866-665-6993
Number of Units: 3 Rates – Off Season: $125-140 High Season: $150-165
Grandview B & B
1574 Grand
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-0000, 800-488-3250
Number of Units: 9 Rates – Off Season: Call for rates. High Season: $49-141 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Officer's Inn B & B
540 Russell Place
Hammond, OR
(503) 791-2524
Number of Units: 8 Rates – Off Season: $85-190 High Season: $85-190 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Rose River Inn B & B
1510 Franklin Ave.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7175, 888-876-0028
Number of Units: 5 Rates – Off Season: $85-140 High Season: $95-150 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Campground/RV Park
Andersen's RV Park on the Ocean
1400 138th Street
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-2231, 800-645-6795
Number of Units: 60 Rates – Off Season: $30-38 High Season: $40-48 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront
or Waterview: YES
Hammond Marina RV Park Quinnat
320 Lake St.
Hammond, OR
(503) 861-0547
Number of Units: 50 Rates – Off Season: $25 High Season: $25 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Jetty Fishery Marina, RV Park and Store
27550 Hwy 101 N
Rockaway Beach, OR
(503) 368-5746
Number of Units: 19 Rates – Off Season: $25 High Season: $25 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront or
Waterview: YES
Kampers West
1140 NW Warrenton Dr.
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-1814
Number of Units: 162 Rates – Off Season: Call for rates. High Season: Call for rates. Meeting Space On-Site:
Kelly's Brighton Marina
29200 Hwy 101 N
Rockaway Beach, OR
(503) 368-5745
Number of Units: 24 Rates – Off Season: $25 High Season: $30 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront or
Waterview: YES
Klaskanine River RV Park
88590 Hwy 202
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8595
Number of Units: 25 Rates – Off Season: $15-25 High Season: $15-25
KOA - Astoria/Warrenton/Seaside
1100 NW Ridge Road
Hammond, OR
(503) 861-2606
Number of Units: 300 Rates – Off Season: $25-179 High Season: $38-197 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Pool,
Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
KOA - Ilwaco/Long Beach
1509 Hwy 101 Ilwaco, WA
(360) 642-3292, 800-562-3258
Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Lewis & Clark Golf & RV Resort
92294 Youngs River Rd.
Astoria, OR
(503) 338-3386
Number of Units: 55 Rates – Off Season: $35-68 High Season: $35-68 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Ocean Park Resort/RV Park
25904 R St.
Ocean Park, WA
(360) 665-4585, 800-835-4634
Number of Units: 80 Rates – Off Season: $26 High Season: $32 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Pool, Hot Tub or
Sauna: YES
Pier 38 RV Park
3738 Lief Erikson Dr.
Astoria, OR (503) 791-5230
Number of Units: 28 Rates – Off Season: $10-50 High Season: $10-50 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Sunset Lake Resort & RV Park
33242 Sunset Beach Ln.
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-1760
Number of Units: 35 Rates – Off Season: $25-35 High Season: $25-35 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront
or Waterview: YES
Anchorage Cottages
2209 Ocean Beach Blvd.
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-2351, 800-646-2351
Number of Units: 10 Rates – Off Season: $79-115 High Season: $89-137
Astoria Dunes Motel
288 W Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7111, 800-441-3319
Number of Units: 58 Rates – Off Season: $65-155 High Season: $65-155 Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool,
Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Astoria Rivershore Motel
59 W Marine Drive
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2921
Number of Units: 42 Rates – Off Season: $50-100 High Season: $70-199
Best Western Lincoln Inn Astoria
555 Hamburg Ave
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2205, 800-621-0641
Number of Units: 75 Rates – Off Season: $90-150 High Season: $150-300 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Boardwalk Cottages
800 Ocean Beach Blvd. S
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-2305, 800-569-3804
Number of Units: 10 Rates – Off Season: $79-120 High Season: $99-145 Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Cannery Pier Hotel
No. 10 Basin St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4996, 888-325-4996
Number of Units: 46 Rates – Off Season: $189-575 High Season: $289-575 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Chautauqua Lodge
304 NW 14th St.
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-4401, 800-869-8401
Number of Units: 120 Rates – Off Season: $69-149 High Season: $89-199 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna:YES
Columbia Inn
495 Marine Drive Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4211, 800-721-9440
Number of Units: 22 Rates – Off Season: $49-99 High Season: $65-129 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Comfort Suites
3420 Leif Erickson Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2000, 800-228-5150
Number of Units: 75 Rates – Off Season: $90-150 High Season: $150-300 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Commodore Hotel Astoria
258 14th St
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4747
Number of Units: 18 Rates – Off Season: $69-159 High Season: $84-194
Crest Motel
5366 Leif Erickson Drive
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-3141, 800-421-3141
Number of Units: 40 Rates – Off Season: $55-99 High Season: $65-125 Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot
Tub or Sauna: YES
Hallmark Resort
1400 S Hemlock
Cannon Beach, OR
503-436-1566, 888-448-4449
Number of Units: 122 Rates – Off Season: $99-269 High Season: $129-389 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Hampton Inn & Suites
Opening Summer 2012
201 39th Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6222, 888-898-6222
Number of Units: 78 Rates – Off Season: $119-259 High Season: $189-329 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Holiday Inn Express Hotel & Suites
204 West Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6222, 888-898-6222
Number of Units: 78 Rates – Off Season: $119-259 High Season: $189-329 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Hotel Elliott
357 12th Street Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2222, 877-378-1924
Number of Units: 32 Rates – Off Season: $149-499 High Season: $169-599 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Inn at Discovery Coast
421 11th St.
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-5265, 866-843-5782
Number of Units: 9 Rates – Off Season: $95-175 High Season: $125-199 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Lamplighter Motel 131 W Marine Dr. Astoria, OR (503) 325-4051 astoriamotel.com Number of Units: 29 Rates
– Off Season: $52-76 High Season: $86-112
Liberty Inn
4990 NE Logan Rd.
Lincoln City, OR
(541) 994-1777, 877-994-1777
Number of Units: 76 Rates – Off Season: $80-150 High Season: $115-175 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Lighthouse Resort
12417 Pacific Way
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-3622
Number of Units: 42 Rates – Off Season: $65-204 High Season: $65-249 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Ocean Park Resort/Motel
25904 R St.
Ocean Park, WA
(360) 665-4585, 800-835-4634
Number of Units: 14 Rates – Off Season: $67-164 High Season: $77-184 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Pool, Hot
Tub or Sauna: YES
Shelburne Inn
4415 Pacific Way
Seaview, WA
(360) 642-2442, 800-466-1896
Number of Units: 15 Rates – Off Season: $115-199 High Season: $139-199 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Shilo Inn
1609 E Harbor St.
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-2181, 800-222-2244
Number of Units: 63 Rates – Off Season: $79-109 High Season: $119-199 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Pool,
Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
South Jetty Inn
984 Pacific Dr.
Hammond, OR
(503) 861-2500
Number of Units: 10 Rates – Off Season: $50-60 High Season: $79-150
Super 8 Motel
500 Ocean Beach S
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8988, 888-478-3297
Number of Units: 50 Rates – Off Season: $59-179 High Season: $59-179 Meeting Space On-Site: YES
The Breakers
210 26th St. NW
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-4414, 800-219-9833
Number of Units: 125 Rates – Off Season: $68-199 High Season: 99-328. Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Executive Suites
Banker's Suite & Ballroom, The
1215 Duane St.
Astoria, OR
(425) 417-6512
Rates – Off Season: Call for rates. High Season: Call for rates. Meeting Space On-Site: YES
Chart House, The
194 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-3221
Rates – Off Season: $995 /mo High Season: $1095 /mo Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront or Waterview:
Paradise Home Stay
5115 Birch St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4614
Rates – Off Season: $85-125 High Season: $85-125 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Vacation Rentals
Big Creek Fishing Lodge
92878 Waterhouse Rd.
Astoria, OR
(503) 458-0990
Rates – Off Season: Call for rates. High Season: Call for rates. Waterfront or Waterview: YES Pool, Hot Tub or
Sauna: YES
Bloomer Estates Vacation Rentals
1515 Pacific Hwy N
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8598, 800-747-2096
Number of Units: 22 Rates – Off Season: $119 -595 High Season: $119 -595 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
#1 Calder Beach House
1209 101st Lane
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8598, 800-747-2096
Rates – Off Season: $125-325 High Season: $125-325 Waterfront or Waterview: YES
45th Street Beach House
1006 45th Place
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8598, 800-747-2096
Rates – Off Season: $145-345 High Season: $145-345 Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
A Gabel's Beach Getaway
16203 Pacific Way
Long Beach, WA
(360) 642-8598, 800-747-2096
Rates – Off Season: $125-250 High Season: $125-250
Bloomer Mansion
1004 41st Place
Seaview, WA
(360) 642-8598, 800-747-2096
Rates – Off Season: $285-595 High Season: $285-595 Pool, Hot Tub or Sauna: YES
Pier 39-Fishermen's Suites
100 39th St.
Astoria, OR
(350) 325-2502
Rates – Off Season: Call for rates. High Season: Call for rates. Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront or
Waterview: YES
Pilot House, The
103 14th St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 289-8734, 888-683-7987
Rates – Off Season: $300-450 High Season: $350-495 Meeting Space On-Site: YES Waterfront or Waterview:
Astoria Coffeehouse & Bistro 243 11th Street Astoria, OR (503) 325-1787 astoriacoffeehouse.com Breakfast: $312 Lunch: $5-13 Dinner: $6-22 Cuisine/Style: Coffeehouse, Pacific Northwest, Comfort Food
Astoria Coffeehouse & Bistro
243 11th Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-1787
Breakfast: $3-12 Lunch: $5-13 Dinner: $6-22 Cuisine/Style: Coffeehouse, Pacific Northwest, Comfort Food
Astoria’s Portway
422 W Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2651
Lunch: $7-20 Dinner: $7-20 Cuisine/Style: Tavern/Bar
Baked Alaska No. 1
12th Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7414
Lunch: $6-15 Dinner: $17-30 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Seafood, Upscale Casual Meeting/Group Space
Bowpicker Fish & Chips
1636 Duane Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 791-2942
Lunch: $8-10 Dinner: $8-10 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, Seafood
Bridgewater Bistro
20 Basin Street, Suite A
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6777
Lunch: $6-15 Dinner: $13-32 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Bistro, Seafood Meeting/Group Space
Buoy 9
996 Pacific Dr.
Hammond, OR
(503) 861-2962
Breakfast: $4-15 Lunch: $6-15 Dinner: $8-22 Cuisine/Style: American, Steakhouse, Seafood
Burger King
350 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4775
Breakfast: $1-5 Lunch: $1-6 Dinner: $1-7 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, American
Cecil's Trolley Stop Grill
77 Eleventh Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8626
Lunch: $4-21 Dinner: $4-21 Cuisine/Style: American, Seafood, Comfort Food Meeting/Group Space
Dairy Queen - Astoria
843 W Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8205
Lunch: $3-9 Dinner: $3-9 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, Desserts, American Meeting/Group Space
Dairy Queen - Warrenton
733 SE Marlin Ave.
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-1965
Lunch: $3-9 Dinner: $3-9 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, Desserts, American Meeting/Group
Space Depot Restaurant, The
1208 38th Ave.
Seaview, WA (
360) 642-7880
Dinner: $12-32 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Seafood, Bistro
Desdemona Club
2997 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8540
Lunch: $4-7 Dinner: $4-7 Cuisine/Style: Tavern/Bar, American
Dooger's Seafood & Grill
103 S Hwy 101
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-2839
Breakfast: (Weekends) $5-12 Lunch: $6-15 Dinner: $12-25 Cuisine/Style: Seafood, Steakhouse, American
Meeting/Group Space
El Compadre
119 S Main St.
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-2906
Lunch: $5-16 Dinner: $5-16 Cuisine/Style: Mexican, Seafood, American Meeting/Group Space
Fort George Brewery + Public House
1483 Duane St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7468 (PINT)
Lunch: $8-15 Dinner: $8-15 Cuisine/Style: Brewpub, Seafood, Pacific Northwest Meeting/Group Space
Fulio's Pastaria, Tuscan Steakhouse & Delicatessen
1149 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-9001
Lunch: $7-12 Dinner: $12-30 Cuisine/Style: Italian, Steakhouse, Seafood Meeting/Group Space
Fultanos Pizza - Astoria
620 Olney Ave.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2855
Lunch: $5-30 Dinner: $5-30 Cuisine/Style: Pizza, Comfort Food, American Meeting/Group Space
Fultano's Pizza - Bubba's Sport Bar
78 SW Harbor
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-9367
Lunch: $5-30 Dinner: $5-30 Cuisine/Style: Pizza, Sports Bar, American Meeting/Group Space
Geno's Pizza & Burgers
3693 Leif Erickson Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4927
Lunch: $6-10 Dinner: $6-25 Cuisine/Style: Pizza, American
Golden Star Restaurant
599 Bond
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6260
Lunch: $5-9 Dinner: $5-9 Cuisine/Style: Chinese Meeting/Group Space Josephson's Smokehouse 106 Marine
Dr. Astoria, OR (503) 325-2190 josephsons.com Lunch: $3-9 Dinner: $3-9 Cuisine/Style: Seafood, Light Fare
Journey's End Espresso
55 Basin St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4443
Breakfast: $2-5 Lunch: $2-5 Cuisine/Style: Coffee Stand, Comfort Food, Desserts
Labor Temple Diner
934 Duane St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-0801
Breakfast: $4-10 Lunch: $4-10 Dinner: $5-10 Cuisine/Style: Comfort Food, American, Tavern/Bar Meeting/
Group Space
McMenamin's Sandtrap
1157 N Marion St.
Gearhart, OR
(503) 717-8150
Breakfast: $7-15 Lunch: $9-15 Dinner: $9-20 Cuisine/Style: American, Brewpub, Seafood Meeting/Group Space
Mo's Restaurant
195 Warren Way
Cannon Beach, OR
(503) 436-1111
Breakfast: $4-10 Lunch: $4-8 Dinner: $9-12 Cuisine/Style: Seafood, Comfort Food, Pacific Northwest Meeting/
Group Space
Pig'n Pancake
146 W. Bond
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-3144
Breakfast: $5-13 Lunch: $6-13 Dinner: $6-18 Cuisine/Style: American, Comfort Food, Steakhouse
Plaza Jalisco
212 8th St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 338-4440
Lunch: $5-14 Dinner: $5-14 Cuisine/Style: Mexican, American
Rogue Ales Public House
100 39th St., Ste. 600
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-5964
Lunch: $7-15 Dinner: $7-15 Cuisine/Style: Brewpub, American, Seafood Meeting/Group Space
Shelburne Restaurant & Pub
4415 Pacific Way
Seaview, WA
(360) 642-4150
Breakfast: $9-12 Lunch: $10-15 Dinner: $15-30 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Seafood, American Meeting/
Group Space
Ship Inn, The
1 Second Street
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-0033
Lunch: $10-35 Dinner: $10-35 Cuisine/Style: Seafood, British
Shipyard Bar & Grill and Astoria Event Center
894 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8657
Lunch: $4-10 Dinner: $10-14 Cuisine/Style: Sports Bar, American Meeting/Group Space
Silver Salmon Grille
1105 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 338-6640
Lunch: $5-20 Dinner: $9-35 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Seafood Meeting/Group Space
Stephanie's Cabin
12 W Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7181
Breakfast: $6-12 Lunch: $7-15 Dinner: $8-22 Cuisine/Style: Comfort Food, Steakhouse, Seafood Meeting/Group
Street 14 Coffee
1410 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-5511
Breakfast: $4-10 Lunch: $4-10 Cuisine/Style: Coffeehouse, Pacific Northwest, Desserts
Subway - Astoria
11 W Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-3322
Breakfast: $2-7 Lunch: $3-9 Dinner: $3-12 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, American, Vegetarian Meeting/Group
Subway - Warrenton
161 S Hwy 101
Warrenton, OR
(503) 861-3311
Breakfast: $2-7 Lunch: $3-9 Dinner: $3-12 Cuisine/Style: Fast Food, American, Vegetarian
T. Paul's Supper Club
360 12th St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-2545
Lunch: $4-18 Dinner: $4-27 Cuisine/Style: Steakhouse, Pacific Northwest, Upscale Casual Meeting/Group Space
T. Paul's Urban Cafe
1119 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 338-5133
Lunch: $4-12 Dinner: $4-18 Cuisine/Style: Pacific Northwest, Vegetarian, Seafood
The Spot Bar and Grille
218 W Marine Drive
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-4220
Breakfast: $7-10 Lunch: $7-10 Dinner: $6-18 Cuisine/Style: American, Greek, Late Night
Three Cups Coffee House
279 West Marine Drive
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-7487
Wet Dog Cafe / Astoria Brewing Co.
144 11th St.
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-6975
Breakfast: (Weekends) $5-14 Lunch: $4-19 Dinner: $4-19 Cuisine/Style: Brewpub, Seafood, Steakhouse Meeting/
Group Space
Wheelhouse Coffee Co., The
175 14th St., Suite 150
Astoria, OR
(503) 325-8430
Breakfast: $4-5 Lunch: $6-9 Cuisine/Style: Coffee House, Deli, Dessert Meeting/Group Space
Shopping in the Astoria-Warrenton area is always a pleasure. From unique boutique-style shops to major
department stores, you will find everything you need right here in our communities. The Chamber supports a
strong “Shop Local” initiative encouraging locals to shop local. There really is no need to go anywhere else!
Astoria’s downtown core offers a variety of stores and businesses in a quaint, friendly and very walkable
business neighborhood. Downtown Astoria’s active and varied restaurant/nightlife scene is enjoyed by a
significant number of locals and visitors from out of the area. Outside of the downtown area you will also find
great restaurants, shops and other services available throughout the community.
Warrenton’s downtown is developing its own small-town community of businesses under the city’s master plan,
and convenient shopping is readily available. The Warrenton Highlands area along Hwy 101 is now home to
several new stores that have added new jobs, products and services saving locals a trip out of town to shop major
chain stores.
The advances in medical care options in the Astoria-Warrenton area have increased significantly over the last
decade or so. The communities are served by two major hospitals, Columbia Memorial and Seaside Providence –
both of which continue to build and expand their services. In addition, there are countless private practice
specialists, clinics, urgent care facilities, hospice, hearing, vision, dental, chiropractors, mental health, physical
therapy and alternative medicine services available to residents throughout the north coast and lower Columbia
River basin.
Columbia Memorial Hospital Since 1880, Columbia Memorial Hospital has been committed to providing
compassionate healthcare in a healing environment to the people of the Lower Columbia region. CMH, the thirdlargest employer in Clatsop County, is a full-service, 25-bed, critical access, not-for-profit, Level IV trauma
center. As a Planetree-affiliate hospital, CMH subscribes to the philosophy that we can best serve our patients
and the community by providing the latest in medical technology in a healing, nurturing environment that
encourages their involvement and participation. We believe in peaceful, comfortable surroundings; warm and
supportive caregivers; and access to health information and education to help our patients get well faster and stay
well longer.
As part of its continuing effort to enhance its healthcare offerings and facilities, CMH recently completed an
expansion and renovation of its Surgery Services Department. Main features include a new, state-of-the-art
outpatient endoscopy center, renovated operating rooms and the addition of a three-story, mixed-use office
building, which houses a number of existing departments. In addition, CMH, in conjunction with Oregon Health
Science University, has expanded its service directory to include the CMH/OHSU Cancer and Cardiology
Clinics, as well as a new Telemedicine program.
Columbia Memorial Hospital
2111 Exchange St. Astoria, Oregon
(503) 325-4321
Providence Seaside Hospital Part of the Providence Health & Services network, Providence Seaside Hospital is a
Critical Access Hospital offering a full continuum of healthcare services, including beautiful birthing suites,
primary and specialty care clinics, walk-in clinics and emergency department services. Providence provides
employment for 365 people, has 31 medical staff members and is a 25-bed hospital with an additional 20-bed
long-term care facility.
Providence Seaside Hospital enjoys full accreditation by the Joint Commission and offers the services in primary
care clinics located in Warrenton, Seaside and Cannon. The hospital has access to a variety of specialists,
including, but not limited to: cardiology, urology, orthopedics (including spine), oncology, pediatrics, obstetrics,
gynecology, rheumatology, podiatry, ophthalmology and general surgery. A same-day walk-in clinic is available
in Warrenton, Seaside and Cannon Beach. The facility also has spacious birthing suites, top-of-the-line
diagnostic imaging technology and rehabilitation services, including physical, occupational and speech therapies.
Home health services are available, as well as Emergency Department services.
Providence Seaside Hospital
725 S. Wahanna Avenue Seaside, Oregon
(503) 717-7000
Fitness Centers Astoria Curves and Warrenton’s Columbia Fitness Center provide opportunities for indoor
workouts year-around. Classes and personal trainers are also available.
Senior Services Our senior community is served by numerous retirement and assisted living facilities, including
Astor House Assisted Living and Clatsop Care Center. Suzanne Elise Assisted Living in nearby Seaside also
serves the communities. There are many quality home health options as well.
Astoria and Warrenton both have senior centers and a thriving learning-in-retirement program, ENCORE, is
available through Clatsop Community College.
Astoria School District serves over 1,900 students in grades Kindergarten through 12th grade and is very proud
of its rich educational tradition. ASD provides strong programs in all academic areas and specifically has a fine
reputation throughout the Northwest in the areas of Art and Drama. Graduates of 2010-2011 earned over $1.6
million in scholarships. Not only do students who graduate from ASD attend state universities but a number of
students attend private universities throughout the Northwest and the U.S. ASD strives to meet the needs of all
students. The district opened up the first full-day Kindergarten program in Clatsop County striving to meet the
student’s needs at the beginning stages of school. ASD has a very dedicated staff that works hard with students
during the school day and in extracurricular programs throughout the whole district.
Warrenton-Hammond School District serves approximately 900 students Kindergarten through 12th grade, and
has enjoyed a strong or satisfactory state rating since 2000. The Warrenton High Band has won the state band
championship four years in a row, and the school operates a nationally recognized fisheries program. Graduates
of WHSD attend a variety of colleges and universities, including Clatsop Community College, University of
Oregon, Oregon State University, Harvard, the U.S. Air Force Academy and other prestigious institutions. All
schools provide additional assistance for students in afterschool programs and the district has a strong
commitment to student and staff health through its Wellness program.
The Knappa School District, which serves the region east of Astoria, continues its long-standing tradition of
educational excellence. Knappa graduates over the last 100 years have made significant contributions to the
region, state and nation in a variety of careers and professions. Despite declining state funding for schools,
Knappa Schools maintain an emphasis on preparing all students for success in college and career; provide all
high school students with a laptop computer or I-Pad 2; continue small class sizes in all grades; insure that all
students read at grade level by grade 3; provide twice a week music classes for 4th and 5th graders; provide full-
day, no-cost Kindergarten; and provide Advanced Placement and career technical classes at the high school.
Their dedicated and talented staff, combined with tremendous community support from the Knappa Schools
Foundation, insures the district’s continued excellence even in tough times. The school board and community are
justifiably proud of Knappa Schools and its plans for the future.
Astoria School District Superintendent:
Craig Hoppes
785 Alameda Ave., Astoria
(503) 325-6441
Warrenton-Hammond School District Superintendent:
Mark Jeffery
820 SW Cedar, Warrenton
(503) 861-2281
Knappa School District Superintendent:
Jeff Leo
41535 Old Hwy 30, Astoria
(503) 458-6166
Clatsop Community College (CCC) is a two-year post-secondary institution serving northwest Oregon and
southwest Washington. CCC delivers instruction and training in liberal arts and sciences, professional technical
fields, community education, developmental education and general education. Specialized programs include
certificate and degree opportunities for Maritime Science, Nursing, Historic Preservation and Restoration and
Sustainable Energy. CCC operates from three Clatsop County facilities: the newly renovated historic main
campus in Astoria, the Marine and Environmental Research and Training Station (MERTS) and the South
County campus in Seaside that houses small business and economic development services (SBDC/CEDR). In
addition, events at the CCC Performing Arts Center (PAC) and Art Center Gallery contribute significantly to the
region’s vibrant cultural environment. CCC strives to meet the needs of its ever-changing and diverse community
and foster civic, cultural, social and economic vitality.
Clatsop Community College President:
Larry Galizo
1651 Lexington Ave., Astoria
(503) 325-0910
Tongue Point Job Corps Center is located on Astoria’s east side. TPJCC provides vocational training and
academics for economically disadvantaged youth, aged 16-to-24 years old, in a residential setting. Job Corps is
administered by the U.S. Department of Labor and the center is a major economic force in the community,
providing approximately 200 jobs and housing 525 students. It is also ranked as one of the “top 10” job corps
centers in the country.
The Astoria Warrenton area cultivates a proud spirit of volunteerism through its many organizations and clubs.
Kiwanis, Rotary, Elks, Moose and other national organizations all have active clubs in the community. There are
also many charitable, local-interest, festival/event and special interest organizations throughout the region that
provide a wide range of services, community improvements, celebrations and entertainment in our communities,
including more than 60 nonprofits who are members of the Astoria-Warrenton Area Chamber of Commerce.
Houses of worship for a wide variety of faiths and denominations can be found in the Astoria-Warrenton area.
Many provide programs for children and adults and are active in the community, partnering with local agencies
to provide services to those in need. The following churches are welcome Chamber members:
First Church of Christ Scientist
632 Eleventh St., Astoria
(503) 325-5661
First Lutheran Church
725 33rd St., Astoria
(503) 325-6252
First Presbyterian Church
1103 Grand Ave., Astoria
(503) 325-1702
First United Methodist Church
1076 Franklin Ave., Astoria
(503) 325-5454
Peace Lutheran Church
565 12th St., Astoria
(503) 325-3871
Seaside Christian Church
88786 Dellmoor Loop Rd., Seaside
(503) 738-5182
St. Mary, Star of the Sea
1465 Grand Ave., Astoria
(503) 325-3671
Center for Spiritual Living of the North Coast
66 SW 4th St., Astoria
(503) 791-2192
Astoria-Warrenton Chamber of Commerce — 325-6311
Business Licenses
City of Astoria — 325-5821
City of Warrenton — 861-2233
Clatsop Economic Development Resources — 338-2342
Small Business Development Center — 338-2342
Astoria Downtown Assn. — 791-7940
Warrenton Business Assn. — 861-2233
WorkSource Oregon — 325-4821
Pacific Personnel — 738-9084
City of Astoria — 325-5821
City Manager Paul Benoit — 325-5824
City of Warrenton — 861-2233
City Manager Kurt Fritsch — 861-2233
Clatsop County
County Manager Duane Cole — 325-1000
Astoria Library — 325-7323
Warrenton Library — 861-3919
Port of Astoria — 325-4521
Hammond/Warrenton Marinas — 861-3822
Elected Officials
State Senator Betsy Johnson — 543-4045
State Representative Debbie Boone — 986-1432
Mayor Mark Kujala (Warrenton) — 861-2233
Mayor Willis Van Dusen (Astoria) — 325-5824
Public Safety (in case of emergency dial 911)
Astoria Police — 338-6411
Warrenton Police — 861-2235
Clatsop County Sheriff — 325-8635
Astoria Fire Dept. — 325-4237
Warrenton Fire Dept. — 861-2494
Urgent Care
Columbia Memorial Hospital — 338-4050
Providence Hospital-Seaside — 717-7000
Astoria School District 1C — 325-6441
Knappa School District — 458-6166
Warrenton-Hammond School District — 861-2281
Clatsop Community College — 325-0910
Linfield College — (800) 452-4176
Sunset Empire Transportation “The Bus” — 861-7433
Regal Taxi — 325-8715
North Coast Limo Service — 325-7030
Northern Lights Towncar — 760-2478
Enterprise Rent-A-Car — 325-6500
Hertz Rent-A-Car — 325-7700
NW Natural — 325-1632
Pacific Power — (888) 221-7070
Charter Communications — (800) 920-6910
Western Oregon Waste — 861-0578
City of Warrenton (garbage svc.) — 861-2233
Automotive - Sales
Automotive - Service
Chamber of Commerce
Computer Sales/Service
Food Distribution
Funeral Homes
Garage Doors
Graphic Company
Home Maintenance/Improvement
Real Estate
Senior Services
Waste Management
Columbia River Maritime Museum
1792 Marine Dr
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2331
Automotive - Sales
Ocean Crest Chevrolet Cadillac Buick
P.O. Box 700
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-325-7008
Automotive - Service
Del's OK Tire Factory
35359 Business 101
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8459
Automotive - Service
McCall's Tire Center, Inc.
1167 S.E. Marlin Ave.
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-2659
Automotive - Service
North Coast Auto Service, Inc.
2060 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-246-4012
Automotive - Service
Rod's Auto Marine Electric
230 SE Marlin
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-2657
Automotive - Service
Warrenton Auto & Marine Repair
P.O. Box 471
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-561-7667
Simply Cakes by Jae
120 10th St., Ste. 1
Astoria, OR
Abeco Office Systems
1332 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2975
Coast River Business Journal
P.O. Box 1357
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2846
Link's Outdoor
1254 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5586
WWC Business Solutions
1024 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2111
Chamber of Commerce
Ocean Park Area Chamber of Commerce
P.O. Box 403
Ocean Park, OR
Ohana Media Group
PO Box 99827
Seattle, Wa
Fax: 503-861-6630
Computer Sales/Service
Astoria's Best Computer
1020 Commercial St
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-4900
The Ship Inn
#1-2nd Street
Astoria, OR
Clatsop Electric
160-D NE 5th St
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-2340
Liberty Restoration Inc. aka Liberty Theater
1203 Commercial
Astoria, OR
503-325-5922 x33
Lower Columbia Bowl
826 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-4415
Seaside Aquarium
200 N. Prom
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-717-0904
Clatsop County Fairgrounds
92937 Walluski Loop
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5004
Brims Farm & Garden
34963 Hwy. 101 Bus.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-9231
Sterling Savings Bank
P.O. Box 326
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-7636
TLC Federal Credit Union
85 W. Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
503-325-2538 x 105
Fax: 503-325-2540
Wauna Federal Credit Union
100 Columbia St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-298-3965
Bloomin Crazy Floral
971 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-3572
Erickson Floral Co.
1295 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-0794
Food Distribution
Astoria Cooperative
1355 Exchange St., Suite 1
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-7797
Funeral Homes
Ocean View Cremation & Burial Services
P.O. Box 782
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-338-7203
Garage Doors
Coast Garage Door Co.
835-A Avenue S
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-738-8299
Graphic Company
The Bent Needle
1444 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6949
Astoria Pointe
263 W. Exchange St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8927
Astoria Warrenton Curves
1154 Commercial St Ste A
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-9240
Baxter Family Medicine
2055 Exhange St., Ste. 210
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-3938
Bay Breeze Boarding, Inc.
1480 SE 9th St.
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-867-7211
Bayshore Animal Hospital
325 SE Marlin
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-3186
Bayside Audiology
429 S.E. Marlin Ave., Ste. A
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-3436
Columbia Fitness
30 N. Highway 101
Warrenton, OR
Columbia Memorial Hospital
2111 Exchange St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-338-4009
Hope House
3107 Grand
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-352-1088
Spa at Cannery Pier Hotel
10 Basin St
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8350
Home Maintenance/Improvement
City Lumber Company
2142 Commercial St
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2217
Home Maintenance/Improvement
PO Box 1786
Hillsboro, OR
Fax: 503-268-1062
Allstate Insurance Co.
104 10th St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5003
Arbor Care Tree Specialists
8946 Youngs River Rd.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2581
A Coastal Lock-N-Key, LLC
49 7th St.
Astoria, OR
Astoria/Warrenton Seaside KOA
1100 NW Ridge Rd.
Hammond, OR
Fax: 503-861-3209
Best Western - Lincoln Inn Astoria
555 Hamburg Ave.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5550
Boreas B & B Inn
P.O. Box 1344
Long Beach, WA
Fax: 360-642-5353
Holiday Inn Express
204 W. Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-338-4702
Ocean Park Resort
25904 R St
Ocean Park, Wa
South Jetty Inn
P.O. Box 233
Hammond, OR
The Daily Astorian
PO Box 210
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6573
Coast Rehabilitation Services
65 N. Highway 101, Ste. 205
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-3476
Astoria Plumbing & Heating
34722 Beeline Ln.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2696
P & L Johnson Mechanical Co.
P.O. Box 595
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6991
Lazer Quick
507 S. Roosevelt Dr.
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-738-4184
Polk Riley's Printing & Design
92816 Hwy. 202
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-3204
Real Estate
Emerald Heights Apartments
1 Emerald Lane
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8179
Real Estate
Remax River & Sea
757 W Marine Dr
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-622-8635
Astoria Golf & Country Club
PO Box148
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-738-8359
Lewis & Clark RV Park
92294 Youngs River Rd.
Astoria, OR
Astoria Brewing Co. & Wet Dog Cafe
144 11th St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6814
Bridgewater Bistro
20 Basin St., Suite A
Astoria, OR
Buoy 9 Restaurant & Lounge
PO Box 163
Hammond, OR
Dairy Queen
843 W. Marine
Astoria, OR
Depot Restaurant
PO Box387
Seaview, OR
Fax: 360-665-6432
El Compadre
2975 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fulio's Pastoria & Tuscan Steakhouse
1149 Commercial
Astoria, OR
Fultano's Pizza
620 Olney Ave.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8510
Geno's Pizza N Burger
3693 Lief Erikson
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-8554
Josephson's Smokehouse & Dock
P.O. Box 412
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-4075
Mr. Fultano Pizza/Bubbas Sports Bar & Grill
78 SE Harbor
Warrenton, OR
Pig N Pancake
PO Box 9
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-738-7014
Plaza Jalisco Mexican Restaurant
212 8th St.
Astoria, OR
Silver Salmon Grille
1105 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
The Cellar on 10th
P.O. Box 386
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6601
Amazing Stories
1405 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Astoria Sunday Markets
P.O. Box 973
Astoria, OR
Clatsop Coin
1008 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Finn Ware of Oregon
1116 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-0214
Gimre's Shoes
239 14th St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-3972
Holly McHone Jewelry
1150 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5780
Holly McHone Jewelry
1150 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-5780
Jonathon's, Ltd.
P.O. Box 776
Astoria, OR
Loop - Jacobsen, Inc.
1360 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-6724
Main St. Market
191 S. Main St.
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-861-1883
Purple Cow Toys
1380 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Seaside Factory Outlet Center
1111 N. Roosevelt Dr., Ste. 202
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-717-1609
The Curious Caterpillar
1184 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Toni's Boutique
1130 Commercial St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-3738
Senior Services
Suzanne Elise Assisted Living Community
101 Forest Dr.
Seaside, OR
Fax: 503-717-8102
Malama Day Spa
927 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Columbia Travel
433 13th St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-1533
Sundial Travel & Cruise Center
750 Marine Dr.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-4536
Wadsworth Electric
1715 Exchange St.
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-325-2321
Waste Management
Western Oregon Waste
2320 S.E. 12th Pl.
Warrenton, OR
Fax: 503-474-4843
Bank of Astoria
P.O. Box 28
Astoria, OR
Fax: 503-298-2108
First Lutheran Church
725 33rd St.
Astoria, OR
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