HASSDA June Newsletter - Heart of America Federation of Square


HASSDA June Newsletter - Heart of America Federation of Square
Heart of America Singles
Square Dance Association
June 2015
HASSDA past and present Board with the 2015 HASSDA Festival Callers/Cuer. Front: Maye Wegner, Vicky
Zeller, Back: Carol Hershey, Mike Hines, Ken Burke, Louise Coleman, Jeff Holley, Dee Proctor, Jerry Story
and Kelly Bockover.
Maye Wegner, HASSDA President
At every event there are things that go on behind the scenes that few are aware of. This year’s
HASSDA Festival was no exception. I would like to thank Jeff Holley and Chris Wildhagen for
sounding the halls. They were at the festival early and making sure the sound was good so that
Everyone could enjoy the music and calls.
Swingin’ Singles and Fit and Fun volunteers along with the HASSDA Board made sure the floors were laid and
tables set up and taken up and torn down. It is a team effort and it is very rewarding to be part of such an
incredible team! Thank you to all the laborers that smiled while they sweated!
The general meeting was a highlight for me! You’re thinking MEETING??? Really??? YES! Many new ideas
were put forth and I am excited to see how we can implement them next year. You will see these proposals in
subsequent newsletters as we work out the details…so stay turned and read your newsletters!
I am privileged to be re-elected to serve another term with current Board. They are an enthusiastic group with
a “can do” attitude that is infectious, and with the wide range of talents, nothing seems impossible!
A very important “thank you” I would like to extend is to the local clubs and callers that canceled or
rescheduled their club dances so their dancers could enjoy the festival. Gloria Cain said 56 Swingin’ Singles
(Kansas City, KS) and Daryl Arndt told me Docey Dandies (Gardner, KS) had 31 members at the festival. The
Maysville Wranglers (Maysville, MO) asked me to be in their club photo and I counted 18 posing! I saw
several Happy Times Square members (Lawrence, KS) but was never given a total count. I am sure other clubs
had several members there, please point out your numbers! We love hearing that HASSDA is supported by the
local dancers. We are proud to include you into the HASSDA membership!
Thanks to Jay Krebs and Pam Young for kicking the weekend off with a bang! Jerry Story, Jeff Holley, Ken
Burke and Mike Hines kept it going so that no matter what your dancing level you had a hall where it was fun
to dance.
For those traveling to Nationals, be sure to stop by the HASSDA table and check out the display and join
HASSDA for an After Party on Saturday Night in the Phase II Round Dance Hall where we have Scott Bennett,
Brad Caldwell and Greg Jones lined up to entertain you with Tom Hollinberger as Emcee.
I am packing my can-cans heading to Salina, Kansas for my (Kansas) state square dance convention. See you
in a square!
Vice-President’s Message:
Kelly Bockover, HASSDA Vice President
I believe that Maye covered most of the "Thank You" in her article above, but I wanted to
express mine to all as well. It was a real privilege to work with everyone that helped out on this
year’s festival, we could not have pulled it off without each of you.
We had a good number of registered dancers for this year’s festival, but I am hoping to bump that number over
the 400 mark for next year. So, if you had a good time at this festival, please be sure to let other dancers know.
I believe that the best advertisement for any event is by word of mouth.
Speaking of next year’s festival, plans are already well underway for it. Be sure and check out the flyer in the
newsletter, and remember it will be in the same great venue next year. So, get registered early and help us
bump that number of dancers up!
We have three wonderful callers and a great cuer lined up for your dancing pleasure. Featured callers will
be Mike Hogan (NE), Bear Miller (CO) and Eric Henerlau (CA), along with Carolyn Ahart (MO) as cuer
for next year’s festival. Mike, Eric and Carolyn will all be coming in a day early and will be our entertainment
for the Thursday night Trail-In dance, so be sure to plan on that as well.
Well, I hope everyone has a wonderful Spring and Summer and I hope to see you all out dancing. Kelly
Vicky Zeller, HASSDA Secretary.
I want to thank all the members who attended the general meeting for your great ideas & voting
the board members back for another year. The festival this year was great for dancing, seeing
friends, and making new friends. I look forward to working with all the board members to help
make the 2016 festival even better. See you in a square soon. Vicky
Dee Proctor--HASSDA Treasurer
Another festival has come and gone, but oooohhhh what a memorable one it was!!!!! From trying
to pack everything I needed, to running back and forth to check on tornado warnings, severe weather warnings,
hail warnings, oh yes trying to remember what all I needed, to a distress call from a Granddaughter caught in
the storm, and please call AAA to pull her car out of the high water, and back to packing. Needless to say, I
forgot a lot of what I should have packed. I did not get to dance much because I forgot the shoes that I needed
to dance in. I brought other shoes, but not the inserts for them.
Of course being your treasurer, I am responsible for the money. One of my jobs is to be sure we have start-up
money for the dance. My luck being what it was, when I got to the bank to get the money, OH YES, they
closed early because of the tornado!!!!!!!!! Thanks to Kelly and Maye, with my emergency call, they helped
me out.
I would like to thank the Fit and Fun members for helping out with the registration table. You made my job so
much easier. I would also like to thank each and everyone that attended the Festival, without you there would
not be a Festival. I always enjoy siting at the front table and seeing and greeting all of our regular members,
but also meeting so many new friends.
Thank all of you for allowing me to serve another year as your Treasurer. Thanks to all of our board for being
such a great group to work with. Maye has promised to send me a list next year that I can use as a guide for my
packing. .I am looking forward to another great Festival. Dee
Louise Colman, Newsletter Editor
Here I am once again trying to compile a newsletter that will be of interest to all square dancers,
single or partnered up. Thanks be to the HASSDA members that cared enough to attend the
general meeting for all your great input and ideas and for placing your faith in the 2014-2015
Board of Officers by voting all of us back for 2015-2016 HASSDA season.
It has been a pleasure to serve you and I am excited to be doing this newsletter for you again this year.
We had a great turnout this year, hopefully it was due in part to the accessibility, right by the airport and just off
Interstate highways. I hope that more of the Kansas City area dancers will attend next year, we had several that
have previously attended HASSDA Festivals that were not in attendance this year. If everyone from K. C. were
to attend we could easily have had 400 or more dancers. Maye mentioned several clubs in her article but I want
to also acknowledge the B-N-R Squares and Shooting Stars Square dance club for cancelling their dances that
weekend so their members could attend the Festival. I know that both clubs had several members present both
nights as well as at the trail end dance. I would also like to acknowledge a group from Fairfield, IA that
attended. I was privileged to dance in their square several times, what a fun group.
I thought it was a fantastic festival, hope that all who attended agree. The callers were great, there were a lot of
Round dancers on the floor. If you weren’t there, you missed a really great time. I don’t like temporary floors
laid on carpet, but the floors that we had this year were very danceable compared to some I’ve danced on. I am
looking forward to next year’s festivities. Let us hear from you with your feedback. My e-mail address is at the
top of this item and I would dearly love to have some input from our dancers.
Please note; If you would like to list a special dance or festival that welcomes single dancers and will be happening
within the six state region covered by HASSDA, please send information to: HASSDA-Newletter@WeSquareDance.com.
Please supply a brief write up with the information, and we will try to get it listed in the OUT AND ABOUT section of
our next newsletter. Hugs, Louise
Carol Hershey
What a wonderful festival HASSDA had this year! Each year greeting old friends and
meeting new friends. I was thinking the other day, if it were not for the square dance festivals
around the country; I wouldn’t know a lot of you. I am so lucky to have so many friends from
all around the country.
If you are interested in seeing the festival pictures, you can find it on Facebook at Heart of America Singles
Square Dance Association. Like the site and “Get Notification” and you will receive information from
HASSDA concerning HASSDA and other groups dancing around the country. There is a lot of dancing around
the country. You can advertise an event also on the HASSDA page.
The Website for HASSDA is: wesquaredance.com/HASSDA/ Festival information, newsletters, pictures, etc.,
lots of information. See you in a square! Carol
1. Help us bump up the numbers for next year!
Same great venue and host hotel.
2. Host Hotel room reservations can now be made. Remember to mention room block
name "HASSDA 2016" if you are reserving by phone or block code "HAS" if reserving
via internet.
3. GREAT CALLER & CUER lineup. Plenty of fun to be had with callers Eric
Henerlau (CA), Mike Hogan (NE) and Bear Miller (CO), along with cuer Carolyn
Ahart (MO).
4. Be sure and plan to make the Trail-In Dance with not one, but two National
callers. Both Eric Henerlau & Mike Hogan will be calling along with Carolyn
Ahart cueing rounds.
New Address: Heaven
If you know of Dancers that might be on the HASSDA Roster of members that have passed, please let me know. We
would like to honor their memory in this publication. HASSDA-Newsletter@WeSquareDance.com
Old Square Dancers Never Die, They Just Promenade Home!
Hi Louise.
We thought HASSDA was a great dance. The callers were great. We had never danced to Jeff Holley before and we were
impressed with his singing and patter.
Jim & Cathy Bellinger, NE HASSDA Area Coordinator & Omaha Area Square Dance Council
IA - 1st, 3rd, 5th Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Merry Mixers at IOOF Hall, 29th and Kingman, Des
Moines, IA. 7:30 – 10:00 pm. Website: www.IowaSquareDance.org/Clubs/Central/CE_MerryMixers.html. Caller: Guest;
Cuer: Jo Saffel.
IA - Every Thursday – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Solo Steppers at Prince of Peace Lutheran Church,
Davenport, IA 7:30 – 10:00 pm. Website: www.IowaSquareDance.org/Clubs/Quad_Cities/QC_Solo_Steppers.html.
Callers: Don and Doug Sprosty and Guest Callers. Cuer: Charlie Swanson.
IA – 2nd 4th Saturdays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Plaids N Dads at IOOF Hall, 29th and Kingman, Des
Moines, IA. 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Website: www.IowaSquareDance.org/Clubs/Central/CE_PlaidsNDads.html. Caller: Guest
Caller; Cuer: Guest Cuer
IA – 2nd 4th Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Triple G Square Dance Club at Gilbert Elementary School,
Gilbert, IA Website: www.IowaSquareDance.org/Clubs/Central/CE_TripleG.html. Caller: Guest Caller; Cuer: Guest
Cuer IA – 1st 3rd Saturdays - Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Squires and Dames at 1st Presbyterian Church, 703
Greene, Boone, IA. 7:30 – 10:00 pm. Caller: Guest Caller; Cuer: Guest Cuer
KS – 1st/3rd Tuesdays – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Lone Wranglers at Riley County Senior Center, 412 Leavenworth,
Manhattan, KS. Rounds 7:30 pm Square Dancing 8:00 pm. Facebook, Caller Guest Callers. Cuer Joyce Juhler.
KS – 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays – Mainstream and Plus Dance. Sponsored by Swingin’ Singles at Town Hall, 11600 Johnson Dr,
Shawnee KS. Casual attire. Pre-Rounds 7:00 – 7:30 Lines/Rounds between tips. 7:30 – 9:45 pm. Caller Jay Krebs. Cuer
Pam Young. Website: www.Singles.WeSquareDance.com
KS – One Friday a month – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Shawnee Swingers at Croco Hall, 6115 SE Hwy 40,
Tecumseh KS (just east of Topeka). Caller Guest Callers. Cuer Lalla Steenbock. 7:30 – 10:00 pm. Website:
www.Shawnee.WeSquareDance.com or call Sharon Kay Jones-Ray at (785) 286-0554
KS – 2nd/4th Sundays – Mainstream Dance Sponsored by Circle 8 Square Dance Club, Chisholm Middle School, Newton,
KS, Caller: Guest Caller; Cuer: Guest Cuer. Pre-rounds 7:00 pm; Squares 7:30 – 9:30 pm. Website
www.Circle8SquareDance.com or call Bob or Sandy McVey at (620) 983-2929 email – SandyMcVey@hotmail.com
KS – 2nd/4th Fridays - Mainstream Dance Sponsored by Good Time Squares Dawson United Methodist Church Wichita,
Ks Caller: Guest Callers; Cuer: Joe Dawley. Contact Marcie Myers 316.990.4549
KS – 1st, 3rd & 5th Friday Mainstream Dance with plus tips Sponsored by Wichita Solo's Square Dance Club, Wichita, KS,
dances at 7:00 p.m. Southwest Presbyterian Church, 1511 West 27th St. South, Wichita. Guest callers, rounds by Frank
KS – Every Tuesday – Mainstream Workshop Sponsored by Good Time Squares at Dawson United Methodist Church
Wichita, Ks Caller -- David Myers, Barbara Whitehead Cuer – Joe Dawley .Contact Marcie Myers 316.990.4549
MO – 2nd Tuesdays – IAGSDC Dance (Plus and A-2). Sponsored by Gateway Squares, IAGSDC club, at St Louis Acitivity
Center, 5602 Arsenal St, St Louis MO. Casual attire. No rounds. 7:15 – 9:00 pm. Singles, same-sex couples and oppositesex couples all welcome. Callers: Aaron Wells & Guest Callers. Website: www.Gateway.SquareDanceMissouri.com
MO – 1st/3rd Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Continuous Dancing. Sponsored by St. Joe Squares at St. Peter Lutheran
Church, 3524 St. Joseph Avenue, St. Joseph, MO. Casual attire. Chris Wildhagen Caller. 7:30 – 10:00 pm Contact: Bill and
Marilyn Robinson (816) 233-9096. Website www.StJoe.WeSquareDance.com
MO – 4th Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Single Promenaders at Ivanhoe United Church of Christ, 6512
Woodson Rd, KC (Raytown) MO. Rounds 7:00 – 7:30, Lines/Rounds between tips. 7:30 – 10:00pm. Caller: Al Block.
Cuer: Stash Tosio. Check Website: www.Promenaders.WeSquareDance.com or call Novella Mehrer 816.246.1225.
MO – Alternating Saturdays – Plus-Level Dance. Sponsored by Singles and Doubles at Webster Groves Christian Church,
1320 Lockwood Ave, Webster Groves MO. 7:30 – 10:00 pm. Caller: Guest Callers; Cuers: Gene and Del McGinty. Check
Website: www.Singles.SquareDanceMissouri.com or call Dan Kramme 636.225.5378
NE – 1st/3rd/5th Tuesdays – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Single Wheelers Squares at Pufahl’s Barn in Norfolk, NE
during summer months (Norfolk Jr High School on Aug 30. 8:00 – 10:30 pm. Website:
www.SquareDanceNE.org/clubs/swheelers or call Gerry and Janet Mansfield 402.565.4247
NE – Alternating Tuesdays – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Heartland Singles Square Dance Club at Rockbrook
Methodist Church, 9855 West Center Rd, Omaha NE. 7:30 - 10:00pm. Website:
www.SquareDanceNE.org/clubs/heartland or call Diane Krebs at 402.734.4761. NE – Alternating Fridays (Sept thru
May) – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Belles N Beaus at Holy Cross Lutheran Church, 4117 Terrace Dr., Omaha, NE.
8:00 - 10:30pm. Website: www.SquareDanceNE.org/clubs/belles. Call Jim & Cathy Bellinger 402.393.4194 or
NE – Alternating Saturdays – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Amazing 8’s at Rockbrook Methodist Church, 9855 West
Center Rd, Omaha NE. 8:00 - 10:30pm. call Bob Welshinger at 402-339-5405.
NE – 2nd Saturdays – Mainstream Dance. Sponsored by Pressey Promenaders at Veterans Memorial Building, 416 S. 1st
Ave., Broken Bow NE. Callers: Guest callers. 7:30 - 10:00 pm. Website: www.SquareDanceNE.org/clubs/pressey or call
Jo Stottlemire E-Mail.
OK – 1st/3rd Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Single Squares at Westside Lions Hall, 4135 NW 10th St,
Oklahoma City, OK. Rounds 7pm, Workshop 7:30pm and Grand March 8pm. Callers Jeff and Niecy Holley. Cuers Jim &
Georgianne Couey. Website www.cdsda.com
OK – 2nd/4th Fridays – Mainstream/Plus Dance. Sponsored by Metro Singles of OKC at Westside Lions Hall, 4135 NW
10th St, Oklahoma City OK. Pre-Rounds 7:00 pm and square dancing starts 7:30 pm. 3rd and 6th tips are Plus and
Advanced will be called after regular dancing ends. Caller: Danny Payne. Cuer: Sonja Savell Janes. Website
2015 – 2016
Contact Information
Maye Wegner,
685 Newman.
Havensville, Kansas 66432-9567.
Phone: 785.806.8314
Delores (Dee) Proctor,
P.O. Box 6295,
Norman, Oklahoma 73070-6295.
Phone: 405.321.3730
Kelly Bockover,
2810 North Walrond Ave.
Kansas City, Missouri 64117-2525.
Phone: 816.678.2139
HISTORIAN: Carol Hershey,
6620 NW Bougher Lane,
Kansas City, Missouri 64151-2312
Phone: 816.741.7019
Vicky Zeller,
21253 North Sail-a-Way Drive,
Overbrook, Kansas 66524-8851.
Phone: 316.734.2387
Louise Coleman,
10000 NW 86th St,
Kansas City, Missouri 64153-3634.
Phone: 816.332.6263 0r 816.509.6146
Maye Wegner,
685 Newman.
Havensville, Kansas 66432-9567.
Phone: 785.806.8314
56th Wisconsin Square and Round Dance Convention
“UNDER THE BIG TOP – The Greatest Dance on Earth”
August 7-9, 2015
Horace Mann High School
325 McKinley Street
North Fond du Lac, WI 54937
Web: wisquaredanceconvention.org
Contact: Brenda Deal
Email: 07disneygirl@gmail.com
Phone: 920-248-2179
45th National Singles Dance-A-Rama
"Dancing on the Rapids"
September 4-6, 2015
Amway Grand Hotel
Grand Rapids, MI
Online registration available. Please view website dar2015.ssdusa.org
Fit and Fun Square Dance Association
“Fall Frolic Dance” w/caller Dee Dee Dougherty & cuer Stash Tasio
Oct 30, 2015
Holmswood Baptist Church
Kansas City, MO
For more information view website www.fitandfunsda.org
65th National Square Dance Convention
“Do the Iowa Scene in 2016”
June 22,23,24,25, 2016
Iowa Events Center
Des Moines, IA
We have online Registration available. Please view the website www.65nsdc.org
The following tours information for the 65th National Convention in Iowa was submitted by Jo Saffell, the
HASSDA State Coordinator for Iowa. Due to space constraints for this Newsletter, there simply is not room for
all the information on each tour. Please see: www.65nsdc.org/group-tours for all the information needed.
You may register online for tours or fill out the form below and send to: 65th NSDC Registration & Housing Committee
P.O. Box 18 Preston, IA 52069 Check payable to: 65th NSDC Name ______________________________
Address ______________________________ City ________________________ State ________ Zip code __________
Phone ______________________________ Email _______________________________ Check #________________,
Visa___ MC____ Other____ Card #_________________________________________ Expiration Date _____ /_____
CCV# __________ Signature ______________________________________ No Refunds after June 1, 2016 Tours Wanted
Tour Number Total Code Cost of people Cost ______ ______ x _______ = ______ ______ ______ x _______ = _____
______ ______ x _______ = _____ ______ ______ x _______ = _____ ______ ______ x _______ = _____ Total ______
65th National Square Dance Convention® DO THE IOWA SCENE IN 2016 JOIN US IN TOURING IOWA!
Please Register Early :
F3 – TERRACE HILL / SALISBURY HOUSE Friday, June 24, 9:30 AM – 3:30 PM -- $ 54
F4 – MYSTERY FLASHMOB Friday, June 24, 1:15 PM - 5:30 PM -- $ 22
S1 – REIMAN GARDENS/TRAIN RIDE AND MUSEUM Saturday, June 25, 8 AM - 5:30 PM -- $ 65
All tours will leave from, and return to, HyVee Hall on the east side of the Iowa Events Center.
S2 – CITY TOUR / OTHER ART SHOW Saturday, June 25, 12:30 PM - 5:15 PM -- $ 21
SM1 – HERBERT HOOVER / FIELD OF DREAMS Sunday, June 26, leaving at 7:30 AM Monday, June 27, returning at 7:30
PM Double Occupancy -- $161
MT1 – CLEAR LAKE / GROTTO OF REDEMPTION Monday, June 20, leaving at 8 AM Tuesday, June 21, returning at 6:30
PM Double Occupancy -- $200
W1 – GOLF AT TOAD VALLEY Wednesday, June 22, 9 AM - 3:30 PM -- $ 52
W2 – LIVING HISTORY FARMS / MACHINE SHED Wednesday, June 22, 8 AM - 2:30 PM -- $ 49
W3 – ADVENTURELAND AMUSEMENT AND WATER PARK Wednesday, June 22, 11 AM - 5 PM, -- $ 65, Child 4-9 -- $ 60,
Child 0-3 unless on lap -- $ 20.
W4 – AMANA COLONIES Wednesday, June 22, 7:30 AM - 5 PM -- $ 35
W5 – JESTER PARK EQUESTRIAN CENTER Wednesday, June 22, 9 AM - Noon Trail Ride.... $ 51 Wagon Ride ... $ 31
W6 – BRIDGES OF MADISON COUNTY Wednesday, June 22, 8 AM - 3 PM -- $ 49
W7 – CITY TOUR Wednesday, June 22, 1 PM - 4:45 PM -- $ 21
T1 – JOHN DEERE / GOLD STAR MILITARY MUSEUM Thursday, June 23, 8 AM - 12:30 PM -- $ 20
T2 – CITY TOUR Thursday, June 23, 7:30 AM - 11:15 A -- $ 21
T3 -- WOODWORKING / GARDENING / QUILTING Thursday, June 23, 1 PM - 5 PM -- $ 18
T4 – CAPITOL BUILDING / HISTORICAL BUILDING Thursday, June 23, 9 AM - 2:30 PM -- $ 37
T5 – IOWA SPEEDWAY Thursday, June 23, 9 AM - 12:30 PM -- $ 27
F1 – CITY TOUR Friday, June 24, 9 AM - 1 PM -- $ 21
F2 – BOAT RIDE WITH LUNCH Friday, June 24, 11 AM - 4:30 PM -- $ 63
Disclaimer for Tours: All participants in activities, and use of contracted facilities, shall be undertaken by each individual
at his or her own risk. The 65th National Square Dance Convention® is not responsible for loss, damage, delay, injury or
accident due to act or default on the part of the convention or providers of tours or services provided. Personal items and
souvenirs are the sole responsibility of the passenger. Copyright 2016 NSDC Inc. All Rights Reserved.
Love’n that Ice Cream!!
You Tell’m Paul!
Round Dancers!!
Bue Cude
223 Highway 370
Mena, AR 71953-8295
Maye Wegner
685 Newman
Havensville, Kansas 66432-9567
Curtis Northrup
448 North 8th
Towanda, Kansas 67144-8909
Connie Stewart
1308 NW 2nd Street
Abilene, Kansas 67410-3406
Jane Anderson
25241 South 603 Road
Grove, Oklahoma 74344-7784
Phoebe Sage
10485 East Stockade Road
Moundville, Missouri 64771-9123
Marilyn Berg
1682 South Evanston Street
Aurora, Colorado 80012-5776
MISSOURI: (150 Miles radius of St Joe)
Chris Wildhagen
2909 Black23ll Rd.
St Joseph, MO 64506
Jo Saffell
3910 80th Street
Urbandale, Iowa 50322-2416
Ronald Wickett 301
East Street
New Virginia, Iowa 50210-5041
Jim and Cathy Bellinger
8605 A Street
Omaha, Nebraska 68124-3945
Bill Adcock
4339 Sunridge Drive, Apt N
St. Louis, Missouri 63125-3486
Rollyn Friesen
80 South 41st Street
Lincoln, Nebraska 68510
Louise Coleman
10000 NW 86th Street
Kansas City, Missouri 64153-3634
816.332.6263-(C) 816.509.6146
Lee Williams, Historian for several years!
Doris Lueller
2121 Douglas St #507
Omaha, NE 68108 dluellen1@yahoo.com
Delores Chambers 1051 SW 4th Street
Jones, Oklahoma 73049-7517
Delores (Dee) Proctor
P.O. Box 6295
Norman, Oklahoma 73070-6295
Judy Tucker
19495 East 470 Road
Claremore, Oklahoma 74019-4188
Oklahoma: (Supports all 6 states)
Les Rieske
4023 Turnstertrol L
Oklahoma City, OK 73150
Oklahoma (SW)
Cheryl Foster,
Box 215
Hydro, Oklahoma 73048
Heart of America Singles Square Dance Association
685 Newman Road
Havensville, KS 66432