2016 Spring Edition
2016 Spring Edition
Volume 3 Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 1 e of Blooming Flowers F r iend s h ip Volunteers: The Heart of Pennsylvania OES In Motion Page 2 FROM YOUR EDITORS... Sisters and Brothers, Happy spring! Since the number of publications was reduced by one issue, the space we had for biographies diminished as well. Our Elected and Appointed Grand Chapter Committee Chairmen are listed on page 10. Thank you to all those who have taken the time to share stories and photos from your chapters and regions! The next issue will be produced under the direction of Diana Hlavsa, who will transition from Co-Editor to Editor in June. All articles that have been received, by email and postal mail, have been shared with Diana. If you previously submitted an article that has not yet appeared and want to confirm that it has been received, please be in touch with her. Moving forward, some changes are in store for our OES newspaper to address significant issues with printing. As part of these changes to the newspaper, we have some guidelines to share regarding photos. Please consider photo quality before submission. Photos taken with a low resolution cell phone camera, printed on an inkjet printer, printed on regular copy paper, or clipped from a newspaper cannot be used. Fraternally, Christie & Diana PA OES Newspaper “Blooming Flowers of Friendship” Volume 3 Spring 2016 Permit No. 729 Periodicals postage paid at Harrisburg, PA Published three times annually by the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Masonic Village 105 Freemason Drive Elizabethtown, PA 17022 PAEasternStar.org (717) 361-5203 (800) 419-7241 P.S. Do you know of a member who is not receiving his or her newspaper? Please contact the Grand Chapter office at (800) 419-7241 where the mailing list is maintained. Thank you! paoesgs@paeasternstar.org Worthy Grand Matron Mary H. Stillman Barbara E. Adams Excellence Award Program Since our last article, we had two wonderful days of testing at the Masonic Village in Sewickley on Saturday, December 12, and two sessions on Saturday, March 5, at the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. We had to cancel the January 23 date because of the snowstorm. To date, the following 18 Brothers qualified for the Apple Award by passing with proficiency the Signet testing: Thomas R. Mason, WGP, Woodlawn No. 164; Harry W. Fisher, PGP, Blue Mountain No. 443; B. Monte Kemmler, PGP, Mount Union No. 280; Kenneth V. Pineda, PGP, Robert Fulton No. 446; Gerald C. Berger, Rose Croix No,. 235; Edwin A. Bloxham, Jr., Laurel No. 67; Michael E. Byers, Perry No. 459; George M. Camlin, Martha V. Paul No. 404; Arnold M. Fausey, Jr., Lafayette No. 222; Douglas R. Fraley, Lenape No. 339; Donald C. Graver, Robert Fulton No. 446; Robert E. Holderbaum, Jr., Corinth No. 229; Todd L. Johnson, Old Bellaire No. 375; Jerry F. Longwell, Kittanning No. 277; Mark R. Major, No. 95; Steven E. McDowell, Eulalia No. 148; Donald E. Pell, Sr., The Glen No. 425; and Edward M. Schiesser II, Doylestown No. 327. To date, the following 31 Sisters have qualified for the Apple Award by passing with proficiency Star Point Adah’s work in both the Opening and the Initiatory portion of the Ritual: Virginia L. Plyler, PGM, Morning Light No. 312; HelenBeth G. Vilcek, PGM, William Parsons No. 185; Barbara A. Averell, North Hills No. 526; Brenda K. Baker, The Glen No. 425; Lenore C. Bouldin, Irwin No. 400; Carolyn J. Detweiler, Gettysburg No. 392; Gleny’s J. Edwards, Laurel No. 67; Susan J. Felegy, Rose Croix No. 235; Norma J. Frank, Martha Washington No. 3; Kathleen Hahn, New Temple No. 298; Barbara A. Hess, Doylestown No. 327; Marcia H. Holland, Norwood Harrington No. 356; Terry L. Hyatt, William E. Gelston No. 435; Terry L. Kamerzel, Capital City No. 146; Orpha G. Kemmler, Mount Union No. 280; Madelyn M. Kemp, Rose Croix No. 235; Tammie S. Lasswell, Irwin No. 400; Patricia A. Longwell, Kittanning No. 277; Janice R. Major, Ulysses No. 95; Leslie A. McKinney, Lebanon No. 115; Geraldine E. Patyk, Signet No. 129; Margaret R. Pineda, Robert Fulton No. 446; Nancy L. Prisbylla, Carrick No. 231; Marcia E. Rebuck, Sunbury No. 266; Bonnie Y. Shalala, Signet No. 129; Erica L. Tantlinger-Gregorini, Monessen No. 205; Saralee B. Tollinger, Robert Fulton No. 446; Patricia A. Trude, Triangle No. 483, Shirley A. Warren, Mary Wells No. 452, Linda E. Watson, Hershey No. 509, and Wanda R. Wright, Ulysses No. 95. As always, we congratulate the above Sisters and Brothers who put forth the extra effort to be tested; they not only bring honor to themselves but also their Chapters. They can be proud to wear the lovely pewter Apple pin in recognition of their good work; the Apple pin is a gift from the Worthy Grand Matron. When you see them, congratulate them on a job well done! It takes many willing, dedicated sisters and brothers to help with this program. The following have assisted with the judging: Mary H. Stillman, WGM; Thomas R. Mason, WGP; Shirley B. Capo, PGM; Beverly J. Small, PGM; Joyce E. Ferguson, PGM; Rhonda M. Johnson, PGM; Andrea T. Love, PGM; Betty L. MacAdam, PGM; Virginia L. Pyler, PGM; John J. Kibler, PGP; Edward C. Seiter, PGP; Diana N. Michael, AGM; Emily D. McCarthy, GC; Sandra L. Berkey, AGC; Cynthia Diegel; Mark Major; Janice Major; Teri Seiter; and Richard Plyler. Appreciation also to those who helped in other capacities were Frank Stillman; Madelyn Kemp; Suzanne L. Wary; Cheryl Sacks; Elizabeth Hammell, PGM; Carol Hassinger; Alice Pell; and Cathy Hoke. Our motto this year is “Learn your work and do it well—You’ll earn an apple when you excel.” Worthy Grand Patron Thomas R. Mason Grand Secretary Joyce E. Ferguson, PGM, GGCCM Co-Chairman, Triennial Assembly Editor Christie Benton christie.benton@yahoo.com (724) 544-6585 Co-Editor Diana Hlavsa dianahlavsa@gmail.com (724) 493-8569 Newspaper Staff Jill Bucks Gladys Scott Regional Reporters Gladys Scott Cindy Sefton Vickie Michaels Randa Triggs Deb Renninger Betty Miller Barb Givan Pat Longwell Deb Miller Patty Erhard Deb Johnson Deb Buckman Elaine Erb Becky Gohn Shirley Philips Cordelia Herbert Dynonne Nevil Carol Keen Mary Hindman Sue Gotta Printer Record Herald Waynesboro, PA Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 3 NOTES FROM THE FLIGHT DECK #22 January 1, 2016 by Robert C. Penoyer, MWGP of the General Grand Chapter and PGP of the Grand Chapter of PA Order of the Eastern Star, Inc. at the Omni-William Penn Hotel in Pittsburgh and settled in for the next eventful nine days. On Friday, October 30, we got off to an early start with a 7am breakfast meeting with committee chairmen and members. At 9:45, we had practice for all the officers at the Convention Center. At noon, Sister Helen Westmoreland, Mari, and I met with our 2015–2018 Grand Officers for lunch and discussed our itinerary for the upcoming Triennium. At 6 that evening, we attended a dinner for all of the 2012–2015 General Grand Officers. As I sat down to write this issue of “Notes,” I was reminded of the flurry of activity that had taken place since my last effort in keeping you informed of my travels and whereabouts. On October 1, 2015 I attended Elizabethtown Chapter #407’s Stated Meeting where we had the pleasure of seeing three new members initiated into the Order. One of the new members was Richard Reber, husband of the late Grand Trustee, Joanne Reber. I am sure Sister Joanne was looking down from above with much joy. On October 7, Mari and I left E-town and drove to Birmingham, Alabama for the 115th “The Star Light of Alabama’s” Grand Chapter Session. On the 8th, we attended Worthy Grand Electa, Clara Hamilton’s Honor Banquet, which was well attended with more than 250 members and friends in attendance. For entertainment, there was a Willie Nelson impersonator who was very good and got the attendees involved in song and dance. The following morning, Mari and I attended the Grand Representative’s luncheon with over 300 attending. RWAGM, Sister Helen Westmoreland, was also present and she called a meeting for a planning session for our upcoming installation in Pittsburgh. We met for 2½ hours in the early afternoon along with her personal secretary, Sister Charlene Williams, and made good progress on our installation program. We attended the All Members Banquet at 4pm honoring the WGM, Sister Madron Ramey, and WGP, Brother Dwight Headrick. The informal opening was held at 6pm during which all the introductions were made and MWGM, Sister Bobbi White, gave her address to the Grand Chapter. The Formal Ritualistic Opening was held on Saturday morning, October 10 with reports from the WGM, WGP, and Committees. At noon, Mari and I attended the Past Grand Matrons and Patrons Luncheon, and at 2pm they held their elections which were quite interesting. The election of the AGC was contested, and after considerable discussion, a solution was presented to the voting delegates and accepted after a recount which verified the original outcome. The Session finally ended at 8:15pm. We left Birmingham for home the next morning and arrived back in Elizabethtown in the early afternoon of October 12. We were happy to be able to attend White Rose Chapter No. 360’s 93rd Birthday luncheon held at the Outdoor Country Club in York on October 17th. They had a very patriotic red, white, and blue theme that everyone enjoyed with entertainment provided by four of White Rose’s members who led a fun singa-long with all members joining in the spirit of the event. The following 11 days were spent preparing for the 48th Triennial Assembly. On October 29th, we arrived The next day was more of the same, beginning with a 7am breakfast for all the 2015–2018 GGC Committee Members, Ambassadors, Deputies, and our Special Appointments. Over 300 were in attendance. At 11:30, Mari and I attended the International Grand Representatives Association luncheon at the Conference Center where over one thousand Grand Representatives from around the world attended. Sister Marilyn Lambert of Florida was elected President of the IGRA for this upcoming three year Triennium. After the luncheon, there were more rehearsals for the GG Officers. On October 31, Halloween, more than 800 of us got into costumes and enjoyed a dinner cruise on the Allegheny and Ohio Rivers for the evening. I was dressed in a hobo clown costume and Mari dressed as “Olaf” from the movie “Frozen.” It was a truly gala time with good food, music, and dancing that many of us enjoyed late into the evening. November 1 started off with a 6am breakfast with the 2012–2015 Deputies and members of General Grand Subordinate members of the U.D. Chapters. From there, Mari and I attended the Worship Service at 8am, the Youth program at 9, and the Memorial Service at 10, after which we had another Officers’ rehearsal session. From 2 until 4pm, the Officers stood in line for an all-member reception to meet and greet the tentative elective line. We returned to our hotel, and I changed into a white tie and tails tuxedo for the “White House State Dinner” honoring MWGM, Sister Bobbi White, and MWGP, Brother John Grobler. There were over 1,500 attendees present for the occasion and we were entertained by our own members, Brother Dennis Jordan, RWG Trustee and Brother Don Snyder, PGP of California. They were followed up by Sister Donna Sanders, PGM of Saskatchawan doing her “Queen Elizabeth II” routine. Monday, November 2 began with breakfast with the 2015–2018 Tri-Line Officers at 7am at the Double Tree Hotel. After breakfast, there were more rehearsals at the Convention Center from 9 until 11:30am. Mari and I then attended the Oklahoma Red Jacket luncheon where PMWGM, Sister Barbara Benton, and PMWGP, Brother Bill Owen, were the guests of honor. At 1:30pm MWGM, Sister Bobbi White, called the Informal Opening to order and many Masonic and Civic guests were introduced and seated in the East. There was a short break, and then, at 6:30pm, we had the Ritualistic Formal Opening of the 48th Triennial Assembly followed by a very impressive patriotic flag ceremony. The following morning, we got down to the business of General Grand Chapter with Committee Reports and voting on Resolutions. There was a break from noon until 2:15pm for the “Gathering of the Stars” luncheon honoring the 2012–2015 GGC Officers. The afternoon session saw more Committee Reports and was called from labor to refreshment at 5pm. At 6:30, Mari and I traveled to the Double Tree Hotel again for the Florida/Pennsylvania Banquet. The room was filled to capacity, with nearly 400 attending. Sister Helen Westmoreland and I were the guests of honor and received many lovely gifts from our wonderful supporters. A very nice and special evening of fun and fellowship was enjoyed by all. Wednesday got off to an early start as Sister Helen and I had breakfast at 6:30am with all of our 2015–2018 Deputies at the Westin Hotel, after which we traveled on to the Convention Center for the business session that began at 9am. This was election day, and elections began at 10am. PGM of PA, Sister Carla Thompson, placed my name in nomination for Most Worthy Grand Patron, and it was seconded by WGM of PA, Sister Mary Stillman. Sister Helen Westmoreland was elected Most Worthy Grand Matron, and I was elected MWGP by acclimation. PGM of Arizona, Sister Billie Bradfield, was elected Right Worthy Associate Grand Conductress on the 3rd ballot before lunch break, and PGM of Georgia, Sister Jo L. Cullifer, was elected Right Worthy Grand Trustee in the afternoon session that ended at 4:15pm. There was the “All Members Banquet” in the Conference Center from 5 until 6:30pm. We returned for the evening session that began at 7pm, and all of the Deputies of the MWGM and MWGP gave their reports. Thursday, November 5, the session began at 9am with the rest of the Committee reports and voting on the Resolutions. Voting on the Resolutions was completed at 3:15pm and followed by the farewell reports of MWGM, Sister Bobbi White, and MWGP, Brother John Grobler. The 48th Triennial Assembly was closed at 5pm. The Installation Ceremony began at 6:40pm with PMWGM, Sister Bobbi White, and PMWGP, Brother Loyal Stark, as the Installing Officers. PMWGM, Sister Pat Rassmussen, did a superb job as Installing Marshall. All 21 General Grand Officers were installed including MWGM, Helen Westmoreland, and myself as MWGP. What a fabulous night for all who attended. You will never know how proud I felt to see all the Pennsylvania delegation standing and waving the Pennsylvania flags when I was introduced and during my speech when I asked them to stand. It was overwhelming and a lasting impression in my memory! Mari and I were elated to have so many of our family and friends there for the ceremony and to witness this once in a lifetime spectacle. continued on page 4 Page 4 NEWS FROM THE EAGLE’S NEST by Barbara E. Adams, PGM and GGCCM, Ritual Committee We are certain by now you have made your reservations to attend Brother Robert C. Penoyer’s Homecoming Event at Grand Chapter on Tuesday evening, June 21. We would like to see a record-breaking crowd to welcome home our Most Worthy Grand Patron, Brother Bob. WE ARE PENNSYLVANIA PROUD OF HIM as he serves General Grand Chapter. Reservations for this fantastic event can be made by submitting your check for $40, payable to the KEYSTONE EAGLES, directly to your Deputy Grand Matron. "Hometown Hero" is the theme of the evening; it will be a spectacular salute to Brother Bob. We are requesting each Region to create a truly festive banner to fly during our Homecoming Parade. We urge each Region to show some creativity in designing their banner. Be unique, be colorful, and be expressive. We encourage the Deputies to have their Regions get together and design a fitting banner for the Parade. Be sure you join in the fun, too. Be a Hometown Pride Parade goer as you add a patriotic flair to your outfit. Although attire is casual, please do not wear jeans. Let’s all join in this together as we show the genuine hometown pride that we share for our Brother Bob, for Pennsylvania, and for our beautiful Order. We ask your help in making this evening unforgettable for Bob! Bob’s Blue Jacket Day Tuesday, June 21, 2016 Attention Keystone Eagle Club Members! Plan to wear your blue jacket to honor Bob and Pennsylvania on any day, but especially June 21. continued from page 3 The following morning at 8am, we boarded two buses that took our Deputies for this 49th Triennium out to the Pittsburgh Masonic Center for the Deputies School of Instruction. Sister Helen and I and all the newly installed General Grand Officers were there. Unfortunately, I became ill during the morning session, making it necessary for me to leave the room several times and thus missed most of the instruction. Many of the Overseas Deputies had flights in the afternoon, so Sister Helen cut the schooling short and we returned to our hotels at noon. I spent the rest of the day in bed and Mari and I stayed an extra day at the hotel before feeling well enough to drive home. The rest of November was relatively quiet, with our Rainbow Chapter’s regular meeting on the 11th, the fall meeting of PA’s Past Grands Association on the 14th, and PGM Carla Thompson’s and my Christmas Party in Somerset on the 15th. I arose early on the 16th and drove to our International Headquarters for a meeting at 9am with two of our Deputies to Brazil who had by-laws from several U.D. Chapters that need to be constituted. I am in the process of reviewing those by-laws now, and after a few minor corrections, we should be able constitute those Chapters early in 2016. That evening, Mari and I attended a PA in MD dinner and Special Meeting in Parkton Chapter No. 42 in Parkton, MD. They had a great turnout of most of all of the PA and MD Grand Officers and close to 150 in total attendance. On the 20th, we drove to Somerset for Trinity Chapter No. 138’s Special Meeting to Honor AGP, William Johnston. It was a great turnout for Brother Bill with more than 150 joining us for a good meal and an excellent meeting. The following morning, Mari and I attended the Central Village Festival at the Masonic Village in Elizabethtown. It was well attended, lots of baskets were won by the participants, and the Festival was considered successful in raising funds for the Homes. On November 29, Mari and I left Elizabethtown and drove to Little Rock, Arkansas for their Grand Chapter’s 140th Annual Session and our first Official Visit of this new Triennium. We arrived at the Double Tree Hotel at 12:45 on December 1, and the first persons we saw as we were entering the hotel were PA’s own Worthy Grand Ruth, PGM Sister Judy Rutter and her hubby, Michael. I attended the ESTARL Service at 3pm, and then Mari and I attended the Past Grands Banquet at 6pm. The following morning, our MWGM, Sister Helen, called a meeting with all the General Grand Officers who were attending the Arkansas Session. There were 17 General Grand Chapter Officers present. It was a pleasant get together, and we discussed upcoming trips and Helen answered questions on protocol and dress requirements. The Informal Opening started at 4pm followed at 8pm with the Formal Opening and Introductions. Both Helen and I gave short greetings to the delegation. On Thursday, December 3, MWGM, Sister Helen, and I addressed the membership with our speeches discussing our special projects for this Triennium. Mari and I attended the Grand Representatives Luncheon at noon and following the afternoon session we attended their All Member Banquet. We left Little Rock on the morning of December 4 and drove to Attleboro, Massachusetts, where we arrived on the evening of Sunday the 6. One of my Eagle appointments had sent me an invitation to attend the initiation of nine new members into his Chapter. On the evening of December 7, Mari and I attended Hope Chapter No. 41 where my Eagle, Brother Stuart Studley, who is also Secretary of the Chapter, along with his wife, PGM Sister Bonnie, greeted us warmly and introduced us to the membership and to the Worthy Matron, Sister Barbara Molitor and Worthy Patron, Brother Michael Quellette. The initiation was very impressive with eight men and one woman welcomed into our Order. Mari and I spent time chatting with the new members and welcoming them into the fold. We finally returned home on December 8 and got caught up with mail and returned to our normal routine. We did two more Star functions in December. On the 9th, we attended our Chapter’s regular meeting and then attended the Honor Night in Steelton for Sister Emily McCarthy, Grand Conductress on the 18th. Sisters and Brothers, I hope your Christmas was as happy and joyous as ours. Our family spent Christmas Eve at a Candlelight Service at our church in Red Lion and there were 45 of us gathered together at the home of son and daughter-in-law Gary and Donna Childress in Dallastown to celebrate the Christmas season and family togetherness. Until next time, remember to “Keep Flying High for OES.” Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 5 122ND SESSION COMMITTEE Janet Jo Dodson, Chairman Chairman Janet Jo Dodson joined Lancaster #501 Chapter in 1978 were she served as star point Adah and then as star point Esther. She has several Appointed Grand Chapter Committees and was District Deputy for District 16C for Sister Joyce Ferguson, PGM. Janet Jo served on the board of Barbara Carson, PGM and was chosen to be Grand Esther for Sister Barbara’s year. She was given the Grand Representative to Montana for three years. The next board she served on was Sister Carla Thompson, PGM and became Chairman of the 2001-02 Session in Pittsburgh, Pa. She was the Newspaper Reporter of 10A and 10 B for Sister Helen Beth WGM. Janet Jo is now working on the board of Sister Mary Stillman, in addition to being Chairman of the 2015-16 Session. Janet Jo was the Credit Manager of SICO Oil in Mount Joy. When the Company was sold, she joined Family Eye Group in Lancaster, PA in the Credit Department and retired from this company. She was employed over 50 years in Credit Collection and truly loves the contact with people. Janet has been married to her husband Don since August 1967. They live in Brownstown, PA and have two boys. David lives in Pottstown and works at Vanguard. Donald and his wife, Jen, live in York, PA they have three boys, which two are twins. Donald works for Genesis and Jen is involved with Dallastown School District. Janet Jo is also involved with Amaranth. She served as Royal Matron for four years and now holds Associated Matron in her Court. She does a lot of fund raising for her Court and Grand Court. ❧ Janet Jo’s favorite blossom is the dogwood, as it reminds her of Easter - a very special time in her life. Nerita D. Brant Co-Chairman / Housing Nerita was initiated into the Order of the Eastern Star in League City, Texas, when her husband was with the USAF at the NASA Manned Spacecraft Center. She joined Trinity Chapter #138 in Somerset soon after moving back to Pennsylvania in 1974. She served as Grand Esther for Sister Carla Thompson, WGM; Chairman of Session for Sister Melody Sorge, WGM; Grand Representative of Georgia in Pennsylvania; Deputy Grand Matron, Region 7B; General Chairman of Caring and Sharing; and has held many appointments over the past 40 years. Nerita is a retired Family and Consumer Sciences teacher who still enjoys substitute teaching. She attended Indiana University in Bloomington, Indiana and graduated from Otterbein University in Ohio. She also taught in schools in Ohio, Texas, and California. Nerita plays the organ and piano for her church in Somerset and the dulcimer with a local performance group. Her favorite activities are gardening, floral designs,tennis, bridge, reading, and attending her grandson’s sporting events. She is a state officer for the Garden Club Federation of PA. Nerita has two sons, one in Columbia, MD and one in Charlotte, NC. Her daughter, son-in-law, and her wonderful 15 year-old grandson, Hunter, live near her in Somerset. ❧ Nerita’s favorite blossom is the magnolia, ever since she had a beautiful tree at her home in Texas. Johannah S. Higgins Secretary Johannah is a 46-year member of OES, having been initiated into Brandywine Chapter #536 (no longer in existence) on January 22, 1969. She has had the privilege of serving her Chapter as Worthy Matron twice, once in 1981-82 and again in 1991-92. Her mother, grandmother, and two younger sisters were also members of Brandywine. She has served Grand Chapter with Appointments, among them were AGCCMs and Grand Representatives. She had the privilege of serving on the Club Board for Sister Ann J. Hofius, PGM who honored her with a Grand Representative to Nebraska. She then served on Sister Barbara R. Carson, PGM’s Club Board who appointed her to her Session Committee to chair the Divine Service. Sister Carla K. Thompson, PGM appointed her to be Secretary of her Session Committee. Sister Virginia L. Plyler, PGM honored her with a Grand Representative to Ohio in PA in August 2013. She attended the Grand Chapter of Ohio and found it to be a rewarding experience. Sister Mary H. Stillman, WGM has now appointed her to serve as Secretary of the 122nd Session. Johannah is also a Past Worthy Advisor of Media Assembly #142 and is a holder of the Grand Cross of Color in the Internatinal Order of the Rainbow for Girls. She has worked for the same Title Insurance Company for over 46 years. ❧ Johannah’s favorite blossom is the forget-me-not, reminding her of her Masonic affiliation having both of her grandfathers and father as Masons. Page 6 122ND SESSION COMMITTEE Maxine Bateman Treasurer Maxine has been a member of Latrobe Chapter #221 in Region 5A since her initiation in October 1995. She had the honor of serving as Worth Matron twice, in 2000-01 and again in 2012-13. She has also held the stations of Esther, Marshal, and Chaplain. Within the Grand Chapter circle, Maxine has served as a Page, District Deputy, General Chairman, Western Chairman, and other Appointed Grand Chapter Committee Appointments. Maxine also had the privilege of being a Grand Representative to North Dakota in PA and had the pleasure to visit their Grand Chapter. Maxine works for Specialty Tires of America, Inc. as Credit Manager. She belongs to Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church in Latrobe. In her prior years, Maxine has been a Sunday School Teacher, Den Mother, and Cub Master. She is also a graduate from Westmoreland County Community College with a degree in Finance. Her husband, Bob, of twenty-three years is a retired truck driver. Each of them brought two sons to their marriage. Now the family has grown from four sons to include four very special daughters and a grand total of nine grandchildren ranging from 22 to 6 years of age! Marquetta, Colton, Sierra, Gage, Carissa, Tristan, Shaden, Luther, and Kathryn are Maxine’s and Bob’s greatest joys and excitement! Between spending time with their family, working, and Star functions, Maxine and Bob enjoy riding their trike and quads as often as they can. Every day is precious with our family and friends. ❧ Maxine’s favorite blossom is the ‘Blossom of Friendship.’ Joining Eastern Star is a great example of how a fleeting hello can develop into a long beautiful friendship over time. Dianne Rusner Choir Director Dianne is a 42-year member of Irwin Chapter #400. She served as Worthy Matron of Level Green Chapter #533 in 1982 and currently serves as organist in Irwin Chapter. She has served as District Deputy Grand Matron in 1984-85, as Grand Choir Director in 1986-87, as Grand Representative/Arkansas (2010-2012), and several other Grand Chapter appointments. She accompanied the Grand Choir for many years. Dianne graduated Cum Laude from WV Wesleyan College (B. Mus. Ed.) in 1974 and earned a M. Mus. Ed. from Duquesne University in 1978. She is employed by the First United Methodist Church of Irwin, where she has been organist and director of music ministries for 30 years. She also has directed the Monroeville Chorus, a community choir, since 1984. She also serves as Grand Music Director for the PA Order of Rainbow for Girls. Her family includes her husband of 37 years, Fritz Runser. She has two daughters, Heather Runser, (currently Associate Conductress of Coshocton Chapter OES in Ohio, formerly Grand Musician in PA Rainbow) and Megan Runser Shuey (Past Grand Faith and multiple times Past Grand Musician in PA Rainbow). Both daughters are members of Irwin Chapter, as was her mother, Anne Strong. ❧ Dianne’s favorite blossom is the dogwood, both because of its religious symbolism and because it doesn’t make her sneeze. Barbara D. Rager Decorations Barb is a member of Latrobe Chapter #221, Region 5A, and has been a member since 1985. She had the honor of serving as Worthy Matron twice in her chapter in 1999-00 and again in 2004-05. She is currently Marshal in her chapter and served on various chapter committees. Barb had previously helped with decorations at the David Lawrence Convention Center for Sister Carl Thompson, PGM’s session. She has served as Western Chairman of Caring and Sharing, Deputy Grand Matron, Western Chairman of Service Dogs, and various other Appointed Grand Chapter Committees. She had the pleasure of serving on the “A Common Thread” Club Board and the 120th Session Committee, Out of State Entertainment for Sister Virginia Plyler, PGM. Barb has been employed at Excela Health Latrobe Hospital for the past 30 years. She currently works in the Outpatient Surgery Department and previously worked in the Pediatric Department. She and her husband, Harry, belong to Trinty Lutheran Evangelical Lutheran Church in Latrobe. She has been a 4-H leader for 25 years and served as secreatry of Bethel #5 International Order of Job’s Daughters for five years. She has been married to her husband, Harry, for 31 years and they have one daughter, Michele Bailey, who is also a member of Latrobe Chapter. Michele and her husband, Dave, have one daughter, Brynn - Barb’s and Harry’s pride and joy. ❧ Barb’s favorite blossoms are the beautiful, colorful pink and white dogwoods. They remind her of her deceased parents who loved the trees in the springtime. Joanne D. Rothrock Divine Service Joanne D. Rothrock has been a member of Delphi Chapter #65 for 39 years, where she has served as Worthy Matron four times and is now Conductress. She served Grand Chapter as Deptuy Grand Matron, Grand Esther, Grand Representative, and several Appointed Grand Chapter Committee chairmanships. Joanne’s son Kirt and three grandchildren light up her life. Her husband, Kenneth, and son Shawn are deceased. She is active in her church and has served on many church boards. She is retired from the Altoona School District. Her hobbies are reading, collecting snowmen, and attending craft shows. ❧ Joanne’s favorite blossom is the dogwood. It reminds her of Jesus on the cross and the new life He brings. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 7 122ND SESSION COMMITTEE P. June Sharp Grand Banquet Biography and photo omitted by request. Marlene Moisey Hospitality Marlene F. Moisey has been active in Eastern Star since she joined in 1963. She has been Worthy Matron in her chapter three times and will take the office again in 2018. Her husband, Bill, joined the Order in 1992 and has been Worthy Patron numerous times. They had two sons, Bill and Bob, however, they lost Bill in 2011 due to a heart condition. They have three grandsons, Justin, Jason, and Zachary. Marlene and her husband have lived at the Masonic Village of Sewickley for the last 13 years. ❧ Marlene’s favorite blossom is the daffodil because it means spring is coming and that is her favorite time of the year. Barbara Boyer Housing Barbara is a member of Columbia Chapter #366 in Wrightsville, PA. She has been a member of her chapter for 47 years. She has been Worthy Matron five times and has filled the stations of Associate Matron, Conductress, Associate Conductress, Secretary, Adah, Ruth, Esther, and Martha. She has also served Grand Chapter as District Deputy, Grand Page, Teller, Assistant Grand Warder, Grand Representative to Indiana, and several times as an AGCCM. This year she is serving on Sessions as Housing Chairman. Barbara is a mother of four sons and two stepchildren. She has 12 grandchildren and two great grandsons. Her favorite place on Earth is Disney World and her favorite thing to do is go on cruises. Barbara had an in-home Day Care for 30 years. Since 2002, she has been employed at the Masonic Villages in Elizabethtown as a CNA and presently as a House Parent at the Masonic Children’s Home. Barbara’s hobbies are scrap booking, sewing, and crafts. She also loves helping others when she can. ❧ Barbara’s favorite blossom is the cherry blossom because they are beautiful. Mary Thomas Necrology Mary has been a member of Altoona Chpater #290 for 42 years, and a plural member of Delphi Chapter #65 for 12 years. She served as Worthy Matron of Altoona Chapter in 1991, 2000, and 2003 and Worthy Matron of Delphi Chapter in 2006, 2010, and 2014. She has served Grand Chapter with several appointments over the years. She also received a Grand Representative Commission and served as Deputy Grand Matron, Central Caring and Sharing, Co-Chairman Golden Stars, Fraternal Correspondent, and two Session Committees. She is presently serving as Chaplain in Altoona Chapter and Treasurer in Delphi Chapter. Mary is a member of the Evangelical Lutheran Church. She and her husband, Jack, have been married for 56 years; she has three children - two sons and one daughter - Jack P., Mark, and Cristi Lee, who have blessed her with six grandchildren. Jack is retired from being an owner-operator truck driver. She has been employed by Fullington Bus Lines as a school bus driver for 36 years. Her hobbies are horticulture, crafting, and carpentry. ❧ Mary’s favorite blossoms are the dogwood and the apple. The dogwood feeds the spirit and the apple feeds life. Cynthia Steed Out-of-State Entertainment Biography and photo not available. Page 8 122ND SESSION COMMITTEE Loretta D. McAlpine Out-of-State Registration & Seating Loretta is native to Kentucky and left when she married Richard, a native Pennsylvanian. She joined Eastern Star on March 18, 1975 and has served as Worthy Matron three times and on many various committees. She was Grand Representative in 2000-01 and served as Grand Warder for Sister Carla Thompson, WGM in 1999-00. She is active not only in Eastern Star but in The White Shrine of Jerusalem and Amaranth, having served as a presiding officer in each one. In November 2014, she celebrated her 56th anniversary of being married to Richard, who is active in Masonic organizations including the ones listed above. They have three children - Arden, Ardith, and Randy. Each of the boys are Senior DeMolays, Arden being a Past Master Counselor and their daughter is a Past Honored Queen of Job’s Daughters. Loretta is now retired and is fully involved in not only Masonic functions like the Grand Lodge Blood program, but she and her husband are involved with the Greensburg Volunteer Fire Department. She has had 13 years of experience with the local ambulance service and worked with the Medical Unit of the Fire Department for a time. Miranda Peruso Pages Miranda has been a member of Mount Union Chapter #280 since 1996 and served as Worthy Matron in 1999-00. She had the opportunity to serve as a general Page for Sister Ann K. Berger when she was serving PA Rainbow as Grand Worthy Advisor. During her year as Worthy Matron, she was honored to serve as personal page to the WGM for Sister Jean D. Fey. She was a member of the Royal Loyal Club Board from 2001-05 and served as Page Chairperson for the 111th Session Committee. She has had other appointments and has enjoyed serving our Order. Miranda is blessed with a wonderful husband, Dom, who is a Master Mason and two beautiful children, Dominick III who is 7 years old and Madeleine, who is 2 years old. They live in Huntingdon, PA, where Miranda works at her college alma mater, Juniata College, as Director of Annual Giving. ❧ Miranda’s favorite blossom is the cherry blossom. Jerry F. Longwell Paraphernalia Jerry was initiated into Kittanning Chapter #277 in December 2004, where he has served as Associate Patron, Trustee, and Worthy Patron. He has served the Grand Chapter as Parliamentarian, Grand Guard, and several Appointed Grand Chapter Committee chairmanships. He resides in Kittanning with his wife, Patricia A. Longwell, PM. They have been married for 47 years and have four sons, all married, who have blessed them with 11 grandchildren ranging in age from 1 to 19. Jerry serves as an Advisory Board member of Kittanning Assembly #39 International Order of the Rainbow for Girls. He is an active member of the Plumcreek Church of the Brethren, where he serves as the Sunday School Superintendent and holds the office of Deacon. He taught agriculture for 16 years and then was a school administrator for 25 years before retiring in 2005. ❧ Jerry’s favorite blossom is the purple lilac because they are star-shaped purple flowers that appear in large dramatic clusters. V. Lynne Engleka Souvenirs Lynne joined Johnstown Chapter #183 in November 1977. Her first position in Johnstown Chapter was American Flag Bearer. She served as Star Point Esther for many years and was Worthy Matron in 1984 and 1996. In 1997, she became Secretary of Johnstown Chapter and served until 2012. She has served on numerous Grand Chapter committees and was honored to serve as DDGM of District 9B, now Region7B, in 1997 and Grand Representative to Quebec in 1998. Having moved to Pittsburgh in 2006, she joined Jephthah Chapter #73 in 2013 when Johnstown Chapter surrendered its Charter. Lynne’s only child, Shelley, is married to Scott Krall and they have two sons, Tim and Drew. Shelley joined Johnstown Chapter in 1982, Lynne was the Conductress and had the pleasure of guiding her through the labyrinth. Shelley served as Conductress when Lynne was Worthy Matron and was Worthy Matron herself in 1986. Shelley is also a member of Jephthah Chapter. Lynne is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh with a Masters in Education. She taught at the Greater Johnstown Career and Technology Center and retired after 34 years in education. ❧ Lynne’s favorite blossom is the crocus. When those little yellow, white, and purple flowers start to peek through the ground, you know that soon spring will soon bring all of the other beautiful blossoms. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 9 122ND SESSION COMMITTEE Cheryl D. Wilson Transportation / Vendors Cheryl is a 19-year member of Eastern Star. She was a member of Samuel Fear Chapter #417 until her Chapter closed. She is now a member of Lititz Springs Chapter #499. She was Worthy Matron three times in Samuel Fear Chapter. She was AGCCM to The International Temple, as well as serving on several committees. Cheryl attended California University and majored in Sociology. She worked for the Department of Public Welfare for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania for 34 years, retiring in 2003. Cheryl has been married to Tom for 40 years, who is also retired. She has two step-children, Barry and Sandra, four grandchildren, and six great-grandchildren. Their family also includes three birds—one that loves to talk and one that loves to scream—two miniature dachshunds, four miniature horses, three miniature donkeys, and six cats that just stopped by one day. In her spare time, she enjoys reading, watching the Phillies, relaxing and meditating on her deck, and visiting Delaware Park Casino. ❧ One of Cheryl’s favorite blossoms is the carnation because it signifies pride and beauty of our wonderful Order. 122nd “Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom” Session June 20-22, 2016 · York, Pennsylvania Please see page 23 for details and updates! Page 10 ELECTED & APPOINTED GENERAL CHAIRMEN Special CommitteesVeterans Facility Representatives Thank you to all those who have kept the heart of our Order in motion this year. We look forward to learning about the fruits of their labors at Grand Chapter! Aluminum Donald L. Gladfelter, General Chairman David Roberts, Co-Chair Douglas Fraley, Eastern Chairman Earl W. Mahom, Central Chairman James J. LaSalle, Western Chairman Caring and Sharing Toni Younkin, General Chairman Rebecca Foreaker, Co-Chair Bettie Wrigley, Eastern Chairman Nancy Morris, Central Chairman Doris Sparks, Western Chairman Charity Connie Wood, General Chairman Madelyn Kemp, Eastern Chairman Dawn McCoy, Central Chairman Chyrel Klaas, Western Chairman Community Service Lisa Flemming, General Chairman Judith Parrish, Eastern Chairman Patricia Herrold, Central Chairman Jill Dorrion, Western Chairman Fraternal Membership Edward C. Seiter, General Chairman Virginia L. Plyer, Co-Chairman Carol Hunt, Eastern Chairman Monty & Orpha Kemmler, Central Chairmen Robert & Lisa Geer, Western Chairmen Lana L. Karl, Jobs Daughter Liaison Janette M. Harms, DeMolay Liaison Carla Holderbaum, Rainbow Liaison B. Monte Kemmler, PGP, Grand Lodge Liaison Elected Committees Masonic Villages Donna Faub, General Chairman Deborah Kozloski, Eastern Chairman Pamela Kaigore, Central Chairman Gail Brenkus, Western Chairman Educational Scholarship & ESTARL Patricia A. Marks, Central Chairman Sandra L. Spickler, Eastern Chairman Karen L. Williamson, Western Chairman Newspaper Christie Benton, Editor Diana Hlavsa, Co-Editor Finance Committee Ann K. Berger, PGM, Chairman Patti A. Snover Shirley A. Warren Special Blossoms Cathleen Keeley, General Chairman Beverly Swope, Eastern Chairman Debra Reichenbach, Central Chairman Flora Ann Bensink, Western Chairman Fraternal Committee Barbara C. Sill, Central Chairman Barbara A. Johnson-Swavely, Eastern Chairman Marcia H. Holland, Western Chairman Standing Committees Fraternal Correspondent Linda L. Levinski Golden Stars Jean Lenhardt, General Chairman Bonnie Y. Shalala, Eastern Chairman Sarah Keiser, Central Chairman Kathy Henkel, Western Chairman Stamps Ruth Coon, General Chairman Maryann Meck, Eastern Chairman Elaine Erb, Central Chairman Virgina Brown, Western Chairman Travel Deborah Kabak, General Chairman Cynthia Diegel, Eastern Chairman Alice Pell, Central Chairman Coralee Writtenhouse, Western Chairman Veterans Outreach Richard L. McAlpine, Chairman James C. Umlauf, Co-Chairman BUTLER VA HEALTHCARE Yvonne Neigh, Representative James Meehan, Deputy COATESVILLE VA MEDICAL CENTER Joan M. Groseclose, Representative Gary Hicks, Deputy DELAWARE VALLEY VETERANS HOME Robert R. McQue, Sr., Representative Carole Hankinson, Deputy ERIE SOLDIERS AND SAILORS HOME Lana Carnes, Representative Richard D. Britten, Sr., Deputy ERIE VA MEDICAL CENTER Wade Steele, Representative Jan Day, Deputy GINO J. MERLI VETERANS CENTER Lloyd Canfield, Representative Bonnie B. Gregory, Deputy HOLLIDAYSBURG VETERANS HOME Carolyn B. Painter, Representative Michele Grove, Deputy JAMES E. VAN ZANDT VA MEDICAL CENTER Cathy A. Burns, Representative Edward Glantz, Deputy LEBANON VA HOSPITAL James R. Loy, Representative Lou Heisey, Deputy PHILADELPHIA VA MEDICAL CENTER James Allen Reynolds, Representative Catherine White, Deputy PITTSBURGH VA HEALTHCARE (Aspinwall) Roberta C. Irwin, Representative Hilda Maxwell, Deputy PITTSBURGH VA HEALTHCARE (Oakland) Gerald A. Davison, Representative William Whitfield, Deputy SOUTHEASTERN VETERANS CENTER Naomi Evelyn, Representative Sharon M. Cope, Deputy SOUTHWESTERN VETERANS CENTER Robert J. Kasinec, Representative Sandra Petre, Deputy WILKES-BARRE VA HOSPITAL Gail James, Representative Ricky Levan, Deputy Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Not-for-profit services provided in Dallas • Elizabethtown • Lafayette Hill • Sewickley • Warminster www.masonicvillages.org Our caring communities and services assist individuals, families and children in realizing their potential and enjoying the highest possible quality of life through the traditions of Freemasonry. Relax... We’ve Got This A Beautiful Retirement Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill 801 Ridge Pike, Lafayette Hill, PA Lunch & Learns: June 7 & 22 at 10:30 a.m. Call 610-828-5760 No more home maintenance, cleaning or cooking! Spend your time enjoying two restaurants, an in-house bowling alley, a wood shop and a wellness center, as well as trips to nearby attractions. With brand new apartments and plenty of new friends, Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill provides the options and lifestyle you’ve been waiting for! Masonic Village at Elizabethtown One Masonic Drive, Elizabethtown, PA Annual Open House and Bus Tours: June 8 at 11 a.m. Call 1-800-676-6452 Spring is the perfect time to explore the variety of living options, indoor and outdoor amenities and maintenance-free lifestyle on our beautiful 1,400-acre campus. Enjoy live entertainment, wellness programs, a variety of clubs, lifelong learning classes, parties, dining in six restaurants and much more. Come see our vision of “What’s next?” as we strive to continue meeting the needs of our ever-growing cottage wait list. Have a conversation with our sales associates and residents as you learn more about the options, price ranges and services our community offers. Save the date for Autumn Day, Saturday, Sept. 24, 10 a.m. to 4 p.m.! It’s Your Turn Reinvent Retirement Masonic Village at Sewickley 1000 Masonic Drive, Sewickley, PA Lunch & Learn: June 23 at 10 a.m. Call 412-749-6862 or 1-866-872-0664 Masonic Village at Dallas 36 Ridgway Drive, Dallas, PA Call 570-675-1866 or 1-866-851-4243 to schedule a personal tour. It’s your turn to enjoy maintenance-free living, fine dining, good company, engaging entertainment, quality services and more. Set in the beautiful Back Mountain, Masonic Village at Dallas provides the finest in living accommodations with spacious apartments and villa homes. At Masonic Village, your monthly service fee covers one meal daily (or if you miss one, enjoy two another day), twice monthly housekeeping, maintenance, transportation, and much more. Access a 24-hour fitness center and a pool and spa. Enjoy parties, programs and trips planned just for you. Even personal care and nursing care services are covered, thanks to Lifecare. Visit our community to find answers to all your questions and tour 60 acres of amenities. Save the date for our Fall Festival: Saturday, Sept. 17! Visit www.MasonicVillages.org for information about living options, events and services at each location. Masonic Villages Admissions Policy Admissions to the Masonic Villages are governed by the board of directors, members of which are elected by the Grand Lodge of Pennsylvania. The board of directors approves or disapproves applications for admission primarily on the basis of need. Decisions concerning admission, the provision of services and referrals of residents are not based upon the applicant’s race, color, religion, disability, ancestry, national origin, familial status, age, sex, limited English proficiency (LEP) or any other protected status. Regardless of your financial situation, you can afford to move to a Masonic Village! When you choose to live at the Masonic Villages, you are not required to turn over your assets; you maintain complete control of them. Fraternal support enables the Masonic Villages to serve all eligible individuals as part of our Mission of Love. Please contact the Masonic Village of your preference for information on the living area desired or visit www.MasonicVillages.org. Masonic Village at Dallas Retirement Living Accommodations: 570-675-1866 or 1-866-851-4243 Masonic Village at Elizabethtown Retirement Living Accommodations: 1-800-676-6452 Personal Care & Nursing Services: 1-800-422-1207 Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill Retirement Living Accommodations: 610-828-5760 Personal Care & Nursing Services: 610-825-6100 Masonic Village at Sewickley Retirement Living Accommodations: 412-749-6862 Personal Care & Nursing Services: 412-741-1400, ext. 3600 Masonic Village at Warminster Personal Care & Nursing Services: 215-672-2500 Page 11 Page 12 Grand Chapter News Western Village Festival “Gifts of the Magi” After many months of planning for the Western Village Festival, Saturday, December 12 arrived as a beautiful day with clear skies and unseasonably warm temperatures. The Star Points building at the Masonic Village at Sewickley was resplendent with newly renovated décor and stunning Christmas displays. A large Nativity scene provided the perfect backdrop for the royal purple and shimmering gold festival decorations featuring glittering Stars of Bethlehem throughout. Individual Nativity sets, on loan from members, graced the display areas, as well as making exquisite centerpieces for the luncheon tables. The AGCCMs from the Western Region, working with their Chapter Representatives worked tirelessly to provide exceptional displays with a wide variety of items to sell. Each Region chose a theme for their display to reflect the “Gifts of the Magi” theme. A few of the displays were “The Gift of Sweetness,” “The Gift of Christmas,” and “The Gift of Creativity.” Items for sale included a variety of baked goods, including Region 3A’s famous homemade pies, used books, Christmas ornaments, fresh apples, and many charming handmade crafts. Congratulations to Region 5A and Rosella Holzer, AGCCM for having the highest total sales for the day. Eastern Masonic Village Festival A Halloween Party On October 24, 2015, the Eastern Masonic Village Festival was held at the Warminster Masonic Village. The theme was “Halloween,” of course. What else at the end of October? And, for a change, the weather was nice—no The hard work and creativity of our members continued to be evidenced as surprise snow! the many baskets poured in that morning. Extra tables were needed to display the 42 gorgeous baskets as guests lined up to purchase opportunities for the chance to take one home. In addition to the baskets, three lovely Christmas wall hangings were available as door prizes, as well as the “Share the Wealth” opportunities. A special treat was the visit by the Three Wise Men, magnificent in their royal attire. The luncheon commenced with a welcome from Gail Brenkus, AGCCM, Western Chairman, Masonic Villages and the invocation given by Mary Haas, PGM. Lovely Christmas music was provided by pianist Sharon Cooley, Grand Representative. Tables were covered with royal purple tablecloths with a large gold Star of Bethelem in the center and Nativity sets as centerpieces. A delicious lunch was served by members who graciously assisted the Masonic Village staff. The menu included Greek Salad, Chicken Kabobs, Rice Pilaf with a vegetable medley, and Athenian cheesecake. There were numerous baskets available for winning, as well as baked goods, books, jewelry, and craft items for sale. As you can see, both Emily McCarthy, GC, and Deb Kozloski, Eastern Chairman of Masonic Villages, tried their luck. The Masonic Villages pooch even got into the act as he was trying to figure out what this dancing broom thing was all about! All told, the festival profited $5,635.70. After lunch, presentations were made, including gifts to Mary Stillman, WGM and Thomas Mason, WGP from the AGCCMs in the Western Region. Sister Mary announced those who earned their apple pin for demonstrating excellence at the Barbara E. Adams Ritualistic Excellence Award program. Winners for the many prizes were announced with much anticipation and excitement. The mizpah benediction was recited, as all those in attendance said farewell to friends as the wonderful events of the day came to an end. Heartfelt and sincere thanks are extended to the AGCCMs and Chapter Representatives from the Western Region for their efforts and support of the Masonic Village Festival. Special thanks to Sister Cindy Stefl, Director of Resident Services, and Pete Countouris, Food Service Director of the Masonic Village at Sewickley for their direction, assistance, and patience. Recognition also goes to the many volunteers who cheerfully completed the overwhelming number of tasks necessary to make the Festival such a success. The total proceeds for the event, including monetary donations from individual Chapters have exceeded expectations. If you were unable to participate in the Festival, it is not too late to make a contribution. Donations are still being accepted by Gail Brenkus, Western Chairman. They can be mailed to Sister Gail at 344 Southridge Drive, Pittsburgh, PA 15241. Your donation to benefit the residents at the Masonic Village at Sewickley will be greatly appreciated. paeasternstar.org Have you visited Pennsylvania Grand Chapter’s website? If not, you don’t know what you are missing! Log on for general information, history, and up-to-date itinerary changes. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 13 Grand Chapter News Itinerary Saturday, May 7 Wyoming Sister Does Pennsylvania Proud! Cindy Sheaffer served the Grand Chapter of Wyoming as Worthy Grand Matron 2014–2015. Cindy is from Pennsylvania! She was initiated on March 13, 1973 into Areme Chapter #192 (which has since consolidated with Astro Chapter#380). Her mother and dad, Harriet and Jim Shoop, and sister Lisa Myers are also members of Astro Chapter. Cindy’s sister Judy Shoop (deceased) was also a member of Areme. Cindy flew home in 1999 to see her father initiated into Areme Chapter as a surprise and at the time was serving as WM of Excelsior Chapter #66 in Lafayette, Colorado. When her sister Lisa was initiated into Areme Chapter, there were three generations of Eastern Star family members present. She comes from a long line of Masonic heritage on the maternal side of her family pre-dating the Civil War. Both of her parents have served several times as WM/WP of Astro. Her maternal grandmother was a 78-year member of OES when she passed away. Gnaden Huetten Chapter #203 100th Anniversary Dinner 6:30 PM Business Attire Mahoning Ambulance Association 902 Mill Road Lehighton, PA 18235 570-386-2518 RSVP by April 22, 2016 - $25 Payable to: Gnaden Huetten #203 Mildred B. Beers, PM, Secretary 352 Court Street Lehighton, PA 18235 610-377-3952 m330s@ptd.net Saturday, May 14 Region 12A May Luncheon Luncheon 11:30 AM Business Attire Dallas #396 Building Assoc. Hall 15 Foster & Woodlawn Dallas, PA 18612 RSVP by May 2, 2016 - $20 Payable to Dianne Corby, DGM 145 Transue Lane Monroe Twp., PA 18612 570-675-4893 diannec@ptd.net Saturday, June 4 Grand Officers Rehearsals 2015-2016 Officers 9 AM Luncheon 12 Noon (for all officers) 2016-2017 Officers 1 PM Cindy has been WM of three different chapters in Wyoming; two in Casper and one in Glenrock (she was serving as WM when also serving as WGM this year). Cindy is currently serving as Treasurer of Ft. Casper Chapter #4 in Casper and Star Point Ruth of Golden West Chapter #37 in Glenrock. She is also a majority member of the International Order of Rainbow for Girls Mechanicsburg Assembly #167. Another interesting fact: Cindy loves to big game hunt! The theme for Cindy’s year was Nature’s Splendor, the Tree of Life was her emblem, and her watchwords were Faith, Hope, and Charity. A friend who knew nothing about these choices made a gift to Cindy of the painting in the photo. Richard H. Plyler, Grand Representative of WY in PA (and WP of Morning Light Chapter #312, Region 14B) and Virginia L. (Gee Gee) Plyler, PGM attended the Wyoming Grand Sessions August 6-8, 2015 in Casper, Wyoming. This was their final destination on trip that took them to Scotts Bluff and Chimney Rock in NE, Mount Rushmore in SD and Devil’s Tower in WY. They received a warm welcome from all the Wyoming members and renewed friendships made when they attended the 2014 Grand Sessions. Richard proudly carried the PA flag while being presented with his counterpart, Leola (Lee) White, during the Fraternal Correspondent’s report. Richard and Gee Gee attended several social functions as well as the sessions. While in Casper, their itinerary also included a visit to the National Historic Trails Interpretive Center and Independence Rock. Shown in main photo (L to R) are Richard, Cindy, and Gee Gee. Pictured in inset photo (L to R) are from left to right are Richard and Lee. Sweet Success! Members of York Chapter #169 prepare candy for their annual Christmas candy sale. It was a wonderful day of fun and friendship. Page 14 NEWS & NOTES Region 6 Association Fall Meeting Region 13B Masonic Village Festival On Saturday, October 24, the Masonic Village Festival was held at the Masonic Village in Warminster, PA. Region 13B was well attended, with members from Gnaden Huetten Chapter #203, Cressona Chapter #367, and Orwigsburg Shown above are the officers of Region 6 Association with Grand Officers Chapter #424. There were many tables selling various items ranging from and DGM Region 6. Standing: Judy Wright, Treasurer; Cindy Buckingham, books, household items, and tasty baked goods and candy. A luncheon was Toastmistress; Deb Miller, Secretary; Kay Seeley, Historian; Beth Lewis, WM served, after which more than 50 baskets and monetary opportunities were Eureka Chapter #52; Bradley A. Lewis, PGP Sitting: June Miller, DGM; Mary raffled off. Our region was lucky! Iris Weller, DGM 13B and member of Stillman, WGM; Wanda Wright, President; Tom Mason, WGP. “Chef” Peg Cressona Chapter; Marylen Moser of Gnaden Hutten Chapter; and Dolores Gerhart, PM of Eureka Chapter #52 smiles for the camera. The prize winning Folk, AGCCM for Masonic Villages Region 13B and member of Orwigsburg desert, strawberry pie. Chapter, won baskets. Betty Frey of Gnaden Huetten Chapter won $50. Region 6 Association held their fall meeting in Shinglehouse on October 21. They entertained Grand Officers, and the evening was enjoyed by all. Region 14 Vesper Service: A Night of Remembrance On September 11, 2015, Regions 14A and 14B gathered together for a Vesper Service honoring those that died during the September 11, 2001 attacks. The Reverend Karen Creasy presided during the service and gave a beautiful sermon. Each Worthy Matron in the two regions participated in the service by reading scriptures, poems, and prayers commemorating that fateful day and reminding us all to never forget. DGMs Sandra Clemmer, Region 14A and Jeanette Marschall Galante, Region 14B are pictured at left with the Grand Family. Region 15 Annual Christmas Parade On December 13, 2015, Region 15 Order of the Eastern Star and our Brother Masons from Skerritt Lodge #343 participated in the Parkesburg VFW Post 4480 Annual Christmas Parade. Our float had posters showing the many causes our Order supports. About 20 members marched in the parade, handing candy canes to the many children on the sidelines. The weather was beautiful and all participants enjoyed themselves. The parade was an excellent opportunity to show the community all the wonderful things about the Order of the Eastern Star and Masons and all the many things in the community they support. We look forward to participating in next year’s parade. J. Allen Reynolds and Mark A Reynolds lead the way, while members on the sideline greet the OES Float. OES members marching handed out candy canes. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 15 Not-for-profit services provided in Dallas • Elizabethtown • Lafayette Hill • Sewickley • Warminster www.masonicvillages.org Our caring communities and services assist individuals, families and children in realizing their potential and enjoying the highest possible quality of life through the traditions of Freemasonry. What’s Happening at Our Villages Masonic Village at Dallas Masonic Village residents had the opportunity to explore Philadelphia during a recent excursion. They took in the sights of the city via a 3-hour Spirit of Philadelphia cruise. The next stop was a tour of the Masonic Temple and its various rooms of ornate and detailed designs. It was a great day of fun and fellowship. Special thanks to the anonymous donor who made the trip possible! Masonic Village at Elizabethtown Efforts to improve the quality and value of its beef earned the Masonic Village Farm the national 2016 Cow/Calf Beef Quality Assurance (BQA) award. These efforts include: • monitoring and improving cattle care • providing sufficient feedlot time for cattle before going to market to increase quality and value • housing cattle outside year-round to improve herd health • training thousands of farmers from the midAtlantic region in the processes of BQA “Our mission statement for Masonic Village Farm beef production is: Always striving to make beef better in production, performance, promotion and product. That pretty much sums up what we try to accomplish every day,” Frank Stoltzfus, supervisor of agricultural production at Masonic Village, said. As a member of the Elizabethtown Ministerium, Masonic Village’s Sell Chapel is helping support a local homeless shelter financially through the congregation’s Outreach Ministry. Masonic Village staff provide weekly laundry services and several residents have also stepped up as volunteers at the shelter. “We really never understood what desperate situations people can find themselves in,” volunteer Jeff James said. “It’s eye-opening to see what others are facing and how lucky we are to be at Masonic Village and have the opportunity to help folks.” Masonic Village residents who volunteer their time at a community homeless shelter. Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill The Eastern Pennsylvania Chapter of the Associated Builders and Contractors (ABC) awarded Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill’s new apartment construction the annual Excellence in Construction Award. The ABC Excellence in Construction Award recognizes and publicizes outstanding projects built by its members. The project, designed by RLPS Architects and completed by Warfel Construction Co., added 60 apartments and an extra 96,000 sq. ft. of living space to Masonic Village at Lafayette Hill, bringing the total number of retirement living residences to 158. The new building includes one and two-bedroom apartment floor plans ranging in size from 800 to 1,120 sq. ft. The community also offers 38 personal care residences and 60 nursing care suites. This is the sixth Excellence in Construction Award received among Masonic Villages’ five locations in the last five years. Masonic Village at Sewickley As part of the 9th Annual Enchanted Evening, themed “Diamonds are a Girl’s Best Friend,” 120 ladies residing in the Star Points personal care Building and the Sturgeon Health Care Center enjoyed a night of “star treatment,” gourmet food and entertainment. After having their photo taken, ladies were escorted to dinner by members of DeMolay, Rainbow Girls, Brothers of the Trowel from Crawford County and the Master Mason’s Club. Not leaving the gentlemen out, they had fun at a beer, pizza and poker party. Thanks to all who made the evening a success and provided generous financial support: Masonic Lodges, Eastern Star Chapters, Valley of Pittsburgh and New Castle Scottish Rite, the Master Mason’s Club, residents from the retirement living area, staff, relatives and friends of the Masonic Village. Masonic Village at Warminster At a “slumber party,” residents donned their favorite pajamas and enjoyed bacon and egg turnovers and French toast sticks while watching classic TV commercials. Staff joined in the fun with their best night ware, too. Everyone voted on the best resident outfit with the winner receiving a gift bag with slippers, a movie and a bag of gummy candy. Conversations covered memories of sleepovers as kids, staying up all night and watching scary movies. A Tradition of Caring 215-672-2500 850 Norristown Rd., Warminster, PA Since 1974, the Masonic Village at Warminster has provided individuals and families with comfort, companionship, peace of mind and a life of dignity. Dedicated staff ensure a gratifying lifestyle for each resident in a loving environment. Offering quality nursing care and personal care services, the mission of the Masonic Village at Warminster includes serving individuals in Philadelphia County who are day-one Medicaid recipients. www.MasonicVillages.org Page 16 CHAPTER NEWS Corinthian Chapter #13 An Evening of Fun and Games Albion Chapter #22 Bear One Another's Burdens Corinthian Chapter’s annual Chicken Dinner was held on November 28, 2015 at 5 p.m. at the Ridge Avenue United Methodist Church Hall, the church home for our member Susanne Lippman. The evening was full of excitement! We had baskets and gift sets to raffle, along with an awesome flea market to get just the right gifts for the holidays. Our dinner was home made by Kathleen Feigel and Susan Speers, and shopping took place in our Amish country. It was such joy to see everyone enjoying their meals that evening. Our most exciting fun was when we all got together to play “Dirty Bingo.” Everyone got their exercise running around trying to make sure the gifts at their own table were the best ones in the room. Bingo put a smile on everyone’s faces. It is a tradition for us to have our annual event the Saturday after Thanksgiving, and we hope to have everyone there next year when we pull out even more surprises. Thank you everyone for making the evening great. Looking forward to seeing you next year! Roberta C. Steinhoff, WM Albion Chapter #22 chose a theme of “Bear One Another’s Burdens,” with the bear as her emblem. Bobbi has been collecting bears to be given to children—victims of abuse, fires, shootings, untimely deaths from the results of drugs and alcohol. Members, visitors, and our Brother Masons have been very generous with the donations. Children’s Advocacy Center uses the bears as a means of safety and security for children brought to the Center. Having done research and spoken to Executive Director Michael T. Gaines and Family Advocate Lynn M. Putt, 46 stuffed bears and 12 other stuffed animals were delivered. Sister Theresa L. Campbell, AM, and Sister Bobbie enjoyed a tour of their phenomenal facility. Our Center is named in memory of Bradley H. Faulk, a District Attorney who was a great advocate concerning children. Our members donated Beanie Bears, and 60 were donated to Shriner’s Hospital for the holiday give away of “bags” lovingly made by Daughters of the Nile. At the end of her term in May, the rest of the bears will find their “home” at the Bradley H. Faulk Children’s Shown L to R: (front row) Susie Millman; Susanne Lippman; Ruth Yarnell; Advocacy Center, which now numbers 30. In December, Bobbie personally Kathleen Taylor, PM; Joseph Sbaraglia, PP, AGCCM; (back row) Kathleen gave a “bear and baby” to a little girl whose mother lost her life to heroin at Feigel, PM; Audrey Boring-Millman, PM, AGCCM; Lisa Rivers, WM; Karen 20 years of age. Luna celebrated her first birthday in December 21 and carries Speers; Susan Speers her bear all the time. America Chapter #19 Mourning The Loss of Our Worthy Patron America Chapter suffered a great loss with the passing of their beloved Worthy Patron Brother Vincent T. Bensink, on November 19, 2015. Brother Vince and his wife, Sister Flora Ann, fought a valiant battle against cancer with faith and prayer for nearly eight years. Even though the disease was advancing, the Bensinks nevertheless accepted the challenge of serving on the Caravan for Cancer committee for Sister HelenBeth Vilcek, WGM and their leadership brought phenomenal results for the committee in Region 1A. Vince was a Past Patron of the former Corry City Chapter #17 and affiliated with America Chapter in 2014. Vince was installed as Worthy Patron of America Chapter in May 2015. He remained steadfast in his duties as Worthy Bedford Springs Chapter Patron until the advancement of his illness kept him homebound. Making A Difference As a 30-year member, Vince as ever an advocate for our Order and has left a legacy of service second to none. #41 Bedford Springs Chapter #41 donated $1,000 to the Bedford Co. Food Bank. They also donated $1,000 to the Susquehanna Service Dogs, which train dogs for military veterans. Vince and Flora Ann were so devoted to each other. It must be noted that Flora Ann’s dedication and loving care for Vince is unparalleled. They had Shown above, L to R: Sherri Mock, Darrel Chamberlain, Bonnie Chamberlain, great faith and gave God the glory in all circumstances. Maxine Barton, Phyllis Johnson (Coordinator of the Bedford Co. Food Bank), Jay Barton, Mary Ann Ling, and Tom Ling. We have treasured memories of Vince, our Brother and friend. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 17 CHAPTER NEWS Bedford Springs Chapter #41 Radiant Chapter #96 Congratulations to 50-Year Members (L to R) Maureen Browell, PM; Linda Szanca; and Jean England! Once again, the dessert table and Black Jack card games were a big hit of the Fall Festival on Saturday, October 31 (Halloween). 50-Year Members Southeastern PA Veterans Center Fall Festival The winners at the Black Jack tables won $1 Canteen Coupons. These coupons were provided by the Chapter. Norman Greene, AP and Bruce Gratz, spouse of Janet Gratz, PM were the dealers. Helpers were Jessica Greene, daughter, and Dave Bean, spouse of member, and Nancy L. Green, WM. Assisting residents at the dessert table were Barbara Knasiak, Secretary; Stephanie McHugh, PM; Charlene Bonekemper, PM; Jessie Bean, member; and Naomi Evelyn, PM. Sharon L. Cope, AGCCM, Deputy to the Southeastern Pennsylvania Veterans Center, and a member of Morning Light Chapter attended and helped at the table. She was accompanied by her husband, Fred, and member Debbie Herberg. Butler Chapter #45 Past Matrons/Patrons Christmas Dinner Meeting A festive day was enjoyed by the Veterans, staff, and volunteers. Thank you to our members who provided desserts and came to help make this event successful. On December 15, 2015, Butler Chapter Past Matrons and Patrons held their Christmas Dinner Meeting. The meal was catered and homemade ornaments were exchanged. A very special visitor attended—none other than Santa Claus himself! He led the ladies in Christmas carols and handed out small gifts. Pictured with Santa are: (back row) Marilyn Stephenson, Debra Kennedy, Susan Klingler, Karen Vensel, Janice Kelly, Sally Bunnell (front row) Evelyn Gallagher, Jackie Healey, Jeanne Lawson. Everyone had a wonderful time. Jephthah Chapter #73 A Family Affair Jephthah Chapter prides itself on being a close knit family, but Ruth E. Watson- Corfield has carried this tradition to an even higher level. Ruth, at age 100, has been a short time member of Jephthah but a longtime member of Eastern Star. She joined Bethlehem #37 in 1967, which consolidated into Mars Chapter #271 in 2000 and closed in 2014. Ruth then joined Jephthah in 2015, bringing with her four daughters, one granddaughter, and a granddaughter in-law. Ruth also had a daughter who was a member of Zelienople Chapter. Ruth served as Chaplain in Bethlehem for many years, and was Sentinel at Mars, during her daughter Mary Jane’s year as Worthy Matron in 2005-06. Ruth loves Eastern Star and attends every one of Jephthah’s monthly meetings. She is a reminder of what it means to be a dedicated member of our order. Ruth grew up on a dairy farm in Evans City with nine siblings during the depression. Having raised nine children of her own, she is accustomed to hard times as well as the good. She takes everything in stride, placing her trust in God and her religion, which is foremost in her life. To quote her son Charles, “Mom is as tough as Woodpecker Lips.” Ruth is looking forward to the future of Jephthah and Jephthah is looking forward to having her. Chartiers Chapter #97 Chapter Initiates Six New Members The Officers and members of Chartiers Chapter #97, Region 3B, Canonsburg are proud to announce the initiation of six new members during our Official Visit on Friday, November 13, 2015. Five of these new members are related to the Worthy Matron. Please join Chartiers Chapter in welcoming these new Sisters. Pictured L to R are: (front) Deborah Powell, Conductress; Kathryn A. LaMark; Sandra L. Petre, WM; Kathleen Haller; Jamie Petre; (row two) Victoria L. Petre Gregg; Louise M. Petre Selelyo; Virginia L. Petre. Page 18 CHAPTER NEWS Chartiers Chapter #97 Sister Receives Prestigious Awards It is with great honor that I share with you the accomplishments of my colleague and our Sister. Upon retirement from the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers, Pittsburgh District, Sister Melissa Salsgiver, PM, Kittanning Chapter #277, Region 5B, was the recipient of the esteemed Steel Order of the de Fluery Medal and the Meritorious Civilian Service Award. Sister Melissa was presented with these awards by the Pittsburgh District Commander, Colonel Bernard Lindstrom on October 20, 2015. Both awards were personally signed by the Chief of Engineers, Lieutenant General Tom Bostick. The de Fluery Medal was bestowed upon our Sister for her work as the Ohio River Division Program Manager for the Critical Incident Stress Management Team (CISM). This team is a formal process that has been clinically shown to reduce the harmful effects of an upsetting or stressful event such as military contingencies, deployment, floods, drownings, body recoveries, disaster responses, and employee deaths. Sister Melissa checked on those of us when deployed to disaster locations to make sure our mental and physical needs were satisfied, to lend an ear, and to coordinate any efforts necessary to assure our wellbeing. She did these things while performing her daily duties as Park Manager of Crooked Creek and continually went above the call of duty. She is a credit to herself, her family, and to the U.S. Army. Please join with me in congratulating our Sister. This article was submitted by Sister Melissa’s colleague, Sandra L. Petre, WM of Chartiers Chapter #97. Shiloh Chapter #153 Grand Organist Honored York Chapter #169 Fundraising with Food, Fun, and Fellowship Fundraising with Food, Fun and Fellowship, was the event put on by York Chapter on October 24, 2015, at the York Masonic Center. A three-pronged project, it started with a Vendor Sale in the Lafayette Room, with the following Vendors who had rented their spaces, for a nominal fee: Mary Kay, Vintage Longaberger, Jamberry, Damsel in Defense, Nerium, and Paparazzi. Starting around 5 p.m., a Spaghetti Supper was held with Hostess Gifts for each of the approximate 88 ticket holders/attendees. A Chocolate Auction + was lots of fun, with the talents of a professional auctioneer (who is a member of one of the three Masonic Lodges that meets at the York Masonic Center.) and some competitive, fast-paced bidding. Sister Karen Kauffman, AM was the Chairman of the event, and she also had roles of Chief Cook, Solicitor of Donations, and “Runner” for the Auction. Her mother-in-law donated several soft pastel crocheted baby blankets and caps, as well as two lovely quilts. Assisting in the kitchen was Tom Kauffman as well as Karen’s daughter. They were on the job from beginning to end to help make sure kitchen area was back in order, and to tear down in the kitchen and dining room. Sister Wendy Lunko, Conductress assisted by coordinating the Vendor Sales area. Members from other Chapters had their vendor tables and also helped On March 19, 2016, Sister York Chapter members. Each vendor donated at least one item to the auction. Deborah McGahen, Grand Organist, was the honored Dinner tickets sold for $10 each. Sister Sonja L. Alcon, WM and AGCCM, guest at a luncheon sponsored sold 26, and her guests included members from five chapters (York #169, by Shiloh Chapter at the Triangle #483, Conewago #532 from Region 10B, Estrallita #512 from Region Masonic Temple in North 8B, and Door-to-Virtue #94 (Westminster, MD). East, PA. The theme was “Mardi Gras Madness,” In addition to Sister Sonja with three tables, Sister M. Virginia “Jinny” Foor, and if you missed it, you AGCCM; Sister Sue Duke, PM and Ruth; and Sister Elaine M. Mann, PM and missed a spectacular event. Treasurer each hosted a table. Sister Alyce D. Peiffer, AGCCM and Secretary, It was a packed house with was the bid recorder for the auction, as well as a hostess. 82 in attendance, including nine members of the Grand Sister Alyce D. Peiffer, AGCCM and Family. Shiloh Chpater was transformed into Bourbon Street and the good Secretary, was the Bid Recorder for times rolled. Beads, crowns, hats, masks, and noise makers adorned the the auction, as well as a hostess. Her tables. Guests enjoyed authentic Cajun cuisine consisting of gumbo, chicken husband, Donald, and Nevin B. Rentzel, the auctioneer, and his wife were among Creole, red beans and rice, jambalaya, King cake, and bread pudding. those included at her table. Angie Last January, the members of Shiloh Chpater voted unanimously to “gift” Chappell, an adult leader of Bethel #1, Sister Deborah a Life Membership in the Chapter. It was our pleasure to IOJD, assisted with serving. Vendors present this award to Sister Deborah during the luncheon in recognition of came to eat as able/desired. A listing of approximately 30 businesses and/or her appointment as Grand Organist 2015-2016. members who made donations of items Pictured (L to R): (bottom row) Brother Rick Britten, WP; Sister Mary for the Auction, or food or beverages for H. Stillman, WGM; Sister Sue Britten, WM; (second row) Sister Deborah the dinner, was available/provided. McGahen, Grand Organist; Sister PJ O'Neill, Grand Chaplain; Brother Thomas Mason, WGP; (third row) Sister Lenore Bouldin, Grand Warder; SIster Nancy Prisbylla, Grand Marshal; (fourth row) Sister Sarajayne Fraley, Grand Electa; (fifth row) Sister Cathy Melville, Grand Esther; (sixth row) Sister Kathleen Hahn, Grand Martha. As the Pennsylvania Dutch say “It takes many hands to make light work.” But in Eastern Star, that can also lead to an almost $2,000 profit. Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 19 CHAPTER NEWS Ellwood City Chapter #212 Lewistown Chapter #283 Ellwood City Chapter held their annual visit with Santa in December in the Social Room of the Masonic Temple. Melissa Meehan, Mindi Styn, Kelly Myers, and Jacki Meehan planned the party. The theme was “A Charlie Brown Christmas.” Decorations included a Charlie Brown Christmas tree. There were 51 children who enjoyed playing games, making a picture frame for their photo with Mrs. Claus and Santa, and a variety of food. A special thanks went to Dr. Ed Novie and April Cook, who portrayed Mr. and Mrs. Claus, and Leslie Bush for her help. There were also 54 adults in attendance. Star members provided the food and helped with the party. Caitlin Meehan and Olivia Gaiser also helped with the games. The Youth Committee is now planning for a little girls’ tea on May 7 and the Chapter will have their 100 year anniversary celebration in June. When Lewistown Chapter acquired five white wooden armchairs to replace the metal folding chairs used for the star point stations, sisters soon realized wood is as hard as metal. Coincidentally, a recent housecleaning of the Chapter’s storage areas yielded five velvet chair covers in star point colors, but in unusable condition. Sister Fay L. Harpster volunteered to use her sewing skills to make cushions. Sister Fay’s talents transformed the velvet material into cushions that added beauty to the Chapter room and comfortable seating for the sisters filling the star point stations—including Sister Fay as Martha. Visit with Santa Sharing Talent and Creativity Recently, Sister Fay’s creativity was again challenged when Sharon L. Gillam, WM, and Sister Patricia D. Erhard, Secretary, joined by Sister Harriet E. Yoder, PM, and Sister Melva J. Worley, PM, decided to attend Champions’ Day at Ascot. Sister Fay again worked her magic to create fascinating chapeaus for Sisters Sharon and Patricia. Many thanks to Sister Fay for sharing her talents! Uniontown Chapter #264 "Stuffed Love" Project Our Chapter was asked to partner with Angelina Samara in her “Stuffed Love” project. The project was in memory of her grandmother, Helen Paletta. Helen was an active member in Ideal Chapter #213. Helen’s ties with our Chapter and Angelina’s mom’s memories of her mother’s love for Eastern Star prompted Angelina to ask our Chapter to partner with her in this project. Angelina lives in Delran, New Jersey and is a member of a Girl Scout Troop. She worked on this project to earn a badge. The project was extremely successful. Angelina brought us eight large garbage bags full of stuffed animals, new and gently used. Angelina appealed to her friends to collect the stuffed animals throughout her school and they also made cards to give with the stuffed animals. We were able to give stuffed animals to Uniontown Hospital, Toys for Tots, and the Salvation Army at Christmas. Angelina also had a bag that was distributed locally in Delran. Pictured is Angelina Samara; Joyce Fortney, Secretary; Amy Ryan, WM, and George Camlin, Acting WP. Freeland Chapter #323 Community Service At a church meeting, Margaret DeWane, PM heard that the homeless at a local shelter needed socks. They wear them until they rot off their feet! At the next Chapter meeting , the “call” went out for socks. After the next meeting, Sister Peg carried out bags of men’s, women’s and children’s socks—102 pairs in total! All were delivered to the homeless shelter. As one of our members said: “OES identified a need and filled that need. God is looking down on us with thanks for helping.” Page 20 CHAPTER NEWS Cressona Chapter #367 Donegal Chapter #422 On Tuesday, November 3, 2015, a bus with 50 Sisters and Brothers departed Hamburg, PA at 7 a.m. to travel to Pittsburgh for General Grand Chapter. After several pit stops, we arrived at the hotel 2 p.m. After a short rest, the group left to attend The Florida and Pennsylvania banquet. Four of the Sisters from Region 13B were fortunate enough to be seated with a Sister and Brother from Canada and four sisters from South Carolina. Donegal Chapter #422 had the honor of serving a Thanksgiving Feast for 126 veterans and family members on Sunday, November 22 at the Lebanon VA. The food was all donated and delicious with desserts being in big abundance. Our WGM and WGP were on hand and were willing helpers in this effort. A surprise visit from a local motorcycle club brought nearly 100 dozen cookies to the event. It was a successful and heart-warming afternoon. Our veterans were so appreciative of our efforts, and they deserve all we can give them! General Grand Chapter An Evening of Fun and Games Wednesday morning, we got on the bus to the Convention Center for the Morning Session. The room was decorated with a red rug on the floor Thanksgiving helpers include: Larry Bingeman, AGCCM - Veterans surrounded by a picket fence. On the stage was a revolving world. The Outreach, members of Donegal Chapter, members of Lititz Springs Chapter afternoon was free. In the evening, we attended the all-member banquet with #499, and the WGM and WGP. approximately 800 Sisters and Brothers. This was followed by a short session meeting. This morning, we again attended sessions where action was taken on amendments to the General Grand Chapter By-Laws. Voting delegates include WGMs, WGPs, Past WGMs and WGPs, and past and present General Grand Officers. Thursday night was the night we all waited for. Sister Helen J. Westmoreland and Brother Robert C. Penoyer were installed as Most Worthy Grand Matron and Most Worthy Grand Patron. PGM Sister Judy Rutter was installed as Worthy Grand Ruth. Several PGMs and PGPs of Pennsylvania were appointed to serve on General Grand Chapter Committees. Our own PGM Sister Rhonda Johnson was appointed to serve as an Ambassador to Peru. Friday morning, we began our journey home. Donegal Chapter #422 Foremost in Fashion! On Saturday, October 17, sisters and friends of Donegal Chapter #422 gathered at Perfect Settings in Columbia, PA for a festive Fashion Show and Luncheon! Christopher & Banks, Clarks Shoes, and Vera Bradley provided the fashions. Casual ensembles were presented followed by an offering of dressier attire. Our models were quite elegant, refined, and may have missed their calling for runway work! State College Chapter #388 Bird Tree Raises Money for Alzheimer’s Besides the fashions to ooh and ahh over, there were one hundred door prizes, twenty-nine extraordinary baskets being raffled, and other wonderful treasures to be bid upon in the silent auction. The presentation of prizes was beautifully done. The luncheon, provided by Sandy Hoover Catering, was delicious. It was very evident that the committee did a lot of planning. Their efforts made for a delightful afternoon and a lively event. Committee members included Chairman Violet Welk, WM; Judith P. Baker; Marie Donnelly, PM; Jan Duffy, PM; Emma Louise Gehrig; Susan Morgenroth; Betty Robinson; Marty Sholly; and Patricia A. Steinmetz. A surprise bridal shower was given for Emily (Fidler) Repka, WM of State College Chapter. A “Card Tree” was the centerpiece for the shower. The “tree” sparked an idea for a project to raise money for Alzheimers. After some discussion, it was determined that we use different colored birds (Yellow Birds for $1; Blue Birds for $5; Red Birds for $10, and the White Dove for $20.) Members and visitors were encouraged to purchase a bird in memory of a loved one or in honor of someone special. Edward Glantz, Chapter Proceeds from this successful event will benefit our Veterans, local women's Representative for Alzheimer's reported that more money was raised in our shelters, and local food banks. Thank you to everyone who attended and one year than the previous five years combined for aluminum! contributed! Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 21 CHAPTER NEWS Orwigsburg Chapter #424 Faith Chapter #444 On November 7, 2015, Orwigsburg Chapter entertained the Grand Family. The Grand Family; Sister Iris Weller, DGM 13B; and members of the chapter were served a light meal before the meeting. When entering the Chapter Room, each sister and brother were presented with a different colored rose, which Sister Linda Potts, WM used as her greeting for the evening. The above photo shows the visitors and members sharing refreshments and making new friendships after the meeting. For everyone, it was a very enjoyable evening. On November 7, 2015, Faith Chapter #444, Region 13A held its 21st Annual Craft Show at the Boyertown Masonic Lodge. This craft show is always Faith Chapter’s biggest Ways and Means project of the year. Vendors rent tables to display and sell their items, which range from jewelry; sewn, knit, or crocheted articles; cosmetics; pottery; wooden crafts; filled baskets; essential oils; to baked goods. Entertaining Grand Officers Getting Crafty! Faith Chapter members bake a variety of cookies and tray them to sell at their bake table, along with breakfast cakes, apple dumplings, pies, pumpkin roll, and zucchini breads. Many people from the area attend the craft show to check out the various vendors and have a delicious lunch. Our menu includes numerous kinds of homemade soups, barbeque, and hot dogs with sauerkraut. People often leave the craft show with items bought from the vendors, as well as quarts of soup and pints of barbeque from our kitchen. Through the help of many of our members, this year’s craft show was again a success, and we look forward to having another one in 2016. Shown above L to R: (first row) Fay E. Bechtel, PM; Dorothy A. Stasik, Jr. PM; Louise Wolfgang, PM; Vanessa G. Deskie; Susan J. Allmendinger, PM (second row) Joan Hoch, PM; Tina L. Matthias, PM; Carol A. Keen, WM; Linda M. Allmendinger, PM; M. Marlene Henry; Nancy A. Haas (third row) Karl F. Allmendinger; Thomas C. Keen, PP; Christopher E. Pell; Mark L. Matthias; John G. Stasik, Jr. PP William E. Gelston Chapter #435 Home for the Holidays Estrellita Chapter #512 Celebrating Special Members Sisters Mary H. Stillman, WGM and Kaitlin M. Davis (MJD 08-09), home for the holidays from studying for her Masters in Ethnomusicology at University Two charter members, F. Genevieve Peters, PM (left) and Elaine W. Bogar, PM College Cork, Ireland, attended the Installation of Raymond T. Dietz, 121st (right), were honored at the 64th Anniversary Luncheon of Estrellita Chapter Grand Master of Masons in PA. on February 6 at the Best Western Premier Motel in suburban Harrisburg. Also honored were the Chapter’s newest Golden Star member, Yvonne L. Kaitlin received her acceptance notice to UCC while at Grand Chapter in Rosenberger, PM, and Laura Heisey, PM, who received her 25-year pin from June. Great things do happen at Grand Chapter! Suzanne E. Shaeffer, WM and Lloyd B. Heisey, Jr., WP. Page 22 Words of Thanks Each year, the Educational Scholarship and ESTARL Committee receives notes and thank you cards from our scholarship recipients. Below is a continuation of responses received as of October 1, 2015. It is our pleasure to share these with our membership. Thank you for your continued support of this important work of this committee! I would like to thank you for honoring me with this scholarship. It was used towards my tuition payment. Mackenzie Herman Thank you so much for the scholarship! It will help so much as I finish my last two (2) years at LSU. I can’t wait to be a psychologist. Thank you for helping me reach my goals! Morgan Gerety I am sincerely honored to have been selected as a recipient of the scholarship. By awarding me this scholarship, you have lightened my financial burden which allows me to focus more on the most important aspect of school, learning. Your generosity has inspired me to help others and give back to the community. I hope on day I will be able to help students achieve their goals just as you have helped me. Thank you again for your generosity and support. Allison Wert Thank you so much for awarding me your Educational Scholarship. Your generosity is greatly appreciated in helping me to pursue my educational goals. Kirsten Clemens I would like to thank you for the scholarship money. I will be using it for my education at Penn State University as I pursue a degree in Kinesiology. Ashlee Snyder My name is Ashley Foulkrod, and was recently awarded an Educational Scholarship.I am starting my junior year at Chatham University and have used the money from the scholarship to pay for my tuition. This scholarship has helped to greatly reduce the financial burden associated with attending a 4-year college and I don’t know if I can thank you all enough for awarding me with this scholarship. I have dreamed of attending college, and eventually medical school for many years now. I am excited to see this dream turn into reality. Once again, thank you for awarding me this gift ofmoney. I am beyond grateful. Ashley Foulkrod It has been an honor to have been selected to receive an Educational Scholarship from such an outstanding organization. My family has been a part of Eastern Star for many years and I have many fond memories of events held at the chapter. I am excited to start my fall semester knowing that the financial burden of college is muchless thanks to the support of wonderful people from Eastern Star. Kori Kabilko Job’s Daughters International Recipient – Thank you for selecting me to receive the Educational Scholarship this year. This money has helped me to cover all costs including books this year. Not having to pay anything out of pocket is a great relief. Thank you once again! Brooke Spence, Past Honored Queen I would like to thank you for your monetary gift and scholarship. The money is goingto good use, as it supports me both for this upcoming year and also for the MCATs which I will be taking next summer. Thank you again, I truly appreciate it. Janel L Harach, OES Chapter #67 I would like to extend my thanks and gratitude for selecting me to be a recipient of the OES Educational Scholarship. I will be certain to responsibly put the funds I have received to good use towards tuition and rent as I enter my senior year at Penn State. Aaron Westbrook I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for the generous scholarship award. It is truly appreciated and will be put toward my academic endeavors. Ashley Metz I just wanted to thank you for awarding me an Educational Scholarship. Receiving this award two year in a row is a great honor! Kelsey Schlegel Thank you so much for the scholarship! I appreciate the help towards my education. Paige Troxell Thank you so much for awarding me with this scholarship money. It has lifted such a weight off of my shoulders. Because of this money I will be able to continue my education and provide for family. Lindsey Farmer Thank you for the scholarship money. I will be using it toward my education at Penn State University as I pursue my degree in Kinesiology. Ashlee Snyder Thank you so much for the scholarship you award me. It was greatly appreciated. It helped me purchase my books for this semester. Ben Mercadante Thank you for the opportunity for the Eastern Star Scholarship. It helped me financially for my fall semester at Clarion University. I am extremely appreciative for being a part of the Eastern Star Organization. I can’t wait to see what the future holds for me. Taylor Hawkins Thank you so much for the generous scholarship contribution. I very much appreciate this kind gesture as it has helped finance my undergraduate education at Bowling Green State University. This will take a lot of burden off of me and my family. I am double majoring in chemistry and environmental science. For the past year, I have participated in undergraduate research to help develop a manure treatment process that will slow the release of nutrients after it is applied to agricultural fields. This will hopefully prevent much of the phosphorous and nitrogen from running into streams when it rains – one of the main causes of harmful algal blooms in Lake Erie. It is a great research opportunity and I have learned a lot that will help me in graduate school and with my future career in environmental research. Thank you again for supporting me with the Educational Scholarship. It really makesa difference and means a lot to me. Elizabeth Crowther Thank you very much for the scholarship. It will be a big help paying for school, and supplies. I will do my best to keep up the grades so that your assistance and investment in my education does not go to waste. Once again, thank you. Douglas Shunk I want to take this opportunity to thank you and the Educational Scholarship & ESTARL Committee for the generous scholarship offered to me. This will truly help me lower the total cost of my education, which over the next four years will be significant. Curtis Watro Thank you so much for the generous amount for my scholarship. Sarah Ditty, Sunbury Chapter #266 I would like to formally thank you for awarding me the Educational Scholarship. My education is very important to me and without contributions like this, it would not be possible. This gives me immense opportunity and time to focus on my education in the Corporate Communications field. Cassandra Brennan I would like to thank you for giving me the chance of the scholarship that I have received from you. Throughout my studies in college, I have learned that every little bit counts. The money that I have received will be going towards my portfolio, I will have to create through my remaining time here. I’m using the money for this one think because my portfolio is my final project that I will be using to find my job once I leave college. This money is going to help me greatly and I can’t be more appreciated that I have received this. Once again, thank you for supporting me and helping me out. Gabrielle L. Mauston I wanted to take this time to thank you and the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, Order of the Eastern Star for this scholarship. It will greatly help me this school year and I could not be more thankful for that. I wish you all the best! Alyssa Twardy I was very happy to learn that I was a recipient of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, Order of the Eastern Star scholarship. I am writing to thank you for your very generous financial support towards my higher education at Indiana University of Pennsylvania. By awarding me this scholarship, I am able to continue to pursue what is important for me, education and the thirst for knowledge. You financial generosity has allowed me to be one step closer to this goal. Andrew Fister Thank you very much for awarding me this scholarship. I am extremely grateful and the money will help considerable when it comes to paying for my school’s tuition. Asyou know, I am in my senior year at Edinboro University majoring in Applied Media Arts with a concentration in Graphic Design. This summer, I completed an internshipdoing web design at Higher Images, a digital marketing company based in Bridgeville. When I graduate in the spring, I hope to get a job in my field doing company branding or web design work. I have been a member of Norwood Harrington Chapter for about a year and I just received my majority from Rainbow this summer. Therefore, it means a lot to me to receive this scholarship from Eastern Star, as it is another reminder of how great the masonic family truly is. By giving scholarships, such as the one I received, it shows their support of younger members as well as the family of members. Thank you once again. Stephanie Rickert, Norwood Harrington Chapter #356 Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Spring 2016 Page 23 122nd “Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom” Session June 20-22, 2016 · York, Pennsylvania Friday, June 17 Board of Directors Grand Officer Rehearsal Saturday, June 18 Rehearsals Saturday Night Entertainment Monday, June 20 Session Ritualistic Opening & Reports Informal Opening – Introductions Tuesday, June 21 Session Election RWGP Honor Night for Robert C. Penoyer Wednesday, June 22 Session Closing Installation Sunday, June 19 Divine Service AGCCM Packet Pick-Up Grand Banquet Introduction Dear Sisters and Brothers, The 122nd Sessions of the Grand Chapter of Pennsylvania, Order of the Eastern Star, Inc., the “Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom” will convene on Monday, June 20, 2016 at the York Expo and Convention Center, Utz Arena, in West York, Pennsylvania. The Session Committee is planning an unforgettable week for our General Grand delegates, out-of-state visitors, and members! The headquarters for the “Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom” Session will be at the Wyndham Garden York located at 2000 Loucks Road, York, PA. 17408. Their phone number is (717) 846-9500. For specific details, please visit www.PAEasternStar.org or contact your Deputy Grand Matron. Special dietary restrictions must be included on your registration form. Otherwise, none will be honored the day of the event! The 122nd Session Committee truly hopes you will have a wonderful experience at the “Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom.” Please feel free to call if you have any questions and we will be there to greet and assist you at the Sessions. May God give you safe travels! Janet Jo Dodson, General Chairman (717) 656-6098 Election Day Lunch A lunch on Tuesday, June 21 is now being offered. To make arrangements for your lunch, contact your Deputy Grand Matron. Men of All Chapters There will be a Men's Seminar held this year on Sunday, June 19 in the dining room of the York Masonic Center, York, Pennsylvania. Please plan on attending this seminar. Please register by contacting John Kibler, PGP at John.Kibler@comcast.net with your name, chapter number, and region. Registration Reminders & Updates 1. Be sure to bring your signed, current dues card to Grand Chapter. You will need it to register. 2. 50-Year Member Program - Honorees and those accompanying them need not register if they are only attending the program on Wednesday. 3. Members only attending the Installation Ceremony on Wednesday evening need not register, but they must present their signed, current dues card to secure admission to the Ceremony. 4. Correction to the tri-fold: It was voted on at the 2015 Session to change the registration hours on the following days: Sunday, 1:00-5:00 pm, Wednesday, 8:00-10:00 am. All other hours remain the same. Candidates for Elected Offices and Elected Committees OfficeCandidate Worthy Grand Matron Sister Diana N. Michael Uniontown Chapter #263 (4B) Worthy Grand Patron Brother William D. Johnston Trinity Chpater #136 (7B) Associate Grand Matron Sister Emily D. McCarthy Capital City Chapter #146 (8B) Associate Grand Patron Brother Donald C. Graver Robert Fulton Chapter #446 (10A) Grand Secretary Sister Joyce E. Ferguson, PGM Springdale Chapter #453 (5B) Grand Treasurer Sister Martha A. Johns Gettysburg Chapter #392 (8A) Grand Conductress Sister Sandra L. Berkey Centre Chapter #207 (7A) Associate Grand Conductress Sister Linda M. Dimino Prosperity Chapter #83 (11B) Associate Grand Conductress Sister Orpha G. Kemmler Mount Union Chapter #280 (7A) Associate Grand Conductress Sister Linda E. Watson Hershey Chapter #509 (8B) Grand Trustee Brother Bradley A. Lewis, PGP Eureka Chapter #52 (6) Grand Trustee Sister Virginia L. Plyler, PGM Morning Light Chapter #312 (14B) Finance Committee Sister Maxine E. Bateman Latrobe Chapter #221 (5A) Fraternal Committee Sister Janet Jo Dodson Donegal Chapter #422 (10A) Fraternal Committee Sister Vicki T. McDowell Estrelitta Chapter #512 (8B) Fraternal Committee Sister Donna J. McGrow Astro Chapter #380 (8B) Fraternal Committee Sister Marcia E. Rebuck Sunbury Chapter #266 (9) Site of the 123rd Session York, Pennsylvania Page 24 Give Your Time to Those on Hospice For Clyde Jordan, the chance to fly in a plane on a warm spring day meant more than most people will understand. The 93-yearold Army veteran enjoyed many flights as a licensed pilot, but this one had special meaning. Both he and his wife of 70 years, Eva, are facing life-limiting illnesses. As Clyde flew over the Gettysburg battlefield and other scenic areas, Timothy Nickel, hospice chaplain, stands by as Clyde Jordan he wasn’t focused on their greets pilot Wayne Laughner and volunteer Rick Hamm ailments. “I’ll never forget this as long as I live,” Clyde said. “I never thought I’d get to go up in a plane again. If I never get out of my chair again, I’d be a happy man.” The flight was made possible thanks to Masonic Village Hospice staff and volunteer Masons, who have formed project Brother Flight. The group will help fund, gather volunteers and pilot future flights for Masonic Village Hospice patients. To be part of a special moment, whether it’s a flight, formal dinner, celebration or other personalized event, and see how many smiles can occur during the days, weeks and months of hospice care, consider volunteering with Masonic Village Hospice. Volunteers are needed to visit with patients and help with other tasks throughout the year. The next training class will be held on May 19 and 26, from 8 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Call Josie Schies, hospice volunteer coordinator, at 717-367-1121, ext. 33024, to sign up. Hospice focuses on the physical, emotional, social and spiritual needs of patients and their loved ones. Masonic Village Hospice staff promote comfort and self determination, enabling patients to participate in making decisions about care at the end of their lives. Masonic Village Hospice services are available to those in Lancaster, Lebanon, Dauphin and Eastern York counties. For more information, please visit www.MasonicVillageHospice.org. GRAND CHAPTER OF PA OES INC 105 FREEMASON DRIVE ELIZABETHTOWN PA 17022 NON PROFIT US POSTAGE PAID WAYNESBORO PA PERMIT NO 324 Featuring ... • Home-grown cherries, peaches, nectarines, apricots, plums, pears, apples and more • Tomatoes, cantaloupes, sweet corn, salad greens, pumpkins, broccoli, cauliflower and more • Apple cider, apple butter, preserves, pickles and salsa • Pies, apple dumplings, cookies, cakes and breads from our bakery, plus hand-dipped ice cream Orchard View Café Now Open! 717-361-4520 www.mvfarmmarket.com Follow us on Facebook to see what is in season. Fall 2015 of Blooming flowers friendship Pennsylvania Order of the Eastern Star Volume 1 e Spring 2016 Page 1 village festivals Your Support Means the World Thank You! Eastern Section October 24 Central Section November 21 Western Section December 12 On behalfMary of residents and their families, staff and volunteers of the Masonic Villages, thank the Grand H. Stillman Thomas R. we Mason Chapter of Pennsylvania, Order of the Eastern Star, and all its members for their ongoing generous support. Worthy Grand Matron Worthy Grand Patron #435 Your donation to the Masonic Villages at Elizabethtown, Lafayette Hill, Sewickley and Warminster#164 of $147,352 in 2015 will benefit residents for years to come. Among the items purchased with your gift are mattresses and recliners WGM THEME WGP THEME for residents; chairs for activities and programs; equipment for the country kitchens in for ourOES health care centers; clinical Blossom Time in God’s Kingdom Toot your whistle equipment, such as treatment WGM carts, cardiac defibrillators and pulse oximeters to measure oxygen; and mechanical EMBLEM WGP EMBLEM Church in the Orchard Referee’s Whistle lifts to assist in transferring residents. The chairs may be used toFUN watch a performance or aid a resident in balancing while he or she practices yoga. EMBLEM FUN EMBLEM Volkswagon Beetle delicious dessert. Cardiac The kitchen equipment may be Lamb used to freshly prepare a hot, hearty meal or cool, defibrillators may help in a life-threatening situation. COLORS COLORS Royal Blue, Pink, Dark Lavender, Green “Whether the item enables a resident to enjoy a good night’s sleepBlack, or White, take Lime partGreen in recreational programs, or FLOWERS it contributes to his or her health and safety, each one assists Masonic Villages in fulfilling our promise to provide Apple Blossoms, Orchids high quality services and loving care for residents and enhances our Mission of Love,” Beth Bossert, chief operating SPECIAL PROJECT officer - health care services,The said. Fraternal Family HONOR STATION Adah Caring & sharing Western Section October 17 Central Section January 23 Eastern Section March 5