Caliza Pool is so large, beautiful, and interesting that it is like having


Caliza Pool is so large, beautiful, and interesting that it is like having
2 0 0 8
alys gazette
page six story
“ Caliza Pool is so large, beautiful, and interesting that it is like
h a v i n g a n o t h e r b e a c h . Ac t u a l l y , I p r e f e r i t t o t h e s a n d y o n e.”
—AndrÉs Duany, designer of over 300 towns and revitalization projects around the globe
and named one of the Top 5 most influential people in home building by Builder magazine.
d o n ’ t
m i s s
o u t
The Energy of Place
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
jason comer
At Alys Beach, we count our luck as a blessing.
receive our permits, we are moving the old Sandor’s building from Seagrove to Alys
We have owned this property since 1978. We
Beach, giving it a groovy Alys Beach look—and voilá!—we will have George’s.
have owned our own personal Walton County
And remember the little things that make Alys Beach great. Don’t you just love
o f a l y s be a c h
residences since the 40s. And all along we have
Fonville Hill? And have you heard of Piper’s yet? Well, Piper’s is opening 2008. (Piper
. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .
been watching and learning from the exceptional
was my grandmother Alys’s dog. See “Get ’em Pipin’ Hot at Piper’s,” page 8.) Take a
t h e t o wn f o u n d er
look at the Bau Wau Haus to the west of Fonville Press. And keep an eye out for our
community developments along 30A.
springtime wildflower extravaganza.
I would like for my message to help you discover the reasons why you should
And perhaps this above all else: See the just-released Alys Beach movie. It is an
live or vacation at Alys Beach. And preferably, why you should become one of our
extraordinary look into the future. Do not miss it.
proud owners.
Alys Beach is the new kid on the block. We started construction several years
So, I invite you to look deeply into Alys Beach. Spend time perusing the built
after everyone, and yet we are filling our little town with
environment, but it’s more important to spend time
with a sales associate to understand what 2008 and
wonderful families like yours. This is how towns get
started. And the type of town that we are creating is a
beyond will bring.
2008 will bring the completion of Lake Marilyn
(named after Marilyn Monroe), the completion of
our streets south of 30A, the completion of our town
center amphitheater, and the first full season of Caliza
Pool enjoyment.
It will also be our first year to have a full calendar
of events planned. We will have stargazing with a
local astronomer, a giant beach party that will include
professional sandcastle building, the beginning of our
fashion shows, Trivia Night at Fonville Press, movies
at Fonville Green, costume parties, another astounding
4th of July fireworks display, and so much more.
Olivier Gaupin, Director of Food and Beverage,
at encourage
the end
all of our residents and guests to
visit the Sales Center to view
of the new
Alys Beach movie.
Just a few minutes long,
this place will the film is an extraordinary
the future of be
our resort town.
who live here.
wonderful feelings and memories that are being created.
What makes a place truly a place is the type and
quality of its energy. This is the combination of many
things working at once, but ultimately, energy is how a
place feels when you are in it. 2008 is the beginning of
making our place feel great. It’s the bustling energy of
a beautiful resort filled with great people, children, and
laughter; friends enjoying friends, peace on the beach,
tranquility in the homes, and the excitement of being a
part of something special, of being a part of something
that is truly on its way to becoming great. As developers
and community builders, we have the luxury of deep
familiarity with this market. We’ll get it right. We’ll make
and his team are going to start serving breakfast and
lunch at the Fonville Press as well as start keeping it
unique thing. It is a rarity. I invite you to investigate the
this place great. But at the end of the day, the true greatness
of this place will be the families who live here.
open for more nighttime enjoyment.
Don’t miss out.
To give everyone the opportunity to enjoy one
Please take time to understand our corporate history, financial strength, and
of the most romantic and refreshing places in the world, we are opening Caliza Pool
commitment to this place. And get the knowledge to understand why our commitment
for dinner. This is a 30A experience that everyone must share.
And if you spend some time at the Resource Center, you won’t be surprised
to the long term will bode well for your long-term commitment. And if you want it
if you see this museum-quality educational exhibit published in one of your favorite
straight from the horse’s mouth, make sure you let someone in our sales office know.
coffee table magazines.
I’ll saddle up and come on over. (I don’t actually have a horse on site. I usually ride
a Vespa.)
Have you ever satiated your craving for burgers or fried food at the Seagrove
We invite you to become a part of the Alys Beach family. From our family to
Village Market? The owners, George and Ann Hartley, are residents at Alys Beach.
yours, we wish you all the best in 2008.
Well, they have decided to open “George’s at Alys Beach” (see page 8). And once we
850.213.5500 / 866.744.9958
Alys Beach is on Scenic Highway 30A between Rosemary Beach and WaterSound Parkway
Alys Beach Properties, LLC, Licensed Real Estate Broker, Broker Participation Welcome
This is not an offer or solicitation in CA, NY, NJ or any state where prohibited by law.
ALYS BEACH is a trademark of EBSCO Industries, Inc. © 2008
{ 2 }
Town building is an art, and the design and construction of Alys Beach is an
ongoing process. The master plan, floor plans, features, and prices may change
without notice. Illustrations are artists’ depictions only and may differ from
completed improvements. Lot sizes are approximate. This is not an offer to sell
real property. (For that, please visit our local sales office.) Void where prohibited by
law. Equal Housing Opportunity.
See Turtles?
In June, a mother loggerhead sea turtle crawled
ashore at Alys Beach and deposited 130 eggs into the sugary
sand. While sea turtles have certainly nested along these
shores before, this was a first in the young history of Alys
Beach. Charlie Reichman, husband of Alys Beach employee
Louise Reichman, found the nest.
From May through October, Louise, Charlie, other
Alys Beach employees, and locals volunteer their time to
walk beaches at dawn to help the South Walton Turtle
Watch organization search for and document sea turtle
nests and hatchlings.
A little before 9 p.m. on August 16—after nearly two
months of incubation—dozens of Alys Beach’s first baby sea
turtles dug their way out of the sand and made a mad dash
for the Gulf. Although scientists estimate that only one out of
Crowd Wowed
every thousand newly born sea turtles survive to adulthood,
we hope that at least a few of our new friends will return to
Alys Beach one day to carry on their ancient legacy.
Locals and visitors can help sea turtles survive by not
leaving lounge chairs and other items overnight on beaches,
• • • • • • • • • • • • • • •
by filling in holes, razing sandcastles that can block the paths
b y
during nesting season.
B e a c h
C l u b
P l a n s
roperty owners gathered at Alys Beach in October for the community’s first Homeowners’
Association weekend. While residents were still basking in the beauty of Caliza Pool—the town’s
newest amenity—Town Founder Jason Comer wowed everyone again by unveiling plans for Alys
Beach’s new Beach Club.
Designed by Ike Kligerman Barkley—an architectural and interior design firm in New
York—the plans include an infinity pool perched over the Gulf of Mexico. The main deck features a restaurant with
indoor and outdoor seating. Whether dining inside or out, views of the Gulf of Mexico will take your breath away.
A dramatic waterfall cascades from the main pool deck into a separate family pool area below.
But perhaps the most striking feature of the Beach Club is the architectural design itself. The front of
the unique building rises like a white wave along Sea Garden Street. Once inside, a grand spiral staircase offers
guests access to the Beach Club’s four levels.
In addition to the two pools and dining facilities, the club will also feature a full-service bar and Jacuzzi
whirlpools with breathtaking and intimate views of the Gulf of Mexico.
{ 3 }
of nesting turtles, and by keeping beaches dark and quiet
r E S O U r C E
ce n ter
Starving Termites, carnivorous plants, bulletproof
glass, and alys beach’s commitment to BEAUTY
the concept of the Resource Center.
Discreetly tucked behind the Fonville
exhibit about hurricane-force winds and flying
Press parking lot is a beautiful state-of-the-
debris, one demonstration shows an actual home
“It never ceases to amaze me how
art educational exhibit. The Resource Center
window after being struck by a bullet traveling
much care goes into crafting the Alys Beach
provides an interactive, self-guided tour that
1,100 miles-per-hour.
experience,” said Terry Slaughter. “Every step
exhibits some of the less-apparent nuances of
is carefully anticipated. The idea is that life can
Alys Beach construction and utilizes touch-
be—and should be—beautiful and meaningful
screen computers to celebrate the community’s
and significant. But making that journey requires
treasured natural habitat.
commitment, discipline, and sacrifice. The
Resource Center explores all of these concepts.
everything from carnivorous plants to the many
It explores what it’s like to care about what
energy-saving features of our homes,” said
you do, to care about how you do it, and to be
Christian Wagley, Alys Beach’s Environmental
totally aware of the impact it will have on future
Program Manager. “You’ll even learn why
termites starve around here.”
Displays also demonstrate the latest
disaster-resistant construction practices and
“You have to see it to believe it,” said
show why Alys Beach is the first officially
The Slaughter Group, an award-winning
“Fortified” community in the world. As part of an
design firm in Birmingham, Alabama, developed
Alys Beach’s Resource Center is open to the
public for self-guided tours from 9 a.m. until
5 p.m. Monday through Saturday and from 12
p.m. until 5 p.m. every Sunday.
Stage Is Set for New Amphitheater PLAZA WILL BE Located directly on the north side of Scenic Highway 30A
A new public amphitheater will soon welcome guests, neighbors, and
passersby to spend more time in our growing town. Located directly on the
north side of Scenic Highway 30A, the approximately 30,000-square-foot
plaza will serve as a lush green backdrop for outdoor concerts, plays, recitals,
lectures, and countless other cultural events.
“Attendance of our town events grew dramatically in 2007,” said Kelli
Arnold, Alys Beach’s Recreation Manager. “The amphitheater is going to be a
very special new place for our friends and family members to gather and be
A unique sculptural backdrop will cradle the amphitheater’s stage.
The amphitheater is expected to be completed and open for public use
in 2008.
{ 4 }
Bogey & Bacall
Courtyard Home B7 is the latest in a series of new homes that have been
furnished to demonstrate the broad range of interior possibilities at Alys Beach.
According to the home’s interior designer, Susan Bohlert Massey, “This home
could be the 1940s setting for a Bogart and Bacall tryst in northern Africa.”
Please visit our Sales Center for a personal tour of this wonderfully eclectic new
courtyard home!
airp o r t BREAKS GROUND
On November 1st, construction began on
Panama City-Bay County International Airport, the first
“The new airport’s impact on this region is going to be enormous,” said Jason Comer,
Alys Beach’s Town Founder. “It’s exciting news for our growing town.”
new commercial airport to be built in the United States
Larry Coltharp
since the tragic events of September 11, 2001.
The $330 million airport will be located in West Bay, Florida, just 15 miles east of Alys
Beach. Officials predict that the new facility will result in lower airfares, more direct flights, and
This fact alone would mean big changes for the
will bring about an overall economic boom to the entire region.
panhandle. But with 77 million Americans on the brink of
“The project provides an important opportunity for the region to compete for better and
retirement, experts predict that Florida—widely regarded
more competitive air service, as well as to attract new businesses and jobs to grow and diversify the
as the retirement capital of the world—will continue to benefit from a dramatic influx of affluent
local economy,” said Florida Governor Charlie Crist.
Baby Boomers seeking to bask in the warm coastal climate. In fact, one in five of all retirees who
migrate from their homes move to The Sunshine State.
Randy Curtis, Executive Director for the airport project, said he hopes that flights will
be landing by early 2010.
{ 5 }
c a l iz a
m a k e s
s p l a s h
November, hundreds of residents,
Caliza Pool’s timeless design is in the tradition of the
visitors, and locals alike experienced
Greek agora and the Roman piazza. Caliza (Spanish
Caliza Pool for the very first time. It
for “limestone”) features a 50' x 100' main pool, a
was a moment that few guests will
separate family pool, a 75' lap pool, a spa whirlpool,
ever forget.
and numerous secluded outdoor living areas flanked
“Caliza Pool is absolutely breathtaking,” said
with tropical palms and gardens. Exquisite architecture
Patricia “Sister” Schubert Barnes, founder of the
is punctuated with arched colonnades, private cabanas,
famous multi-million-dollar Sister Schubert yeast
fountains, lush landscaping, and views of the Gulf of
roll company. Sister Schubert hosted a charity
Mexico from an elevated terrace. A poolside iPod port
fundraiser at Caliza Pool on November 1 to help raise
even enables guests to swim laps while enjoying their own
money for Barnes Family Foundation, a nonprofit
music—played underwater!
organization dedicated to improving the lives of
Alongside the negative edge saltwater pool (one of
those less fortunate. Over 500 guests attended the
the largest in the U.S.) is Caliza Restaurant, an elegant
event, which featured live entertainment by numerous
but casual locale to enjoy culinary delights prepared by
Nashville country music artists, a silent auction, and
Olivier Gaupin, Director of Food and Beverage. Before
synchronized swimmers from Miami. Ultimately,
joining Alys Beach, Chef Gaupin was executive chef
over $100,000 was raised to help orphaned children
for numerous award-winning restaurants, including
in Ukraine.
Ritz-Carlton Hotel in Atlanta, where his restaurant
“We partnered with Alys Beach because Caliza
was awarded Five Diamonds by AAA and named “Top
Pool is truly the most beautiful venue that we could
Restaurant in Atlanta” by Gourmet magazine.
find for this important event,” said Sister Schubert.
Just to the north of Caliza Pool is Alys Beach’s
Designed by Alys Beach residents and Town
new Central Park. Terry Slaughter of Slaughter
Architects, Erik Vogt and Marieanne Khoury-Vogt,
Group—an award-winning design firm based in
{ 6 }
c a l iz a
m aT kE eXs T
s p l a s h
Birmingham, Alabama—and Kendall Horne, Alys
Beach’s own Landscape Architect, designed this
1.4-acre community retreat. Native sand pines, turkey
oaks, myrtle oaks, and saw palmettos surround an
ideal sanctuary for a family picnic, reading a book, or
playing a game of Frisbee on the park’s lush Bermuda
grass. Caliza Park is bordered to the north by Alys
Beach’s 21-acre nature preserve, home to many of the
93 different species of birds found at Alys Beach,
according to surveys conducted by the National
Audubon Society.
Even though Caliza Pool is Alys Beach’s newest
amenity, it’s already winning widespread recognition,
including a feature in the December issue of The Atlantan,
Atlanta’s luxury lifestyle magazine.
“Our vision was to create one of the most beautiful
pools in the world,” said Jason Comer, Alys Beach’s Town
Founder. “It’s very rewarding to see and hear the many
wonderful reactions of our friends and guests when they
visit Caliza for the very first time.”
Now closed for the winter season, Caliza Pool will
reopen on March 1, 2008.
{ 7 }
b o n
e a t s,
y ’ a l l
· A New Restaurant ·
ge o rge!
GEORGE AND ANN HARTLEY TO o p e n t h e T o w n C e n t e r ’ s f i r s t n e w b u s i n e s s
Ten years ago, George and Ann Hartley, owners of Seagrove Village
Market Café, quite unexpectedly moved to Seagrove Beach on the heels of
an extremely fast-paced life back in Dallas.
“I owned a retail fashion business and a clothing line that was sold
all over the world, while George was a partner in Sonny Bryan’s BBQ, a
famous spot in Dallas,” said Ann. “George also owned a third-generation
insurance business that his grandfather
had started.”
“We were crazy people,” said
The couple had already bought a
lot here in the hope of one day owning a
second home. But then, fate stepped in.
In 1996, Ann was made “an offer that she
couldn’t refuse” for her business. Then
the couple endured personal tragedies,
when George and Ann lost their fathers
within just a few months of each other.
“Following those tough months, we
decided to rent a house in Grayton Beach
for an entire month,” said Ann. “While
we were here, sitting on the beach, talking and having a few margaritas with
my daddy’s best friend, he told us that if we had a dream, we needed to live
it now—and not to wait!”
So, George and Ann went back to the house they’d rented, called a
realtor in Dallas, and put their home on the market. Three weeks later, they
returned to Dallas to tell their friends that they were moving to the beach.
“I know they thought we were running from the I.R.S. or something,”
said Ann. “It was just too crazy.”
“The minute we got here, we went to the Tom Thumb,” recalled
George. “At the time, there wasn’t even a Publix in Destin. We got a screwtop bottle of wine, sat on our balcony, and…”
Emerald Coast Magazine
“I told George we’d just made a huge mistake,” laughed Ann. “But,
of course, we hadn’t.”
And now, ten years later, the Hartleys are moving again—to Alys
Beach! George and Ann will not only join us as full-time residents, but
will also open the Town Center’s first new business: a restaurant called
“George’s at Alys Beach,” located directly on Scenic Highway 30A.
“The life of any town is created
by those pioneering efforts of strong
retail personalities,” said Jason Comer,
Alys Beach’s Town Founder. “We
simply couldn’t ask for a more humble,
friendly, and talented couple than
George and Ann Hartley to help make
Alys Beach a place of great warmth and
George’s menu will feature grilled
and fried seafood po’ boys, hamburgers,
Philly cheese steak sandwiches—and,
of course, the grouper sandwich that
the Market Café has become so famous
for. Guests can also look forward to
enjoying Ann’s famous fish tacos with poblano lime tartar sauce.
“In addition to our tried-and-true local favorites, though, George’s
menu will also feature healthy, organic, locally grown selections, including
some soups that are ‘to die for’ delicious, and yummy salads with at least
ten varieties of veggies,” said Ann.
The couple will continue to own and operate Seagrove Village
Market Café, and George’s at Alys Beach is expected to open in the second
half of 2008.
“We are very honored to have the Hartleys join us as our neighbors
and as our Town Center’s first tenants,” said Jason.
G et ’ em P ipi n ’ H o t at P iper ’ s
There’s another hot new dining option coming
to Alys Beach this spring. The only question is,
where will it be on any given day?
poised to be rolling all over town.
“In addition to delicious food, Piper’s will sell
toys, kites, and other fun beach supplies,” said
loving fellow who met each day with a positive
attitude, as was indicated by one of the world’s
most rapidly wagging tails.”
Named after Alys Stephens’ favorite pet
Olivier Gaupin, Director of Food and Beverage at
Most days, Chef Gaupin says, we’re likely to
terrier, Piper’s will serve hot dogs, hamburgers,
Alys Beach. “Piper’s will be like a vintage fairy tale
find Piper’s comfortably camped out near Fonville
and other treats and beachy family favorites. But
straight from the beaches of the French Riviera.”
Press. But much like its excitable four-legged
finding Piper’s might just end up being half the fun.
As for the dog, Alys’s oldest son, Jim, recalls
That’s because Piper’s is a colorful mobile coach,
that “Piper was a very faithful and fully human-
namesake, watch for the quirky Piper’s making
mad dashes all over town!
{ 8 }
g aT zette
The Smart Money
The vast majority of the wealth created from
30A investing has occurred over the long term
There is a concentration of
smart, successful people
jason comer
in this market. Though
some of you do not, many
of you remember when Seaside blew the bell curve on pricing.
How often have you heard people say, “I wish I had bought at
Seaside,” or, “I wish I had not sold my property at Seaside”? And
notice that Seaside is the market leader on price per square
foot, still beating everyone.
EBSCO, the developer of Alys Beach, purchased this
160-acre site in 1978, and since that date, we have watched
this market closely, and there is one thing, above all, that we
have learned:
Central Park is the perfect location for a family picnic, a game of Frisbee, or a relaxing place to read
The vast majority of the wealth created from 30A
investing has occurred over the long term.
a book. Designed by Terry Slaughter and Kendall Horne, the 1.4-acre park is surrounded by sand pines,
There is no doubt that the smart money comes to 30A.
turkey oaks, myrtle oaks, and saw palmettos. Pictured above, Montessori students kicking around in
The question, once you get here, is how do you make your
Central Park after school one day.
decision? And is some of the money smarter or luckier than
the rest?
We are in what some call a buyer’s market. But what does
that really mean to a buyer? Sure, there is a glut of property on
the market, but what’s the long-term value of the property? This
LAKE marilyn’s beauty runs deep
market will challenge even the most astute investors to find
wisdom for answering this question.
Recently, I have been in the market, not just studying
comp maps in our offices, but physically walking through the
Lake plays important environmental role at alys beach
communities and homes and studying prices. And there are
a few key things that I keep in mind. This 30A market is still
fundamentally controlled by the underlying value created by the
beaches, the quality of developments, and the high percentage of
equity and financial stability of the owners. If you are looking
at real estate along 30A where you feel like—as a buyer—you
are in the driver’s seat, there is a good chance that you are
previewing a property owned by a short-term player, and shortterm players are not necessarily invested appropriately in solid,
long-term value. So, if you think you’re getting a good deal, then
you may be, but on the other hand, you may simply be paying
what the property is worth, even in a recovered market.
Our national and local economic environments have
their own personalities. But those of us who have been here
Traced with Dominican shellstone coping, Lake Marilyn is currently under construction
on the north end of town. Lake Marilyn will not only be a beautiful and relaxing place to enjoy
a book and fresh Gulf breezes, but the lake has also been carefully designed to provide irrigation
for the entire community.
“Running our irrigation water through Lake Marilyn obviously creates a beautiful town
amenity, but it also allows for naturally occurring iron to settle out of the water before it can
stain our white masonry surfaces,” said Christian Wagley, the town’s Environmental Program Manager. “This
is an environmentally friendly feature that eliminates the need for any harsh chemicals to remove the iron or to
clean it from surfaces later.”
Somerset Bridge—punctuated with a tower and spiral staircase—will span the lake.
Nestled down along the lake’s western shore will be Willow Terrace. With its signature draping willow tree,
the terrace’s Dominican shellstone benches will tempt residents to while away the afternoon, soaking up Lake
Marilyn’s ever-changing vistas.
When completed, Lake Marilyn will be over 450 feet long and nearly 125 feet wide.
{ 9 }
over the long term have a clear understanding of the draw of
the beaches and the importance of quality over the long run,
irrespective of the gyrations of the real estate market.
As developers and community builders, we are longterm players. And because of this, one could easily argue that
we have taken the difficulty of the long-term investment side of
the purchasing decision out of the equation.
In business and in investment activity, luck counts. Alys
Beach is blessed with luck. This place will become great. If you
have a long-term perspective on your beach homeownership, I
suggest you take a deeper look at Alys Beach.
The vast majority of the wealth created from 30A
investing has occurred over the long term.
O NE N a s h v i l l e s i n g e r / s o n g w r i t e r s , E m i l y D e L o a c h a n d J a s o n
f o o t s t e p s p r a c t i c i n g l a w . F O UR A l y s B e a c h H o m e o w n e r , C h a
Feller, along with locals, Tim Jackson and Geoffrey McBride,
Cha, stays close to dad, Ken Laurendine, during a swim in the
brought their special sound to Alys Beach this summer. TWO
family pool. FIVE Alys Beach Homeowners, Jack Jones and
A l y s B e a c h r e s i d e n t , M a y a V o g t , o n p e r c u s s i o n a t F o n v i l l e
Jacque Hamilton, peel and eat their way through the Memorial
P r e s s . T H REE A l y s B e a c h H o m e o w n e r , K e l l y D o h e r t y , a n d h e r
D a y S h r i m p B o i l . SI X A y o u n g c o n t e s t a n t t e s t s h i s s k i l l w i t h
boyfriend, John, enjoy some down time at Après Beach before
t h e H u l a H o o p o n F o n v i l l e H i l l . SE V EN A l y s B e a c h P r o p e r t y
returning to St. Louis where she is following in her father’s
Owners and father and son, Dean and Will Trevelino, take
{ 10 }
Johh Hollan
a d i p i n C a l i z a d u r i n g t h e H o m e o w n e r s ’ W e e k e n d O c t o b e r
a t F o n v i l l e P r e s s . T W EL V E C h a n g e t h e W o r l d f u n d r a i s e r
5 – 6 . EI G H T T h e i n c r e d i b l e 4 t h o f J u l y f i r e w o r k s a s s h o w n i n
benefactor Patricia “Sister” Schubert Barnes (center) and
t h i s s h o t t a k e n f r o m t h e b e a c h g r e e n . NINE T h e s y n c h r o n i z e d
organizer Gina Shiflett (right) with Barnes’s son Evans (left)
swimmers were the hit of the party at the November 1
are all smiles over learning that their November 1 event at
C h a n g e t h e W o r l d F u n d r a i s e r h e l d a t C a l i z a . T EN A f u t u r e
Caliza Pool brought in over $100,000 for the Barnes Family
presidential candidate enjoys the 4th of July festivities.
F o u n d a t i o n . T H IR T EEN “ H o w l - O - W e e n ” w e n t t o t h e d o g s , e r
ELE V EN E v e r y t h i n g w a s a g l o w a t t h e D e c e m b e r 8 t r e e l i g h t i n g
ladybugs, at Alys Beach this year.
{ 11 }
A Night of Star Gazing & Beach Bonfire (6:30 a.m. – 8:30 p.m.)
Alan Knothe, former astronomy instructor for Okaloosa-Walton College,
will guide us on an up-and-close tour of the heavens, followed by a beach bonfire.
Tour the Courtyard Homes of Alys Beach (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Join us for a walking tour of the courtyard homes and pedestrian pathways of Alys Beach
Movie Night on Fonville Hill (7:30 p.m.)
Enjoy an outdoor showing of Groundhog Day starring Bill Murray!
Tour the Courtyard Homes of Alys Beach (10:00 a.m. – 2:00 p.m.)
Join us for a walking tour of the courtyard homes and pedestrian pathways of Alys Beach.
Doug Farr Book Signing at Fonville Press (4:00 p.m. – 6:00 p.m.)
Mr. Farr is an award-winning author, the designer of a beautiful new courtyard home in Alys Beach, and an architect
in Chicago. Farr Associates was hailed by The New York Times as “the most prominent of the city’s growing cadre of
ecologically sensitive architects” and by The Chicago Tribune as “a leader in the anti-sprawl movement.”
“Fifth Friday at Fonville” Leap Year Party (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
Celebrate this “extra” day in 2008 at Fonville Press’s “extra” ordinary event!
Après Beach at Fonville Press (5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
A weekly tradition of delicious food, fine wines and beers, live music, and friendship.
Piper’s Opens
Like a fairy tale straight from the beaches of the French Riviera, the mobile Piper’s will roll all over town serving up hot dogs,
hamburgers, treats, toys, kites, and other family beach favorites!
Trivia Night at Fonville Press (6:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
Join comedian Kevin Boyle of the Seaside Repertory Theatre for an evening of fun, facts, and friendly competition.
Après Beach (5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.) An Evening Tour of the Courtyard Homes (6:00 p.m. – 8:00 p.m.)
A weekly tradition of delicious food, fine wines and beers, live music, and friendship—with the addition of a very special longeared guest! Also, enjoy a walking tour of the courtyard homes and pedestrian pathways of Alys Beach.
Après Beach at Fonville Press (5:00 p.m. – 9:00 p.m.)
A weekly tradition of delicious food, fine wines and beers, live music, and friendship.
Concert in Central Park
Enjoy live music by Andy McKee in the lush green grass of Alys Beach’s new Central Park.
For more information regarding any of these events, please e-mail Events are subject to change.
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