2006 Winter
2006 Winter
Enrollment in the League of Saint Gerard Each enrollment is $10.00 and includes a certificate, an aluminum Saint Gerard medal, a wallet-size picture of Saint Gerard, a prayer leaflet, and the booklet, Gerard Majella: The Mothers’ Saint. Send your prayer requests and letters to miss-spon@liguori.org or mail to One Liguori Drive, Liguori MO, 63057-9999 □ Enroll me in the League of Saint Gerard. (G0101) From Ohio NAME Please pray for my husband and me. We have been trying to conceive a child for over five years. Some days are very difficult to cope, but I turn to Saint Gerard daily. My husband and I wish to have a child with all of our heart, so your prayers would be greatly appreciated. ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP PHONE E-MAIL From E-mail □ Check this box if you cannot afford the enrollment fee; you may still participate as a member. Saint Gerard has been good to us. I am currently ten weeks pregnant. We are very excited but we are also apprehensive because I suffered a miscarriage with an earlier pregnancy. Please pray that my baby’s little heart will continue to beat strong and that our baby continues to develop in a healthy manner and remains healthy and strong throughout the entire pregnancy. Lastly, please pray that our baby is born healthy and developmentally perfect. □ Please send enrollment gifts to the following people: (G0101) NAME ADDRESS CITY STATE ZIP STATE ZIP ADDRESS CITY SIGNATURE ON GIFT CARD P R AY E R R E QU E S T S Please remember the following intentions in the weekly Mass offered in honor of Saint Gerard: . . Cut along the dotted line. NAME PRAYERS • DEVOTIONS • MEMBERSHIP • GIFTS • RESOURCES • WINTER 2006 Prayer for Respect of Life From E-mail I ask that you help me pray for Saint Gerard’s intervention for my sister and brother-in-law’s new baby. They discovered that she has a growth forming on her eye. We are so grateful to Saint Gerard for the healthy birth of our son. I prayed to him during my pregnancy years ago and overcame the difficult birth with his help. I named my son after Saint Gerard. . . . M ASSES Please offer the following Mass(es) for my intention(s) as indicated. (Masses cannot be offered on specific dates.) . . . PAMPHLET The suggested stipend for a Mass is $5.00 I have enclosed $ _________ for this purpose. D ONAT IONS In gratitude for favors received, I wish to make a donation to help spread devotion to Saint Gerard. I have enclosed $ _________ for this purpose. Blessing the Child Within Prayers for Expectant Mothers ID 804205 • $1.00 Saint Gerard, women all over the world have adopted you as their patron in the joys and fears of childbearing. Today we invoke your intercession for the pro-life movement. Pray that all will look upon human life as a gift from God, not as an unwanted burden to be destroyed. Assist the efforts of those on earth who are enlightened in the crusade of promoting the dignity of all human life, particularly the unborn. Amen. Gerard and the Trinity as heir to his Father’s kingdom. Thus, MOST BIOGRAPHERS of Saint Gerard he interpreted the crucifi xion as a son look at the sufferings he endured obeying his father’s demands. throughout his life and recognize a But Gerard had no preconceptions similarity to the sufferings of Christ. about fatherhood or authority and so Thus, they point out how Brother he looked upon the cross as a gift of Gerard’s life imitated our divine Savior. love from the Holy Trinity. Gerard’s But Gerard most likely experienced his approach was that throughout the ordeal personal sufferings with much deeper of Christ’s agony and crucifi xion, God meaning. the Father sustained his Son in love. In More than once Gerard was other words, Gerard believed overheard sharing that Jesus was able to endure sophisticated answers his passion only because of to somewhat complex the overwhelming love he theological questions. received from his Father in Now, Gerard had very little heaven. education, and the reading he was able to do would not have been well organized like God’s Love for Us a college course might be. Yet Gerard understood, he meditated on what he read as well, that each of us and was able to understand receives unconditional and PAMPHLET Today Pro-life: remarkably deep issues. overwhelming love from and Always One biographer wrote, “He the Holy Trinity. Christ’s ID 809064 • $1.00 expressed himself with ease willingness to come to earth and clarity on matters which the best and suffer what he did is a sign of theologians treat with caution.” God’s incredible love for us. Gerard The Redemptorist superior, Saint also recognized that as Jesus gave up Alphonsus Liguori, came from a noble his spirit at the moment he died on the family and, as the oldest, would have cross, he gave it up to us. “He said, ‘It is inherited his father’s estate had he not finished.’ Then he bowed his head and renounced it by his vow of poverty. gave up his spirit” (John 19:30). Because of his family background, he That Spirit of Christ (the Holy Spirit) tended to identify with Jesus primarily is with us always, sustaining us in our T H E R E D E M P T O R I S T S | O N E L I G U O R I D R I V E | L I G U O R I , M O 6 3 0 57- 9 9 9 9 | W W W. L I G U O R I . O R G Product Order Form HOLY CARD R EFLECTION Life does not look the same when we suffer as it does when we’re feeling well. Feeling well makes us forget who we are, where we have come from, and where we are going. Suffering pushes us to see clearly and to remember. St.Gerard Majella Motherhood Prayer on Back MARKETING CODE NNL-07085 PHONE 1-800-325-9521 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. (CT) weekdays; St. Louis area customers, or outside North America, please call 636-464-2500 ENGLISH • ID G0070 100 CARDS • $15.00 FAX 1-800-325-9526 St. Louis area customers, or outside North America, please fax 636-223-1457 SPANISH • ID G0095 100 CARDS • $15.00 MAIL Liguori Publications, One Liguori Drive, Liguori, MO 63057-9999 E-MAIL liguori@liguori.org (Include Marketing Code, payment/shipping info., daytime phone.) ON-LINE www.liguori.org ID NUMBER QTY. . HOLY CARD St. Gerard Majella Respect Life Prayer on Back PRICE TITLE TOTAL . ENGLISH • ID G0060 100 CARDS • $5.00 SPANISH • ID G0090 100 CARDS • $7.00 . . . LEAFLET . Prayers to the Mother’s Saint: St. Gerard . ENGLISH • ID G0045 • 10¢ SPANISH • ID G0047 • 5¢ . . . Dear God, open my eyes and ears. Let the lessons of my suffering today enrich and enliven every aspect of the journey of my life. From Come, Healing God by Joan Guntzelman and Lou Guntzelman, Liguori Publications . DELUXE PAMPHLET Come, Healing God ID 812149 • $6.95 Adapted by Dave Werthmann from “Gerard Majella: The Joyful Saint” by Hamish F. G. Swanston in Saint Gerard Majella: His Writings and Spirituality, Liguori Publications SHIPPING AND HANDLING (15% OF TOTAL, $3.50 MINIMUM) . TOTAL Bill me (Institutional customers only - $20 minimum) Payment enclosed $ __________ (No minimum) Charge my credit card Meditative Novena to Saint Gerard Majella BOOK SUBTOTAL . Cut along the dotted line. to the Father, and to the Son, and to the trials just as it did for Jesus when he was Holy Spirit… on earth. Sharing in that Spirit allows us to be alive with Christ and to do God’s will. This belief was so intense Our Love for God and Others for Gerard that he wrote in his personal As it was with Christ, so it was with Rule: “To do what God wills it is Gerard. He experienced the depths necessary only that I should will, yes, I, of God’s love. From his reading and meditating Saint Gerard I, I, should will only God.” He repeated the “I” three came to appreciate that times to indicate that all Christians share the inner of him was in on this, not life of the Trinity. In his very last letter he wrote just his spiritual side, and to a friend, “You cannot that it was truly himself imagine how much I love who was desiring to follow you in God.” God’s will—he wasn’t We know that God’s being duped into this. love is unconditional. Gerard also wrote, “It is God asks us to love by God’s will…that I will others in the same way— only what God wills.” We unconditionally. We know that what God wills can do that only if we is love. Love is sustaining. BOOK Saint Gerard Majella are fi lled with the life So when we feel like our ID 807886 • $17.95 of the Trinity through pain and anxiety have prayer and regular use of become too much to the sacraments. Then we begin to look bear, we can rely on God’s love to get us upon others with the eyes of God. We through. begin to consider each person we meet Once Gerard realized this he was as another child of God. Understanding able to endure all the struggles of his and compassion toward them grow in life. He imagined the Father holding his our hearts and we become an image of Son in his loving arms as he hung on God for those we love. the cross under the loving hover of the That’s a challenge and we may Holy Spirit. Thus, Gerard looked at the wonder if it is possible because we feel so cross as the ultimate expression of the unworthy to represent God. But it comes loving Triune God and he confessed that naturally when we open our lives to the whenever he saw a crucifi x he wanted to Lord and cooperate with his Spirit. break into that familiar prayer, Glory be MasterCard Visa Discover Am. Express ID 812224 • $1.95 CARD NUMBER Saint Gerard Devotional Packet Includes ten of each: Prayers to the Mother’s Saint leaflets, aluminum medals, and St. Gerard Majella with Motherhood Prayer holy cards. SIGNATURE ID G0046 • $3.50 NAME EXP. DATE ADDRESS PAMPHLET An Hour With Saint Gerard Majella CITY STATE ZIP CODE ID 812231 • $1.00 PHONE St. Gerard Aluminum Medal Package of 100 PAMPHLET St. Gerard Majella: The Mothers’ Saint ID G0230 • $15.00 ID 804311 • $1.00 Individual Medal FAX E-MAIL MARKETING CODE: NNL-07085 Shipping and handling costs will be added to all billed and credit card orders. Prices, terms, and availability subject to change. Call for quantity discounts. ID G0225 • 25¢ EACH BOOK BOOK BOOKLET BOOK SET Sharing the Faith With Your Child A Book of Blessings for Working Mothers Gerard Majella: The Mothers’ Saint Prayers for Sleepheads St. Gerard Silver-Finish Medal With Stainless Steel Chain Gift Boxed ID 815232 • $5.95 ID 436751 • $4.95 ID 437065 • $3.95 ID 809972 • $10.95 ID G0050 • $10.00 St. Gerard Sterling Silver Medal With Stainless Steel Chain Gift Boxed ID G0200 • $18.95 SHOP ONLINE for additional Saint Gerard devotional items, resources, and novena supplies. www.liguori.org