Bristol Business Development Survey Report 2015
Bristol Business Development Survey Report 2015
Bristol Business Development Survey Report 2015 Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 CONTENTS 1 Introduction 2 Methodology 3 Local Plan Core Strategy monitoring areas 4 Summary of development during 2014/15 5 Summary of development during the plan period 2006 – 2026 6 Tables of statistics for completions and commitments 2014/15 7 Schedule of completed development 2014/15 8 Schedule of committed development 31 March 2015 Further information: Research and Monitoring is carried out by Strategic City Planning alongside the production of the Bristol Local Plan and other planning policy work. Further information is available on the Council’s web site at and or by contacting the Research and Monitoring Group. Strategic City Planning (Research and Monitoring) Brunel House Floor 2, Brunel Wing, PO Box 3176 Bristol BS3 9FS email: tel: 0117 903 6723 Please note: The information contained within this document is based on Development Management records, site surveys, and other records held by Bristol City Council. The results reported are correct at the time of publication to the best of our knowledge. However, Strategic City Planning cannot be held responsible for any errors, omissions or subsequent amendments made to these records. We welcome any comments which would help us to improve both the information presented and the format of future reports. If you would like this information in a different format, for example Braille, audio tape, large print, computer disc, or community languages, please contact Strategic City Planning on 0117 903 6723. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 1 Introduction Bristol City Council conducts an annual Business Development Survey to systematically record development of offices, industry and warehousing. Statistics are available for annual office completions from 1989/90 and for industrial and warehousing completions from 1996/97. In 2006/07 the survey was expanded to monitor other types of development including retail, leisure, hotels, residential institutions and non‐residential institutions. Monitoring of development allows the Council to measure progress towards objectives and targets set out in the Local Plan, whilst providing supporting evidence for the development of planning policies and to inform planning decisions. Bristol City Council now has an adopted Local Plan for the whole city. The Local Plan includes the Core Strategy which covers the period 2006 – 2026 (Adopted 21 June 2011), the Site Allocations and Development Management Policies Local Plan, and the Bristol Central Area Plan. The policies and targets set out in these documents are monitored by the Bristol Development Monitoring Report. 2 Methodology This Business Development Survey covers the period from 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015. It records any permitted development (including new build, redevelopment, change of use, conversion, extension or demolition) that will result in a gain or loss of at least 500m2 floorspace or 0.1 hectares of land for one or more of the use classes1 set out below: Retail A1: Shops A2: Financial and professional services A3: Restaurants and cafes A4: Drinking establishments A5: Hot food take‐away Employment B1: Business B2: General industrial B8: Storage and distribution Sui Generis industrial (e.g. waste or energy) Other C1: Hotels C2: Residential institutions D1: Non‐residential institutions D2: Assembly and leisure Sui Generis (individually defined use) The main source of planning application information for the Business Development Survey is Bristol City Council’s UNIFORM database which records planning applications and demolition notices. Site surveys are carried out in order to establish the progress of proposed developments. Survey findings are then reported in terms of completions (gains resulting from completion of a new development, and losses resulting from a demolition or from commencement of a redevelopment or change of use) and commitments (including planning permissions, permissions granted subject to completion of a Section 106 agreement, and demolition notices). 1 Classified by the Town and Country Planning (Use Classes) Order 1987 and subsequent amendments Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 3 Local Plan Core Strategy monitoring areas The Local Plan Core Strategy contains a number of policies and targets relating to specific geographical areas during the period from 2006 to 2026. The main policy areas are illustrated on the map below. The statistics and site schedules that appear in this report are presented according to these areas. A brief summary of findings is also provided but more detailed analysis can be found in the Bristol Development Monitoring Report. © Crown Copyright and database right 2015. Ordnance Survey 100023406 Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 4 Summary of development during 2014/15 Floorspace completions (m2) for key uses, 1 April 2014 to 31 March 2015 Avonmouth Bristol City and Bristol Centre Port Inner East Northern Arc Other Areas South Bristol Bristol Total 0 467 0 3,298 Retail Gain 0 2,831 0 (A1 ‐ A5) Loss 0 3,425 0 1,154 3,129 751 8,459 Net 0 ‐594 0 ‐1,154 ‐2,662 ‐751 ‐5,161 Offices Gain 0 12,720 0 0 150 6,159 19,029 B1a Loss 545 12,099 562 211 0 4,824 18,241 Net ‐545 621 ‐562 ‐211 150 1,335 788 Industry and warehousing Gain 0 0 0 36,238 0 3,999 40,237 (B1b, B1c, B2, B8, Mixed, Sui Generis) Loss 9,320 2,219 964 35,585 2,282 6,985 57,355 Net ‐9,320 ‐2,219 ‐964 653 ‐2,282 ‐2,986 ‐17,118 Office – Completions In the 2014/15 monitoring year 19,029m2 gross B1a office floorspace was completed across Bristol. 67% of which was completed in the City Centre. The main B1a completion this year was the new grade A offices at 2 Glass Wharf, Temple Quay. This development within Bristol’s Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone resulted in a gross gain of nearly 10,000m2. This was the first speculative office to be built in Bristol since the recession. A refurbishment and office extension at Tony Benn House on Victoria Street, Redcliffe also delivered an increase of around 2,700m2 B1a floorspace in the City Centre. In South Bristol, the Filwood Green Business Park was completed in 2014/15. This flagship sustainable development resulted in a gain of 5,600m2 B1a floorspace and has been judged outstanding by BREEAM. The development aimed at medium sized enterprises in the environmental goods and services sector was also recognised as ‘New building of the year’ by the 2Degrees Network. There were limited office completions across Other Areas of the City. Bristol continues to see a number of developments involving a loss of B1a floorspace (especially in the City Centre) as offices are converted to residential dwellings and student accommodation. B1a office to C3/ Sui Generis completions in 2014/15 includes 35 Colston Street and 8‐10 Colston Avenue which resulted in a combined loss of nearly 5,000m2 B1a floorspace (195 student flats); The conversion of 22‐24 Portland Square was also completed in 2014/15 resulting in a loss of 1,744m2 B1a floorspace (17 residential flats). Industry and warehousing – Completions Industrial and warehousing completions were limited in 2014/15. In Avonmouth there were no major completions resulting in a gross gain of floorspace. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 The most noticeable completion included the demolition of various buildings on site at Albemarle Chemicals, Smoke Lane resulting in a loss of around 9,000m2 B2 floorspace. The majority of floorspace change completed in the Northern Arc was as a result of a change of use at BAE Systems, West Way. The application was for the 35,585m2 hanger to be used for storage purposes (B8), as opposed its original use for the construction and maintenance of aircraft (B2) which ceased in 2009. The Bristol Aero Collection Trust (BACT) is now using the hangar for the storage of the ‘Kemble Collection’ of aeroplanes. In the City Centre two completed applications resulted in a loss of both B1b and B1c floorspace. These included the change of use of former scientific offices in Old Market to form a school (‐1,445m2 B1b) and the demolition of a 774m2 B1c workshop on Redcliff Street for the redevelopment of the larger site for 26 dwellings. In the South of Bristol losses have included demolitions at Avonworks, Winterstoke Road (1,178m2 B2), The Old Dairy, Smyth Road (‐730m2 B2) and the conversion of a 898m2 B8 warehouse to a Trampoline Club at Liberty Industrial Park. A similar loss of B8 to D2 (964 m2) has also been completed in the Inner East of Bristol with the conversion of a storage unit to an indoor climbing centre. In ‘Other Areas of the City’ a 2,102m2 loss of B2 floor space was completed at the former Dairy Crest Depot on Parry’s Lane, demolished to make way for residential development. Retail and other uses – Completions In 2013/14 there were modest retail completions across the city. In the City Centre the extension and refurbishment of Units 2‐9 New Broadmead saw a net gain of 572m2 A1 floorspace. Several units were also converted from A1 (retail) to A3 (restaurants/café) including two large units at Cabot Circus (781m2) and Queens Road (743m2). In 2014/15 the only major A class completion (over 500m2) in South Bristol, included the demolition of the Harriers Public House, Hartcliffe (‐751 m2 A4) to be redeveloped for housing. Similar losses have also occurred in the Northern Arc with the demolition of Long Cross Inn, Lawrence Weston (‐643m2 A4) and the Bourne End Public House, Southmead (‐511m2 A4), both also demolished to make way for residential development. In ‘Other Areas of the City’ Unit C at Channons Hill Retail Park was converted from a retail unit (A1) to a gym (D2) involving a loss of ‐1,572m2 and 807m2 A1 ancillary retail was also lost through the conversion of the former Maskreys store, Whiteladies Rd to student accommodation. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 2 Floor‐space commitments (m ) for key uses, 31 March 2015 Retail Avonmouth Bristol City and Bristol Centre Port Inner East Northern Arc Other Areas South Bristol Bristol Total Gain 973 25,599 3,339 767 13,826 9,383 53,887 Loss 2,849 5,944 510 336 2,237 12,638 24,514 Net ‐1,876 19,655 2,829 431 11,589 ‐3,255 29,373 Offices Gain 0 159,725 1,139 0 3,084 11,896 175,844 Loss Net 0 0 138,625 21,100 2,000 ‐861 30,539 ‐30,539 13,252 ‐10,168 1,773 10,123 186,189 ‐10,345 Industry and warehousing Gain 138,036 3,237 3,592 9,403 9,630 13,191 177,089 Loss 2,207 29,458 7,250 3,175 40,115 19,686 101,891 Net 135,829 ‐26,221 ‐3,658 6,228 ‐30,485 ‐6,495 75,198 Office – Commitments At 1 April 2015 there was planning permission (including unsigned s106 agreements) for 175,844m2 gross B1a office floorspace, of which 91% was located at sites in the City Centre. Major planning permissions granted in 2014/15 includes 3 Glass Wharf (ND5) a seven storey 14,316m2 B1a office building within the Temple Quarter Enterprise Zone. Major B1a applications under construction in the City Centre include new offices at 66 Queen Square (7,130m2 gross) and the refurbishment at Narrow Quay House, Prince Street to provide an additional 920m2 B1a floorspace. Major extant permissions for B1a office development in South Bristol includes Phase 3 of Paintworks (6,231m2) currently under construction, Plot 3, Phase 6 Imperial Park (2,400m2), and the redevelopment of City of Bristol College, Marksbury Road to include the provision of offices (900m2), new dwellings and health care / retail facilities. In terms of overall net supply this has continued to decline since 2010/11, but the net reduction has become increasingly significant over the last two years. Although the gross supply of B1a floorspace remains relatively high at 175,844m2, the net supply at 1 April 2015 was actually negative at ‐10,345 m2 a significant drop from 52,337m2 the previous year. Although permitted office developments have continued to decline, this decrease in supply has also been exacerbated by the increase in applications resulting in a loss of B1a floorspace. These losses are partly due a recent pattern of applications for central office conversions to student flats, and also additional permitted change of use rights. Since 30 May 2013 premises in use as B1a office, can change to C3 residential, without the need for planning permission (subject to prior approval covering flooding, highways and transport issues and contamination). In Bristol up until 1 April 2015 permitted change of use applications accounted for a potential loss of around 79,000m2 B1a floorspace. 15 such applications were under construction this monitoring period resulting in a loss of around ‐18,000m2. Permitted change of use applications completed in 2014/15 involved a loss of 2,813m2 B1a floorspace. The total amount of gross office floorspace under construction in 2014/15 continues to be relatively low at 17,155m2. When office development in Bristol was at its peak in 2007/08 around 178,000m2 was under construction. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 Industry and warehousing – Commitments There is currently planning permission (including unsigned S106 agreements) for 177,089m2 industry and warehousing floorspace in the city with 78% located in Avonmouth. Although in 2014/15 Industrial and Warehousing permissions resulting in a net gain have dropped overall across the city extant permissions in Avonmouth have increased by around 17,000m2 since 2013/14. Permitted applications in 2014/15 include a full permission at Access 18 for 10,166m2 B8 (storage or distribution) and a renewable energy plant consented at Former Sevalco site (2,652 m2). The level of Industry and Warehousing applications under construction remained low in 2014/15 at 9,165m2. This is as a result of there being no major sites currently under construction in Avonmouth. Although the net pipeline supply of Industry and Warehousing permissions had, as with office floorspace, fallen significantly in 2013/14 to just 47,384m2 in 2013/14, this increased to just over 75,000m2 in 2014/15. The net supply of extant Industry and Warehousing permissions includes potential significant losses of around 100,000m2 secondary/redundant stock across the city. Such losses are as a result of a number of extant permissions including the proposed redevelopment of Redcliffe Village (‐17,466m2 mixed B floorspace). The loss of 6,120m2 industrial floorspace at Paintworks Phase 3 and the loss of 26,577m2 for the redevelopment Riverwood International Packaging Ltd, Filwood Road with permission to be redeveloped for residential and office use. Retail and other uses – Commitments A number of major mixed use schemes in the pipeline have significant flexible retail elements (Flexible A1‐A5) including Wapping Wharf, Finzels Reach, New Bridewell Police Headquarters, Ashton Gate, The Post Office Sorting Depot and the Dove Lane regeneration site. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 5 Summary of development during the plan period 2006 – 2026 Net change in floorspace (completions minus losses, m2) for key uses, 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2015 Retail Offices Industry and warehousing Avonmouth and Bristol Port Bristol City Centre Inner East Northern Arc Other Areas South Bristol Bristol Total Gain Loss Net Gain Loss Net Gain Loss Net 297 0 297 15,917 1,145 14,772 369,870 116,437 253,433 102,462 32,770 69,692 189,125 119,637 69,488 1,666 67,925 ‐66,259 1,658 5,170 ‐3,512 2,693 2,270 423 12,665 31,050 ‐18,385 6,125 1,796 4,329 1,290 1,931 ‐641 36,938 40,163 ‐3,225 5,118 6,584 ‐835 9,246 10,859 ‐1,613 13,772 24,257 ‐10,485 34,011 8,960 25,051 23,508 12,964 10,544 34,978 112,779 ‐77,801 149,671 55,280 95,022 241,779 148,806 92,973 469,889 392,611 77,278 Offices Since the start of the plan period in 2006, around 93,000m2 net additional office floorspace has been completed in Bristol. 75% of this was in the City Centre with limited delivery in South Bristol and local centres. Industry and warehousing Since April 2006 there has been a net gain of around 52 hectares of industrial and warehousing land in Avonmouth but a net loss of around 21 hectares in other parts of the city. Retail and other uses Several major retail‐led schemes were completed towards the start of the plan period including Cabot Circus, City Centre and in South Bristol the expansion of retail at Imperial Park and the Symes Avenue District Centre. Annual floor‐space completions (m2) for key uses, 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2015 2006/07 2007/08 2008/09 2009/10 2010/11 2011/12 2012/13 2013/14 2014/15 Total Gain Loss Net 10,390 631 10,390 14,100 5,323 8,777 99,130 23,273 75,857 5,437 200 5,237 4,201 7,820 ‐3,619 5,747 2,727 3,020 292 216 2,399 4,753 6,631 ‐1,878 3,298 8,459 ‐5,161 147,348 55,280 95,022 Gain Loss Net 11,706 17,824 ‐6,118 52,315 9,402 42,913 26,042 38,234 ‐12,192 77,838 7,226 70,612 13,610 32,149 ‐18,539 9,928 12,922 ‐2,994 8,738 2,720 6,018 22,573 10,088 12,485 19,029 18,241 788 241,779 148,806 92,973 Industry & warehousing Gain Loss Net 16,635 45,849 ‐29,214 111,764 25,918 85,846 99,733 27,421 72,312 7,798 61,898 ‐54,100 31,415 59,944 ‐28,529 7,956 34,042 ‐26,086 58,978 30,882 28,096 95,373 49,302 46,071 40,237 57,355 ‐17,118 469,889 392,611 77,278 Retail Offices Annual floor‐space completions (m2) for key uses, 1 April 2006 to 31 March 2015 (gross) Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 6 Tables of statistics for completions and commitments This section contains tables of summary statistics for completions and commitments. Statistics are presented according to the main planning use classes (excluding C3 dwelling houses and C4 houses in multiple occupation – for this please see the Residential Monitoring Report). The Core Strategy monitoring areas are illustrated in section 3. In order to maintain a level of consistency developments are only included in the summary statistics where they meet a minimum size threshold of 500m2 or 0.1 hectares. ‘Gains’ are the gross amount of floorspace gained for a particular use through new build, extensions, changes of use and conversions. ‘Losses’ are the gross amount of floorspace lost for a particular use through demolitions, changes of use and conversions. ‘Change’ is the net change in floorspace for a particular use resulting from new build, extensions, demolitions and any gains or losses through changes of use and conversions. Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 2 2014/15 Floor‐space completions (m ) by use class and Core Strategy monitoring area A1 Shops A2 Financial and professional services A3/4/5 Food and drink uses Mixed A B1a Offices B1b Research and development B1c Light industry B2 General industry B8 Storage and distribution Mixed B Sui generis (industrial) C1 Hotels C2 Residential institutions D1 Non‐residential institutions D2 Assembly and leisure Sui Generis Avonmouth and Bristol Port Bristol City Centre Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 545 ‐545 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 9,320 ‐9,320 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 667 1,619 ‐952 0 1,267 ‐1,267 2,164 539 1,625 0 0 0 12,720 12,099 621 0 1,445 ‐1,445 0 774 ‐774 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 20,190 3,642 16,548 24,732 9,200 15,532 0 360 ‐360 720 3,042 ‐2,322 Inner Northern East Arc 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 562 ‐562 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 964 ‐964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 964 0 964 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,154 ‐1,154 0 0 0 0 211 ‐211 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 35,585 ‐35,585 36,238 0 36,238 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,549 0 2,549 1,297 511 786 0 0 0 0 0 0 Other Areas South Bristol Bristol Total 217 2,379 ‐2,162 0 750 ‐750 250 0 250 0 0 0 150 0 150 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 2,102 ‐2,102 0 180 ‐180 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 3,364 320 3,044 10,888 1,820 9,068 4,219 0 4,219 0 600 ‐600 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 751 ‐751 0 0 0 6,159 4,824 1,335 0 0 0 235 415 ‐180 0 1,908 ‐1,908 0 4,662 ‐4,662 2,856 0 2,856 908 0 908 0 0 0 0 0 0 6,315 225 6,090 898 1,049 ‐151 0 1,500 ‐1,500 884 3,998 ‐3,114 0 2,017 ‐2,017 2,414 2,444 ‐30 0 0 0 19,029 18,241 788 0 1,445 ‐1,445 235 1,189 ‐954 0 48,915 ‐48,915 36,238 5,806 30,432 2,856 0 2,856 908 0 908 0 0 0 26,103 3,962 22,141 43,232 11,756 31,476 6,081 1,409 4,672 720 5,142 ‐4,422 Bristol Business Development Survey 2015 2 Floor‐space commitments (m ) by use class and Core Strategy monitoring area Avonmouth and Bristol Port Bristol City Centre Inner Northern East Arc Gain Loss Change Gain 713 2,849 ‐2,136 0 3,326 5,944 ‐2,618 452 3,339 0 3,339 0 B1a Offices Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss 0 0 0 0 0 260 0 260 0 0 0 452 7,760 0 7,760 14,061 0 14,061 159,725 138,625 B1b Research and development B1c Light industry B2 General industry Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss 0 0 0 0 10,285 0 10,285 0 1,505 B8 Storage and distribution Mixed B Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change Gain Loss Change ‐1,505 56,888 702 56,186 16,688 0 16,688 54,175 0 54,175 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 1,332 ‐1,332 A1 Shops A2 Financial and professional services A3/4/5 Food and drink uses Mixed A Sui generis (industrial) C1 Hotels C2 Residential institutions D1 Non‐residential institutions D2 Assembly and leisure Sui Generis Other Areas South Bristol Bristol Total 0 0 0 0 12,566 1,266 11,300 840 4,115 11,198 ‐7,083 0 24,059 21,257 2,802 1,292 0 0 0 510 ‐510 0 0 0 1,139 2,000 0 0 0 336 ‐336 767 0 767 0 30,539 0 865 0 427 3,938 12,118 1,440 2,392 2,498 9,726 1,330 16,418 0 0 1,330 16,418 11,896 175,844 1,773 186,189 21,100 0 0 0 1,650 1,718 ‐68 0 3,060 ‐861 0 0 0 0 561 ‐561 1,265 4,629 ‐30,539 0 0 0 2,540 0 2,540 6,388 1,864 ‐3,060 0 7,214 ‐7,214 0 17,466 ‐17,466 1,587 0 1,587 17,439 0 17,439 500 18,276 ‐17,776 10,444 9,359 1,085 7,410 5,206 2,204 8,840 35,878 ‐27,038 ‐3,364 2,327 610 1,717 0 1,450 ‐1,450 0 0 0 0 0 0 904 0 904 6,114 249 5,865 0 2,926 ‐2,926 0 0 0 4,524 0 0 0 475 1,311 ‐836 0 0 0 0 0 0 5,614 971 4,643 0 900 ‐900 0 0 0 0 2,540 ‐2,540 865 ‐25 420 106 314 0 0 0 3,084 13,252 ‐ 10,168 1,243 0 1,243 4,437 1,500 2,937 500 34,292 ‐ 33,792 400 2,183 ‐1,783 2,650 2,140 510 400 0 400 0 0 0 1,583 3,229 ‐1,646 13,200 4,414 8,786 706 4,943 ‐4,237 2,118 865 1,253 10,123 0 0 0 2,018 1,201 817 1,698 5,046 ‐10,345 1,243 0 1,243 20,930 4,980 15,950 9,851 50,396 ‐3,348 1,788 10,106 ‐8,318 7,399 3,333 4,066 288 0 288 7,600 0 7,600 4,733 1,680 3,053 10,917 1,535 9,382 48,592 7,913 40,679 3,646 1,078 2,568 ‐40,545 61,403 20,815 40,588 27,212 25,700 1,512 56,450 0 56,450 25,039 0 25,039 13,334 24,156 ‐10,822 40,675 16,457 24,218 56,708 20,988 35,720 14,604 41,693 ‐27,089 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Avonmouth and Bristol Port - BCS4 16533-0 Albemarle Chemicals Smoke Lane Bristol BS11 0YT Grid ref: 352551 180482 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 5.01 Application: 13/00991/N B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 9,320 0 -9,320 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 02/04/2013 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Albermarle Chemical UK Ltd, Avonmouth Works Other Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Application for prior notification of proposed demolition of buildings on the site No. hotel bedrooms: 16744-0 Land At (North And South) Smoke Lane Industrial Estate Smoke Lane Bristol BS11 0YA Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 0.55 Application: 14/02089/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.55 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 352210 180627 Retail Approval: 21/11/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Molson Group 0 Other Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Proposed change of use to Open Storage (Use Class B8). No. hotel bedrooms: 16860-0 Surety House Third Way Bristol BS11 9HL Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 14/06209/N Retail Approval: 26/01/2015 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Johnsey Estates UK Ltd Agent: RPS Planning & Development Proposal: Application for Prior Notification for demolition - Two storey office building with ancillary storage space. B1: 545 0 -545 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 351926 178723 Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Bristol City Centre - BCS2 12992-7c 2 Glass Wharf (Temple Quay Plot ND4) Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 07/01858/P B1: 0 9,982 9,982 0.32 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 -0.32 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Temple Quay North Bristol Grid ref: 359815 172684 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 16/11/2007 Development: New build Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Castlemore Securities Limited Other Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Construction of an office building (B1a) incorporating retail use (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5). This is one element of proposals for Temple Quay Plots ND2-ND5 covered by planning permission 07/01858/P: Application for redevelopment to provide a mixed use scheme comprising business (including offices), residential, retail, leisure, financial and professional services, food and drink, and leisure uses (Classes B1, C3, D2, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5), public realm, car parking, roads and footpaths, landscaping and other associated infrastructure. 15248-0 Site Of Former Nurses Home Terrell Street Bristol BS2 8EE No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.29 Application: 10/01505/F Retail Approval: 11/01/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Agent: White Young Green Planning Proposal: Erection of new ward block to rear of Queens Building and associated works. - Floorspace figures are an estimate of gross internal area based on figures for gross external area provided with the application. 2012 Floorspace now represnts condition application (previously recorded as gain of 18014 sqm B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358612 173488 Other 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 3,642 17,890 14,248 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 15565-0 University Of Bristol Site St Michaels Hill & Tyndall Avenue Bristol BS2 8BH 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.2 Application: 14/01007/NM 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 02/04/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: University Of Bristol A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 9,200 21,163 11,963 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Redevelopment of land fronting St. Michaels Hill and Tyndalls Avenue to provide academic/educational facilities (Use Class D1) with associated works to the external realm, creation of pedestrian routes and cycle parking provision. Erection of two buildings comprising a new Maths faculty and a new Bio-science faculty. - Loss of 1,600 sq m recorded in 2008/09 -14/01007/NMA no change to floorspace figs, relates to landscaping details. 16101-1 23 - 25 Baldwin Street Bristol BS1 1LT No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/01270/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 640 0 -640 A3/A4/A5: 0 640 640 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 20/05/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Sprinkles Gelato Ltd 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358729 172901 Other Agent: LG Planning Ltd Proposal: Change of use from A2 on ground and basement floor to A3 cafe/ice cream parlour. No. hotel bedrooms: 16108-0 104-107 Redcliff Street Bristol BS1 6LT Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 14/01368/F Retail Approval: 30/07/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Freemantle Capital Partners (Redcliff) Ltd Agent: O'Leary Goss Architects Proposal: Residential development of 26 no. dwellings at ground and four upper floors. Associated enclosed car parking and first floor level communal courtyard. Demolition of existing building (Major application). Other 0 B1: 774 0 -774 -0.07 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359055 172597 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358315 173463 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16127-0 8-10 Colston Avenue Bristol BS1 4ST 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 14/03297/F 1,518 0 -1,518 -0.06 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 18/11/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Brabazon Property Investments A3/A4/A5: 179 0 -179 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Indigo Planning Limited Proposal: 14 - Change of part 1st floor part associated w restaurant (-178sq.m A3) 13 - Variation of Condition application relating to planning permission granted under 11/01073/F for change of use of first, second, third and fourth floors from office (Use Class B1) to student residential accommodation (Sui Generis), with 63 no. units (68 bedspaces), construction of additional floor at roof level and associated works at basement level - variation to allow additional bedspaces of student accommodation (Major application) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358650 172952 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 11/01073/F Change of use of first, second, third and fourth floors from office (Use Class B1) to student residential accommodation, with 56no. units, (Sui Generis), construction of additional floor at roof level and associated works at basement level. 16138-0 Units 2-9 New Broadmead Union Street Bristol BS1 2DL Grid ref: 358961 173316 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 14/00964/F Retail Approval: 26/06/2014 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Great End Estates Ltd Agent: Colman Architects Proposal: 14/00964/F Change of use from retail (Use Class A1) to gymnasium (Use Class D2). Alteration to front doors. 14/01054/F Conversion of redundant office and storage space associated with the ground floor retail use to 10 residential (Use Class C3) units with mansard roof extension. 11/04183/F Proposed two storey extension to Units 4-9. Proposed that Units 3-8 be cut back at first floor level. Proposal to replace the 1980's cream and blue framed cladding. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 95 667 572 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Other A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16256-0 Bristol Haematology And Oncology Centre Horfield Road Bristol BS2 8ED 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.66 Application: 12/00203/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 26/07/2012 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 2,300 2,300 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Front extension containing a rationalised entrance, a Cancer Centre for Teenagers and Young Adults, specialist therapeutic services, and a combined Adult BMT and Haematology Day Unit; Single storey rear extension for support services; Two new underground linear accelerator bunkers and associated landscaping and public realm improvements. (Major application). 16273-0 23 Great George Street City Centre Bristol BS1 5QZ No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358135 172886 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 12/03178/F Applicant: The Diocese Of Bristol B1: 724 0 -724 -0.07 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Approval: 06/09/2012 Status: Complete - Loss 0 Flexible B: Retail Development: Change of use A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Clifton Design & Draw Proposal: Change of use from offices to single dwelling (Use Class C3). No. hotel bedrooms: 16299-1 22 - 24 Portland Square Bristol BS2 8NN Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/03693/F Retail Approval: 17/12/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Portland House (Bristol) Ltd. Agent: Proposal: Change of use from existing office (B1) use to residential use (C3) comprising 17 no. flats and sub-division of former open plan office space. New over-cladding to existing rear facade.Replacement of single glazed sliding sash windows with conservation type double glazed windows as part of upgrading of thermal performance of building fabric to include insulation to walls and roof.(Major) NMA; overcladding and alts to windows and amounts of flats. Other 0 B1: 1,744 0 -1,744 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359407 173780 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358563 173470 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16362-0 72/74 Queens Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1QU 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.02 Application: 12/04702/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 743 0 -743 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 21/12/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: BNP Paribas Securities Services Trust Company Ltd A3/A4/A5: 0 743 743 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use of ground and first floors from retail (Use Class A1) to restaurant/cafe use (Use Class A3) with no proposed internal or external works. No. hotel bedrooms: 16438-0 Raphael House 35 Colston Avenue Bristol BS1 4TT Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 13/03791/F 3,435 0 -3,435 -0.07 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: Retail 124 0 -124 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 19/11/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Vita Bristol 1 Ltd Other Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use of first to sixth floors from offices (Use Class B1) to student residential accommodation (132 studio flats - Sui-generis use) and external alterations, which includes an extension to the sixth floor, and change of use of a ground floor Use Class A2 unit to a common room ancillary to the proposed student residential use. (Major application). 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358635 173116 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357871 173320 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 14/01682/NMA of 13/05820/X; for insignif external alts. 16474-0 30-32 Tyndalls Park Road And 8 Priory Road Bristol BS8 1PY Grid ref: 358068 173647 Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 0.23 Application: 13/01418/F Retail Approval: 16/08/2013 Development: New build Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Mr M Eardley Agent: Jones Lang Lasalle Proposal: Construction of a new Lecture Theatre to the rear of the Priory Road Complex. Extension and alteration to the entrance lobby of the Priory Road Complex and associated works. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 546 546 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16490-0 Tony Benn House Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6AY 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/01042/F 0 2,738 2,738 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 24/05/2013 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Unite The Union A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Denovo Design Ltd Proposal: Proposed rear extension to existing building over ground level car park to provide additional office floor space at second and third floor levels. No. hotel bedrooms: 16571-0 91 - 95 Redcliff Street Bristol BS1 6LU Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.12 Application: 14/00436/F 850 0 -850 -0.12 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 23/05/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Iesis Ltd Other Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Change of use of building from office and residential accommodation to 15 student cluster flats (Sui Generis) with associated roof extension, cycle and refuse storage. Retention of existing office accommodation at ground floor level (Major Application). 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 359080 172520 No. hotel bedrooms: 16593-0 17 St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JS Employment Grid ref: 359207 172675 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 13/02057/F Retail Approval: 24/01/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: DBs Music Agent: Proposal: Change of use from office/warehousing (Use Class B1) to educational (Use Class D1) to be comprised of recording studios and teaching spaces. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359270 172649 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 1,005 0 -1,005 -0.04 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,005 1,005 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16619-0 6 Berkeley Square Bristol BS8 1HG 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/03094/F 535 0 -535 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 05/09/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Mr Leslie Freeland A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: S2 Design Architects Proposal: Change of use from offices to 4 storey house and basement flat, with associated internal alterations, external repairs. Demolition of two single storey extensions and construction of new single storey extension. No. hotel bedrooms: 16624-0 6-7 Dean Street St Pauls Bristol BS2 8SF Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/04333/F 573 0 -573 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 573 573 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 25/11/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: CfBT Education Trust 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 359424 173837 Other Agent: Delta Planning Proposal: Change of use from Class B1 (Business) to Class D1 (NonResidential Institution). No. hotel bedrooms: 16654-0 71 Old Market Street And Shepherd Hall Bristol BS2 0EJ Employment Grid ref: 359629 173089 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/04269/F Retail Approval: 03/03/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Bristol Sheltered Accommodation & Support Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Retrospective application for change of use to a 22 no. bedroom house in multiple occupation with ancillary staff, support and communal facilities. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357963 173034 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 712 0 -712 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16670-0 21-22 Berkeley Square Bristol BS8 1HP 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 12/05731/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 503 0 -503 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 17/09/2013 Development: Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Mr Terry Olpin Other Agent: Matthew Deering Architects Ltd Proposal: Change of use of ground and lower ground floor from office to student accommodation consisting of 8 studio units and 1 cluster flat. No. hotel bedrooms: 16690-0 7 Redcross Street Bristol BS2 0BA Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 14/00213/F 1,445 0 -1,445 -0.09 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,445 1,445 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 29/05/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: BIST Other Agent: Proposal: Change of use of former scientific offices (Use Class B1(b)) to school (D1).Provision of ramped access to front and rear to provide disabled access. Demolition of some outbuildings in rear yard and addition of new perimeter fence to rear yard/playground. Refurbishment and replacement of windows in later addition section of the building. 16759-0 63 Union Street Bristol BS1 2DU No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358931 173342 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/02555/F Retail Approval: 20/08/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Great End Properties Ltd Agent: GVA Proposal: Change of use from a vacant restaurant (Use Class A3) and a vacant snooker hall (Use Class D2) to a cafe/bar and a comedy club (sui generis), with associated external alterations. 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 359589 173269 Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357999 173142 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 -360 A3/A4/A5: 360 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 360 0 -360 0 720 720 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16785-0 Units Su46, Su65, Su66 George White Street And Glass Walk Cabot Circus Bristol BS1 3BQ 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 14/03217/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 781 0 -781 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 28/08/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Bristol Alliance A3/A4/A5: 0 781 781 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Change of use of units SU46 and SU65-66 from Use Class A1 (shops) to Use Class A3 (restaurants and cafes). No. hotel bedrooms: Avon Ambulance Service NHS Trust Ambulance Headquarters Mary Bush Lane Tower Hill Bristol BS2 0JA Grid ref: 359376 173046 16840-0 Area (Ha): 0.37 Application: 14/05307/N Retail Approval: 20/11/2014 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Homes And Communities Agency (Bristol) Agent: CBRE Ltd Proposal: Application for Prior Notification of the proposed demolition of Bristol Central Ambulance Station and car park. The buildings comprising: a 3-storey traditionally constructed office building, including a link bridge; a 2-storey concrete framed garage building comprising a covered ground level garage, first floor roof level car park and ancillary offices linked to the office building. Other 0 B1: 1,003 0 -1,003 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Land type: Brownfield Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359399 173446 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 3,042 0 -3,042 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Inner East - BCS3 16546-0 Unit 2 New Gatton Road Bristol BS2 9SH Grid ref: 360469 174552 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 13/02493/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 964 0 -964 -0.13 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 964 964 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 14/11/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Mrs Susan Barden Other Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Change of use to allow Use Classes D2 (indoor climbing facility), B1 or B8. No. hotel bedrooms: 16554-0 Clarence House Clarence Road St Philips Bristol BS2 0NR Employment Grid ref: 360166 173414 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 13/04516/CO Retail Approval: 21/11/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Ptman Building Ltd Agent: Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use the whole of ground ,first and second floors from office floor space within use class B1(a) to 6 flats of residential accommodation falling within class C3 (dwellinghouses) Other 0 B1: 562 0 -562 -0.08 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Northern Arc - BCS3 15149-3 Southmead Hospital Learning and Research Centre Grid ref: 359037 177888 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 12/00272/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 2,549 2,549 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 23/04/2012 Development: New build Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: North Bristol NHS Trust Other Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Extension to Learning and Research Building and associated works (Major application) No. hotel bedrooms: 16024-0 Brentry Methodist Church Lower Knole Lane Bristol BS10 6SA Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.3 Application: 11/04087/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 511 320 -191 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357399 179111 Retail Approval: 24/05/2012 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Alec French Architects Other Agent: Proposal: Demolition of former church and adjacent church halls. Construction of 31 almshouse flats and a day centre for older people, construction of a new pedestrian footpath on Lower Knole Lane with associated modifications at its junction with Epworth Road and construction of new vehicular access points onto adjacent highways. (Major application) 16098-0 BAE Systems West Way Bristol BS99 7AR No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 359506 179872 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 3.37 Application: 11/04294/F Retail Approval: 20/01/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: BAE Systems Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Proposed change of use of the existing hangar from Use Class B2 (General Industrial) to Use Class B8 (Storage or Distribution), including external alterations to the southern elevations of the building. 0 Other 0 B1: 0 B2: 35,585 0 B8: 0 35,585 0 0 0.00 -35,585 -10.70 35,585 10.70 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16314-0 Old Chapel Buildings Gloucester Road Horfield Bristol BS7 0BJ 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 12/03337/F 211 0 -211 -0.14 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 05/11/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Stepping Stones Limited A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 211 211 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Pegasus Planning Group Proposal: Change of use from offices (Use Class B1) to a children's nursery (Use Class D1) and associated works. No. hotel bedrooms: 16330-0 Stax Trade Centre Passage Road Henbury Bristol BS10 7JB Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.38 Application: 12/04165/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 653 653 0.07 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 28/11/2012 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Stax Trade Centres Ltd 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 356959 179658 Other Agent: The DMWR Partnership Proposal: Proposed single storey extension. No. hotel bedrooms: 16443-0 Long Cross Inn Long Cross Bristol BS11 0SJ Employment Grid ref: 354980 178768 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/00660/F Retail Approval: 08/05/2014 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Mr Vince Nguyen Agent: Proposal: Demolish former public house. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359662 177214 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 -643 A3/A4/A5: 643 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16600-0 Avon Primary School Barracks Lane Bristol BS11 9NG 2014/15 Use class Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 1.94 Application: 13/02997/FB 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 06/09/2013 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Bristol City Council A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 766 766 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: DKA Proposal: Ground floor classroom block extension to existing school including associated works for expansion of pupil intake. Development of some external areas to provide adequate space for play and physical education. No. hotel bedrooms: 16650-0 Former Bourne End PH Okebourne Road Bristol BS10 6RF Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/03086/F Retail Development: Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Agent: Proposal: Demolition of The Bourne End Public House and the development of 3 No. dwelling houses, associated amenity space and parking. 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: Approval: 23/12/2014 Other 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 357718 179329 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 352776 177695 Loss (sq m) 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 511 0 -511 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Other Areas of Bristol - BCS5 15219-07 Bristol Zoo Gardens Guthrie Road Bristol BS8 3HA Grid ref: 356948 173914 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.16 Application: 13/04355/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 858 858 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 16/01/2014 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Bristol Zoo Gardens Other Agent: Jones Lang Lasalle Proposal: Erection of extension to the Conservation Education Centre, including removal of the existing portacabins and toilet block, plus associated works, to provide a lecture theatre, library and teaching facilities. No. hotel bedrooms: 15391-0 St Bonaventures Catholic Primary School Friary Road Bristol BS7 8HR Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 0.89 Application: 13/02354/F Retail Approval: 13/02/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: The Governors Of St Bonaventures Catholic Primary School Agent: Benjamin & Beauchamp Architects Ltd - Pat Benjamin Proposal: Removal of the temporary classrooms and redevelopment of the school site to provide a replacement school for 420 children together with external play and sports facilities. 09/02121/F: Modification to existing permission 07/05698/F to provide 3 classroom foundation stage buildings, increasing the floorspace by 86 sq m. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 1,309 1,913 604 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358563 175635 Other 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 15834-0 Gloucestershire County Cricket Club Nevil Road Bristol BS7 9EJ 2014/15 Use class Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 4.73 Application: 12/01237/F 0 150 150 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 217 217 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 03/10/2012 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Gloucestershire County Cricket Club A3/A4/A5: 0 250 250 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 2,000 2,000 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: RPS Planning Proposal: The modernisation of the County Cricket ground to include demolition of existing Mound & Jessop stands & associated toilet blocks, provision of 7500 permanent seats incorporating bar, toilet block facilities & 351 surface car parking spaces, a 147 dwelling apartment building incorporating 111 basement car parking spaces, a 217msq club shop, 150msq of office space, access landscaping & associated works. (Major application) 16046-0 The Westbury Nursing Home Falcondale Road Bristol BS9 3JH No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 357292 177806 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.59 Application: 10/01906/F Retail Approval: 21/06/2011 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Westbury Care Ltd Agent: Williamson Associates Ltd Proposal: Proposed second floor extension to existing nursing home. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359543 175527 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 590 590 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16223-0 May Park Primary School Coombe Road Bristol BS5 6LE 2014/15 Use class Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 2.93 Application: 12/01247/FB 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 18/05/2012 Development: New build Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Bristol City Council A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 400 4,288 3,888 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: White Design Associates Proposal: Phase 1 - Single storey 4 classroom extension with associated toilets to the existing school building. Phase 2 - New build, two storey school building with 16 classrooms and associated spaces, including a hall, new kitchen and plant room. External works to include a new car parking area to the north west of the site, a new sprinkler tank and bin store with fencing for screening. New sports facilities and externally landscaped environment with feature canopies to the existing and new building. Removal of the existing, two storey, temporary portacabin building located to the east of the site. (Major application). 16336-0 St Augustines Cote Lane Bristol BS9 3UL No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.22 Application: 12/03517/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 320 1,094 774 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 04/12/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: St Monica Trust Other Agent: Andrew Wilson Partnership Proposal: Change of use of existing dwelling to create 4 no. extra care accommodation units and erection of new building to create 8 no. extra care accommodation units, for the elderly. (Use Class C2) (Major application). 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 357030 176389 No. hotel bedrooms: 16336-1 The Garden House Care Home Cote Lane Bristol BS9 3TW Employment Grid ref: 357028 176234 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.51 Application: 12/03509/F Retail Approval: 04/12/2012 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: St Monica Trust Agent: Andrew Wilson Partnership Proposal: Extension to existing care home to create 19 additional care bedrooms in the C2 Use Class. (Major application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 361411 174888 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 1,680 1,680 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16347-0 The Blue House Clifton Down Bristol BS8 3HT 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 12/04528/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 750 0 -750 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 17/12/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Mr T Kenny Other Agent: Robert Taylor Architect Proposal: Change of use from business use to a single family dwellinghouse and associated external and internal alterations. No. hotel bedrooms: 16363-0 Former Dairy Crest Depot Parrys Lane Bristol BS9 1AG Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.67 Application: 12/03083/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 2,102 0 -2,102 -0.66 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 21/12/2012 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Shepperton Homes Ltd 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 356619 176087 Other Agent: Origin3 Studio Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and the erection of 14 dwellings and associated access, car parking and landscaping (Major application) No. hotel bedrooms: Begbrook Primary School Begbrook Drive Bristol Grid ref: 362827 176633 16410-0 Employment Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 2.17 Application: 12/05268/FB Retail Approval: 11/03/2013 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Bristol City Council Agent: BBA Architects Ltd Proposal: Proposed new teaching block, reception extension and associated landscaping to Begbrook Primary School (Major application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 356676 173881 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 804 804 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16518-0 Two Mile Hill Primary School Kennard Road Bristol BS15 8AA 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.70 Application: 13/01457/FB 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 28/05/2013 Development: Extension Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Bristol City Council A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 111 3,025 2,914 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: BBA Architects Ltd Proposal: Proposed 2 no. extensions to Two Mile Hill Primary School to provide a 3FE Primary. No. hotel bedrooms: 16543-0 Former Maskreys Store 62-66 Whiteladies Road Bristol BS8 2QA Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.1 Application: 13/05864/F 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 807 0 -807 Employment Grid ref: 357651 174239 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 364011 173734 Loss (sq m) Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 Proposal: Change of use (with conversion of upper floors and a rear extension) from retail (Use Class A1) to student accommodation (Sui generis) D2: comprising 62 bed spaces within 60 individual studio flats and 1 no. 2Sui generis: bed flat (61 units); associated external refurbishment works; refuse, No. hotel bedrooms: recycling and cycle storage facilities; retention of ground floor units (Use Classes A1 & A4) units with modified entrance for the student accommodation. Demolition and rebuilding of existing rear extension. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 1,572 0 -1,572 A2: 0 0 0 Approval: 28/04/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Urban Start Other Agent: Pegasus Planning Group D1: 16549-0 Unit C Channons Hill Retail Park Channons Hill Bristol BS16 2EA Employment Grid ref: 362955 175712 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.22 Application: 13/03628/F Retail Approval: 07/11/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Metric Property Bristol Ltd Agent: Planning Potential Ltd. Proposal: Alterations to existing subdivision of Unit C to create an enlarged Unit C1 and reduced Unit C2. Change of use of Unit C1 from Use Class A1 (retail) to Use Class D2 (Leisure use). Enlargement of mezzanine floor within Unit C1. Minor external alterations to existing building and car parking areas. Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 2,219 2,219 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16609-0 Former Council Offices Upper Belgrave Road Bristol BS8 2XR 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.17 Application: 13/02555/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 09/10/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Kersfield Developments (St Johns) Ltd A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 600 0 -600 Other Agent: O'Leary Goss Architects Proposal: Residential conversion and development of 7 no. houses in total. Conversion of existing building to create 5 no. houses, and new build construction on site of 2 no. houses. Demolition of non-original extensions and outbuildings. Alteration of external levels to create vehicular access. 16720-0 Builders Yard 183 Henleaze Terrace Bristol BS9 4AS Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.25 Application: 14/01347/F Retail Approval: 24/10/2014 Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Churchill Retirement Living Agent: Planning Issues Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment to form 32 units of sheltered apartments (Category II Type ) with associated landscaping, communal facilities, access, parking and off site road improvements (Major application). Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 180 0 -180 -0.25 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357912 177193 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357327 174851 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 2014/15 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) South Bristol - BCS1 13072-3 Imperial Tobacco Ltd Winterstoke Road Bristol BS3 2LJ Grid ref: 356963 170862 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.26 Application: 12/03180/F B1: 2,785 0 -2,785 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 390 390 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 12/10/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Imperial Tobacco Ltd Other Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Change of use of part of the building to a nursery; erection of new, rear elevation; construction of an all-weather sports pitch; and laying out of car parking in conjunction with the retained offices. (Major application). No. hotel bedrooms: 15192-3 St Brendans Sixth Form College Broomhill Road Bristol BS4 5RQ Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 7.86 Application: 11/05421/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,050 1,050 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 362944 170189 Retail Approval: 29/04/2014 Development: New build Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: St Brendan's VI Form College 0 Other Agent: NVB Architects Proposal: The construction of a new common room and associated teaching accommodation, to replace existing temporary accommodation. No. hotel bedrooms: The Old Dairy 18 Smyth Road Bristol Grid ref: 357478 171368 15445-0 Area (Ha): 0.06 Application: 12/02970/F Retail Approval: 18/09/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Mr Stephen Newton Agent: Winsor & Leaman Architects Proposal: Demolition of existing warehouse and erection of seven, three storey town houses. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 730 0 -730 -0.06 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Land type: Brownfield Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 15554-0 The Luckwell Club Luckwell Road Bristol BS3 3EW 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.22 Application: 11/03097/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 25/10/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Matterhorn Capital (Bristol) Ltd A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 225 0 -225 D2: 0 0 0 1,500 0 -1,500 Other Agent: Mr Kit Stokes Proposal: Redevelopment of site (including demolition of existing buildings) to comprise 14no. town houses residential units and associated vehicle parking, cycle parking facilities, landscaping and highways works. - Floorspace of former club is an estimate. Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 16194-0 Avonworks Winterstoke road, Bristol, BS3 2NS Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.46 Application: 11/70138/DM 1,314 0 -1,314 0.00 B2: 1,178 0 -1,178 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 325 0 -325 0 0 0 Approval: Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Wring Group 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 357259 170576 Other Agent: Proposal: Demolition Office / Factory - 4 stories Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 16310-1 Filwood Park Hengrove Way Bristol Employment Grid ref: 359426 169224 Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 1.97 Application: 12/05289/M Retail Approval: 25/02/2013 Development: New build Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Homes And Communities Agency Agent: Stride Treglown Limited Proposal: Application for approval of Reserved Matters following an outline approval. Application 12/00352/P - Mixed use development, including the creation of a new park, erection of up to 150 no. residential units, 8000 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Class B1/B2), car parking, landscaping, ecological area, access and associated infrastructure works - Reserved Matters for 5,601 sqm employment space , with appearance, landscaping, layout and scale to be considered. (Major application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357596 171417 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 5,601 5,601 2.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16358-0 Bray And Slaughter Ltd Parson Street Bristol BS3 5RD 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.29 Application: 12/03719/F 558 793 235 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 20/12/2012 Development: Refurbishment Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Bray And Slaughter Ltd A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Nash Partnership Proposal: Proposed minor external alterations and demolition to enable a change of use of part of the site from Light Industrial and Storage (Use Classes B2 and B8) into an open plan office and associated facilities (Use Class B1). No. hotel bedrooms: 16384-0 Wicklea Youth Centre Wick Road Bristol BS4 4HU Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.78 Application: 12/04487/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,975 1,975 D2: 724 0 -724 0 0 0 Approval: 01/02/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Bristol City Council 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 362038 171967 Other Agent: Batterham Matthews Design Proposal: New Junior School (Major application). Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 16536-1 City Of Bristol College Bedminster Centre Marksbury Road Bristol BS3 5JL Employment Grid ref: 359030 170725 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.61 Application: 13/04991/F Retail Approval: 20/01/2014 Development: Status: Complete - Gain Applicant: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP Agent: Feilden Clegg Bradley Studios LLP Proposal: Proposed 2-form entry Primary School with additional SEN provision, designed for 480 pupils aged between 4 & 11 years old. (Major application). 2014 NMA minor alts to permit revised alts. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358289 170291 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 2,900 2,900 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16631-0 77 West Street Bedminster Bristol 2014/15 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/00873/CO 582 0 -582 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 25/04/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Airport Holdings Ltd A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: 3W Architecture Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of the part of the first, second and third floors from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwellinghouse). Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358193 171203 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 13/05412/COU Prior approval for the change of usefrom office floor space within Use ClassB1(a) to residential accommodation (8no. residential apartments) falling within Use Class C3 (dwelling house) 16644-0 Unit 7A & B Newbridge Close Bristol BS4 4AX Employment Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.26 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 -2,856 -0.44 Status: Complete - Loss Gain 2,856 0 2,856 2,856 0.44 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Jmt Planning Proposal: Change of use of unit 7A & B from Use Class B8 (storage or distribution) to Use Class B8 (storage or distribution) and Use Class B2 (general industry) No. hotel bedrooms: 16655-0 The Harriers 648 Bishport Avenue Bristol BS13 9EJ Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.12 Application: 14/05144/X Retail Development: Demolition Status: Complete - Loss Applicant: Land Promotions Limited Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Demolition of The Harriers Public House and the development of 9 dwellings (5 houses and 4 apartments), associated amenity space and parking. (With variation of condition to amend plans to take account of site topography.) 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: Approval: 12/02/2015 Other 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 357676 167585 0.00 Flexible B: Retail Development: Change of use 0 0 Approval: 17/02/2014 Applicant: D S Smith Corrugated Packaging Ltd 0 B8: Grid ref: 361677 172446 Application: 13/05705/F B1: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 751 0 -751 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 7 Schedule of completed development Application details 16715-0 Unit G Pioneer Park Bristol BS4 3QB 2014/15 Use class Employment Grid ref: 361588 172185 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.17 Application: 14/01197/F Applicant: Sytner Group Ltd B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 908 0 -908 -0.17 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 908 908 0.17 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: Building Design Group Ltd Proposal: Proposed change of use from warehouse (B8) to a Cosmetic Repair, valeting, Workshop and MOT, facility. Together with the installation of roof flue penetrations and security fence enclosure. NMA - New roller shutter door. No. hotel bedrooms: 16811-0 14 Liberty Industrial Park South Liberty Lane Bristol BS3 2SU Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.11 Application: 14/04107/F Retail Approval: 28/10/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Complete - Loss Gain Applicant: Axis Trampoline Club Agent: Proposal: Change of use from Use class B1 (light industrial), B2 (General Industry) and B8 (Storage and distribution) to B1, B2, B8 or D2 ( Assembly and Leisure) - to allow proposed use as trampoline/gymnastics club. Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 898 0 -898 -0.10 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357058 170377 0 0.00 0 Approval: 18/07/2014 Status: Complete - Loss Gain B1: Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) 0 Retail Development: Change of use Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 898 898 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Avonmouth and Bristol Port - BCS4 14074-5 Accolade Park Kings Weston Lane Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9FG Employment Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 15.0 Development: Extension 0 0 0.00 702 9,092 8,390 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Agent: GVA Plot M2 (Merebank) Kings Weston Lane Avonmouth Bristol BS11 8AQ No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 3.02 Application: 11/01773/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 09/03/2012 Development: Status: Not Started Applicant: SITA UK Ltd Agent: Parsons Brinckerhoff Limited Proposal: Proposed Bristol Resource Recovery Centre to consist of A) a 100,000tpa batch oxidation gasification facility; B) a 80,000tpa materials recycling facility to process source segregated recyclable materials; C) an end of life plastics to fuel conversion facility; D) a vehicle depot for waste collection vehicles; and E) a temporary refuse derived fuel production facility to be located within the proposed gasification building. (Major application) Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 16,350 16,350 3.50 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 352575 179974 0 Flexible A: Applicant: Goodman Logistics Developments 14074-6 0 0.00 Retail Approval: 22/03/2013 Proposal: Extensions to the existing regional Distribution Centre (Use Class B8) to provide an additional 8390 sq.m of floorspace including the erection of 2no. storey/decked car park to reprovide existing car parking spaces. (Major Application) B2: 0 App type: Detailed Permission Status: Not Started 0 B8: Grid ref: 352314 179991 Application: 12/05132/F B1: A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 14095-1 Former Columbian Chemicals (Sevalco) Severn Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 0YU 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.27 Application: 09/03235/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 -4.30 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 2,807 2,807 4.30 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 10/02/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: W4B Bristol Ltd Agent: Bryan Smith Associates Proposal: Redevelopment of part of existing industrial site for a Bio-fuel, renewable energy plant together with ancillary access roads, parking facilities and landscaping. 14095-2 Part Of Former Sevalco Site Chittening Road Bristol BS11 0YU No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 353517 181565 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.16 Application: 14/03974/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/01/2015 Development: Status: Not Started Applicant: Avon Power Limited Agent: Brian Smith Associates Proposal: Development of a renewable energy plant producing diesel, carbon black, and liquid petroleum gas (LPG) from end-of-life tyres. An industrial building to incorporate a plant to grind and process end-oflife tyres (to produce rubber crumb and steel) and 2 no. thermodynamic cracking units (using the crumbed tyres) which are to convert the tyres to synthetic diesel oil and LPG to be stored in three on-site tanks (2 for diesel and I for LPG) and carbon black to be removed off-site for recycling. Part of the diesel will be sold as waste oil and part used to fuel diesel generators to produce electricity for the national grid. The LPG will be used to fuel power generation, partly to run the plant and the rest to produce electricity for the national grid. There will be two fume stacks and a connection to the sub-station switchroom on site. Development will also provide ancillary office/staff facilities, landscaping, parking for vehicles and cycles, and access and egress. (Major Application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 353728 181512 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 2,625 2,625 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development 31 March 2015 Application details Use class 14918-01 Cabot Park Plots P1, P7B and P8 Poplar Way East Employment Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 4.04 Application: 11/05258/R 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 14,552 14,552 3.95 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline permission Approval: 13/11/2012 Development: New Build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Burford Western Estates Ltd Agent: GVA Grimley Proposal: Industrial development within Use Classes B2 and B8. - This record covers remaining plots (P1, P7B and P8) under the outline consent for Cabot Park. - Floorspace is an estimate. 14923-0 Access 18 (former Britannia Zinc Limited) Kings Weston Lane Lawrence Weston Bristol BS11 0ZZ No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 8.76 Application: 07/00187/P 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 -8.76 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 8.76 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 29/03/2007 Development: New Build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: St Modwen Developments Ltd Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Outline application (resubmission of 05/02288/P) and provision of new vehicular access point. - This permission covers the site of the former Britannia Zinc Smelting Works. Much of the site has been granted full permission, leaving approximately 12 hectares of derelict, former industrial land under outline permission 05/02288/P: retention of existing B1/B2 floorspace and provision of further B2/B8 floorspace with associated highways, landscaping and infrastructure works. 14923-11 Land At Access 18 Off Avonmouth Way/ Kings No. hotel bedrooms: Grid ref: 352804 178785 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 2.98 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 04/02/2015 Development: New build Status: Not Started Applicant: St Modwen Developments Limited Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Erection of 10,166 sq metres of B8 development (including ancillary offices), together with car and lorry parking, associated landscaping and infrastructure works.(Major Application) (revised plans and documents submitted 30th October). Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 10,166 10,166 2.98 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Weston Lane Avonmouth Bristol Application: 14/02983/F 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 352683 178965 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Lawrence Weston Bristol Grid ref: 353642 180195 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development 31 March 2015 Application details Use class 14923-12 Access 18 Kings Weston Lane Bristol BS11 8HT Employment Grid ref: 352851 178956 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.96 Application: 14/06299/F B1: 0 B2: 0 B8: 0 Flexible B: 0 Sui generis: Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 31/03/2015 Development: New build Status: Not Started Britannia Zinc Limited Kings Weston Lane Lawrence Weston Bristol BS11 0ZZ Development: New Build Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 09/09/2005 Development: New Build Proposal: Erection of building to house a waste preparation and advanced thermal processing plant. (Revised application, previously approved under 04/02319/F) 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 -0.90 B8: 0 5,454 5,454 0.90 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 3,560 3,560 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.58 Agent: Environmental Ventures PLC (Christine Zacharia) 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Applicant: Compact Power Limited 0 C1: Other Grid ref: 353289 179955 Status: Under Construction 0 0 Agent: Turley Associates Application: 05/02171/F 0.96 0 Applicant: St Modwen Developments Limited (C/o Turley Associates) Avonmouth Refuse Transfer Station Kings Weston Lane Lawrence Weston Bristol BS11 0YS 0.00 0 Retail Approval: 08/10/2007 15051-0 0 4,113 0 App type: Detailed Permission Proposal: Phase 2 of development permitted under 07/03022/M: Reserved matters application further to outline permission 07/00187/P for the erection of 27,449 sq m of B8 floorspace (storage/distribution including ancillary offices), together with car parking, fencing and associated landscaping and infrastructure works. - Phase 2 comprises 5,454 sq m warehousing space. - Part of the redevelopment of the former Britannia Zinc Smelting Works. 0 4,113 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.83 Status: Not Started 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Application: 07/03022/M 0 0 Other Grid ref: 352639 179131 0 A3/A4/A5: Agent: Turley 14923-9 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Flexible A: Applicant: St Modwen Developments Limited Proposal: Erection of 4113 sq metres of B8 development (including ancillary offices), together with car, lorry, van and cycle parking, associated landscaping and infrastructure works (Major Application). Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15214-0 Bobs Gym Avonmouth Road Bristol BS11 9EX 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.2 Application: 14/02935/X 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 22/09/2014 Development: Change of Use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 260 260 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 1,332 0 -1,332 Other Applicant: Union Pension Trustees Limited Agent: Tetlow King Planning Proposal: Removal of a condition No.5 (Commercial Units) Application Reference Number: 10/05512/R stating 'The commercial units hereby approved shall not be occupied until the residential units have been completed and made ready for occupation' - to allow the commercial units to be occupied before the residential units Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 351877 178060 Loss (sq m) Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 10/05512/R. Renewal of planning permission 07/02235/F for the demolition of shed to rear, conversion of remainder to three dwellings and commercial use (Classes A1, A2, B1 or D2); Erection of building comprising 20 flats.(Major application). 15517-0 Sims Metal Royal Edward Dock Bristol BS11 9BT Grid ref: 351438 178817 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.30 Application: 08/01047/CP Retail App type: Certificate of Lawfulness Approval: 21/05/2008 Development: New Build Status: Not Started Applicant: Sims Group UK Ltd Agent: Proposal: Certificate of Lawfulness for Proposed Development - Erection of a steel clad portal framed building. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 945 945 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Other A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15963-0 Avonmouth Docks St Andrews Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9DQ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 7.51 Application: 09/00506/K 0 0 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 -7.80 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 7.80 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 16/09/2010 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Helius Energy Plc Agent: Proposal: Construction of Biomass fuel store and biomass fired electricity generating plant, capable of generating approximately 100 mega watts of electricity. (Notification by Department of Energy & Climate Change). 16042-0 Former Sevalco Site (North) Severn Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 0YU No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 8.54 Application: 09/04470/F 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 -8.54 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 26,383 26,383 8.54 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Viridor Waste Management Ltd Agent: SLR Consulting Ltd Proposal: The construction and operation of a Resource Recovery Centre, including a Material Recycling facility, an Energy-from-Waste and Bottom Ash facility, associated Office Visitor Centre, with new access road and weighbridge facilities, associated landscaping and surface water attenuation features. 16268-1 Former BP Site Avonmouth Docks St Andrews Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9DQ No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 351522 179906 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 5.4 Application: 12/02311/CP Retail App type: Certificate of Lawfulness Approval: 02/10/2012 Development: Status: Not Started Applicant: First Corporate Shipping Limited T/a Bristol Port Company Agent: Proposal: Application for a 'Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Development or Use' - Construction of a transit store of approximately 8500sq.m. together with associated conveyors to receive cargo from Avonmouth Dock and to deliver to rail loading silos. 0 0 Retail Approval: 06/04/2011 Other 0.00 B1: Employment Grid ref: 353803 181739 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 351691 179799 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 B2: 0 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 8,500 8,500 0.85 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16272-0 Former Coal Yard Royal Edward Dock Bristol BS11 9BT 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.74 Application: 12/02316/CP B1: 0 B2: 0 B8: 0 Flexible B: 0 Sui generis: Employment Grid ref: 351691 179396 Retail App type: Certificate of Lawfulness Approval: 04/09/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started Land At Rockingham Park Smoke Lane Bristol 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 10,130 10,130 1.01 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 352454 180842 0 A3/A4/A5: Agent: 16291-0 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Flexible A: Applicant: First Corporate Shipping Ltd T/a The Bristol Port Co. Ltd Proposal: Application for a 'Lawful Development Certificate for a Proposed Development or Use' - Construction of a transit store of approximately 10,130 sq.m. together with associated conveyors to receive cargo from the Avonmouth Dock and to deliver to rail loading silos. Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 B2: 0 B8: 0 5,545 5,545 1.18 0 0 0.00 8,918 8,918 2.35 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Terramond Ltd C2: 0 0 0 Agent: LPC (Trull) Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 3.53 Application: 11/05157/P Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 03/10/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started Proposal: Provision of access road. Outline planning application for industrial redevelopment, comprising B1(b), B1(c) and B8 uses.(Major application) 16291-1 Land North West Of Rockingham Roundabout Smoke Lane Bristol Other No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.1 Application: 14/02688/M Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 02/10/2014 Development: Status: Under Construction Applicant: King Lifting Ltd Agent: T M Ventham Practice Proposal: Application for approval of reserved matters (appearance, layout, landscaping and scale) in respect of part of the site only following outline approval 11/05157/P, for the parking and maintenance of cranes with associated offices and car parking. B1: 0 400 400 1.10 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 352442 180732 Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16414-0 Former Railway Sidings Off Gloucester Road Avonmouth Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.58 Application: 11/02773/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 3.84 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 08/03/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: The Bristol Port Company Agent: Proposal: Change of use of former railway sidings to port-related storage (Use Class B8) and green ecological corridor. (Major application) No. hotel bedrooms: 16422-0 Third Way Corner St Andrews Road Avonmouth Bristol BS11 9HQ Employment Grid ref: 351782 178698 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.71 Application: 12/05136/F Status: Not Started B1: 0 4,340 4,340 0.71 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 21/03/2013 Other Applicant: Global Machine Tools Ltd Agent: John Kendrick Ltd Proposal: Erection of 14 new B1/B2 units with offices over (Major Application). No. hotel bedrooms: 16476-0 113 Burcott Road Bristol BS11 8AF Employment Grid ref: 352354 180513 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.43 Application: 13/00842/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/08/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Merlin Waste Management Ltd Agent: Capita Symonds Proposal: Change of use from general industrial (B2) to clinical waste transfer (sui generis). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 351608 177903 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 1,505 0 -1,505 -0.41 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 1,505 1,505 0.41 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16634-0 Unit 4 - 6 Avonbridge Trading Estate Atlantic Road Bristol BS11 9QD 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.52 Application: 13/03603/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 2,136 2,136 0.56 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 2,849 713 -2,136 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/02/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: BlackRock Agent: Savills (L&P) Plc Proposal: Flexible change of use from Retail (Use Class A1) to Retail (Use Class A1), Business (Use Class B1), General Industrial (Use Class B2) and/or Storage and Distribution (Use Class B8) (Major application) 16705-0 Expert Logistics Avonmouth Distribution Centre Greensplott Road Bristol BS11 0YB No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 353049 181763 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.79 Application: 14/00853/F Status: Not Started Land At Spoil Heap Kings Weston Lane Avonmouth Bristol 0.00 0 0.79 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/09/2014 Development: Change of use Agent: Mr Michael Swinton Proposal: Construction of access road, earth banks and pond together with the change of use of land to storage (Use Class B8). (Major application) Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 6.19 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 6.19 Applicant: Mr D Gunter B8: 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Mixed Status: Not Started 0 515 Other Grid ref: 352876 179572 Application: 14/02716/F B2: 0 Agent: BHC Ltd 16766-0 0 515 Applicant: Expert Logistics Proposal: Erection of single storey portal frame and graft-to building to form new distribution centre, including modifications to existing hard and soft landscaping.( Use class B8) B1: 0.00 App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build 0 0 Retail Approval: 29/09/2014 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 352268 177952 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Bristol City Centre - BCS2 10028-3 Southey House And Aylward House Wine Street Bristol Grid ref: 359022 173135 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 13/03172/CO B1: 2,705 0 -2,705 -0.07 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/09/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Foscombe SAF LLP Agent: Construction & Real Estate Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of floors 1 to 7 inclusive in Southey House and 1 to 4 inclusive in Aylward House from Office space to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (Dwelling Houses - 38 flats) 10061-1 York House Bond Street Bristol BS1 3LQ No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 14/02616/X Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 01/05/2012 Development: Change of Use Status: Under Construction Applicant: York House Real Investment Ltd Agent: HKR Architects Proposal: Change of use of York House from office accommodation to 161 bedroom hotel with restaurant (A3) use at ground floor. (Major application) 14/02616/X - Variation to increase no of bedrooms by 1 and materials. B1: 6,764 0 -6,764 -0.18 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 650 0 -650 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359207 173591 Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 650 650 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 6,764 6,764 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 161 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10092-1 33-49 Victoria Street Bristol BS1 6AD 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 13/04116/CO 5,320 0 -5,320 -0.14 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 23/01/2015 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Edenlaw Limited Agent: Stride Treglown Limited Proposal: Creation of five dwellings as part of an additional floor on top of existing building. COU Prior approval for the change of use from office floor space within class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellings). 10105-1 Norfolk House Temple Street Redcliff Bristol BS1 6EN No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.11 Application: 14/00366/CO 0 B1: 4,453 0 -4,453 -0.11 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359310 172757 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359164 172773 Loss (sq m) Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Princeton Investments Ltd C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Stride Treglown Limited D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 21/03/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of all floors from office space within class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling with class C3 (dwellings) 10116-3 100 Temple Street Redcliff Bristol BS1 6EA Other No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.27 Application: 10/03504/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 10/04/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started Applicant: Aviva Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Construction of a six-storey office building with basement and parking. B1: 0 7,915 7,915 0.27 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359298 172474 Other 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10158-1 Finzel's Reach (former Bristol Brewery) Counterslip Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.53 Application: 14/02308/F 0 25,963 25,963 0.66 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 1,587 1,587 0.00 A1: 0 2,274 2,274 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 01/12/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 240 240 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 240 240 D2: 0 2,520 2,520 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: J G Bristol Limited Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd (Julie-Marie Laming) Proposal: Selective demolition of unlisted buildings in a conservation area and alteration to others. Re-development to provide a mixed use scheme comprising business (B1), 398 no. residential apartments (C3), retail units (A1), professional services (A2), food and drink uses (A3, A4 & A5), creche (D1), health and leisure club (D2) and a micro brewery (Sui Generis), with associated public and private open space, harbourside walkway, pedestrian and cycle bridge, landscaping, parking and servicing. 12/02457/F - Change of use of the Fermentation South and Microbrewery Building, Finzels Reach from Sui generis (Microbrewery) and A1, to Sui generis (Microbrewery), A1, A3 and A4. 12/02450/F - Change of use of the Fermentation North Building at Finzels Reach from Use Class A1 Retail and D2 Health Club to Use Classes A1, D2, A3 and A4, and retention of the Compressor Building as Use Class D2 Health Club 14/01375/X Variation of application reference 04/02177/F to allow at Ground Floor Level of Hawkins Lane North, 2no. residential units in lieu of retail floorspace (Use Class A1). 14/02308/F: Proposed Change of use of 2no. cafe units (Use Class A3) to 3no. residential apartments (Use Class C3) in Castle Wharf 14/02600/X Variation of application reference 04/02177/F to allow at Ground Floor Level in the Finzels Building and Cask Store, 8no. residential units in lieu of 2no. cafe units (Use Class A3) 14/02306/X Variation of application 04/02177/F to allow ground floor level of George's Wharf, 4no. residential units in lieu of cafe floorspace (Use Class A3) 14/02600/X - 10158-3 Bridgewater House Counterslip Bristol BS1 6BX No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.31 Application: 12/01911/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/09/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Bridgewater Plaza Ltd & Finzells Commons Ltd Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: External alterations to elevations of a building (Bridgewater House) as approved as part of planning permission (04/02177/F [Finzels Reach]) and proposal for flexible use to permit a dual use of part of the ground floor and part of the first floor for either a D1 (Business School) and A1 use or A1 and B1 uses as per the previously consented scheme. Other 0 B1: 2,289 0 -2,289 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 301 0 -301 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 2,590 2,590 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359173 172869 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359203 172953 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10214-1 Bristol Bridge House 138-141 Redcliff Street Bristol BS1 6QP 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.16 Application: 13/02737/CO 4,937 0 -4,937 -0.16 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/08/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Terrace Hill (Redcliff Street) Ltd. Agent: DK Architects Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of the ground and upper 5 floors from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses). Basement to provide private secure parking. Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359007 172813 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 11/02180/R - Renewal of extant planning permission 08/02565/F Partial demolition and rebuild to provide a 6-storey office building with car parking, motor cycle parking and secure cycle parking at basement level. Remodelling of facades and external landscaping, including re-configuration of external courtyards. Or 10/01148/R: Renewal of planning permission 06/04380/F - Creation of a new ground floor entrance, additional roof top office accommodation and M+E, replacement windows and curtain walling with a range of external alterations. 10312-2 Travelodge (Land Adjacent To 101 Victoria Street) Mitchell Lane Bristol Employment Grid ref: 359226 172570 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 10/01257/F Retail B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 795 795 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Electricity Supply Nominees Ltd C2: 0 0 0 Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 17/05/2010 Development: New Build Status: Under Construction Proposal: Application relates to ground floor of completetd TravelLodge Erection of a six-storey building comprising either a 795 sq m unit or small units (up to a maximum of three) for A1/A2/A3/A4/B1/D1/D2 use on the ground floor and a 151-bedroom Travel lodge on the upper floors with associated basement car and cycle parking and a service area and car park at street level. Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10328-1 121/123 Cumberland Road Bristol BS1 6UG 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.06 Application: 13/04030/R 600 114 -486 -0.05 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 93 93 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/10/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Phidias Ned - Classical Ltd Agent: Grazebrook Design Proposal: Renewal of time limit for app. no. 10/03014/R (consent for renewal of original permission 05/01573/F) - Demolition of existing single storey light industrial unit & construction of new mixed use development consisting of 2 no. (4 bed) town houses with integral garages, 3 no. maisonettes (3 bed & 4 bed) with courtyard gardens; 2 no. B1 Commercial Units and 1 no. Class A (A1, A2, A3) use, both on ground floor. External walls and railings. 10332-11 Land At Canons Marsh Anchor Road Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Grid ref: 358056 172413 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 13/02809/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 21/01/2015 Development: New Build Status: Under Construction Applicant: Crest Nicholson (South West) Ltd Agent: Nathaniel Lichfield And Partners (Will Edmonds) Proposal: Proposed change of use of two units (Use Class A1 and A3) on ground floor of Building 9 (fronting the Floating Harbour) to residential use (Use Class C3) for 7 no. new apartments. Loss of industrial land relating to development of building 9 was recorded as complete in 2006. Much of the residential development was carried out between 2006 and 2011 but commercial units remain unoccupied. Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 185 185 A2: 0 0 0 600 Employment Harbourside Bristol Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357833 172188 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 600 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10364-0 2 - 8 Cave Street & 27-28 Portland Square Bristol BS2 8SA 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 12/01654/R 1,412 0 -1,412 -0.07 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 01/06/2012 Development: Change of use / extension Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,000 1,000 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: The Pierian Centre Community Interest Company Agent: Oxford Architects Proposal: Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant planning permission, in order to extend the time limit for implementation of 07/05458/F - Erection of single storey extension. Change of use from Light Industrial & Offices (B2 & B1) to Training Centre and ancillary accommodation (Use Class D1) and 3no. residential units - (Use Class C3) and associated external alterations. 10931-3 Plots 12A & 12B Cabot Circus Land To Front Multistorey Car Park Newfoundland Street Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.47 Application: 12/05085/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 15/02/2013 Development: New Build Status: Not Started Applicant: Bristol Alliance Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Development comprising up to 17,294 square metres gross office floorspace (Class B 1), car parking, service and access arrangements (Major application) Other 0 B1: 0 17,294 17,294 0.47 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359610 173571 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359367 173773 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10949-1 Land Bounded By Redcliff Street, St Thomas Street And Three Queens Lane Redcliffe Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 5,180 11,898 6,718 0.25 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 17,466 0 -17,466 -0.70 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359128 172640 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.92 Application: 10/01562/R Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 08/06/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 262 262 Flexible A: 0 425 425 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 300 300 D2: 0 600 600 Sui generis: 0 4,900 4,900 Other Applicant: Cerep Redcliffe Sarl Agent: GVA Grimley Proposal: Renewal of outline consent granted under application. no. 02/01862/P for the erection of new buildings for mixed-use development comprising residential (Class C3), serviced apartments (Sui Generis), office (Class B1), workspace (Class B1), retail (Class A1), restaurant/bar uses (Class A3), creche (Class D1), doctors' surgery (Class D1) and leisure space (Class D2) together with ancillary access and servicing arrangements along with renewal of Reserved Matters approval. no 08/02589/M for 30 no. one and two bedroom apartments over four floors, a raised ground floor, and basement. (Site 11). 10949-2 25 Redcliff Street And 14 & 16 St Thomas Street Redcliff Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.34 Application: 12/02159/R Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/06/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Midshires Estates Ltd Agent: Stride Treglown Limited (Gary Milliner) Proposal: Extension of time limit for planning permission 03/02421/F Redevelopment of former warehouse and office building to provide 2 no. office buildings with a bridge link at two levels and basement car parking (Major application). B1: 698 9,800 9,102 0.34 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 2,127 0 -2,127 -0.34 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359117 172713 Other 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 10961-0 Former Post Office Sorting Depot Cattle Market Road Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.12 Application: 11/01328/R 0 12,198 12,198 1.12 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 17/04/2012 Development: Refurbishment/Change of Use/Ex Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 2,391 2,391 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 20,226 0 -20,226 Other Applicant: Kian Gwan Land Ltd Agent: Media Office Ltd- Daniel Brighton Proposal: Renewal of an extant planning permission (05/02065/F) Refurbishment, change of use and new two storey roof extensions to former Post Office Sorting Depot buildings to provide a mixed use development within two buildings (A and B) comprising ground floor commercial use (A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, B1, D1 or D2) with residential units (total 107) and office/studio space (B1) above. Part refurbishment and part erection of a single storey building fronting the Floating Harbour (Building C) to provide B1 studio/office space. (Major application) 12992-11 Plot ND7 Temple Quay North Avon Street Bristol BS2 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Grid ref: 359778 172774 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.37 Application: 14/03133/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 22/12/2014 Development: New build Status: Not Started Applicant: Square Bay Developments LLP Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Erection of a 7/8 storey building comprising 168 no. residential units, 1071 sqm of flexible commercial floor space (Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, B1a, D1 or D2) at ground floor level, basement car park and associated development, including access, landscaping, bin storage and cycle parking. (Major Application) Other 0 B1: 0 153 153 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 153 153 A2: 0 153 153 Employment 0PS Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359905 172424 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 306 306 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 153 153 D2: 0 153 153 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development 31 March 2015 Application details Use class 12992-7d 3 Glass Wharf (Temple Quay Plot ND5) Employment Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.45 Application: 14/04758/F 0 14,316 14,316 0.45 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 -0.45 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Planning Agreement Unsigned Approval: 03/12/2014 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 786 786 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Castlemore (TQ2) Ltd In Administration Agent: TDH Estates Ltd Proposal: Seven storey Class B1 office building over ground floor (Classes A1, A3 and B1 uses) with semi-basement car parking, rooftop plant, and ancillary soft and hard landscaping. (Major application). 12992-7e 2 Glass Wharf (Temple Quay Plot ND4) No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Temple Quay North Bristol Grid ref: 359815 172684 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 14/00475/NM Retail Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Temple Quay North Bristol Grid ref: 359865 172642 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 800 800 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: C2: 0 0 0 Agent: D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 04/03/2014 Development: Status: Under Construction Proposal: Construction of an office building (B1a) incorporating retail use (A1/A2/A3/A4/A5). This is one element of proposals for Temple Quay Plots ND2-ND5 covered by planning permission 07/01858/P: Application for redevelopment to provide a mixed use scheme comprising business (including offices), residential, retail, leisure, financial and professional services, food and drink, and leisure uses (Classes B1, C3, D2, A1, A2, A3, A4 and A5), public realm, car parking, roads and footpaths, landscaping and other associated infrastructure. Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15165-0 Warehouse Adjacent To Trewlawney House, Surrey Street And Including 31-32 Portland Square St Pauls Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.24 Application: 12/01064/R 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 3,060 0 -3,060 -0.21 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 56 56 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 07/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: D & J Singh Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Extension of time for planning permission 06/00483/F- Conversion and restoration of 31 and 32 Portland Square to form 10 no. flats, demolition of existing warehouse and redevelopment of 29 and 30 Portland Square and 1 Cave Street to provide a further 49 no. units, erection of 1 no. retail shop, provision of 24 car parking spaces and associated landscaping. (Major application) 15171-0 Land At Wapping Wharf Wapping Road Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 2.06 Application: 11/01842/R Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 19/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Wapping Wharf (Umberslade) Ltd Agent: AIMS Ltd (Geoff Wright) Proposal: Extension of time limit for planning permission 04/04126/P - Outline application for redevelopment of site, including demolition works, to provide mixed use scheme including residential, retail, office, community workspace, hotel and leisure uses (Classes C1, C2, C3, A1, A2, A3, B1, D1, D2) and associated infrastructure, landscaping works and car parking. (Major application) - Loss of employment floorspace is recorded separately (ref 15171-1 complete 2009) - Floorspace figures for new development are estimates and will be confirmed at Reserved Matters stage. Other 0 B1: 0 1,350 1,350 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 -0.76 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358555 172166 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359338 173720 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 3,144 3,144 C1: 0 3,400 3,400 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 212 212 No. hotel bedrooms: 100 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15171-2 Land At Wapping Wharf Wapping Road Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.88 Application: 12/04517/M 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/01/2013 Development: New build Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 875 875 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Wapping Wharf (Umberslade) Ltd. Agent: Alec French Architects Proposal: Reserved Matters application (providing details of access, appearance, landscaping, layout and scale) pursuant to outline permission 04/04126/P for the development of Blocks A & C to provide 934 sq m (gross) of retail floorspace (Class A1/A2/A3) and 180 residential flats (14,869 sq m gross), with car (128 spaces) and motorcycle (7 spaces) parking provided at undercroft level, and 303 cycle parking spaces. (Major application). 15173-0 Huller House & Cheese Warehouse Redcliff Backs Bristol BS1 1HX No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 359009 172558 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 14/05854/NM Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/10/2013 Development: Change of Use and Extension Status: Under Construction Applicant: Angel Property Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: NMA including to amend internal layout. 12/04860/F Conversion and extension of Huller House and the Cheese Warehouse to residential apartments (Use Class C3) and B1 office space to the basement of Huller House, with altered site access, vehicle parking, refuse storage and landscaping. Formation of quayside walkway (Major application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358442 172130 Loss (sq m) B1: 0 0 166 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 4,490 0 -4,490 -0.14 166 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15263-1 Land Surrounding Dove Lane St Pauls Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.72 Application: 14/00623/M 0 8,400 8,400 0.04 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/09/2014 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 2,000 2,000 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 150 150 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Places For People Homes Limited Agent: RPS Proposal: Reserved Matters Application for Plot A following Outline planning permission 13/05896/X (Application for variation of condition nos. 5 (permitted floor space), 10 (development parameters Plot A), 58 (design & architectural framework), 64 (list of approved plans & drawings) of 11/00034/P) for Outline application for mixed use redevelopment of land to comprise a max of 32,442 sq m of floorspace; up to 21,892 sq m residential floorspace (a max of 250 separate units); up to 8,400sq m of commercial floorspace (B1 Class); up to 2,000sq m of commercial floorspace (A1, A2, A3, A4 or A5); a doctors surgery of up to 150 sq m (D1); and car and cycle parking, associated ancillary uses and infrastructure, structural landscaping and formation of public open spaces and associated infrastructure and public realm works. (Major application) 15333-0 Hill House Lewins Mead Bristol BS1 2LL No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 11/02415/R Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 20/01/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: Whitbread Plc Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Renewal of application no.07/01076/F - Construction of an eightstorey building comprising hotel development, with demolition of existing office block. - Hotel floorspace is an estimate. - Demolition of Hill House offices and the Artichoke public house recorded under application 08/00273/DM (ref 15333-1, complete 2009). 14/01762/NMA - (windows/lift shaft/external plant/internal layout) Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358848 173393 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359669 173821 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 410 410 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 6,300 6,300 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 170 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15456-0 Creswicke House 9 - 10 Small Street City Centre Bristol BS1 1DB 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/04495/NM 1,422 0 -1,422 -0.04 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/10/2014 Development: Extension and Change of Use Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Lancer Scott Agent: Oxford Architects Proposal: 11/02757/R - Renewal of time limit for app. no.08/01596/F Demolition/removal of existing 4th floor mansard roof & pitched roofs. Construction of new 4th & 5th floor building together with conversion of the existing 1st to 3rd floors into residential cluster apartments). 14/01747/X - Variation of condition 13 of approval 11/02757/R to allow for the provision of student accommodation (Sui Genesis) in the form of 41 studio units in place of cluster flats. (NMA Fire escape) 15556-0 80 Stokes Croft (Hamilton House) Bristol BS1 3QY No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.31 Application: 07/00457/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 15/05/2012 Development: Change of Use and Extension Status: Not Started Applicant: Connolly & Callaghan Agent: White Design Proposal: Conversion and extension of existing B1 office building to provide 79 no. residential units (Class C3), 1 no. 125sq m retail/cafe unit (Class A1/A3) and 770sq m office space (Class B1), and associated landscaping. - 394 sq m of former office building converted to a café under planning permission 09/02153/F (complete 2009/10) Other 0 B1: 5,106 770 -4,336 -0.18 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 394 125 -269 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359158 173923 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358714 173078 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15607-0 The Full Moon Backpacker Hotel And Attic Bar North Street City Centre Bristol BS1 3PR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.06 Application: 12/01384/R 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 25/06/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 975 975 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 330 0 -330 Other Applicant: Eco-Properties Ltd Agent: Ellis & Co Chartered Building Surveyors Proposal: Application for a new planning permission to replace an extant of Planning Permission 08/03820/F - Demolition of attic bar and nightclub and erection of two storey building with further accommodation within the roof to provide extended hotel accommodation with 15 serviced one-bedroom apartments with associated refuse and cycle storage. (Major application). 15803-0 22, 23 & 23a King Street, Queen Anne House & 66 Queen Square Bristol BS1 4JP Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.19 Application: 09/00308/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/07/2010 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: Kenwright Developments (Queen Square) Ltd Agent: CSJ Planning Proposal: Demolition of 22, 23 and 23A King Street and 66 Queen Square. Redevelopment of site comprising the erection of part 3 and part 5 storey building for Use Class B1 (Office) purposes. Internal and external alterations to Queen Anne House and retention as B1 (Office) use. Other 15 B1: 4,081 7,130 3,049 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358732 172664 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359091 173647 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15812-0 Island Site Temple Way/Victoria Street Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.52 Application: 09/03587/F 0 12,753 12,753 0.51 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 29/09/2010 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 302 302 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 2,805 0 -2,805 Other Applicant: Temple Circus Developments Agent: Alder King Proposal: Demolition of The Grosvenor Hotel, Redundant Railway Viaduct, Arches and Vacant Taxi Office; Renovation and Change of Use of George and Railway Hotel to Cafe/Bar Uses (A3/A4) at Ground Level with Offices (B1) above; Creation of 6 storey Office (B1) Building and 26 basement car parking spaces and 6 Storey MixedUse Building containing Cafe/Bar (A3/A4) Use within Part of the Ground Floor, Offices (B1) above and Basement Parking for 22 cars, associated motorbike and cycle parking and works to enhance the Public Realm (as revised on 07/01/10). 16008-0 Monarch House Queen Charlotte Street Bristol Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.02 Application: 12/05078/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 07/02/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: PRUPIM Agent: GVA Grimley Proposal: Change of use of upper floors from non-residential institution (use class D1), offices (use class B1) and passport office (use class Sui Generis) to student accommodation (use class Sui Generis). (Major application). Other 0 B1: 261 0 -261 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358845 172851 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359430 172406 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 784 0 -784 D1: D2: Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 0 0 261 0 -261 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16159-0 Former Bristol Magistrates' Court Nelson Street City Centre Bristol BS1 2PY 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.30 Application: 13/00452/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 23/07/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 320 320 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 7,160 0 -7,160 D2: 0 0 0 7,160 0 -7,160 Other Applicant: Deeley Freed (Magistrates Court) Ltd Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Demolition of the former Magistrates Court and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed use development comprising of 348no. bedspaces of purpose built, managed student residential accommodation (Use Class sui generis), ground floor commercial uses, (Use Classes A1, A3, A4, D1 & D2) associated car parking and ancillary facilities.(Major application) 16206-0 Upper Floors 37 - 39 Corn Street Bristol BS1 1HT Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.02 Application: 12/00565/F 1,000 0 -1,000 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/04/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Other Applicant: Lambert Smith Hampton Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use from Use Class B1 (Offices) to Student Residential Accommodation (Sui Generis) comprising 36 student bedspaces within 9 communal flats, along with associated internal and external refurbishment works. 16207-0 Hanover House 47 Corn Street Bristol BS1 1HT No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358798 173014 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 12/00527/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/04/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr H Taylor Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use of rear ground floor and 1st to 3rd floors from B1 (offices) to student residential accommodation (Sui Generis) comprising 24 student bed spaces within 6 cluster flats with associated internal and external refurbishment works. 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358763 172988 Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358735 173207 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 775 0 -775 -0.04 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16228-1 Bristol Royal Infirmary Hospital Marlborough Street City Centre Bristol BS2 8HW 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 13/05011/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 23/12/2013 Development: New build Status: Under Construction Other C1: 0 0 0 C2: 365 500 135 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Applicant: University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust Agent: Mr Paul Rogers Proposal: Replacement of existing derelict office building located at level 6 of the King Edward Building with new prefabricated building to provide health services/facilities. 16323-0 Land Adjacent To The Christadelphian Hall Midland Road Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 359891 173015 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 12/03060/R Status: Under Construction Bristol General Hospital Guinea Street Bristol BS1 6SY 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 600 0 -600 Employment Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 12/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Agent: Proposal: Demolition of the laundry building, former nurses accommodation, physiotherapy and William Lloyd unit, along with modern accretions to other listed buildings on the site and erection of a range of buildings from two to seven storeys and conversion of the remaining buildings to provide 190 residential units and 2,442 metres square commercial floorspace comprising A1, A2, A3, A4, B1 and D2 uses with associated car parking, access, landscaping and including public realm works to Lower Guinea Street (Major application). 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Area (Ha): 1.54 Applicant: City And Country Group 0.00 0 Sui generis: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 Other Grid ref: 358857 172166 Application: 12/03900/F 0 0 0 Agent: ESHA Architects LLP 16340-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Steeple PLC Proposal: Renewal of time limit for planning permission 09/01850/F for the erection of part 3/4 storey building to provide 13 residential units.(Major application) B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 19/11/2012 Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358725 173539 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 1,485 1,485 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 17,911 0 -17,911 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16346-0 Hawkins Street, Unity Street And Jacob Street Bristol BS2 31 March 2015 Use class Employment Grid ref: 359711 173061 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.42 Application: 11/05107/F 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 597 0 -597 -0.06 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Electricity House Colston Avenue Bristol BS1 4SY Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 08/04/2014 Development: Change of use Agent: Stride Treglown Limited Proposal: Change of use of office building to provide 85 apartments across floors 1-6 (Use Class C3(a)) with the provision of ground floor uses within Use Classes A1, A2, A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2. External alterations to include replacement windows, creation of new entrances to serve the ground floor accommodation, and replacement of the roof top plantroom with a new rooftop structure to provide upper floor accommodation for duplex apartments. Internal alterations to comprise complete refurbishment, including partial removal of the existing floor plates to reinstate the central atrium. (Major application). -891 A2: 299 299 0 0 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other -0.04 0 B1: 12,620 0 -12,620 -0.21 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.21 Applicant: Crest Nicholson & APIA Nominee 1 Limited & APIA Nominee 2 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction 891 0 Other Grid ref: 358703 173153 Application: 13/04914/F A1: A3/A4/A5: Agent: Franklin Ellis Architects 16354-0 -412 Flexible A: Applicant: Sowden Group Proposal: Development of 42 apartments, 6 townhouses, 4 shopfront units and 34 car parking spaces within existing and new buildings. Demolition of existing depot building and partial demolition to plinth level of former food processing building. Extension and alteration to existing buildings. New vehicle accesses and new public thoroughfare. (Major application) B1: Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) 412 Retail Approval: 14/12/2012 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 735 735 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 735 735 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16356-0 Bristol Entertainment Centre Frogmore Street Bristol BS1 5NA 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.55 Application: 12/03671/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 20/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 430 430 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Unite Group Plc Agent: GVA Proposal: Proposed partial demolition of the former Bristol Entertainment Centre with redevelopment above the O2 Academy (to be retained) to provide 442 student bedrooms (Use Class Sui Generis), internal courtyard, extension at the ground floor to accommodate a cafe (Use Class A3), change of use of the existing car park to leisure use (Use Class D2), external alterations to the existing O2 Academy and improvements to the adjoining public footpath (including landscaping). (Major application) 14/05599/F for creation of a covered smoking area to new building envelope (only 38sq.m) 16403-0 Techouse 6 Marsh Street City Centre Bristol BS1 4BG Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 30/05/2012 Development: Change of use Applicant: SMK Ventures Ltd Agent: PJ Planning Proposal: Construction of new 3rd floor and rear ground floor extensions. Change of use from B1 offices to ground floor/basement restaurant (A3 use) and 6 residential flats at 1st, 2nd and 3rd floor. 0 0 5,031 3,290 -1,741 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 1,116 0 -1,116 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.03 Status: Not Started 0 D2: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Application: 11/02423/F D1: Sui generis: Grid ref: 358653 172852 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358387 173022 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 522 522 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16421-0 13-21 Baldwin Street Bristol BS1 1NA 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 12/05624/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/03/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 583 583 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 2,153 0 -2,153 Other Applicant: Blueprint Living Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Proposed partial demolition of the existing building and redevelopment to provide 583sqm of ground floor commercial/retail space (Use Classes Order A1, A2, A3 and/or A4 as a flexible permission) and a managed block of 'sui generis' residential accommodation for students (2no. cluster flats and 85no. studio apartments) Major application. 16449-0 Froomsgate House Rupert Street City Centre Bristol Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.26 Application: 12/03710/F 8,485 0 -8,485 -0.27 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 300 300 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 26/07/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Other Applicant: Wainbridge Global Opportunities (Froomsgate) Ltd Agent: Jones Lang Lasalle Proposal: Change of use of from offices (use class B1a) to student accommodation (use class: sui generis) and mixed commercial development (A1, A3, A4, D1 uses). Partial demolition of existing decked car parkand removal of high level walkways. External alterations including a rooftop extension, alterations to the public realm and associated works. (Major application) 16478-0 City Of Bristol Rowing Club Albion Dockside Estate Hanover Place Bristol BS1 6XT No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 09/09/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: City Of Bristol Rowing Club Agent: C L Jackson Proposal: Demolition of existing boathouse. Construction of 3 storey boathouse/club house with security fences and gates. erection of new bollards to public footpath with new areas of planting. Other 42 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357585 172262 Application: 12/03094/F 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358759 173289 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358709 172903 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 175 847 672 0 0 0 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16493-0 Lewins Place Lewins Mead Bristol BS1 2NR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.32 Application: 14/02013/F 9,965 0 -9,965 -0.33 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 07/08/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: The PG Group Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: 14/02013/F Creation of car park deck, cycle store and associated landscaping works, including the creation of roof extension and roof garden areas. Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358703 173338 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 13/04916/COU Prior approval for the change of use of vacant units on 1st to 14th floors from office floor space within Use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses). 16552-0 Albert House 103 Temple Street & 111 Victoria Street Bristol Grid ref: 359303 172542 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.29 Application: 14/04646/NM B1: 9,934 29,592 19,658 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 07/10/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Other Applicant: Commercial Estates Group For Dooba Investments Agent: Aukett Fitzroy Robinson Proposal: Non material amendment of planning permission 12/01879/F Demolition of existing office building and the erection of an 8-storey office building with roof top plant and basement car parking. (Major application) 16557-0 The Pithay Bristol BS1 2NY No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.35 Application: 13/04109/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 30/10/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Stride Treglown Ltd Agent: Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use part of level 2 and all levels 3 -9 from office space (B1(a)) to use class C3 (dwellinghouses). B1: 11,661 0 -11,661 -0.35 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358910 173165 Other 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16567-0 Decourcy House Upper York Street Bristol BS2 8QN 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 13/05420/CO Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 1,298 0 -1,298 -0.08 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359181 173700 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: JAD Devleopments C2: 0 0 0 Agent: GVA Grimley Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 21/01/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Proposal: Prior approval for change of use from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwelling houses). 16570-0 Crown House Prince Street Bristol Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358659 172557 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 13/05367/CO Status: Under Construction Crown House 37- 41Prince Street Bristol BS1 4PS 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.04 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 26/03/2014 Development: Change of use Applicant: West End Investments (Clifton) Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Change of use of existing first, second and third floor offices to 6 no. student clusters flats. 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction -0.04 0 0 Other Grid ref: 358659 172556 Application: 14/00376/F -1,400 0 0 Agent: Aspect360 Ltd 16570-1 0 0 0 Applicant: West End Investments(Clifton ) Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use (Part of 3rd floor - 6th floor) from the office floor space within use class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within class C3(dwelling houses). 1,400 B2: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use B1: Flexible B: Retail Approval: 15/01/2014 0 Other 0 B1: 741 0 -741 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16583-0 Units 3 And 4 York Court Upper York Street Bristol BS2 8QF 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/03098/CO 797 0 -797 -0.17 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 16/08/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: CBRE Ltd Agent: Proposal: Prior approval for change of use B1 office accommodation (units 3 and 4) to create 15 dwelling units falling within class C3(dwelling). No. hotel bedrooms: 16592-0 Redcliffe Childrens Centre Spencer House Ship Lane Bristol BS1 6RR Employment Grid ref: 359158 172042 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 13/03951/F Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 509 509 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Redcliffe Childrens Centre Agent: BBA Architects Ltd Proposal: Proposed extension to provide additional office and staff space, along with a professional development room. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Extension 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 27/01/2014 No. hotel bedrooms: 16626-0 County House 1-3 Surrey Street Bristol BS2 8PS Employment Grid ref: 359331 173665 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 13/05714/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 06/02/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr Ken Aitken Agent: Savills (L&P) Plc Proposal: Notification of a proposed change of use whereby the ground and upper floors are converted into private residential accommodation, whilst the basement will provide parking spaces, cycle and refuge storage. (Class B1a to Class C3). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359197 173753 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 1,466 0 -1,466 -0.05 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16630-0 Quakers Friars Penn Street Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.13 Application: 13/04953/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 747 0 -747 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 28/01/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 1,116 1,116 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 369 0 -369 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol Alliance Agent: Turley Associates Proposal: Change of use of existing units SU3-SU5, SU6-SU8, SU10-SU11 and SU12 from Use Classes A1 (Retail) and D1(Non-Residential Institution) units to Use Class A3 (Restaurants and Cafes). 16643-0 First Floor West Range South St Bartholomews Court 18 Christmas Street Bristol BS1 5BT No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358636 173206 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 13/05825/F Status: Not Started 21 St Thomas Street Bristol BS1 6JS Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 27/03/2014 Development: Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of the first and second floors of the building from office accommodation (Use Class B1) to residential accommodation (Use Class C3) with associated car parking, refuse storage and cycle parking within the basement. 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.14 Applicant: West Of England Trust Ltd 0.00 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Not Started -506 0 0 Other Grid ref: 359227 172621 Application: 14/00469/CO 0 0 0 Agent: Pegasus Planning Group 16664-0 506 B2: 0 Applicant: Construction And Real Estates Properties Ltd Proposal: Change of use of the first and second floors vacant office (Use Class B1) to 8 no. two bedroom flats (Use Class C3), private amenity space, ancillary refuse/recycling and cycle storage. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 24/02/2014 Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359277 173343 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 2,459 0 -2,459 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16673-0 New Bridewell Police Headquarters Annexe/ Former Juvenile & Domestic Court And Adjoining Walkway Nelson Street/Rupert Street And Bridewell Street 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.37 Application: 13/05273/F 9,322 0 -9,322 -0.37 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 30/04/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 597 597 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Watkin Jones & Son Ltd/Avon & Somerset Police Commissioner Agent: Proposal: Demolition of New Bridewell Police Station and redevelopment of the site to provide a mixed-use development comprising 499 bedspaces of purpose-built student accommodation (Sui generis), ground floor commercial uses (Use Classes A1, A3, A4, A5, D1 and D2) with associated ancillary facilities, together with the removal of a suspended walkway and creation of a new public square. (Major application). Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358843 173263 Loss (sq m) No. hotel bedrooms: 0 NMA - For an additional bedspace at 1st floor level. 16674-0 3-8 Redcliffe Parade West Bristol BS1 6SP Grid ref: 358900 172283 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.19 Application: 13/03492/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 20/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Branfield Limited Agent: Proposal: Conversion to provide 6 No 5-bed houses; demolition of modern office; construction of 4 No 4-bed mews houses; 1 No 3-bed mews house and 3 No 2 -bed flats over ground floor parking (Barossa Place); removal of all hard surfacing and creation of private house gardens (Major application). B1: 3,023 0 -3,023 -0.19 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Other A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16726-0 7-10 Lawford Street Bristol BS2 0DH 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.02 Application: 14/01455/F 692 0 -692 -0.02 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/09/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Ms R Mahil Agent: PLANiTWRiGHT Proposal: Change of use from B1(a) offices, training rooms and ancillary cafe to residential comprising - 2 six bedroom flats, 1 four bed flat and 1 three bed flat - each flat to be used as shared accommodation (Use Class C4). 16735-0 Former CID Building Bridewell Street Bristol BS1 2LE No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/01710/F 1,240 0 -1,240 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 04/09/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 1,240 1,240 Other Applicant: Bath YMCA Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Change of use of vacant CID building (B1 use) to a YMCA hostel (backpackers/tourist accommodation) (Sui Generis). Provision of external cycle and refuse/recycling store. External and internal alterations to building. 16738-0 School Of Biological Science Woodland Road Bristol BS8 1UG No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.72 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 11/07/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: University Of Bristol Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Refurbishment of the Fry Building comprising internal and external alterations to the building fabric, demolition of a number of external single storey structures, provision of approximately 1133 msq of new floorspace contained within a lower ground floor extension, and a new integrated landscape and public realm design. Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358118 173313 Application: 14/01893/F 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358894 173302 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359787 173274 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 986 1,023 37 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16740-0 Queen Elizabeth Hospital Berkeley Place Bristol BS8 1JX 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 14/01950/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 24/09/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 60 665 605 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Queen Elizabeths Hospital School Agent: Peter Brett Associates Proposal: New teaching block with associated access and landscaping. Including. Demolition of existing ATC hut. No. hotel bedrooms: 16745-0 Beacon House Queens Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1QU Employment Grid ref: 357848 173392 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 14/02090/F Status: Not Started St Lawrence House 29-31 Broad Street Bristol BS1 2HF 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 1,149 140 -1,009 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 2,554 2,554 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Retail App type: Detailed Permission 0 B1: 4,910 0 -4,910 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358747 173124 Application: 14/02144/CO 0 0 0 Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants 16747-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: University Of Bristol Proposal: Change of use of the basement, ground and first floors of Beacon House to provide 2544m of education study space (D1) and a 140m cafe (A3), the enlargement of existing windows, the installation of plant equipment, the erection of a new boundary fence and gate and associated works. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 03/02/2015 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357797 172940 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Buile (St Lawrence) Limited C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Stride Treglown Limited D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 01/07/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Proposal: Prior Approval for the change of use (St Lawrence House) from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (Dwelling houses). Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16776-0 Unit Ug8 The Galleries Shopping Centre Union Street Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.13 Application: 14/02917/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 1,295 0 -1,295 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 02/09/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 1,295 1,295 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: IRERE Kingdom 1 Limited & IRERE Kingdom 2 Limited Agent: GL Hearn Ltd Proposal: Change of use of Unit UG8 from Use Class A1 to Use Class A3. No. hotel bedrooms: 16788-0 10 Portland Square Bristol BS2 8ST Employment Grid ref: 359446 173654 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/03261/F Status: Not Started 11-19 Stokes Croft Bristol BS1 3PW Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/11/2014 Development: Change of use Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use of nos. 15-19 Stokes Croft from a motorcycle showroom (Sui generis) to a cafe (Use Class A3) and offices (Use Class B1a) at ground floor; offices (B1) at first floor; external alterations (to include shopfront improvements to nos. 11-13 Stokes Croft); creation of two upper storeys of residential accommodation (Use Class C3) to provide 8 flats; and provision of associated cycle and refuse storage at ground floor. 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 0 643 643 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.05 Applicant: Portland Brown -0.03 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Not Started -600 0 0 Other Grid ref: 359024 173759 Application: 14/03652/F 0 0 0 Agent: Aspect360 Ltd 16802-0 600 B2: 0 Applicant: Keith Pople Ltd Proposal: Change of use of existing offices (Use Class B1a) to 5 No. Flats (Use Class C3) and construction of 3 storey building to the rear to provide 2 flats (Use Classes C3 and C4) together with associated refuse and cycle storage. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 30/01/2015 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359051 173247 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 235 235 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 878 0 -878 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16821-0 Avon Fire And Rescue Temple Fire Station Temple Back Bristol BS1 6EU 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.69 Application: 14/04396/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 20/02/2015 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 1,465 1,753 288 Other Applicant: Avon Fire Authority Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Partial demolition of existing fire station to facilitate a proposed new operational Fire Station, including training facilities, parking and landscaping at the southern end of the site with access off Water Lane and 5 no. appliance bays to Temple Back. (Major). 16838-0 5 Maggs House 78 Queens Road Clifton Bristol BS8 1QU Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 14/05069/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 517 0 -517 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/02/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 357876 173336 A3/A4/A5: 0 517 517 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Wahaca Agent: Firstplan Ltd Proposal: Change of use of ground floor unit from A1 (retail) to A3 (restaurant). No. hotel bedrooms: 16856-0 28 Baldwin Street Bristol BS1 1NG Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.06 Application: 14/06078/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 28/01/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr Chris Nash Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for change of use (third to seventh Floor ) from office floor space within use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (residential). Other 0 B1: 1,197 0 -1,197 -0.06 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358766 172855 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359291 172836 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16863-0 Merchants House South Wapping Road Bristol BS1 4RW 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 14/06290/CO 1,218 0 -1,218 -0.05 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 25/02/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Verve Properties Ltd Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use from office floor space within Use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwelling houses) 16864-0 Centre Gate Colston Avenue Bristol BS1 4TR No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358655 173159 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/06292/CO Status: Not Started 41 Corn Street Bristol BS1 1HT Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 09/01/2015 Development: Change of use Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of parts of the basement and ground floors, the entire first, second, third, fourth, fifth and sixth floors from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses). 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 1,670 0 -1,670 -0.05 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.05 Applicant: BigSur Properties -0.04 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction -1,845 0 0 Other Grid ref: 358772 173000 Application: 14/05686/CO 0 0 0 Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd 16874-0 1,845 B2: 0 Applicant: Centregate City Living Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of part of the ground, and the first to seventh floors from office floor space within Use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwelling houses). B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 09/02/2015 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358643 172235 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16878-0 Bristol Grammar School University Road Bristol BS8 1SR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.31 Application: 14/05621/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/03/2015 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,260 1,260 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol Grammar School Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: The refurbishment of the existing Elton Road block and new build auditorium to provide a Performing Arts Centre (Use Class D1) with associated facilities and works.(Major application). 16892-0 Narrow Quay House 2 Prince Street Bristol BS1 4BA No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358623 172635 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.16 Application: 13/01660/F Status: Under Construction Marlborough House Marlborough Street City Centre Bristol BS1 3LT Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 10/07/2014 Development: Change of use Agent: Hunter Page Planning Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of the Ground Floor to Seventh Floor levels from office floor space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses). 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 4,763 0 -4,763 -0.21 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.21 Applicant: Ropemaker Properties Ltd 0.00 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Not Started 920 0 0 Other Grid ref: 358949 173619 Application: 14/02265/CO 920 0 0 Agent: AWW 16899-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Standard Life Assurance Ltd Proposal: Non-material amendment of Planning Permission 13/01660/F (External alterations to Princes Street elevation and to part of Assembly Rooms Lane elevation; External alterations to existing entrance areas; Partial infilling of existing central light well at first floor level upwards to provide additional office floorspace along with a new glazed roof over; and associated works)to allow alterations to curtain wall transom positions to stair cores one and two facing Prince Street and Assembly Rooms lane respectively. Alteration to height of ground floor glazing along Prince Street. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 07/06/2013 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357981 173431 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Inner East - BCS3 15164-0 Globe House Eugene Street St Pauls 0 500 500 0.06 B2: 550 0 -550 -0.15 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 1,450 0 -1,450 -0.06 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 B8: Grid ref: 359908 173610 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.23 Application: 13/03370/R B1: Employment Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/03/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Mr Martin Hill C/o Agrarian Ltd Agent: none Proposal: Renewal of the extant planning permission 05/01308/F in order to extend the time limit for implementation of the development - the conversion of Globe House and the construction of a four storey extension, and the erection of a detached three storey building (to create a mixed use development comprising 3 no. offices, 8 no. work/live units and 43 no. flats, (37 in Block A - 23 x one-bed, 8 x two-bed and 6 x three-bed and 6 in Block B - 4 x one bed and 2 x two-bed) [amended description on 21st July 2006]. (Major application) - Floorspace figures are estimates. 15312-0 104 Belle Vue Road Easton Bristol BS5 6BX No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 12/00454/M Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 03/05/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr D Brown Agent: Thursby Associates Proposal: Reserved matters for planning permission 08/03169/P - (Outline application for partial demolition of existing building and erection of a 4-storey building to provide 2 no. B1 units (totalling 96 sq.m.) on the ground floor with 12 no. one bedroom residential units on the upper floors with associated parking spaces and refuse/cycle storage) Soft and hard landscaping details proposed. (Major application). B1: 0 96 96 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 610 0 -610 -0.05 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 361094 174309 Other 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15826-0 135 Lawrence Hill Bristol BS5 0BT 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.02 Application: 11/04301/F 561 0 -561 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 368 368 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 16/12/2011 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Mr M Yazdani Agent: David Cahill Design Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use of lower and upper ground floors to community use (Use Class D1) unit and change of use of upper floors to 8 self contained flats, and associated external alterations. 16226-0 Rear Of Chapel Court Chapel Street Bristol BS2 0UH No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 360243 172333 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.71 Application: 12/01233/F Status: Not Started 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 2,327 0 -2,327 -0.63 0 2,327 2,327 0.63 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Cheyne (Hove) Ltd Agent: NG Chartered Surveyors Proposal: Change of use from industrial (Use Class B2) to warehouse and distribution (Use Class B8). B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 01/06/2012 No. hotel bedrooms: 16255-0 Stapleton Road Tavern 1 - 3 Stapleton Road Easton Bristol BS5 0QR Employment Grid ref: 360057 173498 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 11/04643/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 26/07/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Applicant: East Park Investments (Leics) Ltd Agent: Ellis & Co Chartered Building Surveyors Proposal: Conversion and refurbishment of existing public house, including change of use to 6 no. 1-bed and 1 no. 2-bed self-contained flats, and a retail unit. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 360773 173395 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 45 45 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 510 0 -510 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16257-0 Albert Quay Albert Road Bristol BS2 0ZZ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 12/00747/F 0 543 543 0.00 B2: 101 0 -101 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 09/08/2012 Development: Extension Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: McCarthy Waste Management Ltd Agent: Maddox Design Ltd Proposal: Proposed extension & installation of Trommel Plant & additional waste sorting shed/industrial unit at McCarthy Waste. No. hotel bedrooms: 16257-1 Albert Quay Albert Road Bristol BS2 0ZZ Employment Grid ref: 360453 171777 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/02432/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 29/08/2014 Development: Extension Status: Not Started Applicant: McCarthy Marland Ltd Agent: First Fox Architecture Proposal: Proposed extension to existing waste transfer station building. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 360430 171760 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 30 1,265 1,235 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16651-0 Easton Church Of England Primary School Beaufort Street Easton Bristol BS5 0SQ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.35 Application: 13/04631/FB 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 27/02/2014 Development: Extension Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 249 912 663 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol City Council Agent: DK Architects Proposal: New separate building, extension and alterations to an existing primary school to increase intake from 2 form entry to 3 form entry (630 primary age pupils. Expansion to 3 form entry is already underway, with 3 temporary classrooms providing the additional accommodation necessary for Reception and years 1 and 2. These temporary classrooms are removed at the end of the project, as part of these works, following completion of the new accommodation. The new works are a 9 classroom junior building with associated ancillary accommodation, a single Reception class extension to the existing building, and additional games courts and MUGA. 16680-0 Hollywood Bowl Avon Meads St Philips Causeway Bristol BS2 0SP No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.30 Application: 13/05037/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 20/02/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Trustees Of Avonmeads Retail Park Ltd Agent: Blue Sky Planning Proposal: Change of use from bowling alley (Class D2) to retail (Class A1) (Major application). Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 2,926 2,926 Employment Grid ref: 361166 172356 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 360278 173622 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 2,926 0 -2,926 0 0 0 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16682-0 Fowlers Of Bristol (Engineers) Ltd 25A Bath Buildings Bristol BS6 5PT 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.2 Application: 13/05209/F Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 1,621 0 -1,621 -0.20 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359119 174363 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Colston's Girls' School Trust C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Pegasus Planning Group D1: 0 2,219 2,219 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 03/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Proposal: Demolition of existing industrial buildings and erection of a 2-3 storey 2-form entry (2FE) primary school (2212 sq m), with vehicular/pedestrian access (for servicing and disabled parking) from Bath Buildings and pedestrian access from Cheltenham Road. (Proposed alterations to highways measures at the following locations; Bath Buildings, removal of left turn facility into Bath Buildings from Cheltenham Road to allow formal pedestrian crossing phase across Bath Buildings. Station Road / Cheltenham Road, minor alterations to kerbing and surfacing ). (Major application) 16686-0 Land Adjacent To Scrapyard Between Saxon Road & New Gatton Road Bristol Other No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.95 Application: 13/05815/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/07/2014 Development: New build Status: Not Started Applicant: Dainton Group Services Ltd Agent: Melia Kesh Ltd Proposal: Development of land as a containerised self-storage facility (Use Class B8). (Major application). B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.95 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 360510 174615 Other 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16698-0 Social Services Site (Formerly Avonvale Primary School) Avonvale Road Bristol BS5 9RH 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.4 Application: 14/00649/F 2,000 0 -2,000 -0.40 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 26/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 2,090 2,090 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol City Council Agent: Batterham Matthews Design Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings, retention of western building for one year as a temporary home for the reception classes of the new school and subsequent demolition. Erection of new 2FE Primary school and associated external works. New service access to Avonvale Road and associated highway improvements. 16737-0 Land Adjacent To 6 Brixton Road Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 360864 173759 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 14/01873/F Status: Not Started B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 904 904 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build 0 Sui generis: Retail Approval: 01/08/2014 Other Applicant: Mortimer Road Investments Ltd Agent: OXF Architects Proposal: Proposed 28 bed nursing home. No. hotel bedrooms: 16896-0 22 St Marks Road Bristol BS5 0LS Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 14/00026/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 31/03/2015 Development: Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr Waheed Sufi Agent: Bristol Design & Architecture Proposal: Construction of community and spiritual centre together with associated parking, refuse and bike parking (Sui Generis Use). Other 28 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 360690 174271 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 361513 173358 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 893 893 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Northern Arc - BCS3 13019-1 Airbus UK Golf Course Lane Bristol Grid ref: 359334 179848 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 10.7 Application: 05/01044/P B1: 29,359 0 -29,359 -1.40 B2: 1,864 0 -1,864 -1.40 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 13/01/2006 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Airbus UK Ltd Agent: Strutt & Partners (Charles Batchelor) Proposal: Loss of existing office and industrial buildings associated with outline planning application for redevelopment to provide new office campus, research, development and manufacturing building, new staff facilities revised parking and access to A38. Part of wider redevelopment of the Airbus site at Filton. The remainder of the site, which falls within South Gloucestershire administrative area, has received planning permission for over 70,000 sq m new industrial space and 40,000 sq m offices. 13019-2 Airbus UK Golf Course Lane Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 10.7 Application: 05/01044/P Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 13/01/2006 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Airbus Uk Ltd Agent: Strutt & Partners (Charles Batchelor) Proposal: New industrial buildings associated with outline planning application for redevelopment to provide new office campus, research, development and manufacturing building, new staff facilities revised parking and access to A38. - Part of wider redevelopment of the Airbus site at Filton. The remainder of the site, which falls within South Gloucestershire administrative area, has received planning permission for over 70,000 sq m new industrial space and 40,000 sq m offices. B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 6,388 6,388 1.80 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 359334 179848 Other 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15033-0 The Priory Hospital Heath House Lane Bristol BS16 1EQ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 13/00541/R 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 02/05/2013 Development: Extension Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 846 846 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Priory Healthcare Ltd Agent: White Young Green Planning Proposal: Renewal of planning permission 09/04881/R for the erection of two storey, 14 bedroom adolescent unit with ancillary accommodation and associated landscaping and car parking. (Renewal of planning consent 04/03775/F) (Major application). 15149-4 Southmead Hospital Southmead Road Bristol BS10 5NB No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.1 Application: 13/02346/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 17/01/2014 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 1,985 1,985 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: North Bristol NHS Trust Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Erection of hospital office building with associated works. (Major application) 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 359070 177865 No. hotel bedrooms: 15608-0 Napier Miles House Napier Miles Road Bristol BS11 0UT Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.27 Application: 13/01051/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 08/07/2013 Development: Change of use and extension Status: Under Construction Applicant: Avon And Somerset Police Authority Agent: AWW Proposal: Conversion and extension of existing buildings and change of use from Police office/occupational health facility to form 10 dwellings, parking areas and associated works (Major Application) Other 0 B1: 812 0 -812 -0.27 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 354320 177610 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 360678 175865 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16132-0 The Wayfarer Pen Park Road Bristol BS10 6BY 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.28 Application: 11/03613/F Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 358457 179236 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 336 0 -336 Flexible A: 0 767 767 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Godwin 6BY Limited C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Savills (L & P) Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 09/03/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Proposal: The demolition of the existing building and the erection of three units for use within Use Classes A1, A2, A3 and A5 together with ancillary car parking and access arrangements. 16261-0 Healthtex Uk Ltd Charlton Road Brentry Bristol BS10 6NF Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 357964 178997 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.77 Application: 12/01569/F Status: Not Started 2,540 2,540 1.60 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 2,540 0 -2,540 Other Applicant: Agent: Jones Lang Lasalle Proposal: Change of use from Sui Generis to Light industrial - Use ClassB1(c) (Major application). 0 B2: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use B1: Flexible B: Retail Approval: 14/08/2012 0 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 16287-0 Anderson And Leese Building Brentry Hospital Brentry Lane Bristol BS10 6NB Employment Grid ref: 357535 178930 Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 2.07 Application: 13/04558/M Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 27/03/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: NHS Bristol Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Reserved Matters application relating to Outline planning consent granted under 12/01932/P, (including details of the proposed means of access) for residential development of up to 80 dwellings, including the demolition of Lewis House and change of use of Phoenix House to 3 no. 2-bed and 3 no. 1-bed flats - with 'appearance', 'landscaping', 'layout' and 'scale' to be considered. (Major application) Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 900 0 -900 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16400-1 ECT Recycling New Stadium Road Bristol BS5 6NL 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.06 Application: 14/03282/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 1,311 475 -836 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 25/11/2014 Development: New build Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: ELS - Bristol City Council Agent: Proposal: Provision of 2 no. vehicle garages, 6m storage containers, Pesticide stores and DERV fuel tank. No. hotel bedrooms: 16770-0 Humphry Repton House Brentry Lane Bristol BS10 6RG Employment Grid ref: 357523 179046 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.66 Application: 14/02757/F Status: Not Started B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 07/11/2014 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 360661 174650 Loss (sq m) Other C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Milestones Trust C2: 971 2,783 1,812 Agent: LPC (Trull) Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Proposal: Demolition of part of the existing buildings to facilitate the erection of a new dementia care facility (Use Class C2) and associated works.(Major) 16837-0 PSP House Hung Road Bristol BS11 9XJ No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 353048 176404 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.22 Application: 14/05048/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 28/11/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: IPS (SIPP) Stone Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of a building and any land within its curtilage from a B1 (a) (offices) use to a use falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouse). Other 0 B1: 368 0 -368 -0.22 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) Other Areas of Bristol - BCS5 12015-1 1 - 4 Oakfield Court Oakfield Road Bristol Grid ref: 357684 173802 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 14/05297/CO B1: 1,336 0 -1,336 -0.15 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 16/01/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Liam Russell Architects Agent: Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use office floor space within use class from B1(a) over five floors to residential accommodation falling within class C3 (dwellingouses). Addition of 2 more dwelling units (Increase from 14 to 16) in relation to prior approval notice 13/04514/COU. 13902-2 Former Parnalls Works corner of Filwood Road and Goodneston Road Fishponds No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 363334 175471 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.8 Application: 10/03360/P Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: St James Retirement Annuity Agent: Pegasus Planning Group Proposal: Redevelopment of the site to provide a building comprising 2,650 sq m (gross) of employment floorspace (class B1/B2/B8) and/or class D1 floorspace with associated parking, 41 no. senior living units with ancillary accommodation (Class C2) with associated parking, a 45 bed care home with associated parking, 13 no. houses and 29 no. one and two bedroom flats with associated parking. Full details of vehicular access to Goodneston Road and Filwood Road. Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 -1.75 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 2,650 2,650 0.36 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15035-1 Regent House 27A Regent Street Bristol BS8 4HR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 14/00500/CO 675 0 -675 -0.05 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 07/05/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: AWW Agent: Proposal: Prior Approval for change of use (1st 2nd 3rd and 4th Floor) form office space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwellings). 15092-2 Eastville Health Centre East Park Bristol BS5 6YA No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 361054 174714 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 13/04207/F Status: Not Started The Memorial Stadium Filton Avenue Bristol Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 14/06/2013 Development: Redevelopment Agent: WYG Planning & Design Proposal: Redevelopment of the site comprising the demolition of the stadium and all related structures, and erection of a foodstore with undercroft car parking, 65 residential units (houses and apartments) and community/commercial floorspace. Associated works comprising hard and soft landscaping, enlargement of vehicular access to Filton Avenue and the creation of a mini-roundabout on Filton Avenue, involving the demolition of nos. 29 and 31 Filton Avenue, and improvements to road junctions at Filton Avenue/Gloucester Road and Filton Avenue/Muller Road. (Major application). 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 900 0 -900 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 3.43 Applicant: Sainsbury's Supermarket Ltd 0.00 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Not Started 0 0 0 Other Grid ref: 359612 176552 Application: 12/02090/F 0 0 0 Agent: GVA Grimley Ltd 15166-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Maytrees Practice & Eastville Medical Practice Proposal: Demolition of existing Health Centre building and provision of car parking associated with the new Health Centre (approved by permission 13/00222/F). B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Demolition 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 12/12/2013 Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357087 173008 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 380 380 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 11,838 11,838 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 3,500 0 -3,500 0 0 0 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15231-0 Gloucester Road Shoppers Car Park Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.1 Application: 07/05629/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 06/03/2008 Development: New Build Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 573 573 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Chatsworth Homes (South West) Ltd Agent: ESHA Architects Ltd Proposal: The demolition and replacement of the existing public WCs with associated highway stopping-up, the construction of a new library, 10 no. residential apartments and the retention of 18 no. parking spaces. 15232-0 Bristol North Baths Gloucester Road Bishopston Bristol BS7 8BN No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.17 Application: 07/05635/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 06/03/2008 Development: Change of Use Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,676 1,676 D2: 1,185 0 -1,185 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Chatsworth Homes (South West) Ltd Agent: ESHA Architects Proposal: Conversion of existing baths into a Health Centre with minor external additions. 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 358978 175264 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 15261-0 Riversway Nursing Home Crews Hole Road Bristol BS5 8GG Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.32 Application: 13/00211/R Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/03/2013 Development: Extension Status: Not Started Applicant: Riversway Care Ltd Agent: Brooks Design Proposal: Application for a new planning permission to replace the extant permission 10/00462/F - Extension of the existing building at lower and upper ground floor levels and first floor level. Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 362061 173059 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359008 175291 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 965 965 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15331-0 Cheltenham Road Library Cheltenham Road Bristol BS6 5QX 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 08/03696/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/10/2008 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 713 0 -713 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Chatsworth Homes (South West) Ltd Agent: ESHA Architects Proposal: Demolition of existing local library and erection of 36 no. selfcontained flats over an underground parking area. No. hotel bedrooms: 15491-1 Christchurch Church Of England Vc Primary School Royal Park Bristol BS8 3AW Employment Grid ref: 357261 173276 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.8 Application: 14/01345/F Status: Under Construction Diamonite Industrial Park Goodneston Road Bristol BS16 3JX Retail App type: Demolition Approval: 13/08/2014 Development: Redevelopment Agent: Proposal: Demolition of industrial building and ancillary outbuildings within Diamonite Industrlal Park (2 No. red brick buildings and ancillary structures). 12/01827/P Outline planning application for a mixed use development comprising 1.02 hectares of residential development and 0.07 hectares of employment land for Use Class B1 (Business) use. (Major application). 0.00 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 443 1,095 652 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 1,300 499 -801 1.00 B2: 5,400 0 -5,400 -1.00 B8: 1,000 0 -1,000 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 1.08 Applicant: Diamonite Exec.Pension Trust/Messrs D & J Cox 0.00 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 Other Grid ref: 363235 175346 Application: 14/03434/N 0 0 0 Agent: Stride Treglown Limited 15614-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Christ Church Of England Primary School Proposal: Demolition of 2 no. existing single storey temporary classroom buildings and single storey 'after school club' building, and construction of 3 no. extensions and courtyard infill (totalling 1,112 sq m GEA), together with associated landscape works. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 15/07/2014 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358960 174483 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15807-0 Site Of Scrap Yard Adelaide Place Fishponds Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.44 Application: 13/04169/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 -0.43 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Signpost Homes Ltd Agent: Hunter Page Planning Limited Proposal: Redevelopment of the former Manor Scrap Yard site to provide Care Accommodation (61bed care home and 17no Extra Care Flats) and facilities with associated landscaping and parking provision.(Major Application) 15967-0 2-16 Clifton Down Road Bristol BS8 4AF No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.1 Application: 14/03697/F 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 Employment Grid ref: 357093 173116 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 363057 175880 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A1: 986 0 -986 A2: 0 840 840 A3/A4/A5: 106 420 314 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Clifton Down Development C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Woodward A P Limited D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 24/09/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Other Proposal: 14/03697/F for demolition of existing building and temp icerink for Christmas period. Demolition of existing building and redevelopment of site comprising retail floor space (Use Classes A1, A2 and A3), 14 residential apartments (Use Class C3), open space, car parking, ancillary servicing and new access arrangements, together with alterations to the highway. (Major Application). 16014-0 1A And 3 To 9 Ashley Down Road Bristol BS7 9JN No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 10/02592/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 22/11/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr E Kelly Agent: Pegasus Planning Group Proposal: Demolition of existing building and erection of 12 no. cluster student flats (sui generis) and 277 sq m of Use Class B1 (a) floorspace with associated parking, landscaping and bicycle storage. Modification of existing vehicular access from Ashley Down Road. B1: 0 277 277 0.00 B2: 375 0 -375 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 280 0 -280 Employment Grid ref: 359396 176179 Other 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 200 0 -200 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16056-0 K P G Engineering 173 (& Land To The West) Crews Hole Road Bristol BS5 8BB 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.51 Application: 14/01034/X 0 550 550 0.14 B2: 1,440 0 -1,440 -0.14 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 02/07/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Westley Developments Ltd Agent: BBA Architects Proposal: Application to satisfy, to vary, to modify and to delete conditions of planning permission 12/05667/X which itself varied planning permission 10/04750/F for the conversion of Lamb Inn into two residential properties, reworking of existing B2 industrial building to create 5 new B1 units and the erection of 7 new residential properties (partially implemented). 16085-0 Pannell House 6-7 Litfield Place Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.23 Application: 11/03307/F 1,331 0 -1,331 -0.23 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 06/10/2011 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Other Applicant: Litfield Estates Ltd. Agent: Richard Pedlar Architects Proposal: Change of use of Pannell House from Office use to 2 no. dwellinghouses (Use Class C3), with internal and external alterations. 16163-0 Riverwood International Packaging Ltd Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3SB No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.36 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 23/12/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Graphic Packaging Ltd Agent: Pegasus Planning Group Proposal: Mixed use development comprising 4 hectares of residential development to be built at a minimum density of 30 dwellings per hectare and 0.3 hectares of employment land for class B1 (business) use. Other 0 B1: 0 1,500 1,500 0.30 B2: 26,577 0 -26,577 -4.36 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 363400 175305 Application: 11/00221/P 0 B1: Employment Grid ref: 356702 173394 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 362544 173125 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16185-0 Mortimer House Nursing Home Clifton Down Road Bristol BS8 4AE 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.24 Application: 14/05486/NM 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 1,546 0 -1,546 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/12/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Other Applicant: Land + Buildings Ltd Agent: Clear Future Architecture Proposal: Various NMAs and variation cond to 12/00052/F - Residential conversion of existing Grade II* listed property to incorporate 6 no. houses with associated car parking and landscape works alterations to bin/reycling area and cycle parking. replacement of timber cladding with reclaimed bricks. 16222-0 Morrisons 692-716 Fishponds Road Fishponds Bristol BS16 3UE No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 363182 175614 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 2.57 Application: 12/01153/F Status: Not Started 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 728 728 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Wm Morrison Supermarkets Plc Agent: Peacock And Smith Proposal: Extension to the western elevation of the store to create a new relocated customer cafe and extension to the sales area. B1: Flexible B: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Extension 0 Sui generis: Retail Approval: 17/05/2012 No. hotel bedrooms: 16262-0 IMDS And Riverside The Old Chapel Crews Hole Road Bristol BS5 8BB Employment Grid ref: 362547 173089 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.25 Application: 12/01833/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 15/08/2012 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Applicant: Crews Hole Road Project Ltd Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Refurbishment of former IDS and Crews Hole Chapel buildings to provide 5 no. residential dwellings and 4 no. live/work units, together with parking and private garden space. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 357101 173168 Loss (sq m) B1: 0 700 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 215 0 -215 -0.02 -700 -0.05 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 200 200 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16322-0 Land North Of SCA Factory South Side Of Deep Pit Road Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.24 Application: 12/03713/P 0 3,729 3,729 1.23 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 19/11/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Brook Road Properties Agent: Savills (L&P) Plc Proposal: Outline application for an employment development within Use Classes B1 (Light Industrial), B2 (General Industrial) and B8 (Storage and Distribution) with associated landscaping and infrastructure. All matters to be reserved except access. (Major application). 16332-0 Henleaze Junior School Park Grove Bristol BS9 4LG No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358157 176291 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.4 Application: 12/02581/F Status: Under Construction B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment 0 Sui generis: Retail Approval: 29/11/2012 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 362606 174480 Loss (sq m) Other Applicant: Henleaze Junior School C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Chris Goodsall Architect D1: 272 630 358 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Proposal: Removal of four temporary classrooms and replacement with four permanent classrooms and ancillary accommodation. Associated alterations including enclosure of internal light-wells with roof containing PV panels. 16371-0 1-3 Chapel Lane Speedwell Bristol BS5 7EY No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 362149 174676 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.59 Application: 11/00840/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 31/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: Mr Dave Hales Agent: Cavanna Partnership Proposal: Conversion of existing industrial unit to 9 no. smaller industrial units and construction of 4 no. additional new industrial units. Change of use from Sui Generis to B1(c), B2 and B8. Other 0 B1: 771 978 207 0.04 B2: 500 500 0 0.00 B8: 400 400 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16389-0 20-34 Lyppiatt Road Bristol BS5 9HR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 12/01803/F Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 78 78 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 2,140 0 -2,140 -0.09 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 361615 173629 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Mr Paul Harrison C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Focus On Design D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 18/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Proposal: Part demolition, part conversion and part extension of existing factory buildings to create 8 apartments, 4 townhouses and 2 commercial units with associated car parking. (Major application). 16394-0 Bristol Brunel Academy Speedwell Road Bristol BS15 1NU Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 363331 174429 Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 1.36 Application: 12/05004/F Status: Not Started Land North Of Eastville Health Centre East Park Bristol BS5 6YA 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,441 1,441 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 30/04/2013 Development: New build Agent: GVA Grimley Ltd Proposal: Erection of new building to provide healthcare facilities of up to 2040 sq.m. on land at Eastville Health Centre (Use Class D1), incorporating provision of an ancillary pharmacy, associated car parking, cycle parking, ambulance drop off zone, landscaping and boundary treatment (Major Application). Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.31 Applicant: Maytrees Practice & Eastville Medical Practice 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Mixed Status: Under Construction 0.00 0 0 Other Grid ref: 361043 174754 Application: 13/00222/F 0 0 0 Agent: Childs & Sulzmann Architects 16462-0 0 0 0 Applicant: Bristol City Council Proposal: New pool hall extension to include: 25m pool; learner pool; changing area and ancillary spaces to the rear of the existing academy and a proposed extension of the existing fitness gym. Works include alterations to the car park to incorporate additional parking and coach drop-off (Major application). 0 B2: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Extension B1: Flexible B: Retail Approval: 19/02/2013 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,863 1,863 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16503-0 135 - 139 Cheltenham Road Bristol BS6 5RR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 13/04017/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 30/12/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 992 992 D2: 0 0 0 665 0 -665 Other Applicant: Mr Bassam Shahin Agent: Richard Pedlar Architects Proposal: Proposed new extensions, alterations and change of use from comedy club (Sui Generis) to a Place of Worship, self-contained flat and Community Use Centre. 16505-0 Clifton Bank Clifton Down Bristol BS8 3HT Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 356690 173869 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.18 Application: 13/04630/F Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 865 0 -865 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Mr & Mrs L Gardhouse Agent: Moon Design And Build Proposal: Change of use from office to single domestic dwelling (Use Class C3(a)). B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 06/12/2013 No. hotel bedrooms: 16516-0 Wesley College College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7QD Employment Grid ref: 356915 178246 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.94 Application: 13/01263/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/06/2013 Development: Extension Status: Under Construction Applicant: Cedar Care Homes Agent: BBA Architects Ltd Proposal: Proposed extension to an existing use Class C2 building together with internal remodelling to provide a 72 bedroomed Care Home and ancillary spaces. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359089 174132 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 618 618 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 72 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16516-1 Headingley Building College Park Drive Bristol BS10 7FP 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 13/01258/F 0 773 773 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 22/05/2013 Development: Extension Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 528 0 -528 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Cedar Care Homes Agent: BBA Architects Ltd Proposal: First floor extension and use of building for offices, storage and training ancillary to the use of Wesley College as care home. NMA - location of staircase and balcony access 16555-0 St Angelas 4-5 Litfield Place Bristol BS8 3LU No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 356733 173382 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.21 Application: 13/04132/F Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 1,683 0 -1,683 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Eaton Kersfield (Litfield Place) Ltd Agent: Nash Partnership Proposal: Conversion and alteration of Grade II listed former Care Home to accommodate 8 residential apartments. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 19/12/2013 No. hotel bedrooms: 16578-0 Queen Victoria House Redland Hill Bristol BS6 6US Employment Grid ref: 357453 174880 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.64 Application: 13/04429/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 05/11/2013 Development: Status: Not Started Applicant: Redhill Unit Trust Agent: Origin3 Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use from B1(a) office use to C3 residential. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 356887 178250 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 2,175 0 -2,175 -0.64 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16579-0 Red Maids School Westbury Road Bristol BS9 3AW 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 3.98 Application: 13/02874/F Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357405 176917 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: The Red Maids' School C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Stride Treglown Limited D1: 1,232 1,540 308 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 27/08/2013 Development: New build Status: Under Construction Proposal: Alterations to the main building and erection of a replacement single storey maintenance building, together with associated landscape works. Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 Redevelopment of Denmark Hall with a new two storey extension, together with associated landscape works. (Major Application). 16661-0 Westleigh 17 Summerhill Terrace Bristol BS5 8HX Grid ref: 362768 173391 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.11 Application: 13/05501/FB B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 1,918 1,918 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 13/03/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Other Applicant: Bristol City Council Agent: Proposal: Change of use of property from residential care home to use as Resource Centre and Office Accommodation with additional parking area. 16684-0 Crofts End Church 1 Crofts End Road Bristol BS5 7UW No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.05 Application: 13/05521/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 362460 174357 Retail 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Crofts End Church C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Mr Peter Webley D1: 0 0 0 D2: 258 706 448 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 16/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Proposal: Part demolition of the existing church and the erection of a new community church building. Other Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16692-0 Land On East Side Of Elmgrove Road Cotham Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 0.25 Application: 14/00273/FB 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 08/05/2014 Development: New build Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,084 1,084 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol City Council Agent: Childs & Sulzmann Architects Proposal: Provision of a Primary School Infant Annexe to Colston's Primary School (Major Application). No. hotel bedrooms: 16723-0 Filwood House Filwood Road Bristol BS16 3RY Employment Grid ref: 363634 175469 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.23 Application: 14/01402/F Status: Not Started 400 0 -400 -0.23 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 400 400 0.23 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: JDH Auto Services Agent: Proposal: Conversion from existing vehicle body shop, to a vehicle dismantling centre or ELV site. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 15/08/2014 No. hotel bedrooms: 16724-0 4 - 5 Worcester Road Bristol BS8 3JL Employment Grid ref: 357188 173644 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.31 Application: 14/01418/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 02/07/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Applicant: Clifton College Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of use from office accommodation (B1 Use Class) to education (D1 Use Class) for the purpose of classrooms and teaching accommodation, in association with Clifton College campus. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358710 174485 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 1,760 0 -1,760 -0.31 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,760 1,760 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16762-0 Agent Pictures Ltd 16 - 20 Midland Terrace Bristol BS16 3DH 31 March 2015 Use class Employment Grid ref: 362650 175247 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 14/02639/F 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 568 0 -568 -0.07 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Demolition Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Applicant: Mr & Mrs M Clark Agent: Thursby Associates No. hotel bedrooms: 16800-0 Redland Parish Church Office Redland Green Road Bristol BS6 7HE Employment Grid ref: 357881 175006 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.19 Application: 14/03628/F Status: Not Started 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 326 546 220 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment Other Applicant: Redland Parish Church Office Agent: O'Leary Goss Architects Proposal: Demolition of part of existing church halls and erection of new halls. No. hotel bedrooms: 16812-0 Merchants House 26-28 Regent Street Bristol BS8 4HG Employment Grid ref: 357134 173014 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.03 Application: 14/05325/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 11/12/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Mr C Packer Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Prior approval for the change of Use Class B1a commercial offices to 33 no. self-contained studio apartments with associated car parking, refuse and cycle storage. Other 0.00 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 07/11/2014 0 Flexible A: Other Proposal: Demolition of existing buildings and erection of terrace of 4 No. three bedroom houses. B1: Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) 0 Retail Approval: 20/02/2015 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 935 0 -935 -0.03 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16845-0 Beacon Tower Fishponds Road Fishponds Bristol BS16 3HQ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.04 Application: 14/05345/CO Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 2,000 0 -2,000 -0.04 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 362851 175495 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Telereal Trillium C2: 0 0 0 Agent: G L Hearn Ltd D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 17/12/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Proposal: Prior approval for the proposed change of use from office floor space within Use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Use Class C3 (dwelling) 16875-0 Somerset House 18 Canynge Road Bristol BS8 3JX Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 356923 173476 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.14 Application: 14/00501/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 24/04/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: AWW Agent: Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use from office space within Use Class B1(a) to residential accommodation within Use ClassC3 (dwellings). Other 0 B1: 1,369 0 -1,369 -0.14 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) South Bristol - BCS1 13050-0 'Lakeshore' (Former Office Block To Wills Factory) Hengrove Way Bristol BS14 0HR Grid ref: 358225 168671 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.54 Application: 07/04030/F B1: 0 0 0 -1.30 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 18/03/2011 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 1,611 1,611 Other Applicant: Urban Splash (South West) Agent: Acanthus Ferguson Mann Architects Proposal: Alterations to and refurbishment of existing building and construction of a new building to comprise a mixed use development totalling 406 residential apartments, 17 live/work units, car parking (349 spaces) with associated external works and landscaping. - Application relates to the former office building of the Imperial Tobacco Group, which has been vacant since the early 1990s. 15116-1 Bath Road Retail Park Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS4 3LP No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 361431 171196 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.35 Application: 12/04728/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 28/12/2012 Development: Refurbishment Status: Not Started Applicant: Peel Investments (UK) Ltd Agent: White Young Green Planning Proposal: Alterations to Unit A including its partial demolition, insertion of mezzanine floor and re-cladding together with the erection of unit for class D2 (gym) use and associated car park, servicing and landscape alterations. (Major application) Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 2,831 1,742 -1,089 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 1,958 1,958 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15168-1 Industrial Therapy Organisation Lydstep Terrace Bristol BS3 1DR 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 14/01837/F 0 246 246 0.00 B2: 2,268 0 -2,268 -0.15 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 24/12/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 47 47 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 343 343 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Chest Properties Ltd Agent: Aspect360 Ltd Proposal: Substantial demolition of existing building and construction of mixed use development comprising 9 no. 'Use Class C3' family houses, 'Use Class B1' commercial offices, an 'A3 Use Class' cafe/restaurant and a 'Use Class D1' child care nursery with associated off-site highway works. 15719-0 291 North Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 1JR No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 357312 171687 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.12 Application: 09/03401/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/11/2009 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: Bristol Brewing Co. Ltd Agent: Pegasus Planning Group Proposal: Conversion and extension of existing car servicing and MOT Depot (Use Class B2) to visitor centre (Use Class D1) and bakery (Use Class A1), associated with the adjacent brewery (Use Class B2) and either performance space (Use Class D2) or business use (Use Class B1), with formation of 6 no. business workshops above the brewery (Use Class B1) and 1 no. self-contained flat. - Workspaces recorded as B1c - floorspace is an estimate - Bakery and theatre open at 2010 survey but visitor centre, workshops and flats not started. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358254 171773 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 330 330 0.00 B2: 369 0 -369 -0.04 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 35 35 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 97 97 D2: 0 228 228 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 15804-0 Plymouth Brethren Meeting Hall & Lynwood House 623 & 625 Bath Road Brislington Bristol BS4 3LF 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.73 Application: 14/01069/F 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 25/09/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 1,395 0 -1,395 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Sovereign Housing Association Agent: Savills (L&P) Plc Proposal: Demolition of existing hall and erection of 52 dwellings, which includes the conversion of Lynwood house into 4 apartments and redevelopment of the coach house into 3 dwellings with associated highway layout works, car & bicycle parking, bin storage & landscaping (Major Application). 15970-0 7-21 Hungerford Road Bristol BS4 5HU No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 362054 170238 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.48 Application: 13/00246/R Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 23/07/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Eyrevac Agent: Mr John Sneddon Proposal: Renewal Application relating to consent granted under app. no. 10/01595/F to extend the time for implementation - Demolition of existing industrial units and associated works and the construction of a 105-bed care home (Use Class C2). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 361573 170983 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 4,733 4,733 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16018-0 Ashton Vale And Former Alderman Moore Allotments Off Ashton Road (B3128) Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Greenfield Area (Ha): 25.8 Application: 09/02242/P 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 382 382 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 05/04/2011 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 1,935 1,935 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 3,500 3,500 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 5,574 5,574 D2: 0 24,374 24,374 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Ashton Gate Ltd, Ashton Vale Project LLP & Vence LLP Agent: Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Proposal: Hybrid application comprising: Full planning permission for the erection of a 30,000 seat stadium (D2) incorporating other uses (conferencing and hospitality (5,574 sq m), retail unit (382 sq m) and community facilities), car and coach parking (up to 1,000 car spaces) (including new accesses), landscaping including fencing/paving, re-grading of site to form new levels and related infrastructure and engineering works, and Outline planning permission (with all matters reserved except for access) for development for residential (C3 - up to 253 dwellings), relocation of young persons home (C2), hotel (C1 - 3,500 sq m), restaurants/bars (A3/A4 - 1,599 sq m), drive thru restaurant (A5 - 336 sq m), car parking, vehicular and pedestrian/cycle accesses, flood storage and ecological area, landscaping including fencing and paving and related infrastructure and engineering works. - Number of hotel bedrooms not specified. 16039-0 Paintworks Phase 3 Bath Road Bristol BS4 3EH No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 360835 171816 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 2.40 Application: 14/02764/X Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 24/09/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Applicant: Verve Properties Limited Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: 14/02764/ X Variation of cond.10 (Breeam) 14/02762/X Site wide energy statement 14/02763/X Code for sus homes. 13/04275/M Application for approval of Reserved Matters (layout, scale, appearance and landscaping) following outline approval 09/04693/P, which approved the retention of Endemol buildings, demolition of other existing buildings and erection of new buildings of 2-7 storeys built on top of new undercroft car park to provide employment floor space (B1); Retail floor space (A1, A3 & A4); up to 11 live/work units; and up to 210 residential units (C3); with revised vehicular access off Bath Road. (Major application). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 356280 170818 Loss (sq m) 80 B1: 0 6,231 6,231 1.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 6,120 0 -6,120 -2.40 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 473 473 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 508 508 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16041-1 Ashton Gate Stadium, Former Hire-Rite Building & 65 Ashton Road Bristol BS3 2EJ 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.14 Application: 13/03517/F 194 291 97 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 1,897 0 -1,897 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 498 498 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 27/11/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction A3/A4/A5: 0 756 756 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Bristol Sports Ltd & Ashton Gate Ltd Agent: Nathaniel Lichfield & Partners Proposal: Variation of Condition 48 (List of Approved Plans) attached to 13/03517/F, which approved the part refurbishment/part redevelopment of Ashton Gate Stadium, in order to substitute plans to reflect proposed minor material amendments to the Wedlock, Williams and Dolman Stands and associated works. (Major application). Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 356965 171399 Loss (sq m) D1: 0 1,051 1,051 D2: 7,263 20,772 13,509 0 0 0 Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 13/03517/F Demolition of the existing Williams Stand, Wedlock Stand, former Hire-Rite building and 65 Ashton Road; erection of new Williams and Wedlock Stands with accommodation including community facilities, conferencing and hospitality, public house, club museum and club shop; and remodelled Dolman Stand, to include modifications to concourse, alterations to the front seating deck and alterations to front roof canopy; internal alterations to the Atyeo Stand and concourse; new sports pitch, car parking, landscaping (including fencing and paving); and associated infrastructure and engineering works. stadium capacity to increase to 27, 000. 16045-0 Sainsburys Winterstoke Road Bristol BS3 2NS Grid ref: 357079 170677 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 4.05 Application: 10/00813/P B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 5,000 5,000 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 8,367 0 -8,367 0 Employment Retail A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 600 600 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Sainsburys Supermarkets Ltd C2: 0 0 0 Agent: White Young Green Planning D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Outline Permission Approval: 17/10/2012 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Proposal: Outline application for redevelopment of existing Sainsburys store site for mixed use comprising around 145 residential units (Use Class C3), around 5000sqm of employment floorspace (Use Classes B1(b) (c), B8) and around 600 sqm of retail floorspace (Use Classes A1/A2/A3). (Major application) Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16050-0 Wedlocks Bower Ashton Terrace Bristol BS3 2LE 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 10/04691/R 0 797 797 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 23/06/2011 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 626 0 -626 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Back Wind Ltd Agent: Proposal: Demolition of vacant building and construction of new building comprising 10 no. 1-bed units and 4 no. 2- bed units, 1 no. commercial unit and under-croft parking. 16052-0 Social Club North Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 1EN No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358215 171499 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.28 Application: 13/03536/X Status: Under Construction Riverview House 171-178 Coronation Road Bristol BS3 1RF 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 257 257 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 650 0 -650 0 0 0 Retail Approval: 14/12/2012 Development: Redevelopment Proposal: Demolition of nos. 171-176 Coronation Road and Units 2-5A (inclusive) Cooperage Lane, and redevelopment with a mixed-use scheme of 434 sq m. employment (Use Class B1) floorspace and 78 residential dwellings (Use Class C3) with alterations to an existing access, associated parking, landscaping and external works. (Major application) Other 0 B1: 0 438 438 0.04 B2: 2,409 0 -2,409 -0.51 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment App type: Detailed Permission Agent: C S J Planning Consultants Ltd 0.00 No. hotel bedrooms: Area (Ha): 0.51 Applicant: Southville Properties Ltd 0.00 0 Sui generis: Land type: Brownfield Status: Under Construction 0 0 0 Other Grid ref: 357716 172016 Application: 11/01851/F 0 0 0 Agent: Aspect360 Ltd 16172-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Urbis (North Street) Proposal: Minor amendment to approved details under 10/03995/F, for Proposed demolition of existing buildings and redevelopment of site comprising 257 sqm of commercial floorspace (Use Classes A1, A2 & B1) and 22 no. dwellings (12 no. houses and 10 no. apartments), with associated car parking, ancillary servicing and new access arrangements. (Major application) B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Redevelopment 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 17/04/2014 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 356840 171532 Loss (sq m) A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16204-0 Plot 1 - Phase 6 Imperial Park South Side Of Main Access Wills Way 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.08 Application: 11/01863/P 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 12/12/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 1,200 1,200 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: The Junction Limited Partnership Agent: Paul Kentish & Co. Proposal: Outline planning application - Erection of Public House. (Major application) No. hotel bedrooms: 16310-0 Filwood Park Hengrove Way Bristol Employment Grid ref: 359524 169343 Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 5.29 Application: 12/00352/P Status: Not Started Plot 2 - Phase 6 Imperial Park South Side Wills Way Bristol Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 12/12/2012 Development: New build Agent: Paul Kentish & Co. Proposal: Outline planning application - Erection of Hotel (60 bedrooms). (Major application) 0.00 0 0 0.00 2,399 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Area (Ha): 0.93 Applicant: The Junction Limited Partnership 0.00 0 No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Status: Not Started 0 0 2,399 Other Grid ref: 358585 168594 Application: 11/01864/P 0 0 0 Agent: GVA Grimley 16342-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: Homes And Communities Agency Proposal: Mixed use development, including the creation of a new park, erection of up to 150 no. residential units, 8000 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Class B1/B2), car parking, landscaping, ecological area, access and associated infrastructure works. (Major application). B1: B8: App type: Outline Permission Development: New build 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 31/10/2012 Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358630 168653 Loss (sq m) A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 4,100 4,100 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 60 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16343-0 Plot 3 - Phase 6 Imperial Park South Side Wills Way Bristol 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.44 Application: 11/01865/P 0 2,400 2,400 1.44 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 12/12/2012 Development: New build Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: The Junction Limited Partnership Agent: Paul Kentish & Co. Proposal: Outline planning application - Erection of business units (Use Class B1) and a car showroom with sales, management and vehicle servicing. (Major application) 16464-0 Happy Landings Hengrove Lane Bristol BS14 9DL No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 360883 169825 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.12 Application: 15/00038/NM Status: Not Started Hartcliffe Way Depot Hartcliffe Way Bristol BS3 5RN 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 526 0 -526 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 358143 169766 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 1.71 Application: 12/05168/F 0 0 0 Agent: Kendall Kingscott Ltd 16500-0 0 B2: 0 Applicant: United Housing Association Limited Proposal: Application for non-material amendment to the development approved by planning permission 13/02461/F - (Change of use of public house to residential accommodation and creation of 8 additional flats with associated external alterations) to allow external alterations to approved plans. B1: B8: App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use 0 Flexible B: Retail Approval: 09/02/2015 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 358512 168544 Loss (sq m) B1: 0 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 1,779 1,525 -254 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 1,308 1,308 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Bristol City Council C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Bristol City Council D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 02/07/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Proposal: Redevelopment of existing depot to create a new household waste recycling centre. New carriageway junction, bridge and revised internal layout. Demolition of building C and partial demolition of building B (Major application) Other No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16536-0 City Of Bristol College Bedminster Marksbury Road Bristol BS3 5JL 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 2.87 Application: 12/05581/P 0 900 900 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 150 150 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Outline Permission Approval: 20/06/2013 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 1,100 1,100 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Homes And Communities Agency Agent: GVA Proposal: Mixed use development, including demolition of buildings and structures, part refurbishment of the former college building for up to 2,900 sqm education floorspace, erection of up to 85 No. residential units, conversion of engineering block for up to 900 sqm of employment floorspace (Use Class B1), up to 1100 sqm of health care use (Use Class D1) and up to 150 sqm neighbourhood retail use (Use Class A1), car parking, landscaping. access and associated infrastructure works. (Major Application) 16599-0 Unit 2A Princess Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 4AG No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.15 Application: 13/03654/F 0 0 0.00 0 1,436 1,436 0.15 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 -1,436 -0.15 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: Change of use Status: Not Started 0 B2: 1,436 Retail Approval: 02/10/2013 Other Applicant: London And Cambridge Properties Limited Agent: D2 Planning Limited Proposal: Proposed change of use from Use Class B1/B8 to Use Class B2 (General Industry). 0 B1: B8: Grid ref: 359244 171761 No. hotel bedrooms: 16601-0 Weir House Whitby Road Bristol Employment Grid ref: 361586 172514 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.21 Application: 14/03482/CO Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 01/10/2013 Development: Change of use Status: Under Construction Applicant: Beeline Properties Ltd Agent: Alder King Planning Consultants Proposal: Prior approval for the change of use of a 3-storey office block from office floor space within Use Class B1 (a) to residential accommodation falling within Class C3 (dwellinghouses). Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359065 170677 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 1,579 0 -1,579 -0.21 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16636-0 St Lukes Hall William Street Bedminster Bristol BS3 4BW 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.09 Application: 13/04874/F 681 0 -681 -0.09 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 10/02/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Other Applicant: Temple Developments Ltd. Agent: Catina Design Proposal: Proposed change of use from Class B1(c) light industrial to residential by the refurbishment, conversion and extension of St Lukes Hall, to include, 3 no 1-bedroom and 11 no 2-bedroom apartments with parking for 7 vehicles and 14 cycle stores. (Major application). 16685-0 Land And Buildings Lying To The South-East Of 58 Greville Road Bristol No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 357815 171556 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.08 Application: 13/05801/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/06/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Not Started Applicant: Property Developments Solution Ltd Agent: Rackham Planning Ltd Proposal: Change of use from light industrial warehouse to residential. Residential 3 storey development consisting of 5 no. self contained dwelling houses with on-site parking. Other Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: Employment Grid ref: 359036 171849 Loss (sq m) 0 B1: 520 0 -520 -0.08 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 31 March 2015 Use class Loss (sq m) Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: AWW Architects C2: 1,680 0 -1,680 Agent: AWW Architects D1: 0 1,879 1,879 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 16716-0 Hayleigh Myrtle Street Bristol BS3 1JG Employment Grid ref: 357774 171507 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.13 Application: 14/01232/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 08/08/2014 Development: Redevelopment Status: Under Construction Proposal: Demolition of the former care home facility (known as Hayleigh House) and the new-build of a two storey primary school building that accommodates years 3,4,5,6 pupils (part of the 3 Form Entry Southville Primary School proposal that is split across this site and the existing Southville Primary School at Merrywood Road), and associated external play spaces. The new build comprises 2,015m2 Gross External Area, with an application area of 5,194m2. (Major Application) 16824-0 Auto Collection Baynton Road Bristol BS3 2EB Other No. hotel bedrooms: Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.07 Application: 14/04674/F B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 357182 171626 Retail A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 580 580 290 0 -290 App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 19/02/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Other Applicant: Workout Bristol Ltd Agent: WYG Planning & Environment Proposal: Change of use of building from Auction room (sui generis use) to Gym (Use Class D2) with associated internal and external alterations to facilitate the conversion. 16830-0 Brislington Fire Station Bonville Road Bristol BS4 5PS Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: Employment Grid ref: 362671 170738 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.22 Application: 14/04842/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 22/12/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Avon Fire Authority Agent: CSJ Planning Consultants Ltd Proposal: Change of Use of existing Fire Station (Sui Generis) to light industrial, research and development, general industrial or warehousing and storage use (Use Classes B1, B2, B8) 0 Other 0 B1: 0 263 263 0.07 B2: 0 262 262 0.07 B8: 0 263 263 0.07 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: Sui generis: No. hotel bedrooms: 0 0 0 788 0 -788 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16833-0 Former Pizza Hut Whitby Road Bristol BS4 8QS 31 March 2015 Use class Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.44 Application: 14/04902/F Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 288 288 0.44 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Employment Grid ref: 361259 171985 Loss (sq m) Retail App type: Detailed Permission A3/A4/A5: 288 0 -288 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Mr Dominic Faires C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Mr Hugh Gore D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Approval: 28/11/2014 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Other Proposal: Change of use from restaurant (A3) to commercial vehicle sales and hire depot, with sales office and associated ancillary services. No. hotel bedrooms: 16872-0 Keenwork 16-20 South Liberty Lane Bristol BS3 2SS Employment Grid ref: 357224 170644 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.33 Application: 13/05786/F Status: Not Started 0 2,018 2,018 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 App type: Detailed Permission Development: New build B1: Flexible B: Retail Approval: 27/11/2014 0 Other Applicant: Keenwork Ltd Agent: Mark Janaway Design Proposal: New service centre on former industrial site. (Major application). No. hotel bedrooms: 16873-0 Bridge Farm Junior School East Dundry Road Bristol BS14 0LL Employment Grid ref: 360452 167604 Land type: Mixed Area (Ha): 2.07 Application: 14/03909/FB Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 14/11/2014 Development: Extension Status: Under Construction Other 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 0 0 0 0.00 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Bristol City Council C2: 0 0 0 Agent: DKA Architects D1: 140 873 733 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 0 0 Proposal: Extension of existing accommodation at Bridge Farm Primary School, including the construction of a two storey 6 classroom teaching block with library and ICT space; entrance canopy linking back to existing school; sprinkler tank, pump house and compound; pupil cycle shelter; staff cycle shelter; kitchen ventilation plant and compound including ventilation ducts over kitchen roof; relocation of fence to junior playground and associated highway works. No. hotel bedrooms: 0 8 Schedule of committed development Application details 16893-0 Units 1A & B Mead Street Bristol BS3 4RP 31 March 2015 Use class Employment Grid ref: 359742 172074 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.28 Application: 15/00180/F Loss (sq m) B1: Gain Change Change (sq m) (sq m) (Ha) 0 0 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 1,527 0 -1,527 -0.28 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 Retail App type: Detailed Permission 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 Applicant: Europcar Group (UK) Ltd C2: 0 0 0 Agent: Roger Oakley And Co D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 0 0 Sui generis: 0 1,527 1,527 Approval: 25/03/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Other Proposal: Change of use from warehouse unit to vehicle rental. No. hotel bedrooms: 16898-0 204 South Liberty Lane Bristol BS3 2TY Employment Grid ref: 356326 170154 Land type: Brownfield Area (Ha): 0.1 Application: 15/00281/F Retail App type: Detailed Permission Approval: 25/03/2015 Development: Change of use Status: Not Started Applicant: Trojan Agent: Eco2 Energy Saving Ltd Proposal: Change of use from warehouse (Use Class B8) to gymnasium (Use Class D2). Other 0.00 0 B1: 0 0 0 0.00 B2: 0 0 0 0.00 B8: 680 0 -680 -0.10 Flexible B: 0 0 0 0.00 Sui generis: 0 0 0 0.00 A1: 0 0 0 A2: 0 0 0 A3/A4/A5: 0 0 0 Flexible A: 0 0 0 C1: 0 0 0 C2: 0 0 0 D1: 0 0 0 D2: 0 680 680 Sui generis: 0 0 0 No. hotel bedrooms: 0