THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE POSTERIOR CRUCIATE THE STABILITY OF THE KNEE IN AN EXPERIMENTAL J. POURNARAS, From the Department ofOrthopaedics STUDY IN P. P. SYMEONIDES, and the First LIGAMENT DOGS G. KARKAVELAS Surgical Department, Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki The significance of the posterior cruciate ligament in the stability of the knee was investigated in dogs and it was compared with that of the anterior cruciate ligament by studying the changes produced in the knee after transection of either ligament. Osteophyte formation and changes in articular cartilage were less prominent after division of the posterior cruciate ligament. A complete longitudinal tear of the medial meniscus was found in eight out of the 10 dogs who had undergone section of the anterior cruciate but in none of the 10 with section of the posterior cruciate. It appears that, in dogs at least, the posterior cruciate ligament is less important than the anterior in the stability of the knee. Although ligament the number ofruptures ofthe posterior cruciate is progressively increasing, the significance of this ligament in the stability clarified. Until a few years of the knee has not yet been ago clinical and experimental research was focused on the anterior cruciate ligament, but recently the posterior cruciate ligament has become the subject of interest. Hughston et al. (1976, 1980) considered the posterior cruciate ligament as the main stabiliser. By contrast, Dandy and Pusey (1982) reported after a mean follow-up of 7.2 years that many patients with unrepaired tears of the posterior cruciate ligament had maintained good function. In our experimental work the role of the posterior cruciate ligament in the stability of the ligament is nearly always accompanied by coincident damage to the capsule or other ligaments. While animal experiments concerning the significance ofthe anterior cruciate ligament have been carried out by various authors (Marshall 1969; Marshall and Olsson 1971) such an investigation on the posterior cruciate does not appear to have been reported as yet in the English literature. knee was investigated in dogs and it was compared to the role of the anterior cruciate. This was done by studying the joint changes which were progressively produced after section of the posterior or anterior cruciate ligament, since it has been proved that there is a direct relationship between the amount of the change and the degree of instability (Marshall and Olsson 1971 ; O’Donoghue et al. 1971). Dogs were chosen as the experimental animals because their knees and cruciate ligaments are similar to those of man anatomically and functionally. In addition, the role ofthe posterior cruciate ligamentperse cannot be studied in man because in clinical practice rupture of this MATERIAL Twenty-one adult Skeletal divided into shape: while of each the other Assistant 8, Thessaloniki, Professor ofOrthopaedic Greece. Surgery Requests © for reprints 1983 British Editorial 0301 -620X/83/2038-0204 204 should be sent Society $2.00 to Dr J. Pournaras. of Bone and Joint each the the anaesthesia of either arthrotomy the curved knife. other structures the patella ligament sign became of the joint in immobilised. arthrotomy only intact to serve dogs they wound were could housed and weekly dogs were killed months, and ligament. The dog jump. (one 14 (seven out The The parapatellar side. With by closure The left or or anterior completed for the by a cartilage posterior skin). in under sodium. articular was followed performed. in an healing dogs carried of its length the and In one and leg was sham knee not operation of all animals as a control. and : two measuring were 150 square clinically checked metres daily so until thereafter. by an overdose pair) pairs) with area They at four of intravenous months, at six months a sham four after pentobarbital (two section operation was killed range of movement pairs) of the at five cruciate six months after operation. Surgery Immediately of was knee. sectioned opposite the operation was right middle section, (capsule procedure run sodium the same operation. a medial to the at the the The layers body was to damage After and through cut not positive. two The remained taken of the joint. drawer where was weight was dislocated was sex, pentobarbital performed was were on the by intravenous by dogs ligament procedure used. The for a sham performed The was the Care selected were established knees. of the same cruciate cruciate. were of both was was posterior induced flexed 14 to 20 kilograms deformities being dog cruciate and knee pair procedure the anterior section of radiographs twenty-first pair general The P. P. Symeonides, MD, Professor of Orthopaedic Surgery G. Karkavelas, MD, Pathologist Aristotelian University of Thessaloniki, Thessaloniki, Greece. 10 pairs, the All MD, lateral METHODS weighing absence and In all dogs dog dogs and anteroposterior that J. Pournaras, P. P. Germanou mongrel maturity AND the knee after were death examined. THE the The JOURNAL knee joints OF BONE of and both AND legs JOINT the stability were then SURGERY THE SIGNIFICANCE OF THE POSTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT IN THE STABILITY OF Hg. Femoral (Fig. removed, blocks and articular from and the into toxylin the acid. sections seven and bone All and were taken tibial 1 and specimens The of nitric (Figs specimens micrometers plateau fixed The black inspected. for area patella from also taken were in a 10 percent in a 10 per cent were embedded in paraffin wax, stained site from where the bone blocks were taken for histology. solution decalcified and the 2 Bone were thick, indicates 205 KNEE histological and 2). Specimens were blocks of a dog. dissected cartilage condyles, knees These 2) condyles carefully femoral left formalin. solution cut the capsule. of neutral (Fig. covering from right tibial radiographed, with examination the 1) and THE with haema- eosin. RESULTS The dogs started two to four days uneventfully bearing weight on the operated after the operation. The wound in 1 8 of the delaying in skin healing. dogs ; in two there Haemarthrosis was limb healed a slight occurred in one dog after division of the posterior cruciate ligament ; this was drained by aspiration. In none of the dogs was there any evidence of infection. All dogs, except the one which had had the sham operation, limped after operation. The limp decreased progressively and became minimal by the end of the study. The posterior or anterior drawer sign could be demonstrated during the whole period of study in all knees with transected posterior or anterior cruciate ligaments respectively. In most of the dogs in whom the anterior cruciate had been cut there was also a clicking sound which was elicited during flexion toward the Radiograph the anterior of both cruciate lateral knees of a dog killed six months after ligament. An osteophyte is clearly femoral condyle of the right knee. division seen at of the had atrophied and only remnants at the site of origin were detected. In eight out of the 10 dogs with sectioned anterior cruciate ligaments a complete longitudinal tear (bucket handle) of the medial meniscus was found (Fig. 4). In most of them .--‘ end the meniscus was totally - disorganised. :.. m- of the study. Radiographic findings. In three dogs killed six months after section ofthe anterior cruciateligament, osteophytes at the lateral femoral condyle (intercondylar fossa) could be demonstrated in the anteroposterior radiographs (Fig. 3). In another, killed four months after division of the anterior cruciate, osteophytes were visible at the tibial spine. No osteophytes could be seen radiologically in the knees of the dogs which had undergone section of the posterior cruciate ligament or the sham operation. No special radiographs taken. Macroscopic VOL. 65-B. findings. No. 2. MARCH (for example, In both groups 1983 tunnel views) the severed were Fig. A bucket-handle ligament tear in the after anterior 4 medial meniscus cruciate ligament in a dog killed section. six months A 206 J. POURNARAS, P. P. SYMEONIDES, complete longitudinal tear of the medial meniscus was found even in the dog killed four months after section of the anterior cruciate. In the other two animals, superficial breaks of the medial meniscus were noticed, and such breaks appeared also in the lateral meniscus of three dogs of the same group. In none of the dogs with section of the posterior cruciate meniscus encountered. breaks of the medial another such changes well. ligament was a tear of the In only one were superficial meniscus noticed (Fig. 5) while in were found in the control joint as G. KARKAVELAS osteophyte formation was much less striking. Small prominences were seen in only five dogs at the intercondylar margin of the medial femoral condyle and were considered as osteophytes only after histological confirmation. No gross changes were noticed in the control joints, except in one where the anterior cruciate ligament had completely disappeared, probably due to an old injury, and this was accompanied by osteophytic formation, marked changes in the articular cartilage and a longitudinal tear of the posterior horn of the medial meniscus. In the dog that had had the sham operation both knees were macroscopically normal. It was evident when comparing the two dogs of each pair that the macroscopic changes were much less severe in the dog with section ofthe posterior cruciate ligament. Histology. Osteophytes and changes in the articular cartilage were the main histological findings. The cruciate In the merged into the were Superficial breaks on the medial meniscus of a dog killed alter posterior cruciate ligament section. Large osteophytes were observed in the six months operated knees of all dogs with section of the anterior cruciate ligaments even in that killed at four months. There were two standard locations of osteophytes in this group. The first, seen in all 10 dogs, was at the intercondylar margin Of the lateral femoral condy!e near the trochlea where the anterior cruciate enters the intercondylar fossa (Fig. 6). The second one, present in eight dogs, was located at the posterior edge of the medial tibial plateau (Fig. 7). Here the large osteophyte produced marked increase of the anteroposterior diameter of the medial tibia! condyle. In the dogs with section of the posterior cruciate the Figure 6 ligament. Large Figure osteophyte macroscopically 7 Osteophyte tbrmation osteophytes in the dogs ligaments were impressive great majority they were with the pre-existing bone femoral or tibial condyles covered with fibrocartilage with severed anterior under the microscope. large, had completely and were incorporated (Figs 8 and 9). They and their trabeculae had a more irregular arrangement than the normal bone. Apart from the osteophytes at the lateral femoral condyle and the posterior edge of the medial tibia! plateau which were macroscopically evident, histological examination in this group revealed also osteophytes at the tibia! spine (five dogs), the medial and lateral edges of the tibia! plateau (four dogs) and the medial femoral condyle (two dogs). The osteophytes in the dogs with section of the posterior cruciate ligament were microscopically small, immature and without (or with very little) continuity with the pre-existing bone (Fig. 10). The histological examination simply confirmed the presence of osteophytes at the medial femoral condyle in five dogs and revealed a small osteophyte at the tibia! spine in another. No osteophytes were discovered in the control joints except the one with no anterior cruciate ligament. seen at the lateral femoral condyle of a dog killed five months after macroscopically seen at the posterior edge of the medial tibial condyle six months after section of the anterior cruciate ligament. THE JOURNAL division of the OF BONE of the anterior cruciate right knee of a dog killed AND JOINT SURGERY THE SIGNIFICANCE OF Fig. THE POSTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT IN THE STABILITY OF THE 8 Fig. 207 KNEE 9 Figure 8 - Histological section ofthe femoral condyles ofa dog killed five months after division ofthe anterior cruciate ligament. Large osteophyte is protruding in the intercondylar groove. It has already established complete communication with the pre-existing bone (haematoxylin and eosin, x 3). Figure 9-Histological section of the medial tibial condyle (posterior edge) of a dog killed six months after section of the anterior cruciate ligament. Large osteophyte communicating with the pre-existing bone is shown (haematoxylin and eosin, x 3.7). In the articular cartilage, two types of changes were taken into account and evaluated : the morphological features and arrangement of the chondrocytes ; and the integrity classified of the according articular surface. Both to McDevitt, Gilbertson types and were Muir (1977). The chondrocytic changes were seen at the articular cartilage of the femur, tibia and patella and were classified into three grades : increased cell density (Figs ‘‘ I .. k Fig. A small months complete t 5\ - 1 1 and 12), occasional cell “doublets”, and clones of two or more cells. The changes in the articular surface were mainly seen at the tibial plateau, towards the tibial 10 osteophyte at the medial femoral condyle of a dog killed six after section of the posterior cruciate ligament. There is no communication with the preformed bone (haematoxylin and eosin, x 12). spine, and slight roughening, were ening and fissures classified into five grades roughening and small in the middle zone, and : intact surface, clefts, total of the surface layer (Figs 1 3 to 1 5). When comparing two dogs ofeach pair it was found that the changes articular damaged cartilage posterior were less severe cruciate ligament rough- disruption the in the in the dog with a than in the other. -‘ #{182} \ h: :‘;. Fig. Figure 1 1 -Articular roughening of the VOL. 65-B, No. : : 11 cartilage from the medial tibial condyle articular surface and an increased cell density. 2, MARCH 1983 Fig. of a dog Figure killed 12-The six months after posterior control joint for comparison 12 cruciate ligament (haematoxylin section. There is and eosin, x 44). 208 J. POURNARAS, - P. .-. ;-,. .., . P. SYMEONIDES, .- ‘- I? ... KARKAVELAS ‘ : ‘ I . :a t . . . #{149}‘. : . : ...:: .: .1, ‘.‘- - .i;:. i . .. ,..‘ . I.. . - . .. t : .‘ ‘i: . . . ‘ “. . .‘ ‘ ‘I G. %j . - Fig. Articular Figure cartilage 13-Roughening However, 13 of the Fig. tibial condyles of three and small clefts. Figure the difference as striking as the between the difference dogs killed six, 14-Roughening two groups in osteophyte four was cartilage were noticed four of which belonged the anterior No were seen sham operation. In cruciate in the all knees dogs histologically group. a of the thickening present microscopic dog that of at to changes underwent the at the operated not formation. Slight changes in the articular the control joint of five dogs, the capsule 14 Fig. 15 and six months respectively after and fissures. Figure 15-Disruption x 1 1). was osteophyte posterior instability. recently articular cartilage experimental In eight out ligament medial meniscus section of anterior the main findings in the of this work. cruciate Meniscal were with a complete was the tears of 10 dogs found. posterior None cruciate in dogs cruciate section after ligament of the anterior tear of the bucket-handle of the showed experimental have been (Marshall and Olsson 1971 ; Gilbertson et al. 1977). It has been also reported dogs such division reported 1975; that with tears. of the by others McDevitt rupture of the anterior cruciate combined with tears of the menisci are seen in dogs clinically (Tirgari and Vaughan 1975). Furthermore, the coexistence of an anterior cruciate rupture with a longitudinal tear of the medial meniscus is often Weinberg Dameron view that encountered in men (Palmer 1938; Kennedy, and Wilson 1974; Smillie 1978; McDaniel and 1980). This experimental work confirms the in dogs at least it is the rupture of the anterior cruciate which occurs first and the meniscal result of this injury. The tear of the medial meniscus should to the rotatory instability, duced after section of the which anterior tear is a late be attributed is progressively cruciate ligament. proThe medial collateral ligament, in an effort to prevent anterior displacement of the tibia, then becomes lax and subsequently cannot prevent lateral rotation of the tibia, as has been described in man (Fowler 1980). That suggested man “does osteoarthrosis”. Meniscal tear rupture to rotatory (Hughston untreated predispose after in dogs 1969; ofthe instability has been et al. 1976). Trickey that not Osteophytes and changes ligament. and eosin, rotatory does not lead human knees (Marshall formation anterior cruciate (haematoxylin cruciate ligament does not produce knee. DISCUSSION tears, of the surface does not follow section of the posterior probably because injury to this ligament ligament Meniscal division ofthe posterior to meniscal injury have of been Marshall in (1980) also instability in tears the or to late anterior observed and cruciate reported cruciate experimentally Olsson 1971 ; Gilbertson 1975) and in clinical practice (Tirgari and Vaughan 1975). They are attributed to the instability of the knee. The mechanism of their production is as yet uncertain. Probably the repeated brane at its insertion stretching may lead and bone therefore initially indirectly to new a mechanical in a vascular Osteophytes, present dogs one osteophytes were anterior cruciate Section of were location, with cut posterior produced than did formation. This means that factor exists resulting directly one (Gilbertson 1975). which in only of the synovial memto vascular proliferation small, were cruciate immature, discovered ligaments. or and in only Large, six mature noticed in all dogs after division of the and were present in many locations. the posterior less severe section of cruciate ligament changes in the articular the anterior ligament, also cartilage though the difference osteophytes. relationship was not so impressive as it was with the It was also noticed that there was no direct between these changes and the osteophyte formation. evaluation It must be ofthe articular admitted, cartilage as in the case of the osteophytes. From the findings of this section of produced knee therefore cruciate the posterior minimal than did and section study cruciate less JOURNAL it appears ligament pronounced of the anterior be assumed that the ligament in the stability THE however, that the changes is not as easy changes cruciate. role of the of the knee OF BONE AND JOINT in that dogs in the It may posterior in these SURGERY THE animals SIGNIFICANCE is less important ligament. It seems OF THE than very POSTERIOR that ofthe likely that this CRUCIATE anterior LIGAMENT cruciate is due to the fact IN THE that division very little STABILITY OF of the posterior rotatory THE cruciate instability 209 KNEE ligament produces or none. REFERENCES Dandy DJ, Pusey Fowler PJ. The RJ. The long-term classification and results early of unrepaired diagnosis tears of knee joint of the posterior instability. cruciate Clin Orthop ligament. 1980: J Bone 147: Joint Surg [Br] :92-4. 1 982 : 64-B 15-21. Gilbertson EM. 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