Free Weekly Since 1985 Week of July 17, 2014
Free Weekly Since 1985 Week of July 17, 2014
FREE EA CH WEE K TAKE AT L EA 1 Free Weekly Since 1985 ST Week of July 17, 2014 VOLUME 29 • NUMBER 35 FOR SALE: Oak roll top computer desk, $350., 970-3584356, Joes. jy17-31-p THREE GARAGE SALES IN HUGO: 833 - 7th Street, 421 - 6th Street, 6 - 4th Avenue, July 18 & 19, Friday and Saturday 8 to 4. Tools, antiques, collectibles, ATV, jewelry, gun related items, ladies clothes, and miscellaneous. More items added Saturday. jy17-p WANTED: Custom harvesting, have two John Deere machines, 417-808-0956 and 417-209-1038. jy17-p FOR SALE: Matched pair of Haflingers (16 years old), trained to drive and pack, 719342-1262, Burlington. jy17-31-p KAPUT RODENT PRODUCTS: Will be available at their inside booth at the Kit Carson County Fair in Burlington, July 22 through July 26, or call Jim Tucker 970-217-1757. jy17-24-p FOR RENT: 60,000 bushel plus grain storage for wheat or corn harvest, highway access. Call for more information, 970362-4248 or 970-630-4404. jy17-31-p To Place Your Ad, Use This Convenient “Mail-In Order Form” Name Address Phone Write your ad here – one word per line, phone number is one word. We are not responsible for illegible handwriting or incorrect information. ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– ––––––––– 1 Week 2 Weeks 3 Weeks Private Party Price With PrePayment (All Classifieds Must be Paid For In Advance) 1st week... $8.00 1st 10 words & 10¢ each additional word 2nd week... 1/2 price 3rd week...FREE Total Cost of Ad $ Business Price $8.00 for 10 words and 10¢ each additional word per week. Highlight your classified ad with a border – Add $1.00 per week. All Classifieds Must Be Paid For In Advance! Mail Your Ad and Check or Money Order to: Mile Saver Shopper E G N S P.O. Box 188, Flagler, CO 80815 NO CHAFUNDS NO RE CIALS ! E-Mail address - Visit us on the web at ON SPE Phone-in rates and ads sent without payment 3rd week Free doesn’t apply. BILLING CHARGE: Add $1.00 Page 2 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 AUCTION UPDATE For more info. or full sale bills on these Auctions look inside and watch upcoming issues of the Mile Saver Shopper. To get your auction listed call 719-765-4468. Thurs., July 17 Colby Livestock Auction, Colby, KS. Cattle, Sheep & Goats, 785-460-3231 or 785462-3769. Thurs., July 17 Burlington Livestock Exchange, Burlington, CO, Regular Cattle Sale, 719-346-8900. Thurs., July 17 Livestock Exchange, Brush, CO. Weigh Cows and Bulls, Pairs/Breds, Stocker Feeder, 970-842-5115. Fri., July 18 Real Estate Auction Notice, Bill Neitz Property, Eckley, CO. House, Metal Shop and Several Outbuildings. U.S. Land Office 970-332-5745 or 970-630-3402. Fri., July 18 & Sat., July 26 Guns to Art., Colorado Springs, CO. Furniture, Guns, Antiques, and Collectables, Gorman Auctions, 719-687-2400. Sat., July 19 Livestock Exchange, Brush, CO. Hay Auction, 970-842-5115. Sat., July 19 Irene Livingston Estate and Others. Antiques, Collectibles, Household, Yard, Garden, Shop. John Schaffner, U.S. Land Office, LLC, 970-332-5745. Sat., July 19 Crystal Schlosser Estate, Burlington, CO. Antiques, Collectibles, Furniture, Household, Decorations, Dishware. Flock Auctions, LLC, 719-349-1991. Sat., July 19 Brush Livestock of Colorado, Brush, CO. Hogs, Sheep, Goats & Cattle, 970-842-2801. Sun., July 20 Calhan Auction Ranch Rodeo, El Paso County Fair, 2 p.m., 719-347-2417. Mon., July 21 Calhan Auction Market Inc., Calhan, CO. Regular Sale, 719-347-2417. Tues., July 22 Brush Livestock of Colorado, Brush, CO. Weigh Cow & Bull Sale, 970-842-2801. Tues., July 22 Ranchland Livestock Auction, Inc., Wray, CO, No Sale, 970-332-4873 or 970-6303330. Bidding ends Wed., July 23 Big Iron Online Auction. Tractors, Combines, Balers, Cultivators, Disks, Drills, Grain Carts, Headers, Loaders, Planters, Sprayers, Telehandler, Trailers, Trucks/Pickups, Semis, Wheel Loaders, ATVs/Recreational, plus more. First lots close at 10:00 a.m. Wed., July 23 St. Francis Auction Market, St. Francis, KS. All Class Cattle. 970-332-4873. Thurs., July 24 Colby Livestock Auction, Colby, KS. Cattle & Hogs, 785-460-3231 or 785-462-3769. Thurs., July 24 Livestock Exchange, Brush, CO. Weigh Cows and Bulls, 970-842-5115. Thurs., July 24, CLOSED FOR FAIR Burlington Livestock Exchange, Burlington, CO, CLOSED FOR FAIR, 719-346-8900. Fri., July 25 Imperial Auction Market, Imperial, NE. Regular Sale, 308-882-5128. Sat., July 26 Calhan Auction Market Inc., Calhan, CO. Horse Sale, 719-347-2417. Sun., July 27 Arrowhead and Numismatic Coins, Large Stamp Collection and Sports Cards Auction, Lamar, CO. Arrowheads, Coins, Trading Cards, Stamp Collection, Buckle Collection, Pocket Watch, Marbles, Colorado Cattlemen’s Association and Denver Post anniversary books. Civis and Company Auction and Real Estate, 719-336-5117. Cont. on page 4 July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: CHEYENNE COUNTY will be accepting applications for a full-time Equipment Operator. Drug testing and CDL is required. EOE. Apply at the County Public Works Office, 212 E. Washington, St. Francis, KS 67756, 785-332-8840 by July 30, 2014. jy17-c FULL-TIME FARM HELP WANTED: Irrigation and dryland operation. Tractor driving and some cattle. NonSmoker. Must have a valid driver’s license. Call 719-3468295 in the evenings or leave a message, Bethune. jy17-31-p LINCOLN COMMUNITY HOSPITAL: Floor Care Position available, this is a fulltime position. Knowledge of floor care preferred (buffers, stripping, and waxing floors, shampooing carpets, etc.). Please apply by filling out an application (available in front office) at 111 6th Street, Hugo, CO 80821. Wages based on experience, no phone calls please. jy17-ag7-p TEACHING POSITION: Heartland Christian School in Colby, KS is looking for a 3/4 grade teacher for the 20142015 school year. Please email for an application or stop by the office at 1995 W. 4th St. in Colby. You may contact the school at 785-460-6419 or check out our website at for more info. jy17-24-p FOR SALE: 2001 HD Road King, 40K miles, $7,500. OBO, 970-630-1450, Yuma. jy17-31-p BORDER COLLIE PUPPIES: Now taking deposits, available August 9th, 903-665-0063, 713248-9130, Calhan. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: 2007 Cedar Creek Silverback 33LBHTS RV Bunkhouse 5th wheel camper, $25,000., 970-520-3741, Sterling. jy17-31-p FOR FREE AND TO BE MOVED: 48’ x 25’ community building, very structurally sound. Interior is bead board and tin ceiling underneath paneling and drop ceiling. Exterior is vinyl, new windows in 2006, and metal roof, 970630-5556 or 970-332-5390, Wray. jy17-31-p Page 3 LCSA COMMUNITY STEAK FRY, Thursday, August 7, 2014, Lincoln County Fairgrounds, 4 p.m. to 7 p.m., Hugo. jy17-p Page 4 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 A U T O M O T I V E TECHNICIAN: Busy Napa AutoCare Center in Hugo, Colorado seeking technician. Prior experience and own tools a must, S certification and C a plus. Pay according to automotive knowledge and experience. Paid vacations, paid sick days available, insurance and retirement obtainable, and uniforms supplied. Scholarships available to aquire or update S certification. Call to interview 719-7432180. jy17-24-p SLIGHTLY USED VINYL SIDING: Approximately 2,500 sq. ft., light gray, plus a lot of trim, $500. takes all, 303-7100002, Joes. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: Used Country Clipper 48” Zero Turn lawn mower, S & E Sales & Service, 970-664-2452, Seibert. jy17-24-c CARS, MOTORCYCLES, SOAP BOX RACERS: Save the date. Hub City Classic Car and otorcycle Show in i on August 22 and 23. Go to for all the details, entry forms, vendor forms, and schedule of events, 719-775-9418. jy17-24-c FOR SALE: Wooden storage shed, 8’ x 12’, new shingled roof, new paint, $1,000., 970-3456442 evenings, Akron. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: 1998 Champion Elite 18-1/2 ft. fishing boat, 150HP Merc, Black Cherry Purple, new batteries, tires and cover, always shedded, $10,900., 785-443-2465, Colby. jy17-31-p AUCTION UPDATE Mon., July 28 Calhan Auction Market Inc., Calhan, CO. Regular Sale, 719-347-2417. Mon., July 28 bsolute uction, Colb , S. arious edical uip ent, Office Supplies, and Office Furniture, Homeland Realty & Auction, 785-443-0136. Tues., July 29 Ranchland Livestock Auction, Inc., Wray, CO, Regular Cattle Sale, 970-332-4873 or 970-630-3330. Wed., July 30 St. Francis Auction Market, St. Francis, KS. All Class Cattle. 970-332-4873. Thurs., July 31 Burlington Livestock Exchange, Burlington, CO, Regular Cattle Sale, 719-346-8900. Thurs., July 31 Livestock Exchange, Brush, CO. Weigh Cows and Bulls, 970-842-5115. Thurs., July 31 Colby Livestock Auction, Colby, KS. Cattle, 785-460-3231 or 785-462-3769. Sun., August 3 Calhan Auction Market, Inc., Calhan, CO. Calhan Auctino Ranch Rodeo, Elbert County Fair, 719-347-2417. Thurs., August 7 Brush Livestock of Colorado, Brush, CO. Dairy Sale, 970-842-2801. Fri., August 8 Imperial Auction Market, Imperial, NE. All Class Cattle Sale, 308-882-5128. Sat., August 9 Brush Livestock of Colorado, Brush, CO. Holstein Steer Special, 970-842-2801. Fri., August 22 Imperial Auction Market, Imperial, NE. All Class Cattle Sale, 308-882-5128. July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 5 Page 6 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 FOR SALE: 15 W 5 speed, good shape, 5 tires, nice commuter, air and cruise, , ., aylord rien, 5 19, St. rancis. y1 1 p FOR SALE: 1 1 year old Whirlpool dishwsher, 5 . a e table with air hoc ey, foosball, ping pong, etc., 5., call 9 5 4 1 , Sterling. y1 1 p FOR SALE: 199 Ply outh van, new parts, 9 4 951, oodland. y1 p EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: 1981 MF disc 820, 30’, $2,500.; 1993 Brent 570 grain cart, $8,000.; Irrigation engine MM 800, $2,000.; 1998 IHC combine 2388, Cummins engine 8.3, $36,500. OBO; 1975 C65 truck (bad 366 engine); Scissor hoist, 20’ box, $2,250.; 1989 IHC combine 1660; IHC engine, 5 wheat head, field ready, 5, . , call 9 5 1, tis. y1 1 p FOR SALE: our ale blac and white, 9 wee old order Collie puppies. irst shots and wor ed, 15 . each, 9 5 1 9 or 9 4 4 4 , ron. y1 1 p PROSPER FARMS is loo ing for ranch hand labor, 5 iles South of lagler. Contact Dustin Weaver at 970-310-4719, y1 1 p FOR SALE: Cattle rub and round hay bale feeder, call 19 4 9 FOR SALE: 2007 arley avidson Sportster, li e new, call 19 4 9 1, Stratton. y1 1 p FOR SALE: alf ton Chev pic up bed trailer, 5 . olf cart riding ower 4 wheeler trailer, 4 x dec , all steel, .9 9 tires, no springs, ball hitch, ., can be pulled with 4 wheeler, 5 1 4 4 , Sharon Springs. y1 1 p FOR SALE 199 ord erostar W van with a wheelchair lift, clean, and low ileage, call 9 4 4 or 9 , u a. y1 1 p FOR SALE: 45 Power ift with power opening low base. lectronic Syste includes two 4 volt batteries and charger. elps reduce the possibility of caregiver bac in ury. riginal cost , 4 . 4, used two ti es, will sell for 1,5 . Call 9 4 4 4 or 9 1 4 5, rush. y1 1 p July 17, 2014 FOR SALE: 1997 Nova tanker t r a i l e r, 6 , 0 0 0 g a l l o n , 2 compartments, air ride, new gate valve, pump rack, good condition, good brakes and tires, aluminum outside wheels with steel inside. Ready to use, 785-462-3280, Colby, Ks. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: 2007 JD 4995 rotary swather, urethane conditioners,1,500 hrs., new front tires, will include all extra parts and blades, new turtles last year, $75,000.; 1983 JD 2750 with Koyker loader, 3 attachments: bucket, hay spear and pallet forks, approx. 1,150 hrs., $20.000. Please call 970-3977984, leave a message if no answer, Vona. jy17-31-p 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 7 FOR SALE: Kids saddle, $50.; Regular size saddle, $150.; 50 foot steel windmill tower, $400.; Antique pull type hay rake, $60.; Steel window frames, $5 each, Five panel wood doors, $50. each; Other old doors and windows, varied prices, 970359-2321, Eckley. jy17-31-p Ask for the three week Mile Saver Shopper Deal when you sell your personal items. FOR SALE: 7hp 220 amp upright, $700.; Cherry picker, heavy duty, $150.; Pressure washer, $50., 970-846-2951, Goodland. jy17-31-p MOBILE HOME FOR RENT: Rent a 16 X 80 mobile home with 3 large bedrooms and 2 full bathrooms. It sits on a large lot, with trees, located 12 miles north of Burlington and 2 miles west. Call 719-343-0128, leave message. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: Mini Australian Shepherds: Red, Blue, Merle, Black Tri, blue-eyed pups ready now, DOB 5-19-14, up to date on all shots and wormings, dew clawed and tails docked, hand raised and full of personality, parents on site, 783-332-0136, St. Francis. jy17-31-p Page 8 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper FOR SALE: New 5/8” cold rolled rod for sale, 23’ 4” sticks. Call for details and pricing, 719-696-5635, Burlington. jy17-31-p 719-765-4468 CHEYENNE COUNTY will be accepting applications for a full-time Mechanic for heavy equipment. Drug testing and CDL is required. EOE. Apply at the County Public Works Office, 212 E. Washington, St. Francis, KS 67756, 785-332-8840 by July 30, 2014. jy17-c July 17, 2014 WANTED: Good canning jars and pressure cookers; WANTED: Used T-Posts, Richard at 970-371-4860, please call before 8 p.m., Eckley. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: 1083 Case IH 8 row corn head. Call or text 719740-2038, Flagler. my8-tfn-fx FOR SALE: Two burner wood burning stove with chimney, $50.; Flat screen TV stand with 3 glass shelves, $50., 970-3592321, Eckley. jy17-31-p FOR SALE: 10 year black gelding, 15.1+ hands, riders quiet, good rein and back up, should work for novice rider, $1,100.; WW two horse trailer, good, paint faded, $1,100., trades considered, 785-8214340, Sharon Springs. jy3-17-p FUEL DELIVERY TRUCK DRIVER NEEDED: Class B Driver’s License with HazMat and Tanker Endorsement Required or ability to obtain. Pick up job applications at 70 Webster Ave., Burlington or call 719-346-8180. jy10-31-c TOY BOX STORAGE: Now Renting, 10x22, 10x10, 5x10, located at 17790 Cnty. Rd. 5 in Flagler, CO. Call 719765-4548 or 719-349-1256 for availability and rates. ag1-tfn-c DO YOUR FEET HURT? Currier Drug located in Atwood, KS can help! 1-step technology and Medicare billing for diabetics. Call for appointment Mon. through Sat., 800-696-3214. jy2-tfn-c FOR SALE: Case 1688 IH combine with 1010 header, very good shape, 719-740-0296, Arriba. jy3-17-c TWO THD WISCONSIN ENGINES FOR SALE: Older two cylinder engines, both running, one has electric start, the other does not, need to sell both together. Can send pictures, 719-775-2610 evenings, Calhan. jy3-17-p July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 FOR SALE: 8’ Tuff Liner pickup bed liner, very good condition, 970-332-5529, Wray. jy3-17-p NEED FENCING? Can tear out, build, and repair pasture fences. Call 970-554-1613, Akron. jn12-dc25-p The Mile Saver Shopper DIAMOND K FEED & SUPPLY - Tribune, KS and Calhan, CO. It’s less than 30 days to the Fair. Do you have what you need? Fitter supplies, for all species. Brushes, combs, show sticks and pig whips. Clippers and lube, fly spray. We carry Sullivans, Essential, Sure Champ, Stand Alone, and Purina products. We just opened our Colorado store in Calhan, CO. We got you covered ! Call for your supplies 620-376-2777 or toll free 1-866-841-2391. We are always open! jy10-17-p FOR SALE OR TRADE: Lots of Cowboy and Indian collectables, 785-462-3759, Colby. jy10-24-p PLAYFUL PUG PUPPIES: One male, one female, crate trained, first shots, 4 ., 970260-2552, Akron. jy10-17-p NOW TAKING BIDS: For a 1999 Econoline Ford van, needs some work, 177K miles. Bids starting at $1,200. bids accepted until Friday, July 25, 2014, 719-342-9229, Vona. jy10-17-p AUGIE PUPPIES FOR SALE: Miniature Australian Shepherd and Corgi ix, wee s old, first shots, ready to go, call 970-6300400, Yuma. jy3-17-p BAKERY/RESTAURANT EQUIPMENT FOR SALE: Everything one year old, Win-Holt heater/proofer; Master-Bilt freezer, indoor/ outdoor, 8 x 10; Pitco deep fat fryer, 40#; True two door beverage refrigerator; True Dipping cabinet, 47 inch; Manitowoc undercounter ice machine; American double oven, glass doors; American range 6 burner gas 26.5 oven; Spartan Reach-in Refrigerator, (2 door); Thunderbird 30 quart mixer; Thunderbird bread slicer; Leader dry bakery case; Leader refrigerated bakery case; Stoelting ice crea achine, ( flavors) 6 tables with 26 chairs; 2 bread pan racks; 3 sink tub, 24 x 24; Stainless steel work tables; 40# scale; Several large cookie sheet pans; Bread pans; Hand sink; Prep sink, 970-630-7321, 970-6301877, Wray. jy10-24-p Visit our website at: Page 9 Page 10 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver COINS FOR SALE: Old Morgans, $50. each and 1996 Silver Eagles, $80. each; ALSO new ceramic tiles, 4”, color Cobalt Blue, 15 cents each; Old fiberglass boat, otor, and trailer, $100.; Honda Trail 90 bike, $600., 970-362-4350, Kirk. jy10-24-p NEED A FENCE? Farm and Ranch, barb wire. Negotiable price. Four Way Fencing, 719-691-0205, 719691-0109, Kit Carson. jn26, jy3, jy17-p The Mile Saver Shopper ATTENTION LANDOWNERS: Help us make dreams come true! Need Mule Deer Buck vouchers for the 2014 rifle hunting seasons. Pre iu funds are available for the vouchers. Please call Shayla at 719-466-7473 for more details. Thank you. jy10-24-p 719-765-4468 FOR SALE: 1996 Itasca Sundance motorhome, 29 ft., sleeps 6, 48K miles, $11,500., 719-775-9527, Limon. jy3-17-p WANTED: Buick Park Avenue, 1998 or newer. Deer, hail or other damage okay. Philip at 303-8704431, Vona. jy3-17-p July 17, 2014 FOR SALE: Portable building, 12 x 24 insulated metal building on skids, $3,500. OBO, call Tim at 719-349-1278 for more information, Burlington. jy3-17-p July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 FOR SALE: 1995 GMC extended roof Vandura van, new transmission with full warranty, always garaged, very plush, 719-348-5527, Bethune. jy10-24-p The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 11 FOR SALE: 1988 Ford F350, auto, 460, 186K+ miles, good 4x4, runs good, $4,500. OBO; Also 1997 Ford F150, runs but needs work, $1,500., call 970630-1367, Wray. jy10-24 WANTED: Rear mounted dirt scoop for an 8N Ford, 785-3200662. jy10-24-p IRRIGATION PIPE: Looking for GOOD, USED irrigation pipe and connections. Will consider PVC also. Call Sierra at 575-770-8441. jy10-24-p WANTED: Service Technician, experience and good driving record a must, great pay and benefits, apply in person, see Jon Yost, Goodland Yost Farm Supply, 725 W Hwy 24, Goodland, Kansas, E.O.E mr14-tfn-c MOBILE GLASS SERVICE: Automotive and truck glass repair and replacement. TradeMark Glass, Joel Tanner, 970-664-2771, Seibert. dc2-tfn-c MAINTENANCE: Lincoln Community Hospital has a FT maintenance position with on call shared responsibilities. Experience in the following: Plumbing, electrical, HVAC, re odeling, drywall finish and painting. Must hav a vaild driver ’s license. For consideration please apply in person at 111 6th St., Hugo, CO. No phone calls please. jy10-31-c FOR SALE: 2005 Chevrolet Corvette C6 Coupe, excellent condition, fully loaded 3LT package, 40,686 miles, $30,000. OBO, call John, 970-580-7282, North Platte, NE. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: Allis Chalmers Model C plus plow; 1994 Dutchman Classic Fifth Wheel, clean inside, $3,000., 719-6832549, Colorado Springs. jy10-24-p FOR LEASE: 20,000 bushel grain bin storage available. Reasonable rate, 15 miles north of Brewster, KS. Call Dean at 800-488-4785. jy3-17-p Page 12 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper FOR SALE: 2004 Pontiac Bonneville, 170K miles, very clean, good school car, call 785821-4487, Weskan. jy10-24-p CAMPER WANTED: Empty nesters looking for a small to medium size pull behind, self contained lightweight trailer. Reasonable, will pay cash. Please call 970-664-2218. jy10-24-fx PRIME I-70 PROPERTY FOR SALE: Already has established silver diner, mini mall with Subway, liquor store, and Chiropractic office. Looking for other businesses that the I-70 corridor could help with. 11+ acres adjacent to I-70 in between Limon and Burlington at mile marker 395. Call 719-765-4468 days or 719-765-4488 evenings, Flagler. ag23-tfn 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 NOSE TO TOES GROOMING: Located in Stratton at 411 Main Street, call Amber at 719-349-1011. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: 2014 Bromegrass hay, green, no rain, stored in shed, 3x3x8 bales, $75. per bale; Other hay available, 970-3805488, Brush. jy10-31-p FOR SALE: Collector HO scale train engines, some never out of box; Also extra parts for train set-up, 970-630-6213, Wray. jy10-24-p MUSCOVY DUCKS: 14 babies, 1 - 12 weeks old, $10. each; Adults, 1 hen, 2 drakes, $20. each, 303-822-5457, Byers. jy10-24-p July 17, 2014 FOR SALE: 2001 Dodge Ram 1500 4x4, 172K miles, very good condition, serviced regularly, $3,900. OBO, 719-348-5660, Stratton. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 2002 Honda Shadow VLX600, red, windshield, saddlebags, sissybar, 4,500 miles, ready to ride, 719-892-0331, Rush. jy10-24-p 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 13 S P R AY FOAM INSULATION installed in your ag., industrial, commercial, or residential building, 719349-3498, Seibert. jy25-tfn-c FOR SALE: 24 1-3/4” spear point shovels, complete, like new, fits ohn eere 9 Series shoe drills, 970-466-2791, Fleming. jy10-ag7-p FOR SALE: Digital livestock scale, 1000# cap, with catch chute, $450., 970-630-3250, Yuma. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 2005 Crew Cab F-150, 4x4, 91K miles, 5.4 gas motor, leather interior, very clean and well maintained, $16,000., call 785-821-1248, Sharon Springs. jy3-17-p Page 14 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 FOR SALE: 16 row 30” Clarke Machine corn head/trailer; 42’ Honey Bee draper head; 36’ MacDon draper, 719-740-3275, Arriba. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 1966 F100 Ford pickup, 6 cyl., 4 speed, 2WD, straight old pickup, good restoration project, 970-6302650, Yuma. jy10-24-p July 17, 2014 BUFFALO MEAT: Jerky, Patties, ¼, ½ or wholes. Buffalo, the heart healthy meat. Heart Rock Bison, 719763-2439, Genoa. mr7-tfn-c FOR SALE: 2004 Ford Freestar, 164K miles, a lot are highway miles, well maintained, call 970-630-8906, Haigler. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: 1982 Gleaner L2, 868 hours., with Shelbourne 20 ft. head, $17,500., 970-595-0250, Idalia. jy3-17-p HELP WANTED: Full or part time cook and server positions available at the I-70 Diner in Flagler, call 719-765-4040 or apply within. ag15-fx LINCOLN COMMUNITY CARE CENTER is now hiring a full-time LPN or RN for 3 twelve hour shifts per week. Job includes, but not limited to, medication passes, skin treatments, skin assessments, and charting. If you are interested in learning more about the position, please contact Shelley Cochran or Wendy Linnebur at 719-7432421, Hugo. jn26-jy17-c BUYING SCRAP IRON: Steel, tractors, combines, farm machinery, vehicles, trucks, all metal. Higher price for 20 ton or more. I have many good references. Jason Brent, 719740-0474, Genoa. my1-dc25-p July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 15 FOR SALE: 1963 MG Midget convertible, in good shape, runs good! New tires! Asking $4,000., call 970-520-0159, Holyoke. jy10-24-p TOY HAULER CAMPER FOR SALE: 2005 Taho Transport, 33 ft., gooesneck hitch, well built, excellent condition, triple axel, one slideout, 970-630-3665, Haxtun. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: 1989 Brent 570 grain cart, good condition, one owner, $7,500.; 1985 8820 Titan II, good shape, lots of newer parts, header included, $16,500., 719-763-2019, Genoa. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 1997 Dodge D350, dual rear wheels, 2WD, 5.9 Cummins diesel, running, clutch and transmission out, good tires, has radford flatbed, will sell as a unit or split, 970630-2650, Yuma. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: 1994 JD 9600 combine; 1995 Shelborne stripper header CX84, stainless steel kit; 1990 E-Z Trail 850 bushel grain cart; 2005 Sterling semi truck; 1999 Jet 42’ grain trailer, 970-520-3904 day or 970854-2904 evening, Holyoke. jy3-17-p BEFORE YOU PAY that next Premium, call Jerry L. Harrel Agency, American Family Insurance, 719-346-9524 urlington office, 719-7758720 i on office, 719-3468068 home. nv20-tfn-c CUSTOM HAYING: Looking for custom acres to swath and bale, have 2 crimper swathers, 3 drapers and 1 round baler, 719-349-0446, Flagler. jn19-tfn-c MIDWEST FARMS LLC, an established and progressive pork production company located in Burlington, Colorado is currently loo ing to fill entry level positions as Barn Te c h n i c i a n s a s w e l l a s Department Assistants. Our facilities are clean and well maintained. Prior experience with swine is welcome but not necessary.Weofferacompetitive salary and benefits pac age which includes paid vacation, holidays, sick leave, medical and dental insurance. For more information or to pick up an application, visit us at 290 14th Street, Burlington, CO. or call us at 719-346-7211. jy10-17-c Page 16 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 LOOKING FOR HISTORY SPEAKER for Beecher Island on Sunday, September 14. If interested contact Quentin Simmons 970-332-0617. jn12-jy17-p FOR SALE: Washers and Dryers; Refrigerator, call 719342-0891, Seibert. jy10-17-p FURNITURE FOR SALE: Dresser, night stands, armoire, head/footboard, desk, hutch, canopy bed frame, lamps, 970630-3628, Yuma. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: White Maytag electric washer and dryer, top load, regular capacity, $75., 719-350-0935, Burlington. jy10-24-p BEAGLE PUPPIES FOR SALE: Tricolor, 719-892-0126, Hugo. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 2005 Jayco Eagle 298BHS camper, fiberglass body with slide outs, sleeps 8 -10, central air, call Kirk 970-380-6992, Ft. Morgan. jy3-17-p SUMMER FUN! 1975 Classic ee Craft Sting s i and fishing boat, fish depth finder, rebuilt Johnson 70hp, new custom upholstery, 14 ft., runs great, $2,200. OBO, 719-846-7728, Vernon. jy3-17-p FOR SALE OR LEASE: Shop with office space on one acre in Wray Industrial Park at 1611 C Street. Available this fall. 785772-1094 or email jucis@, Wray. jy10-24-p PLEASE HELP ME FIND A HOME MY YOUNG FRIEND: One male, indoor/outdoor cat. I am no longer able to take care of him and he is too young and healthy to be put to sleep, 719342-9229, Vona. jy10-17-fx GUNS, GUNS, GUNS: Buy, Sell, Trade. Great inventory of ammunition, Vortex Scopes, holsters, gun cases, paper and clay targets. PRONGHORN COUNTRY ACE HARDWARE, Limon. Open Monday through Saturday 7:30-6:30, Sunday 1-5. ja30-tfn-c FOR SALE: New 41” 3500# Dexter axles, $100. each, 719765-4403, Flagler. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: One 16’ and one 20’ round, above ground, new swimming pools, $1,599. each, 785-443-2465, Colby. jy10-24-p FOR RENT: Two & three bedroom apartments in Flagler, Seibert, Vona and Stratton. Six-month lease required. Call 719-349-0370, Healthy Living Systems, Inc., Owner. dc7-tfn-c R E M O D E L I N G ? R E PA I R I N G ? JUST DREAMING? Doors, windows, carpet, tile, vinyl, la inate flooring, itchen and bathroom cabinets, sinks, toilets, and more. Full service lumber and building materials. Check out our new designer vanities. PRONGHORN C O U N T RY A C E HARDWARE, Limon. Open Monday through Saturday 7:30-6:30, Sunday 1-5. ja30-tfn-c July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 FULLY FURNISHED COZY HOUSE FOR RENT: Four separate sleeping areas, two bath. Price includes Dish network and all utilities. Central air, bedding, and all linens provided. Kitchen is stocked with all utensils, dishes and cookware. Washer and dryer. Located in quaint, small town of Stratton, Colorado. All you need is your suitcase. Great for construction workers, wind tower and local water projects. Month to month or long term. Price based on number of occupancy. Home away from home. Available August 11th. Call 719-349-9930. jy10-24-p FREE LAND: The Town of Flagler is offering free land (three quarters available) for any industry or business to locate there. Flagler is a small but progressive town 55 miles west of the Kansas border and 110 miles east of Denver on 1-70 with railroad availability on the offered property. Please contact Flagler Town Hall at 719-765-4571 for more information. mr30-tfn FOAM INSULATION 4 U: Call for a free estimate, 719-6883359. jn5-jy31-p The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 17 UNEXPECTED TREASURES AWAIT.... Monthly Clothing Clearance rack $5 or less, 25% OFF rack is always changing. Just Arrived Kringle Candles, Old World Gourmet dip, meal mixes, and drink mixes. Fabulous Jewelry, Purses, and Scarves!!! Fun Furniture, antiques and collectibles. SERENDIPITY - 973 Main Street, Limon. Open Monday - Saturday 10-6, 719-432-7714. sp19-tfn-c SAVE $$$ Best deals on all auto glass! Windshields, crack repairs, and more. Complete auto glass service. Fast, friendly and reliable service for 20 years. Conveniently located at, BURLINGTON GLASS, 1533 Rose Ave., Burlington, CO, 719-346-7157. sp29-tfn-c MOBILE KITCHEN FOR SALE: Fully equipped, health department approved, 719271-0279, Calhan. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: Dining table with six chairs, has one leaf, light oak color, $90., 720-291-3552, Hugo. jy10-24-p FOR SALE: Three bedroom, 2 bath home, central air, fireplace, wrap around porch on corner lot in Akron. Call for information 970-768-1521. jy10-24-p Page 18 Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver The Mile Saver Shopper 719-765-4468 July 17, 2014 FOR SALE: Pullets, just started laying, Barred Rock and Rhode sland ed, 1 ., 19 49 4, Flagler. jy10-24-p WANTED: Horse drawn rubber tired, flatbed hay wagon, low to the ground, 19 9 15 , Wild Horse. jy3-17-p FOR SALE: 2011 Dodge RAM 2500 Laramie, Cummins turbo-diesel; 12K miles, loaded with many extras, no DEF, aftermarket exhaust with tuner companion. Excellent condition, always shedded, never been on muddy or salty road, $46,000., no trades, no financing, 19 342-5480, Burlington. jy10-24-p FOR SALE AT MT SALES: ‘07 Freightliner, Day Cab w/42 ft. grain trailer, $26,500. for both; ‘06 386 Peterbilt, 48”sleeper, $32,000.; 20’ Pup Hopper trailer, $6,500.; 8820 John Deere w/30 ft. header, $7,000., 785-821-1481, Goodland. jn26-jy17-p FOR SALE: 2007 Kioti tractor, 55hp, loader, two hydraulic outlets, PTO, front wheel assist, good tires, 9 5 , Yuma. jy10-24-p JOB OPENING ANNOUNCEMENT: Nursing position available. Kit Carson County Health and Human Services has a full-time nursing position open for generalist duties. Please direct questions to Kindra Mulch RN, BSN, Director 719-346-7158 ext. 129 or Vicky Kosch RN Public Health Nurse Manager at 719346-7158 ext. 135. ou ay find applications available on the county website address www. or you may pick an application up at Kit Carson County Health and Human Services, 252 S. 14th St., Burlington, CO. Please include a cover letter. If you are sending your application via e-mail please put ‘RN Applicant’ in the subject line and e-mail to hhsvk@ Position will re ain open until filled. jy3-24-c July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 The Mile Saver Shopper Visit our website at: Page 19 LAYING HENS FOR SALE: Several breeds of young layer hens, $20. each, 720-333-3170, Cope. jy3-17-p LIVESTOCK gates, panels, water tanks, posts and wire. PRONGHORN COUNTRY ACE HARDWARE, Limon. O p e n M o n d a y t h ro u g h Saturday 7:30-6:30, Sunday 1-5. ja30-tfn-c WANT TO BUY DAMAGED GRAIN OR SCREENINGS: Have grain vac, 970-396-4208, 970-4671520. jy10-sp25-p FOR SALE: 1996 Four Winds 5000 28’ motorhome, clean and well maintained, like new tires, $12,000., 970-630-4106, Yuma. jy3-17-p TENNESSEE WALKING HORSES FOR SALE: call 5 9 195, exford, S. jy3-ag7-p DIAMOND K FEED & SUPPLY - Tribune, KS. and Calhan, CO. We carry all natural protein tubs and Sure Champ. Did you know the benefit of ixing it in with your creep feed? The Sure Champ product will increase rumen activity for stronger and healthier calves. Call us at 620376-2777 or toll free 1-866-8412391 for information about these and other products to increase your cow and calf herd profitability. y1 1 p 2014 LAMAR Fuel Trailers and S k i d S t e e r Tr a i l e r s ,, inneola, S. fb13-tfn-c MURRAY ROOFING AND CONSTRUCTION: Forallyour roofing needs. Shingle, etal, single-ply, Duro-Last. FREE ESTIMATES!!! Your elite DuroLast contractor for the tri-state area. 1-800-794-3204 or 785-4431339. eow-jy17-tfn-c FOR SALE: Three 860 MasseyFerguson combines; Four 30 ft. wheat heads; One 24 ft. wheat head; 1183 corn head; Two millet pickup heads; 30 ft. header trailer; Parts combine and lots of bearings, belts, etc., $20,000. for everything, 970554-0694, Akron. jy3-17-p Page 20 The Mile Tell them you saw it in the Mile Saver Saver Shopper LOOKING FOR UNWANTED HORSES: Phone 719-349-0581, Flagler. jy3-17-p ENTRIES WANTED: The Annual Julesburg Lion Club Demolition Derby will be Sunday, August 3 at 6:00 p.m. Entries $50. per car, Purse is $2,500. Compact and full size, no welds. Grandstand prices are $8 adults, $4 child, 970520-4918. jy10-17-p The law of harvest is to reap more than you sow. Sow an act, and you reap a Habit. Sow a habit, and you reap a Character. Sow a character, and you reap a Destiny. James Allen WELCOME to EASTERN COLO.’S GROWING LIVESTOCK MARKET! Sale Time Cattle Sale on Thursdays BURLINGTON 1 p.m. MT LIVESTOCK EXCHANGE P.O. Box 39, Burlington, CO Ph: 719-346-8900 Fax: 719-346-7545 Perry White, Field Rep., 719-743-2191 Mike Griebel, Field Rep., 719-349-1253 Web Page: E-Mail: Steve Schneider, Owner 620-376-2577 Dennie Flock, Manager 719-349-1991 C arlene Floc O fice Mana er Jim Bob Paintin, Assistant Manager 719-349-5286 NO SALE JULY 10, 2014 SCHEDULE OF EVENTS Thurs., July 17 - Regular Cattle Sale Thurs., July 24 - CLOSED FOR FAIR Thurs., July 31 - Regular Cattle Sale Go to website for more information on sales. SEPTEMBER 27, 2014 Auction Site: 2363 Beechcraft Ave., Burlington, CO Featuring: Farm & Construction Equipment, Vehicles, Tools & Livestock Equipment CONSIGNMENTS ARE WELCOME For information contact: Flock Auction LLC, Dennie Flock, Auctioneer, 719-349-1991, 719-346-7101 Steve Short, Auctioneer, 719-349-0434 Donn Witzel, 719-342-5513 Email: Web page: If you would like to visit with one of our representatives about your fall marketing strategies, please call one of the following. Steve Schneider: 620-384-9570 Dennie Flock: 719-349-1991 Mike Griebel: 719-349-1253 Perry White: 719-740-0114 Jim Bob Paintin: 719-349-5286 KLMR 920 AM @ 8:40 a.m., Lamar, CO KLOE 730 AM @ 6:35 a.m., Goodland, KS KXXX 790 AM @ 7:05 a.m., Colby, KS KNAB 1140 AM @ 6:45 a.m., Burlington, CO KNAB 104.1 FM @ 6:45 a.m., Burlington, CO KKCI 102.5 FM @ 6:35 a.m., Goodland, KS KATR 98.3 FM @ 7:30 a.m., Otis, CO Tune in to these Radio Stations for advanced consignments and our market report Wednesday through Friday. Market Report in the Mile Saver Shopper and weekly newsletter mailed out. If you are interested in being included in our newsletter mailing, please let us know. July 17, 2014 719-765-4468 28601 HWY. 34 • P.O. Box 506, Brush, CO 80723 East edge of Brush Sale Starts At 9:00 a.m. (970) 842-5115 Fax (970) 842-5088 Web Site: e-mail: M A R K E T R E P O RT : July 10, 2014 Cattle Sold For 86 Consignors • Cattle Sold To Buyers 31 RECEIPTS THIS WEEK: 430 • RECEIPTS LAST WEEK: 0 BULLS YIELD GRADE 1: $140.00-$154.00; YIELD GRADE 2: $125.00-$139.00; LW BULLS: $165.00-$177.00 COWS & HEIFERETTES HIGH YIELDING COWS: $118.00-$136.50 BRED COWS: LOWER YIELDING COWS: $106.00-$117.00 PAIRS (light test) THINNER/LEANER: $97.00-$105.00 Stocker Feeders Light Test ($2400.00) $2400.00-$3150.00 Light Test UPCOMING AUCTIONS Thur., July 17: ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE, Weigh Cows/Bulls (9:00 AM); Pairs/Breds (1:00 PM); Stocker Feeder (2:00 PM) Sat., July 19: HAY AUCTION (10:00 AM) Thur., July 24: ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE, Weigh Cows/Bulls (9:00 AM); Pairs/Breds (1:00 PM); Stocker Feeder (2:00 PM) Thur., July 31: ALL CLASSES OF CATTLE, Weigh Cows/Bulls (9:00 AM); Pairs/Breds (1:00 PM); Stocker Feeder (2:00 PM) Bob Walker Memorial Arena BUCKLE SERIES 6 Rnd Prairie Grass Hay (no rain, new July 26, August 9, August 23 crop); 34 Rnd net wrapped Wheat Entries Open at 1 Gymkhana at 2 July 19th Hay Consignments Hay, 16 3x3 Alfalfa; 16 3x3 Alfalfa call 970-842-5115 for questions - call before you haul Catalog Horse Sale: Catalog Deadline August 15th HIGH STAKES Call today to consign 970-842-5115 HEAR US - The BARN’s Opening Ag Market Report: AM 1230 KSTC & FM 104.7 KNNG - Mon. thru Fri. at 6:30 a.m. • FM 100.9 KNEC - Mon. thru Fri. at 7:30 a.m. • FM 98.3 KATR - Mon., Thur., Fri. at 7:30 a.m. The BARN’s Closing Ag Market Report: KSTC & KNNG at 1:50 p.m. Weekdays; KNEC at 1:30 p.m. Weekdays; Also Hear Us At: AM 1010 KSIR - Tues., Wed., & Fri. at 7:25 a.m. Robin Sage, Owner • 970-380-3798 Tyler Knode, Auctioneer • 970-774-6052 Home • 970-580-5311 Cell Larry Castor, Field Rep., Ault • 970-454-3570 Home • 970-768-5113 Cell Royce Ford, Field Rep., Brush 970-656-3562 Home 970-381-4835 Cell Dick Jones, Field Rep., Akron • 970-345-2098 Home • 970-768-0435 Cell Rodger Woodard, Field Rep., Calhan • 719-541-2309 Home • 719-439-2011 Cell WANTED: Experienced farm hand with cattle experience. Housing with many other benefits provided. Nemeth Angus, 785-626-4309 or 785322-5505. jy10-ag7-c REQUEST FOR BIDS: For replace ent roofing to be installed on the Carousel Building at the Kit Carson C o u n t y F a i rg ro u n d s i n Burlington, CO. Bids for work will include itemized prices for tear off and replacement of existing roofing with either asphalt shingles or metal roofing. Pro ect to begin after Labor Day, 2014. Please contact Jo Downey at 719-348-5562 to schedule a walk-through before bidding. Bids need to be delivered to the Kit Carson County Commissioners’ Office, 251 16th Street, Suite 201, Burlington, CO 80807 by 4:00 p.m., August 5, 2014. County Commissioners reserve the right to reject all bids and re-post as needed. jy10-31-c FOR SALE: 4V Ranch Douthit Herefords has available: Yearling Bulls, Replacement Heifers, Show Heifers, Semen on Herd Sires. Steve Douthit Family, 785-332-7192, St. Francis. jn5-ag21-p
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