The lsraeli Journal of Aquaculture - Bamidgeh 49(2), 1997, 43-56. 43 GROWTH IN STRAINS OF GILTHEAD SEABREAM SPARUS AURATA L. W. Knibb*, G. Gorshkova and S. Gorshkov lsrael Oceanographic and Limnological Research, National Center for Mariculture, PO Box 1212, Eilat 881 12, lsraeL Tel. 972-7-637-3154 Fax 972-7-637-5761 (Received 29.1 1.96, Accepted 12.4.97) Abstract Five independent data sets were analyzed to assess whether growth and survival differ among different strains of gilthead seabream , Sparus aurata, under captive culture conditions. Differences were detected and we deduced (a) inferior performance of a wild strain relative to a hatchery strain; (b) lack of evidence for substantial heterosis in our particular strains; (c) a slight trend among the larger fish to undergo sex reversal from male to female, and that sex effects should be considered in future growth analyses. There were no detectable detrimental effects of PIT (passive integrated transponders)tagging on a range ol S. aurata size classes. Introduction Commercial mariculture of gilthead seabream (Sparus aurata) is expanding rapidly in the Mediterranean basin (Stephanis, 1996). To date, there are no published data on whether gilthead seabream from different wild locations or different hatcheries differ in their performance under the same captive culture conditions. Understandably, information on strain differences is of immediate commercial interest. Moreover, information on strain differences should be obtained before embarking on withinstrain selection programs, as choice of the best strain(s) could equal the genetic gains made by years of selection on inferior strains (Gunnes and Gjedrem, 1978). * Corresponding author Intraspecific crossing (between strains) may yield heterosis as has been noted for some freshwater aquacultural teleosts, including common carp (Cyprinus carpio, Moav et al., 1975; Wohlfarth, 1993) and channel catfish (lctaluridae, lctalurus; Dunham and Smitherman, 1983; Smitherman et al., 1983, Dunham, 1987). However, relatively weak heterosis was reported for crossbred Atlantic salmon (Salmo salar;Gjerde and Refstie, 1984), a species with an anadromous life history. There are no published data concerning intraspecific crosses of fully marine fish strains. Here we analyze independent data sets for evidence of differences in performance under Knibb et al. 44 captive culture conditions among seabream strains and crosses. . Materials and Methods Hatchery strain. From 1972 until 1974 sev- eral hundred wild-caught juvenile S. aurata were taken from the Bardawil lagoon on the Sinai coast of the Mediterranean Sea. They were raised at the National Center for Mariculture (NCM) in Eilat on the Red Sea. Potentially, from the time of the first collection untilthe present analysis, seven captive generations could have passed. However, precise equal number from each subgroup. In addition, starting when the average weight of the fish was 1 g, we anaesthetized the groups to minimize differences in net avoidance behavior. After tagging with passive integrated transponders (PlT tags), sampling was randomized by randomly selecting PIT tag numbers. Spawning, larval and nursery rearing. Females from broodstock tanks in pre-repro- ductive condition received slow release implants of [D-Alao-Prog-Net]-LHRH (Luteiniz- breeding records were not kept. Wild strain In 1988, approximately 60 individuals ol S. aurata weighing 10-20 g were captured from the Mediterranean Sea near Haifa (approximately 280 km nofthwest of Bardawil lagoon) and raised at the NCM. First generation ing Hormone-Releasing Hormone;Zohar et al., 1990). Approximately 20 males and 40 females were held in each spawning tank. During the natural spawning season (winter), each tank typically produced between one and two million eggs per day (females are daily spawners with each female spawning up to 3 months; see progeny were used for growth comparisons Zohar et al., 1995, and references therein). (hereafter referred to as wild fish). Since 10,000-30,000 eggs can be obtained by Crosses /-3. Cross 1 fish resulted from crossing wild females with hatchery males. Cross 2 fish resulted from crossing hatchery force stripping a female, it seems that most females spawned daily. For this study, only females with wild males. Cross 3 fish resulted from crossing males of an imported Cyprus hatchery strain with the Eilat hatchery females. Fish husbandry. The fish were fed dry pellets at 1-7% of their body weight per day, depending on age. Pellets were 46% protein overnight spawnings of at least 5 x 10s fertilized eggs (estimated minimum of 15 females per cross or strain) were used. Eggs were transferred to hatchery rearing tanks for 35 days, then to the nursery for approximately eight months. However, exact numbers of spawning males and females were not determined and 12/o lipid, manufactured according to a because of mass spawning. closed commercial formula Experimental designs and analyses for strains. In brief, five independent data sets (Table 1) were analyzed to assess growth and by Matmor Feedmill, lsrael. All tanks received the same food ration, calculated periodically according to the average tank biomass of all the replicates and strains, using the standard NCM feeding tables designed forthe hatchery strain (J. Lupatsch, pers. comm.). The fish biomass of the tanks did not exceed 7 kglms. Sea water was pumped from the Gulf of Eilat and salinity and temperature followed those of the Gulf (40+1 ppt and 22+4oC, respectively). Before handling, fish weighing over 20 g were anaes- thetized by immersion in 20 ppm quinaldine, followed by immersion in 200 ppm ethylenglycol-monophenylether. After handling, the fish were treated with 5 ppm nitrofurazone. We attempted to randomize our sampling by dividing allthe individuals in a given group into several different subgroups, and by taking an (usually) survival differences: l. communal rear- ing in tanks in 1991-2, ll. separate rearing in tanks in 1991 -2, lll. communal rearing in tanks in 1993-4, lV. separate rearing in tanks in 19934, and V. separate rearing in sea cages in 1994. Under communal rearing conditions, fish of different strains were individually tagged with passive integrated transponders (PlT tags) and mixed in the same tanks. Under separate rearing conditions, fish of the different strains were reared separately and not PIT tagged. The data sets are independent and not contemporaneous. Therefore we did not attempt formal statisticalcomparisons among them, or use statistical models to assess heterosis (see Klupp, 1979, for example). However, each data set included Growth in strains of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata 45 Table 1. Data sets and experimental designs. Data Rearing sef condition | (1ee1-2) Communal Strains Replicate ' wird Fish containers per strain Type of container Times when samples Date of hatching were weighed per strain (in days post-hatching) 20 m3 tank Feb. '15, 1991 352, 445, 482 150 5 m3 tank Feb. 15, 1991 496, 6031, 645 102 5 m3 tank March 1, '1993 277, 388, 449, o6 (G1) Hatchery Cross ll (1991-2) Separate wird 1 (G1) Hatchery Cross lll (1993-4) Communal 1 Hatchery 515,6962 Cross 2 Cross 3 (1993-4) lV Separate Hatchery 100 0.6 m3 tank March 1 , 1993 Cross 2 V (1994) Separate Hatchery 275, 407, 466, 5223 3 150,000 Cross 2 1 m3 cage ,000 Feb. 1, 1 993 3794, 401, 477, 523, 560,596,634 1 During the interval day 496-603, 2 3 + one cross 1 replicate suffered moftalities from an infection of Cryptocaryon irritants. On day 603, five replacement fish were added to the replicate, and numbers of individuals in all other replicates were randomly reduced so that there were 39-40 fish per replicate. On day 696, hatchery fish only (26 from tank 1 ,27 fromtank2 and 25 from tank 3) were sexed by biopsy and weighed. Day 696 data were used only in analyses assessing effects of sex. During days 466-522,35 fish were lost from the second cross 2 replicate through infection by C. irritants. Data from this tank during this time were discarded from all except survival analySES. Samples of 100 fish per cage were group weighed after each time period. the hatchery strain which may be considered the reference strain. For data set | (communal rearing 1991-2), the following ANOVA model (a) was used to assess strain effects on weight at a given time of weighing: Yi=t+s;+€4 where Y4is the weightforthelh fish in the fth strain, m is the mean, si is the fixed contribution forthe lth strain, and e4is the errorterm of thelh fish in the fth strain. Note:weights did not depart significantly from normal (using KolmogorovSmirnov goodness of fit test for single samples) and, consequently, weight data were not transformed. Model (b) was used to analyze data set lll (communal rearing 1993-4), and was the same as model (a) except it contained an additional fixed factor for the tank as well as the strain x tank interaction term. Models (c) and (d) were the same as (a)and (b), respectively, exceptthe covariate of the first recorded weight for the individualfish was added to assess the effect of initial weight. For situations where the results of the ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses were simi- lar. we concluded there was no substantial Knibb et al. 46 effect of initial weight, which permitted a straightforward interpretation of the ANOVA results. When the results of the ANOVA and ANCOVA analyses varied, we concluded there were confounding effects of initial weight, and the ANOVA results should be considered cautiously. ANCOVA analyses should not be used by themselves for tests of strain differences, as statistical correction for initial weight may remove both genetic and environment components of weight differences (Wohlfarth and hatching at initial weighing for a given period. For a discussion of this and other growth rate formulas, see Ricker (1979). Effect of PIT tagging. To test whether tagging with P|T-tags influenced growth (presently unknown for seabream), experiments were car- ried out on four size groups of hatchery seabream (averaging approximately 1 2, 24, 52 and 146 g). On June 5, 1991, ten fish were selected at random from the 12 g group and Sex effecfs. Assessment of sex effects required keeping the fish to sexual maturity implanted with 1 1 x2Jmm PIT tags in the anterior dorsal part of the body. Ten control fish of the 12 g group were chosen for similarity of their individual weights to the ten individually tagged fish and transferred, with the tagged fish, to a single 600 ltank. This procedure was repeated by transferring ten randomly chosen tagged fish and ten individually chosen non-tagged fish of the 12 g group to a second 600 | tank. This experimental protocol was also carried out for fish of the24 9,52 g and 146 g groups. Twentyseven and 78 days after implantation, weights and tag numbers of individual fish were recorded using a portable radio-frequency identity tag reader (BioSonics, Inc., Model SM1301). Differences in survival among strains were assessed from the first weighing until the final weighing, using arc sine square-root trans- because S. aurata is a protandrous hermaphro- formed survival proportions (Sokal and Rohlf, dite (initially male, then female). This informa- 1e81). Moav, 1972, 1993). However, it should be emphasized that this issue is controversial, and the use of covariate or regression procedures to control for stafting weights remains acceptable (see Trippel and Hubert, 1990; Nilsson 1992; Jarayabhand and Thavornyutikarn, 1 995). In data sets ll, lV and V (separate rearing in tanks or sea cages), the identity of the individual fish was unknown (fish were not PIT tagged). Models were similar to (a) and (c) except that tank or cage mean weights were used. Mean weights were used to permit ANCOVA analyses on untagged fish, although this approach results in a substantial loss of available degrees of freedom. tion was available for only a subset of the total data sets: some individually PlTtagged hatchery fish from data set lll were kept after completion of the growth trials (day 515 post-hatching) untilthey reached sexual maturity (day 696). On day 696, 64.3% of the sampled hatchery fish were male and35.7'/" were female, according to biopsy (Zohar et al., 1978). Here it was apparent that sex differences in growth rates at different times, rather than final weights, were of primary interest. Consequently, we considered both weight and growth rate data, presented graphically for different growth periods. The specific growth rate (designated GR) was calculated as follows: GR = 100 x (ln wz - In wr)/(tz - t1) where w2 is the weight in grams at final weighing for a given period, wr is the weight in grams at initial weighing for a given period, t2 is the time in days after hatching at final weighing for a given period, tr is the time in days after Results Weights and weight gain. Three general patterns were evident f rom growth gains of different strains and different experiments (Table 2). First, under both communal and separate rearing conditions, progeny of wild fish showed infe- rior growth gains relative to the hatchery strain which was propagated for many generations in captivity. Second, growth gains for crosses were usually only slightly superior to the hatchery strain or mid-parent mean (not tabulated). Third, and within the limitations of the data sets (non-contemporaneous weighing times, only modest differences among strains/crosses), there were no obvious magnification effects under communal rearing conditions. Fuller statisticaltreatments by ANOVA and ANCOVA of the final weight data (Table 3) indi- cate some strain effects were not entirely Growth in strains of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata i 47 Table 2. Initial weight averages and weight gain averages (g) for five different strains and five ndependent experiments. Character Data set Hatchery Cross 1 Cross 2 Cross 3 Test period (in days post-hatching) ll (separate Wt. gain 133.4a 96.8b Initialwt. 181 .9b 166,6a 211.0c Wt. gain 175.0a,b 143.6a 207.1b rearing) | (communal rearing) Initial wt. 126.8a 132.1a 80.2a 99.2b 352-482 496-645 lll (communal rearing) Initialwt. 48.9a 49.8a 54.7b Wt. gain 234.9a 248.0b 229.1a rearing) lV (separate Initial wt. Wt. gain V (separate rearing) wt. gain 49.9 277-515 49.9 275-466 185.4 184.1 Initial 144.7 141.7 Wt. 274.0 299.1 379-634 Values with the same superscript are not significantly different (at the 0.05 probability level), using Student-Newman Keuls post-hoc tests and records of individual fish for communal rearing data sets, and tank or cage averages for separate rearing data sets. Table 3. Analysis of variance and covariance of final weights for different data sets. Data set ANOVA source I communal rearing strain residual ANCOVA df 2 263 MS 16447 1 F source 8.8*** 873 strain 2 covariate (initial weight) 't residual ll separate rearing strain 2 residual 6 8782 47.8**' strain 184 covariate (initialweight) residual lll communal rearing strain tank strain x tank residual * *"* 2 2 4 288 6839 2.3 407 0.1 519 0.2 2948 MSF df 262 2 1 5 strain 2 tank strain x tank 4 covariate (initialweigh| residual 287 1 1 7240 10.4*** 15 470.4*** 3281 698 1085 15780 1 7.6. 10.2*** 143 16939 623 459 11 .5*** 0.4 0.3 405557 275.1*** 't474 p<0.05 p<0.001 For communal rearing analyses, weights of individual fish were used; for separate rearing analyses, weight averages from tanks were used. Relatively few degrees of freedom were available for data sets lV and V and analyses are not tabulated. Knibb et al. 48 accounted for by initialweights. More obvious, however, were the very substantial effects of initial weights (see covariate mean squares of Table 3). Overall, there was a pattern of initial weight differences between strains, or even replicates, which persisted over the different weighing times (data not tabulated). Weights of individual fish (from communal rearing data sets) were, as expected, strongly correlated during the different time intervals (lowest: day 277 to 515, data set lll, r= 0.68, p<0.001; highest: day 449 to 515, data set lll, r = 0.97, p<0.001). Growth rates of individual fish between different time periods were also significantly positively correlated (data not tabulated). Suruival. Survival from initial to final weighing was assessed jointly for data sets I to lV by considering the 25 occasions (tank/strain groups) for which survival proportions could be calculated. In general, survival was high with an overall average of 90.8+3.4%. Athree-way ANOVA (reclassifying strains as parental or cross) assessing strain, rearing condition and year effects indicated lower survival for the crosses (F 1r.r 7l= 5.7, p<0.05), lower survival under separate rearing conditions (F 1r.rz1 = 6.4, p<0.05), a strain x rearing interaction (F 11.171= 5.4, p<0.05), , a rearing x year interac- tion (F 5.1, pcO.05), but no effect of year (1991-2 or 1993-4). These results reflect outbreaks of Cryptocaryon irritans (a marine ciliate parasite) and losses of some cross 1 and cross 2 fish under separate rearing conditions in 1991 -2 and in 1993-4. (Note: details of the model are not specified, and results are not tabulated). Coefficients of variation. For the hatchery strain, and considering all 35 instances where individual fish were weighed from tanks in data sets I to lV, coefficients of variation for individual fish weight ranged from 17o/" Io 35%. As the hatchery strain was included in all data sets, hatchery coefficients of variation at different times and rearing conditions could be used as references to compare other genetic groups. Ratios of coefficients of weight variation (hatch- ery coefficient as denominator) revealed that coefficients for the wild strain usually were comparable to the hatchery strain, but crosses tend- ed to have lower coefficients (Fig. 1). Moreover, coefficient of variation values of the crosses, relative to the hatchery strain, tended to decline with time, suggesting that the low variances of crosses at slaughter (>250 g) were not entirely due to initial sampling errors and starting variances. Sex effects. To assess potential confounding effects of sex in the protandrous hermaphro- dite, S. aurata, some individually P|T-tagged (hatchery fish from data set lll) were grown to reproductive maturity and sexed. Thus, earlier weight records of individual fish were assigned a sex. At spawning (= day 696), sex differences in weights were slight and not statistically significant (i.e., p>0.05, Fig.2a). However, in younger fish (approximately 50 g), where all individuals should be gonadally male (Zohar et al., 1978), the group which eventually became females tended to be significantly larger than the group which stayed male. Slightly larger weights for the group destined to be females persisted until slaughter weight (= day 515). These sex differences for weight translate into initially higher (before records were kept), then lower, growth rates for fish destined to be females, especially after sex reversal and during reproduction (Fig. 2b). Sex differences for growth were evident in other data sets (Knibb et al., 1997, and unpublished). Effect of PIT tags. Ettects of PIT tags were assessed using four size groups of S. aurata (averaging approximately 12, 24,52 and 146 g), two replicate communal rearing tanks per group, and two growth periods. Paired f-test analysis of the 16 possible paired groups of tagged and non-tagged fish weights showed not even a slight trend across days and sizes for detrimental effects of PIT tags (t1rs1 = -.44; data not tabulated). Of the six fish which died during the experiment, all were from one tank of the smallest size group from day 27 to day 78. lt would seem that an equal number of tagged and nontagged fish were lost, assuming no loss of tags during this time interval. The level of tag loss was low, and the majority of lost tags (three of five) were f rom the smallest (12 g) size group. Thus PIT tagging S. aurata individuals, as small as 12+2 g, had no detectable detrimental effect on subsequent growth. Growth in strains of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata Communal rearing a o o O o v 0.6 vo VO 89 E c.) L= b otr o S 0.8 Separate rearing ! Y trl 49 o V VV r o v 0.8 o vv o Yv) k 0.6 0.4 OO a T I I I ll TI c.) U B 0.4 250 350 450 550 200 300 400 Days 500 600 700 Days Q wito, tgst-z v Cross 2,1993-4 ! Cross l.l99l-2 O Cross 3,1993-4 Filled symbols indicate p<0.05 (or less) Fig. 1. Coefficient of variation ratios. Ratios were calculated by dividing the coefficient of variation for weight of cross 1, 2, 3, or the wild strain by the coefficient of variation for the hatchery strain using contemporaneous data from the same data set. For communal rearing data, ratios were calculated for each replicate tank. For separate rearing, numerator values were calculated for each replicate tank, and denominator values from the average hatchery value over replicate tanks. Probability levels for ratios were calculated according to Lewontin (1966). Discussion Even though few seabream strains were analyzed, growth differences under captive culture conditions were detected. This was evident, mostly, as inferior per{ormance of the first ences already existed among the ancestralwild populations, as have been noted for salmonid species (Gunnes and Gjedrem, 1978; Refstie and Steine, 1978, Gjerde and Refstie, 1984; generation wild fish relative to the hatchery Withler et al., 1987) and channel catfish strain which was propagated in captivity. These differences could have resulted from natural/ domestication selection for performance in culture conditions as has been suspected in channel catfish, carp and salmonid species (Doyle, 1983). The other possibility is that genetic differ- (Smitherman et al., 1983; Dunham, 1987). Our two parental strains were collected at different sites: the wild strain was collected, approximately 280 km northeast of the original collection site for the hatchery strain. Dobzhansky (1952), Lerner (1954), Haldane Knibb et al. 50 700 600 bo bo .(D 200 r00 1.1 1 0.9 0.8 (D 0.7 0.6 B 0.5 0.4 0.3 0.2 0.1 0 277-388 449-sr5 388-449 5 l5-696 Days male female ! Fig. 2. (a) Mean weights and (b) specific growth rates with standard deviations for sexed hatchery fish and for each tank from communal rearing 1993-4. (Sex in young fish represents their ultimate sex identity). + p<0.1, * p<0.05, *** p<0.001. Probabilities were for F ratios assessing sex effects and were calculated using model (b) ANOVA (but replacing strain with sex and, for growth analyses, replacing weight with specific growth rate). ANOVA analyses used records of individualfish for each weighing time or gromh interval. Tank effects and tank by sex interactions were not significant. , Growth in strains of gilthead seabream, Sparus aurata (1955) and others have suggested that increased growth and survival, and reduced phenotypic variances, may be expected 51 electrophoresis, etc., are indicators of the genetic variation responsible for commercially in desirable heterosis and strain differences in Crosses through increased heterozygosity (also see McFarquhar and Robertson, 1963; Tachida culture (Kinghorn, 1983; Bentsen 1991, 1994). The Eilat hatchery S. aurata broodstock, as in other seabream hatcheries around the Mediterranean basin, was established 20 years and possibly 7 generations ago. The extreme fecundity ol S. aurata females (several millions of eggs are produced per female per season, Zohar et al., 1 995), combined with less than certain breeding records in captivity (effective population sizes were unknown), created the potential for high levels of inbreeding in the hatchery and Mukai, 1985; Koljonen, 1986). Overall, growth of the S. aurata crosses was only marginally superior to the best parental strain (where information was available). Survival was relatively low in some of the crosses. Thus the finding that crosses exhibited lower variation for weight at maturity than the parental "pure" strains was perhaps unexpected, although this feature may be desirable under certain commercial production systems. Little heterosis has been reported for Atlantic salmon (Gjerde and Refstie, 1984). By contrast, substantial heterosis for growth has been reported for some, although not all, crosses of freshwa- ter species such as carp (Moav et al., 1975), and channel catfish (Dunham, 1987) while moderate heterosis has been repofted for rain- bow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss; Ayles and strain (Taniguchi et al., 1983; Sugama et al., 1988). Inbreeding, especially high levels, has been reported to lower survivability, growth rates and size in a variety of fish species (Kincaid, 1983, for review). Our present data showing superior growth and equivalent survival of the hatchery strain relative to the wild sample (and our unpublished data on DNA fingerprints) suggest that substantial inbreeding Baker, 1983; Gjerde, 1988; but see Klupp, 1979; Horstgen-Schwark et al., 19BO). lt did not occur in the hatchery strain. remains to be determined whether low levels of intraspecific heterosis in marine fish are a general phenomenon. Few impediments to gene slight trend for the larger fish to undergo sex Available data on sex effects indicate a reversal into females, followed by slowed flow among wild populations, and relatively short histories of captive propagation, might growth, most pronounced during reproduction (Kadmon et al., 1985). Clearly, however, other factors such as the social and hormonal envi- retard intraspecific genetic differentiation for marine fish, at least in comparison with those ronment should be of much greater impoftance in sex reversal (Zohar et al., 1995). For the pre- reshwater species with geographically isolated populations or with long histories of domestication (see Macaranas and Fujio, 1990). Conflicting data are provided from population sent analyses and data sets, sex effects f genetic surveys of allozyme, mitochondrial DNA, DNA fingerprinting and DNA microsatel- lite polymorphisms among wild (and farmed) marine populations. Whereas little variation (fixed and frequency allele differences) is evident among tuna (Katsuwonus pelamis) and flatfish (Pleuronectes platessa) populations and strains (Purdom, 1993), some variation is evident for the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax; Martinez et al., 1991; Patarnello et al., 1993), and the red sea bream (Pagrus major;Taniguchi and Sugama, 1990; Takagi et al., 1995). Moreover, it is unknown whether the genetic differences observed using appeared too slight to confound strain performance (especially past slaughter weight), yet it seems prudent for future analyses to include information on sex, especially if sex ratios vary among groups. In conclusion, the differences in performance under captive culture conditions detected among the relatively few seabream strains tested in this study indicate a need for further and more extensive strain assessments. Acknowledgements We thankfully acknowledge the financial contributions of the Rothschild Foundation (Yad Hanadiv) and the Leichtag Family Foundation. We are indebted to ltal lvri and Natan Wajsbrot for their excellent technical assistance. to R. Knibb et al. 52 Avtalion, G. Hulata, G. Kissil and D, Popper for comments on the manuscript, and especially to M. Soller for general and statistical advice. We especially thank G. Pagelson who contributed the sea cage rearing data. References Ayles G. and R. Baker, 1983. Genetic differences in growth and survival between strains and hybrids of rainbow trout (Salmo gairdneri) stocked in aquaculture lakes in the Canadian prai ries. Aq u ac u ltu re, 33:269-280. Bentsen H.8., 1991. Quantitative genetics and management of wild populations. Aqua- Jarayabhand P. and M. Thavornyutikarn, 1995. Realized heritability estimation on growth rate of oyster, Saccostrea cucullata Born, 1778. Aquaculture,l3S:1 1 1-1 18. Kadmon G., Gordin H. and Z.Yaron,1985. 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