Director`s Message - the Advanced Technology Center


Director`s Message - the Advanced Technology Center
Director’s Message
s you can probably see based upon the sheer size of
this edition of ATC News, our students have been
both very busy and successful over the last few
months. They have exceled in local, state, regional, and state
competitions, and are heavily involved in preparations for
upcoming National events.
You may also notice that many of our Information &
Telecommunication Technology students have been
extensively involved in exploring careers in cyber security. This
up and coming field of study is one of increasing importance
to our Nation’s security. If you happen to know of a young
person who might be interested in pursuing a career in this
highly important and lucrative area, please advise them to
consider the ATC’s Computer Network Administration, or
Cisco Networking Academy programs. If you remember the
television program “24”; agent Jack Bauer’s many exploits
often included the use of Cisco products.
As our students finish out their year with industry certification
testing, and more ATC champions are recognized, I encourage
you to continue to follow their exploits by visiting the
VOL. 4 ISSUE 2 JUNE 2013
Advanced Technology Center Official Site Facebook page.
And…it’s still not too late
to apply for next year. So if
you’re interested in one of our
programs, or are possibly unsure
of what career direction you may want to follow; please
visit our website at to
learn more about the outstanding educational opportunities
available at the Advanced Technology Center. We look
forward to hearing from you soon!
Michael D. Taylor
The ATC is
NOW Enrolling!
or call 757-648-5800
for more information!
...of The Year
Volunteer of the Year
The ATC is honored to recognize
Tina Lamell – Kay
as our Volunteer of the Year for her dedication and service to the ATC.
She enjoys speaking to prospective students and their parents about the
educational, social and club opportunities available at the ATC.
Teacher of the Year
Internet Web Professional instructor
Mrs. Katharine Sargent
is the Advanced Technology Center’s 2014 Teacher of the Year. A seven year veteran
instructor with the Virginia Beach City Public Schools; Mrs. Sargent epitomizes all
of the qualities that one would hope to find in an exemplary teacher and mentor.
Her guidance and knowledge of business plays an essential role in preparing her
students for the world of work they will face in the 21st Century.
Model Partnership
The VBCPS Partnership Advisory Link Recognizes
Parent Connection as a Model Partner
• Provided a connection that served over 370 families as of April 24,
2013 through the A+ Computer Repair Class and the Virginia
Student Training and Refurbishment Program (VA STAR) Program,
as well as the FBLA students conducting the Parent Technology
• Delivered logistics and advertisement support for the above
programs so students could apply their technical and soft skills in
providing service to the community.
• Initiated a partnership with the Virginia Beach Police Department
(donated 235 computers seized in an online gambling raid) and
Tritronics Ltd. (matched a $5,000.00 VBCPS Foundation Grant to
purchase laptops), plus renewed a partnership with Best Buy.
• Supports strategic objective one and four, as well as others associated
with Compass 2015.
The African American Summit was the Place
to be on January 12th.
Bill Jackson, ATC Modeling and Simulation instructor
and Andrew Smith, Engineering/Architectural Design
instructor presented to 30-40 attendees about Technology
in the 21st Century.
Trevon Smith, Telecommunications student; Te’Quan Lamell,
Digital Design/Modeling and Simulation student; Ms.Tina
Lamell - Kay, parent; and Ms. Ann Marie C. Garvey,
Assistant Director spoke to families about opportunities for
high school students at the Advanced Technology Center
Information Technology
Parent Connection Technology Academy
ATC Future Business Leaders of America (FBLA) students
conduct monthly technology sessions for parents on a variety
of topics ranging from, Tips and Tricks with iPads, to Wireless
Networking, Spreadsheets and more. Families received hands-
on training, as well as individual and group attention as they
practiced their new technology skills taught by the students. New
classes will start in the fall. Stay tuned!
Congrats to Jonathan Steiner of the Advanced Internet Web Professional
class on this terrific achievement!
He is the first student at the ATC to take and pass the:
Microsoft Technology Associate (MTA) Certification for HTML5 Application.
In addition Jonathan earned the following certifications:
MTA Windows Operating Sys Fundamentals
MTA Windows Server Administration
MTA Windows Networking Fundamentals
MTA Security Fundamentals
Adobe Certified Associate Dreamweaver
Certified Internet Webmaster Site Development Associate, Internet Business Associate
Congratulations Again John!
John Kielbowicz was the first Advanced Technology Center (ATC) student this year to take and pass the
new Computing Technology Industry Association (CompTIA) A+ exam. This certification test now
includes a simulation component that tests how well the student can apply the skills assessed. This is
John’s third year at the ATC. His first two years were dedicated to studying networking in the Computer
Network Administration class. He has earned the following professional certifications: CompTIA
Network+, CompTIA Green IT, Certified Internet Web Professional (CIW) Network Technology
Associate and he has demonstrated his readiness for the real world by passing Virginia’s Workplace
Readiness for the Commonwealth Assessment.
When John is not studying technology, he is teaching parents technology in a monthly program as an
ATC FBLA student in the Parent Connection Technology Academy.
Next year he plans to double major in computer and political science at Tidewater Community College
and then transfer transfer to a four year college.
Going Green with IT!
All 19 of the Computer Network Administration (CNA) II students
passed their Green IT certification from Computing Technology
Industry Association (CompTIA) in early March! They are seen here
celebrating with some “green” doughnuts! Students tested on skills
related to sustainable environmental practices as they relate to business.
These students learned how to implement IT related solutions that not
only improve our environment, but have a direct monetary benefit on
a company’s revenue!
Advanced Internet Web Professional Team
Placed First in the State!
The Advanced Internet Web Professional team, also known
as NovaCode in the Virtual Enterprise (VE) community,
attended the Virginia VE Trade Fair and Business Competition
on Thursday, March 7th at beautiful Christopher Newport
University. The students took home many awards: first place
in Web Design, first place in Impact Marketing, third place
in Best Booth, fourth place in Salesmanship and fifth place in
Business Card Design, proving these business and technology
savvy students are very well rounded!
Pictured (Left to Right): Laura Freeman, Hunter Larson, Athena Engberg,
Jonathan Steiner, Brandon Cummings, Katelynn Snead, David Farrow
Congratulations NovaCode on a job well done.
Follow us on Facebook!
SKillsUSA Students Honored!
ATC students were honored at the SkillsUSA District Competition Awards Ceremony on March
6th at Landstown High School. They placed in diverse areas ranging from 3d Visualization,
Advertising Design, to Architectural Drafting, Internetworking, Prepared Essay and more.
Fifteen students took first in ten categories. Eleven students placed second in eight areas. Ten
students came in third at eight events. Three students placed fourth in three categories. Four
students was awarded fifth place in four areas.
First place:
Second place:
Third place:
Fourth place:
Steven Sammons, Jonah
Chapman, Kiley Belanga,
Timothy Ford, John
Kielbowicz, Ben Krause,
Nicholas Neibarger, Travon
Smith, Kasia Burns,
Dominique Powell, Ryan
McBride, Connor Mann,
Kelli Green, Ben Clarke and
David Rawles.
Julia Drake, Alexander
Gidding, Jacob Dulaney,
Adam Lentz, Brentin Martin,
Michelle Pasco, Kasia Burns,
Michelle Pasco, Jacob Paul,
Jonah Chapman, and Steven
Tori Clayton, Robert
Laughter, Austin Ferguson,
Chrisa Cook, Tony Ahhing, Jonquil Moore, Jesse
Abulencia, Jeremy Merritt,
Anna Urquhart, and
Dominique Powell.
Kasia Burns, Joel Neifert, and
John Hefti.
Fifth place:
Michelle Pasco, Matthew
Adams, Benjamin Clarke,
and Zavia Harris.
ATC Students Win State Championships at SkillsUSA Competition
ATC students placed in 19 categories at the Virginia SkillsUSA State Leadership Competition in Roanoke, VA on April 20th. Three
students took three first place competitions.
Jacob Dulaney, ATC Cisco Networking Academy
student placed first in Internetworking.
In addition, Jacob was awarded a $1,000.00
scholarship from SkillsUSA and the Career
Education Foundation.
Julia Drake, Digital Design II student placed
first in the Advertising and Design competition.
Kiley Belanga, Digital Design student placed
first in the State Pin competition.
Digital Design I Students Placed First in the Virginia State
Reading Association Display Competition
The Advanced Technology Center Digital Design I students placed first
in the Virginia State Reading Association Display (VSRA) competition.
There were about 20 displays and the judges were very impressed with the
3D graphic creations by the ATC Digital Design students. The students
collaborated as a team, utilized critical and creative thinking, problem
solving, communication, listening, and social responsibility skills. The
theme for this year was, “Literacy Lights the Way.” ATC students designed
a 3D lighthouse which included an operational light. The lighthouse rested
on top of books over the water. Paper boats created from the pages of books
surrounded the lighthouse. Literary characters were seen peering out of the
lighthouse windows as more of their story book characters were displayed in
the life preservers in the water.
Pictured left to right: Caitlyn Mann, Natalie Shea,
Lauren Paczynski, and Allie Garcia.
Internet Web Professional Class Brings Cyber Security
Expert to the ATC!
Mr. Andrea DiFabio, the Chief Information Security Officer and Director
of IT Security and Network for Norfolk State University provided the
students with a great deal of information about how to protect their
personal information as well as that of their future employers. Mr. Di
Fabio’s presentation included his experience with information security
issues in a large campus environment and explaining how to outwit the
“bad guys” in our online world. His visits have become an annual event
for ATC students and staff.
Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Future Business Leaders
of America (FBLA) students brought home the Bling!
The ATC FBLA Chapter and students were “overwhelming” successful in the
Tidewater Regional FBLA competitions in early March.
Our students placed FIRST in a record 22 competitions: Business Calculations,
Business Procedures, Computer Game & Simulation Programming, Computer
Problem Solving, Cyber Security, Desktop Application Programming,
Entrepreneurship, Management Information Systems, Marketing, Network
Design, and Networking Concepts.
We also placed second in: Future Business Leader, Job Interview, Spreadsheet Applications, Technology Concepts and Word Processing.
Third place awards were garnered in: Public Speaking, Website Design, Emerging Business Issues, HelpDesk and Technology Concepts.
And the ATC Chapter of FBLA was named first in most Outstanding Local Chapter! Congratulations to all our FBLA students
and their teachers in the Business Programs: Linda Lavender, FBLA Advisor/Computer Network Administration instructor; Kathy
Sargent, Internet Web Professional instructor; and Mike Weber, Software and Game Development instructor.
Way to go!
More Bling Comes Home from the
FBLA State Leadership Competition
Students in our Computer Network Administration, Internet Web Professional
and Software and Game Development courses were very successful in the FBLA
State Leadership competitions. Our students took first place in: Community
Service (our Parent Technology Academy), Cyber Security, and Network Design.
We took second in: Desktop Application Programming, Computer Gaming &
Simulation and Marketing. fourth place in Word Processing II. And we had
some fifth place winners in Business Procedures, Introduction to Technology
Concepts, Management Information Systems, Networking Concepts and
Who’s Who in FBLA.
Our Chapter was third runner up for most outstanding State Chapter - the first time a school in our region ever made the top five.
Congratulations to all our students and their teachers.
CyberPatriot Challenge
Front row: Ben Krause, Zackary Bausas, Jimmy Laria, Robert Walsh, Austin Ferguson.
Back row: Jim Spruill, Network Technician; John Nelson, Cisco Networking Academy
instructor, Sean Neves, Devin Hagerty, Riley Walker, Eric Kroetsch, Ryan Nicholson, John
Kielbowicz, Isaiah Harding, Naomi Santos, Mathis Stone, Hunter Colvin, Tyler Bollin,
Brian Caldwell, Linda Lavender, Computer Network Administration instructor.
Students in the Cisco Networking Academy and
Computer Network Administration (CNA) program
participated in the CyberPatriot Challenge. This
challenge, sponsored by the US Air Force Association
and Northrup Grumman tested students’ abilities
to locate and deal with vulnerabilities and malware
programs in computers. Students were mentored by
Linda Lavender, CNA instructor; John Nelson, Cisco
Networking Academy instructor and Jim Spruill,
Network Technician.
Congratulations to Computer Network Administration II student,
Isaiah Harding
Isaiah placed first at the ATC in the recent Governor’s Cyber Security Challenge! Isaiah demonstrated
his skills on Networking, Windows and Linux security scenarios. This was great preparation for his
future career as a Cyber Technology professional in the US Air Force!
ODU/WHRO Great Computer Challenge
Saturday, March 9, 2013
Marine Engineering and Design students placed first in Computer Aided Drafting
and Design.
Pictured left to right: Tyler Sutton, Dillon Hull, and Sean Coombs
Advanced Software and Game Development students placed first in
Visual Basic
Pictured left to right: Robert Plaugher, Isayah Weedon,Colton Hurst, Thomas Heenan
andJakhari Diggs.
Advanced Software and Game Development students placed second in Java.
Pictured are: Joshua Harris, Brandon Moore, and Bruce Robinson
Advanced Software and Game Development students placed second in
Visual Basic.
Pictured left to right: Alex Kostyn, Nathan Roma, Justin Gaitens, Blake Rankin, and
Charles Young.
...there are more ODU/WHRO Great Computer Challenge awards!
Marine Engineering and Design students: Chrisa Cook, and Nick
Neibarger placed second in Computer Aided Drafting and Design.
Architectural Design students earned an Honorable Mention in Technical
Computer Network Administration students placed:
Second – Integrated Applications – Deanna Tilley and Jacob Wilson
Third – Integrated Applications – Reza Farsi, Zach Smith and Alex Patchin
Third – Desktop Presentations – John Kielbowicz, Tyler Grizzle, Naomi Santos
Digital Design and Modeling Simulation students placed:
Second – Graphic Arts – Hannah Ribbey, Michelle Pasco, Julia Drake, Tori Clayton, Kasia Burns
Second – Desktop Publishing – Dominique Powell, Calie Felter, Elspeth Ellorin, Jeremy Merritt
Fifth – Video Production – Kiley Belanga, Belle Lewis, Brian Dillman, Steven Sammons
Telecommunications students Learn How to Install FTA Dish
The Telecommunications II class welcomed Carl Bowers as a guest speaker on May 1st. Mr. Bowers helped the class set up a FTA (Free To Air) dish so we could receive over 250 free video
channels from around the world. In the photograph, student Aaron Vowell is locating the satellite
signal from over 30,000 miles away. Feel free to contact the Mr. Rob Stover, Telecommunications
instructor if you have any questions about this class or regarding
FTA (Free To Air) or OTA (Over The Air) reception devices.
Marketing Education
Marketing Management @ Town Center “rocked it”
at the District Leadership Conference on
January 4, 2013.
The following students competed and placed as “overall” winners
in their category at the Virginia Beach City Wide DECA District
Leadership Conference.
Michael Fiorito – first place overall in Human Resources
James Gormley – first place overall in Business Services Marketing
Pictured left to right: Michael Fiorito, Jimmy Gormley, Louie Stremmel,
Jeremy Deomania, Mrs. Kim Creamer, Marketing Management @ Town
Center instructor; Crystal Lavin, Bryan Littleton, Tyana McMillian,
Darius Holley, Ronita Hughes, Marshall Flint.
Crystal Lavin – second place overall in Principles of Business –
Hospitality Marketing
Ryan Brooks – third place overall in Automotive Marketing Services
Jeremy Deomania – third place overall in Sports and Entertainment
Marketing Management @ Town Center Students Packed
for California!
Congratulations to Michael Fiorito (left) and Jeremy Deomania (right),
Marketing Management @ Town Center students for placing at DECA’s State
Leadership Conference in the Marketing Communications event and advanced
to Nationals at Anaheim, Californina. Go Marketing!
Way to go Holly!
Congratulations to Holly Minton for placing third overall at DECA’s District Leadership
Conference on Thursday, January 3, 2013 at Ocean lakes High School. Holly competed in the
Hotel and Lodging Management individual series event. Way to go Holly!
Prepping for the DECA State Leadership Conference
Hotel Marketing students had fun at the Virginia Beach Convention Center.
The students spent the day organizing registration materials for DECA’s State
Leadership Conference, March 1-3, 2013.
Pictured from left to right are: Gladys Dullas, Madalyn Oliver, Taje McJunckins, Holly Milton,
and Noelle Ciallella
Advanced Technology Center’s (ATC) Engineering Technology (ET) class
participates in hands-on engineering activities in Ariel Imagery and Lunar Satellite Entry
Friday, February 1, 2013 was a day ATC Engineering Technology (ET) students had eagerly
awaited for weeks. ATC partner Cox Communications, had volunteered to visit with a bucket
truck that would serve as a launch apparatus for the lunar descent vehicles they had teamed to
engineer. The mission was risky and complex.
Mission parameters required that the vehicles, weighing less than 300 grams including a camera,
and made of a variety of materials such as: foam, plastic, and bubble wrap; must allow the
student programed camera to automatically take pictures of the lunar surface they had created
back in the lab. Mission success dictated that these creations take quality aerial images, and safely
reach the lunar surface.
Bystanders and teams of excited students watched as their projects rose to an elevation of 45 feet
in the bucket, and then held their collective breath as the Cox technician released the vehicles. As
is often the case with test flights, students sometimes had to re-engineer their vehicles in between
launches in order to adjust to wind conditions and some unanticipated snow flurries.
Jason Baker, Engineering Technology instructor said, “The students endured four weeks of design, development and construction
challenges that required them to demonstrate creativity, problem solving skills, and their knowledge of topics including: acceleration,
velocity, materials testing, failure analysis and a host of others.” Just one more excellent example of the outstanding STEM activities
available to ATC students.
Virginia Beach City Schools daVinci Project
Pictured left to right: Marc Scacchi., Mr. Jackson and
Alexander Clingenpeel
Congratulations to the ATC Modeling and Simulation students on being selected to
train in the daVinci Worlds Project. Marc Scacchi and Alexander Clingenpeel were
selected to serve as peer trainers in the daVinci Worlds Project (a virtual environment
for serious gaming) in the ATC Modeling and Simulation class. The students
along with instructor William Jackson and Computer Network Technician Jim
Spruill received training on navigating and building models in a virtual space in the
National Institute of Aerospace (NIA) Universe. Mr. Jackson says, “This is a unique
way of teaching STEM objectives through building 3d models, and navigating and
developing computer code in a virtual environment.” Students really enjoy this
method of learning.
Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Modeling and Simulation
Students Selected
Congratulations to 12 Modeling and Simulation students on being selected to the “In World
Phase” of the NASA/National Institute of Aerospace Real World In World (RWIW) Engineering
Design Challenge (a virtual environment for engineering problem solving). These three teams are
among 20 of the top teams from across the nation selected to enter this phase of the competition
based on the team’s engineering problem solving skills and research on the James Webb Space
Telescope heat shields and mirror assemblies. The teams worked with college engineering
student mentors in a virtual environment to further refine their design solutions. Winners in
the competition will be announced in May. Last year an ATC Modeling and Simulation team
placed 3rd in the Nation, and one of the team members is now an engineering student at EmbryRiddle Aeronautical University in Florida.
Team members:
Team Eclipse – Samuel Walton, Nate Wisdom, Kevin Singletary and Colin Judge
Team X.M.A.S – Steven Sammons, Shania Sanchez, Brandon Booker, and William Robinson
Team Pulsar – Daniel Mejias, Whitney Parson, Chris Downs, and Roy Royal
Congratulations to Logan!
Logan Freeman from Engineering Technology has been accepted to participate in
the 55th Annual University of Florida Student Science Training Program for 7 weeks
this summer. According to the Center for Pre-collegiate Education and Training staff
from the University of Florida she “was chosen from a group of highly meritorious
applicants from Florida and throughout the world. She will attend college lectures;
work side-by-side with research scientists; participate in an interdisciplinary honors
seminar” and more.
Way to go Logan!
National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration
(NOAA) Returns to the ATC!
Shannon Ricles from the National Oceanic and Atmospheric
Administration (NOAA) visited the ATC Marine Engineering and
Engineering Design classes to help kick off our Remote Operated Vehicle
(ROV) Competition. Ms. Ricles provided hands-on activities regarding
submersible vehicles. She taught the students some of the science behind
submersible vehicles and demonstrated the many ways to use problem
based learning while working on the engineering design process of these
Students enjoyed testing their ROVs and had fun competing against their
Engineering Technology I (ET) Students
Battle Sumo Robots
ET students were asked to design and create a robot that competed in
a double elimination sumo competition. So teams: Fortress, IDK, Hot
Garbage, Sucker Punch, Wedge, and Grumpy set off to create the most
powerful sumo-bot. Each team had three weeks to work on the NXT
robotic software and program their robot. Some teams used a remote
control design and others utilized basic programming. Each team
proved that they were a worthy opponent, but only one was victorious.
Spoiler Alert: Team IDK.
Engineering Technology Team wins Cable Car Competition
The annual TCC Engineering Club and the ATC Engineering Technology
(ET) classes’ Cable Car competition was a success once again. The ET classes
captured the competition. The object of the contest was to design a cable car
to travel over a 50 foot cable in the second floor atrium. The cable sagged
in the middle requiring each team to design a car that would run down and
climb. Students worked in teams and designed their cars in Inventor software
and then created cable car parts utilizing the 3D Rapid Prototype printer. The
fastest car zoomed across the entire atrium in just 4.23 seconds.
Pictured left to right first row: first place - Michael Cochran, and Matthew Conley absent;
Second row: second place- Lance Paterson and Matthew Biddle; and third place – Dakota
Sparrow and Aaron Kelman.
The Advanced Technology Center sponsored its Annual Middle
School Career Day on February 22, 2013. This year Corporate
Landing Middle School was welcomed by the ATC as a new
partner. One hundred and fifty students from Corporate Landing,
Landstown, Kempsville, and Plaza Middle Schools participated in
hands-on activities related to marketing, engineering, information
technology, and telecommunications. The activities supported
Strategic Objective number 1 of Compass 2015 by engaging every
student. The events were planned, organized and facilitated by
ATC students.
The Advanced Technology Center Looks to the Future!
On March 20th, the ATC conducted a School Planning Council and Focus Group
meeting comprising over 50 business partners, industry representatives, faculty and
Technical and Career Education Coordinators. The purpose of the event was the ATC’s
commitment to the Virginia Beach Compass 2015 Strategic Plan and to receive input on
industry trends and...our curriculum.
The ATC is an engaging, state-of-the art, student-centered school, whose teachers, students, and community partners collaborate to
ensure that all students obtain the skills required to be successful, productive citizens, able to adapt to evolving technologies.
The thought provoking technical and work place readiness discussions engaged all parties involved as we collaborated to develop a
better prepared workforce for tomorrow.
Advanced Technology Center (ATC) Renews Partnership with Combat Direction Systems Activity (CDSA)
The ATC met with leaders of the CDSA, Dam Neck on Tuesday, January 29th at the ATC. The focus of the meeting was to renew
relationships and discuss avenues for working together. The command encompasses a strong concentration in STEM and is looking
for opportunities to bridge the gap between education and employment. They are interested in enlarging the pipeline of talented well
educated technical employees by participating in ATC curricula focus groups, guest speaking, field trips, and providing scholarship and
employment information. The ATC has embraced the opportunity and plans are in development to further enhance the partnership.
Pictured left to right first row: Ann Marie C. Garvey, ATC Assistant Director of
Student Programs and Business Development; Barry Stevens, CDSA Chief Systems
Engineer; Dr. Dale Bloodgood, CDSA Science Advisor; Andy Wiliams, CDSA
Engineer; Michael D. Taylor, ATC Director;
Second row: Jason Baker, ATC Engineering Technology instructor; Jim Reich, ATC
Marine Engineering and Design instructor; Tammy Van Dame, CDSA Public Affairs
Officer; Al Powers, former CDSA ATC Advisor, Ernest Yelder, CDSA Computer
Scientist and Information Security Systems lead; Mike Weber, ATC Software and Game
Development instructor; William Jackson, ATC Modeling and Simulation instructor;
and Andrew Smith, ATC Architectural Design instructor.
Michael D. Taylor, Director
Ann Marie C. Garvey, Editor and
Assistant Director of Student Programs and Business Development
Produced by The Advanced Technology Center and
Lee Troxell, Digital Design Instructor