Visua of the Human Body
Visua of the Human Body
Cell and tissues The human body is formed of hierarchically organized components (tissues, organs, and systems), of which the basic unit is the cell. Cells are the site of intense activity: they accumulate and transmit energy, make proteins that are essential to the body’s functioning, and constantly reproduce by cellular division. They also contain all of the genes belonging to each individual. human cell célula F humana Basic unit of the human body, whose size and shape vary depending on the functions that it performs. structure of a cell estructura F de la célula F CELL AND TISSUES All human cells have a similar structure: they are formed of a nucleus surrounded by cytoplasm and encased in a membrane. cell nucleus núcleo M celular Central core of the cell containing genetic information in the form of DNA and guiding protein synthesis. cytoplasm citoplasma M Liquid substance forming the inside of the cell, around the nucleus, in which cellular organelles bathe. endoplasmic reticulum retículo M endoplásmico Cell structure consisting of a network of pockets surrounding the nucleus; it is involved in protein synthesis. Golgi apparatus aparato M de Golgi Cell structure consisting of a group of membrane sacs; it is involved in the transport and maturation of proteins in the cell. microfilament microfilamento M Rod-shaped structure supporting the cell and giving it its shape. centriole centríolo M Cell structure playing a key role during mitosis. vacuole vacuola F Spherical cavity in which water, waste and various substances required by the cell are stored. mitochondrion mitocondria F Structure associated with cell breathing; it produces and stores energy in the cell. pseudopod pseudópodo M Extension of the cytoplasm of certain cells, serving mainly in cell displacement. ribosome ribosoma M Organelle, floating free or bound to the endoplasmic reticulum, producing proteins essential to the formation and functioning of the human body. cell membrane membrana F celular microtubule microtúbulo M Cylindrical structure supporting the cell and allowing organelles and substances in the cell to move about. Bilayer of lipid molecules forming the outer surface of the cell. lipids lípidos M Molecules containing fatty acids, making up the cell membrane. The Life of Cells Each human being is composed of more than 50 trillion cells. Hundreds of millions of them die every minute, and just as many are born through cellular division. Some, such as certain white blood cells, die after only a few hours, while others, such as neurons, may survive throughout a human being's life. protein proteína F Organic compound formed of amino acids; in the cell membrane, proteins form channels allowing the exchange of substances with the outside environment. 8 human cell cell nucleus núcleo M celular Central core of the cell containing genetic information in the form of DNA and guiding protein synthesis. chromatin cromatina F Substance consisting of proteins and DNA contained in the nucleus; it is compressed into chromosomes during mitosis. nucleoplasm nucleoplasma M Liquid substance forming the inside of the nucleus of a cell and in which especially chromatin and nucleoli bathe. CELL AND TISSUES nuclear envelope envoltura F nuclear Membrane surrounding the nucleus. nucleolus nucléolo M Spherical body located inside the nucleus and playing a role in the synthesis of ribosomes. examples of cells ejemplos M de células F The human body has about 200 types of cells, having very different characteristics and appearance depending on the functions that they perform in the organism. ovum óvulo M spermatozoon espermatozoide M muscle fiber fibra F muscular Mature female reproductive cell produced by the ovary; after fertilization by a spermatozoon, it enables an embryo to develop. Mature and mobile male reproductive cell produced by the testis; the main constituent of sperm, its purpose is to fertilize the ovum. Contractile cell, constituent element of muscles. osteocyte osteocito M chondrocyte condrocito M fat cell adipocito M Mature cell, constituent element of bone tissue. Cell, constituent element of cartilage. Cell forming the essential component of adipose tissue and ensuring the synthesis, storage and release of lipids. photoreceptor fotorreceptor M neuron neurona F white blood cell glóbulo M blanco red blood cell glóbulo M rojo Cell found in the retina capable of capturing light rays and translating them into nerve signals. Cell of the nervous system allowing information to be carried in the form of electrical and chemical signals. Blood cell belonging to the immune system, thus playing an essential role in the body’s defenses. Blood cell that carries oxygen from the lungs to the tissues and carbon dioxide from the tissues to the lungs. 9 tissue tejido M All the cells that have a similar structure and perform similar or complementary functions. Four main cell types make up the frame of the organism: epithelial, connective, muscle and nervous. CELL AND TISSUES epithelium tejido M epitelial microvillus microvellosidad F Protrusion of the cell membrane that increases its surface. Tissue formed of cells organized in layers; it serves covering, secretory and protective functions. basal lamina lámina F basal Extracellular matrix anchoring epithelial cells to adjacent tissue. epithelial cell célula F epitelial Cell component of epithelial tissue. examples of epithelia ejemplos M de tejidos M epiteliales They include tissues that form the covering of all body surfaces and line inner cavities (mucous membranes, endothelia, epidermis), and glandular tissues that have secretory functions. exocrine gland glándula F exocrina All secretory cells producing secretions released outside the body; they consist especially of salivary and sweat glands. excretory duct canal M excretor Duct carrying secretions from the exocrine gland. secretory cell célula F secretora Epithelial cell specialized in the secretion of various substances useful to the body. mucous membrane mucosa F Damp epithelial tissue lining an open cavity of the body; the mucous membrane plays a role in absorption and secretion (mucus). epithelium tejido M epitelial Tissue formed of cells organized in layers; it serves covering, secretory and protective functions. mucous gland glándula F mucosa Exocrine gland that secretes mainly mucus. mucus mucosidad F Translucent viscous substance secreted by the mucous membrane and that plays a protective role. mucous cell célula F calciforme Epithelial cell that secretes mucus. chorion corion M Loose connective tissue beneath the epithelial tissue of the mucous membrane. muscularis mucosae mucosa F muscular Fine layer of smooth tissue beneath the chorion. submucosa submucosa F Connective tissue beneath the mucous membrane. 10 tissue fibrous tissue tejido M fibroso Connective tissue characterized by an abundance of collagen fibers; it forms especially the tendons and ligaments. examples of connective tissues ejemplos M de tejidos M conjuntivos Connective tissue: tissue made up of relatively few cells and fibers bathed in a more or less abundant fluid; its functions are to support, protect and fill in spaces. CELL AND TISSUES adipose tissue tejido M adiposo Connective tissue made up essentially of adipocytes; it is the body’s energy reserve. cartilage tejido M cartilaginoso Connective tissue consisting of cells encased in a rigid substance; it covers the articular surfaces of bones and forms certain soft parts of the body. The Most Abundant elastic tissue tejido M elástico Connective tissue made up predominantly of elastic fibers; it is found especially in certain ligaments and in the walls of the arteries, trachea and vocal chords. Connective tissue, present in all organs, is the most abundant tissue in the human body: it accounts for two thirds of the total volume of tissue. 11 mitosis mitosis F All the mechanisms of cell division that allow the formation of two identical daughter cells from a mother cell. CELL AND TISSUES prophase profase F First stage of mitosis, during which the chromatin condenses into chromosomes; the two pairs of centrioles move toward opposite poles. interphase interfase F metaphase metafase F Period between two successive cell divisions, during which the cell grows. Second stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes align in the middle of the cell, guided by the mitotic spindle; the nuclear membrane disaggregates. chromosomes cromosomas M Elements of the nucleus of a cell, made up of DNA and proteins and carrying genetic information; they are observed only during cell division. centrioles centriolos M Double cellular structures that duplicate during interphase. mitotic spindle huso M mitótico Ephemeral cellular structure joining the two pairs of centrioles during mitosis. cytokinesis citocinesis F anaphase anafase F Stage of mitosis during which the cytoplasm separates in two; the original cell (or mother cell) is replaced by two identical daughter cells. Third stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes separate into chromatids and move to either of the cell’s poles. telophase telofase F Fourth stage of mitosis, during which the chromosomes reassume the appearance of the chromatin; a new nuclear envelope appears to cordon off the two nuclei. chromatid cromátida F One of the two strands of a chromosome. cytoplasm citoplasma M Gel-like substance forming the inside of the cell, around the cell nucleus. 12 DNA ADN M Complex molecule containing the genetic characteristics (genes) of every person. DNA molecule molécula F de ADN M Billions of Copies adenine adenina F Complementary nitrogenous base of thymine. thymine timina F Complementary nitrogenous base of adenine. nucleotide nucleótido M cytosine citosina F Complementary nitrogenous base of guanine. Basic unit of DNA molecules, consisting of a nitrogenous base. guanine guanina F Complementary nitrogenous base of cytosine. nitrogenous base base F nitrogenada Small constituent molecule of a nucleotide; there are four types that assemble in the DNA molecule to form a sequence specific to each individual. chromosomes cromosomas M Elements of the nucleus of a cell, made up of DNA and proteins and carrying genetic information; they are observed only during cell division. autosome autosoma M Chromosome that carries hereditary characteristics unrelated to sex. sex chromosomes cromosomas M sexuales Chromosomes responsible for determining sex. centromere centrómero M Short section of a chromosome that holds the two chromatids together. X chromosome cromosoma M X Sex chromosome present in both men and women. Y chromosome cromosoma M Y Sex chromosome present only in men. chromatid cromátida F One of two strands of a chromosome, consisting of a short arm and a long arm; during cell division, the two chromatids separate at the centromere. 13 CELL AND TISSUES The DNA molecule appears in the shape of a double helix made up of billions of nucleotides; it is the largest molecule in the human body. The human genetic heritage is included in 46 chromosomes (22 pairs of autosomes and 1 pair of sex chromosomes). Each cell in the body has its own copy: for example, a skin cell contains the instruction for eye color.