Photo taken by Jeremy S. Boyle, Rocky Ford


Photo taken by Jeremy S. Boyle, Rocky Ford
Photo taken by Jeremy S. Boyle, Rocky Ford
From the Executive Director
and Board Chair
he President signed the Excellence in
Mental Health Act on March 31, 2014,
creating criteria for Certified Community
Behavioral Health Clinics and providing $25
million for planning grants for eight states
to participate in a two year pilot project
serving individuals with serious mental
illnesses and substance use disorders.
On April 15, 2014, the Governor’s Mental
Health Task Force released its assessment
of the state’s mental health system,
recommending, among other things,
that the state improve early intervention,
especially for the young, that it support
outcomes-based treatment, and that it ensure
that the seriously mentally ill receive the
treatment they need, regardless of ability to
With declining state revenue resulting
from tax policy changes in 2012 and 2013
and no plans to expand the state’s Medicaid
(KanCare) program, the Kansas mental
health system is challenged to achieve the
goals of the Governor’s Mental Health Task
The creation of five Regional Recovery
Support Centers as a result of the Governor’s
Mental Health Initiative of FY 2013, has
encouraged the Kansas community mental
health centers to be more intentional in how
they share their resources for the seriously
mentally ill. Pawnee Mental Health Services
enjoys its regional partnership with Valeo
Behavioral Healthcare and Family Services
and Guidance Center of Topeka and Kanza
Mental Health and Guidance Center of
We look forward to serving individuals with
serious mental illness through the KanCare
health home program which is scheduled
to launch in FY2015. Health homes provide
comprehensive and intensive coordination
of care for individuals with chronic health
conditions to achieve better health care
outcomes and reduce health care costs.
We hope for the opportunity to participate
in the federal government’s two year pilot
project creating Certified Community
Behavioral Health Clinics as we believe it
will help move the Kansas mental health
system towards the ideals contained in
the Governor’s Mental Health Task Force
Robbin Waldner Cole
LSCSW, Executive Director
Kathy Webster
Board Chair
Board of Directors
awnee is governed by a Board of Directors appointed by the Commissioners of the ten
counties served by the agency. Board members and alternates are appointed to three
year terms by their respective county commissions upon the vote from the existing board.
Clay County
Marshall County
Riley County
Cloud County
Mitchell County
Washington County
Geary County
Pottawatomie County Board Appointments
Jewell County
Republic County
Ed Koehler
Vern Swanson, Alternate
Johnita Crawford
Sister Beth Stover
Andrea Mace
Joy Davis
Mel Brown
Rodney Broeckelman
2 |PMHS Annual Report 2014
Jennifer Pishny
Bill Oborny
Kathy Webster
Sharon Treaster
Stan Clark
Tammy Swanson
Audrey (Philip) Schremmer
Leanne DeJoia
Sharon Segerhammar
Carroll Hess
Anne Browne
Mary Tate
Anita Bott
Stan Wilson
Jim Flynn
Clinical Program Summaries
In FY 2014, Pawnee Served 7,558 unduplicated individual clients through six clinical specialty programs.
Therapy and Recovery Services
Mental Health- 4,568 individuals were seen for office based individual, marital, family and group therapy
services by qualified mental health practitioners (QMHPs). Court ordered Mediation, Competency to
Stand Trial, Guardianship, Conservatorship, Law Enforcement and Neurostimulator Pain Evaluations are
Substance Use - 1,494 individuals were seen for office based individual, family and group substance
use treatment by licensed substance abuse counselors. Drug Screening and Referral, Alcohol and Drug
Evaluation, Level 1 and Level 2 Alcohol and Drug Treatment, and Alcohol and Drug Information School
(ADIS) for adults and minors are provided. Other services include Anger Evaluation, Domestic Violence
Assessment, Batterer Intervention Program (BIP), and Anger Management Group.
Community Services
Youth Rehabilitation Services (CBS) - 682 children and adolescents with serious emotional disturbances
(SED) were served in their homes, schools, and other locations throughout the community by
case managers, client support providers, family support workers and others. Services include case
management, attendant care, parent support and education, individual and group psychosocial
rehabilitation, respite care and school based services.
Adult Rehabilitation Services (CSS) - 385 adults with severe and persistent mental illnesses (SPMI) were
served in their homes, places of employment and other locations throughout the community by case
managers, client support providers, peer support workers and others. Services include case management,
attendant care, peer support, individual and group psychosocial rehabilitation, supported employment and
homeless outreach.
Medical Services
3,234 individuals were seen for office based medication evaluation and management services by psychiatric
Crisis Services
948 individuals were seen in the office, hospitals, jails, nursing facilities and other locations throughout
the community for crisis and evaluation services by QMHPs and case managers. Staff provide screening
evaluations for admission of children and adults to state psychiatric hospitals, Psychiatric Rehabilitation
Treatment Facilities (PRTF), Nursing Facilities for Mental Health (NFMH) and Preadmission Screening
and Resident Review (PASRR) for continued stay at NFMHs. Pawnee provides crisis stabilization services
for youth and adults, operates a crisis house for youth in Junction City and Concordia, provides forensic
interviews for Child Advocacy Centers (CAC), has an eight member Disaster Team and participates in the
Kansas State Crisis Counseling Program.
PMHS Annual Report 2014 | 3
Non-Clinical Program
In FY 2014, Pawnee served additional individuals through non-clinical programs.
Training and Education
Pawnee has five trainers certified in Mental Health First Aid (MHFA) and Youth Mental Health First
Aid. Pawnee taught 12 MHFA classes and trained 177 people in FY2014. Pawnee has taught 37 classes and
trained 671 people since the inception of the program in May, 2011.
Basic Parenting, a course based on the National Extension Parent Education Model of Critical Parenting
Practices, is offered six times throughout the year in Manhattan. Divorce and Children’s Needs Workshop
is offered on a monthly basis in Concordia and every other month in Manhattan and Junction City.
Agency staff represented the agency at health/wellness fairs throughout the service area, served on
community boards and committees, gave presentations and promoted mental health topics in print and
broadcast media.
All ten counties in Pawnee’s service area declared May as Mental Health Month and September as
Recovery Month. Pawnee also recognized World Suicide Prevention Day in September and International
Survivors of Suicide Loss Day in November.
Employee Assistance Program
EAP services are offered by employers to their employees and their family members to help them address
problems that might affect their personal or professional lives. Services include assessments, on-site visits,
employee orientations, presentations and supervisor consultations.
If you would like to receive Pawnee communications, please send your email
address and your mailing address to
Mental Health First Aid is a groundbreaking public education
program that helps the public identify, understand, and
respond to signs of mental illnesses and substance use
disorders. Mental Health First Aid is offered in the form of
an interactive 8-hour course. For more information on a class
near you, please contact our training director at 785-587-4300
4 |PMHS Annual Report 2014
Thanks to these grantors for their generous
In FY 2014, Pawnee Mental Health Services received grants totaling $289,610.
City of Manhattan
$ 60,000
Frank and Leva Duclos
Projects for Assistance in
Transition from Homelessness
$ 36,960
The Association of Community
Mental Health Centers of Kansas
Caroline Peine Charitable
Foundation- Manhattan Fund
Riley County
Community Corrections
YES! Fund at the Greater
Manhattan Community
Greater Manhattan
Community Foundation
$ 25,000
Kansas Department of
Transportation (KDOT)
Kansas Department of
Transportation (KDOT)
Enterprise Holdings
$ 12,000
The Association of Community
Mental Health Centers of Kansas
Caroline Peine Charitable
Foundation- Manhattan Fund
Blue Cross and Blue Shield
of Kansas Foundation
Sunflower Foundation: Health
Care For Kansans
Greater Manhattan
Community Foundation
$ 23,616
Republic County Community
2014 Special Alcohol Funds
$ 51,375
$ 12,000
YIC Fund -Youth Impowering Community
$ 3,000
600 Total
Client Fees
Allowance for fee adjustments/uncollectables
Miscellaneous Income
Total Expenses
Salaries and Benefits
Operational Costs
Client Fees
Grants for Greater Manhattan
Total Revenue
Income Sources
$ 57,886
6% 5%
PMHS Annual Report 2014 | 5
Pawnee Mental Health Services
Endowment Fund at The Greater
Manhattan Community Foundation
Pawnee Mental Health Services
Endowment Association
is grateful for the generous support of the following
individuals, organizations, and foundations!
$1,000 and higher
H. Philip and Margaret Howe
Kyle and Lisa Bauer
Marilyn Marshall
$20,000 and higher
Chad and Connie Dahlgren
James and Peggy Fawcett
Leland Jurgensmeier
Terrance and Robbin Cole
Kyle and Lisa Bauer
Manhattan Optimist Club
Alex Scott
Kurt Waldhauer and Tresa Weaver
Pilot Club of Junction City
William Booth
WW Drilling
Carroll and Velma Hess
Clyde and Rita Wollenberg
Greg and Kathleen LeValley
James and Debra Gordon, Sink Gordon and Associates, LLP
Janie Tippet
Jill Ellner
John and Jelane Cook
John and Karen McCulloh
Judy Schrock
Loren Streit
Maurice and Jeanne MacDonald
Monty and Kathy Webster
Robert Hanson
Seth Gordon
Steven Eshelman
Teresa Williams
Terri Wahle
The Dental Health Group, LLP
Tim and Tina Steffensmeier
William and Linda Richter
Wynn and Mary Ann Butler
Andraia Brownell
Anne Browne
Barbara Hayter
Barbara Stork
Britt and Camille Feltner
Cara Richardson
Charlene Trost
Christopher and Betty Banner
Cynthia Sloan
David Cook
Dennis and Anita Bott
Donald and Lynne Rathbone
E Guy and Janice Coffee
Elaine Jury
Gloria Freeland
Grace Hwang
Gregg Masterson
Jean Hemphill
Krystal Lantz
Megan Murrell
M’Elizabeth Maatta
Michael and Angela Shahan
Michael Shields
Peter Stanghellini
Preston and Diana Chapel
Randy and Camilla McCracken
Roy and Frances McDonald
Shannon Hughston
Shelli Schottler
Steven and Cheri Graham
Terry Pfannenstiel
Tom and Angelyn Fryer
6 | PMHS Annual Report 2014
Ag Press
Cathy Hafner
Charlson & Wilson
Cole and Amanda Eilders
Dara’s Fast Lane
Elizabeth Skinner
Fraternal Order of Eagles Manhattan
Aerie #2468
Karen McCulloh
Mary Tate
Maurice and Jeanne MacDonald
McCullough Development
Mel Brown
Michael and Monica Roediger
N. Gary and Peggy Jo Foster
NAMI Kansas - Flint Hills
Ricky’s Café
Rolling Hills Electric Cooperative, Inc.
Scott Taddiken
Steven and Melissa Eshelman
Varney & Associates , CPAs, LLC
William and Ann Feyerharm
William Meredith
Wright and Jaclyn Cochran
AllStar Services, Inc.
B. Nedwin and Charlene McMahan
Candlewood Health Mart Pharmacy
C. Clyde and Midge Jones
C.L. and M.S. Stuart
Carolyn Conwell
Century Business Systems, Inc.
Clarks Creek EEU
Commerce Bank
Cope Development, LLC
Dailygood by Goodsearch
Dale and Buenta Burger
Dan and Michelle Farha
David Coe
Dean and Susan Sprague
Diana Chapel
E.R. Pagel
Elizabeth Culley
Elizabeth Unger
Endacott Lighting, Inc.
Foot Locker, Inc.
Gary and Lori Scofield
George and Nancy Champlin
J. Ernest Minton and Teresa
Ardery Minton
Jack and Eleanor McChesney
Jay and Rita Rowh
Jerome and Jody Crimmins
Jerry and Jacqueline Mershon
Jerry and Linda Weis
Joann Goldstein
John and Jelane Cook
Joy Davis
Karen Splichal
Martha Seaton
Martha Woellhof Averill
Melodie Pooler
Nellie Smith
Paul and Bonnie Nelson
Peggy Weidman
Phil and Brenda Pfizenmaier
Ray and Mary Jo Kurtz
R.M. Baril General Contractor,
Richard and Suzanne Ahlberg
Rick Reed
Riley and Pamela Rankin
Rix and Phyllis Shanline
Robert and Terri Wahle
Robert Young
Roscoe and Elizabeth Monks
Rod and Lynn Ruthstrom
Ron and Nola Schmale
Ronald and Andrea Mace
Ruth Butterfield
Sandra Wiemers
Scott and Dawn Richter
State Bank of Blue Rapids
Steven and Cheri Graham
The Simmons Company
Truman Woellhof
University Christian Church
V.M. Starkweather
Vic and Pat Olson - V&V
Electric Company
Warren and Louise Regnier
Wayne and Cindy Sloan
William and Leanna Steward
In-kind Donors
Kasey Pruitt
Pawnee Mental Health
Services Staff
Westview Community Church
Delta Dental of Kansas
Westview Community Church
Dillons - Heart to Heart Program
ur mission is to secure financial support
and to manage assets and investments
to help sustain and promote the mission of
Pawnee Mental Health Services.
Pawnee Mental Health Services
Endowment Association Funds
Hope Fund:
Provides funding for services for children, adolescents and
adults who are uninsured or unable to pay for services.
STARS Camp Fund:
Supports summer camp for children, adolescents and teens
with serious emotional disturbances (SED). STARS stands
for Strength, Teamwork, Attitude, Relationships, and Self
Annual Report
July 1, 2013 - June
30, 2014
Endowment Board
Unmasking Mental Illness Fund:
Raises community awareness about mental illness and
substance use disorders.
Designated Program Fund:
Provides support to the program of donor’s choice. The
purpose can be designated or undesignated.
Recovery Fund:
Promotes prevention, treatment and recovery from mental
health and substance use disorders.
Honorary / Memorial Fund:
Honors or remembers loved ones according to donor’s
wishes (designated) or by building support for the future
FY14 Memorial Funds:
Dale Jarrett
Pauline Snodgrass
Undesignated Fund:
Builds support for the future.
Pawnee Mental Health Services EndowmentAssociation is a 501©(3)
non-profit organization. For information on how you can support the
mission of Pawnee Mental Health Services through a tax-deductible
charitable contribution, please contact our development manager at
785-587-4300 or
Kyle Bauer, Clay Center
Robbin Cole, PMHS Executive Director
Tyler Darnell, Manhattan
Jim Fawcett, Junction City
Seth Gordon, Manhattan
Maurice MacDonald, Manhattan
Bill Meredith, Manhattan
Terri Wahle, Junction City
Tresa Weaver, Manhattan
Kathy Webster, Cawker City
Governing Board Liaison
PMHS Annual Report 2014 | 7
July 1, 2013 - June 30, 2014
Management Team
Pawnee is directed by an Executive Director who
works with a Management Team of Directors who
are responsible for each program’s services across
all ten counties served by Pawnee.
e believe that Pawnee Mental
Health Services is a leader in
promoting healthy communities by
providing mental health and substance
use treatment services which are driven
by community, family and individual
he Mission of Pawnee Mental
Health Services is to provide
comprehensive quality mental health
and substance use treatment and
recovery services to strengthen the
wellness of our communities.
503 Grant Ave.
Clay Center, KS 67432
210 W. 21st St.
Concordia, KS 66901
814 Caroline Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441
355 Grant Ave.
Junction City, KS 66441
114 East Main
Mankato, KS 66956
406 N. 3rd St., Suite 3
Marysville, KS 66508
207-5 N. Mill
Beloit, KS 67420
504 Miller Dr.
Wamego, KS 66547
1838 M. Street
Belleville, KS 66935
2001 Claflin Road
Manhattan, KS 66502
1558 Hayes Dr.
Manhattan, KS 66502
437 Houston St.
Manhattan, KS 66502
Robbin Waldner Cole, LSCSW
Executive Director
Karen Smothers, LSCSW
Assistant Director/Clinical Director
Robert Hanson, BS
Chief Financial Officer
Loren Streit, SPHR
Human Resources Director
321 C. Street, Suite 102
Washington, KS 66968
Mary Heath, MS
Director of Special Projects, Training and Education
Krishan Lassi, MD
Medical Director
our web page at or follow us on
and Twitter
Pawnee Mental Health Services
P.O. Box 747 - Manhattan , Ks 66505-0747
Pawnee Mental Health Services is a 501©(3)
non-profit organization.
8 | PMHS Annual Report 2014
Terry Seirer Becker, LCP
Crisis Services Director
Adam McCaffrey, LSCSW, LAC
Therapy and Recovery Services Director
Shelli Schottler, LMSW
Community Services Director