LF Riparian Newsletter May 2008 - Lake Fenton Property Owners
LF Riparian Newsletter May 2008 - Lake Fenton Property Owners
LAKE FENTON RIPARIAN May 2014 Published By Lake Fenton Property Owners Association P.O. Box 368, Fenton, MI 48430 Web Site: http//www.mylakefenton.com President’s Comments Officers President George Dyball 629-2147 V-President Gary Rice 629-8711 This year, our President and your Board of Directors want to emphasize the following information regarding SAFETY on our lake: Let’s Make it a Safe and Carefree Summer! The sun is out and boats are beginning to cruise the lake. We all look forward to enjoying lake activities and hope, with the care and consideration of our boating residents and visitors, that we can avoid reckless and rude incidents this summer. Residents and visitors are fortunate to have such a great recreational facility at their doorstep and we need to do all we can to protect against unsafe and unpleasant incidents that spoil it for all. There are rules and ordinances intended to insure safer boating and they really reflect common sense and what we all should expect on the lake. Michigan law designates these dangerous operating practices as illegal. Reckless Operation of a vessel or reckless manipulation of water skis, a surfboard, or similar device is defined as operation which disregards the safety or rights of others or endangers the person or property of others. Some examples are: Jumping the wake of another vessel unnecessarily close to the other vessel or when visibility around the other vessel is restricted Chasing, harassing, or disturbing wildlife with your vessel Causing damage from the wake of your vessel Weaving your vessel through congested waterway traffic or swerving at the last possible moment in order to avoid collision Failure To Regulate Speed is operating a vessel at speeds that may cause danger to life or property of any other person or at speeds that will not permit you to bring your vessel to a safe stop. In addition, Fenton Township has a 45 mph speed restriction ordinance specific to Lake Fenton. Improper Distance is not maintaining a proper distance while operating a vessel or towing a person. To maintain a proper distance when you are operating at greater than “slow, no wake speed” (except in channels that are not posted), the vessel or persons being towed must not be within 100 feet of: 1 Treasurer Dick Brown 629-5964 Rec.Sec Norm Lang 248-562-8364 A shoreline Any moored or anchored vessel A dock or raft Any marked swimming area or person(s) in the water “Slow, No Wake Speed” means the slowest speed at which it is still possible to maintain steering and which does not create a wake. Improper Distance for PWCs means that, if operating at greater than “slow, no wake speed,” PWCs also must not cross within 150 feet behind another vessel other than another PWC. Improper Direction is defined as the failure to operate in a counterclockwise direction except in areas marked by well-defined channels or rivers. Boating in Restricted Areas is defined as operating within a restricted area clearly marked by buoys, beacons, diver-down flags, etc. Riding on the Bow is illegal if the vessel is not equipped with bow seating and the vessel is operating at greater than “slow, no wake speed.” Persons also are not allowed to ride on the gunwale. While underway, persons on a vessel may not sit, stand, or walk on any portion of a vessel not designed for that purpose. Michigan law prohibits anyone from boating while under the influence of alcohol or drugs. It is also unlawful for the owner of a vessel to allow anyone else to operate their vessel if that person is under the influence of alcohol or drugs. By operating a vessel on Michigan waters, you have consented to be tested for alcohol or drugs if arrested by a law enforcement official. The problems at “Pigs Point”. These problems continue to plague the residents and boaters in that area. The behavior and disregard of residents and others is appalling. We hope you respect other residents property and support both the “Noise Abatement“ and the “Disorderly Persons” ordinances of Fenton Township. The Sheriff’s Patrol has committed Promoting the Wise Use of Our Lake & Wetlands to enforcing both of those ordinances. If you have any suggestions or solutions to this situation, please share them with your association by email at MyLakeFenton@aol.com, by calling any Board of Director, or by attending a LFPOA regular monthly meeting. This reminder is in an effort to get the summer off to a good start by asking for all of us on the lake to work together to maintain the atmosphere of fun in the summer sun. We know you are all proud of Lake Fenton and all it offers. We appreciate your continued support of the Lake Fenton Property Owners Association. MAKE IT A SAFE AND HAPPY SUMMER!!! LFPOA Board of Directors GEESE PROBLEMS WANTED! Having concerns about Canadian Geese? The Lake Fenton Property Owner Association’s Wildlife Committee is testing various humane methods to reduce geese concerns and is looking for one Lake Fenton homeowner to volunteer to work with us this Summer and Fall. The time needed of this volunteer is quite minimal. At no cost to this volunteer and with his/her full step by step agreement we will test individualized methods for geese problem reduction on their property, for instance, predator silhouettes. We will ask the homeowner’s permission for the Wildlife Committee to write about this experience in the next LFPOA newsletter. If interested please email Dan Daniels at mdanielsd@charter.net . “Muckmats” and “Lakemats” Being Tested at Lake Fenton Membership (Currently overFENTON the 50% of RIPARIAN the 750+ riparians or 423 LAKE mbrs.) Lake Fenton membership dues indicates your support for our fiscal year(Jan-Dec) If you haven’t paid your dues for the year 2014, do so now. Return the form below, along with your check today. The continuation of our efforts towards our LAKE and our community should not be put on hold. Dick Brown, Treasurer /Membership DO WE HAVE YOUR NAME & ADDRESS CORRECT? If we have spelled your name wrong or have another error in our address label, we ask that you please help us by either sending us a note at: L.F.P.O.A., P.O. Box 368, Fenton, MI 48430 or call Dick Brown at 6295964 and we will correct our mistake on our mailing list of 2011, after a presentation, it was decided to trial these mats at various Lake Fenton locations. The 5 property owners volunteered their shoreline and purchased a Muckmat or Lakemat (depending on the condition of their shore) to determine the effectiveness of the mats over the 2011-2013 summer and now the 2011-13 winter. To date, the experience has been positive. The costs of the mats range $289 to $469 depending on the size and type of the mat. If interested, please contact Gary Rice, Lake Fenton Weed Committee Chairperson at 810-629-8711 or Doug Fast, Lakemat Company at 616-293-9101. There is also a website that provides additional detail at www.lakemat.com. SUPPORT YOUR ASSOCIATION ! JOIN TODAY ( ) $15 for 1 year or ( ) $35 for 3 years Check Made To: Lake Fenton Property Owners Association, mail to: PO Box 368, Fenton, MI 48430 Last Name_______________________ First_________________ M.I.____ Spouse’s Name __________________ Phone # _____________________ Lake Address_________________________________________________ Mail Address (if different)________________________________________ The Weed Committee of the Lake Fenton Property Own- Email ___________________________________________ ers Association contacted Lake Issue ___________________________________________________ The Lakemat Company in Thank You - LFPOA Officers & Directors May 2014 Bellevue, Michigan to preview the service. In the Fall 2 Office Depot: This page not to be copied. AQUATIC PESTICIDE TREATMENT NOTICE Dear Lakefront Property Owner, PLEASE TAKE THE TIME TO READ THIS NOTICE: IT IS FOR YOUR INFORMATION!! RESIDENTS OF LAKE FENTON ARE PLANNING TO HAVE THE WATERS IN THIS AREA TREATED FOR CONTROL OF LAKE WEEDS AND/OR ALGAE. This notice is being circulated at least 7 days and not more than 45 days in advance of the treatment in accordance with Department of Environmental Quality (DEQ) procedures. A permit for the treatment has either been secured or will be secured from the DEQ before the treatments are to begin. You are receiving this notice if you are within 100 ft of the treatment area. -Our company does two types of treatments: Algae control and Weed control. Since the beginning of the 2002 season we have been required by the State to post for copper products which have no restrictions. If this is the case, we MAY use a different color poster (BLUE), so please pay attention to the signs and restrictions in your area. If we are treating for weeds (including lake dye) then there are restrictions on the use of the water and we will post the shoreline with 8.5 x 11 inch yellow signs before these chemicals are applied to the lake. In some cases we treat for both algae and weeds. In those cases we may be treating with the copper products while the signs are being posted. We do not treat with the weed chemicals without posting first. -We treat each lake according to a schedule or season plan worked out with the persons in charge of your lake treatment program. However, due to the differences in season plans and the uncertainty of weather please watch your shoreline for the posting of the 8.5 x 11 inch yellow signs, particularly in May, to late August. YOUR LAKE MAY BE TREATED MORE THAN ONCE EACH SEASON. Check with your Lake Assocvviation OR Aquatic Nuisance Control. The signs will indicate the date of the treatment, the chemicals used, and the restrictions as to the use of the water for swimming, irrigation and the consumption of fish taken from these waters. We use NEW SIGNS for each application. Only chemicals which have been registered by the State of Michigan and the Federal Government are to be used. These chemicals are applied in amounts approved by the DEQ. Method of Application:. Chemicals are applied as either liquid or granular formulation; liquids are either surface sprayed or sub-surface injected, granular formulations are applied with broadcast spreaders. -We anticipate using one or more of the chemicals listed below. Please be aware of the restrictions on each. We will post signs as necessary. If the DEQ changes any restrictions they will be noted on the signs we post. PLEASE READ THE SIGNS WE POST! CHEMICAL/RESTRICTIONS Reward / Tribune (Diquat Dibromide): Do not use the treated water for swimming for 24 hours. Do not use the treated water for watering lawns or gardens, animal watering (farm stock--not incidental drinking by a domestic pet), or drinking for 5 days after treatment. There is NO restriction on fish consumption. Aquathol-K,Aquathol (Dipotassium Endothall), & Hydrothol 191 (Mono(N,N-Dimethylalkylamine) salt of Endothall: Do not use the treated water for swimming for 24 hours. Do not use the treated waters for household uses, irrigation (lawn or gardens), animal watering (farm stock), or similar uses for 14 days. New in 2007, NO RESTRICTIONS ON FISH CONSUMPTION. Copper Sulfate(Pentahydrate), Cutrine-Plus(Cutrine Alkanolamine Complex) : NO RESTRICTIONS. Nautique(Copper Carbonate) and Harpoon and Komeen (Copper-Ethylenediamine: 24 Hour restriction on swimming in treatment areas only. Rodeo,Eagre(Glyphosate): Rodeo is used primarily for lily and cattail control. There is a 1 day no swimming restriction. THERE ARE NO RESTRICTIONS ON WATERING OR FISHING. Cygnet Plus (spray adjuvant) - aalky hydroxpoly oxyethylene: NO RESTRICTIONS GREEN CLEAN/GREEN CLEAN PRO— (Sodium carbonate Peroxyhydrate) NO RESTRICTIONS WITH THE COLD START TO THE 2014 SEASON WE ANTICIPATE THE FIRST TREATMENT BEING DONE THE FIRST OF JUNE If you have any questions, please contact the homeowners association or contact us at the number below if they cannot help youl . AQUATIC NUISANCE PLANT CONTROL, INC., Lake Fenton-14 3 P.O. Box 160, Swartz Creek, MI 48473, (810) 621-5404. Promoting the Wise Use of Our Lake & Wetlands Office Depot: This page not to be copied. Considering a Lake-Wide Weed Management Program for 2015 The Lake Fenton Property Owners Association Weed Committee has been hard at work looking at options to control the growth of the invasive, nuisance weeds on Lake Fenton. The primary invasive weeds on Lake Fenton are Eurasian Water Milfoil (EWM) and Starry Stonewort (SS). The EWM has experienced the primary growth throughout the lake but the SS is growing in certain areas but equally bothersome. Also, the SS can potentially be a more difficult to control nuisance weed with more impact to water life. In 2012, the Weed Committee contracted with the Enviro-Science Company to look at the EWM problem to determine the need and expense to control the weed. Their approach to controlling the weed would be to place weevils in Lake Fenton to eat the EWM and control its growth. There are some of these weevils already in the lake but not enough to impact the EWM significantly. Some other lakes have utilized this method successfully. However, the Weed Committee decided against this approach due to the cost associated with a five year program and other issues. In addition, the LFPOA contracted with Aquatic Nuisance Plant Control Company (ANPC) to conduct a weed survey in 2007 and also again in the fall of 2013 and compare their findings of weed growth in Lake Fenton. ANPC findings show that the EWM has increased its moderate to dense growth throughout Lake Fenton shoreline to cover approximately 30% of the lake. Additionally, the Starry Stonewort has seen growth primarily in the southern portion of the lake and in the channels. Based on these surveys, the LFPOA feels it is time to address the lake-wide weed issue. Although the current voluntary weed control program (outlined in this newsletter and for year 2014) works well for your own individual property, it was never intended to be a lake-wide solution. Therefore, the Weed Committee is also exploring the potential application of a lake-wide chemical program to primarily control the EWM and also to reduce the SS growth. There are different chemical applications that different local lakes have utilized to successfully control these nuisance weeds. This type of five year program can be implemented but based on the estimated costs it will require the establishing and approval of a Special Assessment District (SAD) by the lake residents to raise the necessary funds. If we move forward with this program in 2015, we will need volunteers during 2014 to help with the gathering of signatures of lake residents on the Special Assessment District petitions. If you feel you would support this program or would like to provide more input, please use our web site (www.mylakefenton.com) email link, or contact either Gary Rice (810-629-8711) or George Dyball (810-629-2147) to express your thoughts. 4 LAKE FENTON Use Phosphorus-Free Lawn Fertilizer Around the Lake 18th ANNU AL If you live on or near the lake, you should not use lawn fertilizer with phosphorus in it. To purchase phosphorus-fee fertilizer, look for a "0" (for example, 29-0-4) in the middle number on the bag. If you use a lawn service, make sure they use a phosphorus-free product before they spray. 2014 VENETIAN FESTIVAL July 1st thru July (your choice) Phosphorus feeds algae which results in scum in our lake. “Star Spangled Summer Festival” Phosphorus is used in lawn fertilizer beJuly 1st thru 15th cause it promotes new root growth - lawn or The 18th Annual Venetian Festival of Lake Fenton lake weeds. Therefore, there are times when is a reduced version. your lawn really needs phosphorus: when Family fun begins as we light up the lake with sparputting in a new lawn, when re-seeding, kling lights (any color you like!) over-seeding, or if recommended by a lab soil Decorate your home, your porch or tree in your yard test. creating a festive scene for evening boat tours and “cocktail cruises” If you don't see phosphorus-free fertilizer in the store, ask the manager to stock it. Every Get the kids involved! Let’s do it up big!!! Have your own parties, take your OWN boat tour major brand of lawn fertilizer (Anderson, Scotts, Vigro, etc.) makes it, and if we all ask with your friends and Let’s light up the lake! For any additional lake related events being considfor it, the smart stores will stock it. ered by the LFPOA board and volunteers, watch our You don't need phosphorus in your fertilizer web site: www.mylakefenton.com . to have a great lawn. Call Pat O’Keefe (810)750-9327 , or Sharon Davis (810)964-2144 for questions. Independent laboratory studies reveal that 70 to 90 percent of the phosphorus used by the plant comes from the phosphorus reserves in the soil while only 10 to 30 percent Official 2014 Lake Fenton Hats, Visors, of the phosphorus fertilizer applied in a given Beach Bags, Windbreakers, Flags, Towels, year will be utilized by the turf. Therefore, Flares, Aerial Photos & More even with an aggressive fertilizer program, Order your summer "fun in the sun" gear with emplants depend primarily upon pre-existing broidered Lake Fenton logo. Adding a new twist to phosphorus reserves for its needs. the old fundraising, the Lake Fenton Property OwnTherefore, a more natural way to make phos- ers Association will sell hats, visors, beach bags, phorus available to your lawn is to have your towels, windbreakers, fleece blankets and aerial soil pH level tested. A pH7 (neutral) soil is photos to help defray the costs of the Lake Associabest, since it allows naturally-occurring min- tion and show lake support. All items are high qualerals in the soil to "release" phosphorus from ity and can be viewed at the Township Hall in the their chemical bonds. Applications of sulfur lobby showcase Prices are shown on the order or lime to modify high or low soil pH levels form on our web site ,shown above. Place your orare as good for your lawn - and better for the der now by calling or contacting any listed Director. lake – than using fertilizers with phosphorus. or sending it in. Fund Raiser Sale! Thanks for your continued support! © EDITOR- NEWSLETTER Dick Brown, Email– richardb7@prodigy.net 5 Promoting the Wise Use of Our Lake & Wetlands Membership Update Current -4/30/14 Association membership is 423 . Listed below (by last name) are the primary household names paid for 2014. Check for your name, then friends or neighbors names and if not listed, ask them to join.(**=new members, *=renewed mbrs.-this Mo.) Abbott* Abraham Abushakra* Adams* Affrica Allen Anderson Anderson* Anderson* Antonio Applegate Archer Armitage Baird* Baldwin** Balfour Banerjee Banski* Barbour Barkey Bauer Baxter Beale Becker Berryhill Bessert Binns Bird Bishop* Black* Blades Blake Blevins Blevins* Bobier* Boike* Boor Borski* Bose Bourdeau* Bourke* Boyer Brewster* Briggs Brook Brown Brown Brown Brown Brumar Buckles Bugala* Butler* Byers II* Campbell Campbell* Campbell** Cardinal* Carol* Carpenter** Carrier Carrill Carswell* Caschera Cavanagh Chaffin* Chenett Chenett** Chimovitz* Chinonis Chinonis Christen Christenson Church** Edward Tom Walid Randall Richard Craig James Craig Michael Ben Jim Jay William Marjorie Susan Bill Amitabha Barb Philip Walter Patsy Donald Robert Russell Dennis Robert John William Dennis Bill & Nikki Matt Frank Vicki Vicki DeVere Wilbur Brenda James Steven Robert Thomas James Kim Frank Ron & Steven Dick Kurtis David Laszlo Elaine Donald Robert Glen Dave David Rodney Richard Greg Rosemary Larry David Frank Louis Paul Bill Jason Jennifer Robert John Dennis Karl Bud Jeff 2016 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2016 2016 2014 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2014 2016 2015 2015 2016 2014 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2017 2014 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2016 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2016 2017 2014 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2014 2016 2016 2015 2014 2016 2014 2014 2014 2017 2016 Clark Clark Cohen Conley** Converse* Cooper* Cooper,III Coppel* Cowan* Craig Cramer Crannie Crawford Daniels* Davis Degayner Degayner** Detterman* Dice Dimich* Doebeli Doherty Drudi Duffy* Durant Durant* Dyball* Eakes Eastman* Ebner Eible* Elias* Ellis English Evanoff Evans Evans* Fairless* Farah Farah* Ferris* Field Fleischmann Ford Fracalossi Fray Frew* Fryzel* Fuller Furey Gammage Gantos** Geiger* Genovesi* Gepfrey Gerard* Gerboth Gibbons Gibson Gilman* Goldman Golota Gormley Gottron Goyette Goyette** Grafmiller* Gray Gray* Grecky Griffin** Gromes Guerrero Guthrie* Darwin Joel David Matthew Jeff Mathew Winfield William Ken Curtis Richard Daniel James Dan Sharon Clayton Bryan Lyle Ronald Daniel Ernst Joseph Thomas J. David Dave David George Kirk Robert Judith Vincent Richard Ken Randall Frank Joanne Ronald Mark Said Troy Matt Linda John Ryan Henry Carol Don Shawn Todd Matt Harvey David Urs Kathleen Larry Kevin Brett David William Diane Blain Robert Scott Jeffrey Dominic Paul Vicki David Jason Michael Walter Michael Rachel Daniel 2015 2014 2015 2016 2016 2016 2014 2014 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2016 2015 2015 2016 2016 2015 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2014 2016 2016 2015 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2014 2014 2016 2016 2015 2016 2015 2017 2015 2016 2016 2014 2015 2015 2016 2016 2014 2014 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 2014 2014 2014 Wednesday, May 07, 2014 Dues for 2014 are payable in Haag Haffajee Hagerman* Haggart Haldy Hamady Handley Handley* Hanson* Harris Harris* Harsant* Hasenfratz Heenan Heinzelman* Henry Hildensperge Hill* Hill* Hind Hishok Holec* Hooks Hoover Hopak Hopkins Hopkins Horn* Hough Howieson Hoyt Hull* Huot* Iden Isaac* Jameson Jenkins Jenkins Jennings* Jolly Joss Julian/Lango Keely* Kiley* Kindermann Kinning Kipp Kiran Kirkwood** Klemett Knecht Koehn Kolly Koonmen Kovacs Krieger Krupa* Kubek Kupec Lamb Landaal Landsberg* Lang Lang Lasco Lasco* Laske Latham* Lau Laureto Lazar Legacy Lemon Lendvoyi Rolf Musa Dale Gary Ronald Grant Ralph Charles Hazel Robert Robert Steven Connie Palmer Pat Norman Stephen David Willis Robert Clyde Robert Robert Greg Charlene Gary Martha Brady Robert Marlo Lee Delmer Edward Robert Edward David Brian Stephen Stuart Dean Kurt Mary Jerry Patrick Marilyn Wayne Melvin Sam Donald Rick Tim Jeffrey Joe Mark Gabriel Carl Edward Kenneth Edward John Jane Carol Stephen Norman Matthew Jennifer Kurt Belinda Thaddeus Rose Thomas James Mark Charles 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2014 2016 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2017 2015 2015 2016 2017 2016 2014 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2015 2016 2014 2014 2014 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2016 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2014 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2016 2014 2015 2014 2016 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2014 2016 2015 Leoni* Lewis* Lippincott* Livesay* London* Lonsway* Lorraine Love Loveland* Lukowski Macksood Macksood Malone Mankosa Markby * Mars* Marsee Masse* Mathis McAndrew McAra* McCombs* McConnell* McDougall* McGhan* McGuirk McMill Mead Medich Medor Meier Miceli Miller Miller Minasian* Montooth* Moore* Moose Morello Morgan Morgan* Morris Morris* Munger Murdock Nickels Nieto Niles Norberg* Nordin O'Donnell Oelslager O'Keefe Opatik Oraa Overway Owens* Palmer* Parr Paschack* Patton* Pellett* Penn Perz Phillpotts Piper Piper* Pittsley Ploucha Polidan Popoff Popovich Porritt Porteous Katie Olivia Mark Timothy David John Vince William Robert Frank Tom John Dallas Gregory Irene Annette Bruce Terry David John Monna Robert Mack Herbert Barry James Larry Steven Dan Michael Robert Michael Kathleen Mark Aram John Tom #430 Sam Denise Robt. (Bob) Jeffery Thomas Dean James Louis Val Donald Carl Robert Michael John Pat Richard Javier David Jay Robert Dianne Robert Robert George William Scott Todd Robert Randy Brant John Michael Alex George Ricky Russel 2014 2016 2014 2016 2016 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2014 2017 2016 2014 2015 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 2014 2016 2014 2014 2017 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2016 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2016 2014 2015 2014 2016 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2014 Prime* Proos Przybylski** Puttagunta Quillen Rahman* Rahn Randazzo* Ranta Reigle Reigle Reisbich* Reynolds Reynolds* Rhoden Rice Roberts Roeser Roll* Ronald Rooker Root Root* Ross** Roth Ryan Saab Saab* Saab** Sabo Sadler* Sail Club Saule Savage Savage* Schaefer Schafer Schehr Schram Schultz Scott Scott* Selley* Serra Shaltz* Shoemaker* Shoultz Shoultz* Simons* Simpson* Skipper Slone* Smith Smith Smith* Sobol Sommer* Sommer** Southwell Speace Spees Sprague Standal Staudacher Stevens* Stice Stiehl* Stiverson Stone* Stratman* Strominger* Struthers* Stump** Sullenger Marilyn Kamron Matthew Chandra Scott Lynn Anne Stephen Thomas Robert Robert Robert C. Lucille Lloyd Robert Jerry Gary Dennis David Paul(Rocky James Shawn Ferne Jim Terrance Richard Daniel Zoanne Khalil Ghassan Robert Ron James Carl Carl Richard Richard Thomas 2015 Maynard Stephen Les Rick Joseph Philip Sandra Fred Barbara Howard Robert 2016 Eric Robert Scott Kathleen Michael Kenneth Derek Lawrence Donald Orley Bruce Robert Thomas Jack Ken Daniel Howard Douglas DuWayne David Patricia Russ Karon January 2014 (continued on the following page) 6 2016 2015 2016 2014 2015 2014 2014 2016 2015 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2016 2014 2015 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2014 2015 2015 2015 2014 2015 2014 2015 2016 2017 2014 2014 2015 2015 2017 2015 2015 2014 2016 2015 2016 2014 2015 2015 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2016 2015 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2014 PWC DRIVERS Membership (continued from previous page) Sullivan Sumer* Sunde* Suski Swanson Tadros Theisen* Thomas Thomas Thompson Titmus* Tobias Topolinski Toth* Townsend Tremain** Tremaine* Trudell Upcraft Utley* Van Van Hamlin* Van Norman Vandemark VanGilder Vaughn Vemuri Veto Walker Wallen Walter Ward Ward Warren Washington* Watt* Wendling* Wentworth** White Willey Williams Wise* Wise* Wiskur* Wismer Wisniewski WittbrodtWyman* Wyrwicki Young Zaki Zengerle* Zureikat* Roger Timur Brian Andrew Curtis Ayman Jack William Sean Bradley Duane Darrell John Mary Thomas Chris John Mark Mark Richard Douglas Daniel Michael Robert Russ Michael Koteswarar Peter Ann Michael Linda Frank Timothy Donna Jean Don Mark John Ridgeway Gerald Brent Randolph Chris Brian Bob Roy Margaret Art Douglas Nancy Nabil Michael George 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2014 2015 2014 2014 2016 2014 2015 2014 2014 2016 2016 2015 2015 2014 2014 2016 2015 2014 2014 2015 2014 2015 2015 2014 2014 2015 2015 2015 2016 2016 2016 2016 2014 2014 2014 2016 2016 2014 2015 2015 2014 2016 2014 2014 2015 2016 2016 MICHIGAN REQUIREMENTS FOR PWC DRIVERS The Michigan Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has published a brochure entitled Michigan Personal Watercraft Regulations. It lists a number of good operating practices as well as legal requirements for operation of a PWC. Under Age Requirements are the following: A person shall not operate a personal watercraft if a child under 7 years of age is on board or towed unless with a parent or guardian or designee or parent or guardian. A person under age of 14 shall not operate a personal watercraft in this state. A person who is 12 or more and less than 14 years of age 1. 2. 3. 4. may use a personal watercraft on the waters of this state if all of the following circumstances exist: The person is accompanied solely by the person’s parent or legal guardian. Both the person and the parent or legal guardian have obtained a boating safety certificate. The personal watercraft is equipped by the manufacturer with a lanyard type engine cutoff switch, and the parent or legal guardian has the lanyard attached to his or her person, clothing, or personal flotation device. The personal watercraft is designed to carry not less than two persons. Persons born after December 31, 1978, shall not operate a personal watercraft unless they obtain a boating safety certificate The operators of a personal watercraft must carry their boatYour Association has openings on its’ Board of Directors, If you or you know someone that is interested in contributing to the welfare of our lake, please contact any LFPOA Board member. Your Associations works to protect the interests and property values of All Riparian Owners. ing safety certificate and display it upon the demand of a peace officer. About Alcohol: A person shall not operate a personal watercraft on the waters of this state if either of the following conditions exists: 1. The person is under the influence of intoxication liquor, a controlled substance, or both. 2. The person has a blood alcohol content of 0.10% or more Your Lake & Association Appreciate Your Support ! 7 Promoting the Wise Use of Our Lake & Wetlands U.S. POSTAGE STANDARD RATE PAID Permit No. 87 Fenton, MI 48430 http://www.mylakefenton.com tian 2014 Vene t n ta r o p Im t Treatmen Festival & e sid mation In Infor Current Resident or Mailing Address Goes Here Remember Support YOUR Association & Venetian Festival July 1 - 15, 2014 ____________________________________________________________________________________________ OPEN DOOR POLICY REGULAR MONTHLY MEETINGS The Lake Fenton Property Owners Association consists of the lakeshore divided into four districts, each district having four directors representing their area. Our meetings are held the second Wednesday of every month, except for the month of July and December, at the Fenton Township Hall, Starting at 7:00 PM. Everyone is welcome. If you want to have an issue discussed and you are unable to attend, please feel free to contact any officer or a director in your area. LFPOA Board of Directors: (Officers shown on page #1) AREA DISTRICT DIRECTORS DISTRICT 1 Jim Root ‘16 12558 Cussewago Bch. 12482 Woodhull Ldg. 10064 Center Rd.. 2207 Toledo (606 S.Leroy) 629-1498 629-2130 629-1263 629-7375 Darell Tobias ‘16 Open ’15 Open ‘14 John Oelslager ‘17 14167 Swanee Bch 629-6014 14051 Swanee Bch. 714-5747 DISTRICT 3 Robert Vandemark ‘17 Bill Chaffin ‘15 Carl Krieger ‘14 Dan Daniels ‘16 13437 Haddon Dr. 13465 Haddon Dr. 13469 Haddon Dr. 13293 Haddon Dr. 750-9929 714-1748 629-7526 629-0944 DISTRICT 4 Pat O’Keefe ‘16 Sharon Davis ‘15 Jennifer Lasco ‘14 Robert Chimovitz ‘17 George Popovich ‘15 Rick Klemett ‘17 Richard Schaefer ‘14 DISTRICT 2 8 12108 Margaret Dr. 12147 Margaret Dr. 2485 Margaret Dr. 2383 Margaret Dr. 750-9327 964-2144 248-840-6059 629-0172