THE GPA`s JOURNAL - Greater Pennsylvania Military Vehicle


THE GPA`s JOURNAL - Greater Pennsylvania Military Vehicle
Dec. 2015
*Dues are Due.*
was a D-Day soldier who landed on the Utah Beach
on June 6, 1944.
Just a reminder that your annual
Membership dues are $20.00 per year
Liberty was granted and we headed for home.
For members who have already rejoined for the year
2016. We want to thank you. For members who have
not; you need to send a check or money order made
payable to the GPA MVHS.
The Other Coasty
OCTOBER 24, 2015
Once again, we were able to scare the community of
Harleysville, PA.
P.O. Box 214
New Berlinville, Pa. 19545
Joe Phelan (M38AIC) picked me up and we headed
up Route 73 to Bob Dell's house. We convoyed to
If you want to use parade credits for your membership
mail a list of the parades that you could get credit for
to the address below. If you have not rejoined by Dec.
31; you will be dropped from the roster; which means
NO Newsletter!
Harleysville with Bob Dell (MB44) in the lead. The
ride was a little chilly with morning temperatures in
the 30's. Rick Sacks (M35) was already there. He is
always there. During the parade, a spectator saw me
in my dress blues Coast Guard uniform. He told me
that his father was a radio man in the Coast Guard
during WWII. He made my day. We were at the end
of the parade. They always save the best for last.
NOVEMBER 7, 2015
At the end of the parade we were treated to hot
dogs. The day was a nice day for a ride on the road.
Liberty was granted by the Chief. We convoyed back
to our homes.
Once again, we were invited to participate in this
Veteran's Day Ceremony. The Oreland crew of the
G.P.A. Division rides again.
Joe Phelan (M38A1C) picked me up and we headed
up Bethlehem Pike to Springhouse. This is a nice
easy run for us. The weather was overcast and cool.
You needed a jacket.
The Other Coasty
Rick Sack's M35
We were part of the ceremony. They recognized the
military services. Guess who shouted "Semper Paratus" when they got to the Coast Guard. The Chief
would be proud of me.
There were three Coasties including me at this service. Bill Gleason who is part of our Coast Guard
Veteran Group; is a sergeant in the Lower Gwynedd
Township Police. He served on the Coast Guard Cutter Campell. He was a Plank Owner on the new
Campell which is old now. I told him about our
Coast Guard Veterans Group.
It was a good program honoring all of us. It was a
good feeling being a Veteran. One of the speakers
Continued on page 2
Dec. 2015
Trinity Church, Boyertown - November 8th
Veterans Day recognition Sunday at Trinity this
year was attended by club members Chris Boswell,
Joe Slavinski, Matt Obarow, and Terry Wommer. Joe
brought his WC-54 Ambulance and Chris his GPW
Jeep, which were parked out by the front entrance. Inside was a display provided by Chris and Joe that included WWII rifles, machine guns, field gear, autographed photos and printed items. The veterans of
each branch were asked to stand and be recognized
during the church service.
Chris Boswell
Joe Phelan's M38A1C, Bob Dell's MB
Veterans Appreciation Breakfast Nov. 7th
This breakfast (free for all veterans) is held every
year by Senator Bob Mensch at the Upper Perkiomen
High School in Pennsburg. There were around 450
veterans in attendance. Our club was invited to participate and we were represented by Chris Boswell with
GPW Jeep & autograph photo display, John Fry with
M-37, and Joe Slavinski with WC-54 Ambulance. Also in attendance was GPA member Lawrence Diehl.
We also signed up a new member at this event - Al
Barbano. Al was a captain in the army back in the
1960's. After the self-serve breakfast was the guest
speaker - Captain Joanne Powell-Smith. There was a
nice display inside of uniforms, field gear, and memorabilia from WWI thru Gulf War era provided by 1st
Infantry Division (WWII) reenactor Jack Budnick.
Chris Boswell
Media Veterans Day Parade
Our usual Media parade on Wednesday, Nov.11 was
good on a good (non-rainy) day. Dismounted from
my sick jeep, I was a spectator this year. The parade
seemed a little smaller this time.
Attending were: Lee Terrey (w/Joe Slavinski) ‘44
MB, John Flynn M38A1, Bob Dell (w/Bill Montelius) ‘44 MB, Bob Keen (w/Hugh McGukin) ¾
Dodge, Wayne Graff ‘45 GPW, Bob Dittert 5 ton,
Steve Wazor driving Bob’s 2 ½ ton, Doug Behrle ‘40
Ford troop carrier, George Kaiser (w/Styner Carter)
;68 Navy fire truck, and Joe Drummond ‘93 Humvee.
Dan Marinacci took Photos.
Afterwards some went to the local VFW for chow.
Bill Linke
Continued on page 3
Dec. 2015
Vietnam War | 1969: U.S. soldiers set up a Christmas
tree in a spare mortar pit at the Duc Lap Special Forces camp.
Wayne Graff
Air Force Budget Cuts
Bob Keen
Bob Dittert
Dec. 2015
Bob keen represented the GPA at the annual Veteran’s Day dinner at the Sumney Tavern. He and his
wife Trish enjoyed their free meal provided by the
GPA Minutes 11-15-15
The meeting was held at the Phoenixville VFW and
commenced with the Pledge of Allegiance. I was not
given a list of attendees so just assume that the usual
suspects were there.
The October minutes were read by John Fry and accepted by the members.
The Media parade on the 11th was a good one with
decent weather. The VFW lunch was very good. Bill
Linke was spotted staggering down Main Street with a
beer bottle in his hand.
Chris Boswell presented the October treasurer’s report:
There was no interest in the Lansdale Mardi Gras
parade so we will not attend.
Opening balance: $10138.58
The Mayfair parade is on Sunday the 22nd.
It was voted to donate $100 to both the Wyndmoor
American Legion and the Phoenixville VFW.
50/50 winnings donated by John Fry
There will be no general meeting in December or
January but in February we will try something new in
order to get more members out during the winter. We
will meet at the Pottstown VFW on Sunday the 7th at
1:00 PM. Watch the newsletter for details.
Langhorne Memorial Day Parade check
Donation from Spring City Event
Our trailer is in need of inspection and Chris will
check out some local inspection stations close to John
Fry’s house where the trailer is stowed. We have one
volunteer to tow it when required.
Eighteen member renewals
Total Income: $582.50
There will be a 20th anniversary celebration for the
Viet Nam Memorial in Pottstown on August 20, 2016
and we have been invited to participate in this.
October newsletter
John Fry won the 50/50 ($20) and donated it back
to the club.
Stamps for treasurer membership renewals
Respectively submitted,
Bob Dell , Secretary
Deposit for Christmas party
Total expenses: $382.43
October ending balance: $10338.65
Chris pointed out that the membership money included one new member, Michael Ricci.
The report was approved and accepted by the membership.
Chris said that about 450 people attended the Upper
Perkiomen Veterans Appreciation Breakfast including
two GPA people with vehicles.
The West Chester parade on the 8th had a total of
14 military vehicles. As usual more people were in the
parade than watching it but the VFW lunch was good.
During the Korean War, the 45th Infantry Division
became the first National Guard Division to be deployed to the theater.
No one knew anything about the Lower Makefield
parade on the 8th.
Dec. 2015
hanger inside the rim you could bend the front and
back up to get a very salty appearance. Of coarse the
powers that be did not like this because, after all, it is
We began to arrive at the staging area around 12:30 supposed to be a “flat hat” but we did it anyway.
am. The weather was sunny but cool. Members preMost of the time in the winter the only way
sent and with their vehicles were John Flynn with me
differentiate a navy guy from a Coastie was
as his passenger, our jeep didn't want to go to the paby
on the flat hat. Our distinctive white
rade. Larry Smythe with Fred Valenti; Doug Behrle
sleeve of the jumper was covered
III with Joan Faddis, Marcus Culclasuri, 106 Auxilary
These hats went out in the early
President District 9; also Bob Saeny 106, Linda Pizzi
Guard went to the so called
106 Auxiliary, also, Frank Disanti. Bob Dittert, 2
1/2ton A3 and Mark Hecksler 2 1/2 ton A2. John Fry “Donald Duck” hats. I still have my original issued
“flat Hat”, a memento of a time long ago.
with Ann Terrey rider; Tom Rogers Navy, Andrea
Crudden, Navy; Richard Pilligirnia, 106 Auxillary,
Ralph Magga, 106 Auxillary, and Mike Ricci. Steve
Crum, a new member with his jeep.
NOVEMBER 8, 2015
The parade spectators were sparse but more than usual. We all parked on Market St. and attended the service. Tony Polito, Larry Smythe, John Flynn, John
Fry and I were the Honor Guard. After the service, we
all retired to the VFW for refreshments.
Lee Terrey
Coast Guard Trivia #9
The Flat Hat
When you were issued all of your gear in boot
camp you were given three kinds of hats. The white
hat (2), an all round article of dress for work and liberty, the watch cap (2), a knit wool stretch cap designed
for cold weather, and the flat hat (1), a blue wool hat
with a ribbon on it that was only to be used for cold
weather liberty. The ribbon had either U.S. Navy or
U.S. Coast Guard in gold print emblazoned on it. Up
to the early months of WWII the ribbon usually had
the name of your unit printed on it.
Two swabbies with flat hats and sea bags. Notice how
the hats are turned up in the front.
The Chief
The above is a rare picture of a flat hat with the name
of a Coast Guard ship that was under navy command
early in WWII.
On the east coast we wore the flat hat from
about October to April. I also wore it in Japan during
the winter months. A lot of guys did not like this hat
but I always did. If you put a wire cut from a coat
Dec. 2015
This symbol  marks the parades or static displays
where members will get vehicle dues credit.
Official Club mailing address: (Membership apps,
dues, and money in general)
Dec - NO Meeting
Chris Boswell
P. O. Box 214
New Berlinville, Pa. 19545
Dec 5 - Ambler Parade 1:00 pm start 11:30 form up
POC Bob Keen 610-291-6692
Newsletter Editor:
(Editorial Content and Classified ads)
Dec 6 - GPA Christmas Party at Concordville Inn
and Hotel in the "Alexander Room. " Time:
12:30pm to 4:30pm Luncheon 1:00pm POC: Ann
Terrey 610-459-0262
Joe Slavinski
1995 Coventryville Rd.
Pottstown, Pa. 19465
Jan - NO Meeting
Jan—Board meeting
For Sale -2 steel troop seats for M-35 truck. $100 for
the pair. Plastic model kits - 1/48 scale aircraft, mostJan - 27 - 31 Battle of the Bulge Living History Week ly WWII prop planes, some newer jets. Have several
Fort Indiantown Gap, Annville, Pa
dozen to choose from. Also some 1/35 scale armor
kits. Various prices. Chris Boswell 610-367-4134
FOR SALE: M1941 Parsons field jacket size 44. This
MEETING FOR FEBRUARY is a reproduction in excellent condition $35. M1943
field jacket. This is out of the Norwegian army and is
7TH, 2016 Sunday
a very good copy of the original US M1943. Excellent
Time: 1 o'clock - this is a daytime
condition size large $35. Bob Dell 610-222-4645 or
meeting!! at VFW Post 780 Thomas P.
Kaas Sr. 530 High St Pottstown, PA
Any member not able to attend
an evening meeting now has the chance
during the day.
For Sale:
M151-A2 Mechanically restored $12000 OBO 866485-0388 John Taylor
For Sale - F-head motor block, just a block, New,
never used; plus overhead valve unit used, $250.00
Call Lee Terrey @ 610-459-0262
Travel bar for 1919A4 repro fits 31c or M37 $69
Military manual for CBT 8 x 8 unopened
Fuel gauge, new in box, for GPW/MB WWII jeep.$35
Strainer Fuel Assy. WOA-1255 AC 1595235 for
MB/GPW New in box. Unopened. $129
Reinforcing plates (2) - for under hood grease gun $9
Brass tag, 1in, with small hole, for ear on dip stick 2
for $1
Oil Bath Air Cleaner Oakes “Decal Model” Introduced early 1942 Decal reads: “Houde Oil Bath Air
Cleaner Service Instructions” Ready for your paper
filter conversion. Fits MB and GPW WWII jeep. $99
Bushing, rubber, for carb air horn-cross over tube $3
Send in Your For Sale and Wanted Ads to the News- Ratcheting Tie Down, 4, heavy duty 2” x 27’, set of 4
letter Editor, Email and Address under Club Address- $45 New in box – unopened – Haul Master, yellow
es and on the back page. Don’t forget members get
Exhaust Manifold for MB/GPW WWII jeep $79
free personal ads. Members who want to run a busiRoad Draft For 1941-1943 WWII jeep $13
ness ad, email for rates.
Bracket, oil filter, fits WWII jeeps, $15
Budget Cuts
Cap, radiator, fits WWII jeeps, $9
Gauge, temperature, fits WWII jeeps, $29
Grommets, rubber, for WWII jeep, $13
Dick Senges 585-924-8379
Dec. 2015
FOR SALE: 1986 CUCV Blazer 66,000 miles, Runs
very good, straight body, no rust. $5000. Dave
Klumpp 610-458-5494
FOR SALE: 1941 Diamond T - 4ton tow truck only
two in the USA. A Army unit canvas roof - Reb. engine call for pictures and price by phone.
1944 Autocar M16A1 halftrack, Totally Restored,
call for additional Info Dan Berry Sr. 215-913-8573
CCKW GMC 2 1/2 ton Tanker Truck w/750 gal tank
1946 open cab - canvas cab top - runs good - heated
garage for 35 years - very original $12,500 OBO.
1952 M38A1 Jeep very good $8000 OBO
1952 M35 REO 2/12ton 6x6 wo/winch new paint correct canvas cargo top $5000 OBO
M-151 Parts Takeoff jeep parts – Heater $25.00,
Muffler $10.00, Differential Assemblies Drum to
Drum Front or Rear $100.00 each
Fuel Tank Sending Unit New in Box for Halftrack
DUKW Wheel Adapters Set of four $100.00 set.
Starter Motor for GMC M211 New in box $25.00
Chick Murdough 610-589-5164 Call After 7PM
FOR SALE: 1. 1952 Dunbar Kapple M100 QuarterTon Jeep Trailer. Early Korean War model with cable
box mounted on front. Overhauled by U.S. Army in
October 1963 and sold surplus soon after. Stored
since. Absolutely No modifications or alterations.
Original tires in excellent conditions. Has Pennsylvania Title. Will consider full or partial trade for
WWII/Korean War M1 Garand rifle or M1 carbine
depending on condition. Call for additional information. $1,300.00
2. N.O.S. Male electrical plugs for WWII Jeeps and
other military vehicles that were equipped with the
four-bladed receptacle. $30.00 plug only. $55.00 with
new 12 gauge 4 strand rubber cord. These plugs are
not being reproduced. Sold 5 , only 3 left.
3. Original Lunette Ring Hitch used on M105 & other
military trailers. $55.00
4. N.O.S. M-Series intervehicular electrical cable used
on M100, M101, M105 & M416 military trailers.
Connects trailer to tow vehicle. $50.00.
5. N.O.S. S-B093 Military Trailer receptacle cover for
early M100 1/4 ton trailer with front mounted cable
box. $16.00.
6. Korean War era 5 Gallon Gas Can, Dated 10-52 on
Bottom. Good Condition. $20.00
7. Original T-1910 T-Handle Shovel/Entrenching
Tool stamped US. Used in WW1 and early years of
WWII with canvas cover dated 1941. $40.00
8. Original M-1943 Entrenching Tool that replaced
the T-1910 model. Stamped US WOOD 1944 with
cover stamped 1944. $35.00
9. Galvanized Mess Hall Ladle/Cup stamped “US
DOVER 1941”. $20.00
Call Fred Serfass 484-524-8135 if you have any questions.
ALL GPA members are invited to our shop in NE Phila to shop for trucks and parts. 70,000 square feet of
warehouse and re-man facilities
PARTS for M35A2/M35A3, M809/M939 5 ton
trucksOSHKOSH HEMTT for sale. M985, 8x8, $52,000
4 each OSHKOSH MK/LVS for sale. 5th wheel,
Wrecker, flatbed versions.
M35A3 cargo trucks and van trucks for sale
Dave Newman
Eastern Surplus and Equipment Co.
Toll free- 855-332-0500/215-332-0500
FOR SALE: Barr & Stroud rangefinder 1940 with tripod, lots of brass $400.00
M38 Windshield NOS $400.00
Stevens trailer tarp $60.00
Gerry cans & holders. Also 1942 backboard.
1950 Willys Jeepster- 12,000.00
1919 Browning .30 cal Machine Gun ATF approved.
1957 Willys Fire Truck only 2914 miles - Barton
American front mounted pump - nice.
1954 Willys - SW - Runs Good. $6000.00
2 model 80 International Scout doors.
Brass Pyrene fire extinguisher & holder.
1965 - M715 Truck complete, New brakes, nice shape.
1940s - Penn Yan 14ft wooden boat
Wanted -WWII Jeep Contact: Ron Funk 717-687-8101
1911 / 1911A1 Army issue 45 caliber pistol Call Fred
Serfass 484-524-8135
WANTED: Carolina Maneuvers Information, Stories,
Pictures, Or Personal accounts Please Contact Luke
Jones Email:
WANTED: Jerry Can, 5 gallon, excellent, dated
1944, marked QMC
Stars, 2 – 2.5”, metal, nickel plated, for red rank plate
Strap, leather, 7/8” wide x 48”, w/buckle, for M1
Air Pressure Gauge, WWII vintage, Schrader #A6855
Spark Plugs, Auto-Lite AN 7, four, for WWII GPW
Dick Senges 585-924-8379
Joe Slavinski, Editor
1995 Coventryville Rd.
Pottstown, Pa. 19465
If your address changes please let us know.
Visit our Web site at
Deadline for Articles to be in the Jan. issue is Dec. 21.
Founded 1976
We welcome all new members. Vehicle ownership is not a
requirement, only an interest in the history and preservation of Military
vehicles and Militaria. Membership dues are $20.00 per year and includes a subscription to our newsletter, the GPA's Journal. This Form is
for new applicants or renewals and can be printed and returned with
payment to our treasurer.
Check one: New Application______ Renewal_______
Name ________________________________________
Address ______________________________________
City __________________________________________
State ______________________ Zip _______________
Phone ________________________________________
Please list Military Vehicles owned:
Vehicle ownership is not a requirement for membership.
Enclose a check or money order payable to: GPA MVHS
Mail to: Chris Boswell
P. O. Box 214 New Berlinville, Pa. 19545
For further info call: 610-367-4134