Head Teacher`s Welcome


Head Teacher`s Welcome
Issue 25 Thursday 26 March 2015
Head Teacher’s Welcome
Dear Parents, This week started with a busy assembly. We said goodbye to Miss Kay and presented her with a
bouquet and huge card designed by the children. We thanked all the children who helped out on Open Morning,
as it was much appreciated. Mrs Bland joined us to educate the children on school lunches. She explained how to
make a healthy food choice and how we must keep trying different foods as our taste buds do change. She
outlined the importance of a balanced meal and how important it is to communicate with the dinner staff as they
are friendly people who are there to help them. Unfortunately I was unable to attend Form 2's assembly this week
but I heard it was dynamite! We had another important visitor on Thursday- the Easter bunny! Well done to the
PTA for helping the children find those eggs in the wet weather! It is amazing that another term has passed by and
it is holiday time again. I hope you enjoy the holiday and look forward to seeing you all again in April. S.Weller
PTA Easter Egg Hunt—
Sponsored by Wilson Vale
Form 1 - Baptism
Last week on Thursday Form One had a very enjoyable morning with
Canon Allison at St John's Church, Coley. The children were given a
tour of the church and handled some very precious artefacts, some
were even over 400 years old. Canon Allison also performed a baptism
on our class doll Poppy. Olivia and James acted as parents, and Samuel
and Elizabeth as godparents. The children asked lots of good questions
about the church and especially enjoyed looking at the beautiful
stained glass windows. Isaac and Samuel were excited to find their
names in the Baptism book as both boys had been christened at Coley
Church. Many thanks to Canon Allison for an exciting and informative
Thank you to the PTA and Wilson Vale for
organising the annual Easter Egg Hunt for all
the children. The freezing conditions and
sleet forced it to be around the playground rather than
the woods as planned, but the children all had a great
time and everyone found lots of treats.
Watch this space next term for future PTA events.
Newsletter Printing
The Newsletter is usually printed in black and white. After
feedback from parents we will now be printing in colour
some weeks. Parents can always request a colour copy
from the office if your child is featured.
Head Teacher’s Award for Punctuality
Form 3
Please remember that a term’s notice is required if your child is leaving in July. This notice must be in writing and
received by the Junior School Office or by Mr Jones/Mrs Owens at the Senior School at the latest by the end of
Tuesday 14 April or you will be liable for the autumn term fees 2015 at the rate charged for the new year group.
Please note this does not apply to Form 6.
Events, Clubs and Changes
If the weather means that an outside sports club will not run, Mr Brighouse will still be available to look after the
children who are booked into that club. No texts will be sent. Please remember if you need to change your After
Care Bookings due to clubs, trips or illness then parents are responsible for informing the office or After Care staff
by 10am at the latest otherwise a 1 hour charge will be made.
Clubs will start from the first day of next term with the new schedule.
Future Diary Dates: Monday 13 April Term starts - 21 & 23 April F6 Bikeability - 21 April F5 Fire Safety Talk
1 May F1 & F2 Ilkley Trip - 7 & 8 May F3 & F4 Residential - 12-15 May F5 & F6 Residential - 19 May Open Hour 3.30-4.30pm.
Please note that the Junior School Office will be closed for the whole of the Easter holidays and will re-open on 13th April. For
any urgent matters please contract the senior school on 01422 202256 as they will remain open except for the Easter weekend.
Contact Details
To submit an article in the newsletter please contact Jane Hall School Office: 01422 201330, email jsoffice@hgsf.org.uk
All newsletters published in the News section on the school website www.hgsf.org.uk
Calderdale Olympics
On Wednesday in the afternoon Form 3 and 4 went to Crossley Heath School for an Olympics. We
split ourselves into 2 groups , one group had Miss Lee and the other Mr Blucke as Mr Brighouse
monitored standing long jump. There were 8 events and 8 teams. The aim was to get the most
points . The games were: Basket Ball Shots, Over and Under, Bean Bag Throw, Tennis Relay Race,
Javelin Throw, Football shots and Standing Long Jump. Both our teams did extraordinarily well. The
two scores were added together. Our score was 2113 and we came 1st! A huge thank you to all the
sixth formers who helped with the event and the PE teacher there. By Thom Shaw
Form 5 Space Centre visit
Form 5’s early start, very late finish and
five hours of action-packed science
learning in-between, made yesterday’s
trip to the National Space Centre in
Leicester hugely enjoyable; tremendously exciting and exceptionally educational.
The trip to the National Space Centre
formed part of Form 5’s science topic on
Earth, Sun and Moon. The pupils’ thoughts on the trip say it all:
I really enjoyed doing our own weather forecast and exploring the
amazing features of the space centre. Aaryan.
I thought that the planetarium and the simulator were cool and that it
was easily the best trip this year so far. Imogen
I really enjoyed the information and astronomical events that told you
what research we had about space and old astronomers who gave
up their lives to give humans the chance to experience the wonders
of the universe. Max
Many thanks to Mrs Carroll for accompanying us on the trip and to all
parents for getting your children to school at such an early hour.
Congratulations to all the kitchen staff
for receiving 5 gold stars for Kitchen
Hygiene this week.
This award was achieved following a
surprise spot check by the inspectors
to the school and reflects the good
practice taking place for our children.
Form 2 Assembly
Form 4 - Shibden Hall
On Friday the 20th of March, Form Four went to Shibden
Hall. We all really enjoyed it and here are some of the
things we enjoyed the most. Archie and I got dressed up as
Tudor children. We also liked making tussy mussys. Tussy
mussys are scented bags to help with different illnesses.
We also learned about different herbs.
But one thing we loved the most was
looking and learning about all the
secret panels and what was behind
them. Form Four really enjoyed their
trip and here are some of their
thoughts. “I liked the secret passages”
Archie. “I didn’t like the mouse trap it
was too gory” Florence. “The house is
humungous” William.
By Zara Howsam
Kitchen News—5 Stars!
On Wednesday
Form Two amazed
the school with
their fascinating
facts on The Fire
of London this week
in their class assembly. The characters of the story
were played with
enthusiasm to allow
the school to be transported back to 1666 to
when London burnt like sticks.
Thank you to all of the children who
remembered their lines and helped with
Summer Uniform
Please remember summer uniform is worn in all classes from Easter—but please use your common sense if
the weather is still cold.
Nursery: see separate list
Reception upwards: Boys—Grey shorts, school knee high socks, short sleeved shirts, tie, jumper and blazer with school cap. Navy
cagoule to be kept in school. (F5/F6 No shorts/cap).
Reception upwards: Girls– School summer dress, short plain white socks, jumper or cardigan, and blazer with summer boater hat.
Navy cagoule to be kept in school. (F5/F6 dress is optional or short sleeve revere collar shirts and skirts. No hat).