Foreign Rights Catalogue


Foreign Rights Catalogue
Adriano Salani Editore
Foreign Rights
Bologna children’s Book fair 2010
Alessandra Mele
Grandi & Associati Literary Agency
Via degli Olivetani 12 – 20123 Milan Italy
Tel. 0039 02 4818962
Telefax 0039 02 48195108
Adriano Salani Editore
Via Gherardini 10 – 20145 Milan Italy
Tel. 0039 02 34597624 – Telefax 0039 02 34597206
What book it is:
A gentle love story between a little girl and a young boy
What it is about:
One town, one little girl, one night. A young boy knocks on a window, he asks to be let in and claims to be Pinocchio... It is the beginning of another story. An exceptional adventure made of encounters, discoveries, friendship along the streets of the city and of life.
The return of Pinocchio celebrates the discovery of the world
through children’s eyes, free from social and cultural conventions.
A visionary journey through the night as seen by the child who is buried within ourselves, the essence of all of Silvano Agosti’s preferred
themes, the author of the famous and most acclaimed book Lettere
dalla Kirghisia.
Pub Date: March 2010
Price: e 12,00
Pages: 144
‘To imagine is so beautiful, it’s a bit like flying’.
Every single child is of utmost importance. This means that each child
is worthier than who brought him into this world and is more knowledgeable than those who were born before him.
Silvano Agosti is the author of many books
among which Il genocidio invisibile, Lettere
dalla Kirghisia, Il ballo degli invisibili, La ragion pura. He had nominations for the Strega Prize with Il cercatore di rugiada, L’uomo
proiettile and Il Semplice oblio.
Pub Date: February 2010
Price: e 13,00
Pages: 192
What book it is:
A subject of burning topicality, a clear insight on war, a careful consideration on racism and prejudice.
Fabrizio Silei was born in Florence in 1967.
An art school diplomate, graduated in Political Science, he has worked for years as sociologist for a number of research institutes
focusing mainly on the themes of identity
and memory. A writer and an artist, an expert on social communication, he is one of
the new voices of Italian literature. In his
books he is able to tackle with lightness
and strength historical and social topics from
a very personal point of view. His first novel
Alice e i Nibelunghi has been praised both by
critics and readers and in 2008 has been the
only Italian novel finalist in the Unicef Prize
on literature for man and children’s rights.
What it is about:
Bernardo is a little boy of twelve, the son the town’s head of the Fascist Party, he is riding his bike across the Tuscan hills. Bernardo
would long to be loved by his father, who is ashamed of having such
a fragile, asthmatic child, certainly not destined to become a boxer as
he was as a boy. Bernardo is wearing the black Fascist uniform, fez
and gun. Quite so, he is carrying a small revolver which was given to
him by his father to protect himself against the ‘rebels’. For days, his
father has been nervous and preoccupied: the American Allies are
moving up Italy and getting closer, they bomb the strategic points
and send grasshoppers on reconnaissance flights. One day, in this atmosphere of tension and hatred for the enemy, Bernardo comes face
to face with an injured Afro-American pilot, hanging with his parachute from a tree. Thinking he was dead he decides to take him
down, but while he is doing so, the man regains consciousness.
The young boy, eager to prove himself, pulls his gun...
A novel full of contrasting shades, with no good guys on one side
and bad guys on the other, a book that depicts the shabbiness
and greatness of human nature.
The adventure of a fragile but brave young boy in search of his own
identity. A book dedicated to ‘who believes too strongly in his own
ideas, and to who doesn’t believe enough’.
What book it is:
A metaphysical thriller, a historical horror fiction, a novel that would
have been appreciated by Borges.
Pub Date: April 2010
Price: e 16,80
Pages: 496
What it is about:
A relentless beast wanders around in the Kingdom of Naples, a place
of mystery and magic, devouring the names of people and things.
Once he is done with them, the names disappear along with the
people and the things who bore them. Among his victims, Asprimia,
the earl of Acquaviva’s daughter. To hunt the monster, her father
summons the most famous hunter of the kingdom, Magubalik,
who to defeat the beast can only rely on the extraordinary attributes
of his three dogs. The Alsatian bitch ferocity, the Great Dane speed
and the Bloodhound hearing.
A merciless hunt begins in nightmarish woods, among laughing
wolves, running trees and man-eating ruins, straight to the core of
a heartless land: the Wordeater.
A journey across the symbols of our existence, our fears, inside our
mind’s worse nightmares.
Giovanni De Feo was born in Rome in
1973. Since he was six he has been drawing
maps and dream of boarding on a pirate
ship to sail across the Tyrrhenian Sea.
Whereas, he graduated in History of the Cinema. In 2002 he won the Solinas Prize for
Best Screenplay.
Pub Date: February 2010
Price: e 12,50
Cards: 50
Text and illustrations
by Chiara Rapaccini (RAP)
Situations we’ve all experienced: unfortunate love affairs, clumsy behaviours, shyness, gaffes, unsent SMS, contemporary lovers’ talk. All
of them tender, genuine and self-ironical.
An elegant box containing 50 cards to give out to your beloved, to
mail to your ex, to keep as a charm, to exchange, to stick on your
diary or on the fridge as a warning not to fall back into the love trap
or maybe to urge you to dive back into it again and again.
Jinxed love affairs an exhibition of 100 pictures presented at the Tricromia Gallery in Rome, showing rows of tiny acrylics forming a comic strip on the heart’s cheerful disasters. Magazzini Salani’s cards
were the result of the success of these exhibited works. On the front
of each card there is an illustration coupled with a short, brief and
dry sentence, one which gets directly to the point. On the back
there’s a brief story, also signed by Chiara Rapaccini.
A piece of work which is also a tribute to Claire Bretécher, the great
artist who, through her art, speaks of love with great irony and disillusion.
CHIARA RAPACCINI, also known as RAP,
was born in Florence though lives in Rome.
Illustrator, designer and writer of children’s
books. She has drawn cartoons for RAI and
for the cinema with Mario Monicelli and
has worked as an illustrator for various Italian magazines. Her novels, satirical insights
of everyday life (one was co-signed by Elio
e le Storie Tese) are able to expose the
world’s contradictions. Her paintings, sculptures and designs were exhibited in Rome,
Milano, Paris, Osaka and New York.
What book it is:
A novel through images
What it is about:
An unusual collection of introspective images that reflect the
author’s perception of life and of all the small and great issues
concerning part of contemporary society, particularly the lack
of roots – be they geographical or mental. It is the work of
one of the most important illustrators on the international
scene and a wonderful book not only to have but also to give.
Pub Date: November 2009
Price: e 18,00
Pages: 80
Rights and coedition available
« La vita intorno has the heart to make contrasting things clash
merging into poetry through metamorphosis, maintaining particular stress on the absurdity of reality ».
« Fabian Negrin is perhaps the best living current illustrator in
Italy ».
Francesca Lazzarato
Fabian Negrin was born in Argentina in
1963, he graduated in Graphics at the Independent Metropolitan University of Mexico
City. In 1989 he moved to Milan and his illustrations start appearing on the Corriere
della Sera, Panorama, Marie Claire, Il Manifesto, Vanity Fair, Glamour. He also works
for Rizzoli and Giunti and is the author of advertising campaigns for the State Railways,
the City of Rome, Credito Italiano and other
European Authorities such as Wagon-Lits
France. He is the author of various books,
he has illustrated several novels for Salani
among which Il Natale (Dylan Thomas),
Breve Storia d’Italia (Alfio Caruso), La Grammatica è una canzone dolce (Erik Orsenna), Il
giardino segreto (Frances Hodgson Burnett),
Aldabra (Silvana Gandolfi).
Pub Date: July 2009
Price: e 12,00
Pages: 176
What book it is:
The adventurous and fascinating novel about Marco Polo’s last mission.
Teresa Buongiorno is one of the undisputable protagonists of Italian literature for
teen agers. She graduated in Medieval History, but then she betrayed the Middle Ages
for reality and started to work for social service, psychoanalysis and cultural anthropology. She then became the journalist she still
is today. For Salani she has published: Il ragazzo che fu Carlo Magno, Camelot, Il vento
soffia nella foresta, Olympos, il mio cuore e
una piuma di struzzo. An author who has
sold over 60.000 copies.
What it is about:
Marco Polo, more popular in Chinese than in Italian history, a career
imperial officer rather than a merchant and a traveller; at his side, on
an endless voyage tinged with the colours of myths and legends,
there is Cocacin, a Mongrel princess who lays claim to the equality
of rights that Gengis Khan had granted women, and Cogatra, a Chinese princess who discovers that her tiny mutilated feet, which are
the pride of her culture, are absolutely not appreciated abroad. A
realistic and practical Marco Polo, traced on historiographical researches, but recounted as a romance, to read the Middle Ages
not as a traditional dark era but as a century perhaps even more enlightened than the ones to follow.
What book it is:
An adventurous, funny and sweet story which explores the infantile
soul and the real nature of rules.
Bruno Concina, Venetian, has a long past
with children and novels: elementary teacher
for thirteen years, he then became a scriptwriter for children’s cartoons. He has
worked with nearly all of Disney’s magazines
(Topolino, Paperino 2000, Paperinik, Le Giovani Marmotte etc..) he wrote more than six
hundred scripts.
What it is about:
A little bird called Francesco breaks the first rule for birds and refuses
to eat a fat juicy worm. Worried, the parents decide to put him in the
care of the old sage, who Francesco will soon discover to be a terrifying falcon with a patch over his eye. The latter tries to educate him,
telling him about San Francesco, the man who loved all creatures.
The little bird was so fascinated that he risks his life by fasting and
trying to convince a fox to go on a vegetarian diet. The falcon tries
to put things right again and soon all the other animals will sense
that each rules brings about a superior one.
Pub Date: May 2010
Price: e 7,50
Pages: 128
Pub Date:
September 2008
Price: e 14,00
Pages: 196
Cover Illustration
by D. Pizzigoni
Rights sold to:
France (Group
A city dwells in a deep cleft between two mountains. Its
name is Ottavia: it is suspended, fastened to the rocks
with ropes and chains, cradled by the wind; its residents
go along with its breath and throb, and the youngsters
challenge the sky with fearless acrobatics upon its
narrow bridges made out of ropes. Young Schivo always lived there and always has he known that the Suspended City lives through the exchange with Zora: but
suddenly communication ceases.
A surprising, most original novel that, like a mirror, narrates our world, our contradictions, and with its refined
style, light and elegant, it unforgettably honors the
most important among the Italian writers of the nineteenth century.
What book it is:
A book for teenagers about friendship, games and adventure.
« Of one city you don’t take pleasure in its seven or seventy-seven wonders, but in the answer it gives to one
of your questions ».
Italo Calvino
Luca Randazzo was born in Milan in 1971 and spent
his childhood and adolescence in the mountains of
Trento. After becoming a teacher, he taught in Primary
Schools for ten years in the surroundings of Bologna
and Pisa. Le città parallele is his first novel.
Pub Date:
March 2009
Price: e 10,00
Pages: 128
Rights available
What it is about:
The Seventies. A young city boy spends the summer in
his grandmother’s village where he meets other boys,
and together they found a band against Nero, the local
bully. Between games by a secret lake and explorations
in an abandoned house, they will discover that Nero’s
nastiness hasn’t spared the deaf-dumb glazier, but they
will manage to unveil who’s guilty.
Mario Schiani has been a professional journalist since
1988. Presently, he is central vice-managing editor of
newspaper ‘La Provincia’, edition of Como, Lecco, Sondrio, Varese. In his career he’s dealt with news, sport
and culture. In 2002 he married a girl form Hong Kong
with whom he lives in the surroundings of Como, with
four cats.
What book it is:
A novel for young adults.
Pub Date:
May 2009
Price: e 10,00
Pages: 128
Rights available
What it is about:
An adolescent kills her parents. In jail, she at first closes
up in obstinate isolation; but then, little by little, she reveals her thoughts in a thick correspondence with Carla, her lawyer. The arrival of a cellmate, Arthı̀a, makes
detention more bearable; lively and generous, Arthı̀a
wins Daria’s shyness and helps her regain self-confidence. A strong, intimate novel that makes us think
and come closer to a not easy but dramatically current
reality: the motivations of family murders.
Fabrizia Poluzzi lives and works in Bologna. Literature
teacher in middle school, she collaborated with many
publishers and magazines as scientific illustrator. In
2002 she planned and coordinated the European computer magazine Young-lit for the municipality of Bologna with the collaboration of Sala Borsa.
Pub Date:
April 2008
Price: e 14,00
Pages: 252
Cover Illustration
by R. Clemente
Rights available
A fantasy novel about an ancient, yet modern story. A
beautiful and intelligent tale by a great novelist, winner
of the Andersen prize 2007 as best writer.
Tognolini is a classic and versatile children’s author (he
has sold over 25,000 copies with Adriano Salani Editore). After Lilim del Tramonto, this new novel, set in
a future where life is controlled by Nassa, tells the tale
of a supreme being resembling the Big Brother, and of
a group of kids, the ski-lellè Lunamoonda gang, ready
to put an end to the system.
This story is set in Shardenya, an area that resembles
the real island of Sardinia and comes after Tognolini’s
other books, which include Mal di pancia calabrone
and Rima rimani.
« As strenuous as it may seem to stay up to date with
future (and its language), the book is an adventure that
deserves to be lived till the end ».
Corriere della Sera
Bruno Tognolini was born in Cagliari in 1951. He got
his degree at DAMS in Bologna in 1979, and has been
living there ever since. He spent many years working for
the theatre and now is a full-time novelist, writing
books for children but also for adults. Since 1991 has
written a dozen novels, short stories and poems for
Pub Date:
September 2008
Price: e 7,00
Pages: 104
by Ilaria Faccioli
Rights available
According to his mother and his teacher Nicolò doesn’t
socialize enough, but he feels alright (except for the
fact that maybe he’s a bit in love with Simona). He loves
books and socializes a lot with old Mr. Cartesio, the underground bookseller of the stationery shop facing
home. But one morning, while Nicolò tries to grab a
light blue-covered book from the highest shelf, Mr.
Cartesio disappears. The only way to take him back is
to fill the mysterious light blue-covered book with a
story that in fact still has all blank pages!
« The charming book by Quarzo dedicated to the passion for ‘frap-frap’ – the sound of a pen on paper: writing ».
Corriere della Sera
Guido Quarzo is from Torino, where he was born in
1948, and where he still lives and works. For many
years he taught in Primary School which he gave up
in 1999 in order to write full time. When a child he
had the fortune to have an aunt that would tell him
every evening fairytales from the traditions of Piedmont. And he is still bond with fairytales, even though
he turns them around and around, twists them and
makes them say deepest things, almost for ‘grownups’.
What book it is:
The story of life in a modern farm.
Pub Date:
March 2009
Price: e 12,00
Pages: 160
Rights available
What it is about:
A collection of true tales set in Aurora, a real farm.
Moving to the country, the contact with animals, the
arrival of a dog, the first time a sheep is helped to give
birth: many tales hovering around the farm, lively
frames, bits of a life and of a choice different from
the usual.
Caterina Bernardi, niece of famous pedagogist Marcello Bernardi, lived in Milan, where she was born, until
21, when she moved to Val Curone after longing deeply for it. She now lives in Caldirola at the Aurora farm
with her husband, her 2-year-old baby girl, and many
animals: they breed horses, sheep, chickens and rabbits.
What book it is:
A new chapter in the series Laboratorio Salani.
Pub Date:
February 2009
Price: e 11,00
Pages: 128
Rights available
What book it is:
Care, preparation, maintenance of a vegetable garden,
for little gardeners and curious children. After telling
what TOOLS are needed and the meaning of some
TERMS, the book: talks about PLANTS, saying when
they have to be seeded, picked up, cured and with
which plants ‘get along’. A short chapter for each vegetable, fruit and aromatic plant – including a section
dedicated to flowers.
Nadia Nicoletti, elementary school teacher since
1975, lives in Trentino. She has developed passion for
plants since childhood, through her grandmother. She
likes to teach children how to grow a vegetable garden
and take care of plants, environment and small animals.
Beside the vegetable garden of the school, she dedicates herself to her big passion: roses. She’s a juror
for the Rose Garden of Geneve Prize and follows many
other international events.
What book it is:
After the success of Giardino dei giochi dimenticati (The
garden of forgotten games), a new book on the most
amusing games playable in little time.
Pub Date:
May 2009
Price: e 12,00
Pages: 132
Rights available
What it is about:
Many files, hints and suggestions for playing many
games with friends during a party, or with brothers, sisters, grandparents and parents. How to build the dice
of activities, to play with colors and numbers creating
also charts and pawns... Fun is not just the game itself,
but its preparation too. And the needed material is so
simple that can be put together in every home: to have
fun you just need paper, colors, glue, scissors, friends
and fantasy.
Claudio Procopio started his experience in the world
of games in 2003 with Adesso ci penso (Now I take
care of it), the game of creative words, published on
Focus Giochi (now on Focus Brain Trainer). Ever since,
he has created and published many games related to
didactics and reasoning on magazines for the youth.
Giorgio Reali, true ‘gamer’, stage director, playwright,
games creator, designer of children’s park, habitually attends the most important events regarding games. He
founded the Academy of the Forgotten Game of Milan.
Il nonnolibro
Il giardino dei giochi dimenticati
SILVANA DE MARI lives near Turin with her family and an enormous dog. She’s a surgeon, and has worked in Italy and Africa before devoting herself to
psychotherapy. She has already published tales in several magazines.
Pub Date: 2004
Price: e 12,00
Pages: 317
Cover Illustration
by G. De Conno
Rights sold to:
United Kingdom
(Bloomsbury), North
America (Miramax
books), Brazil (Editora
Rocco), France (Albin
Michel), Finland
(Wsoy), Thailand
(Pearl Publishing),
Japan (Hayakawa), Mexico, Central and South
America (Norma), Portugal (Asa), Netherlands
(Van Gennep), Spain (Belacqva), Taiwan (OWL),
Latvia (Dienas Gramata), Romania (Aramis),
Hungary (Europa), Germany (Bertelsmann), Poland
(W.A.B.), Russia (Meshcheryakov), Cina (Henan)
Pub Date: 2005
Price: e 18,60
Pages: 720
Cover Illustration
by G. De Conno
Rights sold to:
Brazil (Rocco), France
(Albin Michel),
Ungheria (Europa),
Germany (Random
House Audio),
Netherlands (Van
Gennep), Russia
Pub Date: 2008
Price: e 18,60
Pages: 770
Cover Illustration
by G. De Conno
Rights sold to:
Germany (RHMBertelsmann), Poland
(W.A.B.), Brazil
SILVANA GANDOLFI was born in Rome. She wrote short stories, romantic novels, radio stories, but now she’s dedicated to children/teenagers’ books. In
1996 she won the Andersen Prize as Italian author of the year, and she is among the most translated Italian writers.
Pub Date: 2009
Price: e 8,50
Pages: 200
by Giulia D’Anna
Rights available
Pub Date: 1997
Price: e 8,50
Pages: 200
by Giulia D’Anna
Rights available
Pub Date: 2001
Price: e 9,30
Pages: 136
by Fabian Negrin
Rights sold to:
France (Seuil
Jeunesse), Germany
Spagna (Grup 62),
World English right
(Arthur A. Levine
Brazil (Editora Rocco),
Romania (Humanitas Publishing), Japan (Sekai
Bunka), Korea (Darim), Taiwan (Morning Star),
Russian (Samokat), Hungary (Ulpiushaz)
Pub Date: 1995
Price: e 7,80
Pages: 216
Rights sold to:
France (Ecole des loisirs),
Germany (Beltz &
Gelberg), Brazil (Editora
Rocco) Hunghery
Pub Date: 1999
Price: e 7,80
Pages: 240
by Giulia Orecchia
Rights sold to:
France (Ecole des
Loisirs), Germany
(Bertelsmann), Brazil
(Editora Rocco),
Holland (Sjaloom)
Pub Date: 1993
Price: e 7,80
Pages: 224
Rights sold to:
Germany (Bertelsmann),
Brazil (Editora Rocco),
France (Editions du