Record of Site Condition # 213148 Record of Site
Record of Site Condition # 213148 Record of Site
Ontario Ministry of the Environment - Record of Site Condition # 213148 Record of Site Condition Under Part XV.1 of the Environment Protection Act Summary Record of Site Condition Number Date Filed to Environmental Site Registry Certification Date Current Property Use Intended Property Use Certificate of Property Use Number Applicable Site Condition Standards** Property Municipal Address 213148 2014/04/17 2013/12/16 Commercial Residential No CPU Full Depth Generic Site Conditions Standard, with Non-potable Ground Water, Coarse Textured Soil, for Residential property use 2803 DUNDAS STREET WEST, TORONTO, ON, M6P 1Y6, 2789 DUNDAS STREET WEST, TORONTO, ON, M6P 1Y6 Notice to Readers Concerning Due Diligence This record of site condition has been filed in the Environmental Site Registry to which the public has access and which contains a notice advising users of the Environmental Site Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Environmental Site Registry. Contents of this Record of Site Condition This record of site condition consists (RSC) of this document which is available to be printed directly from the Environmental Site Registry as well as all supporting documentation indicated in this RSC to have been submitted in electronic format to the Ministry of the Environment. Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 1 of 19 PART 1: PROPERTY OWNERSHIP, PROPERTY INFORMATION AND OWNER'S CERTIFICATIONS Information about the owner who is submitting or authorizing the submission of the RSC Owner Name TAS 2803DSW CORP Authorized Person MAZYAR MORTAZAVI Mailing Address 503, 491 EGLINTON AVENUE WEST, TORONTO ONTARIO, CANADA Postal Code M5N 1A8 Phone (416) 510-8181 Fax (416) 510-1516 Email Address Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 2 of 19 RSC Property Location Information Municipal Address(es) 2803 DUNDAS STREET WEST, TORONTO, ON M6P 1Y6 2789 DUNDAS STREET WEST, TORONTO, ON M6P 1Y6 Municipality Toronto Legal Description See Attached Lawyer’s Letter Assessment Roll Number(s) 19-04-013-900-02600 Property Identifier Number(s) 21355-0270 (LT) 19-04-013-900-02700 RSC Property Geographical References Coordinate System UTM Datum NAD 83 Zone 17 Easting 623,933.00 Northing 4,835,815.00 RSC Property Use Information The following types of property uses are defined by the Regulation: Agricultural or other use, Commercial use, Community use, Industrial use, Institutional use, Parkland use, and Residential use. Current Property Use Commercial Intended Property Use Residential Certificate of Property Use has been issued under section 168.6 of the EPA No Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 3 of 19 Please See the Signed Statements of Property Owner, or Agent, or Receiver at the End of this RSC The rest of this page has been left intentionally blank Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 4 of 19 PART 2: LIST OF REPORTS, SUMMARY OF SITE CONDITIONS AND QUALIFIED PERSON’S STATEMENTS AND CERTIFICATIONS Qualified Person's Information Name RAKESH KONERU Type of Licence Under Professional Engineers Act Licence Licence Number 100050019 QP Employer Name TORONTO INSPECTION LTD. Mailing Address 110 KONRAD CRESCENT, MARKHAM ONTARIO, L3R 9X2 CANADA Phone (905) 940-8509 Fax (905) 940-8192 Email Address TIL1@ROGERS.COM Municipal Information Local or Single-Tier Municipality Toronto Ministry of the Environment District Office District Office Toronto District Office District Office Address 5775 Yonge St., 8th floor, North York ON M2M 4J1 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 5 of 19 Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Report Document used as the phase one environmental site assessment report and updates in submitting the RSC for filing The date the last work on all of the records review, interviews and site reconnaissance components of the phase one environmental site assessment was done (refer to clause 28(1)(a) of O. Reg. 153/04) (YYYY/MM/DD) Type of Report Name of Consulting Company P1 ESA Report Title Report on Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 27892803 Dundas Street West, Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270 (LT), Toronto, Ontario Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) 2013/09/01 Author of Report Fanny Luk, BES, MES, Rakesh Koneru PEng, 2013/09/01 TORONTO INSPECTION LTD. Reports and Other Documents Related to the Phase One Environmental Site Assessment Reports and other documents relied upon in certifying the information set out in section 10 of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the phase one environmental site assessment Report Title Phase One Environmental Site Assessment 2797 & 2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Prepared for 689497 Ontario Limited, Project SP6971 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) 2006/11/13 Author of Report Charlene Humphrey BSc, David W Sawicki, P. Eng. Name of Consulting Company Shaheen & Peaker Limited 6 of 19 Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Report Document used as the phase two environmental site assessment report and updates in submitting the RSC for filing The date the last work on all of the planning of the site investigation and conducting the site investigation components of the phase two environmental site assessment was done (refer to clause 33.5(1)(a) of O. Reg. 153/04) Type of Report P2 ESA Report Title Report on Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment 27892803 Dundas Street West, Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270 (LT), Toronto, Ontario Date of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) 2014/03/31 Author of Report (YYYY/MM/DD) 2013/12/16 Name of Consulting Company Fanny Luk TORONTO INSPECTION BES, MES, LTD. Rakesh Koneru P.Eng. Reports and Other Documents Related to the Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment Reports and other documents relied upon in making any certifications in the RSC for the purposes of Part IV of Schedule A or otherwise used in conducting the phase two environmental site assessment Report Title Environmental Soil and Groundwater Investigation 2797 and 2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, Prepared for 689497 Ontario Limited, Project SP6971A Summary Phase II ESA report, 2797-2803 Dundas St W, Toronto, Ontario Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 Date of Report Author (YYYY/MM/DD) of Report . 2006/11/06 Jeff Cull, BES, W. David Lewis, P.Eng. 2011/10/28 Name of Consulting Company Shaheen and Peaker Limited Eleni Girma P. Toronto Inspection Ltd. Eng. 7 of 19 Environmental Condition Section 41 applies? No Section 43.1 applies? No Site Condition Information Certification date (YYYY/MM/DD) 2013/12/16 Total area of RSC property (in hectares) 0.01021 Number of any previously filed RSC that applies to any part of the RSC property 211606 Number of any previously filed Transition Notice that applies to any part of the RSC property Soil Texture Coarse Assessment/Restoration Approach Full Depth Generic Site investigation includes the investigation, sampling and analysis of ground water? Yes Is there soil present that is sufficient to investigate, sample and analyze soil on, in or under the property in accordance with s. 6, Schedule E of O.Reg. 153/04? Yes Site investigation includes the investigation, sampling and analysis of soil on, in or under the property which is used in the RSC? Yes Name of the laboratory used to analyze any samples collected of soil, ground water or sediment AGAT LABORATORIES AND MAXXAM ANALYTICS Ground water condition (potable, non-potable) Non-potable Applicable Site Condition Standard TABLE 3 Local or single-tier municipality non-potable written notification date 2014/03/11 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 8 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards Measured Concentration for Contaminants in Soil Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration 1 Sodium Adsorption Ratio 2 Chromium VI < Applicable Site Condition Standard 2.5 5 0.2 8 Unit of Measure µg/g 3 Electrical Conductivity 0.48 0.7 mS/cm 4 Cyanide (CN-) 0.02 0.051 µg/g 5 Boron (Hot Water Soluble)* 0.66 1.5 µg/g 6 Antimony 0.8 7.5 µg/g 7 Arsenic 4 18 µg/g 8 Barium 84 390 µg/g 9 Beryllium 0.7 4 µg/g 10 Boron (total) 6 120 µg/g 11 Cadmium 0.5 1.2 µg/g 12 Chromium Total 23 160 µg/g 13 Cobalt 9.2 22 µg/g 14 Copper 28 140 µg/g 15 Lead 82 120 µg/g 0.5 6.9 µg/g 18 100 µg/g 16 Molybdenum < 17 Nickel 18 Selenium < 0.5 2.4 µg/g 19 Silver < 0.2 20 µg/g 20 Thallium 0.4 1 µg/g 21 Uranium 0.5 23 µg/g 22 Vanadium 31 86 µg/g 23 Zinc 62 340 µg/g 24 Mercury < 0.14 0.27 µg/g 25 Methlynaphthalene, 2-(1-) *** < 0.071 0.99 µg/g 26 Acenaphthene < 0.05 7.9 µg/g 27 Acenaphthylene < 0.05 0.15 µg/g 28 Anthracene 0.054 0.67 µg/g 29 Benz[a]anthracene 0.24 0.5 µg/g 30 Benzo[a]pyrene 0.26 0.3 µg/g 31 Benzo[b]fluoranthene 0.25 0.78 µg/g 32 Benzo[ghi]perylene 0.21 6.6 µg/g 33 Benzo[k]fluoranthene 0.084 0.78 µg/g 34 Chrysene 0.2 7 µg/g 0.05 0.1 µg/g 0.54 0.69 µg/g 0.05 62 µg/g 38 Indeno[1 2 3-cd]pyrene 0.18 0.38 µg/g 39 Naphthalene 0.053 0.6 µg/g 35 Dibenz[a h]anthracene < 36 Fluoranthene 37 Fluorene Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 < 9 of 19 38 Indeno[1 2 3-cd]pyrene 0.18 0.38 µg/g 39 Naphthalene 0.053 0.6 µg/g 40 Phenanthrene 0.27 6.2 µg/g 41 Pyrene 0.57 78 µg/g 42 Benzene 0.043 0.21 µg/g 43 Toluene 0.049 2.3 µg/g 44 Ethylbenzene 0.094 2 µg/g 45 Xylene Mixture 0.04 3.1 µg/g 46 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F1**** < 10 55 µg/g 47 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F2 < 10 98 µg/g 65 300 µg/g 2800 µg/g 48 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F3 49 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F4 < 50 50 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 0.05 16 µg/g 51 Vinyl Chloride < 0.02 0.02 µg/g 52 Bromomethane < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 53 Trichlorofluoromethane < 0.05 4 µg/g 54 Acetone < 0.5 16 µg/g 55 Dichloroethylene, 1,1- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 56 Methylene Chloride < 0.05 0.1 µg/g 57 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- < 0.05 0.084 µg/g 58 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) < 0.05 0.75 µg/g 59 Dichloroethane, 1,1- < 0.02 3.5 µg/g 60 Methyl Ethyl Ketone < 0.5 16 µg/g 61 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- < 0.02 3.4 µg/g 62 Chloroform < 0.04 0.05 µg/g 63 Dichloroethane, 1,2- < 0.03 0.05 µg/g 64 Trichloroethane, 1,1,1- < 0.05 0.38 µg/g 65 Carbon Tetrachloride < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 66 Dichloropropane, 1,2- < 0.03 0.05 µg/g 67 Trichloroethylene < 0.03 0.061 µg/g 68 Bromodichloromethane < 0.05 13 µg/g 69 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone < 0.5 1.7 µg/g 70 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- < 0.04 0.05 µg/g 71 Dibromochloromethane < 0.05 9.4 µg/g 72 Ethylene dibromide < 0.04 0.05 µg/g 73 Tetrachloroethylene < 0.05 0.28 µg/g 74 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- < 0.04 0.058 µg/g 75 Chlorobenzene < 0.05 2.4 µg/g 76 Styrene < 0.05 0.7 µg/g 77 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- < 0.05 0.05 µg/g 78 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- < 0.05 4.8 µg/g 79 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- < 0.05 0.083 µg/g 80 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- < 0.05 3.4 µg/g 81 Dichloropropene,1,3- < 0.04 0.05 µg/g 82 Hexane (n) < 0.05 2.8 µg/g Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 10 of 19 81 Dichloropropene,1,3- < 0.04 0.05 µg/g 82 Hexane (n) < 0.05 2.8 µg/g 83 Bromoform < 0.05 0.27 µg/g Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 11 of 19 Table 1 – Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards (Continued) Ground Water Contaminant Name Maximum Concentration Applicable Site Condition Standard Unit of Measure 1 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F1**** < 25 750 µg/L 2 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F2 < 100 150 µg/L 3 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F3 < 100 500 µg/L 4 Petroleum Hydrocarbons F4 < 100 500 µg/L 5 Dichlorodifluoromethane < 0.2 4400 µg/L 6 Vinyl Chloride < 0.17 0.5 µg/L 7 Bromomethane < 0.2 5.6 µg/L 8 Trichlorofluoromethane < 0.4 2500 µg/L 9 Acetone < 1 130000 µg/L 10 Dichloroethylene, 1,1- < 0.3 1.6 µg/L 11 Methylene Chloride < 0.3 610 µg/L 12 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-trans- < 0.2 1.6 µg/L 13 Methyl tert-Butyl Ether (MTBE) < 0.2 190 µg/L 14 Dichloroethane, 1,1- < 0.3 320 µg/L 15 Methyl Ethyl Ketone < 1 470000 µg/L 16 Dichloroethylene, 1,2-cis- < 0.2 1.6 µg/L 17 Chloroform < 0.2 2.4 µg/L 18 Dichloroethane, 1,1- < 0.2 320 µg/L 0.41 640 µg/L 19 Trichloroethane, 1,1,120 Carbon Tetrachloride < 0.2 0.79 µg/L 21 Benzene < 0.2 44 µg/L 22 Dichloropropane, 1,2- < 0.2 16 µg/L 23 Trichloroethylene < 0.2 1.6 µg/L 24 Bromodichloromethane < 0.2 85000 µg/L 25 Methyl Isobutyl Ketone < 1 140000 µg/L 26 Trichloroethane, 1,1,2- < 0.2 4.7 µg/L 27 Toluene < 0.2 18000 µg/L 28 Dibromochloromethane < 0.1 82000 µg/L 29 Ethylene dibromide < 0.2 0.25 µg/L 30 Tetrachloroethylene < 0.2 1.6 µg/L 31 Dichloropropene,1,3- < 0.3 5.2 µg/L 32 Dichlorobenzene, 1,2- < 0.1 4600 µg/L 33 Dichlorobenzene, 1,3- < 0.1 9600 µg/L 34 Dichlorobenzene, 1,4- < 0.1 8 µg/L 35 Xylene Mixture < 0.2 4200 µg/L 36 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,1,2- < 0.1 3.3 µg/L 37 Styrene < 0.1 1300 µg/L 38 Hexane (n) < 0.2 51 µg/L 39 Bromoform < 0.1 380 µg/L Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 12 of 19 39 Bromoform < 0.1 380 µg/L 40 Ethylbenzene < 0.1 2300 µg/L 41 Chlorobenzene < 0.1 630 µg/L 42 Tetrachloroethane, 1,1,2,2- < 0.1 3.2 µg/L Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 13 of 19 Remedial Action and Mitigation Remediated Soils Estimated quantities of the soil, if any, originating at and remaining on the RSC property that have been remediated, at a location either on or off the property, to reduce the concentration of contaminants in the soil. Indicate the remediation process or processes used and the estimated amount of soil remediated by each identified process. Soil Remediation Process Estimated Quantity of Soil (in-ground volume in m³) Description of Remediation Description of any action taken to reduce the concentration of contaminants (including soil removals) on, in or under the RSC property. Approximately 30m3 of high pH soil (former backfill) was removed from the RSC property and approximately 8m3 of PHC impacted soil was removed from the RSC property. Soil or Sediment Removed and Not Returned Estimated quantities of soil or sediment, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property. Estimated Quantity of Soil (in-ground volume in m³) 38.0 Estimated Quantity of Sediment (in-ground volume in m³) 0.0 Soil Brought to the Property Estimated quantity of the soil, if any, being brought from another property to and deposited at the RSC property, not including any soil that may have originated at but been remediated off the RSC property and that is identified in section 28 of Schedule A. Estimated Quantity of Soil Brought to the Property (in-ground volume in m³) Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 30.0 14 of 19 Ground Water Control or Treatment Measures Ground water control or treatment measures that were required for the RSC property prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing. NIL Ground water control or treatment measures that are required for the RSC property after the certification date. NIL Estimated volume of ground water, if any, removed from and not returned to the RSC property. Estimated Volume of Ground Water (in litres) 0.0 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 15 of 19 Other Activities Including Risk Management Measures Constructed works that prior to the certification date for the purpose of submitting the RSC for filing, were required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property. NIL Constructed works that after the certification date, are required to control or otherwise mitigate the release or movement of known existing contaminants at the RSC property. NIL Monitoring or Maintenance Soil Management Measures Soil monitoring requirements or any requirements for care, maintenance or replacement or any monitoring or control works for known existing contaminants, if any, on the RSC property, after the certification date. NIL Ground Water Management Measures Ground water monitoring requirements or requirements for care, maintenance or replacement of any monitoring or control works or known existing contaminants, if any, on the RSC property, after the certification date. NIL Remediated or Removed Soil, Sediment or Ground Water From Near Property Boundary Has any soil, sediment or ground water at the RSC property that is or was located within 3 metres of the RSC property boundary been remediated or removed for the purpose of remediation? Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 Yes 16 of 19 Qualified Person’s Statements and Certifications As the qualified person, I certify that: A phase one environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from a records review, site reconnaissance, interviews, a report and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. A phase two environmental site assessment of the RSC property, which includes the evaluation of the information gathered from planning and conducting a site investigation, a report, and any updates required, has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. The information represents the site conditions at the sampling points at the time of sampling only and the conditions between and beyond the sampling points may vary. As of 2013/12/16, in my opinion, based on the phase one environmental site assessment and the phase two environmental site assessment, and any confirmatory sampling, there is no evidence of any contaminants in the soil, ground water or sediment on, in or under the RSC property that would interfere with the type of property use to which the RSC property will be put, as specified in the RSC. Ground water sampling has been conducted in accordance with the regulation by or under the supervision of a qualified person as required by the regulation. I have, within the six months immediately before the submission of this record of site condition, given written notice of intention to apply non-potable ground water site condition standards to the clerk of the local municipality in which the property is located and the clerk of any upper-tier municipality in which the property is located. As of 2013/12/16, in my opinion, based on the phase one and phase two environmental site assessments and any confirmatory sampling, the RSC property meets the applicable full depth generic site condition standards prescribed by section 37 of the regulation for all contaminants prescribed by the regulation in relation to the type of property use for which this RSC is filed, except for those contaminants (if any) specified in this RSC at Table 2, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Standards Specified in a Risk Assessment. As of 2013/12/16, the maximum known concentration of each contaminant in soil, sediment and ground water at the RSC property for which sampling and analysis has been performed is specified in this RSC at Table 1, Maximum Contaminant Concentrations Compared to Applicable Site Condition Standards. I am a qualified person and have the qualifications required by section 5 of the regulation. I have in place an insurance policy that satisfies the requirements of section 7 of the regulation. I acknowledge that the RSC will be submitted for filing in the Environmental Site Registry, that records of site condition that are filed in the Registry are available for examination by the public and that the Registry contains a notice advising users of the Registry who have dealings with any property to consider conducting their own due diligence with respect to the environmental condition of the property, in addition to reviewing information in the Registry. The opinions expressed in this RSC are engineering or scientific opinions made in accordance with generally accepted principles and practices as recognized by members of the environmental engineering or science profession or discipline practising at the same time and in the same or similar location. I do not hold and have not held and my employer TORONTO INSPECTION LTD. does not hold and has not held a direct or indirect interest in the RSC property or any property which includes the RSC property and was the subject of a phase one or two environmental site assessment or risk assessment upon which this record of site condition is based To the best of my knowledge, the certifications and statements in this part of the RSC are true as of 2013/12/16. By signing this RSC, I make no express or implied warranties or guarantees. By checking the boxes above, and entering my membership/licence number in this submission, I, RAKESH KONERU, a qualified person as defined in section 5 of O. Reg. 153/04 am, on 2014/04/11: a) signing this record of site condition submission as a qualified person; and b) making all certifications required as a qualified person for this record of site condition. I Agree Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 17 of 19 Additional Documentation Provided by Property Owner or Agent The following documents have been submitted to the Ministry of the Environment as part of the record of site condition Certificate of Status or equivalent for the owner Lawyer’s letter consisting of a legal description of the property Copy of any deed(s), transfer(s) or other document(s) by which the RSC property was acquired A Current plan of Survey Area(s) of Potential Environmental Concern Table of Current and Past Uses of the Phase One Property Phase 2 Conceptual Site Model Owner or agent certification statements v 3.21.2 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 18 of 19 Filed Record of Site Condition # 213148 on 2014/04/17 19 of 19 Request ID: 016308460 Demande n° : Transaction ID: 53822920 Transaction n° : Category ID: CT Catégorie : Province of Ontario Province de l'Ontario Ministry of Government Services Ministère des Services gouvernementaux Date Report Produced: 2014/03/31 Document produit le : Time Report Produced: 17:00:21 Imprimé à : CERTIFICATE OF STATUS ATTESTATION DU STATUT JURIDIQUE This is to certify that according to the records of the Ministry of Government Services D'après les dossiers du Ministère des Services gouvernementaux, nous attestons que la société TAS 2803DSW CORP. Ontario Corporation Number Numéro matricule de la société (Ontario) 002343938 is a corporation incorporated, amalgamated or continued under the laws of the Province of Ontario. est une société constituée, prorogée ou née d'une fusion aux termes des lois de la Province de l'Ontario. The corporation came into existence on La société a été fondée le SEPTEMBER 26 SEPTEMBRE, 2012 and has not been dissolved. et n'est pas dissoute. Dated Fait le MARCH 31 MARS, 2014 Director Directeur The issuance of this certifcate in electronic form is authorized by the Ministry of Government Services. La délivrance du présent certificat sous forme électronique est autorisée par le Ministère des Services gouvernementaux. Phase One, Phase Two RSC Property "TABLE OF AREAS OF POTENTIAL ENVIRONMENTAL CONCERN – 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Designated as PART 3 of PIN 21355-0270" (Refer to clause 16(2)(a), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) APEC LOCATION OF APEC ON SITE PCA (O.Reg. 153/04 Table 2) APEC-1 Entire Site 10 : Commercial Autobody Shops LOCATION OF PCA OnSite PCA 2789-2803 Dundas St W (the Site) Automotive related services and repairs (tire service, motorcycle) were carried out at 2803 Dundas St W, from 1926 to 2005 and at 2789/2797 Dundas St W, from 1966 to 2005. CONTAMINANT OF POTENTIAL CONCERN MEDIA POTENTIALLY IMPACTED PHC, VOC Soil, Groundwater 30 : Importation of Fill OnSite PCA PAH, Metals & Inorganics Material of Unknown 2789-2803 Dundas St W (the Site) Quality Parts of the Site were first developed in the late 1800s to early 1900s, with the full development occurring circa 1930s. Therefore, there is potential for unknown quality of fill material on the Site which may be of environmental concern. 10 : Commercial Autobody Shops 29 : Glass Manufacturing 34 : Metal Fabrication 37 : Operation of Dry Cleaning Equipment 39 : Paints Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage 31 : Ink Manufacturing, Processing and Bulk Storage Offsite PCAs Several properties with PCAs were identified to the north (up-gradient) of the Site during the records review. PCAs were also identified to the east and west of the Site. Environmental concern is anticipated onto the Site due to offsite PCA's which are summarized below : Fire Insurance Plan of 1964 indicated • Auto repair activity at 2813 • autobody shops at 393 to 397 Keele St, 28 Heintzman Ave, • printing offices at 2834 to 2836 Dundas St W, • printing activity at 2775 Dundas St W, • electric motor repairs and laundry at PHC, VOC Soil Groundwater APEC LOCATION OF APEC ON SITE PCA (O.Reg. 153/04 Table 2) LOCATION OF PCA 2777-2781 Dundas St W City Directories indicated • dry cleaners at 2790, 2796 and 2804 Dundas St W (north of Site) from 1950 to 1985, • garages and automotive related activities at 2780, 2782 and 2784 Dundas St W (north east of Site) from 1930 to 2001, • various printing, garages, metal and glass manufacturing and possible dry cleaning activities at 2739 to 2783 Dundas St W (east of Site) from 1920 to 1970, • various cleaners, printing and used car related activities at 2810 to 2840 Dundas St W (north west of Site) from 1930 to 2001, • various dry cleaner operations and automotive related activities at 388 to 403 Keele St (north west of Site) from 1925 to 1995, • automotive related activity at 2813 Dundas St W (west of Site) from 1925 to 1930. EcoLog ERIS Database Several PCAs were identified in the EcoLog ERIS database searches. Based on an inferred southerly groundwater flow within the vicinity of the Site, listings of environmental concern, located adjacent to and north of the Site are summarized below : • gasoline pump at 2784 Dundas St W in 1923, • gasoline pump at 2777 Dundas St W in 1924, CONTAMINANT OF POTENTIAL CONCERN MEDIA POTENTIALLY IMPACTED APEC LOCATION OF APEC ON SITE PCA (O.Reg. 153/04 Table 2) LOCATION OF PCA • • • • • • • • • CONTAMINANT OF POTENTIAL CONCERN MEDIA POTENTIALLY IMPACTED PHC, BTEX Soil, Groundwater expired fuel storage tanks (unknown dates) at 2782 Dundas St W, including a retail tank in 1995, glass related manufacturing activity since 1979 and waste generator related to paint and photoprocessing wastes at 2775 Dundas St W from 1993 to 2004, a gasoline tank listed at 17 Heintzman St in 1928, various photography related waste generators at 2480 Dundas St, from 1986 to 2001, a total of two fuel tanks listed at 2842 Dundas St W in 1919, a gas tank listed at 26 Heintzman St in 1935, a gasoline tank listed at 60 Hook Ave in 1936, a gasoline tank listed at 56 Heintzman St in 1926, various unplotted spills and environmental incidents along the railway track along the north part of the Study Area. All of the PCAs from FIP, City Directors and ERIS database searches listed above have been considered to have a potential groundwater impact onto the Site. APEC-2 Central part of the Site 28 : Gasoline and Possible OnSite PCA Associated Products A gasoline storage tank was listed in the Storage in Fixed Tanks EcoLog ERIS database search of Anderson Storage Tank (TANK), dated 4/11/1936, permit type BP A58971, at 2803 Dundas St. W.. The Phase One Environmental Site Assessment by APEC LOCATION OF APEC ON SITE PCA (O.Reg. 153/04 Table 2) CONTAMINANT OF POTENTIAL CONCERN MEDIA POTENTIALLY IMPACTED 30 : Importation of Fill OnSite PCA Material of Unknown TIL conducted a remedial excavation on September 1, 2011 to remove the underground Quality storage tank (UST). The tank was located north of the Phase One Property. Verification samples were taken and concentrations were below Table 3 Standard Criteria. However, the excavation extended into the Site and quality of imported material was not verified – though it contained silty sand with some gravel. Metals & Inorganics Soil 28 : Gasoline and OnSite PCA Associated Products The verification samples were taken from the Storage in Fixed Tanks excavation north of the Site after the UST was removed. The quantity of verification samples were adequate for the excavation conducted on the property to the north of the Site. However, the excavation extended into the Site, but the quantity of verification samples did not meet the requirements of the RSC property. Therefore, additional verification samples are required to meet Ontario Regulation 153/04, Records of Site Condition, Table 3 – Minimum Conformation Sampling Requirements for Excavation. PHC, BTEX Soil, Groundwater LOCATION OF PCA Shaheen & Peaker, dated November 13, 2006 indicated vent pipes and an underground storage tank north of the Site. The environmental soil and groundwater investigation by Shaheen and Peaker, dated November 3, 2006, identified hydrocarbon odour at borehole BH4, between depths of 2m to 4m below ground surface. Due to the inadequate scale on the provided drawing in the report, it is unclear if the borehole was located just north of the central part of the Site, just south of the UST or within the Site. Notes: 1 - Area of Potential Environmental Concern means the area on, in or under a phase one property where one or more contaminants are potentially present, as determined through the phase one environmental site assessment, including through, (a) identification of past or present uses on, in or under the phase one property, and (b) identification of potentially contaminating activity. 2 - Potentially Contaminating Activity means a use or activity set out in Column A of Table 2 of Schedule D that is occurring or has occurred in a phase one study area 3 - when completing this column, identify all contaminants of potential concern using the Method Groups as identified in the "Protocol for in the Assessment of Properties under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act, March 9, 2004, amended as of July 1, 2011, as specified below: ABNs PCBs Metals Electrical Conductivity SAR CPs PAHs As, Sb, Se Cr (VI) 1,4-Dioxane THMs Na Hg Dioxins/Furans, PCDDs/PCDFs VOCs B-HWS Methyl Mercury OCs BTEX Cl- high pH PHCs Ca, Mg CN- low pH 4 - when submitting a record of site condition for filing, a copy of this table must be attached "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY – 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto – Designated as Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) YEAR NAME OF OWNER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY USE PROPERTY USE OTHER OBSERVATIONS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, FIRE INSURANCE PLANS ETC. 1815 Crown Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title 1815-1816 John Levis De Koven Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title 1816-1817 Jesse Ketchum Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title 1817-1854 John Scarlett / George Scarlett Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title 1864 Court of Chancery / David Lewis Macpherson / George Scarlett Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title; No additional information was available between 1854 to 1864. The land use was agricultural and therefore, no environmental concerns are anticipated. 1871-1878 Elizabeth Taylor Agricultural land Agricultural or other 1878-1889 Robert Wilson / William Wilson Agricultural land Agricultural or other From Chain of Title; No additional information was available between 1864 to 1871. The land use was agricultural and therefore, no environmental concerns are anticipated. From Chain of Title(Lot 2, 3 Plan 446) 1887-1889 Mary Cadow Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 2 Plan 446); The Fire Insurance Plan map of June 1889, Sheet 5, indicated a building at the central west part of the Site. 1889-1890 Norman Macrae Commercial Commercial use The Fire Insurance Plan map of June 1889, Sheet 5, indicated a building at the central west part of the Site. 1890-1895 Lachlan Livingston / Edward Clarkson Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (All of Lots 1-4 Plan 985); The Fire Insurance Plan map of 1890, indicated that the Site was divided into four parts, with the previous building located in the second part from the west. 1895 - 1919 Norman Macrae / Percy Bath Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (All of Lots 1-4 Plan 985); The Fire Insurance Plan map of 1910, indicated the Site was vacant. Lot in the below descriptions is defined as Part of Lot (distance and Lot Number), since the Site belongs to a larger parcel of land which was divided in vertical segments, as Lots 1 to 4, from east to west. 1919-1933 Robert Howie / Daniel Secord / R. Howie Ltd Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (W 27' of Lot 3, E 39' of Lot 4) Also owned W 10' of Lot 2, E 23' of Lot 3 in 1928. City Directories indicated West Toronto Market Ltd at 2803 Dundas "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY – 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto – Designated as Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) YEAR NAME OF OWNER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY USE PROPERTY USE OTHER OBSERVATIONS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, FIRE INSURANCE PLANS ETC. Street West in 1935; Directory searches indicated Nickle Chas fruit was listed at 2795 Dundas Street West in 1925 1919-1921 John Cristoff Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (E 25' of Lot 1); City Directories indicated Tasseff Michl, confy – possibly a confectionery at 2789 Dundas Street West in 1920. 1921-1923 John Cristoff / Paudo Christoff / Cosma Numoff / Ellia Panno / Machael Tasseff Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (E 25' of Lot 1, W 15' of Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); City Directories indicated Tasseff Michl, confy – possibly a confectionery at 2789 Dundas Street West in 1920. 1923-1933 Michael Tasseff Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); City Directories indicated Tasseff Michl, confy – possibly a confectionery at 2789 Dundas Street West in 1920. In 1925, City Directories listed Christo Pando confy at 2791 Dundas Street West, and the address at 2789 Dundas Street West was listed as vacant, Nickle Chas fruit was listed at 2795 Dundas Street West 1933-1944 William Camerson / Andrew Camerson Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); In 1925 City Directories listed Christo Pando confy at 2791 Dundas Street West, and the address at 2789 Dundas Street West was listed as vacant; From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West. 1944-1947 Walter Fisher / Leopold Dore Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West in the City Directories 1926-1951 Huddleston Motor Limited Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (W 27' of Lot 3, E 39' of Lot 4) Also owned W 10' of Lot 2, E 23' of Lot 3 from 1948-1951; City Directories listed Huddleston Motors Ltd. from 1940 to 1955; From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West in the City Directories 1947-1953 Isador Michaloski / Andrew Zayats Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); Aerial photograph of 1947 indicated that the Phase One Property was occupied by two buildings with the centre portion being used as driveway and parking area.; From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West in the City Directories "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY – 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto – Designated as Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) YEAR NAME OF OWNER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY USE PROPERTY USE OTHER OBSERVATIONS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, FIRE INSURANCE PLANS ETC. 1953 Myers Lawrence / Max Eisen / David Eisen / Max Morrison / Michael Morrison Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West in the City Directories 1953-1955 Roseland Bowling Limited Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); From 1930 to 1965 Roseland Bowling Academy was listed at 2797 Dundas Street West in the City Directories 1955-1965 Max Morrison / Michael Morrison / Cob Roseland Bowl Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); 2789 Dundas Street West was occupied by Roseland Sweets, inluding an open kitchen restaurant from 1960 to 1965 1951-1966 Jean Hessler / Norman Vivian / Kathleen Vivian Commercial Commercial use From Chain of Title (W 10' of Lot 2, E 23' of Lot 3, W 27' of Lot 3, E 39' of Lot 4); City Directories Listed Dominion Tire Stores in 1965; City Directories listed West City Motors in 1960 at 2803 Dundas Street West; 2789 Dundas Street West was occupied by Roseland Sweets, inluding an open kitchen restaurant from 1960 to 1965 1965-1966 Mireth Limited Bowling Alley and Tire Service Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lot 1 and E 30' Lot 2); A Fire Insurance Plan, Toronto Vol 12, February 1964, indicated that the Phase One Property contained two buildings. The building at 2803 Dundas Street West was occupied by a Tire Service and the building at 2791-2797 Dundas Street West was occupied by Bowling Alley and Billiards. The area between the buildings was vacant, with a Tire Service building occupying the south portion (2803A) 1966-2006 Martin McBride/Irene McBride/ McBride Percy A Ltd / McBride Motorcycles and Bicycles Motorcycle and bicycle repairs Commercial use From Chain of Title (Lots 1, 2, 3 and E 39' of Lot 4); Aerial photographs from 1947 to 2006 indicate two buildings on site; City Directories listed McBride Percy A Ltd from 1970 to 1975 at 2803 Dundas Street West and McBride Motorcycles and Bicycles from 1970 to 2001 at 2797 Dundas Street West. 2006-2011 689497 Ontario Limited Undeveloped Commercial use From Chain of Title; Google Earth imagery indicated that the buildings were demolished between 2005 and 2007. Site was vacant since 2007. 2011 United Republic of Properties Ltd. Undeveloped Commercial use From Chain of Title; Aerial Photographs 2007 to 2011 indicated the site was vacant. "TABLE OF CURRENT AND PAST USES OF THE PHASE ONE PROPERTY – 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto – Designated as Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270” (Refer to clause 16(2)(b), Schedule D, O. Reg. 153/04) YEAR NAME OF OWNER DESCRIPTION OF PROPERTY USE PROPERTY USE OTHER OBSERVATIONS FROM AERIAL PHOTOGRAPHS, FIRE INSURANCE PLANS ETC. 2011-2012 2803 DSW Development Inc. Undeveloped Commercial use From Chain of Title; Aerial Photographs 2007 to 2012 indicated the site was vacant. 2012-2013 TAS 2803DSW Corp. Undeveloped; used as flea market on weekends Commercial use From Chain of Title; Aerial Photographs 2007 to 2013 indicated the site was vacant. Notes: 1 - for each owner, specify one of the following types of property use (as defined in O.Reg. 153/04) that applies: Agriculture or other use Commercial use Community use Industrial use Institutional use Parkland use Residential use 2 - when submitting a record of site condition for filing, a copy of this table must be attached Toronto Inspection Ltd 6.10. Phase Two Conceptual Site Model 6.10.1. Description and Assessment Toronto Inspection Limited (TIL) was retained by TAS 2803DSW CORP. to conduct a Phase Two Environmental Site Assessment (Phase Two ESA) for the property with legal description Part 3 of PIN 21355-0270 (LT) Part of Lots 1, Lot 2 and 3, Plan 985 West Toronto Junction and Part of Lot 4, Plan 985 West Toronto Junction, as in CT275451, designated as Part 3 on Plan 66R-_________, City of Toronto, having municipal addresses 2789 Dundas Street West and 2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario, together hereinafter referred to as the Site. The purpose of this Phase Two ESA was to ascertain the subsoil and groundwater conditions at the site due to APECs identified in the Phase One ESA and to support filing a Record of Site Condition (RSC) to convey the lands to the City of Toronto, as part of lane widening of the existing laneway south of the Site, resulting in a change in landuse of commercial to community. However, City of Toronto requires that the lands to be conveyed to the City meet the applicable MOE Generic Site Condition Standard for the most environmentally sensitive adjacent land use. (Ref : Directive No. ENV-01-2013 Rev. 1, August 21, 2013, Environmental Site Assessment for Land Conveyances). Since the adjacent lands are residential, a Record of Site Condition will be required for residential land use. The Site is a 1.98m wide strip along the south end of the properties with municipal addresses 2789 Dundas Street West and 2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario. The Site is located in a commercial/residential zoning area. Local topography has a mild slope in the southerly direction. At the time of the Phase Two ESA, the Site was vacant and undeveloped, with storage containers occupying much of the Site. As informed by the owner's agent, the Site, along with the larger property to the north, was used as a flea market during the weekends. A chain link fence and block retaining wall are present along the south and east perimeters. The surface cover is gravel and asphalt, with isolated areas having concrete slabs from the former buildings. TIL has used the below conditions established in Ontario Regulation 153/04, as amended, Soil, Ground Water and Sediment Standards for Use Under Part XV.1 of the Environmental Protection Act to determine the applicable Site Condition Standard for the Phase Two property. Table 6.10.1-1 : Site Condition Standard Selection Condition Evaluation Current land use Commercial. Proposed land use Residential (City of Toronto requirement). Area of natural significance The Site is not included nor is adjacent to an area of natural significance nor is part of such an area nor does it include land that is within 30m of an area of 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 30 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Condition Evaluation natural significance nor part of such an area. Proximity to surface water The Site does not include all or part of a water body nor is adjacent to water body body nor includes land that is within 30m of a water body. pH of soil Potable or Non Ground Water Accredited laboratory chemical test results indicated that the surface (1.5m depth) soil at the property has a pH value between 5 and 9 and the sub-surface (greater than 1.5m depth) soil has a pH value between 5 and 11. Potable The Site and properties within the Study Area are serviced by municipal water supply. Letter of Intent by TIL to use Non-Potable Ground Water for the Site to City of Toronto was provided on March 11, 2014. Depth to bedrock Based on the Phase Two investigation, the depth to bedrock is greater than 2m and shallow soil was not observed on 1/3 or more of the Site. Soil texture Based on the observed sub-surface soil at the Site, native clayey silt and sand deposits were encountered at the boreholes. Coarse texture criteria has been used due to sand being the predominant soil. Based on the above statements, Ontario Regulation 153/04, as amended, Table 3 : Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standards in a Non-Potable Ground Water Condition for Residential/Parkland/Institutional property use with coarse textured soils (Table 3 Standard Criteria) has been used. Areas of Potentially Contaminating Activity Based on the information obtained through our records review, and the visual observations recorded during our site reconnaissance, the Phase One ESA has revealed several Potentially Contaminating Activities (PCAs) within the Study Area. Identified PCAs are indicated in the Phase One Conceptual Site Model, Figure No. 1. Based on an inferred southerly groundwater direction PCAs that pose an environmental concern onto the Site are summarized in the table below and on the following page : Table Areas of Potentially Contaminating Activity Ont. Reg. 153/04 as amended Table 2 PCA Activity Site 10 : Commercial Autobody Shops Automotive related services and repairs (tire service, motorcycle) were carried out at 2803 Dundas St W, from 1926 to 2005 and at 2789/2797 Dundas St W, from 1966 to 2005. 30 : Importation of Fill Material of Unknown Quality Parts of the Site were first developed in the late 1800s to early 1900s, with the full development occurring circa 1930s. Therefore, there is potential for unknown quality of fill material on the Site which may be of environmental concern. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 31 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Ont. Reg. 153/04 as amended Table 2 PCA 28 : Gasoline and Associated Products Storage in Fixed Tanks Activity A gasoline storage tank was listed in the EcoLog ERIS database search of Anderson Storage Tank (TANK), dated 4/11/1936, permit type BP A58971, at 2803 Dundas St W. The Phase One Environmental Site Assessment by Shaheen & Peaker, dated November 13, 2006 indicated vent pipes and an underground storage tank at the central south portion of the property to the north of the Site. The environmental soil and groundwater investigation by Shaheen and Peaker, dated November 3, 2006, identified hydrocarbon odour at borehole BH4, between depths of 2m to 4m below ground surface. Due to the inadequate scale on the provided drawing in the report, it is unclear if the borehole was located just north of the central part of the Site, just south of the UST or within the Site. Study Area 10 : Commercial Autobody Fire Insurance Plan of 1964 indicated Shops • Auto repair activity at 2813 Dundas St W, 29 : Glass Manufacturing • autobody shops at 393 to 397 Keele St, 28 Heintzman Ave, 34 : Metal Fabrication • printing offices at 2834 to 2836 Dundas St W, 37 : Operation of Dry Cleaning • printing activity at 2775 Dundas St W, Equipment • electric motor repairs and laundry at 2777-2781 Dundas St W 39 : Paints Manufacturing, City Directories indicated Processing and Bulk Storage • dry cleaners at 2790, 2796 and 2804 Dundas St W (north of Site) from 31 : Ink Manufacturing, 1950 to 1985, Processing and Bulk Storage • garages and automotive related activities at 2780, 2782 and 2784 Dundas St W (north east of Site) from 1930 to 2001, • various printing, garages, metal and glass manufacturing and possible dry cleaning activities at 2739 to 2783 Dundas St W (east of Site) from 1920 to 1970, • various cleaners, printing and used car related activities at 2810 to 2840 Dundas St W (north west of Site) from 1930 to 2001, • various dry cleaner operations and automotive related activities at 388 to 403 Keele St (north west of Site) from 1925 to 1995, • automotive related activity at 2813 Dundas St W (west of Site) from 1925 to 1930. EcoLog ERIS Database Several PCAs were identified in the EcoLog ERIS database searches. Based on an inferred southerly groundwater flow within the vicinity of the Site, listings of environmental concern, located adjacent to and north of the Site are summarized below : • gasoline pump at 2784 Dundas St W in 1923, • gasoline pump at 2777 Dundas St W in 1924, 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 32 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Ont. Reg. 153/04 as amended Table 2 PCA Activity • • • • • • • • • expired fuel storage tanks (unknown dates) at 2782 Dundas St W, including a retail tank in 1995, glass related manufacturing activity since 1979 and waste generator related to paint and photoprocessing wastes at 2775 Dundas St W from 1993 to 2004, a gasoline tank listed at 17 Heintzman St in 1928, various photography related waste generators at 2480 Dundas St, from 1986 to 2001, a total of two fuel tanks listed at 2842 Dundas St W in 1919, a gas tank listed at 26 Heintzman St in 1935, a gasoline tank listed at 60 Hook Ave in 1936, a gasoline tank listed at 56 Heintzman St in 1926, various unplotted spills and environmental incidents along the railway track along the north part of the Study Area. Due to significant distance, being trans-gradient and/or down-gradient the other identified PCAs, in the Phase One Conceptual Model Figure No. 1 are not anticipated to pose an environmental concern onto the Site. Areas of Potential Environmental Concern APECs, based on identified PCA’s within the Study Area and the Phase One Property, are summarized in the table below : Table : Areas of Potential Environmental Concern APEC APEC-1 APEC-2 3190-13-E-TAS-E LOCATION OF APEC ON SITE CONTAMINANT OF POTENTIAL CONCERN Entire Site – due to automotive activity PAH, Metals & Inorganics and unknown fill quality PHC, VOC MEDIA POTENTIALLY IMPACTED Soil Soil, Groundwater Central part of the Site – due to former underground storage tank (UST) north of the Site PHC, BTEX Soil, Groundwater unknown backfill Metals & Inorganics Soil inadequate verification sampling PHC, BTEX Soil, Groundwater RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 33 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd 1. APEC-1 : Entire Site – due to automotive activity and unknown fill quality. Automotive related services and repairs (tire service, motorcycle repairs) were carried out at 2803 Dundas St W, from 1926 to 2005 and at 2798 Dundas St W, from 1966 to 2005. Therefore, there is potential for PHC, VOC related impacts in the soil and groundwater on the Site. Parts of the Site were first developed in the late 1800s to early 1900s, with the full development occurring circa 1930s. Therefore, there is potential for unknown quality of fill material on the Site which may be of environmental concern. Several PCAs were identified in the Fire Insurance Plan of 1964, City Directories and EcoLog ERIS database searches, all of which are indicated in the Phase One Conceptual Site Model Figure No. 1. Properties of potential environmental concern are summarized in the PCA table in the previous section. Due to proximity and inferred groundwater flow in the southerly direction, the identified PCAs may impact the groundwater conditions of the Site for PHCs and VOCs. 2. APEC-2 : Central part of the Site – due to former UST north of the Site. A gasoline storage tank was listed in the EcoLog ERIS database search of Anderson Storage Tank (TANK), dated 4/11/1936, permit type BP A58971, at 2803 Dundas St. W.. The Phase One Environmental Site Assessment by Shaheen & Peaker, dated November 13, 2006 indicated vent pipes and an underground storage tank north of the Site. The environmental soil and groundwater investigation by Shaheen and Peaker, dated November 3, 2006, identified hydrocarbon odour at borehole BH4, between depths of 2m to 4m below ground surface. Due to the inadequate scale on the provided drawing in the report, it is unclear if the borehole was located just north of the central part of the Site, just south of the UST or within the Site. TIL conducted a remedial excavation on September 1, 2011 to remove the underground storage tank (UST). The tank was located north of the Phase One Property. Verification samples were taken and concentrations were below Table 3 Standard Criteria. The excavation extended into the Site and quality of imported material was not verified, as it was obtained from a quarry and considered inert – though it contained silty sand with some gravel. The verification samples were taken from the excavation north of the Site after the UST was removed. The quantity of verification samples were adequate for the excavation conducted on the property to the north of the Site. However, the excavation extended into the Site, but the quantity of verification samples did not meet the requirements of the RSC property. Therefore, additional verification samples are required to meet Ontario Regulation 153/04, Records of Site Condition, Table 3 – 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 34 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Minimum Confirmation Sampling Requirements for Excavation. Identified APECs are presented in Figure No. 1 and 2. Subsurface Structures & Utilities At the time of this Phase Two ESA, there were no active subsurface utilities on the Site. 6.10.2. Physical Setting Stratigraphy An environmental subsoil and groundwater investigation was undertaken on September 22, 2011 with boreholes BH201, BH202 and BH203 being drilled to a depth of 7.2m below existing grade. A supplemental investigation was conducted on July 31, 2013 by drilling boreholes BH13-1, BH13-2 and MW13-3 to depths of 5.1m, 5.1m and 6.1m below grade respectively. With the exception of boreholes BH13-1 and BH13-2, all other boreholes were installed as monitoring wells. Soil profile at boreholes BH201 to BH203 consisted of fill material, consisting of silty sand, clayey silt mixed with some gravel, to depths of 1m to 1.5m below grade underlain by a layer of clayey silt to depths of 2m to 4.5m below grade. Below the clayey silt, sand deposits were encountered at all the borehole locations. At boreholes BH13-1 and BH13-2, fill material was present to depths of 2m to 3.2m below grade. Some grey to black staining mixed with asphalt was observed in the fill layer at borehole BH13-1, within a depth of 1.2m below grade. Below the fill material clayey silt was encountered followed by sand. At the location of borehole MW13-3, fill material (former UST backfill) consisting of silty sand with some gravel was present to a depth of 4.5m below grade. Native sand deposits were contacted below the fill material. Cross section A-A showing soil stratigraphy is provided in Figure No. 6 and 6a. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 35 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Hydrogeological Characteristics Groundwater monitoring and sampling was conducted on September 26, 2011 and on August 14, 2013. Field readings are listed below and on the following page : Table : Groundwater Elevations Well ID Date Ground Elevation [m] Groundwater Levels Depth [m] Elevation [m] Sep 26, 2011 118.05 5.68 112.37 Aug 14, 2013 118.05 5.54 112.51 BH202* Sep 26, 2011 117.95 5.65 112.30 BH203* Sep 26, 2011 117.71 5.25 112.46 MW13-3 Aug 14, 2013 118.00 5.45 112.55 5.35 112.55 BH201 BH304** Aug 14, 2013 117.90 *Boreholes could not be located on August 14, 2013. * Geotechnical borehole conducted by TIL on August 1, 2013. The groundwater elevations indicate a horizontal hydraulic gradient of 0.008 in the southerly direction. Since no exceedances were found in any of the groundwater samples, the vertical hydraulic gradient has not been calculated. The hydraulic conductivity of the native silty sand deposits is expected to be 10 -4 cm/s (10-6 m/s) (Freeze, R.A. and J.A. Cherry. 1979. Groundwater) The regional and shallow groundwater flow at the site is expected to be southerly towards Lake Ontario, located approximately 3.2km from the Site boundary. Based on the water level records in the monitoring wells, the groundwater flow direction in the saturated sand deposits appears to be in the southerly direction. Groundwater contours are indicated in Figure No. 3. Depth to Bedrock According to the Ontario Geophysical Survey “OGS Earth” application, the Phase One Study Area is situated within a stone-poor, sandy silt to silty sand-textured till on Paleozoic terrain. The bedrock geology in the vicinity of the Study area is the Georgian Bay/Blue Mountain/Billings Formation (Collingwood/Eastview Member), generally consisting of shale, limestone, dolostone and siltstone. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 36 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd A review of the Ontario Geological Survey Map P. 2204, Geological Series, Quaternary Geology of Toronto and Surrounding Area of Southern Ontario indicated that the bedrock elevation is approximately 60m. The boreholes conducted during the Phase Two investigation extended to a maximum elevation of 110.10m. Bedrock was not contacted during the investigation and is expected to be beyond this elevation. Depth to Water Table Ground water levels were recorded between 5.25m to 5.68m below grade at the borehole locations. Risk Assessment Applicability Identified contaminants have been remediated adequately. Therefore, risk assessment is not required and Sections 41 or 43.1 of the Regulation do not apply. Soil From Another Property (Refer to Sections to The area with pH exceedance was backfilled entirely with coarse sand and gravel, Granular B Type material which was obtained from a quarry. At the location of PHC exceedance, Granular B Type material was used to backfill the lower excavation and the original overburden material was used to backfill the upper part of the excavation. Analytical testing for Metals & Inorganics indicated that the imported material met Table 1 : Full Depth Background Site Condition Standard for Residential/Parkland/Institutional/Industrial/Commercial/Community property use for all types of soil texture. Analytical testing for PHC/BTEX parameters was conducted for the onsite overburden material which was used to backfill the upper part of the excavation. The sample met Table 3 Standard Criteria and was suitable for backfill. Proposed Buildings and Other Structures At the time of this Phase Two ESA, it is TIL's understanding that the Site will be conveyed to the City of Toronto as part of lane widening of the existing laneway, south of the Site. 6.10.3. Areas of Contamination Contaminant Areas APEC-1 – no contaminants were found due to former automotive operations and fill material. APEC-2 – unknown backfill and inadequate verification sampling. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 37 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Imported silty sand with some gravel, was used to backfill the excavation where a UST was removed, at the north side of the Site, on September 1, 2011. The excavation extended into the Site. The quality of the imported material was unknown, in terms of RSC requirements. This was tested and found to have pH values of 10.4 to 11.5. This area is identified in Figure No. 4, which shows the location of exceedances. The verification samples were taken from the excavation north of the Site after the UST was removed. The quantity of verification samples were adequate for the excavation conducted on the property to the north of the Site. However, the excavation extended into the Site, but the quantity of verification samples did not meet the requirements of the RSC property. Verification sampling conducted on July 31, 2013 indicated Petroleum Hydrocarbon (PHC) F3 (C16-C34) fraction exceeding the Table 3 Standard Criteria, with a concentration of 3000µg/g was found at a depth of 3.8m to 4.0m below existing ground level. This area is identified in Figure No. 4, which shows the location of exceedances. At the other areas of the Site, select soil and groundwater samples tested for parameter groups of Volatile Organic Compounds (VOCs), Polycyclic Aromatic Hydrocarbons (PAH), Petroleum Hydrocarbons (PHC) and Metals & Inorganics met Table 3 Standard Criteria. Trace amounts of PAH were present in the grey to black stained fill material at the location of borehole BH13-1. Contaminants Boreholes BH201, BH202, BH203 were drilled on the Site on September 22, 2011 in APEC-1. Select soil and groundwater samples were analyzed for parameter groups of Metals, Volatile Organic Compounds and Petroleum Hydrocarbons. No contaminants of concern were identified in the test samples, when compared to Table 3 Standard criteria. Boreholes BH13-1, BH13-2 and MW13-3 were drilled on the Site on July 31, 2013. Select soil samples were analyzed for parameter groups of Metals and Inorganics. The samples at BH13-1 and BH13-2 met Table 3 Standard Criteria. Borehole MW13-3 was located within the area where imported material was used to backfill the excavation after removal of a UST, at the north side of the Site. The analyzed soil samples indicated a pH value between 10.4 and 11.5. For Table 3 Full Depth Generic Site Condition Standard to apply the pH value of the soil should be between 5 and 9 for surface soil and between 5 and 11 for subsurface soil. Therefore, the this material was identified as impacted and removed. Additional verification sampling was conducted on July 31, 2013 within the Phase Two property to meet the Regulation requirements for filing the RSC. A total of three samples (Sample A (west floor), Sample B (east floor) and Sample C (MW3-3 - north wall), were collected, in addition to the original W4 (south wall) sample. A duplicate of Sample B, identified as Sample D was also sent as a QA/QC sample. Sample D, had Petroleum 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 38 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Hydrocarbon (PHC) F3 (C16-C34) fraction concentration of 3000µg/g at a depth of 3.8m to 4.0m below existing ground level. The criteria of Table 3 Standard is 300µg/g. Remedial excavation was conducted on September 16, 2013, wherein the above impacted area was excavated and removed (Section Medium Contaminated Groundwater analysis at the location of borehole BH201, BH202, BH203 and MW13-3 indicated that all parameters met Table 3 Standard Criteria for analyzed parameters of VOC and PHC, as applicable. PHC impact was identified in the soil with concentrations of 3000µg/g at Sample D(duplicate of east wall Sample B) and 1900µg/g at Sample D-1 (confirmation sample of D) at depths of 3.8m to 4m below ground surface. The soil used to backfill the former excavation had pH values of 10.4 to 11.5. All other tested soil samples for Metals & Inorganics, PAH, PHC and VOC met Table 3 Standard Criteria. Description and Assessment The Phase One CSM identified a former UST north of the central south part of the Phase One Property. The environmental soil and groundwater investigation by Shaheen and Peaker, dated November 3, 2006, identified hydrocarbon odour at borehole BH4, between depths of 2m to 4m below ground surface. The location of BH4 was located immediately north of the Site or possibly within the Site. The UST located north of the Phase One Property was removed on September 1, 2011 by TIL. Impacted subsoil with PHC odour and staining was excavated and removed offsite. A total of six confirmation samples, two floor and four wall samples were taken from the excavation. All samples met Table 3 Standard criteria. The excavation was backfilled with imported silty sand with gravel. However, the excavation extended into the Phase One Property. On July 31, 2013, subsoil investigation was conducted at the previous backfill area and the analytical testing indicated that the pH value of the imported silty sand with gravel varied from 10.4 to 11.5. This material was removed during the remediation on September 16, 2013 and was replaced with coarse sand and gravel, Granular B type material (Figure No. 5). Analytical testing for Metals & Inorganics indicated that the imported material met Table 1 : Full Depth Background Site Condition Standard for Residential/ Parkland/ Institutional/ Industrial/Commercial/Community property use for all types of soil texture. Verification samples were obtained on December 13, 2013 from the edges of the excavation to ascertain removal of soils with high pH value. The verification samples had pH values between 7.98 and 8.08, thus applicable for Table 3 Site Condition Standard Criteria. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 39 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd On July 31, 2013 additional investigation was conducted to meet the PHC verification sampling requirements of the former excavation within the Site. The sampling indicated PHC exceedance at the location of Sample D and D1, which were a duplicate and confirmation samples of Sample B, respectively. Excavation to remediate the vicinity of Samples D/D1 was undertaken on September 16, 2013. The PHC impacted zone was identified and removed and verification samples were taken for laboratory analysis. All samples met Table 3 Standard criteria (Figure No. 5). Analytical testing was undertaken on December 13, 2013 for PHC/BTEX parameters for the onsite overburden material which was used to backfill the upper part of the excavation. The sample met Table 3 Standard Criteria and was suitable for backfill. Distribution of Contamination The PHC impacted area in the soil within the Site appeared to be confined to within the sand deposit layer, between the depths of 3.8m to 4.0m below the ground surface, in an easterly to southeasterly direction, to an approximate distance of 6m from the impacted sampling point Sample D/D1. The pH impacted material was confined to the former excavation area. The entire excavation area, conducted on September 16, 2013 was approximately 3m wide x 16m long x 4m deep, with the excavation for PHC impacted material being approximately 3m wide x 8m long x 4m deep. Reason for Contamination As indicated in the EcoLog ERIS Anderson Tank (TANK) database search, a tank was installed in 1936 at 2803 Dundas St W, north of the Site. The Phase One ESA by Shaheen & Peaker in 2006 indicated that the use of the UST was discontinued, possibly in 2000. The contamination on the Site was caused by leakage from the aged UST. The soil used to backfill the former UST excavation was obtained from a quarry and contained high pH values. Migration of Contamination The PHC impact, from the former UST located north of the Site, had migrated south into the Site. Remedial excavation conducted on September 16, 2013 indicated that the PHC impact was migrating within the sand deposit, in the east to south easterly direction and between depths of 3.8m to 4.0m below existing ground surface (Figure No. 5 and 6a). Verification sampling conducted during the remediation indicated no detectable concentrations along the south, west and north walls of the excavation, where the soil samples consisted of 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 40 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd clayey silt. Concentration of 65µg/g, PHC Fraction F3, which is below the Table 3 Standard criteria of 300µg/g was detected in the clayey silt sample (EW) along the east wall of the excavation, at a depth of 4m below the existing ground surface. The excavation extended to within 0.25m of the south perimeter of the Site. Based on visual inspection of the soil profile at the time of excavation, the sand seam appeared to be confined within clayey silt layer present along the south portion of the Site, as observed in the excavation. The remedial excavation was confined to within 0.25m from the south perimeter of the Site (Figure No. 5). The soil with high pH values was removed from the vicinity of the Site and therefore migration is not anticipated. Groundwater was recorded at depths of 5.25m or greater, below the existing ground surface. PHC parameters tested in the ground water sample at BH202 and MW13-3 were below laboratory detection limits. Groundwater contamination was not identified. Therefore, migration of contamination through groundwater is not anticipated. Furthermore, it should be noted that there are no utilities location on Site, within the excavated depths. Therefore, migration through utility trenches and/or disturbed soil is not anticipated. Climatic or Meteorological Conditions Groundwater was documented at depths of 5.25m to 5.68m below ground surface during the environmental investigations. The maximum depth of PHC contamination and subsequent remediation extended to a depth of approximately 4m below the ground surface. Therefore, temporal fluctuations in the groundwater are not anticipated to influence the conditions on Site. Soil Vapour Intrusion Identified contamination related to PHC impact has been adequately delineated during this Phase Two ESA. No soil vapour intrusion is anticipated during construction activities in the future. Existing Building Features The Site was vacant/undeveloped and was generally covered with gravel and asphalt at the time of this Phase Two ESA. Storage containers were placed along the central and west part of the Site. A chain link fence was present along to the Site boundaries, with a block retaining wall, 0.6m to 1.5m high was present along the south and east perimeter of the Site. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 41 OF 45 Toronto Inspection Ltd Building Heating, Ventilation and Air Conditioning The Site was vacant and undeveloped at the time of this Phase Two ESA. Subsurface Utilities At the time of this Phase Two ESA, there were no subsurface utilities. Human & Ecological Receptor Conceptual Model The human and ecological receptor conceptual model is presented in Figure No. 7. Release Mechanisms PHC impacts were identified in the subsoils at the Phase Two property. No groundwater impacts were identified. Therefore, soil is considered a release mechanism. Soil with high pH values was removed and is not considered a release mechanism. Contaminant Transport Pathway The impacts are transported by infiltration and percolation, through the sand seams under the Phase Two property. The impacts can also be transported as vapours when exposed to air. Receptors Potential receptors are excavation workers on site and organisms within the subsoil. Receptor Exposure Points Excavation below 3.8m are possible exposure points for above receptors. Routes of Exposure The impacted materials were adequately remediated and no routes of exposure are anticipated. However, personal protective equipment should be used by work personnel when handling soils. 3190-13-E-TAS-E RSC PHASE TWO ESA – 2789-2803 DUNDAS ST W, TORONTO PAGE 42 OF 45 N W E S TITLE: 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Tel: 905-940 8509 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : Phase One Conceptual Site Model (RSC Site) LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-C(RSC) DATE : Sep 2013 FIGURE NO : 01 N W APEC 2 E S Unknown fill/inadequate verification samples BH4 (S&P 2006) (approx.) APEC 1 Entire Site Phase One, Two, RSC Property FORMER UST EXCAVATION (September 2011) BH304 (TIL 2013) MW13-3 BH13-2 BH13-1 BH203 (2011) W4 BH201 (2011) LANE WAY BH202 (2011) Legend: - Monitoring well (TIL 2013) - Borehole (TIL 2013) - Monitoring well (TIL 2011) Previous verification sample location (sept 2011 former UST removal) 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Tel: 905-940 8509 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : TITLE: Phase Two Conceptual Site Model - APEC Layout LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-D(RSC) DATE : FIGURE NO : Dec 2013 02 N W APEC 2 E S Unknown fill/inadequate verification samples BH4 (S&P 2006) (approx.) APEC 1 Entire Site Phase One, Two, RSC Property FORMER UST EXCAVATION (September 2011) BH304 (TIL 2013) 112.55 MW13-3 BH13-2 BH13-1 BH203 (2011) W4 BH201 (2011) 112.51 LANE WAY BH202 (2011) Legend: - Monitoring well (TIL 2013) - Borehole (TIL 2013) - Monitoring well (TIL 2011) - Groundwater Flow Contour 112.51 - Groundwater Elevation (Aug 14, 2013) - Groundwater Flow Direction - Previous Verification Sample Location (Sept. 2011 Former UST Removal) 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Tel: 905-940 8509 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : TITLE: Phase Two Conceptual Site Model - Groundwater Contours LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-D(RSC) DATE : FIGURE NO : Dec 2013 03 N W APEC 2 E S Unknown fill/inadequate verification samples BH4 (S&P 2006) (approx.) APEC 1 Entire Site Sample C (2013) Phase One, Two, RSC Property FORMER UST EXCAVATION (September 2011) Sample A (2013) Sample B (2013) Sample D* (2013) Sample D-1** (2013) MW13-3 BH304 (TIL 2013) BH13-2 BH13-1 BH203 (2011) W4 BH201 (2011) LANE WAY BH202 (2011) PLAN A PHC Exceedance FORMER UST EXCAVATION (September 2011) Legend: - Monitoring well (TIL 2013) PLAN A O'Reg153/04 Parameter Table 3 Criteria Sample ID/ Concentration Sample-B July 31, 2013 Sample ID/ Concentration Sample-D* July 31, 2013 MW13-3 PHC-F2 98 ND 20 ND Sample C (2013) PHC-F3 PHC-F4 300 73 3000 1900 2800 ND 920 680 - Borehole (TIL 2013) - Monitoring well (TIL 2011) - Previous Verification Sample Location (Sept. 2011 Former UST Removal) - Supplemental Verification Sample Location Addressing Former UST Area (July 2013) W4 Sample A (2013) ND - Not Detected * - Duplicate Sample Sample B (2013) Sample D* (2013) Sample D-1** (2013) MW13-3 pH Exceedance SS3 11.2 SS2 11.2 SS4 10.4 SS3 11.5 (confirmation sample) BH202 (2011) ** - Additional Confirmation Sample 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Tel: 905-940 8509 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : Sample ID/ Concentration Sample-D1** July 31, 2013 TITLE: Phase Two Conceptual Model - Exceedances LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-D(RSC) DATE : FIGURE NO : Dec 2013 04 N W APEC 2 E S Unknown fill/inadequate verification samples BH4 (S&P 2006) (approx.) APEC 1 Entire Site Phase One, Two, RSC Property FORMER UST EXCAVATION (September 2011) BH304 (TIL 2013) Sample A (2013) Sample B/D/D1 (2013) MW13-3 Sample C (2013) BH13-1 NW W4 PHEW SW1 PHSW BH201 (2011) BH13-2 PHNW PHWW EF SF(A*) BH203 (2011) EW SW2 BH202 (2011) LANE WAY EXCAVATION (SEPT. 16, 2013) PLAN A Excavation beyond Phase Two Property Excavation (Sep 16, 2013) high pH soil removal PLAN A Legend: Excavation (Sep 16, 2013) PHC remediation - Monitoring well (TIL 2013) MW13-3 - Borehole (TIL 2013) Sample C (2013) - Monitoring well (TIL 2011) PHWW SOIL LABORATORY CONCENTRATION (ug/g) PHNW NW - Previous Verification Sample Location (Sept. 2001 Former UST Removal) SW1 - Verification Sample Location (September 16, 2013 Excavation) - Verification Sample Location (December 13, 2013 Excavation) Sample A (2013) ND - Not Detected Top of Excavation EF PHEW W4 PHNW * - Duplicate Sample O'Reg153/04 SW1 SF(A*) Bottom of Excavation SW2 RSC Property Line 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : Table 3 Criteria PHC-F3 300 EW September 2013 ND 65 pH Verification Sampling - Dec 13, 2013 PHWW 7.98 PHSW 7.98 PHEW 8.08 PHNW 8.07 TITLE: Phase Two Conceptual Model - Post Remediation LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-D(RSC) DATE : FIGURE NO : Dec 2013 Sample ID/ Concentration Sample ID/ Concentration SW1, SW2, NW, EF, SF(A*) September 2013 PHSW BH202 (2011) Tel: 905-940 8509 EW Parameter 05 CENTRAL WEST EAST RSC PROPERTY BH201 BH202 MW13-3 BH13-1 BH203 BH13-2 SS2 pH 11.2 FILL FILL SS3 pH 11.2/11.5 SS4 pH 10.4 CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT Sample A (No exceedances) Sample D/D1 PHC Exceedance 3000 ug/g & 1900ug/g SILTY SAND Sample C (No exceedances) 112.51 (2013) 112.55 (2013) BH304 112.55 (2013) SAND SAND Bedrock was not encountered in the drilling and is deeper than maximum drilling elevation of 110.10m. RSC PROPERTY Legend: Bentonite Seal BH13-1 BH201 (2011) 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Fax: 905-940 8192 BH203 (2011) BH13-2 W4 Well Screen Tel: 905-940 8509 MW13-3 Email : BH202 (2011) SUBSURFACE SOIL STRATIGRAPHY CROSS SECTION A-A WITH EXCEEDANCES LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario FIGURE NO : PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-C (RSC) Dec 2013 06 CENTRAL WEST EAST RSC PROPERTY BH201 BH202 BH13-3 BH13-1 FILL FILL PHSW PHWW BH203 BH13-2 PHNW PHEW CLAYEY SILT CLAYEY SILT NW SILTY SAND SW2 EW SW1 112.51 (2013) SF EF 112.55 (2013) BH304 112.55 (2013) SAND SAND Bedrock was not encountered in the drilling and is deeper than maximum drilling elevation of 110.10m. RSC PROPERTY Legend: Bentonite Seal Well Screen Limit of Excavation EW SOIL LABORATORY CONCENTRATION (ug/g) Parameter PHC-F3 O'Reg153/04 Sample ID/ Concentration Table 3 Criteria SW1, SW2, NW, EF, SF(A*) September 2013 EW September 2013 300 ND 65 Sample ID/ Concentration pH Verification Sampling - Dec 13, 2013 PHWW 7.98 PHSW 7.98 PHEW 8.08 PHNW 8.07 BH201 Markham, Ontario L3R 9X2 Tel: 905-940 8509 Fax: 905-940 8192 Email : MW13-3 BH203 (2011) BH13-2 W4 BH202 (2011) (2011) Sample Location 110 Konrad Crescent, Unit 16 BH13-1 SUBSURFACE SOIL STRATIGRAPHY CROSS SECTION A-A POST REMEDIATION LOCATION: 2789-2803 Dundas Street West, Toronto, Ontario FIGURE NO : PROJECT NO. 3190-13-E-TAS-C (RSC) Dec 2013 06a TITLE: LOCATION: PROJECT NO. DATE : FIGURE NO :