BEAUTIFUL ME Introduction Packet


BEAUTIFUL ME Introduction Packet
Floral Park is our home...but look how
far we’ve gone!
Last year alone, the Hance Family Foundation
invested $325,000 to improve the self-esteem of
females across the United States.
Together, we can make a difference!
Tens of
of participants have enjoyed
the Beautiful Me program first
Each year, hundreds of
schools, hospitals,
universities, and community
organizations present
of adults
have learned to connect with
their girls in unique ways,
helping them develop
accurate self-awareness.
because they know that
everyone benefits when a
female feels strong, capable,
and self-assured.
They leave our program with
the necessary tools to become
confident women and role
models for our future.
Adults learn how to become
actively involved in their
girls’ growth.
We are proud to partner with many leading organizations, including:
Beautiful Me…the Emma, Alyson, & Katie Project
T H E E M M A , A LY S O N, & K AT I E P RO J E C T
Dear Supporters:
We hope this letter finds you well. We are reaching out to you in order to introduce ourselves and to
familiarize you with educational programming we’ve developed that we believe would be of great benefit to
females of all ages.
We are Jackie and Warren Hance, parents of Emma, Alyson and Katie Hance, who died tragically in a car
accident on the Taconic State Parkway in New York State on July 26, 2009. Since losing our girls in 2009,
we formed the Hance Family Foundation, whose mission is so vital to us no single word can describe it: to
honor the lives of our three beautiful daughters by ensuring healthy, happy and safe children through
innovative self-esteem educational programming. We have chosen to focus on how our girls loved, rather
than how they died.
Our foundation has a central project entitled, BEAUTIFUL ME...the Emma, Alyson and Katie Hance
Project. BEAUTIFUL ME started in a school in our hometown with a small group of young girls as a way
for them to learn from the lessons Emma, Alyson and Katie taught us. Since that time, a powerful
educational journey began that is now allows for females of all ages to learn how to think positively and
with assurance about their bodies, skills, and relationships with others. Through BEAUTIFUL ME, our
organization has already reached tens of thousands of females with content-based self-esteem lesson plans.
We have implemented BEAUTIFUL ME in both public and private schools all over the country. The
program is typically three one-hour sessions, generally, over the course of three weeks. Our wish is to work
together with you to expand our reach throughout the United States. We hope to collaboratively address
core self-esteem issues for females. Specifically, we want to help every female improve her self-worth which,
in turn, can change her outcome.
Collectively, we can agree: when we all work together to invest in the healthy self-esteem of a female,
communities and societies improve.
To outline what BEAUTIFUL ME can offer, allow us to share a few statistics and points:
➢ 81% of ten-year-old girls are afraid of being fat
➢ 90% of teenage girls want to change at least one aspect of their physical appearance
➢ One out of four college-age women has an eating disorder
BEAUTIFUL ME is not a self-help program. It is curriculum-based and holds three tenets that
eschew the above statistics: 1.) to teach people to understand who they are; 2.) to teach people to
appreciate their own skills and qualities; and 3.) to teach people to understand that there is
gratification in helping others.
BEAUTIFUL ME is implemented at schools on a volunteer basis by passionate, skilled and certified
educators, social workers, and mental health professionals. The program poses no challenges from a
budgetary perspective as there is no fee associated with it, it is funded completely by the Hance Family
BEAUTIFUL ME is the start of an invaluable education that provides the necessary foundation for
future success. Please help us share our mission with as many girls as possible. Together, when we
affect a female’s life, we enable her to reach her full potential.
Thank you for your commitment to this program. We look forward to hearing from you.
Jackie Hance Warren Hance
T H E E M M A , A LY S O N, & K AT I E P RO J E C T
Beautiful Me Teacher
Training Part 1:
-no cost to your school/organization
-seminar for teachers, administrators, mental health
professionals, nurses, etc.
-90 minute workshop presented by our Beautiful Me
-both men and women are invited to attend
Beautiful Me Teacher
Training Part 2:
-our consultants teach Beautiful Me to your girls
-your potential future Beautiful Me female teachers
are asked to participate in the groups
-once finished, your staff is ready to teach Beautiful Me
-three separate 1-hour sessions or one 2.5-hour
workshop possible
-our consultants provide constant on-going
support & site visits
Raising a Beautiful Girl:
-our unique seminar for any adult responsible for the
care of a girl
-90 minute interactive seminar
-presented by Warren Hance & Kate Tuffy
-empowering approach to connecting with your
girl(s) & elevating her self esteem
Contact us today to schedule a Beautiful Me or Raising a Beautiful Girl presentation!
- Actively works to effect change with every single participant
- Actively redefines “beauty” and continuously give new purpose to the term
- Creates long-term relationships with participants and teachers at each site by providing Teacher Trainings, free curriculum books, kits/materials, and constant on-site support.
- Everyone benefits when a female feels good about herself.
- We are experts in the field of self-esteem. Beautiful Me is a tried and tested program.
- Female issues of self-esteem and self-awareness remain the same regardless of age. While these issues may be
articulated differently because of age or functioning, the skills demonstrated and implemented during Beautiful Me
reduce self-doubt and increase confidence.
- We effect change directly with the participants during each group but also indirectly effect change in their home
environment. We empower the females to share the new skills learned and practiced during Beautiful Me with other
people in their lives in order to ensure that the conversation continues far into the future.
- When Beautiful Me participants choose to share the messages of the program, positive change happens in the lives of
both men and women.
- The “Raising a Beautiful Girl” seminar is one more way to continue the conversation of self-awareness in the home
environment. Participants learn to connect with their girl(s) in new and effective ways.
- Beautiful Me is offered with modifications for at-risk females and females with special needs. We can also accommodate
various language and faith-based groups.
- Where necessary, we can continue to develop and utilize modifications to ensure Beautiful Me can be provided to ALL
females. - Beautiful Me works effectively in all types of locations… elementary schools, middle schools, high schools, universities,
residential placements, alternative schools, secure detention facilities, prisons, hospitals and corporate settings - just to
name a few!
- We have a well-rounded Executive Board with varying skill sets that have allowed us to move from a start up group to a
national organization. We learned and grew together, while always planning for growth. We share our personal and
real-world experiences to ensure validity and maintaining growth - all while honoring three beautiful girls. - We are: Educators, Mental Health Professionals, Lawyers, a PhD in Finance, Wall Street Executives, Entrepreneurs,
and Administrators. !
- Involvement from teachers, administrators and parents is important, appreciated, and welcomed. We are realistic—we
know our time with the participants in Beautiful Me is limited. You are instrumental to our success!
- It takes a flow of donations (dollars and man hours) to keep a non-profit engine humming. Your time,
care, and support are sincerely appreciated today and always!