User`s Manual -
User`s Manual -
TRAVIS SOFTWARE INC. This User’s Manual is copyrighted by Travis Software Inc. for the sole use of its system users and evaluators. Users and evaluators may make as many copies either in electronic or printed format of specific parts or the entire User’s Manual as they need to support the usage of the system by their organization. Copyright 2004 - 2013 Travis Software Inc. All rights reserved. Travis Software and WebCOBRA are registered trademarks of Travis Software Inc. WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents TABLE OF CONTENTS Chapter 1: Getting Started 8 Initial Log-in to WebCOBRA 8 Logging into WebCOBRA for the First Time 8 Entering Data 9 Navigating the System 9 User’s Manual 9 Support 9 Training and Sample Letters 10 My User Info 10 Home 11 Links 11 Supervisor Only 12 Calendar 16 My To Do List 17 Supported Browsers 17 Customizing the Look of the System for Client/Employers 17 Chapter 2: User Setup 19 User Types Overview 19 Full Site Users (Site Users) 19 Call Center Users 19 Broker Users 20 Client/Employer Users 20 QB/Retiree/Direct Bill Users 20 InstaData Service Users 20 General Information 20 Accessing the User Setup Screen 20 Adding New User Information 22 Adding New Site User Information to WebCOBRA 22 Adding New Call Center User Information 23 Adding New Broker User Information 24 Adding New Client/Employer User Information 25 Adding New QB Logins 26 Adding New InstaData Service User Information 26 Chapter 3: Client/Employers 28 Client/Employer - View All 28 Delete Client/Employers 29 Manage Owners 29 Add New Client/Employers 30 Show Inactive Records 35 Client/Employer List 35 Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor 42 Add New Benefit Plans 42 Client/Employer – Add New 43 Departments - View All 43 Add New Departments 43 Edit Existing Departments 44 Assign QB Groups to a Department 45 Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor 45 Add New Benefit Plans 45 WebCOBRA 2 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 45 Department - Add New 46 Add New Departments 46 Chapter 4: Setting Up Options 47 1.Administrative Options (Supervisor Only) 47 2.Client/Employer Options 48 3.Benefit Options 62 Chapter 5: Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans 66 Carrier/Sponsor - View All 66 Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor 66 Editing Existing Carrier/Sponsors 67 Delete Carrier/Sponsors 68 Edit Settings 68 Add New Benefit Plans 68 Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 69 Carrier/Sponsor - Add New 69 Benefit Plan - View All 69 Add New Benefit Plans 69 Edit Existing Benefit Plans 71 Make Rate Changes 72 End This Plan 72 Transfer All QBs 73 View Inactive Benefit Plans 73 Delete Benefit Plans 73 Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsors 73 Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 73 Benefit Plan - Add New 73 Rate Tier Description Defaults 74 Benefit Plan Options 74 Chapter 6: QBs and Employees 77 Qualified Beneficiary - View All 77 Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 77 Edit Existing Qualified Beneficiaries 82 Edit QB Information 82 Edit Contact Information 84 Event Information 84 Edit Benefit Plans 84 Enter Payments 85 View Ledger 85 Accept Correspondence 86 View History 87 Perform User Actions 87 Entering Notes 89 QB Reports 89 Viewing/Editing a QB Group 89 Deleting a QB 92 Add New Carrier/Sponsors 92 Add New Benefit Plans 93 Qualified Beneficiary - Add New 93 COBRA Notice Employees - View All 93 Add New Employees 93 WebCOBRA 3 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents Edit Existing Employees 94 Adding Dependents to Employee Record 94 Assigning an Employee Group to a Department 95 Delete Employees or Dependents 95 Show Inactive Employees 96 Reactivating Former Employees 96 COBRA Notice Employees - Add New 100 Chapter 7: Retirees/Direct Bill Participants and Processes 101 Retirees/Direct Bill Participants – View All 101 View Selected Client/Employers Using the Drop-down Menu 102 View the Participant Listing by Specified Statuses 102 Delete Current Retiree/Direct Bill Participants 102 Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 102 Add New Carrier/Sponsors 103 Add New Benefit Plans 103 Retiree/Direct Bill Participants – Group and Participant Detail Screen 106 Retiree/Direct Bill Participant Detail Screen – View Detail and Edit Information 107 Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Processes 113 Set Forced Plan Termination Age 113 Terminate Past Due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants 114 Retiree Reports 115 Retiree Status 115 Retiree Termination 115 Chapter 8: Premium Payments 116 Methods for Entering Premium Payments 116 Individual Payment - Add New 117 Batch Payments - Add New 117 ACH Debit Payments 118 Credit/Debit Cards 118 Voiding a Previously-Entered Payment 118 To Mark An Invoice As “Do Not Disburse:” 120 Setting Options for How Payments are to be Processed 120 Payment Options 120 Payment Entry Rules 121 Chapter 9: Electronic Payments and Banking 122 Credit Card Payments 122 Online Credit Card Payments 122 Credit Card Payment Types 124 Client/Employer Configuration Options 124 Electronic Payments Options 124 Recurring ACH Payments 124 Processing ACH Payments 125 Chapter 10: Premium Disbursements 128 Setting the Disbursement Options 128 Client-Level Disbursement Options 128 Benefit Plan Level Disbursement Options 128 Premium Disbursement Wizard 129 When Retroactive Rate Changes Are Made After Premiums Have Been Disbursed 130 Disbursement Adjustments When Previously-Disbursed Premium Payments Are Voided 131 Edit Check Numbers After Disbursements Process Has Been Run 131 WebCOBRA 4 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents ACH Disbursement Setup 132 Setup an Administrator Bank Account for ACH 133 Setup a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer Bank Account for ACH 133 Enable a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer for ACH 133 Chapter 11: Letters 134 Generating, Accepting, and Printing Letters in WebCOBRA 134 “On Demand” Letter Generation 134 Automatic Letter Robot 135 Automatic Letter Storage 135 Send Letters Manually to QBs or a Client/Employer Group 135 Send Letters Manually to QBs 135 Send Letters Manually to a Client/Employer Group 136 Customizing Your Letters 137 The Internet Word Processor (IWP) 137 Print All Correspondence Templates 138 Letters Generated In WebCOBRA 139 COBRA General Notice and Related Forms Generated to Employees 140 Initial Enrollment Letters and Forms Generated to QBs, Retirees, and ... Leave of Absence 144 Letters and Notices Related to Premium Billing 156 Letters and Notices Related to Plan and/or Coverage Termination 165 Miscellaneous Letters and Notices 172 User-Definable Free-Form Letters 192 Chapter 12: Reports 194 Existing Reports - View All 194 Run Pre-formatted Reports 194 Emailed Report Subscriptions 195 Emailed Report Files - View All 196 View Emailed Report Subscriptions Files 196 Ad-Hoc Reporting - Add New 197 Emailed Reports History - View All 197 View Emailed Report Subscriptions History 197 Delete Emailed Report Subscriptions 198 Correspondence History 198 Pre-formatted Reports in WebCOBRA 199 Qualified Beneficiary (QB) Reports 200 Benefit Plan Reports 219 System Integrator Reports 227 Premium Reports 229 Client/Employer Reports 266 Retiree Reports 279 Chapter 13: Invoicing of Fees to Employers 284 Invoicing Setup and Payments 284 Setting Up Invoices 284 Editing Invoices 288 Invoicing Reports 289 Run Invoices 291 Brokers 293 Adding New Brokers 293 Editing Brokers 294 WebCOBRA 5 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents Chapter 14: Scanning In Documents 295 Documents - View All 295 Documents - Upload 296 Chapter 15: Importing and Exporting Data 297 Importing Data 297 Importing Data Using a Comma Delimited Text File 297 Troubleshooting Upload and Integration Errors 300 File Format Specifications 300 Sample Import Files 301 Exporting Data 303 Exporting via the InstaData Web Service 303 Appendix A: ARRA Stimulus Processes 305 ARRA Stimulus Subsidy User Actions 305 Authorize ARRA Stimulus 305 Deny ARRA Stimulus 305 Opt Out of the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy 306 QB Ledger 307 ARRA Reports 307 ARRA Re-Notification Wizard 307 Appendix B: IT Resources 309 System Integrator 309 Management Console 309 Key Management 309 CSV QB Import Format 309 CSV Employee Import Format 309 CSV Payment Import Format 309 CSV Retiree Import Format 310 Dictionary 310 Artificial Intelligence 310 Letter Acceptance Automation Module 310 Single Sign On 310 EDI 834 311 WebCOBRA InstaData Web Service 312 Your Data Usage and Archive 312 Data Usage 312 QB and Employee Archive 312 Data Archive Wizard 312 System Resources 313 System Requirements 313 Current Users 313 EULA 313 Logos and Links 313 WebCOBRA Logos 313 HTML Links 313 Your Status 313 Appendix C: Data Storage Management and Archiving 314 Accessing Your Data Usage Information 314 Archiving Participants 314 Un-Archiving Participants 315 WebCOBRA 6 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Table of Contents Appendix D: InstaData Web Service 316 Exporting via the InstaData Web Service 316 Functionality and Technology 316 Configuring the User Credentials to Utilize the Web Service 316 Letter Preferences App 317 General Overview 317 General Overview 317 Letter Preferences App 317 INDEX 318 WebCOBRA 7 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started Chapter 1: Getting Started Welcome to WebCOBRA! All of us at Travis Software are delighted that you are using our system. This User’s Manual is presented, organized, and designed to provide you with a description of how to set up, use, and customize WebCOBRA. The chapters of the manual are presented in the same order as you would follow were you using WebCOBRA for the first time. For example, before you can enter Qualified Beneficiaries, you must first enter Employers, Insurance Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans, and set up the various Options that tell the system how you want it to work for you. This chapter will walk you through the basic functions of WebCOBRA including: • • • • Initial Log-in to the System Entering Data Navigating the System Customizing the Look of the System for Client/Employers Initial Log-in to WebCOBRA After you begin your subscription to WebCOBRA, the Travis Support team will go through several steps in order to set up your individual account. These steps include: • • • • Creating your account. Setting up specific modules that are included in your subscription agreement. Entering your company’s information and/or company data. Creating an initial customer log-in email. Once Travis Support has completed setting up your organization’s WebCOBRA account, you will receive an email that details the initial account log-in information. Logging into WebCOBRA for the First Time 1. Navigate to your WebCOBRA instance: 2. Enter the Admin. Code, Username, and Temporary Password that were included in the initial email from Travis Support. 3. Accept the “End User License Agreement (EULA).” 4. Set the password for your account. 5. Start the “Client/Employer Add Wizard.” For more information on setting up Client/Employers, refer to the “Client/Employers” chapter in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 8 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started Entering Data WebCOBRA will walk you through the step-by-step, wizard-based process for entering all the required data in order to administer COBRA and Retiree Billing. Navigating the System 1. The following links are located under the “Search” box near the top right-hand corner of your WebCOBRA home screen. User’s Manual This link will take you directly to the .pdf file of this user’s manual. Support This link will take you directly to “WebCOBRA Support Self-Service Log-in” screen. You can also access the user’s manual from here. Upon logging into the Support Self-Service Log-in site, you will have the ability to: • • • • Create new cases, or issues, into the site so that our Travis Support team can help users with WebCOBRA. Track open cases that you have previously logged into the system for their state of resolution. View common solutions to potential issues within WebCOBRA. View old cases that may have already been logged into and resolved within WebCOBRA. WebCOBRA 9 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started Training and Sample Letters By clicking the “Training” link, you will be taken directly to a page with a link to the WebCOBRA User’s Manual and a sample of each of the letters that are produced by WebCOBRA. My User Info This link takes you directly to the “User Detail” page. From here you can: • • • • View/Edit/Change your WebCOBRA password. View and Update User Security and User Roles within WebCOBRA. View and Update your contact information. View and Add links to preferred WebCOBRA pages and/or external websites. To View/Edit/Change Information or Password for User: 1. Click the “My User Info” link. 2. Click the “View/Edit/Change Password for User link. 3. Review or Edit your User Name, First Name, or Last Name. Enter the password you wish to use in the “Password (optional)” information box. Re-type the password to confirm it in the next box “Confirm Password.” 4. Review or Edit the Active User, View Only, and Sensitive Financial Information sections. 5. Click the “Save and Continue” button when done. Security Roles In this tab you will see: 1. A list of the different Security Role Names in WebCOBRA, as well as whether or not the User has that role, including: • • • • • Supervisory Administrator Client Administrator Compliance Administrator Data Entry Administrator Correspondence Administrator 2. The choice of whether or not to “Restrict Access by Client/Employer.” Supervisory Administrators have complete control of the system, and cannot be restricted to certain Client/Employers. When you are done editing this information, click the “Save Security Settings” button. Contacts Here you will see the “User Contact Information,” including Address, Phone, and Email. WebCOBRA 10 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started Links In this tab, you will find a list of “User Links,” the optional links you can add to the home screen for quick access to either frequently used pages in the WebCOBRA system or anywhere on the internet. Here you can choose to “Edit” or “Remove” the link. a. To Edit the link information: Click the “Edit” link near the Link Name. Fields to edit the link information will appear. Choose whether this link is to be considered a “WebCOBRA Link” or a “Personal Link,” if you want the link to open in a new browser window, and whether it should go in the “My Links” or “Frequent Pages” section and what number it should be in the order of your links (1=First, 2=Second, etc.). Click “Save” when done. b. To remove a link: click on the “Remove” link near the Link Name. See the “Add Your Links Here” section below for more information on how to add links. 2. The following links are located near the top left-hand corner of your WebCOBRA home screen, on the toolbar under the WebCOBRA logo. Home This link will take you to the main home screen in WebCOBRA. Links Zip Code Lookup This page will allow you to lookup zip code, city, and state information by typing in either the zip code or the city information. The Zip Code Lookup feature will not allow you to only enter state information. Search Engine The WebCOBRA Search Engine can be accessed from either the toolbar or the Search Engine box in the top right-hand corner of you screen. The Search Engine will search through all the major modules of the system in order to return relevant matches. A SSN, QBID, full names, or partial names for QBs and Client/Employers can be entered as search criteria. Add Your Links Here Selecting this link will take you directly to the “Links” tab on the “My User Info” screen. This page is used as a portal to access either your most frequently used WebCOBRA pages and/or preferred internet websites. 1. Click on the “Add New Link” button. WebCOBRA 11 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started 2. The full path of the URL must be entered in order to create a link. For example, to link to Google: CORRECT: INCORRECT: 3. Decide whether you want this link in the “My Links” or “Frequent Pages” section, and what number it should be in the order of your links (1=First, 2=Second, etc.). 4. Click “Save” when finished. Supervisor Only This toolbar option is only available for users with Administrative rights. Setup This will take you to a page that shows your Administrative information. The following tabs are available from this page: • • • • • • • • • • • View/Edit Administrator Information link, if applicable Users Contacts Options Billing Formulas Logo Dynamic Demo Data Login Restrictions Lock Emails Groups View/Edit Administrator Information Clicking on this link will display several Administrator information fields, including: a. Administrator Name (can be edited) b. Administrator Code c. WebCOBRA edition Type d. Max Number of Site Users: Clicking the “Need more users?” link will direct you to the “Contact Support” page, in which you can send a “Request for Additional System Users.” Fill out the fields “From” (your email address), select who to send the email to from the drop-down menu (WebCOBRA Sales or Support Department), option to customize the “Subject” field, and fill in the “Your Message” WebCOBRA 12 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started field. Click the “Send Message” button when finished. You will be directed to a page that says, “Success – Your email to was successfully sent.” e. Max Number of Call Center Users o See above for instructions on “Need more users?” link. f. Max Number of Broken Logins o See above for instructions on “Need more users?” link. g. List of Add On Modules you currently have When done editing/viewing these fields, click “Save” to save changes and return to the main “ Setup” screen. When saved correctly you will be prompted, “Administrator Management saved correctly.” Users This will take you to the “Users” tab on the Administrative screen. From this screen, you can: a. Add new users to WebCOBRA via the “Create new user” button. You will be directed to the six (6) step “New User Wizard.” For more information on creating new users, refer to the “Setting Up Users” chapter in this user’s manual. b. Select a “Support Access Level.” Choose from the drop-down menu: o Denied o Granted With View Only o Granted With Full Access After selecting one, click “Save and Continue.” You will be prompted, “Support Access Level saved correctly.” c. View the “Statistics” for the users in your system. Listed are the types of users and number of active users and maximum allowed for that type. Clicking on a certain type of user will display for that type the users’ Logins, statuses, last and first name, security role type, any notes, and an “Edit” link. Selecting the “Edit” link takes you to that user’s “User Detail” screen. For more information on the “User Detail” screen, refer to the description given earlier in this chapter. Contacts This tab displays Administrator Contact Information, including addresses, phone numbers, email addresses, and site addresses. Also shown are Personnel/Contact Information (if applicable) and a link to edit/add new contact information. Click on this button (“Add New Contact”) and enter the name and title of the new contact you would like to enter. Press “Save Contact” when done. Options The options displayed in this tab, “Customer Setup Options,” will configure the system for you. For more information on these options, refer to “Administrative Options” listed in the “Setting Up Options” chapter in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 13 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started Billing Formulas This tab displays “Client Invoicing Billing Formulas” and “Standard Billing Charges.” From this screen, you can “Add A New Line Item Billing Charge.” For more information on adding a line item billing charge, refer to the “Invoicing of Fees to Employers” chapter in this user’s manual. The “Standard Billing Charges” listing includes the name of the charge, the kind of billing cycle for it (ex. monthly, annually, etc.), which month it is billed, the system component, the amount billed, whether it is taxable or not, and the status (where you can select to deactivate or delete the charge). There is also a link to “Show Active and Inactive Formulas.” Logo Here you can upload a logo to be displayed on invoices generated. Click on the “Upload Logo” link. Click “Browse” and select the logo you wish to upload; click “Open.” Name your logo in the “Please Describe this File” field. Click “Save Logo File.” You will be prompted, “Your file was saved correctly. You can safely close this window.” Click “Close” in the upper right-hand corner. Your logo will display in the upper left-hand corner of the invoices you create, but will not show in this tab. Dynamic Demo Data Dynamic Demo Data allows you to populate a Client/Employer within the WebCOBRA system for the purpose of showing potential clients how the system operates. Clicking on the “Dynamic Demo Data” button takes you to a form to fill out to create this data. Fields shown include Client/ Employer Name, Code, Zip Code for All Address, Number of Total Groups, and Types of Participants to Create (Enrolled QBs, COBRA General Notice Employees, Pending QBs, and/or Non Commenced QBs). Click the “Save and Create” button when done. When the system is finished creating this Client/Employer data, you will be prompted, “Creating: (Client/Employer name) saved correctly.” From here, there are links to: o Create a Client Login for this Demo Client/Employer – takes you to the “New User Wizard” (see “Setting Up Users” chapter). o Home for Letters – takes you to the WebCOBRA home screen, where you can accept correspondence for this Employer. o View QBs created – takes you to the “Participant Listing” for this Employer. o View Employees created – takes you to the “Employee Listing” for this Employer. o View Client/Employer – takes you to the “Client/Employer Detail” screen for this Employer. Login Restrictions This is where Administrator users can restrict Employer-Logins and QB-Logins as much or as little as they would like. Listed are the types of logins, descriptions, and the ability to select either “Allowed” or “Denied” for each type of login. When done editing these, click “Save and Continue.” You will be prompted, “User Role Restrictions saved correctly” at the top of the page, and within the “Login Restrictions” tab, “Save Successful.” You can then click to “View Changes,” which takes you back to the regular “Login Restrictions” tab screen. WebCOBRA 14 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started User Lockdown Here, Administrator users can lock-out types of users. You can also include a “Lock Out Reason.” Click the “Save and Continue” button. You will be prompted, “User Type Lockouts saved correctly” at the top of the screen, and “Save Successful” in the “User Lockdown” tab. You can then click to “View Changes,” which takes you back to the regular “User Lockdown” tab screen. Emails This tab allows you to customize Email Templates that the WebCOBRA system are sent to users. View/Customize emails going to a certain type of user by selecting a type from the drop-down menu. Choose from: o Site User o Client Login o Automated QB Payment o Call Center User o Employer QB Enroll Letter Once you select a type, click the “Choose” button. A field where you can customize the email will appear. Make your changes, and then click “Save Email Template.” You will be prompted, “Email Templates saved correctly” at the top of the screen, and “Template Saved Correctly” in the tab area. Groups From this tab, you may create new and edit existing Client/Employer Groups. Client/Employer Groups are groups of specific Client/Employers for which you may run the “Manual Letter Wizard.” a. Create a new Client/Employer Group: 1. From the “Groups” tab, click the “Create New Client/Employer Group” button. 2. You will be directed to the “Client/Employer Groups Detail” screen. Enter the new Client/Employer Group Name and Code. 3. From the “Client/Employers Available” column on the left, select the Client/Employers you want to include in this Group. • To individually select and add Client/Employers, click the Client/Employer’s name and then the top “>>” button to add that Client/Employer to the “Client/Employers Assigned” column. • To select and add multiple Client/Employers to the “Client/Employers Assigned” column, press and hold down the “Ctrl” key on your keyboard as you click the Client/Employers’ names from the “Client/Employers Available” column. Then, click the top “>>” button. • To add all Client/Employers to this Group, click the “All >>” button. 4. Once you have selected and added the Client/Employers you wish to include in the Client/Employer Group to the “Client/Employers Assigned” column, click the “Save Client/Employer Assignments” button. 5. A confirmation message will appear – “Client/Employer Group saved correctly.” The new Group will now be listed in the “Groups” tab of the “Setup” screen. b. Edit an Existing Client/Employer Group: 1. From the “Groups” tab, click the “Edit” link next to the Client/Employer Group you want to edit. WebCOBRA 15 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started 2. You may either edit the Group Name, Group Code, or edit the Client/Employers assigned to this group. 3. Click the “Save Client/Employer Assignments” button at the bottom of the screen when done making edits. 4. A confirmation message will appear - “Client/Employer Group saved correctly.” Users This will take you directly to the “Users” tab on the “ Setup” screen. Refer to the “Users” tab description above for a detailed explanation of the functions on this page. IT Resources This page gives users information and tools that will help integrate, manage, and further customize WebCOBRA, as well as the system data, in order to better suit your company’s needs. For information on each of these functions, refer to the “IT Resources” appendix in this user’s manual. For more details on each of the items listed in the “System Integrator” section, refer to the “Importing and Exporting Data” chapter in this user’s manual. User Tracking This will take you to the “User Tracking” page. WebCOBRA automatically tracks when a user logs in and what general changes that user made to the system, filtered by date and time. Choose the date and time you would like to view, and click “Filter.” On the right hand side of this screen, there is a link for showing users who were active “Today Only” and one for viewing user inactivity - “Show Inactivity.” Clicking on a User Name will take you to that user’s “User Tracking Detail” screen. From this screen, click on the “+Show” link to display which actions were executed in WebCOBRA and the date and time they were executed. The following links are located on your main WebCOBRA home screen. 3. Calendar The calendar allows you to add events of which you would like to be reminded. To Add an Event to the Calendar: 1. From the home screen, select the calendar date of the event you are going to add. 2. Select the start time of the event. 3. Enter the subject, select to whom it is assigned, if you would like to link the event to a task within the WebCOBRA service, Date/Time, Duration, Reminder (optional), Event Description, and check the box if the event you are adding is recurring. 4. Select the “Save” button. WebCOBRA 16 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started If you set a reminder for an event, the reminder will be displayed in the top right-hand corner of the screen, just below the “Search” box. 4. My To Do List The “My To Do List” is located to the right of the Calendar and allows you to enter tasks, as an additional reminder to the Calendar. To Add a To Do List Item: 1. From the home screen, select “Add an Item” in the “My To Do List” box. 2. Enter the task you want to add to the “My To Do List,” or if you wish to cancel your request to add an item, click “Cancel Add.” 3. Select the “Save” button when done. The “My To Do List” task will remain in the box until you remove it. To remove a task in “My To Do List,” hover over the task and select the red X. Supported Browsers WebCOBRA is designed to be used with Internet Explorer 8 or higher. Other browsers such as Firefox, Safari, and Chrome may be used, but are limited in their interface to the Internet Word Processor and other functions of the system. Customizing the Look of the System for Client/Employers WebCOBRA can be customized to fit the look of your clients with: • • Custom color schemes at the Client/Employer level. Custom logos at the Client/Employer level. To Customize the Color Scheme: 5. From the home screen, under the “Client/Employers” bar, select “Client/Employers - View All.” 6. Select the Client/Employer you want to customize the color scheme for. 7. Select the “Personalization” tab. WebCOBRA 17 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Getting Started 8. Select the Color Scheme for your Client/Employer. Options include: Red, Green, Blue, Pastel, Purple, Neutral, or Black. 9. Select the “Save Color Scheme Selection” button. To Customize the Logo: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers - View All.” 2. Select the Client/Employer you want to customize the color scheme for. 3. Select the “Personalization” tab. 4. Select the “Select New Logo” button. 5. Browse your computer for the image of the logo. 6. Select the “Save New Image” button. WebCOBRA 18 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup Chapter 2: User Setup This chapter will give you an overview the types of Users available in WebCOBRA and walk you through the basic User setup functions. The five types of Users in WebCOBRA are as follows: • • • • • • Full Site Users (Site Users) Call Center Users Broker Users Client/Employer Users QB Users (Retiree/Direct Bill) InstaData Service Users User Types Overview Full Site Users (Site Users) Site Users are Users who are employed by the WebCOBRA subscriber (Licensee) and given potentially full usage and access to WebCOBRA. Site Users must have a unique, valid email address tied to the domain name of the WebCOBRA subscriber. “Supervisory Administrator” Site Users may restrict the access and usage by other Site Users, as well as what client’s data other Site Users may access. They can be restricted to a limited set of Client/Employers, except for when the “Supervisory Administrator” role is assigned. To add additional Site Users, please contact the Travis Sales department. Site Users can be assigned the following roles: • • • • • Supervisory Administrator – able to do any activity in the system for any Client/Employer Client Administrator – able to do most client related activities for assigned clients, including adding/editing QBs, carrier/sponsors, benefit plans, editing letter templates, adjusting options, and accepting correspondence Compliance Administrator – able to edit Client/Employer settings, carrier/sponsors and plans, disburse premiums, terminate Retirees, send manual letters to participants, view/edit Client/ Employer documents Data Entry Administrator – able to add/edit QBs, employees, Retirees and payments, and terminate Retirees Correspondence Administrator – able to accept correspondence for assigned Client/Employers, send manual letters to participants, terminate Retirees, view/edit Client/Employer documents Call Center Users Call Center Users are employees of the WebCOBRA subscriber who are restricted to only viewing QB information and entering Notes. They can be restricted to a limited set of Client/Employers. To add additional Call Center Users, contact the Travis Sales department. WebCOBRA 19 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup Broker Users Broker Users are Users who bring “books of business” to the WebCOBRA subscriber and want to perform administration or generate reports. Broker Users generally have the same access as Client/Employer Users but may access more than one Client/Employer’s records. To add additional Broker Users contact the Travis sales department. Client/Employer Users Client/Employer Users are Users who are employed by the WebCOBRA subscriber’s clients (the employers for whom the Administrator is performing COBRA services). These Users are given restricted access to only the Client/Employer data to which they are assigned by the WebCOBRA subscriber’s Site User(s). Generally they will have the ability to add QBs and new Employees, view that data, and generate some reports. To qualify for free access to WebCOBRA, these Users must have a valid, unique email address tied to the domain of the Client/Employer, and meet other requirements as determined by Travis Software Inc. QB/Retiree/Direct Bill Users QB Users can view only their own information, update their contact information, setup ACH payments (when enabled), and pay a premium by credit card (when enabled). They can be set to read-only. Unlimited QB Users are included with the system and can be added at any time. You can have the system automatically create login credentials by enabling the “Automated QB Login” under the Client/Employer options. InstaData Service Users WebCOBRA InstaData Service Users are Users who will access data via the Web Service. General Information Accessing the User Setup Screen The User setup screen displays the current number of active Users and the maximum allowed by User type. You can also add new Users to your system, edit existing Users, and control the access level for the WebCOBRA Support team. The User configuration screen can be only be accessed by Site Users that have the “Supervisory Administrator” role. Therefore, only Supervisory Administrator Site Users can add additional Users to the system. 1. In the top toolbar (just under the WebCOBRA logo), hover over the “Supervisor Only” menu. 2. In the drop-down menu that is displayed, select “Users.” This will open the “Users” tab in the site setup screen. WebCOBRA 20 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup Viewing and Editing a Specific User’s Profile To access a specific User you must first open the User listing for the corresponding User type. 1. In the User setup screen, under the “Statistics” section, click on the type of User for which you wish to view the User listing. 2. After you click on the User type, the screen will reload and display a User list below the “Statistics” section. 3. To open a specific User’s information click on the User name or the “Edit” link for that User. Accessing the Create New User Wizard 1. In the User setup screen, click the “Create New User” button. This will take you to the “New User Wizard.” Controlling the Access Level of the WebCOBRA Support Team 1. In the User setup screen, find the section titled “WebCOBRA Support Access.” 2. Select the desired access level from the “Support Access Level” drop-down field. 3. Click on the “Save and Continue” button. 4. The screen will reload to save the setting you selected. Deactivating Users 1. Open the desired User’s profile. 2. Click on the “View/Edit/Change Password for User” link at the top of the page to open the table User profile form. 3. Find the “Active User” row in the form. 4. Select “No.” 5. Click “Save and Continue” to save the updated profile. Automatic and Duplicate User Logout Since Protected Health Information (PHI) may be displayed on computer displays using WebCOBRA, Users are encouraged to log out of the system whenever they are either leaving their desk or finished a systemusage session. Due to increased security requirements of the HITECH and HIPAA laws, WebCOBRA utilizes an enhanced “Automatic and Duplicate User logout” function. A User will be automatically logged out of WebCOBRA due to inactivity if they do not have any keyboard actions within a one-hour period of time. Also, in keeping with these security requirements, Users who are logged into WebCOBRA on one computer and then WebCOBRA 21 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup attempt to log in on another computer using the same username will be automatically logged out of the first computer. Adding New User Information The “Add New User” wizard lets you add any type of User, except QB Users, to WebCOBRA. Only Site Users with the Supervisory Administrator role can add additional Users to the WebCOBRA system. Site Users, Call Center Users, and Broker Users must be purchased through the Travis Sales Department before their specific information can be entered into the system. Adding New Site User Information to WebCOBRA To Add a New Site User’s Information: 1. Open the User Setup screen. 2. Click the “Create New User” button. 3. Complete Step 1: Displayed on this screen is the number of each type of User your subscription allows for and whether you are able to add a certain type. *If you need additional Site, Call Center, Broker, or InstaData Service Users, contact the Travis Sales Department. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Enter the Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the new User. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3: a. Definitions for the various types of Users are displayed. Select “Full Site User.” The list of available User types will only display types for which you have available unused slots. If you need to add a User for a type that is not listed, you can purchase additional ones or deactivate an existing User. b. If you want the User to be read-only select “Yes” on the “View Only” radio button. c. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 6. Complete Step 4: a. Select the Role the User you are adding will have (see above for descriptions of roles). b. If you want the User to view sensitive financial information select “Yes” on the “Supervisory Administrator Only” radio button. WebCOBRA 22 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual c. User Setup If you are adding a User with the “Client Administrator” role and you want them to be able to create Client/Employers, select “Yes” on the “Client Administrator Only” radio button. d. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 5: Step 5 is only applicable for roles other than “Supervisory Administrator.” a. If you are adding a non “Supervisory Administrator,” select Client/Employers for which you want the User to have access. b. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Complete Step 6: Review the User information for accuracy. Click the “Save and Add New User” button to add the User and complete the wizard. The User will now receive an email instructing them on how to log into the system. They will be required to change their temporary password upon logging in. Adding New Call Center User Information To Add a New Call Center User’s Information: 1. Open the User Setup Screen. 2. Click the “Create New User” button. 3. Complete Step 1: Displayed on this screen is the number of each type of User your subscription allows for and whether you are able to add a certain type. *If you need additional Site, Call Center, Broker, or InstaData Service Users, contact the Travis Sales Department. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Enter the Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the new User. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3: a. Definitions for the various types of Users are displayed. Select “Call Center User.” The list of available User types will only display types for which you have available unused slots. If you need to add a User for a type that is not listed, you can purchase additional ones or deactivate an existing User. b. If you want the User to be read-only, select “Yes” on the “View only” radio button. c. Click the “Save and Continue” button (Step 4 is skipped because it does not apply to Call Center Users). WebCOBRA 23 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup 6. Complete Step 5: Select the Client/Employer to which the User should have access. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 6: Review the User information for accuracy. Click the “Save and Add New User” button to add the User and complete the wizard. The User will now receive an email instructing them on how to log into the system. They will be required to change their temporary password upon logging in. Adding New Broker User Information To Add a New Broker User’s Information: 1. Open the User Setup Screen. 2. Click the “Create New User” button. 3. Complete Step 1: Displayed on this screen is the number of each type of User your subscription allows for and whether you are able to add a certain type. *If you need additional Site, Call Center, Broker, or InstaData Service Users, contact the Travis Sales Department. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Enter the Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the new User. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3: a. Definitions for the various types of Users are displayed. Select “Broker User.” The list of available User types will only display types for which you have available unused slots. If you need to add a User for a type that is not listed you can purchase additional ones or deactivate an existing User. b. If you want the User to be read-only select “Yes” on the “View only” radio button. c. Click the “Save and Continue” button. (Step 4 is skipped because it does not apply to Client/ Employer Users.) 6. Complete Step 5: Select the Client/Employer to which the User should have access. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 6: Review the User information for accuracy. Click the “Save and Add New User” button to add the User and complete the wizard. The User will now receive an email instructing them on how to log into the system. They will be required to change their temporary password upon logging in. WebCOBRA 24 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup Adding New Client/Employer User Information To Add a New Client/Employer User’s Information: 1. Open the User Setup Screen. 2. Click the “Create New User” button. 3. Complete Step 1: isplayed on this screen is the number of each type of User your subscription allows for and whether you are able to add a certain type. *If you need additional Site, Call Center, Broker, or InstaData Service Users, contact the Travis Sales Department. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Enter the Username, First Name, Last Name, and Email Address of the new User. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3: a. Definitions for the various types of Users are displayed. Select “Client/Employer User.” The list of available User types will only display types for which you have available unused slots. If you need to add a User for a type that is not listed you can purchase additional ones or deactivate an existing User. b. If you want the User to be read-only select “Yes” on the “View only” radio button. c. Click the “Save and Continue” button. (Step 4 is skipped because it does not apply to broker Users.) 6. Complete Step 5: Select the Client/Employer to which the User should have access. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 6: Review the User information for accuracy. Click the “Save and Add New User” button to add the User and complete the wizard. The User will now receive an email instructing them on how to log into the system. They will be required to change their temporary password upon logging in. WebCOBRA 25 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup Adding New QB Logins To Add a New QB Login: To have WebCOBRA automatically create logins for participants, enable the “Automated QB Login” under the Client/Employer options. 1. From the home screen, select “Qualified Beneficiary - View All.” 2. Select the Group name of the QB you want to add by clicking on either that QB’s last name or SSN. 3. Select the specific QB to which you want to assign a log-in. 4. Select the “Actions” tab. 5. Click the “Add/Edit QB Log-in” link below the “User Actions” table. 6. Enter the password and email address for the QB. The Username, first name, and last name are autopopulated. 7. If the QB is an Active User, select “Yes.” 8. If the QB is a View Only User, select “Yes.” 9. Select the “Save QB Log-in” button. The QB User will NOT receive an email instructing them on how to log into the system, but they will be required to change their temporary password upon logging in. Adding New InstaData Service User Information To Add a New InstaData Service User’s Information: 1. Open the “User Setup” screen. 2. Click the “Create New User” button from the User Listing. You will be directed to the “New User Wizard.” 3. Step 1: Current Users. Here you can view how many of each type of User your subscription allows and if you are able to add Users. *If you need additional Site, Call Center, Broker, or InstaData Service Users, contact the Travis Sales Department. Click “Save and Continue.” 4. Step 2: Login Info. Enter in the new User’s User Name, First Name, Last Name, InstaData Service User Password, and Email Address. Click “Save and Continue” when done. These credentials are what your program will use to authenticate with the Web Service. WebCOBRA 26 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual User Setup 5. Step 3: User Type. Choose the User Type you want to create, which in this case is “InstaData Service User.” Select whether you want this User to have View Only access, and then select “Save and Continue.” 6. Because you are creating a new login for an “InstaData Service User” type, wizard Step 4 and Step 5 will be skipped. 7. Step 6: Review. Review the User information you entered and if the information is correct, click “Save and Add New User.” If it is not, you can click one of the wizard steps to go back and edit that information, or click “Cancel Wizard and Start Over.” 8. Once saved, you will be prompted, “New User Wizard Complete.” For technical questions or troubleshooting while exporting data from WebCOBRA, please contact our System Engineers directly using the DevCenter Message Boards located here: WebCOBRA 27 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Chapter 3: Client/Employers In WebCOBRA, a Client/Employer is a group or a company for which the user is providing COBRA Administration. If you are administering COBRA for other companies, those companies are your Client/ Employers. Selecting “Client/Employer – View All” will display a list of your Client/Employers. If you are administering COBRA solely for the company you work for, then you won’t see a link labeled “Client/ Employers – View All,” but you will see a link with your company name. Adding a Client/Employer is the first thing you will do once you activate your WebCOBRA account. Upon logging into WebCOBRA for the first time, you will immediately enter the Client/Employer Add Wizard. If you administer COBRA for your company only, this will be your company record. If you administer for multiple Client/Employers, you can set this up as any company you wish whether it is a test company, your own company, or a different Client/Employer. The Client/Employer section includes four main links: • • • • Client/Employers – View All Client/Employer – Add New Departments – View All Department – Add New Inside these links, users can manage their Client/Employers and Departments, including personalization, Options, Carrier/Sponsors, contact information and more. Definitions • • Client/Employer: Entities set up in the system to represent an Administrator’s, or TPA’s, clients. In a single-employer instance, this is the user’s company. Department: A sub-group of QBs or Employees within a specified employer. Client/Employer - View All Under this selection you will see a listing of every Client/Employer to which you have access. Supervisory Administrators will be able to see all of the Client/Employers. Client/Employer Users will be able to see the Client/Employers to which their Supervisor Administrator has given them access. If you have set up Owners in the system, you will initially see only “My Client/Employers.” Select the drop-down menu on the left-hand side and select, “All Client/Employers” to see all of the Client/Employers to which you have access. (Assigning Owners is explained later in this chapter.) As mentioned above, if you are administering COBRA for your company only, you will see the company name, not “Client/Employer – View All.” WebCOBRA 28 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Select “Client/Employer-View All” or your company name, respectively. You will be taken to the “Client/Employer Listing.” From this screen you can: • • • • • • • Delete Client/Employers Manage Owners Add New Client/Employers See Inactive Client/Employers Select a Client/Employer from the Listing to see the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, where you can edit existing Client/Employers’ information and options. Add New Carrier/Sponsors Add New Benefit Plans The following describes each of these features and includes steps to fulfill the processes. Delete Client/Employers Deleting a Client/Employer is not the same as making them “Inactive.” This is a permanent process that will delete the Client/Employer, its Benefit Plans, Carrier/Sponsors, and QBs. This is appropriate if there is an error in the initial adding of the Client/Employer. If you are no longer actively administering COBRA for a Client/Employer, you should make them “Inactive,” not delete them. Making a Client/Employer inactive is discussed later in this chapter under “Edit Existing Client/Employers.” To Delete a Client/Employer: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers – View All.” 2. Select “Show Deletion Link” from the top-left side of the screen. 3. You will now see a “Delete” link on the right side of each Client/Employer. 4. Find the company you wish to delete, and select the corresponding “Delete” link. 5. A pop-up message will say “Are you sure you want to delete the entire company?” If you are certain you want to delete the company, as this process is irreversible, select “Yes.” Manage Owners Assigning an Owner to a client is different from the Client/Employer Administrator User level. This is a way to categorize and organize who manages the specific Client/Employer. The user can still see and work with other Client/Employers, but they are categorized as the Owner of certain Client/Employers. To Manage Owners: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers – View All.” WebCOBRA 29 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 2. Select “Manage Owners” from the top-left side of the screen. 3. Now you see a screen listing all Client/Employers with a column on the right titled “Owner.” 4. If you have owners assigned already, you will see the owner name listed in that column. If there is no owner assigned, you will see “**None**” listed in the Owner column. To change or assign an owner, find the company, and select either the “**None**” link or the Owner Name in the right-hand column. 5. A box will appear above the Client/Employer list with a drop-down list with every user name. Simply select the user that will be the owner. 6. Select “Save.” You should now see that Owner name next to the Client/Employer Name. The top of the screen should display “Owner Updated! Saved Correctly.” Repeat the steps for each Client/Employer you wish to assign to an owner. Add New Client/Employers As mentioned earlier in this chapter, the “Client/Employer Add Wizard” is the first process completed when setting up your WebCOBRA account. You can enter the wizard from the home screen or from the “Client/ Employer Listing.” To Add a New Client/Employer: 1. From the home screen, select either “Client/Employer – Add New” or “Client/Employers - View All.” 2. If you are in the “Client/Employer – View All” screen, select the “Add New Client/Employer” button. 3. Complete Step 1: Client/Employer Name a. Enter the Name and Code for the Client/Employer you are adding. The Code is a short-hand way to refer to the Client/Employer. b. Select if you would like to use “Option Cloning” for this Client/Employer. Option Cloning allows you to format the Options of the new Client/Employer to match those of another Client/ Employer. From the drop-down box, select which company you would like to clone. c. Select the “Save and Continue” button. d. Enter the contact information for the Client/Employer. o Address: You can enter Physical, Mailing, Overnight, Return, or Billing address. Populate the Address 1 field. The Address 2 field is optional and useful for Suite Address or Floor designations. To populate City and State, either enter the City and State or simply enter the Zip Code. The system will automatically populate the City and State in the last step of the Wizard. o Phone Numbers: Phone Numbers are optional fields. You can enter up to three phone WebCOBRA 30 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual o o o e. Client/Employers numbers. The drop-down boxes on the left of each Phone Number Field allow you to designate the phone numbers as business, cell, fax, or home. You can also enter extensions for each phone number Web Address: Below Phone Numbers, the Web Address field and Description are optional fields. Personnel: Enter the Personnel Name and Title. These are required fields. Phone Numbers/Email Addresses: These are optional fields for phone numbers and email address for the Personnel. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Client/Employer Options a. Client/Employer options let you customize the way COBRA will be administered for this Client/Employer. These are the options referenced in “Option Cloning” in Step 1 of the Wizard. You can view a complete list of the options and what they mean in the “Setting up Options” chapter. b. Select from several options: o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o o Client/Employer Benefit Plan Premium Billing Letters Processing Cobra Election Notice Letter Set Non-Commencement Letter Set Payment Entry Rules Premium Subsidy USERRA QB and Client Login Electronic Payments Premium Disbursements Automated QB Bill Payments Online Enrollment Retiree Billing Marketplace NOTE: The Notice of Marketplace is an additional module that can be added to your configuration. Each Client/Employer option contains a description, as well as an i-bubble help description. If, after reading the descriptions listed under each option, you need further explanation, please hover your mouse-pointer over the blue i-bubble help description for more information. c. Select the “Save and Continue” button after selecting options for the Client/Employer. WebCOBRA 31 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 5. Complete Step 3: Qualifying Events a. The screen lists a pre-populated list of COBRA Qualifying Event types. On the right, the length of COBRA coverage is listed. You can change the title of the event, but do not change the meaning of the event as it is tied to the length of COBRA coverage. For example, do not change “Termination,” which is tied to 18 months of COBRA coverage, to “Death,” which by law has 36 months of COBRA coverage. This screen lists both Federal and State COBRA events. b. Customize your Qualifying Events. c. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 6. Complete Step 4: Department a. Departments are a way to divide the company into segments. These could be branches, departments, locations or any delineation that satisfies the company’s needs. Users can run reports that will divide by branches. This is optional. If you are creating branches, this step of the wizard will allow you to create the first department. More departments can be added later if needed. b. If you do not want to create departments, Select “No.” Select “Yes” if you would like to organize Qualified Beneficiaries by Department. c. Select the “Save and Continue” button. d. Add the contact information for the Department. o o o o o Address: You can enter Physical, Mailing, Overnight, Return, or Billing address. Populate the Address 1 field. The Address 2 field is optional and useful for Suite Address or Floor designations. To populate City and State, either enter the City and State or simply enter the Zip Code. The system will automatically populate the City and State in the last step of the Wizard. Phone Numbers: Phone Numbers are optional fields. You can enter up to three phone numbers. The drop-down boxes on the left of each Phone Number Field allow you to designate the phone numbers as business, cell, fax, or home. You can also enter extensions for each phone number Web Address: Below Phone Numbers, the Web Address field and Description are optional fields. Personnel: Enter the Personnel Name and Title. These are required fields. Phone Numbers/Email Addresses: These are optional fields for phone numbers and email address for the Personnel. e. Select “Save and Continue.” 7. Complete Step 5: Carrier/Sponsor WebCOBRA 32 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers a. In Step 5, you will add the first Carrier/Sponsor for the Client/Employer. Each Benefit Plan must be assigned to a Carrier/Sponsor. This is the insurance carrier, or in the case of a selffunded plan, it is the plan sponsor. After the “Client/Employer Add Wizard” is complete, you can add additional Carrier/Sponsors. Enter the information for the Carrier/Sponsor. b. Enter the Carrier/Sponsor Name, Code, and Policy Number. c. Select the box “Email ‘Notice to Carrier’ to Carrier” if you want the Notice to Carrier emailed. This is the Notice that is sent to the carrier informing the carrier of QB enrollment or termination. Selecting this box will have the Notice emailed to the Carrier. You must populate the email field in this screen if this box is selected. d. Populate the contact information fields for the Carrier/Sponsor. o o o o o Address: You can enter Physical, Mailing, Overnight, Return, or Billing address. Populate the Address 1 field. The Address 2 field is optional and useful for Suite Address or Floor designations. To populate City and State, either enter the City and State or simply enter the Zip Code. The system will automatically populate the City and State in the last step of the Wizard. Phone Numbers: Phone Numbers are optional fields. You can enter up to three phone numbers. The drop-down boxes on the left of each Phone Number Field allow you to designate the phone numbers as business, cell, fax, or home. You can also enter extensions for each phone number Web Address: Below Phone Numbers, the Web Address field and Description are optional fields. Personnel: Enter the Personnel Name and Title. These are required fields. Phone Numbers/Email Addresses: These are optional fields for phone numbers and email address for the Personnel. e. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Complete Step 6: Benefit Plan a. In Step 6, the first benefit plan is added. More can be added later. b. Plan Description: This is the Plan Name or a description that identifies the particular plan. c. Plan Code: This is a short-hand way to refer to the plan. No special characters are allowed in this field. d. Plan Number: Enter the number that identifies the plan. e. Plan Type: Use the drop-down menu to select the Plan Type. For the initial plan you can select Health, Dental, Vision, HRA, Accidental Death and Dismemberment, Short Term Disability and Long Term Disability. For Plans added later, you can select Flexible Spending Accounts and Life Type Plans in addition to these others. f. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 9. Complete Step 7: Plan Options WebCOBRA 33 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers a. Most of the options listed here are also listed in the “Client/Employer Options.” These are options that are customizable per the benefit plan. Customize the “Benefit Plan Options,” which include options for State Continuation Questions, HRA Benefit Plan, Premium Disbursement, HIPAA Certificate, Track Dependent Age, and Retiree Billing Setup. Each option has a description plus an i-bubble to give further explanation. For more information on each option, refer to the “Setting Up Options” chapter in this user’s manual. b. Once you have customized the options for the Benefit Plan, select “Save and Continue.” Each benefit plan option contains a descriptions, as well as and i-bubble help description. If, after reading the descriptions listed under each option you need further explanation, please hover your mouse-pointer over the blue i-bubble help description for more information. 10. Complete Step 8: Tier Rate Structure a. WebCOBRA has multiple Tier Structure options including tier-based, table-based, and determined per QB (flat-fee). The first benefit plan you enter must be a tier-based plan. Plans added later can have different rate structures. b. Enter the date the rates take effect for this benefit plan. Use the actual date the rates took effect, not the date entering into the system to ensure accuracy when entering QBs, particularly retroactive QBs. c. Enter the cost-tier structure. d. Enter the coverage-level description. The coverage-level descriptions are pre-populated, but are table per the needs of the benefit plan. The number of steps in the “Client/Employer Wizard” will vary depending on the costing information you choose. e. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 11. Complete Step 9: Review and Save a. Review the “Client/Employer Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. b. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. The wizard steps on the rightside of the screen turn into links as you complete a wizard step. If any information is incorrect, select that link, such as “Departments.” Make the necessary edits, select “Save and Continue.” This will take you back to the “Review and Save” step. c. If the information is correct, select the “Save and Add New Client/Employer” button. “Client/ Employer Add Wizard Saved Correctly” will appear at the top of the screen. d. If you leave the wizard without cancelling or finishing the wizard, the wizard will save information entered up to that point. Next time you enter the wizard, it will start where you left off. WebCOBRA 34 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Show Inactive Records Inactive records are Client/Employers for which you are no longer administering COBRA. How to inactivate a Client/Employer or to reactivate an inactive Client/Employer is discussed later in this chapter under “Edit Existing Client/Employers.” To Show Inactive Records: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers – View All.” 2. On the top-left side of the screen, select “Show Inactive Records.” 3. Now you will see all Client/Employers, active and inactive. 4. Inactive Client/Employers will list “Inactive” in the third column. Client/Employer List This is where all of your Client/Employers will be listed. Client/Employer Name, Code, and Owner (if applicable) are shown for each. Click on the Client/Employer Name or Code to view each Client/ Employer’s information and options. Client/Employer Detail Screen From this screen, users can view/edit all the information for a Client/Employer. 1. To view this screen, click “Client/Employers – View All” from the home screen. 2. Select the name of the Client/Employer for which you want to view the detail screen. 3. Scroll to the bottom of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. At the bottom of the screen, you can select a button to “Add New Client/Employer,” “Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor,” and “Add New Benefit Plan.” “Add New Client/Employer” and “Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor” are addressed in other areas of this chapter. Edit Existing Client/Employers To edit a Client/Employer’s Name, Code, Status, and/or Bank Account Information, click on the “View/Edit Client Employer” link. To edit other information, use the various tabs shown. Using the “View/Edit Client Employer” link: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers - View All.” 2. If you have set up owners in the system, you will initially see “Show Only My Client/Employers.” From the drop-down on the top-left side, select “Show All Client Employers” in order to see all the Client/Employers. 3. Select the Client/Employer you want to edit. This will take you to the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. WebCOBRA 35 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers At the top of this screen is the option to “View/Edit Client/Employer.” Selecting this allows you to edit the Company Name, Company Code, Company OCR Code, list the company as Active or Inactive, and add banking information for the Client/Employer. • • • • To edit the Name, Code, or OCR Code populate the corresponding fields, and select “Save.” The OCR Code is used to create an OCR Scan Line which can be added to the “Premium Bill” and “Premium Coupon” templates. Please refer to the “Letters” chapter for more information on these templates and the OCR Scan Line data element. Select the “Yes” bubble to change the Client/Employer from Inactive to Active. Select “No” to change it from Active to Inactive. When you are no longer administering COBRA for a client, you should make them an Inactive Client/Employer. If they are inactive, you will no longer see them on the Client/Employer list unless you select the Show Inactive Client/Employers link. If an inactive Client/Employer becomes active again, you can reactivate them here. You can also edit or add bank account information in this screen. You will need this information if you disburse to the Client/Employer using the ACH Disbursement in the “Premium Disbursement Wizard” in WebCOBRA. When edits are complete, select “Save.” WebCOBRA 36 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Using the Tabs: Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this Client/Employer. You can edit or enter any of the following: • • • • • • • • • • Contacts Options Events Departments Carrier/Sponsors Ledger Your Fields Personalization History Notes Contacts a. To edit contact information, select the “Contacts” tab. Here you can add new address or personnel information or edit existing information. Place the mouse over the shaded areas containing the contact information. The cursor will display a hand. Click the mouse over the area you wish to edit. Edit the current contact information or enter the new contact information under “Add New Address,” “Add New Phone Number,” “Add New Email Address,” “Add New Web (URL) Address.” Choosing to “Add New information” will store both the old and new contact information. This information will display on letters and notices whenever the “Client/Employer Address” or “Personnel” data fields are inserted into the letter or notice. b. Select “Save Contact Information.” c. Add New Contact: 1. On the right side, select “Add New Contact.” 2. Enter the new Name and Title of the new personnel contact. 3. Select “Save Contact.” 4. From here you can continue to edit the Client/Employer Contact Information. d. Edit Current Contact Information: 1. From the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, hover the mouse over the current Personnel information and select it. 2. Select “View/Edit Client/Employer Contact Information” to edit the name and title. 3. To edit the address information, hover the mouse over the current address information, and select it. Update the address information, and select “Save Contact Information.” Options If needed, you can edit Client/Employer Options after initially setting them when adding the Client/ Employer. In the “Options” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, you can also perform a “Global Configuration Edit” to edit the options for multiple or all Client/Employers. a. Globally edit options: 1. Select the “Options” tab to display the list of options. Customize any options, and select “Save Options.” WebCOBRA 37 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 2. To edit an option for multiple or all Client/Employers, select “Global Configuration Edit” on the right-hand-side of the screen. 3. You will now see “Global Edit” in front of each option. Locate the option you wish to edit, and select, the “Global Edit” link. 4. The next screen displays a list of all the Client/Employers and the ability to edit the option for each Client/Employer. 5. To edit the option for multiple Client/Employers, but not to change them to the same value, edit the option per each Client/Employer individually. 6. If you are applying the same value change to all Client/Employers, edit the value for the first Client/Employer listed. 7. Select “Apply to All.” 8. Now, you should see the new value displayed for each Client/Employer. 9. Select “Save Options” at the bottom of the screen. 10. To return to the “Option” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select “Home,” then “Client/Employer – View All.” Locate the Client/Employer, and select the “Options” tab. 11. To globally edit more options, repeat the steps above. Events You can edit the event descriptions after setting them when initially adding the Client/Employer. You can also restore event description to the original description. a. Edit Event Description 1. From the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select the “Events” tab. All events and the corresponding COBRA Coverage length, are listed. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. To edit the current descriptions, select the current description from the drop-down menu. 3. In the field to the right, enter the new “Event Description.” Do not change the meaning of the event as it is tied to the length of COBRA Coverage. 4. Select “Save New Description.” b. Restore Event Descriptions WebCOBRA 38 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 1. From the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select the “Events” tab. 2. Scroll to the bottom of the screen. 3. Select the box, “Restore Original Event Description?” 4. Select “Save New Description.” All events will restore to the original Event Descriptions. Departments During the “Client/Employer Add Wizard,” one department can be added. To add more or to edit current departments, start at the “Client/Employer Detail” Screen. Select the “Departments” tab. All the current departments will be listed. New departments can also be added from the home screen, by selecting “Departments – Add New.” a. Edit 1. From the list of departments, locate the department you want to edit, and select “Edit.” Note that editing a Department moves the screen away from the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. This is the “Department Detail” screen. 2. Select “View/Edit Department” to edit the department name or department code. 3. Place the cursor over the address information, and select. 4. Edit the current address and contact information or add new contact information. You can edit or add address, phone number, email address, and/or web address. 5. To edit “Personnel Information,” hover the mouse over the current personnel information on the left-hand-side of the screen. This takes you to the “Contact Detail Information.” Hover over information you wish you edit. To edit the Personnel Contact name and title, select the link “View/Edit Client/Employer Contact’s Information.” Edit the Name and Title, and select “Save Contact.” 6. To edit the address and contact information, hover the mouse over the address and select it. Edit or add a new address, phone number, email address, and/or web address. Select “Save Contact Information.” 7. To add a new contact, start at the “Department Detail” screen. Select “Add new contact.” Enter the name and title, and select “Save Contact.” b. Delete 1. From the list of departments, locate the department you want to delete, and select “Delete.” 2. A pop-up message will ask you to confirm deletion of the department. WebCOBRA 39 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 3. Select “OK” or “Cancel.” c. Create New Department 1. From the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select the “Department” tab. 2. Select “Create New Department.” 3. Enter the department Name and Code. 4. Select “Save.” 5. From here, you can add Contact information and assign QB groups to the department. Carrier/Sponsor One Carrier/Sponsor is added during the “Client/Employer Add Wizard.” You can add, edit or delete from the “Carrier/Sponsor” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. a. Add New 1. Select “Add New Carrier/Sponsor” button. 2. Enter the Name, Code, Policy Number and, if desired, Bank Account Information for the Carrier/Sponsor. 3. Select “Save.” 4. From here you can edit the contact information for the Carrier/Sponsor, add benefit plans to the Carrier/Sponsor, view the ledger for the Carrier/Sponsor, and view/add/edit notes for the Carrier/Sponsor. b. Edit 1. From the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select the “Carrier/Sponsor” tab. 2. This lists all the Carrier/Sponsors. Select “Edit” next to the Carrier/Sponsor you wish to edit. 3. This takes you to the “Carrier/Sponsor Detail” screen. Ledger Here you will see a ledger of invoicing for this Client/Employer. For more information on invoicing, refer to the “Invoicing of Fees to Employers” chapter. Your Fields These are user-defined fields. When entering QBs into WebCOBRA, there are many fields used to WebCOBRA 40 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers identify or to designate the QB such as Social Security number, QBID, department or age. If there is another field necessary for this Client/Employer, you can create it through “Your Fields,” or User Defined Fields (UDFs). Examples include pay scale, location, smoker, or anything the Client/Employer would need. • • • • • • • To add a new field, populate the fields under “Create New UDF.” Field Name is the title of the field. Field Description is the purpose of the field. Additional iBox information: You can create your own i-box for the UDF. Enter any information that would help clarify the field or what needs to be entered into the UDF. For example, if the UDF requires a date answer, the iBox information could explain that requirement. Maximum length: Enter the number of characters that are allowed in the UDF. If the answer is a “Yes” or “No,” the length could be 3. This is also something that could be explained in the Additional iBox information. Rules for Entry: The drop-down box lets you select rules for the response to the UDF. This helps control the type of response given. For example, if the UDF requires a one-digit-answer such as Pay Scale, you can select, “Value Must be a one-digit integer.” That prevents incorrect information from being entered into the UDF. To edit a current UDF, select the “Your Field” tab from the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. From there, you can edit any current UDF. Personalization If you are using the Enterprise edition of WebCOBRA, you can personalize the look for when your Client/Employers’ users. You can change the logo and color scheme of what the Client/Employer and QB will see when they login to the service. a. To upload a new logo: select “New Logo.” A new pop-up box will appear. Select “Browse” and locate the file you wish to upload as the new logo. Select “Save New Image.” b. To remove a logo: select the “Remove Logo” button. c. To change color scheme: select the color you wish to display, and select “Save Color Scheme Selection.” History Under the “History” tab from the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, you can see every change made to the Client/Employer. The “History” details when a change was made, the user who made the change, what was changed, what the old value was, and to what it was changed. This helps with user-tracking. The System Administrator can always see who is changing what in the system. Notes In the “Notes” tab of “Client/Employer Detail” screen, you can add or view notes of phone calls, emails, etc. This helps if you need to find out information about a previous contact with a Client/ Employer that another user may have logged in the “Notes” section. The “Notes” tab will include the number of notes listed in parentheses such as: Notes (3). a. To Create a New Client/Employer Note: WebCOBRA 41 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 1. From the “Notes” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, select “Create a new Client/ Employer Note.” 2. Enter in any information for the note. 3. Select “Save New Client/Employer Note.” 4. The date, time, and user will be saved when the note is saved. 5. You can view a current Note on the “Notes” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. b. To Delete a Current Note: 1. From the “Notes” tab of the “Client/Employer Detail” screen, locate the Note you wish to delete. 2. Select the “Delete” link. 3. A pop-up message will ask, “Are you sure you want to delete this note?” 4. Select “OK” or “Cancel.” Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “View/ Edit Carrier/ Self Funded Plan Sponsor” screen. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter for instructions on how to “Add a New Carrier/Plan Sponsor.” Add New Benefit Plans By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Plan Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a new Benefit Plan. Users can add new benefit plans from the Client/ Employer List or from the home screen. The first benefit plan is added for a Client/Employer during the “Client/Employer Add Wizard.” Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter for instructions on how to “Add a New Benefit Plan.” WebCOBRA 42 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Client/Employer – Add New Add new Client/Employers by selecting this link under “Client/Employer” from the home screen. It will take you directly to the “Client/Employer Add Wizard.” Refer to the instructions mentioned earlier in this chapter under “Add New Client/Employers” in the “Client/Employer – View All” link. Departments - View All Select this link under “Client/Employer” on the home screen to see a listing of every Department to which you have access and various processes that can be performed. Many of these processes can also be performed from the “Client/Employer Detail” screen as previously discussed in this chapter. Departments are a way to divide a Client/Employer. For example, departments could be locations, branches, subsidiary companies, or any other division that works for the needs of the company. Departments are helpful because you can assign benefit plans to a specific department, and you can run many reports by department. In the “Client/Employer” section displayed on the home screen of WebCOBRA, you can manage the departments and add new departments. The “Department Listing” can be sorted alphabetically/numerically by each heading, “Client/Employer Name,” “Department Code,” or “Department Name.” Simply click on the heading by which you wish to sort the list of departments, and the screen will refresh to reflect that order. From the “Department Listing” screen you can: • • • • • • Add New Departments Edit Existing Departments Assign QB Groups to a Department Add New Carrier/Sponsors Add New Benefit Plans Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Add New Departments To Add a New Department: 1. From the home screen, select “Departments - View All.” 2. Select the “Add New Department” button. 3. Select the Client/Employer you want to add the Department to, and then enter the Department Name and Department Code. 4. Select the “Save” button. WebCOBRA 43 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers 5. You will see a screen that says, “Client Department Creation/Edit Saved Correctly.” From here you can: • Add Personnel/Contact information. • Assign QB Groups to this department. Edit Existing Departments To Edit an Existing Department: 1. From the home screen, select “Departments - View All.” 2. Select the “Edit” link next to the Department you want to alter. You can limit the amount of Departments you are viewing by selecting a specific Client/ Employer from the drop-down box. 3. Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this Department. You can edit or enter any of the following: • • Contact Information QB Group Assignment Information To Edit Contact Information 1. From the list of departments, locate the department you want to edit and select “Edit.” Editing a Department moves the screen away from the “Client/Employer Detail” screen to the “Department Detail” screen. 2. Select “View/Edit Department” to edit the department name or department code. 3. Place the cursor over the address information, and select. 4. Edit the current address and contact information or add new contact information. You can edit or add address, phone number, email address, and/or web address. 5. To edit Personnel Information, hover the mouse over the current personnel information on the lefthand-side of the screen. This takes you to the “Contact Detail Information.” Hover over information you wish to edit. To edit the Personnel Contact name and title, select the link “View/Edit Client/ Employer Contact’s Information.” Edit the Name and Title, and select “Save Contact.” 6. To edit the address and contact information, hover the mouse over the address and select it. Edit or add new address, phone number, email address, and/or web address. Select “Save Contact Information.” 7. To add a new contact, start at the “Department Detail” screen. Select “Add new contact.” Enter the name and title, and select “Save Contact.” WebCOBRA 44 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Assign QB Groups to a Department To Assign QB Groups to a Department: 1. From the home screen, select ‘Departments - View All.” 2. Select the “Assign QB Groups to a Department” button. 3. Select the Client/Employer for which you want to assign QB Group(s) to one of its Departments. 4. Select the “Choose and Continue” button. 5. Select the QB Group(s) you want to assign to a Department. 6. Select the “Choose and Continue” button. 7. Review the “Assign QB Groups to a Department Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 8. Select the “Save and Assign QB Group(s) to a Department” button. Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “View/ Edit Carrier/ Self Funded Plan Sponsor” screen. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter for instructions on how to “Add a New Carrier/Sponsor.” Add New Benefit Plans By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Plan Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a new Benefit Plan. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter for instructions on how to “Add a New Benefit Plan.” Add New Qualified Beneficiaries This selection will take you directly to the “Qualified Beneficiary Add Wizard.” Refer to the “Qualified Beneficiaries (QBs) and Employees” chapter for instructions on how to “Add a New Qualified Beneficiary.” WebCOBRA 45 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Client/Employers Department - Add New New departments can be added from the home screen. Select “Department – Add New.” Add New Departments To Add a New Department: 1. From the home screen, select “Department - Add New.” 2. Select the “Add New Department” button. 3. Select the Client/Employer you want to add the Department to, and then enter the Department Name and Department Code. 4. Select the “Save” button. 5. You will see a screen that says “Client Department Creation/Edit Saved Correctly.” From here you can: “Add Personnel/Contact information” and “Assign QB Groups to this department.” WebCOBRA 46 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Chapter 4: Setting Up Options These Options are some of the most powerful capabilities in the system, allowing you to configure the system so that it reflects your interpretation of the administrative procedures. This chapter will walk you through setting up the different options in WebCOBRA. There are three different sets of options that you can set-up, including: 1. Administrative 2. Client/Employer 3. Benefits 1. Administrative Options (Supervisor Only) The Administrative options will configure the entire WebCOBRA service for you. To Set the Administrative Options: 1. From the home screen, go to “Supervisor Only” and select “Setup.” 2. Select the “Options” tab and review the “Default” options that are automatically established as initial values for the Options by the system. The Default value of each Option is shown in boldface below. 3. Change or update any of the options. 4. Select the “Save Options” button when done. Administrative Options include: Correspondence Unique QB Group ID? (Yes or No)........................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will make each Group (QBs, Employees, and Retirees) have a unique 15 digit key that will be auto-generated when you add a new Participant. Correspondence Notification (Yes or No).............................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will email Supervisor/Administrative-level users when there is correspondence waiting and these users have not logged in for 3 or more days. Invoicing Next Invoice Number (Numeric Option)................................................................................. Default= 1 This will be the number of the next invoice that is run. Printing Options (Enterprise Only) Duplex Printing (Yes or No).................................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” means that your PDF letters will print utilizing front and back printing, without printing one QB’s letter on the back of another (all letters will start on odd pages). WebCOBRA 47 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Bulk Correspondence Printing (Drop-down menu options).......Default= “Do Not Optimize for Bulk Mailing” Setting this option to “Optimize for Bulk Mailing” will allow your letters will be organized by zip code and then print them. You would then “Accept Correspondence,” but not actually print the letters. Then, at the end of the day, you would go to the “Bulk Mailing” feature to combine the letters into one PDF file. Setting this option to “Do Not Optimize for Bulk Mailing” will allow you to accept and print your correspondence normally. ACH File Header Record Information Immediate Destination (10 character alphanumeric field)..................................................Default= Blank This field contains the routing number of the ACH operator, or the receiving point for where the ACH file is being sent. The 10 character field begins with a blank in the first position, followed by the 4 digit Federal Reserve Routing Symbol, the 4 digit ABA Institution Identifier, and the Check Digit. Immediate Destination Name (Alphanumeric field)............................................................Default= Blank This field contains the name of the ACH or receiving point where the file is being sent. Immediate Origin (10 Character Alphanumeric field).........................................................Default= Blank This field contains the routing number of the ACH operator, or the sending point for where the ACH file is being sent from. The 10 character field begins with a blank in the first position, followed by the 4 digit Federal Reserve Routing Symbol, the 4 digit ABA Institution Identifier, and the Check Digit. Immediate Origin Name (Alphanumeric field)...................................................................Default= Blank This field contains the name of the ACH or sending point where the file is being sent from. 2. Client/Employer Options The Client/Employer options will configure each Client/Employer individually in order to fit the needs of different users. To Set the Client/Employer Options: 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employers - View All.” 2. Select the Client/Employer you want to edit the options for. 3. Select the “Options” tab. 4. Change or update any of the options. 5. Select the “Save Options” button. WebCOBRA 48 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Client/Employer Options include: Client/Employer Options Report Heading (Alphanumeric field).....................................................Default= Client/Employer’s Name This field contains the name of the header (top line) for all reports for the Client/Employer selected. COBRA Compliance (Yes or No)..........................................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means that the Client/Employer is required to comply with the Federal COBRA law, which means that the Client/Employer has had an average or 20 or more employees during the prior year. Benefit Plan Options You can set Benefit Plans options at either the Client/Employer level or the Benefit Plan level. Benefit Plan options (specific to the Client/Employer) include: Plan Anniversary Date (mm/dd)......................................................................................Default= 01/01 The month and day that this benefit plan has its anniversary each year. Coverage Termination Method (Drop-down menu options)......................................Default= “Event Date” Setting this option to “Event Date” will pro-rate the premium for this benefit plan. Setting this option to “End of Month” will require no premium until the last of the month following the qualifying event date. Setting this option to “End of Month After Termination” will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date. Setting this option to “15th of month if terminated prior to the 16th, otherwise End of Month” will prorate the premium if the event is prior to the 15th, or will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date if the event is on or after the 16th. Setting this option to “End of Month with COBRA period running from the date of trigger” will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date, but will prorate the final month premium if the event occurred mid-month and options are set to do so. Extend Coverage on Last Month of Continuation to End of Month? (Yes or No)........................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will cause the QBs covered under this plan to have extended continuation coverage until the end of the month rather than terminating on the actual 18, 29, or 36-month of continuation date. COBRA Administration Fee (Numeric field)..........................................................................Default= 2% This fee percentage will be added to QBs premiums that are covered under this plan. 2% is the maximum Administration Fee allowed by law. WebCOBRA 49 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options COBRA Disability Extension Premium Add-on Percentage (Numeric field).............................Default= 50% This fee percentage will be added to a QBs basic premium if they qualify for the Social Security Disability extension period under the Federal COBRA law. 50% is the maximum Administration Fee allowed by law. Drop Flexible Spending Accounts at end of Plan Year? (Yes or No)........................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will terminate QB coverage on their Flexible Spending Accounts on the next plan anniversary date. Partial Month Proration Cost Basis (Drop-down menu options)........................Default= “Yearly Cost Basis” Setting this option to “Yearly Cost Basis” will base pro-rated plan rates on 12 months and the 365 days in a year. Setting this option to “Remainder of Month Cost Basis” will base pro-rated plan rates on the average 31 days in a month. Prorate Final Month Premium? (Yes or No)...........................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will prorate the premium due for a QB whom has a COBRA coverage end date in the middle of the month. Setting this option to “No” will require a full premium payment regardless of the COBRA coverage end date. Prorate Premium - Final Month of Leave? (Yes or No)...........................................................Default= Yes This option applies to Leave of Absence QBs only. Setting this option to “Yes” will prorate the premium due for a QB whom has a Leave coverage end date in the middle of the month. Setting this option to “No” will require a full premium payment regardless of the Leave coverage end date. Premium Extension Fee to Carrier/Sponsor? (Yes or No)........................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will disburse the administration fee collected during the Social Security Disability Extension Period to the Carrier/Sponsor. Generate Additional Enrollment Form? (Yes or No)................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will make the system generate a second enrollment form for each COBRA Election Packet. Is Conversion Available for this Plan? (Yes or No)..................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will mean that this benefit plan is available for conversion to an individual plan at the end of COBRA continuation coverage. Age Tiers Segment Attained On (Yes or No).........................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will make age-rated tiers begin on the QB birthday. WebCOBRA 50 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Waiting Period Formula (Drop-down menu options).........................................................Default= 0 days These options will determine the amount of waiting period days before the QB was originally covered under the health plan for the HIPAA certificate to generate. Users can choose to use one of these formulas for determining the waiting period: • • • • • • • • 0, 30, 60, 90, or 120 days First of Month After Date of Hire First of Quarter After 60 Days of Employment First of The Second Month After Date of Hire January 1st After One Year of Employment January 1st After Date of Hire Enter Manually First of Month After 30, 60, 90, or 120 Days of Employment Flat Administration Fee for Retirees (Numeric field).................................................................Default= 0 This is the amount that will be added to the total premium for a Retiree. Charge Retiree Administration Fee (Yes or No).....................................................................Default= No This tells the system whether to add the Flat Administration Fee entered in the field above to the total premium for a Retiree. Retiree Administration Fee (Numeric field)..........................................................................Default= 0% This is the amount that will be added to the total premium for a Retiree. Premium Billing Options Date of the Month the Premium is Due (Numeric field)............................................................Default= 1 The date of the month that all premiums are due for this employer’s QBs. Acceptable Premium Difference Amount (Numeric field)....................................................Default= $2.00 The minimum premium difference amount this Employer will accept and still consider the premium paid in full. For example, if the premium due was $300 and the payment received was $298. If the Acceptable Premium Difference amount was set to $2.00, then the system would consider the $298 payment as a full payment and coverage would continue another month. Returned Check Fee Amount? (Numeric field).................................................................Default= $25.00 The amount that is charged to the QB when a check is returned. Premium Billing Selection (Drop-down menu options)..................................................Default= “Notices” Setting this option to “Notices” will print premium notices to be sent to QBs on a monthly basis. Setting this option to “Premium Coupons” will print multiple premium notices that will be sent to QBs one time. Setting this option to “No Billing” will not print any premium notices and the QB will be responsible for sending in their premium payment without a reminder. WebCOBRA 51 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Grace Period Days (Numeric field)........................................................................................Default= 30 The amount of days a QB has to send in a premium payment past the due date. (30 is the minimum amount of days the system can be set.) Billing Coupons Options (Drop-down menu options)................................................Default= “12 Months” If the Premium Billing Selection is set to “Coupons,” this option will determine the time frame for which coupons will print. Setting this option to “12 Months” will print premium coupons for a period of 12 months. Setting this option to “End of Current Calendar Year” will print premium coupons for either the entire length of continuation coverage or until the end of the calendar, whichever comes first. Setting this option to “End of Plan Year” will print premium coupons up until the plan anniversary date. If a QB has coverage under multiple plans that have different anniversary dates, then the system will print coupons for each plan. Number of Coupons per Page (Drop-down menu options)..........................Default= “4 coupons per page” If the Premium Billing Selection is set to “Coupons”, this option will determine the number of coupons that will be printed on each page (1, 2, 3, 4, or 6). Payment Window Start on early QB Coverage Election (Drop-down menu options).................................... Default= “Continue Full Sixty Day Window” Setting this option will determine if, when the enrollment form is received during the first 15 days of the 60-day enrollment period, the QBs first payment period should begin immediately or if the payment period should extend until the end of the 60-day enrollment window. Letter Options QB Identification to Appear on Letters (Drop-down menu options).....................................Default= “SSN” Setting this option will determine which QB identifier will be printed on letters (SSN, QB ID, QB Group ID, or Null). Notification of End of Coverage - Number of Days Prior (Numeric field)..................................Default= 60 The amount of days prior to the end of coverage that the End of COBRA Coverage letter will be generated for a QB nearing the end of their continuation period. Mail Room Delay Days (Numeric field)...................................................................................Default= 3 The amount of days you would like to delay termination letters from printing to allow for handling for your mail room. Premium Notification Day of the Month (Numeric field).........................................................Default= 10 If the Premium Billing Selection is set to “Notices,” this option will determine the day of the month premium notices will print. Late Notice Day of the Month (Numeric field).......................................................................Default= 20 The day of the month the system will generate late premium notices. WebCOBRA 52 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Enable Emailing of Letters (Yes or No)................................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means that an “Agreement to Receive Future Correspondence Concerning Benefit Continuation via Email” will be included in the COBRA Election Notice package, which will give QBs a choice to have correspondence either sent through the mail system or emailed to them. Eligibility Confirmation Days (Numeric field).........................................................................Default= 90 The period of time that will pass before a Periodic Eligibility Checking Notice is sent to the QB in order to confirm he or she continues to be eligible for group health benefits. Generate Coverage Certificate with Termination Letter? (Yes or No).....................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means that when the system generates a Termination letter, a HIPAA Certificate of Credible Coverage, with updated coverage dates and plans, will also print. Bilingual Correspondence (Yes or No)..................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” means that the system will create both English and Spanish letters for each QB. (Fees apply). Print NY State Special Enrollment Letter (Yes or No)..............................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” means that the NY State Special Enrollment letter will print for QBs whom COBRA or NY state mini-COBRA benefits were exhausted between July 1, 2009 and October 31, 2009. Add UT State NetCare Insert (Yes or No)............................................................................. Default= No If this option is set to “Yes” and the Qualified Beneficiary lives in Utah, the system will insert the Utah State NetCare Information into their federal Election Notice. Default Setting for Dependents Receive Their Own Copy of Correspondence (Yes or No).........Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” means the system will generate each dependent their own copy of correspondence by default when adding a new QB Group. Processing Options Generate Late Premium Notices? (Yes or No)......................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means Late Premium Notices will be generated for QBs from whom you have not received a regular monthly payment. Print Late Notices for Individuals on FMLA Leave (Yes or No).................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will cause the system to generate late notices for Participants on FMLA Leave from whom you have not recieved a regular monthly payment. These notices will be generated according to how the “Late Notice Day of the Month” option is set. Generate Enrollment Form Received Notice? (Yes or No)......................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means that a confirmation notice will be generated for a QB when a completed Enrollment Form is received. Generate Address Change Confirmation? (Yes or No)...........................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” means that a confirmation notice will be generated to the QB when a change of address has been made. WebCOBRA 53 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Generate Rate Change Letter for Non-Enrolled? (Yes or No)..................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate Rate Change Letters for QBs who are in a pending status. Generate Enrollment Notice to Carrier? (Yes or No)..............................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate an Enrollment Notice to be sent to the Carrier/Sponsor when a QB enrolls in one of their benefit plans. Generate Reinstatement Notice? (Yes or No).......................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate a Reinstatement Notice to QBs after they have been terminated from their benefit plans. This option must be set to “Yes” in order for a pop-up message to appear asking whether the user wants the system to generate a Reinstatement Notice when reinstating a QB. If this option is set to “No,” the pop-up message will not appear, and a Reinstatement Notice will be generated. Generate Returned Check Notice? (Yes or No).....................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate a Returned Check Notice to QBs after you a void a payment due to a returned check. Generate Disability Premium Rate Notice? (Yes or No)..........................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate a Premium Rate Change Notice once a QB has been assigned the 11-month Federal COBRA Social Security Disability Extension. Generate Termination Notice to Carrier? (Yes or No)............................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate a Termination Notice to be sent to the Carrier/Sponsor when a QB is terminated from one of their benefit plans. When Should the System Start the Enrollment Period? (Drop-down menu options)................................... Default= “Day Letter is Accepted” Setting this option will determine when the 60-day Enrollment Period begins. You can choose to either begin the Enrollment Period the day the Election Notice is printed or begin the Enrollment Period the day after the Enrollment Notice is printed. HIPAA Certificate Delivery (Yes or No).................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will combine the HIPAA Certificates and only print 1 per family. Print Notification of End of State Continuation (Yes or No)....................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will print a Notification of End of State Continuation letter before the actual end of the QBs state continuation coverage. Notification of End of State Coverage - Number of Days Prior (Numeric field)..........................Default= 90 The amount of days prior to the end of state continuation coverage that the Notification of End of State Continuation letter will print for a QB nearing the end of their continuation period. WebCOBRA 54 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Print Coupon Cover Letter (Yes or No).................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print a coupon cover letter for each coupon set generated for a QB. Suppress Premium Notices AND Coupons for QBs Who Pay Premiums via ACH (Yes or No).......Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will suppress the automatic printing of Monthly Premium Notices AND Coupons for Participants who are enrolled in automated payments. The suppressed Notices and Coupons can still be generated manually for a Participant by going to the “Correspondence” tab from a Participant’s “Detail” page and following the steps in the “Manual Letter Wizard.” Email Employer When QB Enrolls (Alphanumeric field).......................................................Default= Blank When an Employer’s email address is entered into this field, the system will send an email to the Employer when a QB elects COBRA continuation. If no email address is entered and this field is left blank, the system will not send an email. COBRA Election Notice Letter Set Options Generate Coverage Certificate with Notification Set? (Yes or No)...........................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate a HIPAA Coverage Certification with the COBRA Election Notification letter set. Generate Waiver of Continuation? (Yes or No).....................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will print a Waiver of Continuation form with each COBRA Election Notification letter set, which will provide the QB an opportunity to decline the continuation coverage offered to them. Generate Enrollment Option Form? (Yes or No)....................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will print an Enrollment Option form with each COBRA Election Notification letter set, which will notify the QB if alternative coverage options are available to them. Print ARRA Extension Letter (Yes or No)...............................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print an ARRA Extension letter for applicable QBs. Print ARRA Exhausted Extension (Yes or No)........................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print an ARRA Exhausted Extension letter for applicable QBs. Print ARRA Notice for Termed QBs (Yes or No).....................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print the ARRA Notice for applicable QBs who have terminated their coverage. Print ARRA Extension Letter for Pending QBs (Yes or No).......................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print the ARRA Extension letter for QBs whom have a pending status. Extend Commencement Period by 60 days for Pending QBs (Yes or No).................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will extend the commencement period for all QBs pending with an event date in December 2009 and a FDLOC date in January 2010. WebCOBRA 55 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Print ARRA Extension Letter for Non Commenced QBs (Yes or No).........................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print the ARRA Extension Letter for QBs who have a non commenced status. Print ARRA Extension Letter for Enrolled QBs (Yes or No)......................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print the ARRA Extension Letter for QBs who have an enrolled status. Renotify QBs having Qualifying Events Between 4/1/2010 and 5/31/2010 (Yes or No).............Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print the Election Packet for QBs who have not been informed about the “Continuing Extension Act of 2010.” Termination with Severance Wording (Alpha field)........................................................... Default= Blank Wording entered in this field will be displayed on COBRA Election Notices if 1) the Qualifying Event code “Termination with Severance” is chosen when adding a QB in the QB Add wizard, 2) this field is populated in the Client Options, and 3) you have added the “QB Severance Information” data element to the COBRA Election Notice template in the IWP. Please note: Wording entered into the Severance wording field of the QB Add wizard will override any wording set at the Client level for that QB’s COBRA Election Notice. Non Commencement Letter Set Options Generate Non-Commencement Letter? (Yes or No)...............................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will print a Non-Commencement letter for QBs who fail to enroll by either not sending in an Enrollment Form within the 60-day enrollment period or by not sending in their first premium payment within its specified time frame. Generate Coverage Certificate with Non-Commencement Letter? (Yes or No).........................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will print a HIPAA Certificate of Credible Coverage whenever it produces a Non-Commencement letter set. Payment Entry Rules Amount is Deficient, QB is Unenrolled (Drop-down menu options)......................Default= “Deny Payment” These options specify what you would like to do when an unenrolled QB makes a payment that is deficient by any amount. You can choose to either deny the payment or accept the payment and apply the payment to the premium balance due. Confirming Deficient Payments (Yes or No).........................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will require the user to confirm that they want to enter a payment into the system if it is deficient by any amount. WebCOBRA 56 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Amount is Deficient by a Significant Amount, QB is Enrolled (Drop-down menu options)............................ Default= “Accept Payment to Balance” These options specify what you would like to do when a QB makes a payment that is significantly deficient. You can choose to either deny the payment or accept the payment and apply it to the balance as a partial payment. If you choose to “Accept Payment to Balance” a letter will generate to the QB that gives them the amount of days they have to pay the remainder of the balance. What Percentage is Deficient? (Numeric field)...................................................................Default= 10% The percentage of premium that the system will consider significantly deficient. (Percentages must be between 10 and 100.) Voided Payment When Past Grace Period (Drop-down menu options)...................Default= “Give 10 Days” These options specify the amount of time a QB has to send in a payment when they have a previous voided payment before they are terminated from the health coverage. You can either choose to give the QB 10 days to send in a payment or to simply terminate the QB if they are past their Grace Period. Security Level Override? (Yes or No)...................................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will allow Supervisory, Administrative, or Client Administrative level users to override payment entry options on a case-by-case basis. Extend Enrollment for Deficient First Premium Payment? (Yes or No).....................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will give the QB extra time if they made a deficient first premium payment. Alter Term Date When Initial Partial Payment Comes in Without Enrollment Form? (Yes or No).................. Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will allow the user to alter the system enrollment window when deficient first payment is entered. Premium Subsidy Options Indicate a QB Group with 100% Premium Subsidy Status (Yes or No)....................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will make a QB Group who are enrolled with 100% subsidies status read “Enrolled with 100% Subsidy”. Enrollment Notice to Carrier/Sponsor if 100% Subsidized (Yes or No)....................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will generate an Enrollment Notice to Carrier/Sponsor when the plan is 100% subsidized. USERRA USERRA Enrollment Period (Numeric field)...........................................................................Default= 60 This is the number of days the QB has to return the USERRA Enrollment form. USERRA Payment Window (Numbered field)........................................................................Default= 45 This is the number of days the QB has to make a payment after the USERRA Enrollment form is received. WebCOBRA 57 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options QB and Client Log-in Automated QB Log-in (Yes or No)........................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will allow QBs to log into WebCOBRA. It will also produce a notice at the same time as a New Enrollment Package that notifies the user they can view their COBRA benefits online. QB Log-out Page (Alphanumeric field).............................................................................Default= Blank The URL entered in this field will be the page that the QB is directed to when they log out of WebCOBRA. Client Log-out Page (Alphanumeric field).........................................................................Default= Blank The URL entered in this field will be the page that the Client Login is directed to when they log out of WebCOBRA. Mask SSN on screens for a Participant Login (XXX-XX-6789) (Alphanumeric field)...................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will mask a Participant’s SSN on their “Detail” page when they access their account. Electronic Payments Allow Electronic Transactions (Yes or No).............................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will grant this Client/Employer access to electronic transactions. Convenience Fee - Percentage Add on (Numeric field).........................................................Default= 5% This is the percentage that will be added to the QBs total payment when making an electronic payment. Convenience Fee - Per Transaction Setup (Numeric field).................................................Default= $0.00 This is the dollar amount that will be added to each electronic transaction. Allow QB to Make Online Payment (Yes or No).....................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will allow QBs to log into the system and make online payments. QB One Time Electronic Payment Agreement (Alpha field)...................................................................... Default= “I Agree to make this electronic payment and understand that it is my responsibility to make a full payment by the due date in order to continue benefit plan coverage in the Health Continuation Plan. I agree to be charged a convenience fee for this service.” This is the wording that the QB would need to accept when making a one-time electronic payment. Premium Disbursements Start Disbursements On (mm/dd/yyyy)...................................................................Default= 01/01/1901 This is the date you would like to start disbursing premiums and fees on. WebCOBRA 58 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Disburse ARRA Premium Reduction (Yes or No)...................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will include the ARRA subsidy with the disbursement calculations and reports. Disburse Employer Subsidies (Yes or No).............................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will include the Employer subsidy with the disbursement calculations and reports. Automated QB Bill Payments Allow QB Automated ACH Payments (Yes or No)...................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will grant access to QB Automated ACH Payments. QB Automated Payment Agreement (Alpha field)................................................................................... Default= “You (i) are signing up for automatic payment of your Invoice, (ii) allow us to automatically charge your account in the amount of your monthly invoice, (iii) agree that we or bank can cancel automatic payment for your account at any time, with or without notice to you, (iv) agree that this agreement remains in effect until canceled by you, us or your bank. Your fill invoice amount will be deducted from your account each month 3-5 days prior to the due date on your invoice.” This is the wording that the QB would need to accept when choosing to make automated payments. Online Enrollment Allow Open Enrollment (Yes or No)......................................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will allow QBs to log into the system and enroll in COBRA by making a full electronic first payment. Email Address for Changes .............................................................................................Default= Blank This email address is where QBs will send their change requests to. Retiree Billing Forced Plan Termination Age (Numeric field)..........................................................................Default= 0 This is the age Retiree participants will be forced to terminate from plan coverage. Marketplace NOTE: The Notice of Marketplace is an additional module that can be added to your configuration. Print Notice of Marketplace for employees (Yes or No)..........................................................Default= No Setting this option to Yes will allow the Notice of Marketplace to print for new employees who have not had the letter printed before. COBRA General Notice print days (Numeric field).................................................................Default= 0 If greater than 0, the COBRA General Notice will print for employees with the status of “Employee Added Not Notified” XX number of days after their entry date. WebCOBRA 59 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options NOTE: The following options are data elements that the user will populate for the employer to be printed on the Notice of Marketplace letter. Enter the Employer Information including: o Employer o Employer Identification Number (EIN) o Employer Address o Employer Phone Number o City o State (abbreviation only) o Zip o Employer Contact o Contact Phone Number (if different from above) o Email Address Health Plan Coverage (Drop down menu).......................................................Default= Some Employees If “Some Employees” is selected the system will ask you to provide a definition of an eligible employee and will populate for employees who match the description. Eligible Employee Definition (Alpha field) .........................................................................Default= Blank This option allows the notice to generate for the definition provided when “Health Plan Coverage is offered to” is set to “Some Employees.” Health Plan Coverage Offered (Drop down menu) ...............................Default= We do not offer coverage If “We do not offer coverage” is selected, the system will indicate on the notice that the company does not offer coverage for dependents. If ”We offer coverage” is selected the system will indicate the employer offers coverage for dependents and will be asked to define who qualifies as an eligible dependent. Eligible Dependent Definition (Alpha field) .......................................................................Default= Blank If “We offer coverage” is selected, indicate by definition who qualifies as an eligible dependent. Is the employee eligible for coverage offered by this employer or will be within the next 3 months (Yes or No)....................................................................................................................................Default=No If “Yes” is selected, the system will indicate on the notice the employee is eligible for coverage offered by this employer the company and will be asked to provide an employee eligibility date. Employee Eligibility Date(Alpha field) ..............................................................................Default= Blank If the employee is not eligible today, including as a result of a waiting or probationary period, indicate a date for which the employee will be eligible for coverage offered by the employer. Employer Minimum Value Standard (Yes or No)....................................................................Default= No If the employer offers a health plan, indicate whether the health plan meets the minimum value standard. WebCOBRA 60 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Employee Premiums for this plan..........................................................................................Default= 0 Indicate how much an employee would have to pay in premiums for this plan. Enter set amount for (individual-only-coverage.) Payment Frequency....................................................................................................Default= Weekly Indicate how often an employee would pay premiums for this plan by selecting Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Twice a month, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. NOTE: The following options are data elements that the user will populate for employer changes for the new plan year. Select all that apply. Employer won’t offer health coverage (Yes or No)................................................................Default= No Indicate if the employer will be offering coverage for the new plan year. Employer Lowest-Cost Plan Availability (Yes or No)..............................................................Default= No Indicate if the employer will offer health coverage or change the premium for the lowest-cost plan available only to the employee that meets the minimum value standard. How Often...................................................................................................................Default=Weekly Indicate how often an employee would pay premiums for this plan by selecting Weekly, Every 2 Weeks, Twice a month, Monthly, Quarterly, or Yearly. Date of Change...............................................................................................................Default=Blank Indicate the date the health plan being offered will be changed. WebCOBRA 61 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options 3.Benefit Options The Benefit options will configure each benefit plan individually in order to fit the needs of different plan types. To Set the Benefit Options 1. From the home screen, select “Benefit Plan - View All.” 2. Select the Benefit Plan you want to edit the options for. 3. Select the “Options” tab. 4. Change or update any of the options. 5. Select the “Save Options” button. Benefit Plan Options include: Plan Anniversary Date (mm/dd)......................................................................................Default= 01/01 The month and day that this benefit plan has its anniversary each year. Coverage Termination Method (Drop-down menu options)......................................Default= “Event Date” Setting this option to “Event Date” will pro-rate the premium for this benefit plan. Setting this option to “End of Month” will require no premium until the last of the month following the qualifying event date. Setting this option to “End of Month After Termination” will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date. Setting this option to “15th of month if terminated prior to the 16th, otherwise End of Month” will prorate the premium if the event is prior to the 15th, or will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date if the event is on or after the 16th. Setting this option to “End of Month with COBRA period running from the date of trigger” will require no premium until the last of the month following the QBs termination date, but will prorate the final month premium if the event occurred mid-month and options are set to do so. Extend Coverage on Last Month of Continuation to End of Month? (Yes or No)........................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will cause the QBs covered under this plan to have extended continuation coverage until the end of the month rather than terminating on the actual 18, 29, or 36-month of continuation date. WebCOBRA 62 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options COBRA Administration Fee (Numeric field)..........................................................................Default= 2% This fee percentage will be added to QBs premiums that are covered under this plan. 2% is the maximum Administration Fee allowed by law. COBRA Disability Extension Premium Add-on Percentage (Numeric field).......................Default= 50% This fee percentage will be added to a QBs basic premium if they qualify for the Social Security Disability extension period under the Federal COBRA law. 50% is the maximum Administration Fee allowed by law. Drop Flexible Spending Accounts at End of Plan Year? (Yes or No).........................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will terminate QB coverage on their Flexible Spending Accounts on the next plan anniversary date. Partial Month Proration Cost Basis (Drop-down menu options)........................Default= “Yearly Cost Basis” Setting this option to “Yearly Cost Basis” will base pro-rated plan rates on 12 months and the 365 days in a year. Setting this option to “Remainder of Month Cost Basis” will base pro-rated plan rates on the average 31 days in a month. Prorate Final Month Premium? (Yes or No)...........................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will prorate the premium due for a QB whom has a COBRA coverage end date in the middle of the month. Setting this option to “No” will require a full premium payment regardless of the COBRA coverage end date. Prorate Premium - Final Month of Leave? (Yes or No)...........................................................Default= Yes This option applies to Leave of Absence QBs only. Setting this option to “Yes” will prorate the premium due for a QB whom has a Leave coverage end date in the middle of the month. Setting this option to “No” will require a full premium payment regardless of the Leave coverage end date. Generate Additional Enrollment Form? (Yes or No)...............................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will make the system generate a second enrollment form for each COBRA Election Packet. Is Conversion Available for this Plan? (Yes or No)..................................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will mean that this benefit plan is available for conversion to an individual plan at the end of COBRA continuation coverage. Age Tiers Segment Attained On (Yes or No)........................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will make age-rated tiers begin on the QB birthday. Age Tier Change Based on Plan Rate Structure Date (Yes or No)............................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will make age-rated tiers begin on the latest plan rate structure date. WebCOBRA 63 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Waiting Period Formula (Drop-down menu options)......................................................Default= “0 days” These options will determine the amount of waiting period days before the QB was originally covered under the health plan for the HIPAA certificate to generate. Flat Administration Fee for Retirees (Numeric field)..........................................................Default= $0.00 This is the amount that will be added to the total premium for a Retiree. State Continuation Questions State Law (Drop-down menu options)...........................................Default= “Self Funded, Not Applicable” These options will determine which state laws govern this plan. New York plan has a start date on/after 7/1/2009 (Yes or No)................................................Default= No Setting this option to “Yes” will give QBs whom are have a plan start date on or after 7/1/2009 36 months of state continuation coverage, rather than the previous 18 months. This applies to New York State continuation only. State Admin Percentage Fee (Numeric field)...........................................................................Default= 0 This is where you specify the fee percentage that the system should calculate as an Administration fee to premiums charged to QBs during state continuation. Premium Disbursement Premium Check Receipt (Drop-down menu options)........................................Default= “Carrier/Sponsor” Setting this option will determine who the system should write the check to when disbursing premiums. The system can disburse premiums to Carrier/Sponsors, Client/Employers, or you can set the option to not disburse premiums at all. Social Security Disability Fee Disbursement Receipt (Drop-down menu options)........................................ Default= “Carrier/Sponsor” Setting this option will determine who the system should write the check to when disbursing Social Security Disability fees. The system can disburse premiums to Carrier/Sponsors, Client/Employers, or you can set the option to not disburse premiums at all. HIPAA Certificate Options List Plan on HIPAA Certificate? (Yes or No)..........................................................................Default= Yes Setting this option to “Yes” will list this plan on the QBs HIPAA Certificate of Credible Coverage. Track Dependent Age QB Dependent Age Limit Eligibility for Plan Assignment (Numeric field)....................................Default= 0 This is the age at which a dependent reaches the age limit for this benefit plan (18-50). Retiree Billing Setup QB Plan Type (Drop-down menu options)...........................................................Default= “COBRA/State” Setting this option will determine which QB types can be assigned to this plan. You can choose either COBRA/State, Retiree, or All. WebCOBRA 64 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Setting Up Options Loss of Coverage Email Notification Options Loss of Coverage Notification Email to Carrier (Yes or No)......................................................Default= No Set this option to “Yes” to instruct the system to send an email (or a fax if you subscribe to an “Email to Fax” service) to the carrier when a QB loses coverage. This letter will be generated with the Election packet, but will not be printed with the other letters. It is emailed, or faxed (if applicable), to the Carrier/Sponsor. “From” Address of the Email (Alphanumeric field)...................................................................Default= 0 Enter the email address you want the system to use as the “from” address of the email. If you are using an “Email-to-Fax” service, this address will typically be used to designate the “Email-to-Fax” service account. “To” Address of the Email (Alphanumeric field)........................................................................Default= 0 Enter the destination email address to which you want the notification to be sent. If you are using an “Email-to-Fax” service, this address will typically include the destination fax number. Sender Email Address (Alphanumeric field).............................................................................Default= 0 This appears after the signature of the email. WebCOBRA 65 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Chapter 5: Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans The Benefit Plans section in WebCOBRA will allow you to Add, View, and Edit the different Carrier/ Sponsors, Benefit Plans, and Rate Tier Descriptions. Definitions • • • Carrier/Sponsor: Entities, company, or organization that assumes financial responsibility for an insured group. Insurance Carriers and Self Funded Plan Sponsors are records that parent Benefit Plan Records. They are necessary for Benefit Plan organization. Benefit Plan: A description of employee benefits covered under a specific plan. Rate Tier Description: These are default names of the tiers of coverage for the benefit plans per Client. Carrier/Sponsor - View All Selecting this link will direct you to a listing of every Carrier/Sponsor to which you have access. From this screen you can: • • • • • • Add Carrier/Plan Sponsors Edit Carrier/Plan Sponsors Delete Carrier/Plan Sponsors View/Edit Settings Add New Benefit Plans Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “View/ Edit Carrier/Self Funded Plan Sponsor” screen. To Add a New Carrier/Plan Sponsor: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor - View All” or go directly to the “Carrier/Sponsor – Add New” link. 2. Select the “Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor” button. 3. Complete Step 1. Select the Client/Employer to which you would like to add the new Carrier/Plan Sponsor. WebCOBRA 66 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans 4. Complete Step 2. Enter the Carrier Name and Code. Policy Number and banking information are optional and used for ACH disbursements to the Carrier/Sponsor. At this step, you will have the option to complete the fields, Policy Number, Tax ID Code, Interchange Receiver ID and Application Receivers Code. The Carrier code must be unique with this client and can only be up to nine alphanumeric characters long. 5. Complete Step 3. Select the “Save” button. 6. You will now see a screen that reads “Carrier/Plan Sponsor Creation/Editing Saved Correctly.” From this screen you can: • • • • • Add Personnel/Contact information Add New Benefit Plans Transfer Benefit Plans Create Notes View ACH Disbursements made to this Carrier Editing Existing Carrier/Sponsors To Edit an Existing Carrier/Sponsor: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor - View All.” 2. Select the “Edit” link next to the Carrier/Sponsor you want to alter. You can limit the amount of Carrier/Sponsors you are viewing by selecting a specific Client/ Employer from the drop-down box. 3. To edit the Carrier Name, Code, Banking Information, Policy Number, or Information, or to set WebCOBRA to email notices to this carrier, select the “View/Edit Carrier/Self Funded Plan Sponsor” link. 4. Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this Carrier/Plan Sponsor. a. Personnel/Contact Information – Edit the address, phone number, email address, web address or Personnel / Contact Info for this Carrier. If you have enabled the emailing of notices to the Carriers as noted in Step 3 of this section, please make sure to enter the Carrier email address under the Contact Information on the left side of the “Contact Details” tab. b. Benefit Plans – Add New Benefit Plans or transfer QB’s and plans to another Sponsor within this Client. c. View Ledger Information – Lists disbursement information for this Carrier. Users have the ability to edit check numbers for checks to Sponsors after the Disbursements process is run, even if the check has been printed already. Please refer to the “Edit Check Numbers After Disbursements Process Has Been Run” section of the “Premium Disbursements” chapter in this user’s manual for instructions on how to utilize this capability. WebCOBRA 67 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans d. Create Notes – Strictly for Administrator Users; Clients who login will not have access to the “Notes” tab. e. View History - View “Carrier/Sponsor Change Notices” that have previously printed for the Sponsor. Information listed here includes the date and time the notice was printed, which User printed it, and a “View” link where you may view a PDF file of the notice. Delete Carrier/Sponsors To Delete a Carrier/Sponsor: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor – View All.” 2. Select the “Show Deletion Link” on the top of your Carrier List. 3. Select the “Delete” link to the right of the Carrier you wish to delete. If any benefit plans under the Carrier that you are attempting to delete are assigned to a QB(s), the system will prompt you to delete that assignment before proceeding. 4. Select “Delete this Carrier/Sponsor.” Edit Settings To Edit Settings: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor – View All.” 2. Select “Show Settings.” From this screen, you can edit Settings, Enable per Carrier, and select whether the policy number on the file is pulled from the Sponsor or Plan. 3. Select “Edit” next to the correct Carrier. 4. Select “View/Edit Carrier/Self Funded Plan Sponsor.” 5. Edit the following information and select “Save.” In order for WebCOBRA to produce the 834 file, it must be enabled. Click the “Supervisor Only” link from your home screen, choose “IT Resources,” and choose the “EDI Files” link. For more information on EDI files, please refer to the “IT Resources” appendix. Add New Benefit Plans Refer to the “Benefit Plan – View All” section of this chapter for information on how to add a new Benefit Plan. WebCOBRA 68 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Refer to the “QBs and Employees” chapter in this user’s manual for information on how to add a new Qualified Beneficiary. Carrier/Sponsor - Add New Selecting this link will take you to the Carrier/Sponsor Details page. Please refer to the “Add New Carrier/ Sponsor” section earlier in this chapter. Benefit Plan - View All Under this selection you will see a listing of every Benefit Plan to which you have access. From this screen you can: • • • • • • Add New Benefit Plans Edit Existing Benefit Plans View Inactive Benefit Plans Delete Benefit Plans Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsors Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Add New Benefit Plans By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Plan Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a new Benefit Plan. To Add a New Benefit Plan: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor - View All.” 2. Select the “Add New Benefit Plan” button. 3. Complete Step 1- Select the Client/Employer you want to add the benefit plan to. Select the “Choose and Continue” button. Users also have the option to copy an old plan at Step 1 by selecting “Benefit Plan Copy Wizard.” 4. Complete Step 2 - Select the Carrier/Plan Sponsor name you are adding the benefit plan to. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3 - Enter the benefit plan code, description, plan type, benefit plan number (optional) and information (optional). Select the “Save and Continue” button. The Carrier code must be unique with this client and can only be up to nine alphanumeric characters long. 6. Complete Step 4 - Choose the Costing Method. Select Tier Based, Table Based or Flat Fee. WebCOBRA 69 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans a. Tier Based o o o o o Step 4 Continued - Each benefit plan option contains a description, as well as an ibubble help description. If, after reading the descriptions listed under each option you need further explanation, please hover your mouse-pointer over the blue i-bubble help description for more information. Step 5 – Enter the number of tiers of the plan. By default, WebCOBRA only allows for 6 tiers at this step, but this number can be increased by performing a rate change after the Benefit Plan has been created. Step 6 – Enter the start date of the plan. Good practice is to leave the default date of 01/ 01/1990 in case you need to retroactively add participants at some point. Enter the tier costs and edit the tier descriptions if appropriate. Also enter the coverage level code if using the functionality of WebCOBRA. Save and Continue. Step 7 - Election Options – If you are sending out an Enrollment Option Form, set the different Election choices available here. Step 8 - Review the Plan Wizard Summary to ensure all the information you entered is correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. b. Table Based o o o o c. Step 4 Continued – Each benefit plan option contains a descriptions, as well as and ibubble help description. If, after reading the descriptions listed under each option you need further explanation, please hover your mouse-pointer over the blue i-bubble help description for more information. Please see the “Benefit Plan Options” descriptions at the end of this chapter. Step 5 - Select the proper Matrix type. Steps 6-9 - Select the number of Levels of Coverage and Bands, Enter descriptions, and costs. For “Community Rating” the number of age bands provided for each coverage level determines how many starting age text boxes will be provided and is affected by the spouse option. If the final starting age is 65 enter 45 for the number of age bands. Step 10 - Review the “Plan Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. Flat Fee - This is a flat-fee plan, meaning that each time you assign this plan to a QB, you'll enter the rate they will be charged. o o o Step 4 Continued - Each benefit plan option contains a descriptions, as well as and ibubble help description. If, after reading the descriptions listed under each option you need further explanation, please hover your mouse-pointer over the blue i-bubble help description for more information. Step 5 – Enter the start date of the plan. Good practice is to leave the default date of 01/ 01/1990 in case you need to retroactively add participants at some point. Step 6 - Review the “Plan Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. WebCOBRA 70 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Edit Existing Benefit Plans To Edit Existing Benefit Plans: 1. From the home screen, select “Benefit Plan - View All.” 2. Select the “Edit” link next to the Benefit Plan you want to alter. You can limit the amount of Benefit Plans you are viewing by selecting a specific Client/Employer from the drop-down box. 3. To edit the Benefit Plan Name, Code, Plan Number, Information or to set the plan to Inactive, select the “View/Edit Benefit Plan” link. The system will only let you inactivate a plan that is not assigned to active members. 4. Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this Carrier/Plan Sponsor. You can edit or enter any of the following: a. Rates - From the Rates tab, select “Edit” next to the appropriate start date. You can edit premiums or descriptions by selecting the edit link. This is not a rate change, but rather an edit. There is a separate link to make a rate change to the right. b. Election Choices – If you choose to send out the “Enrollment Option Form” with the Notification set, you will need to select the different Election options for each tier. From the rates tab, select “View” next to the appropriate start date to set your Election choices. c. Options – Not all options are retroactive. If you change a benefit plan option after it has been assigned to a QB, you may have to go to the QB record, delete the plan and reassign in so that it will pick up the new option. Please see the “Benefit Plan Options” at the end of this chapter for detailed descriptions of the options. d. View History – Shows the user any previously changed Benefit Plan options along with the time and date of the change. e. Correspondence – Pending Carrier Notices can be found here. From this page, you are also able access the following wizards: o Make a rate change o End This Plan o Transfer All QBs WebCOBRA 71 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Make Rate Changes To Make a Rate Change: 1. Select “Make a Rate Change” from the “Benefit Plan Edit” page. 2. Complete Step 1 - Plan Selection. Lists the benefit plan information. 3. Complete Step 2 – Current Plan Information. Lists the current tier information and rate start date. 4. Complete Step 3 – Rate Change Effective Date. a. Enter the new rate start date and change the number of tiers if applicable. At this step, you are able to increase the rate by percentage. b. If you would like to manually enter the new rates, proceed to Step 4. c. The Rate expiration date and Send reminder notification date fields are also optional. 5. Complete Step 4 – New Rates. Manually enter the new monthly costs. 6. Complete Step 5 – Generate coupons for QBs assigned to this plan. a. Select “Yes” to have the system generate new coupons for QB’s with this plan assignment. b. Select the date range for the coupons. 7. Complete Step 6 – Review and Select Conduct Rate Change. The rate change will not be reflected on the QB records until the next day, but will apply from the rate change date. 8. Rate Change Notices will now be waiting in correspondence for QBs assigned to this plan. There is a Client option that will generate Rate Change Notices for those not enrolled, “Generate Rate Change Letter For Non-Enrolled?” Set that to “Yes” if you would like Rate Change Notices to print for those QBs whose status is Added, Not Notified; Notified, Waiting for Response or Enrolled, Pending Payment. End This Plan 1. Select “End This Plan” from the “Benefit Plan Edit” page. 2. Enter the date to drop the plan (use the first of the month after the end date). 3. Select “Drop this plan.” There will be a pop-up box to confirm that you want to end this plan. Once a plan is ended, there is no way to reverse that process. You can only change the end date. Also, once a plan has ended, you will not be able to transfer QBs to another plan via the “Transfer QB Wizard.” WebCOBRA 72 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Transfer All QBs QBs can be transferred between Sponsors to Plans with the same cost structure. 1. Select the “Source” Benefit Plan. 2. Select the “Destination” Benefit Plan. 3. Enter the effective date of the QB assignment. 4. Review and Save. View Inactive Benefit Plans To View an Inactive Benefit Plan: 1. From the home screen, select the “Benefit Plan - View All” link. 2. Select the “Show Inactive” link. 3. The system will now display all Inactive and Active plans. Delete Benefit Plans To Delete a Benefit Plan: 1. From the home screen, select the “Benefit Plan - View All” link. 2. Select the “Show Delete Link” on the top of your Benefit plan list. If you are attempting to delete plans which are assigned to a QB(s), the system will prompt you to delete that assignment before proceeding. Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsors Refer to the “Add New Carriers/Plan Sponsors” section at the beginning of this chapter. Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Refer to the “Add New Qualified Beneficiaries” section in this chapter. Benefit Plan - Add New By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Plan Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a new Benefit Plan. Please refer to the “Add New Benefit Plans” section earlier in this chapter for more information. WebCOBRA 73 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans Rate Tier Description Defaults When creating new Benefit plans, the Rate Tier Descriptions listed below serve as defaults for each benefit plan created. This selection will allow you to edit these descriptions per client to fit their plans. If the Client has different tier descriptions amongst their plans, you will have the opportunity to edit the descriptions during plan creation. Rate Tier Description Defaults 1 QB Only 2 QB and Spouse 3 QB and One Child 4 QB and Family 5 QB and two or more Children 6 Children Only To View/Edit Rate Tier Descriptions: 1. From the home screen, select “Rate Tier Description Defaults.” 2. Select the Client/Employer. 3. Select the “View Defaults” button. 4. View the defaults listed for the Client/Employer. 5. Edit these default descriptions by selecting the Tier ID number and changing the wording. 6. Select the “Save New Description” button. 7. Restore original rate descriptions by selecting the “Restore Original Rate Description?” box. 8. Select the “Save New Description” button. Benefit Plan Options These options populate with the Benefit Plan options that were set at the Client level. If an option is changed at the Plan level, it will affect only that plan. Most of the options are not retroactive, therefore if you change an option, you may have to delete and re-assign the plan at the QB record. All of the options have an information icon on the right that gives a more detailed description. • Plan Anniversary Date – Month and day of plan anniversary year – there are a couple of options that look to this date, Drop Flexible Spending Accounts at End of Plan Year and Billing Coupon Option (Client option). • Coverage Termination Method – Determines the COBRA start date. • Extend Coverage on Last Month of Continuation to End of Month - Setting this Option to “Yes” will cause each QBs coverage to terminate at the end of their last month of continuation. WebCOBRA 74 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans • COBRA Administrative Fee – Specifies the fee by percentage that the system will calculate and add on to the QB’s premium during Federal COBRA Continuation period. The maximum by law is 2%. • COBRA Disability Extension Premium Add-on Percentage - Specifies the fee by percentage that the system will calculate and add on to the QB’s premium during COBRA Disability Extension period. The maximum by law is 50%. • Drop Flexible Spending Accounts at end of Plan Year? – If set to “Yes,” they system will drop the plan at the end of the plan year (Plan Anniversary Date). If set to “No,” the system will apply coverage throughout continuation. • Partial Month Proration Cost Basis – Determines the calculation for premiums applied to partial months. Yearly cost basis = (Premium*12)/365 x number of days applied. • Remainder of Month cost basis - Premium/number of days in the month x number of days applied. • Prorate Final Month Premium? - If set to Yes, the system will bill for the number of days the premium applied to the final month using one of the Cost Basis calculations. If set to No, the system will bill for the entire month. • Prorate Premium - Final Month Of Leave? - Applies to Leave of Absence only - If set to Yes, the system will bill for the number of days the premium applied to the final month using one of the Cost Basis calculations. If set to No, the system will bill for the entire month. • Generate Additional Enrollment Form? - Set to Yes to include an Additional Enrollment Form with the Election packet. • Is Conversion Available for this Plan? - This letter is generated prior to the end of the COBRA period. It will include any plans that may be converted to an individual insurance policy. • Age Tiers Segment Attained On - Setting to Yes will cause the system to apply the rate change for an age-rated table on the QB’s birthday instead of the 1st of the month after his birthday. • Age Tier Change Based on Plan Rate Structure-Age Tiers segment attained on plans latest rate structure date instead of QB birthday. • Charge Full Premium for 1st Month of Coverage- Setting to Yes will allow users to bill a full month’s premium for the first month regardless of the eligibility date and diregards any proration for the first month. This applies only to the first month. • Waiting Period Formula – Waiting period formula that appears on the HIPAA certificate. You also have the option of changing what you have selected when adding the benefit plan via the QB Add Wizard. • Flat Administration Fee for Retirees – This option only applies to Retirees that have been entered into WebCOBRA by way of the Retiree add-on module. Allows you to charge a flat administrative fee which will be added to the Retiree premium. State Continuation Questions • State Law - Determines which state governs the plan. If the plan is strictly federally governed, the option should be set to Self Funded, Not Applicable. WebCOBRA 75 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual • Carriers/Sponsors and Benefit Plans New York plan has a start date on/after 7/1/2009 – Applies to only New York state continuation, and extends coverage from 18 months to 36 months. Premium Disbursement • Premium Check Recipient – Determines who the system disburses premiums to, Carrier, Client or Do Not Disburse. • Social Security Disability Fee Disbursement Recipient - Determines who the system disburses Social Security Disability Fees to, Carrier, Client or Do Not Disburse. HIPAA Certificate Options • List Plan on HIPAA Certificate – By default, this option is set to Yes. If you do not want this plan to appear on the HIPAA Certificate, change to No. Track Dependent Age • QB Dependent Age Limit Eligibility for Plan Assignment – Age at which a dependent reaches the age limit for this plan. A Dependent Eligibility Reminder letter will be generated when a dependent reaches the age limit for this plan assignment. Retiree Billing Setup • QB Plan Type - Select which QB types can be assigned to this plan, COBRA/State, Retiree, or All. This only applies to those users who have the Retiree module add-on. WebCOBRA 76 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Chapter 6: QBs and Employees The QBs and Employees section in WebCOBRA will allow you to Add New, View, and Edit these different types of Participants to the system. For information about Retirees/Direct Bill Participants, refer to the “Retirees/Direct Bill Participants” chapter in this user’s manual. Definitions Qualified Beneficiary: Individuals who are allowed to continue coverage under COBRA because they have experienced a QE that caused a corresponding loss or reduction of coverage. COBRA Notice Employees: An employee covered under the plan will be eligible to continue coverage under COBRA if they experience a Qualifying Event (QE). Qualified Beneficiary - View All Under this selection you will see a Participant Listing showing every Group in the Client/Employers to which you have access. (This Participant listing can be filtered by status.) From this screen you can: Add New Qualified Beneficiaries Edit Existing Qualified Beneficiaries Delete Existing Qualified Beneficiaries View the entire Participant Listing or view selected Client/Employers using the drop-down menu View the Participant Listing by specified statuses Add New Carrier/Sponsors Add New Benefit Plans Add New Qualified Beneficiaries By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Qualified Beneficiary Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a Qualified Beneficiary (QB). To Add a New Qualified Beneficiary: 1. From the home screen, select “Qualified Beneficiary - View All,” or click “Qualified Beneficiary – Add New” directly and skip Step 3. 2. Select the “Add New Qualified Beneficiary” button. This will take you to the “QB Add Wizard.” WebCOBRA 77 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 3. Complete Step 1: Client/Employer Selection a. Select the Client/Employer to which you are adding the new QB. b. Select “Yes” or “No” if you would like to add the Qualified Beneficiary to a Department. c. Select any of the Special Situations that apply to the QB you are entering: Denial of Coverage, Quick Cert, Severance, or Add as Retiree. (If you select to “Add as Retiree,” you will be taken to the “Retiree Add Wizard.”) Wording provided in the “Severance” text box for the QB will override any wording provided in the Client/Employer level Option “Termination with Severance.” d. Select the “Choose and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Event Information. a. Choose the Qualifying Event Type from the drop-down box. Qualifying Event Types include: o Termination o Retirement o Entitlement to Medicare o Death o Your Becoming Ineligible Dependent o Reduced Hours o Leave of Absence (Family/Medical) o Divorce/Separation o Loss of Coverage o USERRA o ARRA Involuntary Termination o ARRA termination with Prior Reduced Hours o Termination with Severance You may change the COBRA Coverage End Date only if the Loss of Coverage or USERRA Event types have been selected. The date can only be changed during Step 6 of the wizard in the “First Day After End of Continuing Coverage” field. For indefinite coverage, enter 12/31/ 9999. When the Leave of Absence (Family/Medical) Event type is selected, the “When is the scheduled Date of Return from Leave” field is set to a default of 12 weeks from the first day of leave. This date may be changed if needed. b. Secondary Events: If the Event selected is a 36 month event, WebCOBRA will prompt: “Is this a secondary event?” o If it is not, select “No,” and enter the date the Qualifying Event occurred. Enter the date the Administrator was originally notified (optional field). You will also have the option to edit the reason for the loss of coverage. Click “Save and Continue.” WebCOBRA 78 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual o QBs and Employees If it is, select “Yes.” Additional data fields will appear for the Original Event (Record Keeping - type, date it occurred, and date the Administrator was originally notified) and for the Current Event (Secondary Event – date it occurred, date Administrator was notified of this event, and option to edit the reason for loss of coverage). Click “Save and Continue” when done. WebCOBRA uses the Original Event date to calculate the 36 months, not the Secondary Event date. 5. Complete Step 3: QB Group a. Select if the QB you are entering is a New QB Group or a Transfer COBRA General Notice Employee Group (including Dependants). o o If the QB you are entering is a Transfer COBRA General Notice Employee Group, you will select the Employee to transfer and choose “Save and Continue.” If the QB you are entering is a New QB Group, enter the QB Group name, enter the QB Group Identifier, and specify how many members (including the “main” participant) you want to add to this QB Group. Select “Save and Continue.” The QB Group Name is user-defined. An example could be the last name. The QB Group will represent the QB and/or QB’s dependents as a unit. For example, QB John Smith, his daughter QB Shannon Smith, and his son QB Josh Smith could possibly be shown as QB Group Smith. You will find this helpful when viewing the letters that are created for this QB Group as all letters created for John, Jane, Shannon, and Josh Smith will be identified as Group Smith if you so choose. 6. Complete Step 4: QB Info a. Enter the QB Information including: o QB Name (First-Middle-Last) o Date of Birth o QB ID This is used as an identifier that can be used instead of the social security number on correspondence. The “QB Identification to Appear on Letters” option listed under the o “Client/Employer Options.” Social Security Number o Employee ID o Gender o Title o If the Title is set to “None,” only the QB’s last name will appear after the greeting in letters. For example, “Dear Smith.” Select “Yes” or “No” if you would like to print “and Dependents” after last names in letters If you elect to not send letters to each QB, you may want to append the Dependent(s) to their address block in the letters. You can accomplish this by using the QB Full WebCOBRA 79 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Name w/ Title_ or the _QB Full Name w/ Middle Init and Title_data elements in the o Internet Word Processor (IWP). In addition, you could also append the _and Dependents_ data element, which will only show the text of “and Dependent(s)” if this is set to “Yes.” Salary o Years of Service o Original Hire Date b. Enter the QB Contact Information including the Address, Phone Number(s), and Email Address. c. Enter the Member QBs information, if applicable, and select if the Member QB will receive their own copy of correspondence. d. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 5: Dependents a. Enter QB and Dependent information. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Complete Step 6: Benefit Assignment a. Select a Benefit Plan from the drop-down box or select to limit the Benefit Plan options by Sponsor. o If you choose to limit the Benefit Plan options by Sponsor, select a Carrier/Sponsor from the drop down box, and select which benefit plan to add. b. Select the “Add this Plan” button when you are finished. c. Review the Coverage Option you selected; if you do not want to add this Benefit Plan, select “Cancel/ Delete and Choose a Different Plan.” d. The Eligibility Date, Premium Billing Start Date, and Waiting Period before QBs Coverage Begins are auto-populated based on the benefit plan options. Eligibility Date: This is the date on which the QBs will begin coverage for this benefit. It must be after either the Event Date or later than this plan’s last assignment end date and before the COBRA Coverage End Date. Billing Start Date for Premiums: This is the date on which the QBs will start to pay premiums for this plan. Typically this will be the same as the First Day After Loss of Coverage, but does not have to be. This date must be after the Event Date and before or on the end of continuation coverage. WebCOBRA 80 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees e. Assign the costing information. f. Enter any Premium Subsidies this QB Group may have. o Choose whether to subsidize the premium or not. o Enter what date the subsidy will end. If a subsidy ends in the middle of the month, WebCOBRA will calculate the last month the subsidy is in effect as follows: subsidy amount divided by the number of days in the month, multiplied by the number of days the subsidy is in effect. The subsidy amount is then subtracted from the monthly premium to get the premium due for the month. o Choose the type of subsidy (either fixed dollar amount per month or percentage based). o Enter subsidy amount (either as a fixed dollar amount - $XX.XX or a percentage – X%). If a percentage is entered, WebCOBRA calculates the subsidy by taking the percentage entered off the premium. (not including 2% administrative fee) The result is then subtracted from the premium amount, and the 2% administrative fee is added to equal the subsidized monthly premium. If a fixed flat amount is entered, WebCOBRA will calculate the subsidy by subtracting the amount entered from the premium. (not including 2% administrative fee) The result is then subtracted from the premium amount, and the 2% administrative fee is added to equal the subsidized monthly premium. g. Enter Initial Coverage information for QB (and dependent(s), if applicable). h. Select the “Save and Continue.” i. Add Additional Benefits Plans, if applicable. j. Review benefits assigned. k. Select the “Save and Continue” button. The date entered in the “Original Begin Date” field is used on the HIPPA Coverage Certificate and may be changed at a later time if needed. 9. Complete Step 7: Prior Activity This section is completed if the QB has already been notified of their eligibility of COBRA coverage. Also used if you are taking over the Administration of COBRA benefits for a QB. a. Enter any Prior Activity that may have already occurred for the QB Group you are entering. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. WebCOBRA 81 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual 10. QBs and Employees Complete Step 8: Review and Save a. Review the QB Wizard Summary to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. b. Select the “Save and Add QB Group” button. You are able to save your progress in the add QB wizard and come back to it a later time. When the “Save this Wizard” option is selected, WebCOBRA will prompt you to name the wizard, which can then be retrieved by going to “Qualified Beneficiary – Add New” and selecting “Load Saved Wizard.” Edit Existing Qualified Beneficiaries To Edit An Existing Qualified Beneficiary: 1. From the home screen, select “Qualified Beneficiary - View All.” 2. Select the QB Group Name you would like to edit. You can limit the amount of QB Groups you are viewing by selecting a specific Client/Employer from the drop-down box and/or only viewing QB Groups with a specific status from the drop-down box on the right-hand side of the screen. You can also type the QB’s name, social security number, or QBID in the search box located in the upper right hand corner. 3. Select the QB you would like to edit from the QB Group. 4. Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this QB. Edit QB Information If the QB is eligible for the Social Security Disability extension of an additional 11 months of COBRA coverage, the “SS Disability” option is selected. Once activated, the Social Security Disability extension will become effective after the 18 months of federal COBRA period has been exhausted. The Social Security Disability extension administration fee is entered at the benefit plan level. If the QB is on Medicaid, select the “Medicaid Participant” option. This is for record keeping only. WebCOBRA 82 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Select the “Don’t Terminate” option to prevent WebCOBRA from automatically terminating the QB regardless of the reason. If the QB can receive emails, select the “Receive Emails” option. The email address for the QB can be entered during step 4 of the QB Add Wizard, or it can be entered once the record is added, under the “Contact” tab. The “Enable Emailing of Letters” client option must be activated. If this QB or Dependent had a qualifying event, the “Event Occurred to this QB” is set to “Yes.” If the QB or Dependent has not had a qualifying event, this is set to “No.” Include the QB’s or Dependent’s name in the Address block of letters by setting the “Include in Address Block” setting to “Yes.” The “Receive Own Copy of letters” is set to “Yes” for the primary record by default. If you would like for dependents to receive their own copy of letters automatically, the “Default setting for Dependents to Receive Their Own Copy of Correspondence” must be activated at the Client/ Employer level. To disallow a dependent from being eligible for a secondary event, set this option to “Yes.” Refer to the steps to “Add Additional Members to the QB Group” section below for more information on this option. (This setting will only show on Dependent records.) If you would like for correspondence to include “Dependent(s)” activate the “Print ‘and Dependent(s)’” option. (This setting will only show on QB records.) Select the “Language to Send Correspondence” from the drop-down menu: English or Spanish. (If you select “Spanish,” two versions of each letter will generate - one in English and one in Spanish.) If a Dependent should continue receiving coverage upon turning the maximum age of eligibility set for their assigned Benefit Plan(s), select “Yes” for the “Is this Dependent Disabled?” setting. (This setting will only show on Dependent records.) When this is set to “Yes” and the Dependent reaches the maximum age set for their assigned Benefit Plan(s), the Dependent will continue to be covered under the Plan(s), the system will not generate a “Dependent Eligibility Reminder” letter, and a benefit assignment end date will not be set for them. When this is set to “No” (the default setting) and the Dependent reaches the maximum age set for their assigned Benefit Plan(s) (default age is 26), the Dependent will no longer be eligible for continuation coverage under the Plan(s), the system will generate a “Dependent Eligibility Reminder” letter, and once the letter is accepted and printed, the Dependent’s benefit assignment will have a set end date. WebCOBRA 83 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Edit Contact Information Click on “Address” to update the physical or to add a mailing address for the QB. It will also allow you to update the phone number and email address. Click on the Dependent’s name on the right hand side to update the address, phone number and email address. Event Information Displayed here is the QB’s Qualifying Event description, date, and what date the Administrator was notified. Also displayed if the QB is not eligible for secondary events. For more information on allowing/ disallowing a QB to be eligible for secondary events, refer to the “Add Additional Members to this QB Group” section below. Event information, other than whether or not this QB is eligible for a secondary event, cannot be edited. If an incorrect Qualifying Event Date is entered, the record has to be deleted and re-entered with the correct information. Edit Benefit Plans Select view to review the Benefit plan coverage and start date information. By selecting edit you can: o Edit the coverage level o Original coverage date To add a plan, select the “Add plan” option which will then take you to the “Benefit Coverage Change Wizard.” To drop a plan, select the “Drop Plan” option: o Enter the effective date. o Enter the plan that is to be dropped. o Select the QBs who are to be dropped from the plan. The “Effective date of the plan drop” is the first day the QB is no longer on that particular benefit plan. For instance, if the effective date of the plan drop is 03/01/2010, this will automatically make the end date of the benefit plan dropped 2/28/2010, ensuring the QB is billed for the entire month they were on that benefit. If the effective date of the plan drop is 3/15/2010, then the end date of the benefit plan dropped would 03/14/2010, billing the QB for 14 days. WebCOBRA 84 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees If a plan is dropped in error, the drop date can be removed by selecting the “Remove End Date” option. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter in this user’s manual for more information on editing Benefit Plans. Enter Payments Enter the payment amount and the payment type. Select if it is a non cash payment. Non cash payments are payments that affect the ledger, but are not disbursed. Enter the entry date into the system. The current date will appear by system default, but can be changed. The check date, check number, and notes fields are optional. Select “Make a Historical Payment” if you need to enter a payment that is for record keeping only. These payments are intended to have no affect on your ledger, as they will not pay for premiums. Historical payments will appear as cash receivables on reports. Select the “payment schedule” option to view a listing of the payment schedule through the duration of the continuing coverage. View Ledger Ledger Actions: a. Enter a payment: 1. Enter the payment amount and the payment type. 2. Select if it is a non cash payment. Non cash payments are payments that affect the ledger, but are not disbursed. 3. Enter the entry date into the system. The current date will appear by system default, but can be changed. 4. The check date, check number, and notes fields are optional. 5. Select “Make a Historical Payment” if you need to enter a payment that is for record keeping only. These payments are intended to have no affect on your ledger, as they will not pay for premiums. Historical payments will appear as cash receivables on reports. 6. Select the “payment schedule” option to view a listing of the payment schedule through the duration of the COBRA continuing coverage period. WebCOBRA 85 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees b. Void a payment: 1. Select the payment that is to be voided. 2. If the payment is being voided due to a returned check, select “Yes” under the “YES this payment is being voided because of a returned check.” WebCOBRA will then add the returned check fee amount to the QB’s ledger. The Returned check fee amount is set to a default of $25, but the amount can be changed under the Client/Employer options. 3. Payments that have already been disbursed cannot be voided. c. Do Not Disburse: 1. The selected invoice’s premiums and fees will be ignored during the disbursement process. If there is no checkbox, the invoice has already been disbursed. Marking a premium invoice as “Do Not Disburse” is a permanent action and cannot be undone. d. Build a Payment Schedule: 1. Allows you to view a listing of the payment schedule through the duration of the continuing coverage. e. Enter a Ledger Adjustment: 1. The adjustment amount entered will show on the ledger and will affect the QB’s balance. Subsidies will appear on the ledger as individual entries. Clicking on “Plan Detail” will give you a breakdown of the plans and administration fees. Accept Correspondence a. Correspondence scheduled for creation for this QB is shown. To accept, select the “Print and Accept for QB group” option, which will then walk you through the Correspondence Acceptance Wizard. Once the letters are accepted, WebCOBRA will automatically store a copy of the PDFs under the History tab. b. Schedule Letter for QB via Manual Letter wizard: 1. From the drop down box, select the letter that you want to generate and click “Select Letter and Continue.” 2. Make the recipient selection and select “Schedule Letter Generation.” 3. The letter will now appear under the Correspondence scheduled for creation, and can be accepted by selecting “Print and Accept for QB Group.” Once the letter is accepted, WebCOBRA will automatically store a copy of the PDF under the “History” tab. WebCOBRA 86 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees View History a. The history will automatically log the following events: o Initial QB entry, date the eligibility notice was printed and the date the enrollment form o was received. QB benefit drops and benefit assignments. o Global benefit drops and rate changes. o Eligibility coverage change. o Address change. The address before and after the change is displayed. o o QB terminations and reinstatements. Subsidies. o Refunds and Refund Checks. o Activation of Social Security Disability extension and Medicaid. o PDF copies of letters accepted are stored. b. The history can also be viewed as timeline. By selecting the “Show History as Timeline” option, the system will show: o Blue bars representing the status changes. o Green dots representing Payments. o Red dots representing subsidies. o Purple dots representing important dates. Perform User Actions a. The following options can be performed: o Enrollment Form – Select this action when an enrollment form is received from a Qualified o Beneficiary. The date the form was entered as received, the postmark date, and the date it was signed by the QB are shown. The user is also given the option to remove the enrollment form. Incomplete Enrollment Form – Select this action if an enrollment form was received from o a QB, but it was incomplete. If the Client/Employer option is set, the system will send a letter to the QB informing the QB of the missing information. Waiver of Continuing Coverage – Select this action if a waiver of coverage was received o from this QB. Manually Terminate QB Group – Select this action to remove a currently enrolled QB from Continuing Coverage. On the next screen, a reason and effective date must be entered. If you enter the first day of the month (for example, 12/1) as the date of manual termination, the system will treat this as “covered through end of previous month.” If you want to include one day of prorated coverage for this QB, you should enter a manual termination date of the second day of the month (12/2). WebCOBRA 87 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual o QBs and Employees Refund Balance to QB – Select this action to refund a credit on the ledger. If you wish to generate a refund check, check the box “Print a refund check?” and then enter the check number and date of refund. Click “Refund Credit Balance.” You may then click the link to view the refund check. The Refund Check template can be found in the Internet Word Processor (IWP). You can also view the refund and check number in the QB’s History and Ledger. The above option will not be available if there is no credit to refund. A negative adjustment is made to the ledger, but a check must still be created. o Trade Assistance Act Applied Information (TAA) – Select this action to have the system o store the QB’s relevant TAA Applied date. Trade Assistance Act Information (TAA) – Select this action to have the system store the QB’s relevant TAA Approval date. o Authorize ARRA Stimulus – Select this action to authorize the ARRA Stimulus subsidy. An ARRA Stimulus Confirmation Letter will generate automatically. o Deny ARRA Stimulus – Select this action if the QB is not eligible for the ARRA Subsidy. An o ARRA Denial letter will be generated automatically. Reinstate QB Group - This action will appear if the QB has been terminated. To enter payments or perform other actions, the QB group must first be reinstated. Enter the date of reinstatement, and check the boxes for which benefit plans to reactivate. Click the “Reinstate QB Group” button. If the Client/Employer option to generate a reinstatement letter upon reinstating a QB is set to “Yes,” a pop-up message will appear asking, “Do you want to print a Reinstatement letter for this QB?” Click “Yes” to reinstate the QB and generate a Reinstatement letter, or click “No” to reinstate the QB without generating the letter. b. QB Login-Manually create a QB user name and password for online access. o Enter the user name, first and last name, password and the QB’s email address. o Select if the QB is an active user or not. o Active- if the QB log in is placed in active status, then they will be able to log in. o View only access allows the QB to view their record but not make changes. Changes include updating their own address and making payments online. QB logins can be automatically generated if the “Automated QB Login” option is activated at the Client/Employer level. A notice with the QB’s username and temporary password will generate along with the new election package. QB logins can also be created by going to “Supervisor only” -> “Create new User,” which will take you through the “New User Wizard.” WebCOBRA 88 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Entering Notes These notes can only be viewed by the administrator. Notes can be deleted by selecting the “delete” option. QB Reports The reports listed will generate the information for the specified QB. These reports can also be accessed at the Client/Employer level from the Reports menu in the home page. Viewing/Editing a QB Group To View a QB Group: 1. From the QB’s record, select “QB Group.” 2. A list of the group members are listed on this page. Clicking on the last name, QB ID or social security number will take you to their record. 3. If a member of the group has gone through a secondary event, selecting the “Start Additional Event Wizard” will take you the 4th step of the “Additional Event to Current QBs Wizard.” 4. WebCOBRA will create a new record for the QB. History details such as correspondence PDFs will travel with the QBs to their new group. 5. Additional Event to Current QBs Wizard: a. Press the “Start Additional Event Wizard” option and select the QB who qualifies for the secondary event. Select “Choose and Continue.” b. Enter the Qualifying Event type, the date it occurred and the date the Administrator was notified. Select “Choose and Continue.” c. Change the address if needed. Update Phone number and email address. Select “Save and Continue.” d. Assign the benefit plan. Review the Coverage Option you selected, if you do not want to add this Benefit Plan, select Cancel/ Delete and Choose a Different Plan. The Eligibility Date, Premium Billing Start Date, and Waiting Period before QBs Coverage Begins are autopopulated based on the benefit plan options. e. Assign the Tier cost and any subsidies the QB may have. f. Enter Initial Coverage information for QB (and dependent(s), if applicable). WebCOBRA 89 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees g. Enter Initial Coverage information and select “Save and Continue.” h. Repeat the same steps if additional benefits need to be assigned. i. Review the information, and if it is correct, select “Save and Continue.” To Edit a QB Group: Select the “View/Edit Qualified Beneficiary Group.” This option allows you to create or edit the QB Group ID. Add additional members to the QB group. Remove the QB Group. Assign the QB Group to a Department. To Edit the QB Group Name or Group ID: The QB Group Name and QB Group ID fields can be updated. Once the new or updated fields are typed in, select “Save Changes to QB Group.” To Add Additional Members to the QB Group: 1. From the home screen, click “Qualified Beneficiary - View All.” 2. Select the QB to which you wish to add a dependant, which will direct you to their “QB Group” screen. 3. Click the “View/Edit Qualified Beneficiary Group” link. 4. Scroll down to the “Actions for QB Group” section. Click the “Add additional member to this QB Group” button. You will be taken to the four (4) step “Additional QB Add Wizard.” 5. Step 1. A listing of the current QBs’ event information and the benefit plans they are assigned to will appear. Select “Continue.” 6. Step 2. Enter the new member’s personal data and contact information, including: QB Name, relationship, date of birth, QB ID, SSN, gender, whether this QB should receive a copy of all correspondence generated, and whether or not this dependant should be eligible for a secondary event. The capability to disallow a dependant from being eligible for a secondary event is related to a part of the COBRA law that limits a dependant who was not covered at the time of the original Qualifying Event from being entitled to extended benefits through a secondary Qualifying Event. For example, if employee X incurred a termination of employment and X’s spouse was not WebCOBRA 90 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees covered under the plan at the time of the termination of employment, but was later added to X’s COBRA coverage during an open enrollment period, X’s spouse would not be entitled to extended coverage because of a divorce within the first 18 months of COBRA coverage. 7. Select “Save and Continue.” 8. Step 3. Select the Benefit plan the QB is to be assigned to. 9. Enter the effective date of the benefit. 10. Entered the Original Plan Coverage. This date appears on the HIPPA Certificate. 11. Assign the coverage level. 12. Select “Save and Continue.” 13. Step 4. Review the change and select “Save and Add New QB to Group.” Only 5 Dependents can be added at a time while using the “QB Add Wizard.” To Remove a QB Group: 1. Select the “Remove this QB Group” option. 2. Select the Qualified Beneficiary you would like to be deleted and select “Delete Marked Qualified Beneficiaries.” 3. A listing of the QB’s scheduled for deletion will appear. Select “Delete Listed Qualified Beneficiaries” to delete the record, or “Cancel and Return to QB Listing” to cancel the request. To Assign a QB Group to a Department: 1. Select the “Assign QB Group to Department” option. 2. Select the Department from the drop down box menu and select “Save and Continue.” A Department must be created at the Client/Employer level to be able to assign a QB to a Department. WebCOBRA 91 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Deleting a QB To Delete a QB: 1. From the home screen, select “Qualified Beneficiary - View All.” 2. Select the employer the QB belongs to from the drop-down box on the left-hand side of the screen. 3. Select the status the QB is in from the right-hand side of the screen. 4. Click “Show Deletion Link.” 5. Click “Delete” next to the QB you wish to delete. 6. Make sure the QB with the check mark next to it is correct and click on “Delete Marked Qualified Beneficiaries,” or click “Cancel and Return to QB Listing” to cancel the request. 7. Click the “Delete Listed Qualified Beneficiaries” button to delete the QB listed, or click “Cancel and Return To QB Listing” to cancel the request. 8. Once the QB is deleted, you will be prompted, “QB Group: (QB Name) deleted from the system correctly.” You can then choose the button to “Return To QB Listing.” Add New Carrier/Sponsors By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “View/ Edit Carrier/ Self Funded Plan Sponsor” screen. To Add a New Carrier/Plan Sponsor: 1. From the home screen, select “Carrier/Sponsor - View All” or go straight to the “Carrier/Sponsor – Add New link.” 2. Select the “Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor” button. 3. Complete Step 1 - Select the Client/Employer to which you would like to add the new Carrier/Plan Sponsor. 4. Complete Step 2 - Enter the Carrier Name and Code. Policy Number and banking information are optional and used for ACH disbursements to the Carrier/Sponsor. At this step, you will have the option to complete the EDI fields, Policy Number, Tax ID Code, Interchange Receiver ID and Application Receivers Code. The Carrier Code must be unique within this Client and can only be up to nine (9) alphanumeric characters long. 5. Complete Step 3 - Select the “Save” button. WebCOBRA 92 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Add New Benefit Plans This selection will take you directly to the “Benefit Plan Add Wizard.” Refer to the “Carrier/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter in this user’s manual for more information on how to add new benefit plans. Qualified Beneficiary - Add New See the “Add New Qualified Beneficiaries” section earlier in this chapter. This selection will take you directly to the “Qualified Beneficiary Add Wizard.” COBRA Notice Employees - View All Under this selection you will see a listing of every Employee group to which you have access. From this screen you can: View the entire Employee Listing or view selected Client/Employers using the drop-down menu. Add New Employees Edit Existing Employees Add Dependents to an Employee Record Assign an Employee Group to a Department Delete Employees or Dependents Show Inactive Employees Reactivate Former Employees Add New Employees By selecting this button, you will be taken to the Employee Add Wizard. This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering an Employee. To Add a New Employee: To import the CSV COBRA General Notice, see Chpater 15 “To Integrate the Uploaded CSV File.” 1. 2. Select 3. Select 4. Select From the home screen, select “COBRA Notice Employees - View All.” the “Add New Employee” button. “Yes” or “No” if you would like to add the Employee to a Department. “Yes” or “No” if the employee is eligible for the COBRA General Notice. If “Yes” is selected the COBRA General Notice will print for the employee as indicated in Employer Options under COBRA General Notice print days. If “No” is selected the COBRA General Notice will NOT print. 5. Enter the Employee Information, Benefit Plan Coverage, Prior Activity, Contact Information, and Dependent Information (if applicable). 6. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Enter Dependent Information. 8. Select the “Save and Continue” button. WebCOBRA 93 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 9. Review the “Employee Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 10. Select the “Save and Add Employee Group” button. Edit Existing Employees To Edit Existing Employees: 1. From the home screen, select “COBRA Notice Employees - View All.” 2. Select the Employee Group Name you would like to edit. You can limit the amount of QB Groups you are viewing by selecting a specific Client/Employer from the drop-down box and/or only viewing QB Groups with a specific status from the drop-down box on the right-hand side of the screen. 3. Select the appropriate tab for the information you want to edit for this Employee. You can edit or enter any of the following: Employee Information Contact Information 4. Follow the appropriate steps for any of the information you want to alter or enter and select “Save and Continue.” Adding Dependents to Employee Record To Add a Dependent: 1. From the Employee record, select “Employee Group.” 2. Select the “View/Edit Employee Group” link, which will allow you to: Edit the Employee Group Name or Employee Group ID. Add Additional Dependents to the group. Assign group to a department. 3. Select the “Add Additional Dependent to this Group” option which will then take you through the “Additional Employee Dependent Add Wizard.” 4. A listing of the current Employees is displayed. Select “Continue.” WebCOBRA 94 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 5. Enter the Dependent’s personal and contact information. Select “Save and Continue.” 6. Review the information. If no changes need to be made, select “Save and Continue.” Assigning an Employee Group to a Department To Assign an Employee Group to a Department: 1. From the Employee record, select “Employee Group.” 2. Select “View/Edit Employee Group.” 3. Select the “Assign Group to Department” option and select the Department from the drop down box menu. 4. Select “Save and Continue.” A Department must be created at the Client/Employer level to be able to assign the Employee to a Department. Delete Employees or Dependents To Delete an Employee or Dependent: 1. From the home screen, select “COBRA Notice Employees - View All.” 2. You will be taken to the “Employee Listing.” On the right-hand side of the screen above the listing, select “Show Deletion Link.” 3. Click the “Delete” link next to the Employee’s name that you wish to delete (or that has a dependent you wish to delete). 4. Select which members of the Employee Group you wish to delete. By default, every member of the group will be selected for deletion. If you wish to only delete a dependent and not the actual Employee, uncheck the box next to the Employee’s name and leave the dependent’s name checked. 5. Click the “Delete Marked Employee Group Members” button to delete the selected group members. 6. Review the list of group members to be deleted. If it is correct, select “Delete Listed Employee Group Members.” If it is incorrect, click “Cancel and Return to Employee Listing.” 7. When the selected group members have been deleted correctly, you will be prompted, “Dependent: (Last Name, First Name) deleted from system correctly.” WebCOBRA 95 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees Show Inactive Employees Inactive employees are typically employees who are not necessarily COBRA coverage eligible and who are no longer employed. Employees labeled as “Inactive” who are rehired in the future can be reactivated in WebCOBRA. The steps to reactivate an employee are given below in the section “Reactivating Former Employees.” To Show Inactive Records: From the home screen, select “COBRA Notice Employees - View All.” You will be taken to the “Employee Listing.” On the right-hand side of the screen, select “Show Inactive Employees.” Now you will see all Employees, active and inactive. Inactive Employees will be listed as “Inactive” in the “Active” column. Reactivating Former Employees There are several scenarios where former employees who have been labeled as “Inactive” can be reactivated in the system, for instance: Former employees, who were at no point in time converted to QBs in the system Former employees who were converted to QBs and are actively on COBRA Coverage Former employees who were converted to QBs and then terminated from COBRA Coverage Because WebCOBRA keeps a record of all of the participant’s information, and QB records are not removed, it is possible to create/rehire an employee from a QB record several times. All of these situations utilize the “Employee Reactivation Wizard.” This function is only available for participants who are initially entered into WebCOBRA as an employee and who have not been archived. Former employees, who were at no point in time converted to QBs in the system. In this case, the Wizard will re-activate the existing employee record and give you the opportunity to send a General Notice and update their creditable coverage information. To Reactivate a Former Employee: 1. Click on the “COBRA Notice Employees – View All” link on the home screen. Click the “Show Inactive” link to view former employees. 2. Select the “Group Name” from the list. Click on the employee’s name you wish to reactivate. (You can also click “Edit” from the listing to go directly to that employee’s Detail screen.) 3. Click on the “View/Edit Employee or Dependent” link on the Employee Detail screen. WebCOBRA 96 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 4. Click on the “Rehire Employee” button that appears. 5. This will take you directly to Step 3 of the “Employee Reactivation Wizard.” 6. Step 3 – Employee Information. Enter the employee’s rehire information, such as their rehire date and reason. Select “Yes” to print a new COBRA General Notice for this employee/QB Group. You can also update their creditable coverage and address information in this step. 7. Step 4 – Review and Save. Review the entered information prior to saving, and when done, click the “Reactivate this QB Group” button. WebCOBRA 97 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 8. The updated information will now appear in the employee’s “Information” tab. Former employees who were converted to QBs and are actively on COBRA Coverage. In this situation, the Wizard will perform several activities in the system. First, the QB will be set up for manual termination. Second, a new employee record is created using the QB’s historical information. This employee record will reflect the original creditable coverage information that was supplied when they were initially entered as an employee. The Wizard allows you to update this information and send new notices. This includes the new “Manual Termination and Rehire” letter. The “Manual Termination and Rehire” letter is a new letter template that can be accessed in the Internet Word Processor. For more information on this letter, please refer to the “COBRA Election Notice ‘Packet’ for QBs Not Eligible for the ARRA Subsidy” description in the “Letters” chapter. To Rehire an Active QB: 1. Select the “Qualified Beneficiary – View All” link from the home screen. 2. Choose the QB you wish to rehire and manually terminate from COBRA coverage. Select the “Group Name” from the Employee List. Click on the employee’s name you wish to reactivate. You can also click “Edit” from the QB Listing to go directly to that QB’s Detail screen. 3. Click on the “Actions” tab. WebCOBRA 98 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 4. Select the new action that is available at the bottom of the list: “Rehire Former Employee and Manually Terminate from COBRA Coverage.” Then click “Save and Continue.” This action will add the “Manual Termination and Rehire” letter to the Correspondence Queue. This action will only be available for QBs who were initially entered as employees. 5. On the next screen, enter the date of manual termination and the reason. This reason will appear in the new “Manual Termination and Rehire” letter. Click “Commit Action.” 6. You will then be taken directly to Step 3 of the “Employee Reactivation Wizard” – Employee Information. Enter the employee’s rehire information, such as their rehire date and reason. Select “Yes” to print a new COBRA General Notice for this employee/QB Group. You can also update their creditable coverage and address information in this step. 7. Step 4 – Review and Save. Review the entered information prior to saving, and when done, click the “Reactivate this QB Group” button. If the option is selected, this will add the “COBRA General Notice” to the Correspondence Queue. 8. The updated information will now appear in the employee’s “Information” tab. 9. Now there are two groups – the original QB, who is still enrolled until the manual termination date is reached, and the current employee, whose information was copied from the QB information. Former employees who were converted to QBs and then terminated from COBRA Coverage. Using the “Employee Reactivation Wizard,” the terminated QB’s information is copied to create the new employee record. The new employee record will reflect the original creditable coverage information that was supplied when they were initially entered as an employee. The Wizard allows you to update this information and send new notices. To Rehire a Terminated QB: 1. Select the “Qualified Beneficiary – View All” link from the home screen. Choose “Terminated” from the drop-down list of statuses. 2. Choose the terminated QB you wish to rehire. Select the “Group Name” from the QB Listing. Click on the QB’s name you wish to reactivate. You can also click “Edit” from the QB Listing to go directly to that QB’s Detail screen. 3. Go to the “Actions” tab. 4. Click the “Rehire Employee” button. This action clones the QB Group information into a new Employee Group and takes you to Step 3 of the “Employee Reactivation Wizard.” This action will only be available for QBs who were initially entered as employees. WebCOBRA 99 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual QBs and Employees 5. Step 3 – Employee Information. Enter the employee’s rehire information, such as their rehire date and reason. Select “Yes” to print a new COBRA General Notice for this employee/QB Group. You can also update their creditable coverage and address information in this step. 6. Step 4 – Review and Save. Review the entered information prior to saving, and when done, click the “Reactivate this QB Group” button. 7. The updated information will now appear in the employee’s “Information” tab. If the option is selected, this will add the “COBRA General Notice” to the Correspondence Queue. COBRA Notice Employees - Add New This selection will take you directly to the Employee Add Wizard. To Add a New Employee: To import the CSV COBRA General Notice, see Chapter 15 “To Integrate the Uploaded CSV File.” 1. From the home screen, select “COBRA Notice Employees - View All.” 2. Select the “Add New Employee” button. 3. Select Yes or No if you would like to add the Employee to a Department. 4. Select “Yes” or “No” if the employee is eligible for the COBRA General Notice. If “Yes” is selected the COBRA General Notice will print for the employee as indicated in Employer Options under COBRA General Notice print days. If “No” is selected the COBRA General Notice will NOT print. 5. Enter the Employee Information, Benefit Plan Coverage, Prior Activity, Contact Information, and Dependent Information (if applicable). 6. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Enter Dependent Information. 8. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 9. Review the “Employee Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 10. Select the “Save and Add Employee Group” button. WebCOBRA 100 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Chapter 7: Retirees/Direct Bill Participants and Processes This chapter explains management and processes for Retiree/Direct Bill Participants. Retirees are handled similarly to QBs. They have a “Retiree Detail” screen, and you can perform many of the same actions (if applicable) for a Retiree as a QB. The “Retiree/Direct Billing Module” helps you administer for Retirees that are not on COBRA coverage, and are therefore not regulated the same as COBRA. The module allows you to seamlessly administer Retirees separately from COBRA participants. Retirees can be administered as separately as necessary from QBs. The module is incorporated seamlessly into the system, but allows you to set options, benefit plans, run reports, view and terminate Retirees separately from COBRA participants. However, you can include QBs and Retirees under the same Client/ Employer and print letters at the same time, if desired. You will notice throughout the WebCOBRA service, and in this chapter correspondingly, that Retirees may be referred to as QBs and Participants. For information on how to subscribe to the Retiree Billing module, contact our marketing team at (281) 496-3737. Retirees/Direct Bill Participants – View All Selecting the “Retirees/Direct Bill Participants – View All” link on the home screen will direct you to a listing of every Participant group to which you have access. Several other processes are available from this screen. A large button at the top of the list allows you to “Add New Qualified Beneficiary.” This is also possible from the home screen. At the bottom of the screen, large buttons also allow you to “Add New Carrier/Sponsor,” “Add New Benefit Plan”, and “Add New Qualified Beneficiary” again. If Owners are assigned to Client/Employers, you will only see the Client/Employers to which you are the owner. To see All Client/Employers with Retiree/Direct Bill Participants, select “Show All Client/Employers” from the drop-down box on the top left of the screen. The list displays the participant’s Client/Employer, Group Name, Last Name, First Name, QB ID, QB SSN (if populated), Coverage Type (in this case Retiree), Status, and an Edit Link. You can select the Group Name to view the QB Group Detail or the Edit link to edit the participant. Editing is detailed later in this chapter. A drop-down box on the right allows you to select which statuses you want to see in the list. By default, the two statuses selected are, Retiree Pending and Retiree Enrolled. You can also select Retiree Terminated. The other statuses listed refer to COBRA QBs. WebCOBRA 101 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes From this screen you can: • • • • • • • View the entire Participant Listing or view selected Client/Employers using the drop-down menu View the Participant Listing by specified statuses Delete current Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Add New Qualified Beneficiaries/Retirees Add New Carrier/Sponsors Add New Benefit Plans Edit Existing Retiree/Direct Bill Participants View Selected Client/Employers Using the Drop-down Menu Sorting by Client/Employer allows you to view Retirees that are in a particular Client/Employer. From the drop-down menu above the participant list, select the Client/Employer you wish to view. Now you will only see participants from the Client/Employer. View the Participant Listing by Specified Statuses You can filter the participants listed by status as well. By default, Retiree Enrolled and Retiree Pending are listed. Using the drop-down menu on the right, you can select other statuses. You can choose Retiree Terminated or other statuses the will show COBRA QBs. Delete Current Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Select the Show Deletion Link on the right-hand-side. Now, a Delete link appears next to the Edit link for each Retiree listed. If the Retiree is a dependant, no Delete link will display. You should delete the main participant. Locate the participant you wish to delete, and select the Delete link. Select the QB you are deleting, and select Delete Marked Qualified Beneficiaries. You can also select Cancel and Return to QB Listing. The next screen is the final confirmation screen. Select Delete Listed Qualified Beneficiaries or Cancel and Return to QB listing. Now you can select the button to Return to QB Listing. Add New Qualified Beneficiaries By selecting this button, you will be taken to the “Qualified Beneficiary Add Wizard.” This wizard will walk you through the step-by-step process of entering a COBRA Qualified Beneficiary. There are two buttons on the Participant list screen to Add a New Qualified Beneficiary. Refer to the “QBs and Employees” chapter in this user’s manual for detailed instructions on how to add a new Qualified Beneficiary. WebCOBRA 102 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Add New Carrier/Sponsors From the “Participant Detail” screen, you can select “Add New Carrier/Sponsor” at the bottom of the screen. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsor and Benefit Plans” chapter for detailed instructions on how to add a new Carrier/Sponsor. Add New Benefit Plans This selection will take you directly to the “Benefit Plan Add Wizard.” From the “Participant Listing,” select “Add New Benefit Plan” at the bottom of the screen. Refer to the “Carriers/Plan Sponsor and Benefit Plans” chapter for detailed instructions on how to add a new Carrier/Sponsor. Add New Retirees/Direct Bill Participants To Add a New Retiree/Direct Bill Participant: 1. You can start out either at the “Participant Listing” or by selecting “Retiree/Direct Bill Participants – Add New”. If starting from the “Participant Listing,” from the home screen, select “Retirees/Direct Bill Participants - View All.” Then select the “Add New Qualified Beneficiary” button. 2. Complete Step 1: a. Select “Yes” or “No” if you would like to add the Qualified Beneficiary to a Department. b. Select any of the Special Situations that apply to the QB you are entering: Denial of Coverage, Quick Cert, Severance, or Add as Retiree. To add as a Retiree, select the option. The other options are no longer applicable. If you started with the “Participant Listing,” you will have to select the option to “Add as Retiree.” If you started with “Retiree/Direct Bill Participants – Add New,” the option is pre-selected. Please make sure you select Add as Retiree in the Special Situations section of this screen. If you do not select this option, you will add a new QB, instead of a Retiree/Direct Bill Participant. c. Select the “Choose and Continue” button. 3. Complete Step 2: Eligibility Information a. Enter the Retiree Eligibility Information. This is the first day of coverage the Qualified Beneficiary is eligible for the Retiree Plan. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 3: Retiree Group a. Enter the Retiree Group Name, Group Identifier, and how many total members to add (including the “main” participant). Up to five members can be selected at this time. More can be added later if needed. The Retiree Group Name is a name used to identify the main participant and the dependants – most commonly the family. The Group Identifier is an alphanumeric WebCOBRA 103 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes character to identify the group. If you have the option to auto-populate the identifier, this will be pre-populated. For information on how to pre-populate the field, see “Setting up Options” chapter. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 4: Retiree Info a. Enter the Retiree Information, Contact Information, and Member QBs Information (if applicable). o o o o o Enter the Retiree fields. Name, date of birth, gender, and original hire date are required fields. It is also required to select Yes or No to adding “and dependants” in the after the last name in letters. Address: You can enter Physical, Mailing, Overnight, Return, or Billing address. Populate the Address 1 field. The Address 2 field is optional and useful for Suite Address or Floor designations. To populate City and State, either enter the City and State or simply enter the Zip Code. The system will automatically populate the City and State in the last step of the Wizard. Phone Numbers: Phone Numbers are optional fields. You can enter up to three phone numbers. The drop-down boxes on the left of each Phone Number Field allow you to designate the phone numbers as business, cell, fax, or home. You can also enter extensions for each phone number Email Address: Email is an optional field. You can select to have correspondence emailed instead of printed. If the Retiree wants to have correspondence emailed, this can be selected later. An email is required to send correspondence via email. Add member information: Enter the name of the members adding at this time. Select if the members live at the same address as the main participant and if they need to receive their own copy of correspondence. If you are not adding members, you will not see fields to add this information. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 6. Complete Step 5: Dependents (if applicable) a. Enter Dependent Information. Date of Birth, relationship, and gender are required. b. Repeat this information for all dependents you are adding at this time. c. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Complete Step 6: Benefit Assignment a. Select a Benefit Plan from the drop-down box or select to limit the Benefit Plan options by Sponsor. For Retirees, you can elect to not add the benefit plan. o If you choose to limit the Benefit Plan options by Sponsor, select a Carrier/Sponsor from the drop-down menu, select which benefit plan to add. WebCOBRA 104 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes b. Select the “Add this Plan” button when you are finished. c. Review the Coverage Option you selected; if you do not want to add this Benefit Plan, select “Cancel/ Delete and Choose a Different Plan.” d. The Eligibility Date, Premium Billing Start Date, and Waiting Period before QBs Coverage Begins are auto-populated based on the benefit plan options. e. Assign the costing information. f. Enter any Premium Subsidies this Retiree Group may have. o Choose whether to subsidize the premium or not. o Enter what date the subsidy will end. o Choose the type of subsidy (either fixed dollar amount per month or percentage based). o Enter subsidy amount (either as a fixed dollar amount - $XX.XX or a percentage – X%). g. Choose to assign dependents to benefit plan. h. Select the “Save and Continue” button. i. Repeat steps to add additional Benefits Plans, if applicable. When all applicable plans are added, select “Save and Continue.” j. Review benefits assigned. k. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Complete Step 7: Prior Activity a. Select any Prior Activity that may have already occurred for the Retiree Group you are entering. This is useful when taking over administration for a company or if for any other reason the participant has already had an event. You can also elect to print a takeover letter at this time. b. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 9. Complete Step 8: Review and Save a. Review the “Retiree Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. b. Select the “Save and Add Retiree Group” button. WebCOBRA 105 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Retiree/Direct Bill Participants – Group and Participant Detail Screen The “Retiree/Direct Bill Participant Detail” screen mimics the WebCOBRA “QB Detail” screen. Here you can view the status and details of the participant as well as edit necessary information. The “Retiree Detail” screen allows more than just editing. You can also view payment ledger, print reports, view benefit information, print letters, and enter notes. Other editing is done in the “Retiree Group Detail” screen. 1. From the home screen, select “Retirees/Direct Bill Participants - View All” or use the search tool to find the participant. 2. Select the QB Group Name you would like to edit. This brings you to the “Retiree Group Detail” screen. Retiree Group Detail Screen Here you can edit Group Name, Group ID, recipient of notices, add additional members to the group, remove the group, and assign the group to a department. a. Edit Retiree Group Name, Identifier, and Recipient of notices 1. From this screen, select “View/Edit Retiree Group.” 2. Edit the Group Name and/or the Retiree Group ID. 3. If you want to change the recipient of notices, select the bubble next to the participant that is to receive notices. 4. Select “Save Changes to QB Group.” b. Add Additional Members to this Retiree When initially adding the Retiree, you can add up to four (4) other members to the group. If you need to add more, you can do so from the “Group Detail” screen. 1. From the “Group Detail” screen, select “View/Edit Retiree Group.” 2. Select “Add Additional Members to this Retiree.” 3. You enter the “Additional QB Add Wizard.” 4. Complete Step 1 - Displays the current QBs and event information. 5. Complete Step 2 - Enter the member information. Name, Relationship, Date of Birth and Gender are required fields as well as is selecting if this member will receive his or her own copy of correspondence. The primary member’s address is pre-populated. You can edit the address for this member here. Optional phone number and email address can also be added at this time. 6. Complete Step 3 - Benefit Plan Assignment. This screen lists each plan to which the member can enroll. 7. If you select “Yes,” enter the effective date for the benefit plan. WebCOBRA 106 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes 8. Select if the participant has had plan coverage for 18 months or enter the original plan coverage date. 9. Select the new coverage level. c. 10. Select “Save and Continue.” 11. Complete Step 4 - Review and Save. Review that the member’s information is correct and select “Save and Add New QB to Group.” If something is in error, select the step from the wizard steps, and edit the information. Remove Retiree Group 1. From the “Retiree Group Detail” screen, select “View/Edit Retiree Group.” 2. Select “Remove this Retiree Group.” 3. Select the members you would like to remove. 4. Select “Delete Marked Qualified Beneficiaries.” 5. Review the member you are removing and “Select Delete Listed Qualified Beneficiary.” d. Add Retiree Group to a Department 1. From the “Retiree Group Detail” screen, select “View/Edit Retiree Group.” 2. Select “Add Retiree Group to a Department.” 3. From the drop-down menu, select the department to which you would like to add the Retiree Group. 4. Select “Save and Assign QB to a Department.” Retiree/Direct Bill Participant Detail Screen – View Detail and Edit Information Using the search screen or by selecting the Retiree from the “Participant List” screen. From the “Retiree Detail” screen, you can view and manage the following: • • • • • • • • Retiree Information Contact Information Benefit Information Enter and view Payments Print Letters/Accept Correspondence Enter User Actions Enter Notes Run Reports WebCOBRA 107 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Retiree Information The Retiree Detail screen displays a top section that includes information such as name, personal identifiers, Client/Employer, department, status, birth date, phone number, monthly premium, last payment received, and account balance. The tabs below divide sections of the Retiree information and processes available. a. View/Edit Retiree Information Link o Name, Identifiers, Relationship. o o Select “View/Edit Retiree Information.” Edit the desire fields and select “Save.” b. Retiree “Information” o The Information tab includes information such as identifiers, title, suffix, hire date, salary, beneficiary, years of service, and Medicaid Status. You can edit the fields on the screen, o c. and then select “Save Retiree Information.” You also have the ability to elect the following: • Do not terminate the Retiree. • To have the Retiree receive emails instead of printed letters. • If the event occurred to the selected participant. • To include the participant name in the address block. • If this Retiree is a pension employee. • For this participant to receive their own copy of correspondence. • To print ‘and dependents’ in the address block. • To send letters in English and Spanish. • Make your selections, and select “Save Retiree Information.” Contact o The “Contact” tab lets you view and edit contact information for the participant. On the right, other participants are displayed. You can select the “Other People in this Group” to edit an additional member’s information. o Edit Contact Information – Hover your mouse and select the current contact information. You can add new contact information or edit current information. If you add new information, the system will save both. • Address: You can enter Physical, Mailing, Overnight, Return, or Billing address. Populate the Address 1 field. The Address 2 field is optional and useful for Suite Address or Floor designations. To populate City and State, either enter the City and State or simply enter the Zip Code. The system will automatically populate the City and State in the last step of the Wizard. • Phone Numbers: Phone Numbers are optional fields. You can enter up to three phone numbers. The drop-down boxes on the left of each Phone Number Field allow you to designate the phone numbers as business, cell, fax, or home. You can also enter extensions for each phone number. • Email Address: Email is an optional field. You can select to have correspondence emailed instead of printed. If the Retiree wants to have correspondence emailed, this can be selected later. An email is required to send correspondence via email. • Select “Save Contact Information.” WebCOBRA 108 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes d. Benefit - View/Edit Benefit Plan Selection Here you can view plan details, edit plan assignment, add a plan to the participant, drop a plan or delete a plan. o View: The “Benefits” tab lists all benefit plans assigned to the member. It displays the carrier, plan name, coverage level, premium cost, eligibility or start date and billing start date. If the member has subsidies, they too are displayed. • To view other rates for the plan assigned, select “Show Other Rates/Coverage.” This will show other plan coverage options available to this member. This link is available only when there is a plan change scheduled, such as a change of coverage level on some date in the future. • To view assignment details, select the “View” link next to the plan you wish to view. This displays, in addition to the information above, the Plan Code, First Day After Loss of Coverage, the day the participant is no longer on federal COBRA, and the day they are no longer on State coverage. o Edit: From the “Benefits” tab of the “Retiree Detail” screen, select “Edit” for the corresponding benefit plan. You can edit the Original Coverage Date and the Coverage Level. • Select to edit the Original Coverage Date or Coverage Level. • Edit the appropriate field. The Original Coverage Date is the date they we on the original plan. You can select 18 months prior coverage or enter the actual date. • To return to the “Benefits” tab, select “View Your QB Benefits.” o Add Plan: To add a plan assignment to the Retiree, select “Add Plan” from the Benefits tab. This starts the “Benefit Coverage Change Wizard.” • Complete Step 1: This is the current plan information. Select “Continue.” • Complete Step 2: Select the plan you are adding to the group from the drop-down menu, and select “Add This Plan.” o 1. Review the Coverage Option you selected, if you do not want to add this Benefit Plan, select “Cancel/ Delete and Choose a Different Plan.” 2. The Eligibility Date, Premium Billing Start Date, and Waiting Period before QBs Coverage Begins are auto-populated based on the benefit plan options. 3. Assign the costing information. 4. Enter any Premium Subsidies this QB Group may have. a. Choose whether to subsidize the premium or not. b. Enter what date the subsidy will end. c. Choose the type of subsidy (either fixed dollar amount per month or percentage based). d. Enter subsidy amount (either as a fixed dollar amount $XX.XX or a percentage – X%). 5. Choose to assign dependents to benefit plan. 6. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Repeat steps to add additional Benefits Plans, if applicable. When all applicable plans are added, select “Save and Continue.” 8. Review benefits assigned. 9. Select the “Save and Assign Benefits to QB” button. 10. To return to the Detail screen, select “View QB Benefits.” Drop Plan: From the “Benefits” tab, select “Drop Plan.” This should be used if the Retiree was assigned to the plan for any length of time. If the plan was assigned to the Retiree in WebCOBRA 109 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes error, and the Retiree was never assigned to the plan, you should delete the plan. • Enter the date the plan will drop. • Select the plan to drop. • Select the QBs you are removing from the plan. • Select “Drop Plan.” • Select “View Your QB Benefits” to return the group’s “Benefits” tab. • If the drop was in error, select “Remove End Date” from the Benefit listed in the “Benefits” tab. o Delete Plan: As stated above, if a plan is assigned to a Retiree in error, and the Retiree was never assigned to the plan, you should delete the plan. This deletion appears as if the Retiree was never assigned to the plan. If any payments were made, these are deleted. • Select “Show Deletion Link.” • Select “Delete” for the corresponding benefit plan. • Select the QBs for which you are deleting the benefit plan. • Check the box stating that you want to delete the plan. Make sure your name is listed as confirmation of deletion. • Select “Save and Delete Plan Assignment.” • Select “View Your QB Benefits” to return to the “Benefit” tab. The deleted benefit no longer appears on the screen. e. Payments - From the “QB Detail” screen, select the “Payments” tab. Here you can enter payments made by check, electronic check, or credit card transaction. You can also enter an historical payment, setup automatic payments, and build a payment schedule. For more information on entering in payments for Retirees, refer to the “Premium Payments” and/or the “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter. f. Ledger - From the “QB Detail” screen select the “Ledger” tab. This is an accounting ledger showing all payments in the form of credits and debits for the Retiree. It shows date, type, check details, amount and balance. If it displays the Type as Premium, that is what is owed. Type code PMT, is the payment applied. At the bottom of the screen, Premium Disbursements for the Retiree are displayed. In the “Ledger” tab, you can also select to enter a payment, void a payment, select to not disburse premiums for this Retiree, build a payment schedule, and enter a ledger adjustment. For more information on the Payment Ledger and related processes, refer to the “Premium Payments” chapter in this user’s manual. g. Correspondence - The “Correspondence” tab allows you to accept correspondence for the Retiree, manually schedule letters to print, and view correspondence scheduled. Under Correspondence Scheduled for Creation, the list of letters are displayed that will print for this Retiree the next time you accept letters. o Accept Correspondence Now: You can accept correspondence for this Retiree only immediately using this feature. The wizard reflects the “Correspondence Acceptance Wizard.” • Select “Print and Accept for Retiree Group.” This starts the wizard to print for this QB Group. • Complete Step 1: The Welcome screen informs you that accepting for a Retiree group individually should be an exception, and only one user can accept at a time. Select “Save and Continue.” It should be used when you can’t wait for the regular Correspondence Acceptance and must print letters for this Retiree group immediately. • Complete Step 2: Generates the Letters. You will automatically be moved to Step 3. • Complete Step 3: Preview the letters to print. You can preview each letter individually or in a group. This is a Preview only. Select “Continue to Print Stage.” WebCOBRA 110 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual • • • o Retiree Participants and Processes Complete Step 4: Print. Select the link to print the letters to a PDF. Then, print the letters to your printer. We strongly recommend saving the PDF. Select “Yes, I Have Saved the PDF – Continue.” Complete Step 5: Check the box stating that you reviewed and accept the correspondence. Select “Accept this Package.” The system then stores the PDF. From here you can Print Mailing Labels or view a Correspondence Summary. If you select “Return to QB History,” you can view the letters just accepted. If you select the “Correspondence” tab, you will see no letters are waiting to print. Manually Schedule Letter: If you need to send a letter that is not scheduled, commonly a Free Form Letter, you can manually schedule it in the “Retiree Correspondence” tab. From the drop-down menu, select the letter you wish to schedule. This takes you to Step 4 of the “Manual Letter Wizard.” • Complete Step 4: If you have multiple participants by the same name, select the Retiree for which you wish to schedule the letter. Select “Continue and Save.” • Complete Step 5: Review the selection and select “Schedule Letter Generation.” Now, the letter will print the next time you accept correspondence. h. History: The “History” tab details all changes made to the Retiree. It displays date and time change made, the user, the participant to which the change was made, and what was changed. It also lists letters printed. To view the individual letters, select “View” next to the corresponding letter. o o Group Retiree Letters: To view multiple letters previously accepted for the Retiree, select “Group Retiree PDFs.” Select the letters you wish to view or print. Select “Get Grouped PDF.” An Adobe file with all the selected letters will open. Upload Documents to Retiree: WebCOBRA allows you to upload documents such as returned enrollment forms or a scanned copy of a check. First, scan the document and save it to your computer. Select “Upload Document.” Select “Browse” to locate the document you are uploading, and create a file name. Select “Save Document File.” You should see “Your File was saved correctly. You can safely close this window.” Select “Close.” Refresh the “History” tab screen, and you will see the document now listed as uploaded. To delete the file, select “Show Deletion Link,” then select “Delete” from the corresponding file. i. Actions - The “Actions” tab lets you tell WebCOBRA when you have received an enrollment form, an incomplete enrollment form, a waiver of continuing coverage, when you want to manually terminate a Retiree, and to refund a balance to a Retiree. o Enrollment Form Received: When a Retiree has submitted his Enrollment form, select the Enrollment Form bubble. Select “Save and Continue.” • The field Date of the Enrollment form is required and pre-populated to the current date, but is table. QB Enrollment Form Signed Date and Enrollment Form Post Marked Date are optional. Select “Commit Action.” • Now, under the “Actions” tab, you cannot accept another Retiree, but you can Remove Enrollment Form. To do so, select “Remove Enrollment Form.” Select “Yes” on the confirmation pop-up, and the Retiree is now marked as if the Enrollment form was not received. o Incomplete Enrollment Form Received: When a Retiree has submitted an Incomplete Enrollment form, select the “Incomplete Enrollment Form” bubble. Select “Save and Continue.” Enter the Date of the Incomplete Enrollment Form and what was missing from the form. Select “Commit Action.” If the option is selected, an “Incomplete Enrollment WebCOBRA 111 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual o o j. Form” letter will generate for the Retiree explaining the form could not be accepted for the reason entered. Waiver of Continuing Coverage Received: Select the corresponding bubble, and select “Save and Continue.” Enter the date of the waiver, and select “Commit Action.” The “Action” tab now displays the date the waiver was received. Manually Terminate Retiree Group: Retiree termination is discussed later in this chapter. Here you can terminate this Retiree group individually. • Select “Manually Terminate Retiree Group” and select “Save and Continue.” • Enter the Date of the Termination and the reason. The reason entered will display on the Termination Letter. • Select “Commit Action.” • The Retiree Group is now terminated. o Reinstate Retiree Group: Once the Retiree is terminated, the “Actions” tab will only let you reinstate the Group. • Enter the Reinstatement Date. • Select which plans to reinstate • Select “Reinstate QB Group.” o Refund Balance to Retiree: If a Retiree over-paid or terminated with a remaining balance, you can refund this balance to them. If the balance is $0.00 or the Retiree owes for a premium, you will not be able to select the “Refund” action. • Select “Refund Balance to Retiree” and then “Save and Continue.” • Enter the date of the Refund, and select “Refund Credit Balance.” • You can see in the Ledger and in the Retiree Information that the refund posted. o Add/Edit Retiree Login: With the Enterprise edition of WebCOBRA, you can allow Retirees to log into the system. The Retiree will see a Detail screen very similar to the one you see. They will see Information, Contact, Ledger, and Documents. If not selected as “View Only,” the Retiree can edit contact information. They can also view other members of the Retiree Group. • From the “Action” tab, select “Add/Edit Retiree Login.” • Enter/Edit QB username, first name, last name, initial password, initial password again to confirm, and the Retiree email address. Select “Yes” or “No” if the Retiree is active and if you want them to have view only access. Select “Save QB Info.” • An email is sent to the Retiree’s email address you entered. They select the link in the email to activate the account. The Retiree is required to change their password. Now the Retiree can return to home to view their account. Notes: Retiree Notes function in the same way that Client/Employer or QB notes function. In the “Notes” tab, you will see all current notes. If there is at least one note entered, the tab itself will display the number of notes in parentheses. o o k. Retiree Participants and Processes Create New Note: Select “Create a new Note.” Enter the message, and select “Save New Note.” The time and date entered is automatically saved. Delete Note: Select “Delete” next to the note you want to delete. Select “OK” in the confirmation Pop-Up. Reports: Similar to QBs, you can run reports for an individual Retiree. The reports you can run are as follows: QB Detail, QB Payment, Benefit Plan Listing, Premium Receipt, Premium Reconciliation, and Reconciliation by Payment. When you select the link for the report you wish to run, the report will automatically generate. For more information on reports, refer to the “Reports” chapter in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 112 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Processes The Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Processes section in WebCOBRA will allow you to terminate past due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants. While COBRA Participants are automatically terminated once they are past the designated grace period, Retirees do not have a designated grace period. There are two ways in WebCOBRA to initiate the termination of Retirees: 1. Utilizing a Forced Plan Termination Age in the Client/Employer Options. 2. Manually initiating termination with the “Retiree Termination Wizard.” Set Forced Plan Termination Age Some plans or Client/Employers may have an age at which Retirees are automatically terminated from the plan such as when they are eligible for Medicare. You can set a force-age termination for Retirees in the Client/Employer Options. The last option in Client/Employer Options is “Retiree Billing: Forced Plan Termination Age.” If there is an age, such as 65, when Retirees are automatically terminated from the plan, enter the age in the field. This option can be set during the “Client/Employer Add New Wizard” in the Client/Employer Option step. To edit this after initially adding the Client/Employer, you can do so through the “Client/Employer Detail” screen. 1. From the home screen, select “Client/Employer – View All.” 2. Select the “Options” tab. Scroll to the last option “Forced Plan Termination Age” and enter the age. When Retirees reach the age limit, they are automatically terminated, and a notice generates to be printed. WebCOBRA 113 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Terminate Past Due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants Retirees can be terminated from the benefit plan if they reach an age limit as discussed above, or if they are late. Retirees do not have a mandated grace period at which they terminate if they are past due. As such, WebCOBRA has the “Retiree Termination Processing Wizard.” This allows you to manually terminate Retirees that are past due on their premium payments. In the “Retiree Termination Wizard,” the user selects the Retirees to be terminated through entering the number of days past due that qualifies them for termination. Each benefit plan or Client/Employer has their own interpretation of what is “Past Due.” Therefore, users can terminate Retirees on a per Client/Employer basis. The steps below explain how to process the termination of Retirees. To Terminate Past Due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants: 1. From the home screen, select “Terminate Past Due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants.” 2. Enter the number of days overdue to terminate. 3. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Select if you want to terminate all Client/Employers or choose specific Client/Employers. a. If you select specific Client/Employers, listing the Client/Employers that have Retirees meeting the termination requirements. In parentheses, the number of eligible Retirees is displayed. b. Select the company, and select “Save and Continue.” To select more than one Client/ Employer, hold the Ctrl key while selecting multiple Client/Employers. 5. Review the list of Retirees to terminate. 6. Select the “Complete Termination Processing” button. 7. A progress bar will display while the termination is processing. 8. You will be directed to a screen that says, “Retiree Termination Processing Saved Correctly.” From this screen, you can: • • • Return Home Run Reports Restart Retiree Termination Wizard WebCOBRA 114 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Retiree Participants and Processes Retiree Reports There are two Retiree-designated reports. 1. Retiree Status 2. Retiree Termination To Run Retiree Reports: From the “Retiree Termination Wizard,” select “Run Reports,” or from the home screen, select “Existing Reports-View All.” For more detailed information regarding reports, refer to the “Reports” chapter. Retiree Status The “Retiree Status” report sorts by Client/Employer and displays in detail the status of each Retiree including their age, days past due, coverage start date, and premium due date. You can filter the report by Client/Employer, Retiree status, and days past due. Retiree Termination The “Retiree Termination” report sorts by Client/Employer and displays each terminated Retiree, termination date, QB identifier, Carrier/Sponsor, coverage level, benefit plan, and termination reason. You can filter by Client/Employer and date-range terminated. Displaying manually terminated Retirees, previously terminated Retirees, address, and benefit details are also optional. WebCOBRA 115 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments Chapter 8: Premium Payments WebCOBRA’s built-in premium accounting system is designed to process payments as they are received from QBs and Retirees. As premiums are entered for QBs or Retirees, a “Ledger” is built showing payment history for each QB. If you are using the Disbursements capability of WebCOBRA, premium disbursements will also be shown on the QB or Retiree Ledger. Adjustments may also be made to the QB or Retiree Ledger if need be. Methods for Entering Premium Payments Premium payments from QBs and Retirees may be entered into WebCOBRA in five ways: 1. Individual Payments, which are individually entered via the keyboard using the “Add Payment Wizard” once checks are received by the Administrator from QBs or Retirees. 2. Batch Payments, which give Administrators the ability to enter a group, or batch, of payments, more quickly than entering them individually. This process allows you to enter payments received for multiple QBs or Retirees using the “Batch Payment Wizard.” 3. A data file of incoming payments, as you would receive if you use a “Lock box” arrangement with your bank. The file is imported using the System Integrator, which is explained in “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter of this User Manual 4. “ACH Debit” payments, where a pre-stored file of drafts (debits) to QB/Retiree bank accounts is initiated by the Administrator through the Administrator’s bank. WebCOBRA posts payments to the QB and Retiree accounts when the drafts are sent by the Administrator. For information about how to set up ACH files for drafting of payments, please refer to the “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter of this User’s Manual 5. Electronic Payments initiated by the QB or Retiree via This allows the QB or Retiree to use their bank account, credit card, or debit card to make their premium payments. Details of how Electronic Payments work can be found in the “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 116 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments Individual Payment - Add New Under this selection you will be able to link directly to the payment page of each QB record in order to add an individual payment. To Add an Individual Payment: 1. From the home screen, select “Individual Payment - Add New.” You will be taken to the “QB Payment Finder” page. 2. Enter the search criteria to look up a QB or QB Group in the Search box. Click the “Search” button. 3. Select the QB or QB Group from the search results. You will then be taken to the “Payments” tab of the “QB Detail” screen. 4. Enter the payment information, including payment amount, type, whether this is a non-cash payment, entry date into the system, check date/number/authorization code (optional), and any notes (optional). If the payment is a non-cash payment (one that you need to show as made by the QB or Retiree but for which you did not receive the payment, such as a Retiree’s payment that was deducted from their pension payment, for example) click the “Non-cash Payment” box. That will cause the premium not to be included among those premiums that are disbursed. 5. Select the “Enter Payment” button after entering all applicable information. 6. You will then see a confirmation page that states, “QB Payment Saved Correctly.” 7. If the amount of the payment is lower than the amount due, the system will post the payment to the QB’s “Balance” rather than to his/her “Premium,” and will show the remainder as due, based on the setting of the “Acceptable Premium Difference” Option. If that Option is set to an amount greater than the payment deficiency, the system will post the payment to “Premium.” If the payment is deficient by more than the allowable difference and the payment is not automatically denied by virtue of one of the “Payment Entry Rules” option settings, the payment will be posted to the QB’s “Balance” in their “Ledger.” Batch Payments - Add New This selection will take you directly to the “Batch Payment Wizard.” To Add Batch Payments: 1. From the home screen, select “Batch Payments - Add New.” 2. Read the instructions for how the batch payment wizard works, and select the “Continue” button. 3. Enter the payment information. You can search for QBs be entering either the Name, Nickname, QB ID, or SSN of the QB you would like to make a payment for in the QB Search field. WebCOBRA 117 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments 4. Select “Add Another Payment” if you would like to add an additional payment, OR select “Finished, Proceed to Review” if you have completed making payments. 5. The “Batch Payment wizard” will go through an Error Checking process to validate the payments you’ve entered. Follow these steps to ensure the payment you are entering is error free. 6. Select “Confirm and Continue” when the Error Checking is complete. 7. Select the “Continue to Review” button. 8. Review the “Batch Payment Wizard Summary” to ensure all the information you entered was correct. If the information is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 9. Select the “Save and Submit Payments” button. 10. You will be prompted, “Batch Payment Wizard Saved Correctly.” WebCOBRA’s premium payment processing is designed to immediately credit payments toward premiums that are currently due (such as for the current month, or in the case of a first COBRA premium payment, for prior months) and to automatically hold pre-payments of premium until they are due from the QB or Retiree. For example, if it’s May 10th and an already-enrolled QB whose May premium is $300 pays the Administrator $600, WebCOBRA will credit the May premium as fully paid and hold the $300 that the QB “paid ahead” until the June premiums are due. ACH Debit Payments For information about ACH Debit Payments, refer to the “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter in this user’s manual. Credit/Debit Cards For information about credit/debit cards and other electronic payments, refer to the “Electronic Payments and Banking” chapter in this user’s manual. Voiding a Previously-Entered Payment If a premium payment from a QB or Retiree is returned to the Administrator, you can void the payment in WebCOBRA. Any payment previously made may be voided. To Void a Previously-Entered Payment 1. Search for the QB or QB Group from the “Search” box in the top right-hand corner of the home screen. 2. Click on the name of the QB or Retiree you are searching for to bring up the “QB Group” screen. 3. Click on the QB’s or Retiree’s name once again to display the “QB Detail” screen. WebCOBRA 118 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments 4. On that screen, click on the “Ledger” tab. Once you do that, a list of several “Ledger Actions” will appear, one of which is “Void a Payment.” Click on Void a Payment to see a listing of the payments made by the QB or Retiree. 5. Once you have denoted the payment to be voided, scroll down to the bottom of the screen. Before you click on the “Void This Payment” button, you may also wish to click the box that says, “YES, this payment is being voided because of a returned check.” • • If you click that box, the system will look at the “Generate Returned Check Letter” Option at the Employer level and, if that Option is set to “Yes,” it will generate a returned check letter as part of your next set of letters. If you have specified a Returned Check Fee, that fee will be added to the amount now due from the QB or Retiree in order to replace the payment that was voided. WebCOBRA’s standard Returned Check Letter will provide the QB with a date by which the replacement payment must be received. That date will be the later of the end of the QB’s payment grace period or ten days from the date the letter is printed. 6. Click the “Void This Payment” button. When the payment has been voided correctly, you will be prompted “Payment of amount (dollar amount entered) voided. Saved correctly.” Making Ledger Adjustments Adjustments to a QB’s ledger may be necessary for a variety of reasons. A QB may have paid for a full month of COBRA and then terminated mid-month, requiring an adjustment. A QB may have mistakenly paid for an additional month of COBRA, for which you need to refund. Or, a QB may have paid their monthly premium late in the month and you disbursed the premium to the employer or carrier, then you find out after disbursement that the QB’s check was returned by his bank. To Make a Ledger Adjustment: To enter an adjustment to the QB’s ledger for any of the above cases or other situations that may arise: 1. Search for the QB or QB Group from the “Search” box in the top right-hand corner of the home screen. 2. Click on the name of the QB or Retiree you are searching for to bring up the “QB Group” screen. 3. Click on the QB’s or Retiree’s name once again to display the “QB Detail” screen. 4. On that screen, click the “Ledger” tab. 5. From the list of “Ledger Actions” that appears, choose to “Enter a Ledger Adjustment”. 6. Enter the date and amount of the adjustment, and then you may enter “Notes” describing the reason for the adjustment or any other facts about the adjustment itself. 7. Click “Enter Adjustment” when done filling in this information. 8. Review the details of the adjustment. • • If the amount shown in correct, check the “Yes” box. If the amount shown is not correct, scroll down to re-enter the adjustment amount and click “Enter Adjustment.” WebCOBRA 119 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments 9. Click the “Confirm and Continue” button when all the information shown is correct. 10. You will be prompted “Adjustment of (dollar amount) stored to balance. Saved correctly.”The adjustment will now be shown in the QB Ledger under the description “[Adjustment],” and the balance will now reflect the correct amount. Setting Up Payments to Not Be Disbursed After the Payment Has Been Entered In some cases, such as if you entered a payment into WebCOBRA that needed to be credited to a QB’s or Retiree’s account but in which case you did not actually receive the payment, if you forgot to click the “Non-cash Payment” box when the payment is entered, you can tell the system “Do Not Disburse” that payment by marking the payment(s) that were non-cash or which do not need to be disbursed. To Mark An Invoice As “Do Not Disburse:” 1. Click on the “Qualified Beneficiary – View All” link from the WebCOBRA home screen. 2. Choose the QB you want to void a disbursed payment for by clicking the QB’s group name associated with the record and then clicking their SSN or Last Name, or by clicking “Edit.” 3. Click on the “Ledger” tab. 4. Click “Do Not Disburse” under the list of “Ledger Actions.” 5. Check the box next to the payment you do not want disbursed. The selected invoice's premiums and fees will be ignored during the Disbursement process. If there is no checkbox, the invoice has already been disbursed. 6. Click the “Do Not Disburse This Invoice” button. Setting Options for How Payments are to be Processed The setting of two of the “Premium Billing Options” offered in that section of the Employer setup area of the system allows you to pre-store how you want some frequently-encountered payment questions to be handled. Payment Options Acceptable Premium Difference Amount – by setting this option to an amount greater than zero, you are acknowledging that you are willing in some cases to accept as fully paid a premium payment that is deficient by a very small amount. For example, if you would accept a payment of $299.00 as full payment of a $300 premium, then setting the “Acceptable Premium Difference” to $1.00 would cause the system to accept that payment as fully paid. The payment would show on the “Voucher Report” as $299.50 but would be fully credited as paid in other areas of the system, and eligibility for the QB Group would be continued. Returned Check Fee Amount – setting this option to a number greater than zero will result in the system adding that fee to the premium, to result in a new total amount due when a payment is voided (see “Voiding a Previously Entered Payment” in this chapter). WebCOBRA 120 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Payments COBRA Administrative Fee – When you set up each Benefit Plan, you also are given the opportunity to set Options at the “Benefit Plan level” which may not agree with the setting of Options at the “Client level.” For example, if you typically want to have the system add the 2% administrative fee to premiums due, you could set the “COBRA Administrative Fee” to 2% at the Client level. However, if you did not want to have the system add the 2% administrative fee to Flexible Spending Account amounts paid by a continuee, you could set the “COBRA Administrative Fee” Option to zero when you set up the FSA as a benefit plan. Setting Payment Entry Rules Several Client-level Options are grouped into one section of Employer Options called “Payment Entry Rules.” The setting of these rules lets you tell the system what you want done particularly when deficient payments are received. Payment Entry Rules Amount is Deficient, QB is Unenrolled – provides you with the ability to automatically have the system either deny the payment or accept it, but against the QB’s “balance” rather than as a partial premium payment. Confirming Deficient Payments – causes the system to ask the operator entering the deficient payment to confirm the amount entered. Amount is Deficient by a Significant Amount, QB is Enrolled – allows you to deny a significantly-deficient payment, accept it to the QB’s ledger balance, or accept it as a partial payment of premium. What Percentage is Deficient? – the default setting for this option is 10%, as indicated by IRS rules issued in 2002. Voided Payment when past Grace Period – let’s say a full premium payment is entered for a QB during their payment grace period, and then after the grace period has expired but before you disburse the payment to either a Carrier or the Employer, the check is returned to you, having been sent back by the QB’s bank. This option allows you to set a rule for whether or not you want WebCOBRA to terminate the QB at that point or if you want the system to give the QB ten days to replace the check and repay the funds. If you check “Terminate if Past Grace Period,” the system will generate a Termination from Continuation letter. If you select “Give 10 Days” the system will generate a deficient premium letter and give the QB ten days from the date that letter is printed to repay the funds. Security Level Override – if you say “Yes” to this option, Supervisors will be able to override the automatic choices made by the system based on these options, on a case-by-case basis. Extend Enrollment for Deficient First Premium Payment – if a QB makes a deficient first COBRA premium payment toward the end of the 45-day “first payment grace period” and you set this option to “Yes,” the grace period will be extended (30 days for an insignificant deficiency, 10 days for a significant deficiency). Alter Term Date When Initial Partial Payment Comes In Without Enrollment Form – setting this option to “Yes” will allow the user to set a “Do Not Terminate Before” date in the QB’s record, effectively giving them more time to complete their first payment. WebCOBRA 121 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking Chapter 9: Electronic Payments and Banking WebCOBRA allows you to enable the capability for participants to make premium payments by credit card (Enterprise edition only) or by recurring ACH (bank draft). This chapter gives a general overview of how to configure and utilize each type. Credit Card Payments The capability to offer participants the option to make premium payments by credit card requires the Enterprise edition of WebCOBRA. Credit card payments can be entered by an administrator and/or the participant through the participant portal. Online Credit Card Payments The Credit Card Payment Wizard collects participant credit card payment information and authorizes the transaction in real-time. Accepted payments are automatically posted into the appropriate QB accounts. Credit card payments are processed through a payment processor called “” This capability functions by submitting the participant credit card information to the payment gateway service which determines whether or not the transaction should be accepted. If it is accepted, the transaction funds are transferred to the merchant account associated with the payment gateway account. The payment gateway account and the associated merchant account belong to the WebCOBRA customer and not Travis Software Inc. In order to offer credit cards as a payment option you will need to setup an account with “” and a merchant account. Once your WebCOBRA system has been configured with your “” credentials, you can enable credit card payments at the Client/Employer level. For each employer that has credit card payments enabled, their participants will have access to the “Credit Card Wizard” when they login to the site, and Administrators will have access to the electronic payment option within the participant record under the “Payment” tab. WebCOBRA 122 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking To Enable Online Credit Card Payments in WebCOBRA: 1. Setup an account with “” a. Online Application Form - home.aspx?SalesRepID=98&ResellerID=8463 b. Merchant Resources - 866-437-0476 2. Enter your “” credentials: a. From the home screen, click the “Accept Payments Online Setup” link under the “Electronic Payments and Banking” section. b. Click the “Setup Online Payments” button. (If you already have an existing “” account set up, you will click the “View/Edit Online Payments - Setup” link.) c. Select “” from the Payment Gateway Merchant drop-down menu. d. Select the “Yes” radio button for the types of payments that you want to accept. e. Enter the “Merchant Username” that you received from “” f. Enter the Merchant Username again in the “Repeat Username” field to confirm. g. Enter the “Transaction Key” that you received from “” h. Enter the Transaction Key again in the “Repeat Transaction Key” field to confirm. i. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 3. Enable credit card payments for Client/Employers: a. Open the Client/Employer record for any client for which you want to enable credit card payments. b. Go to the “Options” tab. c. Go to the “Electronic Payments” section. d. Select the “Yes” radio button for the “Allow Electronic Transactions” option. e. Enter any applicable “Convenience Fee – Percentage Add On.” f. Enter any applicable “Convenience Fee – Per Transaction Setup.” g. To allow QBs to login and make payments online select the “Yes” radio button for the “Allow QB to Make Online Payment.” WebCOBRA 123 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking h. Adjust the “QB One Time Electronic Payment Agreement” text as needed. i. Click the “Save Options” button. Credit Card Payment Types The credit card payment option has built-in capabilities for many different payment types that can be individually enabled. The traditional credit card options are Visa, Master Card, and American Express. In addition to traditional credit cards you can also enable the Electronic Checks as a payment option. Electronic checks are processed through “” and accepted as payment if “” returns an approved response, which means it is a valid request. Unlike credit cards, electronic checks are then sent by “” to the ACH bank network for settlement. This could potentially result in an accepted electronic check payment that, once it is processed, may be returned for insufficient funds or another rejection reason. Please visit the “” website for more information about the payment types. Client/Employer Configuration Options Credit card payments can be enabled on an Employer by Employer basis under the Client/Employer Options in the “Electronic Payments” section. Electronic Payments Options • • • • • Allow Electronic Transactions – Select “Yes” to enable credit card payments for this Client/ Employer. Convenience Fee – Percentage – Enter a percentage amount that the system should automatically add to the transaction (this is typically related to fees you are charged by Convenience Fee – Per Transaction Setup – Enter a fixed amount to be added to each transaction automatically (this is typically related to fees you are charged by Allow QB to Make Online Payment – Select “Yes” to allow participants to make payment through their system login. QB One Time Electronic Payment Agreement – this wording is used on the payment confirmation page when a participant makes a credit card payment through their system login. Recurring ACH Payments WebCOBRA offers the capability to offer participants the option to make premium payments by recurring bank draft (ACH). The system essentially will collect the banking information from the participant and the Carrier/Sponsor or Employer, and uses it to generate a standard NACHA ACH file that you can give to your bank to be processed. WebCOBRA 124 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking To Enable Recurring ACH Payments for Participants: 1. Setup a destination bank account – this is where the premium payments will be sent when the ACH file is processed by your bank: a. From the home screen, select “Bank Accounts - View All.” b. Select the “Create New Bank Account” button. c. Enter the bank account information. d. Select the “Save and Continue” button. e. You will see a screen that says, “Bank Account Saved Correctly.” 2. Enable the ACH option under the Client/Employer Options: a. Open the Client/Employer record for any client for which you want to enable credit card payments. b. Go to the “Options” tab. c. Go to the “Automated QB Bill Payments” section. d. Select the “Yes” radio button for the “Allow QB Automated ACH Payments” option. e. Adjust the “QB Automated Payment Agreement” text as needed. f. Click the “Save Options” button. g. At this point, participants will be able to enter their banking information and opt-in to recurring bank drafts for their premium payments. In addition, Administrators can now go to the participant record and enter their banking information and opt-in that participant to recurring bank drafts for premium payments. Processing ACH Payments The “Auto-Pay Payment Wizard” will scan the system for participants who have recurring ACH payments enabled and who owe a premium payment. It will then generate an ACH file that you can have your bank process and post the payments into the appropriate participant’s records. To Process ACH Payments: 1. From the home screen, select “Bank Accounts - View All.” 2. Select the “Auto-Pay Payment Wizard” link from the “Electronic Payments and Banking” section. WebCOBRA 125 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking 3. Step 1 - Select the Invoice Billing Period. 4. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Step 2 - Select the Client/Employers for which you would like to process ACH premium payments. 6. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 7. Step 3 - Select the destination bank account for the premium payments. 8. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 9. Step 4 - Download and review the pre-note file, and check the “Yes” box. 10. Click the “Continue” button. 11. Step 5 - Review the processing information. 12. If everything is correct click the “Process Automated Payments and Create ACH File” button. 13. The page will reload and provide you links to download the ACH file and a report. To View ACH Payment History: 1. From the home screen, select “Bank Accounts - View All.” 2. Select the “Auto-Pay Payment History - View All” link from the “Electronic Payments and Banking” section. 3. This page will display a list of ACH processing history where you can download previous ACH files and reports. WebCOBRA 126 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Electronic Payments and Banking To Edit Existing Bank Accounts: 1. From the home screen, select “Bank Accounts - View All.” 2. View the Bank Account information. Information available includes: • • • • • Owner Type Owner Bank Account Name Bank Account Code Last 4 Digits (of the bank account number) 3. Select the “Edit” link next to the bank account you want to edit. 4. Select the “View/Edit Bank Account” link. 5. Edit any of the information available. 6. Select the “Save and Continue” button when the changes are complete. WebCOBRA 127 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements Chapter 10: Premium Disbursements The Premium Disbursements section in WebCOBRA will allow you to set up and disburse premium payments to Employers or Carriers. The disbursement process consists of two steps: setting the disbursement options, and then using the “Premium Disbursement Wizard.” Setting the Disbursement Options There are two types of Options that users should set up prior to proceeding with disbursements – “Clientlevel” Options and “Benefit Plan-level” Options. Client-Level Disbursement Options To Set Client-Level Disbursement Options: 1. To set Client-level Options, go to the “Client/Employer Edit” screen and click on “Options” in the “Client/Employer Edit” section of the screen, 2. Click the “Options” tab and scroll to the “Premium Disbursement” options near the bottom. 3. Each option is described below: • Start Disbursements On - This date controls when the system will start using the payments for calculating disbursements. For example, if you have never used disbursements and you would like to start disbursing payments for the next month you would probably set this date to be the first day of this month to capture most of the payments that arrive for the next month • Disburse ARRA Premium Reduction - In many cases ARRA subsidies are not disbursed as they were not collected from either the employer or the QB. However, in cases where the administrator is paying the carrier directly (rather than the employer) and the employer has paid the applicable ARRA subsidy to the administrator, setting this option to Yes may be advisable • Disburse Employer Subsidies - As with the ARRA subsidy, if premiums are being paid back to the employer it is doubtful that this option should be set to Yes. If, however, the premiums are being disbursed by the administrator directly to the carrier and funds have been received from the employer equal to the employer subsidies that need to be disbursed, then setting this option to Yes will result in the system disbursing the entire premium due to the carrier for the subsidized plan payments, even though only the net premium (after subsidy) was received from the QB. Benefit Plan Level Disbursement Options To Set Benefit Plan level Options: WebCOBRA 128 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements 1. To set Benefit Plan Level Options, which may vary from plan to plan, click on “Benefit Plan-View All” from the Home screen, then click on the Options tab. 2. Scroll to the Premium Disbursements section of the Options. 3. Each option is described below: • • Premium Check Recipient – This Option controls the name of the Payee on disbursement checks. If you wish disbursed premiums for this benefit plan to be sent directly to the carrier or to the employer, you simple choose the appropriate selection. You may also choose “Do Not Disburse” as your selection. This is typically the setting when you are disbursing other premiums from other plans but not from this one, as might be the case with a Flexible Spending Account. Social Security Disability Fee Disbursement Recipient – This Option controls the name of the Payee for the additional premium due from a QB during their period of Social Security Disability (up to 50%, as allowed by law). Sometimes the carrier may require that the additional fee be paid to them as part of the premium for specific plans, sometimes the additional fee is remitted to the employer, and it may also be retained by the Administrator. Make the appropriate selection and the system will automatically function as you specify. Premium Disbursement Wizard This selection will take you directly to the “Premium Disbursement Wizard.” When you use WebCOBRA’s “Premium Disbursement Wizard,” the system: • • • • Uses the settings of certain Options (discussed above) to determine to whom and for what period of time premiums should be disbursed, Finds premiums that have not been disbursed and are not marked “Do Not Disburse”, then aggregates the premiums to be disbursed for each benefit plan an groups them by Carrier/Sponsor and Employer, Withholds the administrative fees that were collected, Generates a PDF file of checks that you can use with your pre-printed check stock or, if the ACH Option is set to “Yes”, creates an ACH record for the disbursement(s). To Use the Premium Disbursement Wizard: 1. From the home screen, select “Premium Disbursement Wizard.” 2. Select the Client/Employer (or ALL Clients) for whom you wish to disburse premiums, then press “Choose and Continue.” 3. Select the Carriers/Sponsors (or ALL) whose plan premiums you wish to disburse, and then select the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Next, a screen will appear inviting you to select the “Disbursement Period” for which you want premiums disbursed. 5. Press “Save and Continue.” WebCOBRA 129 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements 6. The system will total the premiums to be disbursed, by Client/Employer and Carrier/Sponsor, and ask you to press “Review and Continue” to prepare to generate checks. 7. You will then be asked to enter the starting check number you wish to use. Use the Internet Word Processor to adjust the check template so that the generated PDF file matches the layout of your preprinted checks. (see the “Internet Word Processor” section in the “Letters” chapter of this manual) 8. The next screen provides administrators with the opportunity to withhold additional fees from the amount to be disbursed, on a check by check basis. This may be applicable if the premiums are being disbursed to the employer/client, probably not applicable if premiums are being disbursed to an insurance carrier. The fee is entered into the box provided on the screen, by each check that is set to be generated, and whatever amount entered will be deducted from the total disbursement to that Payee. WebCOBRA’s Employer Invoicing capability (see the chapter on “Invoicing Fees to Employers”) can be used to provide supporting documentation about how you arrived at the Fee amount. 9. You are given a final review opportunity on the next screen. From here you can download the generated checks to preview and print. If you had a paper jam or your printer malfunctioned, if the starting check number was incorrect, or if the checks did not print correctly for any reason, you can simply restart the Disbursement Wizard using the correct check number. While you are printing your checks, be sure to leave open the “review” screen so that you can finalize the disbursement. You must finalize the disbursement in under thirty minutes or you must restart the process. 10. Once you reviewed/printed the checks, you then proceed with an Acceptance process much like the letter acceptance process in WebCOBRA. When you are ready simply click the “Disburse Premiums” button to accept that the disbursements were created correctly and to have the system post the disbursements and record that the payments have been disbursed. When Retroactive Rate Changes Are Made After Premiums Have Been Disbursed Learning about benefit plan rate changes after they have gone into effect, and even after premiums have been disbursed for the months after the new rates went into effect, is a fact of life in employee benefits. WebCOBRA automatically recalculates any additional premium that is due for months previously paid by QBs and Retirees as part of the Rate Change process (to learn about that process, please refer to the chapter on Carrier/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans in this User’s Manual). If a rate change is entered as being effective on April 1st, for example, but premiums have already been disbursed on the plan whose rates are changing for April or future months, WebCOBRA will, as part of the rate change process, create an amount due from each QB affected (in the case of a rate increase) or an amount to be credited against future months for each QB affected (in the case of a rate decrease). In the case of a rate increase that results in a QB owing more money for a prior month, the system will generate new billing coupons or premium notices showing the new amount that must be paid to complete the pay- WebCOBRA 130 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements ment for the prior month. Once that amount is paid by the QB, then the next time you process disbursements for that plan the system will include the “make-up” payment in the disbursement, and will once again mark that month’s payment as fully disbursed for that QB. Disbursement Adjustments When Previously-Disbursed Premium Payments Are Voided Occasionally, a premium payment made late in the grace period and disbursed right after the grace period ends will be returned to the Administrator by the QB’s bank. If you encounter that instance, the QB’s premium payment that has already been disbursed needs to be entered into the system as an adjustment rather than a voided payment. Entering the payment as an adjustment (see “Ledger Adjustments” in the Payments chapter of this User’s Manual) will allow WebCOBRA to recalculate the paid through date and amount due. If you allow the QB to replace the voided payment that has already been disbursed and he/she does so, then the replacement payment should be entered as its own adjustment rather than through the use of the “Add Payment Wizard.” The second adjustment made when the replacement payment was received will cause WebCOBRA to recalculate the paid through date and amount due. The new adjustment, since it applies to a previously disburse premium, will not be included on the next disbursement of premiums for that plan. Edit Check Numbers After Disbursements Process Has Been Run Users can edit check numbers for checks to Sponsors after the Disbursements process has run, even if the check has been printed already. If an administrator needs to manually write another check to a Sponsor due to a check getting lost, for example, they can edit the number in the system to reflect that new check number. Steps to Edit Check Numbers 1. Choose the “Carrier/Sponsor – View All” link from the home screen. 2. Click the “Edit” link next to the Carrier/Sponsor for whom you want to change a check number. 3. Select the “Ledger” tab. WebCOBRA 131 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements 4. Click on the check number you wish to edit. This will open a box, where the user can enter the new check number. When a check number is changed, a new check image will not be created. The old check image will remain, however the new check number will appear on the Disbursement Statement and the Reconciliation Report. 5. Click the “Save” button to save the changes. If you do not click “Save” before exiting this page, changes will be lost, and the check number will not be changed. 6. After clicking “Save,” a message window will appear, reminding the user that changing the check number will not recreate the check image. Click “OK.” 7. When the check number change has saved correctly, you will be prompted, “Editing Sponsor Disbursement Information saved correctly.” ACH Disbursement Setup Under this selection you will be able to set up to disburse premium payments directly to Carrier/Sponsors or Client/Employers using Electronic Funds Transfer. Enabling ACH disbursements requires that you configure bank account information for both the administrator (source) and client or sponsor (destination), and that you enable the ACH option for each client or sponsor. WebCOBRA 132 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Premium Disbursements Setup an Administrator Bank Account for ACH To setup administrator bank accounts please see the “Electronic payments and Banking” chapter of this manual. This is the account premiums will be disbursed from. Setup a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer Bank Account for ACH This process will walk you through setting up a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer account for ACH Disbursement. This is the account premium will be disbursed to. To Setup ACH for a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer Account: 1. From the home screen, select “ACH Disbursement Setup.” 2. Select the “Create New Account” link next to the Client/Employer or Carrier/Sponsor you want to setup the ACH information for. 3. Enter the bank account information. 4. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 5. You will see a confirmation page that states, “Bank Account Saved Correctly.” Enable a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer for ACH This process will walk you through enable a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer to use ACH Disbursements instead by check. To Enable ACH for a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer: 1. From the home screen, select “ACH Disbursement Setup.” 2. Locate the Client/Employer or Carrier/Sponsor for which you want to enable ACH. 3. Click the “Change to ACH” button in the “Action” column (if this button says “Change To Check” then ACH is already enabled). 4. Once the page has reloaded the button in the “Action” column will say “Change To Check,” which signifies that ACH is enabled. 5. Under the “Premiums Disbursed From (Administrator Account)” column, be sure to select the appropriate originating (administrator) bank account. This is the account from which the money will be withdrawn. 6. At this point when the “Disbursement Wizard” is executed any disbursements for a Carrier or Client that has had ACH enabled will get an ACH file instead of a PDF check to print. WebCOBRA 133 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Chapter 11: Letters The Letters section in the WebCOBRA user’s manual covers how you generate, accept, and send continuation-related letters. It also includes a brief description of each letter that may be generated. Generating, Accepting, and Printing Letters in WebCOBRA Letters may be generated by WebCOBRA using two different methods: • • “On Demand” to generate, review, accept, and print them. Via the “Automatic Letter Robot,” which will generate and accept your letters overnight, and have them ready for you to print first thing every morning. “On Demand” Letter Generation “On Demand” letter generation allows you to initiate the letter creation process. The steps in the letter creation process are: 1. Automatically “generating” the letters. Once the letter generation process has begun based on data entered or files imported, WebCOBRA automatically creates all the letters that need to be printed. 2. Correspondence Acceptance. When the letter generation process is complete, WebCOBRA will automatically notify you on the home screen that you can begin the “Correspondence Acceptance” phase of the letter creation process. At the beginning of this process, the letters will be gathered together (Grouped) and, once that process is finished, you will be able to download and access one “.pdf” file containing all of the individual letters generated during the generation process. Once you review the group and save the file to your local server, you will be prompted to “Accept All Letters,” and you can then print them, OR, if the group of letters is not correct, you can exit the “Correspondence Acceptance” process. Once you have accepted letters, WebCOBRA updates the data file for each QB to whom a letter was generated. For example, if John Doe had a COBRA Election Notice accepted on June 18, 2010, the system would record at time of acceptance that John Doe’s letter was printed on June 18th. Until the acceptance process is completed, the system will not record that a letter was generated. We strongly urge you to save letters locally, as only the last ten accepted Grouped PDFs are accessible in the “Correspondence History.” WebCOBRA 134 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Automatic Letter Robot The “Automatic Letter Robot”, an optional module in WebCOBRA, generates and accepts your letters for all clients overnight, then makes available for you to download a secure .pdf file containing all your letters ready to be printed. Using the “Letter Robot” does not prevent you from generating, accepting and printing letters “On Demand” during the workday. If, for example, you have 100 Client/Employer accounts for COBRA and you print just the letters for one of them at noon on a Monday, the letters for the other 99 clients, together with any letters for the one client that needed to be printed since noon, will be generated and accepted Monday night and be ready for you to download and print Tuesday morning. Automatic Letter Storage Once you have completed the “Letter Acceptance Process” WebCOBRA automatically stores a copy of the letters into its database for you to retrieve, view, and reprint as you wish. There are actually two copies of each letters stored: the first copy is stored as part of the individual QB’s record for easy retrieval – that is the so-called “Individual PDF”; the second copy of stored as part of the group of letters that were all accepted at one time (the so-called “Employer PDF” or “Grouped PDF”). In addition to being able to reprint an individual QB’s letter at any time once it is stored, the entire Grouped PDF may be reprinted as well, either from WebCOBRA or directly from the Grouped PDF that you downloaded. Only the last ten accepted Grouped PDFs are available for viewing/reprinting from “Correspondence History.” If you use the Archiving function (see “Archiving” in this manual) as a way to reduce data storage for your QB and letter data, that QB’s record is archived, and the letters for that QB will no longer be viewable or printable. Send Letters Manually to QBs or a Client/Employer Group In addition to having WebCOBRA automatically generate all of your letters, you can generate a specific letter for an individual QB at any time. Under this selection you will have the ability to send a letter to a QB or Employee using the Manual Letter Wizard. Send Letters Manually to QBs 1. From the home screen, select “Send Letters Manually to QBs.” 2. Complete Step 1 - Welcome. Select to either “Send letter(s) to a specific QB or Employee,” or “Send letter(s) to a class of QBs.” 3. Select the “Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2 - Letter Selection. Choose the letters you would like to manually send. WebCOBRA 135 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters To select more than one letter, select the “Add Letter to Selection” button after each letter you choose to send. To remove a letter, click the “Remove” link. 5. Select the “Finish Letter Selection and Continue” button when all the letters you want to send are selected. 6. Complete Step 3 - Recipient(s) Selection. Enter the QBID, SSN, Group Name, or Name of the QB, Employee, or Class of QBs to which you would like to send the letters. 7. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Complete Step 4 – Special Situations. Depending on the letter(s) you chose to generate in the previous step, you may be asked to enter more information specific to certain letters. For example, if you chose to generate “Free Form Letter 1,” the system will tell you that if the letter utilizes the “QB_Assigned_Plan_List_Date_Specific” data element, you can list out all the benefit assignments for a QB as of a specific date. In this step, you may choose to show plans with a specific start date. 8. Complete Step 5 - Review. Review the Manual Letter Summary the letters you wish to send are correct. If the letters were not correct, select either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 9. Select the “Schedule Letter Generation” button. The letter(s) will now be available to download and print with the “Correspondence Acceptance Wizard.” Send Letters Manually to a Client/Employer Group 1. From your WebCOBRA home screen, click the “Send Letters Manually to QBs” link in the “Letters” section. 2. You will be directed to the “Manual Letter Wizard.” 3. Complete Step 1 – Welcome. Select “Send letter(s) to a class of QBs, such as “Send Takeover Letter to All Active QBs,” and click “Continue.” 4. Complete Step 2 – Letter Selection. From the drop-down menu, select the letter you want to generate and click “Add Letter to Selection.” If you want multiple letters to be generated, select another letter and click “Add Letter to Selection” again. Repeat this process until all the letters you want to generate are listed in the “Letters in Selection” box and then click “Finish Letter Selection and Continue.” 5. Complete Step 3 – Recipient(s) Selection. This is the step in which you will choose the Client/ Employer Group you created. From the “Client/Employer Group” drop-down menu, select the Client/ Employer Group for which you want to generate letters, and click “Continue.” The screen will expand to allow you to select which QB Status(es) the letters should be generated for. Click “Continue” at the bottom once you have made your selection. WebCOBRA 136 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters 6. Complete Step 4 – Special Situations. Depending on the letter(s) you chose to generate in the previous step, you may be asked to enter more information specific to certain letters. For example, if you chose to generate “Free Form Letter 1,” the system will tell you that if the letter utilizes the “QB_Assigned_Plan_List_Date_Specific” data element, you can list out all the benefit assignments for a QB as of a specific date. In this step, you may choose to show plans with a specific start date. 7. Click “Continue and Save” when done. 8. Complete Step 5 – Review. Review the Manual Letter Summary on screen, and click the “Schedule Letter Generation” button at the bottom. 9. A confirmation message will appear – “Manual Letters Scheduled saved correctly.” Customizing Your Letters The Internet Word Processor (IWP) The Internet Word Processor (IWP) is a tool within WebCOBRA that allows users to edit any of the standard letters and their wording (the “templates”) for an individual employer, a group of employers or all employers controlled by the user. Data fields that allow information to populate on letters are referred to as “Data Elements” in the Internet Word Processor. The IWP allows users to add logos to the letters as well as modifying or adding wording or formatting of the standard letters. Examples of the standard letters are always available by clicking on the “Training” link near the upper right of the home screen. Under this selection you will see listing of all letter templates within WebCOBRA. The Internet Word Processor will allow you to customize standard letters. ALL EDITS MUST BE HAND-TYPED DIRECTLY INTO THE INTERNET WORD PROCESSOR IN YOUR WEB BROWSER. DO NOT USE ANY OTHER WORD PROCESSORS, SUCH AS MICROSOFT WORD, ETC., TO ALTER LETTERS. DO NOT COPY/PASTE INTO THE INTERNET WORD PROCESSOR. IF YOU DO THESE ACTIVITES, YOUR LETTERS WILL NOT BE CORRECTLY MODIFIED AND WILL NOT PRINT SUCCESSFULLY. The Internet Word Processor is only compatible and supported when used in Internet Explorer, IE. If you attempt to use the Internet Word Processor in any other browser, including Firefox or Chrome, the formatting in the letters will be altered. WebCOBRA 137 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters The default templates found in the Internet Word Processor are the most current versions available. The letter template name, description, and the status of whether it is the default or has been customized are shown. To Customize Letters: 1. From the home screen, select “Internet Word Processor.” 2. Select either a specific Client/Employer or All Client/Employers for which you wish to customize the letters. 3. Select the letter you want to customize. 4. Insert the applicable data elements within the letter. Data elements are located on the right-hand side of the screen and are inserted into the document by double-clicking the data element text. 5. Add or alter text in the same fashion as a desktop word processing application. 6. Select the “Save” button when you are finished making changes to the letter. Print All Correspondence Templates This selection will allow you to build a package of correspondence templates and print them out. To Print Correspondence Templates: 1. From the home screen, select “Print All Correspondence Templates.” 2. Select if you want to print system-wide or specific Client/Employer templates. 3. Select the “Select and Continue” button. 4. Choose the letters you would like to print. 5. Select the “Build Package” button. WebCOBRA 138 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Letters Generated In WebCOBRA The next sections of this chapter will include a listing of the various letters that can be generated in WebCOBRA, the purpose of each letter, and what triggers each to be generated. Except for the “Miscellaneous” section, letters are listed in the general order in which they would appear. WebCOBRA 139 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COBRA General Notice and Related Forms Generated to Employees WebCOBRA 140 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COBRA GENERAL NOTICE The COBRA General Notice is one of the most important letters produced by WebCOBRA. This notice explains to a new employee or newly-eligible/covered employee that there is a law named COBRA, and what their group health coverage continuation rights are. Sending this notice to the employee at their home address protects the employer because it eliminates the employee’s ability to say, “You didn’t tell me about these rights” if they later have a COBRA qualifying event. WebCOBRA has the ability to generate the “COBRA General Notice” to new employees or those who are newly-eligible for health benefits. Once you add a new “Employee Group” with a New Employee (and their Dependents, if any), the next time letters are generated, a COBRA General Notice to that person will be part of the group of letters produced. Much of the wording for the Notice itself has been prescribed by the U.S. Department of Labor, and WebCOBRA’s standard notice generally follows that wording. Through the Internet Word Processor (IWP), users may modify the language in the standard letter to read however they wish, for one employer, a group of employers, or for all employers. Generated as part of the COBRA General Notice is a separate letter to the employee articulating some provisions of the HIPAA law that may affect the actions employees take if and when offered group health continuation. The wording of this letter primarily deals with pre-existing condition exclusions, and may also be changed via the IWP. Dependents who are added to the plan after the initial coverage of the employee may be entered as Dependents and may receive their own COBRA General Notice at that time. Also, an employee who has a COBRA qualifying event and is therefore marked as “Inactive” may be “re-activated” (for example, if they are rehired), and a new COBRA General Notice may be produced for them at the time they are re-activated as an employee. WebCOBRA 141 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters NOTICE OF MARKETPLACE NOTE: The Notice of Marketplace is an additional module that can be added to your configuration. The Notice of Marketplace is a part of the Notice of Markpetplace module allowing users to send the Notice of Marketplace to all employees upon hiring. The system includes the option entitled “Should the System Print the Notice of Marketplace” to input new employees solely for the purpose of printing the new Notice of Marketplace. This selection allows a Site User to request the system to print a Notice of Marketplace upon entry of an employee and will also asks whether a COBRA General Notice should be scheduled to print. Specific wording of the letter may be modified via the Internet Word Processor (IWP). WebCOBRA 142 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters PRIOR COVERAGE CONFIRMATION This confirmation is generated at the same time as the “COBRA General Notice” if the User has entered information about the Employee’s prior coverage in the “Benefit Plan coverage” in Step 3 of the “COBRA Notice Employee Add Wizard.” WebCOBRA 143 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Initial Enrollment Letters and Forms Generated to QBs, Retirees, and Those on Leave of Absence WebCOBRA 144 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COBRA ELECTION NOTICE “PACKET” FOR QBS NOT ELIGIBLE FOR THE ARRA SUBSIDY The COBRA Election Notice “Packet” is a group of letters generated to new Qualifying Beneficiaries (QB Groups) that provides new qualifying beneficiaries with specific information about the group health plans they may continue, the cost of those plans, the date by which they need to enroll, and other applicable information. The “COBRA Election Notice” itself, the first letter in the packet, is a one to two page letter describing the fact that the QB has had a qualifying event for group health continuation coverage. The letter itself provides them with the date their continuation coverage can begin and the date by which they must send in their “Enrollment Form” if they wish to enroll. If the QB is also eligible for continuation coverage specified by their state of residence or by the state in which their insured group health plan is “sitused” (based), the “COBRA Election Notice” will also contain one or more paragraphs describing the state-mandated coverage. For example, if the qualifying event is “Termination” and one or more of the benefit plans offered to the QB for continuation is an insured plan based in California, the QB will be eligible not only for the 18 months specified by the COBRA law, but also for an additional 18 months of coverage under California law, once they have exhausted their COBRA eligibility. WebCOBRA looks at the benefit plans being offered to the QB, looks to see if any of those plans may further extend continuation past what COBRA provides, and automatically inserts wording into the “COBRA Election Notice” letter to reflect that possible additional coverage, if applicable. The description which follows describes the group of letters that are produced or may be produced to QBs who are NOT offered the possibility of receiving the 65% premium subsidy prescribed by the ARRA law. See “COBRA Election Notice Packet for ARRA-Eligible QBs” for a description of the letters that are generated when a QB is being offered the possibility of becoming an ARRA “Assistance Eligible Individual.” Generated as part of the COBRA Election Notice packet are the following forms and documents: 1. The “Health Benefits Continuation Plan Enrollment Form,” which lists the plans being offered to the QB and the monthly premium. This form allows the QB to enter the names of dependents also being enrolled in continuation coverage, which may be necessary if the names of the dependents were not entered at the time the QB was originally entered into WebCOBRA. Also, this form includes check boxes for QBs to indicate in which plans they would like to enroll. 2. The “Premium Computation Form,” one of the more informative forms in the Election Notice packet. This form provides the QB with their Last Day to Enroll and with a schedule of how much premium they should pay depending on when they pay their first COBRA premium. If the plan(s) the QB is offered has a Coverage Termination of “Event Date,” then this form will reflect a pro-rated premium for the first month for those plans, and then it “walks” the QB through the Enrollment Period, showing WebCOBRA 145 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters them how much to pay in the months during which they can make their first premium payment. If the QB returns his/her “Enrollment Form” with changes to the plans or coverage levels, once those changes are made to the QB’s record, the “Premium Computation Form” may be reprinted to show the new premiums due in the upcoming months (see Manual Production of Letters). 3. A HIPAA Certificate of Creditable Coverage, with cover letter – a “HIPAA Cert” is generated as part of the COBRA Election Notice based on the setting of several of the Client/Employer-level Options and benefit plan-level Options: A. If the Client-level Option “Generate coverage certificate with Notification set” is set to “Yes”, then a HIPAA Certificate will generate each time a COBRA Election Notice is generated, unless: B. If the QB is not assigned to at least one plan for which the benefit-level option “List Plan on HIPAA Certificate” is set to “Yes”, this letter will not generate under any circumstances. C. If the Client/Employer-level option “HIPAA Certificate Delivery” is set to “Yes”, only one HIPAA certificate will print per QB group. If the Client/Employer-level option above is set to “No” then one copy of the HIPAA certificate will be printed for each QB group member. There are other times the HIPAA Certificate will generate other than with the COBRA Election Notice, and these are largely based on the setting of other Options in the system: a. If the Client/Employer-level option “Generate coverage certificate with termination letter” is set to Yes, this letter will generate each time a “Termination from COBRA” letter is generated to an enrolled QB. b. If the Client/Employer-level Option “Generate coverage certificate with Non-Commencement Letter” is set to “Yes” then a HIPAA Certificate will generate whenever a Non-Commencement letter is generated to a not-yet Enrolled QB. 4. (Optional) Authorization to receive further COBRA-related correspondence via email. WebCOBRA is capable of sending COBRA letters (other than the General Notice or Election Notice) via email, once you (a) turn on the Option to generate letters via email and (b) obtain an agreement from the QB to receive COBRA letters via email. The Authorization, once signed by the QB and returned to the Administrator, will allow a user to denote in the system that letters to this QB should be delivered via email. 5. (Optional) The “Enrollment Waiver” letter. This letter, if signed and returned by the QB, signifies that the QB is declining COBRA coverage. The Waiver is effective on the date signed or the date the Administrator receives it. Once a Waiver of coverage is entered into WebCOBRA for a QB, their 60-day Enrollment Period ends. However, the COBRA law expressly provides that a QB may renounce their Waiver at any time prior to the end of their 60-day Enrollment Period. 6. (Optional) Enrollment Options Form – this form will print as part of the COBRA Election Notice if the Client/Employer-level Option “Generate Enrollment Option Form?” is set to “Yes”. The form lists the WebCOBRA 146 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters other tiers of coverage available to the QB as an alternative to selecting the coverage in which the QB was enrolled prior to their qualifying event. 7. (Optional) Loss of Coverage Notification Email to Carriers - this notice is mailed to the carrier when an employee or dependent initially loses coverage. A notification will be generated for each benefit plan with this option enabled, for each QB added to that plan (unless the plan is self-funded). This new letter will generate as part of the COBRA Election packet. However, it will not print with the other letters, as it is to be emailed to the carrier or faxed through an email-to-fax service. The settings to enable the notification and the email-to-fax settings are configured in the Benefit Plan Options. For more information on these options, please refer to the “Setting Up Options” chapter. The configuration options for this feature have been designed to accommodate certain “Emailto-Fax” services allowing for the delivery of this notification to a carrier by fax. It is the WebCOBRA user’s responsibility to set up an account with the email-to-fax service if fax notification is employed. The email-to-fax account is controlled by the user and is not provided by Travis Software Inc. or by WebCOBRA. 8. Additional Notice for California Residents – this notice is required by the State of California to go to any notified qualifying beneficiary whose mailing address is in California. The notice, originally required in the 1990s, notifies the QBs of certain medical conditions that can be treated under the state’s “Medical” program. WebCOBRA 147 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COBRA ELECTION NOTICE “PACKET” FOR QBS POTENTIALLY ELIGIBLE FOR THE ARRA SUBSIDY The description which follows describes the group of letters which may be produced for QBs who are offered the possibility of becoming an “Assistance Eligible Individual” (AEI) and receiving the 65% premium subsidy prescribed by the ARRA law. The COBRA Election Notice “Packet” is a group of letters generated to new Qualifying Beneficiaries (QB Groups) providing new qualifying beneficiaries with specific information about the group health plans they may continue, the cost of those plans, the date by which they need to enroll, and other information. Additionally, the Notice includes wording notifying the QB that they may be eligible to become an “Assistance Eligible Individual” (AEI) which allows them to receive a government subsidy equal to 65% of their COBRA premiums for up to a period of 15 months. The “COBRA Election Notice” itself is a one to two page letter generated at the beginning of the packet describing the fact that the QB has had a qualifying event for group health continuation coverage. The letter itself provides them with the date their continuation coverage can begin, and the date by which they must send in their Enrollment Form if they wish to enroll. If the QB is also eligible for continuation coverage specified by their state of residence or by the state in which their insured group health plan is “sitused” (based), the COBRA Election Notice will also contain one or more paragraphs describing the state-mandated coverage. For example, if the qualifying event is Termination and one or more of the benefit plans offered to the QB for continuation is an insured plan based in California, the QB will be eligible not only for the 18 months specified by the COBRA law, but also for an additional 18 months of coverage under California law once they have exhausted their COBRA eligibility. WebCOBRA looks at the benefit plans being offered to the QB, looks to see if any of those plans may further extend continuation past what COBRA provides, and automatically inserts wording into the COBRA Election Notice letter to reflect that possible additional coverage if applicable. Following the “COBRA Election Notice” letter is a “Summary of the Continuation Coverage Premium Reduction Provisions under ARRA, as Amended,” which is followed by an “ARRA Request Form” the QB must complete and return to the Administrator. The Summary and the Form have been specified by the U.S. Department of Labor, but may be modified by the user using the Internet Word Processor (IWP). Generated as part of the COBRA Election Notice packet are the following forms and documents: 1. The “ARRA Continuation Coverage Enrollment Form,” which lists the plans being offered to the QB and the monthly premium. The monthly premium after the ARRA subsidy is also shown. This form allows the QB to enter the names of dependents also being enrolled in continuation coverage, which may be necessary if the names of the dependents were not entered at the time the QB was originally entered into WebCOBRA. Check boxes are displayed next to Benefit Plans for QBs to indicate in which plans they would like to enroll. This form also has a specific place for the QB to sign if they wish to apply for the premium assistance under ARRA. WebCOBRA 148 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters 2. The “Premium Computation Form,” one of the more informative forms in the Election Notice packet. This form provides the QB with their Last Day to Enroll and with a schedule of how much premium they should pay depending on when they pay their first COBRA premium. If the plan(s) the QB is offered have Coverage Termination of “Event Date” then this form will reflect a pro-rated premium for the first month for those plans, and then it “walks” the QB through the Enrollment Period, showing them how much to pay in the months during which they can make their first premium payment. If the QB returns his/her “Enrollment Form” with changes to the plans or coverage levels, once those changes are made to the QB’s record the “Premium Computation Form” may be reprinted to show the new premiums due in the upcoming months (see Manual Production of Letters). 3. A HIPAA Certificate of Creditable Coverage, with cover letter – a “HIPAA Cert” is generated as part of the COBRA Election Notice based on the setting of several of the Client/Employer-level Options and benefit plan-level Options: A. If the Client-level Option “Generate coverage certificate with Notification set” is set to “Yes”, then a HIPAA Certificate will generate each time a COBRA Election Notice is generated, unless: B. If the QB is not assigned to at least one plan for which the benefit-level option “List Plan on HIPAA Certificate” is set to “Yes”, this letter will not generate under any circumstances. C. If the Client/Employer-level option “HIPAA Certificate Delivery” is set to “Yes”, only one HIPAA certificate will print per QB group. If the Client/Employer-level option above is set to “No” then one copy of the HIPAA certificate will be printed for each QB group member. There are other times the HIPAA Certificate will generate other than with the COBRA Election Notice, and these are largely based on the setting of other Options in the system: a. If the Client/Employer-level option “Generate coverage certificate with termination letter” is set to Yes, this letter will generate each time a “Termination from COBRA” letter is generated to an enrolled QB. b. If the Client/Employer-level Option “Generate coverage certificate with NonCommencement Letter” is set to “Yes” then a HIPAA Certificate will generate whenever a Non-Commencement letter is generated to a not-yet Enrolled QB. 4. (Optional) Authorization to receive further COBRA-related correspondence via email. WebCOBRA is capable of sending COBRA letters (other than the General Notice or Election Notice) via email, once you (a) turn on the option to generate letters via email and (b) obtain an agreement from the QB to receive COBRA letters via email. The Authorization, once signed by the QB and returned to the Administrator, will allow a user to denote in the system that letters to this QB should be delivered via email. 5. (Optional) The “Enrollment Waiver” letter. This letter, if signed and returned by the QB, signifies that the QB is declining COBRA coverage. The Waiver is effective on the date signed or the date the WebCOBRA 149 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Administrator receives it. Once a Waiver of coverage is entered into WebCOBRA for a QB, their 60-day Enrollment Period ends. However, the COBRA law expressly provides that a QB may renounce their Waiver at any time prior to the end of their 60-day Enrollment Period. 6. Enrollment Options Form (Optional) – this form will print as part of the COBRA Election Notice if the Client/Employer-level Option “Generate Enrollment Option Form?” is set to “Yes”. The form lists the other tiers of coverage available to the QB as an alternative to selecting the coverage in which the QB was enrolled prior to their qualifying event. 7. Additional Notice for California Residents – this notice is required by the State of California to go to any notified qualifying beneficiary whose mailing address is in California. The notice, originally required in the 1990s, notifies the QBs of certain medical conditions that can be treated under the state’s “Medical” program. The “Sample Letters” area of WebCOBRA, available to users so that you may see the wording of the standard letters produced by the system and decide whether or not to make changes in that wording, is available by clicking on the word “Training” located at the upper right hand corner of the WebCOBRA home screen. During your review of the “Sample Letters,” you may encounter other ARRA-related letters and forms. Most of these forms are historical – they were used at various times as ARRA was extended, but were, for the most part, “one-use” letters. For example, the extensions to eligibility for ARRA have all been passed after the expiration of the previous ARRA eligibility period, causing the need for COBRA Election Notice packets to be re-sent (re-notified) to some QBs. Those re-notification letters and other ARRA-specific letters are not described in this section, but samples of those letters are retained in the “Sample Letters” section for reference purposes. Other ARRA-related letters that are specific to the stimulus: 1. “ARRA Stimulus Confirmation Letter”, which gives the QB confirmation that he/she is an AEI and will receive the subsidy. 2. “ARRA Denial Letter”, which provides the QB with the reasons why they are not considered an AEI, but provides them with information about how they may appeal the determination to the DOL. 3. “ARRA Subsidy Termination Notice,” which is used as a transition notification, letting the QB know their subsidy has expired and providing them with information about the cost of the non-subsidized premium for their plans and the effective date the subsidy will expire. WebCOBRA 150 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters DENIAL OF COVERAGE LETTER If you encounter an individual who has requested COBRA continuation coverage but is not entitled to the continuation coverage, you can enter them into WebCOBRA for the sole purpose of having the system produce a “Denial of Coverage” letter. The “Denial of Coverage” letter is sometimes used when a person believes they should be offered COBRA but are not entitled to the coverage (for example, someone who was not covered on the day before what would have been their qualifying event date had they been covered as an active employee or dependent on the day prior). It is also used if you deem that someone is guilty of “gross negligence” as mentioned in the COBRA law, and you want to confirm that they are not going to receive an offer of continuation coverage because of that gross misconduct. WebCOBRA 151 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COMPLETED ENROLLMENT FORM RECEIVED LETTER QBs who have received their COBRA Election Notice packet and are in their Enrollment Period will frequently return their completed and signed “Enrollment Form” without including the initial COBRA premium payment. Once you enter into the QB’s record that a completed “Enrollment Form” has been received and make whatever changes to the QB’s coverage that may be necessary to align their coverage with what they wish to continue, WebCOBRA will generate a letter confirming that you have received their “Enrollment Form.” The letter also mentions the date by which their first COBRA premium payment must be received in order for them to complete their enrollment in the Group Health Continuation Plan. Once a completed “Enrollment Form” is entered as having been received, WebCOBRA stops counting the 60-day period that was begun after the COBRA Election Notice packet was generated, accepted and printed, and begins counting the 45-day period during which the first premium payment must be received. The status of the QB is changed to “Enrolled Not Yet Paying” and their “Last Day to Enroll” is displayed in the QB Information as the date by which the premium must be received. If a completed “Enrollment Form” is received at the same time as the initial COBRA premium payment, WebCOBRA will not generate the “Enrollment Form Received” letter, but rather will generate an “Enrollment Conformation Letter” to the QB. WebCOBRA 152 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters INCOMPLETE ENROLLMENT FORM RECEIVED LETTER If an “Enrollment Form” is received and entered as “Incomplete” (such as one that was not signed), WebCOBRA will generate a letter designed to be sent as a cover letter, accompanied by the incomplete “Enrollment Form” itself, telling the QB that the form was incomplete. This letter also states the date by which the completed “Enrollment Form” must be received in order for the QB to be able to enroll in the Group Health Continuation Plan. The date shown is the last day of the QB’s 60-day Enrollment period. WebCOBRA 153 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters ENROLLMENT CONFIRMATION LETTER The “Enrollment Confirmation Letter” is generated whenever a QB newly enrolls in the Group Health Continuation Plan by making their first premium payment. This letter confirms their premium payment has been received and lets them know the date through which premiums have been paid. After acceptance of this letter, the QB’s status is “Enrolled.” The letter may be used as a cover letter for Premium Coupons if coupons are being used. If you have selected coupon billing of premiums for the employer related to the QB, a set of coupons will be generated with due dates shown as beginning on the next premium due date. The number of coupons generated depends on how you have set the coupon options for this employer. Coupons may be generated through the end of the current Plan Year for the benefit plans, or 12 months of coupons may be generated if the option is set in that manner. Users will frequently choose to mail the “Enrollment Confirmation Letter” with the coupons since they are generated during the same letter production event. If you enter a new QB into WebCOBRA “Retroactively,” meaning that as part of the “QB Add Wizard” you indicated they have already been sent their “COBRA Election Notice” and have already enrolled and are paying premium, the first letter WebCOBRA will generate to the QB will be the “Enrollment Confirmation Letter.” Billing coupons will also be generated for those QBs if coupons are being used by that employer. If you enter an enrolled QB during a takeover (where a new Administrator is beginning to do COBRA administration for an employer) the “Enrollment Confirmation Letter” can be generated for each enrolled QB. Also, if you are an Administrator and are taking over a new employer’s COBRA, you may wish to use WebCOBRA’s “Takeover Letter” to notify each enrolled and pending QB of your assumption of COBRA administration responsibilities for that employer. WebCOBRA 154 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters ENROLLMENT NOTICE TO CARRIER If you set the Option to “Yes” at the Employer level, WebCOBRA will generate an “Enrollment Notice to Carrier” whenever a QB enrolls in a benefit plan underwritten by that carrier. The notice will provide the QB’s name, enrollment effective date, and dependent names, if any. The HIPAA “834 EDI Transaction” may be used for this same purpose if the Carrier accepts data in the government-specified 834 EDI Transaction format. For more information on files, see the “IT Resources” appendix in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 155 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Letters and Notices Related to Premium Billing WebCOBRA 156 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters MONTHLY PREMIUM NOTICE This is also known as a “Premium Bill.” If selected as the preferred billing method for an employer in WebCOBRA, the “Monthly Premium Notice” is generated for each enrolled QB to let them know how much premium they owe for the coming month. The notice is generated in accordance with the “Premium Billing Date” option set at the Employer level. For example, if the premium billing date is set to 20, then premium notices will generate on the 20th of the month (technically the first time you generate letters on or after the 20th) prior to the 1st of the month the premium payment is due. In the Internet Word Processor, an OCR Scan Line can be added to this template. The OCR Scan Line utilizes a font (OCR-A) that can be read electronically, like a barcode, for the automation of payment processing. Compatible scanners can extract the data printed in the OCR Scan Line on the premium bill and then use it to identify the participant to whom the payment belongs. Example OCR Scan Line number compilation: There is a two step process to follow in order for this scan line to be generated correctly. First, the OCR company code information must be set up for each Client/Employer for which you wish to generate the scan line. Second, the OCR Scan Line data element must be added to the applicable Premium Bill template via the Internet Word Processor. Please refer to the “Client/Employers” chapter for information on entering the OCR company code. WebCOBRA 157 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters PREMIUM COUPONS WebCOBRA’s premium coupons are generated at the same time as the letters are produced by the system. The coupons are generated based on the setting of various Options and for differing numbers of months, as dictated by your Option settings. Coupons are generated for payments due and show the amount due, the address to which the payment may be sent, the Participant type, and other information. A barcode may be added to the coupon for scanning. To have coupons generate: 1. Set the Client-level Option “Premium Billing Selection” to “Coupons.” 2. The number of coupons to be generated at any given time is determined by the setting of the Client-level Option “Billing Coupon Options.” If the Option is set to “12 months,” the system will always generate 12 coupons at a time. The Option can also be set to generate coupons only until the end of the current calendar year or to the end of the current Plan Year. If you use the Plan Year setting and the QB is enrolled in more than one plan with differing plan year start dates, the system will print coupons to the end of the latest plan year in which the QB is enrolled. *Notes about coupons: Coupons are auto-generated when a QB makes their enrolling (first) premium payment. If Retirees are added to the system with a status of “Enrolled,” they will have coupons generated for them the next time letters are generated. Coupons may be generated with the “COBRA Election Notice” packet if the user selects the Option “Do you want to print a set of Premium Coupons for this QB Group?” on Step 7 of the “QB Add Wizard.” If the qualifying event is “Leave of Absence,” a coupon set will be generated with the “Start of Leave Notice” if the QB’s enrollment status is “Added, Not Notified.” New coupons may be generated when rates change for a plan or plans if you answer “Yes” to the question in Step 5 of the “Rate Change Wizard,” “Would you like to send the QBs affected by this rate change an updated Premium Coupon set?” In the Internet Word Processor, an OCR Scan Line can be added to this template. The OCR Scan Line utilizes a font (OCR-A) that can be read electronically, like a barcode, for the automation of payment processing. Compatible scanners can extract the data printed in the OCR Scan Line on the coupon and then use it to identify the participant to whom the payment belongs. Example OCR Scan Line number compilation: WebCOBRA 158 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters There is a two step process to follow in order for this scan line to be generated correctly. First, the OCR company code information must be set up for each Client/Employer for which you wish to generate the scan line. Second, the OCR Scan Line data element must be added to the applicable Premium Coupon template via the Internet Word Processor. Please refer to the “Client/Employers” chapter for information on entering the OCR company code. WebCOBRA 159 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters PREMIUM COUPON COVER LETTER Sometimes QBs will request a new set of premium billing coupons. In that event, once you make the entry in WebCOBRA, which will cause the new coupons to be produced, the system will also generate a “Premium Coupon Cover Letter” so that the coupons may be accompanied by a cover letter rather than being sent by themselves. WebCOBRA 160 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters LATE PREMIUM NOTICE If you elect to have Late Notices generated (by setting the option at the Employer level), then a “Late Premium Notice” will be generated for each enrolled QB whose monthly payment has not been received by the date the notices are generated. The notice provides the QB with the date by which his/her monthly premium payment must be received in order for them to continue their enrollment in the continuation plan. With the “Late Notice Day of the Month” option, you may determine what day of the month you want the notice to print, prior to the end of the payment Grace Period. For example, if the option is set to 10, the late notices will be generated on the 10th of the month or the first time you process letters after that date. With the “Print Late Notices for Individuals on FMLA Leave” Client/Employer option, you can determine if a Late Premium Notice should be generated for those on FMLA Leave. WebCOBRA 161 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters DEFICIENT PAYMENT NOTICE The “Deficient Payment Notice” generates when a payment is posted to WebCOBRA whose amount is less than the amount due from the QB for that month’s premium. The notice states the amount needed to make up the shortfall, and if the amount is “significant” as defined by the IRS in 2002 (greater than 10% of the total premium or $50, whichever is lower), then the system provides the QB 10 days to make up the shortfall or the end of the Grace Period, whichever is later. If the payment deficiency is “insignificant” as defined by the IRS, then WebCOBRA generates the notice but provides the QB 30 days to pay the difference, as required by IRS regulation. The amount and date due for the remaining payment is shown in the letter, and the QB will be terminated for non-payment only if no payment is entered for the QB within the 30-day “new grace period.” WebCOBRA 162 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters QB/RETIREE REFUND CHECK When a Participant overpays their premium, a refund check may be issued to them. The refunded balance will show in the Participant’s Ledger and may be viewed in their History. When issuing a refund to a Participant, the User may choose to generate and print a Refund Check for them. Displayed on this refund check is the Administrator’s contact information, the check number, date, Participant’s name, refund amount, note stating “Payment Refund,” and a signature line. For more information on the refund process in WebCOBRA, please refer to the “QBs and Employees” chapter. WebCOBRA 163 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters RETURNED CHECK LETTER If you set the “Returned Check Letter” to “Yes”, WebCOBRA will generate a “Returned Check Letter” if a payment that has not been disbursed is voided because the check was returned by your bank. You have the opportunity to establish a “Returned Check Fee” via one of the system’s options, and that fee will be stated in the body of the letter. The amount of the premium due, including any returned check fee will be displayed in the letter, as well as the date by which the payment needs to be received. WebCOBRA 164 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Letters and Notices Related to Plan and/or Coverage Termination WebCOBRA 165 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters NON-COMMENCEMENT NOTICE In WebCOBRA, QBs may have a status of “Non-Commenced” or “Terminated” to indicate they are no longer eligible for or enrolled in the continuation plan. Non-Commencement occurs when a QB is offered COBRA coverage (sent a COBRA Election Notice packet) and either (a) no entry is made into WebCOBRA that a completed “Enrollment Form” has been received by the end of the Enrollment Period, or (b) an “Enrollment Form” was received but the initial COBRA premium was not received by the end of the 45-day period allowed for that first payment. The “Non-Commencement Notice,” specifying the reason for the non-commencement, will be automatically generated to QBs who meet either (a) or (b) above. Once the letter is accepted, the QB’s status will be changed to “Non-Commenced.” WebCOBRA 166 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters BENEFIT PLAN TERMINATION NOTICE This is a notice designed to confirm to a QB that they are dropped (no longer eligible or participating) in a particular benefit plan or plans. For example, if an enrolled QB tells the Administrator that he/she no longer wants to be enrolled in a dental plan, but wants to continue to be enrolled in the medical plan, the User would terminate the QB from the dental plan and this letter would be generated. Premiums due are automatically adjusted so that in the case above, the QB would only be required to pay for the medical plan. This notice will also be generated to each enrolled or pending QB if the Employer terminates the Benefit Plan for all active employees. This notice will not print in an Election Packet for a QB on a FLEX plan, when the Client/ Employer-level option “Drop Flexible Spending Accounts at End of Plan Year?” is set to “Yes.” For more information on this option, please see the “Setting Up Options” chapter in this user’s manual. WebCOBRA 167 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters END OF COBRA COVERAGE ADVANCE NOTICE The COBRA law requires that a letter be sent to enrolled QBs sometime during the last six months of their 18- or 36-month period of COBRA continuation letting them know that their COBRA continuation coverage is about to end, and providing them with information about whether or not their coverage is convertible into individual health coverage. The “End of COBRA Coverage Notice” is generated by WebCOBRA to meet the legal requirement that such notice is sent to enrolled QBs whose coverage is about to end. The letter is generated prior to the QBs actual end of COBRA coverage date. Exactly how many days prior to the end of coverage the letter generates is determined by the setting of the “Notification of End of Coverage – Number of Days Prior” Option, which is set at the Employer level. The option may not be set to more than 180 days, nor may it be set to fewer than 30 days. The default setting is 90 days. Once the end of COBRA coverage actually occurs (assuming the QB is not eligible for additional state-mandated coverage after COBRA coverage) WebCOBRA will generate a separate “Coverage Termination Letter.” WebCOBRA 168 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COVERAGE TERMINATION LETTER (AUTOMATIC) Once a QB’s period of continuation coverage has been exhausted, WebCOBRA will generate a “Coverage Termination Letter” to the QB. This letter will also be generated automatically if the QB fails to pay premium after enrollment in the continuation plan. WebCOBRA also has the capability for users to enter a “Manual Termination” of a QB. This may be used, for example, if a QB writes a letter to the Administrator saying he/she is no longer going to be paying premium, has obtained other group health coverage, etc. WebCOBRA generates a separate “Manual Termination Letter” when those types of entries are made. However, in many cases, WebCOBRA users have found it advisable to not use manual termination when the QB notifies the Administrator they will no longer be paying premium. Allowing the system to automatically terminate them at the end of their grace period rather than using manual termination may be an optimal administration procedure. The “Automatic Coverage Termination” letter states the reason for termination and provides the last day of coverage to the QB. WebCOBRA 169 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters COVERAGE TERMINATION LETTER (MANUAL) The “Manual Termination Letter” is produced after an entry to manually terminate a QB is made into WebCOBRA. It provides the last day of coverage to the QB and states the reason for termination from the continuation coverage. WebCOBRA 170 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters TERMINATION (DIS-ENROLLMENT) NOTICE TO CARRIER If you set the Option to “Yes” at the Employer level, WebCOBRA will generate a “Termination Notice to Carrier” whenever a QB terminates from a continuation coverage benefit plan underwritten by that carrier. The notice provides the QB name, dependent names and termination effective date. The “834 EDI Transaction” may be used for this same purpose if the Carrier accepts data in the government-specified 834 EDI Transaction format. WebCOBRA 171 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters Miscellaneous Letters and Notices (in alphabetical order) WebCOBRA 172 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters ADDRESS CHANGE CONFIRMATION LETTER When a QB lets you know they have changed their mailing address, WebCOBRA can print an “Address Change Confirmation” letter, addressed to the new address, to demonstrate to the QB that the address change has been made and that future COBRA-related correspondence to the QB will be sent to the new address. The letter is optional, and the option to generate it is set at the Employer Level. WebCOBRA 173 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters BENEFIT PLAN ADD NOTICE When a new Benefit Plan assignment is added to a QB record, the “Benefit Plan Add Notice” will be generated to that QB. The “Benefit Plan Add Notice” notifies the QB of the Benefit Plan assignment(s) and provides the QB with the plan name and coverage level, its effective date, and the new monthly premium amount due for each newly added plan. WebCOBRA 174 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters BENEFIT PLAN RATE CHANGE LETTER Once a rate change is entered into WebCOBRA for a Benefit Plan, Rate Change letters will be generated to all the enrolled QBs who are covered by that Plan. The “Rate Change Letter” will describe the new rate for the coverage level of the Plan in which the QB is enrolled and will detail the effective date of the rate change. New premium billing coupons will be generated in the same letter production event as is the rate change letters. These new coupons will reflect the new premium rate beginning on the effective date. Additionally, those whose status is “Enrolled Not Paying” and those who are in their Enrollment Period will also be notified of the rate change. However, they will be notified via a revised COBRA Election Notice packet rather than just a “Rate Change Letter.” The logic here is that you are giving the non-enrolled QBs the opportunity to make a new decision to enroll based on the new information that rates are changing. WebCOBRA 175 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters CARRIER/SPONSOR CHANGE NOTICE This notice is designed to be sent to the Carrier or Sponsor to let them know of new enrollments or disenrollments (terminations) from their benefit plans with an employer. The notice is generated automatically if new enrollments or terminations into the Carrier’s plans with an employer occur, but only if certain Client/Employer Options in the system are set to have the notice generated: a. If the Option “Generate Enrollment Notice to Carrier?” (found under the Processing Options section) is set to “Yes,” this notice will generate when a QB’s status becomes “Enrolled” in the plan. However, if the Option “Enrollment Notice to Carrier/Sponsor if 100% Subsidized?” is set to “No,” and the QB’s plan is 100% subsidized, then this notice will not print. b. If the Option “Enrollment Notice to Carrier/sponsor if 100 Subsidized?” (found under the Premium Subsidy Options section) is set to “Yes,” this letter will be generated as a QB is added to WebCOBRA with a plan that is subsidized for the first month of continuation coverage. WebCOBRA 176 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters CONFIRMATION OF CONTINUING ENROLLMENT There is an option in WebCOBRA which allows you to tell the system to generate the “Confirmation of Continuing Enrollment” letter, sometimes called the “Periodic Eligibility Checking” letter. You can decide the frequency that this letter is generated – the default is set to every 90 days. If you elect to have this letter produced, then it will be sent to all enrolled QBs on the frequency you decide. The letter invites the QB to let you know if they have had any change in eligibility that might cause their COBRA status to change. Although this letter is not required to be sent by the COBRA law, it is an extremely useful tool to help Administrators learn if their enrolled QBs are continuing COBRA coverage after they have had a “disqualifying event” for COBRA. WebCOBRA 177 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters DEPENDENT ELIGIBILITY REMINDER WebCOBRA tracks the ages of dependents who are enrolled in COBRA. If a dependent is enrolled in COBRA as part of a QB Group and becomes ineligible because of age (generally age 26 after January 1), this letter will be generated to confirm that the dependent is no longer eligible to be covered as a dependent. The letter typically serves to prompt the QB or employer to notify the Administrator of the dependent’s loss of coverage, so that the dependent may request their own COBRA Election Notice if they are interested in continuing their coverage. In that case, the dependent would be added to WebCOBRA as their own QB Group. WebCOBRA 178 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters FMLA START OF LEAVE NOTICE The Family and Medical Leave Act of 1993 (FMLA) calls for employees on FMLA leave to pay their regular employee share of their benefit plan cost while on leave. WebCOBRA provides “FMLA Leave” as one of the “qualifying events” usable by the system. If you enter an employee as a “QB Group” and use the FMLA qualifying event code and assign them to the benefit plan tiers that denote the premiums they need to pay (as differentiated from the premiums actual COBRA QBs need to pay), the next time letters are generated the “FMLA – Start of Leave Notice” will be generated to the QB, letting them know that they need to pay premiums during their leave, and providing them with the amount of the premiums they need to pay. If you use Premium Coupons, a set of payment coupons will be generated in the same letter process as the “Start of Leave Notice.” WebCOBRA 179 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters FMLA END OF LEAVE NOTICE Once the employee has returned to work and you enter into WebCOBRA that their FMLA Leave has concluded, the next time letters are generated the “FMLA – End of Leave Notice” will be generated, simply confirming that the premiums paid during leave no longer need to be paid. If the employee does not return to work from FMLA leave, you can enter them into the system as having had a COBRA qualifying event and the system will send them a COBRA Election Notice. WebCOBRA will retain the records of the former employee’s leave separately from their qualifying event records for your audit purposes. WebCOBRA 180 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters HCTC ELIGIBILITY NOTICE If a QB is eligible for “Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA)” under a Federal government program providing laid-off workers who lost their jobs because of foreign competition, the QB can be denoted in WebCOBRA as one eligible for the Health Care Tax Credit (HCTC). “The HCTC Eligibility Notice” is generated after the QB’s record in WebCOBRA indicates that “Trade Assistance Act Applied Information (TAA)” has been activated, which is done in the “Actions” tab of the QB’s record. However, if the User indicates that “Trade Assistance Act Information (TAA)” is also activated, meaning that the person has been approved for the HCTC benefits (not just applied for them), the letter will not be generated. WebCOBRA 181 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters MEDICARE ENTITLEMENT NOTICE On the first of the month, during the month which an Enrolled QB turns 65 year of age, WebCOBRA will automatically generate a “Medicare Entitlement” letter, letting the QB know they are now eligible for Medicare and asking them to notify the Administrator when they have completed the process of becoming entitled to Medicare. Once the Administrator is notified of an already-enrolled QB’s entitlement to Medicare, the QB is typically manually terminated from COBRA continuation coverage. WebCOBRA 182 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters OPEN ENROLLMENT LETTER WebCOBRA can generate an “Open Enrollment Letter” to all enrolled and pending QBs, announcing that open enrollment (typically for next year’s plans) is open to them, just as it is to “similarly situated” active employees. WebCOBRA’s “Open Enrollment Letter” is not designed to provide all the information about the specific plans available to each QB or the costs of those plans. The plans from which a QB may choose at Open Enrollment may be based on their residence or work location, may be limited to certain employee “classes” or types, or other requirements. This information is frequently not stored in WebCOBRA and therefore cannot be generated by the system. The standard wording of the letter refers to “accompanying descriptive documents” and refers to a “Benefits Enrollment Form” that are assumed to be provided by the employer and to be enclosed with the “Open Enrollment Letter” when mailed to the QB. As always, the specific wording of the letter may be modified via the Internet Word Processor (IWP). WebCOBRA 183 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters REINSTATEMENT LETTER If a QB has been terminated from COBRA coverage and is later reinstated via your entry into WebCOBRA, the system will generate a “Reinstatement Letter.” The letter will confirm the QB is now covered and will provide the date coverage was reinstated. For example, if a QB was terminated for non-payment after expiration of a Grace Period and then you accept their premium payment for that period, the “Reinstatement Letter” will be automatically generated the next time letters are created. WebCOBRA 184 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters RETIREE ELECTION NOTIFICATION PACKET (ELIGIBILITY LETTER, ENROLLMENT FORM, PREMIUM COMPUTATION FORM) This letter is generated for Retirees who are added to WebCOBRA with a status of “Retiree Pending” rather than “Enrolled” and for whom this letter has not been previously produced. The letter is used to notify a Retiree of their opportunity to enroll in Retiree benefit plans, and it is accompanied by a “Retiree Enrollment Form” showing the benefit plans and premium rates for the plans to which the Retiree has an enrollment opportunity. A “Retiree Premium Computation Form” is also automatically generated, showing the Retiree the detail of the premiums due. This “Retiree Notification Packet” should be used when Retirees are given an option of enrolling in the benefit plans available to them, and have not done so by the time their information is entered into WebCOBRA. If the Retiree (and dependents) are already enrolled in the Retiree benefit plans at the time they are entered into WebCOBRA, their records should be marked as “Retiree Enrolled” and these documents will not be generated. WebCOBRA 185 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY CONFIRMATION LETTER When a certain QB (generally one whose qualifying event type was termination or retirement) is approved for disability payments by the Social Security Administration (SSA), they become eligible for 11 additional months of COBRA continuation coverage, after which they can become eligible for Medicare regardless of their age. Premiums during the 11-month “Social Security Disability” period may be up to 150% of the regular COBRA premiums. The “Social Security Disability Confirmation Letter” is part of the first letter set generated after an entry is made into the QB’s record in WebCOBRA that the Administrator has received proof that the QB has been approved for disability by SSA. The letter tells the QB when their extension can begin (the QB must exhaust their 18 months of COBRA coverage first) and lets them know that premiums may be higher during the extension period. WebCOBRA 186 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters SOCIAL SECURITY DISABILITY TRANSITION NOTICE When a QB (generally one whose qualifying event type was termination or retirement) is approved for disability payments by the Social Security Administration, they become eligible for 11 additional months of COBRA continuation coverage, after which they can become eligible for Medicare regardless of their age. Premiums during the 11-month “Social Security Disability” period may be up to 150% of the regular COBRA premiums. There is an Employer-level Option where the actual percentage of additional premium to be charged may be set. The “Social Security Disability Transition Notice” is generated approximately one month prior to the start of the 11-month extension period, after entries have been made in WebCOBRA that the QB has been approved for disability payments by the SSA. The notice tells the QB that their coverage is available for further continuation up to 11 months, and mentions that premiums may be higher during the period. Premium notices and coupons due after the beginning of the Social Security Disability period will reflect any additional premium due, based on the setting of the Employer-level Option. WebCOBRA 187 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters STATE CONTINUATION ELIGIBILITY NOTICES WebCOBRA provides two types of state-mandated continuation capabilities – State laws that mandate continuation coverage for employers with fewer than 20 employees (and are therefore not subject to COBRA) and State laws that go further than the Federal COBRA law for employers with more than 20 employees. For the “under-20” employers, WebCOBRA generates notification letters in accordance with the particular state’s requirements, manages the enrollment period that are applicable and bills premium where required. Wording will vary among the notices generated for one state vs. another, but basically a “State Continuation Eligibility Notice” will be generated once a new QB is entered into WebCOBRA under an employer whose “COBRA Compliance” Option is set to “No.” For states that mandate coverage going further than Federal COBRA coverage, WebCOBRA will typically include wording describing the state coverage terms in additional paragraphs inserted into the COBRA Election Notice packet. Each state’s wording will be unique and will generally describe the provisions of the state’s law that are available to the QB. Certain states also have additional notice requirements, such as the requirement in some states for a “transition notice” to let the QB know that he/she is ending their coverage mandated by COBRA but beginning coverage mandated by the state in which their benefit plan(s) are sitused, or based. In those cases, a “Federal Coverage Moving to State Coverage” notice will be generated to the QB, letting them know the date the state-mandated coverage starts, the premium for their coverage, etc. Many states’ laws do not allow for continuation of the same types of coverage as does Federal COBRA. Some states only require continuation of medical coverage, whereas COBRA requires continuation of all health plan coverage. When applicable, WebCOBRA’s letters will describe the coverage being offered, particularly if it differs from what the QB had or had available under COBRA. WebCOBRA 188 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters STATE CONTINUATION ENDING NOTICE This letter is automatically generated prior to the scheduled end of the QB’s state continuation period, as long as the employer-level Option “Print Notification of End of State Continuation” is set to “Yes.” The number of days prior to the end of state continuation that the letter is generated is determined by the setting of the employer-level option, “Notification of End of State Coverage – Number of Days Prior.” WebCOBRA 189 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters SPECIAL ENROLLMENT LETTER The purpose of this letter is to inform Qualified Beneficiaries of a possible opportunity to enroll in health coverage through the Health Insurance Marketplace. This letter is available for generation at the QB level, as well as manual letter selection for a class of QB’s for all Employers. When manually generating the letter for a class of QB’s, the user is prompted with a date entry text box. This field defines the cutoff enrollment date for QB’s to receive this letter. Users will also have the choice to select an “as of” date range, instead of entering the exact date. Furthermore, an option is available to omit QB’s who have already received this letter. When printing at the QB level, no Date Entry will be required. WebCOBRA 190 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters TAKEOVER LETTER If you as an Administrator begin working with a new Client/Employer and performing their COBRA administration, you may want to send a “Takeover Letter” to each of the new client’s QBs who are enrolled or pending, to let them know that you are the new Administrator and to suggest to them that correspondence, premium payments, questions, etc. should be directed to you. The “Takeover Letter” generates once you tell WebCOBRA the employer for whom the letter should be printed. WebCOBRA 191 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters User-Definable Free-Form Letters WebCOBRA 192 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Letters FREE FORM LETTERS 1-6 WebCOBRA offers users the ability to generate up to six “Free Form Letters” whose wording is completely created by the user via the Internet Word Processor (IWP). These letters may be generated for one, a group of, or for all QBs for an Employer and may be used for special correspondence the Administrator decides to send. WebCOBRA 193 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Chapter 12: Reports The Reports section in WebCOBRA will allow you to view and run existing reports, view emailed reports, view correspondence history, and create Ad-Hoc reports. Definitions: • Ad-Hoc Reporting: Gives you the ability to create your own reports. You can choose which fields you want to show, in what order, and you can drill down the data you’re looking for with built-in filters. Existing Reports - View All Under this selection you will see a listing that shows every pre-formatted report to which you have access. These reports are organized by the type of information each report entails. Reports regarding Invoices run by the administrator may be found in the “Invoicing” chapter of this user’s manual. From this screen you can: • • Run Reports Automatically Email Reports Run Pre-formatted Reports To Run a Pre-formatted Report: 1. From the home screen, select “Existing Reports - View All.” 2. Select the report you wish to run from the Pre-formatted Reports screen. Pre-formatted Reports in the system include: • QB Reports o QB Detail o QB Termination o QB Enrolled Premiums Listing o QB Payment o QB Status History o QB Termination by System Date o Young Adults Potentially Affected by PPACA • Benefit Plan Reports o Benefit Plan Listing o Benefit Plan Information o W-2 Benefit Summary Report WebCOBRA 194 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports • System Integrator Reports o Activity Report • Premium Reports o Premium Receipt o Premium Reconciliation o Reconciliation by Payments (Voucher Report) o Reconciliation by Plan o Reconciliation by Disbursement o Electronic Payments o Premium Reduction Summary Report o Premium Reduction Summary by Payments o ARRA Audit Report o Premium Receipt with Payment o ARRA IRS Report o ARRA Eligible Reduced Hours o Disbursements Including Non-Cash Payments o Unapplied Premium Report o Administrative Fee Collected and Credited • Client/Employer Reports o Certificate of Mailing o Active QB Listing o Election Notices o Notes o Employee Listing o COBRA General Notice o Notice of Marketplace Distribution Report o QB Count Report by Employer NOTE: The Notice of Marketplace is an additional module that can be added to your configuration. • Retiree Reports o Retiree Status o Retiree Termination 3. Enter the parameters for the report you are going to run. 4. Select the “View Report” button. Detailed descriptions of each pre-formatted report can be found in the “Pre-formatted Reports” section below. Once you create and view a report, you can also export it in several different formats. To do so, click on the drop-down menu given and select a format. Emailed Report Subscriptions Setup reports to be automatically emailed on a schedule of your choosing. WebCOBRA 195 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports To Setup an Emailed Reports Subscription: 1. From the home screen, select “Existing Reports - View All.” 2. Select the report you wish to email. 3. Enter the parameters for the report you are going to run. 4. Select the “Email This Report” button. 5. Choose the file format in which to send the report. 6. Choose the Client/Employer. When creating an emailed report subscription while logged in as a Site User or Broker User, All Employers are available to be chosen. 7. Enter a QB Identifier and Date Range. 8. Select when the report should be run and emailed. Options include, only once, every weekday morning, every weekday evening, every Monday, the first of every month, or you can pick a specific day of the month. If you choose the “Pick a Day of Month” option, you will also need to choose which day of the month to send the report. 9. Enter the Email Recipient. If the User chooses more than one Client/Employer, the Email Recipient will default to the email address of the current User setting up this report. This cannot be edited. 10. Click the “Email this Report” button. Emailed Report Files - View All This is where you will find a listing of reports emailed through Emailed Report Subscriptions. Information listed includes: • • • • Report name Date the report was emailed Email recipient “View” link from which a PDF file of the report can be viewed View Emailed Report Subscriptions Files To View Emailed Report Subscriptions Files: 1. From the home screen, select “Emailed Reports Files - View All.” 2. View the Report Subscriptions Files History listing. 3. Click “View” next to a record to view a PDF file of that report. WebCOBRA 196 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Ad-Hoc Reporting - Add New This selection will take you directly to the “Ad-Hoc Reporting Wizard.” To Create a New Report with Ad-Hoc Reporting: 1. From the home screen, select “Ad-Hoc Reporting - Add New.” 2. Select the “Create New Report” button. 3. Enter the name of the report you are creating. 4. Select the fields you wanted included in your report. 5. Select the “Continue” button. 6. Enter the filtering parameters in order to drill-down the data on your report. 7. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 8. Review the data that the report has pulled. 9. If the report includes the correct data, select “Save Report.” Emailed Reports History - View All Under this selection you will see a listing of Report Subscriptions that have been set up. Report Subscription details listed include: • Report Description • • • • • Email Recipient Created By Create On Scheduled to Run Time Period View Emailed Report Subscriptions History To View Emailed Report Subscriptions: 1. From the home screen, select “Emailed Reports History- View All.” 2. View all the subscriptions for emailed reports. WebCOBRA 197 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Delete Emailed Report Subscriptions To Delete an Emailed Report Subscription: 1. Click the “Show Delete” link on the right above the listing. 2. Select “[DELETE]” next to the emailed report subscription you wish to delete. 3. A pop-up window will appear asking, “Are you sure you want to delete this subscription?” Click “Yes.” 4. You will be prompted, “Report Subscription - Delete saved correctly.” Correspondence History This selection will allows you to view all correspondence that has been printed in the past. From this screen you can: • • • Download the PDF package that contains all the correspondence that was accepted and/or printed. View mailing labels from each correspondence package. View the “Summary Report” for each correspondence package. WebCOBRA 198 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Pre-formatted Reports in WebCOBRA The following sections describe each report available in WebCOBRA. Included is the title and purpose of the report, what data is reported, an example of what the report looks like, and a detailed description. WebCOBRA 199 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Qualified Beneficiary (QB) Reports WebCOBRA 200 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB DETAIL Purpose of Report: Overview of the QB record, displaying one QB Group per page. Data Reported: This report provides a current overview of each QB record that fits within the parameters specified. This information is formatted with one page per QB group reported. Detailed Description: Termination and Reinstatement dates are entered only when applicable. Expected Paid Through date is based on current premiums and payments received. WebCOBRA 201 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Benefit Information lists all currently active (as of date report was run) assigned benefit plans. This section of the report will only reflect benefits for which the “Assignment Start Date” is equal or prior to the current date. Plan Assignments that become effective on a future date will not be listed. A QB whose Loss of Coverage, and therefore coverage effective date, occurs in the future, will have no benefits listed in this section. The report may be run based on two main criteria: Client/Employer or QB Status. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging to a single Client/Employer (TEST) and in the specified status (Enrolled). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “Social Security No.”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the QB record. WebCOBRA 202 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB TERMINATION Purpose of Report: This report shows all QBs for whom a termination became effective within the date range specified. Data Reported: A listing of QBs separated by Client/Employer, then by termination type, displaying termination and benefit assignment information. A count of QBs reported will be displayed at the end of each report sub-heading (Department, Client, etc.). Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer - From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. WebCOBRA 203 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. Date Parameters i. Terminated On or After – QBs for whom the termination effective date falls on or after the date specified. ii. Terminated On or Before – QBs for whom the termination effective date falls on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging to a single Client/Employer (TEST) for whom records had terminations effective within a specified date range (inclusive, from 01/01/2010 to 04/30/2010). Several settings are included that may alter the amount, type, or format of information: a. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. b. Option to Show QB Address or omit that information from results. c. Option to Show Benefit Details or omit that information from results. d. Include Manually Terminated QBs may be set to “Yes” if you wish to include QBs whose records were manually terminated by the administrator (through the “Actions” tab of the QB record). e. Include Denial of Coverage QBs may be set to “Yes” if you wish to include QBs who have been entered into WebCOBRA as a “Denial of Coverage” (Step 1 of the “QB Add Wizard”). f. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. g. Show latest termination per QB only option is used to ensure that a record, which may have been terminated, then reinstated, only to be re-terminated some time later, will not show multiple times on the report. By setting this option to “Yes,” the report will only display a QB record based on the latest effective termination date listed on the record. Functions to note in this report: a. The Term Date shown reflects the termination effective date, not the date it was processed. For a report displaying the termination by processed date, please see “QB Termination by system date.” b. The “QB Termination” notation may be found in the individual QB record “History” tab, which will be shown as follows: c. Note that the “effective” date (far left column) from the QB “History” tab is reflected on the report. As mentioned above, a QB may have, in their lifetime, been terminated and reinstated one or more times, resulting in several notations of this type in history. If you would like to see only the most recent termination of a QB record on this report, it is suggested to utilize the option “Show latest termination per QB only.” This report will show any termination that was made on a QB record - appearance on this report only states that a QB has been, at one point, terminated with an effective date within the date parameters. This does not always mean that the current QB account status is “terminated,” as the QB may have been reinstated since the reflected termination was processed. WebCOBRA 204 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB ENROLLED PREMIUMS LISTING Purpose of Report: Displays a listing of all QBs who enrolled by paying their first month’s premium within the time parameters specified. Data Reported: A single listing is shown for all QBs, separated by Client/Employer, who fall within the report parameters. Detailed Description: The Premiums amount shown is the QBs monthly premium. The end of each report section will reflect a total of QBs listed for the corresponding Client/Employer. The report may be run based on two main criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters WebCOBRA 205 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports i. Enrolled On or After – The report will pick up QB records whose enrollment in ii. Enrolled On or Before – The report will pick up QB records whose enrollment in COBRA was made effective on or after the date specified. COBRA was made effective on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging in a single Client/Employer (TEST) and who enrolled effectively by making their first COBRA payment within a specified date range (inclusive, from 12/31/2009 to 01/31/2010). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as the “SSN” column), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. The Enrolled Date shown is the “Check Date” entered, relating to the first month’s (enrolling) premium payment. If the QB was enrolled retroactively (no specific first payment data entered), this date may default to the event date. b. The “Enrolled” notation may be found in the individual QB record “History Tab” – This will be shown as follows: Note that the “effective” date (far left column) from the QB “History” tab is that which is reflected on the report. In the case of a QB who has been retroactively enrolled, or for another reason did not have enrolling payment detail entered, this effective date may default to the event date, therefore causing this QB to appear on the “QB Enrolled Premiums Listing” report based on their event date. WebCOBRA 206 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB PAYMENT Purpose of Report: Reflects all payments received and entered per QB record, within the date parameters specified, and the current attribution of these payments. Data Reported: A listing, with one QB per page, of all payments received in relation to that QB record within the date parameters specified. P1 WebCOBRA 207 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P2 P3 Detailed Description: In the Account Payment History section, Payment Information includes Payment Entry Date, Payment type (shown in example as “Check”), and Payment Amount. Premium Application includes Premium month, Benefit plan (Plan Code – Coverage level), Premium Amount due, amount applied from this payment to the corresponding premium. Payments will be shown as they are attributed to the appropriate monthly premium amounts due. At the bottom of each page, a total of “Payments Received,” “Payments Applied,” and “Total Refunds” will be shown. A page will also be generated showing the total amounts reported per Client/Employer, as well as a “Grand Total” breakdown on the final page of the report. The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Payment Date On or After – The report will pick up payments entered on or after the date specified. ii. Payment Date On or Before – The report will pick up payments entered on or before the date specified. WebCOBRA 208 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual c. Reports QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single Status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc.) in your report results. d. Include Non Cash Payments – When entering a payment to a QB record, you have the option to make that payment “non-cash.” With this parameter, you may choose to either include (Yes) or exclude (No) payments entered in that manner. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments made by QBs belonging in a single Client/Employer (TEST), which were entered within a specified date range (inclusive, from 01/01/2010 to 03/31/2010), on records which are currently in a particular status (Enrolled), not including those payments entered as “Non-Cash.” Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the QB record. In regards to the “Totals” shown at the end of each section: a. Total payments received should reflect the total sum of payments reflected in the detail lines of the report, related to the appropriate section (QB, Client, or grand total). b. Total Payments applied will amount to the total sum of payment amounts that have been both received, and applied to premium. A payment is only applied to premium if it is sufficient to satisfy that full premium. Therefore, some payment amount may be stored in a QB balance, and not reflected in this total. c. Total Refunds will reflect the total amount of payment refunded to the QB for any reason, such as payment past the benefit end date. WebCOBRA 209 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB STATUS HISTORY Purpose of Report: Shows which status a QB record was in, within a particular set of date parameters. This does not show the specific date that a QB entered that particular status, only whether or not the QB record was in that status within the date parameters specified. Data Reported: A listing, separated first by QB Group Status, then by Department, of all QBs whose record existed (even if only for a few moments) within that status within the date parameters specified. Detailed Description: At the end of each Client/Employer section, a “Totals” block will be shown, listing a count of records reflected under each status. The listing consists of records Identified by Name and QB identifier. WebCOBRA 210 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. ii. Status On or After – The report will list QBs who were classified within the specified status on or after the date specified. Status On or Before – The report will list QBs who were classified within the specified status on or before the date specified. c. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc) in your report results. This setting is not related to the current status of the QB, but the status categories you wish to see on the report. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs from a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (inclusive, from 01/01/2010 to 04/ 30/2010), for records that, within that date range, fell into a particular status (Enrolled). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Function to note in this report: a. If the report is run without date parameters, you are essentially asking the report to show what QBs existed within which statuses for all time. In this case, a QB may show on the report in several different statuses, as the QB record did exist in several different statuses at differing points in time. For example: • • • • • A QB is entered on 04/01/2010, and that QB record immediately goes into the status “Added not notified.” That QB’s letters are printed, and his status changes to “Notified, Waiting for Response.” On 04/15/2010, a check is received from that QB, and that QB Record becomes “Enrolled.” On 04/30/2010, that QB requests that his record be terminated, and the status is changed to “Terminated.” If the QB status report is run to show all statuses, from 04/01/2010 to 05/01/2010, this QB name will be listed under all 4 of the statuses listed in the scenarios above, as the QB occupied each of those statuses at one point within the date range specified. WebCOBRA 211 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB TERMINATION BY SYSTEM DATE Purpose of Report: This report shows all QBs for whom a termination was processed within the date range specified. Data Reported: A listing of QBs separated by Client/Employer, then by termination type, displaying termination and benefit assignment information. A count of QBs reported will be displayed at the end of each report sub-heading (Department, Client, etc). Detailed Description: The Term Date shown reflects the termination process date, not the date it was effective. For a report displaying the termination by effective date, please see “QB Termination” above. The Last Day Covered column displays the last day the QB effectively had coverage. The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer - From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. WebCOBRA 212 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. Date Parameters i. ii. Terminated On or After – QBs for whom the termination process date falls on or after the date specified. Terminated On or Before – QBs for whom the termination process date falls on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only QBs belonging to a single Client/ Employer for whom records had terminations processed within a specified date range. Several settings are included that may alter the amount, type, or format of information: a. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. b. Option to Show QB Address or omit that information from results. c. Option to Show Benefit Details or omit that information from results. d. Include Manually Terminated QBs may be set to “Yes” if you wish to include QBs whose records were manually terminated by the administrator (through the “Actions” tab of the QB record). e. Include Denial of Coverage QBs may be set to “Yes” if you wish to include QBs who have been entered into WebCOBRA as a “Denial of Coverage” (Step 1 of the “QB Add Wizard”). f. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. g. Show Latest Termination per QB Only option is used to ensure that a record, which may have been terminated, then reinstated, only to be re-terminated some time later, will not show multiple times on the report. By setting this option to “Yes,” the report will only display a QB record based on the latest termination processed on the record. h. The Mask SSN option defaults to “True,” which masks the first five digits of Social Security Numbers. Functions to note in this report: a. The “QB Termination” notation may be found in the individual QB record “History” tab, which will be shown as follows: WebCOBRA 213 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Note that the “processed” date (far right column) from the QB “History” tab is reflected on the report. As mentioned above, a QB may have, in their lifetime, been terminated and reinstated one or more times, resulting in several notations of this type in history. If you would like to see only the most recent termination of a QB record on this report, it is suggested to utilize the option Show latest termination per QB only. b. This report will show any termination that was made on a QB record - appearance on this report only states that a QB has been, at one point, terminated with a process date within the date parameters. This does not always mean that the current QB account status is “terminated,” as the QB may have been reinstated since the reflected termination was processed. WebCOBRA 214 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports YOUNG ADULTS POTENTIALLY AFFECTED BY PPACA Purpose of Report: This report is intended to assist users in identifying participants under the age of 26 who may be affected by the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA). This act supplies that a dependent child/adult under the age of 26, who was at one time removed from their parent’s coverage due to age requirement, could be eligible to be covered again as a dependent of said employee. Data Reported: This report displays all QBs currently under the age of 26 who have been entered with a primary qualifying event of “Your Becoming an Ineligible Dependent.” Report columns define the QB Name, Event Date, Current Status, End of COBRA Coverage under the current COBRA event, and the date of the QB’s 26th Birthday (26 on). Example Report: Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameter: Event Date On/Before – The report will pick up QB entries with an event date on or before the date specified. WebCOBRA 215 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer, with a “Your Becoming an Ineligible Dependent” event before the specified date. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. WebCOBRA 216 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB BALANCE Purpose of Report: This report is intended to assist users in identifying Qualified Beneficiaries who have a balance on their account, as well as the account balance and the premium due date. Data Reported: This report displays all QBs with a balance on his or her account. Report columns define the Client/Employer Name, QB Name, Department Name (if you choose to “Group by Department”), QB Status, Account Balance, Premium Due Date, and Qualifying Event Date. Example Report: Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: WebCOBRA 217 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc) in your report results. This setting is not related to the current status of the QB, but the status categories you wish to see on the report. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only QBs within a single Client/Employer, with a balance on his or her account. Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. WebCOBRA 218 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Benefit Plan Reports WebCOBRA 219 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports BENEFIT PLAN LISTING Purpose of Report: This report will display all benefit plans, with a list of QBs assigned to that plan, separated by group status. Data Reported: This report displays the listing of QBs assigned to a particular plan under the heading of that plan, and status subheading. Each plan is reflected on a separate page. Each plan listed is done so by Carrier Name and Plan name. The Monthly Premium amount listed does not reflect ARRA or other subsidy which may apply. Subtotals (QB count and premium total) are listed for each of the available heading/subheadings – Status, Plan, Carrier/Sponsor, and Client. P1 WebCOBRA 220 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P2 Detailed Description: The report may be run based on two main criteria, Client/Employer and QB Status. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging to a Client/Employer (TEST) and in the specified statuses (Enrolled and Terminated). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. With the Display Only Active Plans setting, you may alter the QBs listed under a particular plan by setting the option to “True,” which will then only list QBs who are assigned and active on the plan as of the current date. This means that if a QB was assigned to the plan at one point, but there is a past end date on the plan, this QB will not be listed on the report under the plan heading. Functions to note in this report: a. A QB with a benefit assigned with a future start date will be displayed in the listing of QBs assigned to the plan, though the “Monthly Premium” field will be defaulted to $0, as no premiums are truly being assessed for the plan as of the current date. b. A QB who was terminated for non-commencement will be displayed in the QB listing (if the appropriate status is included), but as premiums were never assessed to this record, the “Monthly Premium” listed will be $0. As well, the “Paid Through” field will be left blank. WebCOBRA 221 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports c. If a QB is assigned to multiple plans, they will be listed multiple times on the report – once under each of the assigned plans, and will be listed each time with the “Monthly Premium” amount applicable to that specific plan. d. A Spouse/Dependant assigned to a benefit plan will be listed on the report as a separate entry from the primary QB in the group (See “Example, Manual” and “Example, Spouse”), however, the “Monthly Premium” field on a dependent record will be listed as “--” so as not to adversely affect the report premium totals. WebCOBRA 222 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports BENEFIT PLAN INFORMATION Purpose of Report: This report displays benefit plan information for all Carrier/Sponsors for selected companies. Data Reported: This report displays a listing of benefit plan information by Carrier/Sponsor, and then Coverage Level. Each benefit plan listed is done so by Carrier Name and Plan Description. Each Client/Employer is reflected on a separate page. The columns displayed in this report include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Carrier (Carrier Name) Address (City and State of the Carrier) Plan Description (Name of the benefit plan) Plan Code Coverage Level (The coverage level of the plan) Monthly Premium (Premium cost of the plan at the specified coverage level) COBRA Premium (The Monthly Premium cost plus the specified plan administration fee) ARRA Premium (The cost of the COBRA Premium, minus the possible 65% ARRA subsidy amount) Plan Type (The type set for the plan – Health, Dental, etc.) Start Date (The date the rate structure began) End Date (The date on which the rate structure is slated to end or was ended) Dep. Age Limit (The age specified in the benefit plan Option, “QB Dependent Age Limit Eligibility for Plan Assignment”) Conversion (Displays whether the benefit plan is available for conversion to an individual plan at the end of continuation coverage) WebCOBRA 223 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Detailed Description: The report may be run based on two main criteria, Client/Employer and Costing Type. Costing types include Flat Fee, Matrix Based, and Tier Based, or you may choose to display benefit plans of all costing types. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only benefit plans belonging to a Client/ Employer and of the specified costing types. By setting the Display Only Active Plans option to “True,” only active plans will be displayed. If there is a past end date on a plan, it will not be displayed. Setting this option to “False” will display all benefit plans, both active and inactive. WebCOBRA 224 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports W-2 BENEFIT SUMMARY Purpose of Report: This report provides the amount of premiums paid by participants for a specified calendar year. This report shows the total cost of coverage for the applicable plans and is specifically designed to help employers accurately report the health plan premium cost to the IRS, as per the Affordable Care Act. Data Reported: This report displays a listing of premium payment information for each Participant by Client/Employer. Each Client/Employer is reflected on a separate page. This report is automatically grouped by Department as well. The columns displayed in this report include: • • • • • • • • • • • Company (Client/Employer Name) Department Name (Participant Name) SSN (default)/QB ID/QB Group ID Salary QE Date (Participant’s Qualifying Event Date) Benefit Plan (Plan Name) Type of Coverage (Health, Dental, Vision, FSA, HRA, etc.) Total Sum Months of Coverage Included (Number of months that participant was enrolled in COBRA coverage during the specified calendar year) Monthly Benefit Total (Total amount of premium payments made for the specified benefit plan) Total Benefits (Total premium payments paid by the individual for the calendar year, and the total for each Client/Employer at the bottom) Detailed Description: The report may be run based on two main criteria, Client/Employer and Calendar Year. Please note that the first calendar year available for selection is 2012. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to WebCOBRA 225 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports show only participants’ belonging to a Client/Employer and benefit plan premium payments for a specific calendar year. • • By setting any of the Include settings to “True,” the applicable Retirees/Benefit Plans/Non-COBRA Employers will be included in the report. o As prescribed by the IRS guidance, the “W-2 Benefit Summary” report information need not be provided to an individual that would otherwise not be issued a W-2 during the specified calendar year. However, if for internal purposes you would like to pull data for Retirees (and the applicable information stored in the system), select “True” for the Include Retirees setting. o The IRS guidance indicates that certain benefit plans’ information does not have to be included, but can be included at the employer’s discretion. As a result, the report’s parameters allow for the inclusion of such plans. To include these plans, select “True” for the Include Dental Plans, Include FSA Plans, Include HRA Plans, and/or Include Vision Plans settings. o You may select to include employers that are not subject to federal COBRA (employers with under 20 employees), because such employers are not subject to the requirement under the Affordable Care Act. If for internal purposes you would like to pull data for such employers, select “True” for the Include Non-COBRA Employers setting. Please Note: As dictated by the IRS guidance, the premium amounts listed in the report do not include any Administrative fees and/or subsidy amounts. WebCOBRA 226 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports System Integrator Reports WebCOBRA 227 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ACTIVITY REPORT Purpose of Report: This report will display all actions that have taken place through the system integrator within a specified date range. Data Reported: This report displays a simple listing of all records affected by data imported through the system integration module. Activity reflects the type of alteration or addition made by the integration, Activity Details will present details of the action performed by the import – payment amount and check no., QB Event type and Event date, etc. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on two main criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. On or After – The report will pick up records altered by a file import on or after the date specified. ii. On or Before – The report will pick up records altered by a file import on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only records associated to a Client/Employer (TEST) and in the specified Date Range (after 05/06/2010). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. WebCOBRA 228 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Premium Reports WebCOBRA 229 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports PREMIUM RECEIPT Purpose of Report: This report will display all payments received within the specified time frame toward the satisfaction of QB premium billing. Data Reported: This report will display a listing of all Payments received from the QB, Employer Subsidy, or ARRA subsidy. The payment type will be displayed in the center column, followed by the payment date and amount. At the bottom of each client section, a “Totals” box will be displayed specifying the following: Total Payments Received – The total amount of payments reflected in the reported section. Total Payment Refunds – The total amount of payments shown in the reporting section as a “refund” payment back to the QB. Total Payments Unapplied – The total amount of payments reflected in the reporting section that are currently only applied to QB balance (not applied to a specific premium due). Total Payments Applied – The total amount of payments in the reporting section which have been applied to a specific premium amount due. Further, this amount will be broken down according to the benefit plans to which it is applied. The final page of this report will reflect an overall total, encompassing all amounts reported across all Client/Employers (without specific plan breakdown). The Payment Date reflected is the “Entry Date” used when entering the payment. WebCOBRA 230 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 P1 Bottom WebCOBRA 231 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Payment Received On or After – The report will pick up payments with an “Entry Date” on or after the date specified. ii. Payment Received On or Before – The report will pick up payments with an “Entry Date” on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (01/01/2010 to 06/ 01/2010 inclusive). Using the selection Include Non-Cash Payments, You may choose whether or not payments entered on the QB record using the option “Non Cash payment” will be displayed on the report. Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. While voided payments are shown on this report listing with a “VOID” notation in the description, these values are not included in the totals sections of the report. b. Appearance of subsidy values on this report, both ARRA and Employer subsidies, will always be shown with a payment date on the first of the month. Appearance of these amounts on the report does not indicate that the QB has fully satisfied the premium due in that period. c. Subsidy amounts will always be included in the total section “Total Payments Applied,” even when the premium for the month to which they apply has not been fully satisfied. WebCOBRA 232 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports PREMIUM RECONCILIATION Purpose of Report: This report displays all satisfied premium amounts, with a detailed breakdown of the payments used to satisfy that premium. Data Reported: This report will display a listing of payments as they have been attributed to monthly premiums due. This is sorted by Client/Employer, with one QB per page. Within the “boxed” detail headings, you will see the Premium Month, Total premium due, total amount paid, and amount “open” if the premium has not been fully satisfied. Within the report detail, the first column displays the Plan Name, column two is the entry date of the payment referenced, column three displays the type of entry (check, subsidy, premium, etc), and the fourth column shows the value of that entry, with negative (credit) values in parenthesis. A totals box is shown at the end of each section, QB, Client, and Grand Totals. Total Invoices Delivered refers to the total amount of premiums that have been assessed to the QB’s ledger within the parameters specified. Total Invoices Paid represents the total amount of fully satisfied premium within the parameters specified. Total Open Invoices refers to the total amount of invoices assessed to the ledger that have not been satisfied. This value should account for the difference of the invoices delivered and paid. P1 WebCOBRA 233 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Bottom Bottom of Last QB page within a Client/Employer Section Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters WebCOBRA 234 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports i. Invoice On or After – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums ii. with a due date on or after the date specified. Invoice On or Before – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums with a due date on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (05/01/2010 to 06/ 30/2010 inclusive). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. The amount Total Invoices Delivered may not be equal to the sum of all premiums shown on the report if the QB is currently active and not paid to current date. In this case, those unsatisfied premiums have been “delivered,” but have not been paid, and therefore are not detailed on the report. b. As may be seen in the example images above, a payment made may be assigned to satisfy multiple premium or fee amounts. See the May and June details above. Notice that a payment made 04/22/2010 satisfied portions of both monthly amounts due. In May, this payment satisfied a small portion of both plan premiums and the total admin. fee, leaving an amount ($3.50) to be applied to the June “Test” plan premium. c. Unapplied payments typically refer to payments on the QB ledger that are not applied to premiums, however, payments that have been voided from the QB ledger may reflect on this report simply as “unapplied payments,” which will not affect the “Account balance” or any other amount shown in the QB/Client/Grand total box. WebCOBRA 235 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports RECONCILIATION BY PAYMENTS (VOUCHER REPORT) Purpose of Report: This report displays the application breakdown of each payment included within the specified timeframe. Data Reported: This report will display all payments entered on the QB ledger within the date parameters specified. Under each payment, the detail of how this payment has been applied (plan and premium/admin fee) will be included. The first and third columns represent the due date of the plan premium that a portion of the payment is being attributed to. The fourth column represents the dollar amount of that premium that remained unsatisfied when the payment was entered to the record. IE – If $5 of a total $25 premium was satisfied by a previous payment, this column will display $20. The final column represents the amount of the specified payment which was applied to the named premium. Like other premium reports, this report includes a total summary at the end of each Client/Employer section, and a grand totals box on the final page of the report. P1 WebCOBRA 236 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Bottom Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Payment On or After – The report will pick up payments with an “Entry Date” on or after the date specified. ii. Payment On or Before – The report will pick up payments with an “Entry Date” on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (04/15/2010 to 06/ 15/2010 inclusive). Using the selection Include Non-Cash Payments, You may choose whether or not payments entered on the QB record using the option “Non Cash payment” will be displayed on the report. WebCOBRA 237 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Using the Include ARRA Subsidies setting, you may choose to include or exclude ARRA subsidy notations and their attributions on this report. You may add additional subheadings using the Group By selection, from which you may divide the report by the QBs’ assigned department, or the benefit to which the named premium is attributed. Functions to note in this report: a. While voided payments are shown on this report listing with a “VOID” notation in the description, these values are not included in the totals sections of the report. As well, you will notice that no attribution breakdown is shown for voided payments, as they are not applied to any premium. b. Payments applied to QB balance will be shown on the report and will be included in the report totals; however, no premium application breakdown will accompany these records. If the setting Group By is set to “Benefit Plan,” this may cause a single payment to be divided and shown under multiple headings of the report, as this payment may have been attributed to premiums across multiple plans. Using the Include Subsidies setting, you may choose to include or exclude subsidies and their attributions on this report. When “No” is selected, subsidies will no longer be shown on the report or affect the totals. Using the Include Shortfall Advances setting, you may choose to include or exclude short fall advances on this report. When “No” is selected Short Fall Advances will no longer be shown on the report or affect the totals. Using the Include Ledger Adjustments setting, you may choose to include or exclude Ledger Adjustments on this report. Using the Include Voided Payments setting, you may choose to include or exclude Voided Payments on this report. Using the Show Fees setting, you may choose to include or exclude Fees on this report. Using the Show Refunds setting, you may choose to include or exclude Refunds on this report. WebCOBRA 238 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports RECONCILIATION BY PLAN Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of all premiums satisfied, sorted by the plan to which they apply. Only fully satisfied premium months will be displayed. Data Reported: This report displays each existing benefit plan, then each QB assigned to that plan. In the QB Name column, all payments applied to monthly premiums will be listed. Columns one and two of the bold report detail rows reflect the month and due date of premiums referenced; column three of this row reflects the full, satisfied premium amount. Within the sub-rows, the first column reflects the payment “Entry Date,” column two reflects the payment type and full payment amount; and column three reflects the amount of that payment that is attributed to the referenced premium. “Total” boxes will be displayed after each benefit plan and Client/Employer section, as well as a “Grand Total” on the final report page. P1 WebCOBRA 239 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Bottom P3 Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Invoice On or After – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums due on or after the date specified. ii. Invoice On or Before – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums due on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range. WebCOBRA 240 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. Voided and “Unapplied” payments will not be reflected on this report. Only payments which have been applied to a fully satisfied premium month will be shown. b. As a single payment may be applied to multiple premium amounts, you may notice that a single payment entry may be shown in several sub-rows – displayed once with each premium to which a portion is applied. For an example of this, notice the “April, 2010” and “March, 2010” sections of this report above – notice that the $10 payment entered 03/16/ 2010 satisfied both of these monthly premiums ($.35 each), and is therefore listed in each sub-section. WebCOBRA 241 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports RECONCILIATION BY DISBURSEMENT Purpose of Report: This report displays all premium payments that have been disbursed within the date parameters specified. Data Reported: This report displays a listing of all disbursed payments, sorted by Client/Employer, check recipient, check number, and premium due date. Total boxes are shown for each recipient and Client/Employer, as well as a “Grand Total” on the final page of the report. In the bold Check Detail row, you will notice the check number, and total check amount in columns two and three. In the report detail, column two reflects the associated Plan Name, column three reflects the QB Name, and column four displays the amount disbursed. P1 WebCOBRA 242 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Bottom Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Disbursed On or After – The report will pick up payments/premiums disbursed on or after this date. ii. Disbursed On or Before – The report will pick up payments/premiums disbursed on or before this date. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments disbursed from a specified Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (06/01/2010 to 06/30/2010 inclusive). WebCOBRA 243 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Using the Time Period selection, you may choose to further limit your target area by selecting a single month for which you would like to show disbursements. If this report were run without date parameters, but the Time Period selection set to “January 2010,” the report would display all January 2010 premiums that have been disbursed within your system, regardless of the date that the disbursement was performed. Functions to note in this report: a. If using the function Time Period, you may only select to report on a single disbursement period at one time. WebCOBRA 244 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ELECTRONIC PAYMENTS Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of all payments made electronically to QB records, such as credit card or electronic check payments. Data Reported: Lists all payments, sorted by Client/Employer and by date, that have been made electronically (Credit Card or Electronic Check). This displays the type of payment, current processing status, premium due, associated electronic payment fees, and total payment amount. The final page of the report will include a “Grand Totals” section. P1 Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. WebCOBRA 245 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. Date Parameters i. On or After – The report will pick up payments made with a “Payment Date” (entry by the QB) on or after this date. ii. On or Before – The report will pick up payments made with a “Payment Date” (entry by the QB) on or before this date. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments disbursed from a specified Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range. Functions to note in this report: a. As noted in the example image above, payments will be reflected on this report as soon as they are entered by the QB, even if they have not yet been approved through the merchant gateway (offline). b. Electronic payments may only be entered by the QB if the proper Client/Employer level options and “electronic payment setup” have been configured. WebCOBRA 246 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports PREMIUM REDUCTION SUMMARY Purpose of Report: This report lists all ARRA subsidy payments that have been applied to satisfied monthly premium amounts. Data Reported: This report is sorted by Client/Employer and QB. Subtotals are included at the end of each subsection, with a “Grand Totals” box on the final page of the report. The default width of this report does not fit in a single page. A scroll bar is made available at the bottom of the report screen which enables the user to “scroll over” to view information to the far right of the page (“Total” field seen in the sample below). The Total ARRA Reduction shown within totals boxes is a sum of the ARRA Amount column of the corresponding subsection. P1 WebCOBRA 247 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters – i. Payment Date On or After – The report will pick up ARRA Subsidy payments with an “Entry Date” on or after the date specified. ii. Payment Date On or Before – The report will pick up ARRA Subsidy payments with an “Entry Date” on or before the date specified. c. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc) in your report results. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (05/31/2010 to 06/ 30/2010 inclusive). Using the selection Include Non-Cash Payments, You may choose whether or not payments entered on the QB record using the option “Non Cash payment” will be displayed on the report. Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. While the report parameters pull based on “Payment Date,” it is important to note that ARRA Premium Subsidy notations are always made at the first of the month to which they apply. This means that if your report date parameters do not encompass the first of at least a single month (such as 04/15/2010 to 04/30/2010), no information will be available to report. b. The date on which the associated premium was satisfied does not affect this report; these values are identified based solely by the monthly premium to which they apply (shown as posted on the first of that month). c. Only ARRA Premiums which are applied to premiums that have been fully satisfied will be reflected on this report. This means that ARRA amounts for future premiums (which have not yet been placed on the ledger) will not be shown. WebCOBRA 248 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports PREMIUM REDUCTION SUMMARY BY PAYMENTS Purpose of Report: This report displays payment and ARRA subsidy information based on the entry date of the QB payment which fully satisfied the related monthly premium. By using this report, you may see the ARRA premium amounts as they are truly used to complete the QB monthly premium. Data Reported: This report is sorted by Client/Employer, QB Group, and Payment (by Payment Entry Date). Within the payment detail rows the columns are as follows: Premium Month, Plan Name, Charge Type (Premium or Admin Fee), Total Charge Amount, and applied “ARRA Reduction.” Total boxes are included at the Client/Employer and “Grand Total” levels, presenting a sum of the “ARRA Reduction” reported in that section. P1 WebCOBRA 249 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P2 Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters – i. Payment Entered On or After – The report will pick up QB payments with an “Entry Date” on or after the date specified. ii. Payment Entered On or Before – The report will pick up QB payments with an “Entry Date” on or before the date specified. c. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc) in your report results. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (04/01/2010 to 04/ 30/2010 inclusive). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. This report will only display actual QB payments. As opposed to payment reports discussed previously, which include employer and ARRA subsidy “payments,” this report displays ARRA amounts only alongside the QB payment which satisfied the associated monthly premium. IE – if a payment made 01/12/2010 satisfied the January, February, and March premiums, all ARRA subsidies for those 3 months would be shown attributed to the 01/12/2010 payment if this report were run with date parameters 01/01/2010 to 01/ 15/2010. WebCOBRA 250 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. This report, like other premium reports, cannot report future month premium or ARRA amounts, as those premiums and associated ARRA subsidy amounts have not yet been applied to the QB ledger. WebCOBRA 251 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ARRA AUDIT Purpose of Report: This report displays the total amount of Premiums billed, ARRA subsidy applied, and Payments made to a QB record. Data Reported: This report contains the total amount of premiums billed, ARRA Subsidy Applied, and Payments received from an Assistance Eligible Individual (AEI) up to current date. This report is sorted by Client/Employer, but does not include total calculations per Client/Employer or “grand totals.” The field Termination Date reflects the QB’s termination of Employment (COBRA event), not a termination from COBRA coverage. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters – i. Event Date On or After – The report will pick up QBs with a Qualifying Event date on or after the date specified. ii. Event Date On or Before – The report will pick up QBs with a Qualifying Event date on or before the date specified. WebCOBRA 252 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs within a single Client/Employer (TEST), whom experienced qualifying events within a specified date range (12/31/2009 to 03/31/2010 inclusive). Functions to note in this report: a. As this report reflects information “to current date”, it would be common, in fact expected, that the information displayed on this report would vary from day to day, even when run with the same parameters. b. While in many cases, the Total ARRA Subsidy and Total Received from AEI should sum to the Total Premium Amount, this report does not account for non-ARRA related employer subsidies. For this reason, these amounts may not always be reconciled. WebCOBRA 253 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports PREMIUM RECEIPT WITH PAYMENT Purpose of Report: This report lists all payment amounts according to the specific premium portions to which that payment was attributed. Data Reported: This report lists all amounts paid within the specified parameters, according to the specific premium portions to which each payment entry was applied This listing is sorted by QB Group and billing period, but is not divided into subheadings. A subtotal is listed on the report for each company, as well as a “Grand Total” row at the bottom of the report. P1 WebCOBRA 254 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Bottom Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results b. Date Parameters – i. Payment Received On or After – The report will pick up payments entered on or after the date specified ii. Payment Received On or Before – The report will pick up payments entered on or before the date specified Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs within a single Client/Employer (TEST), with premium amounts satisfied by payment within a specified date range (05/01/2010 to 06/30/2010 inclusive). Functions to note in this report: a. Appearance of a premium portion on this report does not signify that the entire premium amount due for the corresponding Billing Period has been completely satisfied. b. A single check entry may be referenced multiple times on this report if that check was used to satisfy multiple premium portions, such as the monthly premium of two separate plans within the same month, the premium AND admin fee for a single plan, or the same plan in different billing months. See the above sample, QB “Example5, Manual” – the Check Number “5555” is referenced with four separate premium portions, as that payment was applied to multiple plan/premium portions between 01/01/2010 and 02/01/ 2010. c. Subsidy amounts, as soon as they are placed on the ledger, are applied to premium. Therefore, these amounts will be shown on this report, even if the corresponding billing months have not been satisfied. Subsidy notations are always made with an entry at the first of the corresponding month, and therefore will be shown when the report parameters encompass the first of a month. d. “Unapplied” amounts occur only when the QB has paid up to and beyond the most current premium due amount. e. As voided payments are not applied to any premium amount, those payments are not reflected on this report. WebCOBRA 255 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ARRA IRS Purpose of Report: This report displays all payments to a QB record, accompanied by the amount of ARRA Subsidy attributed alongside that payment to fully satisfy a monthly premium amount. This is intended to display a true time application of ARRA subsidy amounts. Data Reported: This report displays the amount of ARRA Subsidy applied based on the “Entry Date” of related payments received from the QB. The data on this report is separated by Client/Employer and QB. The format of this report is specified specifically for reporting of these premiums upon IRS request. Total lines are shown at the end of each QB and Client/Employer section, as well as a “Grand Totals” line on the final page of the report. P1 WebCOBRA 256 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Final Page Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters – i. StartDate – The report will pick up payments and related ARRA subsidies applied on or after the date specified. ii. EndDate – The report will pick up payments and related ARRA subsidies applied on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs within a single Client/Employer (TEST), whom experienced qualifying events within a specified date range (01/01/2010 to 03/31/2010 inclusive). Functions to note in this report: a. Attributable ARRA subsidy is assigned based on the QB payment “completing” the QB portion of the premium due. According to government rules, an employer may only claim ARRA subsidy amounts for reimbursement as the QB satisfies the related premium and that ARRA subsidy is required to be paid in tandem. IE – The client may not claim their 65% of the June Premium for John Example until John Example has paid his 35% portion. WebCOBRA 257 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ARRA ELIGIBLE REDUCED HOURS Purpose of Report: This report is intended to assist in identifying QBs added with a “reduced hours” event after September 1st 2008, as QBs added with a reduced hours event after this date who did not continue COBRA coverage and later experienced a termination of employment, may again qualify for COBRA and ARRA continuation under the 2010 temporary extension act. Data Reported: This report provides a listing of QBs who experienced a loss of coverage event after 09/01/2008, and whose COBRA coverage has at this point been terminated without exhausting the COBRA period. This listing includes QB identifying information and information regarding the number of months of COBRA coverage and ARRA subsidy used in relation to their prior “Reduced hours” event. This report is separated by Client/Employer. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. Functions to note in this report: a. This report intention is linked directly to the extension act of 2010. As need to administrate according to that act diminished over time, the function of this report will also become obsolete. WebCOBRA 258 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports DISBURSEMENTS INCLUDING NON-CASH PAYMENTS Purpose of Report: This report displays all payments for premiums that were part of a disbursement, including payments marked as “non-cash,” which were used to fulfill a premium even though they were not included in the disbursement check. Data Reported: A listing of all disbursement amounts, grouped by Client/Employer, and then alphabetically by Sponsor. The report is then further grouped by the disbursement time period and QB name, and displays which payments were included in disbursement checks (cash payments) and which were not (non-cash payments) in separate sections. At the end of each grouping, the totals are given on a new row, noted in the “Total” columns. The totals for the entire report are also given at the end of the report. The totals for the non-cash payments are displayed in the non-cash breakdown for each time period under the Sponsor, as well as at the end of each Sponsor, Client/Employer, and Grand Total section. The columns displayed in this report include: • • • • • • • • • • • • • Sponsor Type - “Disbursement” or “Non-Cash”) Check Date Check Number Disbursement Period Plan - Benefit Plan name QB - The name of the QB Amount - The amount disbursed from the QB Total Premiums Disbursed - The total of the payments disbursed for the section Total Adjustments - The total of the adjustments disbursed for the section Total Non Cash Payments - The total of the non-cash payments for the section Disbursement Total - The total amount disbursed for the section, which is the sum of premiums and adjustments Pending Adjustments WebCOBRA 259 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports P1 Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Disbursed On or After – The report will pick up payments/premiums disbursed on or after this date. ii. Disbursed On or Before – The report will pick up payments/premiums disbursed on or before this date. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only payments disbursed from a specified Client/Employer, within a specified date range. Using the Time Period selection, you may choose to further limit your target area by selecting a single month for which you would like to show disbursements. If this report were run without date WebCOBRA 260 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports parameters, but the Time Period selection set to “January, 2010,” for example, the report would display all January 2010 premiums that have been disbursed within your system, regardless of the date that the disbursement was performed. Functions to note in this report: a. If using the function Time Period, you may only select to report on a single disbursement period at one time. WebCOBRA 261 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports UNAPPLIED PREMIUM REPORT Purpose of Report: This report lists Participants, by Employer, who have made payments beyond the current due date that have not yet been applied to a premium due. Data Reported: This report will show a listing of payments made by Participants and what portion of that payment has not yet been applied to a premium due. This is sorted by Client/Employer, with one Client/ Employer per page. Within the report detail, there are columns listing: • • • • • • • • Company Name - Lists the name of the company to which the Participant is currently assigned. QB Group ID - User-defined value; serves as another method to identify Participants, if assigned. QB Name - Name of the Participant. Status - Current Status of the Participant. Date Paid - The date the payment was submitted. Payment Amount - The payment amount made that applied towards an applicable premium. Unapplied Premium Amount - The amount of the payment that did not apply to the premium for the current month. Next Premium Due Date - The date the next premium is due after all unapplied premium payments have been exhausted. This field will always pull the current due date, even if the premium has been paid past that day. Please refer to the Detailed Description below for more information. • Regular Monthly Premium - the “typical” monthly premium, i.e. the amount of premium that the Participant can expect to pay each month. The total amounts are shown at the end of each Client/Employer section and a Grand Total at the end. P1 WebCOBRA 262 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc.) in your report results. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer, within a specified date range. Functions to note in this report: a. The “Next Premium Due Date” column will only display up to the current month’s premium due, even if the Participant has paid past that date. For example: If the current month is February, and a Participant makes a payment that satisfies premiums through the month of May (so the next premium would technically be due in June), the next premium due listed in this report will be March 1st. b. Deficient payments will also be listed. For example: If a Participant is in an “Enrolled Pending Payment” status and makes a partial payment, the unapplied payment will be listed with a due date of the current month. WebCOBRA 263 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ADMINISTRATIVE FEE COLLECTED AND CREDITED Purpose of Report: This report displays administrative fees that were collected with premium payments and credited during a specified date range. Data Reported: This report will show a listing of payments made by Participants and what portion of that payment applied to an administrative or NSF (Non-Sufficient Funds/Returned Check) fee. This is sorted by Client/Employer, with one Client/Employer per page. Within the report detail, there are columns listing: • • • • • • • Company Name - Lists the name of the company to which the Participant is currently assigned. Department - Lists the name of the department to which the Participant is currently assigned. QB Name - Name of the Participant. QB ID - User-defined value that serves as another method to identify Participants. SSN - Social Security Number of the Participant. The first 5 digits are masked. Payment Date - The date the payment was entered. Payment Amount - The amount of the payment made that applied towards an applicable premium. Only payments that satisfy the premium in full will be displayed. Please refer to the Detailed Description section below for more information. • • Admin Fee - The administrative fee that the Participant paid. NSF Fee - The Non-Sufficient Funds/Returned Check fee, which is set in the Client/Employer Options. For more information on this, please refer to the Client/Employers chapter in this manual. The total amounts are shown at the end of each section, Client/Employer and Grand Total. P1 WebCOBRA 264 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Payment Date On or After – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums with a payment date on or after the date specified. ii. Payment Date On or Before – The report will pick up payments applied to premiums with a payment date on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only payments received within a single Client/Employer (ABC Company), within a specified date range (01/01/ 2010 to 06/30/2010 inclusive). Functions to note in this report: a. This report only displays payments that satisfy the premium for a given month and the corresponding administrative fee. For example: A Participant has a $100.00 premium and there is a 2% administrative fee ($2). If a payment of $100.00 is entered on 02/01/2011, the payment will not be displayed in this report, because even though it satisfies the monthly premium, it did not satisfy the premium and the administrative fee for that month. If a payment of $102.00 is entered instead, this payment will be displayed in the report, because it does satisfy both. b. When a deficient payment is entered, any subsequent payments will go to satisfying the premium amount. Once the premium is satisfied, any additional payments will be applied to any outstanding administrative or NSF fees. c. Payments will be applied after the premium and any administrative fees have been satisfied - meaning payments are applied to NSF fees last. WebCOBRA 265 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Client/Employer Reports WebCOBRA 266 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports CERTIFICATE OF MAILING Purpose of Report: This report provides of a listing of all letters printed to be mailed within a specified period Data Reported: Displays a listing of all letters sent, sorted by letter type and the QB Name/Address to which it was sent. WebCOBRA 267 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Correspondence to Include – From this drop-down menu, you may select which letter templates to include in your results. c. Date Parameters i. Accepted On or After – The report will pick up letters which were accepted on or after the date specified. ii. Accepted On or Before – The report will pick up letters which were accepted on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only specified letter types printed for a single Client/Employer (TEST), within a specified date range (inclusive, from 05/05/2010 to 05/15/2010). WebCOBRA 268 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ACTIVE QB LISTING Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of all QBs within the system of a particular status. Data Reported: This report displays a listing of QBs, sorted by Employer, then Department (if option is selected), and then QB status. The Premium listed corresponds to the amount displayed as the “Typical Monthly Premiums” on the QB record – this amount does not account for Employer or ARRA subsidy. QB Totals show the number of QBs in each status, total number of QBs within each Client/Employer, and at the end of the report, the Grand Total number of QBs listed. The layout of this report is formatted to resemble a spreadsheet design for easier viewing and manipulation. WebCOBRA 269 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. QB Status – From this drop-down menu, you may include QBs of “All,” several, or a single status (Terminated, Enrolled, Added Not Notified, etc) in your report results. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs from a single Client/Employer (ABC Company), within a specified status (Added not Notified, Enrolled, etc). Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from the corresponding value used when entering the QB record. By setting Show QB Address to “True,” QBs’ Addresses will be displayed in a column. Using Show Only Leave of Absence, you may restrict this report to show only QBs who were added with the Qualifying Event type “Leave of Absence” – this is intended to assist an Administrator in identifying all QBs who may be within a Leave of Absence. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. Select “True” next to Mask SSN to hide Social Security Numbers (XXXX-XX-1111) on the report. WebCOBRA 270 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports ELECTION NOTICES Purpose of Report: This report displays all QBs who were sent an election notice within the data parameters specified. Data Reported: This report is sorted by client, coverage type (benefit plan), and QB Group. Report detail provides the Event date, Date of Notification, Election Period End Date, and the number of days left to enroll, if applicable and selected. A count of QBs is included at the end of each subsection. Detailed Description: The Notified date shown reflects the date that the election notice was accepted in the WebCOBRA correspondence module. WebCOBRA 271 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer - From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters i. Notified On or After – QBs for whom the election notice was accepted for the first time on or after the date specified. ii. Notified On or Before – QBs for whom the election notice was accepted for the first time on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging to a single Client/Employer (TEST) for whom notices were accepted within a specified date range (inclusive, from 12/31/2009 to 03/31/2010). Several settings are included that may alter the amount, type, or format of information: a. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. b. Option to Show Benefit Plan or omit that information from results. If shown, this will be listed in subtext under the QB name c. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. d. Show Days Left is by default activated, though may be set to “No” if you would like to remove this column from the report. Functions to note in this report: a. As this report is sorted by QB coverage level, a QB may be shown multiple times for the same notification. See the example above, “Example, Manual” listed under both “None,” and “QB and Spouse.” This is due to the QB’s multiple benefit plan assignments, with variant coverage levels b. The coverage level “None” may be applied to QBs that have no currently active benefits assigned, or to plans that do not have coverage level tiers, such as “Flat Fee” plans. WebCOBRA 272 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports NOTES Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of all notes made to the client, Carrier, or QB record. Data Reported: This report displays a separate page per Client, Carrier, or QB, dependent on report settings. This is a simple listing of all notes made within a set time period. P1 P2 Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: WebCOBRA 273 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports a. Retrieve Notes for - From this drop-down menu, you may select “Client/Employer,” “Sponsor/Carrier,” or “QBGroup” – notes may be added to the record “Notes” tab at each level. Through this selection, you may specify which level to report on. b. Date Parameters i. On or After – The report will pull notes added to the record on or after the date specified. ii. On or Before – The report will pull notes added to the record on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only notes added at the “QBGroup” level, within a specified date range (01/01/2010 to 12/31/9999). WebCOBRA 274 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports EMPLOYEE LISTING Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of all “COBRA Notice Employees.” Data Reported: This report provides the identifying information of all COBRA Notice Employees within the specified Client/ Employer. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on two main criteria: Client/Employer or QB Status. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only QBs belonging to a single Client/Employer (TEST) and in the specified status (Current Employee). Several settings are included that may alter the amount, type, or format of information: a. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. b. Option to Show QB Address or omit that information from results. c. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. WebCOBRA 275 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports COBRA GENERAL NOTICE Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of any Employees who have had a COBRA General Notice generated and accepted through correspondence for them. Data Reported: This report provides a list of which Employees and QBs have had a COBRA General Notice generated and accepted through correspondence, within the specified Client/Employer and within the specified date parameters. The layout of this report is formatted to resemble a spreadsheet and allows for easier viewing and manipulation. The columns can be set to list by Department, Name, Social Security Number (SSN) (or another QB identifier), and the Print Date. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Date Parameters – i. Generated On or After – The report will pick up employees who have had a Marketplace Notice generated and accepted through correspondence on or after the date specified. ii. Generated On or Before – The report will pick up employees who have had a Marketplace Notice generated and accepted through correspondence on or before the date specified. b. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. c. Select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment. d. Select “True” to Mask SSNs. WebCOBRA 276 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports NOTICE OF MARKETPLACE DISTRIBUTION REPORT The Notice of Marketplace is an additional module that can be added to your configuration. Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of any Employee(s) who have had a Notice of Marketplace Distribution Report generated and accepted through correspondence. Data Reported: The columns can be set to list the following information: Name, Social Security Number (SSN) and the Print Date. The report may be run for one or multiple employers based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results. b. Date Parameters – i. Generated On or After – The report will pick up employees who have had a Notice of Marketplace Distribution Report generated and accepted through correspondence on or after the date specified. ii. Generated On or Before – The report will pick up employees who have had a Notice of Marketplace Distribution Report generated and accepted through correspondence on or before the date specified. c. The identifying value can be altered by using the QB Identifier selection (shown above as “SSN”), to identify QBs by Social Security Number, QB ID, or QB Group ID. d. Select “True” to Mask SSNs. WebCOBRA 277 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports QB COUNT REPORT BY EMPLOYER Purpose of Report: This report provides a count of all un-archived QB’s, Employees, and Retirees along with their dependents. Data Reported: This report provides a count of QB’s, Employees, and Retirees along with their dependents, regardless of their status, who have not been archived. Report detail provides the Employer Name, sorted in ascending order, Participant, Employee and Retiree counts, along with their dependents. A Total count by Employer is listed at the end of each subsection. A total count by Participant type is displayed at the end of the report. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on the following criteria: a. Show Inactive- This filter allows you to include or omit inactive employers in your report results. Using this criteria, allows you to include inactive QB’s, Employees and Retirees along with their dependents in the count. WebCOBRA 278 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports Retiree Reports (Only available with purchase of the “Retiree Billing” Module) WebCOBRA 279 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports RETIREE STATUS Purpose of Report: This report provides a listing of Retirees based on the current status of the Retiree group. Data Reported: This report displays a listing of Retirees along with their current account standing information. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on Client/Employer and Retiree Status. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only Retirees belonging in a single Client/Employer (TEST), for records that currently fall into a particular status (Retiree Enrolled or Retiree Terminated). Using the Days Past Due setting, you may choose to display only Retiree records who are over a specified number of days past their premium due date. For example, if you enter a value of “30” in this field, only Retirees who are 30 days or more past their premium due date will be shown on the report. Functions to note in this report: a. The “Days Past Due” field has a minimum value of “0.” Retirees paid into the future will display a “0” value in this field. WebCOBRA 280 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. In the account balance field, values shown inside of parenthesis are credit balances. Terminated Retirees will have an account balance less than or equal to $0.00, they will never have an outstanding amount due. c. Future “Premium Due” dates are estimated based from the Retiree’s current rate assignments. As in the example above with “Example Retiree2,” we can see that the report was run on 05/7/2010 - The Retirees credit balance ($10), will satisfy the future 06/01/2010 premium, making the estimated Premium Due Date 07/01/2010. WebCOBRA 281 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports RETIREE TERMINATION Purpose of Report: This report will show all Retirees for whom a termination was effective within the date range specified. Data Reported: This report provides a listing of Retirees separated by Client/Employer, then by termination type. This listing displays termination and benefit assignment information. Term Date reflects the termination effective date, not the date that the action was completed. Detailed Description: The report may be run based on several criteria: a. Client/Employer – From this drop-down menu, you may select “All,” several, or a single Client/Employer section to include in your results WebCOBRA 282 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Reports b. Date Parameters i. Terminated On or After – The report will pick up Retirees for whom the ii. termination effective date falls on or after the date specified Terminated On or Before – The report will pick up Retirees for whom the termination effective date falls on or before the date specified. Using these criteria, you may narrow the results, as in the example above, to show only Retirees attributed to a single Client/Employer (TEST), for whom records were terminated within a specified date range (inclusive, from 05/01/2010 to 05/31/2010). This report also includes several settings that may alter the amount, type or format of information: a. Using the QB Identifier selection, you may alter the identifying value (shown in the example above as “SSN”), to use “Social Security Number,” “QB ID,” or “QB Group ID.” Each of these values is pulled from corresponding value used when entering the Retiree record b. You may choose to Show QB Address, or omit that information from the results c. You may choose to Show Benefit Details, or omit that information from the results d. Include Manually Terminated QBs may be set to “Yes” if you wish to include Retirees whose records were manually terminated by the administrator (through the “Actions” tab of the Retiree record). e. You may select “Yes” to Group by Department if you would like your report results to be further sorted by department assignment (sub-heading). f. Show Latest Termination per Retiree Only is used to ensure that a record, which may have been terminated, then reinstated, only to be re-terminated several days or weeks later, will not show multiple times on the report. By setting this option to “Yes,” the report will only display a Retiree record based off of the latest termination date listed on the record. Functions to note in this report: a. It is important to note that the “Retiree Auto Termination” notation may be found in the individual QB record “History Tab” – This will be shown as follows: Note that the “effective” date (far left column) from the Retiree “History” tab is that which is reflected on the report. As mentioned above, a Retiree may have, in their lifetime, been terminated and reinstated one or more times, resulting in several notations of this type in history. If you would like to see only the most recent termination of a Retiree record on this report, it is suggested to utilize the option “Show latest termination per Retiree only.” b. This report will show any termination that was made on a Retiree record - appearance on this report only states that a Retiree has been, at one point, terminated with an effective date within the date parameters. This does not always mean that the current Retiree account status is “terminated,” as the Retiree may have been reinstated since the reflected termination was processed. WebCOBRA 283 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers Chapter 13: Invoicing of Fees to Employers The Invoicing section allows you to prepare invoices to Client/Employers for administrative services, manage different insurance brokers, and run specific Client/Employer billing reports. Invoicing Setup and Payments Selecting the “Invoicing Setup and Payments” link allows you to set up a Client/Employer that you want to invoice for administrative services. Once a Client/Employer has been created under the “Invoicing Setup Wizard,” the system can run/prepare invoices for specific services to each Client/Employer. Throughout the “Invoicing Setup Wizard,” the “Wizard Steps” appear on the upper right-hand portion of the screen to indicate which steps have been completed. You may cancel and/or start over the Invoicing Setup Wizard at any time by clicking on “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” located below the Wizard Steps.” Setting Up Invoices To Set Up An Invoice: 1. Select the “Invoicing Setup and Payments” link from the home screen. 2. From the drop-down menu below “Client/Employer Billing Maintenance,” choose to: • • • Show Only My Client/Employers, Show All Client/Employers, OR Choose a specific Client/Employer from the list under “Client/Employers.” 3. Click the “Setup Invoicing” button located by the applicable Client/Employer. This will begin the “Client/Employer Invoicing Setup Wizard.” 4. Complete Step 1. Start Date. Type in the date that you want to begin invoicing the Client/ Employer, or click on the square icon next to the date entry box to choose a date from the calendar. Click “Save and Continue.” WebCOBRA 284 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers 5. Complete Step 2. Billing Address. Enter the address of where the invoices are to be sent. If a Client/Employer billing address is stored in the system, you may click the “Yes, Copy to Billing Address” button and it will appear in the requisite fields). Click “Save and Continue.” 6. Complete Step 3. Sales Tax. Enter the amount of sales tax to impose upon the invoiced amount, if any. If no such Sales Tax is required, simply click “Save and Continue.” The system default is 0. Click “Save and Continue”. 7. Complete Step 4. Line Items. Enter the information for the specific item to be invoiced, which includes the following: a. Invoice Line Item Description - You may create a description for the type of services to be invoiced. b. Billing Charge –From the drop-down menu, you may choose from the following types of charges to be imposed: (i) Fixed Amount, (ii) Annual Service Fee, (iii) Basic Set Up Fee, (iv) HIPAA Cert Fee, (v) Number of Active Employees, or (vi) Per New Election Notice. Depending upon the type of charge selected, the system may impose a fee based on previously selected options at the Client/Employer level. For items that are billed on a regular basis, such as $0.50 for each letter printed, you may want to globally create a billing item. To globally create a billing item, go to “Supervisor Only,” click “Setup” from the drop-down menu, and then click on the “Billing Formulas” tab. c. At this point, you may create a new Billing Charge by clicking on the “Create Additional Charges” icon. If selected, an additional field for a new Billing Charge will appear. i. Enter the “Billing Charge Name” into the first box provided. The “Active” check box indicates whether the Billing Charge is “active” and, therefore, available for use to be included as an applicable Billing Charge on the invoice. The default is set to include the Billing Charge as an option. If the Billing Charge is not to be included as a Billing Charge option for the invoice and is, therefore, “Inactive” or later becomes “Inactive,” then this box should be un-checked. ii. The second box entitled “Component” includes a drop-down menu for you to choose the specific document/administrative procedure to be billed. Select “*No Component*” for a fixed amount to be charged. Choose from lists for: • • • Preferred for Invoicing Letters for Invoicing Deprecated Invoicing Methods If a specific Component is selected, a “Charge” box will appear below the “Component” and WebCOBRA 285 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers you may provide the specific amount of the charge billed pursuant to the specific “Component” selected. iii. Enter the “Fixed Amount” to be invoiced for the specific charge this fee will incur when running invoices. Check the box to indicate whether the item is taxable (as indicated previously in Step 3 of the Wizard - “Sales Tax”). This fixed amount is not based on any component, such as “per letter.” iv. Select the “Billing Cycle” from the drop-down menu. This allows an invoice to be prepared on either an annual, monthly or quarterly basis. If “Annually” is selected, then check the applicable month that the charge will be billed (default is set to January). If this charge is to be billed “Monthly,” the option to select a specific month will no longer apply and will not appear on the screen. If the charge is billed “Quarterly”, then a group of four (4) months may be selected. The default is for the charge to be billed each January, April, July, and October. To de-select this quarterly sequence, click on any one (1) of the 4 months currently checked to remove the selection and then click on another quarterly billing schedule, either (February, May, August, November) or (March, June, September, December). v. Select “Save” when you have completed filling in the information. Select “Save and Add Another” if you would like to save this billing charge and add another. Select “Cancel” if you decide you do not want to enter a new billing charge. vi. Once you have completed the information related to your “Create Additional Charges,” you will return to the previous screen. If you saved the Billing Charge, the system will indicate that the billing charge was saved correctly on the top left of your screen. d. Fixed Amount e. Billing Cycle –The system will automatically prepare the invoice for each selected billing cycle. The invoice may be prepared on either an annual, monthly or quarterly basis. If “Annually” is selected, then check the applicable month that the particular charge will be billed on an annual basis (default is set to January). If this charge is to be billed “Monthly”, the specific month will no longer apply and will be removed from the screen. If the charge is to be billed “Quarterly”, then a group of four (4) months may be selected. The default is for the charge to be billed each January, April, July, and October. To de-select this quarterly sequence, click on any one (1) of the 4 months currently checked to remove the selection and then click on another quarterly billing schedule, either (February, May, August, November) or (March, June, September, December). Click “Save.” 8. On the next screen, review and confirm that the information saved for the Invoice is correct. The newly entered “Line Item Description” will appear under the “Saved Line Items” and, at this time, you may either “DELETE” the Saved Line Item, add an additional Line Item or click “Save and Continue” to complete the Wizard. WebCOBRA 286 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers 9. Click “Save and Continue.” If there is information missing at the time you click “Save,” a system warning message will appear and provide the missing information required to complete the Invoicing Setup. 10. The system takes you to a screen to review and confirm “Invoicing Setup Wizard Summary”. Review to confirm that the information entered into the system is accurate and click “Save Client/ Employer Invoicing Setup” to finalize the “Invoicing Wizard.” At this point, you will be prompted “Client/Employer Invoicing Setup Wizard saved correctly.” You may click to: (i) “View Client/Employer Invoicing” or select to “Run Invoices”, (ii) restart the Invoicing Setup Wizard to establish Invoicing for additional Client/Employers, or (iii) Return to the Home Page (by clicking the icon on the top left of the screen). 11. If you click to “View Client/Employer Invoicing,” you are directed to the “Client/Employer Billing Maintenance” page. • • Click the “View/Edit Client/Employer Billing Information” link to view/edit the information, including Billing Address, and Email Address. From here you can add a broker by clicking the “Add Broker” button. For more information on adding a broker, see the “Brokers” section later in this chapter. The “Open Invoice Balance and Unused Payments Balance” is displayed. The “Open Invoice Balance” lists the amount, if any, that has been invoiced to the Client/Employer, but not yet received. The “Unused Payments Balance” represents the amount, if any, that has been received from the Client/Employer but not yet applied. The following four (4) tabs are also available: • Invoices – Clicking on “Open Invoices” displays a list of invoices that are outstanding and have not yet been entered as paid by Client/Employer. If you want to view an invoice, click on the “Invoice No.” Click on “Paid Invoices” to display a list of invoices that have been entered to the system as fullypaid by the Client/Employer. On the right-hand side of the screen, you may click on “Start Scheduled Invoice Run” and the system will search for any invoices that should print during the next billing cycle. Click on “Create Custom Invoice” to create a customized invoice that may include a specific invoice date, terms (number of days in which payment must be received), additional comments, and, if you wish, additional line items (refer to the instructions for adding a line item above). When complete, click “Save.” As you add line items, they will be immediately created within the invoice preview. When you have reviewed the invoice preview for accuracy, click “Save this Invoice.” • Payments –The “Payments” tab lists any Open Payments that have not been applied and any Used Payments that are used. On the right-hand side of the screen, you may click on the “Receive A Payment” button to enter a WebCOBRA 287 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers payment received from the Client/Employer. To Enter a Payment as Received: 1. Enter the Date that payment was received. 2. Enter one of the following payment forms: (i) cash, (ii) check, (iii) credit card, (iv) EFT, or (v) refund. 3. Enter the payment amount – no dollar sign required (ex. xx.xx). 4. Write any additional notes particular to the payment. 5. Click “Save.” The saved payment will then appear under the “Open Payments” section. • Line Items – From this tab, you can click a button to “Setup New Line Item,” and view active and inactive scheduled transactions. You can also deactivate or delete active transactions. • Fees – The “Fees” tab allows you to see any billed and unbilled fees, as well as have the ability to add a fee. To Add a Fee: 1. Click “Add a Fee.” 2. Enter the fee type (Late Fee, Misc. Fee, or Returned Check Fee). 3. Enter a description for the fee that will be included on the invoice. 4. Enter the applicable “Fee Amount.” 5. Check the box to indicate that the fee is “Taxable.” The system default provides that the fee is not-taxable. 6. Click “Save.” The fee will not be listed as an “Unbilled Fee” from the “Fees” tab. Any fees will be billed when your scheduled invoices are run. If you want to waive or delete a fee, you can do so at any time from the “Fees” tab after the fee is added. Editing Invoices To Edit an Invoice: 1. From the home screen, select “Invoicing setup and Payments.” WebCOBRA 288 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers 2. Select the “Edit” link for the Invoice you want to edit. 3. Under the “Start Invoicing On” column, you may edit: (i) whether to send the invoice to the client, (ii) change the invoice start date, (iii) changes the Sales Tax applied, and (iv) select whether the invoice is exempt from sales tax. Make the applicable changes. 4. Select the “Save” button. 5. The next screen indicates that the edit was saved correctly and the invoice will show the updated information. Invoicing Reports Under this selection you can generate reports that pertain to the Invoices and certain payments previously stored in the system. After you select “Invoicing Reports” the screen lists four (4) different Billing Reports: (i) Fee History, (ii) Invoice History, (iii) Payment History, and (iv) Scheduled Items. Each are individually described below. Once you create and view a report, you can also export them in several different formats. To do so, click on the drop-down menu given and select a format. • Fee History The Fee History report provides a list of the fees created in the system for each Client/Employer. The produced Report lists, from left to right - the Payment ID, the form of payment type, the payment date received, payment amount, the amount applied, and voided or unused, respectively. 1. Select which Client/Employer you wish to view. The system default is set to “View All.” 2. Enter the applicable date for “Fee Created On or After” or “Fee Created On or Before” for a specific date range to report. If a specific date range is created, the system will list only the fees created between the selected dates. The default is set to “Null” for both, which prepares a list of all fees stored in the system. 3. Select the specific fees to include. Click on the scroll-down menu for the “Show Fees” tab and select either (i) All Fees, (ii) Billed Only fees, or (iii) Non-Billed Only fees. 4. Click “View Report.” The report will appear below. • Invoice History WebCOBRA 289 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers The “Invoice History” report provides a list of the invoices created (both open and voided/paid) in the system. This report displays QB names alphabetically by last name, automatically groups results by department, and masks Social Security Numbers (SSN). The produced report lists, from left to right - the Invoice Number, Date payment was received, Terms, Fee Amount, Tax, Previously Due amount (outstanding balance), Paid amount (payment amount applied to that particular invoice), and Total Due (remaining balance= Fee amount + Previously Due amount Paid amount). 1. Select which Client/Employer you wish to view. The system default is set to “View All.” 2. Enter the applicable date for “Invoice Created On or After” or “Invoice Created On or Before” for a specific date range to report. If a specific date range is created, the system will list only the fees created between the selected dates. The default is set to “Null” for both, which prepares the system to list all fees stored in the system. 3. Select whether to show only Open Invoices (outstanding and not yet paid). Selecting True provides a list of only open invoices. Selecting False (the default) provides a list of all invoices. 4. You can actively select to show only Voided Invoices (already paid) by selecting True. Selecting False (the default) does not limit the report to only voided (already paid) invoices. 5. The “Show Details” tab allows you to select the following from a drop-down menu: (i) Don’t Show Details, (ii) Show Invoice Line Items - will display whichever components you have setup to show in the “Invoice Setup,” or (iii) Show Line Items and Details for Line Items - will display the details of each component as setup in “Invoice Setup.” 6. Click “View Report.” The report will appear below. • Payment History The “Payment History” report provides a list of the payments made/credited in the system. The produced Report lists, from left to right - the Payment ID, the form of payment type, the payment date received, payment amount, the amount applied, and voided or unused, respectively. 1. Select which Client/Employer you wish to view. The system default is set to “View All.” 2. Enter the applicable date for the “Payment On or After” or “Payment On or Before” for a specific date range to report. If a specific date range is created, the system will list only the WebCOBRA 290 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers fees created between the selected dates. The default is set to “Null” for both, which prepares the system to list all fees stored in the system. 3. Select whether to show only Open Payments (outstanding and not yet paid). Selecting “True” provides a list of only open payments. Selecting “False” (the default) produces a list of all payments. Also, you may actively select to show only Show Payment Disbursement (already distributed) by selecting “True”. Selecting “False” (the default) does not limit the report to only disbursed (already paid) payments. 4. Click “View Report”. The report will appear below. • Scheduled Items The “Schedule Items” report provides a list of the Line Items created in the system. The produced Report lists, from left to right - the Scheduled Line Item and the applicable (i) Amount, (ii) whether the Item is taxable, (iii) Tax Percentage, (iv) Billing Cycle, (v) Billing Period, (vi) Item Description, and (vii) Last Bill Date. 1. Select which Client/Employer you wish to view. The system default is set to “View All.” 2. To select which Line Items to display in the report, the drop-down menu defaults to All Items, but you may also select to view only “Active Items Only” or “Inactive Items Only”. 3. Click “View Report.” The report will appear below. Run Invoices This selection will take you to the five (5)-step “Scheduled Invoice Generation Wizard.” Invoices will NOT run automatically. It is recommended to utilize the “Calendar” and/or “To Do List” (on the home screen and described in the “Getting Started” chapter) to create reminders for the correct date to run invoices. At any time during the Wizard process, you may click to cancel the wizard and start over on the right-hand side of the screen. To Run Invoices: WebCOBRA 291 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers 1. Click “Run Invoices” on the home screen. 2. Complete Step 1: Client/Employer(s). Select either specific Client/Employers that you wish to Invoice or check the “Select All” box above the listing to generate invoices for all Client/Employers at once. You may also select the specific invoices with each particular employer. Click “Save and Continue.” 3. Complete Step 2: Invoice Information. a. Enter the Invoice Date (the date to appear on the invoice). b. Enter the Billing Period End Date (the last day of the applicable month for the invoice). c. Enter the Invoice Terms (provides the period of time for the Client/Employer to send payment). d. You may also enter any additional Comments to appear on each the invoice. e. Click the “Save and Continue” button when done. 4. Complete Step 3: Invoice Details. Review the list of Invoices scheduled to be generated for the next billing period and the amount of each invoice. If there is an email address established for the Client/Employer, you may email the invoice directly from this screen. 5. Complete Step 4: Review/Preview. Review the Invoices prepared for each Client/Employer. The invoice that appears on the screen is a mock-up of the actual Invoice to print. If there is an error, click “back” located to the top-right of the screen (next to “Step 4 of 5”) or “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” (located under the Wizard Steps on the right-hand side of the screen). 6. If correct, click “Create Invoices.” WebCOBRA 292 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers 7. The top of the next screen will indicate whether the prepared Invoices saved correctly. 8. Complete Step 5: Print. a. A list of the Invoices scheduled to print appear. You may choose to Print or Email the Invoice. However, if the Client/Employer does not have a saved email address, then the Email box provided will be empty. b. Review the list of Invoices and select whether to Print or Email each invoice c. Click on the “View and Print/Email Invoices”. d. Click on “Finished Printing? Complete Wizard Here” to exit the “Scheduled Invoice Generation Wizard.” At this time, you may click to return to “Billing Maintenance” or return to the Home screen (by selecting the “Home” Icon in the top-left of the screen). Brokers This selection allows you to add and/or edit broker information for each Client/Employer. To enter information about a new Broker into the system, Click on “Add Broker” for the “Invoicing Broker Add Setup Wizard.” To edit existing Broker information, click on the applicable Broker to edit. Adding New Brokers The four (4)-step “Broker Add Wizard” is an easy way to enter information about a Broker for each Client/ Employer. Your progress through each step of the Wizard is noted on the right-hand side of the screen. To Add A New Broker: 1. From the home screen, Click on the “Brokers” link. 2. Click the “Add New Broker” button. 3. Complete Step 1: Broker Identification. Enter the “Broker Name” and “Broker Code.” Select the “Save and Continue” button. 4. Complete Step 2: Billing Address. Enter the Broker’s contact information, including the Address, City, State and Zip code. If you do not know the zip code, the system will search for the correct zip code with the entered address. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 5. Complete Step 3: Client/Employers. Select the applicable Client/Employer(s) for the Broker (you WebCOBRA 293 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Invoicing of Fees to Employers may select more than one Client/Employer). Click the “Save and Continue” button. 6. Complete Step 4: Review and Save. Review and confirm that the entered Broker information is correct and that the Broker applies to the correct Client/Employer(s). Click “Save and Create Broker.” 7. The next screen confirms that the Broker has been saved to the system. 8. Click “View Broker Detail” to review each Broker saved to the system. Editing Brokers To Edit An Existing Broker: 1. Click “Edit” on the specific Broker to be edited. 2. To update the Broker’s contact information, click on the “Contact” tab. a. Click anywhere on the existing Broker address and enter the correct contact information. b. Once complete, click “Save Contact Information.” You may cancel your edits at any time by clicking “Cancel Edit”. Click “Add New Contact” to add a new contact for the existing Broker. 3. To assign a new Client/Employer for the Broker, click on the “Client/Employers” tab. a. Click “Add New Client/Employer Assignment.” b. Enter the new Client/Employer by selecting from the drop-down menu. c. Click “Save.” WebCOBRA 294 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Scanning In Documents Chapter 14: Scanning In Documents The Documents section in WebCOBRA will allow you to view and upload documents to the system. Documents - View All Under this selection you will be able to view all the documents that have been uploaded to WebCOBRA. From this screen you can: • • • Upload a new document View uploaded documents Delete uploaded documents To Upload Documents: 1. See “Documents – Upload” below. To View Uploaded Documents: 1. From the home screen, select “Documents - View All.” 2. To filter the documents, select the Client/Employer you want to view documents for from the dropdown menu. 3. Review the documents that have been uploaded to the system. Information you can view includes: • Client/Employer Name • Document Name • Document Description • Created On (date) To Delete Uploaded Documents: 1. From the home screen, select “Documents - View All.” 2. To filter the documents, select the Client/Employer you want to view documents for from the dropdown menu. 3. Select the “Show Delete Link” above the Document list. 4. Select the “Delete” link that now appears next to the document you wish to remove. WebCOBRA 295 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Scanning In Documents 5. Confirm deletion in the alert window that appears. Documents - Upload This selection will allow you to upload documents directly to WebCOBRA. To Upload Documents: 1. From the home screen, select “Documents - Upload.” 2. Select the Client/Employer you want to add the document to. 3. Select the “Upload Document” button. 4. Browse your computer or network for the file to be uploaded. Only files with the extension TXT, DOC, XLS, and PDF are allowed to be uploaded. 5. Enter a description for the file you are uploading. 6. Select the “Save Document File” button. 7. If the file was uploaded correctly, a green bar will appear stating that it is safe to close the “Upload File” window. 8. The file you uploaded can now be viewed under the “Documents - View All” section. WebCOBRA 296 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data Chapter 15: Importing and Exporting Data WebCOBRA allows you to both import data for processing within the system an export data for processing through external means. Definitions • Comma Delimited (CSV): A text format which stores two-dimensional arrays of data by separating the values in each row with commas. Importing Data All data importing can be done through the “Management Console,” which is located in “IT Resources.” WebCOBRA supports Comma Delimited Text (CSV) files for importing data, as further explained below. Importing Data Using a Comma Delimited Text File Using a CSV file will allow you to import everyday entries such as Qualified Beneficiaries, Employees, Retirees (Retiree Module required), and Payments. CSV files are easily accessible to everyday users and can be created in Microsoft Excel or any standard text editor. As such, it is the most commonly used format for importing data into WebCOBRA. Importing data into WebCOBRA using a CSV file can be divided into five stages: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Creating initial data within WebCOBRA Configuring System Integrator Keys Creating the Import File Uploading the Import File Integrating the Import File To Create Initial Data Within WebCOBRA: 1. Create a Client/Employer. See “Add a New Client/Employer” in the “Client/Employers” chapter and WebCOBRA 297 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data repeat the steps given to add a new Client/Employer. 2. If your Client/Employer will be divided into separate departments, one will need to be created. See “Add a New Department” in the “Client/Employers” chapter and repeat the steps given to add a new Department. 3. Create a Carrier/Sponsor. See “Add New Carrier/Plan Sponsor” in the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter and repeat the steps given to add a new Carrier/Sponsor. 4. Create a Benefit Plan. See “Add New Benefit Plan” in the “Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans” chapter and repeat the steps given to add a new Benefit Plan. To Configure System Integration Keys: 1. From the home screen, select the “Supervisor Only” tab. 2. Select “IT Resources” from the drop-down menu. 3. From the “System Integrator” section, select “Key Management.” 4. From this screen, choose a data module (Carrier/Sponsor, Benefit Plan, etc.) in which to configure Keys for from the first drop-down menu. 5. Filter by Client/Employer using the second drop-down menu. 6. Select “Choose and Continue.” 7. A new table will appear listing all available Keys to be configured based on your selections above – enter your “User Defined Keys” in the text fields under the “Your Key” heading. 8. Select “Save Keys” to save your changes. When working with CSV files, the only required Keys to be defined are Client/Employer, Carrier/Sponsor, Benefit Plan, and Client/Employer Departments (if applicable). To Create the CSV Import File: 1. Using the File Specifications outlined for any of the below record types (also found under the “System Integrator” section of “IT Resources”), create the file and save it as a Comma Delimited (.CSV) file. • • • • Qualified Beneficiaries Employees Retirees Payments WebCOBRA 298 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data While record types can be mixed within one single file, separate QB files from Retirees, etc. for ease of organization. 2. Rename the file to use a .TXT extension. For example, if the file created and saved is named CobraQBs.CSV, rename it to CobraQBs.TXT. Most users will feel most comfortable creating their files in Microsoft Excel, though there are many applications that can create and save in the CSV file format. An example CSV text file can be found in the “Sample Import Files” section. To Upload the CSV Import File: 1. From the home screen, select the “Supervisor Only” tab. 2. Select “IT Resources” from the drop-down menu. 3. Select “Management Console.” 4. Select “Upload Integration File.” 5. In the window that appears, click “Browse” to locate and choose the file you wish to upload. 6. Click “Save System Integration File.” 7. Once your upload is complete, click “Close” to return to the “Management Console.” During the upload, the file will be scanned for any formatting errors. When importing Employee CSV files, duplicate records will be skipped. If an employee is found in the system with the same name, same SSN, and a matching value for the coverage start date (which could be a date or the lack of a date since one is not required), they will not be created. After importing an employee file, the user will receive a report listing the new employees imported. Duplicate records will not be listed because they are skipped and not added to the system. To Integrate the Uploaded CSV File: 1. From the “Management Console,” check the box next to the file or files you uploaded and click the “Integrate Selected Files” button. 2. If integration was successful, the screen will refresh and a message will say “System Integration saved correctly.” WebCOBRA 299 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data 3. A message will appear if any errors were found during integration. Click the “View” link next the file that was integrated, correct the error or errors in the file and proceed back to “To Upload the CSV Import File” above. See “Troubleshooting Upload and Integration Errors” below if you need help identifying or correcting any errors in a file. Troubleshooting Upload and Integration Errors Most errors encountered when importing data are caused by typos or by attempting to load data to a location that does not yet exist. Some examples of common issues during the Upload and Integration processes are: • • • • • True/False fields holding data other than “T” or “F” Date fields formatted incorrectly Data populated in the incorrect field Using a User Defined Key that is not defined in Key Management Attempting to integrate a payment for a record which does not exist or that is terminated If you are having trouble identifying and/or correcting any errors during CSV file upload or integration, contact Travis Support at 281-496-3737, option 3. File Format Specifications Below you will find the file specifications for CSV file format. These specifications are also documented within the “System Integrator” section of “IT Resources.” CSV File Formats • QB File Format o o o • Employee File Format o o • Record Type 1: Active Employee Record Record Type 2: Family Member (Dependent) Record(s) Retiree File Format o o o • Record Type 1: Primary QB Record Record Type 2: Family Member (Dependent) Record(s) Record Type 3: Benefit Assignment (Coverage) Record Record Type 1: Primary Retiree Record Record Type 2: Family Member (Dependent) Record(s) Record Type 3: Benefit Assignment (Coverage) Record Payment File Format WebCOBRA 300 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data Record types and fields listed in italics are required. The following format specifications can be found under “IT Resources” in the “System Integrator” section: • • • • QB File Format Specifications: “CSV QB Import Format” link. Employee Record File Format Specifications: “CSV Employee Import Format” link. Payment File Format Specifications: “CSV Payment Import Format” link. Retiree File Format Specifications: “CSV Retiree Import Format” link. Sample Import Files Below is an example of simple QB entry imported via a CSV file. Employee and Retiree files are very similar but do have their own file specifications that must be met. Please see the corresponding section above for their specifications. In this sample case, we will import a record containing the below information: • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Client/Employer Key: ABC QB SSN: 111-11-1111 QB Name: Jacob Smith QB Address: 123 Elm, Houston, TX 77079 QB Sex: Male Date of Birth: January 1, 1965 COBRA Event Date: December 31, 2009 First Day After Loss of Coverage: January 1, 2010 QB Event Type: Termination Date Administrator was Notified of Event: December 15, 2009 ARRA Eligible: Yes Spouse’s Name: Jill Smith Spouse’s Sex: Female Date of Birth: March 15, 1970 Sponsor Key: CARRIER Benefit Plan Key: HEALTH Benefit Plan Tier Level: 2 Example QB CSV Import File The CSV File, when viewed in a text reader, will appear like below: Note that the file below only contains three lines of text with two hard returns, one after Record Type 1 (PQB), and then one after Record Type 2 (Dependent). WebCOBRA 301 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data 111-11-1111,,Smith,Jacob,,ABC,,M,,PQB,,01/01/1965,01/01/2010,12/31/2009,1,123 Elm,Houston,TX,77079,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,12/15/ 2009,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,T 111-11-1111,,Smith,Jill,,,,F,,SPOUSE,,03/15/1970,,,,,,,,,,CARRIER HEALTH 111-11-1111,,,,,,,,,COVERAGE,,,,,,,,,,,,CARRIER HEALTH,2,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,01/01/2010 An example of how this file might look when viewed in Microsoft Excel (partial): *Things to note in this example and QB CSV Files in general: • SSN: This field (PQB Social Security Number) is a key field and must be on each record, unless you have populated the QBID field and which to use it instead of the SSN. The format is “999-999999.” If the embedded dashes are not included, the program will insert the dashes. o • • • • • • • • • • 111-11-1111 is the Primary QB’s SSN and is used on all Records associated with this record. o In this example, we do not know the Spouse’s SSN and did not include it in the file. QBID: If you wish to use the QBID instead of the SSN, populate field 127 on all record types, and make sure that the SSN field is blank. If both the SSN and the QBID fields are populated, the system will default to the SSN as the main identifying field. For fields which require a code, such as field 15 (COBRA Event Code), please see the Data Dictionary linked under the System Integrator section of IT Resources. Dates: The available formats for date fields are “MM/DD/YY,” “MM/DD/YYYY,” “MMDDYY,” “MMDDYYYY.” It is highly recommended to use “MM/DD/YYYY.” RELATION: This field differentiates between the three record types. The data in this field may be one of the following: PQB (Record Type 1); SPOUSE, CHILD, PARTNER (Record Type 2); or COVERAGE (Record Type 3). Family Member/Dependent Records are optional. Each individual FLEX Benefit Plan must have its own Record Type 3 record. For Leave Of Absence, use field 066 on the Primary QB Record for the COBRA Coverage End Date. If you do not put a date in this field, we will add 84 days to the event date. Payment records should be imported via their own file. In a participant file, the order of Record Types can be decided by the user, but Record Type 1 for a participant groups should always precede Record Types 2 and 3. Either group the file by Record Types (1a,1b,1c,2a,3a,3b,3c), or by identifying field (SSN) (1a,2a,3a,1b,3b,1c,3c). The last field you enter data for is the last you need to specify with a comma. o In Record Type 2 above, there is no data entered after the Sponsor and Benefit Keys, even though other data could be populated in the file after that, should you include it. WebCOBRA 302 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Importing and Exporting Data Exporting Data Exporting via the InstaData Web Service The InstaData Web Service allows you to access data from WebCOBRA in real-time by connecting and sending special formed requests to an HTTP URL. This data can be used for any function you determine, such as custom reports or to generate data feeds for other systems. To use the InstaData Web Service, you must write a program to consume the Web Service. The program may be written in any language you choose, as long as it performs the proper Digest Authentication and communicates using the SOAP protocol. Documentation for the Web Service is available from the “IT Resources” screen under the “InstaData Web Service” section. Click on the “InstaData Web Service Example” link and then the “Technical Documentation” link to download the document. Functionality and Technology • • • • • It is an add-on module to WebCOBRA that must be enabled by Travis personnel. The module configuration is accessed through the IT Resources screen where you must enter the security credentials, a user name, and a password, which will be used when accessing the Web Service. It utilizes Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP. It utilizes the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over HTTP (HTTPS), so your data is encrypted while it is in transit between WebCOBRA and your application. The Web Service URL is Configuring the User Credentials to Utilize the Web Service 1. From the home screen, select “Supervisory Only.” 2. Select “Users” from the drop-down menu. 3. This will take you directly to the “Users” tab of the WebCOBRA Setup screen. 4. Click the “Create New User” button from the User Listing. You will be directed to the “New User Wizard.” 5. Step 1: Current Users. Here you can view how many of each type of User your subscription allows and if you are able to add Users. Click “Save and Continue.” 6. Step 2: Login Info. Enter in the new User’s User Name, First Name, Last Name, InstaData Service User Password, and Email Address. Click “Save and Continue” when done. These credentials are what your program will use to authenticate with the Web Service. WebCOBRA 303 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual 7. Importing and Exporting Data Step 3: User Type. Choose the User Type you want to create, which in this case is “InstaData Service User.” Select whether you want this User to have View Only access, and then select “Save and Continue.” 8. Because you are creating a new login for an “InstaData Service User” type, wizard Step 4 and Step 5 will be skipped. 9. Step 6: Review. Review the User information you entered and if the information is correct, click “Save and Add New User.” If it is not, you can click one of the wizard steps to go back and edit that information, or click “Cancel Wizard and Start Over.” 10. Once saved, you will be prompted, “New User Wizard Complete.” For technical questions or troubleshooting while exporting data from WebCOBRA, please contact our System Engineers directly using the DevCenter Message Boards located here: WebCOBRA 304 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix A Appendix A: ARRA Stimulus Processes ARRA Stimulus Subsidy User Actions The following actions described can be found in the “Actions” tab of the “QB Detail” screen for certain QBs involving ARRA, including: • • • Authorize ARRA Stimulus Deny ARRA Stimulus Opt Out of the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy These actions will apply to all participants in the selected QB Group. Authorize ARRA Stimulus If a QB is ARRA-Eligible and fits the criteria to receive the ARRA government subsidy on their COBRA premiums, activate the “Authorize ARRA Stimulus” option. To ARRA Authorize QBs: 1. In the “Actions tab,” select the bubble next to “Authorize ARRA Stimulus.” The system will configure this QB for the ARRA Stimulus subsidy and will send any forms required for the QB in order to obtain the subsidy. 2. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 3. The screen will then say, “To Authorize the QB to receive the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy, confirm by clicking the button below.” Click the “Grant Stimulus Authorization” button to enable the option. 4. You will be prompted, “Activate ARRA Stimulus: (QB last name) saved correctly.” The QB’s “QB Detail” will now display “ARRA End Date: mm/dd/yyyy.” Deny ARRA Stimulus If a QB is not ARRA-Eligible (does not fit the criteria to receive the ARRA government subsidy on their COBRA premiums), activate the “Deny ARRA Stimulus” option. To Deny ARRA Stimulus to a QB: 1. In the “Actions tab,” select the bubble next to “Deny ARRA Stimulus.” The system will not configure WebCOBRA 305 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix A this QB for the ARRA Stimulus. A denial letter will print the next time Correspondence is run. 2. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 3. This will direct you to a screen that lists the “Implications” of this action (“This will deny the QB’s ARRA Eligibility”). 4. Enter the reason the QB is being denied ARRA Eligibility. 5. Enter the denial date (mm/dd/yyyy) or choose a date from the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon (required). 6. Click the “Commit” button when done. 7. You will be prompted, “Deny ARRA Stimulus: (QB last name) saved correctly.” Opt Out of the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy Enable this option if a QB is authorized to receive the ARRA Stimulus subsidy but wishes to decline this benefit. To Opt a QB Out of the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy: 1. In the “Actions tab,” select the bubble next to “Opt Out of ARRA Stimulus Subsidy.” The system will opt the QB out of any further government subsidies from the ARRA Stimulus package. 2. Click the “Save and Continue” button. 3. This will direct you to a screen that lists: a. The “Action” being taken (Opt QB Group out of ARRA Stimulus Subsidies) and b. The “Implications” of this action (QB Group will no longer receive ARRA Subsidies as of the date you enter below. The reason you enter below will be shown on the ARRA Opt Out Letter). 4. Enter the date the QB will no longer receive the ARRA subsidy (mm/dd/yyyy), or choose a date from the calendar by clicking on the calendar icon (required). 5. Enter the reason this QB gave for opting out (required). 6. Click the “Opt QB Out” button. 7. You will be prompted, “QB Stimulus Opt Out: (QB Group name) saved correctly.” WebCOBRA 306 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix A QB Ledger Here is an example of what a QB’s “Ledger” tab will show if they are ARRA-authorized: ARRA Reports There are several reports that can be run that are related to the ARRA Premium subsidy, including: • • • • Premium Reduction Summary Report Premium Reduction Summary By Payments Report ARRA Audit Report ARRA IRS Report For a detailed description of each report, refer to the “Reports” chapter in this user’s manual. ARRA Re-Notification Wizard Under this selection you will be able to administer the ARRA-eligible COBRA participants by re-notifying them of possible ARRA eligibility. The “ARRA Re-Notification Wizard” reinstates enrolled QBs who have exhausted their ARRA subsidy and terminated due to non-payment. You will be able to select which event types will be processed, and that will allow QBs to re-enroll so they can utilize the six (6) month extension of the ARRA subsidy. The wizard will walk you through all the required steps to process the re-notifications. Once the process is complete, these QBs will reflect enrolled status, and the next Automatic Process run will generate their “ARRA Notice for Terminated QBs.” These QBs cannot terminate again until their ARRA Reinstatement Date. The ARRA Reinstatement Date is 60 days from enactment date (12/21/2009) or their letter date plus 30 days, whichever is greater. WebCOBRA 307 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix A Make sure the “ARRA Notice to Termed QBs” is set to “Yes” under the Client/Employer Options. For more information on Client/Employer Options, refer to the “Setting Up Options” chapter. To Administer ARRA: 1. From the home screen, select “ARRA Re-Notification Wizard.” 2. Choose the QB Event Type to re-notify. 3. Select the “Continue” button. 4. Choose the Client/Employer(s) to send re-notifications to. 5. Select the “Save and Continue” button. 6. Review the list of QBs to re-notify. If the list of QBs is not correct, select to either “Cancel Wizard and Start Over” or select the applicable Wizard Step to go back and change the information. 7. Select the “Re-Notify ARRA Eligible QBs” button. WebCOBRA 308 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix B Appendix B: IT Resources The “IT Resources” section of WebCOBRA contains additional resources for using the system. Below is an overview of these available resources. Only Site Users with the Supervisory Administrator role are able to access the “IT resources” page. System Integrator The “System Integrator” section provides the capability to load data into the system and associated file layouts, data references and applicable configuration items. Please see the “Importing and Exporting Data” chapter for more detailed descriptions of the functions listed below. Management Console The “Management Console” is where data is loaded into WebCOBRA. It allows you to upload a CSV file of QBs, Employees, Retirees, or payments. The uploading functionality is a two step process: the first is the file uploading and initial verification, and the second is when the file is actually processed into WebCOBRA. Key Management “Key management” is used to map your data items to WebCOBRA data items. For example, you may have a client named “Test Company” that appears in your QB import file with a code of “TestCompany.” Before you can import a QB for that client you must first map that code, “TestCompany,” to the WebCOBRA client record “Test Company” so that the QB can be associated to the correct company. CSV QB Import Format The “CSV QB Import Format” link contains the CSV format details that can be used for importing QBs. CSV Employee Import Format The “CSV Employee Import Format” link contains the CSV format details that can be used for importing employees. CSV Payment Import Format The “CSV Payment Import Format” link contains the CSV format details that can be used for importing payments. WebCOBRA 309 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix B CSV Retiree Import Format The “CSV Retiree Import Format” link contains the CSV format details that can be used for importing Retirees. Dictionary The “Dictionary” link takes you to reference screen for codes that are used in the import formats. For example, the QB event of Termination has a code of “1.” Artificial Intelligence This section has a link to an Add-on module for WebCOBRA. The “Letter Acceptance Automation” module allows you to auto-accept your correspondence every evening and have it delivered to a secure FTP site. If you are interested in more information about this module, please contact the Travis Sales Department. Letter Acceptance Automation Module Contact the Travis Support team to setup your Secure FTP site and get your login credentials. This account is provided by Travis. You simply will need to log-in to the site to retrieve the correspondence file. To Setup the Letter Acceptance Automation Module: 1. From the “IT Resources” page, click on the “Letter Acceptance Automation” link in the “Artificial Intelligence” section. 2. Click on the “View / Edit / Change Fields for AI: Letter Acceptance Automation” link in the middle of the page. 3. Select “Email” from the “Enable” drop-down menu. 4. In the “Deliver PDF Package To” field, enter the address to which the notification should be sent when the file is ready to be downloaded. 5. Click the “Save Automation Values” button. 6. Once you receive the email notification, return to this screen and click the download link to the latest correspondence file listed, or retrieve the file from the SFTP site you received from the Travis support team. Single Sign On Single Sign On” is a feature that allows you to provide a link to WebCOBRA to users of an existing website WebCOBRA 310 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix B that you manage. Therefore, participants that already have a username and password to access one of your websites will be able to access WebCOBRA without having to know a second username and password. A document outlining the requirements is available in the “Single Sign On” page in this section. “Single Sign On” requires the Enterprise edition of WebCOBRA. To Enable Single Sign On: 1. From the “IT Resources” page, click on the “Single Sign On” link in the “Single Sign On” section. 2. In the “Actions” section, click the “Enable” button. 3. This will generate a secret key, which is used as part of the programming to generate the unique link for your participants. If you would like to generate a new secret key, click the “Generate New Key” button EDI 834 This section allows you to enable the EDI 834 capabilities of WebCOBRA. WebCOBRA only generates the standard EDI 834 transaction file. The EDI 834 transaction is used for providing participant eligibility information to whomever needs to track participant eligibility, like an insurance carrier. So, if a new QB enrolls in COBRA, their information would be included in that evening’s EDI 834 file if things are configured correctly. The EDI 834 functionality operates by taking information that you provide as part of the configuration of your Client/Employers, Carrier/Sponsors and Benefit Plans, and generating the standard EDI 834 file every night. You would then return to the EDI 834 screen to download the file. To Enable EDI 834 File Creation: 1. From the “IT Resources” page, click on the “Files” link in the “EDI 834” section. 2. Select “Yes” for the “Enable EDI 834 File Creation” option. 3. Click the “Save” button. 4. Once you have enabled this feature the data fields will now be available throughout the system, like in the Client/Employer and Carrier/Sponsor records. 5. To access files simply return to this page every morning to click the “view” link to the latest generated file. Next to the view link you can access the “discrepancy report” to show items that need correction in order to be included in the file. WebCOBRA 311 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix B To Test Your EDI 834 Configuration: After you have entered the necessary information throughout the system, you can verify that all information needed is configured to generate the EDI 834 file with the “Test Configuration” option. 1. In the IT Resources page click on the “Files” link in the “EDI 834” section. 2. Click the “Test My Configuration” button. 3. This will reload the page and display a tree structure of Client/Employers, Carrier/Sponsors and Plans with either a red “X” icon or a green “check” icon. The ones with the red “x” icon signify fields that need updating before the file can be generated. As you update your configuration you can return to this page to test the configuration until you have green “checks” next to all the items you would like to include in the EDI 834 file generation. WebCOBRA InstaData Web Service This section contains documentation and the configurations for the InstaData Web Service. For more information, please see the Exporting section of Chapter 15. Your Data Usage and Archive This section provides links to your WebCOBRA storage usage information, the “Archive Wizard,” and to currently archived records. Data Usage This screen shows your current “active” storage totals. For additional information, please see the “Data Storage Management and Archiving” appendix. QB and Employee Archive This link opens your participant “archive,” which allows you to view archived participants and to un-archive them if necessary. For additional information, please see the “Data Storage Management and Archiving” appendix. Data Archive Wizard This link opens “Data Archive Wizard.” This wizard allows you to archive participants to remove them from your “active” data storage. For additional information, please see the “Data Storage Management and Archiving” appendix. WebCOBRA 312 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix B System Resources This section provides information about requirements to use WebCOBRA, current users, and the current End User License Agreement (EULA). System Requirements This link opens a reference page that lists requirements to use WebCOBRA. Current Users This link opens a page that lists all the users that are currently logged into WebCOBRA. EULA This link opens a separate browser window to the End User License Agreement (EULA) for WebCOBRA. Logos and Links This section provides logos and links that you can use in your website to link to WebCOBRA. WebCOBRA Logos This link opens a reference page that lists different WebCOBRA logos you can utilize in other websites and the sample HTML code for doing so. It also has a sample of a sign-in form and its HTML code, so you can embed a login field for WebCOBRA into other websites. HTML Links This link opens a page that lists additional sample links and their HTML codes for incorporating WebCOBRA links into other websites. Your Status This section displays information about the username you are currently using, your browser information, and the current release version of WebCOBRA. WebCOBRA 313 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix C Appendix C: Data Storage Management and Archiving Included in the WebCOBRA monthly fees is data storage for “active” data. “Active” data is any record that you can access from the main interface of WebCOBRA. For example, if you can open a QB record from the “Participant Listing” screen, regardless of status, that record is part of the “active” data set. The only records that are not part of the “active” data set are ones that have been archived using the “Data Archive Wizard.” Accessing Your Data Usage Information Your current data usage is available under the “IT Resources” page in the “Your Data Usage and Archive” section. If you click on the “Data usage” link in that section, the screen will show your current “active” storage totals. The top half of the screen shows information as of today at 5 AM Central time. The bottom half of the screen shows your data usage as of 12 AM on the first day of the current month. These storage numbers are based on the actual database data and the PDFs of your letters (which account for a majority of storage). The information is split into sub-sections and by Client/Employer. If you archive or delete old participant records, the storage totals at the top of the page will reflect the change the next day. Archiving Participants The “Data Archive Wizard” is available under the “IT Resources” page in the “Your Data Usage and Archive” section. This wizard allows you to remove participants from your “active” data storage. Once you have archived a participant, they will no longer be available in the “Participant Listing.” To retrieve an archived participant, go to the “QB and Employee Archive” screen. To Archive Participants: 1. From the “IT Resources” page, click on the “Data Archive Wizard” link in the “Your Data Usage and Archive” section. You will be taken to the “Data Archive Wizard” screen. 2. Complete Step 1. Select a Client/Employer for which you want to archive participants form the dropdown list. Click the “Choose and Continue” button. 3. Complete Step 2. Enter the termination date you wish to use as the cutoff for the archiving process (the date must be at least 6 months before the current date). Click the “Save and Continue” button. WebCOBRA 314 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual Appendix C If the date you enter is less than two years in the past, the system will ask you to confirm it. This is because a QB can ask you for a “Certificate of Credible Coverage (HIPAA Cert)” for 2 years after they terminate from coverage. 4. If you are asked to confirm the date, select the “Yes, I confirm” radio button and then click “Save and Continue.” 5. Complete Step 3. Click the “Archive Participant” button. The page will reload and show that the wizard completed, the selected group is now archived. Un-Archiving Participants The “QB and Employee Archive” screen is your participant “archive” and is available under the “IT Resources” page in the “Your Data Usage and Archive” section. From this screen you can view archived participants and choose un-archive them if necessary. Simply select a Client/Employer from the drop down list and the page will reload and display any participants that have been archived for the selected employer. To Un-Archive Participants: 1. From the “IT Resources” page, click on the “QB and Employee Archive” link in the “Your Data Usage and Archive” section. 2. On the “QB and Employee Archived Data” screen, select a Client/Employer from the drop-down list. 3. From the list of archived groups displayed, click on the “Unarchive QB Group” link. 4. Check the “Yes” check box on the next screen. 5. Click the “Unarchive this QB Group” button. 6. The screen will reload and give you a button to go to the un-archived group. Click the “Archived Data” link to return to the list of archived participants. WebCOBRA 315 Appendix D: InstaData Web Service Exporting via the InstaData Web Service The InstaData Web Service allows you to access data from WebCOBRA in real-time by connecting and sending special formed requests to an HTTP URL. This data can be used for any function you determine, such as custom reports or to generate data feeds for other systems. To use the InstaData Web Service, you must write a program to consume the Web Service. The program may be written in any language you choose, as long as it performs the proper Digest Authentication and communicates using the SOAP protocol. Documentation for the Web Service is available from the “IT Resources” screen under the “InstaData Web Service” section. Click on the “InstaData Web Service Example” link and then the “Technical Documentation” link to download the document. Functionality and Technology • • • • • It is an add-on module to WebCOBRA that must be enabled by Travis personnel. The module configuration is accessed through the IT Resources screen where you must enter the security credentials, a user name, and a password, which will be used when accessing the Web Service. It utilizes Simple Object Access Protocol (SOAP) over HTTP. It utilizes the Secure Socket Layer (SSL) over HTTP (HTTPS), so your data is encrypted while it is in transit between WebCOBRA and your application. The Web Service URL is Configuring the User Credentials to Utilize the Web Service 1. From the home screen, select “Supervisory Only.” 2. Select “Users” from the drop-down menu. 3. This will take you directly to the “Users” tab of the WebCOBRA Setup screen. 4. Click the “Create New User” button from the User Listing. You will be directed to the “New User Wizard.” 5. Step 1: Current Users. Here you can view how many of each type of User your subscription allows and if you are able to add Users. Click “Save and Continue.” 6. Step 2: Login Info. Enter in the new User’s User Name, First Name, Last Name, InstaData Service User Password, and Email Address. Click “Save and Continue” when done. These credentials are what your program will use to authenticate with the Web Service. 7. Step 3: User Type. Choose the User Type you want to create, which in this case is “InstaData Service User.” Select whether you want this User to have View Only access, and then select “Save and Continue.” 8. Because you are creating a new login for an “InstaData Service User” type, wizard Step 4 and Step 5 will be skipped. 9. Step 6: Review. Review the User information you entered and if the information is correct, click “Save and Add New User.” If it is not, you can click one of the wizard steps to go back and edit that information, or click “Cancel Wizard and Start Over.” 10. Once saved, you will be prompted, “New User Wizard Complete.” For technical questions or troubleshooting while exporting data from WebCOBRA, please contact our System Engineers directly using the DevCenter Message Boards located here: Letter Preferences App General Overview • General Intro (Add an Overview section in the beginning - use the verbiage from the slides) General Overview • Installation - Matt’s doc • o Dotnet Install o Application Install Using the App - the rest of the slides WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX INDEX A Accept Correspondence 48, 86, 107, 110 Accessing Your Data Usage Information 313 Account Payment History 207 ACH Disbursement 133 ACH Disbursement Setup 132 Add a To Do List Item 17 Add an Individual Payment 117 Add Batch Payments 117 Add New Benefit Plans 29, 42, 43, 45, 66, 67, 68, 69, 77, 93, 102, 103 Add New Carrier/Sponsors 29, 35, 42, 43, 45, 66, 69, 73, 77, 92, 102, 103 Add New Client/Employers 29, 30, 43 Add New Departments 43, 46 Add New Employees 93 Add New Qualified Beneficiaries 43, 45, 66, 69, 73, 77, 93, 102 Add New Retirees/Direct Bill Participants 103 Add Your Links Here 11 Adding Dependents to Employee Record 94 Adding New Brokers 292 Adding New QB Logins 26 Adding New User Logins 22 Ad-Hoc Reporting 193, 196 Administrative 12, 13 Administrative Options 13, 47 Archiving Participants 313 ARRA Re-Notification Wizard 306, 307 ARRA Reports 306 ARRA Stimulus Processes 304 ARRA Stimulus Subsidy User Actions 304 Artificial Intelligence 309 Assign QB Groups to a Department 43, 45 Assigning an Employee Group to a Department 95 Authorize ARRA Stimulus 88, 304 Automatic and Duplicate User Logout 21 Automatic Letter Robot 134, 135 Automatic Letter Storage 135 Automatically Email Reports 193, 194 Auto-Pay Payment History 126 B Benefit Options 62 Benefit Plan - View All 62, 69, 71, 73 Benefit Plan Level Disbursement Options 128 Benefit Plan Options 34, 49, 62, 70, 71, 74 Benefit Plan Reports 218 Billing Formulas 12, 14, 284 Broker Users 19, 20, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26 Brokers 286, 292 WebCOBRA 318 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX C Calendar 16, 17 Call Center Users 13, 19 Carrier/Sponsor - View All 66, 67, 69, 92 Carriers/Plan Sponsors and Benefit Plans 8, 42, 45, 66, 85 Client/Employer 17 Client/Employer - View All 28 Client/Employer Add New 28, 30, 43 Client/Employer Configuration Options 124 Client/Employer Detail Screen 35 Client/Employer List 35 Client/Employer Options 31, 34, 37, 48, 49, 79, 113, 124, 125, 176, 307 Client/Employer Reports 266 Client/Employer Users 19, 20, 28 Client/Employers 28 Client-Level Disbursement Options 128 COBRA General Notice 14, 79, 141, 143 COBRA General Notice and Related Forms Generated to Employees 140 COBRA Notice Employees - Add New 100 COBRA Notice Employees - View All 93, 94, 100 Comma Delimited (CSV) 296 Contacts 10, 12, 13, 37 Controlling the Access Level of the WebCOBRA Support Team 21 Correspondence History 197 Credit Card Payment Types 124 Credit Card Payments 122 CSV Employee Import Format 308 CSV File Formats 299 CSV Payment Import Format 308 CSV QB Import Format 308 CSV Retiree Import Format 309 Current Users 312 Customize the Color Scheme 17 Customize the Logo 18 Customizing the Look of the System 8, 17 Customizing Your Letters 137 D Data Archive Wizard 311, 313 Data Storage Management and Archiving 313 Data Usage 311, 313, 314 Deactivating Users 21 Delete Benefit Plans 69, 73 Delete Carrier/Sponsors 68 Delete Client/Employers 29 Delete Current Retiree/Direct Bill Participants 102 Deleting a QB 92 Deny ARRA Stimulus 88, 304, 305 Department - Add New 46 Departments - View All 43, 44, 45 Dictionary 309 Disbursement Adjustments When Previously-Disbursed Premium Payments Are Voided 131 Documents - Upload 295 Documents - View All 294, 295 WebCOBRA 319 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX Dynamic Demo Data 12, 14 E EDI 834 155, 171, 310, 311 Edit Benefit Plans 84 Edit Contact Information 44, 84, 108 Edit EDI Settings 66, 68 Edit Existing Benefit Plans 69, 71 Edit Existing Client/Employers 29, 35 Edit Existing Departments 43, 44 Edit Existing Employees 93, 94 Edit Existing Qualified Beneficiaries 82 Edit QB Information 82 Editing Brokers 293 Editing Existing Carrier/Sponsors 67 Editing Invoices 287 Electronic Payments and Banking 110, 122, 123, 125, 126 Electronic Payments Options 124 Emailed Reports History - View All 195, 196 Emails 12, 15, 83 End This Plan 71, 72 Enter Payments 85 Entering Data 8, 9 Event Information 78, 84 Events 38 Example QB CSV Import File 300 Existing Reports - View All 193, 195 Exporting Data 302 F Fee History Report 288 File Format Specifications 299, 300 Full Site Users 19 G Generating, Accepting, and Printing Letters in WebCOBRA 134 Getting Started 8 H History 37, 41, 71, 89, 111 Home Link 11 I Importing and Exporting Data 16, 296, 308 Importing Data 296 Importing Data Using a Comma Delimited Text File 296 Initial Enrollment Letters and Forms Generated to QBs, Retirees, and Those on Leave of Absence 144 Initial Log-in to WebCOBRA 8 Internet Word Processor (IWP) 80, 137, 141, 148, 183, 192 Invoice History Report 288 Invoicing of Fees to Employers 14, 40, 283 Invoicing Reports 288 Invoicing Setup and Payments 283 IT Resources 16, 155, 308, 309, 310, 311, 313, 314 WebCOBRA 320 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX K Key Management 308 L Ledger Actions 85 Letter Acceptance Automation Module 309 Letters 134 Letters and Notices Related to Plan and/or Coverage Termination 165 Letters and Notices Related to Premium Billing 156 Letters Generated In WebCOBRA 139 Links 11, 12, 312 Logging into WebCOBRA for the First Time 8 Login Restrictions 12, 14 Logo 12, 14, 18 M Make Rate Changes 72 Manage Owners 29, 30 Management Console 308 Miscellaneous Letters and Notices 172 My To Do List 17 My User Info 10 N Navigating the System 8, 9 Notes 37, 41, 42, 67, 68, 89, 107, 112, 194 O On Demand Letter Generation 134 Opt Out of the ARRA Stimulus Subsidy 304, 305 P Payment History Report 289 Perform User Actions 87 Premium Disbursement Wizard 129 Premium Disbursements 128 Premium Payments 110 Premium Reports 228 Print All Correspondence Templates 138 Processing ACH Payments 125 Q QB and Employee Archive 311, 313, 314 QB Ledger 306 QB Status History 193 QB/Retiree/Direct Bill Users 20 QBs and Employees 69, 77, 102 Qualified Beneficiary - View All 26, 77, 82, 92 Qualified Beneficiary (QB) Reports 199 R Rate Tier Description Defaults 74 Recurring ACH Payments 124, 125 Reports 193 WebCOBRA 321 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX Retiree Group Detail Screen 106 Retiree Information 104, 107, 108, 112 Retiree Reports 115, 278 Retiree Status 115, 194, 279 Retiree Termination 113, 114, 115, 194 Retiree/Direct Bill Participant Detail Screen 106, 107 Retiree/Direct Bill Participants Processes 113 Retirees/Direct Bill Participants and Processes 101 Retirees/Direct Bill Participants View All 101 Run a Preformatted Report 193 Run Invoices 286, 290, 291 S Sample Import Files 298, 300 Scanning In Documents 294 Scheduled Items Report 288, 290 Search Engine 11 Security Roles 10 Send Letters Manually to QBs 135 Set Forced Plan Termination Age 113 Set Up ACH for a Carrier/Sponsor or Client/Employer Account 133 Set Up ACH for an Administrator Account 133 Setting the Disbursement Options 128 Setting Up Invoices 283 Setting Up Options 13, 47, 307 Setup Link 12 Show History 87 Show Inactive Records 35 Single Sign On 309, 310 Supervisor Only 12 Support Link 9 Supported Browsers 17 System Integrator 16, 308 System Integrator Reports 226 System Requirements 312 System Resources 312 T Terminate Past Due Retirees/Direct Bill Participants 114 To Add a Dependent 94 To Add a New Broker User Login 24 To Add a New Carrier/Sponsor 66, 92 To Add a New Client/Employer 25, 30 To Add a New Client/Employer Login 25 To Add a New Department 43, 46 To Add a New Employee 93, 100 To Add a New QB Login 26 To Add a New Retiree/Direct Bill Participant 103 To Add Additional Members to the QB Group 90 To Add an Event to the Calendar 16 To Administer ARRA 307 To Assign a QB Group to a Department 91 To Assign an Employee Group to a Department 95 To Change Color Scheme 41 WebCOBRA 322 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX To Configure System Integration Keys 297 To Create a New Client/Employer Note 41 To Create Initial Data Within WebCOBRA 296 To Create the CSV Import File 297 To Customize Letters 138 To Delete a Benefit Plan 73 To Delete a Carrier/Sponsor 68 To Delete a Client/Employer 29 To Delete a Current Note 42 To Delete a QB 92 To Delete Uploaded Documents 294 To Edit a QB Group 90 To Edit an Existing Carrier/Sponsor 67 To Edit an Existing Department 44 To Edit an Existing Qualified Beneficiary 82 To Edit EDI Settings 68 To Edit Existing Bank Accounts 127 To Edit Existing Benefit Plans 71 To Edit Existing Employees 94 To Edit the QB Group Name or Group ID 90 To Enable EDI 834 File Creation 310 To Enable Online Credit Card Payments 123 To Enable Single Sign On 310 To Integrate the Uploaded CSV File 298 To Make a Rate Change 72 To Manage Owners 29 To Print Correspondence Templates 138 To Process ACH Payments 125 To Remove a Logo 41 To Remove a QB Group 91 To Run Retiree Reports 115 To Send Letters Manually to QBs 135 To Set Benefit Plan level Options 128 To Set Client-Level Disbursement Options 128 To Set the Benefit Options 62 To Setup Reports to be Emailed 195 To Show Inactive Records 35, 96 To Test Your EDI 834 Configuration 311 To Upload a New Logo 41 To Upload Documents 294, 295 To Upload the CSV Import File 298, 299 To View a QB Group 89 To View ACH Payment History 126 To View an Inactive Benefit Plan 73 To View Emailed Reports 195, 196, 197 To View Uploaded Documents 294 To View/Edit Rate Tier Descriptions 74 Training 10 Transfer All QBs 71, 73 Troubleshooting Upload and Integration Errors 299 WebCOBRA 323 WebCOBRA On Demand User’s Manual INDEX U Un-Archiving Participants 314 User Lockdown 15 User Setup 19, 22, 23, 24, 25 User Setup Screen 20 User Tracking 16 User Types 19 User-Definable Free-Form Letters 191 Users 13 Users Manual Link 9 Using the View/Edit Client Employer link 35 V View Emailed Report Subscriptions and History 196 View History 87 View Inactive Benefit Plans 69, 73 View Ledger 67, 85 View Selected Client/Employers Using the Drop-down Menu 102 View the Participant Listing by Specified Statuses 102 View/Edit Administrator Information 12 Viewing/Editing a QB Group 89 W WebCOBRA Logos 312 When Retroactive Rate Changes Are Made After Premiums Have Been Disbursed 130 Y Your Data Usage and Archive 311, 313, 314 Your Fields 37, 40, 41 Your Status 312 Z Zip Code Lookup 11 WebCOBRA 324