Get Beautiful for the Holidays
2011 PROMOTIONS SEPTEMBER OCTOBER NEW Vero K-PAK Get Beautiful for the Holidays Volume Retail PRomotions FoR ReGisteReD V.P. salons onlY this comPlete PRomotion is DesiGneD FoR YouR Joico VP DisPlaY* to cReate maximum awaReness anD sell-thRouGh. Join Joico’s campaign and help contribute to fight breast cancer. With every purchase of a pink Joico product, you help contribute financially to breast cancer research. saVe uP To 28% JOiWhiP Pink Display JOiMiST JOi MiST FiRM RM Pink Display JOiFiXX FFiRM Pink Display salon reg: eg: $143.40/display Special Retail: $15.00/ea Salon non-VP: $118.80/ea salon alon reg: eg: $143.40/display Special Retail: $15.00/ea Salon non-VP: $118.80/ea salon rreg: $99.84/display Special Retail: $10.00/ea Salon non-VP: $79.20/ea salon alon VP Price: $108.00/display V.P. OFFER salon alon VP Price: $108.00/display To fully benefiT from The V.P. Program, The recommended salon Purchase is: • 1 – JOIWHIP pink display (contains 12 products) • 1 – JOIMIST FIRM CLASSIC pink display (contains 12 products) • 1 – JOIFIX FIRM pink display (contains 12 products) Plus When a regisTered VP salon Purchases The full recommended miX They receiVe: • 4 – Vero K-PAK Color 5XR • 4 – Vero K-PAK Color 7XR 288.00 $ (Salon Special Price) Salon Value: $386.64 (excluding free merchandising, worth $51.60) $51.60) ToTal saVings of 26% POTENTIAL PROFIT: $192.00 * The VP disPlay is The ProPerTy of Joico canada and can be rePossessed aT any Time should Joico VP only ProducTs noT be feaTured on The VP sTand. TENT CARD salon alon VP Price: $72.00/display HEADER CARD Join Joico’s campaign and help contribute to fight breast cancer. K-PaK liTer duos K-PaK duo includes: • (1)K-PAKShampoo,liter • (1)K-PAKConditioner,liter or K-PaK color Therapy duo includes: • (1)K-PAKColorTherapyShampoo,liter • (1)K-PAKColorTherapyConditioner,liter 28.74 $ (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$53.18ea. RetailPrice:$47.99ea. RetailValue:$88.80ea. SAVE 52% 2 for $17.99 body luxe Save up to 25%onthepurchaseofBodyLuxestylingand finishingduos.Choosefrom, body luxe styling duos: • (2)BodyLuxeDesignFoams,250ml or • Joico artist Pick of the monTh (2)BodyLuxeRootLift,300ml $ 17.99 Damien Carney Daily Care Detangler Save 33% on the purchase of each JOICO Daily Care Leave-In Detangler, 300ml. 5.99 (Salon Price) ea. $ Salon Value: $8.98 ea. Retail Price: $9.99 ea. Retail Value: $14.99 ea. 25% (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$22.74to$23.94ea. RetailPrice:$30.00ea. RetailValue:$38.00to$40.00ea. “this is my favorite leave-in for keeping hair healthy and hydrated throughout the summer months.” Joico international artistic Director SAVE SAVE 33% spiker Save 25%onthepurchaseofICESpiker withthreetravelsizeICESpikerColorz. Prepack includes: (1) ICE Spiker, 150ml (1) ICESpikerColorzBlue,9ml (1) ICESpikerColorzRed,9ml (1) ICESpikerColorzMetallixGreen,9ml $ 8.99 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$11.97plusspikercolorz Retailprice:$14.95 RetailValue:$19.95plusspikercolorz $19.95 plus spiker colorz stylers Save 20%onthepurchaseofHumidity Blocker,150mlandDrySprayWax,125ml. $ 9.20 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$11.50ea. RetailPrice:$23.00ea. Pliable Paste Save 33%onthepurchaseof DesignCollectionPliablePaste,100ml. $ 6.99 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$10.50ea. RetailPrice:$13.98ea. spiker colorz Save 25%onthepurchaseofeachICESpikerColorz,50ml. choose from: • ICESpikerColorzBlue,50ml • ICESpikerColorzWhite,50ml • ICESpikerColorzRed,50ml • ICESpikerColorzMetallixGold,50ml • ICESpikerColorzMetallixGreen,50ml $ 4.85 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$7.15ea. RetailPrice:$8.99ea. RetailValue:$11.95ea. MUST hAVE: blast Save 30%onthe purchaseofBlast,284g. $ 7.49 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$10.77ea. RetailPrice:$12.49ea. RetailValue:$17.95ea. JOiLOTiOn • Aversatile,alcohol-freesculptingandsetting lotionthatprovideslighttomediumhold. Save 23%onthepurchaseofeachJoiLotionduo,300ml. • UVprotectantsconditionandprotectagainst dailyenvironmentalstress. 2 for $12 $ 12.00 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$15.50ea. RetailPrice:$20.00ea. RetailValue:$25.90ea. K-PaK Gallons Save 50%onthepurchaseofeachK-PAKgallon. choose from: • K-PAKShampoo,gallon • K-PAKConditioner,gallon $ 31.99 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$63.75ea. K-PaK color Therapy Gallons Save 45%onthepurchaseofeachK-PAKgallon. choose from: • K-PAKColorTherapyShampoo,gallon • K-PAKColorTherapyConditioner,gallon $ 34.99 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$63.75ea. Joico Gallons Save up to 41%onavarietyofflavorstosatisfy clientneeds. choose from: • DailyCareBalancingShampoo • DailyCareBalancingConditioner • DailyCareConditioningShampoo • ColorEndureShampoo • ColorEndureConditioner • MoistureRecoveryShampoo • MoistureRecoveryConditioner • BodyLuxeShampoo • BodyLuxeConditioner $ 27.99 (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$44.00to$47.20ea. • Greatforblow-drying,setting,sculptingand creatingwetlooks. • Leaveshairfullofbodyandlustrousshine. • Controlshard-to-managehair. Luxe holiday duos receive up to 37% on the purchase of Joico Holiday duos. Each duo contains a 300ml Shampoo, 300ml Conditioner, and the NEW K-PAK RevitaLuxe Bio-Advanced Restorative Treatment 50ml. choose from: • Moisture Recovery • Color Endure • Body Luxe • Daily Care • Smooth Cure • Color Endure Violet $ 13.14 (Salon Price) each Salon Value: $20.71 ea. Retail Price: $21.95 ea. Retail Value: $34.59 ea. BiO-ADVAncED RESTORATiVE TREATMEnT K-PAK RevitaLuxe Bio-Advanced Restorative Treatment is a luxury hair treatment designed to repair, restore, hydrate, and protect hair. Used on a regular basis, K-PAK RevitaLuxe corrects years worth of damage as it prevents future damage by restoring hair’s structural integrity and vitality so it behaves and feels like it did before the damage occurred. Featuring cumulative results, hair’s softness, body, elasticity, and strength are improved with each use. K-PaK holiday duos save 45% on the purchase of K-PAK Holiday Duos. Choose from K-PaK or K-PaK color Therapy offers include: (1) K-PAK Shampoo, 300ml (1) K-PAK Conditioner, 300ml (1) K-PAK New RevitaLuxe Bio-Advanced Restorative Treatment, 50ml 14.34 $ (Salon Price) each Salon Value: $26.13 ea. Retail Price: $23.95 ea. Retail Value: $43.65 ea. Holiday of cheer tRiO freechampagnechillerbagwiththepurchase ofeachK-PAKHolidayTrio. offer includes: • (1)K-PAKShampoo,300ml • (1)K-PAKIntenseHydrator,250ml • (1)K-PAKReconstructor,150ml • (1)freechampagnechillerbag save 49% 17.93 $ (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$35.00ea. RetailPrice:$29.95ea. RetailValue:$58.50ea. champagnenotincluded save 52% on the purchase of each Skin Luxe product. choose from: • SKIN LUXE Spiced Ginger Body Crème • SKIN LUXE Spiced Ginger Body Wash • SKIN LUXE Sugarplum Body Crème • SKIN LUXE Sugarplum Body Wash $ 4.35 (Salon Price) each Salon Value: $6.70 ea. Retail Price: $7.25 ea. Retail Value: $14.95 ea. Holiday K-PaK clutch sampler freeGlamorousholidayclutchwiththepurchase oftheK-PAKHolidaySampler. offer includes: • (1)K-PAKColorTherapyShampoo,50ml • (1)K-PAKColorTherapyConditioner,50ml • (1)neWK-PAKRevitaLuxeBio-Advanced RestorativeTreatment,50ml • (1)freeHolidayClutch($15retailvalue) 6.55 $ (SalonPrice)ea. RetailPrice:$10.95ea. free Holiday Clutch neW nEW SMOOtH CuRe TaKe home KiT Save38%onthepurchaseoftheneWJoicoSmoothCureStylistKit. Getstartedtodaywiththiscompletekit. offer includes: • (1)SmoothCureShampoo,300ml • (1)SmoothCureConditioner,300ml • (1)SmoothCureLeave-inRescueTreatment,100ml • (1)SmoothCureThermalStylingProtectant,150ml 23.95 $ CURE THE (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$38.67ea. RetailPrice:$39.99ea. RetailValue:$64.54ea. FRIZZ SAVE 38% Discover frizz-free, long-lasting smoothness! NEW Smooth Cure strengthens and safely tames all hair types without harsh, harmful chemicals, leaving hair dramatically soft, smooth, and healthy-looking. nEW SMOOtH CuRe Trial KiT nEW SMOOtH CuRe salon oPener Save21%onthepurchaseofeachneWJoicoSmoothCure TrialKit–theperfectbeginningforclientswhowantsmooth,silkytresses. Save38%onthepurchaseofeachneWJoicoSmoothCureSalonOpener. Thiscompleteopenerprovidesbackbar,styliststation,retailproductPLUS clientsamples.SeethedramaticresultsSmoothCurecandeliver! offer includes: • (6) SmoothCureShampoo,300ml • (6) SmoothCureConditioner,300ml • (10)SmoothCureLeave-inRescueTreatment,100ml (8forretail,2forstyliststationsamples) • (8) SmoothCureThermalStylingProtectant,150ml (6forretail,2forstyliststationsamples) • (2) SmoothCureShampoo,Literwithpump • (2) SmoothCureConditioner,Literwithpump • (24)SmoothCureFoilPackettes • (1) MerchandisingKit(easelcardandconsumerpamphlets) • (2) SmoothCureTakeHomeKits • (2) SmoothCureTrialKits offer includes: • (1)SmoothCureShampoo,50ml • (1)SmoothCureConditioner,50ml • (1)SmoothCureLeave-inRescueTreatment,50ml • (1)SmoothCureThermalStylingProtectant,50ml 7.99 SAVE $ 21% (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$10.08ea. RetailPrice:$13.49ea. RetailValue:$17.80ea. 299.00 $ (SalonPrice)ea. SalonValue:$481.10ea. SAVE 38% 24hr 72hr 79 % LEAVES HAIR SMOOTH FOR UP TO 72 HOURS REDUCES FRIZZ BY 79% 24hr% 79 72 24hrhr PROVIDES 24-HOUR HIGH HUMIDITY PROTECTION 72hr NeW Vero K-PaK for JOicO VERO K-PAK cOLOR SAVE 33% “Once you use Vero K-PAK Color Base Breaker, you won’t be able to live without it! It lightens hair one level—quickly, easily, and effectively—and it’s so easy to mix and apply. Base Breaker is the must-have product every color dispensary should have.” –Beth Minardi Themostconvenientwayto“breakthebase”, VeroK-PAKBaseBreakerliftsvirginhair1 level in 10 minutes,makingretouchesbetween blondingservicesfasterandeasierthanbefore. FeaturingreconstructiveK-PAKTechnology,this ammonia-freeformulaleaveshairinhealthy, shinycondition. Withthepurchaseof2NEWBaseBreakerproductsreceive1free. $ 11.90 /3 (SalonPrice) SalonValue$17.85/3($5.95/eaSalonregularprice) SCAN LEARN ENGAGE FOLLOW US ON: Volume Purchase! Purchase 5 products, receive 1 free. 124.75 $ (Salon Price) /6 Salon Value: $149.70/6. color like a Pro sePTember only With the purchase of any 24 tubes of Vero K-PAK color, Chrome or Age Defy, receive a free beth minardi flawless color kit. beth minardi flawless color kit includes: (1) Vero K-PAK Color Age Defy 6NG+ Light Natural Brown, 2.5oz (1) Vero K-PAK Color Age Defy 6CG+ Light Copper Golden Brown, 2.5oz (1) Vero K-PAK Chrome RB4 Amaretto, 2oz (1) Vero K-PAK Chrome RC8 Orange Crush, 2oz (1) Vero K-PAK Chrome RO Really Orange, 2oz (1) 20 Volume Veroxide, 8.5oz (1) Vero K-PAK Chrome Activator, 8.5oz (1) Vero K-PAK Color Quick Reference Chart (1) Vero K-PAK Color Signature Formula Card buy any 24, receive: $ 138.00 – 178.80 /24 shades + Free Kit $ (Salon Price) Salon Value $172.74 - $213.54 buy any 18, receive... free caPe ocTober only receive (1) free Vero K-PaK color client cape with the purchase of any (18) tubes of Vero K-PAK Color, Chrome or Vero K-PAK Age Defy Series. of any $ 103.50 – $134.10 Salon Value $128.45 - $159.05 Salon (Salon Price) K-PAK® Shampoo Conditioner Chelating Shampoo Leave-in Protectant Deep-Penetrating Reconstructor Liquid Reconstructor Intense Hydrator Smoothing Balm Protect & Shine Serum Thermal Design Foam CLASSIC Protective Hairspray Protective Hairspray Split End Mender *UNIT PRICE 50 mL 2.37 300 mL 10.00 liter 26.59 50 mL 2.37 300 mL 11.97 liter 26.59 300 mL 10.00 250 mL 10.33 50 mL 2.67 150 mL 12.87 250 mL 19.60 liter 42.80 50 mL 2.67 300 mL 15.18 50 mL 2.67 250 mL 12.13 liter 32.30 200 mL 12.87 50 mL 12.87 300g 12.87 300 mL 13.74 300 mL 13.74 100 mL 12.87 nEW! K-PAK® REViTALUXE nEW! Bio-Advanced 150 mL Restorative Treatment K-PAK® TOOLS Quadraion pro-dryer Quadraion Blowdry Spray Diffuser VaporIron VaporFuel SUGG. RETAIL 3.95 16.75 44.40 3.95 19.95 44.40 16.75 17.25 4.95 21.50 32.75 71.50 4.95 25.35 4.95 20.25 53.95 21.50 21.50 21.50 22.95 22.95 21.50 *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 14.95 24.95 *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL $119.00 $198.00 150mL $8.32 $13.90 $14.95 $24.95 1.25” 119.00 198.00 300 mL 10.33 17.25 K-PAK® cOLOR ThERAPY® Color Therapy Shampoo 300 mL liter Color Therapy Conditioner 300 mL liter Color Therapy 30 mL Restorative Styling Oil 100 mL *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 10.00 16.75 26.59 44.40 11.97 19.95 26.59 44.40 2.67 4.95 12.87 21.50 K-PAK® SUn ThERAPY® Sun Therapy Nourishing Shampoo 200 mL Sun Therapy Treatment Masque 150 mL Sun Therapy 50 mL Protective Sun Milk 150 mL *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 8.95 11.97 2.67 10.33 14.95 19.95 4.95 17.25 K-PAK PROFESSiOnAL® Professional Cuticle Sealer Professional Chelating Shampoo Professional H.K.P. K-PAK Hair Repair System *UNIT PRICE liter 22.75 liter 22.75 350 mL 9.87 120.60 MOiSTURE REcOVERY Shampoo Conditioner Moisture Mist leave-in Treatment Balm Treatment Lotion Styling Creme 50 mL 300 mL liter 50 mL 300 mL liter 300 mL 250 mL liter 200 mL liter 50 mL 150 mL *UNIT PRICE 2.37 7.57 20.75 2.37 8.98 22.75 12.13 12.13 31.70 12.13 31.70 2.67 10.75 SUGG. RETAIL 3.95 12.65 34.65 3.95 14.99 37.99 20.25 20.25 52.95 20.25 52.95 4.95 17.95 DAiLY cARE Balancing Shampoo (formerly Triáge®) Conditioning Shampoo (formerly Kerapro®) Treatment Shampoo (formerly Biojoba®) 300 mL liter gallon 300 mL liter gallon 300 mL liter *UNIT PRICE 7.57 20.75 47.20 7.57 20.75 47.20 7.57 20.75 SUGG. RETAIL 12.65 34.65 78.80 12.65 34.65 78.80 12.65 34.65 DAiLY cARE (cOnTinUED) Balancing Conditioner 300 mL (formerly Lite) liter gallon Conditioner 300 mL liter (formerly ALTimaTM) Leave-In Detangler 300 mL liter (formerly Integrity ®) Moisturizer 300 mL liter Scalp Balancing Treatment 6 x 25mL Square Gallon Pumps STYLE AnD FiniSh Brilliantine Pomade Brilliantine Spray Gloss (formerly Spray Glacé) Curl Definer Curl Activator Crème Wax JoiGelTM Medium JoiGelTM Firm (formerly I.C.E. Gel) JoiLotion (formerly I.C.E. Lotion) JoiWhipTM (formerly I.C.E. Whip) JoiFix Medium (formerly Travállo) JoiFix Firm (formerly I.C.E. Mist) CLASSIC JoiShapeTM JoiShapeTM (formerly con_text Assertion) CLASSIC JoiMist ® Medium JoiMist ® Medium CLASSIC JoiMist ® Firm JoiMist ® Firm *UNIT PRICE 7.78 18.55 44.00 8.98 22.75 8.98 22.75 12.87 31.70 24.00 2.00 SUGG. RETAIL 12.99 30.99 73.50 14.99 37.99 14.99 37.99 21.50 52.95 39.95 *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 50 mL 8.89 14.85 150 mL 12.13 20.25 200mL 150mL 50 mL 250 mL liter 50 mL 250 mL liter 300 mL 11.37 11.37 9.85 8.32 18.40 2.67 8.32 18.40 7.75 18.99 18.99 16.45 13.90 30.75 4.95 13.90 30.75 12.95 50 mL 300g 300 mL 300 mL liter 300 mL 300 mL 4.16 11.95 9.05 6.95 19.95 15.15 8.32 18.40 11.95 11.95 13.90 30.75 19.95 19.95 300 mL 300 mL 300 mL 50 mL 300 mL 11.95 11.95 11.95 4.16 11.95 19.95 19.95 19.95 6.95 19.95 cOLOR EnDURE® Shampoo Conditioner Color Endure Masque 50 mL 300 mL liter gallon 50 mL 300 mL liter gallon 250 mL *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 2.37 3.95 7.57 12.65 20.75 34.65 47.20 78.80 2.37 3.95 8.98 14.99 22.75 37.99 47.20 78.80 11.95 19.95 cOLOR EnDURE® ViOLET Shampoo Conditioner 300 mL liter 300 mL liter *UNIT PRICE 7.57 20.75 8.98 22.75 SUGG. RETAIL 12.65 34.65 14.99 37.99 BODY LUXE Thickening Shampoo Thickening Conditioner Thickening Elixir Root Lift (formerly Hi-Rise Hair) Design Foam 300 mL liter 300 mL liter 300 mL 300g *UNIT PRICE 7.57 20.75 8.98 22.75 11.37 11.95 SUGG. RETAIL 12.65 34.65 14.99 37.99 18.99 19.95 250 mL 11.37 18.99 SMOOTh cURE (SULFATE-FREE) nEW Shampoo nEW Conditioner nEW Leave-in Rescue Treatment nEW Thermal Styling Protectant 300ml liter 300ml liter 100mL 150mL *UNIT PRICE 7.57 20.75 8.98 22.75 11.95 10.17 SUGG. RETAIL 12.65 34.65 14.99 37.99 19.95 16.95 SiLK RESULT® Smoothing Shampoo for Fine/Normal hair Smoothing Conditioner for Fine/Normal hair Smoothing Shampoo for Thick/Coarse hair Smoothing Conditioner Thick/Coarse hair Thermal Smoother Sheer Gloss Straight Smoother 300 mL liter 300 mL liter 300 mL liter 300 mL liter 150 mL 300 mL 50 mL 200g i-c-E hAiR® Modifier® Flexible Styling Paste Molder ® Matte Texture Crème Spiker ® Water-Resistant Styling Glue Erratic ® Molding Clay Distortion® Styling Gum Finisher ® Shaping Hair Spray Blast™ Spray Adhesive Spiker Colorz White Styling Glue Spiker Colorz Red Styling Glue Spiker Colorz METALLIC Gold Styling Glue Spiker Colorz METALLIC Green Styling Glue Spiker Colorz Blue Styling Glue *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 125 mL 8.97 14.97 SKin LUXE® *UNIT PRICE 7.57 20.75 8.98 22.75 7.57 20.75 8.98 22.75 10.17 15.18 11.95 11.95 SUGG. RETAIL 12.65 34.65 14.99 37.99 12.65 34.65 14.99 37.99 16.95 25.35 19.95 19.95 100 mL 150 mL 500 mL 50 mL 100 mL 9.57 11.97 23.95 2.67 8.97 15.95 19.95 39.95 4.95 14.95 100 mL 300g 11.97 10.17 19.95 16.95 284g 10.77 17.95 50 mL 50 mL 7.15 7.15 11.95 11.95 50 mL 7.15 11.95 50 mL 50 mL 7.15 7.15 11.95 11.95 *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL 250 mL 8.95 14.95 Golden Shimmer Gradual Self Tanner Sugarplum Body Wash Sugarplum Body Crème Spiced Ginger Body Wash Spiced Ginger Body Wash 250 mL 250 mL 250 mL 250 mL 6.70 6.70 6.70 6.70 14.95 14.95 14.95 14.95 DESign cOLLEcTiOn® Molding Putty Forming Polish Gloss Wax Pliable Paste Texture Spray Dry Spray Wax Humidity Blocker Flexible Shaping Spray 50 mL 50 mL 50 mL 100 mL 150 mL 125 mL 150 mL 300 mL *UNIT PRICE 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 10.50 11.50 11.50 11.50 SUGG. RETAIL 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 21.00 23.00 23.00 23.00 VERO K-PAK cOLOR ® PERMAnEnT cRèME cOLOR Vero K-PAK Age Defy 74 mL ® 74 mL Vero K-PAK Color 950 mL Veroxide® 10 Vol. 20 Vol. 950 mL 30 Vol. 950 mL 40 Vol. 950 mL nEW Base Breaker 59 ml / 2.0 fl. oz. Vero K-PAK Glaze™ No-Lift 950 mL Developer 1 lb. Vero K-PAK Light ® Off-Scalp Lightening Powder 2 lb. Vero K-PAK Blue On/Off Scalp 1 lb. Lightening Powder Vero K-PAK Creme Lightener 300g VeroULTRA™ Lifting Powder Color 120g Vero K-PAK Lift ® Crème Lightening Booster 60g Vero Stainless Haircolor Stain Remover 118 mL *UNIT PRICE 7.45 6.45 6.99 6.99 6.99 6.99 5.95 10.10 VERO K-PAK cOLOR inTEnSiTY Semi-Permanent Crème Colors 118 mL *UNIT PRICE 6.45 VERO K-PAK chROME™ DEMi- PERMAnEnT cRèME cOLOR Vero K-PAK Chrome 60 mL Vero K-PAK Chrome No-Lift 950 mL Activator cOLOR AccESSORiES Vero K-PAK Color System Premium Swatch Book Vero K-PAK Resource Guide Vero K-PAK Tube Key Vero K-PAK Modular Mixing Bowl Vero K-PAK Brush Vero K-PAK Narrow Brush Vero K-PAK Tech Apron Vero K-PAK Client Cape Vero ULTRA Swatch book Vero K-PAK Paper Swatch Vero K-PAK Color System DVD nEW K-PAK WAVES Reconstructing Waves Acid Reconstructing Waves Extra Body Acid Reconstructing Waves Thio-Free C/T Reconstructing Waves Thio-Free N/R Reconstructing Waves Alkaline N/R Reconstructing Waves Alkaline C/T *UNIT PRICE 5.75 6.99 *UNIT PRICE 90.00 13.95 2.00 6.95 2.00 2.00 37.99 24.95 12.99 6.95 4.95 +*UNIT UNIT EDLP PRICE 4.50 7.95 4.50 7.95 4.50 8.95 4.50 8.95 4.50 7.95 4.50 7.95 RE:nU AgE DEFY *UNIT SUGG. PRICE RETAIL FULLnESS & BODY Pre-Shampoo Treatment 200 mL 750 mL 14.00 37.00 28.00 75.00 Shampoo sulfate & Paraben free 200 mL 13.00 26.00 Primer 150 mL 13.00 26.00 50 mL (trio) 14.50 29.00 Fullness & Body Solution System SOFTnESS & MAnAgEABiLiTY Shampoo sulfate & Paraben free 200 mL 13.00 26.00 Conditioner Paraben free 200 mL 14.00 28.00 Primer 150 mL 13.00 26.00 50 mL (trio) 14.50 29.00 Bodifying Lotion 150 mL 13.00 26.00 Volumizing Foam 200 mL 13.00 26.00 Controlling Crème 150 mL 13.00 26.00 Styling & Finishing Spray 250 mL 13.00 26.00 50 mL sale 14.99 150 mL sale 25.99 48.00 90.00 Softness & Manageability Solution System STYLing cOLLEcTiOn RE:nUAL SERUM SALE Re:nual Serum Re:nual Serum Refill 4-Month Age Defy Program FULLnESS & BODY sale 34.99 119.00 4-Month Age Defy Program SOFTnESS & MAnAgEABiLiTY s ale 34.99 119.00 Joico 2 sided salon banner 29.99 Vero K-PAK Color 2-sided banner 29.99 Joico Digital Picture Screens 7” $35.00 Joico Roll Comb 2.00 Joico Spray Bottle 4.99 Joico Clips 5.99 Joico Salon Branding Kit 29.99 Contains an array of branding pieces for your Salon: Joico Spray Bottles Roll Combs Shelf Talkers Salon Merchandising Materials Posters Various Capes VERO K-PAK Color Cape VERO K-PAK Open/Close Sign 24.95 47.95 24.95 14.95 24.95 5.39 7.50 * Suggested salon price when purchased in dozens. Prices subject to change without notice. Available while supplies last. Promotions expire October 31st, 2011. Joico reserves the right to correct any print or illustration error. + Every day low price with minimum purchase of 12. ©2011 Joico Laboratories, a division of Piidea Canada Ltd., Pointe-Claire, QC H9R 5N3 Ask your sales consultant about Joico’s large and medium salon openers. ThE FiRST KERATin-inFUSED DRYER Introducing the By fusing the healthy benefits of exclusive Quadramine Complex® with the power of moisturizing negative ions, K-PAK® transforms a great hair dryer into an extraordinary conditioning tool that leaves hair smoother, shinier, and healthier looking than ever before. • BUILT-IN SMART ION GENERATOR NEW QUADRAION BLOWDRY SPRAY ™ • ULTRA LIGHTWEIGHT DESIGN • POWERFUL, QUICK DRY TIME • Decreases dry time • Delivers heat-activated protection and reconstruction with every blow-dry • Long-lasting, humidity-resistant results 99.00 $ (Salon Price) each FREE BlowDry Spray 150ml Salon value: $127.32 Suggested Retail Price: $165.00
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