Chemical Stockroom Handbook
Chemical Stockroom Handbook
Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Chemical Stockroom Handbook Essentials & Storage Guidelines Reliability. Purity. Certainty. Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Introduction The four proprietary brands of Fisher Scientific chemicals: Fisher Chemical, Fisher BioReagents, Acros Organics, and Maybridge cover the demands of various applications. These products come in various packaging options, from convenient off-the-shelf products to high-volume solvent delivery systems. When off-the-shelf products just won’t do, Specialized Chemical Services manufactures custom solutions to meet your unique needs. As the stockroom manager, you are charged with the safe handling of hazardous chemicals every single day. Your responsibilities are far-reaching … extending beyond the storeroom walls to lab personnel, building staff, campus residents and the environment. Fisher Scientific offers this little-big-book of safety resources. Inside you’ll find storage recommendations, chemical compatibility charts, and recommended essential products to stock to accommodate various research applications undertaken by your customers. Table of Contents Introduction................................................................................................. 2 What’s on our Chemical Label .................................................................. 13 Periodic Table of the Elements..................................................................... 2 FisherLOCKTM Solvent Caps ....................................................................14 Fisher Chemical Purity Chart....................................................................... 3 Fisher Chemical Products in the Safe-Cote Bottle ..................................... 15 Fisher Chemical Stockroom Essentials..................................................... 4-5 EcoSafPakTM Packaging ............................................................................ 16 Fisher BioReagents Purity Grades............................................................... 6 Chemical Storage/Handling Recommendations......................................... 17 Fisher BioReagents Stockroom Essentials................................................ 7-8 Incompatibilities by Hazard Class.............................................................. 17 Acros Organics Stockroom Essentials.................................................... 9-10 Chemical Incompatibilities........................................................................ 18 Specialized Chemical Solutions ................................................................ 11 Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Plastics........................... 19 Understanding GHS .................................................................................. 12 Chemical Resistance of Labware Materials ......................................... 20-21 Periodic Table of the Elements key Hydrogen 1 H Numbers in brackets are mass numbers of the most stable or most common isotope. Atomic weights conform to the Bulletin of the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, volume 56, number 6 1984. Scaled to Ar (c12) = 12 1s1 1.0079 2.1 3 Lithium 2 1s22s1 6.941 1.0 Sodium 3 [Ne]3s1 22.9898 0.9 Potassium 5 Boron atomic symbol filling of electrons: 1s1 1.0079 2.1 atomic weight electronegativity 12 on s level on f level on d level on p level Magnesium 14 6 Carbon C 15 7 Nitrogen 20 21 3 Scandium 22 4 23 5 24 6 Titanium Vanadium Chromium [Ar]3d34s2 50.9415 1.6 [Ar]3d54s1 51.996 1.6 25 7 Manganese 26 8 Iron 27 9 Cobalt 28 10 Nickel 29 11 Copper 30 12 Zinc 16 8 Oxygen N O 9 17 Fluorine He 1s2 4.0026 10 Neon F Ne 1s22s22p1 10.811 2.0 1s22s22p2 12.0107 2.5 1s22s22p3 14.0067 3.0 1s22s22p4 15.9994 3.5 1s22s22p5 18.9984 4.0 1s22s22p6 20.179 13 14 15 16 17 18 Silicon Phosphorus Al Si P [Ne]3s2 24.305 1.2 Calcium B Aluminium [Ar]4s2 40.078 1.0 [Ar]3d14s2 44.9559 1.3 [Ar]3d24s2 47.867 1.5 [Ar]3d54s2 54.938 1.5 [Ar]3d64s2 55.8457 38 39 40 Zirconium Niobium Molybdenum 42 43 44 Ruthenium Rhodium Palladium [Kr]5s1 85.4678 0.8 [Kr]5s2 87.62 1.0 [Kr]4d15s2 88.9059 1.3 [Kr]4d25s2 91.224 1.4 [Kr]4d45s1 92.9064 1.6 [Kr]4d55s1 95.94 1.8 [Kr]4d55s2 98.9062 1.9 [Kr]4d75s1 101.07 2.2 55 56 57 72 Strontium Yttrium Sulfur Chlorine Argon S Cl Ar [Ne]3s23p1 26.9815 1.5 [Ne]3s23p2 28.0855 1.8 [Ne]3s23p3 30.9738 2.1 [Ne]3s23p4 32.066 2.5 (Ne)3s23p5 35.453 3.0 (Ne)3s23p6 39.948 31 32 33 34 35 36 [Ar]3d104s24p3 74.9216 2.0 Gallium Germanium [Ar]3d104s24p1 69.723 1.6 [Ar]3d104s24p2 72.5961 1.8 Arsenic Selenium Bromine Krypton 41 Technetium 1.8 [Ar]3d84s2 58.6934 1.8 [Ar]3d104s1 63.546 1.9 [Ar]3d104s2 65.39 1.6 [Ar]3d104s24p4 78.96 2.4 (Ar)3d104s24p5 79.904 2.8 (Ar)3d104s24p6 83.80 46 47 48 Cadmium Indium 49 50 Tin Antimony 51 52 53 54 [Kr]4d85s1 102.9055 2.2 [Kr]4d10 106.42 2.2 [Kr]4d105s1 107.868 1.9 [Kr]4d105s2 112.41 1.7 [Kr]4d105s25p1 114.82 1.7 [Kr]4d105s25p2 118.710 [Kr]4d105s25p3 121.760 1.9 [Kr]4d105s25p4 127.60 2.1 (Kr)4d105s25p5 126.9045 2.5 (Kr)4d105s25p6 131.29 [Ar]3d74s2 58.9332 1.8 45 Silver Tellurium Iodine Xenon Rb Sr Y Zr Nb Mo Tc Ru Rh Pd Ag Cd In Sn Sb Te I Xe Barium Lanthanum 73 Hafnium Tantalum Tungsten 74 75 76 77 78 79 Gold Mercury Thallium Lead 82 83 84 85 86 [Xe]4f145d106s1 196.9665 2.4 [Xe]4f145d106s2 200.59 2.2 [Xe]4f145d106s26p1 204.383 1.8 [Xe]4f145d106s26p2 207.2 1.8 [Xe]4f145d106s26p3 208.9804 1.9 [Xe]4f145d106s26p4 (209) 2.0 (Xe)4f145d106s26p5 (210) 2.2 (Xe)4f145d106s26p6 (222) 112 113 Ununtrium Flerovium 115 116 117 118 [Rn]5f146d107s2 (285) [Rn]5f146d107s27p1 (286) [Rn]5f146d107s27p2 (289) [Rn]5f146d107s27p4 (293) [Rn]5f146d107s27p5 (294) [Rn]5f146d107s27p6 (294) Rhenium Osmium Iridium Platinum 80 81 1.8 Bismuth Polonium Astatine Radon Cs Ba La Hf Ta W Re Os Ir Pt Au Hg Tl Pb Bi Po At Rn [Xe]6s1 132.905 0.7 [Xe]6s2 137.33 0.9 [Xe]5d16s2 138.9055 1.1 [Xe]4f145d26s2 178.49 1.3 [Xe]4f145d46s2 180.9479 1.5 [Xe]4f145d46s2 183.85 1.7 [Xe]4f145d56s2 186.207 1.9 [Xe]4f145d66s2 190.2 2.2 [Xe]4f145d76s2 192.217 2.2 [Xe]4f145d96s1 195.08 2.2 87 88 89 104 105 106 107 108 109 110 [Rn]7s1 (223) 0.7 [Rn]7s2 226.0254 0.9 [Rn]6d17s2 (227) 1.1 [Rn]5f146d27s2 261.11 [Rn]5f146d37s2 262.11 [Rn]5f146d47s2 263.12 [Rn]5f146d57s2 262.12 [Rn]5f146d67s2 265 [Rn]5f146d77s2 266 [Rn]5f146d97s1 269 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 Rutherfordium Dubnium Seaborgium Bohrium Hassium Meitnerium Darmstadtium 111 Roentgenium Copernicium 114 Ununpentium Livermorium Fr Ra Ac Rf Db Sg Bh Hs Mt Ds Rg Cn Uut Fl Uup Lv Uus Uuo Actinium actinide series lanthanide series Radium 58 Cerium Praseodymium Neodymium Promethium Samarium Europium Gadolinium Terbium [Rn]5f146d107s1 (272) 66 Dysprosium Holmium 67 68 69 Erbium Thulium [Rn]5f146d107s27p3 (289) 70 Ytterbium 71 Lutetium Ce Pr Nd Pm Sm Eu Gd Tb Dy Ho Er Tm Yb Lu [Xe]4f15d16s2 140.12 1.1 [Xe]4f36s2 140.9077 1.1 [Xe]4f46s2 144.24 1.20 [Xe]4f56s2 (147) [Xe]4f66s2 150.36 1.2 [Xe]4f76s2 151.96 [Xe]4f75d16s2 157.25 1.1 [Xe]4f96s2 158.9254 1.2 [Xe]4f106s2 162.50 1.2 [Xe]4f116s2 164.9304 1.2 [Xe]4f126s2 167.26 1.2 [Xe]4f136s2 168.9342 1.2 [Xe]4f146s2 173.04 1.1 [Xe]4f145d16s2 174.967 1.2 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 99 100 101 102 103 Thorium Protactinium Uranium Neptunium Plutonium Americium Curium Berkelium Californium Einsteinium Fermium Mendelevium Nobelium Lawrencium Th Pa U Np Pu Am Cm Bk Cf Es Fm Md No Lr [Rn]6d27s2 232.0381 1.3 2 H [Ar]4s1 39.0983 0.8 Francium 7 13 37 Caesium 6 electronic structure 1s22s2 9.0122 1.5 atomic number Hydrogen 18 2 Helium K Ca Sc Ti V Cr Mn Fe Co Ni Cu Zn Ga Ge As Se Br Kr Rubidium 5 Beryllium 1 Na Mg 19 4 4 Li Be 11 Smart Chemistry Solutions Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Cus Customize. 2 1 1 [Rn]5f26d17s2 231.0359 1.5 [Rn]5f36d17s2 238.0289 1.7 [Rn]5f46d17s2 237.0482 1.3 [Rn]5f67s2 (242) 1.3 [Rn]5f77s2 (243) 1.3 [Rn]5f76d17s2 (247) [Rn]5f97s2 (247) [Rn]5f107s2 (251) [Rn]5f117s2 (252) [Rn]5f127s2 (257) [Rn]5f137s2 (258) [Rn]5f147s2 (259) [Rn]5f146d17s2 (260) Ununseptium Ununoctium Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical: Purity Grades for Every Application Grade Definition Application Certificate of Analysis UHPLC-MS Optima™ Solvents specifically qualified for UHPLC-MS instrumentation. Signal to Noise specification greater than ten when measured with 250 ppt Propazine using MS/MS; allowing the solvents' quality to be linked directly to the sensitivity of the MS. Packaged in borosilicate glass and tightened metal specifications minimizes metal ion adduct formation. UHPLC-MS Gradient Suitability specification based on higher ionization efficiency to detect organic contaminants in full scan MS with the absence of an additive. Meets stringent purity requirements with 0.1 micron filtration to make particle free. Screened for UV-absorbing contaminants at every wavelength in the 200 to 400 nm range which is ideal for dual detection with an UV detector. Meets stringent purity requirements of LC/ MS and UHPLC by addressing the need for minimal organic contamination with 0.1 micron filtration to make particle free. Evaluated for 17 metal impurities at ppb concentrations for minimal metal mass adduct formation. High ionization efficiency to detect organic contaminants at 50 ppb max (positive) and 300 ppb max (negative) in full scan MS. Screened for UV-absorbing contaminants at every wavelength in the 200 to 400 nm range to afford smooth baselines and to reduce interferences. Ideal mobile phase for UHPLC-MS applications in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical, environmental and food safety industries. Available on request Ideal mobile phase for LC/MS and UHPLCUV applications in pharmaceutical, biotechnology, clinical, environmental and food safety industries. HPLC, GC, plasma/ICP, spectrophotometry, and pesticide residue analysis Available on request Optima™ LC/MS Optima™ HPLC GC Resolv™ Pesticide Environmental Grade Certified ACS Plus Certified ACS Certified Spectranalyzed™ Plasma Grade TraceMetal USP/NF/FCC/EP/ BP/JP Histology Biotechnology Scintanalyzed™ Electronic Laboratory, Technical and Reagent Place your order today! Acids and solvents of extremely high purity. Acids are analyzed for 65 metals by ICP/MS; impurity levels in ppt. Solvent impurity levels in ppm. UV absorbance curves and sample chromatograms available on request. For Optima acids, a typical lot analysis is given in the catalog. Impurity levels in an actual lot received may vary from the amount listed. Solvents manufactured specifically for use with HPLC instruments. Meet all ACS specifications. Submicron filtered. Solvents with the highest purity and lot-to-lot consistency. Free of contaminants to the ppb level, including those listed in Contract Laboratory Program Target Compound List. Meet ACS specifications. Chromatogram available on request. Solvents for use in analysis of pesticide residue. Meet or exceed ACS standards of purity for pesticide residue analysis. HPLC and spectrophotometry procedures Gas Chromatography (GC) Available on request Available on request Available on request GC with electron capture Available on request detector (ECD), pesticide residue analysis Solvents for use in HPLC analysis, trace-organic analysis, and environmental testing. HPLC, trace-organic Available on request Packaged in precleaned glass bottles in M3.5 (Class 100) cleanroom. Shipped with Certificate analysis, environmental of Analysis. testing. Acids that, in addition to meeting or exceeding the latest specifications of the ACS, are Analytical applications with Available on request analyzed for more than tighter metal specifications 16 metals. Actual lot analysis on label. Reagent chemicals that meet or exceed the latest ACS Specifications. Actual lot analysis on Analytical applications Available on request label. requiring tight specifications Reagent chemicals for which the purity standard is established by Fisher Scientific. Purity is General analytical Available on request guaranteed to meet published maximum limits of impurities. procedures Solvents for use in spectrophotometry. Also meet ACS specifications. Actual lot analysis on Ultraviolet and visible Available on request label. wavelength detectors (UV-Vis) Solvents manufactured for use with plasma/ICP instruments. Impurity levels in ppt. Packaged Plasma/ICP, environmental Available on request in acid-cleaned polyethylene bottles. testing, trace-metal analysis Primarily used in digestion Available on request Acids manufactured to achieve low metal contamination measurable in ppm to ppb range. of samples prior to Each lot is analyzed for more than 55 metals by ICP/MS. For TraceMetal acids, a typical instrument (ICP) analysis lot analysis is given in the catalog. Impurity levels in an actual lot received may vary from amounts listed. Reagent chemicals that meet or surpass specifications of the United States Pharmacopeia Food and drug 20L or greater; (USP), the National Formulary (NF), the Food Chemicals Codex (FCC), the European laboratories, biological 10kg or greater Pharmacopeia (EP), the British Pharmacopeia (BP), and/or the Japanese Pharmacopeia (JP). testing Solvents and products that are specially prepared for use in the histology laboratory setting. Tissue processing, clinical Available on request Solvents are filtered for tissue processing applications. or histology procedures Solvents and reagents that have been specially purified and assayed for biotechnology Electrophoresis, molecular Available on request applications. biology, sequencing, and peptide and oligonucleotide synthesis Solvents, fluors, and prepared cocktails for liquid scintillation counting. Includes Liquid scintillation Available on request nonflammable, nontoxic, biodegradable ScintiSafe™ cocktails. counting Solvents manufactured to ensure low levels of metal contamination. Meet Semiconductor Electronics and circuit Available on request Equipment and Materials Institute (SEMI) requirements. Actual lot analysis on label. board manufacturing Chemicals of reasonable purity for situations where no official standard for quality or impurity Manufacturing and Available on request levels exist. general laboratory use Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 3 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical Stockroom Essentials Delivering: Reliability. Purity. Certainty. • All chemicals are manufactured in FDA licensed, ISO 9001:2008-certified facilities • Rigorous quality assurance and testing procedures throughout the production process ensure the lot-to-lot consistency required for uniform analysis • OptimaTM and HPLC-grade solvents are sealed with FisherLOCKTM Tamper Evident Caps, packaged in Safe-CoteTM bottles to prevent spills, and arrive in EcoSafPakTM containers, a 100% recyclable shipper • For the complete portfolio of Fisher Chemical products and promotions, please visit Optima UHPLC/MS Grade: Highest purity, ideal mobile phase for UHPLC/MS Description Pack Size Acetonitrile, Optima UHPLC/MS New! 1L Methanol, Optima UHPLC/MS New! 1L Water, Optima UHPLC/MS New! 1L Fisher Scientific Cat. No. A9561 A4581 W81 EMD Millipore* Equivalent Sigma* Equivalent JT Baker* Equivalent Macron* Equivalent X 142611L 9853-01 X X 142621L 9853-01 X X 142631L 9853-01 X Optima LCMS Grade: Ultra-high purity Ideal mobile phase for LC/MS and UHPLC/UV applications Description Pack Size Fisher Scientific Cat. No. EMD Millipore* Equivalent Sigma* Equivalent JT Baker* Equivalent Macron* Equivalent 2-Propanol, Optima LC/MS with UHPLC/UV Spec. 4L A4614 X 349652.5L 9827-03 X Acetonitrile, Optima LC/MS with UHPLC/UV Spec. 4L A9554 AX0156-1 349674L 9829-03 X Methanol, Optima LC/MS with UHPLC/UV Spec. 4L A4564 MX0486-1 349664L 9830-03 X Water, Optima LC/MS with UHPLC/UV Spec. 4L W64 WX0001-1 392531LR 9831-03 X Fisher Scientific Cat. No. A4644 A9964 H3034 A4544 D1514 EMD Millipore* Equivalent Sigma* Equivalent JT Baker* Equivalent Macron* Equivalent PX18341 6504474L 909503 V55510 AX01421 349984L 901203 H45410 HX02961 6505524L X H48710 MX04881 6463774L 909303 H48810 DX08311 6504634L 931503 H48510 Fisher Scientific Cat. No. A9494 A9984 H3024 A4524 A452SK4 W54 EMD Millipore Equivalent Sigma Equivalent JT Baker Equivalent Macron Equivalent AX01151 2707254L 900203 243510 AX01451 348514L 901703 285610 HX02901 348594L 930903 X MX04751 348604L 909303 304110 MX0475P1 348604L 909333 H08010 WX00081 2707334L 421803 X Optima Grade: Ultra-high purity for more reliable analysis and cost savings Description Pack Size 2-Propanol, Optima, also meets ACS specifications 4L Acetonitrile, Optima, also meets ACS specifications 4L Hexanes, Optima, also meets ACS specifications 4L Methanol, Optima, also meets ACS specifications 4L Methylene Chloride, Optima, also meets ACS specifications 4L HPLC Grade Solvents Description Pack Size Acetone, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L Acetonitrile, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L Hexanes, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L Methanol, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L Methanol, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L Water, HPLC grade 4L Histology Grade Solvents: The only products that offer the environmentally friendly F-Style poly bottle, which maximizes bench and shelf space Description Acetone, histological Acetone, histological Alcohol, Reagent, histological Ethanol, Anhydrous, histological Formaldehyde Solution, 10% w/w, Histological Methanol, histological Xylenes, histological Pack Size 4L 20L 4L 4L 20L 4L 1 gal. Fisher Scientific Cat. No. A16P4 A16S20 A962P4 A405P4† SF9620 A433P4 X3P1GAL Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † 4 EMD Millipore Equivalent AX01254 AX01253 EX02811 X X MX04904 X Sigma Equivalent 5340644L 53406420L 6768294L X X X 534056 JT Baker Equivalent X X A47809 X X 907601 X Macron Equivalent X X X X H12109 X 866816 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical Essentials (Contd.) ACS Grade Description Pack Size Fisher Scientific Cat. No. EMD Millipore* Sigma* Equivalent Equivalent JT Baker* Equivalent Macron* Equivalent 2-Propanol, certified ACS plus 4L PX18355 190764 908403 X 2-Propanol, certified ACS plus 500mL PX18356 190764 908401 X Acetic Acid, glacial, certified ACS 500mL X A6283 950802 V19314 Acetone, certified ACS 20L AX01203 179124 900607 244310 Acetone, certified ACS 4L AX01208 179124 900603 244310 Acetone, certified ACS 500mL A4164 A416500 A38500 A1820 A184 A18500 AX01206 179124 900601 243704 Chloroform, approx. 0.75% ethanol as preservative, certified ACS 4L C2984 CX10559 319988 918003 444008 Chloroform, approx. 0.75% ethanol as preservative, certified ACS 500mL C298500 CX10556 319988 918001 444004 Ethyl acetate, certified ACS 4L EX02405 319902 928003 499208 Ethyl acetate, certified ACS 20L EX02403 319902 928007 499219 Ethyl acetate, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L EX02451 34858 928203 H07810 Ethyl ether, anhydrous, BHT stabilized, certified ACS 1L EX01906 346136 924422 084810 Ethyl ether, anhydrous, BHT stabilized, certified ACS 4L EX01903 346136 924405 084812 Hexanes, certified ACS 20L HX02993 178918 930907 518922 Hexanes, certified ACS 4L HX02995 178918 930903 518908 Hydrochloric acid, certified ACS plus 500mL H060314 258148 953502 H61305 Hydrogen peroxide, 30%, certified ACS 100mL HX06351 216763 218601 V34004 Hydrogen peroxide, 30%, certified ACS 500mL HX06351 216763 218601 V34004 Methanol, certified ACS 4L MX0485P4 179337 907033 H48810 Methanol, certified ACS 4L MX04853 179337 907005 H48810 Methanol, certified ACS 1L MX04858 179337 907001 H48806 Methanol, certified ACS 4L MX04857 179337 907003 H48810 Methanol, certified ACS 500mL MX04856 179337 907001 H48806 Methylene chloride, stabilized, certified ACS 4L DX083513 676583 932403 488108 Methylene chloride, stabilized, certified ACS 20L E1454 E14520 E1954 E1381 E1384 H29220 H2924 A144500 H325100† H325500 A412SK4 A412P4 A4121 A4124 A412500 D374 D3720 DX08355 d65100 932407 488119 Methylene chloride, stabilized, HPLC, also meets ACS specifications 4L D1434 DX08381 34856 931503 487910 Sodium chloride, crystalline, certified ACS 3kg 59888 362405 758106 500g SX04201 59888 362401 758112 Sodium hydroxide, pellets, certified ACS 500g S2713 S271500 S318500 SX04203 Sodium chloride, crystalline, certified ACS SX05901 221465 372228 770810 EMD Millipore Equivalent Sigma Equivalent JT Baker Equivalent Macron Equivalent BX16321 223565 565601 X BX16411 223573 565501 X BX16281 223557 565701 X Certified Description Pack Size Buffer solution, pH 7.00, color-coded yellow, certified 500mL Buffer solution, pH 10.00, color-coded blue, certified 500mL Buffer solution, pH 4.00, color-coded red, certified 500mL Fisher Scientific Cat. No. SB107500 SB115500 SB101500 Description Pack Size Fisher Scientific Cat. No. EMD Millipore Equivalent Sigma Equivalent JT Baker Equivalent Macron Equivalent Buffer Solution, Total Ionic Strength Adjustment Buffer (TISAB II) 20L SB17520 X 89466-500ML X X SI864 A4114 SP3394 SP24220 X 318981-500ML X X X X X X X 319228-2L X X X X X X Laboratory Grade Iodine (Iodine-Iodide) Solution, 0.1 N 4L Methanol, laboratory 4L Perchloric Acid Solution, 0.1 N 4L Potassium Iodide Solution 10% w/v 20L Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 5 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher BioReagents: Purity Grades for Every Application Material Grade Definition Analytical Grade Designates reagents suitable for use in analytical procedures. Certified Reagent chemicals for which the purity standard is established by Fisher Chemical*. Purity is guaranteed to meet published maximum limits of impurities. Certified ACS Reagent chemicals that meet or exceed the latest ACS specifications. Certified ACS Plus Acids which meet or exceed the latest ACS specifications, and analyzed for more than 16 metals. DNA Grade Designates reagents suitable for use in Molecular Biology applications involving the manipulation of DNA. Tested for specific contaminants such as DNase and protease. DNA Synthesis Designates reagents suitable for use with automated DNA synthesis instrumentation. Electrophoresis Material used specifically for electrophoresis applications. Genetic Analysis Grade Material that is specially prepared for various molecular cloning applications. Tested for specific contaminants such as DNase and RNase. Solvents manufactured specifically for use with HPLC instruments. Meet all ACS specifications. Submicron filtered. HPLC IEF Grade Material suitable for use with isoelectric focusing of proteins. Islet Isolation Grade Material suitable for isolation of pancreatic islets. Molecular Biology Grade Designates reagents suitable for use in Molecular Biology applications. Tested for specific contaminants such as nucleases and bacteria where appropriate. Molecular Genetics Reagent chemicals that have been specifically purified and assayed for Molecular Genetics applications. PCR Grade Material suitable for use in Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR). Peptide Synthesis Designates reagents suitable for use with protein synthesis instrumentation. Protein Electrophoresis Grade Material used specifically for protein electrophoresis applications. Sequencing Material designed for use with automated DNA or protein sequencing equipment. Super Pure Material with a purity level exceeding the various monograph grades. Tissue Culture Grade Materials of superior quality where there are no published standards, and that are suitable for use in Tissue Culture applications. Fisher BioReagents Stockroom Essentials Vital Reagents for Life Science • High-purity products that meet stringent industry specifications and application requirements • Pre-qualified for dedicated applications; eliminate the need for redundant testing • Designed for a wide range of molecular biology, protein chemistry, cell biology and microbiology applications For more product choices and promotions, please visit Immunodetection 6 Description Pack Storage Condition Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma Equivalent Bio-Rad Equivalent Bovine serum albumin, fraction V, cold-ethanol precipitated 100g RT BP1605100 A4503-100G X Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher BioReagents Essentials (Contd.) Core Bioreagents Description Pack Storage Condition Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma* Equivalent Bio-Rad* Equivalent Bovine serum albumin, fraction V, heat shock treated, suitable for immunological studies 100g RT BP1600100 A3294-100G X Dimethyl sulfoxide 100mL RT X 4L RT BP231100 BP28184† 34869-100ML Ethanol, Molecular Biology Grade E7023-4x4L X Ethylenediamine tetraacetic acid, disodium salt dihydrate, crystalline powder, electrophoresis 500g RT BP120500 E5134-500G X Formamide, molecular biology 500mL 4ºC BP227500 47671-250ML-F X Formamide, super pure 100mL 4ºC BP228100 F9037-100ML X Glycerol, molecular biology 1L RT BP2291 G7893-1L X Glycerol, molecular biology 4L RT BP2294 G7893-4L X Isopropanol, Molecular Biology Grade 500mL RT BP2618500 I9516-500ML X JustPURE Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid Disodium Salt Dihydrate 100g RT BP2927100 E1644-100G X Methanol, peroxide-free, sequencing 4L RT BP11054 494437-2L X 70% Molecular Biology Ethanol solution New! 1L RT BP82011 X X 70% Molecular Biology Ethanol solution New! 4L RT BP82014 X X 96% Molecular Biology Ethanol solution New! 1L RT BP82021 E7148-500ML X 96% Molecular Biology Ethanol solution New! 4L RT BP82024 E7148-1GA X PBS Tablets 100g RT BP2944100 P4417-100TAB X Phosphate buffered saline, 10X powder concentrate, white granular powder 2 x 1L RT BP6651 P3813-1PAK 31098 Phosphate buffered saline, 10X solution 1L RT BP3991 79378-1L 161-0780 Phosphate buffered saline, 10X solution 500mL RT BP399500 79378-1L 161-0780 Sodium chloride (dry basis), >99.5% 1kg RT BP3581 31434-1KG-R X Sodium chloride (dry basis), >99.5% 2.5kg RT BP358212 31434-1KG-R X Sodium dodecyl sulfate, white powder, electrophoresis 500g RT BP166500 L4509-500G 161-0302 Tris base, white crystals or crystalline powder, molecular biology 1kg RT BP1521 93362-1KG 161-0719 Tris base, white crystals or crystalline powder, molecular biology 5kg RT BP1525 93362-1KG 161-0719 Tris base, white crystals or crystalline powder, molecular biology 500g RT BP152500 93362-250G 161-0716 Tris buffered saline, 10X Solution, pH 7.4, molecular biology 1L RT BP24711 T5912-1L 170-6435 Tween 20 100mL RT BP337100 P2287-100ML 170-6531 Tween 20 500mL RT BP337500 P2287-500ML 170-6531 Water, Molecular Biology Grade 1L RT BP28191 W4502-1L X Water, DNA grade 1L RT BP24701 W4502-1L 163-2091 Water, for RNA work, DEPC-treated and nuclease-free, molecular biology 1L RT BP5611 95289-1L 700-7253 Water, nuclease free 100mL RT BP2484100 95284-100ML 700-7253 Water, nuclease free 50mL RT BP248450 95284-100ML 700-7253 Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 7 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher BioReagents (Contd.) Protein and Nucleic Acid Electrophoresis Description Pack Storage Condition Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma* Equivalent Bio-Rad* Equivalent Agarose, broad separation range for DNA/RNA, genetic analysis grade Agarose, low-EEO/multi-purpose, molecular biology grade Agarose, low-EEO/multi-purpose, molecular biology grade Ethidium bromide, 1% solution, molecular biology MES, fine white crystals Methanol, peroxide-free, sequencing Phenol, saturated, liquid, pH 6.6/7.9 Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Micropellets New! Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Micropellets New! Sodium Dodecyl Sulfate (SDS), Micropellets New! TEMED, Electrophoresis Tris–Borate–EDTA, 10X solution, electrophoresis 100g 100g 500g 10mL 100g 4L 400mL 100g 500g 5kg 20g 1L RT RT RT RT RT RT 4ºC RT RT RT RT RT BP1356100 BP160100 BP160500 BP130210 BP300100 BP11054 BP1750I400 BP8200100 BP8200500 BP82005 BP15020 BP13331 A9539-100G A6013-100G A6013-500G E1510-10ML M3671-50G 494437-2L P4557-400ML 74255-250G 74255-250G 74255-250G T9281-25ML 93290-1L 161-3101 161-3101 161-3102 161-0433 X X X X X X X 161-0733 Description Pack Storage Condition Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma Equivalent Bio-Rad Equivalent 2XTY Broth (Granulated) New! 2XTY Broth (Granulated) New! 2XTY Broth (Granulated) New! Agar Agar, Granulated New! Agar, Granulated New! Agar, Granulated New! Ampicillin Sodium Salt, crystalline powder CellPURE* PBS 10X, Cell Culture Grade D-Sucrose, molecular biology Glycine, white crystals or crystalline powder Glycine, white crystals or crystalline powder Glycine, white crystals or crystalline powder Isopropyl-8-D-thiogalactopyranoside, dioxane-free Kanamycin Sulfate, white powder LB Agar, Miller LB Agar, Miller LB Agar, Miller LB Broth, Miller LB Broth, Miller LB Broth, Miller LB Broth, Lennox LB Broth, Lennox, (Powder) LB Agar, (Lennox L Agar), Granulated New! LB Agar, (Lennox L Agar), Granulated New! LB Broth, Miller, (Powder) LB Broth, Miller, (Powder) Phosphate Buffered Saline, 10X solution Puromycin Dihydrochloride Rapamycin SOB Broth (Capsules) Tryptone Tryptone (Granulated) Tryptone (Granulated) Vancomycin Water, Microbial Cell Culture Grade Yeast Extract Yeast Extract (Granulated) Yeast Extract (Granulated) 500 g 2kg 5kg 500g 500g 2kg 5kg 25g 4L 1kg 1kg 5kg 500g 1g 5g 500g 2kg 500g 2kg 500g 5kg 500g 500g 500g 2Kkg 500g 2kg 4L 100mg 1mg 500g 500g 2kg 500g 1g 500mL 500g 2kg 500g RT RT RT RT RT RT RT 4ºC RT RT RT RT RT 4ºC RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT RT BP9743500 BP97432 BP97435 BP1423500 BP9744500 BP97442 BP97445 BP176025 BP29404 BP2201 BP3811 BP3815 BP381500 BP17551 BP9065 BP9724500 BP97242 BP1425500 BP97232 BP9723500 BP97235 BP9722500 BP1427500 BP9745500 BP97452 BP1426500 BP14262 BP3994 BP2956100 BP29631 BP9737500 BP1421500 BP97262 BP9726500 BP29581 BP2820500 BP1422500 BP97272 BP9727500 † Y2627-1KG Y2627-1KG Y2627-1KG A1296-500G 05040-1KG 05040-1KG 05040-1KG A0166-5G P5493-4L S0389-1KG G8898-500G G8898-500G G8898-500G I6758-1G K1377-5G L3147-1KG L3027-1KG L3027-1KG L3522-1KG L3522-1KG L3522-1KG L7658-1KG L3022-1KG L7533-1KG L7533-1KG L3522-1KG L3522-1KG 79378-1L P7255-100MG R0395-1MG H8032-500G T7293-1KG T2559-1KG T2559-1KG V1130-1G W3500-500ML Y1625-1KG Y1626-1KG Y1626-1KG X X X X X X X 166-0407EDU X X 161-0718 161-0724 161-0718 X X X X X X X X X X X X X X 161-0780 X X X X X X X X X X X Cell and Tissue Culture Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † 8 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Acros Organics Stockroom Essentials Off-the-Shelf Products Backed by Expertise in Sourcing, Manufacturing and Technology A leading supplier of fine chemicals, Acros Organics continues to expand its range of products and services to meet today’s requirements for organic, medicinal, analytical and biological chemistry. AcroSealTM Dry Solvents and Organometallic Compounds feature: • Next-generation, triple-sandwich septum, which reseals even the most aggressive solvent/reagent and enables multiple puncture points • Quadrant-style cap for a tight seal between septum and bottle For a full listing of products, please visit AcroSeal Solvent Purity Quantity Packaging Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma* Equivalent Acetonitrile, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610220010 271004 Acetonitrile, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote* AC610961000 271004 Chloroform, anhydrous Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass AC610281000 372978 Dichloromethane, anhydrous Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610300010† 270997 Dichloromethane, anhydrous Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610931000 270997 Methanol, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610400010† 322415 Methanol, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610981000 322415 Methyl Sulfoxide, anhydrous 99.7%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610420010 276855 Methyl Sulfoxide, anhydrous 99.7%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610971000 276855 N,N-Dimethylformamide, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610320010 227056 N,N-Dimethylformamide, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610941000 227056 Tetrahydrofuran, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610450010 401757 Tetrahydrofuran, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610921000 401757 Tetrahydrofuran, stabilized, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610900010 186562 Tetrahydrofuran, stabilized, anhydrous 99.9%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610911000† 186562 Toluene, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 1L Amber Glass AC610460010 244511 Toluene, anhydrous 99.8%, Extra Dry 100mL Amber Glass, Safe-Cote AC610951000 244511 Solvent Purity Quantity Packaging Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma Equivalent Chloroform-d, 99.6+ atom % D For NMR 100mL Amber Glass AC174881000 151823 Chloroform-d, 99.8+ atom % D, contains 0.03 v/v% TMS For NMR 100mL Amber Glass AC209561000 225789 Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D, contains 1 v/v% TMS For NMR 100mL Amber Glass AC166261000 151831 Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D, contains 1 v/v% TMS For NMR 50mL Amber Glass AC166260500 151831 Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D For NMR 100mL Amber Glass AC166251000 151823 Chloroform-d, 99.8 atom % D For NMR 50mL Amber Glass AC166250500 151823 Deuterium Oxide, 99.8 atom % D For NMR 100mL Amber Glass AC166301000 617385 Methanol-d4, packaged in 0.75mL ampules, 99.8 atom % D For NMR 10 x 0.75mL .75 Ampules AC320750075 441384 Methyl sulfoxide-d6, 99.5+ atom % D For NMR 10g Amber Glass AC321290100 175943 Methyl Sulfoxide-d6, 99.9+ atom % D For NMR 10 x 0.75mL .75 Ampules AC320770075 151874 Deuterated Solvents Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 9 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Acros Organics Essentials (Contd.) Ethanol Solvent Quantity Packaging Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma* Equivalent Ethanol, absolute, 200 proof, ACS reagent 4L Amber Glass Ethanol, 190 proof, for spectroscopy ACS 4L Amber Glass Ethanol, 190 proof, for spectroscopy ACS 1L Amber Glass Ethanol, absolute, 200 proof, ACS reagent 500mL Amber Glass Ethanol, absolute, 200 proof, ACS reagent 1L Amber Glass Ethanol, absolute, 200 proof, ACS reagent 2L Amber Glass Ethanol, anhydrous, 200 proof 100mL Amber Glass Ethanol, anhydrous, 200 proof 2L Amber Glass Ethanol, denatured, for HPLC 4L Amber Glass AC615090040† AC615110040† AC615110010† AC615095000† AC615090010† AC615090020† AC615101000† AC615100020† AC611050040 X X X X X X 459836 459836 X Solvent Quantity Packaging Fisher Scientific Cat. No. Sigma Equivalent Boron Trichloride, stab., 1M sol. in methylene chloride 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal* Diisobutylaluminium Hydride, 1M solution in hexane 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal Diisobutylaluminium Hydride, 20% wt. solution in toluene, 1.2M 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal Lithium aluminium Hydride, 1M solution in THF 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal Lithium Diisopropylamide, 2M solution in THF/n-heptane/ethylbenzene 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal Methyllithium, 1.6M solution in diethyl ether (± 5% w/v) 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal n-Butyllithium, 1.6M solution in hexanes 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal n-Butyllithium, 1.6M solution in hexanes 800mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal n-Butyllithium, 2.5M solution in hexanes 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal n-Butyllithium, 2.5M solution in hexanes 800mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal sec-Butyllithium, 1.3M solution in cyclohexane/hexane (92/8) 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal tert-Butyllithium, 1.6M solution in pentane 100mL Amber Glass, AcroSeal AC176681000 AC183791000 AC201081000 AC199491000 AC268831000 AC188751000 AC181271000 AC181278000 AC213351000 AC213358000 AC187541000 AC181281000† 178934 190306 192724 212776 361798 197343 186171 186171 230707 230707 195596 186198 Organometallic and Reactive Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † FisherbrandTM Products Offer Excellent Quality and Value for Your Lab! When making buying decisions, look for Fisherbrand products for quality, reliability and value. With a portfolio of over 10,000 products in 126 product categories and more than 100 years of experience in serving the scientific community, you can trust Fisher Scientific to have the products you need, when you need them. Fisherbrand Premium and Recycled Delicate Task Wipers The Fisherbrand Delicate Task Wipers are a piece of tissue made with 100% virgin fiber used to ‘clean without damaging’ delicate surfaces, parts and equipment. This three-tier product offering includes: Fisherbrand Premium Plus, Fisherbrand Premium and Fisherbrand Recycled Delicate Task Wipers. Top-selling Fisherbrand Wipers Cat. Nos.: • 07-301-003 • 07-301-004 • 07-301-005 Fisherbrand Glassware The Fisherbrand Reusable Glassware portfolio includes beakers, graduated cylinders, volumetric flasks, Erlenmeyer flasks, boiling flasks, filter flasks, funnels, media bottles and test tubes! All products meet ASTM* specifications and come in a variety of sizes to support daily use in every laboratory. Several top-selling Fisherbrand Glassware Cat. Nos. including: • FB100-250 (Beaker) • FB201-250 (Round bottom flask) Also available from Fisherbrand: • Balances, Hotplates, Pipets, Scoops, Spatulas, Vials, Weigh dishes and more! • Visit for a complete listing of our Fisherbrand product offering 10 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical Specialized Chemical Services From Discovery to Production Whether you are engaged in initial research or scaling up to full production, save time and resources through our Custom Services and Solutions: 1. Semi-bulk and Bulk Chemical Service: Through our extensive supply-chain 2. Multicompendial, Enhanced Traceability and Documentation: Offering the network, we can secure and manage the supply of semi-bulk and bulk volume proper paperwork that verifies the product, re-packaging and distributing sites, and products using either internal manufacturing or select partners worldwide regulatory information needed High Volume Solvent Delivery Systems • FisherPak: Environmentally friendly, reusable Fisher Chemical 316 stainlesssteel container is pressurized with an inert gas to deliver the solvent, so the system remains closed and the solvent remains pure for virtually unlimited applications, thus enhancing safety and improving productivity within your lab when handling large quantities of solvent • BasicPak: This Fisher Chemical returnable, reusable drum is made from high-grade 304 stainless steel. This system is designed to deliver inert gas safely to the drum with 7-15psig without contamination. • DelPak: DelPak combines the strength and durability of steel with the chemical compatibility of polyethylene. • NowPak I: The inner liner is constructed with an inert fluorocarbon polymer that is compatible with all high purity solvents. The inner liner collapses around the dip tube during dispensing, which prevents air from entering the system. • NowPak II: The NowPak II precleaned liner technology is offered in a pressurizable, stainless-steel overpack. The system permits ultra-clean chemical dispensing without direct contact of the chemical with the drive gas. 3. Special Testing: Our extensive in-house laboratory, QC capabilities and utilization of accredited external partners allows us to respond quickly to specific quality control testing at your request 4. Custom Batch Size Packaging and Labeling: Our products are available in a wide variety of innovative packaging options designed for safety, environmental protection, convenient handling and storage and preservation of product integrity, while complying with all relevant regulations 5. Tailored Solvents and Solvent Blends: Our experience in manufacturing, processing and testing high-purity solvents enables customization of solvents to your specifications 6. Special Solutions: Special aqueous or non-aqueous solutions can be expertly manufactured to your exact requirements 7. GMP Products: Through FDA-registered facilities change control and notification on non-regulated and regulated products Drive gas pressure is applied to the outside of the liner, minimizing gas entrainment or micro-bubble formation. Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 11 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. What is GHS? GHS = Globally Harmonised System of Classification and Labelling • Created by the UN, the purpose is to “harmonize” the world’s chemical classifications and the way we communicate that information to workers across the globe. OSHA has revised its Hazard Communication Standard (HCS) to align with it and they are shown below in each square. What is new? GHS Pictograms on the label - black on white symbol inside a red diamond – represents a different type of hazard. GHS02 Flame = Flammable, chemicals can catch fire easily and burst into flames GHS03 Flame over circle = Oxidizing, can react with other materials causing them to burn or explode GHS04 Gas cylinder = Gas under pressure : GHS05 Corrosion = Corrosive: may cause chemical can explode, rocket or harm health skin corrosion/ burns; eye damage; eat away if the cylinder is heated, ruptured or leaking. clothing, working surfaces, and or metals. GHS06 Skull and crossbones = Toxic : highly poisonous material; can cause immediate and possibly serious health problems. GHS01 Exploding bombs = Explosive, self reactive; heating may cause fire or explosion GHS07 Exclamation mark = Other Hazard irritant (skin and eye), skin sensitizer, acute toxicity, narcotic effects, respiratory track irritant, harmful if swallowed, toxic if inhaled. GHS08 Health hazard = Specific health hazard including– Carcinogenic; Mutagenic; Toxic for Reproduction : may cause asthma or damage to specific organs of the body GHS affects all of us, and Fisher Scientific has you covered. Training programs and materials, resources and products that comply with the new requirements are conveniently accessible right here! For more information, go to: 12 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. What’s On the Label? Safety Guidelines! 7 15 4 10 11 12 1 5 9 3 8 2 Fair Lawn, New Jersey 07410 Tel. (201) 796-7100 Fax. (201) 796-7102 14 6 13 1 The bar code is an alphanumeric code widely used by industry for inventory and tracking control. This “three-of-nine” code meets the Health Industry Bar Code (HIBC) Supplier Labeling Standard as prepared by the Health Industry Business Communication Council (HIBCC). 2 This area contains the appropriate precautionary signal word, i.e., DANGER, WARNING, and highlights the potential health hazards, both acute and chronic, of the product. 3 QR Codes on Label: SDS (formally called the material safety data sheet) provides procedures for handling that substance and lot specific Certificate of Analysis which proves the lot of substance adheres to the standards of the product specifications. Scan Label by using Smartphone and get instant access to this information. For the complete list of products that offer a QR on our label, please visit: 4 5 6 The Maximum Limits of Impurities are indicated. 7 GHS Pictogram - black on white symbol inside a red border – represents a different type of hazard. The full Product Name and Purity Grade are listed. 8 The U.S. Dept. of Transportation (DOT) shipping information includes the UN/ NA Number identifies the United Nations/ North America numerical designation for transportation hazards and the DOT proper Shipping Name. 9 In this area product composition is listed along with the product Chemical Abstract Service (CAS) Registry Number. 10 Package Size: The amount of material per unit. 11 The catalog number is shown for identification and reference. 12 Lot Number 13 14 15 The address and telephone number of the manufacturer is listed. Name and logo of the brand. Chemical formula. ChemAlert Guide: Which matches rim color of Fisherlock. The five storage colors and their descriptions are listed below. NOTE: ChemAlert is an instant reference only. It should be supplemented by reading the rest of the label (which provides detailed instructions in the event of accidental exposure, spill or fire, and applicable OSHA, DOT, GHS, ANSI* data), the appropriate SDS, Cofa,and standard references. ChemAlert storage codes provide guidelines will match the bottom rim of out Fisherlock cap R B Red: Flammable. Store in area segregated for flammable reagents. Y Yellow: Reactive and oxidizing reagents. May react violently with air, water or other substances. Store away from flammable and combustible materials. Blue: Health hazard. Toxic if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through skin. Store in secure area. Place your order today! White: Corrosive. May harm skin, eyes, mucous membrane. Store W away from red-, yellow- and blue-coded reagents. Presents no more than moderate hazard in any of the G Gray: categories above. For general chemical storage. EXCEPTION: Reagent incompatible with other reagents of the same color. Store separately. Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 13 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical Solvent FisherLOCKTM Closure Lock in Quality and Safety FisherLOCK caps place a patented tamper-evident secure seal applied during manufacturing to our amber glass bottles that holds the bottle’s lips and preserves integrity of the chemical • Easy release: Outer shell of the cap is designed to make it effortless to open and readily reseal • Tamper-evident, interior ring of the cap is visible from various angles, offers resistance until it separates from the cap when the bottle is initially opened, ensuring integrity —without the drawbacks and complications of a plastic seal over the cap. • Color-coded bands at the bottom of the cap, that match the bottom right of a Fisher Chemical label, are for easy hazard identification based on well known industry standard color coding guidelines that are shown below for proper storage and handling. Through packaging enhancements, Fisher Chemical -FisherLOCK is easy to use, and supports: product, quality, reliability of use, and safety for the chemical products you purchase. To learn more visit: Exclusive color-coded design provides storage guidelines Red (R): Flammable. Store in area segregated for flammable reagents. Blue (B): Health hazard. Toxic if inhaled, ingested or absorbed through skin. Store in secure area. Yellow (Y): Reactive and oxidizing reagents. May react violently with air, water or other substances. Store away from flammable and combustible materials. White (W): Corrosive. May harm skin, eyes, mucous membrane. Store away from red-, yellow- and blue-coded reagents. Gray (G): Presents no more than moderate hazard in any of the categories above. For general chemical storage. EXCEPTION: Reagent incompatible with other reagents of the same color bar. Store separately. The FisherLOCK Cap LOCKS in quality, safety, reliability and convenience: QUALITY RELIABILITY • Provides a tight, tamper-evident, secure seal to ensure chemical contents arrive fresh and unopened • Rigorously tested for chemical compatibility • Eliminates polyethylene glycol contamination that is possible with a plastic overseal SAFETY • Caps are designed to resist back-off during transport, reducing risk of leakage • Color-coded rings indicate storage requirements and hazard categories, and enhance proper recognition, handling and storage — even before the bottle is removed from the case 14 • Bottle threads are unchanged, allowing attachment of the opened bottle to standard equipment CONVENIENCE • Cap design facilitates correct initial torque application during manufacturing, thus eliminating caps that may be hard to open • Larger ridges on the exterior of the cap make it easier to open • Caps readily reseal after initial opening Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Fisher Chemical Safe-Cote Solvents – Safely Serving Science Description Purity Grade Size Cat. No. Description Purity Grade Size Cat. No. 1-BUTANOL HPLC/ACS 1L A383SK-1 METHCHLORIDE HPLC 1L D150SK-1 HPLC 4L D150SK-4 1-BUTANOL HPLC/ACS 4L A383SK-4 METHCHLORIDE 2-PROPANOL Certified ACS Plus 4L A416SK-4 METHYLENE CHLORIDE HPLC/ACS 1L D143SK-1 2-PROPANOL HPLC/ACS 1L A451SK-1 METHYLENE CHLORIDE Certified ACS 4L D37SK-4 2-PROPANOL HPLC/ACS 4L A451SK-4 METHYLENE CHLORIDE HPLC/ACS 4L D143SK-4 2-PROPANOL OPTIMA 4L A464SK-4 METHYLENE CHLORIDE OPTIMA 4L D151SK-4 HPLC/ACS 4L D138SK-4 ACETONE Certified ACS 4L A18SK-4 METHYLENE CHLORIDEW/CYCLOHEXENE ACETONE HPLC 1L A949SK-1 N-BUTYL CHLORIDE HPLC 4L B429SK-4 OPTIMA/ACS 4L H306SK-4 ACETONE HPLC/ACS 4L A949SK-4 N-HEXANE95% L ACETONE OPTIMA/ACS 4L A929SK-4 PENTANE HPLC 1L P399SK-1 ACETONITRILE HPLC/ACS 1L A998SK-1 PENTANE HPLC 4L P399SK-4 ACETONITRILE HPLC/ACS 4L A998SK-4 PETROLEUM ETHER Certified ACS 4L E139SK-4 ACETONITRILE OPTIMA/ACS 4L A996SK-4 PETROLEUM ETHER OPTIMA/ACS 4L E120SK-4 Certified 4L T397SK-4 CHLOROFORM HPLC/ACS 4L C606SK-4 TETRAHYDROFURAN CHLOROFORM Certified ACS 4L C298SK-4 TETRAHYDROFURAN HPLC/ACS 1L T425SK-1 HPLC/ACS 4L T425SK-4 CHLOROFORM HPLC/ACS 1L C606SK-1 TETRAHYDROFURAN CHLOROFORM Spectranalyzed 4L C574SK-4 TETRAHYDROFURAN OPTIMA/ACS 4L T427SK-4 CHLOROFORM W/Pentene HPLC/ACS 1L C607SK-1 TOLUENE Certified ACS 4L T324SK-4 CHLOROFORM W/Pentene HPLC/ACS 4L C607SK-4 TOLUENE HPLC/ACS 1L T290SK-1 CYCLOHEXANE HPLC/ACS 1L C620SK-1 TOLUENE HPLC/ACS 4L T290SK-4 OPTIMA 4L T291SK-4 CYCLOHEXANE HPLC/ACS 4L C620SK-4 TOLUENE ETHYL ACETATE HPLC/ACS 1L E195SK-1 TOLUENE Scintanalyzed/ACS 4L T313SK-4 HPLC 1L W5SK-1 ETHYL ACETATE HPLC/ACS 4L E195SK-4 WATER ETHYL ACETATE Certified ACS 4L E145SK-4 WATER HPLC 4L W5SK-4 ETHYL ACETATE OPTIMA 4L E196SK-4 WATER OPTIMA 4L W7SK-4 ETHYL ALCOHOL Denatured 4L A407SK-4 XYLENES Certified ACS 4L X5SK-4 HEPTANE HPLC 1L H350SK-1 HEPTANE HPLC 4L H350SK-4 HEXANE HPLC 1L H302SK-1 HEXANE HPLC 4L H302SK-4 HEXANE OPTIMA/ACS 4L H303SK-4 HEXANES Certified ACS 4L H292SK-4 • Innovative safety bottle with FisherLOCK* tamper evident cap ISO-OCTANE HPLC/ACS 1L O296SK-1 ISO-OCTANE HPLC/ACS 4L O296SK-4 • Convenient storing and METHANOL Certified ACS 4L A412SK-4 METHANOL HPLC/ACS 1L A452SK-1 METHANOL HPLC/ACS 4L A452SK-4 METHANOL OPTIMA/ACS 4L A454SK-4 METHANOL Scintanalyzed/ACS 4L A408SK-4 View our video and see the difference at: Place your order today! These Fisher Chemical products are protected by Safe-Cote PVC bottles that provide the purity of glass and most of the benefits of plastic for storing and dispensing chemicals. If they break, glass fragments and liquids are more likely to remain trapped. dispensing • Packaged in the 100% recyclable Styrofoam-free EcoSafPak Products might not be available in all regions. Contact your local sales representative for details. † Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 15 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Safer, Smarter, and Eco-friendly Packaging Styrofoam®-free EcoSafPak™ packaging. We now deliver all 4 × 4L, 1 × 4L, 6 × 1L, 6 × 500mL, 1 × 2.5L, 1 × 1L, 1 × 500mL, 2 × 4L, 2 × 1L and 2 × 500mL glass bottles (including the Safe-Cote™ glass bottles) of your favorite products in eco-friendly EcoSafPak packaging manufactured by an SFI certified manufacturer. EcoSafPak packaging minimizes the use of non-recyclable material through the use of the revolutionary Hexacomb design inserts. The Hexacomb is: • Fully Recyclable • Sturdy and Durable • Versatile Improved safety & handling: • EcoSafPak is the only package of its kind to pass the most demanding ISTA (International Safe Transport Association) “3A” test, consisting of: • 17 drops to simulate real-world parcel shipment handling • Shock testing • Vibration testing • Corrugated material is shock absorbing • Greater stability in the frame of the box • Staggered handholds for ease of transport 16 The EcoSafPak is now manufactured by an SFI-certified manufacturer. The Sustainable Forestry Initiative® (SFI) program: • is based on the premise that responsible environmental behavior and sound business decisions can co-exist • is a comprehensive system of principles, objectives, and performance measures developed by professional foresters, conservationists, and scientists • promotes the perpetual growing and harvesting of trees with the long-term protection of wildlife, plants, soil, and water SFI’s Nine Objectives: • • • • • • • • • Sustainable Forestry Responsible Practices Reforestation and Productive Capacity Forest Health and Productivity Long-Term Forest and Soil Productivity Protection of Water Resources Protection of Special Sites and Biological Diversity Legal Compliance Continual Improvement Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Chemical Storage/Handling Recommendations Chemical Incompatibility Acids and Bases Chemicals should react in the lab, not in the stockroom. The inadvertent mixing of inventory can produce toxic vapor/gas, fire or explosion. Stay safe in the storeroom; adhere to the following prescribed precautions and consult the chemical compatibility tables (below) for caustic combinations. For productspecific information, refer to the Material Safety Data Sheet (MSDS) provided with purchase. Isolate acids: General Guidelines • Store acids and bases in air-tight containers with snug-fitting caps; avoid loose lids or glass stoppers; use vented caps when necessary to prevent over-pressurization • Protect eyes and skin: lab safety glasses with side shields, lab coats and closed-toe shoes must be worn for basic personal protection • Safely space shelves and racks to accommodate the upright removal of the largest chemical container; prevent tipping and dripping with adequate clearance • Identify and substitute safer chemical alternatives • Keep hazardous materials away from heat and direct sunlight to prevent the degradation of chemicals and deterioration of storage containers and labels • From reactive metals, including sodium, potassium and magnesium • From sodium cyanide, iron sulfide, calcium carbide and other compounds that can react to produce toxic fumes/gases • Place combustible organic carboxylic acids (i.e., acetic acid) in a flammable storage locker; store inorganic acids in acid storage cabinets • Keep piranha etch and aqua regia in a fume hood at all times • Use non-aluminum drip trays for aqueous sodium and potassium hydroxide solutions; isolate nitric acid when utilizing secondary containment • Safely transfer containers of acid and base solutions using bottle carriers • Never pour water into acid; slowly add the acid to the water and stir • Do not store hazardous materials (except cleaners) under sinks Flammable and Combustible Liquids • Avoid chemical stockpiling; procure hazardous materials as needed • Store flammable and combustible liquids away from oxidizers and heat producers • Limit fume hood storage of hazardous materials • House flammable and combustible liquids in excess of 10 gallons (per room) in approved flammable storage cabinets (under the hood or stand-alone); limit liquids in secondary containers (i.e., squeeze bottles) to 10 gallons or less • Conduct periodic cleanouts to minimize accumulation of chemicals • Keep all food (including gum), beverages, tobacco and open cosmetics outside the work area • Adhere to OSHA regulations for safe storage: 60 gallons of Class I and/or Class II liquids or 120 gallons of Class III liquids per cabinet; Class I liquids cannot be stored in a basement or pit without an approved ventilation system • Use only approved and well-labeled refrigerators and freezers for storing flammable liquids; never store lunch with science Incompatibilities by Hazard Class Acids, Inorganic Acids, Oxidizing Acids, Organic Alkalis (Bases) Oxidizers Poisons, Inorganic Poisons, Organic WaterOrganic Reactives Solvents Acids, inorganic X X X X X X Acids, oxidizing X X X X X X X X X Acids, organic X X Alkalis (bases) X X Oxidizers X X X X X X X X X X X X Poisons, inorganic X X X Poisons, organic X X X X Water-reactives X X Organic solvents X X X X X X X X X X X X X indicates incompatibility between two chemical product groups. Incompatible products should not be stored in close proximity. Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 17 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Chemical Incompatibilities Chemical Store Separately From Acetic acid Chromic acid, nitric acid, perchloric acid, peroxides, permanganates and other oxidizers Acetone Concentrated nitric and sulfuric acid mixtures, and strong bases Acetylene Chlorine, bromine, copper, fluorine, silver, mercury Alkali metals Water, carbon tetrachloride or other chlorinated hydrocarbons, carbon dioxide, halogens Ammonia, anhydrous Mercury, chlorine, calcium hypochlorite, iodine, bromine, hydrofluoric acid Ammonium nitrate Acids, metal powders, flammable liquids, chlorates, nitrites, sulfur, finely divided organic or combustible materials Aniline Nitric acid, hydrogen peroxide Arsenic materials Any reducing agent Azides Acids Bromine Ammonia, acetylene, butadiene, butane, methane, propane (or other petroleum gases), hydrogen, sodium carbide, turpentine, benzene, finely divided metals Calcium oxide Water Carbon (activated) Calcium hypochlorite, all oxidizing agents Carbon tetrachloride Sodium Chlorates Ammonium salts, acids, metal powders, sulfur, finely divided organic or combustible materials Chromic acid and chromium trioxide Acetic acid, naphthalene, camphor, glycerol, glycerin, turpentine, alcohol, flammable liquids in general Chlorine Same as Bromine Chlorine dioxide Ammonia, methane, phosphine, hydrogen sulfide Copper Acetylene, hydrogen peroxide Cumene hydroperoxide Acids, organic or inorganic Cyanides Acids Flammable liquids Ammonium nitrate, chromic acid, hydrogen peroxide, nitric acid, sodium peroxide, halogens Hydrocarbons Fluorine, chlorine, bromine, chromic acid, sodium peroxide Hydrocyanic acid Acids Hydrofluoric acid Ammonia, aqueous or anhydrous bases and silica Hydrogen peroxide Copper, chromium, iron, most metals or their salts, alcohols, acetone, organic materials, aniline, nitromethane, flammable liquids Hydrogen sulfide Fuming nitric acid, other acids, oxidizing gases, acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous), hydrogen Hypochlorites Acids, activated carbon Iodine Acetylene, ammonia (aqueous or anhydrous), hydrogen Mercury Acetylene, fulminic acid, ammonia Nitrates Sulfuric acid Nitric acid (concentrated) Acetic acid, aniline, chromic acid, hydrocyanic acid, hydrogen sulfide, flammable liquids, flammable gases, copper, brass, any heavy metals Nitrites Acids Nitroparaffins Inorganic bases, amines Oxalic acid Silver, mercury Oxygen Oils, grease, hydrogen; flammable liquids, solids, or gases Perchloric acid Acetic anhydride, bismuth and its alloys, alcohol, paper, wood, grease and oils Peroxides, organic Acids (organic or mineral), avoid friction, store cold Phosphorus (white) Air, oxygen, alkalis, reducing agents Potassium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water Potassium chlorate and perchlorate Sulfuric and other acids, alkali metals, magnesium and calcium Potassium permanganate Glycerin, ethylene glycol, benzaldehyde, sulfuric acid Selenides Reducing agents Silver Acetylene, oxalic acid, tartaric acid, ammonium compounds, fulminic acid Sodium Carbon tetrachloride, carbon dioxide, water Sodium nitrite Ammonium nitrate and other ammonium salts Sodium peroxide Ethyl or methyl alcohol, glacial acetic acid, acetic anhydride, benzaldehyde, carbon disulfide, glycerin, ethylene glycol, ethyl acetate, methyl acetate, furfural Sulfides Acids Sulfuric Acid Potassium chlorate, potassium perchlorate, potassium permanganate (or compounds with similar light metals: sodium, lithium, etc.) Tellurides Reducing agents (From Manufacturing Chemists’ Association, Guide for Safety in the Chemical Laboratory, pp. 215–217, Van Nostrand) 18 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. All Plastics Are Not Created Equal Differentiating between glass and plastic for chemical storage is fairly intuitive; selecting the most compatible plastic, well, that’s another story. Labware is constructed from a variety of polymers — polyethylene (low and high density), polypropylene, PVC, etc. — possessing unique and varying degrees of resistance to the laundry list of chemicals. To maintain the structural integrity of the chemical containers and ensure safe handling, please consult the chemical resistance tables before transferring materials. Chemical Resistance and Physical Properties of Plastics Resin Codes ECTFE: ETFE: FEP: FLPE: FLPP: HDPE: LDPE: NYL: PPCO: PC: PETG: PK: PFA: PMMA: PMP: PP: PS: PSF: PTFE: PUR: PVC: PVDF: TPE: XLPE: Ethylene- chlorotrifluoroethylene copolymer Ethylenetetrafluoroethylene Fluorinated ethylene propylene Fluorinated high-density polyethylene Fluorinated polypropylene High-density polyethylene Low-density polyethylene Nylon (polyamide) Polypropylene copolymer Polycarbonate Polyethylene terephthalate copolyester Polyketone Do not store strong oxidizing agents in plastic labware except if made of FEP, PFA or PTFE. Other plastics will become brittle after prolonged exposure. Perfluoroalkoxy Polymethyl methacrylate Polymethylpentene Polypropylene Polystyrene Polysulfone Polytetrafluoroethylene Polyurethane Polyvinyl chloride Polyvinylidene fluoride Thermoplastic elastomer Cross-linked high-density polyethylene Do not place plastic labware directly in a flame or on a hotplate unless specified. Use these charts as a reference only. They are recommendations, not guarantees, of fitness for particular uses. Test materials under actual conditions before using them for your applications. Chemical Resistance Summary † Classes of substances; temperature 68°F (20°C) ECTFE/ETFE FEP/PTFE/PFA FLPE HDPE/XLPE LDPE NYL PC PETG PK PMMA PMP PP/PPCO PS PSF PUR PVC PVDF TPE ‡ E — No damage after 30 days of constant exposure. Acids, weak or dilute Acids†, strong or concentrated Alcohols, aliphatic Aldehydes Bases Esters Hydrocarbons, aliphatic Hydrocarbons, aromatic Hydrocarbons, halogenated Ketones Oxidizing agents, strong E G E E E E E E E G F E E E E E E E E E E E E E E G F E E E G E F E E E G E G G G F G F E E E G E G F F N G F F N N F F E E E G E N E N G F N N F N N N N E N E N N N E N N N N E G G E G E E E E E G G N N G F N G N N N N E E E G E G F F N F F E E E G E G G F F G F E F E N E N N N N N N E G G F E N G N N N G G F F G N N E N N N N E E E N E N E N N N G E E E E E G E E N N G E F E N E N N N N N N For oxidizing acids, see table entry “Oxidizing agents, strong.” ‡ G — Little or no damage after 30 days of constant exposure. F — Some effect after seven days of constant exposure. Depending on the plastic, the effect may be cracking, crazing, loss of strength or discoloration. Solvents may cause softening, swelling and permeation losses with PPCO, PP, PMP, LDPE and HDPE; the solvent effects on these materials are normally reversible. N — Not recommended for continuous use. Immediate damage may occur. Depending on the plastic, the effect will be severe cracking, crazing, loss of strength, discoloration, deformation, dissolution or permeation loss. TPE gaskets Superior Poly Packaging for Fisher Chemical TraceMetal Acids and Bases Selected TraceMetal Grade Acids and Bases are now available in poly bottles. Constructed with a new, high-density polyethylene — made from a proprietary resin — the innovative bottles provide up to 80% less metallic extractables (vs. glass). Packaging Advantages • Poly bottles are lighter, easier to handle and less likely to break during transport • FisherLOCK tamper-evident cap safeguards chemicals; drip lip feature prevents spills when pouring • 100% recyclable package reduces waste and all-poly bottle facilitates disposal (no PVC coating to be removed) • Poly bottles occupy less space than glass bottles and enable better storage space utilization in the lab Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 19 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. 20 NN NN EE GG NN NN NN GG NN GF GG EE EE GF EE GG GG GG EE EE NN NN NN FF NN FF NN NN NN NN NN NN NN GF GF GF GG GG EE NN NN NN FF NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN FF EE NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN FF GG FF NN NN GF GG NN NN EG EG NN NN NN NN FF FF NN EE FF EE EE NN GF EE — EE EE NN EE GF — — — EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EF EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EG EE EE E– — EE EE EG — EE EE EE — EE EE — EG NN EG EE — NN — NN — EG NN EE EE — NN NN EE NN NN EE EE — EE EE — EE L NN EE EG GG NN NN NN EE EE GF GG GG EE GF EE EE EF GF EE GG NN NN NN NN NN GG NN NN NN NN NN NN NN EG GG EE NN GG GF EE NN NN NN NN FN NN GN NN NN EE FF NN EG NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN GG NN NN EG NN EE NN NN FN GF NN NN NN NN GN FN NN EE NN NN GG NN FN EG EE FN NN EE EE EG EF EG NN EE NN EG FF EG GG GF FN GF NN EE EG GF EG EE NN EG NN NN EG FF FF EE NN NN NN FN NN NN EE EG EE EG EE NN NN NN EG FF NN NN GF NN NN EE EE EG EG EE EE EE EE EE EE GF EE EF EE EE EE NN NN EE EE EE GF GF EG EG EE EE EE EE NN GF St ai nl es sS Gl te as el s Ce ra m ic GN NN EE EG NN NN NN EG NN GF EG EE EE EG EE EE EE EG EE EG NN NN NN NN NN EG NN GF GN NN NN FN NN GF GG EG GN EE GF NN NN GF FN FN EE EG FN NN NN EG EF NN GG NN GF EG NN NN NN FN NN GN FN FN FN NN FN GF FN NN EG EE NN NN NN NN FN FN NN EE FN FN EE EG GF NY FN NN EG EG NN NN NN EE NN GF FN EG EE NN EE GF FN NN EE EG NN NN FN FN NN EG FN NN FN NN NN NN NN GF GF GF FN NN FN NN NN NN GF FN EG GF FN NN NN GF FN GF EG NN EG NN NN NN FN NN NN FN GF FN NN NN GF GF NN NN EG EG NN NN NN NN FN FN NN GF FN FN EE GF EG DF GF EE EE EG GF EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE GN EF EG EE EG EE EG GN GF EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EF EE EG EG EE EE EE EE GF EE EE EG EE EG EG EE EF EF EG EG GF EE EE EE GG EG EF EE EG EE EE EE GF EG EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EF EE PS EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE PV GN EE EE EE EE FN FN EE EE EG EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EG EG EE GF NN GF EG GF EG EG NN NN NN NN NN GF EG EG EG NN EE EG EE NN NN NN EG GN GN EG EE NN EE GF NN EE NN NN FN FN GF NN NN GF EG EE EE EE EE GF EE NN FN EG EG FN GF FN FN EE EE NN EE EE FN EE FN EG F GN EE EE EE EE FN FN EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EG EG EE GF NN GF EG GF EG EG NN NN NN NN NN GF EE EG EG NN EE EE EE NN GF NN EG GN FN EG EE GF EE GF NN EE GF FN GF FN GF NN NN GG EE EE EE EE EE GF EE NN EE EG EG FN GF GN FN EE EE FN EE EE FF EE FN EE PS GF EE EE EE NN EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG FN EG EE NN EE EE FN FN FN NN FN EG EE EE EE FN EE EE EE NN GF FN EE EF GF EE EE FN EE EE FN EE FN FN EG FF GF FN FN NN EE EE EE EE EE GG EE FN EE EE EE GF GG GF FF EE EE GF EE EE GF EE GN EE C GN EE EE EE NN EE EE EG EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EG EG EE GF NN EG EG FN EE EG NN NN NN NN NN GF EE EG EG NN EE EE EE NN FN NN EG GN GN EE EE FN EE EE NN EE NN FN GF FN FN NN NN NN EE EE EE EE EE GF EE NN EE EG EG FN FF GN FN EE EE GN EE EE FF EE FN EE PV CO /P P EC Do not store strong oxidizing agents in plastic containers except those made of Teflon* FEP, PFA or PTFE. Other plastics will become brittle after prolonged exposure. FE P Warning! PM P Chemicals may affect the weight, strength, color, dimensions, flexibility and surface appearance of labware. The basic models of interaction that cause these changes are: (1) chemical attack on the polymer chain, with resultant reduction in physical properties, including oxidation; reaction of functional groups in or on the chain; and depolymerization; (2) physical change, including absorption of solvents, resulting in softening and swelling of the plastic; permeation of solvent through the plastic; or dissolution in a solvent; and (3) stress-cracking from the interaction of a ‘‘stress-cracking agent’’ with molded-in or external stresses. The reactive combination of compounds of two or more classes may cause a synergistic or undesirable chemical effect. Other factors affecting chemical resistance include: temperature, pressure, internal or external stresses (such as centrifugation), and length of exposure to and concentration of the chemical. As temperature increases, resistance to attack decreases. Acetaldehyde Acetamide, sat. Acetic acid, 5% Acetic acid, 50% Acetone Acetonitrile Acrylonitrile Adipic acid Alanine Allyl alcohol Aluminum hydroxide Aluminum salts Amino acids Ammonia Ammonium acetate, sat. Ammonium glycolate Ammonium hydroxide, 5% Ammonium hydroxide, 30% Ammonium oxalate Ammonium salts n-Amyl acetate Amyl chloride Aniline Benzaldehyde Benzene Benzoic acid, sat. Benzyl acetate Benzyl alcohol Bromine Bromobenzene Bromoform Butadiene n-Butyl acetate n-Butyl alcohol sec-Butyl alcohol tert-Butyl alcohol Butyric acid Calcium hydroxide, conc. Calcium hypochlorite, sat. Carbazole Carbon disulfide Carbon tetrachloride Cedarwood oil Cellosolve acetate Chlorine, 10% in air Chlorine, 10% (moist) Chloroacetic acid p-Chloroacetophenone Chloroform Chromic acid, 10% Chromic acid, 50% Cinnamon oil Citric acid, 10% Cresol Cyclohexane DeCalin o-Dichlorobenzene p-Dichlorobenzene Diethyl benzene Diethyl ether Diethyl ketone Diethyl malonate Diethylene glycol Diethylene glycol ethyl ether Dimethyl formamide Dimethylsulfoxide 1,4-Dioxane Dipropylene glycol Ether Ethyl acetate Ethyl alcohol (absolute) Ethyl alcohol, 40% Ethyl benzene Ethyl benzoate Ethyl butyrate Ethyl chloride, liquid Ethyl cyanoacetate Ethyl lactate Ethylene chloride Ethylene glycol Ethylene glycol methyl ether Ethylene oxide Fluorides Fluorine Formaldehyde, 10% PP Effects of Chemicals on Labware CHEMICAL HD PE Use This Chart as a General Guide Only. Test each chemical before storing in labware. The first letter of each pair represents the resistance rating at 20°C; the second at 50°C. E — No damage after 30 days of constant exposure. G — Little or no damage after 30 days of constant exposure. F — Some effect after 7 days of constant exposure. Depending on the material, the effect may be cracking, crazing, loss of strength or discoloration. Solvents may cause softening, swelling, and permeation losses with PA, PP, PMP, LDPE and HDPE; the solvent effects on these materials are normally reversible. N — Not recommended for continuous use. Immediate damage may occur. Depending on the material, the effect will be severe cracking, crazing, loss of strength, discoloration, deformation, dissolution or permeation loss. LD PE How to Use This Chart /P TF E/ PF A TF E/ ET FE PC Chemical Resistance of Labware Materials EE EE EE EE EE EG EG EG — EE EE GG — EE EG — EE EE EE EE EE EG EG GG GG EG GG GG EE GG GG GG GG EE EE EE GG GG EE — EE GG — GG FF FF GG — EE GG FF EE GG EE EE — GG GG GG GG GG — EE EE EE EE GG — EE GG EE EE GG — EG EE — — GG GG — GG — EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE — EG NN EE — EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG GG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE NN EE — EE EE — EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE — — — EE — — EE EE — EE — EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE — EG EE EE — EE EE — EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE GG GG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE — EE EE EE EE — EE EE NN — EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE — — — EE — — EE EE — EE — — EE Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Place your order today! EE EE EE EE EG GF GG EE EE GF GF EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE GF GG EE EE EE EE NN NN EG FN EE EE GN GN FN EE GF EE GN NN GF EE EE EG EE EE FN EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE GG FN EE GF EE GF NN GG EG FN FN EE EE GG EG EE FN GF EE EG EG EG EF FN GF GF EG EE FF FN EG EG EG EG EE EE EG EG EG GF EE NN GF EG EG EG EE NN FF FF FN EG EE GN GF NN EE FF EE GN NN FG EE EG GF EE EE NN EE EG EE EE EG EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EG GG NN EE FN EE FF NN FF GF NN NN EE EE FF EG EG NN FN EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EG GF EE EG EE EE GF GF EG GG EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE FN EE EF EN EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EG EE GF EE EE EG NN EG EE EE EE EG EE GF EG EE EG EG EG EF GF EG FF NN EE EG FN EE GF NN GF NN EE EE EE EG NN EE NN EE EG EG FN GF NN NN NN NN EG EG GF NN NN GF FF EG NN NN NN EE EG GF FN NN FN GF GF GF GF GF EG EG EE EG EE EG FN NN GF EG EE EG GF NN GN EG FN EG NN NN FN NN NN NN EG EG FN GF NN NN NN EE sS EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EEE — EE — EE EG GF — EE NN GN NN NN EE EE EG GF EN EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE — FN — — EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EG EE GE GF EE FN — EE EF — EE — — EE EE EE EE EE EE Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | NN EG FF FF FN NN NN NN EE NN NN EE EE FF GF NN EG EG EG GG NN EG NN NN GG GG NN FN NN NN NN NN EE GN NN NN NN NN NN FF GF NN NN GG EG NN GG GG NN EE NN GF GF NN EE EG GG GG GF GG GG EE EE EG EG EG GN NN NN FN NN GG NN NN NN NN NN NN EG EE NN GG EG NN NN EE GF NN NN NN — EE EE NN EE EE EE NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN NN EE NN EG EE NN NN EG NN EE EE EE GF EE NN NN NN FF EE GF EG NN EE NN NN NN GF FF FF FF EE EE NN NN EG EG NN FF EF NN FF EE GF NN EF NN NN NN NN NN NN NN EF EE NN EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE NN EE EE EE GG GG GG EE EE EE EG EE EE EE NN NN NN NN NN GG GG GG EE GG GG — EE GG GG — EE EE GG EE GG EE EE EG GG GG EE EE EG FF EG GG NN NN EE EG EG GF GG EE — — — GG GG EG — GG GG GG GF NN EG FN NN NN NN FN FN — FF EE NN EE — GG GG — — EE — GG GG GG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE NN NN EE EE EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — GF NN NN EE — — — — EE EE — — EE EE GE NN EE EE EE EE EE EE NN EE — EE EE EE EE — EE EE — — EE — EE — EE EE ic ra m Ce ss Gl a ai St NY L PS DF PV F GF GG GG FF EG EG FF FN EE EG EG EE EE EE GF FN EE EE EE EG NN EE NN GF EE EE NN GF NN NN NN NN EE EF GF NN NN GF FF EE NN NN FF EE EE FF EE EE FF GG GG NN NN FF EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE GG EE EE EE NN GG GG GG EE NN NN NN FF NN NN EE EE NN FF FF NN NN EE nl es GF GF GF FN GF EE GN EG EE GF GN EE EG GF GF GF EE EE EG EG NN EG NN EE GF GF NN EF NN NN NN NN EG EG GF FN NN FN FN EG GN NN FN EE EG FN EE EG EG FN FN FN GN FN GF GF EE GG EG GF EE NN EE EG EG EG EG GN FN EG NN EG NN NN NN FN NN NN GF GF GF EF GN NN NN EG PS C PV PC TF E/ PT EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE GF EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EC P/ FE PC PM P /P PP EG EG EG EG EG EG GF EG EE FF GF EE EE EG EG EE EE EG EG EE GF EE FN GF EG EG EG EE EG GF GF FN EE EE FN NN NN EE GF EG GN NN GN EE EG EG EE EE NN EE EG EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EE EE GF EE EE EG EG FN NN EE FN EE GF NN GF GF NN NN EE EE GF EG EE NN FN EE ET FE /P EG EG EG EG EG FN FN EG EE FN NN EE EE EE EG EE EE EG EG EE GF EE FN FN EG EE EG EE NN NN GF FN GN EE GN FN NN EE FN EG GN NN GN EE EE GN EE EE NN EE EG EE EE EG EE EE EE EE EG EE EE GG EE EE EE EE EG GG NN EE FN EE FN NN FN GF NN NN EE EE FN EF EE NN GN EE HD PE LD PE O CHEMICAL Formaldehyde, 40% Formic acid, 3% Formic acid, 50% Formic acid, 98 to 100% Freon® TF Fuel oil Gasoline Glacial acetic acid Glycerine n-Heptane Hexane Hydrochloric acid, 1 to 5% Hydrochloric acid, 20% Hydrochloric acid, 35% Hydrofluoric acid, 4% Hydrofluoric acid, 48% Hydrogen peroxide, 3% Hydrogen peroxide, 30% Hydrogen peroxide, 90% Isobutyl alcohol Isopropyl acetate Isopropyl alcohol Isopropyl benzene Kerosene Lactic acid, 3% Lactic acid, 85% Methoxyethyl oleate Methyl alcohol Methyl ethyl ketone Methyl isobutyl ketone Methyl propyl ketone Methylene chloride Mineral oil Nitric acid, 1 to 10% Nitric acid, 50% Nitric acid, 70% Nitrobenzene n-Octane Orange oil Ozone Perchloric acid Perchloroethylene Phenol, crystals Phosphoric acid, 1 to 5% Phosphoric acid, 85% Pine oil Potassium hydroxide, 1% Potassium hydroxide, conc. Propane gas Propylene glycol Propylene oxide Resorcinol, sat. Resorcinol, 5% Salicylaldehyde Salicylic acid, powder Salicylic acid, sat. Salt solutions, metallic Silver acetate Silver nitrate Sodium acetate, sat. Sodium hydroxide, 1% Sodium hydroxide, 50% to sat. Sodium hypochlorite, 15% Stearic acid, crystals Sulfuric acid, 1 to 6% Sulfuric acid, 20% Sulfuric acid, 60% Sulfuric acid, 98% Sulfur dioxide, liq., 46 psi Sulfur dioxide, wet or dry Sulfur salts Tartaric acid Tetrahydrofuran Thionyl chloride Toluene Tributyl citrate Trichloroethane Trichloroethylene Triethylene glycol Tripropylene glycol Turpentine Undecyl alcohol Urea Vinylidene chloride Xylene Zinc stearate FE FA te el Chemical Resistance of Labware Materials (contd.) EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE EE — NN EG EG EG EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE — EE EE EE NN NN EE EE EE — EE EE EE EE EE — GF NN NN EE — — — — EE EE — — EE EE GE NN EG EE EG GG NN NN NN EE — EE EE EE EE — EE EE — — EE — EE — EE EE Warning! The plastic resin information in these tables (does not include SS, glass or ceramic) has been provided by Thermo Scientific* Nalgene* and is reprinted with their permission. It should be used ONLY as a guide for selecting labware for testing. Test the labware for 72 hours under expected or proposed conditions of use, BEFORE putting into service. Test with care to avoid injury or property damage. Fisher Scientific does not warrant (neither express nor implied) that the information in these tables is accurate or complete. Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 21 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Notes 22 Discover. Synthesize. Analyze. Customize. Notes Place your order today! Fisher Scientific US: 1-800-766-7000 | Fisher Scientific Canada: 1-800-234-7437 | 23 To place an order, contact your local Fisher Scientific office. ©2015 Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. All rights reserved. All other trademarks are the property of Thermo Fisher Scientific Inc. and its subsidiaries. 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