Apr 4 2016 - The Aurora Newspaper


Apr 4 2016 - The Aurora Newspaper
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Vol. 37 No. 13
APRIL 4, 2016
Swing into spring
Greenwood golf course says
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
All the signs of spring are
visible at the Greenwood
Golf Club – the biggest being
the outdoor whiteboard that
says “Course open Thursday,
March 31!”, complete with a
smiley face.
“What we have here is an
enjoyable, scenic, challenging 18-hole golf course,”
says manager Karen Gorman, beyond happy to see
the course opening close to
seven weeks earlier than last
year. The grass is greening,
workers have been around
the course doing their spring
clean-up and the opportunities to golf have never been
more affordable. The club
is open to military members
and the general public: check
out www.greenwoodgolfclub.
ca for great 2016 rates and
membership benefits.
Club vice-president Major
Paul Janes loves golf – he’s
been playing since he was a
kid, his kids have been a part
of Greenwood’s summer
junior program for the past
five years and he’s looking
forward to supporting the
recreational and sporting
benefits of golf into the new
“We’re the link between
the course staff and the wing
commander, but also the
military members and their
families,” Janes says of the
club’s volunteer executive
Janes’ top-three favourites
for the Greenwood course?
Course availability, the welldesigned par-72 layout; and
that it’s an excellent location
to have fun outside the office, whether with military
co-workers, family or community friends.
“It’s great recreation, the
course is pretty, with a river
running through it: it’s a
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phenomenal resource. There
are very few places you can
tee off and see planes taking
off right above you.”
14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Pat Thauberger knows how valuable a
resource the course is to his
military personnel and their
families, but also the wider
“It adds to the suite of
recreational facilities we have
for our people and our neighbours,” he said March 31, as
he took the opening swing
from Hole 1.
“I always have fun when
I’m out here. It’s an easy
pace, you can get out and be
social and meet people.”
Gorman is looking ahead
at a busy golfing season: the
course is now open daily,
from dawn to dusk. Her full
maintenance staff, the pro
shop and the kitchen are
preparing for full operations.
The monthly schedule in-
Wing Commander Colonel Pat Thauberger, left, and Wing Chief Warrant Officer
Luc Emond, as they opened the Greenwood Golf Club’s season March 31. S. Keddy
cludes “Nine & Dine” events
planned. The junior program
begins in July, right after
the club’s annual Canada
Day family event. The Valley
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Middleton Cell (902):
Seniors are booked in for
July, and the Nova Scotia
Golf Association’s senior
four-ball championship is set
for August.
“Whether you play nine
holes or 18, whether you’re
learning or in a tournament
– come and enjoy yourself.
Have a great time,” she says.
Ghyslaine Roy
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Office: 902.765.3505
771 Central Ave., Greenwood
Not intended to solicit those under active contract with licensed REALTORS®
Page 2
April 4, 2016
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Deal opens 14 Wing for civilian aviation
Sara Keddy,
Managing editor
Private planes are now at
home at 14 Wing Greenwood.
March 29, the base formalized an agreement with the
Freedom Aviation Society and
the Municipality of the County
of Kings to allow civilian air
traffic to land on the military
runways and station at a designated airpark.
“This is a big day –
exciting,” said Wing
Commander Colonel Pat Thauberger.
“Maybe 10 or 15
years ago, civilians
flying into Greenwood stopped.
We used to have a
Greenwood Flying
Club, with private aircraft,
training and a flight school.
Now, this is a concurrence of
events and opportunities.”
The civilian aircraft arrive as
the municipality solidified its
own deal March 31 to sell the
Kings County Municipal Airport property in Cambridge to
Michelin. The tire builder has
said it needs the land around
its plant to be able to position
itself for future growth, as the
international company pits
individual factories in a bidding process for expansion
investments. The municipality
agreed to the sale, and has
spent over two years determining the airport operation’s
Thauberger said the base
welcomes the civilian traffic,
as it allows military air traffic
control and airfield personnel
more opportunities to use their
skills, and become familiar
with “dissimilar aircraft’ arriving on a day-to-day basis.
Base staff – from Construction
Engineering, legal, finance, airfields and grounds, along with
advisors from multiple national
oversight entities, have been
working on seeing this project
proceed since 2014.
The base allowed civilian
aircraft to practice flyovers,
touch-and-go use of the runways and communications
with the control tower through
“I came down on Saturday
and did a touch-and-go on
runway 2-6 – that must be the
best runway I’ve been on in 20
Paul Easson, left, Freedom Aviation Society chairman; 14 Wing Greenwood Commander Colonel Patrick Thauberger, and Kings County Warden Diana Brothers
ceremoniously sign the provision of service agreement establishing general civilian
aviation activity on 14 Wing March 29.
Corporal G. Cormier, 14 Wing Imaging
years,” said Freedom Aviation
chairman Paul Easson. “We’re
really excited to come down,
and we really appreciate the
help from 14 Wing and the
county to make this happen.”
Freedom Aviation repre-
A handful of civilian aircraft were on the
ground at 14 Wing Greenwood March 30, the
start of the new Annapolis Valley regional Air
Park, having made the move from the closing
Kings County Municipal Airport in Cambridge.
S. Keddy
sents over a dozen private
aircraft owners making the
move from the municipal airfield, and it will look after daily
civilian operations at the new
Annapolis Valley Regional Air
Park. That includes managing
hangar space, collecting parking and runway fees, attracting
traffic and aviation business,
selling fuel and liaising with
both 14 Wing and the municipality.
The March 29 provision of
services document is a temporary bridge to a fuller lease
agreement; it will be revisited
in six months as that lease
moves beyond a draft. Until
that lease is signed, the airpark
will operate from a fenced,
Managing Editor | Directrice de rédaction
Sara Keddy • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5441
Business & Advertising | Affaires commerciales et publicité
902-765-1494 local/poste 5833
Graphic Designer | Graphiste
Brian Graves • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5699
Administrative Clerk | Commis à l’administration
Bev Richardson • 902-765-1494 local/poste 5440
Editorial Advisor | Conseiller à la rédaction
Lieutenant (Navy) Sylvain Rousseau
• 902-765-1494 local/poste 5101
Circulation | Circulation: 5,900 Mondays | Lundis
Agreement No. | Numéro de contrat : 462268
Fax: 902-765-1717
Website | Site Web : www.auroranewspaper.com
Canadian Forces Newspaper Association
Association des journaux des Forces canadiennes
A program of CFMWS
Un programme des SBMFC
The Aurora, PO Box 99, Greenwood NS B0P 1N0
L’Aurora, C.P. 99, Greenwood (N.-É.) B0P 1N0
Location | Emplacement : 83A School Road, Morfee Annex
Annexe Morfee
AWARD 2013
Mail subscriptions: annual $90 plus tax, weekly $1.85 plus tax.
Abonnements par correspondance: 90$ par année plus taxes , 1,85$ par semaine plus taxes.
The Editorial Board reserves the right to edit, condense or reject copy or advertising to suit the aims of a service newspaper as
specified in the Interim Canadian Forces Newspapers Policy and/or by the Editorial Board. Opinions and advertisements appearing
in The Aurora Newspaper are those of the individual contributor or advertiser and do not necessarily reflect the opinions of 14 Wing,
Greenwood or the printers. Published each Monday by 14 Wing under the authority of Colonel Patrick Thauberger, Wing Commander.
Le comité de rédaction se réserve le droit de réviser, de condenser ou de rejeter tout article ou message publicitaire afin de
satisfaire aux exigences relatives aux journaux militaires figurant dans la Politique temporaire des journaux des Forces canadiennes.
Les opinions exprimées dans ce journal sont celles des collaborateurs et ne reflètent pas nécessairement les points de vue des
Forces armées canadiennes ou de la 14e Escadre. Publié chaque lundi par la 14e Escadre sous les auspices du Colonel Patrick
Thauberger, commandant de l’Escadre.
paved pad between hangar
2 and the Cadet camp trailer
block. An office trailer and the
former municipal airfield’s fuel
tank are now on-site. More
permanent infrastructure – like
a hangar – will be developed
after the formal lease.
Kings County Warden Diana
Brothers said the county is
excited with the airpark development.
“Not everyone was sold on
this move and this project,
but we know Michelin is very
serious about competing for
expansion. To allow ourselves
to possibly announce a halfbillion dollar expansion and
250 jobs – and relocate our
airport – is significant.”
Useful links | Liens utiles
Canadian Air Force website
Site Web de l’Aviation royale canadienne
Community Gateway Site
Site du portail communautaire des Forces
14 Wing Greenwood Site
Site de la 14e Escadre Greenwood
Personnel Family Support Services
Services de soutien au personnel et aux
familles des Forces canadiennes
National Defence and the Canadian Forces
Défense nationale et Forces canadiennes
Combat Camera | Caméra de combat
Recruiting | Recrutement
Military Family Resource Centre
Centre des ressources pour les familles
des militaires
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
April 4, 2016
Page 3
Military relocation expo coming up
So, you’re posted. Now
Whether it’s your first
move or your 10th, there are
so many details to think of.
Where do I start? What do
I do next? Who can I hire to
help me?
Join the Greenwood Military Family Resource Centre
and Total Real Estate Solutions at the Birchall Training
Centre April 6, immediately
following the posted-out
briefing, from 4 p.m. to 7
p.m., to get help with answers
to all of these questions and
On hand you will find mortgage and realty specialists,
legal advisors, appraisers,
home inspectors, photographers and more. How do I increase my curb appeal? How
do I attract buyers? Is there a
proper way to stage my home
for sale? How do I choose a
mortgage that is right for me?
If you were wondering about
it, our specialists can help.
L’Expo de réinstallation des
militaires approche à grands pas
Counting to 7,000
March 23, of the 66 Middleton students visiting the Greenwood Military Aviation
Museum for its Grade 6 Flight Education Program, Jordan Hayward was the lucky
7,000th program participant. Museum volunteers acknowledged the milestone,
presenting Hayward with a few token mementos. From left are program coordinator Lloyd Graham, Hayward, teacher Dave MacDougall and Tammy Blue. S. Keddy
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Vous êtes affectés à une
autre base. Et maintenant?
Que ce soit votre premier
déménagement ou le dixième,
il y a tellement de choses à
penser. Par où dois-je commencer? Que faire ensuite?
Qui pourrais-je embaucher
pour m’aider?
Vous obtiendrez des réponses à toutes ces questions et
bien plus lors de l’Expo de
réinstallation des militaires
présentée par le Centre de
ressources pour les familles
militaires de Greenwood et
Total Real Estate Solutions
le 6 avril prochain de 16 h à
19 h au Centre d’instruction
Birchall. À noter que l’Expo
aura lieu immédiatement après
la présentation aux membres
qui sont affectés ailleurs.
Sur place, vous trouverez des
spécialistes de l’hypothèque et
de l’immobilier, conseillers
juridiques, évaluateurs, inspecteurs en bâtiments, photographes, et plus! Comment
puis-je augmenter l’attrait pour
ma maison? Comment puis-je
attirer des acheteurs? Est-ce
Cell: 902-309-0344 | Office: 902-765-3505
cell: (902) 760-1298
New Member Rate of only $600 tax included
for serving and retired military members
($660 for Associate members)
(Must not have been a member in 2015)
Returning Adult Members starting at $720 tax included
Senior Membership starting at $685 tax included
Sue Hersey, CD1
Reg White CD
14 Wing Greenwood Golf Club
Family Memberships starting at $1295 tax included
Intermediate (Ages 13 – 18) $115 tax included
Juniors (Ages 8 – 12) $95 tax included
Our Membership Loyalty Program will
reward all returning members with a
3% discount off their membership fee.
All Junior and Intermediate Memberships
include a FREE Range plan and our
Golf Program for Kids run during the
summer by dedicated volunteers.
We offer a payment plan that suits
your needs from 3 to 12 months...
the choice is yours!
Helping make your move stress free
28 years military experience with 9 DND moves
771 Central Ave,
Tickets are on sale now for a 2017 Adult Membership.
Price is $5.00 with only 300 tickets being sold.
All proceeds go to support our Children’s programming.
Golf the way it should be... Golf Fore You!
Independent Member/Broker
qu’il y a une bonne façon de
préparer ma maison pour la
vendre? Comment faire pour
choisir une hypothèque qui
me convient? Si vous vous
posez des questions à ce sujet,
nos spécialistes peuvent vous
Page 4
April 4, 2016
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Aviation career, experience,
passion combine in museum volunteer
Dan Daigle has been a
member of the Greenwood
Military Aviation Museum
Society for six years. He
seems to be one of those rare
individuals who can do almost
anything well.
Daigle is project leader for
the current Bolingbroke aircraft restoration, and an avid
aviator. Besides his involvement with the Bolingbroke,
Daigle built the large Beaufighter model that hangs from
the ceiling at the entrance
to the museum, designed
and built the 404 Squadron
diorama back-drop, the large
stands to handle aircraft components during restoration,
the thermal oven for forming
aircraft windows and turrets
and multiple missing parts
for aircraft restorations; he
is involved in countless other
museum activities.
A Maritimer, Daigle hails
from New Brunswick and is
the son of a military father.
Although he wanted to be a
pilot, his eyesight failed to
meet requirements, so he
went on to spend almost 35
years in Canada’s air force as
an aircraft technician. His career began as a Reservist with
402 Squadron in Winnipeg,
working on Otter and Dakota
aircraft. When not at 402,
he was employed by Bristol
Aerospace, repairing CF101
Voodoo aircraft and, later,
with Boeing Aircraft of Canada
making composite material
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Bolingbroke team leader Dan Daigle next to the completed nose section of the aircraft on which the team
spent several years completing.
I. Patrick
parts for their aircraft. By
1982, Daigle’s extensive general aviation and Air Reserve
experience convinced him
to combine both in a career
in the military that saw him
serve at bases across Canada,
mostly as an instructor.
His deep love of flying
started very early, beginning
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S p e c i a l i z i n g i n Ro o f i n g • Fr e e E s t i m a t e s • I n s u r e d
The 14 Wing Greenwood
Learning and Career Centre
will host a lunch and learn
financial series – Financial
Resiliency! - in conjunction with SISIP Financial
Services, as subject matter experts. The Financial
Resiliency “weigh-in” will
address your credit score,
credit ratio, cash flow, savings, net worth and relationship with money. The
session will be held April 12,
noon to 1 p.m., at the LCC,
Room 204 (second floor), in
the Birchall Training Centre.
Topics of future lunch
and learns will include May
– Buy or Rent?, and June –
Your credit score and more!
Register by calling the
LCC at 902-765-1494 local
Durland, Gillis & Shackleton Associates
Check Out Your Options
Call to find out how our innovative
MovePLUS® program can save time,
stress and money when you relocate.
with design and construction
of radio controlled aircraft
and, eventually, becoming a
private pilot. He joined the
Experimental Aircraft Association and built, flew and maintained his own home-built
aircraft. Daigle maintained
certified aircraft throughout
his life and, on one occasion,
did part-time work with a
company, as their sole aircraft
maintenance engineer, that
assembled, sold and maintained Czech-designed and
built small aircraft, including
ultralight aircraft engines; giving him even wider experience
and an opportunity to fly. This
experience later enabled him
to undertake the restoration of
an amphibious 1947 Republic
Seabee, owned by friends,
which won the aircraft type
best-in-show over 17 other
aircraft at the annual Experimental Aircraft convention in
Oshkosh, Wisconsin.
Daigle was medically released in 2008 and, with his
wife, Shirley, chose to live in
Nova Scotia. He now shares
his love of aviation and his
wide experience with the
many society members and
restoration volunteers of the
Greenwood Military Aviation
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$10.00 off
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with card
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
April 4, 2016
Page 5
Are you ready to enhance your wellness?
Wellness is more than a concept; it’s a daily life experience
linking all aspects of health. The
Canadian Armed Forces Health
and Physical Fitness Strategy
promotes, a healthy lifestyle
and stresses one of the key
components towards achieving
the ultimate goal of maximizing
operational capability through a
healthy, “fit and resilient” force.
So how do you give your best?
You become your best.
There are lots of daily life
choices affecting your wellbeing, either at work or at
home, with your family and
friends. By making choices, one
step at a time, you can build
strength, energy and resilience.
Small daily choices can have a
big impact on improving your
life. According to Dr. Darrell Menard, a sport medicine
specialist with Strengthening
the Forces, “the fundamental
decision is choosing to take
care of yourself and everything
else in life will fall into place.”
The CAF Health and Wellness
Challenge is brought to you
by Strengthening the Forces
to help you build a healthier
lifestyle. By joining the challenge, you and your family take
concrete steps in increasing
vitality and overall health and
Health is an everyday issue
and not exclusive to the medical
staff of a hospital or clinic. It’s
what you eat at the restaurant,
it’s how well you sleep, it’s the
evening walks you take, and
it’s the choice not to grab a
cigarette when stress “hits the
fan.” Every choice we make as
a part of daily life makes a big
difference to our overall health.
So how do you get started?
Join the CAF Health and Wellness Challenge and gather
checkmarks for participating
in daily activities. You’ll sample
life-enhancing activities based
on social wellness, addictionfree living, nutritional wellness
and active living. This challenge also helps you reflect
and take stock of your current
life-enriching activities. Positive lifestyle decisions always
start with one small choice – to
move forward, one step at a
time. Mobilize your health now!
The original Strengthening
the Forces vision was germinated way back in 1992 by
Captain (N) Climie, MD, who
believed enabling personnel
in making healthy choices and
taking control of their wellness
would lead to a stronger force.
It involves taking responsibility at both the individual level
and at the organizational level.
Both levels have to “walk the
talk.” This forward-thinking
approach took time to gather
momentum and set the stage
for healthy lifestyle as the “new
normal.” Now, the CAF has fully
integrated this concept into a
National Health and Physical
Fitness Strategy, getting you
energized with the CAF Health
and Wellness Challenge.
How to get challenged
Build a team of colleagues
and enjoy friendly rivalry between units. Strengthening
the Forces has lots of resources to show how easy it
can be to make simple healthy
daily choices. Your base/ wing
Health Promotion office will
happily introduce you to a
variety of workshops and other
The challenge runs from
May 1 to 3. Are you ready to
feel the difference? You can
register as early as April 1 and
get a warm-up with the printed
booklet and downloadable,
interactive PDF. By registering
for the dhallenge, you will have
access to health information,
healthy eating tips, updates
and many other “exclusive”
Êtes-vous prêt à vous sentir mieux?
santé général.
Par où commencer? Relevez le Défi de la santé et
du mieux-être des FAC et
accumulez des cases cochées en participant aux
activités quotidiennes. Vous
aurez un aperçu d’activités
enrichissantes qui favorisent le mieux-être social,
une vie sans dépendance,
le mieux-être nutritionnel
et une vie active. Le Défi
vous donnera également
l’occasion de dresser le bilan
des activités bénéfiques que
vous pratiquez actuellement.
L’adoption d’un mode de vie
sain commence toujours par
de petits gestes pour aller
de l’avant étape après étape.
Placez votre santé en première ligne dès maintenant!
La vision initiale du programme Énergiser les Forces
a été élaborée il y a long-
paper carrier needed
Ravenwood Park West: Old French Rd.,
Acadia, Drummond, Cynthia Dr.,
Acorn Ln, and Cartier, Champlain Crt.
Approx 120 newspapers
902-765-1494 local 5440
temps, en 1992, par le Capv
Climie, un médecin qui était
convaincu que le fait de donner au personnel les outils
nécessaires pour faire des
choix sains et pour prendre son mieux-être en main
permettrait de consolider
les Forces. Cette vision implique la responsabilisation
sur les plans individuel et
organisationnel. Les deux
parties doivent ainsi passer
de la parole aux actes. Cette
approche avant-gardiste a
mis du temps à s’imposer et
à établir le concept de mode
de vie sain comme la nouvelle norme. Aujourd’hui, les
FAC ont pleinement intégré
ce concept à la Stratégie
nationale sur la santé et la
condition physique, et elles
énergisent leurs membres
grâce au Défi de la santé et
du mieux-être des FAC.
Comment participer
au défi?
Mettez sur pied une équipe
de collègues et faites naître
une rivalité amicale entre les
unités. Le programme Énergiser les Forces dispose de
nombreuses ressources pour
montrer à quel point il est
facile de faire des choix santé
au quotidien. Le personnel du
bureau local de la promotion
de la santé de votre base ou
mieux-être des FAC vous est
offert dans le cadre du programme Énergiser les Forces
afin de vous aider à adopter
un mode de vie plus sain.
En relevant le Défi, les membres de votre famille et vous
poserez des gestes concrets
qui amélioreront votre dynamisme, votre état de santé
général et votre mieux-être.
La santé est un enjeu quotidien qui ne concerne pas
exclusivement le personnel
médical des hôpitaux ou des
cliniques. Il s’agit de vos
habitudes, comme vos choix
de repas au restaurant, la
qualité de votre sommeil,
vos marches en soirée, sans
oublier la décision de ne pas
fumer, même si vous êtes «
extrêmement stressé ». Les
choix que nous faisons au
quotidien contribuent grandement à améliorer notre état de
Le mieux-être est plus
qu’un concept. C’est une
expérience de vie quotidienne
au cœur de tous les aspects
de la santé. La Stratégie sur la
santé et la condition physique
au sein des forces armées canadiennes favorise un mode
de vie sain et met l’accent
sur un facteur indispensable
pour atteindre son but ultime : maximiser la capacité
opérationnelle en s’assurant
d’avoir des militaires en santé, « en forme et résistants ».
Comment donner le meilleur
de vous-même? En faisant
chaque fois le meilleur choix.
Un grand nombre de choix
de vie au quotidien ont une
incidence sur votre mieuxêtre, que vous soyez au travail
ou à la maison, en famille
ou entre amis. En faisant les
bons choix, une étape à la
fois, vous pouvez augmenter
votre force, votre énergie et
votre résistance. Les petites
décisions que vous prenez
au quotidien peuvent avoir
une importance capitale pour
l’amélioration de votre vie.
Selon le Dr Darrell Ménard,
un spécialiste en médecine
sportive qui participe au programme Énergiser les Forces,
« la décision fondamentale
est de choisir de vous occuper de vous. Par la suite, tous
les autres éléments de votre
vie se mettront naturellement
en place. »
Le Défi de la santé et du
Leona Conrick at the MFRC,
902-765-1494 local 5938
de votre escadre sera ravi de
vous présenter les différents
ateliers et les autres ressources. Le Défi se déroulera du
1er au 31 mai. Êtes-vous prêt
à vivre la différence? Vous
pourrez vous inscrire dès le
1er avril et vous préparer en
consultant le livret imprimé
et le fichier PDF interactif et
téléchargeable. Tous les participants du Défi auront accès
à une mine d’information :
renseignements sur la santé,
astuces d’alimentation santé,
messages de dernière heure ainsi qu’à une foule d’autres
ressources « exclusives ».
Page 6
April 4, 2016
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Challenge to survive
The 413 (Transport and
Rescue) Squadron Civil Air
Search and Rescue Association (CASARA) office conducted a three-day winter survival
training exercise in February,
with six members of CASARA
Newfoundland - Steve Corco-
ran, Minette LeDrew, Maurice
Murphy, John Smith, Tina
Smith and Larry Wall.
Warrant Officer Sean
MacEachern, assisted by Major Brian Myrah, guided the
CASARA volunteers through
all aspects of basic winter
survival. The Royal Canadian
Air Force model of survival
training has changed very
little over the years, with a
prioritized list of actions focused on first aid, fire, shelter
and signals.
Prior to bringing in the
students, instructor staff constructed a hasty shelter, a full
lean-to, a fire pit with reflector, a variety of ground-to-air
signals and snares. The volunteers were then brought in
to the various demonstration
sites and given a thorough
description of each.
The group was broken into
two teams, with the goal of establishing a functional survival
site for an overnight stay that
exposed members to -10 Celsius temperatures. Firewood
was salvaged from a local
white spruce coastal forest.
Maintaining a sustainable fire
proved extremely challenging
with the moisture-laden wood,
but determined survivors
overcame this challenge.
A highlight of the exercise
was to light a signal fire and
successfully attract a Cougar
Helicopter crew practicing a
search pattern nearby. The
signal fire was constructed
with a triangular frame covered in spruce boughs, with
a platform near the base of
the triangle supporting dry
twigs and progressively larger
combustibles, which would
encourage rapid fire growth.
When the boughs ignite, they
produce large quantities of
visible smoke.
All participants thoroughly
enjoyed this survival training
experience and intend to share
these newfound skills with
other CASARA members.
Civil Air Search and Rescue Association (CASARA)
Newfoundland volunteers
were coached through survival training in February,
led by 413 Squadron Major
Brian Myrah and Warrant
Officer Sean MacEachern. Shelter building and
signal fires topped the
Colin Fraser
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Confederation Building
Suite 117, Ottawa, ON
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
April 4, 2016
Page 7
RCAF track athletes medal at Canadian Indoor Masters
The 2016 Canadian Masters Athletics Indoor Championships for track and field
were held March 19 and 20 in
Toronto. Four Royal Canadian
Air Force athletes competed in
distances ranging from 50 to
1,500 metres.
On the first day of competition, Chief Warrant Officer
Claude Faucher (M45), from
413 (Transport and Rescue)
Squadron, 14 Wing Greenwood; fared well, racing to
gold medals in both the 800
and 1,500 metre races. His
2:08.76 seconds in the 800
was a personal best as a
masters athlete. Despite having tired legs from the 800
metres the previous day,
he managed to hold off the
competition and secure the
win in the 1,500 title.
His brother, Major Serge
Faucher, from National Defence Headquarters Ottawa,
finished in second place in
Chief Warrant Officer Claude Faucher
Joe Salazar
the 200 metres, with a time
of 25.10 seconds, behind a
very powerful Christopher
Warburton, who set a new
Canadian record in the M50
age group category - 24.16
seconds. In the 400 metres,
Faucher finished first, lowering his own meet record to
55.95 seconds.
Two new masters athletes
from NDHQ Ottawa made their
track and field debut at this
meet. Warrant Officer Mario
Huard (M45) competed in the
50, 60 and 200 metre races,
winning a bronze medal in the
60 in 8.35 seconds. Aviator
Kelly Burton (W45) also ran
a strong 8.43 seconds in the
50 metres, despite suffering
a hamstring injury midway,
to finish in fourth place.
Most athletes can now turn
their attention to the 2016
outdoor season, which will
include trips to the USATF
Masters in Grand Rapids,
Michigan; the Ontario Masters and Canadian Masters
in Toronto and, finally, the
Americas Games in Vancouver later this summer.
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Four Royal Canadian Air Force athletes competed in the 2016 Canadian Masters
Athletics Indoor Championships March 19 and 20 in Toronto. From left are Warrant Officer Mario Huard, Aviator Kelly Burton, Major Serge Faucher and Chief
Warrant Officer Claude Faucher.
D. Smith
Page 8
April 4, 2016
The Aurora publishes items of interest to
the community submitted by not-for-profit
organizations. Submissions are limited to
approximately 25 words. Items may be
submitted to our office, 83A School Road
(Morfee Annex), 14 Wing Greenwood; by
fax, 902-765-1717; or email auroraeditor@
ns.aliantzinc.ca. Dated announcements are
published on a first-come, first-served basis,
and on-going notices will be included as space
allows. To guarantee your announcement, you
may choose to place a paid advertisement.
The deadline for submissions is Thursday,
9:30 a.m., previous to publication unless
otherwise notified.
Record donations wanted
The Friends of Greenwood Library Society is accepting donations of vinyl records for its
upcoming Vinyl Record Sale
Fundraiser in April. If you have
any to donate, please drop them
off at the 14 Wing Greenwood
Library during open hours.
Library children’s program
Tuesdays, join a free weekly
preschool story and craft time,
“Under the Story Tree,” 10:30
a.m.; in the Children’s Room at
the 14 Wing Greenwood Library.
Lacrosse try-it evening
April 4, 6 p.m. to 8 p.m., Valley
solution page 10 Thunder Lacrosse hosts a free
drop-in session for youth interested in trying lacrosse at the
14 Wing Greenwood Community
Centre, Church Street, Greenwood. Check out equipment,
meet coaches and get a basic feel
for the game. Ages 10 and under
should visit between 6 p.m. and 7
p.m.; ages 11 and up between 7
p.m. and 8 p.m. Youth ages five
to 18 are welcome to register for
team play, from Mites to Intermediate. For more information about
Valley Thunder Lacrosse, visit
www.valleylacrosse.ca or email
Middleton Writers’ Group
April 4, 1:30 p.m. to 3 p.m., join
the Middleton Writers’ Group at
the Rosa M. Harvey Middleton
17. Between northeast
and east
& Area Library. Do you enjoy
18. London Southend
putting your thoughts on paper
20. Cucumber
and sharing them with others?
22. Lovable pig
Do you like to hear feedback?
27. Woman (French)
28. Defensive nuclear
Write down your thoughts on
29. Clutch
the current topic: “Our Canada,”
31. Seventh letter of the
and bring in for presentation and
Greek alphabet
32. Records electrical
Le commandant publie des avis d’intérêt
public soumis par des organisations à
but non lucratif. Ces avis doivent
se limiter à environ 25 mots. Les avis
peuvent être soumis à nos bureaux, au
83A, School Road, (annexe Morfee),
14e Escadre Greenwood, par fax au 902-7651717 ou par courriel à l’adresse auroraeditor@
ns.aliantzinc.ca. Les annonces avec date sont
publiées selon le principe du premier arrivé,
premier servi, et les avis continus seront
inclus si l’espace le permet. Si vous voulez
être certain que votre avis soit publié, vous
voudrez peut-être acheter de la publicité. La
date de tombée des soumissions est à 9 h 30
du matin le jeudi précédent la publication, à
moins d’avis contraire.
metro crossword
1. Engine additive
4. Recipe measurement
7. Tooth caregiver
10. Hawaiian dish
11. Retirement account
12. Basketball player
13. Say suddenly
15. Carbon isotope ration
16. Frasier Crane’s
19. Framework over
oil well
21. Edible mollusk
23. Handy
24. Japanese banjo
25. Microwave
26. Double-reed
27. Covered
30. Leaseholders
34. Master of business
35. Herb
36. Blood clot
41. Route
45. Reach a higher
46. American state
47. Erases
50. Expunge
53. Waits around idly
54. Came into
56. Nikolai __, Bolshevik
57. 007’s creator
59. Dravidian language
60. Central nervous
61. Male child
62. Born of
63. A period of history
64. A major division of
geological time
65. Doctor of Education
1. Prods
2. Tempest
3. Miserable
4. Excited
5. Temindung Airport
6. Provides shade from
the sun
7. Generators
8. Newspapers
9. Unaccompanied
13. Bahrain dinar
14. Romanian currency
33. Car mechanics group
37. Speaking
38. A formal permission
39. Exploiter
40. Affixed
41. External genitals
42. Deity
43. Eat these with soup
44. Swerved
47. Connects two pipes
48. Challenger
49. Ranch (Spanish)
51. Righted
52. Fatty-fleshed fish
55. Prosecutes alleged
58. Swiss river
metro crossword brought to you compliments of
954 Central Avenue
Three easy ways to enter.
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
April 4, 10 a.m. to 11 a.m., the
Kingston Library hosts a preschooler fun time with stories,
crafts and songs. Children must
be accompanied by parent or
caregiver. Register at 902-7653631.
April 4, 7 p.m., is the general
meeting of the RCL Kingston
Branch 098 membership. All
are welcome.
Girl Guide cookies
April 5, Berwick area Girl Guides
will be in the community with
the classic Spring chocolate and
vanilla sandwich cookies, $5 a
box. If you miss us, please call
Sara, 902-538-9191, to arrange
delivery. Thanks for supporting
girl greatness!
April 5, 4:30 p.m. to 6:30 p.m.,
a fundraising supper will be
hosted by the Kingston Lions,
featuring chicken supreme,
vegetables, mashed potatoes,
roll and cheesecake for dessert.
Freewill offering at the door, with
all proceeds supporting the West
Kings 2016 grad class.
Story time
April 6, 9:45 a.m. to 10:15
am., the Berwick Library invites
preschoolers and caregivers to
share the fun and adventure of
reading with your child. Enjoy
rhymes, songs, and books with
other children and caretakers.
On-going every Wednesday - join
in anytime (free).
Tai Chi
Wednesdays in April, a Tai Chi
class at 5:30 p.m. will begin at
the Melvern Square Community
Cash calendar
Greenwood Knights of Columbus Council 6297 is
pleased to announce Heather Easson of Wolfville is
the $500 winner of the current Cash Calendar Draw.
Presenting the cheque to Easson recently are Grand
Knight Hughie Bagnell (left) and Deputy Grand Knight
Ed Kenny (right). Winners of $40 Cash Calendar
Draws are Glenn Belliveau, Wolfville, Gary Chaisson,
Kingston; Allan MacDonald, Kingston; Nancy Cohoon,
Greenwood; Malcolm West, Kentville; Grace Ellingwood, Kingston; Ron and Heather Decker, Dartmouth;
Eric McLaughlin, Margretsville; and Bob Bowers,
Kingston. Council 6297 thanks all who supported the
Cash Calendar, and will continue to draw monthly for
more winners.
B. McDonald
Centre. Contact Joe, 902-7651898 or joeben699@gmail.com,
to be added to the contact list for
further information.
Tremont board game café
April 7, 7 p.m. to 9:30 p.m. (every first and third Thursday) at
the Tremont Hall, 738 Tremont
Mountain Road. Many of the
newest and coolest games, in a
friendly and relaxed environment.
Cost is free. 902-765-4326.
Ladies chocolate event
April 8, 7 p.m. to 8:30 p.m., at the
Coldbrook Lions Hall. Girl Guides
of Canada is calling all ladies to
attend a chocolate-themed challenge evening, featuring crafts,
fudge, skits, taste testing, games
and more. Earn the crest! Find out
what Girl Guides do with chocolate. For info, contact Kristy,
Harvest Trail Area membership
advisor, at kristy_randall@hotmail.com; or check out the event
page on Facebook.
Ticket auction
April 9, the Melvern Square
find & win
1. Through our website: www.auroranewspaper.com
2. Fax: 902-765-1717
3. Drop into our office located on 83A School Road (Morfee Annex)
Entry deadline:
Noon, April 7, 2016
Full name
Phone number
Complete the following questions from ads in this week’s issue and win a 14 inch 2-topping pizza
from Mimie’s Pizza, Greenwood. Coupon valid for 30 days.
1. What begins April 9 ? __________________________________________________________
2. Who offers cost effective legal solutions ? __________________________________________
3. What is the Darwin Event Group hosting ? __________________________________________
4. Who is hiring in Ravenwood Park West ? ___________________________________________
5. What could a $5 raffle ticket win ? ________________________________________________
Congratulations to last week’s winner: ANGELIQUE HERYGERS
Mimie’s PIZZA
683 Central Ave.,
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
United Baptist Church hosts a
ticket auction at the Melvern
Square Community Centre, 165
Bridge Street. Doors open at 10
a.m. and draws start at 2 p.m.
Bake table, tickets on a $100plus food basket, 50/ 50 draw
(you don’t have to be there to
win) and canteen. Silent auction
items as well. Name and phone
numbers will be taken.
Sensitive family time
at the library
April 9, 1 p.m. to 2 p.m., the
Bridgetown & Area Library invites families with autism to
visit the library during an hour
when the library is closed. This
will be a time to read and explore
without the distractions of lots of
people and noise. All ages. For
information, call 902-665-2758.
April 4, 2016
Make your own Emily Carr
April 9, 12:30 p.m. to 2 p.m.,
the Berwick Library invites those
ages five and up to make your
own art work, inspired by Emily
Carr. Dress to make a mess.
Register at 902-538-4030.
Chase the ace
April 9, Chase the Ace (every
Saturday, weather permitting)
at the Kingston Legion. Tickets
are three for $5 and go on sale
from 1 p.m. until 3 p.m., with
the draw by 3:30 p.m. You
must be 19 years of age to play.
Public welcome. (License AGD
Trekkers walk
April 9, 9:30 a.m., join the Trekkers for a 5 km or 10 km walk
in Windsor. Meet at the Irving
Circle K, 2113 Hwy 1, Exit 7 off
solution page 10
Hwy 101, Falmouth; for walking
at 10 a.m. For information: 902472-2261.
Minor baseball registration
April 9, 2 p.m. to 4 p.m., Kingston Greenwood Minor Baseball
registration for youths ages
four to 18, at the Greenwood
Community Centre, Church
Street. For info: www.kgtitans.
ca. Practices begin the week of
April 17 (weather dependant).
April 9, 8 a.m. to 3 p.m. Spring
Fling event: breakfast (8 a.m.
to 11 a.m.) featuring: eggs,
hashbrowns, beans, ham and
sausage, tea and coffee. Spring
Fling (8 a.m. to 3 p.m.). Some
50 vendors will whip you into
a feverishly spring feeling! At
the Aylesford & District Lions
Club, Hwy. 1, Auburn. If you’re
not a part of it yet and would
like to feature a table, give Lion
Del 902-300-5398 or Lion Peg
902-847-0867 a call to book
your $10 table.
Crib tournament
April 9, open doubles crib tournament. Registration at noon,
with play to begin at 1 p.m. Cost:
$20 per team. High hand plus
prizes for first, second and third
place teams. Canteen.
April 9, 8 a.m. to 10 a.m., there
will be a community breakfast
at the Kingston Baptist Church,
Main Street. For a freewill offering, come and enjoy a delicious
hot breakfast.
Musical benefit
April 10, 1:30 p.m. (doors open
gluten-free, flavour full
new 6” Sub Roll & Fudge Brownie
Available now at
Middleton - 902-825-5525 • Greenwood - 902-765-2267
12:45 p.m.), at the Berwick
Lions Hall. Hosted by Windermere Jammers, Pam & Bruce
Beattie, and featuring Lois Lutz
& Friends, (including yodeller
Kristina McCulley), Carroll
Crouse & Julia Wright, Country
Kids, Country Harmony, Newfie
Wanda B. and David Graves.
Canteen. Admission: freewill
offering for Hardwood Lake Girl
Guide Camp.
April 10, 7 p.m., join us for a concert with New Song Trio at the
Wilmot Baptist Church, corner
of Highway 1 and Dodge Road.
Card party
April 11, 1 p.m., Funds for Fuel
bridge party, at the Annapolis
Valley Macdonald Museum, 21
School Street, Middleton. $4
per person. All levels welcome.
Light lunch served. Phone 902825-6116 or check the website
April 12, noon to 1 p.m., come
out and enjoy chicken supreme with mashed potatoes,
vegetables, dessert, coffee, tea
and juice at the Kingston Lions’
hall. Cost is $9 ($9.50 delivered,
Kingston/ Greenwood area only
– order by 10:30 a.m. at 902765-2128).
April 13, 7 p.m., the regular
monthly board meeting of the
Companion Animal Protection
Society of Annapolis County
will take place at the Municipal
Building in Lawrencetown. All
members and friends welcome.
patrick’s puzzle horoscopes
April 3 - April 9
solution page 10
Fun By The Numbers
Here’s How It Works: Sudoku puzzles are formatted as a 9x9
grid, broken down into nine 3x3 boxes. To solve a sudoku, the
numbers 1 through 9 must fill each row, column and box. Each
number can appear only once in each row, column and box. You
can figure out the order in which the numbers will appear by
using the numeric clues already provided in the boxes. The more
numbers you name, the easier it gets to solve the puzzle!
sudoku brought to you compliments of
Page 9
patrick’s puzzle brought to you compliments of
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LIBRA - Sept 23/Oct 23
ARIES - Mar 21/Apr 20
Aries, you are ready to get moving Libra, someone close to you isn’t
and have a lot of momentum on board with your point of view.
behind you. This is an ideal time You can’t please everyone all of
to reach your goals. Don’t let your the time. Stay the course if you
confidence waver.
feel it is right.
TAURUS - Apr 21/May 21
SCORPIO - Oct 24/Nov 22
Taurus, this week it is better to Scorpio, something is on your mind
trust your heart instead of your you need to share your feelings.
head. Sometimes you have to let Resist the urge to hold your tongue.
your emotions guide your actions, Honesty is the best policy in your
and your gut could be telling you book.
SAGITTARIUS - Nov 23/Dec 21
GEMINI - May 22/Jun 21
Sagittarius, you are having a lot of
Gemini, you have good news to share fun now that you made it through
and you are eager to reconnect with a rather extensive to-do list. You
some friends or coworkers. Just can finally rest and breathe a
complete prior commitments before little easier. Make some time for
you begin making plans to socialize. yourself.
CANCER - Jun 22/Jul 22
CAPRICORN - Dec 22/Jan 20
Cancer, things in your life seem to Capricorn, a busy schedule is
be growing more challenging by the proving problematic because so
day. Make a list and tackle things as many people are demanding some
they come up so you don’t start to face time and you want to help them
feel overwhelmed.
all. However, you will have to pick
and choose.
LEO - Jul 23/Aug 23
A few possibilities intrigue you, AQUARIUS - Jan 21/Feb 18
Leo, but you don’t yet know just Y o u r a m i c a b l e n a t u r e a n d
where you are going to direct your willingness to let go of your own
creative energy. Think it through a personal agenda makes it relatively
little longer.
easy for you to interact with a lot of
people this week, Aquarius.
VIRGO - Aug 24/Sept 22
Virgo, you may feel like you can PISCES - Feb 19/Mar 20
ignore your responsibilities this Pisces, think of ways to increase
week, but you cannot. Although you your income this week. Explore all
have plenty of free time coming up, of your options, even if they mean
you have lots to do before then.
going out of your comfort zone.
horoscopes brought to you compliments of
Home Centre
BERWICK • 1-800-959-3727
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Classified advertisements, 35 words or less, are $8 tax included. Additional words are 10 cents each, plus tax. Bold text $9, tax included.
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Les annonces classées, 35 mots ou moins, sont vendues au prix de 8
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Pour faire paraître une publicité dans un encadré, appelez-nous au 902765-1494 poste 5833, ou un courriel à auroramarketing@ns.aliantzinc.ca.
crossword solution
sudoku solution
patrick’s puzzle
April 4, 2016
furniture. For responsible single
heat / A/C, power, seven apperson. Please no smoking and no
pliances: fridge, stove, toaster
FOR RENT – Spacious two-bedroom
pets. Call Joe 992 765 1897 or write
oven, mircowave, washer/ dryer,
apartment located at 993 Aujoeben699@gmail.com. (3711-ufn)
BBQ. Negotiable cable & wi-fi,
rora Crescent, Greenwood, $650/
ground care & parking area snow FOR RENT – Two-bedroom unit
month, tenant pays utilities, quiet
removal. Call 902-760-0002,
with garage. Open concept: dining
building, coin operated laundry
email: nsvalley@hotmail.com,
room, living room, kitchen area.
on site, non smoking building, no
for detailed description, viewFour appliances. Large bath with
pet policy and site superintendent.
ing appointment. 15 minutes or
laundry hook-up. Wheelchair acAvailable December 2015. Please
less walk to golf club, school(s),
cessible. Utilities extra. Pet friendly.
call 902-765-6312 or 902-824doctor(s), RCMP, pharmacy, post
Non-smoking. Snow removal and
1112 or visit our website at www.
office, library, bank, Superstore,
lawn care included. On transit
parsonsinvestments.ca. (3643-ufn)
convienent store(s), Tim Horton’s,
route, minutes from Middleton/
motel, restaurant(s), gas, Branch
FOR RENT – One-bedroom apartGreenwood. Available immediately.
98 Legion. (3707-ufnb)
ment located at 577 Meadowvale
Call for more info: 902-765-0412 or
Road, Tremont. Fridge and stove FOR RENT – Two-bedroom spacious
902-824-1822. (3708-ufn)
is available. Heat and lights inapartment located in quiet subdivi- FOR RENT – One and two-bedroom
cluded. Would like mature adult.
sion in Greenwood. Newly renoapartments. Furnished comReferences required. $650.00 a
vated with washer/dryer hookup.
pletely, includes all utilities, wifi.
month, and also damage deposit.
Mature living and non smoking
10% off Spa Services at Cathy and
Please call for more info 902only. Lawn care and snow reCompany. Close to all amenities
765-8019 and leave a message.
moval provided. $575 per month
in town. Located at 1518 Bridge
plus utilities. Call 902-844-0432.
Street, Kingston, NS. Contact:
FOR RENT – One-bedroom adult
Cathy at 902-242-2887 or 902apartment, central Kingston, close FOR RENT – Large two-bedroom
760-3327. (3711-ufnb)
to everything. Quiet neighbourapartment (top level of a 2 level FOR RENT – Very clean modern one,
hood. Non-smoking. Ideal for
duplex) behind Paragon in Kingstwo & three-bedroom apartments.
people on IR. Fridge, stove, microton. Quiet area with large yard
Middleton to Cambridge. Well
wave. Heat & lights extra. $625 per
and shed. Includes fridge, stove,
managed properties. Seniors units
month. 902-765-3664. Available
washer/ dryer, snow removal,
available. References required. Call
April 1st. (3713-2tp)
and lawn care. $625/ month. No
Ross at 902-840-0534. (3539-ufn)
smoking and references required.
FOR RENT – Two apartments –
Available May 1st. Preferred quiet FOR RENT – Two-bedroom apartApt#1 and Apt#2(*) – Kingston
ment located at 492 Main St.,
person/ couple. Contact 902-804two-bedroom apartment(s) cenMiddleton, well maintained, quiet
0214 for more info or to view.
trally located 950 +/- sq ft with
building, laundry facilities on site.
living room, kitchen, bath (*paNo pet policy, rental application
tio) $825.00 month. Available FOR RENT – Small one-bedroom all
required. Please call 902-765-6312
March 1st, April 1st. References,
inclusive on the Vault Rd. available
or 902-824-1112 or visit our weblease required. Small, clean,
now. Ground floor. Rent $700 per
site at www.parsonsinvestments.
quiet, pets welcome. Includes
month includes all utilities and Wi Fi
ca. (3629-ufn)
washer dryer fridge and stove plus
Sunday, 1:30 p.m.
Tuesday, 7:30 p.m.
Hardwood, $240 a cord
Softwood, $200 a cord
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Ph: 902-825-6424
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the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
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HELP WANTED – Cathy and Company Hair Studio is now looking to
hire one experienced hairstylist to
join our team in Kingston. Wages
negotiable. Call 902.242.2887 or
902-760-3327 or email cathyandcompanyhairstudio@gmail.com
or text 902-760-3327. (3713-ufnb)
HELP WANTED – New hair studio
opening soon in Greenwood has
chairs available to rent. Three
stylists wanted. Call Steve, 902341-2091. (3713-1tp)
SERVICE – Bilingual handyman
carpenter available, 25 years of experience with finish work, flooring,
stairs, tile work and more. Reasonable rates – flexible hours. Call Mike
at 902-242-2465 or 902-840-0529.
Greenwood/Kingston (3710-ufn)
25:40 Church” There will be a
church service held every Sunday
at the New Beginnings Center 1151
Bridge Street Greenwood provided
by Pastor Leon Langille. Pre service music at 2:50 p.m. Service
3:00 p.m. Doors will open at 2:30
p.m. All are welcome. (3533-ufn)
CHURCH SERVICE – New Beginnings
Centre, 115 Bridge St., Greenwood.
Pastor Neil Armstrong. Doors
open at 9:30 a.m. All are welcome.
Come, bring a friend. Prayer meeting Wednesday evenings at 7 p.m.
A community meeting place: rentals, 902-765-8155. (3710-10tp)
Centrally located at 241
Marshal St., Middleton.
Adult, non-smoking,
$600 per month.
Call 902-760-1347.
Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries
Chris Parker L.L.B
Ronald D. Richter
(B.A. Hon.), L.L.B.
Southgate Court,
Greenwood N.S.
Phone: 902-765-4992
Fax: 902-765-4120
“Serving the Western Valley Since 1977”
Page 10
Auto-Truck Storage
Stockage D’Automobile
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‡Military Discounts
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Wise customers read the fine print: †, 9, ➤, *, », 5, § The Ram Truck offers are limited time offers which apply to retail deliveries of selected in-stock new and unused models purchased/leased from participating retailers on or after April 1, 2016. Offers subject to change and may be extended or changed without notice. All pricing excludes freight ($1,745), air-conditioning charge, licence,
insurance, registration, any retailer administration fees, other retailer charges and other applicable fees and taxes. Financing and lease offers available to qualified customers on approved credit. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Retailer may sell for less. †0% purchase financing for up to 84 months available on select new 2016 models to qualified customers on approved credit through
RBC, Scotiabank and TD Auto Finance. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2016 Ram 1500 Crew Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR+XFH)/2016 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR) with a Purchase Price of $33,727/$29,803 with a $1,998/$1,998 down payment, financed at 0% for 84 months equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $174/$153 with a cost of borrowing of $0 and a total
obligation of $33,727/$29,803. 9$9,000 in Total Discounts is available on select new 2016 Ram 1500 models (excluding Reg Cab) and consists of $7,500 in Consumer Cash Discounts and $1,500 in Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest Bonus Cash. See your retailer for complete details. ➤2.99% lease financing for up to 24 months available through SCI Lease Corp. to qualified customers on applicable
new 2016 models at participating retailers. SCI provides all credit approval, funding and leasing services. Retailer order/trade may be necessary. Examples: 2016 Ram 1500 Crew Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR+XFH)/2016 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 (25A+AGR) with a Purchase Price of $29,929/$27,905 leased at 2.99% for 24 months with a $500 security deposit, $2,998/$1,398 down payment
and first month’s payment due at lease inception equals 24 monthly payments of $285/$255 with a cost of borrowing of $1,624.47/$1,523.40 (including $60.25 PPSA registration) and a total obligation of $9,909.42/$7,569.40. Kilometre allowance of 18,000/year. Cost of $0.16 per excess kilometre plus applicable taxes at lease termination. See your retailer for complete details. *Consumer
Cash Discounts are deducted from the negotiated price before taxes. »$1,500 Ram Truck Loyalty/Conquest/Skilled Trades Bonus Cash is available on the retail purchase/lease of 2016 Ram 1500 (excludes Regular Cab), 2015/2016 Ram 2500/3500/Cab & Chassis, or 2015 Ram Cargo Van and is deducted from the negotiated price after taxes. Eligible customers include: 1. Current owners/
lessees of a Dodge or Ram Pickup Truck or Large Van or any other manufacturer’s Pickup Truck or Large Van. The vehicle must have been owned/leased by the eligible customer and registered in their name on or before April 1, 2016. Proof of ownership/lease agreement will be required. 2. Customers who are skilled tradesmen or are acquiring a skilled trade. This includes Licensed Tradesmen,
Certified Journeymen or customers who have completed Apprenticeship Certification. A copy of the Trade Licence/Certification required. 3. Customers who are Baeumler Approved service providers. Proof of membership is required. Limit one $1,500 bonus cash offer per eligible truck transaction. Some conditions apply. See your retailer for complete details. 5Non-prime financing available
on select models on approved credit. 4.99%/6.99% financing available on select 2016 models. Financing example: 2016 Ram 1500 Quad Cab SXT 4x4 with a Purchase Price of $29,803 with a $1,998 down payment, financed at 4.99% over 84 months, equals 182 bi-weekly payments of $181 with a cost of borrowing of $5,195 and a total finance obligation of $34,998.47. Some conditions
apply. See your retailer for complete details. §Starting From Prices for vehicles shown include Consumer Cash discounts and do not include upgrades (e.g., paint). Upgrades available for additional cost. Certain features of vehicles shown – e.g., interior colour – may not be offered on all models. See retailer for details. TMThe SiriusXM logo is a registered trademark of SiriusXM Satellite Radio Inc
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
April 4, 2016
get $
in total
up to
2016 RAM 1500 CREW CAB SXT 4X4
285 2.99 0
Page 11
9,000 discounts
Starting From Price for 2016 Ram
1500 Rebel shown: $46,995.§
Laramie model shown
2016 RAM 1500
• Uconnect® 3.0 multimedia centre and USB port • 17-inch
lightweight aluminum wheels • Four-wheel disc anti-lock brakes
with Brake Assist • Cruise control and tilt steering column
• Electronic Stability Control with Hill Start Assist, Trailer Sway
Control and Traction Control • Front and rear stabilizer bars
Page 12
April 4, 2016
the Aurora | 14 Wing Greenwood, NS
Earning more?
Students from West Kings’ “Me to We” program gave a very interesting report
to the Kingston Lions Club March 7 regarding their recent trip to Ecuador.
Lions work, recognize
community connections
Pat Nixon,
Kingston Lions Club
January and February were
relatively quiet for Kingston
Lions, with the monthly community luncheons, variety
music shows and weekly
bingos. At the January 18
meeting, the club presented
certificates of appreciation to
Eric Pothier, store manager
of the Greenwood Sobeys,
and Lisha Dodsworth, branch
manager of the Greenwood
Scotia Bank, recognizing
them for outstanding support
to the Kingston Lions during
our ever popular Christmas
Eve breakfast this year.
Lions had the recent pleasure of receiving a verbal
report and slide show presentation from three students
from West Kings’ “Me to We”
program who had traveled
to Ecuador where, among
other volunteer initiates, they
helped provide fresh drinking
water to a village. Kingston
Lions had provided some
funding assistance for this endeavour. Way to go, girls! The
Kingston Lions are always
looking for ways to support
the youth of our community.
Kingston Lions have recently donated $1,000 to
Hearts on Ice, $1,000 to
the Lions Club International
Foundation, purchased Child
ID kits that will be distributed
in the near future to local
nursery schools/ day cares
and given a donation to the
Muscular Dystrophy Association. As well, a number of Lions participated in January’s
Literacy Week, going into
Kingston Elementary School
and reading books to some
Primary to Grade 5 classes.
Lions continue to support the
Kingston Elementary School
breakfast “Munch” program.
Many of you who visit the
Greenwood Mall recently will
have noticed the community bulletin board is now the
“Kingston Lions Community
Bulletin Board,” replete with
a sign indicating such. Many
thanks to the Greenwood
Mall for donating space for
the sign and supporting our
broader initiative to raise the
awareness of Lions in the
Now, Lions begin to spool
up for another busy run to
the end of July. The Lions
hall hosted a Canadian Blood
Services donor clinic March
28 and 29. We hosted a fundraising dinner, “Dining in the
Dark,” for the CNIB March 31,
and will be hosting a Kingston
Scouts turkey dinner April 2
and a West Kings High School
Safe Grad dinner April 5.
This year sees the Kingston Lions Club in its 55th
year of serving the Kingston/
Greenwood area. April 16,
Lions will be celebrating this
achievement with the annual
Charter Night, taking time to
reflect on accomplishments,
recognize club members for
contributions to the club and
community and enjoy the
company and fellowship of
fellow members and visiting
We are a busy club, and
we are always looking for
community-minded people
who want to help others. Give
us a call at 902-765-8011 or
talk to any Kingston Lion for
information on how you can
join the Kingston Lions.
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Kingston Lions Barb Estey, Dave Cunningham
and Vern Mullen having a
tough time choosing the
finalists for the Kingston
Lions Drug Awareness
Poster Contest. Every
year, the Lions sponsor
the annual contest in local
elementary schools, receiving many posters from
students. The winners will
soon be notified. Submitted
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