ISSUE: March NEWSLETTER OF THE CEDAR RIVER BOWMEN VOLUME: 2014 tournament and one of the largest in the state. It relies on the generosity of our club members and sponsors within the community and beyond. If you can help us out with a donations or have a contact that would be willing to make a donation, please Greetings to all. I want to thank all of you who helped contact me and I will hook you up with the appropriate committee out with our last tournament, the Boar's Head. We had good support in member. all areas. I personally had an opportunity to work in the cook shack CRB President Tom Daniels and met some awesome club 253 334 5571 members that volunteered. We had wonderful weather which I am sure contributed to the great turnout with 161 shooters for the weekend. We Work Party Dates: also had plenty of campers on hand for the weekend as well. I think it ( 9am -3pm) is great to see people enjoying our facility. With that said, I do need to 4 /19/14 remind everyone that we do have a 5/17/14 quiet time between 10:00pm and 6:00 am. This means generators are shut 6/14/14 off and louder activities need to come 7/12/14 down to a low rumble so that an enjoyable experience can be had by 7/19/14 all. 7/23-24 Help us make Bownanza great again this year. Bownanza is our largest From the President: If you have any NEWS THAT you would like to see in your monthly "PUFFS", please submit it before the 25th of each month! EDITOR: Dani Sletten Home 425-829-3824 or Write: 4450 356th DR SE #26. "e-mail"archerygoddess@comcast.net Fall City, WA. 98024 or cedarriverbowmen@gmail.com For Information or Membership Application: MEMBERSHIP CHAIRMAN: Mike Sefanick Home 253-630-1184 or Write: Mike Stefanick e-mail: stefanick.mike@gmail.com 28233 188th Ave. SE Kent, WA 98042 • “C” course is the extreme. Sell Mulligans at registration booth. Range will be open til 4 each day for cook shack volunteers only. Mike needs list of those that are shooting. th Zombie Shoot – April 5 at 7:30. Mike will take a look at the targets for scoring. Potluck. Tom to get flyer out and on website. Puffs – Dani – Nothing new to report Old business – CRB Board Meeting 3/13/14 • Meeting called to order at 6:05 Secretary’s report – Diane – Motion to accept as distributed, seconded and passed. Treasurer’s report – Roxanne – Motion to accept as distributed, seconded and passed. Range Master report – Patrick • • • • Butts that were in the most need have been fixed. Rest of the butts will be done as time is available. Should be done before the wet season and the possibility of more bands breaking. Patrick to put together a schedule. Mike Wallace is adding a landing to A10. th Work party this weekend, March 15 . Tom to send out email to members regarding work party. Need to put together a list of contents for each container. Jim and Mike G will work on this Saturday. Field- Clint – Nothing new to report. Clint has a canopy for sale $60. Motion made to buy, seconded and passed. Animal – Dave I. – Nothing to report. Bow hunter report – Dave – • • • • • • • • New business• • Dave will not be at the banquet. Scott will handle. Turkey season coming up. Multi season tags are still available to put in for. Price of deer tag may be lowered. Membership – Mike S • • • • 128 members currently. Sports shop program. Mike will make adjustments and send out to board for review. Mike to check on email distribution list. Membership renewal responses. Responses compiled and will be forwarded to the board. Tournament report – Mike G • Boars Head in two weeks. Has the set up available. Mike will be there Thursday thru the weekend. Can start setting up Thursday. 30 targets and 10 extreme. Bownanza o Bow for silent auction – Rock Creek can get us a Bowtech Fugitive for $430. BJ contacted Strothers, can get one for $400. Historically we only get about $400 on bows with silent auctions. BJ has another option he is working on. Scott is working on one as well. o Money dot idea, maybe Les Schwab. Patrick will contact them. o Scott went to CCA banquet and they sold squares to give away a larger prize. Possible option for Bownanza. Wooden Nickel program – Jim -‐ Motion made to keep for another year, seconded, 6 yes, 7 no. Tom has bucket of old nickels. Will honor any nickels still in circulation. CRB to provide hamburger, hot dogs, lunch at work parties. Lanyards/badge holders – Diane to further research and present options at future meeting. Awnings – Purchased. Edo got business cards delivered today. • • • • • Senior Discount – Shad – Tabled for next meeting Youth/beginners program – Patrick o Scott to contact Frank to see how he feels about combining youth and adult beginner since he is a large donor. Patrick to check on JOAD certifications. We will get an ad in the Puffs and on the website. More to come. Larry DePaul wants to borrow our club one day in August to run an archery safety program. BJ will have him write up his needs in writing. BJ will handle. Motion made to accept, seconded and passed. Just bought a convertor for the generator. New one not working. BJ looking into it. Dave made a motion to pay Pat Moore for bow press, seconded and passed. Roxanne will put together email for cook shack volunteers to be distributed to general membership. Jim will help Tom with banquet. • • • • Roxanne clarified that the 2 zipcom payments cover us for back payments. Need food permit for cook shack. Galen is updating awards for banquet. Jim made motion to nominate a party for the inspirational award if Jamey Holmes does not want to name one. Tom to contact Jamey. Seconded and passed. Meeting adjourned at 8:05. Hey CRB members as a range master on the field side this year I have to thank all of you for your continued support..at the same time I have to thank Kael Johnson I know we here at CRB probably don't know Kael so let me enlighten everyone for a moment.. Kael Johnson is a sales manager in Enumclaw he works for NW Safe on 830 Cole st. without his continued donations of cardboard i would have an Extremely difficult time supplying all of our cardboard needs this year. I think he and NW Safe deserve a little recognition and a "thank you" so I promised Kael that I would have published in our Puffs a "thank you" to him and NW Safe for their donations and support... Let me also say that Kael is a bow hunter and by the looks of his Montana bull he's been practicing ..so if anyone here is thinking about a safe or just wants to know more about what kinds of safes are available, archery and CRB would make a good ice breaker... thanx Kael & NW Safe for your generous donations to Cedar River Bowman….. Clint Meet your 2014 Board. The little boy in the big boots is…. Dave Ingham. Dave was born in Grand Forks, North Dakota. He participated in archery for 7 years when he was younger, took 27 years off and has been back for the past 3 years. When asked what his most memorable archery experience, he described a time he was using a fawn bleat attempting to call in a bear. Instead, he called in a calf elk to within an arm’s length! Dave thought a bear would have been nice, however, the little elk was awesome! A little known fact about Dave is that he competed in his first triathlon when he was 45, Ironman Canada. If you are into self-‐ inflicted pain, he highly recommends this. No surprise, the little red haired girl is Roxanne Chavis. Roxanne was born in Everett, WA and has been participating in archery for the past 10 years. Her most memorable archery experience was celebrating Thanksgiving in elk camp and deep frying the turkey. Yum! A little known fact about Roxanne is that she is an Army veteran, 88m truck driver. How well did you guess? Here are two more to give a shot to. CRB Banquet 2014 Jim Walker – Boob award 2013 Saturday, March29th, we had our Banquet to celebrate the successes of 2013. We gathered at Krain Corner Inn and had a great meal and great service as always. We were joined by two of our new club members. Tom Daniels started out by thanking last year’s board of directors and introducing this year’s board. He touched on a couple of improvements the club is working on. In particular, the rebanding of all the target butts and the updated website. Scott Chavis presented the Ray White awards. Based on the awards, we had a pretty successful hunting season in 2013. Galen Mauden discussed several of the other club awards. The highlight of the awards was the Boob award. This year, unlike other years, we had 5 stories presented to choose from. Be sure to ask these members if you see them the details around each of their stories. Scott Chavis – Bed attack, Tom Daniels – Hunting in slippers, Pat Moore – Dry fire, and Diane Daniels – Trailer crawl. The winning story was presented by Diane and Tom Daniels with the award going to Jim Walker. Russ McDonald (new member) was the winner of the 50/50 raffle. Winning $47.00. What a way to start in the club! Thanks to all that showed up. See you and the rest of the club next year! Tom and I (Diane Daniels) joined Jim Walker for the 2013 Elk hunt. Since this was Tom’s and my first experience hunting elk, Jim has been our mentor and has taken us “under his wing”. The first morning out, as we were driving to get to our spot, Jim was giving then detailed instructions on what to do and what not to do. Jim said he had three rules. 1. Do not slam the truck doors. 2. Talk only in whispers if you need to talk at all. 3. Cough only if you have to. Got it! Tom and I, being the good students we are, were being ever so careful not to make a noise. All three of us were out of the truck getting prepared when it sounded like woody woodpecker had shown up laughing and announcing that a text message had arrived. It was Jim’s cell phone. We all had a good laugh and ribbed him about the rules. The next morning, in almost the same spot, Woody shows up again with another text message. Jim apparently forgot the fourth rule, TURN OFF YOUR CELL PHONE. For showing us that even the best can make a mistake, Jim wins the 2013 Boob Award and gets to display it prominently in his home this year. Congratulations Jim! Range Master Hello fellow CRB archers. My name is Patrick Seiver and I was elected as your Range Master for 2014. I hope you all are coming out to the club to enjoy our flat range and courses. We have a lot of opportunies for you to contribute, if you would like. There are items that don't require a big investment on your part, all the way up to sweaty, knuckledragging tasks. I will try to get a list out of the tasks around the club, for whatever your level of interest is. Our main focus at this time is to check and reband all the carpet bales. We have started rebanding the four courses and the flat range. At our last work party, we were able to get all of B course done. It works best with 4 people, so if that is something you're interested in, come on out at the next work party. Check the clubs web page for dates. We have had a lot of rain out at the range and the ground is saturated. I want to let everyone know to stay on the roads when you are driving around the club. If your car or truck gets off the road, it will tear up the edges and cause more damage. The worst areas are from the flat range all the way down to the main parking area. Please be careful and pass with care. Remember to always lock the community gate when you come and go. Always lock the padlock on the club's gate, even if you're leaving the gate open. If you find your the last one at the flat range at the end of your day, it's your responsibility to drive to the main parking area to determine if you're the last group. If so, lock the club's gate closed when you depart. CRB Winter Indoor Archery for 2014 Indoor archery has started at the Club. It is held on Tuesday evenings. A great time is had by all who show up! If anyone has any ideas for our Indoor League or changes they would like to see, please give us your input. Format for the shoot will be the same as in the past; 6:00 pm “ Potluck” with shooting to start as soon after 6:30 as possible. Please bring some goodies to share. Shooting starts at 7:00 p.m. and goes ‘til we are finished. There will be a$2.00 fee for the League to cover the cost of the targets and fuel for the generator. CRB Decals CRB decals are available. Anyone wanting a decal can inquire with Mike Stefanick, the Membership Chairman. Price: $5 NO BROADHEADS ALLOWED on Courses or Flat Range! Lost Arrows? Have you lost arrows at the Club? As we start a new season at the We have collected a quantity of Range; all members please be lost arrows. If you want to retrieve advised, that broadheads are NOT your arrows; they will be available ALLOWED anywhere on the range during a Board meeting, a work except at the broadhead pits. If party, or a scheduled shoot. anyone is caught with broadheads Please come and pick them up. At other than in the respective area, the end of the year if they are still they will be disciplined here, the Board will decide what to accordingly. do with them. Thanks. Classified Ads: No Hunting Allowed on Club Property Just a reminder; there is no hunting allowed on Club property. Puffs Articles please submit articles, pictures, recipes, and classifieds by the 25th for publication to cedarriverbowmen@gmail.com brand new 50 to 60lb. limbs from a 2013 Elite Answer. I changed to 40/50 limbs because they were too hard for me to pull. I'll sell for $75.00, they are $100 new and these were just taken of my new bow after trying to shoot it even though it was at its lowest setting. contact Walt if interested slimwalt@comcast.net Pets Let's not forget! Pets are the responsibility of their owners. Owners must clean up after their pets by removal of deposits and pets shall be under the direct control of their owner while on Club property. Thanks. Trash Let's try to remember a simple rule: "If you pack it in, you should pack it out". Thank you. Dani Sletten th 4450 356 DR SE #26 Fall City, Wash. 98024-9605 Cedar River Bowmen Board of Directors President Vice President Secretary Treasurer Membership Chairman Rangemaster Assistant Rangemaster Assistant Rangemaster Tournament Chairman Bowhunting Chairman Puffs Editor Trustee Trustee Trustee Trustee Tom Daniels Scott Chavis Diane Daniels Roxanne Chavis Mike Stefanick Patrick Seiver Dave Ingham Clint Collins Mike Garrett Dave Garrison Dani Sletten Jim Walker Edo Gebenini BJ Brewster Shad Hulse roscoedaniels@msn.com scott.chavis@pse.com enumclawdi@msn.com realdoggsp@hotmail.com stefanick.mike@gmail.com seiver@juno.com dingham605@aol.com cccollins@hotmail.com mfginspect@comcast.net bowhunterdave@comcast.net archerygoddess@comcast.net jw2bugle@comcast.net eap8411@comcast.net bjbrews@msn.com shadhulse@gmail.com