house of assembly laid on the table
house of assembly laid on the table
HOUSE OF ASSEMBLY LAID ON THE TABLE 19 February 2013 Amendment Instructions Table Name of Local Government Area: Metropolitan Adelaide Name of Development Plan(s): Unley (City) Name of DPA: Local Heritage Places These amendment instructions are based on the Unley (City) Development Plan dated September 2010 Where amendments to this Development Plan have been authorised after the aforementioned consolidation date, consequential changes to the following amendment instructions will be made as necessary to give effect to this amendment. To give effect to the policies approved for interim operation on "Insert Interim Operation date here" . Amendment Instruction Number y Objective (obj) y Principle of Development Control (PDC) y Desired Character Statement (DCS) y Map/Table No y Other (specify) Method Of change. (Delete/Replace/Insert) Re-numbering Subsequent required policy (Y/N) Crossreferences Requiring update (Y/N) REGIONAL OR METROPOLITAN PROVISIONS (including figures and illustrations contained in the text) 1. Nil COUNCIL WIDE OR GENERAL PROVISIONS (including figures and illustrations contained in the text) 2. All occurrences of Table Un/3 be replaced by “Table Un/3 and Table Un/4” Replace N Y 3. All occurrences of Table Un/4, 5, 6 and 7 be replaced by “Table Un/5, 6, 7 or 8” respectively Replace Y Y ZONE AND/OR POLICY AREA AND/OR PRECINCT PROVISIONS (including figures and illustrations contained in the text) 4. All occurrences of Table Un/3 be replaced by “Table Un/3 and Table Un/4” Replace Y Y 5. All occurrences of Table Un/4, 5, 6 and 7 be replaced by “Table Un/5, 6, 7 or 8” respectively Replace Y Y TABLES 6. Table Un/3 be replaced by Table Un/3 and Table Un/4 per Attachment A Replace Y Y 7. Table Un/4, 5, 6 and 7 be renumbered Table Un/5, 6, 7 and 8 respectively Renumber Y Y MAPPING (Structure Plans, Overlays, Enlargements, Zone Maps & Policy Area Maps) 8. Map Un/21 and 23 per Attachment D Replace N N 9. Fig Un(RHC)/1, 2, 3, 5, 6A, 6B & 7 be replaced by Fig Un(RHC)/1, 2, 3, 5, 6A, 6B & 7 per Attachment C Replace N N 10. After Fig and Table Un(RHC)/7 insert Fig Un(Her)/1 to 10 per Attachment B Insert N N Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 1 29 September 2011 ATTACHMENT A – Replacement Table Un/3 and Un/4 TABLE Un/3 Heritage Places STATE HERITAGE PLACES Note: Places highlighted in grey are currently listed as Heritage Places in the City of Unley Development Plan, however, the Description of Place of Value and associated details have been clarified (reference for Development Plan Amendment only). PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE (State Heritage Places, only listed in Development Plan for convenience. Refer to State Heritage Register, and Heritage Places Act, for full details) Certificate(s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 16 Heritage Places Act) 6 Addiscombe Place, Unley Park Dwelling (Heywood) 6028/566 d&g 2 Anzac Highway, Keswick Headquarters Building, Keswick Barracks 5554/118 d&e 8 Bellevue Place, Unley Park Dwelling (Bellevue Place) 5281/409 d, e & g 32 Cross Road, Myrtle Bank Ridge Park Nursing Home (former Dwelling) 5854/347 d, e & g 3 Douglas Street, Millswood River Red Gum 78 Fisher Street, Fullarton Dwelling (Woodfield) 411 Fullarton Road, Fullarton 5868/286 a&d 5171/401 to 404 d, e & g Fullarton Park Community Centre (former Dwelling - Hughes Estate) 5831/568 d&e 380 Glen Osmond Road, Myrtle Bank Carmelite Monastery 5901/729 e&g 126-132 Goodwood Road, Goodwood Shops (Bansemer Family Butcher Shop) 5201/688, 5201/743 & 5201/ 744 d&e 141 Goodwood Road, Goodwood Capri Cinema 5437/653 d&e 155 Goodwood Road, Goodwood War Memorial 5787/688 d&e 181 Goodwood Road, Millswood Tabor College (former Orphanage) 5550/679 d, e & g 179 Greenhill Road, Parkside Office (Carramar Clinic – former Dwelling) 5990/922 e&g 631 South Road, Everard Park Retirement Village (former Ackland House) 5621/687 d&e 37 Thornber Street, Unley Park Flats (former Thornber House & cottage) 5487/820 d, e & g 34 Unley Road, Unley Consulting Room (former Dwelling) 5345/269 d, e & g 183 Unley Road, Unley St Augustine’s Anglican Church & Hall 2095/148 (GM4/461) d, e & g 20 Victoria Avenue, Unley Park Dwelling (Yurilla Hall) 5391/440 d, e & g 34 Wood Street, Millswood Dwelling (Coonawarra) 5448/450 d, e & g 31 Young Street (and 1 and 3 Castle Street), Parkside Dwellings (former - Epworth Uniting Church) 6043/371, 6024/23 & 5992/436 e&g 61 Young Street, Parkside Dwelling (former Private School) 5843/962 737/141 d, e & g 305 Young Street, Wayville Dwelling (Amphi-Cosma) 5563/122 d, e & g Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 2 29 September 2011 307 Young Street, Wayville Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 Dwelling (Lee’s Theatre Club) 3 5801/442 e&g 29 September 2011 TABLE Un/4 Heritage Places LOCAL HERITAGE PLACES Note: Places highlighted in grey are currently listed as Heritage Places in the City of Unley Development Plan; however, the Description of Place of Value and associated details have been clarified (reference for Development Plan Amendment only). PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 12 Ada Street GOODWOOD Flats (former Shop & attached Dwelling); Original external form, materials and details of the 1881 former shop and attached residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5839/938 acd 6 Albert Street GOODWOOD Dwelling; The original external form, materials and details of this 1907 masonry residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. The later alterations to the verandah are excluded from the listing. CT 5290/622 ad 20 Albert Street GOODWOOD Former shop and residence; External form, materials and detailing of the former corner shop and attached house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing, including awning canopy. CT 5101/308 acd 34 Albert Street GOODWOOD Former shop and residence (Albert House); External form, materials and detailing of the 1896 former shop and 1882 attached house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5170/649 acd 58 Albert Street GOODWOOD Former shop and residence; External form, materials and detailing of the former corner shop and attached house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5484/422 acd 40-54 Alfred Street PARKSIDE Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this c1860s row of residences, incorporating the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5860/837 ad Anzac Highway (Outside Keswick Barracks) KESWICK Mileage Post; External form, materials and detailing and specific location of the mileage post. RR a 38 Anzac Highway EVERARD PARK Office (former Dwelling) & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the c1940s former dwelling with its original garage and fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5513/260 CT 5565/293 ad 40 Anzac Highway EVERARD PARK Dwelling & Office (Beverley - former Flats); External form, materials and detailing of the 1939 former apartment building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5401/799 ad 46-48 Anzac Highway EVERARD PARK Flats (Everard Court) & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the Inter War flats and fence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT CT CT CT ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 4 5867/503 5867/504 5867/505 5867/506 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) CT 5867/507 CT 5867/508 CT 5867/509 CT 5867/510 CT 5867/511 CT 5867/512 CT 5867/513 CT 5867/514 CT 5867/515 CT 5867/516 78-86 Anzac Highway EVERARD PARK Shops & Office (former Roxy Cinema); External form, materials and detailing of the 1937 building. Later alterations, including new shopfronts at ground floor level, are excluded from the listing. CT 5864/356 CT 5864/357 CT 5864/358 acdf 8 Aroha Terrace BLACK FOREST Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5742/802 ad 14 Aroha Terrace BLACK FOREST Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5505/764 ad 22-24 Arthur Street UNLEY Masonic Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1926 lodge building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5761/53 CT 5857/895 acdf 29 Arthur Street UNLEY RSL Hall (former Methodist Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1850-1 former church building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5427/451 CT 5427/452 acd 29 Arthur Street UNLEY RSL Office (former Church Hall); External form, materials and detailing of the 1855 former hall. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5427/451 CT 5427/452 acd 37 Austral Terrace MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1908 Edwardian/Federation period residence. Any alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5360/828 ad 40 Austral Terrace MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the1896 Edwardian/Federation period residence. The carport and later extensions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 6059/697 CT 6059/697 ad 41 Austral Terrace MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of the c1920s Inter-War Tudor revival style residence, including the fence to Austral Terrace. Any alterations or additions including the attached garage are excluded from the listing. CT 5928/886 ad 47 Austral Terrace MALVERN Dwelling & hedge; Original external form, materials and details of this Edwardian masonry residence, including the hedge to Austral Terrace. Any later alterations or additions including the later carport and verandah alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5093/220 ad 50 Austral Terrace MALVERN Dwelling & hedge; Original external form, materials and details of this c1890s late Victorian transitional masonry residence, including the tower, verandah and roof form associated with the dwelling style and CT 5146/254 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 5 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) including the hedge to Austral Terrace. The later alterations are excluded from the listing. Avenue Street MILLSWOOD Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 10 Avenue Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling - (Heathcote); Original external form, materials and details of this c1890 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations do not form part of the listing. CT 5233/708 CT 5233/709 ade 23 Avenue Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1900 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations do not form part of the listing. CT 5268/285 ad 26 Avenue Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1901 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations do not form part of the listing. CT 5170/592 ad 27 Avenue Road HIGHGATE Highgate Primary School; External form, materials and detailing of the 1923 school building and 1928 additions. Later extensions and alterations are not included. CT 5679/311 CT 5827/728 CT 5827/729 CT 5827/730 CT 5827/732 CT 5827/733 CT 5827/734 CT 5827/736 acd 37 Avenue Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1901 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations do not form part of the listing. CT 5848/736 ad 18 Bartley Crescent WAYVILLE Our Lady of Protection Ukrainian Catholic Church; The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1975 church and front fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5878/819 CT 5878/819 acd 20 Bartley Crescent WAYVILLE Dwelling (former Institute); The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1904 building. The side addition and any later alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5396/415 acd 1 Bellevue Place UNLEY PARK Baptist Church; External form, materials and detailing of the 1917 Baptist Church. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5824/40 acdf 5 Bloomsbury Street GOODWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the c1910 residence, incorporating the verandah form and the roof form associated with the dwelling style. CT 5292/135 ad Blyth Street (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 7A Byron Road (cnr Canterbury Tce) BLACK FOREST Princess Margaret Playground Arbour; External form, materials and detailing of the 1930 concrete and timber arbour. CT 5739/962 acd Charles Street FORESTVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 6 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) 1/41-2/41 Charles Street FORESTVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of this 1883 pair of Victorian asymmetrically fronted cottages. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5135/899 CT 5135/900 ad 43-45 Charles Street FORESTVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of this 1883 pair of Victorian asymmetrically fronted cottages. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the carport addition. CT 5225/26 ad 47-49 Charles Street FORESTVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of this 1883 pair of Victorian asymmetrically fronted cottages. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the timber verandah frieze. CT 5225/25 CT 5721/12 ad 9 Cheltenham Street HIGHGATE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1920 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5173/154 a 11-13 Cheltenham Street HIGHGATE Dwelling (Rosefield); External form, materials and detailing of both the 1840-50s and later sections of the dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5789/41 ad 45 Cheltenham Street HIGHGATE School Building (Concordia College); External form materials and detailing of the original 1899 school building and 1920s extension. Any later additions and alterations to these buildings and the classrooms CT 5471/656 CT 6077/168 abcd 45 Cheltenham Street HIGHGATE Hall (Former Chapel Concordia College); External form materials and detailing of the 1926 hall (former chapel). Any later additions and alterations to these buildings and the classrooms and administration section are excluded from the listing. CT 5471/656 CT 5880/226 CT 6077/168 abd 54 Clifton Street MALVERN Dwelling (Wilcolo) & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1912 Edwardian residence, including the fence to Clifton Street. Any later alterations or additions including the carport addition are excluded from the listing. CT 5877/377 ad 56 Clifton Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1910 Edwardian residence. Any later alterations or addition are excluded from the listing. CT 5218/758 ad 72 Clifton Street MALVERN Dwelling (former Kyre College); Original external form, materials and details of this c1895 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. The later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5904/536 ad 5 Clyde Street PARKSIDE Dwelling (Zeehan); External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5406/73 ad 9 Clyde Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; The external form, materials and detailing of the 1880-81 dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the skillion roof addition. CT 5226/161 ad 20 Commercial Road HYDE Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1883 dwelling. The front fence and CT 5327/538 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 7 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) PARK gate posts are included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. 24 Commercial Road HYDE PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of this 1903 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the skillion roofed addition to the rear. CT 5849/290 ad 34 Commercial Road HYDE PARK Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of this 1896 dwelling. The front fence is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the carport. CT 5474/927 ad 55 Commercial Road HYDE PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1865 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5080/903 ad Cremorne Street (cnr Windsor Street) FULLARTON Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 107-109 Cremorne Street MALVERN Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this c1880 Victorian pair of single fronted cottages. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5021/403 CT 5021/404 CT 5021/405 ad 18 Cross Road MYRTLE BANK Lourdes Valley Retirement Home; External form, materials and detailing of the 1915 three storey building. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5562/693 af 24 Cross Road MYRTLE BANK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1893 two storey residence. The glazed gazebo and any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5391/260 ad 158 Cross Road MALVERN Dwelling (Burgess House); Original external form, materials and details of this 1888 two storey Victorian symmetrically fronted residence. The later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5843/730 ad 170 Cross Road MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1899 Federation/Edwardian residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5105/432 ad 174 Cross Road MALVERN Dwelling (Longer Crendon) & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1900 Federation/Edwardian residence. The front fence railing is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5114/950 ad 176 Cross Road MALVERN Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the c1930 dwelling. The front fence is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5185/47 ad 204 Cross Road UNLEY PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1915-16 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5830/575 CT 5830/576 CT 5830/577 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 8 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) 12-13/ 242 Cross Road KINGS PARK Dwelling (Glenavalin); External form, materials and detailing of the 1922 dwelling. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5019/744 CT 5019/745 CT 5019/746 ad Cross Street FULLARTON Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 11 Dixon Street CLARENCE PARK Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1895 late Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Excludes later extension to the north. CT 5457/371 ad 3 Dover Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1916 residence. The later additions and alterations, including the carport are excluded from the listing. CT 5792/291 ade 68 Dover Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1913 residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5461/421 ad 8-14 Duthy Street (cnr Frederick Street) UNLEY Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1915 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5046/356 CT 5046/357 CT 5046/358 CT 5046/359 acdf 19-31 Duthy Street (cnr Fairford Street) UNLEY Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1920 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5443/778 acd 50-54 Duthy Street MALVERN Shops (former Shops & Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of this 1910 former pair of shops and attached residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5409/559 acd 84-92 Duthy Street MALVERN Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1922 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5202/438 acd 22 East Avenue BLACK FOREST Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1896 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5663/948 ad 44A East Avenue BLACK FOREST Church (former Church of Christ); External form, materials and detailing of the 1927 church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. The rear buildings are also not included. CT 5804/883 ac 74 East Avenue BLACK FOREST Clarence Park Institute; External form, materials and detailing of the 1933 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 1397/188 CT 5792/713 acd 79-85 Edmund Avenue (81) UNLEY Office (former Police Station); External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 former dwelling building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5297/67 CT 5297/67 CT 5297/67 CT 5837/850 acd 79-85 Edmund Avenue (83) UNLEY Office (former Court House); External form, materials and detailing of the 1925 former court house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5297/67 CT 5297/67 CT 5297/67 CT 5837/850 acd 80-82 Edmund Avenue Unley Museum (former Unley Fire Station); External form, materials and detailing of the 1898 former fire CT 5841/451 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 9 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) UNLEY station including the face stone walls, brick detailing, window openings and roof form. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. 24 Essex North Street GOODWOOD Dwelling (Sherburn); Original external form, materials and details of the Edwardian period residence, incorporating the verandah form and the roof form associated with the dwelling style. CT 5400/954 ad Ethel Street FORESTVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 34-36 Ethel Street FORESTVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of these 1883 pair of single fronted cottages. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5234/968 CT 5276/285 ad 38-40 Ethel Street FORESTVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of this 1883 pair of single fronted cottages. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5363/187 CT 5512/978 ad 54 Ethel Street FORESTVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of this 1884 single fronted cottage. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5109/631 ad 48 Eton Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1885 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5823/711 ad 50 Eton Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1895 masonry residence. The railings to the fence are included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5324/141 ad 52 Eton Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of the 1893 Edwardian/Federation period residence. The cast iron to the front fence is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5718/827 ad 54 Eton Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1890 masonry residence. The later additions and alterations, including the rear addition, are excluded from the listing. CT 5205/754 ad 62 Eton Street MALVERN Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1886 Victorian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5787/908 ad 10 Eurilpa Avenue EVERARD PARK Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1898 dwelling and fence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5152/699 ad 3 Eva Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1901 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later additions and alterations do not form part of the listing. CT 5281/554 ad Ferguson Avenue MYRTLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and RR a Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 10 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) BANK detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. 22A Ferguson Avenue MYRTLE BANK Dwelling (former Stables); External form, materials and detailing of the c1875 former stables building. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5888/458 ad 16 Fern Avenue FULLARTON Dwelling (Barn Abbey); External form, materials and detailing of the early dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5107/426 ade 18-20 Fern Avenue FULLARTON Stone wall; Structure, materials and detailing of the early bluestone wall. CT 5561/358 CT 5561/358 ade First Avenue FORESTVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a Fisher Street FULLARTON Drinking Fountain RR a 1 Fisher Street MYRTLE BANK Baptist Church; External form, materials and detailing of the 1883 Baptist Church. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5868/937 CT 5868/938 acd 3 Fisher Street MYRTLE BANK Austism SA Education & Support Centre (former Dwelling) & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the former c1865 dwelling. The listing also includes the front fence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5854/242 ad 5 Fisher Street MYRTLE BANK Glen Osmond Primary School & former coach house; Overall form materials and detailing of the 1877 main school building, and the c1865 former coach house at the rear. Listing excludes later alterations and additions. CT 5841/903 CT 5861/137 acd 23 Fisher Street MYRTLE BANK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1930 dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5071/866 d 35 Fisher Street MYRTLE BANK Dwelling (Sedgeford); External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 dwelling. The later addition and any alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5126/777 d 80A Fisher Street FULLARTON Dwelling (Casa Rica); The overall external form, materials and detailing of this c1930 Spanish Mission style dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5410/555 ad 84 Fisher Street FULLARTON Dwelling; The external form, materials and detailing of the c1860s original dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5107/824 ad 99 Fisher Street FULLARTON Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 dwelling and fence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5875/85 ad 182 Fisher Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1884 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence, including the front fence. The carport addition is excluded from the listing. CT 5203/163 ad 184 Fisher Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1883 Victorian asymmetrically CT 5738/391 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 11 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) fronted residence, including the front fence. Later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the carport addition. 186 Fisher Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1883 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence, including the front fence. Later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing including the carport addition. CT 5729/680 ad 188 Fisher Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of this 1885-6 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence, including the front fence. Later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the carport addition. CT 5495/26 ad 202-202A Fisher Street MALVERN Dwellings (Former Collegiate School for Malvern Girls); External form, materials and detailing of the 1894 residence and former school. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5002/658 CT 5002/659 ac 39 Florence Street FULLARTON Welfare Institution (former Dwelling - Burwood); External form, materials and detailing of the 1912 dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5433/858 ad 5-5A Forest Avenue BLACK FOREST Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1927 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5859/287 ad 25 Forest Avenue BLACK FOREST Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the1908 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5847/566 ad Foster Street (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 16 Frederick Street CLARENCE PARK Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1908 Edwardian period masonry residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Excludes masonry addition and carport. CT 5422/721 ad 11 Frew Street FULLARTON Dwelling - 'Malwood'; External form, materials and detailing of the c1850 dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5152/259 ade 13 Frew Street FULLARTON Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1860s dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5387/438 ade Fullarton Road (near Fisher Street) FULLARTON Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 364 Fullarton Road FULLARTON Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1901 dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the dormer window. CT 5316/195 ad 499-503 Fullarton Road HIGHGATE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1939/40 Inter-War Mediterranean style residence, incorporating the arcaded forms and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling CT 6033/828 adf Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 12 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) style. Any later additions and alterations including the fence are excluded from the listing. George Street PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 1 George Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1870 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5672/265 ad 2-4 George Street PARKSIDE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the 1892-1893 pair of dwellings. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5093/714 CT 5493/590 ade 10-12 George Street PARKSIDE Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this 1870 Victorian pair of two storied dwellings. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5113/199 CT 6063/299 ade 1a Gilbert Street GOODWOOD Former shop and residence; External form, materials and detailing of the former corner shop and attached house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5062/125 acd Glen Osmond Road (cnr Barr Smith Avenue) MYRTLE BANK War Memorial - Ridge Park; The original form, materials and detailing of the c1919 War Memorial should be retained, including all memorial plaques. CT 5593/224 CT 5605/707 CT 5605/707 aef 86 Glen Osmond Road PARKSIDE Corner Shop; Original external form, materials and details of the two storey shop including parapet form and detail, masonry walls and verandah form. Also included are the later Art Deco style additions which were undertaken during the Inter War period. The later modernisation of ground level shopfronts is not included in the listing. CT 5873/604 acd 96 Glen Osmond Road PARKSIDE Shops(former Institute); Original external form, materials and details of the c1902 former Institute and 1908 additions. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5123/914 CT 5123/915 acd 110-114 Glen Osmond Road (at rear near Macklin Street) PARKSIDE St Raphael's School; External form, materials and detailing of the 1899 school building. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5073/221 CT 5077/885 CT 5568/91 CT 5568/91 CT 5568/92 acd 142 Glen Osmond Road PARKSIDE Hotel - Fountain Inn; External form, materials and detailing of the c1870 two storey building. Later additions and alterations including the two storey addition to the north and the verandah, and the first floor window hoods are not included in the listing. CT 5110/195 CT 5110/196 CT 5110/197 acdf 310 Glen Osmond Road FULLARTON Corner Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the row shops. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the later verandah. CT 6022/890 acd 68 Goodwood Road WAYVILLE Wayville Showgrounds - Ridley Memorial Gates & fencing; All elements of the external form, materials and detailing of the 1933 entrance structure. CT CT CT CT CT adef Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 13 5107/276 5248/905 5478/189 5478/189 5478/189 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5636/39 CT 5800/999 CT 5806/321 CT 5806/330 CT 5840/805 CT 5855/364 CT 5864/373 CT 5867/403 CT 5867/405 CT 5890/903 68 Goodwood WAYVILLE Wayville Showgrounds – Iron fence panels associated with new Kidman Entrance; All 1930s iron fence panel and gates elements of the new Rose Terrace entrance structure. CT 5107/276 CT 5248/905 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5478/189 CT 5636/39 CT 5800/999 CT 5806/321 CT 5806/330 CT 5840/805 CT 5855/364 CT 5864/373 CT 5867/403 CT 5867/405 CT 5890/903 de 75 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Hotel (Goodwood); The external form of the 1878 hotel including the balcony. The later extensions and ground floor alterations are excluded from the listing. CT CT CT CT CT CT acf Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 14 5138/348 5138/348 5138/348 5139/136 5139/137 5139/365 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) CT 6005/744 78 Goodwood Road WAYVILLE Office (former Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5871/704 ad 93 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Shops; Original external form materials and details of this pair of 1880’s shops including parapet shopfronts detail and configuration. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 4061/524 CT 5291/888 acd 99 Goodwood Road (to rear fronting Florence Street) GOODWOOD Church,(former Methodist Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1877 Church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5852/334 ac 99 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Church, (former Methodist Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 Church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5852/334 acdf 120-124A Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1881-3 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5201/747 acd 127-129 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1919-1923 shops including parapet awning and shopfronts. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including those to the rear. CT 5403/928 CT 5403/929 acd 140 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Goodwood Primary School Hall (former Goodwood Baptist Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1882 church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5494/292 acdf 155 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD St George the Martyr Anglican Church and Rectory; External form, materials and detailing of the Church and Rectory. Original interior elements of the Church are also significant. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5787/688 acd 156 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Office (former Police Station); External form, materials and detailing of the 1890s dwelling and 1920s front projecting bay of the building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5863/261 acf 158-160 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Church (former Mitchell Memorial Presbyterian Church & Hall); External form, materials and detailing of the 1881 Church including the 1930s alterations, and the 1923 Hall. Any later additions and alterations, including the skillion roof rear addition to the church, are excluded from the listing. CT 5251/777 CT 5251/777 CT 5935/691 acd 166 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Hall - Former Goodwood Institute CT 5962/347 abcf 1/170 Goodwood Road GOODWOOD Shop (former Anglican Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1892 former church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5005/235 CT 5050/458 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 15 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) 178, 180 & 180A Goodwood Road MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1939 block of flats, including front fence, post support balconies, rendered walls with glazed brick trim and both timber and metal framed windows. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5899/163 CT 5899/164 CT 5899/165 ad 181a Goodwood Road MILLSWOOD Stone lining (Brownhill Creek); The stone lining of proportions of Brownhill Creek currently in evidence on land once forming part of St Vincent de Paul Orphanage. CT 5550/678 ac 190 Goodwood Road MILLSWOOD Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1934 shops including verandah awning shopfronts and recessed entry doors. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5133/384 acd 315-319 Goodwood Road KINGS PARK Shops; Original external form materials and details of these 1923 shops including parapet awning and shopfronts. Later additions and alterations to shopfronts are excluded from the listing. CT 5162/931 acd 318 Goodwood Road CLARENCE PARK Church of The Trinity; The external form, materials and details of the whole of the 1925 Church building. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5187/276 CT 5207/310 CT 5729/781 CT 5788/192 acd 41-42 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE St Nicholas Russian Orthodox Church & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1973 church and front fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5831/875 CT 5831/876 acdf 89 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE Annesley College - Main Building; External form, materials and detailing of the 1880s building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5696/210 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5876/103 acd 89 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE Annesley College - Brick Building; External form, materials and detailing of the single storey brick school room. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5696/210 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5876/103 acd 89 Greenhill Road WAYVILLE Annesley College - Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1926 hall. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5696/210 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5839/367 CT 5876/103 acd 135 Greenhill Road UNLEY Offices - Former Penny's Knitting Mills; External form, materials and detailing of the 1906 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5483/39 acd 163A-164 Greenhill Road PARKSIDE Office - (Meaghey House); Original external form, materials and details of the Post-War Georgian revival style residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5421/299 CT 5421/300 CT 5421/300 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 16 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 30 Grove Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; The original external form, materials and details of this c1880 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. The listing also includes the cast iron railing and masonry base course of front fence, and pillars and front gates. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5732/886 ad 34 Grove Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 dwelling. The cast iron front fence is included in the listing. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5448/481 CT 5448/665 ad 35 Grove Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling - 'Woodspring'; The original external form, materials and details of this c1870 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5072/738 abe 6 Hammond Street CLARENCE PARK Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1884 Victorian symmetrically fronted residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Excludes later additions and carport. CT 5611/511 CT 5611/511 ad 23 Hart Avenue UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1911 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5123/714 ad 43 Hart Avenue UNLEY Dwelling; External form materials and detailing of the 1885 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5387/763 ad 23 High Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1881 dwelling. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5805/477 ad 25 High Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Dolling Court); The original external form, materials and detailing of the c1895 dwelling. Any later alterations and additions such as the stair to the rear of the building are excluded from the listing. CT 5399/924 CT 5399/925 CT 5472/395 CT 5472/705 CT 5473/928 ad Hill Street (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 36 Hill Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1890s dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5240/156 ad 2 Hughes Street UNLEY Dwelling (former Presbyterian Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 former church building including the face red brick walls, window openings and roof form. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5077/784 acd 35 Hughes Street UNLEY Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1910/1911 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5085/185 ad 50 Hughes Street UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1908 residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5950/200 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 17 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 8 Jaffrey Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1879 two storey Victorian symmetrically fronted residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5251/840 ad 9 James Street CLARENCE PARK Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this c1900 symmetrically fronted residence. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing including the skillion addition to the rear. CT 5663/53 ad Joslin Street WAYVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 14-16 Joslin Street WAYVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 pair of dwellings. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5302/585 CT 5302/891 d 18-36 Kenilworth Road PARKSIDE Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this c1880 Victorian row of cottages with converted corner shop. Any later additions or alterations (such as the later porches which have been added to 26-36) are not included in the listing. CT 5027/217 CT 5027/218 CT 5027/219 CT 5027/220 CT 5027/221 CT 5027/222 CT 5027/223 CT 5027/224 CT 5027/225 CT 5926/403 ad 2 King William Road WAYVILLE Shop (former Shop & attached Dwelling); The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1907 shop and former residence. The later carport and any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5272/643 acd 12 King William Road WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1904 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5433/243 ad 16-26 King William Road WAYVILLE The Lodge Retirement Village (former Dwelling White House); External form, materials and detailing of the 1905 former residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5187/278 CT 5828/301 CT 5911/567 ade 28-30 King William Road WAYVILLE Dwelling (former Manse); External form, materials and detailing of the 1906 former 'manse'. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5505/999 ade 51 King William Road UNLEY Non-residential Club (former Dwelling - Mawson); External form, materials and detailing of 1909 residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5394/891 CT 5394/891 ad 64-64A King William Road GOODWOOD Shop & attached former Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1880s shop and attached former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5027/206 CT 5027/207 acd 66-70 King William Road Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1902 shops. Any later additions and alterations are CT 5455/488 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 18 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) GOODWOOD excluded from the listing. 67 King William Road UNLEY Office (former Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the c1908 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5080/746 CT 5080/747 ad 69 King William Road UNLEY Office (former Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1908 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5750/291 ad 81 King William Road UNLEY Office (former Dwelling - Falmouth Rock); External form, materials and detailing of the 1901 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5225/252 ad 84-86 King William Road GOODWOOD Shop, Consulting Room and Office (former Methodist Church & Hall); External form, materials and detailing of the 1880s former church and hall building. The adjacent hall is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5326/435 CT 5326/436 CT 5326/437 CT 5326/438 CT 5326/440 acdf 96 King William Road GOODWOOD Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1897 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5108/563 acd 106-108A King William Road GOODWOOD Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1880-1 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5016/918 CT 5016/919 CT 5016/920 acd 109-111 King William Road UNLEY Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1895 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5348/636 acd 113-119 King William Road UNLEY Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the 1910 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5192/14 acd 1/ 130 King William Road GOODWOOD Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 shops. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing, including the continuous verandah. CT 5509/137 acd 133 King William Road UNLEY Office (former Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5309/67 ad 149 King William Road UNLEY Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the c1900 shop. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5561/275 acd 152-154 King William Road HYDE PARK Shops; Original external form, materials and detailing of the c1890s shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5925/80 acdf 187-189 King William Road HYDE PARK Hotel (Hyde Park); External form, materials and detailing of the 1882 hotel. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5133/860 CT 5133/861 CT 5133/863 CT 6023/755 acf Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 19 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 67 Leader Street FORESTVILLE Corner Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the 1885 shop. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5482/178 acd Leah Street FORESTVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 20 LeHunte Street WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1912 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5182/285 ad 22 LeHunte Street WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1912 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5133/776 ad 85 Leicester Street PARKSIDE Hotel (Earl of Leicester); Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1886 hotel. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing, including the later additions to the rear and sides. CT 5160/160 acdf 2 Lily Street GOODWOOD Flats (former Goodwood Technical College); External form, materials and detailing of the 1932 former Technical College. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5212/50 ad 5 Liston Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1870 dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing including the later porch over the side door. CT 5538/25 ad 8 Louisa Street GOODWOOD Former shop; External form, materials and detailing of the former corner shop and house. Any later additions and alterations, including the 1980s residential section are excluded from the listing. CT 5095/652 acd 4 Malcolm Street MILLSWOOD Flats (Millswood Apartments - Rogart); External form, materials and detailing of the c1940s apartments. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5005/480 CT 5005/481 CT 5005/482 CT 5005/483 CT 6003/893 CT 6003/894 ad 57 Marion Street UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1897 dwelling. The timber framed carport on the side of the dwelling and any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5523/654 ad 78 Marion Street UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing, particularly the decorative elements of the 1894 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5269/54 ade 33 Marlborough Street MALVERN Dwelling (Skye); Original external form, materials and details of the 1917 Edwardian residence, including the verandah and roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5819/37 ad 36 Marlborough Street MALVERN Dwelling & fence; Original external form, materials and details of the 1899 Edwardian residence, including the verandah and roof form and front fence. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from CT 5104/459 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 20 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) the listing. 44 Marlborough Street MALVERN Church Hall (former Malvern Wesleyan Sunday School); External form, materials and detailing of the 1899 Sunday School Building. The later additions and alterations including concrete framed entry are excluded from the listing. CT 5701/125 CT 5701/125 CT 5701/125 CT 5826/535 acd 44 Marlborough Street MALVERN Church (former Wesleyan Methodist Centenary Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1891-1912 church building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5701/125 CT 5701/125 CT 5701/125 CT 5826/535 acdf 38-40 Mary Street UNLEY Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the 1902 pair of attached dwellings. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5009/254 CT 5009/256 ad 74 Mary Street UNLEY Office (former Dwelling); Original external form, materials and details of this c1880 residence. Later additions and alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5089/465 ad 75 Mary Street UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1850 cottage. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5658/943 a 97 Maud Street (rear of 70 Marion Street) UNLEY Salvation Army Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1904 brick hall building. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5650/214 acd 6 McGowan Avenue UNLEY Dwelling (Fairford House - former School); External form, materials and detailing of the c1910 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5641/81 ac 2 Miegunyah Avenue (75 Northgate Street) UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Miegunyah); The original external form, materials and detailing of the c1895 dwelling. Any later alterations and additions such as the stair to the rear of the building are excluded from the listing. CT 5306/286 ad 33 Miller Street UNLEY Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 dwelling. The fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the later carport addition. CT 5377/309 ad 35 Miller Street UNLEY Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 dwelling. The fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5137/462 ad 37 Miller Street UNLEY Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1885 dwelling. The fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5120/381 ad 41 Miller Street UNLEY Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1887 dwelling. The fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5157/864 ad 86 Mills Street (cnr Dwelling (former Corner Shop & Dwelling); External CT 5225/751 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 21 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) Millswood Crescent) CLARENCE PARK form, materials and detailing of the 1922-3 former corner shop and dwelling. The garage addition and later alterations are excluded from the listing. Mitchell Street MILLSWOOD Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 12 Montpelier Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1860s dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing including the side carport addition and rear addition. CT 5836/618 ad 13 Montpelier Street PARKSIDE Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1909 dwelling and fence. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5128/540 ad 17 Montpelier Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1893 dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are not included in the listing. CT 5544/389 ad 21 Montpelier Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1892 dwelling. The later additions to the rear are not included in the listing. CT 5523/543 ad 1-1A Newman Street FORESTVILLE Dwelling (former Corner Shop & attached Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1899 former corner shop and attached dwelling. The brick lean-to addition and alterations to the verandah do not form part of this listing. CT 5831/604 acd 1 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Baptist Church; The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1903-1918 church. The side extension and any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5483/440 acdf 8 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Unley Park Bowling Club; The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1924 Bowling clubhouse. The later lean-to air-conditioning enclosure to the east is excluded from the listing, as well as any other later alterations and additions. CT 5810/951 abd 43 - 59 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Heywood Park & Gateway; The extent of the park including the 1924-6 gateway. CT 1612/163 CT 1612/163 CT 1612/163 CT 1612/164 acf 64 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1910-15 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5299/49 ad 66 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1910 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5346/723 ad 70 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Fence; The original extent, materials and detailing of the 1934 fence. CT 5060/781 ade 72 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Fence; The original extent, materials and detailing of the 1934 fence. CT 5207/891 ade 74 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Fence; The original extent, materials and detailing of the 1934 fence. CT 5153/77 ade Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 22 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 76 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Eringa; outbuildings, fence & gates); The original external form, materials and detailing of the dwelling. The outbuildings and front fence and gates are included in the listing. Later alterations and additions including the later ivy covered porch to the front elevation are excluded from the listing. CT 5864/259 ade 79 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original form, materials and detailing of the c1890's dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5349/257 ad 80 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original form, materials and detailing of the dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5877/919 ad 81 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Galloway); The original external form, materials and details of the c1900 Edwardian/Federation period residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5427/668 ad 82 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; The original external form, materials and details of this c1880 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5757/531 ad 84 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (former Burleigh College) & fence; The original external form, materials and details of this c1880 Victorian and front fence associated with the dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5354/949 CT 5354/950 acd 87 Northgate Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original external form, materials and details of the Inter-War Bungalow style residence,. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5131/668 ad 12 Omar Place UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original external form, materials and detailing of the 1910 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5452/266 ad 15 Opey Avenue HYDE PARK Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1908 dwelling. The cast iron fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5250/956 CT 5251/49 ad 68 Opey Avenue HYDE PARK Dwelling (former Shop & Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1895 former shop and dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5152/313 acd 25 Orchard Avenue EVERARD PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1940 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5723/847 e 37 Orchard Avenue EVERARD PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1915 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5370/649 d Oxford Terrace (part of 181 Unley Road) UNLEY Unley Town Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1907 town hall including the face stonework, window openings and overall massing. Also includes original interior ceiling and mezzanine CT 5841/327 CT 5841/327 LT X/140 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 23 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) seating. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. Oxford Terrace (part of 181 Unley Road) UNLEY Bomb Shelter; External form, materials and detailing of the bomb shelter. CT 5481/327 CT 5841/327 LT X/140 a 50 Oxford Terrace UNLEY Church of St Spyridon & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1970 Church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5270/956 acd 6 Palmerston Road UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1909-10 house. Original internal plasterwork to main hall and main front rooms. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5461/484 ade 8 Palmerston Road UNLEY Dwelling; External form materials and detailing of the 1912 house. Any remaining original internal plasterwork to main hall and main front rooms. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5162/945 ade 10 Palmerston Road UNLEY Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1911 house. Original internal plasterwork to main hall and main front rooms. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5581/104 ade 2-4 Park Street HYDE PARK Church (former Church of Christ); External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 Church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5081/449 acd 21-21A Park Street HYDE PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1880 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including lean to carport/shelter to the rear, second storey element to east and roof material. CT 5098/755 CT 5098/756 ad 42 Park Street HYDE PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1895 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5410/39 ad 48 Park Street HYDE PARK Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5627/88 ad 54 Park Street HYDE PARK Dwelling (former Shop & attached Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1883 former shop and attached dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the rendered addition to the rear. CT 5610/853 acd 77 Park Street HYDE PARK Hall (former Druid's Lodge); External form, materials and detailing of the 1901 Druids Lodge building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including curved metal window hoods. CT 6023/756 acdf 26 Porter Street PARKSIDE Dwelling (former Corner Shop & attached Dwelling); External form, materials and detailing of the 1894 former shop and attached dwelling. The later addition to the rear is not included in the listing. CT 5120/526 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 24 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 28 Porter Street PARKSIDE Dwelling (former Corner Shop & attached Dwelling); External form and detailing of the 1894 former shop and attached dwelling. The later changes to materials of the exterior of the former shop are not included in the listing. CT 5138/825 acd 42-44 Porter Street PARKSIDE Dwellings (former Corner Shop & attached Dwelling); Original external form, materials and details of this 1896 former shop and attached residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5142/963 CT 5477/480 acd 48 Porter Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1880 former corner shop and attached residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5183/285 ad 19 Railway Terrace South GOODWOOD Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1878 residence. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing, including verandah. CT 5836/602 acd 12 Robsart Street PARKSIDE Parkside Primary School; External form, materials and detailing of the 1886 Parkside Primary School and 1926 alterations. Later additions including the front porch and corrugated iron addition are excluded from the listing of the school building. CT 5826/85 CT 5826/85 CT 5826/85 CT 5826/85 CT 5826/85 acd 31 Robsart Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1911 Edwardian masonry residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the verandah alterations and additions. CT 5176/214 ade 73 Robsart Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1892 late Victorian residence. Any later extensions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5365/293 CT 5365/294 ad 24 Rosa Street GOODWOOD Dwelling (former Salvation Army Citadel); External form, materials and detailing of the 1921 citadel building. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5413/987 acd 1 Rose Terrace WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1904 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5209/814 ad 15 Rose Terrace WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1902 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5330/164 ad 19 Rose Terrace WAYVILLE Church (former Baptist Church); External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 Church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5281/596 acf 22 Rossington Avenue MYRTLE BANK Dwelling (Waverly); External form, materials and detailing of the 1870 dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5881/397 ad Rugby Street (behind 81 Frederick Street) UNLEY Congregational Church; External form, materials and detailing of the 1892 simple church including the masonry walls, window openings and roof form. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the CT 5682/679 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 25 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) listing. 11 Rushton Street GOODWOOD Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1893-4 dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5131/782 ad 2A Rutland Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original external form, materials and details of the c1900 Edwardian/Federation period residence. Later additions and alterations including the single storey addition to the west of the dwelling are excluded from the listing. CT 5261/234 ad 14 Salisbury Street UNLEY Dwelling, fence & gate; External form, materials and detailing of the 1899 dwelling. The later verandah and any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5839/276 ad 28 Salisbury Street UNLEY Dwelling (Glan Fern); External form, materials and detailing of the 1896 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5831/19 ad Scott Street (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 24 Scott Street PARKSIDE Dwelling (Mayville); Original external form materials and details of the 1896 Edwardian/Federation period residence incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5416/598 ad 2 Simpson Parade WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1905 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5060/501 CT 5060/502 CT 5060/503 CT 5060/504 CT 5060/505 ad 19 Simpson Parade GOODWOOD Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the c1880s dwelling. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5429/782 ad 21 Simpson Parade GOODWOOD Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1886 dwelling and fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5472/438 ad 5 St. Ann's Place PARKSIDE St Oswald's Anglican Church; External form, materials and detailing of the 1902 St Oswald's Anglican Church. Any later extensions or alterations are excluded from the listing (including later glazed link). CT 5946/395 acdf 11 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5496/432 ad 13 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later CT 5496/426 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 26 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. 2/ 15 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5026/381 ad 1/ 17 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5026/380 ad 2/ 19 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5026/354 ad 1/ 21 St. Anns Place PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the early Victorian residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations and additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5026/353 CT 5026/354 CT 5026/355 ad 35-39 St. Ann's Place PARKSIDE Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of the c1865 early Victorian row of residences, incorporating the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5024/286 CT 5024/287 CT 5024/288 ad Third Avenue FORESTVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 10 Thomas Street UNLEY Flats (former Dwelling - Mornington); External form, materials and detailing of the 1872 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5434/486 ade 63-65 Thomas Street UNLEY Flats & fence;; The original form, materials and detailing of the four single storey dwellings and front brick fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5196/167 CT 5726/533 ad 4 Thornber Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (former Kyre College); The original external form, materials and details of this 1903 former school. Later additions and alterations including the carport extension are excluded from the listing. CT 5919/213 acd Trevelyan Street WAYVILLE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 2 Trevelyan Street WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the 1909 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5084/228 CT 5084/229 ad 5 Trevelyan Street Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the CT 5128/27 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 27 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) WAYVILLE 1907 dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. Trimmer Terrace UNLEY Unley Oval (McKay Grandstand, Sturt Lawn Tennis Club and entrance gate, and Sturt Bowling Club and entrance gate); External form, materials and detailing of the Unley Oval and its associated structures. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5831/139 acdf 41-43 Unley Road PARKSIDE Corner Shop & attached Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1887 shop, shopfront and attached dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5730/981 acd 62 Unley Road UNLEY Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1885 pair of shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5262/733 acd 67 Unley Road PARKSIDE Shop & former Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1916 shop, shopfront and former attached dwelling. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5509/147 acd 69-71 Unley Road PARKSIDE Shop & former Dwelling; Original external form materials and details of the c1870s shop shopfront and attached earlier residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5161/664 acd 105-109 Unley Road UNLEY Shops (& former attached dwelling); Original external form materials and details of the shops tiled shopfronts with recessed entries verandah and attached rear residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5794/948 acd 111-113 Unley Road UNLEY Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1899 pair of shops including ornate parapet and shopfront configuration. Changes to the shopfronts and any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5725/617 CT 5725/618 acd 123 Unley Road UNLEY Bank (ANZ); External form, materials and detailing of the 1880s building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 6080/77 CT 6080/78 af 129-133 Unley Road UNLEY Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1900 shops including ornate parapet and timber shopfronts. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5228/397 CT 5406/121 acd 137-141 Unley Road UNLEY Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1901 shops including original parapet and shopfront details. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5863/682 acd 143-153 Unley Road UNLEY Shops; External form materials and detailing of the 1901 shops including the parapet and original shopfront details. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5863/680 acd 165 Unley Road UNLEY Bank (former Savings Bank); External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5426/791 acdf Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 28 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 167 & 167A Unley Road UNLEY Shops; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1899 shops including the parapet and the configuration of recessed entries to the shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5859/527 acd 181 Unley Road UNLEY Library (former Unley Council Chambers); External form, materials and detailing of the 1880 building and 1907 extension. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5826/165 CT 5841/327 CT 5841/327 CT 5841/328 LT X/140 acdf 181 Unley Road UNLEY Drinking Fountain; External form, materials and detailing of the 1904 cast iron canopy of the drinking fountain. CT 5826/165 CT 5841/327 CT 5841/327 CT 5841/328 LT X/140 d 187 Unley Road UNLEY Uniting Church & Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1898 Church, and the 1903 Hall. The recent brick addition and any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5265/70 acd 189 Unley Road UNLEY Office (former Dwelling & attached Shop); External form materials and detailing of the dwelling & attached shop including shopfront details and configuration. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5391/553 acd 190 Unley Road UNLEY Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the 1865 bakery and 1880s two storey shop. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5995/699 acd 201 Unley Road UNLEY Institute; External form, materials and detailing of the 1907 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5319/471 CT 5319/535 acd 203 Unley Road UNLEY Shop; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1924 shop including parapet and shopfront details and configuration. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5202/98 acd 205 Unley Road UNLEY Shop; Original external form materials and detailing of the 1913 shop including parapet and shopfront details and configuration. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5737/195 acd 209 Unley Road UNLEY Hotel (Cremorne); External form, materials and detailing of the 1925 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5728/887 acdf 226 Unley Road UNLEY War Memorial Gardens & Arch; The extent of the garden reserve including the 1917 Arch and memorials. CT 5842/967 acdf 232 Unley Road UNLEY Office (former National Bank); External form, materials and detailing of the 1926 building. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5149/470 acdf 298-300 Unley Road HYDE Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1880 shops. Any later additions and alterations are CT 5280/506 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 29 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) PARK excluded from the listing. 302-304 Unley Road HYDE PARK Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1880 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5398/963 CT 5398/964 acd 306-308 Unley Road HYDE PARK Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5931/136 CT 5931/137 acd 310 Unley Road HYDE PARK Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5027/838 acd 312-312a Unley Road HYDE PARK Shops; External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 shops. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5027/839 CT 5027/840 acd 316-320 Unley Road HYDE PARK Walford School (former Dwelling 'Woodlyn'); External form, materials and detailing of the 1873 former dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the adjacent building. CT 5557/23 acd 322 Unley Road HYDE PARK Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the c1900 shop. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5509/143 acd 324 Unley Road HYDE PARK Shop; External form, materials and detailing of the c1900 shop. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5994/148 acd 338 Unley Road HYDE PARK Walford Junior School & Gates (former Hospital); External form, materials and detailing of the c1890 former dwelling and entrance gates. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5752/391 acd 23 Valmai Avenue KINGS PARK Church (former Vardon Memorial Congregational Church); The overall external form, materials and detailing of the 1914 church. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5860/230 acd Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 6 Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling & gates; The original external form, materials and detailing of the c1900 dwelling and front driveway gates. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5109/93 ad 8 Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; The original external form, materials and detailing of the c1865 dwelling. The brick pillars and stone base of the original front fence are included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the awning fittings which have been fitted over front bay windows. CT 5752/943 ad 14 Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; The original external form, materials and details of the 1940s-50s style residence and front fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5725/717 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 30 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 14B Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling & fence; The original external form, materials and details of the Inter-War Bungalow style residence and front fence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5821/739 ad 16 Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling materials Bungalow additions listing. & fence; The original external form, and details of the c1920 Inter-War style residence and front fence. Any later and alterations are excluded from the CT 5484/912 CT 5484/988 ad 21 Victoria Avenue UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Tarrangower) & fence; The original external form, materials and details of this 1917 Edwardian masonry residence. The masonry and iron front fence is also included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5786/429 CT 5786/430 ad Victoria Street (south west corner of intersection with Goodwood Road) GOODWOOD Drinking Fountain; External form, materials and detailing of the drinking fountain. RR a 1 View Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling (Greenhayes); The original external form, materials and details of this c1870 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5727/827 ad Wallis Street (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a Wattle Street (cnr Windsor Street) FULLARTON Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a Wattle Street north east corner with Fullarton Road FULLARTON Drinking Fountain; External form, materials and detailing of the drinking fountain. RR a 21 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1908/1909 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5689/714 ad 23 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1902 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5843/214 ad 27 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1906 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5266/989 CT 5266/989 ad 31 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and detailing of the 1900 house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5137/645 ad 55 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1883 Victorian asymmetrically fronted residence. Excludes later extensions and verandah alterations. CT 5473/397 ad 82 Wattle Street FULLARTON Church (Former St Joseph's Refuge); External form, materials and detailing of the 1900 former St Joseph's Refuge. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing including the later ramped entry addition to the side and the modern two CT 5182/10 acd Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 31 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) storey addition to the rear. 115 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling ("Penrose" and gate posts and gate); Original external form, materials and details of this 1860s Victorian symmetrically fronted residence, pedestrian entry gate posts and wrought iron gate. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5321/83 ade 137 Wattle Street FULLARTON Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this 1921 Inter War Bungalow style residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5967/226 ad 158-160 Wattle Street MALVERN Attached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this pair of c1890 asymmetrically fronted residences. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5080/330 CT 5080/331 ad 176 Wattle Street MALVERN Church and Bible College of South Australia (former Dwelling); Original external form, materials and details of this two storey c1880 symmetrically fronted residence, and the front fence. Excludes the later extensions to the side and rear of the former dwelling. CT 5899/57 ad 222 Wattle Street MALVERN Unley Primary School; Overall form materials and detailing of the two main school buildings and the small stone cottage to the west. Listing excludes later alterations and additions. CT 5398/13 CT 5455/601 acd 1-4/ 224 Wattle Street MALVERN Flats (former Dwelling& fence); Original external form, materials and details of this two storey 1884-90 Victorian residence and original cast iron spears to front fence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5143/726 ad 1 White Avenue FULLARTON Dwelling ('Vine Villa' & Coach House); External form, materials and detailing of the c1860s dwelling and coach house. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5097/1 ade 3 Wilgena Avenue MYRTLE BANK Dwelling; External form materials and detailing of the 1904 house. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5288/561 ad Wilkinson Road (cnr Windsor Street) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the pair of balustrades to the bridge. RR a 15 Wilkinson Road PARKSIDE Dwelling (former Shop & attached Dwelling - St Venant); Original external form, materials and details of the 1915-6 former shop and attached residence. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5180/666 acd Windsor Street (Henry Codd Reserve) PARKSIDE Bridge Balustrades; External form, materials and detailing of the balustrade of the bridge. 1-3/ 6-10 Windsor Street UNLEY Offices and House(former Shops); External form, materials and detailing of the c1923 shop buildings. Any later additions and alterations, including the recent roof extension to the southern office, are excluded from the listing. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 32 a CT 5010/74 CT 5010/75 CT 5010/76 acd 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title Criteria (Volume/Folio) (Section 23(4) Development Act) 29 Wood Street MILLSWOOD Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1914 Edwardian/Federation period residence. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5491/267 ad 40 Wood Street UNLEY PARK Dwelling; The original form, materials and detailing of the dwelling. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5163/893 CT 5163/894 ad 13 Wooldridge Avenue MILLSWOOD Dwelling (Bella Vista; outbuilding, gate pillars and gates); Original external form, materials and details of this 1862 Victorian residence. The outbuilding, fence base, gate pillars and gates are included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations, including the skillion roof carport are excluded from the listing. CT 5132/960 ade 11-13 Young Street PARKSIDE St Raphael's Church; External form, materials and detailing of the 1905 Church and 1916 nave and front façade extension. Includes the brick retaining wall gardens. Any alterations or additions are excluded from the listing, including the later side addition to the rear. CT 5826/86 CT 5841/448 acdf 12 Young Street PARKSIDE St. Raphael's Church Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1885 Hall. Excludes the later gabled porch brick retaining wall gardens and later side addition to the rear is excluded from the listing. CT 5358/168 ac 100 Young Street PARKSIDE Baptist Church; External form, materials and detailing of the Church 1880 - 1920. Any later extensions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5855/154 acdf 100 Young Street PARKSIDE Baptist Church Hall; External form, materials and detailing of the 1883 Baptist Church Hall. The later front porch and brick addition to the rear are excluded from the listing. CT 5855/154 acd 101 Young Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the 1896 residence. Any later extensions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5332/201 ad 107 Young Street PARKSIDE Shop & Attached Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of the c1900 shop and attached dwelling. Any later alterations or additions should be excluded from the listing. CT 5747/541 acdf 152 Young Street 46 Porter Street PARKSIDE St Ann's Church & Halls; External form, materials and detailing of the 1878 Church & later halls. Any later alterations or additions are excluded from the listing. CT 5278/104 CT 5278/105 acf 154-156 Young Street PARKSIDE Semi-detached Dwellings; Original external form, materials and details of this 1878 pair of single fronted cottages. Any later extensions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5216/849 ad 158 Young Street PARKSIDE Dwelling; Original external form, materials and details of this Victorian symmetrically fronted residence, incorporating the verandah form and the predominant roof form associated with the dwelling style. Any later additions or alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5514/27 ae 183-193 Young Street Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the 1884 row of dwellings. Any later CT 5150/830 CT 5222/182 ad Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 33 29 September 2011 PROPERTY ADDRESS DESCRIPTION OF PLACE OF VALUE Certificate (s) of Title (Volume/Folio) Criteria (Section 23(4) Development Act) UNLEY additions and alterations are excluded from the listing including the infilled verandah to 187. CT 5406/541 CT 5464/79 CT 5620/754 CT 5660/978 296 Young Street WAYVILLE Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 dwelling. The front fence is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5399/689 CT 5399/839 ad 298 Young Street WAYVILLE Dwelling & fence; External form, materials and detailing of the 1914 dwelling. The front fence is included in the listing. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5839/525 ad 310-312 Young Street WAYVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the c1910 pair of dwellings. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5974/829 CT 5974/830 ad 314-316 Young Street WAYVILLE Attached Dwellings; External form, materials and detailing of the 1913 pair of dwellings. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5181/453 CT 5863/446 ad 321 Young Street WAYVILLE Dwelling; External form, materials and detailing of the house. Any later additions and alterations are excluded from the listing. CT 5399/167 ad Note: Section 23(4) of the Development Act provides that a place may be designated as a place of local heritage value if: (a) it displays historical, economic or social themes that are of importance to the local area; or (b) it represents customs or ways of life that are characteristic of the local area; or (c) it has played an important part in the lives of local residents; or (d) it displays aesthetic merit, design characteristics or construction techniques of significance to the local area; or (e) it is associated with a notable local personality or event; or (f) it is a notable landmark in the area. Note: Places highlighted in grey are currently listed as Heritage Places in the City of Unley Development Plan, however, the Description of Place of Value and associated details have been clarified (reference for Development Plan Amendment only). Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 34 29 September 2011 ATTACHMENT B – Fig Un(Her)/1-10 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 1 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 2 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 3 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 4 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 5 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 6 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 7 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 8 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 9 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 10 29 September 2011 ATTACHMENT C – Fig Un(RHC)/1-7 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 11 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 12 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 13 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 14 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 15 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 16 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 17 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 18 29 September 2011 ATTACHMENT D – Map Un/21 and 23 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 19 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 20 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 21 29 September 2011 City of Unley Local Heritage Places Unley (City) Development Plan Closing Date for Submissions - Have Your Say This Development Plan Amendment (DPA) will be available for inspection by the public at the City of Unley office and library at 181 Unley Road Unley, the Goodwood library 101 Goodwood Road Goodwood and the City of Unley web-site from until . During this time anyone may make a written submission about any of the changes the DPA is proposing. Submissions should be marked ‘Local Heritage Places DPA’ and sent to City of Unley at PO Box 1 Unley 5061, Fax 8271 4886 or Email Submissions should indicate whether the author wishes to speak at a public meeting about the DPA. If no-one requests to be heard, no public meeting will be held. If requested, a public meeting will be held on at . Enquiries should be directed to Amy Nicholls Urban Planner at the City of Unley – 8372 5111 Document History & Status Version No 1.0 Description DRAFT 1 Draft for Council consideration 2.0 DRAFT 2 Confirmed by Council 26 July 2010 with amendments (retain Kidman gates and add 6-10 Windsor Street Unley per further Heritage advice) and consequent editorial amendments 3.0 DRAFT 3 th Confirmed by Council 29 April 2011 with amended Table Un/4 following resolution with DPLG of review of proposed places and consequent editorial amendments DRAFT 4 Amend Table Un/4 and Un(Her)/7 to include additional Local Heritage Place (181a Goodwood Road, Millswood) DRAFT 5 Editorial corrections - amend Table Un/4 and update Un(Her)/7 & 9 4.0 5.0 Author(s) AN, DB Maps HB Approved DB Date 08/07/2010 AN, DB HB DB 30/07/2010 AN HB DB 20/6/2011 AN HB Council (26/9/2011) 29/9/2011 AN HB DB 30/7/2012 TABLE OF CONTENTS EXECUTIVE SUMMARY I 1.1 Introduction i 1.2 Need for Amendment ii 1.3 Statement of Intent iii 1.4 Area(s)/land Affected iii 1.5 Interim Effect iii 1.6 Legal Requirements iv 1.7 Consultation iv 1.8 The Final Approval Stage v ANALYSIS 1 1 BACKGROUND 1 2 THE STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND POLICY DIRECTIONS 1 2.1 Consistency with South Australian Strategic Plan 1 2.2 Consistency with the South Australian Planning Strategy 2 2.3 Councils Strategic Directions 3 2.4 BDP Policy Review 5 2.5 Investigations Previously Undertaken 5 2.6 Investigations initiated to Inform this DPA 6 3 CONCLUSIONS and RECOMMENDED POLICY CHANGES 4 STATEMENT of STATUTORY COMPLIANCE 9 11 4.1 Accords with Planning Strategy 11 4.2 Accords with other parts of Development Plan 11 4.3 Complements the policies of Development Plans for adjoining areas 11 4.4 Satisfies the Requirements Prescribed by the Regulations 11 4.5 Accords with the Statement of Intent 11 REFERENCE/BIBLIOGRAPHY 12 CERTIFICATION BY COUNCIL’S CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER 13 APPENDICES 14 THE AMENDMENT Amendment Instructions Table Attachment A – Replacement Table Un/3 and Un/4 Attachment B – Fig Un(RHC) 1 – 7 (excluding 4) Attachment C – Fig Un(HER)/1-10 EXECUTIVE SUMMARY The City of Unley has a distinctive and desirable character which is highly valued by many local residents and visitors to the area. The large number of intact older buildings, monuments and significant sites in the city make an important contribution to this character. The City of Unley is committed to preserving the heritage of Unley. As part of this commitment, Council has, and continues to pursue the listing of what is called “Local Heritage Places” in the City of Unley Development Plan. The Development Plan is the policy instrument created under the Development Act 1993 to provide a series of guidelines for Council to follow in relation to the planning of development in the City of Unley. The City of Unley carries out periodic reviews of the Development Plan as required by Section 30 of the Development Act 1993. The results of the last review identified, among other things, a need to conduct a review of heritage sites and areas. As a result, two investigations were initiated in 2005 – Unley Urban Morphology Study and Unley Corridors and Centres Study. As part of these studies, study team member specialists Alexander Wilkinson Design and Weidenhofer Architects reviewed the detailed surveys of buildings to identify potential heritage assets. The results of the investigations found that the details of existing Local Heritage Places required updating. In particular, new Local Heritage Places should be added to the Development Plan and some existing Local Heritage Places should be removed from the Table as they no longer satisfied the Local Heritage Criteria. The Development Plan Amendment process was initiated by Council with the Statement of Intent which was agreed to by the Minister for Planning and Urban Development on 3rd July 2008. Required investigations and procedures with the Department of Planning and Local Government (DPLG) have ensued to complete the DPA. This included resolution by DPLG of their Heritage Database mapping (July 2008 to February 2010) and preparation, endorsement and submission by Council of the draft DPA in July 2010. The DPLG sought a review of a number of items in late December 2010. This was resolved by Council in April 2011, and the draft DPA revised accordingly and submitted in June 2011. Council resolved to add the stone lining of Brownhill Creek in Orphanage Park to the DPA in September 2011. Further details with the DPLG Heritage Database mapping required resolution and the final draft DPA was submitted in July 2012. The Unley (City) Local Heritage Places Development Plan Amendment (this document) outlines the Development Plan Amendment process including consultation requirements; the investigations carried out to inform the Development Plan Amendment and the required amendments (instructions table and attachments). 1.1 Introduction The Development Act 1993 (the Act) provides the legislative framework for undertaking amendments to a Development Plan. The Act allows either the relevant council or, under prescribed circumstances, the Minister for Urban Development and Planning to amend a Development Plan. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 5 i 30 July 2012 Before amending a Development Plan, a council must first reach agreement with the Minister for Urban Development and Planning regarding the range of issues the amendment will address. This is called a Statement of Intent. Once the Statement of Intent is agreed to, a Development Plan Amendment (DPA) (this document) is written, which explains what policy changes are being proposed and why, and how the amendment process will be conducted. A Development Plan Amendment (DPA) consists of: Executive Summary Analysis Conclusions and Recommended Policy Changes Statement of Statutory Compliance References/Bibliography Certification by Council’s Chief Executive Officer Appendices The Amendment. 1.2 Need for the amendment The protection of local heritage is dealt with through the Development Act 1993 with individual places specified in a Development Plan. A place of local heritage value is listed in a Development Plan if it satisfies one or more of the following criteria as specified in section 23(4) of the Development Act 1993: a. it displays historical, economic or social themes that are of importance to the local area; or b. it represents customs or ways of life that are characteristic of the local area; or c. it has played an important part in the lives of local residents; or d. it displays aesthetic merit, design characteristics or construction techniques of significance to the local area; or e. it is associated with a notable local personality or event; or f. it is a notable landmark in the area; or g. in the case of a tree (without limiting a preceding paragraph) it is of special historical or social significance or importance within the local area. In order to address a review of existing heritage places and allow for the inclusion of new places of local heritage value, the City of Unley initiated the statutory process to amend the Development Plan. This DPA aims to protect and conserve places of local heritage and cultural value and proposes the following: An increase in the number of Local Heritage Places by the inclusion of additional places in the Development Plan; Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 ii 29 September 2011 A review of existing Local Heritage Places; updating and enhancement of existing Descriptions of Places of Value, Property Addresses, Certificate(s) of Title and listing criteria; A review, and removal of, existing Local Heritage Places that are considered to no longer meet the Local Heritage listing criteria; The separating of the current list of State and Local Heritage Places in the Development Plan Table Un/3 to become; Table Un/3 State Heritage Places Table Un/4 Local Heritage Places The inclusion of new mapping for both State and Local Heritage Places within the Development Plan; The removal of Local Heritage Places and State Heritage Places from Figures Un(RHC) (as reference is included in new mapping); A consequential renumbering of references throughout the Development Plan to reflect revised table numbering; Table Un/3 (State Heritage Places) items have been reviewed by the Unley Heritage Research Study and updated evaluations has been referred to the State Heritage Branch South Australia who is responsible for State Heritage Places. This DPA is concerned with review of Local Heritage Places only. Table Un/4 (Local Heritage Places) has been developed based on the recommendations from the Unley Heritage Research Study 2006 (updated 2011) prepared by McDougall and Vines, Conservation and Heritage Consultants. The Unley Heritage Research Study which informed this DPA will be available for inspection during the consultation period and individual information sheets will be provided to affected property owners. 1.3 Statement of Intent The Statement of Intent relating to this DPA was agreed to by the Minister for Urban Development and Planning on 3rd July 2008. As described in the Statement of Intent, the scope of this DPA is to protect and conserve local places of heritage and cultural value. The investigations and issues agreed to in the Statement of Intent have been undertaken or addressed. Resolution of mapping by the Department of Planning and Local Government has led to a delay in the progress of the DPA. 1.4 Area(s)/land Affected The DPA affects the whole City of Unley Council area by virtue of the fact that the places are dispersed across the Council area. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 iii 29 September 2011 1.5 Interim Effect As the DPA proposes the listing of additional Local Heritage Places, the Unley Council requested the Minister for Planning and Local Government for interim effect; i.e. the DPA is to have immediate effect upon release for public consultation. Interim effect is considered necessary and warranted to avoid speculative development in relation to proposed places while their heritage merit is reviewed through the public consultation and review phases. 1.6 Legal Requirements In the preparation of this DPA, council received advice from a person or persons holding prescribed qualifications pursuant to Section 101 of the Development Act 1993, as follows: Amy Nicholls, Urban Planner (MPIA) David Brown, Principal Policy Planner (CPP MPIA) The DPA has assessed the extent to which the proposed amendment: accords with the Planning Strategy accords with other parts of council’s Development Plan complements the policies in Development Plans for adjoining areas satisfies the requirements prescribed by the Regulations. 1.7 Consultation This DPA is now released for formal agency and public consultation. Formal consultation with affected property owners, public agencies, nonGovernment organisations and adjoining Councils is being undertaken pursuant to Section 25 of the Development Act 1993. Public consultation will be undertaken for a period of not less than 8 weeks in accordance with Section 25 (8) (b) of the Development Act 1993. In accordance with the requirements of Section 25 (12) of the Development Act 1993, the owners of proposed Local Heritage Places have been notified in writing of the release of the DPA for public consultation. The owners of existing Local Heritage Places have also been notified of amendments to the existing listing details. The relevant Local Heritage Place assessment sheet and a general information sheet have been included to the property owners notified of the release of the DPA. The South Australian Government agencies being consulted are: Department of Planning and Local Government; Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 iv 29 September 2011 Department of Environment and Natural Resources; SA Tourism Commission; Department of Trade and Economic Development; Department of Aboriginal Affairs and Reconciliation; Department of Family and Communities o South Australian Housing Trust The Organisations being consulted are: Friends of the City of Unley Society (FOCUS); Unley Business and Economic Development Committee ; National Trust of SA; Real Estate Institute of SA; Urban Development Institute of Australia (SA); Planning Institute of Australia (SA); Australian Royal Institute of Architecture (SA); Housing Industry Association (SA); Property Council of Australia (SA); Local Government Association of SA The State Members of Parliament being consulted are: Mr David Pisoni – Member of Unley Hon Stephanie Key – Member of Ashford Notice of the DPA has been published in the Government Gazette, The Advertiser newspaper, and in addition, the Eastern Courier Messenger newspaper. Council officers will be available to liaise, address queries and review submissions during the consultation phase. All written and verbal agency and public submissions made during the consultation phase will be recorded, considered and summarised. Subsequent changes to the DPA may occur as a result of this consultation process. (See also ‘Have your say’ information box at the beginning of this DPA.) 1.8 The Final Approval Stage Following the consultation process, a Summary of Consultations and Proposed Amendments Report outlining all submissions received, issues raised, responses and recommended amendments (if any) will be prepared by Council officers and provided to Council for consideration. When the council has considered the Summary of Consultations and Proposed Amendments Report and determined its response to submissions, issues and proposed amendments to the DPA (if any) the report and revised DPA (if necessary) will be sent to the Minister for Urban Development and Planning. The Minister will then either approve (with or without changes) or refuse the DPA. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 v 29 September 2011 ANALYSIS 1. BACKGROUND The Statement of Intent acknowledged the strategic context and policy directions the DPA complements; including the South Australian Planning Strategy and various Council Policy Directions. The Statement of Intent also identified key investigations that would inform the DPA, namely; Unley Urban Morphology Study (Residential Character & Heritage Definition) 2005 – URS and Ruan Consulting; Unley Corridors and Centres Study (Main Corridors and Centres Function, Character and Urban Design Review) 2005 – Ruan Consulting Unley Heritage Research Study 2006 (updated 2010) – McDougall and Vines The investigations conducted, and the conclusions drawn, are detailed in this section. 2. THE STRATEGIC CONTEXT AND POLICY DIRECTIONS 2.1 Consistency with South Australia’s Strategic Plan The Strategic Plan contains a series of specific targets relating to themes such as economic growth, health, employment, infrastructure, population growth and environmental protection. The DPA supports the following Strategic Plan objectives and targets: Objective 1: Growing Prosperity - Exports - T1.15 Tourism industry Objective 3: Attaining Sustainability - Climate Change – T3.5 Greenhouse Gas Emission Reduction; - Ecological Footprint - T3.7 Ecological footprint; T3.8 Zero Waste; - Water - T3.9 Sustainable water supply; - Energy - T3.13 and T3.14 Energy efficiency – government buildings & dwellings Objective 6: Expanding opportunity - Housing – T6.7 Affordable housing Growing prosperity is achieved through making urban areas more liveable by managing the best elements of the past with present and new urban design and built form. Increasing competitiveness is created by having attractive places for businesses and families to live and work in. Local heritage in Unley is a major attraction as a business/shopping destination. In particular, it is a tourism driver that provides unique ‘destination experiences’ and local neighbourhood and village identities. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 5 1 30 July 2012 Attaining sustainability is provided through the retention of existing valued built form and the savings from the total life-cycle energy investment in buildings i.e. saving their embodied energy (energy involved in the mining, processing and transport of materials, in construction and lost in demolition). The potential to adapt, modify and re-develop both behind and above heritage places also provides opportunities to incorporate a range of water sensitive and energy efficient design. The retention of older housing maintains a diversity of existing stock and an opportunity to access a range of existing smaller and attached forms of potentially more affordable housing. 2.2 Consistency with the South Australian Planning Strategy The Planning Strategy presents current State Government policy for development in South Australia. In particular, it seeks to guide and coordinate State Government activity in the construction and provision of services and infrastructure that influence the development of South Australia. It also indicates directions for future development to the community, the private sector and local government. The DPA will recognise and support the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide and in particular will implement the following key policies: Planning Strategy Policy Analysis of level of DPA consistency Objective – Maintaining and improving The best elements of past and present liveability are evident in urban design and form; vibrant cultural life is represented by the local built form and older building stock provides affordable options. Objective – Increasing competitiveness Creating attractive regions for business, families and visitors by retaining the heritage buildings and distinctive character of neighbourhoods and main street strip centres. Objective – Driving sustainability, Achieved primarily through retaining environmental protection and resilience existing valued built form and the to climate change embodied energy invested in their creation. Also through the avoidance of excessive waste from demolition. Principle 1 – Compact and carbon Supports the protection, renovation, reefficient city development and adaptive re-use of heritage places within existing urban area. Principle 2 – Housing diversity and Ensures that there is a mixture and choice diversity of housing, including heritage places, to cater for the changing needs of the population. Principle 4: Transit connected city focused Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 and Growth areas (transit corridors) are targeted which include heritage buildings but opportunity is allowed for well designed re-development that 2 29 September 2011 retains the primary heritage character to the streetscape. and Principle 5 – World class design and Creating sustainable urban character vibrancy and a vibrant and creative culture with a diversity of old and new architecture and design elements. Principle 7 – Heritage and character protection and enhancement, with growth concentrated in designated suitable areas and transit corridors This DPA’s primary aim is to protect and conserve places of local heritage and cultural value. It fits within the context of Council’s broader strategy of focussing growth in key neighbourhood regeneration areas and principally the main road corridors. The heritage elements, however, provide the foundation components around which new development occurs to maintain the distinct identities of areas and roads. Principle 9 – Affordable living Retention of older and a variety of building stock (eg small and attached dwellings) provide an opportunity for more affordable housing options. Principle 10 – Economic growth and Provides a ‘destination experience’ that competitiveness attracts business and tourism growth. Principle 11 – Climate change resilience Retaining heritage places provides savings from embodied energy and in the total life-cycle energy use of buildings. Regional Targets and Directions – To support population growth a net Eastern Adelaide increase of 37,700 is targeted for the Eastern Adelaide Region, principally in suitable regeneration areas and main corridors. The small number of heritage places in such areas and the provision to adapt, alter and add to them, maintains an appropriate opportunity for growth and development. The DPA will be inconsistent with the following parts of the 30 Year Plan for Greater Adelaide as outlined in the table below and justification provided on why any variations are considered appropriate. Policy Justification Nil Nil Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 3 29 September 2011 2.3 Council’s Strategic Directions Council’s Strategic Direction documents and policies that are relevant to this DPA include: Community Plan 2015 Environment Strategy 2004-2009 Environment Sustainability Plan July 2010- June 2013 Village Living & Desirable Neighbourhoods DPA 2008 [Stage 1 (Residential Historic Conservation and Streetscape Character Areas Pilot)] Unley (City) Development Plan 2010 Community Plan 2015 Community Direction 3 – Natural and Built Environment 3.1 Ensure that urban development and infrastructure meet the changing needs of the community whilst maintaining the City’s heritage, amenity and character 3.5 Ensure the protection, enhancement, and management of the natural and built environment of the City in order to strengthen its environmental sustainability Environment Strategy 2004-2009 Waste Reduction Strategy 6 – “Decrease the disposal of construction and demolition waste to landfill from construction activity in the City of Unley” Context – “Encourage the recycling of building and demolition wastes as well as encourage the retention of character buildings to minimise waste from the construction and demolition sector”. Action – “Advocate for the consideration of embodied energy (including waste considerations) in standards for the design and demolition of buildings as well as state government level incentives to encourage the retention of character buildings”. Urban Environment Strategy 3 – “To preserve and enhance the built heritage and character of Unley in line with the ‘City of Villages’ theme for the area” Action – “Undertake a ‘Residential Character Study’ in which a character survey and further classification of heritage items is to be undertaken with the aim of protecting the desired character of Unley and a rationale to lobby for broader demolition protection.” Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 4 29 September 2011 Environment Sustainability Plan July 2010- June 2013 Climate Change Action Plan Objective “Reduce greenhouse gas emissions within Council services and the wider community”. Waste Action Plan Objective “To maximise Council and community recycling”. Village Living & Desirable Neighbourhoods DPA - Stage 1 2008 (Residential Historic Conservation and Streetscape Character Areas Pilot) This DPA identified, protected and enhanced strategically important heritage based or character based areas but in the context of a smart strategy. The overall DPA program that includes Stages 2 and 3 aims to achieve a balanced strategy that protects existing heritage and character in the first stage, while targeting suitable areas and facilitating development (primarily on main road corridors and key regeneration areas) in subsequent stages, to support sustainable population growth, balanced demographic change and economic vitality. Unley (City) Development Plan 2010 The Unley Strategic Vision seeks a balance between targeted increased development intensity and scale along major transport corridors, centres and key precincts with sensitive conservation, compatible adaptation, improvement and new development on valued character or heritage sites and areas. 2.4 BDP Policy Library The DPA is not proposing changes to Zones or Policy Areas in the Development Plan. The DPA does not propose changes to the existing policy and therefore will not need to adopt heritage policies from the Better Development Plan (BDP) policy library. 2.5 Investigations previously undertaken Section 30 of the Development Act 1993 requires Council to carryout periodic reviews of Development Plans. The City of Unley reviewed the Development Plan in 2003. The results of the Development Plan Review informed the direction of the City of Unley Community Plan 2015 (2004). Goal 4.1 and Corporate Plan 4.1.3 identified in the ‘Community Plan 2015’ recognises a need to conduct a review of heritage sites/areas to ensure appropriate protection is in place and to manage these assets accordingly. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 5 29 September 2011 Further to the goals and objectives set in the ‘Community Plan’, two investigations were initiated in 2005: Unley Urban Morphology Study (Residential Character & Heritage Definition) 2005 – URS and Ruan Consulting This study involved a survey of all residential areas of the City of Unley to record character attributes of areas and buildings. During this study, potential heritage places were identified and reviewed by heritage architects. As a result, potential Local Heritage Places were identified. Unley Corridors and Centres Study (Main Corridors and Centres Function, Character and Urban Design Review) 2005 – Ruan Consulting This study involved a survey of the main road corridors and centres in the City of Unley to record character attributes and noteworthy buildings. Potential heritage places were reviewed by heritage architects and items were recommended for Local Heritage status. As part of the investigations detailed above, Alexander Wilkinson Design and Weidenhoffer Architects as specialist team members were used to review the detailed survey of built form across the City of Unley and identify potential heritage assets. The two studies combined, identified 185 potential Local Heritage Places (138 in the Urban Morphology Study and 47 in the Corridors and Centre Study). 2.6 Investigations initiated to inform this DPA In 2006, McDougall and Vines Conservation and Heritage Consultants were commissioned by the City of Unley to undertake further investigations in support of the ‘City of Villages Vision’ which is reflected in the Community Plan 2015. Mc Dougall and Vines Conservation and Heritage Consultants produced the Unley Heritage Research Study 2006 (updated 2011). The Unley Heritage Research Study: Examined the existing Local Heritage Places against current Local Heritage Criteria; Proposed the removal of places on the existing list that no longer met the current Local Heritage Criteria (see paragraph 1.2 for criteria); Expanded and updated the existing Local Heritage Places details; Assessed the places recommended by the Urban Morphology Study and the Corridors and Centre Study; Made assessments on distinctive buildings noted during field visits that were not in the above mentioned Studies; and Proposed new places of Local Heritage Value. Council has maintained a review of the details of the recommended Local Heritage Places, and the existing Local Heritage Places, in the event that building work or demolition has occurred since the time of initial investigation to support the more recent update. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 6 29 September 2011 As part of the field survey of the previously identified potential heritage properties, historical research on the area and from nominations during investigations of the Unley Heritage Research Study a further 34 properties were identified that had heritage potential warranting further detailed review: 20 Albert Street Goodwood 34 Albert Street Goodwood 58 Albert Street Goodwood 8-10 Davey Street Parkside 54 Ethel Street Forestville 12 Fern Avenue Fullarton 1a Gilbert Street Goodwood 110-114 Glen Osmond Road Parkside 180-180a Goodwood Road Millswood 89 Greenhill Road Wayville 35 Hughes Street Unley 133 King William Road Unley 134-136 King William Road Goodwood 8 Louisa Street Goodwood 64 Northgate Street Unley Park 66 Northgate Street Unley Park 74a Northgate Street Unley Park 79 Northgate Street Unley Park 80 Northgate Street Unley Park 50 Oxford Terrace Unley 6 Palmerston Avenue Unley 8 Palmerston Avenue Unley 10 Palmerston Avenue Unley 63-65 Thomas Street Unley (195) Unley Road Unley (road reserve in front of 195) 1-8/3 Victoria Street Goodwood 21 Wattle Street Fullarton 23 Wattle Street Fullarton 27 Wattle Street Fullarton 31 Wattle Street Fullarton 3 Wilgena Avenue Myrtle Bank 1-3/6-10 Windsor Street Unley 40 Wood Street Unley Park 321 Young Street Wayville Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 7 29 September 2011 This led to a total list of 220 properties with heritage potential for further detailed review (138 in the Urban Morphology Study, 47 in the Corridors and Centre Study and a further 35 during the Unley Heritage Research Study). Of the 220 properties, 189 items were ultimately determined to meet the Local Heritage Place criteria. Local Heritage Places Context The ‘City of Villages’ vision aims to ensure sensitive preservation of the intrinsic character of the established residential suburbs of the city, reinforce a series of complementary urban ‘Villages’ and target required growth to suitable areas. Heritage forms an important part of the historic character and the study provides an authoritative evaluation to support (or otherwise) the designation of heritage assets. A net population increase is targeted for the Eastern Adelaide Region, principally in suitable regeneration areas and main corridors, to support the State Government directions for growth. Strategic directions for the City of Unley main road corridors and key regeneration areas indicate that there is sufficient opportunity for a proportional share of the regional growth and intensification to support the sustainable future of the City of Unley. The number of heritage places along corridors is small and there is provision to adapt, alter and add (behind and up) while maintaining their specific integrity and streetscape features. These heritage properties are critical to the maintenance of the distinct intrinsic identity and character of neighbourhoods and the main street strip activity centres. This foundation is the basis upon which to build complementary new developments to create distinct, vibrant and attractive places. Implementation of the Local Heritage Places DPA should occur before release of policy proposals for growth to maintain these intrinsic assets. Together with the remaining vast majority of sites, there is sufficient opportunity for growth and development as demonstrated in the Table 1 below. Table 1 Area/Corridor Total Properties Local Heritage Places (LHP) Draft LHP DPA Existing % Retained Potential Proposed Total % of total properties Anzac Highway 77 3 3.9% 3 3 2 5 6.5% Greenhill Road 278 4 1.4% 4 3 2 6 2.2% Goodwood Road 347 14 4.0% 13 18 7 20 5.8% King William Road 440 11 2.5% 10 14 10 20 4.5% Unley Road 481 20 4.2% 19 15 13 32 6.7% Fullarton Road 497 1 0.2% 1 2 1 2 0.4% Glen Osmond Road 276 3 1.1% 3 3 3 6 2.2% Residential 16,200 98 0.6% 93 125 116 209 1.3% Total 18,596 154 0.8% 146 183 154 300 1.6% Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 5 8 30 July 2012 3. CONCLUSIONS AND RECOMMENDED POLICY CHANGES The proposed Local Heritage Places have been independently assessed as having Local Heritage value in relation to Section 23 (4) criteria in the Development Act 1993. These buildings represent an important link to the City of Unley’s past heritage, and reinforce the desired historic character of the City. This DPA reflects Council’s objectives of promoting orderly and economic development whilst protecting the City’s valued heritage and historic character. Further, this DPA aligns with the State Government South Australian Planning Strategy for Greater Adelaide. The Local Heritage assets within the City of Unley have been reviewed and consequently the following Development Plan amendments are considered necessary; Update the details of existing Local Heritage Places; Add further proposed Local Heritage Places warranting inclusion; Remove the existing Local Heritage Places no longer meeting heritage criteria; Split the existing Table Un/3 in the Development Plan to provide one table for State Heritage Places (Table Un/3) and one table for Local Heritage Places (Table Un/4); Re-number the references throughout the Development Plan to reflect these revised tables; Update Heritage Areas Map Un/21 and Un/23; Remove reference to Heritage Places on Figure Un(RHC) and subsequently include updated Figure Un(RHC) 1, 2, 3, 6A, 6B & 7; and Add Figure Un(Her)/1 to 10 Heritage Places Maps No policy changes in relation to how Local Heritage Places are to be managed have been proposed as part of this DPA. No amendments are made to the details of the State Heritage Places, other than to update Certificate Title references for accuracy, as these only reflect the listing that occurs pursuant to the Heritage Places Act 1993. Existing Local Heritage Places for removal from Development Plan The following table identifies existing Local Heritage Places in the Development Plan (consolidated December 2010) which are proposed not to remain listed; Existing Local Heritage Place Pillar Box on Albert Street, Goodwood 20 Blyth Street, Parkside 38 Cross Road, Myrtle Bank 40 Cross Road, Myrtle Bank 68 Goodwood Road, Wayville 147 King William Road, Unley Reason for Removal Removed No longer meets Local Heritage criteria No longer meets Local Heritage criteria No longer meets Local Heritage criteria Removed (Centennial Hall) No longer meets Local Heritage criteria Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 9 29 September 2012 1 Macklin Street, Parkside 44 Marlborough Street, Malvern (Hall) 1 Milton Avenue, Fullarton Pillar Box on Northgate Street, Unley Park 62 Thomas Street, Unley 326 Unley Road, Hyde Park Demolished as per approval 090/330/2004 No longer meets Local Heritage criteria Demolished per approval 090/1169/1999 Removed No longer meets Local Heritage criteria Demolished per approval 090/1166/2006 Initially Identified Potential Properties, Not Warranting Heritage Listing The following places were part of the potential properties for review identified by the Urban Morphology Study, Corridors and Centre Study and during investigations of the Unley Heritage Research Study. When subsequently assessed against current Local Heritage Criteria, and further review as a consequence of DPLG feedback, the final recommendations of the Unley Heritage Research Study considered these places do not satisfy the relevant criteria and accordingly do not warrant listing; 76 Anzac Highway, Everard Park 21 Avenue Street, Millswood 2-4 Clark Street, Wayville 8 – 10 Davey Street, Parkside 2 Eurilpa Avenue, Everard Park 383-389 Fullarton Road, Fullarton 98-100 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 101-103 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 142 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 143 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 145 Goodwood Road, Goodwood 259 Goodwood Road, Kings Park 261-267 Goodwood Road, Kings Park 286 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park 306 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park 313 Goodwood Road, Kings Park 336 Goodwood Road, Clarence Park 189 Greenhill Road, Parkside 7 Kerta Weeta Avenue Black Forest 118-128 King William Road, Goodwood 134-136 King William Road, Goodwood 171 King William Road, Hyde Park 175 King William Road, Hyde Park 42-44 Mary Street, Unley Unley Road (195), Unley 163 Unley Road, Unley 12 Victoria Avenue, Unley Park Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 10 29 September 2011 1-8/3 Victoria Street, Goodwood 95b Wattle Street, Fullarton 3 Weller Street, Goodwood A full list of existing (with unwarranted places removed) and proposed Local Heritage Places can be found in the DPA Attachment A in new Table Un/4. 4. STATEMENT OF STATUTORY COMPLIANCE Section 25 of the Development Act 1993 prescribes that the DPA must assess the extent to which the proposed amendment: accords with the Planning Strategy accords with other parts of the Development Plan complements the policies in the Development Plans for adjoining areas satisfies the requirements prescribed by the Regulations. 4.1 Accords with the Planning Strategy Relevant strategies from the Planning Strategy are summarised in Section 2.2 of this document. It is the intent of the DPA to support the achievement of the Planning Strategy policies. 4.2 Accords with other parts of the Development Plan The policies proposed in this DPA are consistent with the format, content and structure of the Unley (City) Development Plan, consolidated 3 December 2010. 4.3 Complements the policies in the Development Plans for adjoining areas The policies proposed in this DPA will not affect the Development Plans for adjoining areas. 4.4 Satisfies the requirements prescribed by the Regulations The requirements for public consultation (Regulation 11a) and the public meeting (Regulation 12) associated with this DPA will be met. 4.5 Accords with the Statement of Intent The agreed Statement of Intent set out that Council intended to re-examine Local Heritage Places against current criteria as stipulated in the Development Act and propose the inclusion of additional Local Heritage Places. This DPA accords with the agreed Statement of Intent. Particulars of the proposed amendments are detailed in the Amendment section of this report titled “The Amendment”. Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 11 29 September 2011 REFERENCES/BIBLIOGRAPHY Unley Urban Morphology Study (Residential Character & Heritage Definition) 2005 – URS and Ruan Consulting Unley Corridors and Centres Study (Main Corridors and Centres Function, Character and Urban Design Review) 2005 – Ruan Consulting Unley Heritage Research Study 2006 (updated 2011) - McDougall and Vines, Conservation and Heritage Consultants South Australia’s Strategic Plan 2007, Government of South Australia Historic Dwelling Improvement Design and Resources Audit, 2010, Dr. H. Bennetts and Dr. Stephen Pullen South Australian Planning Strategy – The 30-Year Plan for Greater Adelaide, 2010, Government of South Australia Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 12 29 September 2011 Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 13 29 September 2011 APPENDICES Appendix 1 Unley Heritage Research Study 2006 (updated 2011) - McDougall and Vines, Conservation and Heritage Consultants Unley (City) Local Heritage Places DPA- draft 4 14 29 September 2011 31 January 2013] THE SOUTH AUSTRALIAN GOVERNMENT GAZETTE Andrew Michael Gleeson Hari Chand Goyal Jeffrey Lionel Grove David Ian Hamilton Brenton John Hand Gregory Arthur Hayes Manfred Ernst Heide Ian Douglas Helmore Robert Leslie Hennig Anne Elizabeth Jaensch Philip John Jenner Trevor Johnson Christina Margaret Kinghorn Peter Rhodes Lang Karen Leslie Maidment-Longbottom Carolyn Ann Mee Moira Joan Melia Ronald Francis Neander Meredith Alice Newman Anne Therese Nolan Joanne Maree Nunan Maris Eduards Priede John Floyd Robinson Paul Rosato Alfred Freddy Schwarz-Docen Lesley Mary Smith Patricia Ann Snook Susan Mary Spriggs Ninette Valerie Strawbridge Gregory Philip Thomas Raymond John Thomas Martin Bruce Thompson Steven John Trussell Leslie Claude Tucker Brian Francis Waite Mary Elizabeth Waters Russell Andrew Williams Michael Anthony Willis Dennis Frederick Young By command, JENNIFER MARY RANKINE, for Premier JP12/060CS ASSOCIATIONS INCORPORATION ACT 1985 ORDER PURSUANT TO SECTION 42 (2) Dissolution of Association WHEREAS the Corporate Affairs Commission (‘the Commission’) pursuant to Section 42 (1) of the Associations Incorporation Act 1985 (‘the Act’) is of the opinion that the undertaking or operations of Baking Associations of Australia, South Australia Incorporated (‘the Association’) being an incorporated association under the Act are being carried on, or would more appropriately be carried on by a company limited by guarantee incorporated under the Corporations Act 2001 (Commonwealth) and whereas the Commission was on 19 December 2012, requested by the Association to transfer its undertaking to Baking Associations of Australia Limited (ACN 142 608 204), the Commission pursuant to Section 42 (2) of the Act does hereby order that as at 31 January 2013, the Association will be dissolved, the property of the Association becomes the property of Baking Associations of Australia Limited and the rights and liabilities of the Association become the rights and liabilities of Baking Associations of Australia Limited. 145 Given under the seal of the Commission at Adelaide, 23 January 2013. R. ALOI, A Delegate of the Corporate Affairs Commission CONTROLLED SUBSTANCES ACT 1984 NOTICE Approval and Publication of the Code of Practice for the Storage and Transport of Drugs of Dependence NOTICE is hereby given that on 6 December 2012, David Swan, Chief Executive, Department for Health and Ageing, approved for publication the updated Code of Practice for the Storage and Transport of Drugs of Dependence on the SA Health website. The Code is available at: D. SWAN, Chief Executive, Department for Health and Ageing DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993: SECTION 28 (1): DECLARATION OF INTERIM OPERATION OF CITY OF UNLEY— LOCAL HERITAGE PLACES DEVELOPMENT PLAN AMENDMENT NOTICE PURSUANT to Section 28 (1) of the Development Act 1993, I, John Rau, Minister for Planning, am of the opinion that it is necessary in the interest of the orderly and proper development of the area affected by the City of Unley—Local Heritage Places Development Plan Amendment that the Development Plan Amendment should come into operation without delay. I declare that the Development Plan Amendment will come into operation on an interim basis on the day in which this notice is published. Dated 4 December 2012. JOHN RAU, Deputy Premier, Minister for Planning DEVELOPMENT ACT 1993, SECTION 25 (17): DISTRICT COUNCIL OF MALLALA—BETTER DEVELOPMENT PLAN AND GENERAL DPA Preamble 1. The Development Plan Amendment entitled ‘District Council of Mallala District Council of Mallala—Better Development Plan and General DPA’ has been finalised in accordance with the provisions of the Development Act 1993. 2. The Honourable John Rau has decided to approve the Amendment. NOTICE PURSUANT to Section 25 of the Development Act 1993, I— (a) approve the Amendment; and (b) fix the day on which this notice is published in the Gazette as the day on which the Amendment will come into operation. Dated 23 January 2013. JOHN RAU, Deputy Premier, Minister for Planning