May/June 2016 - Green County - University of Wisconsin
May/June 2016 - Green County - University of Wisconsin
May/June 2016 Green County UW-Extension – Justice Center 2841 – 6th Street, Monroe, WI 53566 Phone: 608-328-9440 4-H is NOT all about the County Fair (competition)! “What?! 4-H is not all about winning ribbons and premium at the fair?” While it is true that this newsletter and the next one will have a lot of information that pertains to the fair, it is important for us to maintain a balanced perspective about what role the county fair can play in your 4-H experience. 4-H is ALL about LEARNING…learning leadership, learning citizenship, learning life skills. The county fair offers us a great opportunity to… Showcase our greatest LEARNING from our project work during the year, and Continue our LEARNING from observing fellow exhibitors and from constructive feedback from fair judges. Ellen Andrews 4-H Youth Development Educator Inside this issue: Fair Entry Guidelines 4-H Member Opportunities Y&A Leader Opportunities Jr. Leaders Corner Cloverbuds & Exploring Animal Science Dairy Livestock/Beef Swine/Sheep/Goats Horses /Poultry Rabbits/Cats/Dogs Family, Home & Health Natural Sciences Arts & Communication Photography Plant & Soil Science Ambassadors Speak Up 4-H Club Happenings Odds & Ends Dairy Days 2016 County Fair Project vs. Dept. Chart Wisconsin State Fair Calendar Promote the Fair Flyer BotF Coffee Cake Recipe 2-3 5 5 5 6 6-11 7 8 9 10 11 11 12 12 12 12 13 13 13 14 14 14-15 15 15-17 18 19 As we support our 4-H members during this “Fair Entries” time period (DUE by May 27th), please help our members and families (and especially our new families) keep in mind that LEARNING isn’t just the “what” we do in 4-H, it is also the “how” we do things in 4-H. As an adult and older youth, YOU can help youth continue to learn important LIFE SKILLS, as they identify their fair entries and prepare for the county fair: Empower youth to make their own decisions about what they want to exhibit. Support youth in being responsible for preparing their own project exhibits. Encourage youth to be generous with their time and experiences to help their fellow members, for whom a project or the entire county fair experience might be brand new. If you are new to 4-H and not certain of where to turn or how to get started with the Fair Entry process, please don’t hesitate to ASK for help. You can ask your Club Organizational Leader, a Project Leader, or you can even call our UW-Extension Office (328-9440). Finally, as you read through the Junior Fair General Rules and Departments ( ), remember that LEARNING is key! We learn a new county fair website, we learn an evolving fair entry process, and we learn from each other what works and what doesn’t! Together, we all are learning! Welcome Lindsey Loeffelholz! Please welcome Lindsey Loeffelholz to the Green County UW-Extension Team. Lindsey is our 2016 Summer Intern. She is a Dane County 4-H Alumna and is currently a student at UW-Platteville studying Agribusiness and Animal Science. Her first day will be May 23rd. Next Alphorn deadline: June 15th 1 Auction Entry Forms are due to the UW-Extension Office by Friday, May 27th, 2016 at 4:30 PM. Green County Fair ONLINE ENTRY GUIDELINES Online Fair Entry Deadline = May 27th, 2016 @ 5:00 PM 1. Before you begin this process, all 4-H members should review their enrolled projects on 4HOnline ( Once logged in, select “Continue to Family”. At the bottom of the “Member List” page you can print individual Member Reports. You will want to print a copy of the “Member–Fair Registration Form”. This is your list of enrolled 4-H projects you can enter in the Fair. This form is strictly for your information. It CANNOT be turned in as your fair entry. (Please ignore this step if you are entering through FFA). 2. Please visit the Green County Fair website and review all the General Rules & Animal Health Rules (if you are showing animals) for showing at the 2016 Green County Fair. You should also view the rules for the department you will be showing in and determine Class, Lot, and Descriptions. (Note for 4-H members: Finding the correct department/class for your 4-H project can be tricky. See the “Project vs. Department Chart” on page 14-15 of the May/June 4-H newsletter for assistance.) 3. Once you have completed Step 2, on the same webpage as the Fairbook, click on 2016 Green County Fair Entry Form to complete your online entry process. 4. Click on “Create Account”. All exhibitors must create a new account every year. If you exhibited at last year’s fair, your account will not carry over from last year. 5. Fill out the form on this page. a. Under division, you need to select “4-H/FFA.” b. Select the 4-H Club/FFA Chapter you belong to (If you are doing exhibits in both 4-H and FFA, you will need to submit two different entries and set up two different user accounts – one for your 4-H chapter and one for your FFA chapter.) c. Complete all sections with an (*) asterisk. Please enter your cell phone number, if applicable. d. Grade – Enter your school grade as of January 1st, 2016. e. Premise ID – If you are showing Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry or Horses, you MUST enter your Premise ID. If you are not showing any of these animals, enter “none”. f. Create a username and password. Whatever you choose, be SURE to write it down! Your username must be 5-20 characters, and your password must be 7-20 characters g. Click “Save Account Information” 6. READ & ACCEPT the terms and conditions on the next page. 7. From the Home screen, click on the “Entries” tab. 8. This page shows the actual entry departments, classes, and lots. a. Using your “Member-Fair Registration Form” from 4HOnline that lists which projects you’ve signed up for, as well as the 2016 Fairbook, begin the process of adding entries by selecting the Department. The available classes will appear. Select the “+” sign in front of the Class, and the Lots will appear. Click “Add” next to the Lot #(s) you are entering in. A message will appear saying “Entry has been added.” An error message will appear if applicable. b. For animal entries, you will select the department, class and lot number as described above. Then you will be redirected to another page where additional information may be needed. (For Example: For Horses--you must enter the Horse name; For Beef, Swine, & Sheep, enter the RFID ear tag number in “Registry Number”; For Dairy—you must enter the registration number in “Registry Number” and the Animal Date of Birth.) c. Continue to add your entries until you are finished. 1. Click on the “Review Entries” tab on the top of the screen. Double check that you’ve entered the correct departments, classes, and lots. On this page, you can “Remove” anything unwanted or “Edit” your entries. 2. Then, click on the “Items/Checkout” tab at the top of the screen. There will not be anything listed under the “Items available for selection” or the “Pending items for exhibitor” charts. In the box in the middle of the page, double check that the number next to “Entry Count” matches the number of entries you selected and reviewed prior to this in the “Review Entries” tab. 3. Next, click on “Review Fair Rules” – read the special rules you are agreeing to when submitting your entry. After reading the “Review Fair Rules”, click in the box stating “By Clicking this box, I affirm that I have read and understood the rules and regulations set forth by the Fair and will abide by them.” You may also print a copy of your entries by clicking on “Print/Preview Receipt”. 4. DO NOT CLICK SUBMIT until your entries are final as you will have no further access to make changes! For Final completion, click “Submit”. 2 5. After clicking Submit, you will see an entry confirmation. You can print the confirmation for proof of your entries and a copy will be sent to the email address you provided. If you have questions along the way, call the Green County UW-Extension office at 608-328-9440 or the Green County Fair Office at 608-325-9519. TIPS FOR SUCCESSFUL ENTRIES 1. Entry Fees: 4-H/FFA Exhibitor $6.00 and Cloverbud $0. Fees are due to your club/chapter leader. 4-H Club Leaders/FFA Advisors will turn in entry fees to the Fair Office, by club/chapter with check payable to the Green County Fair Association, by June 15th. 2. NO Paper Copies of entries will be accepted this year. If you do not have access to a computer, the Fair Office located on the Fairgrounds, will have computers available for you to use. 3. Cloverbuds will also submit their entries using the Online Entry. 4. If you are showing Dairy, Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats, Poultry or Horses, you should locate you Premise ID prior to beginning your entries. 5. It is helpful if you write all of your entries on a separate sheet first. 6. Check to see that you are in the right age/grade category. 7. Remember, you MUST ENTER the SHOWMANSHIP class on your online entries if you plan to participate. NOTE: All Departments will go by grade, not age. Grade is determined by January 1st of the exhibit year. 8. For Dairy, Beef, Swine, & Sheep, you will need to enter the Ear tag, Registration #, or RFID # in the “Registry” box when making your entry for each animal entry. 9. ALL Horse Classes MUST have a horse name entered. 10. No late entries will be accepted. 11. Once you hit “Submit” your entries are final and no further changes can be made. Online Fair Entry Deadline = May 27th, 2016 @ 5:00 PM Premise ID Required on Fair Entry Animal ID Required for Fair Entry Dairy YES *Ear Tag ID or Registration #, & Birthdate • • • Grades 3-6: Max 2 animals Grades 7-9: Max 3 animals Grades 10+: Max 4 animals If registered animal, must enter registration number; if grade animal can enter farm ear tag number. Beef YES *Ear Tag ID • • Breeding Lots, 1 Per Lot. Steers: Max. of 3 Markets, 1 carcass For Breeding Lots, you will need to enter the birthdate and registry no. Swine YES *Ear Tag ID • • • 4 pigs total allowed per exhibitor; If entering “3” Market Barrows, you Barrows: Max. of 3 (including carcass-max 1 carcass) must enter the Dept, Class & Lot 3 Gilts: Max. of 2 times with a diff ear tag number. Sheep YES *Ear Tag ID • • Market Lambs: Max. of 3 per exhibitor; Performance Lambs: Max. of 1 per exhibitor Goat YES *Ear Tag ID • Max. of 1 entry per lot. Horse YES Horse Name • • • 1st year exhibitors can show 1 horse or pony; Returning exhibitors can show 2 horses or ponies; Max. of 1 entry per lot Poultry YES • Max. of 7, not including Showmanship Rabbit NO • • Max. of 5, not including Showmanship; Max. of 3 breeds per exhibitor Specie Maximum # Shown per Exhibitor Special Notes If entering breeding stock, you will need to enter the birthdate. *Note: For Registered Dairy, please enter the registration number of the animal. For all other Market Class Species, (Beef, Swine, Sheep, Goats) please enter the RFID ear tag # (example GR123) or scrapie tag number. 3 Thank You! People’s Choice, Levels B & C Zandra Brown (B), Carissa Winters (C) We Couldn’t Do It Without You! The Foods Committee for another successful Cake Revue! The Cloverbud/Exploring Committee for a successful Foods Fair! The Shooting Sports Committee for their continued project work with the youth of Green County 4-H! The Washington Center 4-H Club for collating the May/June Alphorn! Congratulations to all Cloverbud & Exploring Project Foods Fair participants on April 9th! Participants: Ace, Chance (NH) - Unique Ant Log Ace, Roxane (NH) - Creative Peanut Butter Apples Brauer, Jaydon (NH) - Creative Emotional Cookies Brown, Zaisha (CCC) - Creative Animated Themed Treats Clason, Mackenzie (JM) - Sugar Snow Cupcakes Day, Shannon (NH) - Unique Butterfly Cake Goers, Peter (WC) - Outstanding Cookies Johnson, Aleczander (CCC) - Creative Variety of Cupcakes Mellem, Abigail (WC) - Sneaky Oreo Cupcakes O'Brien, Michelangelo (NG) - Earthly Chocolatey Cake Olson, Heidi (WC) - Colorful Blue Cake Olson, Molly (WC) - Creative Initial Cupcakes Rhyner, Rebecca (NxG) - Sugaristic Colorful Cupcakes Smith, Mirielle (WC) - Creative Outdoor & Beach Themed Cookies Straws, Brandon (CCC) - Sneaky Healthy Looking Treats Vesperman, Evie (DD) - Decorative Cake Voelker, Jasmine (SGHW) - Colorful Healthy Food Voelker, Lilli (SGHW) - Outstanding Flower Patch Cake Congratulations! Congratulations to our Green County 4-H participants in the April 2016 WHEP & Forestry Contest in West Bend: Dan Sniff - WHEP Food ID (4th), WHEP Concepts & Terms (5th), WHEP Management Practices (6th), Forestry Management (3rd), Forestry Concepts & Terms (5th) Dawson Bethke, Matt Sniff & Dan Sniff – WHEP Intermediate Team (2nd) Matt Sniff & Dan Sniff – Forestry Intermediate Team (2nd) Congratulations to all of the participants in the Green County 4-H Cake Revue held March 19th! Participants: Level A Mackenzie Newton (DC) Jenna Sherman (WC) Emily Goers (WC) Eve MacLean (DD) General Leader Reminders Level B Taylor Rufer (YA) Libby MacLean (DD) Marissa Vosberg (YA) Zandra Brown (CCC) Devri Bennett (CCC) Annika Esselstrom (DD) Level C Margaret Paul (NxG) Auburn Von Kaenel (NxG) Sierra Sherman (WC) Carissa Winters (YA) Best of Show Awards in the Cake Revue: Best of Show, Levels A & B Jenna Sherman (A), Devri Bennett (B) Best of Show, Level C & D Carissa Winters (C) Online Fair Entry Forms are due May 27th at 5:00 PM. Auction Entry Forms are due to the UW-Extension Office May 27th at 4:30 PM. Please make sure to check your club mailbox located in the Justice Center WisLine Room. Green County Breakfast on the Farm: Email the Food Committee, Judy Gill & Sue Hellenbrand, at with the number of coffee cakes your club will be donating and if you plan to volunteer to work shifts that day. When emailing, please indicate the number of workers per shift. Promote the Green County Fair Contest: Design a sign, at least 4x8 feet in size, use bright colors, large print, and find a prominent location for it to be seen. Send 2 photos (one close up and one to show where it will be located) and directions for the location to: Stephanie Miranda, Fair Office Manager, 2600 – 10th Street, Monroe, WI by July 1st to have your sign judged. Top prize is $50 and 2nd place is $25. See the flyer at the back of this Alphorn for more details. Items for the July/August Alphorn are due June 15th. This is the issue that will be mailed to all families before the Fair, so please remember to submit all of your updates/reports/information by June 15th. 4 4-H Member Opportunities this event. This event rotates around the state, and the last time we hosted this event was in 2008. We will need the help of many adult and youth volunteers to help pull off this event. Volunteer opportunities will include, but are not limited to: Event set-up: Thursday, June 30th, 6:00-8:00 PM Registration: Friday, July 1st, 7:00-9:00 AM Food Service: Friday, July 1st, approx. 11AM-2PM Event clean-up: Friday, July 1st, approx. 3-5 PM We plan to email out more information in early June regarding this important volunteer opportunity and to use to schedule the volunteers. Please consider making time to volunteer at this event, if your schedule allows. County-wide 4-H Record Book Workshop The new record book continues to focus on the purposes of a 4-H record book (reflection, life skills & recognition), while making the form and process easier to understand and complete. The new forms and directions are available online: Additionally, there will be 2 Record Book Workshops for anyone wanting more information. They will be held on: Thursday, June 16th at 7:00 PM Saturday, June 25th at 1:00 PM Both workshops will be held at the Green County Justice Center (2841 6th Street, Monroe), Rooms 2 & 3. We will have a sample of a completed record book and have copies available for you to take home. If you have any questions, please call the UW-Extension Office or Christina Johnson at 608-426-4185. REMINDER: The Green County Fair Auction Livestock Financial Record will NOT count as a Record Book this year! 4-H Adult Leaders Meetings A friendly reminder that Green County 4-H Adult Leaders, Inc. meetings are open to all actively enrolled 4-H adult leaders. Each 4-H club is strongly encouraged to have at least one adult leader in attendance at each meeting. Upcoming meetings are: Monday, May 2nd, 7:30 PM – May/June Alphorn will be distributed Monday, June 6th, 7:30 PM - County Awards Committee will unveil the new Record Book, and the 2016-2017 4-H Adult Leader budget will be discussed and approved. Monday, July 11th, 7:30 PM Monday, August 29th, 7:30 PM 2017 Advanced Space Academy This High School (10th-12th grade) immersion STEM Program is facilitated by the US Space and Rocket Center in Huntsville, AL. The travel dates are January 21st-28th, 2017, with an estimated cost of $1,250$1,350. There are no prerequisites, but youth should have a passion for Space and STEM. Applications will be made available Spring 2016 with a deadline of August 1st, 2016. Any questions, please feel free to contact Joshua Goede at or 608-269-8722. Jr. Leaders Corner 4-H Junior Leaders Meetings & Events Upcoming Junior Leader Meeting Dates: Monday, May 23rd, 7:00 PM - Discussion and establish a committee for the Dairy Bar. Monday, June 27th, 7:00 PM - Finalizing the Dairy Bar operations, discuss new officer candidates, go over election procedures. July - No meeting, setup and operation of the Dairy Bar during the week of fair. Monday, August 29th - In county retreat and appreciation meal for those that worked and supported the Dairy Bar during Fair. Election ballots of new officers will be sent out to all active members. Youth & Adult Leader Opportunities Junior Superintendents at Fair Interested in being a Junior Superintendent at the 2016 Green County Fair? Junior Superintendents assist with… Fair Set-up – Monday, July 18th 5:00 PM–8:00 PM Check-in – Tuesday, July 19th Judging – dates and times vary Check-out – Sunday, July 24th 6:00 PM-7:00 PM If you are interested in being a Junior Superintendent, please either email, or submit your name at: February 2016 Meeting Minutes On February 29th, 21 members, 11 parents, and 2 advisors were in attendance. The group started off with refreshments and worked in teams on surveys. Several new business items were tackled by the group. A motion was made by Kelsi Mueller and seconded by Bella Andrews to go to Madison for the “out of county” retreat and do Volunteers Needed for AASD Green County 4-H will be hosting a regional 4-H event called Area Animal Science Day (AASD) at the Green County Fairgrounds on Friday, July 1st. We are expecting at least 400 people from across southern Wisconsin to attend 5 Animal Science laser tag and the trampoline park. There was a motion by Bella Andrews and seconded by Triniti Elmer that the date for the event be April 10th. The group talked about community service and it was decided that a day spent at one of the area nursing homes would fit a majority of the youth’s schedules. The motion was made by Cheyenne and seconded by Royce Brauer to approve the community service project but to wait until June before scheduling it. Officers were reminded that they are expected to attend the March 7th Executive meeting at the UW-Extension. The meeting was adjourned at 8:22 PM. The next meeting will be on March 28th at 7:00 PM. The March Jr. Leader’s Newsletter and agenda will be mailed out two weeks before the meeting date. Submitted by Harley Mandel County-wide Goats, Sheep, Rabbits & Poultry Clinic There will be a county-wide clinic in mid-June for goats, sheep, rabbits, and poultry on the Tim Myers farm N1921 Brunkow Road, Juda. The Next Generation 4-H club will sponsor the clinic, and it is open to anyone in these project areas. We are inviting all county and club project leaders to help out that day with educational workshops. Please contact Deb Myers at by May 15th if you will be able to help. The clinic date and time will be released at the end of May. This is an educational clinic - all animals will be provided for demonstrations, and no outside animals will be allowed. Project Puzzle Pieces Project Puzzle Pieces are here! The Junior Leaders are again asking clubs, projects and programs to paint and decorate wooden puzzle pieces that will be hung up in the Youth in Action building at the 2016 Fair. This will complete the project theme started last year. The puzzle pieces this year are of a different style, and we are encouraging anyone interested in decorating one to email Deb Myers at They will be available for pickup at the UW-Extension office when you have placed your order. These puzzle pieces were a great conversational piece in the dairy bar last year, and we are hoping with these new ones more people will understand how many pieces make up the 4-H puzzle. We have a list of the projects that have been covered so far and who still needs to complete the pieces they have from last year. Green County Fair Mandatory Auction Meeting Discontinued Exhibitors are no longer required to attend a mandatory Auction Meeting. However, exhibitors will still need to turn in Auction Entry Forms and two buyer cards to the UW-Extension office. Auction Entry Forms due: May 27th at 4:30 PM Auction Buyer cards due: July 1st at 4:30 PM Auction Record Books due: October 1st at 4:30 PM Buyer cards will be available on line at Auctions/ to print off after May 1st. Hard copies of the cards will also be available at the UW-Extension Office. Cloverbuds (5K-2nd Grade) & Exploring (3rd-4th Grade) All Livestock MUST be checked in and in place by 4:00 PM on Tuesday, July 19th! Cloverbuds & Exploring Project “Outdoor Exploring Workshop” All animals & exhibits will be released from the fair this year at 6:00 PM on Sunday, July 24th. Date: Saturday, May 7th, 2016 Place: Pleasant View Park on County N Time: 10:00 AM - 11:30 AM Theme: “Enjoy the Outdoors” RSVP: Register by May 4th at or by contacting the UWExtension Office at (608)328-9440. Green County Residency Rules for Auction Participation Only exhibitors who are members of a Green County 4-H club or FFA chapter and have their primary residence in Green County are eligible to sell animals in the Green County Fur and Feather Auction. Members of Green County 4-H clubs or FFA chapters that do not have their primary residence in Green County may earn eligibility to participate in the Green County Fair Fur and Feather Auction by exhibiting chickens, turkeys or rabbits for one year prior to selling at the Green County Fair. They must also complete and turn in an Auction Record book by October 1st after their first year of exhibiting. To qualify to Future Events Check in Projects for the 2016 Green County Fair Date: Tuesday, July 19th, 2016 Time: 12:00 Noon – 6:30 PM Projects will be judged as they are brought in. 6 Dairy Judging & Showmanship Contests at Area Animal Science Day (AASD) sell in the large animal auction an exhibitor would need to exhibit beef, sheep or swine for one year prior to selling. Exhibitors not having their primary residence in Green County would then be eligible to participate in the auctions they qualified for in their second year of exhibiting and beyond. Friday, July 1st Green County Fairgrounds Any youth or adults planning to attend AASD for the Dairy Judging Contest or Dairy Showmanship Contest need to notify our Dairy Judging Coaches AND pay their $7 fee for lunch by Wednesday, June 1st. The Green County 4-H Adult Leaders Association will be covering the $10 per youth registration costs. If you have questions, please contact our lead Dairy Judging Coach, Mike Marean, at or (608)862-2699. Livestock Premise ID WHAT IS IT? The livestock premise registration program is intended to protect animal health, as well as the security of the food chain. Premises registration will facilitate a rapid response to animal disease emergencies. WHO NEEDS TO REGISTER? Any person who keeps one or more livestock animals at a location in Wisconsin is required to register that location. However, if two or more persons have a role in keeping livestock at the same location, then any one of those persons may register that location; one registration will suffice for all. Even if it’s only one horse or chicken, 4-H members who raise and show livestock are subject to the rules about “premise registration”. WHAT ANIMALS ARE CONSIDERED LIVESTOCK? Bovine, Equine, Goats, Sheep, Swine, Poultry, Captive Game Birds, Farm raised deer, Camelids, Ratites, & Fish. Animals not included are rabbits, mink, dogs, & cats. WHERE TO REGISTER? es_Registration/index.aspx NOTE: NO FAIR ENTRY will be accepted at the fair office for showing without a premise ID number for all animal projects (excluding cats, dogs, & rabbits!) If you have any questions, regarding this rule, please contact the UW-Extension Office at 608-328-9440. Dairy Promotion Poster Contest at AASD Here is a great opportunity to develop your dairy promotion and communication skills! You do not need to attend AASD to participate in this contest. Posters must be 14” x 22” in size. Poster contest participants are encouraged to develop their own artwork and dairy slogan. Awards will be based on originality and creativity. Posters may be either horizontal or vertical. Please print the name, address, phone number, county, club, and age of the artist on the back of the poster. To participate in this poster contest, please register by Wednesday, June 1st at either or by contacting the UWExtension Office. 3rd Annual John Klossner Memorial Dairy Youth Fitting Contest Friday, July 22nd – 4:00-6:00 PM – Green County Fair John Klossner was a gifted dairy cattle fitter and was always looking to help others develop their skills and we hope to continue his legacy with the fitting contest in years to come. It is open to grades 5-13, and any level of skill is welcome from novice to advanced. The contest is an excellent opportunity to gain knowledge and experience fitting dairy animals. The top three places in each age category will receive awards and all participants will receive comments from the judge on what they did well and also what they can do to improve their fitting skills. Age divisions: Beginner (grades 5-7), Intermediate (grades 8-10), and Senior (grades 11-13). Registrations are due Monday, June 6th and the cost is $25 per participant. Registration forms are available on the Green County 4-H Dairy Project website. Buyer Cards are due to the Green County UW-Extension office on July 1st at 4:30 PM. Dairy Dairy Days Cattle Show June 18th, 2016 - Green County Fairgrounds, Monroe This year’s Cattle Show will be held in Monroe and hosted by the community of Belleville. All Dairy Project Youth will receive a letter regarding the show and entry form. If you wish to exhibit any dairy animals at this show, return this form to the UW-Extension Office by June 1st. The Cattle Show will begin at 9:30 AM, and prizes will be awarded. Dairy - Managerial vs Ownership Rules Green County Fair managerial and ownership rules will remain the same in 2016! The policy for the 2016 Green County Fair, for Ownership vs. Managerial requirements for dairy/livestock projects are as follows: 7 the 2016 Green County Fair. Starting in 2016 Performance Class Steers will no longer be harvested during fair. They will be scanned for carcass merits and performance steers will be allowed to also exhibit in the Beef Market Show on Friday with the exception of the Grand and Reserve Overall Performance Steers which will be sold live in the auction. All steers must be halter broken and have a daily gain of 2 pounds or more to participate in the performance class. New this year: All performance steers will also be scanned for back fat, loin eye and marbling at the fair this year when they are weighed in. The live performance steer show will still be held at 6:00 PM on Tuesday evening, July 19th. Ownership: Ownership of animals is defined when the animal is registered in the name of the junior exhibitor ONLY! Co-ownership is allowed between immediate junior family members (i.e. brother, sister; no parents or farm name) and breed associations. All registration certificates must be in the possession of the exhibitor. Managerial: Classified as a registered animal carried continuously as a calf. Only calves and yearlings can be shown managerial, and each exhibitor is allowed to show up to two managerial animals. Managerial animals need to be in possession of the junior exhibitor by May 1st of the exhibit year. Registration papers with parents as co-owners and/or farm names are considered managerial projects. Contact the UWExtension office for more information at 608-3289440. Retention of “Show Rights” For Animals Sold in the Auction A beef exhibitor can retain show rights for WI State Fair by declaring their intent to the auction committee prior to the auction. Exhibitors must also provide a private written contract, signed by the exhibitor’s parents and the buyer, to the auction clerks before the conclusion of the auction. The contract must state the exhibitor and parents agree to the following: to accept responsibility for any liability or claims caused by the steer, to provide proper care of the animal, to guarantee a minimum re-sale price to the buyer, to only exhibit the steer at the WI State Fair, and to have their auction check held until they confirm delivery of the animal to the buyer. James W. Crowley Dairy Leadership Award 2016 Green County Winner – Haley Reeson Haley Reeson, a member of the York 4-H Club, was selected as this year’s winner of the James W. Crowley Dairy Leadership Award. She will compete for state level awards during the Wisconsin State Fair in August 2016. The James W. Crowley award provides recognition to youth who have excelled in their dairy project and is sponsored in memory of James W. Crowley, a longtime Dairy Specialist at UW-Madison. Congratulations Haley! Livestock Max Weight Rule for Auction Steers Livestock Judging Contest at Area Animal Science Day (AASD) Beef Market steers must weigh a minimum of 1,000 and a maximum of 1,450 pounds at the final weigh-in to sell in the auction. Beef steers weighing more than 1,450 pounds may be withdrawn from the auction OR sold through the auction as a 1,450 pound animal. Dairy steers must weigh a minimum of 1,300 and a maximum of 1,650 pounds at the final weigh-in to sell in the auction. Dairy steers weighing more than 1,650 pounds may be withdrawn from the auction OR sold through the auction as a 1,650 pound animal. Friday, July 1st Green County Fairgrounds Any youth interested in learning more about judging and grading livestock (beef, sheep, swine, and meat goats) and interested in participating in the 4-H Livestock Judging team should contact Rhonda Alton at or 608-558-1648. Those planning to attend AASD for the Livestock Judging Contest need to notify our Livestock Judging Coach AND pay their $7 fee for lunch by Wednesday, June 1st. The Green County 4-H Adult Leaders Association will be covering the $10 per youth registration costs. If you have questions, please contact our Livestock Judging Coach Rhonda Alton at or 608558-1648. Beef Bedding Rules All Green County Beef Exhibitors will be charged $10/head bedding fee for all beef animals entered at the 2016 Green County Fair. This fee is to help defray the cost of the bark bedding that is provided by the Green County Beef Producers. The bedding fee will be collected by the Green County Beef Producers at the 2016 Green County Fair. Beef Green County Fair Steer Carcass Class Changes for 2016 The Green County Beef Producers will again be hosting a steer Performance Class (formally called Carcass Class) at 8 Swine o An ear tag with the premises identification number and a unique identifier o Ear notch (if the pig is a purebred and the notch is registered) Requirements are subject to change as conditions warrant. For current information, check ne 2016 Green County MAQA Trainings Thursday, May 12th at 7:00 PM Saturday, May 14th at 9:00 AM ALL SWINE PROJECT YOUTH (4-H & FFA), ages 8-19, will need to be certified through the Meat Animal Quality Assurance Program (MAQA) in order to exhibit their swine project at the 2016 Green County Fair. Youth age 12, as of January 1st, can attempt to test out of the program for certification, but must pass with a minimum of 70% to be waived from the training. Tests will be offered the same day as the training following the class. Sheep Sheep Identification Rule Exhibitors are reminded that breeding stock sheep that do not have an RFID tag will need to have a scrapie tag in their ear for the County Fair. All market lambs that were weighed in on April 23rd were tagged with 840 RFID tags and, therefore, do not need to have a scrapie tag. ALL sheep breeding stock are required to have flock Scrapie tags or USDA 840 tags in their ear when being checked in at the fair! Call toll free at 1-866-873-2824 to order free scrapie tags. Please contact the Extension Office if you have questions. Youth will need to select the MAQA date that they plan to attend by the swine identification dates (April 1-18). Beef and Sheep exhibitors may also participate in this program, but currently are not required to. For more information about the Meat Animal Quality Assurance program, please contact Ellen Andrews at 608-328-9440. Swine Show Reminders Goats The 2016 Swine Show will start at 7:00 AM and will be a terminal show. This means that ALL swine brought the Green County Fair will not be allowed to return home to eliminate the possibility of disease transmission. Both Gilts and Barrow will be able to sell in the 2016 Meat Animal Auction this year. Pigs need to weigh a minimum of 235 pounds to sell. 4-H Goat Fun Show Saturday, May 14th Green County Fairground The show is open to all youth grades 313. You do not have to be in 4-H or enrolled in the 4-H Goat project. Contact Alicia Kubly at 608-306-3180 or with any questions. The 2016 class list and entry form can be found at: Swine Carcass Class Carcass pigs will be scanned and that data along with the live placing will determine the overall Champion and Reserve Champion Carcass Pigs, both of which will sell in the Meat Animal Auction. The Champion Market Gilt and Champion Market Barrow will show against each other to select a Supreme Champion and Reserve Champion Pig. These two pigs will also be sold in the auction. Only barrows can be entered in the carcass class. Goat Identification Rule All goats shown at the 2016 Green County Fair must be ID'd in one of two ways before they arrive at the Green County Fairgrounds. If non-registered, they MUST carry a scrapie tag. SCRAPIE TAGS MUST CARRY YOUR FARM NUMBER, THEY CANNOT BE PROVIDED FOR YOU. If registered and tattooed, please bring the original registration certificate and a copy to leave with the superintendent. We are inspected and need to be in compliance. If there are any questions, please contact Ron or Naomi Gordee at 2016 Swine Health Rules Swine from within Wisconsin need a Wisconsin intrastate movement certificate: o Stating that the herd of origin was inspected on the farm within 30 days before the show and showed no signs of disease o Including documentation of all required tests Acceptable methods of ID for swine are: o USDA silver ear tag o USDA 840 button ear tag o Breed association tattoo 9 Horse Poster & Horse Photography Contests at AASD Horses 2016 Green County Fair Reminders Here is great opportunity to develop your horse knowledge and communication/visual arts skills. You do not need to attend AASD to participate in these contests! To participate in the Poster AND/OR Photography Contest, please register by Wednesday, June 1st at either or by contacting the UWExtension Office. Posters: Limit of one poster per exhibitor. Use a standard size poster board of 14"x22". 1" unmarked border is recommended. All posters must include on the back: Name, Address, County and Grade. The poster can be any topic related to the Horse & Pony project. For example: care, training, health, nutrition, psychology, breed, history of breeds, anatomy, careers, safety, and reproduction, youth leadership in project, colors and markings. Posters must not include 3-D materials. Photography: Each exhibitor is limited to one horserelated photograph. Photos must be the work of the contestant during the current project year. Single photos must be no smaller than 5" x 7" nor larger than 8" x 12" and must be mounted on a mount board 11 " x 14". A single photo entry that is matted must also be mounted on a mount board 11" x 14". No corner mounts. Photos may be black and white or color. No frames or glass as permitted. White edges must be trimmed from all photos. No captions are permitted. Entry may be titled on the back of the mount board. Information on the back of the mount must include: Name, Address, County, Grade. Entries failing to meet the photo contest rules will be disqualified. It is strongly recommended that all entries have a secure hanging device attached to the back for display purposes. Evaluation criteria: Judged on creativity, spontaneity of subject, technical quality and overall appearance. Reminders for your 2016 fair entries for the 4-H Horse Project: The Horse Name MUST BE listed on the description line for each entry To participate in a class, the class MUST BE entered on your fair entries. Only the first TWO Danish Judged classes will receive premium payments. If entered in walk trot classes, the rider may not enter canter classes. Speed show entries do NOT get entered online, but instead are emailed to Karly Ready at Wisconsin 4-H Horse Association 26th Annual Hunter & Dressage Show - June 24th-26th The show will be held Sheboygan County Fairgrounds, Plymouth, WI. Registration deadline is June 7th. For more details, contact a Horse Committee member or visit: Green County 4-H Fuzzy Show Saturday, May 21st – Green County Fairgrounds This event is both a fun practice competition, as well as a fundraiser for the 4-H Horse & Pony project. Mark your calendars, invite a friend, and plan to participate. See the Green County 4-H Horse Project website for show bill. Horse Judging Workshop & Hippology Contest at Area Animal Science Day (AASD) Poultry Flock Certification Forms Friday, July 1st – 8:30 AM-2:00 PM Green County Fairgrounds Attention Green County 4-H members interested in participating in the Horse Judging Workshop & Hippology Contest, Friday, July 1st, from approximately 8:30 AM -2:00 PM at the Green County Fairgrounds. No previous knowledge of Horse Judging or Hippology is needed. This is just a great opportunity to learn and gain experience! To sign up for this opportunity, PLEASE notify the Green County UW-Extension office AND pay the $7 lunch fee by Wednesday, June 1st. The Green County 4-H Adult Leaders Association will be covering the $10 per youth registration costs. If you have questions, please contact Ellen Andrews at Families will need to make arrangements with a certified tester to complete certification for the project year. Depending on what certification status a family falls under will determine if there will be a testing fee and/or trip charge. Families will fall into either the WI Tested Flock or WI Associate Flock Category. NO INDIVIDUAL TESTS WILL BE ALLOWED! WI Associate Flock Enrollment Form orm.pdf This form is for exhibitors who do not have any birds over 4 months of age (6 months for Turkeys) and don’t co-mingle with other birds on the premise. This 10 would be considered be an all in--all out system. Complete and mail this form back to DATCP at the address listed with copies of the bill of sale and health documents. Cats Getting Ready for the Show Cat Project Workshop – Wednesday, June 1st 7:00 PM – 8:00 PM – Green County Fairgrounds We will go over the basics of what you should do to prepare yourself and your cat(s) for the show, get a refresher on the Fairbook rules, and give everyone a chance to ask questions before the big day in July. Kasey Heimann will also speak about cat behavior. You are encouraged to bring your cat(s). 2016 Testing Fees For those who fall in the WI Tested Flock category, there will be a $5.00 trip charge, which includes testing fees for 5 birds. If more than 5 birds need testing, it will be an additional 50 cents per bird. There is no charge for testing birds that are Associate Flock Status. Rabbits Cat Show - Sunday, July 17th Upcoming Rabbit Project Events Green County Fairgrounds Stock Pavilion 12:30 PM Check-in; 1:00 PM Show Start Rabbit Showmanship Clinic: May 15th at 1:00 PM Juda Community Center, N2350 Cr-S, Juda Pre-Fair Rabbit Project Meeting: June 9th at 7:00 PM Juda Community Center, N2350 Cr-S, Juda Rabbit Clinic – June 9 Dogs Upcoming Dates th Dog Obedience & Showmanship Show Saturday, July 9th – 9:00 AM – Green County Fairgrounds Dog Agility Show Sunday, July 10th – 1:00 PM – Green County Fairgrounds The Rabbit Committee would like to announce an upcoming rabbit clinic on June 9th at 7:00 PM at the Juda Community Center. Anyone wanting information on the rabbit project should plan on attending. Bring your rabbit for a health and weight check. If you have any questions on this clinic please contact Crystal Beer at There is no pre-registration needed for this event. 2016 State 4-H Dog Show The 2016 State 4-H Dog Show is being hosted by Grant, Iowa and Crawford Counties. It will be held at the Grant County Fairgrounds in Lancaster, WI. The dates are July 29th -31st. Complete details, rules, guidelines and entry forms can found on the State 4-H website. Questions should be directed to our county 4-H Dog Committee Chair, Krista Bethke. Deadline for entries is June 18th. Rabbit Project Meeting Summary We currently have $198.22 in our treasury. At the meeting we discussed a locker system to store items at the fair. Also, we elected an interim slate of officers, but still have the following positions open: Adult Treasurer and Youth Treasurer. We discussed education workshops for market breeds, fancy breeds and showmanship. Other discussions included Area Animal Science Day, a date for expectations of youth during fair, t-shirt reorder for rabbit members, and a timeframe for the next committee meeting. Family, Home & Health 2016 Style Revue Saturday, July 16th - 9:00 AM Justice Center, Multi-Purpose Rooms Style Revue will be held with Clothing Construction judging during pre-fair judging on Saturday, July 16th. Please note that you can now exhibit the same clothing articles in both Clothing Construction & Style Revue. Entries for the 2016 Style Revue will be made with your FAIR ENTRIES online this year. Please refer to Department 25 of the Fairbook which is found online at If you have any questions about Style Revue or Clothing Construction, please contact Bridget Mouchon-Humphrey at 608-328-9440. Rabbit Poster Contest at AASD Here is great opportunity to develop your rabbit knowledge and communication/visual arts skills. You do not need to attend AASD to participate in these contests! To participate in the Poster Contest, please register by Wednesday, June 1st at or by contacting the UW-Extension Office. Poster: Limit of one poster per exhibitor. Use a standard size poster board of 14"x22". 1" unmarked border is recommended. All posters must include on the back: Name, Address, County and Grade. The poster can be any topic related to the Rabbit project. 11 Wildlife WHEP Wisconsin 4-H Natural Sciences April Wildlife & Forestry TRACKS Newsletter The Wildlife WHEP WI 4-H & Wisconsin 4-H Forestry newsletter is available: Next Wildlife WHEP & Forestry Competition August 13th at Mosquito Hill Nature Center, New London, WI. Participation is open to all enrolled Wisconsin 4-H club members. This contest also offers an Art Contest. For more info, go to: Visit our Project Page on the Green County UW-Extension website for more information: Shooting Sports Clinic Dates Archery May 1st, 8th and 15th (Clinics) May 22nd and 23rd (Fair Shoots) Shotgun May 6th and 13th (Clinics) May 20th (Fair Shoot) .22 Rifle May 14th (Clinic and Fair Shoot) Air Rifle May 21st (Clinic and Fair Shoot) Air Pistol June 4th (Clinic and Fair Shoot) .22 Pistol June 11th (Clinic and Fair Shoot) FUN Day/Top Gun – June 18th Arts & Communication 2016 Ceramics Workshops These workshops will be hosted by Roxanne Klossner at RoxAnne’s Ceramics in Verona. The owner of this ceramics shop is very kind to let us use the shop at no charge. I encourage any youth with an interest in ceramics to attend. The workshop date is Saturday, May 21st, 10:00 AM to 12:00 Noon. Please register at least 48 hours prior to the workshop by contacting Roxanne Klosser at 608513-6654 (Cell) or Thank You! All outdoor clinics are subject to weather. Please check your email or our Facebook page, “Green County Wisconsin 4H Shooting Sports”, the day of the clinic for the most up to date info. In the case of inclement weather on a Saturday, the clinic will be held on Sunday. If a shotgun date is rained out, it will not be made up unless it is the Fair Shoot. If you have questions or need to schedule a make-up date, contact Peter Bernstein at or 608-445-4614. Photography Photography Workshop The photography committee will be holding a workshop at the Pleasant View Veteran's Park (corner of Hwy 81 and County N) on May 14th at 3:00 PM. This is a learning workshop - Please bring your camera as we will be taking pictures and learning what constitutes a good picture. If you have any questions regarding this workshop, or if you would like to register to attend, please contact Crystal Beer at We will need your name, age, and club to register. There is no cost associated with this workshop. Shooting Sports Volunteer Certification Green County 4-H is seeking additional adult volunteers willing to become certified 4-H Shooting Sports leaders, particularly in the area of Archery. We cannot provide clinics, competitions or other instruction opportunities without a certified leader supervising the range. Volunteers looking to become certified in a discipline must complete a 12-hour certification workshop. The remaining 2016 date is September 9th-10th in Marshfield, WI. Please note: Adults interested in serving as Shooting Sports Leaders must complete both the county 4-H New Volunteer Orientation and WI Certification Workshop. For details and registration information, go to: Plant & Soil Sciences State 4-H Plant Science Day Thursday, July 7th, 2016 9:30 AM – 2:00 PM Waushara County Fairgrounds, Wautoma This is a fun way to learn about Horticulture Science! Youth in grades 3-13 can test their knowledge about plants while learning how to judge and identify a wide variety of plant specimens. Youth can also compete in photography, speaking, poster and floral arranging contests. For study guide information and to prepare for the contest, see the National Junior Horticultural Association website at Hunter Safety Do you need to complete a hunter’s safety course? Please go online to search for upcoming classes in our area. n.html 12 For additional information, contact Chuck Prissel at 715485-8600 or The contest will be held in the morning, and an educational workshop with contest results will be held in the afternoon. Registration is $10.00, which includes all materials, handouts, and lunch. Registration Deadline is June 24th, 2016. For more information, please contact Ellen Andrews at the Green County UW-Extension Office, this year. April - Little Caesar's pizza sales run April 3 until May 15. We talked about visiting a recycle center and planting a tree for Earth Day is in April. We made more plans for our club arts festival and discussed the Promote the Fair sign contest, fund raising, and LARPing (Live Action Role Playing). Submitted by Maylee Brauer Dayton Dairylanders: March - Members voted to have Blue Jeans and Bandannas for our barn decoration at the Fair. We decorated spring cards for the New Glarus Home and for local senior citizens. We had a guest speaker, Ms. Carly Jo Andrew, who talked about 4-H opportunities at the state, national and international levels. April – Members collected food for the Food Pantry Challenge. For our activity, we did road clean up on Highway 92. Submitted by Logan Niesen Next Generation: March - On March 23rd, Culver's presented a check in the amount of $323.00 to the Next Generation 4-H Club of Juda, which was earned from their fundraiser that was held on Monday, March 14th from 4:00 to 8:00 PM at the Monroe restaurant. Members of the club served food, cleaned tables and floors, and promoted 4-H and their club throughout the night. Next Generation provided 17 youth and 8 parents to handle the night's fundraising duties. Submitted by Deb Myers Browntown Busy Beavers: April - We started making May Day baskets and will continue the project at the next meeting on May 1st. The club will deliver the May Day baskets to the residents of Browntown, and if there are any flowers left over, we will take them to a nursing home. Submitted by Aleta Broge Ambassadors Speak Up! By Connor & Royce Brauer & Jaena LeGault Welcome to Spring...Finally! It's a busy time for all members and leaders! Project meetings and clinics are in full swing. School is having lots of activities and events, and can you believe that the county fair is coming up quickly? We are planning a 4-H in Action booth for the fair with crafts, activities, and games. As your Green County 4-H Ambassadors, we would like to encourage all members and leaders to take a minute to reflect on what you have accomplished since September and where your goals will lead you through August. Take a mini virtual vacation so you are refreshed and ready to tackle preparing for the fair. Have you challenged yourself to try something new this year? Make a new project that you have never made before! Try getting on a club or county committee. Get involved with community service projects. Attend a project-related workshop or offer to help at a club or county event. Join the Junior Leaders as they work "To Make the Best Better." Apply for one of the trips or opportunities offered through 4-H. Get involved! See what 4-H can do for you! Make the most of your 4-H experience! Have fun while you "Learn By Doing." We hope to see you around at different events and activities. Come up and tell us who you are and what you tried that was a NEW experience for you. Odds & Ends Master Gardeners Plant Sale Saturday, May 7th, 9:00 AM – 12:00 Noon This plant sale will be in the AUDITORIUM at the Government Services Building, Pleasant View Complex, N3150 Hwy 81, Monroe, WI. Green County Master Gardeners will be on hand to answer questions regarding your purchases that day. Master Gardeners, like 4-H, is a program of Green County UW-Extension. 4-H Club Happenings Monroe Farmers Market Opportunity Club Secretaries & Reporters: Please submit a brief report to the UW-Extension office so we can let everyone know what your club is up to. Share your good news and club activities! Your report should be no more than 150 words. You can email your reports to The Monroe Farmers Market would like to invite Green County 4-H clubs to consider the fundraising opportunity of being a produce vendor at the Farmers Market. Maybe your club members all want to raise pumpkins and then sell them at the market this fall. There are options for vendors to sign up to sell just once or for a season. For more info:!farmersinformation/c1j49. New Horizons: March - Members enjoyed exercise with bean bags and music and discussed community service ideas. Our educational moment involved a discussion about how to give a talk. We are making plans for a club arts festival in June and will be looking at our club bylaws 13 4HOnline Web Browser Requirement 5th Annual “Veggie Races” Contest In order to be more secure with your personal information, 4HOnline has upgraded the security encryption on their website. As such, you need to use an up to date web browser, basically one installed or updated in the last 2 years. The newest versions can be obtained at: Internet Explorer – Run the Windows Update program Safari – Run Apple’s Software Updates Firefox – Chrome – 5:00 PM Thursday, Friday & Saturday, July 21st-23rd, 2016 Located at the west end of the fairgrounds - across from Monroe Clinic Exhibition Hall Finals will be held at 5:00 PM on Sunday. All vegetables and hardware is provided. All youth under 18 are invited. Come join in the fun! Green County Fair Summer Reading Program By reading a minimum of five books between the end of your school year and July 20th, you can earn a coupon worth $10.00 off of a wristband for carnival rides at the Green County Fair. This program is open to all kids in grades 4K-12. One coupon per day may be turned in to earn a $10.00 off rides coupon. The coupon is good every day and for the entire time rides are going. Here’s what you need to do: 1. Read five books by July 20th 2. Fill out the form and bring it with you to the fair 3. Take the form to the Fair Office to receive your coupon. It’s that easy! Forms are available on the Green County Fair Website. Dairy Days 2016 See page 7 for information on the June 18th Dairy Days Cattle Show. Saturday, June 25th, 2016 – Belleville 8:00 AM 9:30 AM 10:00 AM – Noon 1:00 PM 3:00 PM Dairy Dash 5K Mootails (First UCC, Belleville) Brunch Banquet (First UCC) Parade (Main Street) Dairy Queen & Dairy Princess crowning to follow (Library) Live music (Library Sq. Park) Dairy Days Parade Is your club interested in having a float in the parade? The parade will take place on June 25th, 2016 at 1:00 PM. Lineup will start at 12:15 PM at the Belleville Intermediate School. Groups with questions or who are interested in participating in the parade can contact either Barb Baumgartner ( or Gary Ziegler ( by Friday, June 3rd. 4-H Projects vs. Fair Departments The County Fair is bigger than just 4-H, so our 4-H project names do not always match perfectly with Junior Fair Departments and Classes. Here is a chart to help you find the Department that you are looking for, based on your 4-H projects. 4-H Projects Jr. Fair Departments Cloverbuds (Gr. 5K-2) Dept. 17 A - Cloverbuds Exploring (Gr. 3-4) Dept. 17 B - Exploring Pets Dept. 10 – Veterinary Science (Class B) Horseless Horse Dept. 6 – Horse (Class G – Horseless Horse) Clothes Horse Dept. 26 – Clothing (Class F-Clothes Horse) Dept. 20 – Photography Photography Classes A-D (Gr. 3-5, 6-7, 8-9, 10 & up) Class E – Videography Videography Communications Dept. 18 – (Class G - Music, Class H - Drama) Dept. 31 – Demonstrations Dept. 33 – (Class F - Creative Writing) Dept. 18 – Cultural Arts Leathercraft Class A – Leathercraft Class B - Printing & Class E - Other Arts/Crafts Drawing & Painting Crafts Class C – Drawing & Painting Ceramics Class D - Ceramics Theatre Arts Dairy Days Awards Folks currently active in the Agriculture industry are highly encouraged to apply for any of the 3 Dairy Days awards: Women Under Age 40 Women Over Age 40 Oldest Active Farm Couple More information and nomination forms can be found on the Green County Ag Chest website under the “Awards” tab ( County Fair 2016 Updated Fairbook & Timelines Green County Fair information, including the online Fairbook, can be found at the Green County Fair Website: There will be no printed Fairbooks in 2016. Online fair entries will be accepted from May 1st through Friday, May 27th at 5:00 PM. 14 Class H - Drama Dept. 33 Class A - Leadership Class B – Self-Determined Class C – Entrepreneurship Class D – Service Learning Class E – Citizenship Youth Leadership Self-Determined Entrepreneurship Service Learning Citizenship Consumer Savy Dept. 25 – Foods & Nutrition (Class E) Dept. 26 – Clothing (Class E-Looking Good) Dept. 24 – Mechanical Sciences Class F – Aerospace Class E – Bicycle Class G – Geospatial Class H – Robotics Class D – Small Engines Class C – Models OR Class B – Fair Display Class A – Tractor Maintenance OR Class B Dept. 16 – Natural Sciences Class A – Forestry Class O – Discovering Insects Class E – Sportfishing Classes A-D - Forestry, Birds, Wildflowers Aerospace Bicycling Geospatial Robotics Small Engines Scale Models Tractors Forestry Entomology Sport Fishing Exploring Your Environment Shooting Sports Hunting Wisconsin State Fair WSF Youth Expo Opportunities Youth Expo programs include music & drama performances, mini performance acts, demonstrations, style revues, activity stations and project exhibits. Participants receive statewide recognition of talent, and opportunities to further develop their leadership and communication skills, network with new people, build selfconfidence, develop new friendships, and have fun at the Wisconsin State Fair. The 2016 Youth Expo program information and registration materials will likely be available in April online: Please be aware that pre-registration deadlines usually are: • Mini-Performances, Music & Drama Groups – May 15th • Demonstrations, Activity Station – June 1st WI State Fair Junior Animal Show Entry Deadlines: & Recycling AND Class P - Adventures Classes F-M Class Q – Hunting/Trapping/Wildlife Entry info at: Deadline of June 1st (first Wednesday of June) for those wishing to enter by submitting a paper entry and paying fees with a check or money order, or for those wishing to enter online and pay with a credit or debit card. Dept. 14 – Plant & Soil Science Class A – Field Crops Class D – Fruit Classes B-C (Potatoes & Vegetable) Class E – Just for Fun Dept. 15 – Flowers, House Plants & Home Grounds Class A – Growing lawns…landscape design Class B – Let’s Grow Flowers Class C – House plants (includes dish gardens, outdoor planters & fairy gardens) Crops Fruits Vegetables Home Grounds Flowers House Plants Green County 4-H Calendar of Events ***For Calendar Updates, please visit: (All meetings held at the Green County Justice Center (JC), 2841 6th Street, Monroe, WI, unless otherwise stated) Times and dates are subject to change. Listen to WEKZ am 1260 for weather updates. MAY 2016 1 2 2 2 EVENT START TIME END TIME 4:30 PM 9:00 PM 4:30 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM Archery Clinic Horse ID Forms & Coggins test DEADLINE 4-H Executive Board Meeting 4-H Adult Leaders Meeting 6:30 PM 7:30 PM LOCATION SCWA Archer’s Club, Monroe UW-Extension Office Room 1, JC Rooms 2-3, JC 15 3 3 4 4 5 6 6 7 7 Dog Agility Practice Horse Bowl Practice Horse Committee Meeting Dairy Judging Practice Dog Obedience & Showmanship Dog Quiz Bowl Shotgun Practice Foods Revue Master Gardeners Plant Sale 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 7:30 PM 8:30 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 2:00 PM Noon Green County Fairgrounds Rooms 2-3, JC Room 1, JC Carrie Ritschard’s Farm Green County Fairgrounds Room 1, JC Blackhawk Sportsman’s Range Rooms 2-3, JC Auditorium, Gov’t Services, Pleasant View 7 Outdoor Workshop - Cloverbud & Exploring Project 10:00 AM 11:30 AM Pleasant View Park on County Rd N 7 Dairy Fitting & Showmanship Clinic 10:30 AM 12:30 PM Jeffrey-Way Holsteins, County CC 8 10 10 11 12 12 12 13 13 14 14 14 14 14 14 15 15 16 17 18 18 19 20 21 21 21 22 22 23 23 24 25 26 27 27 27 28 30 31 Archery Clinic Dog Agility Practice Horse Bowl Practice Dairy Judging Practice Dog Obedience & Showmanship MAQA Class MAQA Optional test Dog Quiz Bowl Shotgun Practice 4-H Goat Fun Show .22 Rifle Clinic & Fair Shoot MAQA Class MAQA Optional Test Horse Clinic – Western Pleasure / Horsemanship Photography Workshop Rabbit Showmanship Clinic Archery Clinic Air Rifle Clinic and Fair Shoot Dog Agility 4-H Camp Training Dairy Judging Practice Dog Obedience & Showmanship Shotgun Fair Shoot Horse & Pony Fuzzy Show Air Rifle Clinic & Fair Shoot Ceramics Workshop Barrel/Pole Bending & Safety Horse Clinic Archery Fair Shoot Archery Fair Shoot 4-H Junior Leaders Meeting Dog Agility Dairy Judging Practice Dog Obedience & Showmanship Livestock Auction Entry Form DEADLINE Online Fair Entry DEADLINE Dog Quiz Bowl Breakfast on the Farm Memorial Day – UW-Extension Office CLOSED Dog Agility 4:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 8:45 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:30 AM 9:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:45 AM 1:00 PM 3:00 PM 1:00 PM 4:30 PM 9:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 AM 8:30 PM 4:30 PM 5:00 PM 7:30 PM 10:00 AM SCWA Archer’s Club, Monroe Green County Fairgrounds Room 1, JC Trent Hendrickson’s farm Green County Fairgrounds Rooms 1-2-3, JC Rooms 1-2-3, JC Room 1, JC Blackhawk Sportsman’s Range Green County Fairgrounds Green County Rifle Range, Hwy 69 Rooms 2-3, JC Rooms 2-3, JC Gibson Training Center, Albany Pleasant View Park on County Rd N Juda Community Center SCWA Archer’s Club, Monroe Green County Rifle Range, Hwy 69 Green County Fairgrounds UW-Extension Conference Room, JC Bryan Voegeli’s Farm Green County Fairgrounds Blackhawk Sportsman’s Range Green County Fairgrounds Green County Rifle Range RoxAnne’s Ceramics, Verona Ready Family Arena, New Glarus SCWA Archer’s Club, Monroe SCWA Archer’s Club, Monroe Room 1, JC Green County Fairgrounds Chris McCullough’s Farm Green County Fairgrounds UW-Extension Office Online Room 1, JC Wayne & Tammy Jeglum’s Farm 6:30 PM 8:30 PM Green County Fairgrounds 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 9:00 AM 10:00 AM 12:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:15 PM 7:30 PM 7:30 PM 11:30 AM 4:00 PM 10:30 AM 11:15 AM 3:00 PM 5:00 PM 9:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:00 PM 8:30 PM 7:30 PM 4:00 PM 12:00 PM 2:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 16 JUNE 2016 1 1 1 2 3 4 5 6 6 7 8 8 9-11 9 9 10 11 11 13-15 13-15 14 15 15 16 16 17 18 18 18 20-23 21 22 23 24-26 Jun 24 - Jul 1 25 25 25 27 28 29 30 30 EVENT Cat Project Workshop Dairy Judging Practice Area Animal Science Day Registration and Fees DUE Dog Obedience & Showmanship Dog Quiz Bowl Air Pistol Clinic & Fair Shoot Barrel Bash Horse Clinic 4-H Executive Board Meeting 4-H Adult Leaders Meeting Dog Agility WI 4-H & Youth Conference Orientation Dairy Judging Practice Badger Dairy Camp Dog Obedience & Showmanship Rabbit Project Meeting Dog Quiz Bowl .22 Pistol Clinic & Fair Shoot English Equitation & Drill Team Horse Clinic Adventure Camp Summer Camp Dog Agility Dairy Judging Practice July/August Alphorn items due Dog Obedience & Showmanship Record Book Workshop Dog Quiz Bowl Dairy Day Cattle Show Shooting Sports Steel Challenge/Fun Day/Make-up Trail Riding Horse Clinic WI 4-H & Youth Conference Dog Agility 4-H Junior Leaders Meeting Dog Obedience & Showmanship Wisconsin 4-H Horse Hunter & Dressage Show 4-H Exchange hosts Shawnee County, Kansas Dairy Days Horse & Pony Pre-Fair Show Record Book Workshop 4-H Junior Leaders Meeting Dog Agility Dairy Judging Practice Dog Obedience & Showmanship Area Animal Science Day Set up START TIME 7:00 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 12:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 7:45 PM END TIME 8:00 PM 4:30 PM 8:30 PM 7:30 PM 4:00 PM 2:00 PM 7:30 PM 9:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 8:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM 8:30 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 9:30 AM 9:00 AM 1:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 8:00 AM 1:00 PM 7:00 PM 6:30 PM 7:45 PM 6:30 PM 6:00 PM 7:30 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 4:30 PM 8:30 PM 9:00 PM 7:30 PM 4:00 PM 3:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 3:00 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:30 PM 8:00 PM LOCATION Green County Fairgrounds Jeremy & Kelsi Mayer’s Farm UW-Extension Office Green County Fairgrounds Room 1, JC Green County Rifle Range Ready Family Arena Room 1, JC Rooms 2-3, JC Green County Fairgrounds Room 1, JC Steiner Farm UW-Madison Green County Fairgrounds Juda Community Center Room 1, JC Green County Rifle Range Gibson Training, Albany Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Upham Woods, Wisconsin Dells Green County Fairgrounds Hosto’s & Breunig’s Farm UW-Extension Office Green County Fairgrounds Rooms 2-3, JC Room 1, JC Green County Fairgrounds Green County Rifle Range Gibson Training, Albany UW-Madison Green County Fairgrounds Room 1, JC Green County Fairgrounds Sheboygan County Fairgrounds Various locations in Belleville Green County Fairgrounds Rooms 2-3, JC Room 1, JC Green County Fairgrounds Randall Smith’s Farm Green County Fairgrounds Green County Fairgrounds For the most update-to-date calendar, including additional months, please visit our Green County 4-H Google Calendar. Find the link at 17 Promote the Fair Contest - 2016 2016 Green County Fair All 4-H Clubs, FFA, and other organized youth groups in Green County are invited to participate in the Promote the Green County Fair Contest. Signs promoting the fair can be put up in any prominent outdoor location in your area. Signs must be in place by July and remain up through July 24th. Entries are due July 1st. The sign should be at least 4x8 feet in size so it can be easily seen (Plywood is recommended). Any material can be used for the sign, so be CREATIVE! Use bright colors and large print (light colored background works best). The sign must be easily seen by the public and must be in a prominent location (i.e. Intersections, lot corners, town entrances, building walls, etc.) Prizes Sign Must Include: 1st Place 2nd Place ● Green County Fair, Monroe, WI $50 $25 ● July 20-24, 2016 Submit the following information… Your club name and address, Contact person’s name & phone number, Exact directions to the location of your display (who’s farm or highway, etc.), 1 close-up photo of your sign and 1 photo that shows the location of the sign By July 1st to the Stephanie Miranda, Fair Office Manager, 2600 - 10th Street, Monroe, WI 53566 or by email to Judging Criteria: Maximum Points 10 Maximum Points 10 Gets your attention 5 10 5 5 15 “Green County” stands out Dates & location are included on the sign Words stand out and easy to read Colors are effective Sign has balance to it Creativity 15 10 10 5 Effectiveness of location Easily seen by public Promotes fair effectively Relationship to fair 50 Total Points for Design 50 Overall Effectiveness of Sign Questions can be directed to: Bryan Witt, Green County Fair Board Director, at 608-966-3848 or 608-558-0138 Good luck! 18 Green County Breakfast on the Farm Saturday, May 28th, 2016 Wayne & Tammy Jeglum Family Farm N8879 Sunnyside Road, Blanchardville, WI 53516 The 2016 Green County Breakfast on the Farm will be held on Saturday, May 28th at the Jeglum Family Farm operated by Wayne and Tammy Jeglum near Blanchardville. If you are able to volunteer to work at the breakfast, either as an individual or as a whole club, please contact Bonnie Gerner (608-527-5096) or Sue Rieder (608-8623992 or Can’t volunteer but still want to help with Breakfast on the Farm? Why not bake coffee cakes? Email the Food Committee at, or contact Judy Gill at 608-214-1891 or, or contact Bonnie Gerner at 608-219-6307 or Please report how many coffee cakes you or your club will be bringing. Again, the Green County UW-Extension office will serve as a drop-off location for coffee cakes on Friday, May 27th between 8:00 AM and 1:30 PM. Additional drop-off locations include New Glarus Home, Greenwoods Motor Bank in Monticello, and Town Bank in Albany. PLEASE ONLY TURN IN NUMBERS OF COFFEE CAKES IF BRINGING THEM AS A GROUP, not as an individual. Thanks! DAIRY COFFEE CAKE 9x13 inch pan, buttered Preheated Oven 325 degrees Yield: 1 Cake COFFEE CAKE: 1/2 cup (1 stick) butter, softened 2 cups sifted all-purpose flour 1 cup sugar 1 teaspoon baking powder 2 eggs 1 teaspoon soda 1 teaspoon vanilla 1/2 teaspoon salt 1 cup dairy sour cream (must be commercial cultured sour cream purchased from the dairy counter) TOPPING: 3/4 cup sugar 1 teaspoon cinnamon 1/3 cup firmly packed brown sugar First combine topping ingredients in small bowl; set aside. Cream butter and sugar until well mixed; beat in eggs and vanilla. Add sour cream. Add the dry ingredients which have been sifted together; mix until blended. Spread 1/2 of batter in pan and sprinkle with half of the TOPPING; spread remaining batter and sprinkle the remaining TOPPING on top. Bake for about 40 minutes or until cake springs back when lightly touched with finger. When cool, cut cake in 15 pieces as in diagram shown above: Cover a 9x13 inch piece of cardboard with plastic wrap, foil, or waxed paper, securing with scotch tape if necessary. Take each piece out of pan individually and place on covered cardboard, arranging in same position as they were in baking pan. Cover cake with plastic wrap after it is on the cardboard. NOTE: Please cut cardboard to exact size of cake for ease in storing. 19 The Green County 4-H Website is always being updated to include new information, links and dates. Check it out for the most current news: Be sure to check the 4-H Calendar Page for up-to-date information as events approach: The Alphorn is available in 2 different formats (PDF and Word) so you can choose what works best for you! Meet the UW-Extension Staff Here to Serve You! Mark Mayer, Agriculture Agent/Department Head Ellen Andrews, 4-H Youth Development Educator Bridget Mouchon-Humphrey, Family Living Educator Victoria Solomon, Community & Resource Development Agent Lisa Messer, Nutrition Education Coordinator Jayne Butts, Activity Assistant, Agriculture and CNRD Areas Lana Anderson, Activity Assistant, 4-H and Family Living Areas Office Hours: 8:00 AM to 4:30 PM, Monday through Friday Address: Green County UW-Extension, Justice Center, 2841 6th Street, Monroe, WI 53566 Phone: (608) 328-9440 The following individuals serve on the Green County Agriculture and Extension Education Committee. Feel free to contact these individuals if you have any questions in regards to Extension Programs. Ken Hodgson, (Chair), (608) 543-3006 N7005 County Road A, Argyle, WI 53504 Oscar Olson, (Vice Chair), (608) 325-2939 W7760 CTH P, Browntown, WI 53522 Betty Grotophorst, (Secretary), (608) 424-3353 N8841 Dayton Street, Belleville, WI 53508 Arthur Carter, (608) 325-5453 N2659 Richland Road, Monroe, WI 53566 Kristi Leonard, (608) 523-4501 W9020 Yankee Hollow Rd, Blanchardville, WI 53516 The Alphorn Green County UW-Extension 2841 - 6th Street Monroe, WI 53566 Phone: 608-328-9440 Fax: 608-328-9519 Your Green County 4-H Family Newsletter The University in Your Community Green County 4-H Is On the Web! & th Emailed April 29 , 2016 University of Wisconsin-Extension, United States Department of Agriculture, and Wisconsin Counties Cooperating “An EEO/Affirmative Action Employer, University of Wisconsin-Extension provides equal opportunities in employment and programming, including Title IX and ADA Requirements. “Requests for reasonable accommodations or limitations should be made prior to the date of the program or activity for which it is needed. Please do so as early as possible prior to the program or activity so that proper arrangements can be made. Requests will be kept “confidential” If you need this material in alternative format, please contact the program coordinator or the UWEX Affirmative Action Office. 20