march 2015
march 2015
AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 NEWSLETTER MARCH 2015 ISSUE # 137 PETER SKULANDER’S 1970 JAGUAR "E" TYPE AT THE RECENT GNOO BLAS CLASSIC CAR SHOW It's the cars that bring us together, but the cars owners that "keep" us together! "FT" AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: CLUB DIRECTORY 2015 PRESIDENT: Charles Stammers 6365 1351 SECRETARY: Chris Olson 6331. 5757 VICE PRESIDENT: John Donohoe 6362 3911 TREASURER: Alan Mitchell 6362. 8998 (ASCC Direct Payment details: Bank- NAB; BSB-082-774; Account No-75-231-2103) PUBLIC OFFICER: C. Stammers 6365 1351 & A Mitchell 6362 8998 ( joint custodians.) MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY: Paul Hingston 6362. 4094 LIBRARIAN: P Skulander 6362 1426 CONDITIONAL PLATE REGISTRAR: R. Gardoll 6362 8437 REGALIA OFFICER: S Blowes 6366 5154 EVENT CO-ORDINATORS Peter Harper Mick Buckler 6334 2554 6365 6188 6331 1013 NEWSLETTER EDITOR: P Moras REGIONAL LIAISON OFFICERS: BATHURST: Peter Harper 6334 2554: DUBBO: Jim Mather 6884 6316 & Barry Young. 02 58060131: MUDGEE: vacant Parkes: vacant Trangie: Vacant Young: Vacant ACT: Geoff Barrett: Cowra: Vacant. Lithgow: Rod Rossi. 6351 4044: Oberon: Ken Wilcox. 6336 1616 Sydney: Bob Dabbs 9774 3100 Wellington: Vacant Grenfell: Justyn Armstrong. 6343 1283 To open the ASCC Shannon’s Website Click on logo For full instructions on how to use this hyperlink, go to the member secretary’s report on page eleven (11) ASCC News 2 PRESIDENT’S REPORT Gee, where has the time gone, with two months of the new year now past as we enter the third month; autumn already? It is hard to believe that by the end of this month, the year will already be one quarter gone. That old catch phase of “time flies when you are having fun” indicates we must be having a lot of fun. After the extreme heat in the last part of 2014, January and February of this year in the Central West have been extremely pleasant, nice sunny days and temperatures in the high twenties. The only downside is the lack of decent rain and the countryside again becoming very dry. This month we extend a very warm welcome to new member, Paul Rouse from Orange. Paul, we welcome you and look forward to meeting you on some of our events, and we trust you have an enjoyable time with us. February as usual commenced with the Gnoo Blas Classic Car and Bike Show at Jack Brabham Park in Orange. This would be our major event each year, and to see the continuing support of the members is indeed gratifying to the Committee. I believe the count was just over 40, a commendable roll up. While our display was very impressive, this year the Alfa Club was awarded the trophy for the Best Presented Club. Ironically the trophy was the one sponsored by the ASCC. All in all, an extremely successful day, and it sure makes one very proud to be a member of such a successful and dynamic Club. As organiser Mick Buckler has promised a full report in the Newsletter, I will leave it to Mick to provide the full details. While Mick may also do likewise, I do extend the sincere thanks and appreciation of the Club to all those members who brought their cars along, and to those who came along early to setup the display. While extending thanks to all these willing helpers, I would like to extend a special thank you to Mick, as the main organiser, ably supported by Shirley for their part in the planning and organisation of the display and the arrangement of the shelter, which was very much appreciated. A number of members attended the Saturday night dinner to listen to the Master of Ceremonies, Motoring Presenter Will Hagon, and guest speakers, New Zealander Robbie Francevic, the 1986 winner of the Australian Touring Car Championship in a 240T Volvo, gave an interesting outline on his motor racing career, while TV personality and train buff, Scott McGregor, presented details of his train passion. We would be remiss if we did not acknowledge the time and effort the Gnoo Blas Club and President Denis Gregory put into such an outstanding event, well done, Denis and Gnoo Blas, and on behalf of the ASCC, a very big thank you for another great day. Being a member of the Gnoo Blas Club and the local branch of the Classic and Enthusiasts Motorcycle Club, it was my duty to arrange for the motorcycle club to provide the marshals for the for the district tour on the Sunday morning, but I did not notice any ASCC members on the tour. The February Mid-Week Outing was a scenic drive through the Oberon area and return to Bathurst through Burraga and Rockley. A number of cars assembled alongside the Highway in Kelso for the usual meet and greet before travelling on to the picnic area beside the Fish River in O’Connell for morning tea. It was a pleasant surprise and very pleasing when Bob and Carolyn Dabbs, and Don Young and Sandy Collins arrived from Sydney to join us for the day. Following the morning tea, we proceeded on via Oberon to Burraga for a short break, much to the surprise of the local store owner as her stock of ice creams were rapidly diminished. From Burraga it was a short hop to Rockley for a picnic lunch in the park opposite the hotel. Soon it was time to make the homeward journey as everyone wended their separate ways. Another great day with 15 cars and about 28 people attending. For some reason, the mandatory stop at Anny’s Ice Cream Shop in Bathurst did not eventuate this time. On a very pleasant evening on Friday, 27 February, we had the Twilight Outing to Neville to enjoy dinner at the Neville Hotel. 15 cars assembled at the Millthorpe Road/Mitchell Highway intersection at Vittoria to travel to the hotel via the Guyong Road, Blayney and Barry. There was the usual greetings and socializing on arrival, much of it on the roadway of the main street, but the risk level was low with the limited traffic in Neville. After an enjoyable meal and more socializing, much of it again on the roadway, it was time for the homeward journey, however a number were still in the party mode and adjourned to the Millthorpe Bowling Club to finish off a pleasant evening. On Sunday, 1 March, 7 cars made the journey to Wellington to attend the annual Vintage Fair and Swap Meet. On arrival, some members assembled the gazebo, while others dashed off to see if they could snare a bargain at the Swap Meet. I did not hear of any boasting, so I gather the bargains were few and far between. In the 38 degree day, most just relaxed in the chairs in the shade of the gazebo and swapped stories. By about 1.30 PM the presentations were made, with congratulations to Paul Hingston, being awarded the trophy for his beautiful TR4 as the best car . The majority of the crowd, including the ASCC group then departed for cooler locations. Again our group were unable to pass through Molong without a visit to that necessary visit to the Ice Cream Shop, even with the threat of impending storms did not deter them (or myself). ASCC News 3 Our Events Organisers are again working on a variety of events for the coming months. The Wellington Vintage Fair and Swap Meet is not listed this year, but I’m sure a number of members will be attending. A perusal of the Newsletter shows the March Mid-Week Run on the 12th will be to Burrendong Dam, followed on the 21st and 22nd by the overnight run to Canberra, with shed visits for the men and a little retail therapy for the ladies, arranged by the Canberra members. On the following Sunday there will be a short trip for those not wishing, or who are unable to go on the Canberra trip, or those on the Canberra trip who may like another outing.. April will not be short of events, commencing with the Mid-Week outing on the 9th to view the autumn colours at Mt. Wilson, and the monthly outing on Sunday 26th to a venue announced in this Newsletter. Smooth roads, and happy and safe motoring Charles Stammers PLEASE NOTE THE CLOSING DATE FOR CONTRIBUTIONS TO NEXT MONTHS NEWSLETTER IS 26/03/2015 COPIES OF ANY PHOTOS YOU SEE IN THE NEWSLETTER PLUS MANY OTHERS TAKEN ON CLUB OUTINGS ARE AVAILABLE FROM THE EDIITOR IN EITHER FULL OR COMPRESSED FORMAT DATES FOR FUTURE ACTIVITIES March 12th Thursday – Midweek meander to Burrendong Dam (Contact is Peter Harper) Bathurst and eastern members to leave the Tourist Information Centre carpark at 8.30am to meet Orange members at Cook Park for a 9.30am departure for Molong where we will have morning tea at “Barneys”. To minimise travelling along the Mitchell Highway, from Molong we will go through Cumnock then across a sealed back road to the highway then turn right at Neurea at the Dripstone turn and go on to the picnic facilities just below the Burrendong Dam wall for a BYO lunch.The return journey will be through Mumbil, Stuart Town, Euchareena to Orange. March 21/22 Sat. & Sunday – Overnight run to Canberra (Contact is Mick Buckler) It is suggested that members from the Orange and Bathurst area meet at the usual starting points at 7.30 am to come together at the Rose Gardens in Cowra at 8.45 (approximately) for a quick coffee and then onto Murrumbateman for a BYO lunch ,there we will meet members from Canberra who will take boys or girls to look at some collections of vehicles and motoring bits and pieces. Alternately, the ladies from Canberra have offered to take members on a shopping trip. On Saturday evening we will have dinner at Dickson or the golf club, on Sunday maybe more sheds and the drive home. I have made enquiries at Yowani Country Club and they have standard rooms at $115.00 or deluxe rooms at $ 136.00. I must have bookings ASP deadline is 10th march or find your own accommodation. March 29th Sunday – Young Heritage Motor Club Car, Motor Bike, and Caravan muster. (Contact is Mick Buckler) We have received an invitation from The Young Heritage Motor Club to attend their Car, Motor Bike, and Caravan muster at the grounds of the Young PCYC Lachlan Street Young. There would be several categories that would be open to us with trophies on offer. Entries on the day are a gold coin donation. We will need to be there early. It is suggested leaving Bathurst and Orange at 7.30 am travelling straight through. BYO or BUY morning tea and lunch. Expressions of interest please to Mick Buckler April 9th Thursday – Midweek meander to Autumn colours at Mount Wilson April 26th Sunday – A club run TBA (Contact is Peter Harper) May 2 & 3rd Sat. & Sunday – Overnight run to Dubbo. (Contact is Mick Buckler) On Saturday the program has yet to be arranged, on Sunday we can take part in “Rockin’ in the Vines Show and Shine” May 14th Thursday – Scenic run from Bathurst through Turondale, Sofala and Back to Bathurst. PLEASE NOTE: All ASCC Club activities and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on an ASCC Letterhead schedule within this Newsletter. That page should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by the Authorities. ASCC News 4 REPORTS ON THE MONTHS ACTIVITIES February 7th Sunday Gnoo Blas Classic Car Show at Sir Jack Brabham Park Orange The weather was perfect for the show a fine sunny day not to hot with just a gentle breeze. The helpers were on hand early to help with the Hookers tent ( I think they were a little disappointed when none turned up but still it came in handy to keep the sun of us) This year the feature marquee was Mercedes Benz with four very fine examples on display. I set Trish Stammers 230 SL Pagoda in the centre flanked by Doug and Dearne Witherdin’s SLK 280,Charles Stammers SLK 350 and Rodney Rossy,s380SL. These cars formed the centre piece of a very impressive display of forty two sporting cars, a variety of makes, both British European American and Japanese. With four of our members winning awards, namely Geoff Barrett’s XK 150, Charlie Stammers SLK 350, Chris Olson’s Swallow Doretti and new member Gary Davis with his 48 -2015 Holden. But, even this, was not enough to convince the judges of the quality and presentation of our club display even with the Hookers tent. The tent came in handy with our very own master chef Stewart Blowes and his apprentices Rod Wykes and Gloria Young presenting a very fine lunch of sausage and onion rolls that would impress the most discerning of diners. It is on days such as these that the socializing and comarardry of our club really comes to the fore and I would like to thank everyone that attended for their presence. Other clubs that were displaying on the day were the Alfa Romeo club with five or six cars (they won the club display award), the Morris Minor Club ,The Bristol Club ,The Porsche Club (with three very nice 356,s amongst there display one of which won an award) The Wellington Antique Car Club, and the MG Club The feature car marque of the show was Volvo and they turned out in numbers with most models on display. Our club was not to be let down on this front as Richard Gardoll brought along his very nice 1800ES and his Saint car P1800E. I believe there was something in the order of three hundred and thirty cars and trucks on display and the organization of such an event is a credit to the members of the Gnoo Blas Classic Car Club and to Dennis Gregory in particular. Just as a footnote every member that attended this year received a complementary brolly emblazoned with our club logo which is your committee’s way of thanking members for their support. Members attending were: Wild, Cameron (Molong) MGA Mather, Jim & Ginny (Dubbo) MGA Farrelly, Kerry MGC Roadster Buckler, Mick & Shirley Jaguar XK150 Skulander, Peter Jaguar Type “E” Abrahall, Steve (Sydney) Mazda RX7 Riley, Roy & Sheila Capri Neville, Kevin Capri Marinovic, Bruno & Charlie (Bathurst) Capri Holden, Brian Capri Gardoll, Richard Volvo 1800ES Gardoll, Richard Volvo P1800E Witherdin, Doug & Dearne Mercedes SLK280 Stammers, Charles Mercedes 230SL Pagoda Stammers, Charles Mercedes SLK350 (Award winner) Rossi, Rodney (Lithgow) Mercedes 380SL Blowes, Stew (Millthorpe) Triumph Stag Hingston, Paul Triumph TR4A Mitchell, Alan & Cherylin Triumph TR3A Mitchell, Alan & Cherylin Triumph TR4 Lukins, Brian Triumph Stag Davis, Garry Datsun 260Z Reynolds, Ian & Robyn (Lithgow) Jaguar XJS Preen, Max Porsche 914 Irvine, Nigel (Millthorpe) Volvo 122S Weily, Brant Ford GT500 Olsen, Chris (Bathurst) Swallow Doretti (Award winner) Tulloh, Robert Suzuki Cappuccino Hewson, Link & Vicki (Canowindra) Bufori Irwin, Tony (Canberra) Cobra Daytona Barrett, Geoff (Canberra) Jaguar XK150 (Award winner) Pulford, Terry (Canberra) Austin Healey 3000 Mklll Smedley, Dave Jaguar XJS Young, Barry & Gloria (Dubbo) Mazda MX5 Lorimer, Bruce & Oscar BMW Z4 Wykes, Rod MGB GT Moss, Jack & David Slater Triumph Herald Coupe Allan, Paul & Robyn (Dubbo) Studebaker Hawk Preen, Ross Kharman Ghia Davis, Garry Holden, 48-215 (Award winner) Bromley, Chris AMC Coupe Other members in attendance: Cooper, Gary & Barbara, Townsend, John & Janet, Single, Peter Non-Members on display with ASCC Weatherly, Dennis & Judy (Lithgow) ASCC News Mustang 5 ASCC News 6 February, 12th Thursday – Midweek meander to Burraga Members attending on the day were: John & Marg Donohoe - Mercedes 200 Kompressor; Alan Mitchell - Jaguar; Andy & Julie Young – Triumph TR6; Chris & Merran Olson – Mazda MX5; Charles Stammers – Mercedes SLK350; Peter Moras & Allan Evers – MGB-GT; Ralf Amison – Lancia; Tony & Judy Reppen – Triumph TR7; Chris & Judy Bayliss – Toyota 86GT; Ian Wallace – MGB; Peter & Diann Harper – MBC-GT: Bono Marinovic – Ford Capri; Bob & Carolyn Dabbs – MGB; Don Young & Sandy Collins – MGB; Colin & Evelyn Turner – Jaguar XK8; ASCC News 7 March 1st Sunday - Wellington to attend the annual Vintage Fair and Swap Meet. INSURED BY SHANNONS SHARE THE PASSION Shannons are great supporters of the Classic Car fraternity through the Shannon’s Eastern Creek Classic Car Show and involvement with Historic Car Racing. This support is most appreciated by this Club. It certainly helps to spread the development and the enjoyment of our classic sporting car fraternity in the Central Western area of New South Wales. For all your insurance needs - support the company that supports us. So if you have any insurance needs for your classic car, your house or its contents, contact Harold Upston Regional Development Officer on 0432 758 169 / Email or give Shannons a call 13 46 46 and get an obligation free quote from them. The comments, views and opinions expressed in this newsletter are not necessarily those of the club MEMBERSHIP SECRETARY REPORT Paul Hingston NOTICE – LAST NEWSLETTER. Financial membership expires on 30 March 2015. If not paid by then, this will be your last newsletter. This month, we sincerely welcome into the Club, the following members: Garry and Anne Davis, Orange, Datson 260Z (posing as a 120Y) and an award winning Holden 48-215. Steven and Merril Turner, Orange, MGB Bruce and Donna Freedman, Orange, MGB Paul Rouse, Orange, Cortina GT Mkl and Falcon GT Replica We look forward to sharing the company of all the new members when and wherever possible on one of varied outings organised by our hard-working Event Organisers, Mick Buckler or Peter Harper. As at the end of February we have 128 financial members. Members have until the end of March to renew their membership - 42 not yet renewed from 2014. I will send out a :gently reminder” in mid-March. Don’t forget to let me know ( if any of your personal details have changed, eg address, mobile or email. I know some members who have moved and I still don’t have their new particulars. It can be difficult contacting members or issuing electronic newsletters if we are not updated. ASCC News 8 It is pleasing to report from the Treasurer, that we have had a huge response from members paying their membership renewals by direct deposit. It is around 38% for this year. Just remember if paying your renewal this way, to please use your surname and/or your membership number as reference, as there are several members with the same surname in the club. Don’t forget, our newsletters, along with the Club Constitution and For Sale items are listed in our Club location with Shannons. Check it out at: AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB Inc PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 2015 MEMBERSHIP/RENEWAL FORM Except for Name for identification – Only complete changed details I wish to continue to be a member of the ASCC and receive further communications on sporting/social activities. I supply the following details / changes for this purpose; * MEMBERS NAME:……………………………………………………………….PARTNER’S NAME:…………………………. ADDRESS:………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… …………………………………………………………………………… …………POST CODE:………… TELEPHONE No: (Home)………..……………………………(Bus)……..……………………………………… FAX No: (Home/Bus)………………….………………………Mob No: ……..……………………………………. EMAIL:…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. VEHICLE/s(Year / Make /Model / Rego):…………………………………………………………………………………… I enclose payment for 2015 membership of $30 for single/$40 for two members in one family. (ASCC Direct Payment details: Bank- NAB; BSB-082-774; Account No-75-231-2103) SIGNATURE:……………………………………………………………………………………………………………. * Compulsory (Office use only) Receipt No……………..Amount $........... Date Paid:………………Card Issued……..... FOR SALE/ WANTED/ HELP DEPARTMENT. For the interest of the increasing new as well as longer-term members of the Club, it is advised that a free service is available, through sale of cars and parts, wanted cars and parts, as well as help wanted with any technical advice etc. required. However, no responsibility will be accepted for the accuracy of such description or condition of cars or parts involved. Any purchaser must make their own inspection and enquiries regarding condition, miles covered, or suitability for their intended use. Please advise the Editor of any items you would like to include in this section of the newsletter. FOR SALE 1986 JAGUAR XJSC Travelled 162,000 kms – new alternator – new battery –spent $1000 on the Air cond. – Radial tyres 90% - has vented bonnet – Registered to 20-1-2016 – Very good condition – Rego No: CB 86 ST Vehicle located in Trangie NSW Price $26,000 ono Contact Barry Hamblin 0268887270 or 0417440554 FOR SALE: XJ6 JAGUAR 1970, 4.2 litre motor Motor travelled less than 5,000 km after total rebuild, New upholstered seats, new head lining, new brakes Good condition Historic rego not transferable Too many cars. $4,000 ONO (Dubbo area)) Contact Jim Mather 02 68846316 or 042884631 ASCC News 9 FOR SALE 1947 MG TC Model - TC48A ◊ Chassis Number - TC3569 ◊ Engine - XPAG 1248 ◊ Engine Number – 3777 Owned since 2004, currently not driven often enough Mechanically sound, work done includes: engine rebuilt 2007about 2,000 miles, new clutch, radiator, brakes rebuilt 2006, front shocks & suspension renewed, 19in wheels rebuilt with S/Steel spokes and powder coated rims, halogen bulbs, moto meter temperature gauge, steering box, electrical wiring. Body substantially original with no rust always garaged, come with full NSW rego, excellent hood, seat back original all else replaced. Asking $31,000 ono Contact Andrew at FOR SALE 1977 Datsun 260Z 2+2 $7,500 ono. Sound and reliable. Good tyres, etc. Club rego not transferable Contact Jim Mather 0428846316 FOR SALE SAAB 1998: 9.3 Anniversary Edition (timber dash) Convertible Engine: 2 litre Turbo Colour: Body Dark Blue Roof Dark Blue Kilometres: 134,161 Registered till: 12 July 2015 Always garaged, maintained, mint condition etc, etc. New windscreen, 4 new Bridgestone Potenza RE 002tyres, Quality reversing camera ( European style interior mirror type), Blue tooth audio system (phone remote, streamed music) Always serviced by SAAB Serve Parramatta Price: $8000 or nearest offer Contact Brian 0409 302296 fort more details, photos: FOR SALE. 1961 Skoda Felicia Hard Top Convertible. Factory RHD. 4 cylinder 4 speed manual. Complete, but in need of full restoration. Comes with original service work shop manual. These cars are rare in Europe and almost unheard of in Australia. Car located in Orange $2,200 O.N.O. Contact Malcolm 0429659165. Lot 7 Shepherd Drive Mullion Creek Phone (02) 6365 8729 Mobile 0417 437 223 Email ASCC News 10 AUSTRALIAN SPORTING CAR CLUB INC Est 1930 PO Box 1937 ORANGE NSW 2800 AUSTRALIA Email: ASCC ACTIVITIES CALENDAR 2014/2015 ASCC Conditional Registration vehicles are approved to attend the activities listed below Month Meeting March 2015 April 2015 May 2015 Mid-week Meander Thurs 12th Midweek meander to Burrendong Dam 12th Committee meeting in Bathurst Weekend Run Thurs 9th Midweek meander to Mount Wilson 7th Motor Fest at Hawks Nest 7th Crookwell Potato festival car show 22nd, 23rd Overnight run to Canberra 29th Young Heritage Motor Club Muster 6th Tullamore Irish festival 26th ASCC club run TBA Thurs 14th Scenic run through Turondale, Sofala and back to Bathurst 2nd, 3rd Overnight run to Dubbo 17th National Motoring Day June 2015 8th Henry Lawson Festival Grenfell July 2015 Aug 2015 Sept 2015 Oct 2015 Nov 2015 Dec 2015 ASCC CLUB EVENTS All ASCC Club activities and other activities of interest organised by other clubs, are shown on this ASCC Activities Calendar that has been included in the newsletter. This page or Permission to Move from the Club Registrar should be carried in vehicles on Conditional Registration Plates as proof of an approved activity for the purposes of their plates use, should they be stopped by Police. ASCC News 11 6361 1699 65 SUMMER STREET ORANGE 2424 Hrs 0429 311 1013 77DAYS HRS 0429311013 DAYS DON’T FORGET TO SUPPORT THESE SPONSORS THAT SUPPORT YOUR CLUB ASCC News 12
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It is suggested that members meet at the junction of the Mitchell hwy and the Millthorpe road at East Guyong road at 5.30 pm