4.2K8 Newsletter.indd - Hoover Chamber of Commerce


4.2K8 Newsletter.indd - Hoover Chamber of Commerce
1694 Montgomery Highway, Suite 108
Post Office Box 36005
Hoover, Alabama 35236
(205) 988-5672 | (205) 988-8383 FAX
email: bill@hooverchamber.org
PRESIDENT, Bill Stoeffhaas, Style Advertising
SECOND VICE PRESIDENT, Robert Linthout, Arrell Internet Services
TREASURER, Dennis Cameron, C.P.A. Cooke, Cameron, Travis & Co.
IMMEDIATE PAST PRESIDENT, Richard Rayborn, Alabama Power Company
LEGAL COUNSEL, A.W. Bolt, Bolt Law Office
HOOVER CITY LIAISON, Lori Salter, Office of the Mayor
David Bradley, Blue Cross & Blue Shield of Alabama 2006-2008
Ed Hudson, Advanced Technology Group 2008-2010
Vivian Johnson, Sam’s Club 2006-2008
Kim Osburn, Dedicated Personnel, Inc. 2008-2010
Kevin Roberts, DeltaCom 2007-2009
Debbie Rockwell, Colonial Bank 2006-2008
Doug Smith, D. Smith & Company 2008-2010
Kathleen Spencer, Hampton Inn & Suites 2007-2009
LeAnn Sullivan, The Birmingham News 2008-2009
1978 - Richard Head, RE/MAX Advantage
1989 - Dan Mikos, Mikos-Kampakis Insurance
1993 - Lisa Worley, Anchor Insurance Company
1999 - Susan Webb, Susan Webb Design Resources
2002 - Terri Gualano, AT&T
2003 - Jerry Johnston, Phoenix Wealth Management
2004 - Lori Ewoldsen, Children's Health System
Use this logo to place in your ads for higher name recognition. This logo can be emailed to
2005 - Greg Meineke, The Berry Company
members for use in advertising, on business cards, and on letterhead or signs.
2006 - A.W. Bolt, Bolt Law Office
Bill Powell, Executive Director
Susie Collins, Executive Assistant
Jessica Keller, Membership Services Director
Rhonda Pyatt, Account Executive
Melany Morgan, Director of Communications
Our newsletter goes
First Class Mail!
To give you better service
Arrell Internet Services
Don Drennen Motor Co.
St. Vincent’s Health
Style Advertising
Alabama Adventure
Theme Park
Alabama Directory Co.
Alabama Gas Corporation
Alabama Power Company
American Home Cinemas
AT&T— Real Yellow Pages
AT&T Wireless
Belk Department Store
Birmingham Water Works
& Sewer Board
Blue Cross/Blue Shield
Brookwood Medical Ctr.
Children’s Health System
Colonial Bank
Command Alkon
Drummond Company, Inc.
elixir international
First Commercial Bank
Health Spring of
Alabama, Inc.
Hoover Chevron/Citgo
Hoover Country Club
Princeton Baptist Medical
Regions Bank
RE/MAX - Patti Schreiner
Riverchase Galleria
Trinity Medical Center
TurnerBatson Architects
Union State Bank
UAB Medical Center West
Wal-Mart - John Hawkins
Wal-Mart - Highway 280
4.2K8 Newsletter.indd 8
April 3
April 5-6
April 9
April 10
April 11
April 14
April 15
April 15
April 17
April 17
April 22
April 24
April 25
May 1
May 3
May 5
May 6
May 8
May 14-18
May 14
May 19
May 20
May 22
May 21-25
Economic Development Committee Meeting, 8:30 a.m. Chamber Office. Visitors welcome!
Spring Fever Open House at Southland Log Homes, 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. Saturday & 1-5 p.m. Sunday, 2000 Oak
Mountain State Park Road, Pelham 35124. Call 989-8891 or Pelhamsales@southlandloghomes.com for information.
2nd Wednesday Minority Business Council Meeting, 2:30 p.m. Chamber Office. Visitors welcome!
Coffee & Contacts at Red Mountain Bank,, 7:30 to 9:00 a.m., 5 Inverness Center Parkway, Hoover, AL 35242
(Highway 280). Call 313-8100 for information, or progers@redmountainbank.com or go to www.redmountainbank.com.
Ribbon Cutting at Reflections Diamond Jewelry, 11:00 a.m. , 3075 John Hawkins Parkway, Suite P, Hoover 35244.
Call 982-4888 or email ajrupa@gmail.com for information.
Chamber Board of Directors Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Chamber Office.
Ribbon Cutting at Attic Plus Storage, 11:00 a.m. , 2072 Valleydale Road, Hoover 35244. Call 988-3678 or contact
dhedge@atticplus.com or 222.aticplus.com for information.
Ambassadors Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Chamber Office.
Hoover Chamber Luncheon at The Hoover Country Club. 11:30 a.m. Networking, Noon Luncheon. Please make
reservations by Monday, April 14. Those who make reservations requesting a meal be prepared for them, and do not
come will be invoiced, unless canceled prior to the event. Credit cards, cash and checks accepted. Price NOW $15.00.
UAB Medical West Golf Tournament at Bent Brook. 1:00 Shotgun Start, benefiting Western Health Services
Foundation. Call Haley Montgomery at 481-7272 for information.
Executive Briefing on the One Page Business Plan, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. by Terry J. van der Werff, CMC, Hoover
Area Chamber Boardroom - A fast paced, interactive 75 minute presentation on driving defined business results through
joint planning and execution. Reserve a place by Friday, April 18 by calling the Chamber office at 988-5672. See article
inside this newsletter.
Business after Hours at Alabama Directory Company, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m. 700 Century Park South, Suite 210,
Birmingham 35226. For information, call 824-1325 or contact cheryl@alabamadirectory.net or go to www.alabamadirectory.net.
Hoover City Schools Foundation Sporting Clay Shoot at Tannehill Sporting Clays. 8:00 a.m. Registration,
9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start (for real!) www.tannehillsportingclays.com for directions.
Regions Golf Tournament Hole Marshal Training at AT&T Operations Center. 5:00 p.m.
Celebrate Hoover Day at Veterans Park on Valleydale, 10:00 a.m. to 2:00 p.m. Valleydale Road in front of
Spain Park High School.
Swing For a Cure Golf Tournament for Leukemia & Lymphona Society, 11:30 a.m. registration, 12:30 p.m.
Shotgun Start, Hoover Country Club. $125.00 per player, $500/foursome. Contact Kelly Peoples at 989-0098 (x307)
or kelly.peoples@lls.org for additional information.
Mayor's Prayer Breakfast, 7:30 a.m. - 9:00 a.m., The Wynfrey Hotel.
Coffee & Contacts at Up the Creek Restaurant, 7:30 a.m. to 9:00 a.m., 2943 John Hawkins Parkway, Hoover 35244.
Call 988-3863 or contact qrc302@earthlink.net or go to www.upthecreekusa.com for information.
Regions Charity Golf Classic. Chamber Volunteers needed! Call 988-5672 for information or go to Chamber website.
Business after Hours at Regions Charity Golf Classic at Ross Bridge RTJ Golf Course, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., AT&T Tent.
Chamber Board of Directors Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Chamber Office.
Ambassadors Meeting, 4:30 p.m. Chamber Office.
Hoover Chamber Luncheon at The Hoover Country Club. (Fourth Thursday) 11:30 a.m. Networking, Noon
Luncheon. Please make reservations by Monday, May 19. Those who make reservations requesting a meal be prepared
for them, and do not come will be invoiced, unless canceled prior to the event. Credit cards, cash and checks accepted.
Price NOW $15.00.
SEC Baseball Tournament at Regions Park for the Eleventh Consecutive Year! Call (800) 732-4849 to order
tickets, or go to www.secsports.com for more information.
July 18
August 25
Second Annual Miss Hoover Pageant at Spain Park High School. Sponsors needed!
Thirteenth Annual Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Golf Classic at Riverchase Country Club.
8:30 a.m. Shotgun Start.
3/31/08 1:27:36 PM
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April 2008
April 3
Economic Development Committee Meeting.
8:30 a.m. Chamber Office.
Visitors welcome!
April 5-6
Spring Fever Open House at Southland
Log Homes, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Saturday & 1-5 p.m.
Sunday, 2000 Oak Mountain State Park Road,
Pelham 35124. Call 989-8891 or Pelhamsales@
southlandloghomes.com for information.
April 9
2nd Wednesday Minority Business Council
Meeting. 2:30 p.m. Chamber Office. Visitors
April 10
Coffee & Contacts at Red Mountain Bank,
7:30 to 9:00 a.m., 5 Inverness Center Parkway,
Hoover, AL 35242 (Highway 280). Call 3138100 for info, or progers@redmountainbank.com
or go to www.redmountainbank.com.
April 11
Ribbon Cutting at Reflections Diamond
Jewelry, 11:00 a.m. 3075 John Hawkins Parkway,
Suite P, Hoover 35244. Call 982-4888 or email
ajrupa@gmail.com for info.
April 15
Ribbon Cutting at Attic Plus Storage, 11:00
a.m., 2072 Valleydale Road, Hoover
35244. Call 988-3678 or contact
dhedge@atticplus.com for info.
April 15
Ambassadors Meeting, 4:30 p.m.
Chamber Office.
April 17
Hoover Chamber Luncheon at the Hoover
Country Club. 11:30 a.m. Networking, Noon
Luncheon. Please make reservations by
Monday, April 14. Price NOW $15.00.
April 17
UAB Medical West Golf Tournament at
Bent Brook. 1:00 Shotgun Start, benefiting
Western Health Services Foundation. Call Haley
Montgomery at 481-7272 for info.
April 22
Executive Briefing on the One Page
Business Plan, 8:30 a.m. to 9:45 a.m. by Terry
J. van der Werff, CMC, Hoover Area Chamber
Boardroom - A fast paced, interactive 75 minute
presentation on driving defined business results
through joint planning and execution. Reserve a
place by Friday, April 18 by calling the Chamber
office at 988-5672. See article inside this
April 24
Business after Hours at Alabama Directory
Company, 5:30 to 7:00 p.m., 700 Century
Park South, Suite 210, Birmingham 35226.
For information, call 824-1325 or contact
cheryl@alabamadirectory.net or go to www.
April 25
Hoover City Schools Foundation Sporting
Clay Shoot at Tannehill Sporting Clays. 8:00
a.m. Registration, 9:00 a.m. Shotgun Start (for real!)
www.tannehillsportingclays.com for directions.
Our www.hooverchamber.org website gets 200,000 hits every month!
Fastsigns to Sponsor
April 17 Luncheon
Neal Wade, Director of ADO, to be
Guest Speaker
Fastsigns will sponsor the April luncheon this month, and has invited Neal
Wade, Director of the Alabama Development Office, as our guest speaker.
Neal was named by Gov. Bob Riley to lead the economic development of
the State of Alabama in January 2003. In this position, he is responsible for
the state’s economic development efforts and directing programs to increase
the number of quality jobs in the state. In January 2007, Mr. Wade became
the second longest serving ADO director behind Red Bamberg.
Neal Wade
In 2004 and 2006, the Alabama Development Office was named the top state economic agency
in the U.S. by Site Selection Magazine. Alabama has also been named by Southern Business and
Development magazine as having the strongest economy in the 17-state southeastern U.S. for the
past four years.
Don Drennen Motor Company
Celebrates 100 Years
Don Drennen Motor Company,
better known as Don Drennen
Buick-Chrysler-Jeep on Montgomery
Highway, is celebrating its 100th
Anniversary on April 19th, with an
all-day celebration and party at their
location in Hoover. They are inviting
everyone, including all members of
the Hoover Area Chamber to join in
the celebration.
Chamber Director Bill Powell, left, is handed a set of keys to
a Jeep Commander by Don Drennen Buick-Chrysler-Jeep Sales
Manager Jimmy Aiken for use by the Hoover Area Chamber
of Commerce in support of Chamber activities for 2008 and
recognition of DDMC’s 100th Anniversary this month.
They are especially asking members
of the Hoover Area Chamber to help
in their efforts to raise funds for three
area non-profit organizations through
a silent auction, Kid One Transport,
the Children’s Health System, and the
Ronald McDonald House.
Mission Statement
Amended January, 1998 The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce promotes economic growth of business through a strong support
system which provides business and community partnerships.
4.2K8 Newsletter.indd 9
3/31/08 1:27:37 PM
Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
March 2008 Renewals and New Members
■ Absolute Mortgage
■ Alabama Air Shuttle, Inc.
■ Alabama Technology Network
■ Anthony's Car Wash
■ BE&K, Inc.
■ Big Brothers Big Sisters
■ Birmingham Parent Magazine
■ Bolt Law Offices, P.C.
■ Bromberg & Co., Inc.
■ Cabinet Trends, Inc.
■ Carr, Allison, Pugh, Howard,
Oliver & Sisson, P.C.
■ Carr, Riggs & Ingram, LLC
■ Charter Business - Trustee
■ Compass Bank
■ Crest Cadillac Hummer
■ Currie-Jefferson Funeral Home
■ Diamond Film & Video
■ Fi-Plan Partners, LLC
■ Fravert Services, Inc.
■ Gary C. Wyatt General
Contractors, LLC
■ Gentle Pickens and Turner
■ Haskell Slaughter Young
& Rediker, LLC
■ Hilton Garden Inn
■ Hoover Rotary Club
■ Jefferson County Treasurer –
Ken Gomany
■ MortgageAmerica, Inc.
■ Oak Mountain Orthodontics
■ Prudential South O'Town Realty
– Stan Bussey
■ RE/MAX Advantage – Mary Milton
■ RE/MAX Preferred –
Hugh Morrow
■ RE/MAX Realty – Mary Hayes
■ RealtySouth – Hoover Metro,
Pat Mitchell
■ Reliantech, Inc.
■ Revere Control Systems
■ Ridout's Elmwood Chapel
■ Riverchase Country Club
■ Riverchase Inn
■ Royal Leasing, Inc.
■ Southern Nuclear
■ Tennessee Commerce Bank
■ The Brom Law Firm, LLC
■ The Cajun Steamer
■ The Melting Pot Restaurant
■ United Construction
Services, LLC
■ USS Real Estate
■ VIP Personnel, Inc.
■ Walter Schoel Engineering
Co., Inc.
■ Wayne's Environmental
Services, Inc.
■ Wingate Inn
4.2K8 Newsletter.indd 2
New Members
■ Attic Plus Storage
Debbie Hedge, 988-3678
■ Brookdale Place
University Park
Arlene Hicks, 870-0786
■ Critter Control
Doug Hartman, 408-9896
■ Engineering Design
Fred Hawkins, 942-8630
■ Golden Rule BBQ – Lake Crest
Spencer Brown, 989-7771
■ Gulf South Title Services, LLC
Cheryl Mayo, 733-1207
■ Hoover Arts Alliance
Linda Chastain, 822-8971
■ KAT Claw Creative, LLC
Keith Thomason, 865-850-0926
■ Lott Financial Group, LLC
Matt Wilson, 380-2600
■ Lowe's
Don Mallard, 402-9880
■ Mark's Quality Cleaners
Josh Watkins, 991-8433
■ Myrick, Little & Associates
Dylan Myrick, 970-9782
■ New York Life Insurance
Mack Deas, 933-0302
Trustee Membership
■ Reliance Financial Group
Ramona Graffeo, 397-2450
■ RE/MAX Advantage
Drew Taylor, 283-1602
■ SilkinDesign
Nancy Cope, 252-4711
■ St. Albans Episcopal Church
Barry Vaughn, 822-2330
■ The Abbey at Wisteria Court
Jennifer Roewold, 822-0170
■ The Village Tavern
Curt Hummel, 970-1640
■ Union State Bank Cahaba Heights
Kristy Glover, 949-8970
Trustee Membership
■ Vista Information Systems
Adam Pittman, 822-7511
■ Who So Ever Ministry
Missy Pitt, 681-0774
Prior to joining Gov. Riley’s cabinet, Mr. Wade served as Vice
President, Economic Development for The St. Joe Company. In
1990, Neal was asked to head the privately-funded Economic
Development Partnership of Alabama where he served as President
and CEO until February 2000.
Neal is a native of Monroeville, Alabama, a graduate of Samford
University in Birmingham and is married with three children and
six grandchildren.
To attend the April 17 Chamber Luncheon, please make your
reservations no later than Monday, April 14, by calling 9885672, or emailing Susie Collins at scollins@hooverchamber.org.
Networking begins at 11:30 a.m., with the meeting starting sharply
at noon. The Luncheon is $15.00, payable at the door. Payment
may be made by cash, check, or major credit card. Cancellations
are accepted until the day of the luncheon, but those who make
a reservation and do not come will be invoiced.
Payment can now be made online for luncheon reservations at
www.hooverchamber.org/lunch.html by clicking on the link for the
secure webpage. Your credit card will be charged automatically.
There will be food, music, live entertainment, games, and
unbelievable cars! Come by and see over sixty antique and classic
Buicks, Chryslers, and Jeeps on display. Along with the Bama Buick
Club, they are helping to sponsor local Children’s Charities to raise
funds in their continued spirit of giving back to the community
that has made them so successful for 100 years. The celebration
is free to attend and will benefit these great causes!
Any Chamber members, businesses, or individuals who would like
to donate prizes, gift certificates, or other awards for these charities
can go directly to Don Drennen Buick-Chrysler-Jeep at 1626
Montgomery Highway in Hoover, or contact Jimmy Aiken at (205)
823-5220 or email jimmyaiken@dondrennenautos.com.
3/31/08 1:27:38 PM
April 2008
Member To Member
Discount Program
The following Chamber members offer discounts to fellow
Hoover Chamber members. Discounts are also good for
City of Hoover employees.
2 The Rest-Q Cleaning Service, 617-2588 Spring
Cleaning Residential Specials: $40 off two combined
services (new customers) or $25 off any one-time service
of $125 or more. Alabama Air Shuttle, Inc. -- Rent
a plane, not a seat --that’s air charter. 5% discount.
Average trip is 250-350 miles and costs $2200 for up to 4
adults. David Gentry, 408-9696. www.alabamaairshuttle.
com ActiveREHAB Chiropractic - 408-4400, Hwy 280
Inverness - *$39 Neck & Back Pain Analysis. Includes Consultation, Exam, 2 X-rays, Muscle
Therapy, & Report. (a $225 value) Dr. Christopher H. Stewart, 3000 Meadow Lake Dr, Suite
101, Birmingham, AL 35242 activerehab@bellsouth.net or www.activerehabsfreevideos.
com Alabama MedScreen, Inc., 15% off all personal and corporate drug testing services.
823-9648 or birmingham.exam@emsinet.com. Paul C. Hosemann, Alabama MedScreen,
Inc. / EMSI, 3100 Lorna Road, Suite #101, Hoover, AL 35216birmingham.exam@emsinet.
com AutoLast Warranty Products are an insured product warranty program for preowned mid to high mileage vehicles that helps protect against mechanical breakdowns.
Member to Member Discount of 30%. A savings of $359 on an $1195, 5-year, 150,000
mile Warranty. garyh@powertronglobal.com. 205.936.4381 Candid Photographer - 10%
discount to Chamber members on all services and products. www.candidphotographer.com
Candlewood Suites Hotel, 600 Corporate Ridge Drive, Inverness. 991-0272. Additional
$5.00 off weekend rate for Thursday through Sunday nights. Nancy.Thomas@ichotelsgroup.
com. Cartridge World Greystone- 5% off total order for Hoover Chamber members. 1401
Doug Baker Blvd, Suite 103. (205) 408-0506. www.cartridgeworldusa.com/store749. Must
have empty cartridge, discount may not be combined with other offers. Highland Grounds
Services, Inc. offers Landscape Service Discounts to Chamber members: $100.00 off a
1yr Kappa Watches - 35% off any wristwatch to Chamber members! Please visit www.
kappawatches.com or call 205-564-2075. Landscape Maintenance Contract, $200.00 off
Landscape Improvement of $1,000.00 or more, $300.00 off a Water Garden min purchase of
$2,500.00. See our services and qualifications at www.highlandgroundservices.com Hyatt
Place Inverness, Annette Scarborough, 995-9242, 10% off Best Available Rate. ITSBITS
by IHS, Incorporated, Laura H. Allison, 205-408-1477, Initial set up fee waived when
you become a charter partner in the ITSBITS Marketing Group for affordable advertising
starting at $19.95 a month. J. Carter & Company, Judy Carter, 979-8141, 25%- 40% off
of office furniture depending on the quantity purchased. Jos. A Bank Clothiers - 20% off
any non-sale items in the store Lake Crest Chevron - $ 2 off our “The Works” Car Wash.
lakecrestchevron@gmail.com or call 205 982-0910. Discount cannot be combined with any
other offers. The Melting Pot Restaurant - The Village at Lee Branch, 611 Doug Baker
Blvd. 15% discount on all food. Reservations required. 205-981-8001. www.themeltingpot.
com Quiznos Subs, 3421 South Shades Crest Road, Hoover 35226, corner of Hwy 150.
This location only - 10% discount on purchase. Hmw1913@aol.com Norman's Exciting
Window Coverings - FREE INSTALLATION on orders over $1200 on Plantation Shutters,
Wood Blinds, Faux Wood Blinds, Verticals, Honeycomb Shades, Solar and Sun Shades
and Natural Woven Woods. No Hidden Costs. $50 off $500.00 and over orders; $40 off
$300 and over. Call (205) 706-5411.or norman8460@yahoo.com. Regions Bank - Free
Checking accounts for any Hoover Chamber member or employee of Chamber member
through Regions at Work Program at any branch. For details contact Beverly Meadors
at 716-1225 or beverly.meadors@regions.com. Reliantech – Precise IT Solutions and
Services for Small to Medium Size Businesses, 241-4487, 50% off first 6 hours of service to
Chamber members. www.reliantech.com. Road Runner Moving Service - 10% Discount
on all residential & office moves. Contact Jim Owens at 945-8339 or jimowensb@bellsouth.
net or http://www.roadrunnermoving.us. Soap Box Laundromat - 20% discount off regular
price on any Wash-Dry-Fold service. South Hall Climate Controlled “Drive-Inside” Self
Storage is offering Chamber members an additional 10% off our regularly competitive rates
at all three facilities; Hoover Hwy 150 (2400 John Hawkins Parkway - 205-403-2757), Hoover
Hwy 31 (1945 Hoover Court - 205-822-3442) and Inverness Hwy 280 (4752 Highway 280
East - 205-995-8555). Sprint Nextel at Patton Creek - 10% off any accessory to Chamber
members! Ted's Montana Grill - 10% discount off regular price to chamber members. Tom
Murphy Realty will give $1,000 cash toward moving expenses on any property bought or
sold over $100,000 with Javetta Lodge call 281-2156 for details. Vulcan Park Facility – 10%
discount applied to Base Usage Fee. Non-profit organizations receive 50% off with certain
restrictions. Contact Evelyn Holman Eholman@visitvulcan.com or 933-1409 with questions.
www.vulcanpark.org. Zohra's, LLC - 10% discount to Chamber members for Reach Your
Goals Seminars. See Chamber newsletter or website or www.reachyourgoalsworkshop.
com for information, or call 381-1952.
To be added to this list, your company membership dues must be
up-to-date. Just call us or email bill@hooverchamber.org with specific
information for your discounts!
4.2K8 Newsletter.indd 7
Would You Like Better
Business Results?
By Terry van der Werff, Ph.D.
What if your leadership team could drive business results? You can
achieve this with the One Page Business Plan. Yes, your entire plan
really does fit on one page! It answers five simple questions:
Vision: What are we building?
Mission: Why do we exist?
Objectives: What results will we measure?
Strategies: How will we build this business?
Action Plans: What work is to be done?
We will dive quickly into these questions and answer them from
our unique perspectives. Our goal is everyone leaves the Executive
Briefing with a partially completed plan and knows how to
complete it. Each attendee will receive a free copy of Jim Horan’s
One Page Business Plan book.
Of 300 OPBP consultants, Terry van der Werff holds the oneyear sales record of $600,000. Since mid-2003, he has guided 49
projects with 18 companies, from disaster restoration and oil field
services to construction, logistics, and financial services, with each
company using it for three or more years. They average 20% annual
revenue growth and 40% annual net income growth. One client
grew revenues by 60% and earnings by 600% in three years!
If you truly want to take your business to a new level, learn from
a pro who knows how to make this work.
A 75 minute Executive Briefing on the One Page Business Plan,
presented by Terry J. van der Werff, CMC, will be held on April
22, in the Hoover Chamber Boardroom. beginning at 8:30 a.m.
Space for this seminar is limited to 18. Please reserve a place by
Friday, April 18 by contacting the Chamber office at 988-5672.
Admission is free.
Dr. Terry J. van der Werff, CMC, President, van der Werff Global,
Ltd. Strategic Advisor to CEOs http://www.globalfuture.com
mailto:terry@globalfuture.com Phone (205) 824-7770
Hoover Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
1/8 page (business card size)
1/4 page (3.75” w x 4.5” h)
1 Mo.
3 Mo.
6 Mo.
Deadline for advertisements is 25th of month preceding the newsletter.
Mailing labels...$45 Per Set
Membership on disk with updates...$75
Your business shown on Interactive Website Map: $50 / Year
3/31/08 1:27:39 PM
Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
RE/MAX Associate Mary Milton Receives
Distinguished Service Award
Mary Milton, a real estate sales associate with
RE/MAX Advantage Central in Hoover, received
the Distinguished Service Award from the RE/
MAX Dixie Region. The award was presented
on February 8, 2008, during the RE/MAX Dixie
Region Alabama Success Celebration at the
Cahaba Grand Conference Center. Nearly 500
RE/MAX sales associates were in attendance at
the awards luncheon.
of REALTORS Vulcan Award and 'REALTOR of the Year' Award.
She is an active member of her church and area Chambers of
The Distinguished Service Award recognizes the efforts of
Milton for her loyal and dedicated service to better the RE/MAX
organization, the real estate industry and the larger community.
Scholarship Donation!
Milton, who joined RE/MAX in 1991, has achieved the RE/MAX
Hall of Fame and consistently earns honors in the RE/MAX 100%
and Platinum Clubs. She is a lifetime member of the Birmingham
Club of Excellence and recipient of the Birmingham Association
RICHARD HEAD, CRS will donate $500.00 to the SCHOLARSHIP
FUND of the Hoover Chamber of Commerce in the name of
any active member of the Hoover Chamber or their employers
who purchases or sells a home through him.
Zen Sarcasm
1. Do not walk behind me, for I may not lead.
Do not walk ahead of me, for I may not follow.
Do not walk beside me either. Just pretty much leave
me the heck alone.
2. The journey of a thousand miles begins with a
broken fan belt and leaky tire.
3. It is always darkest before dawn. So if you’re going to
steal your neighbor’s newspaper, that’s the time to do it.
4. Don’t be irreplaceable. If you can’t be replaced,
you can’t be promoted.
5. Always remember that you’re unique.
Just like everyone else.
6. Never test the depth of the water with both feet.
7. If you think nobody cares if you’re alive, try
missing a couple of car payments.
8. Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in
their shoes. That way, when you criticize them, you’re a
mile away and you have their shoes.
9. If at first you don’t succeed, skydiving is not for you.
10. Give a man a fish and he will eat for a day.
Teach him how to fish, and he will sit in a boat and
drink beer all day.
11. If you lend someone $20 and never see that person
again, it was probably worth it.
12. If you tell the truth, you don’t have to
remember anything.
13. Some days you’re the bug; some days you’re
the windshield.
14. Everyone seems normal until you get to know them.
4.2K8 Newsletter.indd 6
"I couldn't have achieved this honor without the support of RE/
MAX Advantage. Our outstanding agents are some of the most
devoted community leaders and committed professionals in the
industry," says Milton. She can be reached at 823-2022 or by
email at maryremax@aol.com.
Senior Sales Counselor
RE/MAX Advantage
Direct Line: (205) 822-9047
3/31/08 1:27:40 PM
April 2008
Regions Charity Classic Golf Tournament
Coming Next Month!
The Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce has participated heavily since 2002 in
supporting the Regions Charity Classic Golf Tournament, providing countless
volunteers and sponsoring the Business After Hours held during the Pro-Am
events of the Golf Tournament. We have committed to provide volunteers to
serve as marshals on the 11th and 12th Holes of the Ross Bridge Robert Trent
Jones golf course during the week of the tournament, with special activities
during the two Pro-Am events, as well as during the actual 3-day Champions
Tour Tournament. The dates this year are Wednesday, May 14 through Sunday,
May 18. Over forty volunteers are needed to work some sixty 4-6 hour shifts
during that period.
All volunteers will be required to pay $65.00, but the actual value of the volunteer package is over $400.00. Included in this package is
the Regions Charity Classic Cap and Golf Shirt; six good-any-day passes for family and friends (worth $90.00); their own badge which
serves as a pass for any of the seven days of the event; transportation; and meals for all shifts. For those who volunteer and work at least
three shifts, a free round of golf for a 'Volunteer Play Day' at Ross Bridge Robert Trent Jones golf course ($100.00 value) is included.
For the first time this year, the round of golf IS TRANSFERABLE to anyone else, if the volunteer is not a golfer themselves!
The Chamber will again host a 'Business After Hours' event on Wednesday, May 14, at the AT&T Tent in the Hospitality Village,
sponsored by AT&T Yellow Pages, Alabama Power, Colonial Bank, Hoar Construction, Fi-Plan Partners, and The Oaks on Parkwood.
Tickets for the event, including a virtual smorgasbord of food, will be $15.00 each, (advanced ticket purchase required) including
one drink ticket. The advance ticket includes admission to the Regions Charity Classic for the day. Brad Bryant, the winner of the
tournament the past two years, has attended our event each of the past two years, and considers our event his good luck. You can
bet he will be there this year as well!
Again this year, the Chamber Board of Directors has authorized
reimbursement of the cost of the volunteer package for those who
are not reimbursed by their own employers.
To qualify, volunteers must work as marshals on the Chamber
holes of 11 and 12 for any total of three shifts, OR the two
Saturday and Sunday shifts. There are two shifts to choose from
for the Pro-Am Days of Wednesday and Thursday, but for the
professionals-only days of Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, there is
one shift for each day.
Anyone interested in working the event as a volunteer may
register on the Regions secure website by going to www.
regionscharityclassic.com/volunteer-package.php for complete
information. This will lead you to a completely secure sign up
page where you can enter your credit card information and order
additional shirts, hats, etc. if you like. The reimbursement checks,
of course, will be sent after the event, May 14-18, 2008.
(Anyone registering as a Hoover Area Chamber volunteer should
designate Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce in the Club
affiliation space on the form.)
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Hoover Area Chamber of Commerce Newsletter
Ribbon Cuttings &
Special Mentions
On March 21, a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony was held at
June's Brides at 1853 Montgomery Highway in Hoover,
next to Big Lots in the old Wal-Mart Shopping Center. Shown
Cutting the ribbon is new owner Lindsey Beasley assisted
by co-workers and family, while several chamber ambassadors
share in the excitement!
A Ribbon Cutting was held at the new Cahaba Heights
Branch of Union State Bank on Green Valley Road,
March 14. Board of Trustees Member Kristy Glover is
shown cutting the ribbon. Joining her is Bank President Rex
Alexander, holding the bow, and other officials of Union State
Bank and several chamber ambassadors.
Birmingham Regional Chamber of Commerce Executive Vice
President Barry Copeland spoke to the Hoover Area
Chamber at the March 20 luncheon on the subject of "What is
right with the Birmingham-Hoover Area" to a packed audience.
This luncheon was sponsored by Princeton Baptist Medical
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The Chamber is pleased to announce Melany Morgan
as our new Director of Communications. Melany has
extensive experience in sales and marketing including work
with the Pensacola Area Chamber of Commerce. She comes to
us from SouthernLINC Wireless where she has held various
Account Management positions over the past 11 years.
Originally from Birmingham, Melany holds a degree in
Communications from The University of Alabama where her
two sons now attend. She will be working with the Chamber
membership sales personnel, including Jessica Keller and Rhonda
Pyatt, to assist them in recruiting new members and members
to the Board of Trustees. She can be reached at the chamber
office at 988-5672 or by email at melany@hooverchamber.org.
Please join us in welcoming Melany to our Chamber staff.
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April 2008
$10,000.00 in 2008-2009
Lila Parks Scholarship
Applications Available
The Hoover Area Chamber's 2008-2009 Lila Parks Scholarships, started in 1997, will be
awarded in May of this year. Applications are available in the Chamber office, or on the
Chamber web site home page at www.hooverchamber.org. On the website, the application
is available on the home page with a CLICK HERE designation to get the application.
These scholarships are available to students who meet at least
one of the following criteria:
(1) they must be from Hoover; or
(2) be a member of the Chamber or an immediate family member of a
Chamber member or employee of a Chamber member; or
(3) an employee of the City of Hoover or an immediate family member of a
City employee.
The Scholarship Program is named after Lila Parks, the long-time volunteer who ran the
Applied Career Education Program (A.C.E.) for high school students for the ten years
of its existence virtually by herself. Lila is still active in the Hoover Area Chamber, often
volunteering to help at the Chamber luncheon, and still serves on the Chamber Education
and Scholarship Committee. She retired in 2004 after a long and successful career as an
Allstate Insurance agent.
Scholarships will be restricted to public four-year colleges and universities located within
the State of Alabama.
Applications are to
be turned in to the
Chamber office by
noon, April 18, 2008.
Anyone wanting more
information about
these scholarships can
call the Chamber at
988-5672. Students
applying can be from
any of the area schools,
including all public
and private schools,
but must meet at least
one of the criteria
listed above.
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Coffee & Contacts
(2nd Thursday of each month)
April 10
Red Mountain Bank
May 8
Up the Creek Restaurant
June 12
Sprint/Nextel - Patton Creek
July 10
Dedicated Personnel
August 14
Hoover Self Storage
September 11
Fi-Plan Partners-Trace Crossings
October 9
Union State Bank
November 13
Southern Wicker
December 11
Birmingham Business Journal
January 8, 2009
Gold's Gym
February 12, 2009
H&R Block
March 12, 2009
Hilton Garden Inn-Liberty Park
April 9, 2009
Brookwood Primary Care-Stadium Care
May 14, 2009
Business Resource Group
June 11, 2009
July 9, 2009
Sprint - Nextel, Highway 280
August 13, 2009
Brookdale Place University Park
September 10, 2009
Luncheon Sponsorships
(3rd Thursday of each month)
April 17
May 22 - (4th Thursday)
Alabama Telco Credit Union
June 19
At&T Yellow Pages
Business After
Hours Schedule
(4th Thursday of each month)
April 24
Alabama Directory Company
May 14 - (3rd Wednesday)
Regions Charity Classic
June 26
Bonefish Grill
July 24
Hyatt Place - Hoover
August 28
Park Crest
September 25
Protection One - Pelham
October 23
November 2008
None Held
December 4
Wine'd Down
January 22, 2009
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