Arvind Ltd - Chola Wealth Direct
Arvind Ltd - Chola Wealth Direct
Arvind Ltd Sector: Textile/ mid cap Initiating Coverage 22 October 2014 Sensex 26,768 Nifty 7,990 Price: INR 297 Target Price: INR 342 MARKETPERFORMER Background: Arvind Ltd is the flagship company of the Lalbhai Group, established in 1931. Arvind’s business is broadly classified into Textiles, Brand & Retail and others. Textiles, Brand & retail and others which accounts for 69%, 28% and 3% of the revenue respectively. In India, Arvind sells international brands such as Arrow, US Polo Associate, Tommy Hilfiger (JV brand), Calvin Klein (JV brand), IZOD, Elle, Cherokee, GANT, Hanes, Billabong, Wonderbra, Ed Hardy, Geoffrey Beene, Nautica etc. Company has a strong distribution network of 858 stores with a retail space of ~1.55mn sq.ft. (Brands: 741 stores with ~0.75mn sq.ft retail space & MegaMart: 158 stores with ~0.79mn sq.ft. retail space). 52 Week High/Low INR 341.4/77.5 Bloomberg code ARVND IN Reuters code ARVN.BO Issued Equity (shares in mn) Mkt. Cap in INR mn Mkt. Cap in mn USD 258 INR 76,678 $ 1,257 Avg. Daily Vol. (‘000) Revenue growth aided by brand & retail segment We estimate Arvind’s revenue to grow at a CAGR of 16.9% between FY14-17E to INR 109.5bn led by traction in brand & retail business, which is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 23% in FY14-17E. The growth in brand & retail business would be aided by power brands (incl. 50% TH JV), which is estimated to grow at CAGR of 25% to INR 20.85bn in FY17E and newer brands, which are estimated to grow at CAGR of 34% to INR 7.1bn in FY17E. We have factored in a growth of CAGR 9.2% (FY1417E) for Megamart. 3,941.9 Shareholding Sep13 Jun14 Promoters(%) 43.95 43.46 FII (%) 15.71 23.31 EBITDA margin to expand by 100bps We estimate the company’s EBITDA margin to increase 100bps from 13.6% in FY14 to 14.6% in FY17E. Between FY14-17E, we have factored in a 50bps margin expansion in the textile business, expansion in Megamart to 5%, Power brands excl. TH’s margin to expand by 60bps to Sep14 220bps Jun14margin Sep12 12.5%, Tommy 43.45 43.46 63.35Hilfiger’s margin is likely to expand by 130bps to 11.5% and new brand business is estimated to become profitable with EBITDA margin expanding from -10.1% in FY14 to 2.1% in FY17E. 23.56 23.31 9.21 DII (%) 19.42 13.68 14.30 Others (%) Pledge (% of promoter holding) 20.92 19.55 0.40 0.41 Avg. Daily Vol. (bn) INR 1.2/$ 0.02 1M 3M Arvind -7.78 24.2 183.9 Sensex -1.90 3.35 27.19 Performance% 400 300 350 250 300 200 250 200 150 150 13.68 1.34 Nautica, Hanes, Calvin Klein, Elle and GANT – second line of power brands in making 19.55 26.10 The company is focussed on creating a second line of power brands; management expects Nautica, Klein, Elle and Gant to attain power brand status over the next 3-4 years. Nautica and 0.41 Hanes, 0.41 Calvin 0.00 Hanes clocks a turnover of ~INR 900mn each and revenues from these brands are estimated to double in FY15E and turn profitable. Calvin Klein (India) revenue is pegged at INR 1.25bn, which has been growing at a CAGR of 30% over the last three years, with an EBITDA margin 8-9% and Company, 12M expects this trend to sustain in the near term. 18.69 100 Outlook & Valuation Currently the stock is quoting at EV/EBITDA of 9.6XFY15E, 8.1XFY16E & 6.9XFY17E respectively. We initiate coverage on Arvind with MARKETPERFORMER rating and 18-month target price of INR 342 per share indicating an upside of 15%. Risk: Delay in Turning around of Megamart and other business; unfavorable currency movement; adverse cotton price movement; delay in capacity expansion; slowdown in domestic and export markets. Valuation Summary Y/E March ( INR mn) 100 50 50 0 0 Arvind Relative SENSEX (RHS) Sathyanarayanan M +91-44-30007361 Revenue EBITDA PAT EPS EPS growth (%) FCF / Share PE P/ BV EV / EBITDA EV / Sales Dividend Yield (%) ROCE (%) ROE (%) Net Debt / Equity 1 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 68,621 9,340 3,539 13.7 42.5 3.0 21.7 3.0 11.2 1.5 0.8 15.6 14.6 1.1 79,927 11,163 4,604 17.8 30.1 7.0 16.7 2.6 9.6 1.3 1.0 16.2 16.6 1.0 93,380 13,311 5,475 21.2 18.9 10.8 14.0 2.3 8.1 1.2 1.2 17.0 17.3 0.9 1,09,567 15,995 6,688 25.9 22.1 12.2 11.5 2.0 6.9 1.0 1.5 18.5 18.3 0.8 Industry overview: Textile & Apparel (T&A) market in India is estimated at INR 5.7tn as on 2013 and is expected to grow at a CAGR 9% to INR 13.5tn by 2023. Domestic market constitutes 62% of the T&A industry; and is estimated at INR 3.54tn, while the exports stands at INR 2.16tn. Exhibit 1: Indian Textile & Apparel Market Indian Textile & Apparel market (INR 5.7tn) Domestic Market (INR3.54tn) Technical Textile Apparel (INR 2.46tn) Exports (INR 2.16tn) Home Textile Apparel Textiles (INR 240bn) (INR 840bn) (INR1.32tn) (INR 840bn) Men's wear Women's wear Boys Wear Girls Wear (INR 1.04tn) (INR 930bn) (INR 258bn) (INR 240bn) Source: Industry sources Domestic Market is further classified into Apparels (INR 2.46tn), Technical textiles (INR 840bn) and Home Textile (INR 240bn). Textiles account for bulk of the exports and is estimated at INR 1.32tn and apparel exports is estimated at INR 840bn. Domestic Apparel market is broadly classified into Men’s wear (INR 1.04tn), Women’s wear (INR930bn) and Kids wear segment (INR 498bn). Men’s wear segment is currently estimated at INR 1.04tn and is expected to grow at a CAGR of ~8.6% to INR 2.36tn by 2023. Shirts (INR 283bn), Trousers (INR 222bn) and Denim (INR 95bn) are the top 3 segments which accounts for ~57.9% of the men’s wear segment. 2 Exhibit 2: Category Growth in Men’s wear 300 283.3 16% 14% 13% 12% 12% 10% 9% 9% 8% 8% 7% 6% 6% 70.2 68.7 60.7 50.3 46.3 4% 3% 21.6 19.1 12.3 2% 0% 14% 222.3 250 200 150 7% 8% 100 95.1 50 0 Market Size (INR bn) - LHS CAGR (2013-23) - RHS Source: Industry source, CSEC Research The most promising high growth categories in the men’s wear segment are Denim, Active wear and T-shirts which are expected to outperform the overall industry growth. Men’s Denim segment, which is currently estimated at INR 95bn, is expected to grow at CAGR of 14% to INR 352.5bn by 2023. Men’s Active wear segment, which is currently estimated at INR 21.6bn, is expected to grow at CAGR of 13% to INR 73.3bn by 2023. Men’s T-shirt segment, which is currently estimated at INR 60.7bn, is expected to grow at CAGR of 12% to INR 188.5bn by 2023. Women’s wear segment, which is currently estimated at INR 930bn, is expected to grow at CAGR of ~9.4% to INR 2.28tn by 2023. Saree (INR 325.3bn), Salwar Kamez (INR 251.5bn) and Innerwear (INR 108.8bn) are the top 3 segments which accounts for ~73.7% of the women’s wear segment. Exhibit 3: Category growth in Women’s wear 350 300 250 325.3 15% 251.5 11% 200 150 100 50 15% 6% 108.8 15% 12% 10% 8% 5% 56.3 30.6 8% 24 9% 8% 15.5 10.8 10.6 8.9 5.9 0 Market Size (INR bn) - LHS 3.9 16% 14% 12% 10% 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% CAGR (2013-23) - RHS Source: Industry sources, CSEC Research The most promising high growth categories in the women’s wear segment are Innerwear and Salwar Kamez which are expected to outperform the overall growth. Women’s innerwear market is one of the fastest growing categories within women’s apparel segment and it is more dynamic, with many design variation and regular introduction of innovative products. Women’s innerwear segment, which is currently estimated at INR 108.8bn (CY13), is expected to grow at CAGR of 15% to INR 440bn (CY23). Salwar Kamez, which is estimated at INR 251.5bn (CY13), is expected to grow at CAGR of 11% to INR 714bn (CY23). 3 Kids wear segment, which is currently estimated at INR 498bn, accounts for ~20% of the domestic apparel segment. Kids wear segment, which is expected to grow at CAGR of ~10% to INR 1.3tn by 2023. Within Kids wear segment boys wear commands a share of ~52% and is currently estimated at INR 256.8bn (CY13). Boys wear segment, which is expected to grow at CAGR of ~9.2% to INR 616.7bn (CY23). Girls segment, which is estimated at INR 241.2bn, is expected to grow at CAGR of 10.7% to INR 665.5bn (CY23). Exhibit 4: India’s per capita expenditure on apparel is lowest amongst global peers but set to grow ~3.8X Per capita (USD) 2000 1643 1500 1,221.00 1050 831 1000 1080 814 804 663 781 686 500 740 454 273 272 377 109 36 China India 138 0 Australia Canada 2012 Japan EU - 27 2025 United States Russia Brazil Source: Statista, CSEC Research Key Growth Drivers: No of Household Exhibit 5: Number of ultra HNI household to triple 350000 300000 250000 200000 150000 100000 50000 0 329000 81000 FY12 100900 FY13 FY18E No of Ultra HNI Household Source: Kotak Mahindra Wealth Management study 2013 4 Exhibit 6: Growing working class population in India 67 66 65 64 63 62 61 60 2003 2006 2009 2012 Working Age (15-64) % of total Source: World Bank, CSEC Research 2013 Company Overview: Arvind Ltd is the flagship company of the Lalbhai Group, established in 1931. Arvind’s business is broadly classified into Textiles, Brand & Retail and others. % of total revenue Exhibit 7: Business segments 4% 100% 80% 60% 5% 5% 3% 4% 22% 23% 27% 27% 28% 41% 39% 36% 41% 41% 32% 33% 33% 29% 28% FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 40% 20% 0% Denim Other Textiles Brands & Retail Other Source: Company, CSEC Research Textile Business: Textile business accounts for ~69% of the revenue. Company manufactures denim, woven, knits, khakis and garments. Around ~94% of the textile revenues comes from denim (41%), woven (39%) and garments (14%). Exhibit 8: Textile business segments % of textile revenue 120% 2% 1% 7% 8% 6% 6% 80% 24% 22% 15% 13% 14% 14% 60% 31% 34% 33% 32% 39% 39% 43% 43% 45% 47% 42% 41% FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 100% 40% 20% 0% Denim Woven Garments Source: Company, CSEC Research 5 Others Denim: Company is the pioneer in denim manufacturing in India, with current capacity of ~108-110mn mtrs p.a (market share of ~10.8%). In the last 5 years denim revenues have grown at a CAGR of 17% to INR18.9bn; while the denim volumes have grown at a CAGR of 9% to 105mn mtrs. Denim’s EBIT margin for the last 3 years is in the range of 18-19%. Denim realisation has grown at a CAGR of 7% from INR 126.5 per meter in FY09 to INR 180 per meter in FY14; while the Industry’s average realisation is around INR 120-130 per meter. Company’s focus on niche premium denim segment has fetched a premium realisation over its peers. Exhibit 9: Arvind’s focus on niche denim segment fetches premium realization 180.00 105 89.2 40 88 60 172.98 200 150 95.9 119.43 96.4 80 126.57 67 Mtrs in million 100 167.05 140.98 100 50 20 0 Realisation per Mtr 120 0 FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Volume (mn mtrs) - LHS FY13 FY14 Realisation (INR) - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Currently the company is operating at a capacity utilisation of ~95%, while the industry’s capacity utilisation is ~ 60%. Company exports ~42% of the denim fabrics to global apparel manufacturers, while the company consumes ~ 9.5% (~10mn mtrs) for garmenting. Company’s key clientele include GAP, Levi’s, Armani Exchange, Hugo Boss, Esprit, Wrangler etc. Exhibit 10: Strong growth in denim, despite operating in an excess capacity scenario 20,000 25.1% 18.0% 23.4% 17.9% 19.2% 25.0% 15,000 18,900 15,430 FY10 16,020 FY09 13,590 11.8% 10,510 5,000 20.0% 8,480 10,000 30.0% 15.0% 10.0% 5.0% 0 0.0% FY11 FY12 Revenue (INR mn) - LHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 6 FY13 FY14 EBIT Margin - RHS Woven: Arvind is the largest player in woven segment in India, with a capacity of ~110mn mtrs. Company manufactures ~103.3mn mtrs of woven fabrics, of which ~21% are exported, ~71% are sold domestically and ~8% is consumed internally for garmenting. In the last 5 years woven revenues have grown at a CAGR of 24% to INR17.97bn; Woven volumes have grown at a CAGR of 15% from 68mn mtrs in FY11 to 103.3mn mtrs in FY14. EBIT margin for the last 3 years is in the range of 18.7-20.4%. Company’s key clientele include GAP, Van Heusen, Arrow, Hugo Boss, Calvin Klein, Esprit, Park Avenue etc. Company’s top 5 customer accounts for ~20% of its woven revenues. Exhibit 11: Leading player in Woven segment 20,000 15,000 14.2% 13.3% 25.0% 20.4% 19.4% 18.7% 20.0% 15.0% 11.7% 10,000 8,190 9,870 10,990 14,310 17,970 5,000 6,150 10.0% FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 5.0% 0 0.0% Revenue (INR mn) - LHS EBIT Margin - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Garments: Garments, which is a part of Arvind’s verticalization strategy, manufactures jeans, shirts & knitted garments from its garment plants situated in & around Bangalore. Company has also set-up plants for manufacturing suits through JV Company Arvind Goodhill Suit Manufacturing Pvt. Ltd. Company currently has a garmenting capacity of ~15mn pcs, which is predominantly exported (~90-95%). In FY14, Company sold ~14.3mn pcs of garments with an average realisation of INR 470/ piece and EBIT margin of 13.1%. Company plans to expand the garment capacity to ~25mn pcs by the end of FY15. Exhibit 12: Garment Business 8000 10.7% -8.0% 6000 4.2% 1.1% 13.1% 10.0% 2.2% 5.0% 4000 6720 5040 4600 4580 5260 0.0% 4620 2000 15.0% 0 -5.0% -10.0% FY09 FY10 FY11 Revenue (INR mn) - LHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 7 FY12 FY13 FY14 EBIT Margin - RHS Brand & Retail Business: Arvind through its subsidiary company Arvind Lifestyle Brands Ltd is selling in-house branded garment and is a licensee for various international brands in India. International brand portfolios include Arrow, US Polo Associate, Tommy Hilfiger (JV brand), Calvin Klein (JV brand), IZOD, Elle, Cherokee, GANT, Hanes, Billabong, Wonderbra, Ed Hardy, Geoffrey Beene, Nautica etc. In-house brand portfolio includes Flying Machine, Colt, Excalibur, etc. Exhibit 13: Brand & Retail Portfolio Company operates apparel retail stores like Arvind Store which offers the entire gamut of apparel retailing from premium shirting & suiting fabrics, Studio Arvind (custom tailoring unit), Arvind Denim Lab (exclusive denim concept which offers other factory made custom made denims) and readymade Garments (in-house brands & licensed brands). Company also operates Megamart, a value retail store. In 1QFY15, company operates 158 Megamart stores, occupying 796,467sq.ft of retail space. Currently brands like Ruggers, Skinn, Elitus, Donuts, Karigiri, Mea CASA, Aurburn Hill, Colt, Leisha, Bay Island, Excalibur and Edge are exclusively sold through MegaMart. Ruggers, Elitus and Cheeroke are the top 3 brands which put together contribute a revenue of INR 3bn and contribute ~54% to MeagaMart’s revenue. Private labels constitute ~40% of the MegaMart’s revenue, which are generally high margin and company aims to take the revenue share of private labels to 60%. Company also operates the specialty retail stores under licensing agreement with international brands like Debanhams, Next, Club America, Calvin Klein, GAP and The Children’s Place. Brand & Retail business accounts for ~28% of the total revenue. Revenues from Brand and Retail business grew at a CAGR of 23% from INR 6.79bn in FY09 to INR 19.15bn in FY14; while the EBIT margin has improved from -2.2% in FY09 to 2.2% in FY14. Low margin in Brand & Retail business is largely attributed to the low margin in the retail business and losses from the newly acquired brands; while the margin in the power brands are quite healthy. 8 Exhibit 14: Strong revenue growth in B&R segment, while margin at low single digit 5.5% 25000 2.2% 2.9% 20000 15000 -2.2% 10000 6,793 3.2% 1.8% 13,235 14,043 19,154 6.0% 4.0% 2.0% 9,418 0.0% 7,127 5000 -2.0% 0 -4.0% FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 Revenue (INR mn) - LHS FY13 FY14 EBIT Margin - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Arvind has classified Arrow, US Polo Associate, Tommy Hilfiger and Flying Machine as power brands. Sales of power brands (Tommy Hilfiger sales reflect 100% of the top-line of the JV Company) have grown at a CAGR of 40.3% from INR 2.18bn in FY09 to INR 11.85bn. Power Brands’ EBITDA margin has improved tremendously from 2.4% in FY09 to 11.5% in FY14. Exhibit 15: Strong traction in power brands, with healthy margin 14,000 12,000 9.60% 10,000 9.40% 10.50% 11.50% 8.00% 6,000 2,970 4,770 7,590 9,190 11,850 2,000 6.00% 2.40% 2,180 4,000 12.00% 10.00% 7.40% 8,000 14.00% FY09 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 FY14 0 4.00% 2.00% 0.00% Revenue (INR mn) - LHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 9 EBITDA Margin - RHS Megamart: According to our estimate, Megamart’s sales has grown at a CAGR of 18.7% from INR 2.8bn in FY10 to INR 5.6bn in FY14; while the EBITDA grew at a muted pace of CAGR 5.6% from INR 125.4mn in FY10 to INR 156mn in FY14. EBITDA margin contracted from 4.5% in FY10 to 2.8% in FY14. Exhibit 16: Megamart – undergoing major restructuring 1.5% 5.0% 2.8% 2.7% 6.0% 5.0% 4.0% 3.00 3.0% 1.00 5.2 5.1 3.7 2.00 5.6 4.00 2.0% Margin % 4.5% 5.00 2.8 Revenue (INR bn) 6.00 1.0% 0.00 0.0% FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 Revenue (INR bn) - LHS FY14 EBITDA margin - RHS Source: CSEC Research Other Brands: Revenue from other brands grew at a CAGR of 141.6% from INR 102mn in FY10 to INR 3.5bn in FY14, the growth was aided by series of acquisitions of brand license by the company leveraging its relationship with these global brands. Between CY10-14, company has acquired, Indian operating license for 14 new brands. Most of these brands are in the investment phase consequently higher spending on promotional expense on these brands has dented the operating margins. Exhibit 17: Strong growth on account of series of acquisitions 4,000 INR mn 3,000 2,000 1,000 0 FY10 FY11 FY12 FY13 -1,000 Revenue (INR mn) Source: CSEC Research 10 EBITDA (INR mn) FY14 Exhibit 18: Brand Acquisition timeline 2014 2013 2012 2011 2010 2009 2007 2006 2004 1999 1997 1995 1994 1993 1980 • Calvin Klein, The Children’s Place, GAP • Ed Hardy, Hanes, Wonderbra • Debenhams, Next, Nautica, Billabong • Mossimo, Elle • IZOD, Energie • USPA • Megamart large format, Cherokee • Gant • Tommy Hilfiger • Wrangler • Excalibur • Megamart, Ruf n Tuf • New Port • Arrow • Flying Machine Other Business: Other business comprises of real estate, technical textiles, telecom, engineering and fabrication. Revenues from other business accounts for ~4% of the total revenue and it have grown at a CAGR of 23.5% from INR 1.23bn in FY09 to INR 3.53bn in FY14. 11 Distribution Network: Company has a strong distribution network of 858 stores with a retail space of ~1.55mn sq.ft. (Brands: 741 stores with ~0.75mn sq.ft retail space & MegaMart: 158 stores with ~0.79mn sq.ft. retail space). In FY14, company has added 128 branded stores, with 86,988 sq.ft retail space, while as a part of its restructuring exercise, the Company has shutdown 31 loss making MegaMart stores, while it has added 34,652 sq.ft retail spaces. Exhibit 19: No of outlets Exhibit 20: No of sq.ft 2000 0 754.5 158 796.5 166 500 717.2 189 200 1000 744.8 186 741 709.5 184 698 762.1 684 666.1 638 717.3 400 622 1500 647.8 600 682.2 No of Stores 800 No of sq.ft ('000) 1000 0 1QFY14 2QFY14 3QFY14 4QFY14 1QFY15 Megamart 1QFY14 2QFY14 3QFY14 4QFY14 1QFY15 Brands Megamart Source: Company, CSEC Research Brands Source: Company, CSEC Research In 1QFY15, the Company was equipped with 810 exclusive key account counters, which contribute ~10.3% of brand and retail sales. It is also one of the fastest growing channels for the company. According to our estimates, revenue from key account counters grew at a CAGR of 39.5% INR 726mn in FY11 to INR 1.97bn in FY14. 2,500 12.0% 2,000 10.0% 8.0% 1,500 6.0% 1,000 4.0% 500 2.0% 0 0.0% FY11 FY12 FY13 Revenue (INR mn) - LHS FY14 % of B&R revenue - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 12 % share INR mn Exhibit 21: Key account counter – the fastest growing channel Exhibit 22: Key Clientele (Textile Business): 13 Management Profile: Mr. Sanjay S Lalbhai (Chairman and Managing Director) is associated with Arvind for more than 35 years. He is a Science Graduate with a Master’s degree in Business Management. He also holds directorships in Arvind Lifestyle Brands Ltd, Arvind Retail Ltd, Arvind Brands & Retail Ltd, Amol Decalite Ltd, Adani Ports & SEZ Ltd, Arvind Worldwide Inc, USA, Arvind Worldwide (M) Inc, Arvind Overseas (M) Ltd; Arvind Spinning Ltd, Mauritius and Arvind Textile Mills Ltd, Bangladesh. Mr. Jayesh Shah (Executive Director & CFO) has been associated with the company since 1993. He is a commerce graduate and Chartered Accountant. He holds directorships in many other companies. Mr. Punit Lalbhai (Executive Director) holds an MBA from INSEAD (France) specialising in Strategy and General Management, along with a Masters in environmental Science from Yale University and a Bachelors degree in Science (Conservation Biology) from the University of California. He is currently serving as a board member for Sustainable Apparel Coalition, council member for Better Cotton Initiative (Geneva) and member of CII for Family Business Network. Mr. Kulin Lalbhai (Executive Director) holds an MBA from Harvard Business School along with a Bachelors degree in Science (Electrical Engineering) from Stanford University. He is passionate about the retail industry and B2C business, and has researched extensively on Disruptive Business Models and online space. Mr. J Suresh (MD & CEO – Arvind Brands & Retail) oversees the brand and retail business for Arvind. He has been instrumental in strengthening the lifestyle brand portfolio and establishing Megamart as a leading value retail chain in apparels. Prior to joining Arvind, he held several senior positions during his 18-year old stint in HUL and served as a member of the management committee of the F&B business. 14 Investment Rationale Woven and garmenting to aid growth in textile business Company’s textile revenues have grown at a CAGR of 19% from INR 19.7bn in FY09 to INR 46.5bn in FY14. The growth was largely aided by the woven, denim and other segments such as voiles and knits. Going forward, we estimate textile revenue to grow at a CAGR of 14.4% from INR 46.5bn in FY14 to INR 69.6bn in FY17E. The growth in textile segment would be largely aided by strong growth in woven and garmenting. We have estimated that these two segments to contribute ~70% of the incremental textile revenue between FY14-17E. We estimate woven segment to grow at a CAGR of ~15% from INR 17.9bn in FY14 to INR 27.6bn in FY17E, aided by healthy volume growth of CAGR 12% on the back of steady momentum in woven fabric. Woven division is currently operating at a capacity utilisation of ~94-95%. In order to aid growth, company is expanding its woven capacity from 110mtpa to 132mtpa and this incremental capacity would come on stream in 3QFY15. 69.6 60.5 52.5 0.0 10.0 5% 5.0 0% 0.0 FY15E FY16E FY17E Textile Business - LHS INR bn 25.3% 35.0% 30.0 30.0% 25.0 25.3% 25.3% 10.0 25.0% 8.0 20.0% 6.0 9.6% 15.0% 13.2 10.5 8.4 6.7 2.0 10.0% 5.0 4.0 0.0 FY13 Source: Company, CSEC Research 15.0% 10.0% 10.0 5.0% 5.0 0.0% 0.0 % Growth - RHS -3.7% 15.0 5.0% FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Garment Revenue - LHS 20.0 25.0% 22.5% 8.2% 8.2% 20.0% 8.2% 0.0% -5.0% FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Denim Revenue - LHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 15 23.9 33.3% Exhibit 26: Denim Revenue – CAGR 8% (FY14-17) 22.1 Exhibit 25: Garment Revenue – CAGR 25% (FY14-17) 12.0 % Growth - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Source: Company, CSEC Research 14.0 Woven Revenue - LHS % Growth - RHS 20.4 FY14 10% 18.9 FY13 15.0 15.4 46.5 20.0 15% 37.0 40.0 27.6 20.0 23.6 20% 8.1% 16.9% 20.2 25.0 16.9% 35% 30% 25.6% 12.3% 25% 20% 15% 10% 5% 0% FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 30.2% 18.0 25% 13.0% 15.1% 60.0 INR bn 30.0 INR bn 25.6% INR bn 80.0 Exhibit 24: Woven Revenue – CAGR 15% (FY14-17) 15.2% 30% 14.3 Exhibit 23: Textile Revenue – CAGR 14.4% (FY14-17) % Growth - RHS We estimate garment segment to grow at a CAGR of ~25% from INR 6.7bn in FY14 to INR 13.2bn in FY17E, led by a volume growth of CAGR 16% in FY14-17E. Company is also increasing the garment capacity from ~15mn pcs to 25mn pcs by end of FY15. Given the excess capacity situation in denim segment, the Company undertook a conscious move not to expand its denim capacity further. We estimate denim revenue to grow at a CAGR of 8% from INR 18.9bn in FY14 to INR 23.9bn in FY17E, with a muted volume growth of CAGR 3%. Megamart to Power Megamart – shifting gears Megamart’s revenue which was growing at healthy rate of 30%+ YoY between FY10-12, started to witness multiple challenges in the form of slowdown in domestic economy, unfavourable excise duty changes and rising cotton prices, which hampered both the sales growth and profitability. EBITDA margin of Megamart came down from 4.5% in FY10 to 1.5% in FY12. To address these challenges, the Company repositioned Megamart as a value retailer from discount retailer, rationalised the stores by closing the loss making stores and opening Power Megamart stores (10,000+ sq.ft), increased the share of high margin private labels and focused on improving the operational efficiencies. In the last two years company has downsized Megamart by 27% from 216 stores in FY12 to 158 in 1QFY15. Management has been opening more and more Power Megamart format stores which have resulted in increase in Megamart retail area, which grew by ~15.4% from 0.69mn sq.ft in FY12 to 0.79mn sq.ft in 1QFY15. Power Megamart format is expected to breakeven within 1-2 years and total capex per store is INR 2,800 per sq.ft (including security deposit). According to the management, currently ~20-25% of the retail areas are currently under Power Megamart format, which operates at an EBITDA margin of ~8% due to higher private label offering and higher operational efficiency. Company plans to increase the area share of Power Megamart to ~50% by FY15. Management is hopeful of completing the restructuring exercise by FY15. 8000.0 5.0% FY13 Megamart Revenue - LHS INR 0.60 7400.0 0.40 7200.0 1.0% 7000.0 0.0% 6800.0 EBITDA Margin - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research 7600.0 2.0% FY15E FY16E FY17E 1.00 0.80 8,058 7.3 6.5 6.0 5.6 FY14 0.90 7800.0 4.0% 3.0% 0.71 0.75 0.81 0.84 7,737 3.5% 8200.0 7,430 2.8% 6.0% 7,430 2.7% 5.0% 4.1% Exhibit 28: Revenue per sq.ft to grow 7,267 8.0 7.0 6.0 5.0 4.0 3.0 2.0 1.0 0.0 5.2 INR bn Exhibit 27: Megamart Revenue – CAGR 9.2% (FY14-17) 0.20 0.00 FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Revenue per sq.ft (LHS) sq.ft - mn (RHS) Source: Company, CSEC Research We believe that the tailwind benefit in the form of anticipated economic recovery, zero excise duty on readymade garments, stable cotton prices, coupled with higher proportion of larger-format Power Megamart stores is likely to result in EBITDA margin expansion which is bound to increase from 2.8% in FY14 to 5% by FY17. We estimate revenue from Megamart to grow at a CAGR of 9.2% between FY14-17E. 16 Nautica, Hanes, Calvin Klein, Elle and GANT – second line of power brands in making The company is focussed on creating a second line of power brands; management expects Nautica, Hanes, Calvin Klein, Elle and Gant to attain power brand status over the next 3-4 years. Nautica and Hanes are having a turnover of ~INR 900mn each and the sales of these brands are expected to double in FY15 and turn profitable. Company recently acquired 49% stake in Premium Garments Wholesale Trading Pvt. Ltd, the licensee of Calvin Klein trademark in India for a consideration of INR 0.9bn. Calvin Klein (India) revenue is pegged at INR 1.25bn, which has been growing at a CAGR of 30% in the last three years, with an EBITDA margin of 8-9% and Company expects this trend to sustain in the near term. New brands likely to turn profitable by FY17 We have estimated that EBITDA losses from the existing portfolio of new brands at ~INR 350mn, with negative EBITDA margin (10.1%) in FY14. The losses were primarily attributable to higher promotional expenses, higher commissions, brokerage & discounts and higher rentals. According to our estimate, advertisement & promotional (A&P) expense, rent and commission, brokerage & discounts accounts for 6-7%, 6% and 5.7% of brands revenue. We expect, A&P spend to remain elevated in the near term, while the higher spend on commission, brokerage & discounts and higher rentals to moderate going forward on account of operating leverage. We have estimated that the Commission, brokerage & discount expenses of Brands business has grown at a CAGR of 25% from INR 308mn in FY10 to ~INR 745mn in FY14, while as a percentage of sales it declined from 12.2% in FY10 to ~5.7% in FY14 and we expect it to decline further to ~4.5% in FY17E. Exhibit 29: New brands to turn profitable by FY17 2.1% 8000 -1.9% 6000 0.0% -5.0% -10.1% 4000 5.0% -0.3% -10.0% 2000 -18.0% -15.0% 0 -20.0% FY13 FY14 FY15E New Brands (INR mn) - LHS FY16E FY17E EBITDA Margin - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Nautica and Hanes, which contributes ~ 51% of the new brand sales, are expected to turn profitable by end of FY15 and brands such as Elle and Gant, which is currently loss making is expected to turnaround in mid FY16. We expect the losses from this new brand business to subside and turn profitable by FY17E. We estimate an EBITDA margin of -1.9% (FY15E), -0.3% (FY16E) and +2.1% (FY17E). 17 Demerger of real estate business to unlock value Arvind has announced de-merger of Arvind Infrastructure Ltd (AIL), a real estate arm of Arvind Ltd. The share swap ratio for the demerger is 1:10 for existing company’s shareholders. The entire process is expected to complete by March 2015. AIL is curren tly managing 11 projects covering 360 acres in Ahmedabad and Bangalore with 5.3mn sq.ft under development with a cumulative revenue potential of INR 26bn. Management has guided for revenue of INR 1.5bn and PAT of INR 200mn for AIL in FY15. Management has an internal target to achieve a turnover of INR 10bn at AIL over the next five years. In addition to AIL’s real estate assets, Arvind Ltd, has a land bank of 250 acres in vicinity of Ahmedabad and 25 acres within Ahmedabad. Company expects proceeds of INR 5bn through the monetisation of most of the land bank over the next three years and plans to utilise these proceeds to strengthen its brand portfolio and pare down debt. 18 Financials Revenue growth aided by strong growth in Brand & Retail segment Arvind’s revenue has grown at a CAGR of ~18.9% from INR 40.8bn in FY11 to INR 68.6bn in FY14. The growth was largely aided by strong growth in Brand & Apparel business, which grew at a CAGR of ~26.7% from INR 9.4bn in FY11 to INR19.2bn in FY14. Textile business grew at a CAGR of 15.4% from INR 30.3bn in FY11 to INR46.5bn in FY14, while other business grew at a CAGR of 23% from INR 1.9bn in FY11 to INR3.5bn in FY14. Exhibit 30: Revenue to grow at 16.9% CAGR 17.3% 100 16.8% 30 16.5% 25 INR bn 80 60 7.5% 20 15 40 68.6 79.9 93.4 109.6 10 52.9 20 120 35 FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 0 5 0 Revenue (INR bn) - LHS 5.4 100 Growth % - RHS Source: CSEC Research Revenue (INR bn) 29.7% Percentage 120 Exhibit 31: Segment revenues 4.7 80 4.1 60 40 20 2.0 14.0 37.0 3.5 19.2 24.0 46.5 52.5 35.5 29.0 60.5 69.6 0 FY13 FY14 Textile Business FY15E Brands & Retail FY16E FY17E Other Business Source: CSEC Research Going forward, we estimate Arvind’s revenue to grow at a CAGR of 16.9% between FY14-17 to INR 109.5bn led by traction in brand & retail business, which is estimated to grow at a CAGR of 23% in FY14-17E. The growth in brand & retail business is aided by power brands, which is estimated to grow at CAGR of 25% and newer brands, which is estimated to grow at CAGR of 34%. We have factored in a growth of CAGR 9.2% for Megamart. We estimate textile business to grow at a CAGR of 14.4% between FY1417E, aided by garments (25% CAGR) and woven fabrics (15% CAGR) and other business (15% CAGR). EBITDA margin set to expand going forward Company’s EBITDA margin expanded 100bps from 12.6% in FY10 to 13.6% in FY14. The margin expansion was mainly on account of sharp margin expansion in textile business to the tune of 340bps, despite currency headwinds and rising cotton prices. Textile business EBITDA margin expanded from 15% in FY10 to 18.4% in FY14. In Brand & Retail segment, the margins fell by 50bps from 6% in FY10 to 5.5% in FY14, as the strong margin expansion in the Power Brands were offset by the losses in the new brand business and margin pressure in the Megamart business. Power Brands (incl.100% share of Tommy Hilfiger) EBITDA margin expanded 410bps from 7.4% in FY10 to 11.5% in FY14. According to our estimates, the losses from the newly acquired brand grew at a CAGR of 89% from ~INR -28mn to ~INR -350mn. Megamart’s EBITDA margin fell by 170bps from 4.5% in FY10 to 2.8% in FY14. 19 Exhibit 32: EBITDA margin to expand 100bps between FY14-17 20.0 15.0% 14.6% 14.3% 14.5% 14.0% 15.0 14.0% 13.6% 10.0 13.5% 13.0% 13.0% 6.9 9.3 11.2 13.3 16.0 5.0 FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 12.5% 0.0 12.0% EBITDA (INR bn) - LHS EBITDA Margin - RHS Source: Company, CSEC Research Going forward, we estimate the company’s EBITDA margin to increase 100bps from 13.6% in FY14 to 14.6% in FY17E. Between FY14-17E, we have factored in a 50bps margin expansion in the textile business, 220bps margin expansion in Megamart, Power brands excl. TH’s margin to expand by 60bps, Tommy Hilfiger’s margin is likely to expand by 130bps and new brand business is expected to become profitable with EBITDA margin expanding from -10.1% in FY14 to 2.1% in FY17E. Return ratios set to expand going forward Arvind’s return ratios such as RoCE and RoE expanded by 204bps and 303 bps respectively in FY14 aided by improvement in the margin, turnover ratio and leverage factors. Going forward, we expect the trend to continue and we have factored in RoCE and RoE to expand by 293bps and 365bps respectively between FY14-17E, aided by margin expansion and higher operating efficiency. FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 0.0 RoCE % 18.3 5.0 17.3 5.0 16.6 10.0 18.5 10.0 17.0 15.0 16.2 15.0 15.6 20.0 13.5 20.0 14.6 Exhibit 34: RoE to expand 365bps (FY14-17) 11.6 Exhibit 33: RoCE to expand 293bps (FY14-17) FY13 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 0.0 RoE % Source: Company, CSEC Research Source: Company, CSEC Research 20 Valuation We have valued Arvind using SOTP methodology, given the diversified nature of business segments. We have valued the B2B business i.e. textile business at 5.1XFY17E EV/EBITDA, while the matured Brand business such as Power brands and Calvin Klein at 10.6XFY17E EV/EBITDA, in-line with the global premium brands. We have valued Megamart at 13.5 XFY17E EV/EBITDA, in-line with Shoppers Stop. As the Other new brands are still in the nascent investment phase, we believe EBITDA doesn’t reflects the true value for these new brands, hence we value these other new brands using 2.1XEV/sales. Currently the stock is quoting at a P/E multiple of 16.7X FY15E, 14X FY16E and 11.5XFY17E EPS of INR 17.8, INR 21.2 and INR 25.9 respectively. In terms of EV/ EBITDA it is quoting at 9.6X, 8.1X & 6.9X and on P/BV basis, the company is quoting at 2.6X, 2.3X & 2.0X to FY15E, FY16E & FY17E respectively. The company’s transformation from B2B to B2C business model and improved fundamentals has called for a re-rating, which is evident given the 184% surge in the stock price in the last one year. We feel the sharp rally in the stock has priced in the turnaround of Megamart & new brands and de-merger of AIL. However, Company could positively surprise the market with faster than anticipated turnaround in the Megamart & new brands business and acquisition of more profitable brands which we have not factored in our valuation. We initiate coverage on Arvind with MARKETPERFORMER rating and 18-month target price of INR 342 per share indicating an upside of 15%. Valuation Textile Megamart Power brand excl. TH TH CK Other New brands Land at parrent AIL EV Net Debt Shares o/s Target Price CMP Return Methodology EV/EBITDA EV/EBITDA Multiple X FY17E Value Value per share 5.1 13193.0 67284.1 260.6 13.5 362.6 4895.2 19.0 EV/EBITDA EV/EBITDA EV/EBITDA EV/sales NAV NAV 10.6 10.6 10.6 2.1 2320.7 263.3 154.8 7107.0 24598.9 2791.1 1640.4 14924.6 2620.0 2500.0 121254.3 33054.7 258.2 95.3 10.8 6.4 57.8 10.1 9.7 469.7 128.0 342 297 15.0% 21 Relative Valuation: Company Year End OPM (%) NPM (%) P/E P/BV EV/EBITDA EV/Sales ROE (%) Div Yield (%) Arvind* Mar 16 14.25 5.86 14.0 2.3 8.1 1.2 17.3 1.20 Raymonds Mar 16 11.00 3.60 13.22 1.57 6.83 0.75 11.77 1.19 Vardhman Textiles Mar 16 18.30 8.20 4.87 0.64 4.33 0.79 14.57 2.43 Welspun India Mar 16 22.87 9.20 5.26 1.53 4.04 0.93 31 2.23 17.39 7.00 7.8 1.2 5.1 0.8 19.1 2.0 Average Global Players Adidas Dec 15 9.30 4.90 15.34 1.84 8.33 0.78 12.3 2.75 H&M Nov15 20.70 13.40 20.36 8.22 12.78 2.63 42.9 4 Hugo Boss Dec 15 23.90 14.80 15.96 6.79 10.27 2.46 43.8 4.42 Inditex Jan 16 23.80 14.60 22.8 5.62 12.89 3.06 26.4 2.81 Lululemon Jan 16 23.30 14.37 19.2 3.77 10.24 2.39 20.2 0 Next Jan 16 23.56 15.80 14.3 20.97 10.22 2.41 166.76 5.06 Nike May 16 16.10 10.60 20.68 4.55 13 2.1 28.95 1.34 PVH Jan 16 15.05 8.10 13.14 1.66 9.57 1.44 13.84 0.14 Ralph Lauren Mar 16 18.20 10.20 16.02 3.06 8.21 1.5 19.34 1.25 19.32 11.86 17.53 6.28 10.61 2.09 41.61 2.42 Average Source: *CSEC Research, Bloomberg Risk: Delay in turnaround of Megamart and other new brand business Adverse currency movement Adverse cotton price movement Delay in capacity expansion Slowdown in domestic and export market 22 Financials (Consolidated) Income Statement (Abstract) Per Share Ratios INR(million) Particulars Net Revenue Growth (%) Operating Expenditure FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Particulars FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E Adjusted EPS (INR) 13.7 17.8 21.2 25.9 Cash EPS 22.4 27.7 33.1 39.9 68,621 79,927 93,380 1,09,567 29.66 16.48 16.83 17.33 BV/Share (INR) 100.0 114.3 131.3 152.1 93,572 FCF/Share(INR) 3.0 7.0 10.8 12.2 DPS (INR) 2.3 3.0 3.6 4.4 59,281 68,764 80,069 EBITDA 9,340 11,163 13,311 15,995 Growth (%) 35.87 19.52 19.24 20.17 Depreciation Other Income (net of interest) 2,252 2,542 3,082 3,616 Key Ratios -2851 -2851 -2929 -3090 Particulars Dividend payout (%) FY14 17.14 17.00 17.00 17.00 EBITDA margin (%) 13.61 13.97 14.25 14.60 Tax Paid FY15E FY16E FY17E 548 1,168 1,825 2,601 Tax Rate (%) Reported PAT (after min. interest) 13.45 20.24 25.00 28.00 3,539 4,604 5,475 6,688 PBT Margin (%) 5.94 7.22 7.82 8.48 Adjusted PAT 3,539 4,604 5,475 6,688 RoCE (%) 15.57 16.23 16.99 18.50 Growth (%) 42.46 30.10 18.93 22.15 RoE (%) 14.63 16.64 17.27 18.28 Current Ratio 1.10 1.13 1.18 1.23 Net Debt/Equity 1.09 1.03 0.93 0.84 Inventory Days 87 85 83 80 Debtor Days 54 54 54 54 Creditor Days 77 75 73 70 CCC* 63 64 64 64 2.18 2.63 3.01 3.44 Balance Sheet (Abstract) INR(million) Particulars FY14 Share Capital 2,582 2,582 2,582 2,582 23,248 26,934 31,320 36,678 Reserves & Surplus Net worth FY15E FY16E FY17E Interest Cover Ratio 25,830 29,515 33,902 39,260 Current Liabilities 33,188 36,634 40,501 44,726 DuPont Analysis Non-Current Liab 14,373 15,044 15,791 16,581 Total Liabilities 73,632 81,432 90,434 1,00,806 Net Fixed Assets Other Non-Current Assets Cash & marketable securities 30,274 33,207 35,728 38,686 Particulars Net Profit Margin (%) 6,934 6,934 6,934 6,934 1,663 1,090 1,317 1,581 Other Current Assets 34,762 40,202 46,455 53,605 73,632 81,432 90,434 1,00,806 Total Assets Particulars Cash flow from operations Cash flow from investing Cash flow from financing Free cash flow Net change in cash FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 4,121 7,274 8,380 9,718 -5,740 -4,776 -4,903 -5,854 1,239 -2,642 -3,251 -3,600 772 1,799 2,778 3,144 -380 -143 227 264 23 FY16E FY17E 5.16 5.76 5.86 6.10 1.01 1.03 1.09 1.15 Leverage factor 2.81 2.80 2.71 2.61 14.63 16.64 17.27 18.28 RoE (%) Valuation Ratios Particulars INR(million) FY15E Asset Turnover P/E Cash Flow statement (Abstract) FY14 FY14 FY15E FY16E FY17E 21.7 16.7 14.0 11.5 P/BV 3.0 2.6 2.3 2.0 EV/Sales 1.5 1.3 1.2 1.0 EV/EBITDA 11.2 9.6 8.1 6.9 Div Yield (%) 0.79 1.02 1.21 1.48 *CCC – Cash Conversion Cycle Cholamandalam Securities Limited Member: BSE,NSE,MSE Regd. 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