The Ellipse Juvia


The Ellipse Juvia
The Ellipse Juvia
Two in one: fractional CO2 scanner and incisional
handpiece combined in one compact system via a
unique optical fibre.
● Unique optical fibre
● Ergonomic design of the scanner
● Parameter adjustments in your hand
● Incisional handpiece
● No consumables needed
● Footswitch control
● Lightweight and portable
“The Juvia system provides me with an
effective tool to deliver fractional energy
to the skin. I am able to induce a thermal
injury sufficient enough to stimulate the
deposition of new collagen but since it is
fractional, I am only inducing injury to
a small percentage of the overall surface
area. This gives patients a similar wound
healing effect as traditional resurfacing
without the downtime and associated
Derek Odendaal, MD., dermatology surgeon
Neoderm Cosmetic and Dermatology Centre
Port Elisabeth, South Africa
Just The Facts
Fractional CO2
a new standard
Since 1991, CO2 lasers
have been used for facial
resurfacing. With the introduction of fractional
technology, a new gold
standard in rejuvenation
has emerged.
Quick healing and short
Fractional technology leaves
a part of the skin untreated promoting considerably
faster wound healing and
shorter downtime compared to conventional CO2
lasers. With conventional
CO2 initial downtime is
usually two weeks with
wet and weeping skin
healing. But with fractional
CO2 treatments, the skin
heals more cleanly and
quickly with only 4-6 days
of downtime. Erythema
with traditional CO2 is prolonged while it is minimal
with fractional technology.
Minimal pain
Conventional CO2 treatments are often considered painful both during
and after the procedure.
Since fractional technology
only affects parts of the
skin surface, no sedation
or general anesthesia is
required. A topical anesthesia before the procedure is sufficient. After the
procedure, the patient can
expect minor itching but
pain will be at a minimum.
”The Juvia enables
me to perform facial
resurfacing with the
benefits of a traditional CO2 laser without significant posttreatment downtime
and erythema. One
pass can significantly
improve dyschromias, texture and
fine wrinkles, and
two or more passes
can offer some nice
improvements in
deeper wrinkles –
with only 4-6 days of
Thomas G. S. Fiala, M.D., F.R.C.S.C., plastic
surgeon Altamonte Springs, FL
Unique optical fibre
The flexible, reinforced optical fibre follows the physician’s natural movements.
It weighs only 300 g and
provides freedom of operation in comparison with
traditional cumbersome
articulated arms.
The Ellipse Juvia comes
with two fibres and an
incisional pen-shaped handpiece as standard.
The Juvia incisional handpiece
Ergonomic design and
parameter adjustments in
your hand
Histology from
a Juvia treatment
- 15 W
- 7 ms
- 49 MTZ/cm2
To the left separation of the epidermis and to the
The scanner is ergonomically designed to avoid operator fatigue. It has a smoke
evacuator tube which can
be attached to any smoke
evacuator available in the
clinic. Scan density and
dwell time can be adjusted
directly on the scanner.
Three different treatment
densities and six different
dwell times make it possible
to design individual treatments.
right thermal in200µm
Courtesy: Dept. of Plastic Surgery UTSW (University of Texas Southwestern)
jury to a depth of
400 µm.
Ergonomic design of the scanner
Just The Facts
Facts about Juvia
Square scan pattern
Fully approved
A 1 cm2 pattern makes it
easy to avoid overlaps. It is
also possible to stop partway through a scan. A red
light target indicator points
out the scan area.
Ellipse, the manufacturer of
Ellipse Juvia, is ISO 13485
certified. The Ellipse Juvia
is CE-marked in accordance
with the European Union’s
Medical Device Directive
and has earned FDA 510(k)
clearance in the USA.
Square scan pattern for optimised
treatments. Options: 7x7, 9x9 and
Footswitch control
Parameters can be adjusted on the
”The new Juvia system with its flexible
fibre lets me provide
quick, effective rejuvenation treatments
to my patients with
minimal downtime.
Since it is small and
lightweight, it is ideal
to move between
treatment rooms or
even multiple office
Woraphong Manuskiatti, M.D., Department of
Dermatology, Faculty of Medicine, Siriraj Hospital,
Mahidol University, Bangkok, Thailand
No consumables needed
The Ellipse Juvia comes
with a spare fibre to ensure
maximum up-time in the clinic. No disposables such as
treatment tips are required.
Everything is included!
The footswitch makes operating Ellipse Juvia easy,
leaving the operator’s
hands free. The operator
can choose between automatically repeated scans
or manual start and stop.
Scans can be interrupted
after, for example, a single
line of MTZs.
Lightweight and portable
The Ellipse Juvia weighs
only 24 kg. It can easily
be moved from treatment
room to treatment room or
even from clinic to clinic
if needed. Ellipse Juvia is
so light that anyone can
handle it.
“I like the flexible
fibre and the small
size of the system
makes it easily portable. The ability to
alter treatment density and dwell time
is a nice feature and
the fast repetition
rate reduces overall
treatment time”.
Jeffrey M. Kenkel, M.D., Professor and ViceChairman, Director, The Clinical Center for
Cosmetic Laser Treatment, Dallas, TX
Outside USA a non-fractional fully ablative CO2
scanner is also available.
With this it is possible to
choose between different scan sizes, shapes,
dwell times and fading
settings. This scanner
is CE-marked in accordance with the European
Union’s Medical Device
The Ellipse Juvia
● Skin texture improvement
● Reduction of fine lines
and wrinkles
● Improvement of dyschromia
● Improvement of acne scars
Before treatment
6 weeks post 1st Tx
Courtesy of Derek Odendaal, MD
Before treatment
60 days post 1st Tx
Courtesy of Thomas Fiala, M.D., F.R.C.S.C.
Ellipse Juvia specifications
Supply voltage
Power from
Power range
● 0.1-5W in steps of 0.1W
● 5-10W in steps of 0.2W
● 10-15W in steps of 0.5W
Scan dwell
Scan density
49 MTZ/cm2, 81 MTZ/
cm2,121 MTZ/cm2
Scan area
MTZ (spot)
Approx. 24kg/53lb
Ellipse A/S
Agern Allé 11, DK- 2970 Hoersholm, Denmark
Tel: +45 45 76 88 08
Fax: +45 45 76 88 89