04-08 Richardson Recorder - Cuyahoga Falls City School District


04-08 Richardson Recorder - Cuyahoga Falls City School District
The Richardson Recorder
April 2008 Issue
Learning is our #1 Priority
From The Principal
Dear Parents,
It’s Springtime!! Things are
“heating up” at Richardson School.
The Ohio Achievement Tests start
this month. The Week of April 28th is
when our 3rd, 4th, and 5th graders take
part in this state-wide testing process. The best part about these
achievement tests is that they actually measure what is being taught, not
like the old proficiency tests. The 3rd
graders take a Reading and Math test,
the 4th graders take Reading, Math
and Writing tests and the 5th graders
take Reading, Math, Science, and Social Studies tests.
This test data is what comprises
APRIL 2008
our Ohio Dept. of Education School
Our students and teachers are using every instructional minute wisely;
I appreciate your support from home.
Also, this month our 5th grade
class makes a trip to the Cuyahoga
Valley National Park for 4 days to
study the Cuyahoga River Watershed.
April 14-17 are the dates. Chaperones
are being chosen, monies and forms
are being turned in, and we are almost
ready. As usual the children will have
a wonderful time learning in one of
the great outdoor settings.
Mr. Margida
Receipts, Box Tops, Labels
Don’t forget to keep
collecting all those
bits and pieces of
“garbage”...the stuff that you would
throw away. Richardson has donation
bins in the front of the school entrance for Acme receipts, Campbell
Soup labels, and Box
Tops from all General Mills products.
Every little bit helps
to buy learning products for the students right here at
our school.
Thank you for your patience and courteous behavior
when dropping and picking children up at school!
The Richardson Recorder
Learning is our #1 Priority
☺ 3 — Marco’s Pizza
Night 928.8888
☺ 4 — End of 3rd 9
weeks of school
☺ 8 — PTA Meeting
☺ 15-18 — 5th Grade
to CVEEC Camp
☺ 18 — No School
☺ 21— School Resumes
☺ 24 — Bolich Middle
School Orientation
Inside this Issue
Scouting News
Trivia Winner
Early Years
Nutrition Nuggets 7-8
Reading Connection 9-10
Reading Connection 11-12
Thank you for parking in the Acme lot and always safely
using the crosswalk – not jaywalking across 23rd St!
From the PTA
I hope everyone had a nice Spring Break. Hopefully, our
weather will seem more like spring soon.
The Book Fair, Science Fair, and Art Show was a
great success. We had a great turn out. There were
some wonderful art displays and also very creative science projects. I would like to thank Susan Mongold for
a great job on the Science Fair, and Sue Ford for the
Book Fair, and all the volunteers who helped. These
events would not be possible with out the volunteers.
Our next PTA
Meeting will be April
8th at 6:30pm. We
will be voting on the new slate of officers for the
2008-2009 year. Hope to see you there.
As always, any questions or concerns, please call or
email me.
Barbara Peterson
330.945.6524 OR mp1022@ameritech.net
Science Fair...and the Winners Are...
Congratulate the following for a job well done!
K - 1st place - Jade Mongold
K - 2nd place - Grace Ohler
1 - 1st place - Kagan Kopp
1 - 2nd place - Collin Davidson
2 - 1st place - Madison Davis
2 - 2nd place - Kate Klika
3 - 1st place - Julie Wright
3 - 2nd place - Sydney Kraynik
4 - 1st place - Erin Hessel
4 - 2nd place - Joseph Cambria
5 - 1st place - Autumn Trego
5 - 2nd place - Nathan Ford
PLEASE NOTE: One second grade winner did not
come forward to claim his/her Toys R' Us Gift
Card. ALSO, if anyone needs a correction made on
his/her certificate, they should stop into the office
soon and request a new one. Thank you to everyone
for their terrific participation this year. We look
forward to more entries next year!
Bake Sale Garners Funds for Sextuplets
such a huge success without the
help of the wonderful parents
who provided the delicious baked
goods, the many parents who volunteered to supervise the students during the bake sale, and
the very generous students,
families, and staff members who
spent $0.25 or more on the
scr umptious baked goods!
The Richardson second grade students
and teachers planned a service project to
benefit the Hanselman sextuplets. They
held three bake sales during the lunch
hour on February 20, 21, and 22. Thanks
to the generosity of all the Richardson
students who bought something at the
bake sale, Mrs. Medkeff’s, Mrs. Davis’,
and Mrs. Hobson’s seventy-three second
graders raised $382.25 for the Hanselman sextuplets fourth birthday on February 26.
The bake sale would not have been
Richardson second grade students and teachers want to say
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder
Thank you for remembering that children may
arrive at school no earlier than 8:30 a.m.
March Trivia Winners
This & That Blarney Trivia Answers: 1) The patron saint
of Ireland is St. Patrick. 2) According to the legend,
one of St. Patrick’s great feats was removing all snakes.
3) Some of the most popular Irish attractions include:
Blarney Castle & Blarney Stone. 4) St. Patrick’s Day,
March 17, celebrates his death. 5) The fist St. Patrick’s
Day parade was marched in New York. 6) Chicago is the
U.S. city known for coloring it’s river green each St. Pat-
rick’s Day. 7) A traditional St. Patrick’s Day meal always
includes cabbage and corned beef.
And now, for the winners…From Mrs. Barber’s
class: Alexxis Snyder; from Mr. Csora’s class: Jessica
Labut; from Mrs. Davis’ class: Elizabeth and Caden
Poster; from Mrs. Hobson’s class: Madison Davis;
from Mrs. Hueser’s class: Miranda Coutemanche; and
from Miss. Lawrence’s class: Sarah Kasir.
Scholastic Book Fair...Huge Success
Thank you to everyone who attended the Scholastic
Book Fair on March 6. The fair is our main source
of new books for the Richardson library. Thanks to
the books purchased from the fair, Richardson will
receive about $3,200.00 worth of new books from
PLEASE, Donate Blood, Save a Life
st ud en t s
Richardson Elementary
School are once again
hosting a blood drive for
which you may be eligible to donate. If you are able to donate, please consider donating at this drive on Monday, May 12th from
2:00-7:00 p.m. at the school.
If you can donate, go to www.givelife.org and put in
this code: Sponsor Code: Richardson or 44310.
Due to blood drive cancellations resulting from recent area snow storms, flooding and decreased donor
turnout, the American Red Cross, Northern Ohio Blood
Services Region is appealing to area residents to donate blood. The need for blood never stops, not even
for inclement weather. We hope that those who are
able will come forward and donate to help in the recovery of our community’s lost supply. You can also contact
the school to get an appointment. Thank you for helping
to save a life.
Scouting News
The scouts are winding down the school year as we
work toward those last minute items to get our rank
badges by the April pack meeting. Our March pack
meeting on Wednesday the 26th involved some awards
for the wolf den and a friendly game of kickball with
the adults!
In April we will be turning in our collection of
cans to be recycled in honor of Earth Day – congratulations to James Serri for bringing in the most cans! Our
April pack meeting will include rank badge awards and a
fun game of bingo for the whole family.
The Richardson Recorder
In May, we will be going
to Camp Manatoc for cub adventure weekend with camping,
archery, and BB guns. There will be
informational meeting in May for any parents who are
interested in finding out what cub scouts and fun is all
Stay tuned to this newsletter for further details on that meeting. Look for us in the annual Memorial Day parade again this year! Becky Grimm
Learning is our #1 Priority
Thank you for driving slowly and paying attention to crossing guards
while our children are walking to school and home from school!
Marco’s Pizza “Makin Dough For The Kids”
T H U R S DA Y M A R C H 6 i s
Marco’s Pizza night! Just call
928.8888, place your order, and
let them know it’s for
a percentage of the sales and the class
with the most orders gets a pizza party!
Thank you for your participation! Here are
future Marco Pizza dates to remember.
Thursday May 1
Thursday June 5
Inkjet and Cell-Phone Recycling Fundraiser
We are collecting empty inkjet print cartridges
and used cell phones for our “Recycling Fundraiser”. Please send used inkjets and cellphones to raise money for our school. The receptacles are located in the hallway near the
main entrance. Remember to put inkjets in plas-
tic bags, and PLEASE DO NOT SEND
You can also help Richardson
by having your employer donate
used inkjets and cell-phones to
Anagram Trivia—All About Sports
You need to play to win! Complete the answers, cut it out, Your First & Last Name:_____________________________________________________
and drop it off in the office
with Mrs. Frantz. Winners will Teacher’s Name: ________________________________________________________________
be announced by Mr. Margida.
Deadline to enter: Wednesday, April 16
Good luck to all!
This sport IS KING. (1 word)
SENT IN from this game. (1 word)
MIND BATON in this game. (1 word)
SNUG FIR board needed for this sport. (1 word)
________________________________________ ________________________________________
There's a KEY CHOICE in this team sport. (2 words) KIT SANG about this sport. (1 word)
WIN GLOB at this sport. (1 word)
At this sport LOB ALOFT. (1 word)
Ride horses through LOOP at this sport. (1 word)
LOLL BY VALE to watch this sport. (1 word)
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder
Thank you for your patience and courteous behavior
when dropping and picking children up at school!
The Richardson Recorder
Learning is our #1 Priority
Thank you for parking in the Acme lot and always safely
using the crosswalk – not jaywalking across 23rd St!
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder
Thank you for remembering that children may
arrive at school no earlier than 8:30 a.m.
The Richardson Recorder
Learning is our #1 Priority
Thank you for driving slowly and paying attention to crossing guards
while our children are walking to school and home from school!
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder
Thank you for your patience and courteous behavior
when dropping and picking children up at school!
The Richardson Recorder
Learning is our #1 Priority
Thank you for parking in the Acme lot and always safely
using the crosswalk – not jaywalking across 23rd St!
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder
Thank you for your patience and courteous behavior
when dropping and picking children up at school!
The Richardson Recorder
Learning is our #1 Priority
Thank you for parking in the Acme lot and always safely
using the crosswalk – not jaywalking across 23rd St!
Learning is our #1 Priority
The Richardson Recorder