Photos by In BONSAI Preface luigi crespi PhotograPhs fabio petroni text anna maria botticelli inglese_bonsai_fronte_ok.indd 1 02/04/14 10.05 “The surprise of their flowers and fruit” Prunus x kanzakura The ornamental cherry bonsai is one of the best loved. In Japan, the blossoming of the cherry trees is a national event accompanied everywhere by open-air parties. Depending on the location, the period runs from the end of March to the middle-end of April. The blossoming spreads like a wave from south to north, to the extent that there are special bulletins – sakura (cherry) zensen (front) – not unlike weather forecasts, to indicate exactly where the cherry trees are blossoming. In each location, the spell lasts only one week. Then the petals drop all at once. The same phenomenon can be seen with the bonsai. And this suddenly disappearing, in the small tree as well, is very popular with the Japanese who see in this departure a clear and clean way of giving up on life. To show off this extraordinary blossoming, Prunus x kanzakura has worked very hard during the previous spring and summer to prepare great reserves of nutrients through its leaves. To obtain this result, the bonsai keeper therefore has to pay attention during the period of greater activity and supply three times as much fertilizer as he would to other species. spring common name Ornamental cherry ] origin Japan ] age 70 years ] height 100 cm ] height in nature 5 - 6 meters 11 25.5 x 34.5 cm - 101/16 x 139/16” 77,400 characters 13,580 words Fabio Petroni - Text collaboration with by Anna Maria Botticelli Crespi Bonsai Group A compelling journey through the world of bonsai, spurred on by the same magical lightness of a tiny bird flying through their branches. Thanks to Fabio Petroni’s vivid images, the readers will feel as if they are visiting a spectacular garden full of miniature plants, moving among them and observing their surprising details in close-up, with the astonished gaze of Alice newly arrived in Wonderland. The photographer Fabio Petroni and the author Anna Maria Botticelli, in partnership with Gruppo Crespi Bonsai from Parabiago (Milan), chose to select thirty particularly significant examples, and to illustrate for each of them the fantastic and unpredictable changes in appearance they go through with the changing of the seasons. Thanks to the purity and clarity of the photographs, details emerge that could otherwise easily escape the human eye: the grace of their outlines, the strength of the buds as they prepare to open, the mysterious design of the bark, the power of the roots, the delicacy of the flowers and the perfection of the leaves. in collaboration with crespi bonsai museum 208 pages BONSAI Bonsai trees make decidedly extraordinary subject matter: they are potted plants (from which their name derives), usually trees, which, thanks to very special “training” techniques, retain the exact shape of their original species, in a size that makes them easy to view in the round, like miniature plant beings. For the compilation of this volume, Gruppo Crespi Bonsai exclusively offered the photographer and author the opportunity to work where hundreds of extremely rare examples are grown. Some of them are kept in the open air, others in climate-controlled environments in a special museum, the Crespi Bonsai Museum. This institution is famous throughout the world, not just in Italy or in Europe, because it is home to the largest and most complete collection of bonsai trees outside Japan. These exceptional subjects, priceless works of art created by famous masters (some of whom are no longer alive) and therefore unique and unrepeatable, can rarely be admired in other parts of the world or even in the country where this art originated, the Land of the Rising Sun. Some of these bonsai trees can live to be 100 years old or more: one majestic ficus has reached the ripe old age of 1,000. It is possible to admire examples of the most varied species (maple, prunus, gingko, wisteria, azalea, pinus, juniperus and many more), “trained” into the most appealing styles by Japanese masters who regularly return to Italy to follow their growth. Gruppo Crespi Bonsai also founded and plays host to Italy’s first Bonsai University, which attracts growers from across Europe. Like the Crespi Bonsai Museum, this institution is also unrivalled in Europe. For his extraordinary contribution in this field, the owner of Gruppo Crespi Bonsai, Luigi Crespi, was awarded the prestigious honor of “Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays” by the Emperor of Japan in May 2013. 135 color photographs hardcover with jacket Publication date AUTUMN 2014 WS White Star Publishers® is a registered trademark property of De Agostini Libri S.p.A. Via G. da Verrazano, 15 - 28100 Novara, Italy - - The Authors FABIO PETRONI was born in Corinaldo (Ancona, Italy) in 1964, and currently lives and works in Milan. After taking up photography, he worked with the top professionals of the sector. His professional career path led him to specialize in portraits and still life, fields in which he distinguished himself for his intuitive and meticulous style. Over the years he has photographed leading celebrities in the fields of Italian culture, medicine and economics. He works with main advertising agencies and has authored numerous campaigns for prestigious, internationally renowned companies and firms. He personally handles the photographic publications of some important Italian trademarks. For White Star, he published Horses. Master Portraits (2010), Mutt’s Life! (2011), Cocktails (2012) and Supercats! (2012). With Natalia Fedeli he co-authored the volume Rose for White Star in 2012. Acer palmatum “Deshojo” common name Japanese maple ] origin Japan ] age 60 years ] height 95 cm ] height in nature 4 - 5 meters spring summer 30 31 Chaenomeles japonica Tutto, in ‘Anna Katharina’, parla di grazia, di leggiadria, di dolcezza. A partire dal colore, rosa antico che diventa peau d’ange, come nel prezioso corallo, sui due lobi del labello al centro della corolla triangolare di circa 12 centimeters di ampiezza. Fino a Lycaste, il nome del genere al quale appartiene, preso in prestito dalla ninfa greca, bellissima fanciulla perennemente giovane, figlia di Priamo, re di Troia. ‘Anna Katharina’ è una cultivar selezionata, nata dall’incrocio (non registrato) tra Lycaste Koolena e Lycaste lasioglossa. Come i progenitori, originari dell’America centrale e delle Indie occidentali, preferisce essere coltivata in ambienti temperati e freschi. Fiorisce durante l’winter e, dopo l’appassimento della corolla, talvolta unica, perde le poche foglie ampie e lanceolate, curiosamente plissettate, per concedersi un periodo di riposo, quasi all’asciutto. common name Japonica ] origin Japan ] age 60 years ] height 70 cm ] height in nature 2 - 3 meters spring 16 “Strenght” 52 ANNA MARIA BOTTICELLI was born in Genoa and lives in Milan. A biologist and microbiologist, following in her family lines, she has always harbored a great passion for plants. She has collaborated for some 20 years with various Italian publishers, including Arnoldo Mondadori Editore, Cairo Editore, Periodici San Paolo, and Pentagono Editrice. She is author of various services and columns dealing with green themes. For Gardenia, Italy’s most important monthly magazine for flowers, plants, gardens, and orchards, she oversaw the production of monographs dedicated to spring bulbs, to Pelargonium plants, and to orchids. She published Ritratti di Orchidee (Idealibri, 1990). Together with herbalist and pharmacist Clementina Cagnola, she authored La salute foglia per foglia (A. Mondadori, 1998). In collaboration with IBC, the International Flower Bulb Centre, she edited the technical introduction to the book Giardini in vaso (A. Mondadori, 2004). LUIGI CRESPI: a life dedicated to nature. Passion for nature and brilliance far beyond the norm have made Luigi Crespi a unique figure in the world of bonsai and landscaping. Eclectic and always aimed at experimentation and innovation, but with a large focus on tradition, he was the first in Italy to design Japanese gardens, using original materials that were imported directly. He founded Crespi Bonsai, the Crespi Bonsai Museum, and the Bonsai University. He has written numerous books on bonsais published by major publishing houses such as Fabbri and Sperling & Kupfer. In 1991 he received the Ambrogino d’Oro, awarded by the city of Milan. Since 2006, he has been an international consultant of the World Bonsai Friendship Federation (WBFF), a federation working on a worldwide level to promote the bonsai. In 2008 he received the European Suiseki Association (ESA) Recognition and the WBFF Recognition for his commitment to promoting the bonsai in Europe over the past thirty years. In 2010 he became an honorary member of Nippon Bonsai Sakka Kyookai Europe founded by masters Tomio Yamada and Hideo Suzuki. In June 2011, he received the Isimbardi Prize. During the 1980s, he spent time in Japan as an apprentice at the nursery of Shinji Ogasawara, one of the most famous Japanese masters. His teachings were fundamental for the discovery and comprehension of the philosophy connected to the bonsai. In April 2012, Luigi Crespi received the prestigious Order of the Rising Sun, Gold and Silver Rays honor from the Japanese government. A recognition of the highest prestige, it is one of the oldest in Japan. The Japanese government stated that the honor was conferred to Luigi Crespi for having founded Crespi Bonsai in 1979. SUSANNA CRESPI: a life dedicated to promoting the bonsai. Having graduated with a degree in Architecture, Susanna Crespi is the director of external relations for Crespi Bonsai. She oversees and plans the courses of the Bonsai University, the school founded in 1991. She organizes periodic exhibits, encounters with the most renowned Eastern masters, performances, events, and international exhibitions such as the Raduno Internazionale del Bonsai (International Bonsai Convention) - Crespi Cup, one of the world’s most known events dedicated to the bonsai and suiseki. She is the co-founder and governing director of Crespi Editori, the Crespi group’s publishing house, which among other titles publishes BONSAI & news, the most authoritative and distributed magazine in the sector, and the famous monographic miniguides dedicated to the most widespread bonsai species. CONTENTS The surprise of their flowers and fruits The changing of the seasons Strength WS White Star Publishers® is a registered trademark property of De Agostini Libri S.p.A. Via G. da Verrazano, 15 - 28100 Novara, Italy - -
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