Full Draw Fall 2016 - New York Bowhunters, Inc.
Full Draw Fall 2016 - New York Bowhunters, Inc.
Fall 2016 In this Issue: FFBH CELEBRATES 50 YEARS 2016 BANQUET PHOTOS LEGISLATIVE REPORT MEMBER PHOTOS & MORE!! NewYorkBowHunter_NewYorkBowHunter 10/5/15 5:13 PM Page 1 Venomize your bow Scorpion Venom Archery for superior bow performance • Odor free • Water proofing • Friction reducing compositions Whatever compound, crossbow, or recurve you shoot it will perform better when Scorpion Venom™ lubricants and cleaners are used. No wonder major bow manufacturers apply Scorpion Venom products on their new bows during production, to ensure their claims of speed, silence and weather resistance. SCORPION VENOM TM PO box 931 • Deer Park, NY 11729 • 631-553-8609 www.scorpionvenomarchery.com FALL 2016 New York Bowhunters New York State’s largest bowhunting organization since 1991 Box 1157, Canandaigua, NY 14424 (585) 229-7468 e-mail: nyboffice@newyorkbowhunters.com web: www.newyorkbowhunters.org www.facebook.com/pages/New-York-Bowhunters-Inc OFFICERS: Richard Kirschner, President President@newyorkbowhunters.com Al Bottari, Vice President bluehillhunta@optonline.net Andrew Cotraccia, 2nd Vice President Acotraccia@gmail.com Merritt Compton, Secretary mcc11@cornell.edu Jim Beltrami, Treasurer jbells529@gmail.com Annie Jacobs, Administrative Secretary PO Box 1157, Canandaigua, NY 14424 nyboffice@newyorkbowhunters.com phone/fax (585) 229-7468 Andrew Cotraccia, Editor NYBFULLDRAW@GMAIL.COM 585-520-2630 Full Draw: Published quarterly by New York Bowhunters, Inc. Contributions are very welcome and are requested to be submitted to the editor strictly via email or on disk. Please include telephone number with all submissions. Photos may be mailed for scanning or digital. Include a self-addressed, stamped envelope if photos are to be returned. THE EDITORS of Full Draw reserve the right to edit or reject any and all materials which may be deemed undesirable to NewYork Bowhunters, Inc. or to the sport of bowhunting. Electronic files may be sent to: NYBFULLDRAW@GMAIL.COM Advertising inquiries: Andrew Cotraccia, Advertising Editor (585) 520-2630 • acotraccia@gmail.com Deadlines for future issues: Spring: January 1 • Summer: April 1 Fall: July 1 • Winter: October 1 NYB DOES NOT GUARANTEE SATISFACTION OF ANY ITEMS, HUNTS, OR MERCHANDISE PURCHASED FROM OUR PAID ADVERTISEMENTS IN FULL DRAW. PLEASE RESEARCH ITEMS, HUNTS, ETC. BEFORE YOU BUY. © 2016 by New York Bowhunters, Inc. All rights reserved. The use of excerpts is prohibited without written consent by the President of New York Bowhunters. NYB is a member of The North American Bowhunting Coalition - www.nabowhuntingcoalition.com 3 You did it again!! Last season’s DEC pilot program which restricted bowhunters (not firearm hunters) from the taking of bucks during the first two weeks of bowseason in a dozen WMUs statewide has been discontinued. Although you and your WMU may not have affected (yet) many of our members were. Bowhunters from across the state complained about this unfair rule. NYB was the lead (only?) statewide organization taking a stance against it. Several of us attended meetings with DEC officials over the past year to speak out on behalf of bowhunters. Your voice was heard. Your membership made that happen. If your area was affected, make sure you let your non-NYB bowhunters know that NYB was there for them… and make them a member. There was plenty of griping from across the state, no excuses for those folks to not join. You know them, sign them up. The other big news is that NYB crossed over the 25th Anniversary milestone!!! We celebrated this at our annual banquet which was held at Sunny Hill Resort in Greenville NY. Editor of Bowhunter magazine, Curt Wells was our guest speaker on Saturday night. He provided us with some terrific stories, along with a great video presentation. Some of our members even got him out to do a little turkey hunting! The beautiful Catskill mountain range served as the backdrop as members took part in many of the outdoor activities. The banquet has evolved, or should I say, “returned” to a rendezvous as well. An annual rendezvous was how the banquet developed about twenty years ago. By reintroducing outdoor shooting activities, besides recapturing a little of the past, it’s a lot of fun! We’ve introduced a Friday night BBQ (free for members) and campfire. This year NYB member Ed Gorch Jr provided us with live musical background during the lakeside BBQ. Along with banquet chairmen, Bob Brown, and outdoor operations guru, Ed Gorch, there were over twenty NYB members that assisted both in front of and behind the scenes. Thank you all for making it happen. Plans are already underway for next year. As soon as a date is announced (depending on venue availability) mark your calendars and bring along your bows. At a recent BOD meeting the topic came up regarding changes the NYS DEC Sportsmen Education program is going through. A recent independent audit identified its strengths and weaknesses and made suggestions. We know that a large portion of NY’s Bowhunter Safety Instructors are also members of NYB. However, we have no idea who they (you) are! A suggestion was made that it might be a good idea to start a database of NYB members whom are also bow safety instructors. As with many ideas in NYB, when someone has what may be a good idea, once the BOD approves, it falls on the person who had the idea….. soooo, that being said, if you are an active instructor (teach at Continues on next page 4 FALL 2016 least one class every two years, plus attend refreshers) please email me your name. I’ll pull up all your other information through our member list. I’m not sure exactly what we may need this for; however, at the very least we’ll know how many instructors are NYB members. The size of the group may determine if an occasional “Instructor info or helpful hint section” in Full Draw might be warranted. I look forward to seeing the list and as with all NYB member info, NYB does not share, sell or in any way offer for public or private use the NYB membership database (emails, addresses, phones, etc.) As you know, NYB has kept our annual membership dues as low as possible. If not for your support of our two annual raffles, we would not be able to exist without a substantial dues increase. There are 5 raffle tickets included in this issue of Full Draw. Besides yourself taking part, please contact the office and Annie will get you more. The cash option makes this a very saleable ticket for all, not just hunters. You all reach into your pockets at work, etc. for everyone else’s fundraising efforts, time for you to return the request. NYB needs the support. Welcome new Region 9 Representative, Craig Underwood. If you live in “nine” drop him an email and say hi. I know that the first thing that many of you do upon receiving Full Draw is turn to the Region report section to see if there is any news of a local nature you might be interested in. If you don’t see your county (or occasionally region) represented it is for one of two reasons. Either there is no one from that area who has volunteered to do a little research and send in local archery related news, or you the membership, are not letting your representative know about the goings on. We have several thousand members spread out across the entire state, representing every nook and cranny. From the east end of Long Island to Buffalo. From NYC to the Adirondacks. Unfortunately only a handful of folks volunteer to act as county or region reps and help keep the membership informed. If you never see your area mentioned and would like to occasionally make a submission, or simply would like to help assist with a current rep, drop your rep or any BOD member or the office a message. NYB is always looking for you. Many of you belong to Archery (or bowhunting) clubs. However you might be the only NYB member in that club. Do your fellow archers even know about NYB? Is your club an NYB Booster? Contact a BOD member and we’ll try and get someone to make a presentation to your club. We were contacted recently by one of our affiliate / booster clubs, Metropolitan R & G in Brooklyn, NY. Their Archery Committee chair, NYB member John Jasilli, made a proposal to our BOD that Full Draw be posted on our website. His purpose was so that timely and pertinent information could be cut and pasted or attached to their membership newsletters for distribution. This serves two functions. Informative info could be distributed to non-NYB members. And it serves to spread NYB’s brand and hopefully membership. Full Draw online has been discussed in the past as a way to save printing costs. The reason for the BOD approving this now is NOT to stop printing or mailing out Full Draw. The online version will be added simply as a way to reach more people than our membership allows. Will current members stop their membership if they will be able to access Full Draw online? The answer is, “No” for the following reason. If you are a member of NYB, it is because you recognize the need to belong to the only statewide organization that puts bowhunting first. An organization that represents you and fights to keep your bowhunting rights and privileges. You are proud to be part of the most passionate, informed and experienced bowhunters this state has to offer. You are happy to “give back” to the sport by supporting all the programs NYB runs through your membership. Receiving Full Draw is a side benefit, not your reason for belonging. Good suggestion, John, thank you and the other members of MR&GC for your support. Best of luck to all of you as the season gets underway. And while you spend the hours on stand with only the beauty of nature and your thoughts to entertain you, please keep in mind all those who are in the military, away from home. Their thoughts are wishing they could be where you are. Richard Kirschner - President NYB Vice President’s Report Thank you, my NYB family for the condolences, thoughts, and prayers. They were very much appreciated. From what I’ve heard, this year’s Banquet, celebrating NYB’s 25th Anniversary, was another success. More attended than last year, and it has turned into quite an event. People traveled far and wide to attend, and everyone had a great time. Thank you all for attending and supporting YOUR organization. We are already working on next year’s Banquet. A great many thanks to all those who ran it, and helped out throughout the weekend. Hats off to Bob Brown and his team, Ed Gorch for his weeks of toiling on the grounds of Sunny Hill, and a BIG “Thank you” to Sunny Hill. What a great group of people to work with when putting on an event. Onto business now. Another Legislative year has come to an end, and the crossbow has not seen expansion, despite pressure from the pro-crossbow lobby, and 2 Bills that were in both houses in Albany. Thank you for making the calls, and writing the letters. We cannot rest on our laurels though, they will be back next year and once again will seek expansion and/or full inclusion. There are many concerns about its dangers, FALL 2016 5 usage, and power. Let’s stay the course and prevent it from gaining any more ground than the Governor already gave them!!! There is another threat looming in our future: The Air Powered Rifle. While they have been around and gaining a foothold in the hunting community for several years, the Crosman/Benjamin Bullpup Airbow can shoot crossbow bolts from its barrel. Powered by compressed air, at 3000 psi, at full pressure, it can shoot a bolt 450 fps. Up to 8 shots can be fired on a single fully charged reservoir. When the trigger is pulled, it is whisper quiet. Crosman lauds its ability to fire 8 bolts in the same amount of time it would take to shoot 3 bolts from a crossbow. The company is looking to draw on the firearms hunters who want to try archery. How ridiculous is that? First the crossbow, now the airbow. This implement has no place at all in any archery season or archery-only areas. Can anyone say “poaching”? While not cheap, that has never stood in the way of shameless manufacturers looking to get into the archery season. Be ready, they have already started their campaign. And Crosman is not the only manufacturer of air powered rifles. There are several, and some offer models that have interchangeable barrels, and even big bore calibers. Not archery!!!! Continues on next page TUE - 5:00PM est FRI - 2:00PM est SUN - 11:30am est TUE - 9:00am est FRI - 6:30am est Sat - 1:30pm est season 5 LIVE THE WILD LIFE WITH GUS CONGEMI 6 FALL 2016 A few words to the wise. First, with the Summer here, now is a great time to check all of your hunting gear. Specifically, if you hunt from above the ground: Check your safety harness, lifelines, carabiners, and climbing devices (sticks, steps, climber, ladder stand, etc.). If using a climber, check, re-check, and check again the cables. They do wear out and they can become compromised. You will not know until you hit the ground, and by that time, it is TOO LATE!!!! Most bowhunting injuries occur from treestand falls. Some are fatal, but they all hurt. Remember that you have a family to go home to. Err on the side of caution and check your gear or get your head checked. Practice, practice, practice. Get ready for the Fall. Enjoy your Summer, everyone. With the pending Presidential Election, vote not for you, but for your children and your grandchildren. May God Bless America, and all those who protect her home and abroad. All the best, Al. }}}}---------------------------------------------------------→ Help NYB fund its programs by donating or shopping our eBay site, Help NYB fund its programs by donating or CAN shopping our eBay site, AUCTIONSFORNYB. ACCEPT ALMOST ANYTHING; aluminum arrows, sights (even AUCTIONSFORNYB. Items not limited to hunting gear. WE Items not limited to hunting gear. CONTACT KATHY ARMSTRONG WE CAN ACCEPT ALMOST ANYTHING: 585-794-7913 or KATHYARMSTRONG55@ROCHESTER.RR.COM aluminum arrows, sights (even older ones), quivers, used compound bows, camo clothing, etc. older ones), quivers, used compound bows, camo clothing, etc. CONTACT KATHY ARMSTRONG 585-794-7913 or KATHYARMSTRONG55@ROCHESTER.RR.COM From Land to Water - Sharing Memories and Having Fun by Edward Land Starting off a hunting season with small game, deer hunting to turkey and then on to the summer months of bow fishing! For a long time I have walked along streams and the water-ways of the Erie Canal System bow fishing. I have even used a small flat bottom boat and a canoe to get back into some areas but this was always done during daytime hours. Just recently my stepson Scott and I had a chance to hook up with a couple of great guys for a little nighttime adventure. It was a first for Scott and me. The night started out great as we got into the fish right away! It took a little bit for both of us to get into a rhythm. Yes, this meant we did do some FALL 2016 7 missing at first, but then it was on. We both got a few fish, then I yelled to Scott: “There’s three!” and as I did we both shot at the same time striking the same fish. We had a double that night along with our three biggest fish that weighed in at 24, 18 and 17 Pounds! We ended the night with 19 fish total and hours’ worth of memories and fun. Sometimes we have to step back and remember that a trophy is more than something that hangs on the wall or sits on a shelf. A trophy can be a smile, memory, an adventure or passing on a tradition. We Need You! To all NYS Bow Safety Instructors, NYB WANTS (to know) YOU!!!! It has come to our attention that amongst NYB’s membership exists a large number of NYS DEC Bow Safety Instructors. However we have no idea who you are! Identifying this group may be beneficial in the future. Perhaps NYB can be used as a resource in assisting the DEC with shaping the future of their Sportsmen Ed program(s). Or maybe it can be used to share helpful information. Depending on the size of this group, maybe even a future “Instructors Corner” column in Full Draw. At the very least we’ll know how many instructors we have. If you are an active Bow Safety instructor (teach at least one class every two years, plus attend refreshers) please email me your name. NYB can pull up all your other information through our member database. As with all NYB member info, NYB does not share, sell or in any way offer for public or private use the NYB membership database (emails, addresses, phones, etc.). This will only have value if ALL instructors respond. I look forward to seeing who my fellow Bow Safety instructors are. Richard Kirschner - president@newyorkbowhunters.com 8 FALL 2016 Spikes needs your help! - NYB Youth Membership As you probably know, the earlier a youth is involved in archery, the stronger their support for the sport will be. NYB’s Youth Membership, “Spikes”, is available for only $10/year and includes a quality quarterly newsletter containing relevant archery and hunting material. Youths up to age 17 qualify for membership. We know the future of NYB is in the hands of our archery youth and a Spikes membership is a great way to keep them involved. A membership to NYB Spikes will encourage archery pursuits all year long. By supplying an interested boy or girl with a membership, you are not only encouraging them, you are helping to support bowhunting in New York. Can you show up early to your retirement party? Robert Ledrich Jr Vice President - Investments PIM Portfolio Manager Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 845-483-7942 Robert.ledrich@wellsfargoadvisors.com Investment and Insurance Products: NOT FDIC Insured NO Bank Guarantee Each 10-page 10-pagenewsletter newsletter is packed archery is packed withwith archery and and hunting are of hunting relatedrelated topics. topics. Here areHere some of some the articles the appeared in past Newsletters: that articles appearedthat in the Spikes Newsletters in 2014; MAY Lose Value Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC, Member SIPC, is registered broker-dealer and separate non-bank affiliate of Wells Fargo & Company. ©2009 Wells Fargo Advisors, LLC. All rights reserved 0709-2174 [74039-V1] A1016 Archery Tips How to Find Antler Sheds Archery Safety How to Use Your Watch as a Compass Basic Compass Reading Archery Challenges to Improve Accuracy Double Lung vs Heart Shot Treestand Safety Take Your best Shot (shot placement) How To Age Living Deer in the Field How Deer Survive the Winter Post Season Scouting How To Age Deer by Teeth Wear Fun Activities for Junior Spikes • • • • • • • • • • • • • • Please consider gifting a boy or girl in your circle of influence with a Spikes membership. You never know, they just may be a future President of NYB! Check. out our website: www.sportsmanssafaris.co.za Safari Par Excellence Come and hunt with the best and enjoy Africa with Professional Hunter Clive Perkins: P.O. Box 6 • Ellisras • South Africa Tel: 011-27-14-7634967 Fax: 011-27-14-7634967 e-mail: clive@sportsmanssafaris.co.za Send application to: NYB Spikes PO Box 1157 Canandaigua, NY 14424 Spikes needs your help! SPIKES NAME:____________________________________________________________ DOB:___________________ PARENT/SPONSOR NAME:___________________________ As you probably know, the earlier a youth is involved in archery, the stronger their support for the sport will be. NYB’s Youth Membership, “Spikes”, is available for only $10/year and includes a quality quarterly newsletter containing relevant archery and hunting material. Youths up to age 17 qualify for membership. We know the future of NYB is in the hands of our archery youth and a Spikes membership is a great way to keep them involved. A membership to NYB Spikes will encourage archery pursuits all year long. By supplying an interested boy or girl with a membership, you are not only encouraging them, you are helping to support bowhunting in New York. MAILING ADDRESS:________________________________________________________ CITY_______________________ STATE______ZIP____________ PHONE______________ EMAIL ADDRESS:________________________ COUNTY/REGION___________________ Each 10-page newsletter is packed with archery and hunting related topics. Here are some of the articles that appeared in the Spikes Newsletters in 2014; SPONSOR MAILING ADDRESS (IF DIFFERENT):___________________________________ • • • • • • • Archery Tips How to Find Antler Sheds Archery Safety How to Use Your Watch as a Compass Basic Compass Reading Archery Challenges to Improve Accuracy Double Lung vs Heart Shot FALL 2016 Legislative Report David Kosowski - July 1, 2016 Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) Deer Management Planning for 2016 Disadvantages: 1. The DEC initiated the regulatory process to discontinue an antlerless-only season during the first ten days of the southern zone early archery season and the late nine day muzzle loading/bow season. Thus, for the 2016 seasons bow and muzzle loader hunters will be able to harvest deer of either sex. * Deer, especially big bucks, will relocate to their safe places and/or go nocturnal, * Will shift harvest from later seasons (bow, gun & muzzle loader) to an early muzzle loader season with no substantial overall increase in harvest, * Not an option in archery-only areas where firearm/muzzle loader use is prohibited. 2. In an effort to increase the harvest of the overpopulated deer herd in Suffolk County, legislation has been approved by both state houses and awaits the Governor’s signature that will extend the deer season by two months for longbow hunters. Once the Governor signs this legislation the current archery season, which currently ends on January 31st in Suffolk County, will now close on March 31st. 3. The DEC plans on implementing Stage 3 of their management plan for the 2017 season and are currently seeking feedback on the following three options that would create a new antlerless-only muzzle loader season in twelve southern zone wildlife management units; Option #1 - in mid-September, Option #2 - sometime in October or November during the early archery season, Option #3 - in late December and early January. 4. The DEC is stating that they believe “the September option would be most effective to increase overall antlerless harvest.” Advantage from bowhunters perspective: * Will not be placed within the early archery season. Advantage from DEC perspective; * Potential decrease in button bucks harvest as will be more recognizable as fawns, * Will expand muzzle loading hunting opportunities, * Sets a precedent for future expansion of early muzzle loader use. 9 * Summer like conditions, 5. Options that the DEC is currently NOT considering, but should be; (1) Antlerless-only days during a portion of the more effective regular gun season, (2) use of baited sites, especially in archery only areas, (3) unrestricted use of available DMPs and DMAPs, (4) earn-a-buck program, (5) one buck per hunter per year. If other alternatives are not adopted, the DEC will place muzzle loader rifles before or during the early southern zone archery season. 6. The DEC is soliciting public opinion on these issues via; (1) mail: NYS DEC, Bureau of Wildlife, 625 Broadway, 5th Floor, Albany, New York 12233-8925 (2) e-mail: wildlife@dec.ny.gov (include under the subject line Deer Management Planning 2016) (3) on-line survey: search Yahoo Google - “NYSDEC Deer Management Planning Public Input Form” and/or “www.surveygizmo.com/s3/2767830 NYSDEC-Deer-Management Planning-2016” 10 FALL 2016 New York Bowhunter’s Boosters Tell ‘em NYB Inc. sent you! The Bowhunter Booster Program was started in 1993. We are proud to list the clubs, businesses and individuals who have become NYB Boosters to date. You can become listed as a Booster for a minimum of $30 per year by marking the membership application as “Booster” or by calling 585-229-7468. Jim McSwigin 78 Sunset Trail Bronx, NY 10465 718-792-8132 Kristie Leigh Farm 182 Maple Avenue Goshen, NY 10924 845-294-8041 John LaVelle 92 Strawtown Road New City, NY 10956-6837 845-639-9526 jhl754@aol.com Region 1: Genus Logistics 76 Albany Blvd. Atlantic Beach, NY 11509 matt@genuslogistics.com Suffolk Archers & Bowhunters PO Box 8087 Hicksville, NY 11801-8087 516-873-8898 Region 2: Metropolitan Rod & Gun Club 162 Pacific St. Brooklyn, NY 11201 John Jasilli 646-229-5140 jjasilli@gmail.com John Jasilli, Esq. 708 3rd Avenue, 6th Floor New York, NY 10017 john@jajasilliesq.com Pro Line Archery 95-11 101st Avenue Ozone Park, NY 11416 718-845-9280 Region 3: Backwoods Bass Guide Service 532 Peekskill Hollow Road Putnam Valley, NY 10579 Paul Romanych 914-714-0838 fishnfinaddict@hotmail.com Fox Studios Taxidermy & Booking Agent 3 Old Postal Road Cold Springs, NY 10515 845-265-2300 www.foxstudiostaxidermy.com Tupper Lake Archers PO Box 752 Tupper Lake, NY 12986 Kathy Tessier 518-359-9715 www.tupperlakearchers.net West Falls Conservation Society, Inc. Mike Ventre 55 Bridge Street West Falls, NY 14170 716-652-4650 Wayne Girard 13 Russet Road Poughkeepsie, NY 12601 845-473-3263 Green Island Rod & Gun Club PO Box 25 Melrose, NY 12121 girodandgunclub@wildblue.net High Woods Sportsmen’s Club PO Box 93 Saugerties, NY 12477 845-246-4711 Middleburgh Rod & Gun Club PO Box 24 Middleburgh, NY 12122 518-827-8440 mzeh4@nycap.rr.com North Dutchess Rod & Gun PO Box 728 Rhinebeck, NY 12572 845-846-3711 nrdgc-pres@peoplepc.com Ti Yogi Bowmen 57 Mill Rd. Hyde Park, NY 12538 Deborah Houston 845-229-7570 tiyogi.bowmen.com Wildlife Creations Taxidermy Studio 3515 Route 82 Millbrook, NY 12545 845-677-6887 Email: brian@wildlifecreates.com Walter Wissel 116 Cherry Hill Rd. Carmel, NY 10512 Region 4: Armstrong’s Elk Farm 936 Hervey Sunside Road Cornwallville, NY 12418 518-622-8452 elkfarmerd@aol.com Norton Hill Wildlife Club PO Box 652 Greenville, NY 12083 Phoenicia Fish & Game Club c/o PO Box 563 Shokan, NY 12481 Lewis Berryan lberryann@hvc.rr.com Tri Village Bowhunter’s Club PO Box 22 Nassau, NY 12123 518-766-4310 jmaczek@nycap.rr.com Region 6: Art’s Archery Shop 420 Williams Street Oneida, NY 13421 315-363-1241 Ferari’s Archery 2243 County Route 42 Carthage, NY 13619 Michael A. Ferari 315-493-2295 mferari@twcny.rr.com Lillie’s Agway & Archery 7794 Park Ave. Holland Patent, NY 13354 Ian Brucker 315-865-8105 sales@bowguru.com Region 7: AJ’s Archery 3938 Nelson Heights Road Cazenovia, NY 13035 315-655-2697 ajs@ajsarchery.com The Cleanery Laundromat 1801 Coldsprings Rd. Liverpool, NY 13090 315-382-5658 bucbuster@aol.com AND The Cleanery Laundromat 3969 Port St. Pulaski, NY 13142 315-453-3051 AND Mexico Laundromat 3262 Main St. Mexico, NY 13114 315-677-3634 Flashing Feathers Bowhunters 258 Jersey Hill Rd. Ithaca, NY 14850 607-277-1543 Knickerbockers Deer Processing 683 Merrills Creek Road Marathon, NY 13803 607-849-6580 Wayne-O’s Guide Service 85 Ft. Leazier Rd. Mexico, NY 13114 Wayne Weber 315-529-3886 wayne@wayneosguideservice. com Region 8: Buckskin Bowmen 2613 Durling Road Seneca Falls, NY 13148-9713 315-568-5422 Bullzeye Archery 6550 Route 5 & 20 Bloomfield, NY 14469 Rich 585-657-7417 Dave’s Pop-up Scent Canisters 1215 Mosley Rd. Victor, NY 14564 585-425-7526 delvec98@aol.com Bill Fox & Son Construction & Remodeling 9346 South Street Road LeRoy, NY 14482 585-356-4992 foxfam@frontier.net Dave Peck 6469 Stone Hill Rd. Livonia, NY 14487 585-519-2360 Ronald Scardetta, DDS 632 Ridge Road Webster, NY 14580 585-671-4420 Seneca Lodge, Inc. – Motel & Restaurant Watkins Glen State Park South Entrance Watkins Glen, NY 14891 607-535-2014 TDC Taxidermy 4159 Retsof Rd. Piffard, NY 14533 bulldozer4159@aol.com FALL 2016 Region 9: Melvin Brand, Jr. 1371 Transit Rd. Orchard Park, NY 14127 Hawkeye Bowman, Inc. 13300 Clinton St. Alden, NY 14004 stickbowreed@earthlink.net hawkeyebowmen.com FaceBook: hawkeye bowmen inc. Ike’s In the Wild 37 South Autumn St. Williamsville, NY 14221 jimbats32@yahoo.com Kishels Scent & Lurers Dealer Little Ridge Archery 8862 Ridge Road Gasport, NY 14067 716-772-7753 Ronald Piontkowski 1964 Exchange Street Road Attica, NY 14011 585-535-7185 pointhunter55@yahoo.com Daryl VerHague 234 Chestnut Street Fredonia, NY 14063-1604 716-672-6757 Out of State: Cos Cob Archers PO Box 351 Cos Cob, CT 06807 203-625-9421 www.coscobarchers.com Richard Jones 19 Fox Hollow Rd. Pequea, PA 17565 747-284-3914 Get custom NYB merchandise @ www.newyorkbowhunters.com 11 12 FALL 2016 REGION REPORTS Hello All, I hope all of you are having a great summer. We are fast approaching bow season here on Long Island and we have a lot of work to do in prep for the season. Practice, Practice, Practice. If you are looking for a free outdoor place to practice, check out Cedar Creek Park in Seaford. They have a nice outdoor range. They do not allow any 3-D targets. If you haven’t installed your trail camera yet get to it, we are seeing some nice growth and it is a great way to pattern deer. I have a couple of tips when using cameras, go in as if you were actually hunting, scent free, wear gloves to not spread your sent in the area. Don’t check too often. The more you go into Greetings Region 2!!!! Summer is upon us and now is the time to get out and let those arrows fly. Find a 3D shoot, go to the range, and shoot. Check your gear as well. I have more on that in my Vice President’s Report. I want you all in Region 2 to start planning on attending next year’s Banquet. It keeps getting better and better. It is a weekend of good times, spent with like minded folks in a beautiful resort. Rolling hills, golf course, turkey hunting, and all stuff NYB. NYB would like to give special thanks to Brooklyn member John Jasilli. John invited NYB to address his club, The Metropolitan Rod and Gun Club. Not only did MRGC sign on as a Booster, but several members joined NYB as well. President Rich Kirschner and Treasurer Jim Beltrami went down and were met with a the woods the more you disturb the area. Good luck and God bless. Have fun and as always bring a young person with you when doing all the prep. Our kids are our future. Donald Tasch, Region 1 Sportsman586@aol.com very warm reception. If you live in NYC or nearby, go down and check them out. Visit their website at www. metrogc.org/ Remember to vote in the upcoming Presidential Election. But not for you, vote for your children and your grandchildren. May God Bless America and all those who protect her both home and abroad. All the best, Al. }}}}------------------------------------------------------→ FALL 2016 Thanks to all from Region 3 who attended NYB’s Banquet. It has evolved, or should we say, “returned” to a rendezvous as well. An annual rendezvous was how the banquet developed a few years after NYB was formed. By reintroducing outdoor shooting activities, besides recapturing a little of the past, it’s a lot of fun! And now that it is in Greene County, it’s in our backyard. Many of you spent a dozen years traveling up to Regions 7 & 8 to attend. Or did not attend because of the distance. While we have it down here, please make every effort to take part next year and bring your bows. Thanks to Bob Brown, Ed Gorch and the twenty other members that made it happen. A few upcoming events in Rockland County. See the report below and give Anthony a hand if you can spare a few hours on the days mentioned. If you would like more than the 5 annual raffle tickets included in this Full Draw, please contact the office and Annie will send you as many as you like. The cash option makes this a very saleable ticket for all, not just hunters. You all reach into your pockets at work etc. for everyone else’s fund raising efforts, time for you to return the request to everyone that hits you up. NYB needs the support. SULLIVAN COUNTY REPORT Another enjoyable banquet/rendezvous is in the books. There were a few of us from Sullivan County that attended and we had a great time. Having this function at Sunny Hill Resort in Greenville has made it much more enjoyable because of the outdoor activities going on for three days. Try to make it next year as I believe it will be a repeat of the last two years. I even made a turkey hunt of it and had a number of toms talking but didn’t get to sling any arrows. We have had some high winds lately in this area of Sullivan County and the branches that have fallen from the trees have small acorns starting to grow. We are now getting some much needed rain so hopefully the acorns left will give us another good crop in the fall. Bucks and bears have been seen, though the sightings of turkey poults is low again around where I live. Applications for the 20th annual Sullivan County Archers Youth Camp have been coming in slow this 13 year. Members even trucked our bows, arrows, and targets to the Ulster county youth expo and gave out applications there, but no returns. Historically there is a late response, hopefully this year also! There are no scheduled 3D shoots for Catskill Mountain Archers this summer, so if you are interested in tuning up those archery skills before the season starts I would suggest carpooling to Orange County and shooting the Tri Valley events. At least get shooting, the October 1st opener will be here before you know it. Shoot straight!!! Harry Walker, Region 3 and Sullivan County Rep. 149 South Shore Drive - Wolf Lake Wurtsboro, NY 12790 bowbender@hvc.rr.com 845-794-6752 PUTNAM COUNTY REPORT Greetings from Putnam County, I am sure that like myself everyone is counting down the days to opening day. Hopefully everyone has been practicing so when that deer steps into our shooting lane we make a clean ethical shot. I really don’t know what to expect this season down here. Last year was the worst that I have ever seen. I was speaking to Kurt from Fox Taxidermy and he urged me to relay a message to everyone. With the early seasons (especially bear) it is vital to get your animal processed as soon as possible. He has heard of too many bears as well as deer going to waste because the hunter did not take care of them in the warm weather. We owe it to the animals that we hunt. If you are not able to skin out the animal yourself pack it in ice. Place ice in the chest cavity, groin area and neck area and wrap it in a tarp making a little refrigerated area. Call your taxidermist immediately (if you are going that route) so they can skin it out for you preserving the meat and hide. Continues on next page 14 FALL 2016 REGION 3 REPORT - continued from previous page The coyote problem down here is unbelievable. I just heard a story of someone who found a coyote den and placed a trail camera facing the opening. In the time that it was there, the coyotes have dragged 14 fawns into the den. NYS needs to help with this problem. Due to the hides not being worth anything at auction no serious trappers are pursuing them leaving them unchecked. Not only should the season be open longer (or year round) but maybe a bounty put into place like states out west have been doing for decades. I just heard that the Carolinas and Pennsylvania are now offering a bounty on coyotes. Maybe this is what it would take to get trappers interested in coyotes again. On a final note. When being tested for Lyme by your doctor (hopefully everyone is) have them also test for Babesiosis. The symptoms are anemia (because the disease destroys red blood cells) causing aches, fatigue and headaches. I was speaking to my doctor and he was telling me that there has been an outbreak of cases in the state. Unlike Lyme, the tick does not need to be embedded as long to contract the disease. There is no bullseye present like some of the Lyme cases. Take necessary precautions so you lessen the chances of being bitten by ticks, but be tested. Stay safe and shoot straight, Richard Chizzik, Putnam County Rep. Richietix@aol.com DUTCHESS COUNTY REPORT Greetings All, I hope you are all enjoying the summer and keeping those shooting skills honed for the upcoming season. It will be here before you know it. A few arrows a day keep your muscles tuned and build confidence so you can enjoy our sport even more. I would like to give a huge thanks to Bob Brown and his crew for providing us with a fantastic banquet/ rendezvous. Also, another big thanks to our BOD and all who helped make this event possible, especially Ed Gorch who secures this location for us. For those of you who didn’t make it this year I strongly urge you to attend next year. The BBQ on Friday evening was spectacular as well. There was even a 3D shoot set up which many of us took advantage of, adding to the fun. I was speaking with Kevin Armstrong after the event and he summed it up perfectly, “These banquets are more like a family reunion than anything else, you see most of the people here once a year and it’s like you have known them all your life.” I completely agree with Kevin and everyone has a great time! I also had the pleasure of attending Uncle Barry Wensel’s boot camp with my son Bobby this past March. The three day event was quite possibly the most informative and entertaining camp I’ve ever attended. Our time was spent in the classroom and woods along with the privilege of seeing the actual stands Barry took many of his “Booners.” I will have more on this later in an article. For those of you who don’t know, Barry underwent triple bypass surgery the week after the boot camp. As of this writing, he is recovering nicely. 3D shoots are another great way to stay in shape during the off season. I had never attended one before joining Ti Yogi Bowmen. I have found that being forced to focus on the kill zones of different animals, increased my accuracy and knowledge. If you haven’t tried one, I highly recommend you do. I’ll end with a list of 3-D shoots for Dutchess County in 2016. This list was graciously provided by John Lukavic. Special thanks to you John for joining NYB on a three year hitch. We are very happy you did! 8/14 @ Ti Yogi, 8/21 @ Whortlekill R & G, 8/28 @ Northern Dutchess, 9/3 @ Whortlekill R & G, 9/11 @ Southern Dutchess, 9/18 @ Putnam F & G & Northern Dutchess, 9/25 @ Ti Yogi, 10/9 Traditonal Only Shoot @ Ti Yogi. That is about it from Dutchess County for now. As always, please let me know if there are any activities going on in the county that NYB might be interested in. Keep em Sharp, Bob Ledrich, Dutchess County Rep ledrich@optonline.net 845-266-0615 ORANGE COUNTY REPORT Greetings from Orange County, I hope everyone has had a safe and enjoyable summer. I’ve been seeing a bunch of healthy fawns all across Orange County, which is probably due to last year’s mild winter and bumper acorn crop. With all of the forage around, it should lead to a healthy herd of deer for this upcoming season. We have a few upcoming local events to note: TriCounty Archers will host its annual Josh Decker 3-D shoot to benefit local cancer patients. The event will be held on September 4th at Otisville Sportsmen’s Association. These shoots are not only a great way to sharpen your skills, but a great way to help support a local charity. Orange County Federation of Sportsman will host its annual dinner on Saturday, September 10th at Kuhl Highland House in Middletown. Its a great chance to catch up on local news, eat some good food and maybe even win a prize or two. This year they will be honoring all our veterans of the armed forces. Go to www.ocfsc. org to register. Shawangunk Fish and Game Association will host an Outdoor Flea Market on August 27th at 37 Denman Road in Middletown. This event will take place rain or shine and will run from 8am to 3pm. Free admission to the public. That’s about it from Orange County. Break out those scouting cameras and hang those tree stands. Preparation is key to having a successful season. Please feel free to contact me with any info or questions you might have.. Till next time… Chris Smith, Orange County Rep. hosehead54@optonline.net ROCKLAND COUNTY REPORT Hello fellow members. Hope this summer has been good to you so far. Most of the woods are nice and green and fawns should have dropped by now. I have been seeing a nice crop of velvet covered bucks here in Rockland. All of the wonderful landscaping the deer are devouring seems to be doing them well in the antler department. On Sept 17th at 9am, NY Bowhunters will again be at Helen Hayes Hospital in West Haverstraw helping those healing at the hospital and visiting for therapy by sending a few sticks down range. If you would like to be part of this event contact me. It is a rewarding day. On the following weekend Sept. 24th. The United Association of Sportsmen of Rockland County will be holding its 5th annual National Hunting and Fishing day at Congers lake Park from 9am - 3pm. NY Bowhunters has been asked to handle the archery shooting at that event. We have done this event many times and the reviews have always been great. We had over 400 people come by and shoot arrows at last year’s event. Again, if you are inclined to come and help out, we could use your help. This is a very busy day for local NYB members and many hands make light work. Come on down and help out. This is a National day happening throughout the country. Need I say how important is to FALL 2016 15 show the public that Hunting and Fishing are not dirty words. Did I mention that everything that day is FREE? Yes, Free. Our 25th banquet has passed and it was one heck of a good time. Congrats again to the chairman Bob Brown and his committee for a job well done. Sunny Hill has so much to offer, I hope to see you there next year. Don’t forget to bring your bow! June 18th NYB had our BOD meeting and let me tell you of the incredible people we have here at NYB. The record keeping and accounting is impeccable! Hats off to Annie Jacobs our secretary and Treasurer Jim Beltrami for counting and keeping track of EVERY bean in that jar. Great job and thanks for doing it. DEC has had and is having a few retirements/ appointments in the next few months. There is a new commissioner, Basil Seggos. NYB congratulates and welcomes him and we look forward to dealing with him on issues that will affect all bowhunters. While we are talking about DEC. Thank you to the members who contacted DEC and voiced opposition to the “antlerlessonly”(in certain WMU’s) the first two weeks of archery season. That plan was rescinded. Things like this only happen when the public gets in touch with DEC and tells them how they feel. DEC seemed to be listening. One of the items I have been trying to accomplish here in Rockland County is to have our deer season extended until New Year’s Eve (same as Westchester County). This will add an additional two weeks of hunting for us archers here in Rockland. Our county is one of the few in NYS that do not have a buck take objective due the lack of hunting access. So if we can get those extra 2 weeks it will add more opportunity for us. Remember...get a kid involved in hunting or fishing. If we don’t do it...Who will? Keep in your hearts and prayers our brave men and women of the armed forces and make sure you are registered to vote and do so. Our future depends on it. Anthony Picariello, Rockland County Rep adjam5@verizon.net WESTCHESTER COUNTY REPORT Welcome to all of you new members that signed up to NYB when you took your bow safety class over the last few months at Extreme Archery in Mamaroneck. Thanks to member Lou Micelli who has taken on county coordinator responsibilities along with bow Continues on next page 16 FALL 2016 REGION 3 REPORT - continued from previous page safety master instructor and Westchester County bowhunting and archery pioneer, John Santagate. It takes an amazing time commitment to coordinate the bow safety classes and instructors and these guys have their own lives, families and interests just like the rest of us. Thanks to Lou for jumping in with both feet. Don’t forget, if you are looking for a great place to shoot, or some great people to shoot with, check out Cos Cob Archers just a stone’s throw from most of you in Westchester (and the Bronx too!). The last Sunday of every month is open for non-members to check out the twenty eight field or forty 3-D targets spread out over 23 wooded acres. The next Westchester Bowhunters Association meeting should be on Tuesday, September 20th but check their calendar at www.westchesterbowhunters. com to make sure. If you are not yet a member, stop by. By signing up you are helping those that are working to assure we keep our local hunting opportunities. Not sure how anyone that hunts or simply shoots for fun, does not join those groups that have fought and will continue to fight for their rights. Anyone interested in being a co – county rep in Westchester? We could use another member to stay on top of the county’s happenings. Send an email to bowrichny@aol.com ULSTER COUNTY REPORT Hi, my name is Bob DiGiacomio and I’m the new Ulster Co- Rep. along with John Polk. I’ve met some Well, it looks like our yearly Banquet has found a home at Sunny Hill Resort in Greene County. This was our 25th anniversary and everyone attending had a wonderful time. What’s nice about having a weekend event, it gives us a break to just sit down and relax around the fire on Friday night with old friends. In the past our one day Banquet was rush, rush, rush. We didn’t have a chance to enjoy the time with our fellow bowhunters. Don’t get me wrong, I always loved going, but it seemed to end so fast. With the new location and having three days, it’s like a Banquet, Rendezvous and 3D shoot all in one. Mark your calendar for next year’s date, the 5, 6 and 7 of May and hope for good weather. By the time you receive this Full Draw you should all be itching to get out and about checking stands, looking over your favorite spots for deer activity. I can really great NYB members over the last few years and volunteered to assist as a representative in my county. I’ve got about twenty years hunting with a bow and have been in NYB for about ten. Although I’ve been using a Martin Compound, I also have been learning to use a recurve. Other hobbies include fishing (fly & spinning fresh & salt water). Also hunt with a gun, enjoy it all! Ed Gorch (R-4 Rep) cornered me one day in Gander Mountain, sold me a raffle ticket and a membership. He’s a tough one to say, “No” to! As you read this, I’m sure you are as excited as I am as we prepare for the upcoming deer season, just around the corner. As the season unfolds, let me know about your observations (you don’t have to tell me exactly where!). Other members like to know how everyone is doing (rut timing, herd health, etc.) and it would help me with my next report. Especially if you hear of a young hunter having success. If you are a member of an Archery or Hunting club here in Ulster, please contact me. I’d love to know who my bowhunting neighbors are and could use this column to promote your organization. By the way if you missed the Banquet / Rendezvous this past May, it was great! It used to be about four hours away from us but now it’s practically in our back yard. We’d love to see a big turnout from Ulster next year. Drop me an email, and HAPPY hunting, Bob DiGiacomio, Ulster Co Rep shorefisher07@aol.com only hope its a little better than last year. I’ve noticed the apple trees around don’t look like they have buds or the start of fruit, it could be the last frost we had after that warm spell did them in, but what the hell do I know about trees, I was born in Brooklyn. It’s going to be interesting over the next few years seeing what moves the DEC is going to make to meet the problem of too many deer in one unit and other units with a drastic decline of deer. Our last Board of Directors meeting was held at Jimmy McSwigin’s camp in Hancock not far off Rt. 17 and in all the years FALL 2016 17 meeting at his place, I never saw a deer. Jim said it’s getting worse each year. Locally, I had a few more members join NYB at the Banquet, even a grandmother signing up her grandson for a life membership for Spikes and it’s good to see a few more guys are starting to step up and help out at our NYB events in Greene County. I was recently talking with our editor Andrew Cotraccia about our Full Draw magazine; he could use a few stories or pictures of your hunts for publication. Don’t worry about the writing; he has a lot of free time on his hands in-between feeding and changing baby diapers for his new baby girl. Congratulations again, Andrew. He told me if it was a boy, he was going to name him Eddie, now I have to wait for the next one. Well, if anyone has any bowhunting related news they want to pass on, please drop me an email. Region 4 is a large area with thousands of bowhunters and a lot going on. If you love bowhunting, it’s time for few new guys to step up to the plate and become a County Rep. The word is volunteer. How many of you talk and talk about bowhunting and show the pictures of your kill, but when it comes time to raise your hand and get involved, you’re silent. It’s your passion, step up and protect it. Take Care, Ed Gorch, Region 4 Rep. Greene County Rep. annaed@mhcable.com, 518-634-7139 Hello from Region 5 First off I would like to commend the entire staff that organized and worked at this year’s 25th anniversary banquet as well as the great hospitality of the staff at Sunny Hill. Everyone seemed to have a great time and we are looking forward to next year already. It was our pleasure to present Ed Gorch with another check this year for $1000 in support of the Camo to Camo program. This spring has been very different here to say the least. Extremely warm temps and virtually no snow this winter seemed to screw things up as far as fishing goes but on the flip side of this is the mild winter means less winter kill for the deer herds. Reports are that people are seeing many does with as many as 3, yes 3 fawns. Now if we can just keep them safe from the coyotes and bears. As well as the deer we are starting to see many moose with calves. This past month 2 calves have, unfortunately been struck by cars and killed, so if traveling around this area keep an eye out for them. The area 3-D shoot season is well underway and what a season it has been so far. The weather for the most part has been great. One of the things I have noticed is the increasing number of kids showing up. Families are coming and finding out this is a great way to have a family outing without breaking the bank. At our club, our Mt. Challenge held the last full weekend in August is our biggest shoot. We offer 4 courses of 15 targets to shoot over 2 days, a DJ on Saturday night, a cook your own steak dinner for a minimal fee, great door prizes and trophies for the awards on Sunday. Hope to see you there. Dave 18 FALL 2016 Summer is here! Not a lot of 90° weather yet, but plenty of mid-eighties and humidity. Great weather to get out and see how different your hunting area is from November. We had another superb NYB Annual Banquet— our 25th year celebration! The 3D course through the woods was extremely popular. Be sure to thank Ed Gorch for setting it all up. There were a lot of hunts auctioned off, with many going for very low prices--$500 for a 4 day Canada Bear hunt! A week long African hunt for less than $1000! Some very good bargains were had by all! Plan now for next year—: May 5th, 2017! Order your tickets now! Our 19th Annual Region 6 Youth Bowhunting Camp is on schedule to educate and enlighten another group of youths this summer. If you were able to help out, thank you. If not, put it on your list now for next year. Following the Youth Camp, our next outing will be the Woodsman Field Days on August 19th, 20th, & 21st, 2016. We visit with a lot of Region 6 members during this event, so it is quite popular. If you haven’t volunteered to help out at the table with us, at least stop by and say Hi. Contact Chris Ford, or me, to help NYB spread the good word and sign up new members. The New York Bowhunters Facebook Page still posts up-to-the-minute updates on what is happening around the state. Facebook also streams on our NYB home web page. Go to: www.newyorkbowhunters.com. We are trying to keep the web page up-to-date on what is going on in Albany, Canandaigua, and everywhere our programs take us: Camo-to-Camo, Youth Camps, Physically Challenged Hunts, etc. … How can we make the web page better for you? If you have any comments, recommendations, or suggestions for the NYB website, please drop me a line. When you are attending the family gatherings this summer, bring along an NYB application or 2 with you. If you can’t get your family to join the largest organized hunting organization in NYS, you’re not doing it right! You don’t have to be a hunter to join! Sign up Aunt Josey. Hand out Spikes newsletters (yes, you should be signed up as a Spikes member, too) to the youth hunters, they are our future! Start grooming every child in your extended family over 10 yrs old, and take one hunting this Fall. Thank you to all of our NYB Boosters for their support of the NY Bowhunters. A better way to thank them would be for you to visit their shop. If nothing else, just stop in to say hello—they’ll appreciate it! Support NYB any way you can and have a great time, too. Bill Snyder Region #6 Rep. 3012 Pine Ridge Road Canastota, NY 13032 bill4nyb@gmail.com Cell #315.415.0966 Life Membe r NY, in the C Paul Durso of Fairport anadian Yu kon 150 mil south of the es Arctic Circle with his mo harvested at ose 13 qualified for yards! This moose has Yu Boone and C kon, Pope and Young, a nd ro 229 6/8 with ckett books green score was a 66”4/8 wid est spread. FALL 2016 19 by Jody Ferrara Well not much has happened in the Region 8 area, and if it did it didn’t get to me. A big shout out goes to Larry Osborne, his brother Bob, and nephew Nate for stepping up and being the cooks for the 2016 Region 8 Camp. Also, again a “Thank You” to Fran and Kris at Dogtown for providing the meat for this event. Our other supporter is Rich at Bullzeye Archery. Well on the weekend of June 24-26 10 kids showed up from around both Region 8 and 9 to get certified. Again it was a 50/50 of Girls to Boys. We also had two dads come and help to support their kids. One family came from Warsaw area and dad got certified also. This year was a slow start and possible interest in getting certified for archery. Thanks to Annie Jacob for putting up an ad in the Honeoye Happening social site we got several last minute participants. Several people expressed interest though never replied to mailings and phone calls. While at the camp we had several special people come and give a demonstration related to archery. Bob Ranaletta came and did his trick shooting, and Paul Wiley brought his Deer Search dog and explained what he does. Ah, I forgot the dog’s name, maybe Zeus. What a great calm dog he was. ECO Stansfeld came and spent time explaining the law side of hunting and he spent time having dinner with us. If a picture of the event is posted you’ll see that these kids were jokers. On a safety tip, don’t go into the field when flu flu’s are being shot to get a picture because you might end up the target, as I did. An arrow went my way and hit me in my pocket though I keep my wallet there so it deflected off and wasn’t harmed. Lucky me. On Aug. 6 it is Customer Appreciation Day at Bullzeye Archery and the Outdoor Store in East Bloomfield. Stop by and bring your bow for the shoot off. The Western New York Bowhunting festival at Swain Ski Resort has changed its date, and is the weekend of Aug. 26-28. This is the last weekend before Labor Day. Come on out and get your sights and bow on target. I could use some help at the booth and if you can come and spend some time. I will have a spare free shooting pin so it can be shared. I am putting it out now that this will probably be my last year doing youth camp and the duties of Regional Rep. due to the fact I will be officially retired and it is time to start completing my bucket list. I have some travel plans in the future to get back and visit with friends and family. If you would like to help and get into helping NYB then I hope to hear from you. Have a safe season and please keep in touch as our season starts. Greetings to all in Region 9. I am Craig Underwood, the new region rep for New York Bowhunters in Region 9. I have been a resident of Chautauqua County since 1991. I visited a majority of this part of the state for eighteen years as a coach at Southwestern Central High School. As a first entry, I thought an article about early introduction to archery would be a great place to start. I was curious as to the number of school districts in Section VI (western New York) that have archery as a part of their physical education curriculum. An administrator friend sent out and email request to all the schools in our section. Thirtythree schools responded. Twenty-three of the responding schools have archery at some level in their schools’ curriculum. It is encouraging that seventy percent of the schools include archery in their yearly physical education schedule. For the majority of high school sports, we will all age out of those like football and basketball, etc. It is a fact of life. Learning archery at a young age can be a sport or leisure activity for a lifetime. You don’t need to be the biggest, fastest or strongest to compete or to just enjoy participating. Golf, too, can be a lifetime pursuit, but with the indoor and outdoor archery facilities, it is a year round activity despite the weather. The level of participation is there for every interest. You can teach your grandkids in the back yard at a family gathering, compete at ranges in clubs and leagues, hunt or not hunt, or you can compete in regional shoots across several states. In this, archery in very unique. As a retired teacher and coach, I see archery as a great teaching opportunity. It is not physical prowess that allows you to excel. It is character qualities of patience, practice, precision, and attention to detail that will benefit an archer. These are skills that will benefit a lifetime. If there are any topics I can research or subjects to cover of a local nature, you can contact me with your suggestions or comments via email. Best wishes for a successful season, let me know how you do. Craig Underwood, Region 9 Representative craigundr@aol.com 20 FALL 2016 New York Bowhunters Inc. Membership Application YEARLY MEMBERSHIP - $25.00 2 YEAR MEMBERSHIP - $40.00 3 YEAR MEMBERSHIP - $55.00 BOOSTER MEMBERSHIP - $30.00 LIFE MEMBERSHIP - $400.00 BENEFACTOR MEMBERSHIP - $250.00 (MUST BE A LIFE MEMBER) YOUTH MEMBERSHIP - $10.00 (BIRTH DATE REQUIRED) YOUTH LIFE MEMBERSHIP - $300.00 (CONVERTS TO ADULT AT 14) PLEASE PRINT NAME: _________________________________________________ ADDRESS: _______________________________________________ CITY: ___________________________________________________ ST: ______________________ ZIP: __________________________ PHONE: ( ) ________________________________________ COUNTY: _______________________________________________ EMAIL: _________________________________________________ SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________ MEMBERSHIP SPONSOR: ___________________________________ MEMBERSHIP DUES ENCLOSED ADDITIONAL DONATIONS FOR: ANTI-CROSSBOW FUND: _________________ YOUTH CAMP FUND:_________________ PHYSICALLY CHALLENGED FUND: __________ WOUNDED WARRIOR FUND: YOUTH PROGRAMS: ____________________ TOTAL ENCLOSED: _____________________ MAKE CHECKS OR MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO: NEW YORK BOWHUNTERS, INC. P.O. BOX 1157 CANANDAIGUA, NY 14424 VISA / MASTERCARD / PAYMENT OPTION CARD #: ________________________________________________ CARD EXPIRES: __________________________________________ SIGNATURE: ____________________________________________ Tom Voltz took this buck from a ladder stand on Sunday morning 11/8/15 right at legal shooting light with his Bear Kodiak Hunter re-curve using old fiberglass arrows from his father and new Wasp Archery Sharpshooter broad-heads. The buck was at 12 yards slightly quartering towards him in a shooting lane when he drew and released. After the shot, the buck took off and ran 40 yards before dropping. The arrow passed completely through him taking out both lungs. FALL 2016 21 Department of Environmental Conservation DEC Announces 2015 Deer Harvest Estimates Hunters harvested an estimated 202,973 deer during the 2015-16 hunting seasons, approximately 15% less than the prior year. The 2015 deer take included an estimated 103,401 antlerless deer and 99,572 antlered bucks. Statewide, this represents a 20.5% decline in antlerless deer harvest and an 8.3% decline in buck harvest from 2014. Over half of the bucks harvested in 2015 were aged 2.5 years and older, continuing a shift towards older bucks in the harvest. In most of the state, hunters are making this happen by their own voluntary decisions to pass up young, small-antlered bucks in favor of older deer. With the severe winter of 2014-15 and a reduction in the number of permits available for antlerless deer in most Wildlife Management Units (WMUs), a decline in deer harvest was anticipated. However, overall deer harvest was lower than expected, as hunting success was apparently also reduced by the unseasonably warm conditions and lack of snow during much of November and December. In fact, harvest reports were tracking on par with 2014 levels through early November, then started lagging behind 2014 once the regular firearms seasons began. LET'S GET COOKIN' • • • • • • ! As usual, deer harvests and populations vary considerably across the state, and in approximately 25% of New York, the 2015 harvest suggests that deer populations were unchanged or increased from prior years. Additionally, harvest data indicate that deer populations in portions of central New York, the Finger Lakes and the Lake Plains of western New York remain above desired levels and further population reduction is necessary. DEC’s deer harvest summary report (found online) provides a suite of tables, charts, and maps detailing the deer harvest around the state. Deer harvest data are gathered from two main sources: harvest reports required of all successful hunters, and DEC staff ’s examination of nearly 14,000 harvested deer at check stations and meat processors. Statewide harvest estimates are made by cross-referencing these two data sources and calculating the total harvest from the reporting rate for each zone and tag type. A full report of the 2015-16 deer harvest, as well as past deer and bear harvest summaries, is available at www.dec.ny.gov/ outdoor/42232.html. Grilled Marinated Turkey Breasts Boneless breast meat from one wild turkey 2/3 cup soy sauce 1cup brown sugar 1/4 cup lemon juice 1/3 cup honey 1 teaspoon minced garlic Slice the breast meat lengthwise to create fillets that are about 1/2 inch thick. Make a marinade by combining the soy sauce, brown sugar, lemon juice, honey and garlic in mixing bowl. Transfer the meat to a zip-seal plastic freezer bag. Pour the marinade into the bag with the turkey and seal. Turn to coat all the pieces of meat, and refrigerate for 24 hours. Remove the fillets from the marinade, drain and grill over a medium-hot fire for approximately 10 minutes per side or until done to taste. 22 FALL 2016 FFBH Celebrates 50 Years The FFBH (Flashing Feathers Bow Hunters) club was founded in 1966 by 6 people with a common interest in bow hunting . The club was founded on the stated purpose to “provide an organized bow hunting club devoted to the development of skillful and competent bow hunting techniques” and to “help provide for a better hunter-landowner relationship through a better understanding of conservation, sportsmanship, education and hunter/landowner cooperation.” The founding members held their first meetings in the Danby Federated church and in various other places for the first few years. The FFBH built their first clubhouse in 1969 on leased property on Peters Road in Danby, NY: a small building with no running water and a wood stove for heat. Currently the new clubhouse stands in the original location on property purchased by the club in 2012 and is complete with indoor shooting range and an outdoor 3D course. In August they will be hosting a special celebration at the new club facility for all past and present members of the organization. Over the years the FFBH’s commitment to education and conservation has led them to be involved in many activities of note. • The FFBH was directly involved with the development of the NYS Bow hunter education course. • Through affiliation with the NYFAA (New York Field Archers Association) the organization was intimately involved with early legislation concerning bow hunting in NYS. As a result of this relationship the organization became known as the NYFAB (New York Field Archers and Bow Hunters Association). • The FFBH is currently a member of the TCFSC (Tompkins County Federation of Sporting Clubs) and continues to be involved in legislation at the grass roots level through the NYSCC (New York State Conservation Council). • The FFBH Conceived the New York State Whitetail Deer Forum and Big Game Classic which began at the old fire house in Newfield in 1985 and had its sunset in 1997 after gracing such venues as the NYS Armory in Ithaca, NY and The Treadway Inn in Owego, NY. • The FFBH has been involved in the 4H shooting sports program as well as the National Hunting and Fishing Days when they were held at the Pyramid Mall in Ithaca. • The FFBH currently supports the NYS DEC “Kids to Camp” program by sponsoring as many as 9 young adults each year to attend a week long conservation camp. The emphasis on ethical bow hunting skills and techniques has produced a membership with a pretty impressive record. Several members of the club have had articles published in national magazines and other periodicals. Other members have hunted all over the globe and have experienced a variety of cultures and landscapes while harvesting numerous North American and African big game species. At home in New York state they have harvested 1047 whitetail deer since being founded in 1966. The Constitution of the FFBH currently limits the active member roll to 30 members and with the addition of Life, associate and long distance members the FFBH now has a roll of 48. The past 50 years has seen a dynamic membership roll but is blessed to still have 2 of the original 6 founders as well as many second generation members. Kristin (Laurenson) Morse is the current president of the FFBH and is herself a second generation member. The FFBH is still committed to their original purpose and has expanded their mission to include youth education, mentoring and hunter/non hunter relations. The FFBH looks forward to the challenges of the next 50 years as men and women committed to the sport of Bow Hunting. Left To Right: Jamie Morgan, Steve Barber, Randy Laurenson, Tom Crossgrove, Rudy Laurenson, George Lampila, Kristin Morse, Ted Schwartz, Tom Schwartz, Dick Hautala, Richie Coombs, Bruce Murray, Ed Fetherbay, John Kumpf, Sam Murray, Emily Woodin, Tom Schwartz, Dale Houseknecht, Ray Corey, Tim Jordan, Jamie Bobnick, Bruce Boda, Rollie Boda, Joe Ebel, Bill Gardner, Fran Davis. Absent: Alan Boda, Larry Burke, Ross Coombs, Adam Corey, John Dawson, Lee Dobbs, Bruce Hatch, Charles Jordan, Bill Kilroy, Pat Moore, Scott Nelson, Russ Nitchman, Jim Turk, Tari Springer, Jim Diles, Lynn Ford, Cody Harris, John Harris, John M. Harris, Mike Hatton, Jacob Housekneckt, Dick Oltz, Dave White And Don Woodin FALL 2016 Spartan Hunting Preserve 23 NYB 25th Anniversary T-shirts For Sale Mitch Kemmer • (931) 456-4643 Limited Number Available $20 Hunt the famous Cumberland Mountains of Tennessee Specializing in quality trophy boar hunting. • Exotics also offered. www.boarhuntingtn.com • spartanpreserve@yahoo.com Check out our photo page. Price includes shirt, 25th anniversary pin and shipping costs. Contact NYB to purchase 585-229-7468 or nyboffice@newyorkbowhunters.com Hunt Some of the Largest Whitetails in Canada w w w . t a x i s r i v e r o u t fi t t e r s . c o m We specialize in Whitetail Deer, Moose, Bear, Upland Birds and Atlantic Salmon Located on the Miramichi River in Boiestown, New Brunswick, Canada. • Clean & Comfortable Lodging • Professional Guided Hunts • Home Cooked Meals • 5 Day Hunts Boiestown • New Brunswick • Canada Larry Davidson 506.279.2930 24 FALL 2016 2016 NYB Banquet Thank Yous Thank you to those who contributed to the success of the 25th year anniversary of NYB. Thank You to any anonymous contributors and anyone inadvertently left off this list. Without your support we would not be able to achieve our goals! Art Sperl, Jr. Terry Receveur One Stringer Arrow Wraps Patty McMahon Pat Aina Tim Joens Gooseman Game Calls Tom Glynn Jack Paluh Arts, Inc. Trapper Mick’s Bear Hunting Taxis River Outfitters Moonshine Ranch Iron Skillet Seasonings Mark Zagger Fox Studios Taxidermy Merritt Compton Walt Dixon Ed Gorch Bryson Lake Lodge Peter Fiduccia Greene County Ferderation of Sportsmen Tom Brown ami asking apher Suzi Beltr gr to ho P al ci ffi NYB O dt to model! Larry Hilderbran Denis Ryder Deer Ridge Acres Bohning Walt Dixon Dennis Ryder, Jr. Chris & Paula Daley Mike Savage Pinetree Farms, Inc. John LaVelle Ron Henry Bear Camps Stony Brook Outfitters Roger & Kathy Brewer Denny’s Sharpeners Bitzenberger Machine & Tool Ultimate Predator Flying Arrow Sports Jason Harter Spartan Hunting Preserve Sunny Hill Resort Custom Trophies G & H Lumber Eric Massinan CNY Wildfowlers Anthony Picariello, Jr. Dave McMahon Cindy Phillips John Jeanneney Art’s Archery Shop Buc-A-Roo Charters Adventure Plus Outfitters Alex Simon Wart Hog Safaris Brushy Fork Outfitters Pope & Young Club Dennis Scicchitano Genus Logistics Dale Wahlburger Tom Weaver Kathy Armstrong Joel Riotto Dead Down Wind Wolf Creek Productions Greg Kerns Denis Ryder take s aim under the watchful eye of Roger Brewer. FALL 2016 B’s youngest king care of NY Jon Paul Lake ta rey. Aub Spikes member, Ed Gorch Jr. inst ru of NYB’s younge cting one st members (L-R) Ray Otto, Kevin Armstrong, Joel Riotto, Sean Walp, Tom Weaver & Dale Walburger sharing approximately 200 years of bowhunting experience! es irschner welcom President Rich K adour to the banquet. Am Senator George 25 BOD Ed Gorch (L) congratulates Greg Kerns (R) winner of Bow Tech raffle. Members enjoy on this one to win e of the many archery games, a deluxe BBQ G rill inal member ary Socola, orig t & charter G & ng ro st rm Kevin A presiden Past Presidents, member Dale Walburger, past r te ar er Art Sperl, ch Rich Kirschn eaver, President W m To r be em m Camo to Camo hunt recipient Army Sergeant Eric Mussian (and his biggest fan) receives recognition from Director, Guest speaker, C ur Ed Gorch of Bowhunter M t Wells, editor agazine with award Kathy Armstrong presented ognition of her by Merritt Compton in rec rk for NYB g wo many years of outstandin 26 FALL 2016 In Memoriam A tribute to those we have lost… In Memory of Ty Moore In Memory of Philip Guarnuccio Donated by His NYB Friends Donated by David Klein In Memory of Karl Lockwood 1950 – 2014 DO YOU HAVE A FRIEND OR FAMILY MEMBER WHO HAS PASSED ON? The New York Bowhunters’ “In Memoriam” program offers a unique and meaningful way to honor and remember a friend or family member with a $400 gift to NYB. DONATION INCLUDES: Custom plaque applied to an NYB Youth Camp Genesis bow with the name of the individual who passed, the deceased’s name is registered in the “In Memoriam” section of FullDraw, and the person purchasing the memorial will receive an appreciation plaque. For additional information contact: Annie Jacobs 585-229-7468 nyboffice@newyorkbowhunters.com FALL 2016 NEEDED PHOTOS & ARTICLES FOR UPCOMING ISSUES OF “FULL DRAW” The Editors of Full Draw want your submissions for upcoming issues. Send us your hunt pictures and stories! Send submissions to: Andrew Cotraccia 585-520-2630 Or via e-mail: NYBFULLDRAW@GMAIL.COM 27 Box 1157 Canandaigua, NY 14424 PRSRT STD U.S. POSTAGE PAID Address Service Requested Bob Brown Christopher Ford Tim & Arlene Anderson Permit #298 Rochester, NY MEMBER PHOTOS
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